Practical Relax
Practical Relax
Practical Relax
Dr =
k is the Boltzman constant = 1.3806504 x 10-23 kg.m2/s2.K
T is the temperature.
! viscosity of the liquid. Viscosity of water at 300K is 0.8513 x 10-3 kg/m.s
is the
V is the volume of the sphere.
II. Identify residues undergoing large amplitude fast motions or chemical exchange.
Residues undergoing large amplitude fast motion can easily be identified with low NOE
values (< 0.65). While residues undergoing chemical exchange will have unusually low
T2 values. However this Low T2 value has to be distinguished from the one due to
anisotropy. This can be achieved by looking at the deviation of its T1 value as well. The
fraction deviation of T1 values from average due to anisotropic diffusion would be
correlated to the deviation in the T2 value.
where <T1> and <T2> are the averages over the residues that have NOE > 0.65 and
SD is the standard deviation of the T .
fast motion as well as those with chemical exchange are listed in the file
4. Open the file in a text editor. Delete residues listed in exclude.list
from the file. Save and close the new file.
III. Define the molecular coordinate system to describe the fitted diffusion tensor
In order to calculate the diffusion tensor when the rotational motion is not isotropic one
needs to define the molecular coordinate system in which the tensor will be referenced.
This can be done by obtaining the directional cosines for the dipolar interaction vector
corresponding to the measured relaxation from the protein structure.
3. The directional cosines for all N-H vectors in ubiquitin are now contained in
ubq.cos file.
Dipolar relaxation rates for two spins 1/2 (such as N-H) are given as:
1/ = 1/ c + 1/ e
where is the angle between the dipolar vector and the principal axis of diffusion tensor.
To a first approximation the ratio of T1 and T2 is not sensitive to fast motion (S2 and )
and variation in CSA values. The error function is given by:
E2 = [(T1/ T2)meas (T1/ T2)calc]
2. Type tc_sweep 56 isotropic.out 3.5 4.5 0.01. This will result in a grid
search for an optimal c. Experimental errors for T1, T2, and NOE is 1%, 1%, and
2%, respectively based on reproducibility of the relaxation values. The data was
3. Note the optimal c and E/N values. How does this c value compare to the one
In the last section you have fitted your data to three diffusion models. With each
progression in the complexity, thus increased number of variables, one should see a
reduction in the overall error in the fit (E/N). However a distinction has to be made
between the reduction in error of the fit due to increasing fitting variables versus a better
model used in the fit. One such test is the F-test:
1. Based on the E/N values obtain for the isotropic and axially symmetric diffusion
2. Compare the F value that you obtain to the F value cutoff for a given P(F) in the
4. Based on the calculated F and P(F) decide on the proper diffusion model for
Now that you have the global diffusion parameters the order parameter as well as the fast
correlation time (e) can be calculated for every residue in the full data set using the
following error function:
2. Input the global parameters that you obtained in the previous sections.
4. Take a look at Sf and e values for residues that were identified as undergoing
conformational exchange in exercise for part II.
4. See if you can correlate the fast internal parameters to the structure of ubiquitin.