Manual Wombat
Manual Wombat
Manual Wombat
Version 6
Candidate's Manual
Electronic Edition
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Candidate Identification..............................................................5
Instructions Period......................................................................6
WOMBAT Console.....................................................................7
Right Trigger.........................................................................8
The Overall WOMBAT-CS Test..................................................9
The Tracking Task....................................................................10
Using the Left-Hand Stick......................................................... 11
Velocity control................................................................... 11
Acceleration control............................................................ 11
Using the Right-Hand Stick......................................................13
Combined Tracking-Task Performance....................................14
WOMBAT's Autotrack Mode.....................................................15
Tracking Worth.........................................................................17
The Bonus Pouch.....................................................................18
Figure-Rotation Task..........................................................19
Quadrant-Location Task.....................................................20
Digit-Canceling Task...........................................................21
The Bonus Pouch Menu.....................................................22
Worth and Performance: A Winning Combination....................23
Ready for the Instructions?......................................................24
Before you take the test, you will get to sit down at the WOMBAT
computer and learn without any scoring how each of the differ-
ent parts of the computer and the test will work together as a
complex system.
The first thing WOMBAT will ask you to do is to enter your refer-
ence number.
Your supervisor will guide you in these steps, giving you the refer-
ence number and other information you have to provide. WOMBAT
needs this information because it keeps track of everyone who has
taken the test before. Your supervisor will also be able to retrieve
your score from WOMBATs database for further evaluating.
Your test administrator will tell you about the maximum time al-
lowed for the instructions period. On the last page of instructions,
you will see a clock showing how much time you have left before
the test begins. As long as there is some time remaining, you can
go back to any instructions page you wish to review. Once the
instructions period is over, you will be committed to go through
the complete test.You will not be able to go back to the instruc-
tions during the test, so you should use the time allowed in the
exercise/instruction phases wisely.
If you need to use the washroom, make sure you come back be-
fore the instructions period is over, otherwise the test will begin
without you. Once started, the test cannot be stopped.
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 0 Bonus
The WOMBAT keypad
In the practice sessions, you will be given opportunities to use
each of the control devices by itself to control part of the WOM-
BAT test.
The complex system you will have to manage has four different
tasks (the Tracking Task and three Bonus Tasks: Figure Rotation,
Quadrant Location, and Digit Canceling) that contribute to the
total score. Your performance will be measured on each of these
tasks: the better your performance the more points you can earn
from that task. In addition, each task has a value (or "worth"),
which changes during the test: the higher the worth the more
points you can earn from that task with the same performance.
Throughout the test, watch the indicators that tell you the present
worth of each task.
The first task you will learn about is the Tracking Task. Later, you
will learn about the three Bonus Tasks.
The Tracking Task is the primary task for the entire WOMBAT test
in the sense that it must be monitored at all times and attended
to frequently. In this task, you will use both control sticks to move
yellow cursors on the WOMBAT screen and attempt to follow
moving blue targets in two different modes.
The left stick controls the left/right separation of two pairs of short
vertical lines (as shown below) in two different modes: velocity
control and acceleration control.
There is a small circle that is shifted away from the center of each
pair of vertical lines by a distance that is proportional to and in
the direction of the stick displacement (shown above for left stick
pushed forward.) Each small circle is connected by a line to the
center of the pair of vertical lines.
Velocity control
In velocity control, the vertical lines are stationary until the stick
is moved. Pushing the stick forward from spring center makes
the two pairs of lines move away from the display center, and the
farther the stick is pushed, the faster the movement is. Pulling
the stick backward from spring center reverses the direction of
motion, causing the pairs of lines to move inward.
Acceleration control
Pushing thethe Left-Hand
stick forward from spring center causes the velocity
away from display center to increase (or velocity toward the display
center to decrease), while pulling the stick the other way causes
the velocity away from the display center to decrease (or veloc-
ity toward the display center to increase). The farther the stick is
displaced from spring center, the faster the velocity changes.
(if in acceleration-control mode) from the center of the display, in the direction of the predictor circles.
There is a small circle that is shifted away from the center of the
cross by an amount proportional to and in the direction of the
stick displacement (shown below for right stick pushed forward
and to the right). A line connects the center of the circle to the
center of the cross.
error. The goal is to keep the center of the cross within the boundaries of the moving target circle.
When the left and right tracking tasks are performed together, the
combined score is displayed on the Tracking Worth-Performance
Indicator. This indicator will always be visible in the upper-left
corner of the display. It is scaled from "Zero Performance" at the
bottom to "Maximum Performance" at the top.
Maximum Performance
"Very good !"
Zero Performance
"Something is wrong"
of theWOMBAT display. Right now it is showing a less than perfectTracking Performance (P) at reduced
Worth will be explained on Page 17 of this manual.
There will be a practice session where you will see the two bar
pairs, the variable hexagon, the cursor cross, the target circle,
and the performance indicator, and the sticks will be in veloc-
ity-control mode, followed by a similar session in acceleration-
control mode.
To engage the Autotrack mode, you must first track the targets
with the left and right control sticks within the indicated error limits
to produce the maximum Tracking-Performance score and then
pull the trigger. When either the vertical lines (left-stick targets)
are not between the pairs of bars (left-stick cursors) or the cross
(right-stick cursor) is not within the circle (right-stick target), pulling
the trigger in the manual mode will have no effect.
In the Autotrack mode, the sticks become inactive and the stick-
position indicators return to the spring-center locations. Pulling the
trigger on the right stick will immediately disengage the Autotrack
mode and return the sticks to the active state.
You will have two practice sessions for engaging and disengaging
WOMBATs Autotrack mode in velocity-control and acceleration-
control mode.
The "Trigger" box is filled with RED
As was stated on Page 9, each task in the WOMBAT test has its
own worth, which changes many times during the test. The secret
of taking the WOMBAT test is making choices that lead to high
worths for each of the tasks and that score many points when a
task is performed well.
of theWOMBAT display.The letter "W" indicates theTrackingWorth for the currentTracking mode and
well the Autotrack failures. Keep an eye on this indicator.
When the tracking task is under AUTOTRACK's control and you
wish to earn some bonus points, press the Bonus button on the
keypad. This will switch you to the Bonus Pouch and remove the
Tracking Task from the screen. Only the Tracking Worth-Perfor-
mance Indicator will remain so that you can continue to monitor
that task. Pressing the Bonus button again at any time will sus-
pend the Bonus Task for later resumption and return WOMBAT
to the Tracking Task.
You will be given practice periods that start with the Tracking Task
where you can press the Bonus button to switch to the Bonus
Pouch to practice each of the three Bonus Tasks.
This bonus task will display two 3-D figures side-by-side. One figure
will be inside a solid square and the other figure will be inside a
dashed square. The solid square means that you can rotate the
figure using the two sticks; it is the active figure. The dashed
square means this figure is standing by and can be made active
by pressing the corresponding arrow on the console.
Using both sticks,
you can rotate the
active figure until
you know all the
details of its con-
struction. Press
the appropriate
arrow to make the
other figure active,
so you can rotate it This task will display two 3-D figures.You can rotate each figure,
also. one at a time, using the joy sticks.
The goal of this exercise is to find out, as fast as you can, whether
the two figures are:
mirror symmetric (mirror images of each other), or
different in some obvious way.
If your answer is correct, you may press the 4 button on the con-
sole keypad and continue with a new 3-D problem while you still
have some time left. Try to solve as many 3-D problems as you
can during the 60 seconds to earn more points. If your answer is
incorrect, you can use the rest of the 60 seconds to find out why
your answer was wrong.
Keypad Display
Your score increases for each correct quadrant button pressed and
decreases for each incorrect button. You must press the correct
quadrant button for each number before going on to the next.
If all 32 numbers are found and correctly located within the 60 sec-
onds allotted, then the rate of scoring continues for the remaining
time. If you make few errors, you will be offered the chance to
press the 4 button on the keypad to play another sequence and
earn even more points during the time remaining.
For example, in the figure above, the digit "2" has just been shown
on the WOMBAT display, so the candidate is about to cancel the
"two-back" digit "6". Once this action has been completed, another
digit will be shown on the display, and then the candidate should
cancel digit "5" which is next in sequence. You must press a
digit button, correct or incorrect, or you will not see the next
digit in the sequence.
You will win points for each correct response and lose points for
each incorrect response or delay in making a response.
You can choose any Bonus Task regardless of its worth by pressing
the keys 1, 5 or 9 on the WOMBAT keypad. Remember, however,
that the higher the Worth, the more points are available for you to
earn. After you choose a Bonus Task, its worth will be decreased
while the worths of the other Bonus Tasks will be increased. The
worths of all Bonus Tasks will be reduced when the Autotrack
mode fails, and they increase after you re-engage Autotrack.
Your overall scoring rate depends on the areas of the
rectangles displayed by the two indicators. Try to keep
both rectangles as large as you can, all the time.
When you have read through this manual up to this page you
should be ready to sit down at the WOMBAT computer and begin
the instructions period. You will have some idea how the different
parts of the WOMBAT console control the WOMBAT-CS test, and
you will have been introduced to many of the terms that will be
used in the instruction phases. Much of the text in this book will
be repeated or restated there, but the practice sessions will give
you the chance to actually try the different actions that can only be
described in words or shown in static pictures in this manual.