Math 4310 Homework 10 - Due April 25
Math 4310 Homework 10 - Due April 25
Math 4310 Homework 10 - Due April 25
Problem 1. (a) Let P2 (R) be the space of polynomials of degree 2 over R, with the usual inner product
hp, qi = 1 p(x)q(x)dx. Let D : P2 (R) P2 (R) be the differentiation operator, D(p) = dp/dx. Compute
the adjoint D with respect to this inner product.
(b) Consider the 2 2 real matrix
4 1
A= .
6 1
This is not symmetric, so T : R2 R2 given by T (v) = Av is not self-adjoint for the inner product space
(R2 , ) for the standard dot product. Find an inner product h , i on R2 such that this T is actually self-
adjoint for (R2 , h , i).
(c) Give an example of a linear transformation T : R2 R2 that you can prove is never self-adjoint for any
inner product on R2 .
and write down an orthonormal basis with respect to which A is diagonal. (This should give you an orthogonal
matrix P and a diagonal matrix D such that A = P DP 1 = P DP > ).
(b) Write down a singular value decomposition for the matrix
B = 3/ 6 1/ 6 ,
3/ 12 1/ 12
i.e. write B = U V > for U, V orthogonal matrices and having the singular values on the diagonal. (Part
(a) should help with your computation!)
Problem 4. Let A = (aij ) Mn (R) be an n n matrix, and let s1 , . . . , sn be its singular values. Show
Xn n
a2ij = s2i .
i,j=1 i=1
Problem 5. Let A Mn (R) be a matrixPsuch that the diagonal entries aii are positive, the off-diagonal
entries aij are negative, and the row sums j=1 aij are positive. Prove that A is invertible. (Hint: If there
is a nonzero vector x with Ax = 0, it has a coordinate largest in magnitude...)
Problem 6. So far, weve only discussed the spectral theorem for real inner product spaces. In a previous
homework we discussed complex inner product spaces; a complex inner product was a sesquilinear, Hermitian,
and positive-definite. The definition of a self-adjoint operator for a complex inner product space V is the
same - one that satisfies hx, T (y)i = hT (x), yi for every x, y V .
(a) Recall the standard inner product on Cn is given by hz, wi =
zi wi . Prove that a matrix A Mn (C)
is determines a self-adjoint linear transformation with respect to this inner product exactly when A = A ,
where A is the conjugate transpose (i.e. the matrix we get by taking the complex conjugates of each entries
and transposing them).
(b) Prove that if T : V V is a self-adjoint operator on a complex inner product space, and is an
eigenvalue of T , then must actually be a real number.