High-Voltage High-Frequency Transformer Design For A 7.2kV To 120V/240V 20kVA Solid State Transformer
High-Voltage High-Frequency Transformer Design For A 7.2kV To 120V/240V 20kVA Solid State Transformer
High-Voltage High-Frequency Transformer Design For A 7.2kV To 120V/240V 20kVA Solid State Transformer
Abstract--Solid state transformer (SST) exhibits good parallel to provide a low voltage DC link for the third
features such as high power density, small volume and stage, which is a three-leg two-phase inverter. The
weight, controlled power factor, voltage sag ride through, transformer in each stage provides voltage transfer
etc. compared with traditional line frequency transformer. between 3.8kV in primary side high voltage DC link and
The 7.2kV AC to 120V/240V AC 20kVA solid state 400V in secondary side low voltage DC link. The
transformer is a key component of the future renewable
electric energy delivery and management (FREEDM)
switching frequency of dual active bridge (DAB) DC-DC
systems as the interface between the 7.2kV distribution grid converter is 3 kHz in Gen-I SST due to the limit of the
and the low voltage residential micro-grid. Three cascaded frequency capability of 6.5kV silicon IGBTs. The
6.7kVA high-voltage high-frequency transformers operating specification for the transformer in SST is summarized in
at 3kHz are employed to convert voltage from 3800V high Table I.
voltage DC link of each cascaded stage to 400V low voltage
DC link. The transformer is required to withstand at least
15kV high frequency voltage insulation continuously.
Transformer magnetic core materials were reviewed and
compared. Winding layout alternatives for leakage,
magnetizing inductance and insulation were compared. An
insulation strategy based on split core and separate winding
structure with inserted insulation layer between the C cores
was proposed. One 6.7kVA high voltage high frequency
transformer prototype was built and the test results were
The solid state transformer is potentially beneficial for
future power system. For example, with increased
residential electric load capacity, the power rating of Fig.1: The topology of the 7.2kV to 120V/240V 20kVA Gen-I Solid
distribution transformer should be improved. However, State Transformer (SST)
there is limited underground space to accommodate a
larger transformer. So increased power density of TRANSFORMER IN GEN-I SST
distribution transformers is a good option to deliver more
power [1]. Solid state transformer (SST) also exhibits Number of transformers 3
Switching frequency fs 3kHz
good features such as high power density, small volume Bi-directional DC-DC topology Dual active bridges (DAB)
and weight, controlled power factor, voltage sag ride High voltage DC link VH 3800V
through, etc. compared to traditional line frequency Low voltage DC link VL 400V
transformer [2-3]. Due to environment and safety Power rating per transformer 6.7kVA
consideration, oil free or dry type insulated high Minimal insulation voltage 15kV (continuous)
Max. allowed temperature rise 55C (nature air cooling)
frequency transformer is highly preferred for solid state
transformer and is often considered as one advantage of There are three major challenges to design this high-
SST. voltage and high-frequency transformer. Due to the 3kHz
The topology of a 7.2kV to 120/240V 20kVA switching frequency, the required leakage inductance for
FREEDM Gen-I solid state transformer (SST) is shown optimal operation of DAB is about 36mH, which is
in Fig.1 [4]. The input is single phase 7.2kV AC line referred to the high voltage side, if no external inductor is
from the distribution grid, and the output is 120V/240V needed. The second challenge is to provide a sufficient
two phase AC terminals with a neutral line. The high magnetizing inductance; otherwise the amplitude of
voltage side AC-DC stage consists of three cascaded full magnetizing current is comparable to load current and
bridges. The AC-DC stage is then followed by the DC- will cause additional power loss. The third challenge is
DC stage of three dual active bridges with output in the insulation design since oil-free or dry type insulation
978-1-4244-5226-2/10/$26.00 2010 IEEE 493
is required in a compact structure. These issues are
addressed in the following sections. But before discussing at 3kHz frequency due to the limited peak flux density.
these trade offs, several high frequency soft magnetic The second disadvantage is that ferrite cores are brittle.
materials were reviewed and compared for the solid state The size of the high voltage high frequency transformer
transformer application. in SST is not compact since the switching frequency is
only 3kHz with 6.5kV silicon IGBTs. The mechanical
II. MAGNETIC CORE MATERIAL SELECTION strength of ferrite might not be strong enough to support
Several types of magnetic core materials can be the structure. Therefore, the ferrite core materials are not
considered for the high frequency transformer in SST considered here.
applications, as shown in Table II. Silicon steel materials have high saturation flux
density (about 1.5T) and high permeability. Some
TABLE II: SEVERAL HIGH FREQUENCY MAGNETIC CORE MATERIALS manufactures provide laminations with gauge down to
1mil or 25um. However, compared with other
Saturation Strip
Material Series Density (T) Thickness Permeability transformer magnetic materials such as ferrite, nano-
@ 25C (um) crystalline and amorphous cores, their specific loss is
Silicon Steel Arnold Arnon5 1.48 127 High relatively high at 3kHz. This will result in a larger core
Amorphous Metglas 2605SA1 1.56 25 High size with small peak flux density or result in reduced
Ferrite Ferroxcube 3C96 0.44 N/A Medium
efficiency with high flux amplitude and smaller core size.
Ferrite Epcos N97 0.41 N/A Medium
Nano- Hitachi Finemet
The nanocrystalline core materials are very promising
1.23 18 High for high frequency transformers. The nanocrystalline core
crystalline FT-3M
Nano- VAC
1.20 N/A High
is metallic tape-wound core made of nanocrystalline soft
crystalline Vitroperm500F magnetic material. It exhibits high saturation flux density
Nano- Magmet Namglass (1.2T) and extremely low specific loss up to about 100
1.23 25 High
crystalline 4
kilo hertz frequency. Table III shows the specific core
One of the important considerations for high frequency
loss from several nanocrystalline core manufacturers,
transformer design is the core loss. A widely used
which exhibit lowest core loss at 3kHz frequency. On the
calculation of specific core loss is Steinmetz equation,
other hand, 1.2T saturation flux density allows the
Pcv = K f Bac (1) selection of high operating peak flux amplitude.
where Bac is the peak flux amplitude, Pcv is the time- Therefore, with nanocrystalline core materials, the high
average power loss per unit volume, and f is the frequency transformer can potentially be designed to be
frequency of sinusoidal excitation, and K, , and are extremely compact and efficient at 3kHz. However, there
constants found by curve fitting [5]. The Steinmetz are also several disadvantages for nanocrystalline cores.
equation coefficients were extracted for the magnetic core The first one is the relatively high material cost. Secondly,
materials listed in Table II based on the core loss graph although special shapes in oval or rectangular design with
from manufacturer datasheets. These coefficients are or without cut can be produced, the standard off-the-shelf
listed in Table III and the specific core loss at 3kHz with core shape is toroidal uncut tape-wound core. The
0.3T peak flux density are also compared in this table, leakage inductance is small due to the toroidal geometry
where the unit for Pcv is mW/cm3, and f and Bac use kHz and low number of turns. While the required leakage
and Tesla respectively. inductance is quite large since the DAB switching
frequency is 3kHz.
Another option is amorphous materials. Amorphous
cores also exhibit high saturation induction (1.56T) and
Core Materials
Loss at 3kHz 0.3T high permeability. High peak flux density can potentially
(mW/cm ) (mW/cm3) be selected at 3kHz as well. The core is laminated with
Silicon Steel 278.4 1.39 1.80 147 1mil amorphous tape. The specific core loss is several
Amorphous 46.7 1.51 1.74 30.2
Ferrite A 42.8 1.53 2.98 6.3
times lower than silicon steel but still higher than that of
Ferrite B 44.0 1.36 2.72 7.4 nanocrystalline and ferrite cores. However, the cost of
Nanocrystalline A 8.03 1.62 1.98 4.39 amorphous core is relatively low and the performance to
Nanocrystalline B 2.48 1.80 2.08 1.47 cost factor is excellent at 3kHz frequency for this SST
Nanocrystalline C 3.75 1.71 1.97 2.30 transformer. The mechanical strength is good enough to
build larger transformers. In addition, cut C-core with
One typical soft magnetic core material used from large geometry and I-core formers are commercially
several tens kilo-hertz to several mega-hertz range for available, offering more design flexibilities. Therefore,
high-frequency high-voltage transformers is ferrite [6-8]. amorphous core material is selected for the 6.5kV silicon
It can be found in Table III that the ferrite core loss is low IGBT based SST transformer.
at 3kHz. And the cost of ferrite core materials is also The B-H curve of selected amorphous core is shown in
relatively low. However, there are two major Fig.2. The magnetic core material used in this project is
disadvantages for ferrite materials. The first one is the Metglas amorphous Alloy 2605SA1. The selected core
low saturation flux density. At room temperature, it is geometry parameters are listed in Fig.3. It can be found
around 0.4T and it becomes worse when core temperature that the core fill factor is 82%. The core is AMCC-1000
increases. This can potentially result in a larger core size of Powerlite series from Metglas and it is the largest
out-of-shell amorphous core. Several pairs of C cores can determined by (3) with d=1 to minimize the reactive
be paralleled to provide sufficient core cross section area. power in the circuit and maximize the zero voltage
switching (ZVS) range at light load condition [10].
N H VH 3800 (3)
= = = 9.5
NL VL 400
The number of turns can be calculated by (4),
10 4 VH
NH = (4)
4.44 4 Bac f s Ac
This work was supported by ERC Program of the U.S.
National Science Foundation under Award Number EEC-
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