Micromachining of Engineering Materials
Micromachining of Engineering Materials
Micromachining of Engineering Materials
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iv Preface
Joseph McGeough
Preface iii
Contributors ix
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
H. El-Hofy, A. B. M. Khairy, T. Masuzawa,
and Joseph McGeough
viii Contents
Index 385
x Contributors
2 El-Hofy et al.
have been used in Ancient Egypt about 4000 BC. From the
eras of the early civilizations up to the Middle Ages hand tools
continued to be developed, in the production of basic utensils
for everyday use and in the construction of major artifacts
such as ships and carriages. Elementary mechanically driven
devices were duly devised, and by the 17th century instru-
ments for machining were widespread. More sophisticated
tools for machining powered by water, steam, and electricity
arose over the 18th and 19th centuries [1]. These and other
advances continued into the 20th century, and gave rise to
more adequate definitions of the practice of machining: the
removal of a specified amount of material from a workpiece in
order to produce a required space economically and accu-
rately. In this practice, the operator was given a drawing of
the finished part. The operator determined the machining
strategy, arranged the machine, selected tooling, feeds, and
speeds, and manipulated the machine controls to produce the
given part, which then had to be inspected. Under these proce-
dures, the accuracy and surface quality of products were not
always satisfactory. Further developments of machine tools
were necessary to improve accuracy and productivity. Tem-
plates, copying techniques, cam mechanisms, and indexing de-
vices were introduced as a result of which the amount of labor
needed in machining was also reduced.
The application of numerical control (NC) to machine
tools in the 1950s opened the way for computer (CNC) and
direct (DNC) numerically controlled machining. With the ad-
vent of robotics (1980s) enhanced accuracy in machining, uni-
formity in the items produced, and flexibility in manufactur-
ing practices was achieved [2]. Machining processes and their
associated machine tools have continued to benefit from the
major strides made in the electronics and computer industries
(1980s to 1990s). Ingenious machine designs and instruments
have enabled the highly accurate machining of complex
shapes and their measurement. Notable achievements in ma-
chining include techniques such as precision jig boring and
grinding, and superfinishing. The 1990s witnessed further
Introduction 3
Since the tools for micromachining are often very small, the
transfer of coordinate information from the stages of tool-mak-
ing to actual machining must receive careful attention.
Three typical system configurations are shown in Figure
2. In system A, the tool coordinates are common for both tool-
making and micromachining. Consequently, the highest accu-
racy should be expected. As tool-making and micromachining
16 Younes
2.1.1 Category 1
In this category the size of an inspected feature is determined
by measuring the distance between its edges (Fig. 1a). Accord-
ingly, the system consists of three main parts: a sensor, a pre-
Measurement Techniques in Micromachining 17
2.1.2 Category 2
In order to measure height, profile, or surface topography an-
other category is used. This can be classified into two main
types, whole field contouring and single profile methods.
Whole field contouring includes interferometric and holo-
graphic techniques. Single profile (SP) methods include me-
chanical stylus instruments, optical profile followers (OPF),
scanning tunneling microscopy, scanning electron microscopy,
and atomic force microscopy (AFM).
h: Planks constant
m: mass of electron
: electron velocity
Figure 5 Continued.
Defect-of-Focus Principle
That the position of the focus image along the beam axis is
strongly dependent on the distance between the sample sur-
face and the objective lens (Fig. 9a) is the basic criterion used
for focusing detection. For a small variation in sample height
z, and for an objective magnification M, the change in the posi-
tion of focus image along the beam axis is given by [4]:
S 2M 2z (7)
For a magnification, M 40x, a height change of 1 m re-
sults in a change in focus position along the beam, S 3.2
Astigmatic Principle
In astigmatic focusing [30], a cylindrical lens is used to con-
verge the image of the measuring spot on a quadrant detector
which is placed in the focal plane of the imaging lens (Fig. 10).
If the measuring spot is focused on the sample surface, the
image on the detector is circular, and the signal from the four
detector parts is equal (position P0, Fig. 10). The out-of-focus
Measurement Techniques in Micromachining 35
Two-Beam Method
Shimokohbe et al. [31] used a two-beam system to detect sur-
face relief and inclination. The arrangement shown in Figure
11 applies two focused laser beams, B1, and B2 , fired sequen-
tially one after the other to intersect at the sample surface.
The objective lens forms an image of the spots on the surface
36 Younes
I: tunnelling current
d: distance between tip and surface
k: constant
A (9)
[1 Q (/0 0 /)2]1/2
A:amplitude of vibration
A0:amplitude at resonance
:tip frequency
0:tip resonance frequency, 0 c1 k, c1 is a function
of lever mass, and k is the spring constant
Q: quality factor (Q 1), Q is a measure of system
damping, and Q (1/c) km
Measurement Techniques in Micromachining 49
c: damping factor
m: lever mass
When the feeler tip touches the hole surface the sensing loop
closes and the voltage goes high to a level Hi. The voltage stays
high for a short period called the duty time D, which depends
on the distance between the hole surface and the neutral axis
of feeler vibration x (Fig. 17b). If the surface is at position o
relative to the neutral axis of the feeler, no contact occurs and
the voltage remains at the low level L0. As the feeler is moved
close to the hole surface, position a, the duty time will be Da.
As the feeler comes closer to the surface, position b, the duty
52 Younes
Shoichi Shimada
Osaka University, Osaka, Japan
64 Shimada
Fi (1)
d2ri dvi F
i. (2)
dt dt m
In the simulation, the tool is fed in a stepwise procedure
into the workpiece, at time intervals of t, that are shorter
than the period of lattice vibration. As indicated in Figure 3,
the position ri(t t) and velocity vi(t t) of the atom i after
the tool has been fed in the period of t are calculated by
means of Equations (3) and (4), finite difference numerical
Molecular Dynamics Simulation 67
vi vi . (6)
T .
Tm i (9)
N i
Figure 7 Size effect in cutting force per unit width of cutting edge
as a function of undeformed chip thickness.
[7] I.F. Stowers, J.F. Belak, D.A. Lucca, R. Komanduri, R.L. Rho-
lar, T. Moriwaki, K. Okuda, N. Ikawa, S. Shimada, and H.
Tanaka, Molecular dynamics simulation of the chip forming
82 Shimada
[15] W.G. Hoover, C.G. Hoover, J.F. Belak, I.F. Stowers, and A.J.
DeGroot, Molecular dynamics modeling applied to indentation
and metal cutting problems. Thrust area report FY90, Law-
rence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, 4-14-8
Molecular Dynamics Simulation 83
86 Cheng
L: Grit size,
: Tumbling angle.
. (2)
The penetration depth (di) represents the machining in-
teraction between an abrasive grit and the workpiece surface
and directly affects the surface roughness of the micromach-
ined surface. The depth also greatly depends on the hardness
of the abrasive grits and the workpiece material, the grit size,
uniformity of size of grits, and downward force of machining.
The penetration results in three types of micromachining ac-
tion on the workpiece surface, namely, brittle, ductile, and
smeared mode as shown in Figure 3 [3].
Brittle Mode
A brittle mode micromachined surface consists of a disrupted
uppermost layer and a subsurface compacted layer lying be-
tween the former layer and the bulk material. Brittle fracture
occurs owing to the microindentations produced in the micro-
machining process. The fracture involves two principal crack
systems: lateral cracks, which are responsible for material re-
moval, and median cracks, for strength degradation. Subsur-
face damage extends into the bulk material with a magnitude
nearly equal to the grit size. The magnitude and depth of per-
manent deformation accompanying the brittle process depend
on the grit size, with smaller grits producing a higher overall
percentage deformation caused by plastic flow. Brittle mode
micromachining as described is solely a mechanical process.
Ductile Mode
A ductile mode micromachined surface consists of an upper
compacted layer that sits above the bulk material. Little sub-
surface damage occurs. The ductile surface is the result of ma-
terial removal due to shearing, where the material is planed
off at a microscale level. The efficiency of ductile removal is
strongly influenced by environmental effects such as lubrica-
tion and heat generated during the machining, which may al-
90 Cheng
Smeared Mode
A third mode of abrasive micromachining can be observed, in
which little material is actually removed, but instead is
smeared. As shown in Figure 3(c), the peaks of the fractured
layer are plastically deformed and simply cover the disrupted
layer. Etching or X-ray scanning such a surface can expose the
damage that was produced in the previous abrasive machining
process. This damage seems to occur when either very small
abrasive grits (under 0.5 1 m) are used, or the machining
process is inhibited by the type of slurry employed. The phe-
nomena are commonly seen in bonded abrasive machining
when a tool dulls and sparks out [3].
ness (ap) becomes less than the radius () at the cutting tool
or grit tip, the effective rake angle of the tool or grit has such
a large negative value that the model in Figure 4(b) replaces
that in Figure 4(a).
For a sharp grit, the relationship between its tip radius
and the nominal cutting depth at the chip forming point is:
ap cos (1 cos) (3)
and as
45 45o arctan
. (4)
5.7o 38.7o.
1. Grit wear
2. Micromachining cooling media
3. Disposal rate of the dull grits
4. Grit size.
1. Machine tools
2. Operational factors
3. Selection of abrasive tools
4. Workpiece materials.
Surface Roughness
For a ground surface, arithmetic average roughness (Ra) and
peak-to-valley roughness (Rt) are used to define quantitatively
Abrasive Micromachining and Microgrinding 105
1 VwL
Rt (7)
4 Vsd 0.5
1 VwL
Ra (8)
93 Vsd 0.5
Surface Integrity
Surface roughness alone does not completely describe a sur-
face profile. Metallurgical or other changes in the altered layer
beneath the surface can have a significant effect on the work-
piece performance. In AMMG, changes such as hardness, re-
sidual stress, microcracks, fatigue strength [19], structural
flaws and defects (e.g., voids, dislocations) [20], laps, folds,
seams, and the like in the subsurface layer may occur for these
L: Grit size
a: Umbling angle
: Nominal coefficient of friction
ap: Undeformed chip thickness
: Radius at the cutting tool or grit tip
: Effective rake angle of the tool or grit
Ff /Fn: Friction coeffection
CR: Coefficient of proportionality (cm2 /N)
P: Total load normal to the workpiece surface (N)
d: Material density of the workpiece (g/cm3)
V: Machining velocity (cm/s)
Vw: Workpiece velocity
Vs: Abrasive wheel velocity
ds: Wheel diameter
L: Distance between successive cutting points
[7] X. Chen and W.B. Rowe, Analysis and simulation of the grind-
ing processPart II: Mechanics of grinding. Int. J. Machine
Tools and Manufacture, (36), 883896 (1996).
[8] M. Miyashita, The way to nanogrinding technology. Proc.
SPIE: Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing, (1333)
721 (1990).
[9] M.C. Shaw and R. Komanduri, Attritious wear of silicon car-
bide. ASME Transactions: J. Engineering for Industry, (98),
11251136 (1976).
[10] W.J. Rupp, Mechanism of the diamond lapping process. Ap-
plied Optics, (13), 12641269 (1974).
[11] T.G. Bifano and J.B. Hosler, Precision grinding of ultra-thin
quartz wafers. ASME Transactions: J. Engineering for Indus-
try, (115), 258262 (1993).
[12] B.C. Crandall (Editor), NanotechnologyMolecular Specula-
tions on Global Abundance. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA
[13] S. Chandrasekar, M.C. Shaw, and B. Bhushan, Comparison
of grinding and lapping of ferrites and metals. ASME Transac-
tions: J. Engineering for Industry, (109), 7682 (1987).
[14] K. Subramanian and R.P. Lindsay, A systems approach for
the use of vitrified bonded superabrasive wheels for precision
production grinding. ASME Transactions: J. Engineering for
Industry, (114), 4152 (1992).
[15] J.A. Borkowski and A.M. Szymanski, Use of Abrasives and
Abrasive Tools. Ellis Horwood, Chichester (1992).
[16] M.P. Groover, Fundamentals of Modem ManufacturingMa-
terials, Processes, and Systems. Prentice-Hall, NJ (1996).
[17] P.P. Hed and D.E. Edwards, Optical glass fabrication technol-
ogy: Relationship between surface roughness and subsurface
damage. Applied Optics, (26), 46774680 (1987).
[18] J.C. Lambropoulos, T. Fang, P.D. Funkenbusch, S.D. Jacobs,
M.J. Cumbo, and D. Golini, Surface microroughness of optical
glasses under deterministic microgrinding. Applied Optics,
(35), 44484462 (1996).
122 Cheng
126 Corbett
Figure 3 (a) Cutting concentrated shear model (from Ref. 5); (b)
fine grinding microextrusion model (from Ref. 6).
which the removal rate was given in terms of 2.5 m per revo-
lution of the workpiece together with a 25-m depths of cut.
More recently Shore [12] has reported that removal rates on
the order of 2 to 4 mm3 per minute have been obtained when
diamond turning germanium optics of 100-mm diameter. The
tool life (expressed as the useful cutting distance of the tool)
when producing optical surfaces (1 nm Ra) at these removal
rates was in excess of 12 kilometers. When machining silicon
at similar removal rates, as with germanium, tool life was
found to be less than 8 kilometers. The surface finish quality
was also on the order of 1 nm Ra. Tool life was higher, when
machining zinc sulphide, being in excess of 20 kilometers, al-
though the surface quality was lower, with a roughness value
of 3.6 nm Ra.
In line with previous work, Shore found that feedrate was
the most significant parameter affecting surface morphology.
Feedrate had to be reduced to the following levels to attain
surfaces free from surface microfracture: zinc sulphide 2.5 m/
rev, silicon 1.5 m/rev, and germanium 1.2 m/rev. Shore
used 0.5-mm radius tools, with top negative rake angles of
15 for zinc sulphide and 25 for silicon and germanium.
The depth of cut was 10 m and the workholding spindle speed
1000 rpm for each material.
Some typical diamond turning parameters for other ma-
terials are given in Table 1 [7].
6.1.1 Introduction to Power Ultrasound
Ultrasonic vibrations are used in many fields of industry for
applications such as cleaning, welding, and machining, includ-
ing assistance to cutting or grinding, nondestructive control,
mixing, and separation.
Applications involving ultrasonic waves can be placed in
two groups:
The transmitted power is small (mW to W); it is mainly
used for nondestructive applications, in which ultra-
sonic waves must not damage either the item or a
live body part that is to be treated;
148 Kremer and Benkirane
6.4.2 Accuracy
Accuracy strongly depends on the machining mode (Fig. 10).
In sinking, it is the result of sonotrode initial accuracy, sono-
trode wear, abrasive dimensions and working parameters.
The lateral gap between sonotrode and part is found between
one and two times more than the abrasive main diameter. The
frontal gap is a little larger, due to amplitude of vibrations.
Fluctuations of gap are smaller for smaller grains. In general,
when drilling, the use of roughing (40 m) and finishing (5 m)
can provide /10-m accuracy. When finer grains, about 1
m or less, are used, accuracy can be better than /5 m.
This includes the sonotrode accuracy. It is difficult to provide
estimates of accuracy for very small holes (10 to 200 m), be-
cause of difficulties with tool accuracy. In contouring, accuracy
can even be better, since tool imperfections can be compen-
sated by 3-D movements.
In ultrasonic micromachining, since very fine grains are
used, a /5 m (or better) accuracy can be obtained when
6.5.4 Applications
Ultrasonic machining has always been used for producing
small details in very hard materials such as glass, precious
stones, ceramics, and composites. Owing to the relative slow-
ness of the process, it has been used only when items could
not be manufactured by the other techniques. Thus most ap-
plications lie in the aerospace and electronics industries.
The process has therefore been focused on machining
small details (small diameter holes, slots) and sometimes
more complex shapes, obtained with the sinking method.
Many applications concern the production of several details in
a single operation, for example:
[9] A.G. Evans and T.R. Wilshaw, Quasi-static solid particle dam-
age in brittle solids. Observations, analysis and implications.
Acta Metallurgica, (24), 939956 (1976).
Microelectrodischarge Machining 187
Dielectric flushing,
Jump action and vibrofeeding of the tool,
Premachining holes to allow debris to flow away from the
electrode [8], and
Use of controlled pulse generators in WEDM as discussed
in Section 7.5.2.
7.5.2 Micro-WEDM
One of the essentials for production of precise microparts is a
microdischarge generator. Agie has developed the Agiepuls
HSS generator for -WEDM. This pulse generator draws only
4.5 kW and has a metal removal rate of over 300 mm2 /min for
steel. The pulse generator differs from an RC circuit compris-
ing only a d.c. source which is fed via a resistor and an elec-
tronic switch to the machining gap.
The voltage/time characteristic shown in Figure 5 is very
different from that of the RC circuit (Fig. 3). With a duty cycle
A novel process has been developed for the manufacture of mi-
cropipes, combining WEDG and electroforming, as shown in
Figure 6. The core of such a pipe is prepared by WEDG in
exactly the same way as one would prepare a microelectrode.
The surface of the core is then treated with a release coating
and electroplated with a suitable metal such as nickel or cop-
per. Further WEDG after metal deposition produces the cylin-
drical outer diameter of the pipe. The core is now extracted
from the pipe, taking care not to fracture it. Best results are
obtained from using austenitic stainless steel as the core and
polishing it to a mirrorlike finish by wire electrochemical
grinding (WECG) after WEDG [15]. (WECG relies on the use
of deionized water with a specific resistance of 0.6 Mcm as
an electrolyte to replace a dielectric fluid such as kerosene as
normally used for WEDG.)
As the core of the pipe is produced by WEDG, the core
need not necessarily be cylindrical. The core can be tapered
Microelectrodischarge Machining 193
(f )
Inkjet Nozzles
Charmilles Technologies states in its literature that the orig-
inal application of its -EDM machines was in the manufac-
ture of parts for inkjet printers, especially injection nozzles
for bubble jet color printers. Examples are depicted of 50-m
diameter holes with a pitch of 60 m machined through 50-
m stainless steel [18]. Allen and Lecheheb [19] also describe
inkjet nozzle fabrication results with aspect-ratios greater
than two. Such a hole is shown in Figure 7. The internal sur-
face finish has been examined by atomic force microscopy. Al-
though R a can be 54 to 75 nm in selected areas, the Ra over
a 24 24-m area was found to be between 0.2 and 0.4 m
Square-Cornered Cavities
As mentioned in Section 7.6.1, a square cross-section tungsten
carbide electrode (50 50 m) has been utilized to machine
a 300 300-m cavity with a flat bottom and vertical sides
into AISI 304 stainless steel. To maintain the required geome-
try in the cavity the electrode must be used in such a way
that the wear on the electrode is uniform over its surfaces.
The scanning paths used to machine the steel in the x- and y-
196 Allen
Microgear Wheels
The development of miniature electromagnetic motors has led
to a demand for miniature gearboxes less than 2 mm in diame-
ter with microgear wheels. Micro-WEDM using 20 to 30-m
wire has been employed to cut the complex tooth profiles re-
quired in the gearwheels. Ehrfeld [22] shows a ring gearwheel
for a planetary gearbox with an outer diameter of 1.9 mm.
Special Orifices
Details of an orifice for a paint spray nozzle are given in Table
3. Micro-WEDM can be used to make angled cuts through con-
ductive materials as the wire can be manipulated indepen-
dently both above and below the metal being cut. Thus an ori-
fice resulting in a fan-shaped spray can be produced.
Figure 8 Micro-EDG.
4 f
M2 . (1)
208 Meijer
Figure 3 Penetration depth of heat for short laser pulses: (a) laser
beam interaction and material removal; (b) micron and submicron
penetration levels.
210 Meijer
Figure 3 Continued.
T z,t
Ia 4at
T . (3)
Laser Micromachining 211
sion gives the heat input from the laser; I a is the absorbed
laser power on the surface while the absorption in depth is
given by ez. Under normal conditions the heat is absorbed
in a very thin surface layer of about 10 nm ( 10 8 m1 ). At
the critical temperature, however, 0 which implies that
there cannot be any laser absorption in the superheated layer;
all the absorption is concentrated in a small region where the
temperature is just below the critical temperature (Fig. 8).
Material is removed at the top of the dielectric layer by evapo-
ration. At the sidewalls material is forced away by the plasma
pressure on the liquid while at the end of the pulse, when the
pressure suddenly drops, material is removed by the boiling
of superheated liquid. Both effects result in redeposition
around the processing area.
The origin (z 0) is taken at the surface of the dielectric
liquid which moves downward with a velocity v. The latter
quantity can be calculated from Langmuirs method of vapor-
ization from a free surface, by means of a solution of the
ClausiusClapeyron equation of the equilibrium pressure,
discussed by von Allmen [4].
pn exp
1 n
T . (6)
L L0 1 T . (7)
Time (ns) 5 10 20 5 10 20 5 10 20
Surface temperature (K) 2000 2500 3200 4000 4300 4300 4300 4300 4300
Ablation velocity (m/s) 0 0 0.8 5 12 12 12 12 12
Melt layer (m) 0.03 0.15 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.65 0.35 0.8 1.4
Dielectric layer (m) 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.6 1.3
Ablation depth at end of pulse (m) 0 0.18 0.24
Total ablation depth (m) 0 0.22 0.40
Pulse Length 20 ns.
218 Meijer
ing down but still remaining above the normal boiling temper-
ature. From the model it was found that with a given (total)
fluence the ablation depth has an optimum (maximum) for a
given pulse length. For 2.5 J/cm 2 this optimum is obtained
with 15 ns pulses, for 5 J/cm 2 with 50 ns, and for 10 J/cm 2 with
150 ns pulses. The ablation depth given in Table 5 is based on
material removal only by evaporation. It could be expected
that melt is pushed away by the vapor pressure and that
boiling of the superheated melt after the laser pulse will also
remove droplets of material. On the other hand the phenome-
non of redeposition ensures that the melt is not removed, fi-
nally reducing the ablation rate. Nevertheless the experimen-
tal results are close to the quantities given in Table 5. In
special applications such as directly focused high-quality exci-
mer laser beams considerably higher ablation rates have been
achieved, up to 20 m per pulse with energies and pulse
lengths greater than, respectively, 100 J/cm 2 and 200 ns.
Femtosecond Ablation
In this case there is no energy transfer to the lattice during
the pulse; all energy is stored in a thin surface layer. If this
energy is more than the specific heat of evaporation there will
be vigorous evaporation after the pulse. The ablation depth
per pulse is given by Chichkov et al. [8] as
z a 1 ln
F th
Picosecond Ablation
With picosecond pulses the pulse length is on the same order
as the time to transfer the energy from electrons to the lattice.
The lattice temperature at the end of the pulse is approxi-
mately equal to the femtosecond ablation. In this case there
is also considerable evaporation and the ablation depth per
pulse as given by Equation (8) can be applied. Although the
220 Meijer
Nanosecond Ablation
In terms of the thermal processes during lasermaterial inter-
action the nanosecond pulses have to be considered as long
pulses. The absorbed laser energy first heats the work speci-
men to its melting point and then to the vaporization tempera-
ture. During the interaction the main energy loss is by heat
conduction into the solid. The threshold fluence for long pulses
can be estimated in the same way as for ultrashort pulses. The
layer thickness 1, the absorption depth in Equation (8), now
has to be replaced by the thermal diffusion depth at, which
Laser Micromachining 221
Currently used industrial lasers are mainly CO2, Nd: YAG, ex-
cimer, argon ion, and copper vapor types. An overview of the
pulse duration and peak power for the different lasers is given
in Figure 9. General-purpose machining equipment consists
of a stationary laser beam with a product holder on a horizon-
tal xy-stage and a lens capable of moving in the vertical direc-
tion. The solid state Nd:YAG laser is the main vehicle for mi-
cromachining applications (Fig. 10). The energy is pumped by
flash lamps into the Nd:YAG rod. The laser beam with about
6-mm diameter can be focused by lenses directly on the surface
to spots of diameter 50 m for fine drilling or cutting, to about
0.5 mm for spot welding.
For Nd:YAG laser welding a large number of glass fibers
are used to transport the laser energy to the workpiece. Up to
12 fibers can be connected to one laser allowing 12 semisimul-
taneous welds over a single period. Alternatively fibers can be
coupled to different welding stations with the same laser used
on a time-sharing basis. Such machining equipment is highly
Figure 9 Overview of peak power, pulse length, and wavelength
range for Nd :YAG, excimer, and titanium:sapphire lasers. (Cour-
tesy of LZH.)
Figure 10 General purpose Nd: YAG laser machine for cutting and
welding operations.
Laser Micromachining 225
8.4.1 Laser Microdrilling
Laser drilling of small holes is a widespread application. Holes
are drilled in hard materials such as metals, ceramics, or dia-
mond, in softer materials for microelectronics or medical pur-
poses, and also in plastics to perforate foils or for ventilation.
Two different techniques are used: direct focusing of the beam
to the desired (small) diameter of the hole and alternatively
by imaging a mask.
Direct focusing is the easier procedure as only a lens is
needed. The focal length should be chosen so that the focal
diameter (Eq. (1)) corresponds to the required hole diameter.
This condition requires a well-defined and stable laser beam,
because the beam quality M 2 directly affects the focal and hole
diameter. The laser fluency should be in accordance with its
required amount, about one J/cm 2 for plastics to tens of Joules
per cm 2 for metals. Laser energy may be applied effectively by
using an array of microlenses to obtain simultaneously tens
or hundreds of holes. Several lasers are used for drilling by
direct focusing. CO 2 lasers are used for high numbers of holes
in thin materials (production rates over 10,000 per second).
Nd:YAG lasers are employed for drilling precision holes in
hard materials such as metals and diamond, while excimer
lasers are used mainly for composites and ceramics.
A special application of micromachining on large-scale
products is drilling holes for boundary layer suction on air-
planes, pioneered by British Aerospace. Holes of 20- to 80-m
diameter are drilled in aluminium by a 1-kW excimer laser
with 200-ns long pulses of high quality, M 2 1.5. About 100
holes are drilled simultaneously by means of an array of mi-
crolenses. Up to 20 pulses are required to penetrate a 1-mm
226 Meijer
times for metals. Masks for holes are drilled or lasercut from
sheet metal (Fig. 11), whereas masks for complex holes are
produced by metal films on quartz. The demagnification rate
follows primarily from the optimum laser fluence on the sub-
strate. In particular, with high demagnification rates only
small areas can be processed at one time. Larger products are
processed by moving the product simultaneously with the
mask, an electronic gearbox being used between the axes.
By this technique masks of about 25 25 cm2 are applied in
practice (Fig. 12).
M M n ne (1)
trolyte, metal ions and hydroxyl ions may combine to form hy-
droxide precipitates:
2H2O 4H O2 4e (4)
Sh 0.9 Re 1/2
Sc 1/2
Sh 1.85 Re Sc (9a)
Sh 0.3 Pe 0.33 (11)
ia ip ip (14)
t p tp
p Dt p (1 ) (15)
i pl i l p
(1 ) (16)
Cone Connectors
Cone connectors represent a new generation of connectors
with low total load which finds application in pad-on-pad cable
connectors for flex, chip burn in pads, high performance
boards, and the like [31]. Effective cone connector structures
are characterized by small tips, tall cones, and strong material
of fabrication. At present the cones are fabricated by laser ab-
lation of polymeric films followed by metallization. This tech-
nique produces relatively good quality cones but involves sev-
eral steps thus making the process expensive. Furthermore,
the cones fabricated by this method lack the desired mechani-
cal strength. A high-speed process of fabricating cones by
through-mask EMM has been developed and patented [31].
The process is applicable to a variety of metals and alloys and
is independent of the hardness of the material.
A photoresist pattern in the form of evenly spaced dots
is generated on the metallic material that is suitably selected
for the pad-on-pad connector. During EMM, the anode mate-
rial dissolves in those areas that remain unprotected by the
photoresist. As anodic dissolution continues, the removal of
material between the dots leads to formation of cavities and
finally leads to the formation of cones as shown in Figure 11.
Preferential dissolution in the desired direction is achieved by
employing a multinozzle assembly in which extremely high
impinging electrolyte flow can be applied. Cones on copper and
hardened stainless steel (Fe13Cr) sheets have been gener-
ated by this method. Figure 11 shows SEM microphotographs
of the cones fabricated on a hardened stainless steel sheet. The
desired size and shape of cones could be obtained by proper
design of the photoresist dimensions and by properly control-
ling the amount of charge passed during EMM. By choosing
proper electrolyte and machining conditions many other met-
als and alloys can be used to fabricate such cones.
Micromachining by Electrochemical Dissolution 271
Metal Masks
Fabrication of metal masks involves through patterning by
etching of a foil that is coated with perfectly aligned patterned
photoresist on two sides. In a typical present-day processing,
molybdenum masks are etched in a spray etcher using heated
alkaline potassium ferricyanide solution. The solution will
lose its etching activity as a larger quantity of the ferricyanide
is reduced to ferrocyanide. Larger volume users regenerate
the etchant electrochemically or by using a chemical oxidizer
such as ozone. The spent etchant must be disposed of as haz-
ardous waste. In addition, the rinsewater from the etching op-
eration must also be segregated and treated as a hazardous
waste stream.
As a greener alternative, a novel EMM process has been
developed recently for high-speed fabrication of molybdenum
masks using a salt solution as the electrolyte [17]. A prototype
precision tool of the type shown in Figure 8(b) was employed
to fabricate molybdenum masks of different sizes (225 225
mm and 250 250 mm). Features on the sheet, as many as
120,000, were etched to a precision of 10% of the total feature
size. An SEM photograph of a molybdenum mask fabricated
by EMM is shown in Figure 12. The microfabrication data of
EMM obtained in salt solution at ambient temperature were
compared with those obtained by a conventional chemical
etching process with ferricyanide solution. Performance crite-
ria included machining rate, surface finish, aspect-ratio, and
simplicity of operation. The metal removal rate in EMM was
found to be orders of magnitude higher than that in chemi-
cal etching. Operating EMM at, or higher than, the limiting
current density provided conditions for microsmooth surface
and patterning uniformity. Ability to maintain a thin layer of
salt film at the surface was a key to obtaining uniformity of
etching and a high aspect-ratio. A higher aspect-ratio was
achieved by increasing electrolyte impingement at the surface
Micromachining by Electrochemical Dissolution 273
Photoresist angle
Diffusion layer thickness (cm)
p Pulsating diffusion layer thickness (cm)
Kinematic viscosity of electrolyte (cm2 /s)
Density of material (g/cm3)
Duty cycle
278 McGeough
280 McGeough
Figure 7 Effects of low and high energies on atom removal: (a) low
energy case; (b) high energy case. (From Ref. 3.)
incident ion energy but also the angle of incidence, ionic and
atomic periodicity, and heat of sublimation. They point out,
for example, that the rate of material removal (or etching) can
also be enhanced at grain boundaries and can be affected by
crystallographic orientation.
An alternative way of recording rates of removal is in
terms of the milling rate, which typically varies between 1 and
2 m s1 for, respectively, normal and 50 angles of incidence.
Some typical milling rates for a range of materials that have
been ion beam machined are presented in Table 2.
Useful experimental information is available on these re-
sults which supplements that given in Table 2. The results
were obtained with apparatus that included a low voltage gun,
in which a hot filament was utilized as the source of electrons
to ionize the argon gas. The hollow anode source used as the
Ion Beam Machining 289
ion gun was about 5 cm in diameter and 15-cm long. The anode
and cathode had matching arrays of 300 holes, each of 0.3-
mm diameter, and spaced apart such that uniform material
removal or milling, accurate to within about 3% over the ma-
chining area, could be obtained. With this anodecathode con-
figuration an area of 300-cm diameter could be treated. Each
beam was capable of 100 A with only 1 kV voltage applied;
that is, the total beam current was 30 mA.
Further experimental results for an argon ion beam at
normal incidence are presented in Tables 3 and 4.
Relevant data concerning IBM can now be summarized.
For a typical IBM operation on a material of area 1 cm2, a
depth of approximately 104 mm is removed with an ion beam
of 100-A current. At a removal rate of one atom per incident
ion, 1 mhr1 of material would be machined over that area;
that is, about 3 atoms s1 or one atomic monolayer per second
per square centimeter of area. The removal rate can be in-
creased by use of greater beam fluxes or higher energy ions,
290 McGeough
Carbon 0.07
Aluminum 1.2
Silicon 0.62
Chromium 0.83
Manganese 1.5
Silver 2.5
Gold 2.4
SiC 0.52
SiO2 0.67
Fe 2O3 0.78
AZ 1350 (photoresist) 0.50
PMMA (photoresist) 0.93
Current density 1 mA cm2.
Source: Ref. 2.
Ion Beam Machining 291
10.6.1 Smoothing
The use of IBM for smoothing of laser mirrors and for modi-
fying the thickness of thin films and membranes without
affecting the surface finish was also reported by Jolly et al.
300 McGeough
11.8.1 Drilling
Steigerwald and Meyer [4] gave early consideration to EBM
for hole-drilling. They concluded that improved reproducibil-
ity, greater working speeds, and deeper holes of accurately
controlled shapes were needed. Later Boehme [5] discussed
drilling applications with electron beam machines fitted with
systems for numerically controlling the beam power, focus,
and pulse duration. As a result cylindrical and other configu-
rations, such as conical- and barrel-shaped holes, of various
diameters were drilled with consistent accuracy at rates of
several thousand holes per second. Drilling of inclined holes,
at an angle of 15, was also investigated.
At that time Boehme [5] reported that the largest diame-
ters and depths of holes that could be accurately drilled by
EBM were, respectively, 1.5 and 10 mm, and that the ratio of
depth-to-diameter was normally in the range 1:1 and 1:15. For
example, Binnie and Champney drilled stainless steel plate
0.25-mm thick with 0.2-mm holes [6].
For deeper holes, in the range 2.5 to 7.5 mm, Steigerwald
and Meyer [4] emphasized the need for a stable power supply
that can emit the required groups of pulses and for a well-
controlled beam of closely defined diameter, the angle of aper-
ture of which has a strong bearing on the shape of the hole
produced. Under laboratory conditions, holes of about 19 mm
were achieved by their team. Figures 13(a) and (b) show sam-
ples of drilling obtained by them for different materials. A
further useful summary of the characteristics of EBM of
various materials is given in Table 2. Figure 14 shows the
cross-section of holes drilled by EBM under the results (a) of
Table 3.
314 McGeough
Molybdenum shim 140 20 20 50 Focused 0.050-mm dia.
(0.25-mm thick) holes drilled in
1 s on 0.075-
mm centers
Electron Beam Machining
Microdiodes 110 7 12 50 Focused Scribed to 0.025-
scribing mm depth Scrib-
ing rate 1500-
mm min1 (Maxi-
mum rate not
Silicon wafers 130 70 4 3000 Focused Scribed to 0.05-
(0.25-mm thick) mm depth at
(gold deposited) 127 mm min1
Thin film register 100 20 9 1000 Focused Cut by manual
(Tantalum, programming
100 A)
Mylar tape (0.038 110 600 Continuous beam Continuous beam Focused 117200 mm
mm) min1
Steel drill (0.36- 140 200 80 50 Focused circular Drilled in 3 min
mm dia.) deflected
Source: Ref. 6.
318 McGeough
tude shorter than those of light systems, which were used be-
fore integrated circuits became so complex.
A detailed early account of EBM for the manufacture of
integrated circuits has been presented by Yew [7]. The beam
is positioned accurately by means of deflection coils at the loca-
tion where a pattern is to be written, by exposing a film of
electron resist coated on either a chrome mask blank or a wa-
fer, for the production of the lithographic definition required.
(Although they are discussed more fully in Chapter 12, it is
Figure 16 Vector scan writing method. (a) Simple: each dot has
(x, y) address output from a computer through a D/A converter to a
beam deflection and blanking system; (b) one spot: 2.5 m 2.5 m;
minimum positioning step: 0.25 m; and (c), (d) deflected beam: chip
6 6 mm (max). (From Ref. 7.)
Electron Beam Machining 321
12.1.1 Scope
In this chapter, optical, electron-beam, and X-ray lithographic
techniques are described. Methods used to transfer litho-
graphically defined polymer patterns into more substantial
materials, such as metals, are also discussed. The chapter
deals with the limits of lithography in terms of smallness and
pattern placement accuracy. These techniques may be re-
garded as the ultimate form of micromachining in which a
combination of lithographically large patterns, sacrificial lay-
ers, and selective etches are used to make structures such as
cogs and pressure sensors, although such applications are not
included here.
326 Thoms and Macintyre
12.2.1 Lithography
Lithography is the process by which fine features are defined
on a substrate. For conventional lithography the substrate
needs to have a flat surface, and is typically a 200-mm diame-
ter silicon wafer with a thickness of about 1.0 mm. Optical
lithography is the most common form because it combines the
accuracy required for current silicon circuits with considerable
throughput capability. Electron beam lithography is capable
of much higher resolution pattern definition but is a serial
328 Thoms and Macintyre
Optical Lithography
The process for optical lithography is shown in Figure 3. First
the substrate is coated with a thin film of radiation-sensitive
polymer known as a resist. Film thicknesses are typically on
cally between 10 and 100 kV. Two main types of systems are in
production, one with shaped beams; the other uses a Gaussian
spot. Gaussian spot machines can be further subdivided into
raster, such as the MEBES type and vector, scan machines. In
these techniques, a finely focused beam of electrons is scanned
across the surface of the substrate in order to expose the resist.
This is termed a serial process. It contrasts strongly with opti-
cal lithography, a parallel process, in which the whole circuit
is simultaneously exposed. As a consequence EBL is much
slower than optical lithography, and therefore is generally
used in production only when resolutions smaller than those
available in optical lithography are required. Several methods
of undertaking parallel electron beam lithography have been
suggested, and currently SCALPEL (scattering with angular
limitation in projection electron beam lithography) is under
intense development at Bell Laboratories [1].
Gaussian spot machines are capable of the highest reso-
lution whereas shaped beam machines are faster. In a raster
scan system, the beam is scanned across the whole substrate
and blanked or unblanked as appropriate to produce a pattern
in a way analogous to that used in a television set. Vector sys-
tems only scan the beam where exposure is required which
gives better-defined shape edges. It is also faster when the pat-
tern density is low. Raster systems, however, can scan at much
higher clock rates (typically 100 MHz in contrast to 10 MHz)
which makes them faster for medium- to high-density pat-
terns. Raster scan systems are utilized typically for mask-
making, whereas vector scan systems are employed in high-
resolution direct write applications.
In all these tools the maximum possible movement of the
electron beam by use of the deflection system is about 1 to 5
mm. This movement is limited by aberrations that affect both
the spot size and the positional accuracy as the deflection in-
creases. The largest area that can be written without move-
ment of the substrate is called a field. Larger patterns are
made up by joining a number of fields in a similar way to the
stepping action of an optical stepper. The major difference is
High-Resolution Lithography 333
Other Lithographies
X-rays, ion beams, lasers [2], and scanning probes [3] can all
be used to carry out lithography. The use of X-ray lithography
was noted as early as 1972 [4], and has until recently been
described as the next generation tool to be used when optical
lithography reaches its limitations. The latter technique was
expected to be replaced for dimensions smaller than 1 m.
However, recent reports (2001) show that circuits with mini-
mum feature sizes of 0.13 m are still being made by optical
lithography, and sizes as small as 0.07 m are also expected
to be achieved by the same procedure.
The principles underlying X-ray lithography are similar
to those of contact printing for optical lithography and there-
fore require a full-sized mask. The production of such masks
for X-ray lithography remains a major technological difficulty.
334 Thoms and Macintyre
12.2.2 Resists
Lithographic procedures generally involve the coating of
energy-sensitive chemical substances called resists. The resist-
coated substrate is then exposed by an energetic beam, which
has been patterned in some way. Pattern transfer to substrates
by mask technologies is well established for both optical and
X-ray lithography [8]. However, high-speed scanning tech-
niques are now becoming increasingly significant. In addition,
High-Resolution Lithography 335
ing, and the minimum feature sizes in the pattern must also
be considered. Account must also be taken of the continuity
and quality of supplies, cost, and the safety of solvents on
which the resist is based.
The semiconductor industry now regularly uses 0.25-m
process technology. It has recently been demonstrated that
semiconductor production technology can be used to print fea-
tures less than 0.1 m in size. This achievement has been de-
veloped on the design and application of a resist sensitive to
193-nm light sources. Certain photoresists are classified ac-
cording to their sensitivity to major lines in the mercury spec-
trum since mercury lamplight sources are used in the longer
wavelength lithography tools. Thus resists that are sensitive
to light of wavelength about 436 and 356 nm are termed, re-
spectively, g-line and i-line resists. Resists sensitive to
248-nm wavelength deep ultraviolet light are now established,
while 193-nm DUV resists and those sensitive to extreme ul-
traviolet (EUV) are being developed to meet advances in li-
thography tool technology.
A less commonly used but nevertheless important group
of photosensitive materials comes under the category of thick
resists. They include epoxy-based negative tone resists such
as SU-8 (first produced by IBM Corp.) which can be applied in
thicknesses exceeding 100 m, and photosensitive polyimides
such as the Probimide series, which can be applied in film
thicknesses greater than 30 m. These materials have use-
ful applications in the fabrication of high aspect-ratio three-
dimensional features.
The volume market for electron beam sensitive resists is
relatively small and so continuity of supplies can be problem-
atic. Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) was first reported as
a positive electron beam sensitive resist by Haller et al. in
1968, and it has since been well used for this purpose. PMMA
is capable of patterning features less than 10 nm. It is rela-
tively easy to process as it only needs to be applied to sub-
strates, baked, exposed, and then developed. A drawback to
PMMA is its poor dry etch resistance relative to Novolak-
High-Resolution Lithography 337
Resist Chemistry
This topic is discussed in detail in Moreau [12]. Many types
of resists are available, and the processing conditions used
greatly depend on the resist chemistry. In general, resists can
be described as being one-, two-, or three-component resist ma-
terial. A one-component positive resist material is typically a
polymer whose molecular weight is reduced upon irradiation.
An organic solvent or solvent mixture is used as developer and
the dissolving power of the solvent varies strongly with the
molecular weight of the polymer. PMMA is an example of a
single-component positive resist, the sensitivity of which de-
creases slightly with increased molecular weight. Negative,
single-component resists work by free radical-induced cross-
linking of polymers which become insoluble above a gel point
dose. These resists suffer from swelling during development.
Typical two-component resists are i-line photoresists which
are often based on diazonapthoquinone (DQN) dispersed in a
Novolak resin [13]. The DQN has a dual role as a dissolution
inhibitor and photosensitizer, while good dry etch resistance
is attributed to the Novolak resin. Absorption of radiation de-
stroys the dissolution inhibitor in patterned areas and aque-
ous alkaline developers are used to create the photodifferen-
tiation. An increasing number of three-component resist
systems are being produced. They offer good dry etch resis-
tance and enhanced sensitivity from chemical amplification.
Three-component positive resist systems often comprise a No-
volak or acrylate matrix which provides good dry etch resis-
tance and allows aqueous development, a dissolution inhibitor
which is not photosensitive but which is decomposed in an
acid-catalyzed hydrolysis reaction, and a radiation-sensitive
component which generates an acid catalyst on exposure to
radiation. The catalyst is not stoichiometrically consumed in
High-Resolution Lithography 339
tK (1)
The two main classes are chemical vapor (CVD) and physical
vapor deposition (PVD). In CVD reactant components are
brought together in gaseous form in a suitable chamber. A
chemical reaction takes place on the surface of the wafer lead-
ing to deposition of the desired material. Conformal coverage
of the material across the wafer is then achieved, in which the
deposited thickness is uniform across changes in topography
and underlying material. Many materials can be deposited by
CVD, including polycrystalline silicon, silicon oxide, silicon ni-
tride, titanium nitride, tungsten, and aluminum.
The PVD process involves physical removal of material
from a target and its uniform deposition on the wafer surface.
The two main procedures used are electron gun evaporation
and plasma sputtering. In the former the designated material
is heated until a satisfactory evaporation rate is achieved. In
the latter, a small argon or nitrogen plasma is formed near
the source. Energetic gas molecules from the plasma strik-
ing the target remove material which then travels through the
vacuum system to the wafer. Many metals such as gold, alumi-
num, nickel, and titanium can be deposited by PVD.
Additive Processes
Two principal additive processes are liftoff and electroplat-
ing. In liftoff, a directed stream of material, usually from an
evaporation source, is deposited onto the resist as shown in
Figure 4. Conformal covering is unwanted in this case. After
the deposition is complete, the resist and the metal coated on
its top are removed by immersion in a suitable solvent, which
High-Resolution Lithography 343
Subtractive Processes
The subtractive process is illustrated in Figure 4. There are
two main classes: wet etching, which occurs in solution, and
dry etching, which takes place in a low vacuum and relies on
either a plasma or a beam of atoms/ions. A decision that wet
etching should be replaced by a dry etch process depends
mainly on the verticality of the etch which can be achieved by
the latter, as illustrated in Figure 4. This quality has become
increasingly important with reduction of device dimensions
below 2 m. Wet etching makes use of chemicals such as hy-
drofluoric acid and potassium hydroxide to etch selectively one
material, others being left untouched. Dry etching has both
physical and chemical aspects. High energy atoms/ions strik-
ing the surface physically remove material by sputtering. If
reactive species are present then a chemical reaction takes
place that enhances the etch rate, and makes possible selec-
tive etching of one material in preference to others. Verti-
cal sidewalls result partly from the directional aspect of the
ions causing sputtering and also by deposition of reaction by-
products on the sidewalls, which inhibit lateral etching. As
each different material requires etching, fresh chemical and
plasma conditions have had to be developed.
Dry etching technology has many subclasses. In reactive
ion etching (RIE) a plasma is struck between two parallel
plate electrodes by applying radio frequency (RF) power caus-
ing a plasma to be struck between them. A self-bias is formed
between the plasma and the substrate to be etched which is
placed on the lower electrode. Ions and reactive radicals are
accelerated across the dark space between the plasma and
the substrate with energies typically in the range 20 to 400
eV. These basic operating conditions may be varied in order
to increase the etch speed and reduce etch damage, the latter
344 Thoms and Macintyre
12.3.1 Lithography
Optical Lithography
For optical steppers the rate of area coverage is measured in
wafers per hour. For 200-mm wafers typical values are be-
tween 30 and 60 per hour for 0.25-m feature sizes.
T (2)
where FF is the fill factor, A the total area to be covered, S is
the sensitivity, and i is the beam current. The beam current
i is related to the spot diameter d by
iB (3)
where B is the electron source brightness, and is the beam
semiangle at the substrate, typically 1 to 10 mrad. The beam
brightness depends greatly on the electron source used. Two
main types of sources are employed by EBL machines, namely,
thermionic sources such as LaB6 and field emission sources,
their respective brightnesses being about 106 and 108 Acm2
sr1. Clearly the field emission sources have superior speed;
they also provide smaller spot sizes giving improved resolu-
For a typical beam current of 5 nA and a resist sensitivity
of 20 C cm2, the time to write a square centimeter with 50%
fill factor is 2000 s (or about one half hour). Practical fill factors
are between 1 and 50% giving area coverage rates between 2
and 100 cm 2 per hour. Equation (2) considers only calculation
of the beam time, that is, the time needed for the beam to scan
the pattern. In calculation of writing time, account may also
have to be taken of machine calibration, stage movement, and
shape loading times. Although the beam time usually deter-
mines the writing time, in some cases these other factors may
have a greater effect. In particular, the stage movement times
required to cover a 200-mm wafer are noted to amount to
about 2 hours for a typical vector scan machine, which is not
taken into account in the determination of beam time.
348 Thoms and Macintyre
Optical Lithography
The resolution of optical lithography is usually defined by the
Rayleigh criterion discussed by Moreau [12],
R (4)
where R is the smallest printable feature, NA is the numerical
aperture of the lens system, and is the exposing wavelength.
For periodic patterns R is equal to one half of the pitch. For
a given optical system, and NA are fixed and k is a factor
that describes the modulation of the aerial image. The abso-
lute minimum of the k-factor for periodic structures is 0.25
since at this stage the modulation becomes zero. In order to
achieve the smallest possible features, k has to be made as
small as possible. The minimum practical value of k is about
0.35, which is achieved by a combination of techniques includ-
High-Resolution Lithography 349
(1 ) 2
r 2
r 2
flected into a beam dump thus switching off the beam at the
substrate. Beam blanking times can be less than 100 ns. Lens
L1 focuses the beam to a crossover point in the center of the
blanker, to ensure that when it blanks it does not also move
on the substrate. The next elements are lenses L2 and L3
which form a zoom lens system but with fractional magnifica-
tion: the focal plane of L3 is kept constant; by varying the cur-
rent through L2 and L3 different amounts of demagnification
are introduced into the system. This procedure allows the spot
size and beam current at the substrate to be varied. Further
down the column sit the deflection coils which electronically
scan the beam in the x- and y-directions. These coils are con-
trolled by the pattern generator. Below the coils is the final
356 Thoms and Macintyre
Such use has all been made possible by the high resolution
machining of material by the lithographic processes outlined
Lithography has been applied to other semiconductors as
well as silicon. In particular, GaAs-based devices are used to
make high-speed transistors for mobile phones and satellite
communications. Solid-state laser technology makes extensive
use of lithographic techniques. Its applications include CD
players and high-speed fiber communications. Flat panel dis-
plays, such as those employed in laptop computers, are made
from amorphous thin films of silicon on glass substrates by
use of lithographic techniques.
High-resolution lithography has also been used in other
applications, such as biotechnology. Microtextured surfaces
made by lithographic techniques affect the direction of cell
growth and have been used to make smart bandages for liga-
ment repair. Large arrays of electrodes have been made that
can be used to propel selectively different bioparticles, for frac-
tionating blood into different components [32]. Another ap-
plication is bespoke microscopy. An atomic force microscope
essentially consists of a sharp tip which is scanned across
a surface, as described more fully in Chapter 2. By carrying
out lithography on the tip, functional probes can be made,
such as thermometers to measure temperature or small holes
for scanning nearfield optical microscopy (SNOM). Figure 8
shows a 70-nm thermocouple fabricated on the top of a 20-m
high pyramid on a cantilever designed for use as a scanning
thermal probe [33].
B is A/cm2 /sr
D is in cm
is in radians.
NA is dimensionless
K is dimensionless.
r is in m
is dimensionless.
AFM Atomic force microscopy
ArF Argon fluoride
B Electron source brightness
CD Critical dimension
CVD Chemical vapor deposition
DQN Diazonapthoquinone
DRAM Dynamic random access memory
DUV Deep ultraviolet
EBL Electron beam lithography
EBPG Electron beam pattern generator
362 Thoms and Macintyre
The main text of this book deals with the principal methods of
micromachining that are currently attracting industrial and
research interest.
Other material removal processes used primarily for fin-
ishing and polishing of surfaces are also occasionally consid-
ered to act in the manner of micromachining. The purpose of
this appendix therefore is to draw attention to and describe
some techniques that may be regarded in this category. Some
of these methods are already well established and have had
to be adapted to meet the requirements of microengineered
370 McGeough
A.2.1 Principles
In lapping an abrasive such as fine grit diamond is applied in
a slurry or paste in water, grease, or oil. A common type is
ball-lapping in which balls are placed between cast iron laps
into which are machined circular grooves to control the move-
ment of the balls. Rotation of one of the laps results in a cir-
cular movement of the balls around the laps onto which is
superimposed a spinning motion of the balls to ensure their
complete coverage. The hard abrasive becomes embedded in
the soft lap and acts as a cutting point.
Material removal by lapping is very slow. The technique
is mainly used to improve surface finish. The surfaces pro-
duced depend on the material removal mechanism but are
generally isotropic. Lapping is used to produce smooth flat
Micromachining by Finishing Techniques 371
Silicon Wafers
Advances in lapping for silicon wafer applications by a rapidly
renewable lap technique that separates functions of figure and
372 McGeough
Figure 2 (a,b) Plunge and (c) through-feed honing. (From Ref. 10.)
386 Index
Stainless steel, 172, 173, 184, Texture, 102, 104, 111, 313,
185, 191, 192, 195, 196, 323
198, 208, 211, 234, 259, Texturing
260, 265, 266, 269, 270, electron beam, 323
292, 313, 378, 381 laser, 232
Steel, 107, 126, 127, 149, 150, Thinning (IBM), 293
153, 159, 162, 184, 208, Titanium (alloy), 97, 149, 150,
213, 216 153, 172, 174, 291, 310
bearing, 382 Titanium diboride, 198
carbon, 378 Tolansky interferometer, 40
sheet, 323 Tool
Stefan problem, 214 abrasive, 99, 100, 102, 107
Steps, 16, 39 cutting, 126, 128, 138, 139
Stokes flow, 250 design, optimization of, 11,
Stone, 172, 173 12
Stray current (cutting), 247, edge, 172, 173
265 fixed, 4
Structuring, surface laser, 232 making, 5
Stylus instruments, 18, 42, Tool-based micromachining, 4
43, 44 Tool-based processes, 7
Sulphur, 184, 231, 373 Tool makers microscope
Superfinishing, 2, 372, 373, (TMM), 22, 23, 50
375, 376, 377, 378, 379 Tool storage, 6
Superpolishing, 379, 380 Transfer fidelity, 74, 77, 78
Surface Transistor, 327, 358, 359, 360
abrasive, 131 Transmission electron micro-
finish, 127, 142, 144, 370, scope (TEM), 24, 293
373, 376, 377, 382 Trench, 144, 165
microtextured, 358 Tungsten, 150, 182, 184, 188,
profiler, 41 190, 191, 195, 197, 300,
roughness, 161, 173, 291, 301, 307, 311, 327, 342,
292, 310, 371, 378, 380 356
texture, texturing, 292 Turbine engine blades, 15,
Surgery, 172, 174, 175 115, 264
Synthetic materials, 315, 319 Turning
diamond, 125, 127, 129, 133,
Teflon, 221 134, 136, 137, 141, 142
Television monitor, 15, 205, mechanical, 4, 7, 172
229, 332 Two-beam method, 36
Index 397