Intro Special
Intro Special
Intro Special
January 1964
Katz, Robert, "An Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity" (1964). Robert Katz Publications. 49.
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Table of Contents
Preface 5
1 The Galilean Transformation 9
The Inertial Frame, 9; The Galilean Transformation, 11; The
Speed of Light, 17; The Special Theory of Relativity, 24; The
Rod Clock, 25
2 The Lorentz Transformation 29
The Lorentz Transformation, 29; Simultaneity and Time Se-
quence,31; Time Dilation, 33; Lorentz Contraction, 34; Vel-
ocity Transformations, 37; The Fizeau Experiment, 38; Aber-
ration, 40; Visual Appearance of Rapidly Moving Objects, 44;
Transformation of Acceleration, 48
3 Force and Motion 51
Introduction, 51; Newton's Second Law, 53; The Equivalence
Principle, 56; Transformation of Forces, 58
4 Energy and Momentum 61
Work, 61; Kinetic Energy (Nonrelativistic), 63; Kinetic Energy
(Relativistic), 64; Conservation of Linear Momentum, 68;
Center of Mass (Nonrelativistic), 71; Transformation of Mo-
mentum and Energy (Relativistic). 75; Center of Mass (Rela-
tivistic). 78
5 Some Relativistic Phenomena 83
Pair Production and Annihilation, 83; Compton Effect, 85;
Threshold for 7To Meson Production, 87; Doppler Effect, 89;
Relativistic Dynamics, 92; Gravitation and Light, 96
6 Relativity and Electromagnetism 103
Introduction, 103; The Lorentz Force, 105; Magnetization and
Polarization, 106; Transformations of Fields and Flux Densi-
ties, 108; Electromagnetic Induction, 110; Field of a Moving
Charge, 114; Transformation of Polarization and Magnetiza-
tion,117; The Unipolar Generator, 121; Postscript, 123
General Bibliography 127
Index 129
1 The Galilean
I-I The Inertial Frame Does the earth move around the sun
or the sun around the earth? Do we describe the motion of the
moon by saying that it traces a nearly circular path around the
earth, or a somewhat more complicated path around the sun?
These questions are associated with the choice of a frame of
reference, a background against which we imagine motions to
be referred. The choice is not a simple one, since it has philo-
sophic as well as physical overtones. The central position ac-
corded to man in the universe led to the belief that the sun and
stars circulate about the earth, and in consequence, the universe
of Ptolemy (A.D. 127-151) demanded that heavenly bodies move
in paths compounded from circles, called epicycles. The path
of a point which moves on a small circle, whose center in turn
moves on a larger circle, is called an epicycle. In part the com-
position of the paths of heavenly bodies from circles arose from
the view that only the most perfect figure, the circle, was ap-
propriate to any object in the heavens. Copernicus' (1473-1543)
relocation of the origin of the coordinate frame to the sun led to
a new grouping of the earth and planets as a system of solar
satellites and resulted in a new set of physical laws, whose truth
was universal, valid on earth and in heaven. These were the laws
of Newton (1642-1727).
The philosophic implications of the relocation of the origin
of astronomical coordinates have been widely elaborated under
names like rationalism, or naturalism, or secularism. It is our
z z
FIG. 1-2.1
cruising speed, we mean the speed with which the airplane moves
with respect to the air mass. For navigation with respect to the
earth the groundspeed is required, or more precisely, the velocity
with respect to the ground is required. The Galilean transforma-
tion makes air navigation possible.
In ordinary conversation we are sometimes careless about
specifying the frame to which a position or a motion is referred.
When we give the cruising speed of an airplane we may be vague
in noting that it is with respect to the air mass through which
the plane is moving. When we give the windspeed we may be
vague in noting that this is with respect to the ground. Consider
the question, with what speed is the air blowing past the wings
of an airplane whose cruising speed is 200 miles per hour (mph)
when it flies into a 50 mph headwind? By the definition of cruis-
ing speed the answer is 200 mph, when the airplane is operating
properly. If the unprimed coordinate frame is fixed in the ground
and the primed set is fixed in the air mass, then the design of the
airplane implies that its speed tI is 200 mph for proper operation.
If tI is very much less than 200 mph, the airplane falls down; if
tI is much greater than 200 mph, the wings fall off.
Neither the magnitude of the velocity nor the direction of the
path (the direction of the velocity vector) is the same in the two
frames. As a simple illustration consider the motion of a boat on
a river. Suppose that the water moves east at 3 mph and that a
boat heads north at 4 mph with respect to the water (see Fig.
1-2.2). If we take east as the positive x direction and north as
the positive y direction, then the motion of the boat with respect
to the primed frame (fixed in the water) is
V = (3 1% + 4 1~) mph.
v - 4mph.
lyL I....
FIG. 1-2.2
----~ -
Jupiter's orbit
@ Eorth', ,,~t
FIG. 1-3.1
t~4~C+V~c-r.. I
I t:
FIG. 1-3.2
= 2
c (1
_ v2/c2) 1/2
(1 3 1 )
- C
+ .
m(m - 1) ... (m - n + 2) ,,-1
(n - 1)! x ,
we may expand Eqs. and c to the quadratic term to find
AlII = AloO + 2
V /C 2 + ) (1-3.3a)
and Atl. = Ato(l + !V 2/C 2+ ). (1-3.3b)
The differences in the elapsed time for the motion of light
through the ether in the three cases examined are in the second
order (quadratic terms) of vjc. That is, these times differ in the
difference between (vjC)2 and 1. For the velocities with which
the earth moves in its orbit, the quantity (vjC)2 is about 10- 8
We must measure t:..t II and t:..t l. to a precision of at least one part
in a hundred million if two separate measurements are to be
made and compared.
However, a way around the difficulty was conceived by Albert
A. Michelson (1852-1931), and in 1887 Michelson and Morley
performed an experiment which should have been able to detect
the motion of the earth through the ether, or put in another way,
should have been able to test the applicability of the Galilean
transformation to the motion of light. Michelson reasoned that a
direct comparison of the parallel and perpendicular transit times
might be made by using light waves as their own means of meas-
uring time. Suppose we combine the parallel and perpendicular
rods, as in Fig. 1-3.3. Then a beam of light from a source is
split into two by a lightly silvered mirror, half the light moving
/Beom splitter
'V ~
FIG. 1-3.3
down rod B and the other half down rod A. Upon reflection the
light returns down the rods and can be inspected by an observer
looking through the same mirror, but at 90 to the light source.
Since the light is a wave motion, the two beams start out in phase,
or in step. If the beams return in step, then the time required for
the two trips is the same, but if they return out of step the time
difference between the two trips is the time for half an oscillation.
If the light combines in step, the observer notes that the view is
bright, while if out of step the two waves cancel, and the view is
It is easy to see that this apparatus might have the necessary
precision. Yellow light, of wavelength 600 millimicrons (nanom-
eters), has a period of 2 X 10- 15 sec, so that the time for half an
oscillation is about 10- 15 sec. An interferometer in which the
length of each section is about 15 m yields an elapsed time of
10- 7 sec for the return trip. Thus a time measurement to half
the period of oscillation of a light wave could measure the transit
time to 10- 15/10- 7 , or to I part in 108 , as required. In the actual
experiment the path length employed was I I m.
Since there was no independent way of determining that the
length of the two paths was identical, the instrument was first
adjusted to yield a bright view to the observer and then was ro-
tated by 90. By this means any difference between the parallel
and perpendicular transit times could be detected.
Although the design of the instrument showed that it was
capable of detecting the time differences predicted by the Gali-
lean transformation, no shift in the appearance of the field of
view was detected which could be attributed to motion through
the ether. The experiment was a failure, but this failure was one
which in retrospect proved to be a great success.
The Michelson-Morley experiment was repeated many times,
by different observers, using apparatus constructed of different
materials, in different laboratories. Each time the experiment
failed to detect the required difference in time for the light to
traverse paths parallel and perpendicular to the earth's motion.
Physicists, disturbed by these results, tried to grasp at straws.
FIG. 1-5.1
or lit = !:. 1
c (1 - v2 I c2 )1/2
Thus if is the interval between flashes as determined by a
proper observer (for whom the rod clock is at rest), we find that
an observer in the laboratory frame, for whom the rod clock is
moving with speed v transverse to the orientation of the rod,
measures the time interval between flashes to be 2M, and that
these two are related by the equation
In the literature of relativity it is customary to use the notation
vic = {J, and (1 - v2Ic 2)-1/2 = (1 - {J2)-1/2 = 'Y. (1-5.2)
Note that the relations between 13 and y resemble the relations
between sin 8 and sec 8 in a right triangle whose hypotenuse is
I, and where the side opposite the angle (J is of length p. Then
we have sin 8 = 13, sec 8 = y.
With the notation of Eq. 1-5.2, Eq. 1-5.1 becomes
lit = 'Y lito_ (1-5.3)
Now consider the meaning of the rod clock experiment. The
laboratory observer and the moving observer both have rod
clocks. Each observer knows his clock to keep correct time. Yet
whichever is considered to be the observer at rest notes that the
moving clock runs at an incorrect rate. Instead of measuring a
time interval between flashes of 2t:..t o which the rest clock reads,
1-5.2 If fJ I - x, then 'Y- 2 = 2x - x 2 2x for small x or for fJ close
P. Hume and D. Ivey, Frames of Reference (a film), Modern Learning
Aids, New York.
Measurement of the Speed of Light (a film), McGraw-Hill Book Com-
pany, Inc., Text Film Department, New York.
R. S. Shankland, "Michelson Morley Experiment," Am. J. Phys. 32,
16 (1964).
2 The Lorentz Transformation
(b) Which bulb do they say goes off first? [(a) !1.~4 X 10- 9 sec (b) the
bulb at 10 km]
22.2 A long straight rQd is inclined at angle (J to the x axis. The rod
moves in the y direction with velocity V. (a) Find the velocity v with
which the point of intersection of the rod and the x-axis moves along
= =
the x axis. (b) If V 1010 em/sec. and (J 0.10 rad, what is the numeri-
cal value of v? (c) Does your result contradict the relativistic demand
that c is a limiting speed for all material particles? [(a) v = V cot (J (b)
1011 em/sec (c) no. for the point of intersection of the ruler with the x
axis is a mathematical point rather than a material particle.]
23 Time Dilation Suppose we examine, from the vantage
point of the laboratory (the unprimed frame), a clock which is
stationary in the primed frame. The primed frame is the proper
frame of the clock, for this is the frame in which the clock is at
rest. The clock then is moving with speed V in the +x direction
with respect to the laboratory.
Since the clock is in fixed x' position, the time interval between
two beats of the clock at 1'1 and 1'2 will appear in the laboratory
frame to be
t2 - tl = 'Y(t'2 - t'I), (2-3.1)
by application of the Lorentz transformation, Eqs. 21.3, for
X'2= X'I' We may therefore set X'2 = =
X'1 0 if we wish, for
nothing is changed if the clock is at the origin of the primed co-
This is the same result that we have obtained earlier for the
rod clock, 1-5, in a slightly different notation. But here the re-
sult does not depend on the detailed design of the clock.
One variety of subatomic particles, called mesons, decays
at an exponential rate such that lie of the original number re-
mains after 2.6 X 10- 8 sec, in a coordinate frame in which the
mesons are at rest. Beams of 71' mesons may be produced by bom-
barding the target of an accelerator with high energy protons; the
resulting mesons move out of the target at a speed which can be
O.99c. In their proper frame 71' mesons decay at their proper rate,
but laboratory observers measuring the decay rate of the moving
mesons must find that the meson docks run slow. From Eq. 2-3.1
Vz = e
+ e = e.
The speed of light is c in all inertial frames, whatever their rela-
tive speed. By the Galilean transformation we would have ex-
pected V., = 2c, but we know that this is not applicable. Regard-
= =
less of the value of VJ if V'., c, then V., c. Of course this is
how it must be, for the condition that the speed of light is c
in all inertial frames is built into the Lorentz transformation.
25.1 (a) Two particles come toward each other, each with speed with respect to the laboratory. What is their relative speed?
(b) Two particles are emitted from a disintegrating source, each mov-
ing with speed with respect to the source. What is their speed rela-
tive to each other? [(a) and (b) O.995e]
2-5.2 A particle has velocity V' = 3 1"" + 4 111' + 12 l z ' mjsec in a
coordinate frame which itself moves in the +x direction with respect to
the laboratory at V = O.8e. Find V in the laboratory frame. [V =
2.4 X 108 1., + 2.4 111 + 7.2 l z ) mjsec]
2-6 The Fizeau Experiment How can we detect evidence of
the velocity transformation formulas in the laboratory? We have
already seen that the speed of light in vacuum is c in every iner-
tial frame, but what about its speed in a medium, such as water?
The speed of light in a medium must clearly be with respect to
a coordinate frame fixed in the medium, for the very structure
of the medium, the position of its atoms and molecules, provides
a preferred reference frame. The speed of light in a medium is
less than CJ and the index of refraction for a particular wave
length is n = clv, a number generally greater than one.
If the medium is in motion with respect to the laboratory, at
speed V, then the speed of light with respect to the laboratory U
wiII be different from its speed with respect to the medium U' ,
according to Eqs. 2-5.2. If the light moves parallel to the motion
of the medium and in the same direction, then its speed with
respect to the laboratory is increased to Up, while if the light
moves antiparallel to the motion of the medium its speed with
respect to the laboratory is reduced to U a , both given from Eqs.
2-5.2 as
U'+ V U'- V
Up = U'V and Ua = U'V (2-6.1)
1+7 1--
Consider the time difference between the transit times of two
beams moving in opposite directions through a moving medium
for a distance L as measured in the laboratory. The beams will
take times whose difference !:i.t is given by
- V
). (2-6.2)
= 10-15 sec.
This time is about the time for half an oscillation of yellow light,
as we saw in 1-3 in our discussion of the Michelson-Morley ex-
periment. In an analogous way a beam of light can be split and
the separate parts sent two ways around a tube of flowing water,
as in Fig. 2-6.1. If the system is inspected when the water is at rest,
then a readily detectable difference in the appearance of the
image may be observed when the flow is turned on, in quantita-
, 1
, ~
b !4"
j "
T ...
FIG. 2-6.1 Fizeau experiment. Light from a source is split by a lightly
silvered mirror at m. One beam palles through the flowing fluid in a
direction parallel to the flow, and the other in a direction anti parallel
to the flow.
v (Apparent star
, ,. .,'
11' 11'
II 11
(b) te)
FIG. 2-7.1
y' ( ') ( )
V a O.9c
Q- -~
~~ c'
(') ( )
Proper Loboratory
frome from.
FIG. 2-7.2 Headlight efled [After V. F. Weisskopf, Physics Today 13,
24 (1960)].
When 8' is 0 or 71', then 8 has the same values, but when 8' =
= = =
71'/2 we find cos 8' 0 so that cos 8 0.9 and 8 25, and
so on. The rays are strongly concentrated in the forward direction
with very little radiation coming off in the backward direction,
as seen in the laboratory. It is this effect that we have called the
headlight effect. The bunching of radiation in the direction of
motion may be observed in the radiation from accelerated
charged particles in the machines of high energy physics, where
it is called synchrotron radiation. The radiation may be observed
as visible light by looking into the direction of motion of the
27.1 At what speed does an observer have to move toward a star in
order that half the radiation emitted by the star is concentrated within
a cone subtending an angle of 0.01 radian. Approximate cos 6 as I -
62/2 + .... [0.9995c]
27.2 Prove that the aberration angle in Fig. 2-7.1 would be given by
tan 6 = vic if the Galilean transformation were correct.
tory observers to note whether they were coincident with the mov-
ing clock at the time it flashed, and if so what was the reading
on their own clock at the time the moving clock flashed. The dif-
ference between the times read by two laboratory observers is
the laboratory time interval which corresponds to the time inter-
val on the moving clock. This is the meaning of the operations
in the experimental determination of the Lorentz contraction
and of the time-dilation phenomena. This is the meaning of the
word observe.
By seeing, or by photographing, we mean something else. The
difference is most clear in connection with photography. When
we take a photograph, there is only one lens. When we see, there
is only one observer. The difference between observing and
seeing is the difference between an infinity of observers and one
In the operations we call observing we have taken care that
there is no time required for the passage of a light signal from
the event to the laboratory observer who detects it. The operation
of seeing is quite different. The observer is at one location in the
laboratory frame, and the events he notes may have taken ages
to reach him. A telescope camera photographing distant stars
during a solar eclipse may have its shutter open a very short time.
The light which enters the shutter may come from distant stars,
having been emitted millions of years ago, and during the same
exposure the shutter may admit light from the solar corona
emitted 500 sec ago, and even light from an adjacent clock
emitted nanoseconds ago. We may imagine the camera lens or the
eye to be at the center of a collapsing spherical shell, which col-
lapses at the speed of light and collects events as it goes. If an
event takes place in the time interval during which the shell
passes, information about the event is swept along by the shell
and will be recorded by the camera.
In spite of inferences that might be drawn incorrectly from a
casual inspection of the Lorentz contraction, a careful considera-
tion of the picture-taking process leads to the conclusion that
pictures of rapidly moving distant objects are undistorted in
shape. But the picture taken in the laboratory from one direction
will be the same as obtained in the proper frame, but from a
different vantage point, as we might expect from our discussion
of aberration in 27.
Suppose a cube of edge 1 is moving with speed V in the +x
.. Ca)
FIG. 2-8.1 Visual appearance of a rapidly moving cube: (a) the mov-
ing cube; (b) a proper photograph from point P; (c) the laboratory
photographer~s picture from P; (d) the laboratory photographer's inter-
pretation of his picture. In (a) the point P' is the point from which the
proper photographer would obtain the same picture as (c), which the
laboratory photographer took from P [After V. F. Weisskopf, Physics
Today 13,24 (1960)].
for light emitted from the back edge at a time lie before light
from the front face was emitted will arrive at the camera at the
same time as light from the front face, for all this light will be
swept up in the same collapsing light shell. At that earlier time
the rear edge was at E'F', displaced from the present position EF
by Vlle. By the Lorentz contraction the front face will be con-
tracted so that the edge AB will be measured to be of length 1
(I - V2Ie2)1/2. The laboratory photographer's picture will be as
in Fig. instead of Fig. 2-8.1b, which is the picture taken by
a proper photographer from point P. But the laboratory pho-
tographer will infer that the cube has rotated through an angle
ep = cos- 1 p, as shown in Fig. 2-8.ld. Note that this is the same
picture that a proper photographer would have taken from a
different orientation, as at P' in Fig.
Although the discussion above was based on a cube, it is clear
that the apparent rotation must be the same for all rapidly mov-
ing distant objects. Photographs of rapidly moving distant ob-
jects will not show the Lorentz contraction. A spherical rocket
ship will look spherical, as if it were photographed from the side
in the proper frame. The picture that one would obtain in the
proper frame at an angle ()' with V is the same picture which
would be taken in the laboratory at an angle () with V, as in Eq.
2-7.3 for the aberration of light. In the figure we have taken
() = =
7T/2, so that from Eq. 2-7.3 cos ()' -p and ()' is greater than
7T12, as shown.
2-8.2 A cube oriented with its edges parallel to the coordinate axes
moves in the +x direction at V 0.6c, and a picture is taken when the
cube passes the origin by a distant observer located along the -y axis.
At what angle with respect to V would a photographer in the proper
frame have to be located to take the same picture? [127]
Since we have set ourselves the limitation that V'a: = dt' = 0, the
preceding equation becomes
dt = -y dt'. (2-9.3)
Dividing each of Eqs. 2-9.2 by 2-9.3, we obtain the transformation
equations for the acceleration as
= dUx
= -y3
ldU'., =
'V- 3
R. P. Durbin, H. H. Loar, and W. W. Havens, "The Lifetimes of ... +
and ...- Mesons," Phys. Rev. 88, 179 (1952).
D. H. Frisch and J. H. Smith, "Measurement of Relativistic Time Dila-
tion Using p. Mesons," Am. J. Phys. 31, 342 (1963).
D. H. Frisch, J. H. Smith, and F. L. Friedman, Time Dilation (a film),
Educational Services Inc., Watertown, Mass.
J. Terrell, "Invisibility of Lorentz Contraction," Phys. Rev. 116, 1041
V. F. Weisskopf, "The Visual Appearance of Rapidly Moving Objects,"
PhySICS Today 13,24 (1960).
.) Force and Motion
F=k~ (3-2.1)
where k is a scalar constant of proportionality. In the unit sys-
tems generally encountered in physics the constant k is defined
as I, a dimensionless constant, and Eq. 3-2.1 becomes
F=~. (3-2.2)
In the nonrelativistic limit the momentum is given by Eq. 3-1.2
so that
F=m-=ma (3-2.3).
is the nonrelativistic form of Newton's second law.
The first term of Eq. 3-2.4 is in the direction of the velocity vec-
tor. The second term contains the derivative of the velocity vec-
tor with respect to time. Since the change in the velocity vector
may be in any direction, we may resolve that change into a com-
ponent perpendicular to the velocity and a component parallel
to the velocity. Writing the perpendicular component as the per-
pendicular component of the acceleration; that is, writing
(~~t = a~,
we find F~ = m-ya~. (3-2.5)
Before analyzing the component equation describing the com-
ponent parallel to the velocity, let us consider the operations in-
-dvdt = 2v dv
and - = 2v a.
If we write a as the vector sum of its components parallel to the
velocity and perpendicular to the velocity, the scalar product
va may be expressed as the product of the speed v by the paral-
lel component of the acceleration a II' so that
dv 2
7ft = 2vall' (3-2.7)
F'II = ma'lI
and F'.1 = ma'.1
respect to the laboratory frame? (c) What acceleration does the labora-
tory observer compute the electron to have, by use of the relativistic
relations between mass. and acceleration? (d) What acceleration does
the laboratory observer find for the electron if he translates the accelera-
tion noted by the proper observer through use of the Lorentz transfor-
mation equations for acceleration? [(a) 1024 l z ern/sec2 (b) 1.8 X 10- 5
I z dynes (c) 4 X 1020 I z cmjsec2 (d) 4 X 1020 cm/sec2 ]
3-4.2 The mass of a proton is 1.67 X 10- 27 kgm. The proton experi-
ences a force of (1.67 X 10-9 N) X (I",. + I z.) in its proper frame, in
which it is instantaneously at rest. (a) Find the acceleration of the pro-
ton in this frame. (b) Find the angle between force and acceleration in
this frame. As measured by a laboratory observer for whom the proton
is moving with speed corresponding to fJ 0.98 in the +x direction,
what is (c) the force on the proton, (d) the acceleration of the proton,
and (e) the angle between the force and the acceleration? [(a) 1018
mjsec2 X (I",. + I z.) (b) 0 (c) 1.67 X 1O- 9N X (I.. + 0.2 I z) (d) 1018
m/sec2 X (1/125 I.. + 1/25 I z (e) 67.4]
A. Einstein, "On the Generalized Theory of Gravitation," Scientific
American 182, 13 (1950).
H. Bondi, "Relativity," Progress in Physics 22, 97 (1959).
4 Energy and Momentum
4.1 Work The concept of physical work as the result of the
action of a force through a distance developed in mechanics and
has had important repercussions in all of physics, as well as in
other sciences. While the concept of work has physiological ori-
gins and is related to the feeling of tiredness, physical work is
defined in such a way that tiredness is not a measure of work.
If a constant force F is moved through a displacement s, we
say that physical work W (a scalar) has been done, according to
the equation
W = Fs = Fscos9. (4-1.1)
The work is the product of the magnitude of the force times the
magnitude of the displacement by the cosine of the angle between
them (when they are drawn from a common origin). Alterna-
tively, since the product F cos (J is the component of the force
parallel to the displacement, F II , we could rewrite Eq. 4-1.1 as
W = FilS. (4-1.2)
Note that no work is done by any force, however great, unless
there is a displacement. No work is done by any force unless
there is a component of the force in the direction of the displace-
In the event that the force is variable we first express the work
done when the force is moved through a small displacement ds
as dW, so that
dW = Fds, (4-1.3)
and then integrate, to find the work done as the variable force
traverses a particular path (see Fig. 4-1.1), so that
FIG. 4-1.1 If the force is different along different parts of the path, we
must sum small increments of work, or must integrate, to find the work
done in travening the path from point .. to point 5
dW = m (dv) v.
Integrating, we have
W = m Jvdv. (4-2.1)
We have already seen that we may express v2 as v'v, so that
d(v 2) = d(v'v) = vdv + dvv = 2vdv.
Substituting this result into Eq. 4-2.1, taking the initial velocity
to be 0 and the final velocity to be v, and inserting the limits of
integration. we obtain
W = (u ~ d(v2) = ! mv2.
2 2
We say that a particle acquires kinetic energy T equal to W
as the result of the action of the force through a distance, and
that the kinetic energy of the moving particle is given by the
T = !mv 2 (4-2.2)
The kinetic energy may also be expressed in terms of the mag-
nitude of the momentum; since in the nonrelativistic case p mv,=
we have
T = P:....
F = tiE = dm-yv.
dt dt
The work done in displacing the particle from rest at position
o to a final velocity vat position s is given by
vdv = ! d (~),
e2 2 c2
we may substitute into the preceding equation for W to find
W = me 2 (' d (~)
2 Jo (1 - v/e 2 2 )3/2
W = [(1 _:~~e2)1/2J:
When we substitute in the limits, we find the work done to be
Since the second term on the right in Eq. 4-3.1 contains no
velocity, we label the term rest energy, or mass energy, and say
that an object of mass m has total energy E when it is moving
with velocity v, given by
E = m-ye2 (4-3.2)
The difference between the total energy E and the rest energy
me2 is the kinetic energy T. The kinetic energy T is the energy
acquired by the particle as a result of the work done on it in
raising its speed from 0 to v.
Accordingly, the kinetic energy T of a particle of mass m mov-
ing with velocity v is given by the equation
T = E - mc2 = mc 2('Y - 1). (4-3.3)
In the limit of low velocities, where v is much less than c} we
may expand y as a series to find
so that
T = mc2(1 + Hv 2/C 2) - 1) = !mv2
As demanded by the correspondence principle, our two expres-
sions for kinetic energy agree in the limit of low velocities.
To find a relation between energy and momentum we note
E = m'Yc2 and p = m'Yv,
so that
2 - p2C2 = m2'Y2c4(1 - v2/C 2) = m2c4,
or +
E2 = p2C2 m2c4 (4-3.5)
In Eq. 4-3.5, E and me2 are often expressed in MeV, so that a
convenient unit of momentum is MeV Ie. Incidentally, Eq. 4-3.5
is often remembered through the analogue of a right triangle, in
which E is the hypotenuse.
It is remarkable that the relativistic relationship between en-
ergy and momentum is valid for all particles-even those of zero
mass, like neutrinos or photons.
Electromagnetic radiation (light, radio, y rays) can be described
as a wave motion or as a particle motion. The wave description
utilizes such terms as wavelength '\, say. the distance between
two successive crests of the wave, and the frequency v, the number
of vibrations per second. These quantities are related by the
).v = c, (4-3.6)
FIG. 4-4.1
Fi + FH + F... = :...1:..:,
~.. + F 1. . . . . + F i . . . . . + Fn-1,.. = ~.
Let us add these equations, making note of the fact that F'J =
-F ji, so that the sum of the internal forces is zero, to find that
FIG. 4-5.1
dR dr.
-dt =V and -dt = vI,
we find
Eq. 4-5.2 tells us that the total momentum of the collection of
particles is the same as the momentum of an imaginary particle
whose mass is the mass of the entire collection, which moves with
the center of mass.
Comparing Eq. 4-5.2 with Eq. 4-4.1, we see that the center of
mass of a collection of particles moves in response to the total
force on the collection just as a single particle would, for we have
F= di' (4-5.3)
In Eq. 4-7.1 we have written the result in vector form, for the
directions of both quantities are evidently the x direction, but
we no longer need to preserve the manner in which we set up the
coordinate frame. The center of mass frame is moving with
velocity V with respect to the laboratory frame. as given by Eq.
As in the nonrelativistic case, we imagine that there is a par-
ticle of mass M located at the center of mass. As observed in the
laboratory frame, the momentum of this particle would be set
equal to the total momentum of the particles of the collection.
Thus we have
P = M'YoV, (4-7.2)
so that the mass of the imaginary particle is obtained by substi-
tuting Eq. 4-7.2 into Eq. 4-7.1, as
V = Jj;M'YoV,
M = ~.2 (4-7.3)
The mass of the equivalent particle is not simply the sum of the
masses of the particles of the collection, but the energy of the
equivalent particle in the laboratory frame is equal to the total
energy of the collection in the laboratory frame. The equivalent
particle has the same momentum as the total momentum of the
collection and the same energy as the total energy of the collec-
W. Bertozzi, The Ultimate Speed, An exploration with high energy
electrons (a film), Educational Services Inc., Watertown, Mass.
W. Bertozzi, "Speed and Kinetic Energy of Relativistic Electrons," Am.
J. Phys. 32,551 (1964).
P. Morrison, "The Neutrino," Scientific American 194,59 (1956).
R. E. Pollock, "Resonant Detection of Light Pressure by a Torsion
Pendulum in Air-An Experiment for Underclass Laboratories,"
Am. J. Phys. 31, 901 (1963).
F. Reines and C. L. Cowan, Jr., "The Neutrino," Nature 178, 446
5 Some Relativistic Phenomena
5-1 Pair Production and Annihilation If energy could be
converted from one form to another without inhibition, we
might wonder how any sort of stability might be achieved in the
universe. Clearly there must be some restraint on the free inter-
change of energy. In the formulation of physics such restraints
often take the form of conservation principles. One of these is
the law of con$ervatjon of charge, which states that the total elec-
tric charge content of the universe must remain constant. Thus
a single electron cannot vanish, giving its energy to photons. But
a positron is a positively charged particle, identical in every other
way to the electron. An electron-positron pair may vanish or be
created without violating the charge conservation principle.
The mass of an electron, expressed in energy units, is 0.5108
MeV. An electron-positron pair at rest in the laboratory may
annihilate with the emission of a pair of photons of equal en-
ergy which move in opposite directions, so as to conserve linear
momentum. The energy of each photon is given by the ex-
hv = mc 2 = 0.5108 MeV. (5-1.1 )
Thus the wavelength of annihilation radiation is
~ = h/mc. (5-1.2)
Npte that the electron and positron are themselves stable par-
Positrons are emitted in the radioactive decay of some arti-
ficially radioactive nuclei, such as in the reaction 29CU64 ~
2sNi64 + p+. When positrons from such a source impinge on a
place where there are many electrons, as in a block of copper,
Primary photon
Recoil electron
FIG. 5-2.2
(5-2.1 )
P2e2 - -2 (A 2
= A'2
+ A'2 - 2AA' cos ."
A..) . (5-2.2)
or E = - (A' - A)
+ me '2 (5-2.4)
p = mp-yv,
-y-2 = 1 - V2/C 2
From Eq. 4-7.1 the velocity V of the center of mass is given by
c2 -y
V=:E P =-y+1 v .
The center of mass motion (and the motion of the reaction prod-
ucts at threshold) is characterized by Yo, where
or -y = H2 + m./m )2 - p 1.
By Eq. 4-3.3, the kinetic energy of the incident proton at this
value of y is
T = mpe2(-y _ 1) = mp c (4
+ 4 m.,
+ m.,:)
- 2mpe2.
p p
Simplifying, we find
T = mc
(2 + 2mm.,).
Since m p = =
1836 me and m ...o 264 me> we find that the threshold
in kinetic energy at which an accelerated proton beam will begin
to produce 71"0 mesons in a hydrogen target will be T = 2.24
m ...oc2 301 MeV. The energy required in the beam is close to
2t times the mass energy of the 71"0 meson.
5.3.1 Find the threshold for (a) the reaction
the neutral lambda (Ao) particle and its antiparticle each have a mass
of 2182 me; (b) the production of a proton-antiproton (p) pair in the
p +- p -+ p + p + p + p,
where accelerated protons strike a hydrogen target and convert their
kinetic energy into the proton-antiproton pair. [(a) 763 MeV (b) 5.6
5-4 Doppler Effect Again the universality of the Lorentz trans-
formation equations may be illustrated by applying the relativis-
tic momentum-energy transformation, Eqs. 4-6.1, to the behavior
of a photon.
Suppose a photon is observed in a frame in which the source
of the light is at rest. We call this the primed frame. In the
primed frame the frequency of the light is V, and the light is
observed to make an angle 8' with the x' axis. The momentum
and energy of the photon may then be described by the equations
p",, hll'
= -cos6,
, hll'. 6'
p'. = 0,
and E' = hll'.
Let us find the momentum and energy of the photon as meas-
ured in the laboratory frame by use of Eqs. 4-6.1. In the labora-
tory frame the photon would be measured to have frequency v
and to be moving with an angle 6 with respect to the x axis so
that is, the light is shifted to the blue. When ()' = 1r, the plus and
minus signs in Eq. 5-4.6 are interchanged, and the light is shifted
to the red. This is known as the longitudinal Doppler effect.
By means of the longitudinal Doppler effect the speed of rota-
tion of distant double stars may be determined, for when one
star is approaching the earth the other is receding, and the spec-
tral lines of light from hydrogen atoms in the star pair become
measurably broadened as their frequency is Doppler shifted.
Even though isolated atoms emit light which is nearly mono-
chromatic, the light from a hot gas of atoms will be more diffuse
54.3 The H" lines measured on earth from opposite ends of the sun's
equator differ in wavelength by 0.091A 0. If the solar diameter is 865,000
miles, find the period of the rotation of this material of the sun, assum-
ing rotation to be the cause of the effect. [25 days]
54.4. An electron-positron pair annihilates in free space, emitting two
photons, each of energy 0.5108 MeV, in opposite directions in the
proper frame. If this frame moves at V 0.9c with respect to the
laboratory, and if the photons are emitted at an angle", with respect to
V, find the angle made by each of the photons with V and the energy
of each of the two photons as determined in the laboratory, for", (a)=
0 (b) 37 (c) 53 (d) 90. (e) If an apparatus is set up in the laboratory
which is capable of detecting two photons of the same energy coming
from different directions and of determining whether they were emitted
simultaneously, for what photon energy (determined in the laboratory)
should we expect to measure coincidences in the laboratory? [(a) 0',
2.21 MeV; 180, 0.12 MeV (b) 19, 2.1 MeV; _60, 0.24 MeV (c) 21,
1.8 MeV; -47',0.46 MeV (d) 90', 1.16 MeV; _90', 1.16 MeV (e) 1.16
F. = de m'Yv"" (5-5.4a)
F" = de m'Y v", (5-5.4b)
F. = de m'Y v., (5-5.4c)
Fv = - m'Yc 2 (5-5.4d)
In Eqs. 5-5.2 a particle of mass m moves with velocity v with
respect to an inertial frame, say the laboratory frame. In this
frame F is the force on the particle and t is the time measured
by laboratory observers using their laboratory clocks.
We wish to put Eqs. 5-5.4 in covariant form, in which every
quantity is a four-vector, or an invariant quantity which has the
Same meaning in every inertial frame. First we note that the
fourth component of the not myc2 , but according
to Eq. 5-5.2d is my. Therefore we first divide Eq. 5-5.4d by c2
The next step is to multiply each equation by y, for reasons that
will be made clear soon, to obtain
'Y F",." . = l' de m'Y v"""
from Eqs. 5-5.4 a-c and
l' d
-Fv = '"I -m'"
c2 dt "
from Eq. 5-5.4d.
We recall that moving clocks run slow by a factor y (5-1). If
a time interval dt is measured by a laboratory clock, laboratory
observers will note that the time interval on a clock moving
through the laboratory will be dT in the same period, related by
the equation
dt = 'YdT, (5-5.5)
which we have seen before, in another notation, as Eq. 2-3.1. The
equations take on a simpler form if, instead of measuring time on
'YF = dT m'Y v., (S-S.6c)
-Fov d
= -m'Y. (S-S.6d)
c2 dT
Equations 5-5.6 differ from Eqs. 5-5.4 only in form, through
algebraic manipulation, but there is a significant difference. Every
quantity on the right-hand side of the equation is either inde-
pendent of the inertial frame of the observer, as is dT, or is a com-
ponent of a four-vector whose transformation from one frame to
another inertial frame is accomplished by the Lorentz transfor-
mation equations.
This implies that the quantities on the left-hand side of the
equations also are components of a four-vector, which we call the
Minkowski force, after Hermann Minkowski (1864-1909), who
first discovered this formulation of relativistic dynamics. We find
it attractive to write Newton's second law in this generalized rela-
tivistic form as
K 1 = 'YF" (5-5.8a)
K2 = -yF7I , (5-5.8b)
K 3 = -yF" (5-5.8e)
K. = """iFv. (5-5.8d)
Equation 5-5.7 is covariant. It has the same form in every in-
ertial frame. Further, the components of K and p measured in
one inertial frame are related to the components of K' and p'
(the same quantities measured by observers in another inertial
frame) by the Lorentz transformation.
The expression of the generalized force now brings the number
of relativistic four-vectors we have seen to a total of three. We
first saw the Lorentz transformation in connection with the posi-
tion four-vector whose components were x, y, z, and t. Next we
displayed the momentum four-vector, and finally the generalized
force four-vector.
In general, it is the attempt of the special theory of relativity
to express all physical vector quantities in four-vector form, for
in this form we can see clearly how to relate measurements made
of these quantities in different inertial frames. This means of
expression often displays hitherto unsuspected relatedness, as we
saw in connection with the union of momentum and energy in
the momentum four-vector. In all cases the components of a four-
vector must transform exactly as x, y, z, and t do in the Lorentz
5-5.1 Show that the application of the Lorentz transformation to the
Minkowski force, Eqs. 5-5.8, yields results in agreement with Eqs. 3-3.4.
5-6 Gravitation and Light We may understand some of the
influence of gravitation on light through our studies of the
equivalence principle in 3-3 and our studies of the Doppler
effect in 5-4. To do so we must extend the results of the Special
Theory of Relativity (which deals with observations made on
different inertial frames) to observations made on accelerated
coordinate frames. We assert that:
1) Acceleration in itself does not affect the rate of a standard
dock or the length of a standard measuring stick, or if it does,
the effect may be disregarded in any measurements we are yet
able to perform; and
2) Acceleration does not affect the speed of light in vacuum.
We believe these assertions to be reasonable because we would
expect that any effect of acceleration would depend on its
magnitude. We can always reduce the acceleration to some low
value where the assertions would be true.
These assertions amount to the statement that we will regard
the Lorentz transformation as instantaneously correct when we
use it to compare observations made on an accelerated frame with
those made on an inertial frame. Observations of length, time,
and the velocity of light made on an inertial frame which is
instantaneously at rest with respect to the accelerated frame will
agree with similar observations made on the accelerated frame.
Suppose that the accelerated frame is moving in the +x direc-
tion with respect to an inertial frame with acceleration a, and
that there is a source S at the origin of this frame and a detector
D at some coordinate position x in this frame, along its x axis.
A pulse of light emitted from the source at t = 0 is received by
the detector at t xle later, at which time the detector is moving
at at axle faster than the source was moving when the light
was emitted.
Observers located at the detector in the accelerated frame must
agree with observers on an inertial frame instantaneously at rest
with respect to them about measurements of length and time,
and so they must also agree about measurements of frequency.
At the instant of detection these observers agree that the source
is receding from the detector with speed axle, and that the angle
between the direction of motion of the source and the detected
photon is 7f'. If the proper frequency of the photon is vo, as
measured at the source, observers at the detector must find the
frequency Doppler shifted to the red to some new value v.
In the notation of Eqs. 5-4.3 and 5-4.4, the angle (J =.". =()',
the proper frequency of the photon is Yo v', and the detected
frequency is v. Note that the speed of the proper frame with
respect to the laboratory frame is V axle and that Yo-2 =1 -
V21c2. Then according to Eq. 5-4.3c we have
II = 1101'0(1 - Vic)
(1 - Vic)
= 110 (1 - V2 I c2)1/2
_ [1 +- VVicI C]1/2
- 110 1
note that clocks at the bottom run slow. Since this is a relativistic
phenomenon and has nothing to do with the construction of a
particular atom or clock, we must conclude that all clocks deep
in a mine shaft run more slowly than clocks at the top of the
shaft. This observation includes biological clocks as well as other
kinds. .
While the gravitational red shift may be regarded as being well
substantiated experimentally, a second gravitational effect on
light, the deflection of a ray of light in a gravitational field, has
not yet been fully confirmed quantitatively. Nevertheless, it is
instructive to examine the behavior of a light ray in a uniform
gravitational field by application of the equivalence principle
and aberration. Once again we proceed by studying the accel-
erated coordinate frame.
We wish first to study the path of a ray of light in an acceler-
ated frame (the unprimed frame) which moves with acceleration
a and instantaneous velocity V in the +x direction with respect
to an inertial frame (the primed frame) in whiCh the source was
at rest at the instant the light was emitted. Equivalently,. we may
say that the primed frame moves with respect to the unprimed
frame with speed - V at the time t when we examine the motion
of the light. By Eq. 5-4.4, the light will be seen to move in two
different directions in the two frames, as given by
- Vic
cos 8 = cos 8' . (5-6.3)
1 - !:::cos8'
A ray of light directed along the y' axis of the inertial frame
.continues to move in that direction with velocity c, and the angle
8' is always 7r12. But this is not the case in the accelerated frame.
for as the frame moves with increasing speed with respect to the
inertial frame, the angle 8 which the ray makes with the x axis
of the accelerated frame is given by
cos 8 = -Vic, (5-6.4)
and since
V = at,
we find that
cos (J = -at/c. (5-6.5)
(Since the aberration effect is of first order in V /c, and any effects
of time dilation are of second order in V /c, we need not concern
ourselves with any differences between time measured in the
accelerated frame and time measured in the inertial frame.)
(a) (b)
FIG. 5-6.1 (a) The path of a ray of light in an inertial frame is a
straight line in field free space. Here the primed frame is the frame in
which th, source was instantaneously at rest at the instant the light
was emitted. (b) The path of the ray of light observed in the accelerated
frame (unprimed) is curved, deflected from the y axis in a direction
opposite to the acceleration. (On an inertial frame in a uniform gravi-
tational field the light is deflected in the direction of the field.)
The path of the light ray may be described through the equations
A. A. Bartlett, "Compton Effect," Am. J. Phys. 32,120 (1964).
A. J. F. Boyle and H. E. Hall, "The Mossbauer Effect," Progress in
Physics 25, 442 (1962).
FIG. 6-1.1 The vector product, or cross product, of two vectors A and
B is the vector C, written as A X B = C. The magnitude of C is given
by C = AB sin (J, and the direction of C is perpendicular to the plane
formed by A and B pointing in the direction of advance of a right-hand
screw turned so as to advance from A to B. The angle (J is the angle
between A and B when these are drawn from a common origin.
X8 x X8 x x IX
x x x x
x x x x x x
X8 X X8 X X 8X
FIG. 6-5.1 A current , flows in a closed circuit made up of a wire s
which slides over parallel tracks through a region of flux density B
(measured in the frame in which the tracks are at rest). An electromo-
tive force is induced in the circuit. The wire is sometimes called the "seat
of emf," for the only contribution to the emf is in that portion of the
circuit containing the moving wire. Of course, the wire does not slide
by itself. An outside agency must exert a force in the direction of v to
keep the wire sliding with constant speed, and to provide the mechani-
cal energy which is converted to electrical energy.
8 8
... 8
8 8
.pe. v
8 8
+ . . . . . .
8 8
FIG. 6-5.2 (a) Faraday disk generator. A copper disk rotating in a uni-
form Reid generates a potential difference between brushes on the axle
and the rim. (b) Linear counterpart of the Faraday disk. A long bar
moves through a uniform magnetic Reid.
(6-6.1 a)
and (6-6.1 b)
B = qm 1, (6-6.1c)
and E = -v xB = (6-6.1d)
transforms into
S2 = 'Y 2X2 + y2 + Z2 = 'Y 2r2 (1 - fJ2 sin 2 6).
With these results we find from Eq. 6-6.3
D" = 'Yqxj41rs3, D II = 'Yqy j41rs 3, D. = 'Yqz/41rs3,
which may be expressed in terms of rand 6 as
D = qt. (6-6.5a)
41r'Y 2r2 (1 - fJ2 sin 2 6)1/2
and H = v X D. (6-6.5b)
The electric field of a rapidly moving charged particle is not
spherically symmetric. The fields ahead of the particle (6 = 0)
and directly behind it (8 = 'IT) are reduced, while the field is in-
creased in the transverse direction, as shown in Fig. 6-6.1.
When a relativistic charged particle passes through matter, an
E'.L = ')'(E.L + V X B)
so that
Eo')'(E.L +v X B) + P'.L = ')'(EoE.L + P.L + EoIJ.oV X H).
P'.L = ')'(P.L - EOV X (B - IJ.oH),
P'II = P II , (6-7.1 b)
M'.L = ')'(M.L + IJ.oV X P), (6-7,lc)
M'II = Mil' (6-7.1d)
In the usual way, the inverse transformation is obtained by
interchanging prime and unprime superscripts and by replacing
v by -v. We have
I' hI' /' ;t -"
FIG. 6-7.1
1 P
,1IM'~ 11M')~~'
/P /P / P1 / / /P /Py
s' s' s' s' s' s'
P J"P P I ~
P 'P 'P
v -
FIG. 6-8.1
e = 'YvB'g (6-8.2a)
We may analyze the behavior of the ribbon in another way.
From Eq. 6-7.2a moving magnetization appears in the laboratory
frame as polarization, with
(P = 'YEoV X M/.
From electrostatic theory, there is a potential discontinuity across
the opposite faces of a dipole layer of dipole moment per unit
E. Amaldi, G. Baroni, H. Bradner, H. G. deCarvaIho, L. Hoffman,
A. Manfredini, and G. Vanderhaeghe, Search for Dirac Magnetic
Poles, CERN 63-13 (1963).
R. Becker and F. Sauter, Electromagnetic Theory and Relativity, Blais-
dell Publishing Co., New York, 1964.
S. Devons, "The Search for the Magnetic Monopole," Science Progress
51,601 (1963).
B. Dibner, Oersted and the Discovery of Electromagnetism, Blaisdell
Publishing Co., New York, 1962.
R. P. Feynman, R. B. Leighton, and M. Sands, The Feynman Lectures
on Physics, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Inc., Reading, Mass.
F. Gutmann, "The Electret," Rev. Mod. Phys. 20, 457 (1948).
J. D. Jackson, Classical Electrodynamics, John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,
New York, 1962.
E. C. Kemble, Chairman, Coulomb's Law Committee, "The Teaching
of Electricity and Magnetism at the College Level," Am. ]. Phys. 18,
I and 69 (1950).
J. C. Maxwell, A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism (2 vol.) (re-
print), Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1954.
W. K. H. Panofsky and M. Phillips, Classical Electricity and Magnetism,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., 1955.
E. M. Pugh and E. W. Pugh, Principles of Electricity and Magnetism,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass.
W. T. Scott, "Resource Letter FC-I on the Evolution of the Electro-
magnetic Field Concept," Am. J. Phys. 31, I (1963).
F. S. Shire, Classical Electricity and Magnetism, Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 1960.
A. Sommerfeld, Electrodynamics (Lectures on Theoretical Physics,
Vol. 3) (reprint), Academic Press, New York (1964).
E. Whittaker, History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity (2 vol.)
(reprint), Harper Torchbook, New York.
General Bibliography
M. Born, Einstein's Theory of Relativity (reprint), Dover Publications,
Inc., New York, 1962.
E. U. Condon and H. Odishaw, Handbook of Physics, McGrawHilI
Book Company, Inc., New York, 1962.
A. Einstein, H. A. Lorentz, H. Minkowski, and H. Weyl, The Principle
of Relativity (reprint), Dover Publications, Inc., New York, 1923.
G.Holton, "Resource Letter SRT-l on Special Relativity Theory,"
Am. J. Phys. 30, 462 (1962). Selected reprints of journal articles from
this bibliography are available as a reprint book on special relativity
theory from the American Institute of Physics, 335 E. 45 St., New
York 17, N.Y.
G. Joos, Theoretical Physics, Hafner Publishing Co., New York, 1950.
L. Landau and E. Lifshitz, The Classical Theory of Fields, Addison-
Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mass., rev. 2d ed., 1962.
C. Moller, The Theory of Relativity, Oxford University Press, Oxford,
W. Pauli, Theory of Relativity, Pergamon Press, New York, 1958.
H. Semat and R. Katz, Physics, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York,
R. S. Shankland, "Conversations with Albert Einstein," Am. J. Phys.
31, 47 (1963).
Aberration, 40, 101 Compton wavelength, 86
Acceleration, transformation of, Conservation, of charge, 83, 105
Galilean, 16 of energy, 78, 86
Lorentz, 48 of linear momentum, 68, 85
Accelerated coordinate frames, 56, of magnetic poles, 105
96 Coordinate frame, accelerated, 96
Air navigation, 15 center of mass, 74, 78
Annihilation radiation, 83 inertial, 10
Atomic weight, 63 COPERNICUS (14731543), 9
Correspondence principle, 52
Covariance, 25, 77
Binomial expansion, 21
BOHR, NIELS (1885.1962), 52
BRADLEY, JAMES (1693.1762), 40 Dynamo, III
Bucherer experiment, 55 deBrogIie equation, 67
DEBROGLIE, LOUIS (b. 1892), 67
Dipole moment, 107
Calorie, 63
Doppler effect, broadening of spec-
Causal connection, 32
tral lines, 92
Center of mass, nonrelativistic, 71
longitudinal, 91
relativistic, 77
transverse, 9I
Center of mass frame, nonrela-
tivistic, 71
relativistic, 77 EINSTEIN, ALBERT (1879-1956), 24,
Centrifugal force, II 123
Charge conservation, 83, 105 Elastic collisions, 74
Clock, rod, 25 Electrical generator, dynamo, II I
Closed system, 70 homopolar, 112
COMPTON, A. H. (1892-1962),85 unipolar, 112
Compton effect, 85, 87 Electromagnetic induction, 110
P 31 -1 Eqs. 2-1.3
P 34 +2 1.84 xlO- 7 sec
p 34 +8 y. 7.0~
p 47 +7 edge ~
----~:..2 dU~
P 48
P 50
Eq. 2-9.1 b dU y,z
Problem 2-9.2 b) 53
. c) 0.16