My Life Testimony
My Life Testimony
My Life Testimony
inculcated in our minds. We maintained a simple way of life
and we lived with a happy atmosphere.
livelihood to survive. Life went on smoothly. In Psalm
chapter 46 verse 2: states God is our strength and
protection, and even present in time of affliction.
describe how I felt at the moment. However I am reminded
in Sirach chapter 5 verse I, states that I will give thanks to
you oh Lord and king, I praise you, my God and Saviour.
names JOE BANCUD, a co-teacher in school. Thats how
our LOVE STORY BEGUN. And after two long years of
courtship, it ended up in a wedding celebration held at
Bauang St. Peter Catholic Church. We are blesses with five
intelligent and beautiful children and two apos.
All the talks during the CLP sessions inspired me. The
speakers and sharers touched my heart and learned more
about God. After the CLP 7 wonderful changes took place
in me. Whereas before I rarely opened my Bible. I now find
delight in reading the word of God every night.
Communicating with the Lord becomes a daily affair. I now
believed in the Healing power and the gifts of the Holy
Spirit which I received on Baptism of the of the Holy Spirit.
I became more understanding to people whom I am in
contact with and specially to my students when I was still
in service. I make it a habit to attend all BCBP activities.
Because if I missed one activity, its just like missing my
yourself from him so that you may be successful to the end
of your days.