Comments On Some Chapters in "Mathematics For Economics" (Third Edition, 2011) by M. Hoy Et Al

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Comments on some chapters in Mathematics for

Economics (third edition, 2011) by M. Hoy et al.

Erik Balder, Mathematical Institute, University of Utrecht, Netherlands

Fall 2012

1 Introduction
In 2010 a sudden departure at the Economics group of Utrecht University caused
one of their courses to be without its regular teacher. This course is about
Mathematical Economics and uses the textbook Mathematics for Economics
by M. Hoy, J. Livernois, C. McKenna, R. Rees and T. Stengos (abbreviated
as MfE below). So in 2010 the Economics group turned to the Mathematical
Institute in Utrecht for help, and this caused me to be the teacher ad interim
of their course.
The present note collects some of my findings about the MfE. They are
limited to the chapters that I treated in 2010 and to those annotations of mine
about them that I could still retrace. In the meantime, a third edition of MfE
has appeared (2011, MIT Press). I was both surprised and disappointed to see
that most of my points of criticism apply equally strongly to this later edition,
but this does explain why I wrote the present note almost two years after having
taught from MfE. I hope that MfEs authors will understand that the criticism
in this note is meant to be constructive, in spite of its severe nature. So it is my
sincere wish that future editions will live up to what is said in the preface about
MfEs mission: All this must be done without sacrificing anything in terms of
the rigor and correctness of the mathematics itself (p. xiv).
My homepage contains some
other relevant educational material; in particular, I refer to my critical evalua-
tion of optimization methods used in the advanced microeconomics literature in
Exact and useful optimization methods for microeconomics, Springer Lecture
Notes on Economics and Mathematical Systems 655 (2012), pp. 21-38, a paper
of mine that can be downloaded there.

2 Points of serious concern

a. A considerable piece of educational material is being missed in MfE, causing
at least one of its own exercises to be out of order. It is as follows. In con-
trast to the treatment of the Lagrange method in Chapter 13, the treatment of

the Kuhn-Tucker theorem (Ch. 15) is only presented for concave programming
problems (with inequality constraints only). Thus, for instance, the non-concave
Kuhn-Tucker-in-statu-nascendi material in dimension one (section 12.3) re-
mains without its logical multivariate follow-up in MfE. A powerful tool is thus
completely missed: e.g., think of maximizing a non-concave utility function,
such as the important Cobb-Douglas function x y for + > 1, over the con-
sumers budget set. For this reason Exercise 1 of section 15.2 (p. 578), where
the Cobb-Douglas function to be maximized under inequality constraints is pre-
cisely of this non-concave kind, is out of order (all the more so since MfE does
not seem to pay attention to equivalence of utility functions thus, another
most useful tool for the student is missing as well).
b. At least one theorem in section 13.3 would seem to be false and another
theorem would seem incomprehensible at best:
Counterexample against Theorem 13.7. Consider in dimension one the
function f : R R, given by f (x) := (x + 1)3 on (, 1), f (x) := 0 on [1, 1]
and f (x) := (x 1)3 on [1, +). This function is quasiconcave. Now consider
the null function g 1 (x) = 0, which is quasiconvex. According to Theorem 13.7
the point x = 0, which is a locally optimal solution for maximization of f (x)
over all x with g 1 (x) = 0 (i.e., over all x R), would be a global optimal solution
for maximizing f over R, but this is not true (incidentally, note that the same
counterexample continues to hold if the constraint g 1 (x) = 0 is relaxed into
g 1 (x) 0, a more natural type of constraint for the quasiconvex g 1 ).
Counterexample against Theorem 13.8(i). I could not track down the
definition of increasing for a function of several variables in MfE (it seems to
be missing in its index, although the concept of a monotonically increasing se-
quence was included). Yet by acceptable standards the functions g 1 (x1 , x2 ) :=
max(x1 , x2 ) 2 and g 2 (x1 , x2 ) := x1 + x2 3 can be called increasing in
that they satisfy x01 > x1 , x02 > x2 g j (x01 , x02 ) > g j (x1 , x2 ). Clearly, they
are also quasiconvex. Now the set S := {(x1 , x2 ) : g 1 (x1 , x2 ) = g 2 (x1 , x2 ) = 0}
consists of the two isolated points (2, 1) and (1, 2). Consider any increasing
and strictly quasiconcave function f with f (2, 1) > f (1, 2). Then f has a local
maximum at the isolated point (1, 2), but clearly this is not a global maximum.

By obvious modification, the above instance with two isolated points form-
ing the set S can also be turned into a counterexample against part ii of Theo-
rem 3.8.
Both counterexamples point at a problem that any critical student of the
book should experience: claims, theorems, etc. (and apparently also adjectives
like increasing) are pronounced in an ex cathedra manner, without any hints
or references to bolster up their proofs.
c. A major error on p. 519: the scope of the second order conditions for
optimality, which only hold at the particular point being inspected on p. 519
for optimality (i.e., locally), is incorrectly turned into the global scope that is
needed for quasiconcavity.

d. On p. 523 the first five lines claim something that is said to be straight-
forward, but is, in fact, quite wrong and most misleading for the student: the
claim would only hold if the functions f and g i were concave and if inequality
constraints were used (giving the multipliers the appropriate sign), but that is
not the case at all on p. 523. Here is an obvious counterexample:
Counterexample against the statement contained in the first five
lines of p. 523. For n = 1 let f (x) := x3 and let g 1 (x) := x. Then S := {x :
g 1 (x) = 0} = {0}, so the unique optimal solution is x = 0 (note that g11 = 1,
so the full rank condition is fulfilled). Solving 3 02 + 1 1 = 0 gives 1 = 0.
However, it is not true that 0 = f (x ) + 0 g 1 (x ) x3 + 0 g1 (x) = x3 holds
for all x.
e. In several places in MfE the text offers possibilities for confusion about
local versus global optimality. Clearer language seems preferable, all the more
since obfuscation has sometimes led to errors in logical thinking as well. For
instance, solves in Theorem 13.4 means locally solves. Another instance
is Example 13.3, which starts out by stating that it will produce what is re-
markably called a true maximum (a remnant from the second edition, where
this term was used a lot in similar instances). But the truth of the matter is
that the last line of Example 13.3 only allows the student to conclude at that
stage that we have a maximum only means we have a local maximum.
Thereupon, to achieve what is truly a maximum (i.e., a global maximum), the
example should have been continued. Namely, by different means and reason-
ing of a global nature (either based on the Weierstrass Theorem 13.5 or on the
concavity of the utility function that is maximized), one can show that this is
actually also a global maximum. A similar comment applies to the ancillary
Example 13.1.1
f. Examples, such as Examples 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3, and exercises, such
as Exercises 1-2 in section 13.1 or Review Exercise 1(f) in Ch. 12 (but there
are many more instances, including in other chapters, such as Ch. 25), raise
fundamental questions about the domain of definition of the functions on which
the various rules have been applied. For instance, the unsuspecting student of
the more theoretical material in Chapter 13 could easily fall into thinking that
the variables x1 and x2 can take any value, i.e., that optimization is performed
with functions f and g i that are defined on all of R2 , because the contrary
seems to be mentioned nowhere in the text. Yet the examples and exercises
sometimes refer implicitly to a different theoretical framework, where variables
must be strictly positive or nonzero, etc. As long as such domains are open,
the required adjustments can be made with relative ease. However, often those
domains are actually closed in economics: for instance, Cobb-Douglas-, CES-,
Leontiev- and linear utility functions are all defined for what are nonnegative
variables in principle. One sees this kind of deficiency all over the economic
place, but this is a fine example of a situation where economists cannot simply
rely on or copy what mathematicians usually do: see my downloadable paper
which I mentioned in the introduction.
1 Incidentally, the Hessian H calculated in Example 13.3 has some errors.

g. It would have been very useful, if not essential (e.g., see the previous
observation about Example 13.3), to add in Theorem 12.4 that if f is merely
concave, then its stationarity condition still implies that x is a global maximum.

h. P. 850: the last line is false. Maximizing a strictly concave function

does not imply that the optimal solution should be interior (counterexample:
consider x2 being maximized over R+ ...). Moreover, because domains are
never mentioned explicitly (see my point f above), a student might well ask:
interior to what? At any rate, it should be clear that the two assumptions (i.e.,
interiority and strict concavity) are really independent; together they imply
what is desired on p. 850, i.e., simply setting the derivative in y equal to zero is
i. P. 900 could either point at a serious misunderstanding or at a typo.
However, because y < h(x, y, t)0 (which should be y h(x, y, t) there) is ex-
plained by As usual, these conditions must hold with complementary slackness.
If = 0 the constraint is not binding and we have y < h(x, y, t)., it seem sus-
piciously close to a real misunderstanding. Fortunately, to a certain degree the
attentive student can already deduce from p. 493 (which deals with dimension
1) what complementary slackness means when a multiplier is zero. Incidentally,
I could not find any trace of the term complementary slackness in the index
of MfE.
j. P. 880: Example 25.5 shows another misunderstanding about complemen-
tary slackness. Because it works with an inequality constraint, an additional
sign condition for (T ) ought to be included in the necessary conditions for
optimality in case 2: it should be nonnegative (this is not unlike a similar con-
dition for the multipliers in the Kuhn-Tucker theorem). Incidentally, there is a
typo in the last line of this example, where Example 25.5 should be replaced by
Example 25.3.

3 Smaller points
a. For a book of almost 1000 pages, cutting out redundancies should be a
major goal. One way to do this is to use the so-called sign trick by which
solutions/results about positivity/maximization questions can be immediately
turned into their counterparts for negativity/minimization questions and vice
versa. For instance: a matrix A is positive definite [resp. positive semidefinite]
if and only A is negative definite [resp. negative semidefinite].2 , a function
f is convex [resp. strictly convex] if and only f is concave [resp. strictly
concave], minimizing a function f over a set S gives the same optimal solutions
as maximizing f over S, etc, etc. Once this is explained to the student, a lot
of material becomes simply redundant. In this connection, the lines just before
2 Observe that using this insight the memory-burden for the student becomes considerably

lighter by trading in Theorem 10.19 for Theorem 10.18.

Theorem 12.2 on p. 477 or Theorem 12.8 on p. 493, etc. certainly do not place
the student on the right track.
b. The reliance on differentials in many arguments in MfE is not a wise
choice in my opinion. I am aware of the fact that it is used in other places
in the mathematical economics literature as well, but I would like to point out
that it mainly rests on purely symbolic formalism (coming from the theory of
differential forms), for which better substitutes are available, certainly given
MfEs readership.
c. By Definitions 9.4 and 10.13 a minor is a determinant of a matrix, but
on p. 454 the student is told that a minor is a matrix.
d. A missed opportunity in the important Cobb-Douglas Example 11.31:
apart from what is correctly mentioned for + < 1, in the case + = 1
the function is still concave and in the case + > 1 it is still quasi-concave.
Apart from this, wouldnt an economist-student be interested to learn which
of these (quasi)concavity properties continue to hold for x1 , x2 0 instead of
x1 , x2 > 0?
e. P. 486, middle: a point, such as x is not a value, so to say that x is an
extreme value is confusing for the student. Compare this to the first lines of
12.1. Similar confusing terminology is used on p. 474: that a stationary value
may be a saddle point.
f. P. 516, towards bottom: in terms of small deviations around the optimal
point. It might help the student, so as to better understand the borders of the
Hessian, if this were stated as in terms of small deviations around the optimal
point while maintaining feasibility.
g. P. 554: there is a typo (minus sign instead of plus sign) in the formula in
the middle of that page.
h. P. 418: typo: noninfinitessimal should be noninfinitesimal
i. On p. 609: why choose those curves to be linear in the figure?
j. A typo in Theorem 20.4: the provision should be a1 + a2 6= 1.
k. Typos in Example 24.3: y1 is meant instead of y1 , etc.
l. A typo in Example 24.4: solved in Example 24.3 should be solved in
Example 24.1.

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