Család: 1.1. Válságban Van-E A Házasság/család? Miért (Nem) ?
Család: 1.1. Válságban Van-E A Házasság/család? Miért (Nem) ?
Család: 1.1. Válságban Van-E A Házasság/család? Miért (Nem) ?
I think, there is no crisis in family and marriage but the roles have changed. Many of women
have workplace, they became important part of economy. Lot of women are single, who
consider their careers more important than their families. They do not have a husband and they
do not want one a long time.
A century ago it was the husband who was the breadwinner of the family. He was responsible
for earning the money for the family. However, the role of the wife was as important as that of
the husband. She was in charge of the whole family.
Nowadays a man has to help his wife in household chores. For example, there are common
phenomenon, when the father goes shopping or takes out the garbage.
People are afraid of having a child because their financial situations are not satisfactory enough
to bring up children. There is a tremendous problem in Hungary nowadays, therefore the
population of Hungary is decreasing. Although governments have tried to encourage young
couples with different subsidies, this issue has not been solved. This is the trend in the western
European countries too, however, it is more likely that it is not the money that stops them from
having children.
I think large families are happy families. The children in a large family naturally learn how to
be considerate to others and that they are not the centre of the universe. For them the family is
a large unit in which every single member stands by the other whatever happens. They can
share their sorrows and they can share their toys. They have advantage of never feeling lonely.
I think everybody needs independence. Some people love having time to themselves.
Independent people maintain separate social lives from those of their partners: They have their
own friends and attend their own social events, in addition to sharing some of those things with
one another. Maintaining an independent social life is good for any romantic relationship
because its simply too much to expect your romantic partner to fulfill all of your social needs.
For some people, being in love means moving in together as quickly as possible, while others
are happy to maintain their separate living spaces for a long time. When independent people do
finally move in with their partners, they do so after a lot of thoughtful consideration and
discussion of how their cohabitation is going to work, giving the endeavor a firm basis for
There are several reasons why people get divorced. Most people do not know each other at the
time of their marriage, It is vital that young couples cohabit before getting married. That is the
only way you get to know your partner. If people live together, all the bad habits might come
up and then you decide whether you still want to be bound to the same person or not.
I think another reason for getting divorced can be the lack of communication. There are plenty
of issues that are left unanswered. People do not dare to speak about their problems thinking
that they would be a burden on their partner. However, this leads to further trouble as every
nuisance piles up and erupts suddenly.
When a couple gets divorced, it is still not the end of their relationship. For some of them it is
the beginning. the beginning of a very unpleasant relationship. First, they cannot agree on how
to divide their properties and both have more claims than they are entitled to. it leads to further
arguments and no settlement.
1.8. Mirt veszekedik a legtbb hzaspr? Milyen lenne az idelis frj/felesg?
They say most relationships have much the same arguments most of the time. Here are some
reasons for relationship conflicts:
Tidiness/cleanliness. Never have there been two people who had exactly the same standards in
these areas. To one person, the other will always be a slob.
False memory syndrome. Many arguments are not about the facts of what happened but how
it is remembered.
Who decides whats best for the children. If you have a family, a large number of arguments
are about the right way of bringing up the kids.
Money. Who earns most? If you earn five times what your partner does, should you split it
evenly with them?
Relatives. Perhaps you like her sister a little too much. Or perhaps your mother thinks shes not
good enough for you. The gap between your own perceptions of your family and your partners
is usually considerable. Also, the way your parents relate will have provided you with a
template, consciously or unconsciously, for the way you relate.
Holidays. Its the gap between hope and reality that is the killer. They like Christmas and
birthdays are petri dishes for disappointment, and disappointment leads to conflict.