07 FC
07 FC
07 FC
Expenditures .........................................................................................................................3
Accounts Payable .................................................................................................................3
Contracts Payable.................................................................................................................4
Encumbrances ......................................................................................................................4
Revenues ...............................................................................................................................5
Interfund Receivables/Payables and Transfers .................................................................6
Capital AssetsPurchase....................................................................................................6
Closing Entries......................................................................................................................7
The following pages have examples of the types of General Journal entries common to school
districts. They are presented in a standard accounting format so that the full entry can be
visualized. Districts that are members of the Washington School Information Processing
Cooperative (WSIPC) will understand that many of these entries are generated as part of the
overall system approach and should refer to the manuals they provide for guidance.
For debit and credit transfer objects of expenditure journal entries, see Chapter 6Expenditure
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
200 Imprest Cash 10
230 Cash on Hand 53
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1,873
310 Taxes Receivable 10,792
330 Due From Other Governmental Units 340
340 Accounts Receivable 80
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 250
420 InventoryLunchroom 40
430 Prepaid Items 40
450 Investments 500
455 InvestmentDeferred Compensation 100
241 Warrants Outstanding 367
601 Accounts Payable 900
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 150
605 Accrued Salaries 60
610 Payroll Deductions and Taxes Payable 8
635 Deferred Compensation Payable 100
637 Estimated Unemployment Benefits Payable 150
750 Deferred Revenue 420
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 10,792
840 Reserved for Inventory 290
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 841
To record the General Fund opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This represents the
beginning trial balance.
Budget Entries
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
510 Estimated Revenues 47,550
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 200
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 250
900 Appropriations 47,750
905 Other Financing Uses (Appropriations) 250
To record the annual budget of the General Fund as adopted by the board of directors for the
fiscal year 20XX.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 600
830 Reserved for Debt Service 100
840 Reserved for Inventory 500
To record the establishment of restrictions on fund balance adopted in the budget for the
replenishment of inventory and for the future payment of debt.
Budget EntriesModifications
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
510 Estimated Revenue 20
900 Appropriations 20
To record budget extension due to unanticipated revenues and increase existing appropriations.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 70
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 30
905 Other Financing Uses (Appropriations) 40
To record budget extension due to unanticipated other financing sources and to increase
estimated other financing uses.
RevenuesProperty Tax
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
310 Taxes Receivable 6,230
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 6,230
To record the property taxes levied for the General Fund in the tax year 20XX.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 14,950
960 Revenues 14,950
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 14,950
310 Taxes Receivable 14,950
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 17
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 17
To record the refund of collected property taxes as reported by the county treasurer.
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 36,580
960 Revenues 36,580
To record revenues, except property taxes, collected directly by the county treasurer and not
previously established as a receivable.
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
340 Accounts Receivable 7,350
960 Revenues 7,250
965 Other Financing Sources 100
To record revenues and other financing sources established as receivables and available. (The
$100 represents sources from the sale of equipment.)
# 12
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 180
960 Revenues 160
965 Other Financing Sources 20
To record revenues from cash receipts. (The $20 represents sources from the sale of
# 13
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 264
230 Cash on Hand 264
# 14
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 5
241 Warrants Outstanding 5
To record the refund of revenues when revenues were received by the school district.
# 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
330 Due From Other Governmental Units 100
340 Accounts Receivable 150
750 Deferred Revenue 150
960 Revenues 100
To record accounts receivable from sources other than property taxes. The deferred revenues
that are being established in accounts receivable are not available for revenue accrual.
# 16
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 60
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 90
340 Accounts Receivable 150
To record the collection of various accounts receivable established in Entry # 13. See collateral
Entry # 17.
# 17
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
750 Deferred Revenue 150
960 Revenue 150
To record as revenue, the collection of various accounts receivable. See previous Entries # 15
and # 16.
# 18
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
750 Deferred Revenue 20
340 Accounts Receivable 20
# 19
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 7,000
605 Accrued Salaries 5,600
610 Payroll Deductions and Taxes Payable 1,400
# 20
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 350
610 Payroll Deductions and Taxes Payable 350
# 21
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
605 Accrued Salaries 5,660
610 Payroll Deductions and Taxes Payable 1,758
241 Warrants Outstanding 7,418
# 22
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 37,000
601 Accounts Payable 37,000
To record amounts expended other than payroll during the current period.
# 23
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 37,060
241 Warrants Outstanding 37,060
To record issuance of warrants for amounts previously accrued. See Entry #1 for prior year
accrual of $60 and Entry # 22 for current year accrual of $37,000.
# 24
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 5
530 Expenditures 5
To record refunds of expenditures to the school district. The credit to expenditures is to the
same program/activity/object that was used for the original expenditure.
# 25
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 3
530 Expenditures 3
# 26
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 300
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 300
To record the reestablishment of encumbrances cancelled at the end of the prior year, but that
are still considered open. This entry is made soon after the beginning of the current fiscal year.
# 27
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 8,000
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 8,000
To record the issuance of purchase orders, contracts, and payroll. Encumbrances are
established on a routine basis at the time of issuance and not once a year as this entry
# 28
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 7,000
520 Encumbrances 7,000
# 29
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
200 Imprest Cash 5
241 Warrants Outstanding 5
# 30
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 4
241 Warrants Outstanding 4
# 31
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1
200 Imprest Cash 1
To record the return of an imprest account when the account is abolished or reduced.
# 32
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
350 Interfund Loans Receivable 150
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 150
To record a loan to another fund (e.g., Capital Projects Fund). (This entry can also be made
using Account 241 instead of Account 240.)
# 33
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
320 Due From Other Funds 19
241 Warrants Outstanding 19
To record payment of expenditures (wages, travel, etc.) of the ASB Fund by the General Fund
and the establishment of an interfund receivable.
(See Entries # 19 and # 20 in the ASB Fund.)
# 34
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 162
320 Due From Other Funds 10
350 Interfund Loans Receivable 150
960 Revenues 2
To record the repayment of a $150 loan made to the Capital Projects Fund and the partial
reimbursement of a receivable for payments made for the ASB Fund by the General Fund.
Interfund loan interest of $2 is collected only on the interfund loan.
# 35
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit with County Treasurer 500
645 Interfund Loans Payable 500
# 36
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 50
640 Due to Other Funds 50
To record a $50 reimbursement of expenditures which were paid by the ASB Fund.
# 37
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
536 Other Financing Uses Transfers Out 50
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 50
To record a $50 operating transfer-out to the Transportation Vehicle Fund. (This entry can also
be made using Account 241 instead of Account 240.)
# 38
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 15
645 Interfund Loans Payable 500
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 515
To record the repayment of the $500 loan from the Capital Projects Fund. Interfund loan interest
of $15 was paid.
# 39
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
640 Due to Other Funds 50
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 50
To record the repayment of $50 payable that was for expenditures paid by the ASB Fund.
(See Entry # 37.)
Prepaid Items
# 40
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
430 Prepaid Items 60
601 Accounts Payable 60
# 41
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 60
241 Warrants Outstanding 60
# 42
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 50
430 Prepaid Items 50
To record current year expenditures for first year of insurance set up in preceding entry ($30)
and business machine contract ($20) set up in opening entry.
# 43
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
450 Investments 1,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1,000
# 44
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 865
450 Investments 850
960 Revenues 15
Contracts PayableLong-Term
# 45
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 155
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 155
To record a two-year conditional sales contract. A television system has been purchased in the
current period.
# 46
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 150
965 Other Financing Sources 150
To record the delivery of the television system. The contract has a payment of $50 due in two
months. (See Entry # 47.)
** Collateral entry (long-term portion of $100) may be recorded in the long-term debt holding
account.(See Entry # 14.)
# 47
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 50
241 Warrants Outstanding 50
To record the current portion of the contract for the purchase of the television system.
(See Entry # 46.)
# 48
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 150
520 Encumbrances 150
To record decrease in encumbrances concurrent with expenditures for delivery of the television
** Collateral entry may be recorded in capital asset holding account. (See Entry # 4.)
# 49
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 5
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 5
To record the first-year interest charge on the installment purchase contract. Interest accrues as
time passes and therefore becomes a payable when the first payment comes due.
# 50
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 5
520 Encumbrances 5
To record the decrease in encumbrances concurrent with establishing a payable for interest on
the contract.
# 51
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 55
241 Warrants Outstanding 55
To record the first payment on the conditional sales contract. The principal amount is $50 with
interest of $5.
# 52
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 220
601 Accounts Payable 220
# 53
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 220
241 Warrants Outstanding 220
# 54
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 195
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 195
To record the reduction in inventory for supplies and materials withdrawn from stock or an
inventory reduction when a physical inventory reveals that the book figure exceeds the actual
# 55
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 250
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 250
To record expenditures of inventory items at the beginning of year. It is assumed that inventory
items are used before any new purchases.
# 56
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 200
601 Accounts Payable 200
# 57
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 50
530 Expenditures 50
To record the establishment of inventory accounts based on a periodic physical count of items.
Inventory should be costed by using the first in-first out method (FIFO).
# 58
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
420 InventoryLunchrooms 450
601 Accounts Payable 450
# 59
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 155
420 InventoryLunchrooms 155
# 60
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 100
420 InventoryLunchrooms 100
To record the reduction of inventories when physical inventories reveal that the book figures
exceed the actual stock.
# 61
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
420 InventoryLunchrooms 150
601 Accounts Payable 150
# 62
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 400
420 InventoryLunchrooms 400
# 63
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 400
601 Accounts Payable 400
# 64
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
420 InventoryLunchrooms 400
530 Expenditures 400
To record the establishment of inventory accounts based on the periodic count of items.
Inventory should be valued by using the first in-first out method.
Accounts Payable
# 65
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 200
601 Accounts Payable 200
# 66
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 199
241 Warrants Outstanding 199
# 67
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 42,700
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 42,700
# 68
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 1
530 Expenditures 1
Capital AssetsTrade-In
# 68a
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 10,000
493 Capital AssetsEquipment 10,000
To record the purchase of a new truck costing $15,000 net of a trade-in allowance of $5,000.
Deferred Compensation
# 69
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
455 InvestmentsDeferred Compensation 60
635 Deferred Compensation Payable 60
To record the investment and related liability for deferred compensation. Cash for investments is
obtained by warrant written along with the payroll. Amounts are expended with payroll.
# 70
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
635 Deferred Compensation Payable 5
455 InvestmentsDeferred Compensation 5
# 71
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 30
455 InvestmentsDeferred Compensation 30
To record the partial liquidation of investments for the purpose of making payments to
employees. This entry assumes that investments are not handled by the county. If the county
liquidates investments, G.L. 230 is replaced by G.L. 240.
# 72
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
635 Deferred Compensation Payable 30
241 Warrants Outstanding 28
610 Payroll Deductions and Taxes Payable 2
To record the payment to an employee or a former employee and the accrual of the federal tax
# 73
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
459 Self-Insurance Security Deposits 1,500
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1,500
To record the security deposit required by the Department of Labor and Industries for a deposit
held in trust by the county treasurer. (G.L. Account 241 may be appropriate if the deposit is held
in trust by other than the county treasurer.)
# 74
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 30
639 Estimated Industrial Insurance Benefits Payable 30
To record the expenditure for industrial insurance benefits and the liability claims. This is a
payroll entry.
# 75
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
639 Estimated Industrial Insurance Benefits Payable 10
241 Warrants Outstanding 10
# 76
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 5
601 Accounts Payable 5
To record the supplemental pension, consulting firm service fees, surety bond premiums, legal
and other related expenditures involved with industrial insurance benefits.
# 77
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 40
637 Estimated Unemployment Benefits Payable 40
To record the expenditure of unemployment benefits during payroll processing. The liability is
for estimated future claims against current wages.
# 78
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
637 Estimated Unemployment Benefits Payable 10
241 Warrants Outstanding 10
Entries for immaterial errors are handled the same as correcting entries in the current year. See
Expenditures section of Journal Entries. Refer to definition of materiality in Chapter 8Financial
Prior period or year adjustments are infrequent and must be of a material amount. Entries # 79,
# 80, # 81, and # 82 are samples of some adjustments that might be necessary in certain
unusual situations. Refer to definition of materiality in Chapter 8Financial Reporting.
# 79
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 50,000
898 Prior Year Corrections or Restatements 50,000
# 80
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
898 Prior Year Corrections or Restatements 40,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 40,000
# 81
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
420 InventoryLunchrooms 15,600
898 Prior Year Corrections or Restatements 15,600
To record the correction of an error in recording the prior year physical inventory.
# 82
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
898 Prior Year Corrections or Restatements 15,000
601 Accounts Payable 15,000
To record the correction of prior year accruals that were missed in error.
Fund entity changes occur when an equity transfer is made to another governmental unit
outside of the school district.
# 82a
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
898 Prior Year Corrections or Restatements 400,000
630 Due to Other Governmental Units 400,000
To record transfer of resources to XYZ ECEAP Center. This journal entry is used to reduce
beginning fund balance. At the end of the year, GL Account 898 is closed to 890 Unreserved
Fund Balance.
# 83
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 500
605 Accrued Salaries 460
610 Payroll Deductions and Taxes Payable 40
To record payroll accruals as of the end of fiscal year 8/31/20XX. Since all expenditures are
processed through the payables, this represents only amounts that do not already appear in the
balance of the payables at the end of the period.
Closing Entries
# 84
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
900 Appropriations 47,770
905 Other Financing Uses (Appropriations) 290
510 Estimated Revenues 47,570
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 270
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 220
To record the closing of the budgetary accounts. Since these accounts must always be in
balance during the year, the closing entries simply eliminate the existing balances.
# 85
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 46,331
530 Expenditures 46,281
535 Other Financing Uses 50
To record the closing of expenditures and other financing uses at the end of the fiscal year.
# 86
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 59,219
965 Other Financing Sources 220
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 59,439
To record the closing of revenues and other financing sources at the end of the fiscal year.
# 87
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 1,300
520 Encumbrances 1,300
To record the closing of encumbrances to reserved for encumbrances at the end of the fiscal
# 88
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
898 Prior Year Corrections or Restatements 410,600
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 410,600
To record the closing of the prior year corrections at the end of the fiscal year.
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 85
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 1
430 Prepaid Items 1
450 Investments 18
601 Accounts Payable 1
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 104
To record the ASB Fund opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This represents the beginning
trial balance.
Budget Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
510 Estimated Revenues 338
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 38
900 Appropriations 300
To record the annual budget of the ASB Fund as adopted by the board of directors for the fiscal
year 20XX.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
200 Imprest Cash 10
241 Warrants Outstanding 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 8
241 Warrants Outstanding 8
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 8
930 Expenditure Contra (530) 8
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 10
200 Imprest Cash 10
To record the return of an imprest account when the account is reduced, abolished, or returned
to the district at year-end.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 2
410 InventorySupplies and Materials 2
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 2
930 Expenditure Contra (530) 2
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
450 Investments 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 110
450 Investments 100
960 Revenues 10
560 Revenue Contra (960) 10
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 129
241 Warrants Outstanding 129
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 129
930 Expenditure Contra (530) 129
To record expenditures.
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 168
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 168
Accounts Payable
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 2
241 Warrants Outstanding 2
# 12
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 2
601 Accounts Payable 2
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 2
930 Expenditure Contra 2
Contracts Payable
# 13
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 5
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 5
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 5
930 Expenditure Contra 5
# 14
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 3
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 3
# 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 3
520 Encumbrances 3
# 16
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 13
960 Revenues 13
560 Revenue Contra (960) 13
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 13
# 17
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 9
960 Revenues 9
560 Revenue Contra (960) 9
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 9
To record the receipt of revenues collected by the district for remittance to county treasurer via
the depository account.
# 18
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 9
230 Cash on Hand 9
# 19
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 19
640 Due to Other Funds 19
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 19
930 Expenditure Contra (530) 19
To record a liability to the General Fund for ASB expenditures incurred by the General Fund.
# 20
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
640 Due to Other Funds 19
241 Warrants Outstanding 19
To record the payment to the General Fund for the amount due.
Capital AssetsPurchase
# 21
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 10
241 Warrants Outstanding 10
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 10
930 Expenditure Contra (530) 10
** The donation of equipment items to the ASB Fund does not require an entry in the ASB
Fund. The equipment is recorded in the capital asset holding account.
(See Entry # 7.)
Closing Entries
# 22
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 38
900 Appropriations 300
510 Estimated Revenues 338
To record the closing of the budgetary accounts. Since these accounts must always be in
balance during the year, the closing entries simply eliminate the existing balances.
# 23
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
930 Expenditure Contra (530) 280
530 Expenditures 280
# 24
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 338
560 Revenue Contra (960) 328
# 25
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 8
520 Encumbrances 8
To close encumbrances to reserved for encumbrances at the close of the fiscal year.
NOTE: If encumbrances are carried forward to the next fiscal year, reestablish the prior year
encumbrances closed to the reserved for encumbrances by reversing that entry into the new
fiscal year.
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 42
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 17
310 Taxes Receivable 292
340 Accounts Receivable 100
450 Investments 350
675 Matured Bonds Payable 15
685 Matured Bond Interest Payable 2
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 392
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 392
To record the Debt Service Fund opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This represents the
beginning trial balance.
Budget Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
510 Estimated Revenues 763
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 110
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 60
900 Appropriations 833
905 Appropriations for Other Financing Uses 100
To record the annual budget of the Debt Service Fund as adopted by the board of directors
reflecting the amount of bonds to be redeemed, interest to be paid, and other uses in the
refunded bond fund.
RevenuesProperty Tax
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
310 Taxes Receivable 784
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 784
To record the property taxes levied for the Debt Service Fund for the tax year 20XX.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 688
960 Revenues 688
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 688
310 Taxes Receivable 688
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 1
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 188
960 Revenues 188
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
340 Accounts Receivable 10
965 Other Financing Sources 10
To record the proceeds from the sale of real property that are receivables. The property was
originally financed by the sale of bonds that have not been totally retired.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 10
340 Accounts Receivable 10
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 822
675 Matured Bonds Payable 750
685 Matured Bond Interest Payable 72
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 1
680 Bond Service Transfer Fees Payable 1
ExpendituresBond Redemption
# 12
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 842
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 842
To record the cash remitted to the fiscal agent for scheduled bond redemption and coupon
interest payments by the fiscal agent.
# 13
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
675 Matured Bonds Payable 763
685 Matured Bond Interest Payable 76
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 839
To record the redemption of matured bond principal and matured bond interest paid by a fiscal
agent other than the county treasurer. (G.L. Account 240 would be used instead of 250 if the
county treasurer paid the principal and interest.)
# 14
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 10
645 Interfund Loans Payable 10
# 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 1
645 Interfund Loans Payable 10
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 11
To record the repayment of a loan received from another fund. The $1 represents interest.
** Collateral entry may be recorded in the Long Term Debt Holding Account..
(See Entry # 8.)
# 16
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
965 Other Financing Sources 100
To record an operating transfer from the Transportation Vehicle Fund. The subsidiary used in
G.L. Account 965 is Account 9900 Transfers.
# 17
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
965 Other Financing UsesOperating Transfer OutGeneral 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
# 18
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
450 Investments 2,340
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 2,340
# 19
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 2,264
450 Investments 2,230
960 Revenues 34
Accrued Interest
# 20
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 20
604 Accrued Interest Payable 20
To record the cash received for accrued interest from date of bond issuance until the cash was
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 80
604 Accrued Interest Payable 20
240 Cash 100
To record the payment of interest on bonds including the accrued interest payable. See journal
entry #20 of this section.
Journal Entries for the Regular Method of Advance Bond Debt Refunding
# 21
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
535 Other Financing UsesPayment to Refunded Bond 510,000
Escrow Agent
965 Other Financing SourcesSale of Refunding Bonds 510,000
This entry records the proceeds from the sale of the refunding bonds and the payment to the
refunded bond escrow agent to defease the old debt. This entry also includes $10,000 in both
the Other Financing Uses and Other Financing Sources accounts for underwriting fees. If the
school district receives the cash from the sale of the refunding bonds, this entry would be split
into two entries that would include a debit to cash for the receipt of the proceeds and a credit to
cash to record the payments to the escrow agent and to the underwriter.
** Collateral entries may be recorded in the long-term debt holding account as Entries # 17
and # 18.
# 22
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 10,000
601 Accounts Payable 10,000
To record debt issuance expenditures from the debt service funds current resources for
underwriters fees. If underwriters fees are deducted from the proceeds of the refunding bonds,
Entry # 21 is to be used.
Journal Entries for the Crossover Method of Advance Bond Debt Refunding
# 23
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 500,000
965 Other Financing SourcesSale of Refunding Bonds 500,000
To record the amount placed in escrow as the result of a crossover refunding bond issue.
** Collateral entry may be recorded in the long-term debt holding account as Entry # 21.
# 24
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
535 Other Financing UsesCrossover Defeasance 500,000
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 500,000
To record the amount placed in escrow as the result of a crossover refunding bond issue.
** Collateral entry may be recorded in the long-term debt holding account as Entry # 21.
Account Account Title and Debits Credits Source
240 Cash On Deposit With 2,975 Accrued interest
County Treasurer
240 Cash On Deposit With 3,925 Addl proceeds to debt
County Treasurer service (new bond)
535 Bond Issue Costs 19,100 Payment of issue costs
535 Bond Issue Costs Bond insurance premium
(if any)
535 Bond Issue Costs 19,150 Underwriters discount
535 Bond Interest Expense 2,975 Accrued interest
535 Other Financing Uses 1,936,420 Deposit to escrow
535 Other Financing Uses 5 Deposit to escrow
965 Proceeds from Bonds 1,980,000 Par value of new bonds
965 Proceeds from Bonds 1,400 Original issue discount
965 Proceeds from Bonds Rounding of split costs
Note: Account 604 could be used for accrued interest if not done in the same fiscal year. If this
is done, it is important the entry be reversed the next year.
Closing Entries
# 26
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
900 Appropriations 833
905 Other Financing Uses (Appropriations) 100
510 Estimated Revenues 763
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 110
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 60
# 27
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 824
530 Expenditures 824
# 28
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 909
965 Other Financing Sources 10
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 919
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 525
310 Taxes Receivable 150
340 Accounts Receivable 10
450 Investments 25,000
241 Warrants Outstanding 100
601 Accounts Payable 75
750 Deferred Revenue 10
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 150
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 25,350
To record the Capital Projects Fund opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This represents
the beginning trial balance.
Budget Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
510 Estimated Revenues 18,000
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 19,000
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 2,000
900 Appropriations 35,000
To record the annual budget of the Capital Projects Fund as adopted by the board of directors
for fiscal year 20XXXX.
RevenuesProperty Tax
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
310 Taxes Receivable 3,000
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 3,000
To record the property taxes levied for the Capital Projects Fund for the tax year 20XX.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1,550
960 Revenues 1,550
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 1,550
310 Taxes Receivable 1,550
To record the reduction in taxes receivable as a result of property tax collections as reported by
the county treasurer.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 10
240 Cash on Deposit wWth County Treasurer 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
450 Investments 5,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 5,000
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 20,200
450 Investments 20,000
960 Revenues 200
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 100
960 Revenues 100
To record the receipt for revenues collected by the district to be remitted to the county treasurer.
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
230 Cash on Hand 100
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 19,000
965 Other Financing Sources 19,000
To record the sale of bonds. This entry can be used as a format for the following entries: sale of
real property, sale of equipment, and the compensated loss of capital assets.
# 11b
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 2,000,000
965 Other Financing Sources 2,000,000
To record the sale of zero-coupon bonds. Bonds have face value of $2,500,000 and are due in
15 years. See Collateral Entry # 22 in the long-term debt holding fund (if used).
# 12
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
645 Interfund Loans Payable 100
# 13
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 6
645 Interfund Loans Payable 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 106
To record the repayment of an interfund loan payable. Interfund interest of $6 was also paid.
# 14
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
320 Due From Other Funds 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
# 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 106
320 Due From Other Funds 100
960 Revenues 6
To record the repayment of interfund receivable from the General Fund including interest
earned of $6.
# 16
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
535 Other Financing Uses 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
To record the transfer of resources to the Debt Service Fund so that it can make payment on
non-voted bonds that were used to purchase portables.
# 17
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 4,000
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 4,000
# 18
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 4,000
601 Accounts Payable 4,000
To record expenditures.
# 19
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 4,000
520 Encumbrances 4,000
# 20
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 4,000
241 Warrants Outstanding 4,000
To record warrants issued, including a separate warrant for 5 percent retainage to an escrow
bank account.
# 21
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 4,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 4,000
Contracts PayableLong-Term
# 22
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 2,500
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 500
965 Other Financing Sources 2,000
To record expenditures; $500 to be paid in current year and $2,000 to be paid in future years.
** Collateral entry is recorded in long-term debt holding fund (if used). (See Entry # 11.)
# 23
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 500
241 Warrants Outstanding 500
To record the warrant issued for the current year portion of the long-term contract.
# 24
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 500
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 500
RevenuesState Matching
# 25
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 5,000
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 5,000
# 26
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 5,000
960 Revenues 5,000
To record the receipt of state matching moneys paid directly to the contractor.
# 27
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 5,000
520 Encumbrances 5,000
Closing Entries
# 28
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 2,000
900 Appropriations 35,000
510 Estimated Revenues 18,000
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 19,000
# 29
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 6,846
965 Other Financing Sources 21,000
530 Expenditures 11,506
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 16,340
To record the closing of revenues, expenditures, and other financing sources to unreserved
fund balance.
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
310 Taxes Receivable 150
450 Investments 1,000
241 Warrants Outstanding 50
601 Accounts Payable 25
645 Interfund Loans Payable 200
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 150
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 825
To record the Transportation Vehicle Fund opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This
represents the beginning trial balance.
Budget Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
510 Estimated Revenues 1,900
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 3,000
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 1,439
900 Appropriations 3,461
To record the annual budget of the Transportation Vehicle Fund as adopted by the board of
directors for fiscal year 20XXXX.
RevenuesProperty Tax
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
310 Taxes Receivable 1,500
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 1,500
To record the property taxes levied for the Transportation Vehicle Fund for the tax year 20XX.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 750
960 Revenues 750
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
760 Deferred RevenueTaxes Receivable 750
310 Taxes Receivable 750
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 10
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
450 Investments 500
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 500
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 650
450 Investments 600
960 Revenues 50
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
230 Cash on Hand 100
960 Revenues 100
To record the receipt of revenues collected by the district for remittance to the county treasurer.
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
230 Cash on Hand 100
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 3,000
965 Other Financing Sources 3,000
To record the sale of bonds. This entry can be used as a format for the following entries: sale of
equipment, compensated loss of capital assets, long-term financing, and operating transfers.
# 12
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
645 Interfund Loans Payable 100
# 13
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 6
645 Interfund Loans Payable 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 106
To record the repayment of an interfund loan payable including interest of $6. (This entry can
also be made using Account 241 instead of 240.)
# 14
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
535 Other Financing Uses 100
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100
To record the transfer of resources to the Debt Service Fund so that it can make the payment
for nonvoted bonds that were used to purchase buses.
# 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
520 Encumbrances 1,500
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 1,500
# 16
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 1,500
601 Accounts Payable 1,500
To record expenditures.
# 17
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
820 Reserved for Encumbrances 1,500
520 Encumbrances 1,500
# 18
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
601 Accounts Payable 1,500
241 Warrants Outstanding 1,500
# 19
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 1,500
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 1,500
Contracts PayableLong-Term
# 20
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 2,500
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 500
965 Other Financing Sources 2,000
To record expenditures; $500 to be paid in the current fiscal year and $2,000 to be paid in future
# 21
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
602 Contracts PayableCurrent 500
241 Warrants Outstanding 500
To record the $500 warrant issued for the first payment of the contract payable.
(See Entry # 20.)
# 22
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
241 Warrants Outstanding 500
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 500
Capital AssetsPurchase
# 23
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 28
241 Warrants Outstanding 28
# 24
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 2
241 Warrants Outstanding 2
Closing Entries
# 25
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
540 Appropriated Fund Balance 1,439
900 Appropriations 3,461
510 Estimated Revenue 1,900
515 Estimated Other Financing Sources 3,000
# 26
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
960 Revenues 896
965 Other Financing Sources 5,000
530 Expenditures 4,006
890 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance 1,890
To record closing of revenues, expenditures, and other financing sources to unreserved fund
With the adoption of the Governmental Accounting Standards Boards (GASB) Statement 34,
Basic Financial Statementsand Managements Discussion and Analysisfor State and Local
Governments, account groups were eliminated and long-term debt no longer shown on the fund
financial statements. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) now require debt be
presented on the Statement of Net Assets.
While not required, districts may find it useful to continue to make journal entries and
accumulate debt information in a long-term debt holding account. This may facilitate
preparation of the Schedule of Long-Term Debt and required long-term debt note disclosures.
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 392
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 7,098
603 Contracts PayableLong-Term 100
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term 7,390
To record the long-term debt holding account opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This
represents the beginning trial balance.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 688
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 688
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 1
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 1
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 188
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 188
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 10
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 72
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term 750
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 822
To record the expenditures for bond principal and interest in the Debt Service Fund.
** See Entry # 10 in Debt Service Fund.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 1
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 1
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 1
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 1
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 34
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 34
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 19,000
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term 19,000
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 2,000
603 Contracts PayableLong-Term 2,000
# 12
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 2,000
603 Contracts PayableLong-Term 2,000
# 13
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
475 Amount Available in Other Funds 100
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 100
# 14
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 100
603 Contracts PayableLong-Term 100
# 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
603 Contracts PayableLong-Term 50
475 Amount Available in Other Funds 50
Journal Entries for the Regular Method of Advance Bond Debt Refunding
# 16
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term (Old Bonds) 500,000
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 500,000
To remove the defeased (old) long-term debt from the long-term debt fund (if used).
** See Entry # 21 in Debt Service Fund.
# 17
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 510,000
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term (New Bonds) 510,000
To record the new debt in the long-term debt fund (if used).
** See Entry # 21 in Debt Service Fund
Journal Entries for the Crossover Method of Advance Bond Debt Refunding
# 18
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 500,000
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 500,000
To recognize the cash with fiscal agent debit and the other financing source credit in the debt
service fund from the sale of the new bonds that is available to pay the old bonds.
** See Entry # 23 in Debt Service Fund.
# 19
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 500,000
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term (New Bonds) 500,000
To record the new debt in the long-term debt fund (if used) at the time of the sale of the new
** See Entry # 23 in Debt Service Fund.
# 20
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term (Old Bonds) 500,000
470 Amount Available in Debt Service Fund 500,000
To remove the defeased (old) Long-Term Debt from the Long-Term Debt Schedule at the time
of the crossover.
** See Entry # 24 in Debt Service Fund.
EntriesZero-Coupon Bonds
# 21
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 2,000,000
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term 2,000,000
To record the sale of zero-coupon bonds. These bonds have a face value of $2,500,000 and are
due in ten years. Proceeds from these bonds were $2,000,000.
# 22
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Retirement 50,000
690 Bonds PayableLong-Term 50,000
To record the accretion of debt to reflect amortization of bond discount for zero-coupon bonds
on the Long-Term Debt Schedule..
While not required, districts may find it useful to continue to make journal entries and
accumulate debt information in a capital asset holding account. This may facilitate preparation
of the required capital asset note disclosures.
Opening Entry
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
490 Land 1,300
491 Buildings 3,200
492 Transportation Equipment 400
493 Equipment 180
494 Construction in Progress 260
801 ICA From GO Bonds 2,700
802 ICA From Levies 200
803 ICA From State Grants 310
804 ICA From Federal Grants 800
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 1,020
809 Unclassified ICA 310
To record the capital asset opening entry as of September 1, 20XX. This represents the
beginning trial balance.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
801 ICA From GO Bonds 260
494 Construction in Progress 260
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
491 Buildings 900
493 Equipment 50
801 ICA From GO Bonds 900
804 ICA From Federal Grants 10
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 40
To record the completion of an addition to an existing building with multiple sources of funding.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
493 Equipment 15
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 15
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
492 Transportation Equipment 28
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 28
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
492 Transportation Equipment 2
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 2
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
493 Equipment 10
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 10
Capital AssetsSale
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
801 ICA From GO Bonds 100
490 Land 100
To record the sale of land. The property was declared surplus by the board. (Proceeds go to the
Capital Projects Fund.) Deletions are recorded at original cost regardless of sale price.
Capital AssetsTrade-In
# 8a
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 8,000
493 Capital AssetsEquipment 8,000
To record elimination of a truck traded in to obtain a new truck. (Deletions are recorded at
original cost regardless of sale price or trade-in value.)
# 8b
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
805 Capital AssetsEquipment 15,000
493 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 15,000
To record the purchase of a truck obtained in a trade-in transaction at a cost of $10,000 plus a
trade-in allowance of $5,000. (Acquisitions are recorded at full price of the asset.)
** Collateral entry from Entry # 68a in the General Fund.
InventoryCapital Assets
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
493 Equipment 3
809 Unclassified ICA 10
492 Transportation Equipment 13
# 10
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
809 Unclassified ICA 50
493 Equipment 50
To record the sale of old classroom furniture. These assets are removed at acquisition costs,
not for the amount received from the sale.
Closing Entry
# 11
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
490 Land 625
491 Buildings 6,800
493 Equipment 299
494 Construction in Progress 131
801 ICA From GO Bonds 4,300
802 ICA From Levies 1,049
803 ICA From State Grants 2,200
805 ICA From Apportionment and Local Revenues 306
To record capitalized expenditures and construction in progress from the Capital Projects Fund.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100,000
965 Other Financing Sources 100,000
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 100,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 100,000
To record payments:
The school district would have the money deposited to the Capital Projects Fund to make the
annual principal and interest payments.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 23,000
965 Other Financing Sources 23,000
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
536 Other Financing UsesTransfers Out 23,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 23,000
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 23,000
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 23,000
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures (Principal) 20,000
530 Expenditures (Interest) 3,000
250 Cash With Fiscal Agent 23,000
To record the principal and interest payments due on the non-voted bond.
Each year the school district would report $23,000 as I-728 Student Achievement monies spent
on increasing instructional space.
Also, note in this example that when the fiscal agent accounts for the funds in an agency fund,
the sub-recipient of these funds would not code a 63XX, but a 62XX, (see scenario 3).
School District A is administering the grant and has monitoring responsibilities for School
Districts B and C. All school districts are benefiting from this grant; therefore, School District A
is a Participating Fiscal Agent. After all three school districts have expended funds in
accordance with the grant purposes; B and C have requested reimbursement from A of $300
each. School District A has requested reimbursement from the federal agency of $300 also,
$900 total. The journal entries are as follows:
Account Account Description Debit Credit
1) School Districts A, B and C expend $300 each for grant purposes and make the
following journal entry:
530 Expenditures 300
241 Warrants Outstanding 300
Account Account Description Debit Credit
2) Upon receipt of the grant proceeds, School District A makes the following journal
a) 240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 900
960 Revenues 900
Account Account Description Debit Credit
1) School District B and/or C receive grant proceeds from the fiscal agent, School
District A, and make the following journal entry:
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 300
960 Revenues 300
School District A has agreed to be the fiscal agent and based on the grant agreement School
District A has administering and monitoring responsibilities for the grant. School District A is not
benefiting from the grant with the exception of receiving a $100 administrative fee. The
administrative fee is reimbursable from the grant proceeds.
Prior to School District A receiving reimbursement, they first bill the $50 administration fee to
School Districts B and C.
For this scenario, we will assume that School Districts B and C have already paid School
District A the administrative fee and have submitted their reimbursement requests
totaling $900 to School District A, ($400 in grant expenditures and $50 administrative fee
for each participating school district).
The following are the journal entries:
2) Upon receipt of the grant proceeds, School District A makes the following journal
a) 240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 900
960 Revenues 900
Account Account Description Debit Credit
School District B and/or C receives the grant proceeds from A and makes the following
journal entry:
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 450
960 Revenues (Since this is a federal grant and it was received from A, this 450
revenue should be coded to 63XX.)
School Districts B and C are the beneficiaries of this grant; however, to be eligible for the grant
they must have a fiscal agent. School District A agrees to be the fiscal agent with no
administrative responsibilities. School District A is not receiving an administration fee, they are
simply acting as a cash conduit for School Districts B and C. School District A will report the
grant proceeds in the Agency Fund (Fund 7).
School Districts B and C have expended funds according to the grant agreement and have
requested reimbursement through School District A. When A receives the grant reimbursement
from the grantor, the journal entries would be as follows:
Account Account Description Debit Credit
1) When School District A receives money from the grantor for School Districts B and C, the
following entry is made:
968 Non-operating Revenues 900
538 Non-operating Expenses 900
2) School District A then disburses the funds to School Districts B and C. The following
journal entry is made:
538 Non-operating Expenses 900
968 Non-operating Revenues 900
Account Account Description Debit Credit
1) School District B and/or C will make the following journal entry when they receive the
funds from the fiscal agent (School District A):
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 450
960 Revenues (Since School District A was merely a cash conduit, 450
this direct federal grant should be coded to the 62xx revenue code.)
School District A is administering the grant, which includes purchasing items that will be used by
all three of the school districts. School Districts B and C will not be getting any of the cash
funds but rather will be provided with the resources (equipment, etc.) provided under the intent
of the grant. The journal entries for purchasing the equipment and receiving the grant proceeds
would be as follows:
Account Account Description Debit Credit
1) School District A purchases equipment for themselves as well as School Districts B and
C. School District A makes the following journal entry:
530 Expenditures 900
241 Warrants Outstanding 900
2) After purchasing the equipment, A requests reimbursement from the grantor. When the
grant proceeds are received the following journal entry would be made:
240 Cash on Deposit With County Treasurer 900
960 Revenues 900
Account Account Description Debit Credit
1) School District B and C receive the equipment from School District A. The following
journal entry is made:
530 Expenditures 300
960 Revenues 300
As an example of accounting for the acquisition of a capital lease agreement, assume a school
district signs a capital lease agreement to pay $10,000 on September 1, 2006, the scheduled
date of delivery of certain equipment to be used by an activity account for by a special revenue
fund. The lease calls for annual payment so f$10,000 and the beginning of each year
thereafter; that is, September 1, 2007, September 1, 2008, and so on, through September 1,
2015. There are 10 payments of $10,000 each, for a total of $100,000, but GAAP requires entry
in the accounts of the present value of the stream of annual payments, not their total. Since the
initial payment of $10,000 is paid at the inception of the lease, its present value is $10,000. The
present value of the remaining none payments must be calculated using the rate the lessee
would have incurred to borrow over a similar term the fund necessary to purchase the leased
asset. Assuming the rate to be 10%, the present value of payments 2 through 10 is $57,590.
The present value of the 10 payments is therefore, $67,590, ($10,000 + $57,590). GAAP
standards require a governmental fund (including a capital projects fund) to record the following
entry at the inception of the capital lease for the present value of the down payment and
remaining nine payments:
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 67,590
965 Other Financing Sources 67,590
Amortization Method
The following rules apply to accounting for capital leases in the governmental funds:
1. At the inception of the lease, record the capital lease in the fund acquiring th asset as
a debit to GL 530 expenditures for the amount of the entire principal that is due. The
credit is to GL 965 Other Financing Sources (Revenue 9500).
2. As lease payments are made record the payments in the fund acquiring the asset as
a debit to Activity 84 Debt Service Principal and Activity 83 Debt Service Interest.
As an example of accounting for a capital lease, assume that a photocopy machine used in the
accounting department is leased for a 5 year period, which is the economic life of the
equipment. The lease is signed on June 30, 2006 and beginning on this date, five annual
payments of $50,000 will be made.
The lease agreement contains the following amortization schedule, which shows the breakdown
of the annual payments into the principal and interest components:
Amortization Schedule:
This amortization schedule was provided in the lease agreement. To compute this schedule,
subtract the amount of principal paid each year from the total principal due at the beginning of
the lease.
This amortization schedule is necessary to make the entries that are needed to record the
capital lease.
General Fund
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 208,493
965 Other Financing Sources Capital leases 208,493
To record the acquisition of equipment with a capital lease.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures - Debt Service - Principle 50,000
241 Warrants Payable 50,000
To record the first lease payment.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures - Debt Service - Principle 34,151
530 Expenditures - Debt Service - Interest 15,849
241 Warrants Payable 50,000
To record the second lease payment.
The following example journal entries are typically used to account for short-term borrowings,
such as RANS, TRANS and BANS, see Chapter 3 Section 8 for more information:
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
240 Cash on Deposit with County Treasurer 100,000
606 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable 100,000
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures (Interest) 3,000
606 Revenue Anticipation Notes Payable 100,000
241 Warrants Outstanding 103,000
General Fund, Capital Projects Fund or Transportation Vehicle Fund
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures 70,000
241 Warrants Outstanding 10,000
965 Other Financing Sources 60,000
Collateral entry to journal entry #3 to be made in the Long Term Debt Holding Account.
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Service 60,000
603 Notes and Contracts Payable Long-Term 60,000
Debt Maturity
When the debt matures the following journal entry is made in the Long Term Debt Holding
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
603 Notes and Contracts Payable Long-Term 60,000
480 Amount to be Provided for Debt Service 60,000
Collateral entry to the fund servicing the debt
Account Account Title and Description Debits Credits
530 Expenditures (Principal) 60,000
602 Notes and Contract Payable Current 60,000
Closing Memorandum: When issuing bonds and refunding bonds the bonding company will
issue you a document most commonly called a Closing Memorandum. This closing
memorandum is the document you will most likely use to make your journal entries to record the
issuance or refunding of your bonds.
This closing memorandum will contain the date the bonds were issued, the date the bonds were
sold, and when and where the closing will occur. Note the date the bonds are issued and the
date the bonds are sold. The difference in these dates will result in a journal entry for the
accrued interest on the bonds.
Below are more explanations of terms commonly contained in the closing memorandums. After
the terms, there is an example of a closing memorandum, followed by a worksheet showing the
journal entry of each transaction.
Bond Issues
Principal Amount or Par Value or Face Value: This is the issue amount of the bonds. This
amount is an increase in cash to the fund issuing the bonds, in this example, the Capital
Projects Fund (see item #1 in bond issue example). Bonds may be issued for more than Par or
Face, which is called a premium on bonds, and sometimes they may be issued at a discount or
below the Par or Face Value. In our example below, the bonds are issued at a premium, see
Additional Proceeds. (Credit to G/L 965).
Cost of Issuance: Fees or other costs associated with issuance of the bonds. These fees may
be paid out of the proceeds from the issuance through an electronic transfer of funds or the
district may receive funds earmarked to pay these cost of issuance fees. If the district receives
these funds, the district will receive an invoice requesting payment of these funds from the
underwriter. In the following example, the funds are recorded as a debit to cash and a credit to
bond proceeds in the Capital Projects Fund (see item #2 in bond issue example). If these costs
of issuance are paid at the time the bonds are issued, the district would recognize the payment
of these costs with a debit to G/L 530.
Additional Proceeds or Premium: Sometimes bonds are sold for more than Par or Face
Value. This is due to interest rates and fluctuations in the market. If the bond is offering an
interest rate that is better than the going market rate, this will make the bonds more attractive to
the purchaser who may be willing to pay more than the bonds par value due to the better rate of
return they would get on their investment. This premium is additional proceeds that is used to
help pay for costs of issuance and other fees with any remaining premium proceeds being
deposited into the Debt Service Fund to help service the debt payments when they come due
(see item #3 in bond issue example credit to G/L 965).
Bond Discount: The opposite of bond premiums may occur and the bonds may be sold at a
discount, meaning less than par value. In these cases the discount should not be netted
against the proceeds of the bonds, but recorded as an other financing use. (G/L 535).
Accrued Interest: The issue date of the bonds and the date the bonds are sold (or the closing
date) may not be the same. The bond starts to accrue interest the day they are issued. Since
the bonds are sold at a date after the issue date, the interest on the bonds between these two
dates must be accrued. This accrued interest is debited to cash and credited to bond interest
payable (G/L 604) in the debt service fund (see item #4 in bond issue example).
Note: GL 604 Accrued Interest Payable should be closed when first payment on new bonds is
Underwriters Discount (Fees): A portion of the proceeds may be withheld for underwriters
fees (most commonly called underwriter discount), due in connection with the debt issuance.
This should not be netted against the proceeds of the bonds. This amount should be reported
as an expenditure (see item #5 in bond issue example). This is shown as a debit to G/L 530
and a credit to G/L 965.
Financial Advisor Fee: This is an expenditure that the financial advisor will charge for their
services on the bond issue (see item #6 in bond issue example). This is shown as a debit to
G/L 530 and a credit to G/L 965.
Bond Insurance Premium: This is an expenditure that the bond insurance company will
charge for their part in the bond issue. This is also an expenditure usually in the fund that is
issuing the bond (see item #7 in bond issue example). This is shown as a debit to G/L 530 and
a credit to G/L 965.
Note: Bond issuance costs, bond premium, or bond discounts, must be amortized over the life
of the bond (the effective interest rate method).
Closing Memorandum
Closing will occur at 9:00 a.m. Wednesday, May 25, via conference call initiated by Grapes,
Oranges & Apples PLLC.
Sutherland Securities Corporation will initiate the following transactions:
Transaction #1
Amount: $9,634,601.93 (Federal Funds)
To: Bank of Sutherland
ABA Number: 123456789
Account Number: 55512121
Reference: Sutherland School District No. 123, UTGO Bonds, 20XX
Attention: John Doe, (xxx) 555-7891
Transaction #2
Amount: $17,812.20 (Federal Funds)
To: The Bank of New York
ABA Number: 987654321
Account Number: 12121555
Reference: Sutherland School District No. 123, UTGO Bonds, 20XX
Attention: Carmen Miranda, (xxx) 555-5893
Transaction #3
Amount: $23,750.00 (Federal Funds)
To: Peoples Bank
ABA Number: 456789123
Account Number: 21219981
Reference: Sutherland School District No. 123, UTGO Bonds, 20XX
Attention: Jack Blank, (xxx) 555-7734
Sources of Funds
Distribution of Funds
Sutherland County Treasurers Office
Account Item
# Title Debit Credit Description #
Cash on Deposit with Par value of new
240 County Treasurer 9,500,000.00 bonds 1
Cash on Deposit with Additional proceeds to
240 County Treasurer 24,500.00 cover bond issue costs 2
Underwriters Discount
530 Expenditures 47,500.00 Bond issue cost 5
530 Expenditures 23,750.00 Fee - Bond issue cost 6
Insurance premium
530 Expenditures 17,812.20 Bond issue cost 7
Par value of new
Other Financing bonds Proceeds
965 Sources 9,500,000.00 from bonds 1
Original issue premium
Other Financing Proceeds from
965 Sources 24,500.00 bonds 2
Other Financing Bond issue costs 5+6+
965 Source 89,062.20 contra account 7
9,613,562.20 9,613,562.20
Account Item
# Title Debit Credit Description #
Cash on Deposit with
240 County Treasurer 99,092.55 Premium on Bond 3
Cash on Deposit with
240 County Treasurer 11,009.38 Accrued interest 4
Other Financing
965 Sources 99,092.55 Original issue premium 3
Accrued Interest
604 Payable 11,009.38 Accrued interest 4
110,101.93 110,101.93
Note: G/L 604 should be closed when first interest payment on new bonds is made.
Often bonds that have been issued are replaced by a new issue of bonds. This is called a
refunding. Some of the common reasons why a district would refund bonds are to take
advantage of better interest rates or to avoid cumbersome bond covenants.
Current Refunding: This is where the new bond replaces the old bond immediately.
Advanced Refunding: An advanced refunding occurs when the new bond issue is placed in
an escrow account until the old bonds mature and can be paid off. Some times bonds cannot
be paid off prior to their maturity date or call date; therefore, the refunding is done in advance
of the new bonds replacing the old bonds.
Defeasance: Most advanced refundings result in defeasance, which is an accounting term for
treating the debt as if it has already been redeemed.
Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) directs the proceeds of the refunding bonds,
whether current or advance refunding, be reported as an other financing use and not an
expenditure. If these refundings were treated as expenditures, it would substantially distort the
districts debt service expenditure trends and not give an accurate picture for financial statement
Defeasance of debt can be either legal or in substance. A legal defeasance occurs when debt
is legally satisfied based on certain provisions in the debt instrument even though the debt is not
actually paid. An in-substance defeasance occurs when debt is considered defeased for
accounting and financial reporting purposes, even though a legal defeasance has not occurred.
When debt is defeased, it is no longer reported as a liability on the face of the financial
statements; only the new debt is reported as a liability. [GASBS 7, paragraph 3, as amended by
GASBS 34, paragraph 6; GASBS 23, fn1]
Original Issue Premium: As with a bond issue, sometimes bonds are sold for more than their
par value. This is due to interest rates and fluctuations in the market. If the bond is offering an
interest rate that is better than the going market rate, this will make the bonds more attractive to
the purchaser who may be willing to pay more than the bonds par value due to the better rate of
return they would get on their investment. This premium is recorded in the Debt Service Fund
again as a credit to G/L 965 proceeds from refunding bonds (see item #2 in bond refunding
Underwriters Discount (Fees): A portion of the proceeds may be withheld for underwriters
fees (most commonly called underwriter discount), due in connection with the debt issuance.
This should not be netted against the proceeds of the bonds. The discount resulting from the
withholding should be recorded as an expenditure by debiting G/L 530 Bond Issue Costs in the
Debt Service Fund (see item #3 in bond refunding example).
Additional Proceeds: Funds received in the Debt Service Fund as a result of the bonds being
sold at a premium. This is cash received; therefore, is recorded as a debit to cash in the Debt
Service Fund (see item #4 in bond refunding example). (Debit to G/L 240).
Escrow Amount: This is the total amount of the refunding which is deposited to the escrow
account. This amount is debited to G/L 535 Other Financing Uses in the Debt Service Fund
(see Item #5 in bond refunding example).
Escrow Beginning Cash Deposit: Many banks require a small deposit to open the escrow
account. This amount on the closing memorandum is recorded as a debit to G/L 535 Other
Financing Uses in the Debt Service Fund (see item #6 in bond refunding example).
Cost of Issuance: Fees or other costs associated with issuance of the bonds. This is an
actual expenditure and should be recorded as such. The district will record a debit to G/L 530
Bond Issue Costs in the Debt Service Fund (see item # 7 in bond refunding example).
Bond Insurance Premium: This is an expenditure that the bond insurance company will
charge for their part in the bond issue. This is also an expenditure of the Debt Service Fund
(see item #8 in bond issue example). Debit to G/L 530.
Closing Memorandum
Closing will occur at 9 a.m., Friday, July 1, via conference call initiated by Moreland, Nanini, and
Gray LLP.
Happy Planet Securities Corporation will initiate the following transactions:
Transaction #1
Amount: $3,413.20 (Federal Funds)
To: Bank of Barstow
ABA Number: 123456789
Account Number 55512121
Reference: Diamond Bar Public Schools, UTGO Bonds, 20XX
Attention: P. Wexstun, (xxx) 555-7891
Transaction #2
Amount: $3,846,267.17 (Federal Funds)
To: The State Line Bank
ABA Number: 987654321
Account Number: 12121555
Reference: Diamond Bar Public Schools, UTGO Bonds, 20X
Attention: Stanard Ridgeway, (xxx) 555-5893
Transaction #3
Amount: $8,672.03 (Federal Funds)
To: Bank of the West
ABA Number: 456789123
Account Number: 21219981
Reference: Diamond Bar Public Schools, UTGO Bonds, 20XX
Attention: Rick King, (xxx) 555-7734
Sources of Funds
Distribution of Funds
Barstow County Treasurers Office
Note: G/L 604 should be closed when first interest payment on new bonds is made.