Anticipatory Bail in India
Anticipatory Bail in India
Anticipatory Bail in India
Editors Note: The paper deals with a basic introduction to Anticipatory Bail as
contained in the various provisions of the CrPC along with its history of being included
in the scheme of the code. The focus is then shifted to the more technical nuances of the
practice, dealing with jurisdiction, discretion and duration.
Anticipatory Bail a word widely used in parlance of litigation but which does not
owe its origin to a statute. Neither section 438 of Cr.P.C nor its marginal note so
describes it but, the expression anticipatory bail is a convenient mode of conveying
that it is possible to apply for bail in anticipation of arrest. In fact anticipatory bail is
a misnomer. It is not a bail presently granted by the Court in anticipation of arrest.
When the court grants anticipatory bail it means is that in event of arrest the person
shall be released on bail.
The conflict of judicial opinion whether a High Court had inherent powers to make an
order of bail in anticipation of arrest and the need to curb the acts of, influential
persons trying to implicate their rivals in false cases for the purpose of disgracing
them or for other purposes by getting them detained in jail for some days were the
necessities, carved out by Law Commission of India in its 41st Report to introduce
provision relating to Anticipatory bail. The Law Commission in its 48 Report in the
year 1972 recommended acceptance of suggestion. The object of Section 438 is to
prevent undue harassment of the accused persons by pre-trial arrest and detention
As most things have a dark side so do this provision of the code. The object behind
enacting this law was to prevent the innocent from getting trapped but with time the
picture has changed and now persons accused of heinous offences and even habitual
offenders are invoking it repeatedly, which was not the intent of the relief sought to be
given by this section
The Law Commission of India, in its 41st Report dated September 24, 1969 pointed
out the necessity of introducing a provision in the Code of Criminal Procedure
enabling the High Court and the Court of Sessions to grant anticipatory bail. It
observed in para 39.9 of its report (Volume I) that[3]:
The suggestion for directing the release of a person on bail prior to his arrest
(commonly known as anticipatory bail) was carefully considered by us. Though
there is a conflict of judicial opinion about the power of a court to grant anticipatory
bail, the majority view is that there is no such power under the existing provisions of
the Code. The necessity for granting anticipatory bail arises mainly because
sometimes influential persons try to implicate their rivals in false cases for the
purpose of disgracing them or for other purposes by getting them detained in jail for
some days. In recent times, with the accentuation of political rivalry, this tendency is
showing signs of steady increase. Apart from false cases, where there are reasonable
grounds for holding that a person accused of an offence is not likely to abscond, or
otherwise misuse his liberty while on bail, there seems no justification to require him
first to submit to custody, remain in prison for some days and then apply for bail.
In para 31 of its 48th Report (July, 1972) the Law Commission recommended
acceptance of the suggestion and made the following comments on the aforesaid
The Bill introduces a provision for the grant of anticipatory bail. This is substantially
in accordance with the recommendation made by the previous Commission. We agree
that this would be a useful addition, though we must add that it is in very exceptional
cases that such a power should be exercised. We are further of the view that in order
to ensure that the provision is not put to abuse at the instance of unscrupulous
petitioners, the final order should be made only after notice to the Public Prosecutor.
The initial order should only be an interim one. Further, the relevant section should
make it clear that the direction can be issued only for reasons to be recorded, and if
the court is satisfied that such a direction is necessary in the interests of justice. It will
also be convenient to provide that notice of the interim order as well as of the final
orders will be given to the Superintendent of Police forthwith
The expression `anticipatory bail has not been defined in the Code and is a misnomer
inasmuch as, it is not as if bail presently granted in anticipation of arrest[5]. Where a
competent court grants `anticipatory bail, it makes an order that in the event of arrest,
a person shall be released on bail.[6]. The power of granting `anticipatory bail is
extraordinary in character and only in exceptional cases where it appears that a person
is falsely implicated or a frivolous case is launched against him or there are
reasonable grounds for holding that a person accused of an offence is not likely to
abscond, or otherwise misuse his liberty while on bail, such power is exercised.
Therefore, the power being `unusual in nature is entrusted only to the higher echelons
of judicial service, i.e. a Court of Session and a High Court.
The distinction between an ordinary order of bail and an order of anticipatory bail is
that whereas the former is granted after arrest and thus means release from the
custody of the police, the latter is granted in anticipation of arrest and is therefore
effective at the very moment of arrest[8]. Police custody is an inevitable concomitant
of arrest for non-bailable offences. The grant of anticipatory bail to an accused who
is under arrest involves a contradiction in terms, in so far as the offence or offences
for which he is arrested, are concerned. After arrest, the accused must seek his remedy
under Section 437 or Section 439 of the Code, if he wants to be released on bail in
respect of the offence or offences for which he is arrested
The High Court and a Court of Session, have concurrent jurisdiction to grant
anticipatory bail. There has been a judicial conflict as regards to the Court competent
to grant anticipatory bail, when the place of commission of offence and the place of
apprehension of arrest lie within two different states but the dictum accepted by
majority of the High Courts is that that, a court of Session or the High Court having
jurisdiction over the local commission of offense can only grant anticipatory
bail[9].The High Courts of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Delhi have been
firm on the legal position that a court within whose jurisdiction a person apprehends
arrest for a non-bailable offence is competent court to grant anticipatory bail[10]and a
court has no jurisdiction to grant anticipatory bail to the petitioner against whom a
case has been registered in another state[11].The Kerala High Court has also held that
an arrest made outside the State will not be protected by an order under Section 438
unless the offense itself is alleged to have committed within the state[12]. Whereas
on the other hand, the Bombay High Court has taken a contrary view and held that if
the offense is committed in one state but arrest is expected in another State, the High
Court in the latter state can entertain application for anticipatory bail.[13] The unique
stand taken by the High Court of Karnataka and Gujarat regarding the same appears to
be more suitable interpretation wherein it was held that:
Sec 438 Cr.P.C. provides relief to the person apprehending arrest even though the
court may not have jurisdiction to deal with the offence. He can seek relief in the
court within whose jurisdiction he ordinarily resides. Anticipatory bail of limited
duration can be granted with a direction to the petitioner to approach the court
concerned. Thus an application under Sec 438 should be finally decided by only the
court within whose jurisdiction the alleged offence has been committed[14].
The Courts have felt that wide discretionary power conferred by the Legislature on
the higher echelons in the criminal justice delivery system cannot be put in the form
of strait-jacket rules for universal application as the question whether to grant bail or
not depends, for its answer upon a variety of circumstances[15], the cumulative effect
of which must enter into the judicial verdict. A circumstance which, in a given case,
turns out to be conclusive, may or may not have any significance in another case.
Nonetheless, the discretion under the Section has to be exercised with due care and
circumspection depending on circumstances justifying its exercise[16].
Section 438(1) of the Code lays down a condition which has to be satisfied before
anticipatory bail can be granted. The applicant must show that he has reason to
believe that he may be arrested for a non-bailable offence. The use of the expression
reason to believe shows that the belief that the applicant may be so arrested must be
founded on reasonable grounds. Mere fear is not belief, for which reason, it is not
enough for the applicant to show that he has some sort of a vague apprehension that
someone is going to make an accusation against him, in pursuance of which he may
be arrested. The grounds on which the belief of the applicant is based that he may be
arrested for a non- bailable offence, must be capable of being examined by the court
objectively, because it is then alone that the court can determine whether the applicant
has reason to believe that he may be so arrested. Sec 438(1) cannot be invoked on the
basis of vague and general allegations, as if to arm oneself in perpetuity against a
possible arrest[17]. Moreover if an application for anticipatory bail is made to the
High Court or the Court of Session, it becomes imperative for the court to apply its
own mind to the question and decide whether a case has been made out for granting
such relief. It cannot leave the question for the decision of the Magistrate concerned
under Section 437 of the Code, as and when an occasion arises. Such a course defeats
the object of Section 438[18].
In regard to anticipatory bail, if the proposed accusation appears to stem not from
motives[19] of furthering the ends of justice but from some ulterior emotive, the
object being to injure and humiliate the applicant by having him arrested, a direction
for the release of the applicant on bail in the event of his arrest is generally made. On
the other hand, if it appears likely considering the antecedents of the applicant, that
taking advantage of the order of anticipatory bail he will flee from justice, such an
order is not made. But the converse of these propositions is not necessarily true. It
cannot be laid down as an inexorable rule[20]that anticipatory bail cannot be granted
unless the proposed accusation appears to be actuated by mala fides; and equally, that
anticipatory bail must be granted if there is no fear that the applicant will abscond.
The nature and seriousness of the proposed charges, the context of the events likely to
lead to the making of the charges, a reasonable possibility of the applicants presence
not being secured at the trial, a reasonable apprehension, that witnesses will be
tampered with and the larger interests of the public or the State, are some of the
considerations which the courts keep in mind while deciding an application for
anticipatory bail. In evaluation of the consideration whether the applicant is likely to
abscond, there can be no presumption that the wealthy and the mighty will submit
themselves to trial and that the humble and the poor will run away from the course of
justice, and more than there can be a presumption that the former are not likely to
commit a crime and the latter are more
A duty has been thrust on the courts, to examine the facts carefully and to ensure that
no prejudice is caused to investigation. It is a delicate balance whereby the liberty of
citizen and the operation of criminal justice system have both to be safeguarded.
Custodial interrogation of such accused is indispensable necessary for the
investigating agency to unearth all the links involved in the criminal conspiracies
committed by the persons which ultimately led to capital tragedy[24] Where it is
pointed out that the action is malafide or tainted the courts are required to reach out
the conclusion and do justice by preventing harassment and unjustified
detention.[25] Specific events and facts must be disclosed by the applicant in order to
enable the court to judge of the reasonableness of his belief, the existence of which is
the sine qua non of the exercise of power conferred by the section[26].
The High Court or a Court of Session exercise their discretion upon examination of
the facts and circumstances to grant anticipatory bail if it thinks fit since denial of
bail amounts to deprivation of personal liberty, they lean against the imposition of
unnecessary restrictions on the scope of Section 438, especially when no such
restrictions have been imposed by the legislature in the terms of that section. An over-
generous infusion of constraints and conditions which are not to be found in Section
438 can make its provisions constitutionally vulnerable since the right to personal
freedom cannot be made to depend on compliance with unreasonable restrictions. The
beneficent provision contained in Section 438 must be saved, not jettisoned[27]. But,
while granting such anticipatory bail, the Court may impose such conditions as it
thinks fit, but the object of putting conditions should be to avoid the possibility of the
person hampering investigation.[28]Harsh, onerous and excessive conditions which
frustrate the very object of anticipatory bail cannot to be imposed. Subjecting an
accused to any condition other than conditions mentioned in the Section is beyond the
jurisdiction of the court[29].
Filing of F.I.R is not a condition precedent to the exercise of the power under Section
438 and the imminence of a likely arrest founded on a reasonable belief can be shown
to exist even if an F.I.R. is not yet filed. Anticipatory bail can be granted even after an
F.I.R. is filed, so long as the applicant has not been arrested. The provision cannot be
invoked after the arrest of an accused[30]. Moreover the salutary provision contained
in Section 438 Cr.P.C. were introduced to enable the Court to prevent the deprivation
of personal liberty. It cannot be permitted to be jettisoned on technicalities such as
the challan having been presented anticipatory bail cannot be granted
A Single Judge of Supreme Court in regard to length of the time for which the order
of anticipatory bails stay operative, in the case of KL Verma v State held that
By this, the Court desired to convey that an order of anticipatory bail does not ensure
till the end of trial but it must be of limited duration as the regular court cannot be
bypassed. The limited duration must be determined having regard to the facts of the
case and the need to give the accused sufficient time to move the regular court for bail
and to give the regular court sufficient time to determine the bail application. In other
words, till the bail application is disposed of one way or the other the court may allow
the accused to remain on anticipatory bail. To put it differently, anticipatory bail may
be granted for a duration which may extend to the date on which the bail application
is disposed of or even a few days thereafter to enable the accused persons to move the
higher court, if they so desire
The dictum laid in K.L. Vermas case was upheld in the case of
SalauddinAbdulsamad Shaikh v The State Of Maharashtra[32] and Sunita Devi V
State of Bihar[33] and it was held that the Anticipatory bail orders should be of a
limited duration only and ordinarily on the expiry of that duration or extended
duration the Court granting anticipatory bail should leave it to the regular Court to
deal with the matter on an appreciation of evidence placed before it after the
investigation has made progress or the charge-sheet is submitted. Though it was not
necessary that the operation of an order passed under Section 438(1) of the Code be
limited in point of time but the Courts could, if there were reasons for doing so, limit
the operation of the order to a short period, until after the filing of FIR in respect of
the matter covered by the order. The applicant, in such cases were required to obtain
an order of bail under Section 437 or 439 of the Code within a reasonable short period
after the filing of the FIR[34].
In another case it was reiterated that the provisions of Section 438 Cr.P.C. cannot also
be invoked to exempt the accused from surrendering to the Court after the
investigation is complete and if charge-sheet is filed against him. Such an
interpretation amounted to violence to the provisions of Section 438 Cr.P.C., since
even though a charge-sheet may be filed against an accused and charge is framed
against him, he may still not appear before the Court at all even during the
trial.Section 438 Cr.P.C. contemplates arrest at the stage of investigation and provides
a mechanism for an accused to be released on bail should he be arrested during the
period of investigation. Once the investigation makes out a case against him and he is
included as an accused in the charge- sheet, the accused has to surrender to the
custody of the Court and pray for regular bail. On the strength of an order granting
Anticipatory Bail, an accused against whom charge has been framed, cannot avoid
appearing before the trial court.[35]
Sec 438 does not mention anything about the duration to which a direction for release
on bail in the event of arrest can be granted. The order granting anticipatory bail is a
direction specifically to release the accused on bail in the event of his arrest. Once
such a direction of anticipatory bail is executed by the accused and he is released on
bail, the concerned court would be fully justified in imposing conditions including
direction of joining investigation. In pursuance to the order of the Court of Sessions or
the High Court, once the accused is released on bail by the trial court, then it would be
unreasonable to compel the accused to surrender before the trial court and again apply
for regular bail. The Supreme Court declared the law laid down in the cases of K.L.
Verma v State, SalauddinAbdulsamad Shaikh v The State Of Maharashtra and Sunita
Devi V State of Bihar as per incurium and held that[36]
The validity of the restrictions that the accused released on anticipatory bail must
submit himself to custody and only thereafter can apply for regular bail is contrary to
the basic intention and spirit of section 438 Cr.P.C. It is also contrary to Article 21 of
the Constitution. The test of fairness and reasonableness is implicit under Article 21
of the Constitution of India. Directing the accused to surrender to custody after the
limited period amounts to deprivation of his personal liberty. It is unreasonable to lay
down strict, inflexible and rigid rules for exercise of such discretion by limiting the
period of which an order under this section could be granted. Once the anticipatory
bail is granted then the protection should ordinarily be available till the end of the trial
unless the interim protection by way of the grant of anticipatory bail is curtailed when
the anticipatory bail granted by the court is cancelled by the court on finding fresh
material or circumstances or on the ground of abuse of the indulgence by the accused.
In view of the clear declaration of law laid down by the Constitution Bench in
Sibbias case it would not be proper to limit the life of anticipatory bail. When the
court observed that the anticipatory bail is for limited duration and thereafter the
accused should apply to the regular court for bail that means the life of section 438
Cr.P.C. would come to an end after that limited duration. This limitation has not been
envisaged by the legislature. The Constitution Bench in Sibbias case clearly observed
that it is not necessary to re-write section 438 Cr.P.C. Therefore, in view of the clear
declaration of the law by the Constitution Bench, the life of the order under section
438 Cr.P.C. granting bail cannot be curtailed.
1. Direct the accused to join investigation and only when the accused does not
cooperate with the investigating agency, then only the accused be arrested.
2. Seize either the passport or such other related documents, such as, the title
deeds of properties or the Fixed Deposit Receipts/Share Certificates of the
It is an established principle that discretion vested in the court, in all matters should be
exercised with care and circumspection depending upon the facts and circumstances
justifying its exercise. Similarly, the jurisdiction under section 438 Cr.P.C. should be
exercised by the court in a wise and careful manner which by their long training and
experience they are ideally suited to do. There is no justification for reading into
section 438 Cr.P.C. the limitations mentioned in section 437 Cr.P.C. The plentitude of
the section must be given its full play.