Pattern of Encephaloceles A Case Series
Pattern of Encephaloceles A Case Series
Pattern of Encephaloceles A Case Series
Encephalocele is the protrusion of the cranial contents beyond the normal confines of the skull
through a defect in the calvarium and is far less common than spinal dysraphism. The exact world
wide frequency is not known. A substantial proportion of children especially those born with a
large encephaloceles are physically and intellectually disabled. Our objective of this descriptive
case series was to determine the patterns and surgical outcomes in various types of encephalocele in
our setting. Methods: The study was carried at Department of Neurosurgery, Liaquat University
Hospital, Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistan during year 2005 to 2007. Patients with encephalocele
(occipital, Scincipital, parietal) admitted during year 2005 to 2007 were evaluated for their clinical
features. Complete base line investigations were performed including ultrasound, CT scan and MRI
of brain. Other congenital anomalies were also noted in record. Written consent was taken. Operative
and postoperative records were maintained. Statistical analysis was done by SPSS method. Results:
25 children with encephalocele were selected during the years 2005-2007. Out of these 19 (76%)
were male and 6 (24%) female. Age range was 06 days to 2 years. Most common type of
encephalocele was occipital 20 (80%). All patients underwent surgery. Out of 25 only one patient
was died. Postoperative follow up showed uneventful results. Conclusion: Most common type of
encephalocele is occipital in our set up. Contents of the sac of encephaloceles are dysplastic brain
tissue and there is no harm to sacrifice it.
Key words: Encephalocele, Occipital, Scincipital, Hydrocephalus, Prognosis.
INTRODUCTION anomalies. A substantial proportion of children
especially those born with a large encephaloceles are
Encephalocele is the protrusion of the cranial contents
physically and intellectually disabled. The absence of
beyond the normal confines of the skull through a
brain tissue within the sac is the single most favourable
defect in the calvarium. Encephaloceles is far less
prognostic factor for survival.6
common than spinal dysraphism. It is a serious
Ultrasound can detect the occipital
congenital anomaly characterized by herniation of
encephaloceles and it is widely available. CT Scan is
brain and meninges through a defect along the mid line
preferred for visualization of internal and external
of the cranial vault or at the base of skull.1 The exact
bony defects. MRI can visualize the herniated contents
world wide frequency is not known. It occurs in 14
within the sac and help in detecting other brain
cases per 10,000 lives births.2 The primary
abnormality in the development of an encephalocele is
Frontoethmoidal encephaloceles present with
a mesodermal defect resulting in a defect in the
a facial mass. Nasofrontal encephaloceles appear at the
calvarium and dura associated with herniation of CSF,
root of the nose above the level of nasal bone.
brain tissues and meninges through defect.
Nasoethmoidal encephaloceles are situated inferior to
Commonest site of encephalocele is occipital (75%),
the nasal bones and naso-orbital encephalcels cause
followed by frontoethmoidal (13% to 15%), Parietal
proptosis and displacement of eye ball. Basal
(10% to 12%) or sphenoidal. Occipital encephalocele
encephaloceles are not directly visible. Children with
is common in western hemisphere where as anterior
anterior encephaloceles have a better prognosis. They
encephaloceles are common in south East Asia.3,4
must be differentiated from nasal glioma, dermoid and
Occipital Encephaloceles can be diagnosed
nasal polyp.8
through high level ultrasound examination and
Treatment aim is the closure of the defect. In
prevalence of encephaloceles is likely to be decreasing
case of occipital encephaloceles, Surgery is usually
in those countries where women have the options of
accomplished soon after the birth and reposition the
terminating their pregnancies.5 Although prenatal
bulging brain back into skull, remove any dysplastic
detection may have an impact on the prevalence of
brain tissue, sac like protrusion and correct skull
encephaloceles among live births, a substantial number
of infant are continue to be born with encephaloceles.
Considerable variation in epidemiology of
The risk of mortality for such infants is highest during
encephaloceles through out the world has been
the first day of life, continue to occur through
described in previous studies. We report our
adolescence and is influence by several clinical and
experience and compared it with other national and
demographic characteristic including site of defect,
international studies.
contents of sac, low birth weight, associated congenital 125
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2008;20(1)
MATERIAL AND METHODS fontanel was severely tense due to massive dilatation
of ventricles.
This descriptive case series was conducted at the
In frontonasal encephaloceles, bicoronal
department of Neurosurgery, Liaquat University
incision made and frontal craniotomy done. Frontal
Hospital, Jamshoro during the period of 2005 to 2007.
lobe was elevated and dural defect found and dura
The case record of all the patients who were
repaired with 3/0 silk. Dysplastic brain tissue in
admitted with encephalocele were evaluated regarding
remaining sac was removed. Pericranium applied to
age, sex, site and size of encephalocele, associated
the floor of frontal lobes. In frontorbital encephalocels,
congenital cranial and systemic abnormalities,
frontal craniotomy done, defect found and roof of orbit
investigations, operative and postoperative results. All
nibbled. Whole of sac from orbital cavity removed and
patients were considered for surgery except those with
closed with 3/0 silk.
microcephaly, low birth weight and breathing
In parietal encephalocale, after skin incision,
difficulties. VP shunts used where associated
dural defect was found. Dura opened and dysplastic
hydrocephalus was present. The data was analyzed
brain tissue removed. Dura closed water tight. No
with SPSS.
complication found during removal of dysplastic brain
RESULTS tissue. In authors opinion dysplastic brain tissue can
There were 28 admissions of patients with the be removed safely instead of pushing inside cranial
cavity. In other cases whole of dysplastic brain was out
encephaloceles during the study period. Out of these,
of skull and infected. Fascia lata graft was applied over
25 Children with encephaloceles were selected in the
defect. Postoperatively, graft became gangrenous but
study while three were excluded on the basis of low
recovery was uneventful.
birth weight and respiratory difficulties. Out of these
19 (76%) were males, while 6 (24%) were females.
Age range was 6 days to 2 years (Table-1). Most
common site for defect was occipital region 20 (80%),
(Table-2). Dysplastic brain tissue and CSF was found
in all cases. Hydrocephalus was found in 18 patients
(Occipital 16, nasoethmoidal 2). Associated anomalies
include agenesis of corpus callosum, Multiseptat
hydrocephalus, Cortical atrophy, dandy-walker
malformations. Systemic abnormalities include foot
deformities (Telepes equino verus), Dextrocardia,
chest deformity, Polycystic kidneys, cleft palate. All
patients with encephaloceles were investigated with
ultrasound brain and CT scan. MRI was done in few
cases. All Patients had history of cousin marriages.
The size of sac was ranged from 22 Cm to 2216 Cm Figure-1: Photographs showing child in lateral
in diameter (Figure-1). All patients underwent surgery. position with large occipital encephalocele.
Surgery performed in lateral position in cases of
occipital encephaloceles and supine position in non
occipital encephaloceles. In occipital encephaloceles,
skin incision was made at junction of normal and
dysplatic skin. Where skin was normal through out,
care was taken to made incision in such a way so that
skin should be closed later on. Neck of the sac was
identified and silk was applied at the neck of sac. After
the occlusion of pedicle of sac, whole sac was cut
associated with dysplastic brain tissue (Figure-2). In
cases of large sac containing CSF, head side of
operating table kept down and CSF was removed from
sac slowly. Cut ends of sac closed water tight and
finally skin closed. All patients were well after
surgery. Sixteen patients with occipital encephaloceles Figure-2: Peroperative photograph showing
and 2 nasoethmoidal needed further occipital encephalocele sac containing dysplastic
ventriculoperitoneal shunts. One patient died as diverticulum.
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2008;20(1)
Table-1: Distribution of Patients on the basis of age technique using tantalum mesh to expand the cranium to
Age Group No. of cases Percentage incorporate the herniated brain tissue into the cranial
Up to 6 months 17 68% cavity.17 Transposition of herniated brain requires a
From 6 months to 1 year 5 20%
From 1 to 2 years 3 12%
longer surgery time and has additional risk to the young
child.18 In our series, the dysplastic brain tissue which
Table-2: Anatomical location of encephalocele in was coming out of skull was removed. Initial search was
patient done with imaging and peroperative findings to prevent
Site of encephalocele No. of cases Percentage post operative neurological complications. Post
Occipital 20 80% Operative hydrocephalus was treated with VP shunts.
Frontoethmoidal 2 8%
In all the occipital, parietal and nasal
Fronto orbital 1 4% encephaloceles, dysplastic brain tissue was removed
Fronto nasal 0 0% safely. No advance procedure done. All patients were
Parietal 2 8% well after surgery except in one case of occipital
encephaloceles which were died postoperatively. In
DISCUSSION authors opinion the cause of death was increase CSF
Encephalocele represents a congenital defect of cranium pressure as tense fontanels observed. So all patients
in which a portion of central nervous system herniates observed carefully and shunt should be placed as earlier
through the defect. It is a common congenital problem as possible or as one stage procedure when the
in practice of neurosurgery world wide. Occipital hydrocephalus present with encephaloceles.
encephaloceles can vary from a small swelling to In case of Frontoethmoidal encephaloceles,
extremely large one. In our series, most common site aim of surgery is water tight dural closure at the level of
was occipital. The size of sac have been reported more internal defect, closure of internal skull defect , resection
than 20 Cm in diameter.9 In our series the sac is of sac and reconstruction of external bony deformity.19
approximately 2216 Cm in diameter which is the In most frontoethmoidal encephaloceles sac can be
largest size. The contents of the sac vary from small sacrificed without causing any additional neurological
dysplastic diverticulum to large amount of degenerative deficit . Treatment of frontoethmoidal encephaloceles
brain tissue. Large sacs were always filled with CSF. should be recommended at an earlier age to avoid
The bony defect can vary in size. Defect can be even distortion of facial anatomy during growth. An over all
smaller in larger encephaloceles. Male predominance mortality of 7%20 % with a favourable developmental
was found in our series compared to other series.10,11 out come has been mentioned.20 The prognosis is mainly
Larger encephaloceles may be complicated by determined by the presence of associated hydrocephalus
CSF leakage followed by infection.12 In our series, only or additional congenital anomalies of brain.21 In our
one case of parietal encephalocele was infected series 3 patients of frontoethmoidal encephaloceles (2
preoperatively. Surgical repair of encephaloceles can be naso ethmoidal and 01 nasoorbital) under went surgery
done electively unless a sac has ruptured or a CSF leak without any additional post operative neurological
is present. Elective surgery provides the time to patients deficit. Both nasoethmoidal encephaloceles developed
to gain weight and strength and offer the surgeon for post operative hydrocephalus for that VP shunt was
selection of best technique. Most large encephaloceles placed. Post operative recovery was un-event full.
required urgent surgical treatment to avoid damage to In parietal encephaloceles, contra lateral
sac. Surgical treatment of large encephaloceles where hemiparesis was found in one patient.22 No additional
functional brain matter is a content of the sac can some neurological deficit was found accept delayed mild
time be extremely difficult. In addition intra cranial stones. Hydrocephalus was not found in these patients.
vessels may enter into sac and loop out of the sac to The presence of gross brain tissue in sac of
supply normal brain parenchyma, excision of brain in occipital encephaloceles, associated hydrocephalus and
such cases can produce infarctions.13 other congenital anomalies are unfavourable factors for
Post operative hydrocephalus should be prognosis compared to the parietal and sincipital
managed through ventriculoperitoneal shunts as one or encephaloceles.
two stage procedures.14 Some times these procedures
should be performed before the definite repair of CONCLUSION
encephaloceles.15 Endoscopic 3rd ventriculostomy is also Occipital encephalocele is the common type found in
used to treat hydrocephalus in case of encephaloceles.16 our setup. There was male predominance as compared
Microcephaly is another pitfall in surgery to the other international series. Contents of the
where herniated brain tissue can not be pushed back in encephaloceles are dysplastic brain tissue and there is no
side the small existing cranial cavity. harm to sacrify them. But all patients should have
Expansile cranioplasty has been in practice to neuroimaging preoperatively and surgery should be
expand the cranial cavity. Gallo et al described a aimed to prevent further neurological deficit. Surgery 127
J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad 2008;20(1)
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