Helmig WRR 2017b
Helmig WRR 2017b
Helmig WRR 2017b
1. Introduction
The primary exchanges of heat and water that motivate global and local meteorological conditions occur at
the Earths surface. Many weather and climate phenomena (e.g., monsoons and droughts) are primarily
inuenced by processes associated with land-atmosphere interactions in which soil moisture and its control
on evapotranspiration plays an important role [Seneviratne et al., 2006]. More than half of the Earths surface
is arid or semiarid having little to no vegetative cover [Katata et al., 2007; Verstraete and Schwartz, 1991;
Warren, 1996]. In addition, over 40% of the Earths terrestrial surface is devoted to agricultural purposes,
much of which, due to tillage practices, is bare over a substantial period of the year. Properly describing the
water cycle on the basis of heat and water exchanges between the atmosphere and the soil surface is para-
mount to improving the understanding of water balance conditions in these regions. Despite the impor-
tance of these predictions, standard models vary in their ability to predict water uxes, ow pathways and
water distribution. For instance, the fraction of globally averaged evaporation from the soil surface to the
total evapotranspiration from the land surface (i.e., including transpiration by the vegetation) varies for dif-
ferent land surface models between 36% and 75% [Wang and Dickinson, 2012] with a mean of 58%.
Understanding and controlling evaporation rates from soil is also important at much smaller scales for the
water management of cropped soils. For instance, in rain fed agriculture in semiarid regions, where elds
C 2017. American Geophysical Union.
V are cropped only once every 2 years and water is harvested during the noncropped year, evaporation losses
All Rights Reserved. during the noncropped year determine the process or practice efciency. Evaporation may be reduced in
several ways. First, by tillage, capillaries or ne pores that connect the evaporating soil surface with the
water stored deeper in the soil are disrupted, potentially decreasing evaporation uxes. Nevertheless, tillage
may bring deeper wet soil to the soil surface therefore increasing the evaporation losses. In addition, vapor
diffusion may be facilitated through the large interaggregate pores in tilled soils. The rougher surface of a
tilled soil may also affect reectivity (albedo) and net radiation [Potter et al., 1987] and the vapor transfer
between the soil surface and the atmosphere. Tillage-affected soil structure alter the evaporation behavior
depending on the weather conditions and may either lead to larger or smaller evaporation losses [Moret
et al., 2007; Sillon et al., 2003; Unger and Cassel, 1991]. Another way to reduce evaporation from soil is
through a drying concept known as self-mulching, referring to the development of a dry layer within the
soil, which transfers moisture only in the vapor phase [Li et al., 2016; Novak, 2010]. This naturally formed lay-
er represents an effective way to maintain soil moisture in the subsurface and it can be improved articially
by applying non-natural mulching materials, such as gravel or plastic, to the soil surface in arid/semiarid
regions or in various horticultural systems [Chung and Horton, 1987; Modaihsh et al., 1985; Tarara and Ham,
1999; Yamanaka et al., 2004]. The physical mechanism is a hygroscopic equilibrium between the soil vapor
pressure and the atmospheric humidity, minimizing the evaporation from the mulch [Fuchs and Hadas,
2011]. Several experimental studies have been conducted to investigate the effects of mulch properties on
soil surface evaporation processes [Diaz et al., 2005; Xie et al., 2006; Yuan et al., 2009]. A negative correlation
between evaporation reduction ability and grain size as well as a positive correlation with mulch thickness
has been recognized through sensitivity analyses of experimental results. Or et al. [2013] reviewed the phys-
ical processes that control evaporation processes from porous media and focused on the role of capillary
and viscous forces and of diffusive transfers in the porous medium and across the interface between the
porous medium and the free ow. This approach allowed them to relate evaporation process to microscopic
properties of the porous medium. In simulation models that operate at the continuum scale, these small
scale processes and properties must be included in macroscopic properties and constitutive relations
between properties, states and uxes.
Practical and theoretical limitations of modeling efforts at the continuum scale are often magnied at the
land-atmosphere interface, where water and energy uxes are highly dynamic and dramatically inuenced
by changes in temperature and moisture gradients and direction of ows [Lehmann et al., 2012]. The ow
and transport behavior at the soil surface is affected by the conditions in the atmosphere (e.g., humidity,
temperature, wind velocity, solar radiation) and by the soil thermal and hydraulic properties and states (e.g.,
thermal and hydraulic conductivity, porosity, capillary pressure, temperature, vapor pressure), all of which
are strongly coupled [Sakai et al., 2011]. For most subsurface models, the soil surface serves as the upper
boundary to the porous medium domain and is characterized using prescribed ux terms that serve as
sources and sinks. Similarly, in most atmospheric models, the vadose zone serves as a lower boundary with
prescribed uxes. Such an approach is a simplication of the interaction processes at the common interface
of the two ow compartments. Although widely used due to its simplicity and ease of use, such an
approach has been shown by both atmospheric and hydrogeological scientists to misrepresent ux condi-
tions, resulting in model prediction errors [Seager et al., 2007].
In practice, the Richards equation is the most frequently used conceptual model to describe water move-
ment within the vadose zone, and to simulate water and energy exchanges between the land surface and
the atmosphere at the global scale. However, it is mostly used in a form that considers only isothermal liq-
uid water ow but neglects vapor diffusion and air ow in the porous medium and the effects of tempera-
ture gradients on ow and transport processes. Although the application of Richards equation has been
successful to describe soil water uxes at various scales [e.g., Mortensen et al., 2006; Nieber and Walter, 1981;
Schoups et al., 2005; Vereecken et al., 1991], there may arise conditions in which the nonconsidered process-
es become relevant. The predictive capacities of the Richards equation to evaluate, for instance, surface
manipulations that inuence air ow, vapor transport and thermal regimes in the porous medium could
therefore be questioned. Also for global scale simulations, the consideration of additional processes such as
vapor transport in the soil and transport driven by thermal gradients are receiving more attention to reduce
the bias in bare soil evaporation predictions that are observed in these models [Tang and Riley, 2013b].
Most Richards equation based models assume that soil water ux is one-dimensional (i.e., water ow only
occurs vertically), thus neglecting any lateral variations in uxes within the soil proles and also at the soil-
atmosphere interface. Three-dimensional solutions of the Richards equation have been used to investigate
One Component
One Component One Phase
Two Component Two Phase One Component 1.5 Phase (Nonisothermal) 1.5 Phase (Isothermal) (Richards)
Component (Dry Air and Water) and Phase (Gas and Liquid) Equations
h i
P @q X j S @qg Xgw Sg @hv l @hl @
/ a@ta a 1r F j 50 / @t 1 @h
@t 5 Kl;w @w
@t 1/ @q@tl Sl 1r F j 50 @t 5 @z @z 1Kl;w
a2l;g i
Equivalent formulation: Kl;w 1Kv;w @w
@z @z 1Kl;w
@hl @hv
Water Resources Research
Mass balance, Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes, Component and Energy Balance 1-D Steady State
@t 1r qg v g 50
d turb dvg;x
@ qg v g
h i
1r qg v g v g 1 pg I2 lturb dz lg dz 50
@t g 1lg rv g 1rv Tg 2qg g50
@qg Xgj j turb Mj d turb dqg
@t 1r qg v g Xg 2 Dg 1Djg qg M rxgj 50 dz Dg dz 50
d turb dT
@qg ug turb j turb Mj j
g P
1Dj; dz kT;g dz 50
@t 1r qg v g hg 2 kT;g 1kT;g rT 2 j2fa;w g hg Dg g qg M rxg 50
Table 1. (continued)
h iff h ipm
xgj 5 xgj ; j 2 fa; w g
h iff
qw z502qwg zref
j turb Mj qwg z502qwg zref qwg;sat z5zevap 2qwg zref If w(z 5 0) > wcrit g;sat 5ql ql pm
qg v g Xg 2 Dg 1Dg qg M rxgj n 5
@qwg pm
5ql ql pm rV
5 ql ql 2Dwg;eff Sg rV 1rs hl;top Else w (z 5 0)5 wcrit
rV @z
h ipm
2 qg qg Xgj 2Djg;pm qg M rxgj 1ql ql Xlj 2Djl;pm ql MM rxlj n
g l
rV rH 5rM 1rB
h ipm
ca T z502T
rH 2Rn 5 hwl 2hwg ql ql 2kT; pm @T
Water Resources Research 10.1002/2016WR019982
In an accompanying paper, the consequences of these simplications on the predictions of evaporation are
investigated for two sets of exemplary simulations.
2. Coupled Heat and Water Flow in Porous Media: Overview of Concepts and
Simplifications at the Continuum Scale
In this section, we introduce the model concepts used to describe heat and water uxes in soils at the con-
tinuum scale. From the general balance equations, simplied equations are derived and the assumptions
behind these simplications are discussed. The employed constitutive equations are presented.
where / is the porosity, which is assumed to be constant, qa is the mass density of phase a [kg m23], Xaj is
the mass fraction of component j in phase a, Sa is the saturation or the volume fraction of the porosity
occupied by phase a, Fj is the mass ux of component j [kg m22 s21]. Source and sink terms (e.g., to
account for liquid uptake by roots) are not included in the mass balance equations but can be simply
added. The component mass ux Fj is given by:
X Mj
Fj 5 qa qa Xaj 2Dja;pm qa rxaj (2)
where qa [m s21] is the volume ux of phase a, Dja;pm Sa [m2 s21] is the effective diffusion coefcient of
component j in phase a in the porous medium, xaj is the molar fraction of j in a, Mj is the molar mass of j
and M a is the mole weighted average molar mass of phase a, with M a 5xaw Mw 1xaa Ma . The effective diffusivi-
ty is lower than the diffusivity of j in phase a alone: Dja due to the tortuosity of the diffusive pathways and
the smaller cross-sectional area available for diffusion within the porous medium, which depend both on
the phase saturation [Millington and Quirk, 1961]. The volume uxes are calculated with an extended Darcys
law for multiple uid phases:
kra Sa
qa 52 k rpa 2qa gz (3)
where kra(Sa) is the relative permeability of phase a at a saturation Sa, k is the intrinsic permeability tensor
[m2], la [Pa s] is the dynamic viscosity of phase a, pa [Pa] is the phase pressure, g [m s22] is the gravitational
acceleration vector (directed downward) and z [m] is the coordinate vector (positive upward). To close the
system of equations, supplementary equations need to be specied.
First, the capillary pressure is dened as the pressure difference between the nonwetting and wetting
phase: pc 5pg 2pl . According to the Young-Laplace equation capillary pressure depends on the surface ten-
sion of the gas-uid interface, r [N m21], and on the curvature of the gas-liquid interfaces, 1/r [m21], which
depends on the saturation degree, Sl:
pc 5 (4)
r Sl
In continuum scale models, functional relations between the saturation degrees of the phases and the capil-
lary pressure: pc 5f Sl , are used [e.g., Brooks and Corey, 1964; van Genuchten, 1980]. Using simple pore net-
work models, the form and parameters of relative permeability-saturation functions were linked to the
capillary pressure-saturation functions. In the Mualem van-Genuchten model, cylindrical pores are assumed.
Assuming other pore geometries, e.g., triangular pores, lead to considerably higher permeabilities under
dry soil conditions [Diamantopoulos and Durner, 2015; Peters and Durner, 2008; Tuller and Or, 2001]. Also,
retention functions which describe the dry range of the water retention curve better than the van Gen-
uchten function have been proposed and tested [e.g., Lu et al., 2008] and might be more suited to describe
evaporation processes.
Second, the sum of all phase saturations and of all mass fractions equals 1.
Third, a chemical equilibrium of a component between different phases may be assumed. This sets a rela-
tion between the mole fraction of air in the liquid phase, xla ; and the partial air pressure pag [Pa] in the gas
phase using Henrys law. Furthermore, a relation between the vapor pressure and the capillary pressure is
given by Kelvins equation [Edlefsen and Anderson, 1943]:
pc Mw
pwg 5pwg;sat exp 2 (5)
ql RT
where pwg;sat [Pa] is the temperature-dependent saturated vapor pressure, Mw is the molecular weight of
water [kg mol21], R is the universal gas constant [J mol21 K21], and T [K] is the absolute temperature.
The relation between the capillary pressure and the water vapor pressure only holds for dilute solu-
tions. When the concentration of salts increases, also the osmotic soil water potential must be consid-
ered in equation (5) and an additional component equation for salt transport in the liquid phase and
chemical equilibrium equations describing salt precipitation and dissolution must be included. We will
not consider osmotic effects in the following but refer to [Nassar and Horton, 1997, 1999] who describe
a model that considers coupled heat, vapor, liquid water, and solute transport. The mole fractions and
partial pressures can be directly related to the mass fractions Xaj using molar weights and the ideal gas
Mw pwg Mw pwg;sat pc Mw
qg Xgw 5qwg 5 5 exp 2 (6)
where qwg [kg m23] is the mass density of the vapor. The mole fraction of vapor in the gas phase can be cal-
culated as:
xgw 5 (7)
When chemical equilibrium does not hold, extra equations to describe the mass exchange of components
between different phases are required [Benet and Jouanna, 1982; Chammari et al., 2008; Nuske et al., 2014;
Ouedraogo et al., 2013; Ruiz and Benet, 2001; Smits et al., 2011; Trautz et al., 2015].
To properly approximate evaporative uxes, it is important to account for the temperature conditions inside
the porous medium. The vapor pressure and density of the air phase are two examples of temperature-
dependent state variables. A common assumption is that local thermal equilibrium between the gas, liquid
and solid phase exists so that the temperatures in each of the three phases are equal to each other and a
single energy balance equation can be used:
X @qa ua Sa @q cs T
/ 112/ s 1r F T 50 (8)
@t @t
where ua [J kg21] is the internal energy of phase a, qs [kg m23] is the mass density of the solid phase, cs
[J kg21 T21] is the heat capacity of the solid phase, T [K] is the absolute temperature, and FT [J m22 s21] is
the heat ux. The internal energy is related to the enthalpy, ha [J kg21] plus the pressure-volume work:
ua 5ha 2 (9)
The enthalpy of the liquid phase is usually assumed to be independent of composition. The gas phase
enthalpy, hg, is calculated from the mass fractions and component enthalpies, hj ; of the dry air and water
vapor components: hg 5Xga hag 1Xgw hwg . Unlike the enthalpy of liquid water, the enthalpy of vapor also con-
tains the latent heat of evaporation. The heat ux is described by:
X X Mj
FT 5 qa qa Xaj 2Dja;pm qa rxaj hja 2kT;pm rT (10)
j2fa;w g a2fl;gg
where kT,pm [J m21 s21 K21] is the effective thermal conductivity under no mass ow conditions of the mix-
ture of soil grains, liquid, and gaseous phases. Mostly, relations are employed that derive kT,pm from the vol-
umetric liquid phase content. The parameters of these relations are a function of the texture of the porous
medium, the organic matter content, and the dry bulk density [Campbell, 1985; Chung and Horton, 1987;
Cote and Konrad, 2005, 2009; de Vries, 1963; Lu et al., 2007; Tarnawski et al., 2000]. Under some conditions
with high uid velocities, kT,pm is also a function of the hydromechanical dispersion and heat capacity of the
owing uid [Campbell et al., 1994; Hopmans et al., 2002].
This is the basic equation used by the soil physics community to describe nonisothermal liquid water ow
and water vapor transport in soils. However, it is usually expressed in the following form [Milly, 1982; Saito
et al., 2006]:
@hl @hv rT
1 5r K l;w 1K v;w rwjTref 1K l;w ez 1r K l;T 1K v;T rT (13)
@t @t rTref
where hl 5 /Sl is volumetric liquid water content and hv the water vapor content expressed in volume of liq-
uid water (hv 5 /qwg Sg =ql ), Kl,x and Kv,x are the hydraulic conductivities for liquid water ow and vapor
transport, respectively, Kx,w [m s21] and Kx,T [m2 K21 s21] are the isothermal and thermal hydraulic conduc-
tivities, respectively, ez is the unit coordinate vector in the vertical direction, and w|Tref (m) is the pressure
head of the liquid phase at the reference temperature Tref. The rst term on the right-hand side of equation
(13) represents the total water ow due to pressure head gradients under isothermal conditions and due to
gravity. Since the pressure head gradients are dened at a reference temperature, a standard relation
between hl and w|Tref can be used. The second term on the right-hand side accounts for the total water
uxes that are generated by a thermal gradient.
In the following section, the relationships between the hydraulic properties Kxy, the variables hv, hl, w|Tref,
and T, the uid properties, and the effective diffusion coefcients and permeability are presented and the
equality between equations (12) and (13) elucidated.
The pressure head w of the water phase can be dened in terms of the capillary pressure pc as:
pc 52wgql (14)
Assuming a uniform and constant gas phase pressure and liquid phase density, the water pressure gradient
can be replaced by the pressure head gradient multiplied by a constant factor gql. Considering equation (4)
the spatial gradient of w can be written as:
rwhl ; T 5
rhl 1
rT (15)
@hl T @r hl @T
rwhl ; T 5 rh 1 rT (16)
T r
hl @T
rwhl ; T 5
rwjTref 1 rT (17)
@hl T @w
Tref rTref
hl @T
rwhl ; T 5 rw
1 Tref
rT (18)
rTref Tref r T
ref hl @T
The rst term of the right-hand side of equation (16) represents the gradient in pressure head due to a gra-
dient in the volumetric water content under isothermal conditions. Using the relationship between pressure
head and volumetric water content at a reference temperature, Tref, this term can be rewritten in terms of a
pressure head gradient at a reference temperature (rst term of equation (18)). The second term in equation
(16) represents the gradient in pressure head due to a temperature gradient at a given volumetric water
content hl. This term can also be rewritten in terms of a pressure head for a given water content hl at a refer-
ence temperature (equation (18)).
In a similar vein, the gradient rqwg can be written as:
rqwg w; T 5
1 g
rT (19)
T rTref
Tref @T
Including equations (14), (18), and (19) in equation (12) leads to the following equation:
! #
@hv @hl Dwg;pm Sg @qwg
1 5r K l;w 1
rwjTref 1K l;w ez 1
@t @t ql @w
T rTref
! # (20)
@r Dg;pm Sg @qwg
r K l;w 1 rT
hl @T ql @T
Using the relation between the vapor density, capillary pressure, and temperature (equation (6)) and den-
ing the saturated vapor density qwg;sat [kg m23] and the relative humidity of the air Hr 5 qwg =qwg;sat it follows
from equation (20) that the conductivities in equation (13) are dened as:
ql gkrl Sl
K l;w 5 k (21)
gMw qwg;sat Hr w
K v;w 5 Dg;pm Sg (22)
ql RT
K l;T 5K l;w Tref
rTref hl @T
Hr @qwg;sat w
K v;T 5 Dg;pm Sg (24)
ql @T
Equation (13) relies on the assumption of local thermal equilibrium. However, the temperature of the air,
water, and soil particles may differ due to the difference in thermal properties of these phases and rapid
changes of soil surface temperatures. Therefore, it is argued that the temperature gradient in the soil air is
often larger than the gradient of the mean temperature over the different phases. The effective diffusion of
water vapor in soil may be larger than that of other gases since water vapor may condense and evaporate
from capillary held water pockets (i.e., liquid bridges or capillary islands), thus blocking the diffusive
transport of other gases [Philip and De Vries, 1957]. These effects have been used to explain observations of
enhanced vapor transport compared to Ficks law of diffusion [Gurr et al., 1952; Rollins et al., 1954; Taylor
and Cavazza, 1954]. To account for this, Kv,T is multiplied by an enhancement factor g [de Vries, 1958; Philip
and De Vries, 1957] described by empirical formulations [e.g., Campbell, 1985; Cass et al., 1984]. This
approach has been widely used and accepted to calculate heat and water ow in soils [e.g., Hadas, 1977;
Reshetin and Orlov, 1998; Rose, 1967; Shepherd and Wiltshire, 1995; Sophocleous, 1979]). However, the validity
or need for vapor enhancement has been questioned [Ho and Webb, 1998; Shokri et al., 2009; Smits et al.,
In addition to vapor enhancement, an enhancement of the liquid ow that is induced by thermal gradients
has been proposed [Noborio et al., 1996; Saito et al., 2006]. This enhancement is attributed to the change in
surface tension that results from changes in soil water composition (ionic strength, concentration of organic
surfactants) with temperature. Thermal enhancement is accounted for by multiplying Kl,T (equation (23)) by
a nondimensional empirical gain factor ranging in value from 0 to 10 [Nimmo and Miller, 1986].
In equation (18) and (19), the gradients in the pressure head and vapor mass density were written in terms
of gradients in temperature and pressure head at a reference temperature assuming that the change in
water content with pressure head, @h @w , is only a function of the surface tension, r, and temperature effects
were attributed to changes in r with temperature. But, the relationship between hl and w also depends on
the interaction between the solid and liquid phase (i.e., the contact angle between the liquid-gas surface
and the solid phase or solid phase wettability) which may also change with temperature [Bachmann et al.,
2002]. Therefore, it is important to note that for nonwettable soils temperature effects on solid-liquid phase
interactions should be included in the model to predict reduced evaporation from nonwettable soils or
reduced water redistribution due to temperature gradients in non wettable soil [Bachmann et al., 2001;
Davis et al., 2014].
2.2.2. Isothermal One Component, One-and-a-Half Phase Equation
When water uxes are considered over a longer period of time (i.e., multiple days), it may be argued that
the temporal average of the temperature gradients cancels out due to diurnal variations in temperature.
This also results in the temperature gradient driven uxes canceling out [Milly, 1984]. Based on this assump-
tion, the ow equation can be simplied to an isothermal equation and ow due to a temperature gradient
(i.e., in equation (13)) can be neglected so that for a 1-D ow process (as routinely assumed in soils), the fol-
lowing equation is obtained:
@hv @hl @ @w
1 5 Kl;w 1Kv;w 1Kl;w (25)
@t @t @z @z
2.2.3. Isothermal One Component One Phase Equation, Richards Equation
Finally, when vapor transport is neglected, the classical Richards equation is obtained:
@hl @ @w
5 Kl;w 1Kl;w (26)
@t @z @z
The gas phase is considered to act as a Newtonian uid without dilatation, therefore the shear stress tensor
sg [kg m21 s22] solely accounts for the resistance to shear deformation:
sg 5lg rv g 1rv g T (30)
where lg [kg s21 m21] is the dynamic viscosity of the gas phase.
The component mass balance is given by:
0 1
@qg Xgj j
B 0 M C
1r @qg v g Xgj 1 qg v g 0 Xgj 2Djg qg rxgj A50 (31)
@t |{z} Mg
turbulent diffusion
Multiplication of the turbulent uctuations in the abovementioned balance equations (e.g., the convective
portion of the momentum balance equation) leads to additional terms. Physically speaking, these terms,
although originating from the convective portion of the equation, act like additional viscous, diffusive, and
conductive forces. Therefore, they are referred to as turbulent stress, turbulent diffusion, or turbulent con-
duction and require parameterization to properly account for the effects of turbulence. Various parameter-
izations of different complexity are well-established in literature. The simplest one is based on the
Boussinesq assumption [Boussinesq, 1877] which states that the Reynolds stress acts completely like a
viscous stress so that only one unknown per balance equation remains. These unknowns are called
eddy coefcients: eddy viscosity lturb
g [kg m21 s21], eddy diffusivity Dturb
g [m2 s21], and eddy conductivity
turb 21 21
kg [W m K ] [Wilcox, 2006]. The most fundamental approach for calculating the eddy viscosity is based
on the Prandtl mixing length:
0 0
2qg v g v g 5sturb
g 5lg
rv g 1rv Tg
lturb 5q l
g mix
where lmix 5jz is the mixing length [m], j is the von-Karman constant [], z is the wall distance [m], and vx
the main velocity component [m s21]. The dynamic eddy viscosity can be converted to the kinematic eddy
viscosity with:
mturb 5 5l mix
qg @z
g 5 (35)
qg Scturb
In the same way, the eddy conductivity is obtained with the turbulent Prandtl number:
cp lturb
T;g 5 (36)
Pr turb
The turbulent Schmidt and Prandtl numbers are often assumed to be one.
3.2. Simplifications
The solution of the three-dimensional balance equations in the free ow is computationally demanding. To
simplify the solution, it is often assumed that the mean wind speed, air temperature, and relative humidity
(i.e., vapor content of the air) do not change in the horizontal direction or along the air stream and that their
changes over time are slow. This assumption implies that the momentum, vapor, and sensible heat uxes
out of the soil surface are equal to the respective uxes in the vertical direction in the air stream above the
soil surface and do not change with height. This generally applies for a sufciently large upstream fetch of a
homogeneous evaporating surface (no lateral variations in soil water content, soil temperature, evaporation
uxes, and soil surface roughness). It also implies that the vertical component of the air ow is assumed to
be zero in both the porous medium and the free ow, which is consistent with the one component one-
and-a-half phase formulation of the ow and transport process in the porous medium.
When the momentum transfer occurs mainly through turbulent eddies, of which the size increases linearly
with height, the eddy viscosity increases linearly with height so that the turbulent shear stress sturb is given by:
sturb 5qg jv z (37)
where v [m s21] is the friction velocity and j is the von Karman constant (0.4). It should be noted that qg
jv z corresponds with the turbulent viscosity lturb
g in equation (33). This leads to logarithmic wind proles
that are generally observed in the so-called turbulent or dynamic sublayer:
v z
vx z 5 ln (38)
j z0m
where z0m [m] is the momentum roughness length, which corresponds to the height above the soil surface
where extrapolation of equation (38) predicts zero velocity. Similar logarithmic proles are obtained for the
air temperature and humidity. But, because of different interactions at the soil surface, the temperature
(z0H) and humidity (z0v) roughness lengths differ from z0m. The relationship between the different roughness
lengths and characteristics of the porous medium-free ow interface are discussed in the following section.
h n o iff
n 2qg v g v g 2sg 2sturb
g 1pg I n 5 pg (39)
The superscripts ff and pm mark the quantities at the free ow and the porous medium sides of the inter-
face in the sequel. Equation (39) implies that the gas phase pressure may be discontinuous across the
interface due to the different model concepts (i.e., Navier-Stokes ow and Darcy ow) in the two domains.
Furthermore, in addition to considering the normal forces, the free ow requires a condition for the tan-
gential ow velocity components. When air ows over a porous surface, there is a small macroscopic slip-
velocity, which therefore calls the no-slip condition into question. For that purpose, the Beavers-Joseph
[Beavers and Joseph, 1967] or Beavers-Joseph-Saffman [Saffman, 1971] condition can be employed; the
latter formulation neglects the comparatively small tangential velocity in the porous medium. The propor-
tionality between the shear stresses s and the slip velocity at the interface can be described as:
" p ! #ff
vg 2 s 1s n ti 50; i 2 f1; . . . ; d21g (40)
aBJ lg g g
Here aBJ is the dimensionless Beavers-Joseph coefcient, t i is a tangential vector, and ki 5t i kt i a tangen-
tial component of the permeability tensor. The Beavers-Joseph condition was originally developed for ow
which is mainly tangential to the porous-medium surface and for laminar single-phase ow in both the free
ow and the porous medium. Its applicability for turbulent ow conditions was analyzed by Hahn et al.
[2002] who concluded that the slip condition for laminar and turbulent ow is the same, because the ow
conditions directly at the porous surface can be expected to be laminar (viscous boundary layer) and veloci-
ties to be slow.
The inuence of the Beavers-Joseph coefcient on the evaporation rate was analyzed in various studies for
different ow regimes [Baber et al., 2012; Fetzer et al., 2016]. For ow parallel to the interface the evaporative
uxes are often dominated by diffusion through the boundary layer normal to the interface [Haghighi et al.,
2013], whereas the slip velocity promotes transport along the interface.
4.1.2. Chemical Equilibrium
Ideally, chemical equilibrium should be formulated as continuity of the chemical potential. The problem is
that the assumption of mechanical equilibrium, as previously discussed, leads to a jump in gas phase pres-
sure across the interface. This jump in gas phase pressure comes along with a jump in vapor pressure across
the interface and consequently a jump in chemical potential. Hence, continuity cannot be expressed in
terms of chemical potentials. Instead, it is expressed in terms of the continuity of mole fractions in the gas
The continuity of component uxes is given by:
The minus sign in the ux continuity accounts for the opposed directions of the normal vector of the
porous medium and the free ow domain (see Figure 1). When summing up the two components, the con-
tinuity of total mass ux is given by:
ff pm
qg v g n 52 qg qg 1ql ql n (42)
4.1.3. Thermal Equilibrium
Thermal equilibrium assumes continuity of temperature at the interface. The free ow temperature is equal
to the temperature of the gas phase; in contrast, the porous medium temperature is the temperature of
one REV under the assumption of local thermal equilibrium.
The continuity of heat uxes is given by:
20 1 3ff
X Mj
4@qg hg v g 2 k 1k turb j j turb
rxg A n5
T;g T;g rT2 hg Dg 1Dg qg
j2fa;w g
20 1 3pm (43)
X X M j
5Rn 24@ j j
qa qa Xa 2Da;pm qa rx h 2kT;pm rT A n5
j j
j2fa;w g a2fl;gg
Ma a a
The coupling condition for the energy balances may also include the net radiation Rn [J m22 s21] as an addi-
tional energy ux to the porous medium. However, the assumption of thermal equilibrium may be violated
in case of fast invasion of water with a different temperature or strong temperature differences between
the free ow and porous medium [Nuske et al., 2014].
where H [J m22 s21] is the sensible heat ux, ca [J m23 K21] is the volumetric heat capacity of moist air, zref
(m) is a reference height at which wind speed, air temperature and air humidity are measured or dened,
Fw [kg m22 s21] is the water vapor ux, and rH and rV [s m21] are the aerodynamic resistance terms for verti-
cal latent heat and vapor transfer in the air stream. Using a mass and energy balance at the soil surface, the
vapor and sensible heat uxes are linked to the water and vapor uxes in the soil at the soil surface. The
mass balance is given by:
@qwg pm
Fw 5 ql ql 2Dwg;eff Sg (46)
where the rst and second terms on the right-hand side are the liquid water and vapor ows toward the
soil surface, respectively.
For the energy balance equation at the soil surface, the solar and long wave radiation that is absorbed by
and emitted from the soil surface needs to be taken into account. Calling the sum of these radiation terms
the net radiation, Rn [J m22 s21] (where positive radiation terms denote the radiation that is absorbed and
negative terms denote the radiation that is emitted), the energy balance at the soil surface is:
@qwg @T
H1hwg Fw 2Rn 5 2hwg Dwg;eff Sg 1hwl ql ql 2kT;pm (47)
@z @z
Equations (4447) link the state variables, i.e., temperature and air vapor concentration, and uxes at the
soil surface with state variables that are dened at the reference height in the air stream. The latter may
therefore be considered as Dirichlet boundary conditions for the water and heat uxes in the coupled soil-
air system. This implies that the water and heat uxes at the soil surface can be derived from these pre-
scribed state variables in the air stream and do not have to be prescribed as ux boundary conditions.
Crucial parameters in equations (44) and (45) are the aerodynamic resistance terms for vertical latent and
sensible heat transfer. They are related to the roughness of the soil surface, diffusive transfer in the interfa-
cial viscous or roughness layer, wind velocity and eddy diffusivity in the air stream, and stability of the air
above the heated soil surface. In the following discussion, we will consider neutral stability conditions, i.e.,
the eddy diffusivity is not inuenced by buoyancy. We refer the reader to text books on meteorology [e.g.,
Brutsaert, 1982; Monteith and Unsworth, 1990; Shuttleworth, 2012] for a detailed treatment of buoyancy
In the air stream, a constant shear stress, sturb [N m22], with height is assumed. sturb corresponds to a
momentum transfer from the air stream to the soil surface and can be expressed in terms of a resistance
equation similar to equations (44) and (45):
vg;x zref 2vg;x z50
sturb 5qg (48)
where vg;x [m s21] is the horizontal air velocity, and rM [s m21] is the resistance for momentum transfer
between the reference height and the soil surface. rM is derived from the vertical wind prole in the loga-
rithmic/dynamic sublayer above the roughness layer.
Combining equations (37, 38, and 48) leads to the following expression for rM:
n o2
z z
ln z0m ln z0m
rM 5 5 (49)
v j vg;x z j2
The momentum roughness length, z0m , is a function of the kinematic viscosity of air, m, the friction velocity,
v , and the height and density of the roughness elements of the soil surface. For rough surfaces, z0m
depends only on the roughness of the surface. A prediction of z0m based on the geometry of the surface
roughness seems to be very uncertain and Wieringa [1993] found that the relationship between z0m and the
height of the surface roughness elements, d, may vary between:
d d
z0m 5 and z0m 5 (50)
100 5
For a small d or smooth surfaces, a viscous sublayer in which momentum transfer is dominated by kinemat-
ic viscosity develops. In such a case, the velocity proles and z0m depend on v and m:
z0m 50:135 (51)
Whether a surface is rough or (hydrodynamically) smooth depends on the roughness Reynolds number, z01
which is dened as:
v z0m
z01 5 (52)
When z01 > 2, the surface is considered to be rough whereas z01 equals 0.135 for at surfaces. It should be
noted that when z0m is dened by d/30, the following well-known relation for a wind speed prole above a
rough surface is obtained [White, 1991]:
v z
vx z 5 ln 18:5v (53)
j d
For smooth surfaces, the following relation is obtained:
v zv
vx z 5 ln 15:0v (54)
j m
The transfer of water vapor and sensible heat in the logarithmic/dynamic sublayer is also caused by turbu-
lence and eddy diffusivity, which according to the Reynolds analogy may be considered equivalent to the
eddy viscosity. Therefore, a close relation between the transfer resistances for momentum, sensible heat
and vapor transfer may be assumed. Yet, these resistances differ from each other because of the different
transfer mechanisms in the viscous or roughness layer. The kinematic air viscosity differs from the molecular
diffusion of water and heat. Also, the roughness of a bluff surface has a different effect on momentum
transfer than on transfer of a scalar quantity like vapor or sensible heat. For rough surfaces, momentum
transfer can be considered more effective or inuential than vapor or heat transfer. Therefore, the resistance
for heat/vapor transfer is larger than that for momentum transfer. As a consequence, an additional bound-
ary resistance, rB [s m21] must be considered when relating the transfer resistances for vapor and sensible
heat transfer to the momentum transfer:
rV rH 5rM 1rB (55)
The larger resistance results in a larger gradient of vapor and temperature across the viscous or roughness
layer; the vapor and heat roughness lengths z0v and z0H are therefore smaller than z0m . The similar transfer
through the logarithmic/dynamic layer allows for the transfer resistance for vapor and heat transport to be
described using an equation similar to equation (49)]:
n o2
z z
ln z0v;H ln z0v;H
rV;H 5 5 (56)
v j vg;x z j2
A number of equations that relate z0v;H with z0m and v have been proposed [see, e.g., Yang et al., 2008].
Brutsaert [1982] developed the following relation between z0m and z0v;H :
" 2 0 10:25 3
0:25 #
z0v;H v z0m kv g;x z z0m
57:4 exp 22:46 57:4 exp422:46@ A 5 (58)
z0m m ln z m z0m
In Figure 2, the calculated resistances using equations (49), (50), (57), and (58) for different surface rough-
ness lengths, d and two wind velocities, vg;x , at 2 m height above the soil surface are shown. According to
these calculations, the total resistance (rH) decreases with increasing roughness. This can be attributed to
the decreasing transfer resistance in the logarithmic/dynamic sublayer with increasing roughness of the soil
surface. However, the difference between transfer resistance for momentum transfer, rM, and heat/vapor
transfer, rV,H (i.e., rB,) increases with increasing roughness. For heat/vapor transfer, the effect of larger turbu-
lent diffusivity in the logarithmic/dynamic layer above a rougher soil surface is counteracted by a longer dif-
fusive pathway through a thicker roughness layer. As a consequence, the decrease of the resistance for
heat/vapor transfer with increasing surface roughness is less prevalent than the decrease of momentum
transfer resistance (Figure 2).
It should be noted that the transfer resistances described above are based on the assumption of a bluff sur-
face with a no-slip boundary condition. As described before, slip conditions may apply at the surface of a
porous medium, which can be accounted for by Beavers-Joseph interface boundary conditions. One way to
represent these effects is to dene a displacement height, similar to what is used to describe momentum,
heat, and vapor transfer between vegetated surfaces and the atmosphere. However, this displacement
height should be negative. We are at this moment, not aware of any studies that specify such displacement
heights for air ow over rough dry porous media.
4.2.3 Semicoupled Porous Medium and Free Flow Using Potential Evaporation Rates and Soil Surface
Resistances for Drying Porous Medium
In the sections above, we described how water ow and heat transport in the porous medium and the free
ow are coupled at the interface. However, this coupling is often relaxed by specifying or dening state var-
iables a priori at the interface. When the vapor pressure at the interface is dened to be the saturated vapor
pressure, the water ux from the interface into the free ow is:
qwg;sat z502qwg zref
Fw;pot 5 (59)
where Fw,pot is the so-called potential evaporation, which is calculated without considering the porous
medium. It represents the
demand for water by the
atmosphere and can be used as
a ux boundary condition in the
porous medium as long as the
ow in the porous medium can
supply the demand. The saturat-
ed vapor concentration at the soil
surface depends on the soil sur-
face temperature, which is
derived from solving the surface
energy balance (equation (47)).
An additional soil transfer resis-
tance, rs [s m21] was introduced
to account for a reduction in
evaporation when the soil sur-
face dries out and the vapor
pressure becomes smaller than
the saturated vapor pressure:
qwg;sat z5zevap 2qwg zref
Fw 5 5
rV 1rs hl;top
b hl;top Fw;pot
Figure 2. Aerodynamic resistances for sensible heat (and vapor) (rH) and momentum trans- (60)
fer (rm) through the boundary layer as function of the surface roughness length, d, for two
different wind speeds, vg,x at 2 m height. rB represents the additional resistance for heat where zevap is the depth where
transfer compared with momentum transfer. evaporation takes place (i.e.,
where air is assumed to be saturated with vapor) and hl,top is the water content of the top soil layer. How-
ever, neither zevap nor the thickness of the top soil layer are explicitly dened or simulated. The soil transfer
resistance, rs, is a function of the water content in the top soil layer whereas rv depends on the free ow
conditions. Water transport in the porous medium and into the atmosphere is hence semicoupled in this
approach. The b factor represents the ratio of the aerodynamic resistance to the sum of the soil and aerody-
namic resistance. This approach is often used in large-scale simulation models to describe the reduction of
evaporation from drying bare soil compared with the potential evaporation from wet soil [Tang and Riley,
Kondo et al. [1990], Mahfouf and Noilhan [1991], and Vandegriend and Owe [1994] used a soil transfer resis-
tance term that increases with decreasing surface soil water content to account for the additional resistance
for diffusive vapor transfer when the evaporative surface recedes into the soil prole and Tang and Riley
[2013a] derived a model for the soil transfer resistance based on the vapor diffusivity and liquid water
hydraulic conductivity. Experimentally derived soil transfer resistances were smaller than expected, consid-
ering the depth of the evaporation surface and the vapor diffusion coefcient. The smaller resistances were
attributed to turbulent eddies that propagate into the porous medium and generate upward and down-
ward movement of air and hence an extra opportunity for mixing with incoming air in the upper soil layer
[Farrell et al., 1966; Ishihara et al., 1992; Kimball and Lemon, 1971; Scotter and Raats, 1969]. It should be noted
that Assouline et al. [2013] found that the evaporation ux calculated using Ficks Law and the depth of the
evaporation front (i.e., zevap) underestimated the evaporation rate; however turbulent mixing was not recog-
nized in this case as a potentially relevant process. Additional turbulent mixing leads to an additional dis-
persive ux of gases in the upper soil layer and has been shown to be of importance for the ux of vapor
and trace gases from soil [Baldocchi and Meyers, 1991; Maier et al., 2012; Poulsen and Moldrup, 2006] and soil
covered with mulches [Fuchs and Hadas, 2011]. The parameterization of this additional mixing due to turbu-
lence in the top soil is not well known and debated.
A second reason for a decrease in evaporation rate from a drying surface is the spatial variation of the vapor
pressure at the soil surface at the microscopic scale. When the lateral distance between evaporating water
surfaces in pores at the soil surface becomes too large, the reduction of the evaporating water surface
when the soil surface dries out cannot be compensated by an increased lateral diffusion of vapor through
the viscous or roughness layer [Haghighi et al., 2013; Shahraeeni et al., 2012; Suzuki and Maeda, 1968]. In this
case, vapor transfer through the viscous or roughness layer rather than vapor transfer within the porous
medium is the limiting factor. If this effect is also accounted for by an additional resistance term, experimen-
tal results of Shahraeeni et al. [2012] suggest that this resistance term increases with decreasing surface soil
water content, that it is larger in soils with larger pores, and that the ratio of this resistance term to the resis-
tance for vapor transport from a saturated soil surface increases with increasing wind velocity. It should be
noted that a similar relation with wind speed is observed for the ratio of rB/rM (see Figure 2).
Soil transfer resistances have been introduced in soil evaporation models. However, using an additional
transfer resistance in a model that explicitly considers diffusive vapor transfer in the soil surface layer [e.g.,
Saito et al., 2006] leads to a double counting of the transfer resistance through the soil surface layer and
therefore a too strong and rapid decrease in the actual evaporation rate from the soil surface.
4.2.4 Threshold Formulation of Boundary Conditions
In this approach, water transfer between the porous medium and the free ow is either fully controlled by
free ow conditions or by water transport in the porous medium. When the free ow controls the transfer,
the potential evaporation is used as a ux boundary condition for water ow in the porous medium. When
the porous medium controls the ux, a constant water pressure or water content at the surface of the
porous medium is dened and the water ux toward the soil surface is calculated by solving the ow equa-
tions in the porous medium for a Dirichlet boundary condition. This approach is used in soil models that
solve the Richards equation, e.g., Hydrus 1-D [Simunek et al., 2008]. There are no exact guidelines to dene
the critical pressure head, wcrit, which is kept constant at the porous medium surface. As a rule of thumb,
wcrit should correspond with a pressure head for which the hydraulic conductivity and capacity of the
porous medium (dh/dw) become very small so that a smaller wcrit would hardly inuence simulated water
contents and water uxes toward the soil surface. As will be shown in some simulation examples in the
accompanying paper, simulated water uxes are not so sensitive to the exact choice of this critical pressure
lateral gas ow in the surface layer of the porous medium, which may be important in highly porous
mulches, aggregated soils, and dry soils, is not accounted for.
Based on this summary, we conclude that the description of evaporation processes in systems where an
important lateral variation in uxes and states can be expected would require a multidimensional represen-
tation of the processes in both the porous medium and the free ow. Although this seems at rst sight trivi-
al, it is in fact not generally applied. For instance, several studies that investigated the effect of soil
heterogeneity on soil water uxes use a multidimensional description of the ow process in the porous
medium but describe the transfer from the soil surface into the atmosphere using transfer resistances that
presume laterally homogeneous state variables in the free ow.
The consideration of the vapor transport in the porous medium and its parameterization due to nonrepre-
sented processes or its indirect representation in transfer resistances between the porous medium and the
free ow is another important difference between the presented model concepts. Under which conditions
these differences lead to important differences in simulated evaporation needs to be further investigated.
These conclusions are the starting point of accompanying paper in which we will evaluate the impact of lat-
eral variability and the representation of vapor transport in the porous medium on evaporation simulations.
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