Chemguard c333 Ar-Afff 3% Msds
Chemguard c333 Ar-Afff 3% Msds
Chemguard c333 Ar-Afff 3% Msds
Company Identification:
Chemguard, Inc.
Address: 204 South 6th Avenue
Mansfield, Texas 76063 USA
Phone: (817) 473-9964 (For Product Information)
For Chemical EmergencySpill, Leak, Fire, Exposure, or Accident Call CHEMTREC Day or Night
Within USA and Canada: 1-800-424-9300 Outside USA and Canada: +1 703-527-3887 (collect call accepted)
*As defined by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard, 29 CFR 1910.1200. See Section 8 for exposure
guidelines & Section 11 for toxicology and ingredient specific information.
Eye Contact: This product is a severe eye irritant...Symptoms include stinging, tearing, redness, and swelling of
eyes with possible tissue damage. Vapors may cause eye irritation.
Skin Contact: This product is a mild skin irritant. Symptoms include redness and burning of skin and allergic skin
reaction with eczema and swelling. May be absorbed through the skin in non-toxic amounts.
Ingestion: Swallowing small amounts is not likely to be harmful. Swallowing large amounts may be harmful. May
cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Inhalation: At concentrations above the PEL, may cause irritation of the respiratory tract with burning pain in the
nose and throat, coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath and pulmonary edema.
Chronic: Central nervous system effects with dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, nausea, and headache.
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Medical Conditions which May be Aggravated by Inhalation or Dermal Exposure: Persons with unusual (hyper)
sensitivity to chemicals (skin and lung conditions) may experience adverse reactions to this product.
Carcinogenic Potential: This product contains no components present at concentrations equal to or greater than
0.1% listed by IARC, OSHA, NTP, or ACGIH as a carcinogen.
Eyes: Immediately flush eyes thoroughly with water. Remove contact lenses after the initial 1-2 minutes and
continue flushing for at least 15 minutes, including under lids. Seek immediate medical attention.
Skin: In case of contact, immediately wash with plenty of soap and water for at least 5 minutes. Seek medical
attention if irritation or redness occurs. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Clean contaminated clothing and
shoes before re-use.
Ingestion: Do not induce vomiting without medical advice. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to
an unconscious person. Seek immediate medical attention. Do not leave victim unattended. Vomiting may occur
spontaneously. To prevent aspiration of swallowed product, lay victim on side with head lower than waist. If
vomiting occurs and the victim is conscious, give water to further dilute the chemical.
Inhalation: If respiratory irritation or distress occurs remove victim to fresh air. Seek immediate medical attention if
respiratory irritation or distress continues. Symptoms may be delayed. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If
breathing as ceased apply artificial respiration using oxygen and a suitable mechanical device such as a bag and a
Notes to Physician: All treatments should be based on observed signs and symptoms of distress in the patient.
Consideration should be given to the possibility that overexposure to materials other than this product may have
Personal Precautions: Wear appropriate protective gear for the situation. See Personal Protection information in
section 8.
Environmental Precautions: Prevent from entering into soil, ditches, sewers, waterways, and/or groundwater. Dike
or retain dilution water or water from firefighting for later disposal. Follow procedure described below under cleanup
and disposal of spills.
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Cleanup and Disposal of Spill: Exercise appropriate precautions to minimize direct contact with skin or eyes and
prevent inhalation of mist. See Section 8. Vacuum or sweep into an appropriate labeled storage container. Do not
mix or contaminate with incompatible materials. Do not use water to flush product, as large volumes of foam will
develop and slippery conditions may result. Cover container and remove from work area. Avoid creating mist.
Ventilate area and wash spill site after material cleanup is complete.
Environmental and Regulatory Reporting: Runoff from fire control or dilution water may cause pollution. Spills
may be reportable to the National Response Center (800-424-8802) and to state and/or local agencies.
Handling: Avoid inhalation or contact with eyes, skin or clothing. Avoid prolonged or repeated exposure. Use with
adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. For industrial use only. Keep from freezing.
Storage: Store in an area that is dry, well ventilated and in tightly closed containers.
This material contains 0.0154% formaldeyhde, which is an ACGIH suspected human carcinogen. If workers are
exposed to greater than the Action Level of 0.51 ppm of formaldehyde as an 8-hour time weighted average, strict
OSHA standards must be followed as described in 29 CFR 1910.1048. Good hygiene practices should be followed
and the work area kept well ventilated. However, each user must determine their worker exposure to formaldehyde
by evaluating their own work area with appropriate air monitoring tests.
Exposure Limits
Component List Type Value
Formaldehyde CAS # 50-00-0
OSHA OEL 0.75 ppm, 8 hour time weighted average
OSHA Action Level 0.5 ppm
ACGIH TLV 0.3 ppm, as a ceiling concentration
Engineering Controls: Where engineering controls are indicated by use conditions or a potential for excessive
exposure exists, the following traditional exposure techniques may be used to effectively minimize employee
Eye Protection: When engaged in activities where product could contact the eye, wear, goggles, and or face
Skin Protection: Skin contact should be minimized through use of latex gloves and suitable long sleeved clothing.
Consideration must be given both to durability as well as permeation resistance.
Respiratory Protection: Avoid actions that cause dust/mist exposure to occur. Consult OSHA Standard 1910.1048
if the Action Level for formaldehyde is exceeded. Use local or general ventilation to control exposures below
applicable exposure limits or your risk assessment process. For most conditions, no respiratory protection should be
needed; however, if material is heated or sprayed, use an approved air-purifying respirator. NIOSH or MSHA
approved respirators should be used in the context of respiratory protection program meeting the requirements of the
OSHA respiratory protection standard [29 CFR 1910.134] to control exposures when ventilation or other controls are
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inadequate or discomfort or irritation is experienced. Respirator and/or filter cartridge selection should be based on
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Standards Z88.2 Practices for Respiratory Protection.
Ventilation: Use local exhaust or general dilution ventilation to control exposure within applicable limits.
Stability: Stable.
Chronic Toxicity: This product does not contain any substances above the de minimus values that are listed as
carcinogens by OSHA, NTP, IARC or ACGIH.
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Total Organic Carbon: 207,000 mg/l 2,070 mg/l
LC50 (96 hour, pimephales promelas) 63 ppm 6,300 ppm
LC50 (96 hour, C. variegatus) 255 ppm
LC50 (48 hour, D. magna) 357 ppm 35,700 ppm
LC50 (24 hour, D. magna) 1,045 ppm
The product is only slightly toxic in the concentrated form and is non toxic as used.
Waste Disposal: Chemical additions, processing or otherwise altering this material may make the waste
management information presented in this MSDS incomplete, inaccurate or otherwise inappropriate. Dispose of
waste material according to local, state and federal regulations.
Container disposal: Empty container retains product residue. Observe all hazard precautions. Do not distribute,
make available, furnish or reuse empty container except for storage and shipment of original product. Remove all
product residue. Puncture or otherwise destroy empty container and dispose of in a facility permitted for
nonhazardous waste.
Reportable Quantities (RQ) Under the Clean Water Act, CERCLA, and EPCRA, 40 CFR 117, 302 and 355:
The product contains no component regulated under section 304 (40 CFR 370).
SARA Title III, EPCRA Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI), Section 313 Reporting
Not subject to TRI reporting
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SARA Section 311/312 Title III Hazard Classes:
Fire Hazard: NO
Reactive Hazard: NO
Release of Pressure: NO
Acute Health Hazard: YES
Chronic Health Hazard: NO
California Proposition 65: This product does not contain a chemical(s) known to the State of California to
cause cancer or reproductive harm.
Canadian Regulations:
Workplace Hazard Materials Information System (WHMIS)
This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the CPR and the MSDS contains all of the
information required by the CPR.
Label Requirements:
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We assigned NFPA and HMIS ratings to this product based on the hazards of its ingredient(s). Because the
customer is most aware of the application of the product, the customer must ensure that the proper personal
protective equipment (PPE) is provided consistent with information contained in the product MSDS. This
information is intended solely for the use of individuals trained in the particular hazard rating system. They are
intended only for rapid, general identification of the magnitude of the specific hazard. To deal adequately with the
safe handling of this material, all the information contained in this MSDS must be considered.
The information contained in this document is given in good faith and based on our current knowledge. It is only
an indication and is in no way binding, notably as regards infringement of, or prejudice to third parties through the
use of our products. Chemguard guarantees that its products comply with its sales specifications. This information
must on no account be used as a substitute for necessary prior tests which alone can ensure that a product is
suitable for a given use. Users are responsible for ensuring compliance with local legislation and for obtaining the
necessary certifications and authorizations.
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