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net archive - 4/12/06

There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the
church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a
twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth,
and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that
gives them identity.

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the
illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing
that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer
experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of
awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd
and by choosing knowledge over ignorance.

Knowledge is the key to unlocking our potential. It gives us the self-determination, responsibility,
and power necessary to cast off the chains of covert oppression. Knowledge is therefore the
greatest protector, for it also gives us foresight to impeccably handle the challenges of life and,
most importantly, to sidestep the traps on the path to awakening. The more you know of higher
truths and apply what you know, the more you begin operating under higher laws that transcend
the limitations of the lower.

Here you will find articles and resources that push the boundaries of fringe knowledge. Specific
subjects include:

alternative science, from orgonomy to quantum physics

current events and the New World Order

the role of extrarrestrial and hyperdimensional aliens

how you are being farmed for your spiritual energies

the Matrix and its agents

how most people are asleep, what it takes to wake up

possible cataclysmic futures and what they entail

nonlinear nature of time and reality

meaning of deja vus and synchronicities

the reality shift into fourth density

For a more detailed outline of ideas at, read Key Concepts. Take only what resonates
with your inner sense of knowing and correlates with your observations and experience leave the
rest. Enjoy the site!

Search Go

(about the QFS disclaimer)

Key Concepts
4/25/2004 This is a short overview of ideas presented at
Deeper overviews of specific subjects can be found as intros to each section of the site.


source of all creation

projects two aspects of itself: pure individuated consciousness, and matter/energy

infuses matter/energy with fragments of its own consciousness

infinite intelligence exploring its infinite potential through an infinite variety of finite fragments

allows individuated fragments to expand via learning until they unite with the whole

does not diminish in size when a fragment is createdthe process is holographic replication

also called Creator, Source, the All

Soul and Spirit

aggregates of conscious energy, holographic fragments of God

soul is lifespark; characterized by awareness and consciousness

spirit is Godspark; characterized by self-awareness and individualized consciousness

mineral, plant, animal, and human souls differ in complexity and level of individuality

whereas minerals, plants, and animals are growing their souls, humans are developing their spirit

in higher planes of reality, beings may exist without a physical body

while occupying a physical body, genetics tend to match spirit/soul natureif spirit or soul is

large mismatches in genetics and soul frequency result in failure to incarnate properly

slight mismatches cause gradual mutations in one to accommodate the other; genetics change
with soul growth and vice versa

the developed human individual is composed of physical body, soul (etheric and astral body) and
spirit (volitional and mental body)

physical evolution is due to natural selection, random mutation, conscious selection, and conscious

human evolution is mostly artificial; either DNA mutates to conform to alien soul frequency, or else
DNA is artificially altered through advanced genetic engineering by certain alien factions

because body must match soul, the death of a species means loss of compatible bodies for
purposes of reincarnation. Thus physical life seeks physical survival and propagation of genes.

the purpose of physical evolution is to accommodate and serve spiritual evolution

spiritual evolution is the accumulation of individuality, self-awareness, and knowledge


all that encourages spiritual evolution is called positive, all that hinders it is called negative

what causes pain and is self-serving is called evil, what is loving and altruistic is called good

good and evil are subjective and relative, but positive and negative are objective and absolute

proper balance between good and evil forces results in positivity

too much good leads to stagnation, too much evil leads to total destruction, which is negativity

balance is maintained by having both in proper ratio and diametric opposition

one who fights solely for good or evil is a fool, one who fights strictly for positivity is a noble

such a warrior will incorporate the proper balance of good/evil within himself, then seek to restore
balance to negative systems


some beings have more freewill than others

the more consciousness, self-awareness, or spiritual evolution one possesses, the greater ones

possession of freewill is useless until it is recognized and applied

beings with freewill can be coerced into behaving as though they have none

knowledge allows these deceived beings to regain the full use of their former freewill

humans in general are beings with enormous amounts of freewill

negative alien factions have instated a control system to trick humans into limiting their own

negative alien factions possess less freewill than humans, thus their reliance upon technology and
subtle coercion as a form of spiritual jujitsu to overcome a spiritually greater opponent
beings with actively applied higher levels of freewill, can override the actions, thoughts, and
realities of beings with lower levels of freewill

beings with lower freewill, either directly or indirectly serve beings of higher freewill

physicality allows the violation of freewill between physical beings, the main reason why physical
existence is a valuable experience in the path of spiritual evolution


reality has multiple timelines, dimensions, and planes of existence including physical, astral, and

physical reality is generated by a base level consciousness (Logos) whose behavior is described by
the laws of physics

Logos is the soul of the physical universe, though without independent sentient consciousness,
freewill, or creativity

Logos provides the matter and energy for physical bodies into which independent consciousness
(souls) incarnate

entropy, logic, mathematics, rigidity, substance (instead of form), and linear time are keywords
associated with the Logos

the Logos is not God; its merely half of God, the other half being individual consciousness


the speed of light is how fast finite consciousness propagates through linear space, an arbitrary
quantity decided by the Logos.

all of physical reality from beginning to end, in all its possible manifestations, was instantly created
when the Creator projected its unified infinite self into an infinity of differentiated finite selves.

reality exists as a static fractal hologram, encompassing all possible modes of existence and

through this holographic web of possibilities, consciousness chooses which frame of the hologram
to experience, giving rise to the illusion of time.

this choice is restricted by the Logos and opposing freewill of other beings

the unified field is a scalar phase field, meaning a field where every point has its own value of

phase measures location along a wave, or the alignment between two waves

flows, whirls, and compressions in the scalar field give rise to electricity, magnetism, and gravity

by itself, the phase field is amorphous and encompassess all probabilities and quantum wave
consciousness provides a coherent wave source interacting with the phase field and extracting a
chosen slice of the hologram to experience as manifested physical reality

there are three types of time: linear time, phase time, and spiritual time

linear time is our conscious record of events, phase time measures the difference between parallel
timelines, and spiritual time measures progress along the axis of spiritual evolution

physical reality as we know it moves forward in linear time and is entropic

from a linear perspective, individual consciousness originates from the many probable futures and
propagates backwards in linear time, negentropically affecting the probability of processes
happening in the present

when individual consciousness is coupled to physical reality, it experiences forward linear time

when coupled to an astral, etheric, or higher dimensional body, time becomes nonlinear

when coupled to no body, time becomes nonexistent and the soul unites with its Source


the human body is a biological vehicle whose great genetic diversity allows for the incarnation of a
great diversity of souls/spirits

human genetics are unique in allowing potentially closer energetic interface with the Creator and
the machine code of reality than most other physical lifeforms in the galaxy

while physically uniform, mankind is metaphysically diverse

origins of souls in human bodies include native human, alien, animal group-souls, or
artificial/nonexistent soul

aliens genetically engineered different human races by crossing various alien races with each other,
crossing them with hominid and neanderthal genetics already present on earth, and successively
tweaking what resulted.


originate from other planets, dimensions, parallel realities, and times

have countless reasons for being here but can be classified into positive, negative, and neutral

each alien race is composed of a mixed bag of factions of varying intentions

reside underground, on the moon and other planets, in space, underwater, and in higher levels of

have human counterparts, which are these alien souls incarnated in genetically tweaked human
negative aliens abduct humans for mind programming purposes, physical and etheric food, and
hybrid breeding experiments

main negative groups at present are factions within the Gray and Reptilian races

Grays primarily use humans as genetic stock to build a new hybrid race for incarnation

Reptilians want humans as a natural physical and spiritual resource.

New World Order

NWO is a compartmentalized political entity seeking to subjugate humanity under a hostile alien

the NWO hierarchy is composed from the bottom up of negative factions of law enforcement and
military, politicians, bankers, secret societies, aliens, and demonic beings from the lower astral

the current goal is to politically unite humanity into a global nation and then hand over the reigns
to alien factions

this unification will be accomplished by rigged threats to humanity such as terrorism, nuclear war,
planetary cataclysms, or alien invasions

America is the NWOs biggest threat due to her gun culture and libertarian foundations. The
American government is the seat of the NWO.


there is no religion higher than truth

most organized religions are control systems to mentally and spiritually enslave humans and
deprive them of freewill

most religions have alien origins, or else are corrupted by negative alien factions and their human
counterparts who seek control over the masses

any religion demanding its followers pray or focus on a deity outside themselves is aiding in the
transdimensional economy of spiritual energy robbery and consumption by nonphysical beings

many religions were created specifically by the parent alien race to be followed by their human
counterpart race

faith should only be used for yet-unknowable, not dogmatically ignored, phenomena

church is unnecessary as an aid to spiritual evolution and only acts as a social institution for social
programming purposes

direct gnostic communion with ones inner guidance (God) is more valuable than any religion

Matrix Control System

manipulates humanity via artificial synchronicity

a synchronicity is a meaningful coincidence, or something that appears accidental but has a hidden

suppresses individuality, awareness, and initiative by amplifying peoples weaknesses and

subjecting them to emotionally draining melodramas

it is a tool used by spiritually atrophied beings to subliminally control spiritually powerful humans

it is built and maintained by negative hyperdimensional beings who require this energy for survival

in more general terms, the matrix is the invisible control system around us which manipulates our
minds, emotions, and actions without us noticing it

it uses a variety of human agents to accomplish its job; anyone who lacks a soul or spirit is a
prime Matrix agent

because they are directed by the Matrix, these agents exhibit coordinated hive-mind behavior

the matrix interfaces with the underlying machine code of our reality, and can manipulate certain
aspects of our timeline to create circumstances that bias our choices

at its core, the matrix is an etheric, pseudo-conscious machine that crunches data about our
habits, emotional patterns, and present behavior in order to synchronistically insert an appropriate
event in our life for effective control and the extraction of energy

because we are more conscious than the matrix, we can overcome it; its a matter of regaining
and exercising our freewill through knowledge

viewed from the proper perspective, the matrix is merely a training program indirectly helping us
discover our weaknesses, strengthen our soul, and act from our spiritual core.
Metaphysics Intro
Beyond the material world, beyond the common rules, limitations, and assumptions we take upon
ourselves, resides a greater spiritual reality operating under a set of higher principles that can help
us transcend foolishness, strife, and drudgery. Knowledge limited to the physical world and
bounded by the shortcomings of our five senses is not enough to attain freedom. Metaphysics is
the study of higher knowledge, the deeper truths of life. We only have to recognize these higher
truths and live by them to rise beyond old behavioral patterns and access a new vista of
inconceivably wonderful possibilities.

All is Mind:

Everything is consciousness, and all consciousness shares a common source. It is the

ultimate center, the initiator of all causes, the core perceiver, the chooser.

Consciousness is the dreamer (Creator), the dreamed (individualized consciousness), and

the dreamscape (matter, space, energy, and time). There is no difference between reality
and dreams except that reality involves mass consciousness holding the rules of reality rigid,
whereas in dreams usually only the personal subconscious does so. Just as thought underlies
objects in dreams, so does thought form the basis of matter in waking reality.

Creation is infinite, composed of a unified infinite being (the Creator) and its expression as an
infinite variety of finite beings. Stated another way, the Creator is an infinite being exploring
its infinite potential through an infinite number of finite avenues. While individual evolutionary
paths begin and end beginning as the first stirring of awareness among primal matter and
ending in unified congruency with the Creator the grand experiment itself is without
beginning or end because there are an infinite number of these paths.

Because all life shares a common source, all life is interrelated and of equal worth. Only the
expression of the underlying source differs from one lifeform to another. To differing degrees,
each lifeform is endowed with freewill, the potential ability to choose independently of another
beings choice. Freewill adds a wildcard factor that makes the grand experiment interesting
instead of boringly deterministic.

Existence is both holographic and fractal in nature. It is holographic in the sense that all
possibilities exist simultaneously and timelessly, while our individual consciousness interfering
with this static pattern is what generates the illusion of dynamic experience. In other words,
it is we who move through the static pattern, the dreamscape projected by the Creator.
Existence is fractal in the sense that freewill requires discontinuities and inconceivable
complexities in this static web of possibilities. A fractal exists as a static pattern created from
a deterministic equation, but due to the infinite complexity of a fractal, its exploration by a
conscious perceiver becomes an nondeterministic affair. And thus the game of life can be
characterized by freewill even though the gameboard itself is static and deterministic.

Progress arises when freewill moderates the interaction between two opposite forces. This
forms a trinity generically composed of an active force, passive force, and neutralizing or
balancing force. This trinity can be found everywhere that progress is to be found. For
example, the tension of a string comprises the active force, inertia of the string creates the
passive force, and the musician is the balancing force. From this is born music. Within
individuals, the lower impulses form the passive force, higher spiritual callings of the heart
form the active force, and you the incarnated consciousness form the balancing force by
choosing between these two opposite polarities. From this is born the progress of your
personal evolution. Even the fractal boundary of the Mandelbrot set acquires its infinite
complexity by being the balancing point beyond two opposing mathematical values, the finite
and the infinite which ties back into reality being a fractal hologram.

Good and Evil:

Choice allows one to serve the Creator within oneself by exploiting others or by serving the
Creator within others. The first path is identifed as evil/darkness/negativity while the second
path one associates with good/light/positivity. This sets up two branches of evolution one
that works against the laws of Creation and one that works with and for it. Both ultimately
serve the Creators exploration of self, but only the positive path does so in a balanced
manner. The tension between these two evolutionary paths enriches the grand experiment
and provides the impetus for evolution by both sides.

As Goethe wrote, the dark force wills forever evil yet does forever good. The self-serving
path, despite giving the individual personal power, also puts him in unwitting subservience to
higher powers. The highest power of all is the Creator, which those of the dark hierarchy
unwittingly serve by providing the grand experiment with the passive force necessary for
evolution. They provide the darkness against which the light stands out. Lucifer is referred to
as the lightbringer because through self-serving actions, manipulation, and infliction of
pain, self-serving individuals unwittingly give others the opportunity to see the light.


Finite consciousness can be classified into an octave scale of conscious development. This
octave arises naturally because consciousness is vibration, and vibration strung between a
beginning point (as matter) and ending point (as unity with the Creator) sets up a scale.
This scale consists of eight notes: do re mi fa so la si do. The first note signifies sleeping
consciousness and the last note represents active consciousness and notice that these
notes have the same name, illustrating how sleeping and active consciousness are just two
expressions of the same infinite consciousness. The space between two notes on this
evolutionary scale is called a density and there are seven total densities, each
encompassing a particular class of conscious development. The higher densities have higher
vibrations of consciousness and are more evolved.

Whereas densities categorize different evolutionary levels of the dreamed, the terms
spacetime and timespace classify different aspects of the dreamscape. Spacetime is the
arena of causal interaction better known as physicality, where two or more beings interact
while bound by a common set of physical laws. Spacetime is where experiences occur and
lessons are learned the ground, the battlefield, the classroom. By contrast, timespace is
the sky, the command center, the teachers office. It is where individual beings have a birds
eye view of what occurs in spacetime, providing a still point of contemplation, reflection, and
planning of further spacetime experiences. This is the state one enters in between physical
incarnations. The lower densities exist primarily in spacetime while the higher densities
choose to exist almost exclusively in timespace.

Personal Spiritual Evolution:

Upon incarnating into a physical body, we experience an occultation of awareness and forget
who we are. Then social conditioning and biological impulses graft a false identity upon us
that is in total discord with our true spiritual nature. Most people wear this false identity for
life and fail to recognize and fulfill their true reasons for incarnating. But for others, intuition
and experiences help them realize that there is more to life than the material world (matrix)
admits. Throughout life these individuals experience higher impulses guiding them toward
becoming lucid in this dream, while simultaneously lower impulses beckon them toward
sleep. For those who consistently listen to their higher impulses, inner and outer life
transforms and begins to operate under divine instead of material laws, removing limitations
of the latter and opening up new possibilities. This is the process of transcending the matrix,
using higher laws to override lower ones by developing and purifying ones internal nature to
resonate with higher realms of existence. This is a prerequisite for fulfilling ones potential.
Science Intro
Science encompasses the study of nature and its laws. Physical reality as we know it is built upon
certain rules and structures separate from our own chosen perspectives. These can be codified in
via mathematics or visualized geometrically. By understanding science, mankind changes his
relationship with nature. Some use knowledge of natural laws to more effectively place their personal
will over the forces of nature, while others use this knowledge to better harmonize their personal will
with nature. The latter brings balance and bounty, while the first brings imbalance and dimishing
resources. The world today runs on a power base that relies upon imbalance and dimishing
resources to sustain itself as the sole providers of these resources. Technologies that advance
individual freedom by connecting man directly with nature instead of through the church of
scientism and industry are heavily suppressed or corrupted. Thus, technology while not
substituting for spiritual evolution does represent an important factor in catalyzing spiritual
evolution if it helps free one from material limitations and preoccupations.

Metaphysics of Physics

Science studies the chains of causality. When effects can be predicted from causes, the
effects can be controlled by controlling the causes. This is how science is used today to
predict and thus control outcomes, particularly how the forces of nature work toward
advancing or hindering our own will. Because science is knowledge, and knowledge is power,
those who desire power tend to have research divisions heavily involved in secret science
the more they know, the farther up the causality chain they can act, and thus the more
effects they can control.

When we incarnate into physical bodies, we agree to abide by certain limitations and rules.
This contract with physicality is really an agreement to follow the laws of physics as the
majority of people experience them. It is necessary to allow the learning game of life to
proceed smoothly with freewill preserved for the maximum number of participants. This
contract, however, does constitute certain permissions whereby those exploiting the laws of
physics can in turn exploit the individuals who adhere to them. This is why higher dark forces
are fond of technology rather than engaging freewill directly, they use clever ways of
working around freewill through the various metaphysical legal channels and loopholes to
attain their desires.

Science and technology increase the leverage of ones freewill, thus increasing power. Thus, it
can be used to maintain control over a lesser leveraged population, or it can be used as
countertechnology to level the playing field. Unfortunately, the majority of those who attempt
to bring liberating technology into mainstream use and thus upset the power monopoly are
killed. This shows that while metaphysical advancement and knowledge are important, the
effectiveness of this knowledge increases when used in conjunction with technological
advancement and scientific knowledge.

Suppression of Science
Because science acts to increase the leverage of ones freewill, the last thing those in power
want is for their subjects to gain increased leverage and thus diminish the power ratio. Thus,
liberating technologies are either regulated or suppressed. These technologies include free
energy, antigravity, psychotronics, time travel, reality engineering, cancer cures,
teleportation, etcall of which exist at the secret government level but none of which is
open to the public. The greater the technological difference between master and slave levels
of society, the greater the power difference.

Researchers of unconventional science who faced suppression include the following: Nikola
Tesla, Thomas Townsend Brown, John Searl, Stefan Marinov, Eugene Mallove, Wilhelm Reich,
Royal Rife, and Joseph Newman. There are many more who have been eliminated or silenced
prior to becoming publicly known.

Science and mathematics as taught in our public educational institutions have been dumbed
down and rigged to prevent exploration into sensitive areas. This is done through tricks of
logic that play upon the intellects many vulnerabilities, namely the inability to differentiate
absolute from relative values. Certain concepts and variables are discarded on the basis of
irrelevance or arbitrariness, when in actuality they are far from aribtrary and instead provide
the doorway to secret sciences. Subjects are frequently taught in compartmentalized and
overly abstract ways to prevent students from understanding subjects on a gnostic level,
meaning on a geometric and intuitive foundation. The latter is necessary to allow true
progressive and creative use of knowledge, but what is encouraged instead is applying
formulas and definitions in mechanical ways, resulting in refinement rather than evolution of

Toward a True Science

Mathematics and geometry describe the rules and structure of the game we all play.
However, the outcome of a game does not depend solely upon its rules and structure; the
players freewill choice must also be taken into account. Among other things, physics
equations aim to predict definite effects from definite causes. With freewill as a variable, the
effects cannot be entirely predicted. Quantum mechanics provides the best example of this,
being a theory of statistical trends rather than deterministic equations because quantum
systems always involve a level of uncertainty.

A true science would have to include both a complete description of deterministic physical
rules and structures, and allow for the nondeterministic influences of freewill choice. This
would make physics a harmonious subset of metaphysics.

The problem of incomplete science is solved by cutting the gordian knot rather wasting
energy trying to untie it. In other words, rather than forcing further refinement of existing
mainstream theories, it would be better to revisit the assumptions upon which they are

The Bigger Picture

Because knowledge is power, and not all individuals can handle power responsibly, there is
good reason why much technology remains hidden from the public. The general rationale is
that were certain technologies to fall into the wrong hands, there would be devastating
results. For example, teleportation technology used by criminals would render bank safes

On the other hand, it is through suppression of technology that the manipulators of this
world maintain their overwhelming control. One avenue of control and funding for the elite,
the oil industry, would crumble if free energy technology replaced petroleum technology, and
if the transition were smooth, we would be liberated from dependence upon finite energy
resources. The extra time, capital, and energy gained could then be applied toward progress
instead of survival.

So regarding the suppression of knowledge, it is a question of which poses a greater threat:

the irresponsible use of knowledge by the ignorant, or the hoarding and consequent abuse of
knowledge by the elite? The first justifies keeping certain knowledge secret, the second
justifies its release to disempower the manipulators.

At the highest levels of truth, there is no difference between technology, occultism, and
metaphysics for all are part of a whole and the grand truth in one thus contains the grand
truth in the other. Rules and structure still exist outside physicality, and these can be
included in science with provisions made for freewill choice. A complete science would place
astral planes, parallel dimensions, synchronicities, consciousness, etheric fields, telepathy,
vital energies, emotional energies, volition, hyperdimensional existence and timeloops all
under the same framework. At present, these appear to be phenomena distinct from
science, but that is because science as we know it is incomplete. It is not that these
phenomena can be explained in terms of present science as reductionists and debunkers
enjoy doing, but rather that present science must expand to accomodate these phenomena
in terms of higher physical and metaphysical principles.

To know nature is to know one portion of the Creator. To know yourself is to know another
portion of the Creator. Because what is within mirrors what is outside, and what is outside
mirrors what is within, knowing both nature and yourself makes for a straight path toward
knowing the Creator.
Conspiracy Intro
Not everything is a conspiracy, but lets face it: those who strive for power are also those most likely
to abuse it. The correct use of power requires integrity and wisdom, virtues human nature doesnt
come with by default; they are acquired virtues and thus quite rare. It follows that due to this
rarity, of those who gain power the majority will lack the integrity and wisdom to use it correctly.
And so conspiracies arise, for conspiracies are nothing more than underhanded schemes of
self-serving individuals bent on gaining and maintaining power.

This basic observation has held true for thousands of years, and being that power hungry
individuals are also ruthlessly intelligent and persevering, enough time has passed for the
establishment of gargantuan conspiracies designed to eventually give these madmen ultimate
power over mankind. This madness is not limited to human psychopaths, but extends to
nonhuman ones who have long set their eyes on dominating mankind. Toward this end, there exists
an ancient global shadow government still coordinating world affairs from behind the scenes,
running a script that through machiavellian principles guides mankind ever closer to acquiescing its
collective liberty in exchange for security under global and cosmic tyranny.

Elected governments are false fronts coordinated by a global shadow government:

National governments pretend independent motives while enacting a scripted version of

world events

The global shadow government, also known as the New World Order or illuminati, consists of
human elite directed by hyperdimensional forces who seek total domination over mankind.
These human elite are assigned the task of enslaving the rest of mankind and then handing
over control to their nonhuman superiors. Because such individuals are hungry for power
anyway, they have no reservations about enslaving those beneath them.

To consolidate this power, world events are scripted toward creating conditions that
rationalize the increasing removal of freedom and independence from nations and individuals.
Wars, civil wars, and revolutions provide this catalyst. In the future, earth cataclysms and an
overt alien invasion will be used toward these ends.

There is no American government:

Our elected government is a sham. Elections are manipulated to put key puppets into office,
and polls are rigged to sway mass opinion. Politicans are blackmailed or bribed into serving
the New World Order. Blackmail comes via past activities they may have been tempted into
partaking, or else such politicans have been bribed with luxuries and promises of further
power, privilege, and survival in times to come.

The majority of those who become politicans are corrupt. It takes psychopathic ruthlessness
to make it to the top of politics, and because of networking and other factors, only those
selected by the shadow government ultimately make it to the top. There are countless ways
of getting rid of dissenters, from assassination to discrediting to blackmail.

Tricks used by world manipulators include hegelian dialectics and false dichotomies. Hegelian
dialectics is better known as problem-reaction-solution, whereby a problem is created to
push people into accepting a rigged solution. Incidents such as the Oklahoma City bombing,
Columbine massacre, and 9/11 attacks were engineered by the shadow government to
justify the further removal of freedoms from the populace to keep them safe. Ultimately,
liberty traded for security leads to slavery.

False dichotomies are illusory choices, options that all lead to the same outcome. The
dichotomies of liberal vs conservative and secular vs religious are false dichotomies
because each side leads to the same end result of ignorance and imbalance. The political
system relies on the illusion of two party choice which makes people think theyre living in a
democracy. There is no democracy because mass opinion is swayed through media
manipulation and rigged polls, and there is no republic because the electoral college consists
of bought members who obey the shadow government. The most willing slaves are those
who think they are free.

By laws not being enforced, people demand more laws to solve perceived problems. These
laws then pile up until one day all can be enforced at once and create a legal form of

Media and public education brainwash citizens into acquiescing to corrupted authority:

Public education is behavior modification designed to create worker drones instead of capable
individuals.This is done through systems of reward and punishment, compartmentalization
of the mind, preoccupation with meaningless work, political correctness, and distortions of
facts and principles in textbooks.

The media has no obligation to report truth, only to make money and obey orders from the
government. Thus they either appeal to the lowest common denominator in mass
consciousness and thus help lower mass consciousness further, or else they report stories
that propagate an agenda. News is designed to emotionally shock and hypnotize the public
into giving up their self-determination and discernment.

The economy is heavily manipulated:

Stock markets are rigged to provide funding for the shadow government. What appear as
random fluctuations in the market are instead planned in advance, allowing the elite to
retract their investments before a planned downturn or crash. This pumping mechanism
happens on a greater economic scale as well, allowing the elite to periodically harvest wealth
from ignorant citizens who buy into the illusion of a free economy.

The shadow government uses the Federal Reserve and the IRS as further sources of funding.
The Federal Reserve prints millions of dollars in cash every year but pays only for the
manufacturing cost. This fiat money is then injected into the economy where people assume
it has real worth and thus do real work and create real products in exchange for these
worthless reserve notes. Normally this would cause inflation, but what the Federal Reserve
prints the IRS later takes out through income tax. Because what goes in as fake cash is then
taken out as real wealth, citizens are shafted and the parasites of humanity grow fatter.
Why all the control?

No self serving individual wants to lose his power. Control is necessary for those in power to
maintain and increase their power. Most manipulative tactics are designed to make people
predictable, and what can be predicted can be controlled. To make people predictable, they
must be deprived of knowledge, physical and vital energy, initiative, willpower, and
individuality. All impulses that cannot be suppressed are diverted toward serving an agenda,
and as the saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Each self serving person serves higher self serving forces, and each takes what they want
from those they control. This turns earth into a farm and prison. Lower forces want money,
security, pleasures while higher dark forces want spiritual power, energy, and conquest.

Secret societies:

Human elite are characterized by superior knowledge and power. Depending on how this
knowledge and power is used, they can be of positive or negative orientation. Secret societies
seek isolation from general population, either to protect themselves and work in peace, or to
gain an advantage by covertly manipulating the population.

What characterizes secret socities is that they are elite, but not all parts of them are
necessarily elitist. Some just stay hidden to better carry out their jobs. Past
misunderstandings caused them to be persecuted and so they have learned not to flaunt
their presence.

They either start out as elite groups intent on control, or positive groups intent on
preserving, refining, and sharing knowledge but the latter inevitably become corrupted. This
causes splits within those groups whereby the positive parts go deeper into secrecy while the
corrupted parts join the dark hierarchy to manipulate mankind.

Generally, secret societies such as Rosicrucians and Freemasons fill their lower ranks by
recruiting from the more successful members of the general population. Fraternity and
goodwill characterize these outer levels, but often they are a control mechanism to keep
positive individuals from spreading their knowledge by making them take an oath of secrecy.
From these members, those with exemplary potential for darkness are recruited into the
upper levels of secret socities and placed into positions of power to carry out the dark
hierarchy?s agenda.

Secret societies often consist of dualities. The dark half seeks knowledge and power to
manipulate others, and the light half seek to protect this knowledge from misuse. There are
battles between those who seek to abuse knowledge and those that are destined to protect
it. These battles are often fought through the masses, who are blind to their own
participation in an invisible war.

All dark secret societies are after knowledge that would increase their power and ability to
manipulate and conquer. This is achieved by extracting knowledge from the general
population, buying the brains to do exotic research, scouring the earth for hidden knowledge
and technology from past civilizations (Templars and Skull and Bones are/were known for
this), channeling occult demonic forces for knowledge, and working with alien
hyperdimensional groups for their technology and thus serving them in their agenda.
Secret societies tend to contain concentrations of specific bloodlines, particularly those
bloodlines that have a greater portion of off-world genetics, meaning those with closer
genetic ties to alien factions. This is because genetics and soul tend to correspond and
influence each other. It is why presidents have strong concentrations of royal blood, as
genetics ties in directly to soul nature and thus destiny. The same can be said for positively
oriented souls they also tend to incarnate into certain bloodlines, but these bloodlines are
harder to trace because divine synchronicity arranges their branching and merging instead
of arranged marriages as royal families are known to engage in.
Alien Intro
What we call aliens are hyperdimensional beings. They hide behind the veil of our perceptions and
can project themselves into our visible reality at will. They are not recent visitors to earth, but have
been here for hundreds of thousands of years and continue to live here, mostly in underground
bases. Some aliens helped genetically engineer the human race, while other factions later crippled
human genetics in order to turn mankind into little more than a source of physical and etheric food.
Today, those interacting with humanity via abductions have a negative orientation and intend to
create a race of human-alien hybrids capable of ruling over humanity while having total allegiance to
the interdimensional alien empire. Literature tends to identify these negative aliens as the
reptilians, grays, mantids, and some hostile nordic factions. There exist positively oriented beings as
well, notably the more positive nordics, but they respect the law of freewill and do not engage in
physical abductions. Rather they exist as a spiritual brotherhood lending their service to protect
and guide those of us who seek freedom from the limitations of this 3D matrix control system,
prison/school earth.

Hostile aliens are 4D and 5D dark entities:

Consist of beings who have evolved beyond limited three dimensional linear time status. They
exist at a level of reality beyond our five senses, the back stage to our reality so to speak.

Preside over all elements of the lower hierarchy of the matrix control system, from the
individual to entire human organizations. They are beyond linear time and thus can do this.

Fourth density beings have the physical form related to whatever animal species they
originally evolved from. All present on earth are humanoid in nature. Some look human, some
reptilian, other insectoid. Their form is temporarily alterable due to the variable physicality of
fourth density.

They are part of interstellar and interdimensional empires, seeking conquest. They take over
entire worlds and races for genetic, physical, and spiritual resources. This is done patiently
over thousands of our years, but because they are beyond linear time it does not hinder

They seek energy, and earth has been molded into a farm for them. This energy consists of
human life force, emotional and spiritual and sexual energy. Being hyperdimensional, they
can suck this directly via telepathic connection, or via the many agents or portals they have
instated among the general population.

They have been here for hundreds of thousands of years, and have long ago altered the
human genetic code to reduce us to our most primal levels, we are spiritually crippled
because of this.

Above them are nonphysical entities of demonic nature, dark occult overlords who are
supreme in their dark wisdom and knowledge. While 4D entities are rough around the edges
and serve more as minions and henchmen, 5D entities are the commanders, Luciferian in
nature. They are advanced enough appear in whatever form they want, and can thus appear
human. Some of the hostile red-haired nordics are of this category.

They are locked into their own mode of existence, and above them in the hierarchy is only the
logos or thought center, the black sun, the spiritual black hole that inevitably sucks all
self-centered consciousness into it. To stave off this spiritual death, they need increasing
energy from those below in the hierarchy. In fact, all dark practitioners seek to avoid the
metaphysical consequences of what they do, which is why they are into physicality and
prolonging life ? while physical, they can do what they want and delay paying the debt.

Rather than being misguided or unevolved, these beings are highly evolved but in an
entropic fashion. They have great knowledge and wisdom concerning how to serve the
Creator within themselves at the expense of the Creator within others.

They have weaknesses:

They are prone to wishful thinking due to their narrow probable reality range.
Hyperdimensional beings occupy a bandwidth of probable realities whose spectrum
corresponds to their soul frequencies. So those of a negative nature who vibrate at a lower
and more restricted rate tend to operate within a more limited range of probable realities.
This makes them blind to certain outcomes (probabilities) that are not within their

They are very practical, so they seek the easiest route. This is because they must economize
their energy and strategy. The nature of self-serving evolution involves conquest over finite
resources, so efficiency and calculation are a necessity.

They cannot easily deviate from their plans ? all is calculated. It takes them a while to adjust
to new evasive tactics by a target. Part of this is due to them attacking from outside linear
time, meaning they send in their attack simultaneously along the past, present, and future.
So what appears to us as an attack spanning several days or weeks is for them them a single
instant, and so they appear slow to respond to our improvisations.

They cannot deal with complexity easily unless precalculated. Most of what they do is geared
toward optimizing success, which usually involves moving along the probable reality that best
fits their end goals. But there is always a freewill factor which throws things off, and if a
target uses freewill to be unpredictable, this adds incalculable complexity to the range of
branching probabilities and therefeore disorients them.

They think they always have the advantage, so they get careless ? many times they don?t
expect resistance, they think their agenda is secret and beyond human comprehension.

Lack of unity among them disrupts the spiritual coherence of their collective and therefore
disintegrates what energy they collect, meaning they have to keep collecting more, thus they
are like black holes needing more and more energy like a hyperdimensional pyramid scheme.

They preside over lower (human) levels of the control system:

Every individual in an STS (service-to-self) hierarchy is both predator and prey. Predator to
those below, prey to those above. Likewise, anyone who is predator or prey participates in the
STS hieararchy

Humans of strong STS orientation incarnate to heighten their negative polarity and carry out
missions and agenda. They are of low spiritual frequency and tend to be born into positions
of power. These form the elite of the world, who are ultimately directed by the alien powers
heading the STS hierarchy.

They incarnate primarily into associated bloodlines because DNA and soul tend to
correspond. So tracing bloodlines can show potentiality of destiny. Bloodlines like these arise
via genetic modification by alien factions, or by mutation in response to the soul frequency of
ancestors who made negative soul pacts with higher dark powers. These bloodlines have a
physical and spiritual symbiotic relationship with their alien counterparts.

Their function is power and conquest, and right now we are in the final phase of their
conquest. Negative hyperdimensional forces want total control over mankind. Their influence
upon mankind at large can be termed the Hyperdimensional Matrix Control System.
Matrix Intro
What is the Matrix? School or prison, depending on your chosen perspective. On the one hand, it is
a hyperdimensional teaching system accelerating your rate of spiritual evolution by providing you
with catalytic experiences in response to your thoughts, emotions, and spiritual composition. On
the other hand, many of these experiences manifest as predatory forces preying upon your
weaknesses. Of course, the only way to prevent being manipulated by these forces is to discover,
integrate, and transform your weaknesses into strengths, thereby indirectly accomplishing the
higher purpose of the Matrix which is to help you transcend it. Nevertheless, these
hyperdimensional predatory forces possess freewill and have their own agenda, which is to expand
their power base and sustain themselves by feeding upon humanitys emotional energies as well as
keeping anyone from becoming aware enough to add destabilizing influences to the spiritual
prison/farm they are running here on earth. The sum total of their hyperdimensional manipulation
system can be termed the Matrix Control System a school of hard knocks that weakens the
spiritually weak and strengthens the spiritually strong, in accordance with their choice to be victims
or warriors.

Hyperdimensional Predators:

Beyond the human level of evolution are several levels occupied by more sophisticated forms
of life, including hostile beings with the ability to transcend space and linear time, read
thoughts, manipulate emotions, puppeteer unaware individuals, and project themselves in
and out of our physical reality.

They require emotional/etheric/vital energy to sustain themselves; mankind has long been
their primary food source. They feed upon energies that are in resonance with their own soul
vibrations: negative emotions, psychological suffering, and perverted sexual energies. Being
greedy as they are, rather than just harvesting naturally occuring energies emitted by those
who have freely chosen to engage in lower vibrational behavior, these predators seek to
induce ignorance, suffering, and perversion in as many people as possible to maximize their
energy harvest. While this isnt technically a freewill violation (because they can only amplify
what latent negative tendencies we already have within us), their forceful milking of energy
via the Matrix Control System does constitute an imbalance because it encourages ignorance
and slavery instead of awareness and freedom.

Suppression of Awareness:

Because hostile hyperdimensional forces have a vested interest in the Matrix Control System,
they go to extraordinary lengths to suppress any destabilizing factors that could disrupt
their food supply. Anyone who starts the process of waking up and regaining personal power
and freedom is immediately targeted. The targeting aims to put him back to sleep, render
him powerless, or make him lose faith in continuing his path.

When a personal impulse toward freedom occurs, an equal and opposite impulse is set into
motion, attracting to the target various negatively synchronistic opportunities to engage in
lowering experiences to offset his impulse toward freedom. These include situations that aim
to induce fear, distraction, suffering, doubt, depression, indulgence in lower impulses, and
self-serving behavior. Sometimes this phenomenon arises naturally from the law of inertia,
other times there is active amplification of this counter-impulse by negative hyperdimensional
forces to disarm the threat before he gains more power.

Other methods of suppression include sabotaging and distracting a targeted individual via
people around him who are open to direct manipulation. Anyone who fails to be fully
conscious in the present moment can be a puppet for as long as their attention is elsewhere.
Lapses of attention are enough for a subconsciosly implanted impulses to result in
regrettable words or actions. The majority of people in this world place no priority on
awareness or attentiveness, and instead live life in a semi-conscious dream state that makes
them very prone to being pawns of the Matrix Control System. Some are born with
insufficient levels of individualized consciousness to ever experience a lucid moment, and it is
these who form the primary class of Matrix agents, the rest of functioning as agents only
part of the time when we fail to watch ourselves. Due to the great quantity of asleep people in
the population, the Matrix Control System has no problem finding chesspieces to maneuver
into place around a targeted individual.

The Bigger Picture:

While we may not be the source of injustices against us, we are the cause of it. The Matrix,
even with its level of imbalance and corruption by those freewill entities who have
overstepped their place in nature as catalytic firespitters, is nevertheless still a learning
program entirely responsive to our own ignorance and weaknesses. It may be a predators
choice to attack, but it is our choice to accept the attack and succumb to it. The Matrix
Control System can only throw us by the elements within us that correspond to its low
vibratory nature. Attacks serve to identify our own weaknesses, thus providing focus for
where to take the next step on ones path of spiritual awakening.
Truth Analysis
This article describes the reasoning process I use to write most of the articles on this site.

The process is based on two axioms:

1. truth is not subjective

2. truth never contradicts itself

Because truth is not subjective, some ideas are more objective than others. This means that no matter
what your worldview is, it can always be improved to be more objective. It shows that there is indeed
something to strive for.

The idea that truth never contradicts itself is a very powerful axiom. Lies can be internally consistent as
well, but a mixture of truth and lies will show contradictions. You can use this principle to discover whats
true and whats false. Heres what I mean:

It is difficult to tell if any single idea is true or false, just like it is difficult to tell which of two similar
puzzles a single puzzle piece belongs to. But a large collection of non-contradicting ideas will reveal
whether the entire collection is true or false. The larger the collection, the easier it is to see. You start
with one ambiguous puzzle piece, find others that fit onto it, and soon you can tell which of the two
puzzles youve put together.

Another analogy is panning for gold. You start with a large amount of material that includes both silt and
gold flakes, then you shake the pan and let the silt fall away. This indicates the importance of continually
thinking, reading, and discussing large amounts of new material, which is then to be sorted or filtered via
intuition and critical thinking to reveal what is true.

It is better to look for whats wrong with a theory than whats right. Debates can rage forever concerning
the thousand facts supporting a single lie, but no one can argue with a single fact that disproves a
thousand lies.

Remember, as long as your worldview is internally consistent, it is most likely entirely true or entirely
false. Combine this principle with the five-step process below, and you will have an effective truth
analysis method. The process of discovering truth is one of cycling between gathering material,
formulating theories, working out inconsistencies, and gathering more material.

Most importantly, truth is always verified by both logic and intuitionlogic without intuition, or intuition
without logic should never be used to determine truth. They must be used in tandem. If there is conflict
between logic and intuition, check your logical assumptions. Use intuition to guide and logic to analyze.

The process goes like this:

1) Gather new ideas from contemplation, observation, discussion, or some reading material. Then pick a
mystery, a contradiction, a set of observations or anything that needs to be explained or resolved.

2) To make a good theory that will explain all of that, start with the infinite set of all possibilities. This
means anything goes, no idea is too ludicrous. Use your intuition and guess.

3) As ideas come to mind, use critical thinking to eliminate everything that is self contradictory or
absolutely impossible. Look for holes in these ideas, try to shoot them down.

4) Of the bulletproof theories that are left, select the theory that:

explains all the facts

explains the facts better than any other theory
explains facts that previous theories could not
is logically consistent and has no internal contradictions
makes sense
feels intuitively correct

5) The theory is worth keeping if:

it predicts things which are later confirmed by observation

you find correlation from other independent sources

6) If you come across something that challenges the theory, then:

check to see that its really a challenge, and not just an illusory paradox based on assumptions or
incorrect perspective
check to see if the challenge is even valid, or if it is internally inconsistent and full of holes
modify the theory to accomodate the challenge
come up with a whole new theory that explains everything more elegantly than the old one

This is opposite the process used in science and mathematics that starts with axioms and builds upon
them. The problem with that method is that it starts with a very limited finite set and creeps upward like
a stalagmite. If the assumptions or axioms are false, then everything built on it is in error. Furthermore,
such a process cannot skip steps, as it always needs verification from the status quo to proceed to the
next step. It cannot take leaps of faith or logic, and therefore cannot make paradigm shifts. Its an
inflexible process that definitely has its advantages when it comes to high risk applications that need lots
of security and assuredness, but as far as breaking new ground is concerned, its incredibly slow. Any
creativity in that process happens only in the formation of the basic axioms, or in accidents that occur
along the way.

The process described in this article starts with an infinite set, and whittles away what doesnt fit. This
means there is no need to leap across a logical abyss because one approaches from the other side. It is
much easier to build a bridge if someone is already on the other side. Likewise, once a radical idea has
been confirmed using this process, it is much easier to work backwards and logically bridge the abyss.
Also, the fitting together of ideas and sorting of truth from lies requires creativity at every step, so its the
best method of achieving rapid innovation.
You are Dreaming
Are you asleep or awake? What about people you interact with daily? Most will answer that they are
awake, and that those around them are awake as well. Its a simple question with an easily
determined answer, or so it seems.

Not all is as it seems. Rather than two states of being, there are at least four. The mind and body
can be asleep or awake independently of each other.

With mind and body awake, one is truly awake. With mind and body asleep, one is dreaming. With
mind awake and body asleep, one is lucid-dreaming.With mind asleep and body awake, one is
sleepwalking. Gradations exist between these four states, ranging from hypnotism and trance to
daydreaming and dim consciousness.

The common understanding of what it means to be awake disguises the truth. In truth, most
who call themselves awake are actually not awake at all. They are either hypnotized, dimly conscious,
sleepwalking, daydreaming, or in a state of trance. What all these states have in common is that the
conscious core of the individual is absent or passive, blowing like a leaf in the winds of environmental

Waking Dreams

We dream while physically asleep. But for many, dreams do not end in the morning. Getting up,
showering, eating, working, watching TVall those are continuations of a dream state that remains
essentially uninterrupted, 24 hours a day.

You may realize how in dreams our sense of reality is disabled and we submit our attention to the
most ridiculous dramas and scenarios. In dreams, we make the strangest logical associations that
amount to no logic at all, have little say in what happens to us, do things impulsively, and never
question our reality or observe ourselves.

Because people tend to be mentally asleep while going about their daily business, they carry out
exactly the same behavior. All that limits them is the stability of their physical environment.
Nevertheless, they are just as easily suggestible, capable of false logic, and in passive submission to
the environment as during their nightly dreams.

Observe what people do and say, the anecdotes and gossip they speak, how they may
communicate via recitations of lines from movies or TV shows, speak in trite memetic phrases
without conscious thought or originality, engage in ludicrous programmed behavior, engross
themselves in petty dramas, and switch to goofy or borrowed personalities that you never
questionas long as you are asleep.

The world and society is an insane asylum, but everyone is too asleep to notice the insanity. Just as
you may not question insane dreams while having them, so do most people not question their
insane lives. But, if you observe yourself, return your focus of attention to your present location and
moment in time, then observe those around you with this perspective, you will see that they are
virtually sleepwalking. Ever wish you could observe another persons dreams? Well, your wish is
granted just observe others and you will see them behaving exactly as they would in dreams,
were their dream environments as stable as this physical one.

The moment you forget yourself and become fully absorbed in what you perceive, you are no longer
awake. You have forgotten about your own consciousness and are in a hypnotic trance focused
entirely upon the object of your thoughts or perceptions. At that point, your freewill is surrendered
and you become a machine, input and output determined by what enthralls you.

The implications of mass somnambulism is obvious. With billions of people asleep, those in power
who are awake have the advantage. Sleeping people are easily controlled. Their conscious core exists
within a mental prison, harnessed for time, labor, and energy. They possess little or no freewill
because they have abandoned the awareness necessary to utilize it.

Escaping the Matrix

The purpose of this article is to urge you to realize that being truly awake is a very rare state, but
that it is vitally important to strive for it, to realize the necessity of true waking consciousness.
Without it, your life is not yours. Without it, you will die in your sleep, like everyone else. Some say
ignorance is bliss, and to die in sleep is a good, but these are words of the insane.

This is one small step toward escaping the influence of the Matrix, the Predator, the General Law.
You must realize that most of you have been, and probably still are asleep; that those who sleep are
living a lie, and therefore your life has been a lie; that those around you who are sleepwalking, with
their petty dramas and mechanical greetings, are not to be taken seriously because they are not in
control of themselves.

You are the guardian of the fortress that is your reality, so dont let down your guard. Entities exist
that would gladly rearrange unguarded sectors of your reality. Plan ahead and remember past
lessons, but dont lose yourself in the moment; just be and act in the moment, with full
consciousness of your own awareness. This is impossible to do all the time, but the more you strive
for it, the longer you stay lucid.

Lucid Memories

Lucidity is the key to continuity of awareness and depth of memory. Some people have good
memories despite being asleep this type of memory is purely mechanical and lacks understanding
or the infusion of potential creative use, and is no different from computer memory. Computer
memory can be easily rewritten, rearranged, corrupted, swapped, or made self-contradictory, but
lucidly acquired memory is whole, holographic, and real. This wholeness forms a kernel of objectivity
upon which other lucid memories and knowledge can grow, to build within oneself a solid,
consistent, and conscious core.

During states of mental sleep, ones memory is subjective. Consequently ones identity is subjective,
consisting of whichever role one plays at the moment. Within the subjective mind exist numerous
subjective roles that take the lead upon cues from the environment. Within such a mind, there is
no order, consistent growth, stability, or objectivity.

The path to awakening is to make one identity within you supreme over all others, The Identity that
is your conscious core, present when you observe your own awareness rooted in the present
moment and location. All perceptions and thoughts that pass through this original identity become
lucid memories, internally consistent and whole. Staying lucid while living, working, thinking, and
creating, accumulates lucid memories. When recalled, such memories are experienced in the
present moment, and all such memories thus comprise direct knowledge of reality and time as it
truly exists, without past or future. Linear time is illusion, and your conscious core knows this. Lucid
memories reflect this truth.

As you practice staying truly awake, more lucid memories are accrued until a critical point is
reached when the siren songs grow quiet. Then, very rarely will you be lulled back beneath the
surface of lucidity. The strength and will of your true inner self grows considerably and asserts its
rightful superiority over internal illusory identities. In tandem, the strength of your presence within
the external environment also grows. No longer will you be a passive machine, but an active infuser
of creative influences. Not only do the shackles fall off, but the prison becomes an open playground.


This talk of lucidity and true wakefulness may sound simplistic and idealistic, but it is real, possible,
and worth pursuing. The works of Gurdjieff, Boris Mouravieff, Castaneda, and John Baines are
excellent resources for those who desire to study the mechanics and necessary details involved in
escaping the talons of the Matrix. For the sake of your destiny, please wake up.
Standards of Channeling
Channeling is the least reliable source of information, yet the most novel source for inspiration. The
intellect alone is unable to make the kind of creative leaps that only channeling can provide. To be clear,
intuition and sudden epiphanies are instances of channeling where some higher objective source beyond
the intellect is momentarily tapped to provide an answer before the explanation is evident. Quality
channeling combined with diligent research can make for excellent results, especially if one has keen
intuition to make creative connections bridging the two.

Problems arise when the channelled material itself is inferior, research is shoddy, discernment
nonexistent, or intuition is lacking. In fact, that is begging to be deceived. The reason why channeling is
often of poor quality is that those who receive it lack the discernment to qualify what comes through.
Sacrificing their standards of what constitutes quality, people often settle for what they can get. Soon as
the channeled source satisfies their skepticism, soothes their insecurities, or strokes their ego they go no

System of Standards

So for the sake of discernment we need a system of standards by which to gauge a source. The following
is one such system where quality is divided into levels ranging from the crudest to the most advanced.

First Level: noise without information. On a ouija board this means nonsense letters
or no movement of the planchette. In verbal attempts this means silence, random
syllables and tongue noises. For automatic writers this means no movement of the pen,
or else repetitive scribbles. It may be a prelude to a message, a warmup exercise to start
the flow, or else it may simply be like the noise on a disconnected television.

Second Level: information without message. Intelligible words may form, but these
are still nonsense, a more organized form of noise but noise nonetheless. Or the words
form into sentences but there is no point to them, mostly just insignificant filler phrases
that go nowhere and make no sense.

Third Level: message without autonomy. Sentences form that make a point, but the
channeler is basically faking it. Some fake it knowingly to continue the show even after
the well runs dry. Others fake it unknowingly by employing a hefty dose of denial and

Fourth Level: autonomy without novelty. So the message streams forth without
fabrication by the channeler, perhaps because he or she is unconscious (not
remembering what happened during the session) or because the participants are
conscious but aware they themselves are not willingly producing the message. And yet
the message contains nothing original, just a rehashing of what the channeler already
knows indicating the source could be the mechanical part of the subconscious or some
etheric thoughtform / deceiver parroting back the anticipation of the human participants.

Fifth Level: novelty without veracity. New and interesting information comes
through, and the source definitely appears to be an independent entity. But upon actually
checking the information it is revealed that the entity is a total phony playing games.
Nothing can be verified that wasnt already known or easy to guess, and the rest is
Nothing can be verified that wasnt already known or easy to guess, and the rest is
outright false. Trickster entities often give false prophecies of perpetually impending
doom to feed off the negative energy and disempowerment experienced by their targets.

Sixth Level: veracity without positivity. Here the source can give predictions that
eerily come true, reveal facts and personal details about others that later prove to be
accurate, or show off their presence with paranormal phenomenabut it uses these
confirmations solely to satisfy its authoritarian, hostile, or egotistical agenda. The source
is most likely some negative thoughtform, mischievous discarnate being, or lower astral
entity looking for easy targets to control, especially those interested left-hand occultism
or those quickly awed into obeying an exotic authority. They have limited ability to see
the future, read and manipulate the minds of humans, and create artificial
synchronicities. That their predictions turn out correct says nothing about their intentions.

Seventh level: positivity without sincerity. The same negative beings may hide their
hostile nature by resorting to sugary language chock full of spiritual catch phrases that
cater to the participants wishful thinking and psychological blind spots. They can even
impose upon their targets a warm tingly sensation to falsify the presence of something
positive, but the effect is similar to a tranquilizing drug: hypnotically lowering awareness
instead of raising it towards lucidity. Combined with cheap methods of confirmation, this
level of channeling can be very convincing to all but the sharply discerning. The most
virulent outlets of disinformation operate at this level.

Eighth level: sincerity without sublimity. The channeled material comes from a
friendly source but lacks conciseness, elegance, and subtlety. All this means is that the
source has good intentions but lacks wisdom and experience compared to more advanced
higher positive entities, or that the channeler is has too crude a lexicon. It should be
noted that fourth through seventh level sources can fake sophistication by employing
redundant verbosity, complex jargon, and convoluted trivia that have no practical

Ninth level: sublimity without balance. Subjects are discussed in an articulate

manner with profound perspicacity but the actual range of subjects is restricted. Most of
the time the participants are responsible for asking an imbalanced set of questions, other
times the source is lopsided in experience or determines one set of subjects has greater
urgency and importance than another. For instance, the source may prefer discussing the
neutral to positive subjects like cosmology, metaphysics, and spirituality while not having
much to say in detail about how the dark forces operate, or vice versa.

Tenth level: balance, resonance, excellence. Subjects are only limited by the
imagination and freewill of the participants. The source elegantly nurtures their intuition
and discernment, helping to raise awareness and expand freewill in whatever manner is
optimal. Answers are frequently given in a Socratic manner that encourages
contemplation and discovery, catalyzing rather than subsidizing the learning process.
Simple answers may contain multiple layers of meaning or be worded in such a way that
one grasps its inner content only when one is ready for it. It bears all the finesse of
esoteric mystery schooling while maintaining a lucid and sometimes amused tone. People
with good discernment and intuition will recognize that this level of material resounds
strongly with truth and sense, has unlimited practical applications, and contains novel
ideas that when analyzed turn out to be accurate and profound.

Because channeled material varies in quality from session to session, the above levels are meant to
signify the central tendency, that which best describes the material overall.
Channeling as Transluminal Communication

Whereas investigation, experience, and reasoning are based within the realm of the real, channeling
provides an influx of ideas from the imaginary; real and imaginary are used here in their mathematical
sense, where imaginary denotes what is outside our meme box, perpendicular to our consensual
paradigms. Its perpendicularity does not guarantee that channeling points toward new levels of
objectivity because it could just as well point towards a new levels of subjectivity. So it could provide
original fantasies that have no practical basis in reality, or it could provide original (previously
unacknowledged) truths. Only intuition and discernment can determine where outside our old paradigm it
points. I find great value in quality channeling if used in conjunction with intuition and discernment.

Channeling is a form of transluminal communication because it happens across realm boundaries

enclosing the temporal arteries embedded in the fractal holographic reality matrix. Stated plainly, genuine
channeling establishes two-way communication with beings outside our physical reality. This can only
happen through the quantum barrier separating the real from the imaginary, whereby nonphysical
intelligence biases the nondeterministic quantum fluctuations to initiate an organized cascade of effects
that become recognizable to the conscious receiver at the macroscopic level.

I am merely highlighting the possibility that quantum laws are responsible for the elusive nature of
channeled communications. From my article Timeline Dynamics:

[A]ccording to quantum physics we are caught in mutual feedback loops with all our
probable futures. The greater the probability of a particular future, the stronger the
feedback loop, the more tangibly beings from that future can interact with you in the
present. Fuzzy time travel happensall the time. Technically, it is not time travel so
much as one realm interacting with another in regulated ways. [T]he more you vector
towards a particular probable future, the more tangible and objective your interaction
with that future becomes.

Imagine for a moment that you are a time traveler interacting very loosely with someone
of the past. You would like to interact more objectively, but quantum laws preserving
freewill prohibit you. How, then, can you achieve this without violating freewill? By using
your limited range of interaction to solicit or entrain the person into volitionally vectoring
ever closer towards your own timeline. The more this persons probable futures become
your probable pasts, the more both of you become part of the same time stream, and
the more objectively you may interact.

This technique of entrainment to achieve greater deterministic influence is a favorite

tactic of self-serving hyperdimensional entities who find it profitable to enslave other
souls. The more tangibly they can do so, the less freewill their targets have to resist.
From our linear time perspective, these entities come from a very negative probable
future and are interacting with us now in dodgy but manipulative ways to entrain us into
reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving them, or not being an
obstacle to them.

[A]lthough from your linear perspective the Higher Self is a distant probable future,
ultimately this future perfected self exists right now alongside you. According to the
quantum principle discussed in this article, the more you vector towards becoming the
Higher Self, the more objectively the Higher Self can interact with you. A weak
connection means its guidance is limited to faint intuitive impressions, symbolic dreams,
certain synchronicities, and so on. A stronger connection would allow direct inner
conversation, which is clearly more objective than vague impressions. The voice of the
Higher Self is often described as a small, still voice meaning an inner knowing that is
Higher Self is often described as a small, still voice meaning an inner knowing that is
easily drowned out by mental distractions. A prolonged and sincere effort to think, feel,
and act like the Higher Selfto live from the highest part of you, the heart of your soul
increases the feedback loop and widens your capacity to act as a channel for your future

Freewill preservation is paramount at the quantum level. While two entities occupying the same physical
realm can interact in a causal manner and violate each others freewill, communication across the
quantum barrier is necessarily acausal. This means the congruency of freewill among all participants is
what holds together the conduit of interaction. The less causal the interaction, the more an attempted
freewill violation will collapse the conduit.

Biased Skepticism as Source of Corruption

The above is meant to point out why channeling is necessarily somewhat ambiguous when judged by the
standards of biased skepticism that wants to be shown proof despite its foregone choice to disbelieve.
Skeptics want accurate predictions, lottery numbers, photographic proof, table rapping, balls of light, and
other in your face proof that the source is not just a fabrication. And ironically, it is the negative
entities that are more than willing to provide some of these. They can push quantum laws to the limit
and induce such physical phenomena so that the skeptics, being flabbergasted by this demonstration, are
forced to accept its reality and in abandoning their discernment become naive followers of the source, or
perhaps deeply obsessed with the phenomena while missing out on the more transcendent possibilities.
That is why something as objectively tangible as electronic voice phenomena must come from realms
closest to the physical, realms where the crudest entities and energies incidentally reside.

As for channelled entities from the future, they pick up the phone to reinforce their own timeline. Any
biases by the human participants will constrict the communication conduit or bend it towards some lower
source because it biases what probable future they are heading towards. Their attitude correlates with the
source they channel. People can channel their future selves, but depending on their current choice of
orientation, attitude, awareness, and level of responsibility, what probable self they channel may vary
could be their positive, could be their negative future self. Therefore, the higher the dedication, integrity,
discernment, and intuition of the channelers, the more likely they will connect with a high level positive

As far as bias goes, the channeler can be given some slack if an audience of sufficient size and quality
reinforces the conduit by themselves being empowered towards a positive future. But if the material is
retracted from public access and due to biases the channeler acquires a negative probable future
trajectory, then there is little hope that the conduit maintains its integrity.

Final Thought

There exists no perfect channeled material since corruption is inevitable. Ego biases, mistranslations,
quantum laws interfering with transmission of quantitative data, hacking by negative entities,
programming of the channeler through abductions and implants, etc can all cause degradation in the
conduit over time. And of what material is published, perhaps just a few percent fall within the top three
levels of standards. So as much as channeling can be a valuable source of inspiration and insight, I
advise extreme discernment and a high set of standards when approaching it.
Triad of Progress
Ignorance, rejection, revelationthese three stages summarize the path between believing a lie and
grasping the truth. Consider them a problem-reaction-solution sequence toward divine ends.

Ignorance is essentially false belief reinforced by mental and emotional programming. By ignorance,
it is meant unwillingness to seek greater understanding. This can come from a lack of intellectual
application and/or absence of intuition.

Rejection occurs when one glimpses all the fallacies of the first stage but is shocked into losing
balance and perspective. This stage requires intellect, but suffers from an absence of intuition.
Rejection is just a logical inversion of the first stage, a negative image so to speak.

Revelation is when one sees the fallacies of the first stage, the contextual shortcomings of the
second stage, and the constructive truth residing beyond both of them. This requires intellect and
intuitionintellect to see the fallacies, intuition to gnostically leap into a higher level of

Most of mankind never makes it past the first stage, existing instead as mainstream mouthpieces
for the Matrix Control System. Many of them lack the higher chakras and are thus incapable of
revelation. Some are simply too busy with body and ego survival to care for rocking the boat.

Then there are the smart ones who awaken from the first stage. They think theyre pretty clever in
seeing the flaws in some mainstream institution or belief system. Those who get fixated on rejection
tend to plunge into cynicism, skepticism, and negativity because all their energy is devoted to
pulling weeds rather than planting seeds. A negative image indeed.

During the second stage people are emotionally shocked and frustrated, which leaves them
vulnerable. Shocks can stun the intellect into adopting an immature binary viewpoint, that if
something is a lie then its logical negative (opposite) must be the truth. For example, those who
awaken from the lies of Catholicism but get stuck on the second stage either become rabid atheists
or satanists, trading one stupidity for another.

In the third stage, one comes full circle. Atheists may once again believe in a higher deity but
nothing like what is propagated through mainstream religion. Those who rejected the naive
positivity of New Age fluffism in favor of cynical objectivity may once again believe in the value of
positivity but this time only when matched with awareness.

These stages are therefore three points on a helical spiral where a full 360 degrees brings one
upward to the beginning of the next turn. One starts at 0 degrees, ignorance, runs madly to the
opposite side at 180 degrees, rejection, and then completes the turn at 360 degrees, revelation.
This is ascension, the cyclical raising of consciousness through increasingly less distorted
manifestations of the same archetype.

For those with two dimensional minds, 360 degrees is 360 degrees and elements derived through
revelation seem just as foolish as elements mired in ignorance. That is why the Wanderer is said to
travel the Way of the Fool. Those with wisdom are seen as fools by any who stubbornly occupy the
180 degree position of rejection.

Unfortunately most of mankind is plagued with a two dimensional and binary view of reality, and this
makes them total suckers for the Control System. The devil has two armsif you move away from
one but stay in proximity, hell swat you with the other. Disinformation takes many forms, but these
generally fall into two main categories: 1) direct programming for those of the first stage and 2)
diversion and capture for those of the second stage.

Disinformation for intellectuals requires associating the third stage with the first due to their
angular similarity, then discarding the third along with the first and placing their angular opposite,
the stage of rejection, on a pedestal. Any lie can be sold as truth when placed beside the
shortcomings of another lie.

Theres no chance of ascending up the spiral if one fails to make a complete turn. This, of course, is
what the Control System wants. Too many turns and people might just spiral completely out of the
prison. And so people are kept at 0 or 180 degrees, a false dichotomy if there ever was one.

Ascension up the spiral can only happen when one uses both the head and the heart, intellect and
intuition. It is not enough to see whats wrong with the old; instead, internal revelation must also
open ones eyes to the new.
Principles of Spiritual Evolution (Part I)
Spiritual evolution is about growth of being, an ever brightening of the godspark that is your
consciousness. Knowledge is the crucial cornerstone of this process, but a cornerstone alone
provides no shelter. Unaccompanied by other principles like faith and love, knowledge stagnates and
fails its purpose.

Progress requires conscious application of several groups of synergistic principles in a balanced

manner. They are as follows: knowledge/awareness/wisdom, faith/hope/love, and
humility/forbearance/levity. Omitting or marginalizing any of these principles either stunts or
corrupts the process.

I will attempt to define each principle within the limits of practicality, so suitably modify these for

Knowledge is gained by the conscious reflection and integration of experiences, observations, and
thoughts. Conscious reflection is what distinguishes memory from understanding, as the latter
requires it while the former does not. Knowledge encompasses both, being not just the memory of
facts but also the understanding of objective truth.

Awareness is attention of the present moment, applied in context of prior knowledge. Knowledge
broadens awareness by highlighting aspects of reality previously not noticed. With greater
awareness comes a wider field of perception, sharper focus and alertness, and better readiness to
acquire new knowledge and apply what has already been learned.

Wisdom transcends linear time and concerns the understanding of absolute metaphysical truths.
It applies to our past, present, and future without fail. Wisdom is the understanding of divine
principles, of the relation between self and others against the backdrop of Creation. It is knowledge
tempered with love, or love tempered with knowledge.

Faith is trusting that in Creation, all things are possible. It is the suspension of disbelief. It works
where knowledge fails. While knowledge stops at every precipice, faith leaps across it. While
knowledge further refines knowledge, faith expands it. Simply put, knowledge is deterministic and
faith is non-deterministic. Expanding knowledge requires leaping into the unknown, an act that
knowledge finds irrational but faith finds necessary. Making paradigm leaps requires faith not
blind faith in what one chooses to ignore, but pure faith in what one cannot yet know.

Hope is knowing that in Creation, all things are possible. It is the reconciliation between faith and
knowledge, of knowing that having faith allows one to accomplish the impossible. Hope is confidence
in non-determinism, freedom from bondage to causality. It comes not from the ignorance of facts,
but from the recognition of higher truths demonstrated by miraculous experience.

Love is the vibration of infinite truth. What resonates with love aligns toward the Creator. Seeing
with love means seeing with the eyes of the Creator, a perspective chosen to be undistorted by
prejudice, intolerance, ignorance, or separation. With love, all things are made possible because
anything that is of the Creator is understood, allowed, accepted, and forgiven. To feel love is to feel
the joy of remembering the divine unity of all existence and acknowledging the absolute truths
within and before you. Loving another means recognizing the common godspark within them and
therefore caring for their spiritual evolution as much as you would for your own. It is compassion
without pity.

Humility is having awareness of ones relation to the finite and infinite that everything with a
beginning has an end, and that any being regardless of rank is infinitesimal in the framework of
infinite Creation. Humility is not about belittling or exaggerating yourself, as that is either false
modesty or hubris, but about knowing your place and size in the grand scheme of things. It is
choosing truth over ego, verity over self-importance. Humility begins with gratitude, an attitude
that allows you to acknowledge truth without resentment by being thankful for whatever learning
opportunities you receive.

Forbearance is knowing that every event has its proper time. This builds tolerance for difficult
situations and patience for events whose time has not yet come. The doors of opportunity open
when time is right. Having forbearance means aligning with the pulse of synchronicity; rather than
choosing which doors to force open, you choose which open doors to walk through. This requires
faith in letting things fall into place, and awareness of opportunities when they arrive.

Levity is having a sense of humor and a lighthearted approach to life. Without it, you overestimate
the reality of illusion. Levity puts situations in their proper context, the divine framework in which
everything is a learning lesson and learning is fun. You can laugh at what once seemed serious
because you learned its lesson and since realized its purpose in your life. Levity is the choice to see
this humor not just in past experiences, but in present and future ones as well.

These three groups provide the minimum requirements for stable spiritual evolution. Each principle
in a group supports the other two principles, and each group balances the remaining groups. This
creates a whole greater than the sum of its parts. A balanced configuration offers the optimal route
toward accumulating wisdom, increasing freewill, and manifesting ones spiritual potential. With this
balance, life becomes effortless at best and challenging at worst, but never a struggle.

Consequence of Imbalance

An imbalanced or partial configuration slows progress and creates opportunities for corruption. The
resulting pain, discouragement, struggle, or depression alerts you to what requires attention. It is
easy to see what one principle without another can bring. Knowledge without humility leads to
intellectual arrogance, and humility without knowledge leads to self-deprecation. Levity without faith
becomes nervous laughter, and faith without levity becomes anticipation. Faith without knowledge
leads to foolishness, and knowledge without faith becomes stagnant. After pondering the other
combinations yourself, it should become clear just how important each principle is to the whole.

Buildings fall when built on poor foundations, and the downfall of countless organizations,
individuals, or belief systems can be traced to imbalance or omission among these principles.
Imbalance destroys either via the natural process of implosion, or by offering vulnerabilities
opportunistically exploited by malevolent forces who have a vested interest in slowing or corrupting
the evolution of all under their influence. Anyone targeted by negative forces would do well to strive
for balance because a fort with a missing wall offers no fortification.

Origins of Imbalance

Where does imbalance originate? Primarily from the triad of ignorance, stupidity, and naivet. These
may best be described as follows: ignorance is a choice, stupidity is a condition, and naivet is
temporary. This is said not with condescendence or insensitivity, but with the aim of accuracy and
practicality; euphemisms and political correctness only obscure the truth.

Naivet is a temporary lack of knowledge and awareness concerning a particular truth. This state
eventually remedies itself as its just a matter of time before an unknown truth is learned.
Therefore, naivet deserves no blame. The naive student is open to a truth but simply hasnt yet
encountered it.

Stupidity is the inability to grasp a particular idea due to its perceived overwhelming complexity. It
also deserves no blame because stupidity is a condition that one can do little if anything about, as it
stems from the natural shortcomings of ones mental abilities.

Ignorance, however, is the choice to ignore truth even when presented with it. It is a conscious
decision to deny or turn away from the truth in favor of more trivial pursuits. Ignorance cannot be
remedied by anyone other than the person who holds it, for any attempt to change his mind only
reinforces his decision. Such a decision cannot be commended, but it must be respected if freewill
is to be preserved. Ignorance improves to naivet with the simple choice to open ones eyes.

Discernment necessitates being aware of the subtle differences between these when interacting
with others and getting to know yourself. For example, while naivet welcomes truth, ignorance
rejects it and stupidity misperceives it. A debate arising out of naivet is an exchange of information
that ends when mutual understanding is reached, but a debate founded on stupidity or ignorance
becomes an argument that rarely resolves itself. We are all uniquely ignorant, stupid, or naive
concerning various areas of knowledge, so this is no opportunity for judgment or prejudice lest one
succumb to hypocrisy.

Imbalances by themselves merely slow progress, which is really no big deal since even slow things
eventually reach their destination. The real concern is corruption of the process, as that implies
heading toward an entirely different and unintended destination. Freewill allows this to be so.
Although we incarnate with a general pre-planned outline of our key experiences and lessons which
structure the course of our lives, the freewill of ourselves and others allows for deviations from the
optimal manifestation of this plan.

Life Experiences as Learning Lessons

There are easy and hard ways of learning the same lesson, and a missed life lesson repeats itself in
alternate ways. Lessons become as painful and difficult as ones skull is thick, so ignorance
guarantees drastic experiences. Having conscious volition to see the truth as soon as possible
speeds and smoothes the process, often eliminating the necessity for harsh experiences when the
mind is receptive to subtler versions of a lesson.

The general purpose of life lessons is to catalyze ones growth of being, to increase soul strength. In
our case, this often requires emotionally charged experiences because emotions provide a type of
energy that temporarily boosts or retards what we are capable of doing depending on how they are
used. Without this boost, we would be reluctant to transcend limits or explore new ground because
our motivation would depend solely upon old ways of being and doing. The efficient use of emotions
in a learning experience increases soul strength and expands knowledge, and thereafter nothing
more than the newfound understanding is required as motivation when facing similar experiences in
the future. On the other hand, emotions can retard progress if they limit what you feel you can do.

Learn to separate emotions that limit you from ones that open you to new possibilities. The value of
positive and negative emotions depends upon what you do with them. Positive emotional energy can
be used directly to put knowledge into action with gusto.

The Role of Negative Emotions

To be of any use, negative emotional energy must be transformed into positive after the truth they
accompany has been acknowledged. When confronted with a shocking truth, a person usually
experiences negative emotions as the initial involuntary reaction. In those cases, negative emotions
serve as wake up alarms that rudely awaken a slumbering mid. But after getting up, there is no use
in keeping the alarm going.

Maintaining a state of negative emotional shock longer than necessary turns it into a choice rather
than an involuntary consequence. This would be like holding the clock to ones head while going
about the day, relentlessly listening to its blaring sound. Why would someone do this? Maybe
complaining about the pain gains him sympathy from others, maybe suffering makes him feel like a
martyr, or maybe because since an alarm clock serves to wake him up in the morning, then it
should continue to increasingly wake him up with every passing minute of the day, right? In the
end, this attitude would instead leave him stressed, tired, and deaf.

Indulging or wallowing in negative emotions leads to stagnation, victimhood, and severely weakens
spiritual resiliency. While negative emotions arise involuntarily, there is no excuse for choosing to
continue them beyond their initial function as alarm clocks. They must instead be transformed into
positive emotional energy and reunited with the truth originally alerted so that the latter can be put
into use effectively. Consciously seeing truth in context of its divine significance accomplishes this,
as does choosing to see and apply the truth with an attitude of love, humility, and levity.
While negative emotions alone can motivate one into taking action, such action is far from
impeccable. Knowledge combined with positive emotions allows one to accomplish the same with
greater efficiency, safety, precision, and skill.

Three Stages of Learning Lessons

With the preceding section in mind, one can see that there are generally three steps involved in the
successful learning of a lesson. The first stage precedes the lesson and consists of ignorant bliss, a
vulnerable state of emotional positivity that remains so because it has been undisturbed by truth.
The second stage is the negative emotional shock that comes from realizing the truth. In the third
stage, negative emotion is transformed and the resulting positive emotion is united with truth. The
third stage, that of positive awareness, is stronger than the first and more effective than the

Positive emotions open you to progress, and awareness shows you any pitfalls to avoid. Not only
realizing the truth, but viewing it in full context of its metaphysical significance is the first step in
transforming negative into positive energy.

Symbolically, truth is a sword that in darkness merely cuts, but when exposed to light also emits a
radiance that turns away danger. Ignorant bliss is going unarmed in the sunlight. The sword of
truth is found in a valley of darkness and despair. It must be retrieved from the valley and brought
into sunlight to exude its total power. However, if your heart glows early on with faith and a strong
love of truth, the sword will be energized by this inner light even amidst the valleys darkness, thus
allowing safe passage into sunlight. Getting lost in the valley with no inner light to empower the
sword puts you in direct battle against the creatures that dwell thereand eventually turns you into
one of them.

Harmful Negative Emotions

Negative emotions serve little purpose when they are unaccompanied by truth. The blaring of an
alarm clock after you have long gotten out of bed only annoys and distracts you from your daily
duties. This metaphor manifests in several ways. One example is obsession, the investment of
energy without return of knowledge. When one repeatedly dwells on the futility of some disparaging
situation, negative emotional energy is wasted. A stuck car spinning its wheels for too long damages
its engine.

Another example of harmful negative emotions is when they are directly induced by malevolent
forces as part of a psychic attack seeking to undermine your faith and disrupt the harmony of your
spirit. This happens very frequently among truthseekers because they are primary targets.
Although truth can be shocking, it is in the interest of these forces to amplify and perpetuate the
negative state, for this not only slows and possibly corrupts the esoteric progress necessary to
evolve beyond their grasp, but this also creates an abundance of negative energy upon which they
feed. These types of negative emotions color the truth rather than result from it.

The choice to succumb to such negativity weakens spiritual resiliency, creates imbalance, and
opens further opportunities for even deeper attacks. Continued indefinitely, this gradual weakening
process ends with the truthseeker successfully incapacitated. Any imbalance among the principles
of esoteric evolution invites this possibility, especially when the imbalance is due to insufficient
knowledge, love, or humility. Thus, beware especially of ignorance, obsessive negativity, and
self-aggrandizement as these unlock the castle gates and invite danger.


In reading this, keep in mind that discernment is the ultimate necessity in flexibly applying any
guideline, as formulas and rules are bound to have exceptions which malevolent forces eventually
exploit. Discernment is the application of freewill, applying knowledge and wisdom in a balanced
manner to fit the unique circumstance. Believing that any single source of knowledge holds the
complete truth, or subscribing to any rigid system of belief, marginalizes the role of discernment
and therefore makes one predictable and easily controlled or corrupted.

Knowledge, awareness, and wisdom provide the bricks of spiritual evolution. Faith, hope, and love
places these bricks in line with the divine blueprint. Humility, forbearance, and levity provide the
mortar that gives the wall its strength. All are necessary and their roles must be balanced. Seek
with love and understanding the truth and beauty in all you encounter.
Principles of Spiritual Evolution (Part II)
Part I was a general guideline discussing the minimal requirements necessary to ensure stable
spiritual evolution. The key consisted of incorporating into ones life a balanced trinity of
fundamental principles: faith/love/hope, humility/forbearance/levity, and
knowledge/awareness/wisdom. The fault with many philosophies and religions is that one or more of
these basic requirements is ignored, forming a structural weakness that potentially leads to
collapse. This collapse is hastened when weaknesses are further exploited by malevolent forces
seeking to sabotage the efforts of truthseekers about to evolve beyond their control.

Since part I is essentially complete in itself, part II shall merely expand upon a few of its themes.
Here, focus will be given upon the necessity for both knowledge and love rather than strictly one or
the other in any methodology for spiritual evolution. To summarize, knowledge accompanied by
negative emotions may produce positive physical results, but negative metaphysical consequences.
Likewise, love accompanied by ignorance may lead to positive metaphysical results but negative
physical consequences. Both in balance and in conjunction with the lesser principles of the
aforementioned trinity results in strength on both physical and metaphysical planes. Because the
enemies of truth attack on all fronts physical and metaphysical, one would do well to seek progress
and reinforce defensive strength on these planes.

The proper role of negative emotions was explained in part one, whereby they served as wake-up
alarms alerting us to an internal or external danger. Beyond this function, they serve us no benefit.
By becoming aware of the truth they signal and then letting our realization of the truths greater
metaphysical context transform the negative emotional energy into positive, the quality of energy
thus formed helps us apply the truth in the most efficient manner possible.

As stated, without the conscious transformation of negative into positive emotional energy, the
truth can still be applied but not as efficiently and not without detriment to our spiritual resiliency.
Wallowing in negativity undermines any gain in knowledge due to the discordant effect it has upon
your soul, and because it puts you in greater resonance and contact with malevolent forces and
harmful experiences. It should become clear, from experience and contemplation, that positive
feeling and positive thinking are the best routes toward positive action on both physical and
metaphysical fronts.

Falsely Justifying Negativity

It is absolutely imperative that we strive for both knowledge and love. You might resist this idea by
saying, Negative emotions make up part of who I am. To counter these would mean cutting of a
part of myself, leaving me incomplete. Since lack of wholeness leads to disharmony and imbalance, I
should not counter my negative emotions. Though this excuse sounds attractive, it is fallacious for
the following reasons.

While negativity may indeed be part of you at the moment, do you expect it to remain part of you
forever? Who you are now should not limit whom you choose to become. If you expect your future
self to be more evolved than your present self, how will you become this purer self other than
striving toward it step-by-step, choice-by-choice? You can accept yourself in totality each step of
the way and still make progressnot by cutting away part of the whole, but rather by transforming
and purifying it.

While you can be in complete harmony with your self, the self may not always be in complete
harmony with Creation. Only by first accepting yourself as a whole can you choose to bring the
whole gradually into harmony with Creation. When you experience a negative emotion, you can and
must accept it as part of who you ARE in order to allow it to serve its purpose as a learning catalyst.
But once acknowledged, you can then choose whom you will BECOME by taking the next step and
refusing to entertain or indulge in this negative emotion. Rather than by cutting off negativity cold
turkey, which only leaves an unnatural vacuum, this is done by replacing a negative thought with a
positive thought, a negative emotion with a positive emotion. When the accompanying truth is
properly integrated via deep contemplation and understanding of its greater context, this
transformation happens naturally. In this way you remain whole and in harmony with yourself, while
simultaneously progressing toward greater levels of knowledge and love.

Another common objection to the idea of striving toward positivity and awareness is the difficulty of
doing so, or that there is futility in striving to attain something that cannot be reached due to the
imperfections of the human mind and challenging conditions of human life.

To answer the latter objection, realize that you need not worry about whether you can reach the
North Pole in order to begin walking north. As long as one step is north of the other, you will have
progressed. How else can the destination possibly be brought closer? Every step counts, and the
smallest of steps is infinitely greater than no step at all.

As for the difficulty of trying to remain positive, understand that positivity is a choice and not a
consequence. By default, a rock naturally moves from high to low when it falls as a consequence of
gravity. But one can choose to make the rock move upwards against the tug of gravity by lifting it.
Likewise, while our reactions to an internal or external impulse is negative by default is minimally a
consequence of our genetic and social programming, we can choose to defy this programming by
willingly seeking to act positively or transforming something negative into something positive.

For example, what would otherwise be a depressing truth can be made into a positive truth by
choosing to view it in context of its greater metaphysical significance rather than the truth being
watered down or sugar coated, it is your palate or sense of taste that is expanded to make the
bitter truth taste sweet. This way, it is the self rather than the truth that changes, which is the
whole goal of spiritual evolution anyway: to evolve the self, particularly into congruency with the
Higher Self.

Properly transforming a negative thought and feeling into a positive thought and
feeling merely changes the way you think and feel about a particular truth; it does
not add or subtract from the truth itself.

It is the raising of a barbell against gravity, rather than its release into freefall, that builds the
muscles. Likewise, the difficulty of attaining and maintaining positivity and awareness is what builds
spiritual strength. Sugarcoating the truth, or anesthetizing oneself to the truth via selective denial,
is like cheating yourself by using lighter weights. Indulging in negativity is like lifting weights
incorrectly and causing muscle damage. But just as sore muscles can be sign of a good workout, so
can the pain of a muscle injury due to incorrect exercise fool you into thinking youre making proper
progress. So those who attempt to evolve while indulging in negative emotions may misperceive the
pain of spiritual damage as a sign of spiritual progress. They might even see the pain as an ends
rather than means, which creates the foolish condition of martyrdom conscious suffering for
misguided ideals. But most importantly, there is no substitute for lifting the weight yourself you
cannot pay someone to do it for you. Likewise, only the through personal choice to put in the
appropriate effort, introspection, contemplation, enlightenment and transformation can the spiritual
muscles be strengthened.

How to Transform Negative into Positive

To get a better idea of how to handle and transform a negative emotion, lets survey some
metaphysical resources on the subject. The Ra Material contains a description of how both positive
and negatively oriented entities utilize the emotion of anger:

The entity polarizing positively perceives the anger. This entity, if using this
catalyst mentally, blesses and loves this anger in itself. It then intensifies this
anger consciously in mind alone until the folly of this red-ray energy is perceived
not as folly in itself but as energy subject to spiritual entropy due to the
randomness of energy being used.

Positive orientation then provides the will and faith to continue this mentally intense
experience of letting the anger be understood, accepted, and integrated with the
mind/body/spirit complex. The other-self which is the object of anger is thus
transformed into an object of acceptance, understanding, and accommodation, all
being reintegrated using the great energy which anger began. (The Law of One,
Book II, p. 108)

In other words, rather than lashing out blindly at the object of anger, you would do better to first
center yourself, then turn inward and focus upon the feeling of anger itself. Feel it as you would a
bodily sensation. Once your attention is removed from what originally provoked you, anger is cut off
from its generating source, and whats left is an internal free-floating quantity of energy. Your freed
attention is then able to see the folly of this anger due to its uselessness, an act which can often
make you laugh when you finally realize the ridiculousness of the situation and how you initially
reacted. By accepting what has happened and how you reacted, you can then begin seeing yourself
and what provoked you from the proper bigger picture perspective. Once composed and collected,
you can then confidently solve any remaining external problems. In the end, you will have grown
from choosing to act positively rather than react negatively, protected yourself by feeling positive
rather than negative, transformed and integrated the emotional energy rather than burying it
within you via denial and repression of the initial feeling of anger, accepted who you are in totality,
and likely avoided a reckless confrontation with whatever or whomever provoked you.

The Kybalion gives good advice of how to transform negative emotions directly. This is useful when
negative emotions arise without any visible provocation. Many factors can create seemingly baseless
negative emotions, ranging from mood swings, chemical and hormonal fluctuations, and
biorhythmic cycles to electromagnetic suppression of ones emotional state, psychic attack, the
triggering of a posthypnotic command installed during an abduction or via an implant, and the
presence of negative thought-forms as will be explained later.

In these cases, you may not know what is putting you into a bad mood, only that you are in one.
Also, unlike the negative emotions that initially accompany a shocking learning lesson, these types
of negative emotions stem not from shock, but from direct physical or metaphysical induction. In
other words, they are products rather than by-products, and the lesson to be gained in dealing
with these seemingly fruitless negative emotions involves the growth of willpower and personal
To change your mood or mental statechange your vibration. The Kybalion

One may change his mental vibrations by an effort of Will, in the direction of
deliberately fixing the Attention upon a more desirable state. Will directs the
Attention, and Attention changes the Vibration. Cultivate the Art of Attention,
means of the Will, and you have solved the secret of the Mastery of Moods and
Mental States.

To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the principle
of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to
suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity.The Kybalion

This is one of the most important of the Hermetic Formulas. It is based upon true
scientific principles. We have shown you that a mental state and its opposite were
merely the two poles of one thing, and that by Mental Transmutation the polarity
might be reversed. This Principle is known to modern psychologists, who apply it to
the breaking up of undesirable habits by bidding their students concentrate upon
the opposite quality. If you are possessed of Fear, do not waste time trying to kill
out Fear, but instead cultivate the quality of Courage, and the Fear will disappear.
Some writers have expressed this idea most forcibly by using the illustration of the
dark room. You do not have to shovel out or sweep out the Darkness, but by
merely opening the shutters and letting in the Light the Darkness has
disappeared. To kill out a Negative quality, concentrate upon the Positive Pole of
that same quality, and the vibrations will gradually change from Negative to
Positive, until finally you will become polarized on the Positive pole instead of the
Negative. The reverse is also true, as many have found out to their sorrow, when
they have allowed themselves to vibrate too constantly on the Negative pole of
things. By changing your polarity you may master your moods, change your
mental states, remake your disposition, and build up character. Much of the Mental
Mastery of the advanced Hermetics is due to this application of Polarity, which is
one of the important aspects of Mental Transmutation. (The Kybalion)

Although this is stated rather clearly above, I shall rephrase: to change a negative emotion, fix your
attention upon the opposite emotion until it transforms, degree by degree, into that polar opposite.
This works for a couple reasons.

From a metaphysical perspective, you empower whatever you focus upon, so naturally the positive
emotion will grow in intensity as the negative emotion diminishes if you fix your attention upon it.
Also, it is easier to change the degree upon a scale than transforming one scale into another.

From a physical perspective, fixing your attention on a positive idea creates a feedback cycle wherein
your hormonal and neurochemical makeup begin matching what you are holding in mind, thus
reinforcing it. That emotions can be chemical in origin is no excuse for refusing to attempt to
transform them via the mind-body feedback cycle, the body can respond positively to positive
thoughts, and thus a reorientation of the soul can reorient the body. Although this may involve the
release of endorphins and other pleasure chemicals, understand that the body and soul are coupled
and will therefore what happens in one might be consequently mirrored in the other, both ways.
What matters is where the initiative originates (body or soul), therefore whether it aims to serve
physical or metaphysical ends. When the mind decides to think positively, these pleasure chemicals
accompany the thought to provide a physical means toward a spiritual end. If instead drugs were
used to anesthetize one against a negative emotion, then this constitutes a physical means toward
a physical ends which might in many cases be detrimental to ones spiritual learning path by
suppressing the necessary emotional catalyst for learning.

The Cassiopaeans provide a succinct answer to this issue of positive and negative emotions: If you
choose, you may have only positive emotions. This was in response to an individual attempting to
argue that negative emotions were part of who he was and were thus necessary, which constitutes
the fallacy already dissected earlier in this article. The Cassiopaeans responded by subtly revealing
the core ingredient necessary for transmutation of negative into positive: choice. Thus, one can
truly choose to only have only positive emotions, regardless of what excuses the ego can come up
with for indulgence in further negativity.

The Ra Material advises similarly with the following:

There is no necessity for negative thought-forms regardless of pain distortions.

The elimination of such creates the lack of possibility for negative elementals and
other negative entities to use these thought-forms to create the worsening of the
mind complex deviation from the normal distortions of cheerfulness/anxiety. (Law
of One, Book IV, p. 17)

This segues straight into the next topic: how negative thoughts and emotions can lead to spiritual
detriment. Here, Ra mentions that negative thoughts can create negative thought-forms which can
be used by malevolent forces to worsen the condition of individuals who have created them.

Consequence of Negative Thinking: Harmful Thought-forms

What is a thought-form? In the conventional sense, it is nonphysical entity created from thought
energized by emotion. Thoughts are real things on the mental or imaginative level of reality, and
when empowered by emotions, these thoughts gain added dimensionality into the etheric and
astral levels as well, increasing their power to affect things in the physical. A negative thought
energized by negative emotions creates a negative thought-form.

These etheric entities exist much like eddies in a stream of water, borrowing their existence from its
flow. However, in addition to owing their existence to the individual who created them via his
thoughts and feelings, by having a life of their own they often return to their creator and induce
within him further emotions to feed upon them. This is how people can become slaves to their
negativity not just by habit, but by these very thoughts gaining life on the astral/etheric level of
reality and becoming energy parasites, so to speak. They can just as easily dissipate when starved
of negative emotions, so choosing to remain positive goes a long way toward freeing yourself from
former negative thought-forms.

Ra suggests that these thought-forms can be employed by malevolent forces as supplemental

agents of attack. The book Brotherhood mentions this phenomenon in context of the mass
thought-forms generated by mankind:

And the Enemy whowhat is he? Only the entitized form of the mass selfishness
of men, that vast cumulation of the evil thoughts and passions of mens lower
nature appropriated by Masters of Evil, grown great and powerful by their stealing
and feeding off of the vital forces that their unsuspecting dupes at their instigation
had poured into such evil thoughts and desires, thus giving them direct power
over men through mens own life-force now absorbed and incorporated into their
Master-nature, which they could thereby easily use to bend men to their will.
(Brotherhood, p. 70)
This describes very well the etheric thought-form component of the Matrix Control System, (the
other components consist of the following: the phenomena of hyperdimensional manipulation of
mankind by advanced negative entities, and the institutional/social manipulation of humanity by
their human counterparts in the New World Order).

Negative thought-forms have their own gravitational field that tends to negatively bias the
thoughts and feelings of individuals exposed. So a large and concentrated group of people thinking
and feeling similarly can potentially overpower the independent thoughts and feelings of those
nearby. For example, entering a densely populated city in which the predominant mood is negative
can often lower your mood, even without any specific incidents provoking such a mindset. This goes
to show that not all negative emotions are accompanied by specific events which function as
learning catalysts, but rather the soul grows from the very act of choosing to assert its individuality
over the impinging collective thought-form by remaining positive despite the negative bias.

As should be evident, even when negative emotions are used as wake-up alarms alerting one to a
truth or catalytic event that needs to be acknowledged, recognizing the truth without transforming
the negative emotion into positive can cause problems on the metaphysical level, particularly in the
creation of negative thought-forms.

So in the case of a truthseekers garnering attention from the so-called Masters of Evil or
equivalently fourth and fifth density Service-to-Self entities, the more truth he learns and applies,
the greater his caution must be against indulging in negative thoughts and emotions, for the
thought-forms he creates via this dangerous expenditure of energy and caustic form of thinking
can come back to haunt him, literally. Via mind programming and psychic or electromagnetic
means, malevolent forces often seek to bias a truthseeker toward negative thinking and feeling, as
this opens him up to attack should he choose to wallow in them. Only through caution and the
choice to stay optimistic, faithful, and aware can such an individual avoid this trap. Because the
process is gradual, it is never too late to benefit from turning around a negative mindset.

Consequence of Negativity: Harsher Learning Experiences

There are reasons other than the effects of thought-forms that make extended negativity
dangerous. Ones emotional learning path, consisting of how one chooses to respond emotionally
and mentally to experiences, greatly determines what is experienced. This is because in the
metaphysical sense, we experience what we need to experience in order to learn a particular lesson
if our needs call for highly painful experiences due to our ignorance and inertia, then that shall
typify the nature of our experiences. Conversely, if we are astute and quick to learn from our past
mistakes, present experiences, and the mistakes of others, then we can learn our intended lessons
with less need for shocking experiences.

Generally, having an ignorant or negative mindset and emotional nature requires greater shocks to
teach you a lesson, while having a happy-go-lucky but aware mindset puts you in greater
congruence with the mindset of the Higher Self and thus allows lessons to be learned more
smoothly due to the proper attitude.

Negativity Increases Sabotage by Malevolent Forces

Sabotage and encounters with malevolent forces would certainly qualify as a negative learning
experience. In fact, it is in the vested interest of these forces that you be as ignorant, negative, and
reactive as possible so that your Higher Self approves of their hostility since the shocks they provide
would then match your chosen emotional learning path in other words, that what they do to you
would be entirely the result of your freewill actions necessitating such drastic measures.

The only problem is that these forces dont care about what you need, but rather how much they
can get away with. So in this sense they are reality hackers, attempting to bypass or disable your
firewall of freewill. When they succeed, it is by trickery more so than blunt force.

For example, rather than eliminating a targeted individual right away, which may be impossible due
to his emotional learning path not being conducive to allowing such action, they may wear him down
bit by bit. They may provoke a targeted individual into reacting negatively by externally biasing his
emotional state and then triggering its explosion with a manipulated incident. Using this expended
negative energy, they reinvest it toward increasing the strength of their next attack. This continues
with the targets defenses growing weaker each step. Although he chooses each step of the way to
continue letting the attack happen, the consequences of his earlier choices to ignorantly indulge in
the provoked negativity increasingly makes it more difficult for him to choose otherwise. All this
depends greatly upon what physical, spiritual, and psychological weaknesses he has, since these
weaknesses are where malevolent forces tend to attack.

Ultimate Consequence of Negativity: Reprogramming, Death, or Reanimation

Needless to say, should the careless truthseeker choose to consistently succumb to these
negativities, he will inevitably face death, heavy mind programming, or possibly reanimation. In
reanimation, rather than an individual expiring permanently, his body continues living though with
the residing consciousness either reprogrammed or replaced. He may continue living as before, but
now as an agent of the dark side programmed to disseminate disinformation.

This is neither fantastic nor impossible, as the body is simply a machine under the control of
whatever switches it neurons, be it the original soul, a reprogrammed soul, or some remote
technological interface.

To quote again from the book Brotherhood:

[...] the Evil Masters, where opportunity offers, will deliberately break the Dvine Law
by disloding and driving out the Souls of the infants, thus stealing their bodies
from them, or by driving out Souls from mature bodies, dispossessing them, and
thereafter obsessing and impersonating such Souls to their friends and associates.
Such in the near future will be of common occurrence, and will be made easy for
them by all who succumb to fits of passion, indulgence in intense hatred, jealousy,
or self-pity, or continual brooding over wrongs done to them, or habitual
condemnation of others, and who will suddenly wake one day in another world
minus their physical bodies. (Brotherhood, p. 76)

Variations upon this phenomenon of replacement or reanimation are discussed in the Ra material,
Cassiopaean transcripts, and in the book The Allies of Humanity. It is not the purpose of this article
to go into detail about the theories and process of reanimation or the replacement of targeted
individuals, except to say that the common denominator among all of these views is that the
targeted individual succumbs because of physical and spiritual vulnerability. The latter is due
primarily to a lack of spiritual resilience, brought on by a deficiency in positivity and awareness.

The trinity of essential principles detailed in part I, said to ensure stable means of spiritual
evolution, are therefore not just suggestions for more efficient evolution, but suggestions for the
avoidance of such drastic outcomes as death and reanimation. Knowledge and love are the greatest
protectors. Even in the case of an individuals who is abducted by malevolent hyperdimensional
entities (grays, reptilians, et al...) who attempt to replace or reprogram him, if his knowledge and
love are sufficient, these attempts will fail.

Spiritual Resiliency and the Aura

So what exactly constitutes spiritual resiliency? For one, it is associated with the aura, the
etheric/astral energy field surrounding and penetrating the body that interfaces the physical with
the metaphysical. This interface works on the quantum level, not so much via physical force and
causality but rather via probability-biasing and synchronicity. This interface is very responsive to
your thoughts and emotions. Because it functions as an interface field reaching both into your body
and extending into your environment, it not only regulates your biological life functions but it also
affects your physical experiences and environment. Thus, having negative thoughts negatively
affects both your body (cancer, disease) and your experiences (accidents, sabotage). When strong
and clear, it also acts as a synchronistic shield protecting you from unnecessary dangerous

Your aura contains every color in the spectrum of the sun. Oh, if man could but
see his aura, when he is thinking unkindly or speaking rash, harsh, unkind words.
If he could but see the change that takes place in the spectrum of his aura, he
would never again think an angry thought, let alone speak in anger.

[...] Mans aura is his shield of protection. Remember, mans aura is mans
protection. When, through mans thinking, the colors are kept crystal clear and
radiate brightly, man can walk through the abyss of Hades and fear no evil.

Let he who is living the life of a mystic live in the protection of his aura. In mortal
thinking, when one does not accept the negativeness of another, the aura of the
mystic remains his spiritual fortress. (Ancient Mystical White Brotherhood, p. 113

This is one reason why knowledge protects, as the Cassiopaean have repeatedly emphasized, and
why love protects, as Ra has stated. Both act to reinforce ones spiritual resiliency by brightening
and tempering the aura, and offering one greater synchronistic protection against unnecessarily
harmful experiences due to the mentioned function of the aura as interface between physical and
metaphysical, mind and experience. The metaphysical function of love or positive emotion is to help
one vibrate at a frequency beyond easy reach by malevolent forces and experiences which tend to
vibrate at a lower frequency.

Frequency Resonance Vibration and The Emotional Learning Path

There is clearly a relation between the vibratory characteristics of the aura and the quality of ones
emotional learning path. Both stem from ones personal choice concerning which thoughts and
feelings to associate with particular truths and actions. Thoughts and emotions impress upon the
aura a unique spectrum of resonant frequencies, which in turn resonate with and attract
corresponding experiences to match the learning profile of the individual projecting such thoughts
and emotions. This process is quantum mechanical in nature, since linear time as we know it is
simply the sequential perception of events selected from among a broad range of candidate events
by virtue of their resonance with our soul.

So just as the physical nature of an object determines at what acoustic frequencies it resonates, so
does the metaphysical nature of the aura or soul determine with what experiences it resonates and
therefore attracts. The idea of raising your frequency, or your resonance frequency vibration (FRV)
as the Cassiopaeans call it, means simply to clarify, brighten, and strengthen your aura by cleaning
up your emotional and mental state to keep out negative thoughts and feelings. This resonance
frequency vibration, then, is essentially the frequency at which your reality radio is tuned.

[...] The negative person attracts all the negative things of life, all the ills,
inharmonies, troubles that are in the mental atmospherethe effluvia of other
weak and negative minds; while a positive person attracts all the good. If you
understand the radio you will know that when you set your dial at a certain wave
length, all that is on the air of that wave length will make itself heard. It is exactly
the same with your mind; it will receive whatever happens to be on the air of the
wave length to which your thoughts are attuned. So that it is up to you and you
only what your mind radio gives forth or outmanifests. (The Way Out, p. 34-35)

Staying on a good station is accomplished by having knowledge, love, faith, gratitude, humility, etc
in a balanced manner as outlined in part one. Imbalance among these principles, or incorporation of
their negative opposites, leads to the consequences detailed in this article. Avoiding such
consequences does not prevent the learning of lessons, but allows more efficient means toward
reaching the same spiritual ends. This requires that:


It may seem hardat first, and you may not know what to admit and what to
deny. But guard the door from every negative thought and feeling of whatsoever
naturefrom every thought that you know God would not have you think; from
every doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, or concern of any kind; from every tendency to
criticize, judge or condemn anybody or anything or any condition; from self-pity,
jealousy, envy, irritation, unkindness, anger, hatred, etc. These will give you an idea
of what are negative and ungodlike thoughts, and which must no longer have part
in your consciousness.

If you will keep all such untrue thoughts out of your mind, you can see that then
and then only can your Higher Self draw into your mind the true and positive
thoughts that will attract to you the good that is waiting to manifest itself to you.
For while your mind is cluttered with all those fearful, worrying, discouraged, sick,
weak, poverty-tainted thoughts, how can you expect anyone who feels these
vibrationsand vibrations are things you cannot cover upto be attracted to you,
or how can you expect God to inspire you with thoughts of a beneficial nature?

In fact, such negative thoughts actually keep away the things you are longing to
have manifest in your lifefor like attracts like. Think! Poverty-stricken thoughts do
not attract prosperity or jobs; sick thoughts do not build a healthy consciousness;
and belief that you are failure invites failure. (ibid, p. 17-18)

As you can see, knowledge alone is not enough, seeing the truth is not enoughone must also
choose how to emotionally and spiritually interpret and apply what one knows and sees, as this
choice determines ones spiritual orientation toward high or low FRV, toward serving others or
toward controlling others, toward being free or being predator/prey, toward being man or machine.
In turn, these determine the quality and range of our experiences.
Beyond Knowledge

Both higher evolved compassionate and malevolent individuals can know the same truths, but what
differentiates them is how they have chosen to interpret and apply these truths. For example, there
is the truth concerning the paramount importance of freewill while positive individuals respect
freewill by supporting it, negative individuals respect freewill by manipulating their victims into
giving it up freely. Thus, while the level of knowledge, wisdom, and awareness may be equal in two
oppositely polarized entities, it is their chosen emotional learning path that ultimately determines
their spiritual orientation and resultant nature of experience, all of which follows from how they
choose to think and feel about what they learn.

Make no mistake, there is indeed choice in who we shall become, choice between responding
negatively or positively to the same experience, as that is the purpose of freewill. By learning about
external objective reality, we get to choose how to achieve congruency between our selves and this
objective reality. The positive path brings the self into harmony with the universe via acceptance
and service of others, while the negative path seeks to bring the universe into congruency with the
self via imposed order and conquest. Both are paths of uniting the external with the internal, the
above with the below, and the self with the other, though by different means and resulting in
different outcomes for the individual in question.


So the important thing to remember is that everything begins with choice, no matter how
seemingly insignificant the choice. The truth exists independently of how you choose to perceive it,
but it is your choice that determines how this truth is integrated into your being and thus in what
direction you evolve spiritually.

Choosing to indulge in negativity by failing to strive for an aware, positive, and balanced mindset
incorporates further negative elements into your being, which resonate with and attract
corresponding experiences and intelligences, even providing handles by which such intelligences
can toss you about. These elements can only be identified and transformed if you know yourself by
being in harmony with yourself and who you are. Every moment is another chance to choose for the
better, and in this way the whole can be gradually purified and brought into harmony with Creation.

Addendum: There is a science experiment whereby sand and powder are thoroughly mixed and
placed on a rubber sheet. When the sheet is vibrated by sound, the mixture separates into piles of
sand and piles of powder. This is because the powder is of a finer consistency than the coarser
sand, and therefore shares different resonant frequency characteristics. When vibrated by the
same frequency, each substance responds differently and thus begins to separate.

A comparison may be drawn between this separation of sand and powder and the polarization
phenomenon happening among individuals today due to the influence of a hyperdimensional
vibration known as the Wave pouring into our planetary sphere and beckoning our evolution to the
next level. In short, under the influence of this Wave, individuals responsive to it have begun
distancing themselves from individuals of discordant frequency and have synchronistically met
those of more congruent frequency. This is the precursor to a full reality split between masses of
individuals necessitating different collective destinies, just as the initial vibration of sand and powder
is the precursor to full separation of the mixture into piles of one or the other.

It is our internal vibratory nature, formed not only by our knowledge level but also how we choose to
integrate it via our thoughts and emotions, that determine how strongly we respond to the Wave.
Love and understanding allows the greatest resonance, providing connection with maximum
impulse toward the next evolutionary level.
Principles of Spiritual Evolution (Part III)
Ignorance, fear, and superstition stem from reason being overridden by emotional and instinctual
impulses. The historical consequences of human ignorance have given philosophers cause to invent
a solution, most proposing objective reasoning and intellect as the antidote. In the past, the
dichotomy was religion versus secularism, blind faith versus logic.

Today, religion and secularism are old news and the dichotomy has shifted into other areas. In the
alternative knowledge field, for example, there presently exists a split between those who advise
abandoning reason and submitting to feeling and sensation (certain fluffy New Age paradigms) and
those who advise abandoning emotional subjectivity and striving for objective knowledge by
thinking with a hammer.

But is intellectual reasoning enough? Although overcoming the subjectivity of emotions and
instinct, the intellect comes with its own share of problems as outlined in this article. For the most
part, the follies of emotionalism and primal impulses are matched by the shortcomings of
intellectual reasoning. When one is held supreme and the other denied expression, severe
imbalances result.

Reason without emotion is entropic and lifeless, while emotion without reason is animalistic.
Specifically, New Age philosophy denies the intellect and gives too much free reign to the subjective
whims of the emotional center, leading to gullibility and ignorance. Its opposite counterpart
unwisely declares the intellect supreme.

In their proper places, reason and emotion exude their virtues. But when misappropriated they
make for the worst of vices. This is evident from examining Marxism, communism, fascism, the
Spanish Inquisition, allopathic medicine, and New Age disinformation philosophies, all of which owe
their growth to the exploitation of some imbalance or underdevelopment among the physical and
metaphysical faculties of their supporters.

We know about the proper and improper role of emotion properly used it propels us into action
and gives life to our thoughts. When outside its role, it blinds us to the truth and reduces us to
reactive animals. But the use and misuse of intellect is more subtle and will therefore be the focus of
our discussion.

The intellect can discern, measure, discriminate, compare, and contrast and thus appears to be
the ultimate faculty available to man. But its supremacy is false, for the intellect is still inferior to
mans higher spiritual faculties. What we commonly know as the emotions, intellect, and instinct are
all part of mans lower nature arising from his neurological, biological, and physiological systems.

Man is more than just machine. He is the ghost in the machine. The true human possesses soul,
mind, and spirit in addition to his physical body. So besides the lower emotional, intellectual, and
primal centers, he has the potential to access his higher emotional and higher intellectual faculties.
They surpass the lower ones in function and verity because they are of a conscious rather than
mechanical nature. They operate through direct knowing instead of linear logic.
In keeping with the narrow rigor of materialistic science, the leading intellectuals in recent history
have denied the existence of soul, mind, and spirit. So the problem with most secular philosophies
is that they revolve around mans lower centers. Even if properly balanced, the lower centers are still
incomplete and imperfect; any philosophy restricted to their use will likewise be flawed.

Communism touted the virtues of reason and rationalism, centralizing and calculating all aspects of
the state, while fascism saw the limits of logic and instead emphasized the virtues of irrationalism
and impulse. Both of these merely traded one lower center for another, which ultimately solved
nothing. Both became abominations because they molded man into what they falsely assumed him
to be, a mechanical unit void of the very spirit needed to sustain the system.

The lower intellect is like a clever computer. Given a set of inputs, it can calculate a set of outputs.
But given false inputs, it will not realize that its outputs are also false until a cataclysmic rude
awakening forces a reassessment of assumptions. It is a blind man probing the world with a stick.
It is a ruler that measures distance but cannot tell direction. The intellect is therefore detached
from sensing absolute reality.

The Floating Intellecta mechanical behemoth

disconnected from the ground of objectivity.

Instead, the higher (spiritual) centers act like a compass, telling one via intuition, inspiration, and
insight what is north. While the lower intellect perceives only symbolic relationships between ideas,
the higher centers allow you to perceive the intrinsic meaning and validity of an idea. There is a
difference between seeing a symbol on a map, and seeing that destination for yourself. Using the
lower intellect is merely browsing the map. Only by turning inward and walking consciously to the
core of an idea can you perceive its level of resonance with the truth.

When people communicate, they are sharing maps of ideas with each other. Ideally, each person
should be responsible for using the map received to consciously locate within himself the
destination represented. The sender never gives knowledge to the receiver, rather he points toward
a place where the other can find it for himself. Knowledge cannot be taught, it can only be shown.

If one works only at the level of lower intellect, the map itself is taken as the territory because the
shallow faculty of reasoning alone cannot tell the difference between symbol and reality. Words are
mere reflections of ideas, and those who mistake the map for territory will never find the treasure.

This is why group consensus built upon intellectual agreement rarely guarantees objectivity. Being
blind to the absolute value of an idea and taking everything to be relative and uncertain, the
intellect finds group consensus as good a verifier as anything. So when a truth comes along to
challenge an erroneous consensus, the intellect sees only one idea contradicting the judgment of
multiple minds and naturally rejects it.

The greatest vice of intellect is hubris, its rationalizing away of higher truths and spiritual impulses
as baseless and frivolous ideas. It truly is a blind man with a walking stick unable to distinguish
between a high curb and a cliff, and thus afraid to cross the street. The intellectual man is an
agnostic rationalist, one who is unsure of everything and prone to rationalizing challenging truths as
mere aberrations and fantasies, interpreting the three dimensional picture in terms of his two
dimensional world view.

Seeing the faults of intellectual reasoning, many at this point make the mistake of rejecting rather
than transcending it. They turn toward lower forms of human expression and fool themselves into
thinking they have reached higher states. Relativism is why ever increasing levels of decadence are
hailed as breakthroughs in modern art and philosophy. And not being able to tell up from down, the
intellect can mistaken falling for rising, an error often fatally reinforced by group consensus. These
illusions seem valid until one hits the ground.

In truth, the intellect should be put in its place rather than rejected. What is the proper function of
the lower intellect? At best, it can determine what IS NOT, mainly by naturally discerning
differences between two things and so proving among them the presence of a falsehood or
incompleteness. But when intellect attempts to declare what IS, it cuts down the infinite range of
possibilities to one ignorant conclusion and defends it. If instead it stays within its bounds and
proves what IS NOT, it cuts out one possibility among many, leaving the truth among the
remaining possibilities. Continuous whittling of possibilities allows the truth to eventually be
cornered. Sherlock Holmes used this method, eliminating the impossible until what was left, no
matter how improbable, must have been the truth.

When the lower intellect begins heeding the advice of spirit coming through the higher centers,
then one becomes a gnostic intellectual rather than an agnostic rationalist. One then knows things
intuitively but uses reason to check these impressions and give practical substance to them. With
map and compass in hand, the intellect can step forth with confidence. The blind man begins to
see, perhaps vaguely at first, but enough to know that a curb is just a curb.

Here, the lower intellect has been placed in service to the higher centers as a scribe and navigator.
For each center to exhibit its virtues, lower must always be placed secondary to higher. Ideally, the
higher centers communicate an intuitive impression to the intellect, which after analyzing, makes a
decision that is empowered by emotion before being put into physical action. This process results in
further impressions which in turn give rise to further actions. In this way, the will of Spirit becomes
manifest in the physical world, but only by cascading from the higher centers down through the

This is an aim of spiritual evolution at our level, to access the higher centers and give them
command over the lower. It means following the impulses of your spiritual self rather than being
slave to the whims and reactions of your lower self.
To progress, it is not enough to be objective and watchful of your mechanical and animalistic
aspects that merely refines the intellect and places it in command over the lower centers, but
does nothing to access the higher spiritual centers. As you learn and apply what you learn, you
must also strive to listen to your intuition and inner knowing, becoming proficient at using your
intellect to dissect and transcribe these impressions. Give no free reign to the vices of your lower
centers, but place them in balanced service to your noblest aspirations and spiritual impulses.
Stages of Conscious Awakening
It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we
are. The problem is that even when physically awake, we can still be mentally asleep, unaware of
ourselves and entirely absorbed in whatever mechanical impulse or external stimuli captures our
attention. This state of confluence, or mental absorption, keeps us in an unproductive dream state.

When unaware that we are dreaming at night, without question we give ourselves over to the most
foolish and draining dreams. During the day this dim state of consciousness does not automatically
go away and one can continue to be as much a slave to biological impulses, involuntary thoughts,
and social dramas.

The first step to awakening requires breaking out of this confluence by gaining a degree of lucidity,
a measure of self-awareness. At any moment you can turn your attention inward and observe
yourself, placing your attention firmly in the present moment. You can notice your thoughts,
analyze your feelings, pay attention to the sensations in your body, feel your breath.

In doing so, you soon become aware that all these perceptions are still originating from outside of
you even if they are happening inside your own mind. That is because at the very core of your
mind is a center of perception that defines the true you while the peripheral territory of your mind is
inhabited by thoughts that may or may not be your own. This inner core is the silent observer, the
consciousness watching through your eyes and thinking through your mind.

Becoming lucid depends on being cognizant of your own self-awareness. Some call this a state of
self-remembering since confluence is forgetting yourself. Lucidity is as simple as turning within and
remembering yourself in the moment. Remembering yourself stops confluence, and stopping
confluence is the first step to truly remembering your spiritual identity. It is one thing to know that
you are, but quite another to know who you are. The first leads eventually to the second.

Being consciously present in the moment is easy to implement but difficult to maintain. Books have
been written on just this task alone. The problem is both physical and metaphysical. Initially,
heightening ones state of awareness requires both vital energy and an adequate supply of
neurotransmitters. These deplete after a short period of exertion and one slips back into lowered
consciousness. But like a muscle, mental focus grows with training because the physical and subtle
bodies adapt to a greater demand for energy. Maintaining lucidity becomes easier; with practice,
one gradually increases the length and depth of focus. Some forms of meditation assist the training
of self-awareness. By practicing lucidity in a controlled setting, the same state of heightened
awareness can more easily be reached and maintained under more natural circumstances.

One meditation involves repeating your thoughts. Close your eyes and pay attention to the chatter
that goes through your mind. For each phrase that comes to mind, willingly repeat it to yourself
once and let it go. You can also visualize a replay of random mental images. This is a way of
asserting your volition over an otherwise involuntary process. By echoing, you regain power from the
tyranny of mental chaos. After doing this for five or ten minutes, the momentum of self-observation
will continue for a short while after. Try talking or walking and you will notice yourself being entirely
aware of your words and movements. If you could maintain this state indefinitely, never again would
you speak or act as in a dream.

Another meditation requires that you relax and then pay attention to every sensation in your body,
starting with the top of your head and working your way down to your toes, then back to the top.
The primary benefit of this type of meditation is that we become conscious of signals that are
otherwise ignored and forgotten. Today, not only do we normally forget ourselves, but often we
forget our own bodies. For instance, watching television or using the internet places our attention
into virtual bodies that displace our own. This causes a schism between mind and body in addition
to the already prevalent disconnection between self and mind. Dissociation of this type is
antagonistic to higher awareness. Observing physical sensations mends the schism, which in turn
assists conscious integration between self and mind.

Also, not only does meditating upon physical sensations break confluence with external
provocations, it also assists in transmuting internal negative emotional energy. By observing
negative emotions and the internal sensations they evoke, one keeps from entering into runaway
feedback loops between thoughts and emotion that blow up into over-reactivity and a skewed sense
of perception and judgment. If the negative emotion is triggered by some button-pushing event,
self-awareness is a way of defusing the energy without suppressing it. If negativity is more a
constant pressure without any specific trigger, then self-awareness helps one stand upright
against the pull of this emotional gravity. Whatever the case, lucidity is the key to keeping ones

So observing yourself expands the bandwidth of your awareness and breaks negative forms of
confluence. Returning to your center allows you to choose in the moment what to think, feel, or do
next. Without self-awareness there is no choice, just a mechanical reaction to a given stimulus. By
default we behave like machines, but at any moment we can regain lucidity and disengage the
autopilot. But by itself, lucidity is merely a state of mindfulness that squelches mechanical reactivity
but provides no wisdom in how to proceed. The sword is liberated from the stone but no map or
compass is provided for the quest. And thus the need for a second stage in conscious

While the first stage aims to interrupt negative confluence, the second stage involves initiating
positive confluence with the higher aspects of your being. Speaking from your heart, following your
intuition, tapping into your subconscious, channeling your Higher Selfthese are all examples of
positive confluence. Here, you willingly seek out these higher impulses and let it flow as your
self-awareness takes a back seat. Reflect upon times when words flowed from you that must have
come from something higher, and while they were flowing you were unaware of yourself as though
in a trance. This type of confluence is productive and happens from time to time even without being
trained in self-observation. However, self-observation helps make these connections more
consistent and intentional, otherwise they are randomly interleaved with periods of negative

The main function of the second stage is to strengthen your connection with the higher centers. By
grooving a channel to these higher aspects, their influence becomes more permanent. This is
important because at this stage, becoming lucid while being in the flow will momentarily interrupt
the flow. For instance, speaking from your heart but then suddenly becoming aware of yourself
temporarily breaks the connection. Lucidity hampers all types of confluence, even the positive
types. That is, unless the flow is sufficiently strong that lucidity does not interrupt it.

To illustrate, consider how when we first drift off to sleep at night, if we catch ourselves falling
asleep we immediately wake up again. In this case, the initial sleep state is not strong enough to
withstand the conscious mind suddenly withdrawing from confluence. However, once one has
entered deeper sleep and begun dreaming, it is possible to become lucid and continue dreaming.
Those who are unskilled in lucid dreaming have difficulty maintaining their lucidity and often break
out of sleep upon realizing they are dreaming, but with practice the state of lucid dreaming can be

What does this say about positive confluence? It says that positive confluence ultimately serves to
make the connection with ones higher aspects sufficiently permanent so that one can gain
self-awareness and not break the connection. This is the third stage, being simultaneously lucid
and in the flow. Whereas the second stage amounted to dissolving the conscious mind into the
subconscious, the third stage begins the process of raising the subconscious into the conscious.

There are two categories of meditation, one lowers consciousness and the other raises it. Both seek
to unify the conscious mind with the subconscious and thereby achieve integration of the whole
being, but while the first category is regressive, the second is progressive. Positive confluence is
merely regaining the state mankind occupied prior to the Fall. With the Fall came development of
the ego and the potential for self-awareness, though at the price of egotism and negative

The first category of meditation seeks to dissolve the ego into the subconscious so that one
becomes an unconscious extension of a higher source. As an ends in itself, positive confluence is
regressive because it does away with self-awareness and puts us back into a naive state of divine
innocence as before the Fall. But as a means, positive confluence is a useful stepping stone toward
emerging into divine consciousness, though this time with self-awareness intact so that rather than
being an unconscious extension of a higher source, one evolves into that higher source. This is
assisted by the second category of meditation, of which two methods were described above.

In the third stage, one practices self-awareness without interrupting the flow of impressions flowing
from the higher centers. This amounts to a passive observation and gentle allowance of the
influence your higher self exerts over your thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. Why is lucidity
important again after it was set aside in the second stage? Because staying lucid while letting
positive influences work from within is simply an act of supervising the process so that you can step
in as necessary to correct deviations; positive confluence easily passes into negative because one is
too absorbed to catch the switchover, but self-awareness solves the problem.

It is difficult enough to gain lucidity without interrupting the flow, which is why lucidity must at first
be passive in the third stage, meaning watch yourself but do not interfere with the expression of
your heart.

The fourth and final stage begins when the ability to balance self-awareness with positive flow
becomes sufficiently permanent to allow the lower self to engage in active communion with the
higher self instead of mere passive observation. In other words, once the lower self is free of
negative confluence, and the higher self has a clear and permanent communication link, and both
are present at the same time, a mutual flow of communication is possible. The lower self becomes
an adept assimilating the wisdom and essence of the higher self, thereby rising to its level. In this
way, the lower finally merges with the higher and achieves total integration of being.

In practice, the four stages of conscious awakening are not discretely sequential like grades in
school. Rather, we occupy one of the stages as a primary center of gravity but can spontaneously
spike into the higher levels or drop into the lower. The higher stages are trickier to access and
maintain, but that does not mean we are bared from accessing them, just that without practice we
access them less frequently. The glimpses we catch of the higher stages should motivate us to
acquire them permanently as our new center of gravity. This is much like regular dreamers being
motivated by spontaneous lucid dreams to practice and have them more frequently until it
becomes the normal mode of dreaming. Higher awareness happens in flashes, like a fluorescent
bulb flickering before fully igniting.

As for esoteric systems like Fourth Way claiming that the higher remains incomprehensible until the
lower stages are mastered, remember that there is a difference between systems of conscious
evolution and systems of conscious awakening. We are not here to grow our souls from scratch, as
there is no time left for that, but rather to awaken ourselves into full spiritual remembrance.

Interestingly, the stages of conscious awakening reflect the macrocosmic process of conscious
evolution. What follows is a diagram comparing the two:

The process can be painted via the following story. A prince leaves his fathers kingdom and suffers
a loss of memory then leads the life of a peasant until he grows weary of poverty. In his yearning for
a better life, he suddenly remembers he is a prince and returns to see his father. From afar he
watches his father carry out the duties of a king, then when certain of his own identity the prince
gathers enough courage to speak with his father. In the years following this reunion, the king
teaches his son all his wisdom until one day the prince himself becomes king.

The goal is to retrieve what was locked away within us, to re-establish contact with our higher
centers, and ultimately remember who we are. And it all begins with self-observation and listening
to your heart.
True Reality Creation (Part I)
You Create Your Own Reality (YCYOR) is the predominant belief system of many New Agers. This
doctrine states that reality is entirely the product of our minds, and that by controlling our beliefs,
we may determine what happens to us: what events we focus upon, we attract; what we do not
focus upon, we do not experience. Creating for oneself what one desires is called manifesting, and
having all one needs in life is called abundance. For those who utilize YCYOR, manifesting
abundance is usually a key goal.

Do we create our own reality? Yes we do, but not as freely as proponents of YCYOR claim. As it
exists, YCYOR is a faulty paradigm whose incomplete nature was made so by design. This belief
system is a dangerous spiritual weapon used by negative forces to disarm their potential victims.
People who seek the New Age as an alternative to atheism or Christianity are not improving their
situations. They are merely falling for further deception, the same trick with a new look. Like gravity,
such deceptions can be traps, or they can be used as slingshots to propel one further along if one
is careful and learns from mistakes.

There are several reasons why YCYOR is dangerous.

First, YCYOR fools its followers into believing they are more spiritually evolved than they truly are.
Such New Agers are lulled into a false sense of security, an overestimation of their abilities and
invulnerability, and thus fail to prepare against random accidents or attacks from negative forces.

Second, the practice of manifestation often becomes an act of black magic when used
irresponsibly. Black magic is the manipulation of higher forces by lower individuals to their own
spiritual detriment. For example, when corruptly implementing manifestation through
visualization, ritual, chanting, or meditation, one can circumvent ones life mission or agenda, extort
ones Higher Self, and violate the freewill of other sovereign humans.

Manifestation is used properly when it does not initiate a freewill violation. Manifesting or requesting
has different consequences, depending on whether it is directed toward higher positive, higher
negative, or lower negative beings. Higher and lower refers to their relative level of evolution
compared to yours. To explain all this more clearly, a description of higher positive and negative
forces is necessary.

Ones evolutionary level is determined by the lessons one has accumulated since metaphysical
genesis as an individuated being. What higher positive and negative forces have in common is that
they are both very aware and near to their respective evolutionary finish lines. The difference
between them lies in their levels of wisdom, freewill and freedom, and what exactly they are evolving

Negative beings evolve toward the sleeping half of the Creator, physicality. They are irresponsible,
lack wisdom, and have little freedom or freewill.

Positive beings evolve toward the active half of the Creator, consciousness. They possess much
responsibility and discernment, are wise, and enjoy more freedom due to their greater freewill and

The importance of the preceding clarification lies in the fact that, despite having more awareness
than you, higher negative forces actually have less freewill. Physical matter itself is the end product
of their evolution, and it is obvious that matter has very little freewill. You can manipulate it at your
leisure, and it does not resist. You can perfectly predict its behavior, meaning it is all predestined
within a single unified equation, leaving no room for novelty or freewill. Simply by operating under a
negative polarity, a being already acquires some of these characteristics.

The awareness that higher negative forces have, which exceed your level of awareness, is used only
to create ever more sophisticated technologies and tricks to circumvent your freewill which they
cannot directly violate except through backdoor methods and the abuse of what permission you
have given them. One such permission is in the form of a contract with physicality you hold while
existing in a physical body. Their abuse of this contract can be seen in their extreme reliance upon
technology to try and manipulate you.

If you attempt to manifest something through the help of negative higher forces, two factors must
be taken into consideration. First, they will not help you unless your desire is of a negative
orientation, such as lust for power, financial elitism, or sexual prowess. Second, these will be given
to you if you pay the maximum price, which is the circumvention of your life path, the lowering of
your soul frequency, a stunting of spiritual evolution, and a commission of your soul energy paid to
these higher forces. You lose freedom, freewill, responsibility and creativity in exchange for illusory
power, money or sex. This Faustian deal is no bargain, but a metaphysical scam.

If you attempt to manifest something through the help of positive higher forces (including your
Higher Self), you can only request help. Requesting respects their freewill, and leaves it to their wise
discretion whether to help you or not. They also respect your freewill and do not intervene unless
you allow them to help. Positive higher forces have more wisdom than you, and you would find it
either impossible or detrimental to force them, via trickery through corrupted visualization and
meditation, into fulfilling your desires. Should you succeed, most often you will have made a very
bad choice which seemed desirable at the time only due to spiritual short sightedness.

It is clear that attempting to manipulate beings and forces higher on the spiritual hierarchy, be
they of positive or negative polarity, can cause severe problems. It is best to make requests to
positive higher forces, to allow them to help you in any way they can.

The positive (or STO, Service to Other) hierarchy is a network. This means higher evolved beings
help lower evolved beings learn and evolve. In this way, those higher beings evolve as well. Here on
earth, those who think they can fight through life alone are failing to make use of this network. They
are succumbing to negative influences because of their pride, and must learn that because they are
part of a network, requesting help from higher positive forces is perfectly fine. If the request is
pure, those higher positive forces will help, especially if it aids in unblocking or accelerating ones
spiritual evolution.

To make a distinction, requesting is different from manifestation, in that it is an act of calling upon
positive higher forces while respecting their freewill, leaving it up to them to help you if they deem it
wise. Manifesting, on the other hand, is a direct way of influencing your reality. Concerning positive
higher forces, requesting is the way to go. But with lower evolved beings, manifestation is the
appropriate method.

Recall that manifestation works best when it does not violate freewill. It is fact that freewill cannot be
violated if it does not exist or is not being used. Lower beings tend to either not have a particular
aspect of freewill, or else fail to use it. They are therefore primed for influence by higher beings with
more freewill. While this sounds insidious, remember that higher freewill implies greater lessons
learned, higher evolution, and thus greater responsibility and wisdom. Your Higher Self has
controlled your actions countless of times, to ensure that certain scripted events come to pass.
This is no true violation of your freewill, just influence of behavior to best facilitate evolution.

Thus, when higher positive entities influences lower beings, it is done carefully and for the greatest
benefit of all. It only becomes insidious when the awareness of the influenced being is purposely
suppressed through technology, disinformation, or trickery, which is what negative forces do in
order to lower the utilized freewill of their target to a level lower than their own, which makes the
target easily manipulated.

As can be seen, YCYOR either fools a person into thinking he can control reality more than he really
can (thus making him vulnerable to negative forces who exploit his ignorance), or else ensures that
when he does influence his reality, it becomes an act of black magic which stunts his spiritual

This disinformative doctrine is a spiritual booby-trap, plain and simple. Its targets are tricked into
disarming and corrupting themselves, avoiding the acquisition and utilization of knowledge,
sabotaging their own lives, and later blaming the resultant misery on their failure to adhere even
more strongly to YCYOR protocols.

The reason YCYOR works so well is because it is based on a lot of metaphysical truth. People
awakening from more ignorant belief systems are lured by the truth content of YCYOR. But as with
all disinformation, its designers care not so much what their targets know, but what they a do.
Despite a large truth content which influences what its followers know, the few lies and logical
inconsistencies in the doctrine is enough to twist what they do. Negative forces want them to do
what is in line with the negative agenda. Such targets are effectively tenderized for consumption
or disarmed for elimination.

Through twisted logic, certain faulty inferences are made from the true idea that we create our own
reality. Some of these are listed below, followed by short explanations which will be elaborated upon
later in this article.

If you dont believe in evil, it cannot harm you because it will not exist in your reality.

Not believing that evil can harm you if you ignore it, is like thinking that a truck
cannot run you over if you close your eyes. It is better to open your eyes and step
out of the way.

Negative beings have freewill and a definite objectivity in your reality. Many exist
outside your range of control, and can choose to attack you if they wish. Whether
they succeed in their attack is another matter, but the fact is that they will attack
and succeed if they can.

Their ability to succeed depends upon the relative superiority of your freewill and
the awareness required to access it, metaphysical protection by higher forces or
Higher Self, and your physical and spiritual application of knowledge in the area of
personal defense against such attacks.

Manifestation involves intent, the application of will in a particular direction of

desired experience. This direction is available only if one is aware of its possibility.
Therefore, ignorance cannot protect against anything. Protecting against an attack
must be based upon awareness of the many ways such an attack can happen.
Once you are aware of these ways, besides actually preparing to deal with them,
you can take additional preventative measures by focusing your will upon the
probable futures in which those specific methods of attack fail to materialize or

Manifesting protection only works against negative forces who have less freewill
than you, who require that you be unaware of a particular mode of attack such that
they can use it as a bridge into your reality. Freewill unused is freewill denied, for
awareness is the key that unlocks what freewill you have already gained through
earlier evolution.

Not being aware of an attack possibility leaves it unclaimed by your freewill, and it is
like having no freewill at all. Like an unguarded bridge, this direction of experience
involving a particular mode of attack is hidden behind a blind spot in your field of
awareness. Negative forces, who would otherwise be unable to harm you due to
their lower freewill status, can cross this hidden bridge, breach your reality, and
implement an attack.

In such a case, preventing the attack does not involve fighting these forces
directly, but merely cutting off their invasion route by guarding the bridge. This is
done by becoming aware of their attack methods.

Should an attack succeed, whether it is through an unguarded bridge into your

reality, or by negative forces who are simply more powerful than you, or perhaps
were allowed into your reality by your protectors as a learning lesson for you,
dealing with such attacks requires direct active interaction, physical and
psychological preparation, and utilization of knowledge.

Thus, awareness/knowledge alone passively protects in the sense of guarding the

bridges and locking down ones reality against attempted dislodging by lower
negative forces. But once such forces break through, it is only through the active
utilization of knowledge and awareness that these attacks are thwarted. If they
break through, it means some lesson has not been learned.

For all of us, spiritual evolution is impossible without the active use and application
of knowledge/awareness, for one implies the other. With this fact in mind, it
becomes clear why awareness and knowledge alone can passively protect, but only
sometimes. An explanation follows:

When you are more positively spiritually evolved than another being, you possess
greater freewill than that being. You have learned everything that being has
learned, and then some. All the attacks this being is capable of are limited to the
scope of its awareness, of what it has learned already.

Because you have learned all this being has learned (evident by virtue of your
higher spiritual evolution), all its attacks against you are actually redundant as far
as learning lessons for you are concerned, for they cannot teach you anything you
have not already learned.
However, they can remind you of things you have forgotten. That you have
forgotten such lessons is the only reason such lesson-redundant attacks can
happen at all. Remember the lesson by becoming aware of the attack method, and
it loses all meaning and justification. Your freewill then shuts out that attack from
happening since it would serve absolutely no purpose anymore.

In sum, the passive protection of awareness/knowledge happens only when that

awareness/knowledge has already been utilized before, which led to an increase in
ones level of spiritual evolution.

Awareness/knowledge cannot passively protect if it has only recently been acquired

but not yet utilized. It will surely be put to the test first, either in active
preparation and prevention, or in direct combat against an attacking force.

A hostile being who is more evolved than you, despite having less freewill, will
probably be more clever than you and thus trick you into accepting an attack. Its
higher level of awareness means it has something to teach you. And you will learn
the easy way or the hard way, depending on whether you prepared ahead of time
or not.

As can be seen, spiritual osmosis occurs throughout creation. Higher evolved

beings, no matter their polarity, always teach lower evolved beings, either directly
or indirectly.

When a lower being attacks, its attack can be easily averted through remembrance
or awareness of its possibility, which accesses the freewill required to end the
attack whose resulting lessons you have already learned at some time.

When a higher being attacks, proper passively counteractive freewill does not exist
and can be gained only through struggle and the application of
knowledge/awareness, which increases your spiritual evolution to a level equal or
greater than the attacker, at which point the attack ceases to materialize as long
as you remain aware of your lesson.

In relation to Reality Creation, the preceding ideas reveal the fact that
manifestation is the passive application of knowledge/awareness, and should not
(or often cannot) be used to protect against things which one needs to experience
in order to evolve.

This is why YCYORs manifestation of protection fails in many instances, for a

person using this doctrine might attempt to stop an attack from succeeding by
applying passive protection through manifestation, but the attack is either
necessary to help the person evolve, or to help him remember the lessons he has
already learned but forgotten or ignored. YCYOR can induce an intentional
forgetting of lessons through blind faith, the abandonment of knowledge seeking,
and sheer ignorant bliss.

In fact, the induced ignorance guarantees that an attack happens successfully so

that the person eventually wakes up to the truth. Negative forces count upon
this principle to sustain their feeding. As long as the person can be continuously
tricked into ignoring lessons, the food supply stays plentiful. In that case, either
the person is fed upon simply because he can be fed upon (requiring active
utilization of knowledge/awareness to stop), or else the Higher Self repeatedly
allows its lower self to be food until the lower self awakens and puts an end to it
(which necessitates the passive use of knowledge/awareness).

You can transform evil by sending it love.

Because they have freewill, evolved negative forces can choose whether to accept
your love or not. And most often, they will not allow themselves to be transformed
by it. Trying to change a negative being this way is like pouring a man many
glasses of water and asking him to drown himself.

Often, this sent love can be of such a corrupted nature (due to misperception of
what love is) that it is of a frequency palatable by negative beings who then feed
upon it. Whether negative beings can feed upon an emotion depends not so much
upon what type of emotion it is, but whether it is based on awareness or ignorance.
Sympathy and compassion out of ignorance makes better food than righteous
anger, for example.

Sympathy and compassion out of knowledge would mean sending love to beings
who have not yet chosen their polarity, who out of their suffering request and
accept the love they receive. They thirst for the water set before them.
Discernment and experience is required for any compassionate person to know
when this is the case. Sometimes there are etheric vampires seeking to steal the
energy of the compassionate by feigning distress, and giving ones love to these
people only leads to an energy drain in oneself. Whatever the case, one thing is
certain: that the forces commonly considered evil have chosen their polarity and
therefore cannot be changed. They can only be understood, for that results in
empowerment of the perceiver rather than attempted freewill violation of the

So as far as transforming evil is concerned, external events cannot change ones

polarity (positive or negative, STO or STS), merely reinforce what one has already
freely chosen to be.

Receiving an act of kindness may make a positive person beam with more positivity,
or make a negative person salivate with the prospect of feasting upon an easy prey.
Being physically abused may make a positive person reflect upon how horrible such
abuse is and how he would not wish the same upon anyone else, while a negative
person may abuse others out of vengeance and hatred.

Therefore, being nice to evil, showing it how act positively, sending it love and light,
and acting chivalrously toward it usually ends in complete failure for you, and a full
stomach for the intended target. Negative forces do not play by the same rules as
positive forces, as they have no respect for respect, and no empathy for empathy.

You cannot transform evil, merely help it evolve. Yes, negative forces are on a path
of evolution. They are evolving toward the Creator just like you are. The only
difference is that they are evolving toward the sleeping half of the Creator,
associated with matter, lack of freewill, and determinism.

Therefore, if you cannot transform a negative being (you can only cautiously
provide the opportunity for change on its behalf, and allow it to choose its way) you
can at least help it evolve, which also helps you evolve. This is done by acting
responsibly and not feeding them. You learn how to better defend yourself, and
they learn how to better attack their targets.

Within the negative hierarchy, beings force each other to evolve through constant
competition, tricks, manipulation, extortion, and violence. Within the positive
network, beings help each other evolve through creativity, compassion, teaching,
sharing, and learning.

To be positive or STO consists of two qualities: having gained the lessons required
to interact harmoniously within ones polarity, and having gained the lessons
needed to interact vigilantly with the opposite polarity.

And here lies another fault of YCYOR, the idea that all is love and light and one
need merely think fluffy thoughts and put on rose colored glasses, and all will be
fine. Another aspect to disinformation is missing information. Here, New Agers are
taught only half the equation. Christians are taught the same thing with the turn
the other cheek idea which is actually a corruption of the original meaning of the

The half of the equation they do possess involve the ideals of creativity,
compassion, teaching, and so on. But when it comes to dealing with negative
forces, they are wholly ignorant and unprotected sheep. This is another principle
that negative beings count upon, for it makes their targets easy to feed upon and

When opposite polarities interact, problems can occur if the positive being treats
the negative being as though it were positive. Rather than simply behaving
nicely, being inclined toward STO means not feeding STS; being positive means
not feeding negative. No matter your polarity, the only way a negative being will
learn is through resistance against its manipulations or attacks, on your part.

If you were of negative polarity, you would often take the initiative to attack another
less powerful negative being, but if you were positive, you would only act in
self-defense and never actively provoke anything, merely respond if your response
was requested by another being through its act of aggression.

The best way for positive to interact with negative is to not feed them, to act only
in response to a hostile request, to stick up for oneself if attacked, and to pick ones
battles wisely. Treating them as though they were positive only feeds them more,
and burns oneself out, like the short-circuiting of two batteries incorrectly

This reveals yet another ploy of the dark side, that of creating the illusion that a
hostile being is just like the positive target. Matrix agents such as organic portals,
for example, utilize the soul energies of their targets to mirror back at them their
own personality and essence.

This is a method of spiritual camouflage. The target then stays open to

manipulation and feeding, and since the predatory behavior of the organic portals
often contradicts the image he maintains in the mind of the target, there will be
confusion and psychological friction in the mind of the target which generates more
energies to be consumed by the organic portal.

The trick in dealing with organic portals is in realizing who and what they are, then
adjusting ones perceptions, emotions, and actions to reflect that new awareness.
Because they are less evolved than their targets, passive protection of
knowledge/awareness often works very effectively in stopping their attacks. If this
does not work, then asserting ones freewill by standing up against them and cooly
putting them in their place is necessary.

There are no limits.

In truth, there really are no limits. But how easy is it for you to shed your present
limits? Is it enough to merely think to yourself there are no limits and off you float
above the ground as gravity, formerly a limit, no longer remains part of your
reality? The fault of YCYOR is in making the phrase there are no limits appear
more general, easily applicable and achievable than it really is.

While we exist here in physicality, there are several types of limits.

Illusory limits are those that truly do not exist, except in your mind as a
consequence of your lack or suppression of awareness. These include such things
as personal insecurities, false beliefs about your intellectual or physical abilities,
glass ceilings, and subconscious programs.

Practical limits exist at the boundaries of your spiritual evolution. They are things
you are not capable of because you have not evolved to the point where you can do
them. Surpassing these limits requires spiritual evolution, often through struggle
and the active use of knowledge/awareness.

Imposed limits are those placed upon you by beings with higher freewill than you.
They may be aspects of your own consciousness, such as your Higher Self. These
limits are mere handicaps, placed upon you so that you can exist within this reality
and learn other lessons.

One such limit is the veil of amnesia we are born with, which prevents us from
easily remembering all our other incarnations. Not knowing them, we start each life
with a fresh page, keeping only our soul essence from our last life. This system
maximizes the richness of experience and the rate of spiritual evolution. Were we to
recall all our lives all the time, life would get boring very fast, and old habits would
become very hard to drop.

Another imposed limit is our predominant inability to communicate telepathically or

move objects with our minds. Could we do this, the world would be a much easier
place in which to live. There would be no secrets, no New World Order. But we did
not come to 3D earth to have such an easy life.

Earth is like a weight training roomresistance all around, the quickest way to bulk
up. Too little resistance, and progress is slow. Too much resistance, and progress
is impossible. The purpose of true Reality Creation is to remove unnecessary
weights so that resistance is just right.

The greatest example of an imposed limit is that of physicality, including all its laws
which are nicely described in the laws of physics. Negative forces abuse physics
through their technology, which can result in manipulations so cunning that most
people cannot even fathom their existence.

Practically speaking, then, there are indeed limits. What you must do to surpass
these limits determines how objective they are. Illusory limits are mainly
psychological, and getting rid of them will do wonders enough in ones life. No limits
are insurmountable, it is just that some limits are damn hard to break through.

When YCYOR says there are no limits, it accurately states that illusory limits are
not real. However, one would be a fool to think that the phrase applies to all types
of limits, that imposed or practical limits are as easily bypassed as illusory ones.
Some extreme forms of YCYOR do incorporate this idea, and its followers think that
reality is so much a function of their belief that they need merely believe they are
invincible, and so they become it. Never mind that they lack the spiritual evolution
and awareness to do so, and are attempting to violate their own Higher freewill.
They think they can exist in a world without limits just by changing their 3D mind
or subconsciously programming themselves through visualization or self-hypnosis.
While this does work great to rid oneself of illusory limits, other limits remain.

Now, there are cases of people who can levitate, teleport, bend spoons, and so on.
Mind is definitely capable of bypassing the laws of nature. We hold a contract with
physicality, which states that we collectively agree to participate by its rules. Our
world or imposed limits is indeed held up by self-imposed limits, but to break
through these limits, one must be at the same level that one created the limit to
begin with.

For example, if you impose upon yourself a limit made on the subconscious level
through some trauma followed by autosuggestion, then it is on that subconscious
level which the limit must be removed. If it is the Higher Self that holds the
agreement with physicality, then it is the Higher Self which can break that
contract. (Let the distinction be made, however, that using technology to levitate,
teleport, and time travel is a way of manipulating physicality itself, not our Higher

It is clearly unwise to think that you can, at a lower state of consciousness, void the
limit created and imposed from a higher state of consciousness without actually
going there. Going there is often the lesson of the limit in the first place. Some of
these imposed limits can be forcedly surpassed through intense meditation, but it
is a way of short circuiting ones own evolution for the gain of a few new tricks. The
tricks themselves are not bad, merely premature. When the timing is right and
they are well-earned, they will be put to good use and aid ones evolution.

Occult practitioners of the black arts try to develop their psychic faculties without a
corresponding increase in beingness, which only results in their descent further
into the maw of the negative hierarchy.

For all these reasons, while there are no limits as they can all be surpassed
someday and somehow, due to our present physical and mental natures, we
cannot break through all limits just yet. It is necessary to be aware of what limits
one is truly up against, and which ones can be changed or voided.
Negative forces with lower freewill, or perhaps higher negative forces who do not
wish to violate freewill but rather coerce their targets through deception for the
purposes of consuming them fresh and whole, use illusory limits to the fullest
extent possible.

Illusory limits are those we give power to, despite their actual nonexistence.
Nonexistent limits do not violate our freewill. If we give them power and impose
those limits upon ourselves, they were indeed inspired by negative forces but
actually implemented by us, and thus the negative forces do not dirty their hands
with our own freewill violations, for there is no violation if we imposed it upon

Imposed limits, such as physicality, can be used against us by negative forces as

well. If you are falsely accused of a crime, engineered so by clever negative forces,
and are consequently jailed, what keeps you behind bars is the solidity of the walls
and threat of apprehension and violence if you try to escape. In this way, despite
physicality being voluntarily maintained by a higher aspect of your own
consciousness, it is being used by negative forces against you.

Your Higher Self does not sit idly by, not noticing any of this. It allows it to happen
to teach you a lesson. Should the case arise where negative forces attempt to
physically harm you in such a way that no lesson is learned and many other future
lessons would be postponed, the Higher Self can intervene and re-arrange the
linear timeline so that negative forces fail. In this way, some people are protected
from harm despite massive targeting by negative forces. Nevertheless, the
possibility that physicality itself can be used against you is reason enough to
actively use your knowledge and prepare for contingencies.

Concerning illusory limits of the subconscious nature, be aware that subconscious

programs are actually surrogate motivators. This means they are passive
redirectors of your will, and can in themselves open you up to undesirable probable
futures. Before, it was mentioned that struggle often accompanies spiritual
evolution. Struggle does not always mean pain, it simply means active application of
ones will to progress and learn. As an analogy, rock climbing can be considered a
struggle, but it is still fun for many who do it as a sport. When it comes to spiritual
evolution, painful struggle is actually unnecessary, while fun struggle is the ideal
way to evolve.

Psychologically painful struggle happens for one main reason: the dissolution of old
subconscious programs. Struggle itself is an aspect of spiritual evolution, but the
pain results from having to uproot old programmed illusions that one has held near
and dear all ones life. The less programmed one is with the old ways of viewing the
world, and the more inertia one has against change, the greater the pain
accompanying spiritual evolution. It is not a matter of struggle versus no struggle,
but painful struggle versus fun struggle.

Like a stuck rudder, programs or surrogate motivators make it difficult to get ones
boat traveling in the right direction. Moving forward anyway creates friction,
which eventually heats and dissolves the programs, but not without causing some
discomfort. Progressing without pain can only happen in two ways: either you have
already evolved to the approaching level and are merely retracing your steps, or
you are struggling with a fun attitude.

However, painful struggle can also be a sign that you are venturing beyond the
planned boundaries of your pre-incarnational objectives and the recommendations
of your Higher Self. This is most evident if you feel like you are moving against the
grand flow, things are going terribly for you in life, it takes much willpower to
succeed, and you must often employ negative or STS tactics to do so. Falling into
STS is like sinking into quicksand. It is a struggle to stay afloat, and even more of a
struggle to get out. Your painful struggles in life are always the results of errors
committed or allowed by some part of you, which placed you temporarily into a
negative orientation that now requires restitution.

If you are painfully struggling for any reason other than dissolving your
subconscious programs or resolving karmic issues, it is very likely that you are not
acting in alignment with your Higher Self. Like assembling flat-pack furniture, if you
are struggling and things keep turning out horribly, you are not following the

Fun struggle is accompanied by a thrust or intense motivation, an inner glow of joy

and enthusiasm, and results in a hearty satisfaction. This is the ideal way to evolve
spiritually, and virtually guarantees that one is on the right path, in alignment with
ones Higher Self. When in this flow, events in life click into place perfectly. Once
one is relatively free from negative surrogate motivators, one is following the flow of
the right destiny current and can simply let go and have fun with life, struggling
but evolving in a positive manner.

Lack of struggle is equally suspicious. Fun without challenge, without inner

satisfaction, often comes from surrogate motivators influencing ones actions and
perceptions. More often than not, something like this is considered fun because it
is a lack of pain, be it social, physical, or psychological pain. For example, if you are
programmed with social expectations that drinking and partying are key steps in
securing ones self-worth, and that not having a bar life makes one lame and
unaccepted, then one can squander away much of life in a drunken stupor,
blissfully thinking all is fun with this programmed lifestyle.

Much of humanity is lost on a permanent detour off their primary intended life
path, due to these surrogate motivators which have been grafted onto their minds
from birth via clever programming by negative forces through media, culture,
religion, and sometimes directly through abductions and mind control.

Getting rid of these grafts is the first and best action one can take in ones quest
for a limitless reality. This will accelerate ones evolution, and soon practical limits fall
away until an evolutionary state is reached that is equal to the state where such
limits were imposed. Those limits then dissolve as well.

Another trap of YCYOR and the New Age paradigm has to do with resolving
issues and removing karmic debt via cheap gimmicks which only give a
temporary illusion that things have been fixed. They are merely patched over and
ignored, all the while festering beneath an inflated happy persona.

Resolving karma can only happen through forgiveness that permeates deeply into
ones subconscious. It is subconscious regrets and grudges that make us choose
to incarnate again with karmic life experiences to resolve them. Hypnosis is one of
the few methods that can resolve karma without having to go through these
experiences because this forgives the issues on the subconscious level where they
reside. All karma necessitates is the learning of a lesson, not necessarily the
experience of karmic events. If such lessons can be learned under hypnosis, then
all the better.

Nevertheless, there are those who ignore their issues rather than confronting
them, who try to act positively, think positively, but are doing nothing to get rid of
their surrogate motivators via an active increase their awareness and utilization of
knowledge. Rather than learning a lesson, they would rather do some meditations,
clearing sessions, crystal work, or other methods to cover up the warning signs
that those lessons must be learned. The way they try to think and act is opposite
of what they are on the inside, and this conflict builds up a lot of anger and
anguish. It is amazing how many people, who claim to be love and light New Agers,
are actually two-faced, petty, flaky, and moping individuals. They are an example of
the fact that there is no shortcut to learning.

Evil is the absence of good.

A rock lacks the quality of good. But it is not evil. So lacking good does not make
something evil, and evil therefore is not the absence of good. Evil, characterizing
the negative forces, is a force unto itself. It exists as an independent though
parasitic creation.

The sleeping half of the Creator, to which all those on the negative path are
evolving, lacks any and all creativity. This is why matter itself, though conscious,
has almost no freewill and is thus characterized by physical laws which allow the
perfect prediction of all future states of such matter (not counting quantum
effects, which arise from the interface between the conscious and sleeping halves
of the Creator on a subatomic level). If it can be predicted, it can be controlled, and
thus it has no freewill. The point here is to emphasize that negative forces lack
creativity. This is not to say they are boring, but merely limited in what they can
do. They are always one step behind positive forces, because the latter have the
upper hand spiritually when it comes to metaphysical sovereignty and who gets to
control whom.

The negative hierarchy, despite having its own individuality, must exploit positive
beings and consume their soul energies because they themselves lack originality,
creativity, and negentropy, and use the creative soul energies of positive beings
(which such beings suckle from the Creator by virtue of their spiritual purity) to
counteract the entropic nature of their own evolution. A clock, once wound, will
wind down again unless more energy is put into the system. Negative forces need
the creative energy to keep up what they are doing, otherwise they will decay.

So evil is not the absence of good because it has its own identity and freewill,
though it does depend upon good for its survival because it is parasitic in nature.

YCYOR is once again faulty in inferring that since evil is the absence of good, evil
can be negated just by putting some good in its place. An evil person simply lacks
good, according to this idea, and so being good to that person and bombing him
with love and light will fill him up with goodness and thus erase the evil, much like
annihilating a hole in the ground by filling it with dirt. Of course, in truth evil has its
own solid identity, and prefers to feed upon good, so YCYOR is the perfect
mechanism allowing them to do this.

Nothing happens to you unless you allow it.

This is true, but the question is, which part of you allowed it? If you stand in the
street and a truck is barreling toward you with no intention of stopping, what will
allow it or prevent it from running you over? Is it the part of you that is reading
this right now, who decides things as mundane as picking up a newspaper or
making some toast, or is it the part of you considered the Higher Self? Obviously, it
is something like the latter. That is, unless you have personally evolved in this body
to a state identical with your Higher Self, in which case reality becomes plastic to
you since then you can break the contract with physicality. And do not let YCYOR
fool you into thinking you are by default functionally identical with your Higher Self,
unless you can stop bullets in mid air like Neo at the end of The Matrix.

You can only allow/prevent things that have less freewill than you. And then, only
with proper awareness to direct your will in the right direction. Depending on your
level of evolution, these allowances or preventions can range from stopping attacks
from lower negative entities, to influencing whether or not you get pulled over by a
cop this weekend, or whether your car makes it through without a breakdown on a
road trip. These things involve situations with elements that have less freewill than
you do, and therefore you can influence them. You are directing your influences
downward on the spiritual hierarchy, and that is absolutely fine by all universal

While most everything that happens to you has been allowed at some level or
other, there are exceptions. There exist times when, through the leverage of your
ego-level freewill, you take actions yourself which mess things up. One example is
suicide. If you commit suicide, the Higher Self will not reinsert you in a corrected
timeline where it did not happen. It can make it more difficult to carry out,
however, to get you to think twice about your decision. Examples include a gun
jamming, or rope breaking, etc In this case, it was allowed to happen, but by you
personally, not your Higher Self.

When a negative entity more powerful than you attacks, this is allowed by the
Higher Self because nothing negative that can harm you exists on an equal or
greater level than the Higher Self. It therefore has jurisdiction and authority to
control and correct all that happens beneath it, though the Higher Self has the
wisdom and knowledge to do this with utmost discretion.

When an event happens, be it an attack, an accident, a synchronicity, or

something pleasurable, most likely it happened for a reason. It would be wise to
reflect upon possible meanings and extract the lessons as efficiently as possible. If
not, the lesson may be introduced again and more unjustified pain introduced. The
reason may be as simple as that an attack happened because it could. The lesson
would then be to ensure than it cannot happen again.
The preceding half of this article listed and described the faults of YCYOR. Numerous as these faults
are, the idea of reality creation is based upon much truth. One must be careful not to throw out
the baby with the bathwater, to discard the facts because of errors in their interpretation.

Just because YCYOR is dangerous, not all variations of reality creation are necessarily false. It does
not mean that reality is so objective that our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs have no effect upon it,
that reality is nothing more than harsh struggle for survival by tooth and claw. Manifestation and
requesting are real tools available to you, that if used properly and wisely, can make your life as easy
as it should be.

What it all comes down to is the following:

You incarnate in this life to learn a certain set of pre-arranged lessons. Through synchronicity, your
Higher Self guides the flow of your life on an archetypal level to introduce these lessons when you
are ready to learn them. It is up to you, via your freewill, to determine how you turn these
archetypal scripts into concrete experiences. You choose how you learn your lessons, the easy way
based on awareness, or the hard way based on ignorance.

Under ideal circumstances, you always learn these lessons the easiest way, which is a way most
closely aligned with the mindset of the Higher Self, a virtuous spiritual position endowed with
awareness and discernment.

But there is much possibility for going astray. Because you have freewill, you can commit errors.
Even worse, negative forces exist to trick and manipulate you into straying as far from your life path
as possible. There is no wrong path through life, as all lead to you learning the same lessons in the
end. Nevertheless, the farther you stray from the easiest path, the more lengthy, convoluted, and
painful the path toward learning that particular lesson.

Thus, for every given lesson, you choose the degree of painful suffering necessary to learn it. If you
choose with discernment, no suffering is necessary.

The more ignorant you are, the more painful your struggle. Pain, anguish, and suffering out of
ignorance are what negative forces feed upon. They have a vested interest in manipulating you into
making ignorant choices. Instead of going home on a clear and straight highway, they trick you into
taking a long detour with many tollbooths along the way.

The proper use of manifestation and requesting is to help you learn your lessons as easily as
possible. Because learning lessons is all that matters, there is no virtue in choosing the most painful
struggle toward achieving them. That is actually a sign of ignorance. Ideally, learning them should
be fun, and if you are aware and make good use of what knowledge you have attained, learning will
indeed be fun.

Not all lessons must be experienced with pain, because it is obvious that clever people can learn
from the mistakes of others. This arises from the concept that, in truth, we are all one on a
fundamental soul level, and learning from the mistakes of others is an action that illustrates ones
correct understanding of this principle. Always having to experience something negative for oneself
is a sign that one is separate, alone, and more individuated than one truly is. The price of that
ignorance is having to suffer through a painful experience. Experience is a means to an end of
learning a lesson. Those who make experience the end goal are going down the negative path.

There are two ways to end the pain of an unnecessarily arduous path. One either fights to get back
on track (such as completing karmic issues or eradicating subconscious programs), or one ignores
the pain and continues on the detour thinking all is fine. The latter path is one advocated by
YCYOR, where serious problems are ignored rather than confronted and overcome.

If you have made a bad choice in life and are presently painfully struggling because of this choice,
the only thing you can do is stop straying even more; you must grit your teeth and gradually move
forward in the right direction. It may be difficult to do so, but going forward with a commitment to
awareness and discernment is the only permanent solution.

Those on the negative path are ones who have chosen the detour, the path of separation, and have
accepted the resulting struggle as a way of life. Rather than getting back on track, they toughen
themselves to face the pain, and make an industry out of pulling other beings off track and into the
wilderness to be fed upon. Their subjectivity fools them into thinking that their fantasy
interpretations of reality are objective.

Manifestation and requesting are methods at your disposal to help you stay on smooth road, or to
help you to return if you have strayed. Once you are on that road, you must still move forward.
Manifesting and requesting are auxiliary methods to accompany the main thrust of your existence
which consists of actively using knowledge to evolve and gather more knowledge, to change your
environment which helps other beings evolve as well. Manifestation and requesting cannot be relied
upon alone, but they should also not be abandoned.

Continue to Part II
True Reality Creation (Part II)
Using proper manifesting and requesting in conjunction with initiative and action on your part is
the quickest way to learning the lessons you came here to learn. Manifesting is how you use your
metaphysical abilities to synchronistically influence components of your reality, including the lower
freewill beings in it, to keep your life from being unnecessarily difficult. Requesting is how you allow
higher forces in your network to watch over you and guide you toward what is best for your
evolution and do things that you simply cannot do because of your practical limits.

The guidance, protection, and ease acquired from these two methods merely clear the path
through life, but you must still make the effort (fun struggle) to progress and move forward
through it. This is why manifesting and requesting (two components to reality creation) comprise
only half of proper living. The other half is personal effort and action.

YCYOR promotes the idea that these two things are sufficient to create everything one needs, that
no effort at all is necessary. Its followers become armchair experiencers. Like spectators of television
football games, they may be watching exercise happen, but they themselves become increasingly
out of shape. Doing reality creation without putting forth personal effort leads to an analogous
situation, spiritual stagnation.

Here is an example of the balanced application of reality creation principles with personal action:

Let us say you wish to get a better job. Just manifesting and requesting alone will often not be
enough to make this happen, if you do not make personal effort to send out resumes and go to
interviews. Although possible, it is very unlikely that you can simply sit at home next to the phone
and expect a company to call you out of the blue and offer you the job you want. In addition to
reality creation, personal effort is absolutely necessary to get results.

On the other hand, consider the possibility that you are too skeptical or proud to even try proper
reality creation. In this case, you can send out resumes and go to interviews, but you will find that
your luck is absent. You must apply a great amount of effort to secure that better job. If you do
reality creation, however, you will find your luck increasing and the perfect job popping up after just
a few tries. In that case, you would have made enough personal effort to learn the required lesson,
but because you utilized reality creation, which is part of your toolbox in life, you did not have to
struggle with more pain than necessary.

In practice, however, your Higher Self ultimately decides what is best for you. If your effort at
Reality Creation is in conflict with your Higher Selfs judgment, you will not succeed in getting what
you want. Often you will later find that what you wanted would have really been a bad idea had you
gotten it.

To clarify, just the right amount of personal effort is synonymous with fun struggle. More personal
effort than necessary is defined as painful struggle in this article. Struggle or effort is necessary for
spiritual evolution. Such effort is optional when you have already learned a particular lesson but are
temporarily handicapped due to amnesia of that lesson. Thus, some people can do well with reality
creation and not need to apply as much personal effort as others who require that effort to evolve.
Reality creation works best for those who are most highly evolved, who do not need to learn those
lessons from scratch.

YCYOR makes people think they need less personal effort to get through life than they really do.
Illusory limits make people think they need more personal effort. Both are traps designed by
negative forces to make their targets either easier to prey upon, or more productive energy

But remember, as far as manifesting is concerned, you can influence reality when it does not violate
anyones freewill. Also remember that freewill cannot be violated if it is not being utilized, and this
fact alone allows one to create stupendous synchronicities that incur no spiritual detriment, just by
manifesting ones virtuous desires. So you do not need to be highly evolved (whatever that means
to you), just more evolved than the components of reality you need changed to fulfill your

A mundane example is getting a good parking spot at the super market. You can manifest that
reality, and most often it will materialize. What happens is that everyone else in the parking lot is too
dazed to realize that they can do the same, and they will either miss that good spot reserved for
you, or else someone will pull out just when you need it. They will pull out at the right moment
because their behavior was influenced by your attempted manifestation to create that synchronous
timing. That they pulled out at that precise moment does not violate their freewill, either because
the act is too trivial, or because they were too unaware to behave otherwise.

Awareness is what anchors your freewill to a particular thing. If you do not have awareness of
something, your freewill does not claim it, and it therefore becomes easily malleable by forces who
cannot or choose not to violate your freewill. The following four possibilities illustrate the rule of this

When you are aware of something no one else is aware of, you can change it easily by manifestation
techniques, declaration of your intent, and direct physical action. Because no one else is aware of it,
your change of this element of your (and their) reality does not violate their freewill. The only
resistance you may encounter in this case is non-allowance by your Higher Self who may see some
changes you are attempting to manifest, as detrimental to your learning curriculum.

When you are aware of something that others are aware of as well, a potential tug of war between
opposing freewill may occur. Who wins depends on who had the greater amount of freewill and the
knowledge to utilize it. Should you have tremendous amounts of freewill, or else are no longer bound
to the realities of others, your own reality becomes easily and directly changeable by you, as easily
as is done in a lucid dream. But do not be fooled into thinking you are necessarily at that level

When you are not aware of something that no other humans are aware of either, then that portion
of your environment becomes fluid, much like an unobserved particle becomes a wave function, an
enfolded hologram. These elements of your environment are most easily changed by beings who are
aware of it, but who cannot or choose not to violate your freewill otherwise. Because you and no one
else is aware of it, no freewill anchors that element of reality, and it is free for alteration by lower
beings or respectful higher beings.

When you are not aware of something, but another human or entity is indeed aware, then that
portion of your reality coupled to theirs is easily altered by them, for such an alteration does not
violate your freewill since you did not anchor it to that changeable element.
These four possibilities follow from the laws of freewill and how we create our reality in concert with
others. These possibilities also follow from the macroscopic consequences of quantum mechanical

Schroedingers Cat, a classic thought experiment dealing of quantum mechanics, illustrates these
principles, though given a few corrections to the experiment. The cat, which at any moment may be
dead or alive, is physically shielded inside a box through which the scientists can gather no data to
determine whether it is, in fact, dead or alive. In truth, it is not necessarily lack of physical
perception that makes reality fluid, that allows the cat to be in a wave state of both dead and alive
possibilities, but rather lack of conscious awareness of that element. The scientists staring at the
box, wondering if the cat is dead or alive, are influencing and objectifying the state of the cat
because despite not being able to see into the box, their consciousness is still directed toward it,
they are still aware of the experiment and thus influence it. Consciousness of the cat aside, if the
scientists went out to lunch and forgot about the experiment, and no one else in the world was
thinking about the experiment either, then is the cat indeed in a wave state including both
possibilities. But the moment anyone focuses their attention on the experiment, whether they know
the cats state or not, the experiment reverts to a non-wave state.

Therefore, when it comes to the fluid nature of elements in ones own reality, it is not enough to
merely close ones eyes, but actually disengage ones freewill from it by entirely forgetting about
that element. This frees it up for influence by other forces.

Thus, the less aware and alert you are, the more malleable or fluid your reality is to other beings
who wish to change it without violating your freewill. Having awareness of something locks it down,
then only alterable by direct physical action, or only by metaphysical action on the part of beings
with more freewill than you who wisely override your lockdown of that element of reality to ensure
your learning lessons flow in smooth sequence.

Therefore, fluidity of your reality is not necessarily detrimental, for most of reality creation requires
such fluidity before reality can be reshuffled into what you demand or request. The trick is in
becoming aware of all possible changes (locking them down to prevent influence from lower negative
forces), and then stating your request specifically and honestly, which opens up one of those
possibilities to fluidity. If your request is specific enough, lower negative forces cannot take
advantage of that fluidity because it only flows in a direction that is as you specified, without
loopholes or opportunity for negative twisting.

It is important to note that if you anchor your freewill to an element of reality that does not
actually exist, but was artificially created by negative forces, then the creator of that artificial
element essentially controls you through that anchor. These artificial reality elements can consist of
false paradigms, false perceptions, subjective illusions, and so on.

Another critical thing to realize is that when you do reality creation, unless it is in the form of
manifesting which influences the behavior of lower evolved beings, reality transforms only because
something higher than your present state of consciousness made it change.

Reality creation, in the form of requesting, changes reality indirectly via a higher force. This higher
force often makes it clear to you that you were not the creator of that change, merely its requester.
How does it do so? By fulfilling the request in such a way slightly different from the way you
requested it. The synchronicities created to fulfill your request often come as surprises, in a way
you did not expect.
The primary reason for this is to prove that you, the ego-level consciousness, are not complete
master of your reality.

The secondary reason behind surprising synchronicities is that synchronicities in general happen
most easily when that aspect of reality is fluid; it is fluid because you are unaware of it, which in
turn leads to its surprising nature when the requested change materializes. If you make a request,
then keep expecting it to materialize, never allowing that possibility to become fluid due to your
constant obsessing and lack of faith whether it happens or not, if your request is indeed to be
fulfilled, it must happen through elements of your reality that are still fluid, not locked down by your
constant expecting, and thus consist of elements you are not aware of, which will seem surprising
when they create a given synchronicity.

This leads to the core issue of how reality works and how synchronicities happen. What we know to
be physical reality is nothing but a shared dream maintained by the collective consciousness of all
who participate in this reality. The collective consciousness is bound via a central coordinating
mechanism that may be called the Grand Matrix of physicality. Within this physical universe exist
minor matrices, including that overlaying the earth, known as the earth grid. This is a local
mechanism interfacing with the collective consciousness of humanity to maintain reality on earth as
we know it. Like Einstein said, reality is illusion, albeit a persistent one. Its persistence makes it
objective for all practical purposes, but its illusory nature makes it malleable enough to be
influenced by our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.

Our reality consists not only of the present state of things, but our perceived past as well. The sum
of our present and past states of recorded personal existence comprise a particular timeline.

We are conditioned to accept that the past is written in stone, and are divided over whether the
future is fated, or if it is open. In truth, it is open because we have freewill to change it, or rather,
choose which future we manifest by our actions and metaphysical influences.

Those who think the future is alterable are comfortable with the idea of shifting through probable
futures, but most are bothered by the idea of a shifting past. In actuality, the liquidity of the future
is exactly the same as liquidity of the past. Causality only applies within timelines, and can be
thrown out the window if you move between timelines and have your memories (and anything that
records the past) rearranged in the process.

Linear time, the idea that our past is set and future yet to come, is all an illusion. Linear time is a
product of our minds, a limited interpretation of the way time actually functions. It is not time that
moves past us while we watch, but our consciousness which moves through various timelines and
experiences. Everything physical, in all its manifestations and possibilities, has already been created
and exists as a static hologram. What has not been created yet is the world path we freely take
through these possibilities, which particular experiences we choose, and what paths we take in
learning a particular lesson. All probable futures have been created, but which of those futures we
choose to move into is open.

All this is not to say that we are hopelessly lost due to the fickle nature of our past and instability of
our memories, because changes to the linear past obey the same laws as changes to the present or
future, which mean respecting freewill. Manifesting and requesting things which materialize in ones
future work best when they do not violate freewill, and changes to the past follow the same rule.

In other words, changes to fluid elements in reality does not only mean changes to present reality,
but shifts in an entire timeline, past and present.
Just as negative entities with lower freewill cannot successfully attack you and manipulate your
future unless you allow them or have a lapse in awareness, so are they barred from altering your
past unless similar conditions exist. This is because past and future are identically frayed. These
negative forces, most existing in a hyperdimensional state beyond linear time, do not concern
themselves with causality, with going back in time and changing key events, but rather merging
an alternate timeline (or dimension) with your current one, which is identical to pulling all of
mankind on to that alternate timeline. Whether timelines are merged into yours, or whether you
and mankind are pulled into the alternate timeline makes no difference, for both are the same

To these hyperdimensional negative forces, messing with your timeline is simply a matter of moving
you and all connected to you spatially across timelines into another, if they can. Because of your
freewill and higher protection, they are very limited in where they can move you, or which timelines
they can merge with yours. This is just another way of saying that they are limited in what
elements of your reality (which includes recorded past and present circumstances) they can

All their timeline manipulations only affect linear time. Linear time is the progression of physical
events which are in actuality already created and remain a static hologram of quasi- infinite
possibilities. Linear time is like the time of a movie or audio CD, already recorded, but selectively
playable. Actual time consists of ones progression of choices among these possibilities of
experience, and is measured not in tics of seconds, but in demarcations of lessons learned.

The timeline manipulations cannot affect your freewill path through the spatial time plane unless
that is what you choose, though making a choice difficult for someone is not a freewill violation if it
does not keeping him from making that choice.

Choosing, the core process engendered by freewill, is necessary to complete learning lessons in life.
With choice denied, freewill is violated, and a lesson is delayed indefinitely. Thus, while negative
forces with lower freewill cannot deny you choices, they can bias them toward one most benefiting
to their agenda. For them, it is a gamble. If they win, you will make a foolish choice because you
gave in to negative principles such as hatred, laziness, greed, lust, or fear. In that case, they get
some of your energy, a partial conversion to their polarity, and the temporary removal of a potential
threat to their agenda. If you win, however, the more difficult they biased your choices, the greater
and quicker your spiritual evolution, and the more invulnerable you become to further manipulation.
This reveals the ultimate purpose of negative forces, which is to act as resistance for those striving
in a positive direction just as weights act as resistance for bodybuilders.

When it comes to timeline manipulations, negative forces of lower freewill can only alter your timeline
in a way that biases your choices, that makes things more difficult for you. That is, unless they
possess time travel technology which works on physical principles you agreed in the contract with
physicality, in which your ego-level freewill can indeed be violated.

Disregarding that possibility, these changes will appear as negative synchronicities to you, also
known as bad luck. Your Higher Self does not create bad synchronicities for you, it merely opens the
gates and allows a few negative forces to do what they do best. The purpose of such bad luck is to
alert you that a change in belief, perception, thought, feeling, and action are necessary. Whether
you change them toward a more negative polarity and carnally fight through them, or whether you
follow a positive polarity and proceed with wisdom, discernment, and fun struggle, is entirely up to
you. Your goal is to learn the lesson and apply it, so that the particular timeline manipulation and
resultant negative synchronicity does not happen again. Remember, when implemented by lower
negative forces, it happened only because you were not aware of it, which provided an unguarded
bridge into your reality. Become aware to passively protect, and utilize knowledge to actively protect.

So far the article has concerned theory, discussing why YCYOR fails, and why true Reality Creation

My goal is to inform you about the importance of using all your life tools and help opportunities, to
be careful about assessing what you are truly capable of, and to proceed in life with awareness,
wisdom, and discernment. Your learning lessons should be as fun and easy as possible.

To continue, the subject of positive thinking needs to be clarified. The problem with New Ages
version of positive thinking is that it comes at the expense of awareness, for it is a product of pure
ignorance and denial. On a scale of awareness, there are two places where one feels blissful: either
at the point of no awareness, in which one wallows in ignorant bliss, or in total awareness, where one
understands that there is nothing to worry about since all preparations have been made and
lessons learned. YCYOR positive thinking urges one to be at the bottom of the awareness scale,
while true Reality Creation requires having full awareness.

True positive thinking is not denial or ignorance of the negative, but full awareness and
understanding of how to deal with the negative. New Age positive thinking is merely a false fix, an
attempt to suppress internal pressure and misery which arise because of fundamental
misperceptions due to lack of awareness. If a pressure cooker is about to explode, it is better to
turn off the heat than press down harder on the lid. With true positive thinking, your awareness
fosters correct perceptions, which lead to the correct emotions and actions to match a given
situation. Perceptions, emotions, and actions are a balanced trinity when awareness is sufficient.

The less awareness one has, the more unbalanced the trinity, with resultant detrimental effects
which benefit negative forces. Unbalanced perceptions make it easier for your reality and timeline to
be manipulated, for attacks to happen through gaps in your awareness. Unbalanced actions lead to
self-sabotage, a missed opportunity to take active protection. Unbalanced emotions lead to either
mechanization of the soul, or an overflow of emotional energy which are lapped up by negative
forces who feed upon it.

Gaining awareness and utilizing knowledge balances perceptions, emotions, and actions, solving all
these problems. For example, we often mistakenly assume that others act upon motivations that
are identical to our own. Given the same circumstance, it seems we would behave the same. In
reality, there is more to behavior than environmental circumstance. We differ in our individual
experiences, what programs we have assimilated into our neural circuits, our genetic
predispositions, what we have learned, our emotional learning path, and the orientation and degree
of sophistication of our soul development. Often it is our emotional learning path that determines,
via acausal principles and shuffling of the timeline, what circumstances we are born into and
encounter throughout life; this complicates the nature vs nurture dichotomy concerning human

Nevertheless, the assumption that everyone is functionally equal leads to much emotional anguish
when we fail to reconcile their behavior with our own. A paradox arises because reality conflicts with
our assumptions, and our attempts to solve the paradox without further awareness only puts our
hearts through the perpetual grinding stone. In such cases, our perceptions are skewed. For
instance, we may mistakenly see a virtually soulless person as having a heart, and then attempt to
rationalize how he could do such horrendous things if we ourselves could never commit such
False positive thinking would consist of ignoring the paradox rather than solving it. Changing our
perceptions via ignorance or awareness may both lead to emotional tranquility, but these comprise
only 2/3 of the trinity. The third element, action, differs between the two cases. Those who ignore
the paradox will be incapable of taking appropriate action to rectify the source of their problem. But
were we to gain knowledge about the true nature of this person, after necessary contemplation and
discernment we may recognize his true nature. If he has no soul, for example, we would realize that
he therefore has no empathy. In other cases, the person may have a different soul orientation from
our own, different experiences, or differences in any of the other numerous physical, psychological,
and metaphysical variables that bias freewill and contribute toward human behavior. Being open to
the idea that such differences exists prevents us from overlooking them. Therefore, in such cases
we neither take offense nor continue to perpetuate the paradox. This corrects our perceptions, and
we may then behave in an appropriate manner without spilling emotional energy.

If any single element, be it perceptions, actions, or feelings do not match and balance the others,
you will be fed upon, exploited, controlled, and sometimes even sabotaged. For example, if you
understand the nature of psychopaths and do not shed tears for their contrived dramas or get into
rage over their intentional provocations, but neglect to take any action to stop them from doing so,
they will just hammer away at you and feed off you in other ways. That is because despite your
perceptions and feelings being appropriate, lack of action creates the imbalancing factor. Likewise, if
you have balanced perceptions and take appropriate action, but your feelings are in turmoil, these
etheric vampires stick around to soak up the energy. All elements of the trinity must be in balance.

More generally, correct positive thinking means viewing life from an aware perspective, and
thinking/acting/feeling in a manner consistent with this new understanding. The more aware you
are, the higher your evolution, and if you are evolving toward a positive polarity, the more resonant
you become with your Higher Self. Feeling good emotions is secondary to becoming more aware and
acting upon that awareness. For some New Agers, feeling good emotions is the primary goal, and
actions or awareness is often neglected. Unlike this faulty type of positive thinking, the good
emotions that result from correct positive thinking happen because of a true understanding of the
situation. Without taking action, preparation is avoided, and ignorant bliss becomes short lived. By
taking action, preparation is made, and attacks are prevented or defeated.

It is true that you attract what you focus upon. This does not mean that you can prevent what you
ignore, however. Attraction of probable futures (or merging of alternate timelines), via manifesting
or requesting, does not prevent anything, it merely increases the probability of that focused
possibility. Prevention requires not ignorance, but the active utilization of knowledge.

How can you know if thinking positively about something is an act of denial or one of
understanding? Sometimes you cannot. The best course of action is to think positively regardless,
but always act upon your awareness and do what you have to do, be it prevention, standing up to
an imposing force, or actively deconstructing illusory limits. In this way, you attract positive
experiences, but also take physical measures to prevent negative situations. The latter is missing
from YCYOR, which leaves its followers very vulnerable to attacks.

One rule of thumb that works well for me goes as follows: Let the heart be your compass and
intellect be your flashlight. The heart shows you where to go, the intellect shows you where youre

Your Higher Self does not fear anything, nor does it have hatred, jealousy, vengeance, lust, or
greed. These emotions, among others, are to be avoided, but not suppressed. If you have to
suppress them, this means you are merely patching over faults in your perceptions rather than
increasing your awareness. You increase awareness by observing, thinking, contemplating,
analyzing, theorizing, testing, feeling, and experiencing. You will know that your positive emotions
match your perceptions and awareness if it thrusts you into taking action that cuts off the source
of an annoyance at its root, that gets you to change your reality via active participation.

Due to illusory limits and programmed misperceptions, most of us have a more negative outlook on
life than necessary. A negative outlook is one that makes us feel we have more limits than we
actually do.

When we have negative emotions, they consist of two parts: one subjective half induced by illusory
limits, and the other objective half induced by provocations in the environment. To solve the
problem of a negative emotion, change must take place both internally and externally. Internally, we
must dissolve subjective emotions based on limited awareness by filling in perceptual holes with
true understanding. Externally, we cut off the source of an annoyance by taking action based on

For example, if a person at work pushes your buttons all the time, not only must first you
understand his true nature and thus diffuse the subjective half of the negative emotions you would
otherwise generate, but you must also take action and stand up to him or do whatever is necessary
to get him to stop attacking you, which then removes the other objective half of your negative
emotions by cutting off its external source or removing oneself from it.

It is not enough to only extinguish subjective emotions, because objective negative emotions
remain unsolved and not acted upon. Thus, the external provocation remains. Ignoring objective
emotions and failing to take well planned action leads to a turn the other cheek attitude, a
submission to violence, and one remains a victim.

Victimhood is not only a state of mind, but a state of inaction. There are some who think that
merely changing ones mentality removes them from victimhood. Plenty of talk exists about ridding
oneself of victim mentality, but that is only half of the solution. The other half is to rid oneself of
victim behavior by not allowing the predator to feed, exploit, or control oneself.

Although malleable, reality does have much objectivity, which as already explained is a consequence
of contracts one has made with other beings and forces, contracts made at a level you cannot break
without evolving to that level or requesting your Higher Self to make such exceptions. Because of
the objectivity of reality, changing your mentality is not always enough to solve a problem; action is
often needed. The proportion of mental to physical change required depends on the situation, of

But to deny the objective component of such an experience is sheer ignorance, like in the case of a
prisoner who thinks he is free just because he changes his mentality and tries to enjoy being
imprisoned. Besides, is that not one goal of negative forces in their quest to manipulate us, to get
us to love our prison or perhaps deny that we even exist in one? This is another trap of YCYOR, to
make us believe our reality is more subjective than it truly is. In truth, our prison is both
psychological and physical, internal and external, and breaking out requires changes in both.

When it comes to organic portals, to apply the preceding principles you must first dissolve all
subjective negative emotions within yourself by understanding what is really going on, and only
then should you take action to remove the rest of the annoyance. If you attempt to remove an
organic portal without first changing your perceptions and diffusing the psychologically induced
component of your emotional response, the organic portal will simply feed off of you. Crudely put,
their behavior will not change because your over-emotional attempt to tell them off actually gets
them off.

By first understanding the situation, what emotions you do have left are objective, righteous, and in
alignment with your perceptions; these, the organic portal cannot feed upon. By taking action
without submitting food, the organic portal has no choice but to retreat and find someone else to
feed on.

The benefits of true Reality Creation, when used in conjunction with personal effort and objective
action, should be apparent by now. The remainder of this article describes two ways of how to apply
Reality Creation.


Once again, when it comes to manifesting, you can best influence elements of your reality that you
have already evolved beyond, whose associated lessons you have learned, and who exist in a lower
frequency of awareness than you. The less evolved and aware you are, the more you stay slave to
your physical reality, and the more you might tend to rely upon technology to manipulate it into
obeying your will.

If evolved, you are entrusted with the ability to change lower elements by virtue of your relative
higher awareness and discernment. If you try to manifest something for negative reasons, either
your attempt will fail due to lack of awareness which generated the negativity, or else you will tarnish
your spiritual track record and impose upon yourself some karma. Karma is just a check list of
things one needs to experience to learn.

Manifestation requires utilization of ones freewill, the active employment of will, intent, and focus.
Mere mechanical attempts at manifestation tend to fail, unless they are of an extremely ritualistic
and symbolic nature which actually comprises a way of hacking into reality. Ritual and magic is a
type of technology, a crutch that atrophies freewill and hitches ones soul to the negative hierarchy
if used as an ends rather than a means to an ends. It is recommended that one stay away from
ritual and magic, for they are not necessary, and tend to be detrimental methods of manipulating
higher forces irresponsibly.

Manifesting means changing your reality without applying physical action. It is a facilitator of
physical action, not its replacement. The basis of manifesting involves using ones mind to create or
seek out an alternate timeline, an alternate possibility to the way things are now or will most likely go
in short time. Present reality and that alternate reality must be made identical in order for
manifested changes to materialize.

How exactly one goes about doing this varies from person to person. What works for one might not
work for another. To discover what works for you, just think back to all the times you actually got
what you intended to manifest and what state of mind you were in.

The following method and theory describes my personal application of Reality Creation principles,
which may or may not be identical or similar to what works for you. Keep in mind that these are no
substitute for direct action, preparation, fun struggle, or prevention. There merely aid these things,
ridding ones life of unnecessary friction.

Here is the method and theory I use:

First, you must be fully conscious to manifest something, which means planting your mind firmly
upon this point in space and time, becoming aware of the here and now. This channels your will and
energy into the actual present reality within which you exist, rather than sloppily diffusing it across
random dimensions and moments as is typical of daydreams or states of inattention. This energy
will be used to bind present reality to the one you intend to manifest.

While maintaining this alertness of the present moment and location, visualize what it is you intend
to manifest. This creates an alternate dimension, an assemblage of thoughtforms, a way of seeking
out candidate timelines which match the intended manifestation. The best fitting timelines are
automatically selected, ones that accommodate the freewill of everyone whose realities are coupled
to yours.

Last, you need to merge your visualized dimension or candidate timeline with present reality. This is
done by identifying both of them as being the same thing, by intending and believing that what you
visualized is present reality. You use the feeling of full consciousness and awareness of the present
reality to empower the visualized reality. They thus become bound together, and synchronicities
arise to complete their merger.

To summarize, first you consciously grab hold of the present reality by focusing on this point in
space and time, then construct or select an alternate reality by visualizing the subject of your
manifestation. You empower that visualization with the feeling of presence gained from focusing
upon the present reality, and then fully bind the two by seeing them as identical. This process can
be abbreviated by skipping the first step, and simply placing full focus and intent into the visualized
reality. The purpose of the first step is just to get a feel for actuality.

In other words, know what you want, demand what you want, and mean what you demand. The
more specific you are in your demands, the more likely it will happen. This is because manifestation
requires the directing of will, and being specific directs ones will with precision. Being specific also
shows use of awareness, the accurate pinpointing of ones demands rather than a blind shot in the

Whether manifesting is an act of wishful thinking or the positive use of ones abilities, depends on
whether it aids spiritual evolution, respects freewill, is demanded with full consideration of truth
and, is directed downward on the spiritual hierarchy, and is even possible to achieve.

On the one hand, it can be used for negative purposes and the control of others, or it can be used
for positive purposes such as protection from redundant attacks and hassles. Whatever the case
may be, keep in mind that the method of manifestation is only auxiliary, to be used for making
things as easy as they should be, but cannot be relied upon to actually thrust you through life.


This method is also known as prayer, though it does not require kneeling or folding ones hands.
When requesting something, you can direct it toward all positive and higher aspects of your own
consciousness, including your Higher Self, positive entities who are more evolved than you, and the
universe itself. The point of requesting is to make use of the network you are part of, to allow higher
aspects of yourself to do things that you yourself cannot do because of your limited evolution. They
will help if they deem it a wise thing to do, if it does not hinder your spiritual evolution.

Unlike the process of manifesting, you are not sending your will and energy outward to twist the
arm of anyone or anything. You are merely announcing your openness, making an earnest request
for help from higher positive sources, who normally respect your freewill and therefore do not
intervene unless you give them permission.
Help from higher forces is unlike influence from lower negative forces, who absolutely cannot
interfere unless you give them permission, which unfortunately comes in more forms than mere
verbal submission. Other forms of permission included your contract with physicality, personal
displays of ignorance, and succumbing to subjective negative emotions.

As the saying goes, God helps those who help themselves, and ask and ye shall receive. Reality
must be met halfway, and requests are only granted if one has first done everything one can do. In
other words, do all you can do, and if you request, the rest will be taken care of.

Like manifestation, requesting is merely an aid to living. Its best application is in helping you get
protection from things you cannot personally protect yourself from.


We exist to learn and evolve. The nature of a particular reality we operate within reveal how such
lessons should best be learned. This is because at some level, we choose the circumstances of our
lives to best facilitate our evolution. Evolution progresses most efficiently when full use is made of all
available resources, physical and metaphysical.

Attempting to evolve while adhering to a purely physical paradigm results in unnecessary pain,
friction, and interference. Trying to evolve while only following a metaphysical perspective leads to
stagnation, vulnerability, and sloth. But combining both to create a balanced paradigm and
approach to life results in efficient learning and evolving. We exist on earth for a reason, which is to
learn and evolve by both physical and metaphysical means, by transforming both ourselves and our
environment in accordance with divine structure.

Changing our environment without changing ourselves leads to irresponsibility and refusal to learn,
while changing ourselves without changing the environment is a selfish act that defeats many
peoples purpose for even being here. This change of the environment is simply the physical effect
of a higher positive metaphysical cause, the creative influx of higher energies which lead to personal
actions which change the environment in a way that facilitates the evolution of all. Change of oneself
means personally evolving by gaining knowledge and awareness. The purpose of physicality is to
lock different beings into common dimensional arenas of interaction, so they can evolve via that
interaction. Thus, the goal of physical existence is to personally evolve by helping others evolve, no
matter the polarity.

The objective nature of our reality demands that it is not enough to change the world by merely
transforming our internal psychological and spiritual state. We do create our own reality, but at a
level beyond our total control at this level of evolution, and thus there are some things we cannot
change by merely changing ourselves. These require utilization of knowledge, putting what one has
learned into practice.

Internal transformation and growth by themselves only have a passive effect upon reality by setting
up synchronicities, passive protection, and other reality creation processes. These can only do so
much; they cannot do all. The rest can be achieved only through active efforts, which occur when
internal transformation guides ones actions. When it comes to seeking to materialize something
positive, it is not enough to only think positively and do reality creation, but to take action and make
it happen. And when it comes to protection, it is not enough to become aware of dangers and
request protection or intend that they keep away, but to get into action and take preparatory or
preventative measures. Reality creation facilitates action, but does not take its place.

While YCYOR is a trap designed by negative forces to disarm its targets for easier consumption,
true Reality Creation provides metaphysical tools which help one progress through ones learning
lessons as efficiently and painlessly as possible. Manifestation and requesting are methods of true
Reality Creation which make good use of our position on the spiritual hierarchy between higher and
lower evolved beings and forces.
Opening the Flow
Have you ever been under distressing financial circumstances, expecting to fall into an abyss of
poverty with the next emergency expense? How many times have you suffered the worst of your
expectations? How many times did help come from unexpected places to get you through despite
the worst of odds?

Our expectations come from what we have been programmed to expect. What actually happens
depends on the laws of reality deciding the nature of our experiences. Those who pay attention will
see that what actually happens is most often at odds with what is expected. Why do our plans and
anticipations about the future rarely happen the way we envision them? Why are our programmed
expectations so different from our actual experiences?

The answer is that many of these expectations are control mechanisms grafted onto us by the
Matrix Control System. From birth we are indoctrinated through school, social programming, media
and culture to believe in a backward system of limitations and motivations that have nothing to do
with our true potential or reason for being here. We are taught what is taboo and what is
respectable, what is possible and what is not, what goals to shoot for and what path to follow to
achieve those goals. This indoctrination is so complete that most of us accept its precepts as
common sense and tend to fight or disbelieve any suggestions that reality could be to the contrary,
even if these suggestions come from our own life experiences.

The system of assumptions we are offered by the Matrix is only a simulacra of reality, a manipulated
copy posing as the original. It seems perfectly legitimate until you explore territory not covered by
the impostor version of reality, then true reality shines through. By daring to do the impossible,
pushing the limits, you begin seeing glimpses of a higher realm of possibility.

Often we dont have the guts to push the envelope but are nonetheless thrust into these forbidden
territories through seemingly unfortunate circumstances: financial disasters, emergencies,
ultimatums, and unavoidable risks. And just when failure seems certain, the unexpected happens:
money comes from an unexpected source, a needed opportunity arrives just in the nick of time,
everything amazingly falls into place.

Most people encountering these last minute miracles pass them off as freak exceptions to the rule,
nothing that can be relied upon as a common occurrence. But what these people dont realize is
that as far as life experiences go, the anomalies of yesterday can become the norm of tomorrow. In
other words, rather than being freak anomalies, they are manifestations of higher laws that are
just as immutable as the laws of science. Still, these higher laws tend to go unnoticed by people
who have bought into the control system and keep their noses to the ground.

The higher laws of reality are yours to employ if you can muster sufficient courage to live by them.
There is no guarantee for the future other than what was guaranteed in the past. Reflect upon your
unusual positive past experiences and know that the principles behind their manifestation shall
continue to hold true in the future. They are failsafe and dependable principles that can be applied
with some faith. This faith is not blind faith, but one based on real experience, of having previously
glimpsed the next stage and confidently knowing it exists and can be reached.
Have you ever thought to yourself, If only I had the money, I would do something positive, buy
what you need, fulfill your dreams? Well, realize that if your motivation is pure and wise, then the
money is already secured. flows from unexpected sources. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

By first taking a leap of faith toward your goal without worrying about the material means to get
there, these material means automatically fall into place. That is a type of financial security
guaranteed by higher laws. You know these laws are valid because they have always worked and will
therefore always continue to work.

When one worries first about money, the trap is set. When one pursues ones
passion, all else falls into place. What you do not yet allow yourself to understand is
that this principle never, ever fails. But you certainly are not alone. The 4th density
STS programmers relish the thought. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

Some will have doubts because this goes entirely opposite our programmed expectations and
common sense. The Matrix tells us that to reach a goal, we must first secure the financial means.
This security is offered through credit cards, financing, loans, or savings, all of which require no
faith or understanding of higher laws to secure, only ambition and soul-bargaining. While this
certainly works, it is inefficient because to attain the goal this way, you must give up either some
energy or freedom in exchange for security. Evidently, ignorance of the higher creates slavery to the

There are no limits, just controlsThe knowledge gives one all the necessary tools
to overcome the controls. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

There are no limits other than those we assume through our ignorant beliefs or bring upon
ourselves through unwise choices. Although opening the flow requires that we cast aside limiting
assumptions and expand our beliefs to include higher truths, this does not allows us to also escape
having to complete what was initiated by past choices. Financial debt, marriage, children, binding
contracts and obligations these are continuing consequences of choices once made. They cannot
be immediately eliminated with a simple change of attitude, which may be discouraging for those
who wish to avoid responsibility.

But there is cause for hope. Just as the past affects the present, so does the present affect the
future. No matter how burdened your life is right now, tomorrow can be better if you choose to align
your thoughts, feelings, and actions with higher principles and thereby initiate consequences that
liberate instead of bind.

As Inside, So Outside

To open the flow, you must be free of fear, worry, and doubt. Unfounded negative thoughts clog
the flow just as gunk clogs a sink.

...your mind must not only hold true and pure thoughtsGods thoughts
onlyabout the material life of yourself and others, and about your physical
well-being, but you must know that Gods Mind is the Source of all true thoughts
and by perfect faith and trust in Him you thus keep yourself open to the free
circulation of His Thoughts in your consciousness about both your affairs and your
body, thus creating perfect health and harmony in both. (The Way Out)
The question is, what constitutes an unfounded negative thought? Some people say their negative
thinking is justified because such thoughts are natural responses to negative life experiences. This
excuse is flawed for several reasons. First, just as experiences influence thought, so does thought
influence experience. Secondly, we choose how to mentally and emotionally respond to any given
experience in life, meaning there is more than one way to respond.

So we participate in a feedback cycle with reality, experiences shaping our mindset and our mindset
influencing our experiences. Choice is what lets us break out of any cycle and initiate a new kind. By
assuming there can only be negative responses to negative experiences, people lock themselves
into a vicious cycle whereby negative thoughts create negative experiences which in turn seem to
objectively justify further negative thoughts. By assuming the external world is independent of
our internal world, the internal world capitulates to the external world. Because thought effects
experience, the only way to break out of this cycle is to choose to think, feel, and act differently than
before, in alignment with higher principles rather than old Matrix-programmed assumptions.

Therefore, one must replace fear, worry, and doubt with courage, faith, and confidence regardless
of prior negative patterns of experience. This may seem like willfull ignorance or wishful thinking, but
there is a difference. Wishful thinking is baseless and proves itself empty when its false
assumptions contradict what actually happens. In contrast, unclogging the flow by having courage,
faith, and confidence is far from baseless because it stands upon principles that have already been
proven through past positive patterns of experiences. Furthermore, rather than contradicting what
actually happens, these actually affect what happens.

The quickest way to rid your mind of that old fear of want, fear of your job, fear of
the power of money, is to have an absolute trust in your heavenly Fathers loving
care and for you to pay out gladly your last dollar for a needed thing. KNOWING
that by so doing you make it possible for Him to supply you with plenty more. (The
Way Out)

The validity of having courage, faith, and confidence in higher principles is evidenced by the
consequent alteration of life experiences for the better.

Increasing the Flow

Because money is a type of flow, we can make a comparison to water flow in order to illustrate the
difference between making money the Matrix way or the Divine way. To empty water from a bottle,
common sense says to tip it upside down. Sure enough, the water goes glug several times and
eventually empties. But if instead one first shakes the bottle in a circular motion, the flow forms into
a vortex that more rapidly and efficiently drains from the bottle. Nature loves efficiency, and the
vortex is natures most efficient form of flow. If one initiates an impulse in line with the laws of
nature (shaking the bottle / leaping toward a wisely chosen goal on solid faith that the material
means will synchronistically fall into place), the resulting flow will be many times more efficient than
were these laws ignored. The Matrix method of progress is based on ignorance of higher laws and is
inefficient. But if one initiates an impulse in line with those higher laws, progress speeds up as
reality aligns via numerous synchronicities, just as flow speeds up as water aligns into the shape of
a vortex.

It is as if your needs must keep the stream of money ever flowing, if you would not
clog up its source. For money, in its true sense, is the means for the perfect
expression of material life even as the blood is the means for the perfect expression
of physical health. (The Way Out)
To increase the flow of money, you must exercise your ability to spend it. This is no different from
increasing physical energy by exercising your body. Pinching your dollar to save money is like
staying physically inactive to conserve energy. Some would say this makes sense, that to increase
money one must stop spending it freely, and to increase physical energy one must conserve it.
However, in the long run this leads to nothing less than atrophy. Some would say it is paradoxical
that in order to increase physical energy one must expend it but that is precisely whats needed.
Exercise increases your capacity to generate and handle a greater amount of physical energy.
Likewise, by exercising your ability to spend money without reservation, you increase your capacity
for handling greater flows of money and so flow naturally increases.

It is the pinching and holding on to your last dollar, fearing that no more will come,
that actually prevents your receiving more. For giving, more than anything else,
helps to open the channel so that supply, both spiritual and material, can freely
flow. (The Way Out)

What the Matrix tells us is once again backwards from the truth. You increase money by spending

Giving is Receiving

It should now be clear why wisdom teaches that giving is receiving, and why the more we give, the
more we receive. People tend to take this at face value and fail to realize the far-reaching
implications of this principle. Their interpretation is that we give at our own material expense, and
the most we will get in return is some appreciation which should satisfy our hearts by being a fair
trade lest we feel guilty for not considering something immaterial a fair compensation for our
material expense. This is faux spirituality hiding an underlying conflict between our programmed
drive for material survival and programmed drive for social acceptance as seemingly altruistic
individuals. This twisted doublethink arises because it is based on the false assumption that we give
at our own expense.

In truth, by giving, everyone wins. The recipient wins because by becoming open channels for
synchronistic flow, you allow this flow to reach him or her through your act of giving. And you win
because by being an open channel, more shall flow into your life. A river receives from upstream
what it sends downstream. Likewise, what you give, you receive.

The Fallacy of Ascetism

The Matrix Control System takes care of its own. Those who sell their souls and assimilate
themselves into the Matrix system of greed, competition, and manipulation are rewarded with
sufficient material perks, social status, and power to keep them from wanting to leave.

Then there are people who look upon this system with disgust, seeking instead a path free from
materialism. The live in poverty conditions, believing that the only way to be spiritual is to reject the
material. However, this belief contains a fatal mistake, one that the Matrix Control System has
encouraged because it disarms spiritual seekers from having any real power in the world. In truth,
the key to spiritual empowerment is not in rejecting materialism, but in transcending it.

There is a difference between rejecting money and transcending money, for example. The first
eliminates money from ones life, the second eliminates moneys control from ones life. The first
makes one slave to poverty, the second makes one spiritually free from material limitations. The first
creates impotence, the second creates power.
Indeed, self-imposed material limitations can detrimentally affect ones ability to be of service to
others. The greatest benefactors of humanity were those who transcended rather than rejected the
system and therefore possessed the power to make a difference. For instance, Gandhi was not a
poor man, but rather an educated lawyer who transcended the political and economic control
system of the British Empire and was therefore able to free his people. If he had instead rejected
the system and been an uneducated beggar, no one today would know his name.

The problem facing those who reject rather than transcend the material world when pursuing
spiritual priorities is that they reside in the intermediate void between the lower and higher reality.
As mentioned, the Matrix provides material rewards to those who ambitiously carry out their
self-serving desires, and the Divine Will (that of the Creator, the Higher Self, etc) provides material
assistance to those who recognize and apply higher principles in dedication to service and
awakening. People who live in the void are neither rewarded by the Matrix nor assisted by the higher
principles of prosperity they fail to recognize. Believing that material martyrdom is necessary for
spiritual progress makes it so.

All there is, is lessons. When one understands this, one no longer searches for the
non-existent and unnecessary, safety net. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

Because our reality is a learning program, material limitations are superceded in priority by
metaphysical ends, whether those ends are towards empowering or giving up ones soul. This is
why those who sell their souls become the materialistic elite of this world, and those who empower
their souls to enable better service to others also have no worries about material limitations. All is
lessons. Material things are just props of the learning program, easily edited and rearranged to suit
the learning needs of any individual. Material limitations exist only for those who have yet to develop
their full potential, yet to strongly polarize toward the Matrix Control System or the Divine Will.

To summarize, material martyrdom is not necessary for spiritual progress. When in balance,
material prosperity naturally arises when priority is given to spiritual prosperity. Where the Divine
Will flows, material limitations melt away.

Turning the Tables, Flipping the Boat

When you transcend material limitations, everyone wins but the control system and its power
monopolies who rely upon the illusion of finite resources to pose as the sole providers of those
resources. When you transcend material limitations by aligning your inner and outer world with a
higher reality, you no longer feed the control system. This does more than starve the control
system, it actually removes money from the system.

Knowledge of how to open the flow is heavily suppressed for this reason, not by overt suppression
against the availability of this knowledge, but rather covert programming of the masses to be
unaware or willfully ignorant of it. Before discussing how the Matrix suppresses this knowledge, I
must first explain why opening the flow actually harms the control system beyond merely starving

Lets say someone kindly gives you a sum of money for whatever reason, and soon this person, by
having opened his flow, receives compensation in an unexpected way from up the river. Where
does the river start? Where does the money originally come from? The only place it can come from:
the Matrix financial system itself. Besides new job opportunities, unexpected sources of money
often manifest as surprise rebate checks, unannounced bonuses, miraculous contest and lottery
prizes, forgotten savings or inheritance money recently discovered, etc the possibilities are
endless. If it doesnt come from someone who himself is passing along the flow, then it comes from
its ultimate source, the Matrix financial system.

Yes, when people reclaim their divine heritage and open the flow, something amazing happens:
money flows from the collective walking dead to the brave family of living souls. It transfers from the
Matrix Control System to those who have transcended it. Transcendence is power. This transfer of
wealth happens via the phenomenon of synchronistic induction (my term). Synchronistic induction
is the rearrangement of lower material circumstances to suit higher divine will. To the lower, this
manifests as glitches, accidents, mistakes, accounting errors, freak anomalies, happenstance,
synchronicity, etc but from the higher perspective it is all according to plan and principle. Higher
laws override lower laws when they are recognized and applied.

Man Behind the Curtain? What Curtain?

The majority of mankind does not recognize higher laws and consequently cannot apply them. This
is by designand by choice. The Matrix Control System owes its power to the fact that people give
it power. Illusion, ignorance, and greed sustain the control system. Freewill is bartered for security
and most people live as slaves, perhaps happy slaves but slaves nonetheless. You might see this
situation as an injustice, but once you realize that freedom is not denied, simply ignored, the
matter is no longer an injustice but rather a tragedy. Like Dorothy, we have always had the power.
We have always had the ability to open the flow to prosperity, but it takes a long and arduous road
of failure and deception for most to finally recognize and gain confidence in a better way.

But the programming is deep and our fear of failure can be strong enough to cast doubt on the
validity of opening the flow. We may look at the homeless, the battered, the social and financial
failures we see every day in the media, on the streets, in our neighborhood, even in our own families
we look at them and wonder why, if the higher principles of flow are valid and one need only spend
to prosper, have they fallen to the bottom? We may look at everyone else but ourselves, and
thereby choose for ourselves the very limits others have chosen. This is foolish the limits of others
need not be your own, but the Matrix sure hopes you see it that way.

Understand that besides those who have fallen because of unwise choices, who require such harsh
experiences to resolve karma or learn some lesson that could not be learned otherwise, there are
other people who exist primarily as hired clappers for the Matrix directing the rest of the audience,
setting examples for the rest of society to follow. You read about them in the news all the time
examples of what the Matrix says will happen to you if you dont sell your soul in exchange for the
security it offers. This is only a scare tactic, though a very effective one at frightening people into
believing they share the same vulnerability and limitations as those advertised through the victims
of society.

In truth, only your own experiences, intuition, and reasoning skills can tell you what laws,
possibilities, and limitations apply to you. Forget the limitations of others, they are not your own.
Only by testing reality can you know what youre capable of, and whether the higher principles you
previously glimpsed are valid and can be counted upon in the future.

Do What You Love, and You Will Love What You Do

When you follow your enthusiasm, acknowledge and act upon the calling of your soul, and do what
really interests and satisfies you on a deep spiritual level, that is when the flow opens wide and life
becomes effortless, free of the struggles familiar to those still bound by the Matrix.

When you are doing as you should, it is effortless. Let that be your guide. There is
no such thing as hard work, unless one is going against the grain. (Cassiopaean

Some may frown at the word effortless and wonder how there can be personal growth without
struggle. With this objection there is failure to distinguish between lower and higher interpretations
of the terms effortless and struggle.

The lower interpretation, best suited for life under Matrix control, defines effortless living as
getting large returns from minimal investments of energy. The Matrix tells people to pride
themselves on efficiency since this perpetuates the illusion that resources are finite and must
therefore be economized to produce the greatest returns. The effortless life in this sense means
being at the top and living the high life at the expense of others.

Likewise, within the Matrix system the term struggle means spending energy and asserting
personal will over the opposing will of others and overcoming material limitations through sheer
ambition and perseverance. Relying solely upon themselves to succeed, those who struggle to the
top in this manner do so at the expense of their own soul energy and end up as wealthy but hollow

Remember, your reality is a result of your thoughts. If you believe that things are
hard, what are you creating? Many of you have spent lifetimes honoring and
respecting family members or people of society who you believe are uplifting
citizens and who represent to you a certain work ethic and value system. You have
not thought to question this work ethic or to see if there is any other way. So you
believe that in order to get money you must expend a great amount of energy, or
you must be employed by someone who is going to give it to you, or whatever.
These ideas are completely and totally erroneous. We cannot emphasize that
enough. When you are allowing, Spirit will compensate you in a variety of
unexpected ways. The only reason this has not happened before is that you just
havent believed it was possible. When you believe things are possible, reality
changes. (Bringers of the Dawn)

As for the higher interpretations of these terms, applicable to opening the flow and transcending
the Matrix, what is meant by effortless is that when you follow your heart, all the energy you need
to be productive is infinitely supplied in the form of enthusiasm and love. Additionally, material
limitations disappear as opportunities synchronistically manifest to assist you. Because your energy
to be productive comes from an unlimited source, and reality assists rather than resists your
utilization of this energy, life becomes effortless and fun.

State of mind is the name of the game here. We cannot emphasize that to you
enough: how you feel about reality and how you program reality is how you are
going to respond to it or how it is going to present itself to you. That is why we say,
Go for it! Be outrageous! Do what excites you! Do the impossible! You can do it.
You can do whatever you want to do. You will transform your world no matter what
state the world is in.(Bringers of the Dawn)

So, whereas Matrix slaves struggle to pit their own willpower and energy against external obstacles
and competition and burn out in the process, these same issues are moot for those who have
transcended the Matrix.

This leads to the higher interpretation of struggle because once you are free of the material
struggles that preoccupy people still stuck in the illusion, you have a more important set of
struggles to deal with, namely spiritual ones. By opening the flow, life can become effortless in the
material and logistical sense, but spiritual goals and challenges take their place.

Money seems to be an issue with everyone. You all have very definitive beliefs about
how money comes to you. The more you believe you must work hard for money,
the harder you are going to have to work. Many of you believe it is quite normal to
work hard for money, and that if you dont work hard for money then it is dirty.
Let us ask you to remember the word effortless and incorporate it into your
vocabulary. Say to yourself, I am effortlessly intending that this come about. To
be effortless is to command to reality to bring itself to you in a way that gives room
for plenty of energy to be expended in other experimentation. (Bringers of the

This also answers another potential question: What incentive is there for doing productive work if
money manifests simply by spending and giving?

The answer should be clear. First of all, transcending lower limitations and burdens doesnt free you
of all challenges. In fact, it only frees you of the petty ones so that ideally, you have more time,
energy, and resources to do work that actually matters in the big scheme of things. Instead of
being preoccupied with chasing illusory goals and butting heads against illusory limits, living by
higher principles frees you of these distractions and lets you engage in more meaningful work. This
all comes from doing what you can and love to do, rather than suffering through unappealing work
because in ignorance of higher principles you feel you have no other choice.

We mentioned before about career. And we mentioned family. When one is

engaged in going against the grain, never the twain shall meet. You have seen that
by now. Now please recognize that your interests should direct your life from here.
To be engaged in unsatisfactory endeavors has led you to this point. Please follow
your instinctual objectives. This is what will lead from the gloom into the Glorious
Light. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

Opening flow requires that money come purely as a byproduct of following your heart; money is not
an incentive when the heart alone compels you into action. In other words, the incentive for doing
higher productive work lies beyond material compensation, arising instead from an inner sense of
service, compassion, wisdom, courage, and necessity. By acting on these living principles as they
are felt and acknowledged, the material details automatically work themselves out.

Seek ye first the desire of the heart and all else falls into place. (Cassiopaean

Transcending the Matrix Control System means entering a new realm of development along spiritual
instead of material lines, with the latter no longer being an obstacle. Instead of fighting for material
power, for example, one fights for truth and the enlightenment of self and others. Instead of
struggling against social or financial competition, one struggles against ignorance. These are
definite challenges but ones motivated by love and destiny rather than greed and social

A Challenge

After reflecting upon your life experiences and hopefully affirming what I have written in this article,
are you courageous enough to put this realization to the test? Have no doubt that these principles
can be tested, for they are immutable laws.

Here is the challenge. After making an assessment of your current and previous financial situation,
commit yourself to applying these higher principles.

When you spend to progress, you prosper. (Cassiopaean Transcripts)

Give a couple dollars to the homeless when they approach you, and donate some money to people,
websites, or causes that appeal to your heart. If there is something you or a loved one needs to
buy, have no qualms about spending the necessary money. If you need to make necessary repairs
to your house or car, do not delay. If there is a book that appeals to your thirst for knowledge and
wisdom, get it. And so on. Whatever your heart compels you to do, whatever brightens you from
the inside and uplifts your spirits when considering it, do it without regret or worry. Let each act be
an affirmation of your confidence in the validity of a better existence.

Know that you can freely do all these things because you are opening yourself as an outlet for the
divine will and sending downstream what you shall receive from upstream. With compassion toward
whom you are giving, have gratitude toward the source from which you shall be receiving. Know
that the less you can fathom the manner in which what you give or spend could ever return to you,
the more surprising shall be its return.

After keeping this up for a month, reassess your financial situation. If you have taken the
synchronistic opportunities that came your way and even halfway maintained your sense of faith
and courage, you will find that despite spending more, you are actually better off than you were

However, if you consistently spend on items and activities that harm others, impede your spiritual
progress by serving as distractions, or indulge in negativity and egotism, then the flow will diminish.
If you are uncertain whether what you are doing, spending on, or giving for is wise, simply consult
your intuition and also watch how reality reacts to you intentions. If you are acting unwisely, not
only will there be an inner sense of flatness or resistance, but reality will respond with synchronistic
obstacles and mishaps indicating that you are going against the grain of progress. This will always
happen when you try to do something that is simply not meant to be, or perhaps not yet meant to

Good things happen to those who have patience and avoid anticipation.
(Cassiopaean Transcripts)

The biggest killer of flow is anticipation. Anticipation comes from worrying about the future,
particularly when following a sequence of steps to create a pre-calculated effect. Some might
attempt to apply higher principles solely as a means to obtaining more money. This is backwards
from the correct system of following higher principles and letting money come naturally as a
material complement to the enrichment of spiritual life. By reversing the process and impatiently
anticipating the return after having applied a series of steps in order to milk reality of wealth, one
merely cuts off flow and suffers the consequence of exploiting higher principles to satisfy lower

The proper way to open flow is to act on principle instead of anticipation. Anticipation is based on
the illusions of past and future, principle exists in the only true moment, the present moment.
Anticipation is temporal, principle is eternal. Following your heart, or acting from your higher center,
negates the need for anticipation because first, doing so fills you with the faith and courage to know
it will all work out and thus there is no worry pressing you into obsessing about the outcome, and
secondly, instead of implementing a series of steps to create an eventual result, you are responding
in the moment to a higher impulse, be it love, enthusiasm, or compassion.

True Reality Creation

The systems of True Reality Creation and Opening the Flow greatly complement each other.
Respectively, these are direct and indirect ways of employing higher principles to improve your life.
The first involves intending that things go your way without interference and requesting assistance
or protection from higher forces. The second, as covered in this article, involves consciously aligning
yourself with the Divine Will.

Together, intending, requesting, and aligning comprise a three-fold system of practical spiritual
empowerment. To learn more about the first two, please read What Are You Going to DO With Your
Life? and True Reality Creation.


Opening the flow is opening the door to a new realm of possibilities. It is these possibilities, however,
that we were born to explore. We incarnate with a basic list of spiritual priorities and goals but most
of us get caught up in the illusion and neglect to fulfill them. Only by seeing through the illusion,
acknowledging the reality that lies beyond, going with the flow, acting from the higher center
within, following our hearts and heeding our intuition can we regain the clarity and power needed to
accomplish what we came here to do and optimally learn what we came here to learn.
Realm Dynamics
Version 0.2 :: June 30th 2005 :: :: Download PDF

[The principles of Realm Dynamics were inspired by the Cassiopaeans, expanded by the Nexus
Seven, refined through numerous discussions with friends, and confirmed by experience.]


An ancient hermetic axiom states that everything is mind, everything vibrates. Since each living
thing is uniquely conscious, each living thing carries a unique vibratory signature. The soul
broadcasts a rich spectrum of vibrations, which through the principle of resonance attracts a
corresponding spectrum of experiences. Souls of a common frequency share common realms of
experience and tend to cross paths in life.

This is the study of realm dynamics, how vibrations influence experience, and how experience
influences vibration. The simplicity of correspondence between soul vibration and personal
experience betrays the astounding nature of its implications. For instance, realm dynamics explains
how our daily experiences are the end effects of hyperdimensional processes, why people with victim
or predator mentalities attract each other, how dissonance between individuals attracts
synchronistic triggers for confrontation, how learning a lesson ahead of time prevents it from
manifesting as experience, why a pure heart protects one from danger, and how personal parting of
ways and the upcoming Shift are different degrees of precisely the same phenomenon.


When we speak of vibration, we are really talking about waves with amplitude, frequency, and
phase. Amplitude is the strength, frequency the rapidity of fluctuation, and phase the alignment or
timing of a wave. For a wave to exist and propagate there must be a source and medium, that
which generates vibration and that which carries it outward. For instance, a guitar string initiates
vibrations that travel through air in the form of alternating peaks and troughs in air pressure.

Soul vibrations are no less tangible than sound waves, though their nature and medium of
propagation are more exotic. They employ the same medium through which light and radio waves
travel but are made of potential waves rather than electromagnetic waves. This means the soul
vibratory field (also known as the aura) consists of fields and waves far subtler than electric or
magnetic fields, which is why conventional instruments cannot detect the aura. Nevertheless this
field is rife with patterned energy and informationthe very stuff of thought and emotion.

Realm dynamics is essentially about quantum physics, or at least how quantum principles allow
consciousness to interface with physical reality. Quantum physics calculates probable futures and
consciousness selects which one to experience. But whereas conventional science says quantum
effects are limited to the subatomic scale, here we acknowledge that perhaps quantum phenomena
are just as active in the macroscopic world and actually drive the progression of our experiences.

Because quantum processes determine not only what we perceive but also through what we
perceive, we are largely unaware of their influence. The situation is similar to swimmers floating
down a river at equal speed, each swimmer relatively stationary to the other; by looking only at each
other they may conclude they are in still water, that motion in the water is only evident if they look
down and observe the tiny eddies swirling about. Conventional science only looks downward and fails
to realize that a massive quantum current is what moves us through time. But how exactly does
consciousness manifest experience?

The Fractal Hologram

At each moment in time our universe is but one slice of a complex web of infinite possibilities that is
unchanging and eternal. Technically this multiverse may be termed the state vector or wave
function of reality. It is a fractal hologram that zooms forever into the future. The fractal itself does
not change, it is only our mind that moves through and thereby generates for itself the illusion of
space and time. To understand this process, one must understand how holograms work.

Holograms encode information by recording the interference pattern between two waves of common
frequency, one wave being uniform in consistency and the other having its phase altered by the
information to be encoded.

The traditional way of making a hologram goes as follows: a laser beam is split in two, one half
shining onto photographic film and the other bouncing off an object before shining onto the film.
What is recorded on the film is an interference pattern between these two beams, encoding the
topography of the object. After the film is developed, the same laser illuminating it will be modulated
in phase and intensity by the pattern and will reproduce the encoded information, projecting from it
a visual replica of the object. The nature of the image projected forth from a hologram depends on
the angle, intensity, and frequency (color) of the laser.

Frequency determines what information may be accessed. If the hologram is recorded with a red
laser, a green laser will fail to elicit an image. Multiple images can be encoded into a hologram, each
called forth by a corresponding laser color.

The angle and region of illumination decides what particular information from the range available is
selected for projection. In the case of holographic film, the projected image rotates with a rotation
in the lasers angle of incidence, or changes to a different image if the laser shines upon a part of
the film upon which was recorded a different object. Angle and position are both types of phases, so
it is phase that selects from a given range what image to bring forth.

Lastly, intensity of illumination (amplitude of the wave) determines the degree of fidelity in the
projected image. The greater the amplitude, the more accurate and complete the decoded

The holographic process has metaphysical parallels. The mind of the Creator corresponds to the
laser source, archetypes correspond to the objects recorded, and the matrix of existence
corresponds to the photographic film. It follows that we as individual units of consciousness are the
illuminating laser. The lasers color is the frequency of our emotions, its phase our thought
patterns, and its amplitude our level of intent.

Just as laser color determines the layer of accessible holographic information, so does our emotional
nature determine the archetypal range of accessible experience. Of this range, our thoughts
determine the particular phase angle from which this archetype is experienced. And the strength of
our intent determines how accurately and vividly it manifests.

This is no metaphor; the universe is indeed holographic. But it is also fractal as briefly mentioned. A
fractal is infinitely complex and allows inward or outward zooming without limit. Each zoom level
inward is a subset of all previous zooms. In our current state, we are zooming into the fractal and
perceiving this motion as progress into the future. And naturally the future is a subset of all
previous probable futures, though in truth time is illusory because all levels of the fractal exist
simultaneously. Once again, this fractal is holographic; we illuminate portions of it in accordance
with our emotional nature, thoughts, and intent.


But our emotional nature is complex and the frequencies comprising it are numerous. Therefore our
consciousness vibrates with a spectrum of frequencies and consequently accesses from the
hologram a spectrum of experiential archetypes. Each person has a unique vibratory spectrum,
though different individuals may share certain frequencies. This spectrum identifies not only soul
composition but also ones unique learning path in life. Our temperament reflects our soul nature
and determines the realm of our experiences.

Realms are the personal worlds we inhabit, our sphere of influence, range of perception, and region
of activity. They are specific areas of the hologram we illuminate in accordance with our vibratory
spectrum, our being, our essence.

Every individual projects and occupies a unique but not necessarily independent realm; some
frequencies are more or less shared and account for consensual realities and mutual experiences.
Realms can therefore intersect, supercede, or be subsets of other realms.

Realms as Themes of Experience

The inhabitants of two intersecting realms inevitably cross paths and exchange lessons. These
lessons are of an archetypal nature determined by what part of the hologram both realms
commonly access.

When one realm is the subset of another, those occupying the greater realm will fully understand
and perceive those of the more limited realm but not vice versa. The difference may be small
between teacher and student or adult and child, or great between man and animal or
hyperdimensional being and man. Small differences account for differences in level of understanding
while large differences between realms give rise to differences of perception. This simply means one
has a vibratory spectrum that includes and surpasses another.

Sometimes two realms are independent, sharing few but the most fundamental of frequencies. For
instance, two people may share the lowest frequencies placing them on the same physical plane but
their difference in life path will make each an insignificant character in the life of the other. They may
cross paths but only in a superficial manner. And if they are forced to interact or communicate,
there is bound to be mutual misunderstanding and lack of interest at best and aversion or
confrontation at worst. When the difference between realms is extreme, beings of each realm may
not even physically perceive each other.

Realms are somewhat like movie scripts, each person being the star of his script but all scripts
including others as major, minor, or background characters. The greater the congruence between
two realms, the more important the role played by each character in the others script. The
importance of a character is not determined by how frequently we interact with them, but how
meaningfully we do so. We may cross paths with a background character every day, perhaps a
neighbor or coworker and they leave no more than a fading impression on our souls. Others we may
meet only once in life during an experience so meaningful that it marks us for life.
Perceptual Limitations

Realms also signify the boundary of our perception. Sometimes we cannot see the point another is
trying to make, or else we cannot understand why they do what they do, which indicates our realm
does not extend into certain regions of the hologram they are familiar with. So on a mundane level,
realms delineate what you can identify with and notice.

On a more significant level realms define what you have the ability to perceive; it is possible for
another being to be so far outside your realm that you cannot even perceive them and vice versa.
This is for beings whose realms are mutually independent.

As for beings occupying realms of which yours is a tiny subset, hyperdimensional beings for
instance, they are normally outside your range of perception but can choose to manifest visibly by
projecting their consciousness into a narrow band of vibration that matches yours. This concept is
easy to grasp if you consider the mundane interpretation of realm. When you encounter someone
whose realm is a subset of yours, say a small child who has yet to learn the lessons you have already
learned, you can choose to simplify your language and communicate on their level. Often this
requires using metaphors they can comprehend. Likewise hyperdimensional entities wrap
themselves in visual forms that we can comprehend. These visual forms are alternate expressions of
their vibratory archetypes just as metaphors are alternate expressions of meaning.

Probable Futures

[If physics gives you a headache, please skip ahead to Metaphysics of Realm Dynamics]

Quantum physics defines a wave function as a probability field. When specified as an equation it can
give information about the probability that a subatomic particle, say an electron, will be in a certain
position or state of energy when measured. Wave functions can be thought of as a cloud of
possibilities from which only one possibility manifests when observed. It is one small region of the
universal hologram from which one angle of information is projected. Quantum wave functions are
the physical basis of realms and realms define the reach of our personal wave functions.

Unlike electrons we are incredibly complex and the wave function of our being is far richer in
composition than that of any subatomic particle. Nevertheless the principles of quantum physics
are just as valid for us in the macroscopic realm as for electrons in the subatomic realm. On the
macroscopic scale these quantum principles manifest as the principles of realm dynamics.

Phase Selection

When a subatomic particle is measured in the lab, its wave function locks phase with the
instruments wave function. Whoever reads the instrument locks phase with its wave function and
in the end the observed particle, instrument, and observer all occupy the same reality by having
zero phase difference between them. This phase is a physical quantity and is commonly called
geometric phase or berrys phase or aharonov-bohm phase (different names for the same
phase in different situations). This phase is nothing more than the physical alignment of the wave
function. To repeat, for two things to occupy the same reality and interact causally with each other
they must have zero phase difference between them.

In realm dynamics the situation is a bit more complex. Geometric phase says nothing about the
characteristics of consciousness. For that we need esoteric phase. Mathematically speaking, while
the geometric phase is real, the esoteric phase is imaginary. Metaphysically speaking, while the
geometric phase is a material property, esoteric phase is purely a conscious property. Geometric
and esoteric phase are but the real and imaginary components of a quaternion phase
characterizing the alignment of both mental and material wave functions.

To understand the role of esoteric and geometric phases in context of the holographic principle,
recall how the image projected from an optical hologram depends on the angle of the laser, its
frequency, and where on the hologram this laser shines.

The geometric phase of quantum physics is simply the angle of illumination. It is only important
after the frequency and illumination region have already been selected. Just as selecting the laser
angle determines the viewing angle of the final image, so does selecting the geometric phase
precipitate one observable state from a wave function.

What about the region of illumination and frequency of the laser? These would correspond to the
esoteric phase. Thoughts, emotion, and intent shape the esoteric phase to determine which part of
the hologram is illuminated; this specifies ones realm. Geometric phase then selects what tangible
experiences manifest from the given range of probable futures. For the mind to experience a
specific probable future, it must achieve both esoteric and geometric phase lock.

Together, geometric and esoteric phase determine where we are located on the universal
holographic fractal at any moment in time. Our realm is therefore a wave function that extends from
this location spherically outward into all directions of space, time, and dimension.

Electromagnetism and the Aura

Geometric phase is sensitive to sub-electromagnetic fields, known as potential fields. These are the
building blocks of electric and magnetic fields and are comparatively simpler in structure. Whereas
magnetic fields are analogous to a bundle of water vortices, the potential fields are more like water
currents. By uncurling a magnetic field one can generate a plain potential field capable of shifting
the geometric phase of an electron, for instance. Technology exists to create such fields and allow
the manipulation of geometric phase.

Esoteric phase can only be modulated by superpotential fields, which are even simpler in structure
than potential fields. Whereas potential fields are like water currents, superpotential fields represent
the water itself. Only two things are capable of generating and manipulating such fields:
consciousness and certain hyperdimensional technologies.

Conscious beings radiate potential and superpotential fields containing various patterns, vibrations,
and intensities paralleling the lasers region of illumination, frequency, and brightness. This
sub-electromagnetic field extends spherically outward into the universal hologram, illuminating
regions within physical, temporal, and dimensional proximity. This glowing cocoon defines ones

The portion of this multidimensional field intersecting our physical plane is known as the aura. The
aura is a combination of potential and superpotential fields emitted by living entities and serving as
an interface matrix between the originating consciousness and the external environment. Standard
instruments cannot detect it because the fields comprising the aura are structurally simpler than
electromagnetic fields. Specialized technology is needed, some of which has been patented and the
rest restricted for use by advanced military and alien factions.

The aura is a resonance field that encodes which region of the hologram is accessible for phase lock
and what experiences are therefore attracted. To a limited extent the aura maps ones wave
function and realm. It drops off linearly with distance, causing realms to often be physically
localized. This is why the vibe of a person or place becomes noticeable only when one is sufficiently

But because the aura is only the physical, albeit subtle, component of ones total vibratory field and
the rest being in imaginary space, realms may also extend through mind-space and drop off with
degree of conscious proximity. Two people far beyond the reach of each others auric range may still
share realms through mental and emotional proximity. Long distance relationships or internet
discussion forums are examples.

To summarize, one could say that the aura is a sub-electromagnetic field that attracts themes of
experience but does not explicitly select which particular experience manifests. The latter is left to
personal choice and circumstance. Archetypal elements within consciousness become symbolic
patterns in the aura that resonate and attract corresponding experiences from the universal

Metaphysics of Realm Dynamics

With the physics of realm dynamics behind us, we are ready to examine the metaphysics. As
explained, consciousness generates a field that resonates and attracts meaningful experience. But
what is meaningful to one person may be old news to another. Hence your soul vibrations outline
your emotional learning pathwhat sequence of experiences are meaningful and have enough
emotional charge to catalyze your spiritual growth.

Emotions as we know them are surrogate motivators. This means they push us into doing what is
beyond our normal motivation to do. Without emotion, we do what is only within our understanding
and programming to do. That is our natural state of being, our realm at equilibrium.

When we are happy, we smile and become more animated than usual and our realm momentarily
extends slightly along that direction. When we are angry, we may throw insults or objects and our
realm boundary likewise deforms to reflect and reinforce those actions and their consequences.

So emotions alter realm boundaries by momentary illuminating new regions of the hologram. They
also influence what realms we occupy. As Bringers of the Dawn states, emotions can carry us into
other dimensions. Moving to a different realm state may be simple as changing your attitude and
thereby accessing a happier sequence of experiences or as profound as shifting out of this reality
into a higher density. When the laser switches color, it brings out parts of the hologram previously

Spiritual growth is the never-ending expansion of ones realm to encompass deeper and wider
aspects of the hologram, to increase the vibrancy and strength of ones being. This involves
enriching and expanding ones vibratory spectrum and raising the intensity of illumination. The
richer the spectrum, the closer it moves toward white light containing all colors, meaning the closer
consciousness arrives to unifying with the hologram and the Source that recorded it.

When we are in need of a lesson our vibratory spectrum is lacking certain frequencies; the aura is
devoid of a particular pattern. If our vibratory spectrum is missing a component, there is nothing
within us to repel through dissonance the corresponding component in the hologram. And so we
essentially allow into manifestation that which we most need to experience.

Stated another way, at equilibrium our realm boundary contains missing areas into which fit
corresponding probable futures. These probable futures contain significant experiences whose
emotional component is sufficient to fuel the expansion of our realm boundary and fill the gap. Once
a lesson is learned, the new equilibrium state no longer invites those types of experiences because
the gap is filled, but failing to learn the lesson leaves the gap a bit wider than before. This is why
failing to learn a lesson the first time causes it to repeat in various forms of escalating severity.

Different people can learn the same lesson in different ways because each individual has a unique
emotional learning path. What experiences are significant to one may be incomprehensible or
unnecessarily harsh to another. How the lesson archetype manifests as experience depends on the
emotional responsiveness of the individual in question. Some learn better with compassion and joy,
others with fear and painwhatever is the most efficient surrogate motivator. Each emotion has a
certain frequency (an oscillation in the esoteric phase) and like the laser accessing a particular
holographic layer according to its frequency, people with different temperaments have access to
different layers of the hologram and thereby attract different probable futures for any given lesson

Thus it is temperament that most significantly influences the nature of ones personal experiences.
Temperament is merely ones life attitude and emotional climate, the spectrum of frequencies at
which the soul in its current state can naturally resonate. It measures our response-ability to
learning opportunities. We can place temperament on a scale with programmed reactivity on the
lower end and conscious activity on the higher end.

Temperaments that are neurotic, paranoid, worried, fearful, angry or hostile are implicitly reactive.
The associated soul resonance spectrum is centered around the lower frequencies, near that of
physical matter. Matter is perfectly reactive and deterministic; for every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction. People with low vibratory frequencies are highly reactive and at the mercy of
external influences.

Temperaments that are calm, observant, and discerning are active rather than reactive because
awareness and freewill predicate responses to experience. The associated soul resonance
frequencies are higher on the scale, closer to that of pure consciousness. In contrast to reactions,
actions are nondeterministic for they follow from true choice rather than the predetermined effect of
some cause.

The scale from absolute reactivity to absolute activity is bounded by matter on the lowest end and
infinite consciousness on the highest end. We as individuals are somewhere in between, our location
determined by our chosen emotional learning path. Therefore our soul vibratory spectrum
measures where we stand on the grand cycle of spiritual evolution.

Individuals who tread the path of reactivity require relatively abrasive catalysts to get them moving.
But because every learning experience offers choice in how to proceed, there is always the
opportunity to climb the frequency scale and become more conscious and less reactive, which in
turn makes life experiences less abrasive.

Collective Choices and Lessons

When people gather into mutual physical or mental proximity their vibratory fields sum to produce a
collective field resonating strongly at frequencies shared among them. Gaps in this field invite
collective lessons and experiences. This collective field is self-reinforcing because it exerts repulsion
upon anyone or anything whose spectrum is dissonant with the collective frequency. For instance,
people entering the field will either be repelled or attracted depending on how closely their aural
profiles match that of the collective.

Cities and neighborhoods are examples of physical groups generating a collective field whose
intensity falls off with physical distance. Getting too close to an area with vibrations strongly
dissonant to ones own may evoke feelings of uneasiness, suffocation, or panic; entering areas with
resonant vibrations will invite feelings of comfort and vitality.

Sometimes people move to a particular place because it provides the necessary probable futures
that catalyze personal evolution. But once those catalysts are exhausted, the realm boundary gaps
formerly inviting those experiences become filled in and cause dissonance. This dissonance
automatically evokes from the hologram varied catalysts for separation. In other words, when it is
time for someone to move to a more fruitful area, improbable events manifest to force relocation.

When dissonance is weak between individual and group, repulsion may manifest as emotional
uneasiness or apathy; when strong, friction may ignite emotional fire through negative experiences
that catalyze the severing of physical or mental interaction between dissonant elements.

Frequency Wars

Beneath the threshold of ordinary awareness, frequency wars take place between groups
competing over the same physical or mental environment. When subtle, these battles take place
not with confrontation so much as the establishment of dominant frequencies that overwhelm and
subconsciously repel the opposing side. Because amplitude of vibration is the deciding factor, a few
individuals with low but strong vibrations can overrun a larger group with higher but weaker
vibrations, or at least damp their frequencies and thus drag them down.

Internet message boards are examples of mental groups whose collective fields diminish with
mental distance. As discussed earlier, mental distance implies that the less one invests emotional
energy and mental focus upon a particular nonphysical group like a forum, the less one feels its
collective field. For instance, it takes only a few highly negative or fragmented individuals to join
and infect a message board if the membership is unaware and weak in vibration. They need not be
violent or hostile, just firmly and loudly anchored in their low vibrations. Other members may
interpret growing feelings of emotional apathy or uneasiness as their own and withdraw their
energies from the collective field out of lack of enthusiasm, thus allowing a low vibration to dominate
and repel all present and future members of positive inclination. And if dissonance is particulary
strong, visible confrontation will errupt and force the expulsion of individuals dissonant with the
dominant vibrations of the collective field.

But these are just microcosmic reflections, or subset realm dynamics, of a bigger frequency war
taking place between the hyperdimensional forces of oppression and liberation. Hyperdimensional
beings are beyond linear time and what is for us a range of probable futures, presents, and pasts is
simultaneously their native territory. They possess greater degrees of freedom than we do in
navigating the hologram.

Hyperdimensional Wars

Physical wars use physical force to gain advances in physical territory. But a hyperdimensional war is
fought on a hyperdimensional battlefield extending forwards and backwards in time and sideways
through parallel dimensions. Our soul vibrations and the realm we choose to occupy determine
which probable futures we access, or alternately, which hyperdimensional territory we connect with
and thereby reinforce. The hyperdimensional war is largely fought through us, through the
frequencies we choose to hold.

For any lesson archetype a variety of experiences are viable for learning. The lower frequency paths
attract cruder experiences than the higher frequency paths. For example, an individual or collective
lesson about independence may require the pain of enslavement for the lower path while victory
over tyranny may suffice for the higher paths. Only the first is advantageous to tyranny. Therefore
the hyperdimensional forces of oppression have a crucial interest in lowering the frequency of those
they wish to enslave so that the enslaved attract subjugation as their preferred mode of learning.

This is why hostile forces often seem to respect freewillthey require that targets be within a
certain frequency bandwidth resonant to their own before they can lock on and manipulate in a
causal manner. Remember that phase lock is necessary for two things to causally interact, for the
hyperdimensional subtleties of realm dynamics to evaporate and leave only the physical laws of
cause and effect. By resonating within their frequency spectrum, you enter their hyperdimensional
territory and they acquire the ability to physically overpower you.

Realm Dynamics of Abductions

Abductions are a good example. There are countless individuals, myself included, who have been
targeted for elimination. The question is why the abductors do not simply kill their targets.
Sometimes they do, but only because sometimes they can.

Individuals occupying a low soul frequency vibration such as military personnel or the extremely
paranoid are sufficiently within the proper vibratory spectrum to get abducted and mutilated or
consumed. The same may be said for individuals whose auras are weak, as is the case with chronic
drug abusers. Also, the auras of young children are not fully formed because the soul has not fully
seated into the body, so their realms are far easier to penetrate than those of adults. Abductions
take place most frequently during childhood when the mind is both malleable and realm easily
breeched, allowing the opportune installation of mind programming systems.

As mentioned, the lowest soul frequency is that which keeps us connected to the physical plane
and causally interacting with each other. Abductions employ hyperdimensional teleportation
technology that momentarily removes one from the physical plane. This presents certain problems
for the abductors, namely that the most viable avenue for phase lock must be momentarily
abandoned. This severs the thread of causality that would otherwise provide a clear line of
continuity between the individuals incarnative choice to submit to the laws of physicality and its
ultimate consequence at the hands of the abductors.

Manipulation must therefore occur through more subtle openings in the realm boundary, through
the individuals various spiritual, psychological, and emotional vulnerabilities. Thus the preferred
method of manipulation is mind programming. At a higher level the individual allows exploitation of
his weaknesses because there is always a marginal chance for the learning of a lesson and patching
of the weakness. For instance, mind programming is allowed only because the individual can,
through self-control and self-observation, become more focused and conscious should he or she
choose to be active rather than reactive. Every experience attracted can move one up or down the
frequency scale depending on how one chooses to perceive and utilize these experiences. It is
unfortunate, however, that many abductees do succumb and at some level choose the path of
further manipulation and even death.

It is dangerous getting within physical proximity of an underground base because one is then close
enough to be physically abducted without use of teleportation. The thread of causality stays intact
and affords the abductors greater freedom in handling the target. In more fortunate cases the
individual has enough residual acausal defenses to stave off the worst consequences, but much
more can be done during such abductions than through more standard procedures involving
teleportation over great distances. These opportunities are frequently used to install new
hardware and software, perhaps implants and subconscious coding systems providing for
remote programming so that future abductions are not necessary. The military/government
factions are keen on this technology. It allows them to send programming signals to remote targets
anytime, anywhere. It is not uncommon for abductees to be hypnotically programmed to travel to a
dangerous location where they may be physically abducted. So despite realm limitations, hostile
forces are adept at leveraging their resources.

Negative Attractors

The degree to which negative hyperdimensional forces manifest tangibly in ones life varies with
resonance. Some people are more in tune with low frequency vibrations and experience the
presence of negative entities far more objectively than those whose vibrations are primarily
elsewhere in the spectrum; the latter encounter hostile forces far more subjectively, fleetingly, and

The greatest attractors of alien-related phenomena are fear, paranoia, jumpiness, and obsession.
These are lower frequency characteristics that make one reactive, easily predictable, and thus easily
controllable. Abductees who experience the most indubitable variety of encounters with hostile
entities are often neurotic, obsessed, fearful, and/or paranoid.

One could argue that having objective experiences of a horrifying nature would make one neurotic,
but such experiences are merely the end result of a vicious cycle of frequency attracting experience
and experience biasing ones frequency. At each turn of the cycle there is choice to regain control
over ones emotions and reactivity through the practice of nonchalance, calmness, and a positive

But some abductees are resistant, enjoy feeling chosen, and are not in favor of ending their alien
encounters. Or perhaps they simply cannot escape suffering the karmic consequences of choices
made in this life or previous ones, such as making a pact with the dark side. The causal thread
established by such a pact is difficult but not impossible to cut; doing so involves renouncing past
agreements and raising ones frequency and awareness.

Realm Depressors

Consistently maintaining a high soul frequency is absolutely essential for staying out of trouble. But
this takes effort because we are immersed in ambient fields that can bias our own. Some of these
fields are astrological in origin and fluctuate with the various lunar and planetary cycles. Other
examples include the collective fields generated by physical or mental gatherings of individuals.

If these fields are sufficiently strong they can entrain the soul vibrations of those within their reach.
For instance, the moon generates an extremely strong low frequency field within a few days of new
or full, and this negatively biases the temperaments of people vulnerable to its influence. Reactivity
rises and lessons of a highly abrasive emotional nature tend to increase around such times.

Not all these biasing fields are natural. Some can be technologically generated via fluctuating
potential and superpotential fields. For instance, it may be possible for microwave towers to
triangulate standing electromagnetic waves whose magnetic and electric field components cancel,
leaving only an oscillating potential field capable of suppressing the aura and exacerbating emotional
sensitivity. The conductive grid formed by chemtrails can also create vibrating potential fields that
suppress the mental and emotional balance as well as the auric integrity populations irradiated.
Sometimes it is not necessary to use such advanced methodsoften cruder methods for
manipulating thought and emotions are employed that simply throw neurochemical and hormonal
levels off balance.

Nevertheless, it is important to remember that soul frequency can temporarily drop when
overpowered by ambient sub-electromagnetic fields, such as when one is within the mental or
physical proximity of a low frequency source. Of course it is possible to rebuff such influences if one
is sufficiently aware, vitalized, and centered. When the ambient low frequency fields amplify, it feels
like someone has turned up the gravity and more strength is needed to stay upright and
balanced. It is possible during such times to mentally connect with a higher frequency realm and
thereby remain centered. This requires an inward meditation and contemplation of higher ideals
and archetypes.

Other sources of frequency depressors include thunderstorms, direct psychic skirmishes between
hyperdimensional factions, physical proximity to their crafts, psychic attacks, and the immediate
presence of demonic astral entities or negative thoughtforms.

Psychic attacks require that an entity use intent to get within mental proximity of a target and
unleash a barrage of low frequency energy. This attempts to overpower the targets own field and
achieve phase lock, after which causal forms of damage (as specified through visualization) may

Thunderstorms are physical reflections of the tension and release associated with realm dissonance
and separation, thus the classic association between emotional tempests and atmospheric types.
Preceding such storms, low frequency energy fields intensify. (Wilhelm Reich called this energy
deadly orgone.)

Often this archetype of conflict extends into the hyperdimensional realms and correlates with
battles taking place in other dimensions whose effects spill into our realm; thus our personal
experiences often reflect battles between the gods. Interestingly, whether we succumb to lower
frequencies or choose to weather the storm may affect the outcome of such hyperdimensional
skirmishes. For one realm to influence another requires some level of mutual entanglement.

Some clouds reflect the presence of hyperdimensional ships hovering just beyond the dimensional
veil. These clouds tend to be geometric in shape. Cloudships belonging to dark entities radiate an
intense low frequency field that can induce feelings of doom or aggression in the population below
and odd defensive behavior in animals. The darker the energy, the more foreboding the cloud and
violent the storms that precipitate. Such ships tend to gather near critical points on the timeline
where reality is most easily influenced to their advantage. By getting close enough to the place and
time of an interesting region of the hologram, dark entities can more accurately read the local
probable future trajectories and calculate what manipulations are necessary to ensure the most
devastating probable future. In the case of human disasters, this assists the greatest harvesting of
lifeforce energy.


Causal interactions involve exchanges of energy. For two realms to exchange energy they must
share some degree of resonance. The weaker the resonance, the more energy is needed for entities
of one realm to directly affect those of another. Negative entities are usually not in full resonance
with their targets and are therefore limited in what they can directly do to them. However, with
additional energy they can compensate for weak resonance and impact realms otherwise beyond
their influence.

This energy is known as loosh, identically the lifeforce energy harvested from human suffering, the
emotional energy expended in the learning of lessons, and the psychic energy expelled through
prayer and ritual. For every frequency of vibration, the soul may emit loosh at that frequency. A
comparison may be drawn to laser energy of a particular color. Entities with low soul frequencies
consume energy of a low frequency.

Not only does loosh fuel the expansion and crossing of realm boundaries as discussed earlier in
context of learning lessons and surrogate motivators, but it allows negative entities to more
strongly manifest in the realms of their targets. Loosh is a commodity in higher realms because it is
the very fuel of transdimensional navigation and conquest.

Energy harvested from one region can be rerouted to another. For example, a natural disaster in
one part of the world may provide negative entities with sufficient energy to penetrate the realms of
targets elsewhere. Other sources of energy include occult and religious rituals. Sunday worship
provides mass amounts of energy and affords negative forces easier attack opportunities on
Sunday than other days of the week. The moon plays an important part in energy harvesting by
depressing global frequencies twice a month and initiating a veritable feeding frenzy for negative
entities; this is what Gurdjieff meant by mankind being food for the moon.

Realm Breech

The ultimate objective of any hyperdimensional ambush is realm breech, the penetration through a
realm boundary. Like a syringe breaking through skin, realm breech allows direct injection of
disruptive influences into the target realm. This operation consists of three steps: stalking, baiting,
and bridging.

Stalking is the act of reading the weaknesses of a target and moving into position to exploit those
weaknesses. This is achieved either through remote monitoring or direct sampling of the auric field.
Methods of remote monitoring include remote viewing and data gathered through neural implants.

Remote viewing requires that the observer be within mental proximity of the target and have
sufficient frequency bandwidth to access a good portion of the targets probable futures. Hostile
aliens and their subordinate human military factions occupy a narrow bandwidth and must use
psychically talented abductees possessing greater bandwidth to remote view a wider range of
probable futures. Such abductees may either be teleported into an underground base or under
hypnotic trance dictate information about assigned targets, or if implanted with remote mind
programming technology they may be utilized as such while asleep in their beds.

Direct sampling of the auric field necessitates both physical proximity and a stimulated emission of
vibratory energ. For instance, black helicopters outfitted with frequency sampling equipment may
hover loudly near the target in order to induce a fear/panic reaction that stimulates the soul into
giving off a measurable vibratory response. At the very least this provides an immediate readout of
ones vulnerabilities, and at most it pushes one into deeper fear and paranoia that puts one further
into their vibratory territory. The aura can also be sampled when a target interacts face-to-face with
certain implanted individuals.

Once vulnerabilities are ascertained, the target may be programmed accordingly and baited into
dropping his or her frequency, committing self-sabotage, and attracting through realm boundary
gaps a disruptive variety of learning lessons. Overreaction to these disruptive experiences may
further drop frequency and allow for a more intensive round of programming and baiting. Through
this process the programmers can run a careless target into the ground.

A common form of realm baiting involves strangeness for the sake of strangeness, weird
experiences that have no point other than to arouse obsessive intrigue in the target. For the
unfortunate recipients, curiosity leads nowhere but further into the trap. That these inexplicable or
mysterious experiences are real is undeniable, however they are often decoys void of deeper
significance. Trying to find that deeper meaning is simply opening the door to more of the same,
and in this way life can get strange indeed and madness is not an uncommon result. Every drop in
frequency drops another bridge across the castle moat.


According to Jung, synchronicities are meaningful coincidences. They function as waking dream
symbols and communicate the presence of something significant beneath the threshold of
conscious awareness. Synchronicities tend to appear during hyperdimensional activity or prior to
emotionally charged events and expansions in awareness. In general, they are precursors to either
realm expansion or realm breech.

Moving realm boundaries generate shockwaves that radiate spherically into the surrounding
holographic region. An emotional experience several hours in the future may send shockwaves
backward in time, which upon impacting the present realm induces vibrations that resonate and
attract corresponding synchronicities. These meaningful coincidences share the same archetypal
basis as the emotional event having generated the shockwave; the wave shares the frequency of its
source. Thus synchronicities often precede learning experiences and carry a symbolic nature that
reflects the nature of the impending event.

In fact, any perturbation in the realm boundary will inevitably generate precursor synchronicities
that give information about the source of disturbance. A looming realm breech, for instance, will be
preceded by foreboding synchronicities such as omens or the sighting of certain warning numbers.
Because the archetype filters through a symbolic lexicon before manifesting, the same warning may
manifest differently for different people depending on what symbols they find meaningful. Some
symbols are more universal than others. Interpreting them should be handled no differently than
interpreting dream symbols.


When numerous people share the same environment, their collective field attracts a coordinated set
of experiences. This means one probable future manifests for all that somehow accommodates the
learning requirements of each individual. The greater the dissonance between individuals
contributing to a collective field, the more contorted and improbable this future must be to smooth
out any discontinuities.

Reality can get strange when ones vibratory spectrum is significantly out of synch with that of the
environment. Consider people who are either temporarily or chronically obsessive and paranoid
about alien abductions, government monitoring, or the matrix control system. For reasons already
explained, they may attract blatant forms of harassment and a plethora of unusual paranormal
phenomena most people cannot fathom much less believe. What if they enter a collective realm
whose vibratory spectrum is very different from their own, say someplace public with lots of average
people requiring relatively mundane experience? Then reality will contort to accommodate both
realms, though sometimes without much success when uncanny glitches indicate cracks in the
illusion. Instead of seeing aliens or demonic entities in public, which would surely scare the hell out
of everyone else as well, their experiences of monitoring and harassment will come through
elements that seem ordinary to ordinary people. This way both can have their realm and live it too.
They may hear a random person mumble cryptic phrases a bit too uncanny to be mere coincidence,
they may notice people watching and following them, they may encounter harassers whose eyes
indicate the momentary presence of a demonic being. But to everyone else these vehicles of
harassment seem like ordinary characters: the homeless man by the gas station seemingly asking
someone for change, the group of diners near engaging in a bit of people-watching, the guy serving
coffee getting a bit cranky at some customer.

Schizophrenia aside, these disturbing experiences are very real and can be logged as objective
evidence, though attempting to do so often negates their ability to manifest. Objective proof is that
which can bring the experiences of one realm forcibly into another, bypassing the learning process
and violating freewill.

But improbable experiences need not be negative. One can have a high frequency and attract
experiences that are strangely positive with things just working out. Something as simple as
getting nothing but green lights all the way to a destination is significant to the one experiencing it,
but to all others just another car went by. If the discontinuity is extreme, one meets the strangest
positive synchronicities and helpful characters.

Prime Numbers as Archetypal Realms

Another way to understand how realms coordinate is to think in terms of numbers. Since frequency
is but a number, we can assign a unique number to any unique realm to represent the wavelength
of its fundamental vibration.

Recall that phase lock is necessary for entities of one realm to interact with those of another waves
can only lock into alignment if they match up, even if only periodically. This periodic interval is simply
the least common multiple of their various wavelengths. The least common multiple of several realm
numbers represents the number of their collective realm. Through this collective realm, subsets
can enter into mutual phase lock because they all fit into its number. For instance, realms 2 and 3
fit perfectly into collective realm 6. Realms 7, 9, and 11 fit perfectly into collective realm 693.

Higher realm numbers indicate lower probability and less harmony, greater discontinuity and
contortion. How this meshes with strange experiences brought on by frequency discontinuities is
illustrated as follows: consider a collective field formed by individuals in realms 2, 4, and 5. The
collective field is 20, quite an ordinary number. Then lets say someone with realm 53 enters. The
collective field jumps to 1060 to accommodate all, indicating quite a high level of improbability and
strangeness. This simply means that a far less probable future is attracted when there is abrasion
between vibrations. It also illustrates why dissonance between individuals brings about improbable
scenarios of confrontation and separation.

Notice that some numbers fit into others. Realm 13 fits into realm 39 for instance. Qualitatively
speaking, this says that the latter is a subset of the first. Individuals in realm 13 can enter realm
39 but not vice versa. To illustrate, we in the third dimension may occupy realm 39 while
hyperdimensional beings are native to realm 13they can choose to phase lock with us if they so
desire, or remain beyond our range of perception. Lower realm number means shorter wavelength
and higher frequency.

The realm number of physical existence itself must be astronomically large due to the participation
of unfathomable varieties of conscious life. This of course means the vibration of physicality has the
longest wavelength and the lowest frequency. Physical existence is the ultimate subset of all realms.
It is the arena through which beings can choose to engage in mutual causal interaction. The
collective realm of all consciousness in this universe may be large, but it is not infinite. So the
frequency of physicality is infinitesimal but not identically zero, hence the existence of zero point

Prime numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, etc) are only divisible by 1 and themselves. Obviously,
realms with prime number wavelengths are the most fundamental realms. They are the primary
ones, all other realms are subordinate subsets. Prime numbers therefore relate to the eigen
frequencies of Creation. Each prime number represents a single universal archetype whose
harmonic multiples generate the various realms and probable futures associated with that
archetype. For instance, if 3 is the fundamental realm of joy, then realms 3, 6, 9, 12, etc are
realms where joy is the fundamental keynote of vibration, though each realm encompasses a
different expression of joy that gets more distorted with higher realm numbers.

The above is simplified. Realistically speaking, we as individuals have a spectrum of frequencies and
thus a spectrum of realm numbers defining our personal realm. Prime number components
represent lessons we have fully mastered, while non-prime components are those we have yet to
learn. Learning is cyclical, each archetype revisited with greater clarity and accuracy than before.

The grand cycle of spiritual evolution starts with the highest realm number and converges upon the
lowest. Lowest prime is the Creator. Highest prime is the demiurge Ormethion who stirs at the
threshold of oblivion. Realm 1 vibrates with the archetype of infinite love; it is home of the Prime
Creator. It is the primary realm; all others are subsets. Just as 1 divides into all, so does the Creator
preside over all.

The Shift

The world is now experiencing a parting of ways between sectors of the population no longer
resonating with each other. It is a realm split, a cleaving of collective fields into several smaller ones.

Experiential catalysts are pushing people off the fence, forcing them to discover who they truly are
and what they stand for. Their soul vibrations are purifying and intensifying, bringing a retreat from
the superfluous and a return to destiny.

What was once an emulsified mixture of diverse realms is separating into layers, and when the cup
tilts it will be the lowest density layers that spill down the drain. The polarization phenomenon
begins with mutual disinterest between individuals of uncommon paths. There may be
confrontation and separation, or circumstance may simply bring a gentle parting of ways. But as
time goes on and people gather into their most harmonious collective realms, the chasm between
these realms will run so deep that eventually even the collective sharing of perception and
experience will be severed. The learning requirements of each collective realm may become so
mutually contradictory that they can no longer share the same space, the same timeline, the same
density. This would entail a timeline split, each major realm following a different trajectory into the
future that best accommodates the collective learning needs of its inhabitants. What tilts the cup
remains to be seen.

Frequency Anchors

Of course not all is predestined. There are chaotic factors left to freewill. Some hyperdimensional
forces aware of the impending shift are counting on mass frequency suppression to lock mankind
into a probable future where these forces reap maximum energy harvest and retain control,
whether in this density or the next. This may involve anything from mass loss of life to genetic
assimilation and spiritual enslavement. A collective choice to elect such a scenario would acquiesce
sufficient freewill to give such forces free reign to rewrite history in order to expand and solidify
control in the present and future. To an extent this has already occurred and the world as we know
it today is the end result of the most recent timeline revision. And yet time marches on and the
final future is still open.

This brings us to what we as individuals can do. The wiser sources say we should simply be
ourselves, remember who we are and radiate the essence of our soul. Indeed, we are frequency
anchors. The vibration we hold determines the realm we establish, and our realm contributes to the
collective realm. There are frequencies of suppression and frequencies of liberation. By exultantly
living from your heart you not only set an example for others, you also help lift the heaviness of the
local and global collective realm. Nothing lifts gravity like levity and love. This assists those who
would otherwise be subconsciously crushed by the prevailing low frequency fields. It is
commendable to take action and do something when called, but in the meantime simply hanging
onto your center is enough. This sets you on the high path beyond the reach and sight of darker
elements and clears the path for others to come with you. Keep your poise through the turbulence
and cling tightly onto your mast when the sirens beckon you overboard. Shine as a lighthouse
amidst the fog.


For additional information on realm dynamics, please read The 33 Arks of Soul Resonance by the
Nexus Seven and research the Cassiopaean Transcripts regarding the terms realm, FRV,
frequency resonance vibration, frequency of light, and frequency resonance envelope.

Change Log

v0.2 June 30, 2005: added paragraph on strangeness for the sake of strangeness in the
section Realm Breech.
Ether Body and FRV
FRV stands for frequency resonance vibration and is a term used by the Cassiopaeans
(channeling source) to denote the qualitative nature of a beings response potential to a spectrum
09/11/2006 of possible experiences. FRV indicates your learning path, temperament, emotional nature, and
level of reactivity or self-mastery.

The lower your FRV, the more you exist on the level of mechanical passivity or reactivity, the
lower your place on the ladder of causality and are therefore more easily manipulable, have more buttons to push, and
more detached you are from objective reality. Basically an extremely low FRV pushes you deeper into the STS (service-
to-self, aka dark or negative) predator/prey dynamic. Those with low and unstable FRVs sometimes come off as
emotionally unstable and delusional.

The higher your FRV, the more you tend towards being consciously active instead of mechanically passive or reactive,
the higher your place on the ladder of causality, and the less you are at the mercy of baser impulses, manipulations,
delusions, and hysteria. Those with higher FRV are good natured and emotionally stable, grounded in reality, and give off
a positive vibe.

Through resonance and necessity, FRV also determines what themes of experience you tune into and therefore attract.
This is covered more deeply in my article Realm Dyanamics. To summarize, those with low FRV resonate with harsher
and stranger experiences because that intensity is needed to evoke some glimmer of truly conscious response, while the
conscious consideration that comes with higher FRV means learning and growth can come more gently. Therefore having
a higher FRV means attracting a smoother and more positively synchronistic train of experiences.

But the vibrational frequency spectrum alone is not the sole factor involved here. Its amplitude and purity matters as
well. The average person may have a weak and muddied spectrum somewhere in the middle, while sophisticated dark
beings have a high amplitude spectrum clustered on the lower frequencies, opposite for sophisticated positive beings.
Now, the stronger the amplitude, the more strongly it affects local experiential reality. People who have a strong low FRV
can bias the synchronistic nature of their local reality to such a degree that they pull in highly improbable and thus
strange experiences of a traumatic and disturbing nature. The stronger the amplitude of high FRV, the more reality biases
towards things magically working out for the being in question, as though reality bends around them.

What of a weakened amplitude? Well, even if the frequency is high, with too low an amplitude it has little effect upon
local reality. In fact, that can disconnect one from the synchronistic flow since the broadcast signal is weaker. Well
return to this point in a moment.

Where exactly does FRV reside in a person? Rudolf Steiner has this to say:

It is not possible to draw a fixed boundary between the changes that take place as a result of the
activity of the I in the astral body and those that take place in the ether body, since they blend into
each other. If something we learn enhances our faculty of judgment, a change has taken place in the
astral body, but if this judgment changes our state of mind so that we become accustomed to feeling
differently about a subject after having learned about it, then a change has taken place in the ether
body. Everything we take possession of in such a way that we can recall it again and again is based on
a change in the ether body. Anything that gradually becomes an entrenched part of the wealth of our
memory rests on the fact that the work performed on the astral body has been transferred to the ether

The I is not working on the astral body when we simply give ourselves up to pleasure and suffering, joy
and pain, but only when idiosyncrasies of these soul qualities begin to change. Likewise, this work
extends to the ether body when our I applies its activity to changing our traits of character, our
temperament, and so on. ( Outline of Esoteric Science )

It is clear from the above that FRV must be a property of what Steiner refers to as the ether body. The ether body is
the subtle body closest to the physical. One implication here is that if technology is about manipulation and measurement
of the physical, then exotic technology could include manipulation and measurement of the next step up, the etheric.

The Cassiopaeans state that aliens and secret government factions possess technology to scan a persons etheric
signature to determine frequency resonance spectrum. I dont doubt this for a second because it fits with experience and
reason. Abductors must get within physical proximity to accurately scan the ether body (whose field of influence, the
aura, is localized) in order to determine a targets vulnerability to manipulation as allowed within his or her learning
path. They operate within what is allowed not as a matter of respect but a consequence being restrained by quantum /
metaphysical barriers rooted in freewill. Upon collision, these barriers invoke macroscopic uncertainty effects that break
the phaselock required for hyperdimensional technology to operate in a causal manner upon the target, which is why
some targets cannot be killed during abductions even though the aggressors have all intentions of eliminating them.

That FRV is rooted in the etheric body has some interesting implications.

First, if the etheric body is in any way weakened, scrambled, damaged, dislocated, invaded, or corrupted then the
relation between FRV and local experiential environment is likewise affected. This means that even if one is good
natured, a weakening of resonance amplitude would more greatly disconnect one from synchronistic flow because the
responsiveness of environment to FRV is weakened.

Sleep recharges energy needed to maintain the etheric body. When one is sleep deprived, the etheric body is weaker and
the synchronistic protection normally offered by a decent FRV (and decent awareness) may be reduced. Days prior to
hyperdimensionally orchestrated disruptions in a targets life, negative entities may engage in psychic attacks and
technological methods to interfere with the targets sleep and thereby reduce his or her energy, awareness, and the
etheric shielding against such hyperdimensional insertions.

If prolonged use of marijuana weakens or tears the etheric, then the expanded insight and emotional stabilization it offers
is cancelled by a corresponding decrease in resonance amplitude, making the individual all the more ineffectual and cast
adrift in a life that has become synchronistically unresponsive. If they can repair and strengthen their etheric, outer
conditions may automatically improve. Or if prolonged and intense use of LSD and scrambles or dislocates the etheric,
then it may do the same to ones experiential reality, though the greatest risk there is some negative nonphysical entity
inserting itself into the dislocated portions and turning the person into a darkside asset.

Drug use also makes one more vulnerable to more physical methods of manipulation during abductions because a
damaged or weakened etheric creates weak spots or fissures in the quantum barrier mentioned earlier, sometimes to the
point where the target can even be killed, consumed or reanimated. Therefore negative entities have a vested interest in
propagating the widespread damaging and weakening of the etheric body through all means possible, especially among
the potentially aware and spiritually self-empowered whose awareness and FRV otherwise protects them through a strong
etheric body. Therefore, watch out because a category of disinformation has been designed just for this demographic to
which you as truthseeker belong.

Second, the Cassiopaeans spoke of FRV robots without defining them explicitly, but from my in-depth experience and
observation pertaining to that possibility, they appear to be rudimentary humans with extremely low FRV who are
employed by fourth density negative aliens as decoys, disinformants, energy harvesters, and group-FRV polluters. All of
them are emotionally unstable and needy, are not all there if you probe their minds, and lack a well-rounded presence
within reality as though they are insertions from outside the timeline with only a simulacrum of history. Anyway, the
question here is how they have FRV if they are robots the answer is that they are organic like anyone else but also
have an etheric body. But so do plants and animals. Their auras are rudimentary but present, yet anyone with
intuitive/clairvoyant abilities can sense they are definitely off and their low FRV can be quite repugnant due to its sheer
discombobulated quality. No need to get further into this here, but I can say with certainty that they have etheric bodies
despite their lack of individualized self-awareness. Im not sure whether they have astral bodies, but their overly
dramatized emotional episodes never come off as genuine so perhaps they are just physical and etheric body controlled
by crude artificial intelligence manually operable at times by some higher negative intelligence.

Anyway, the point of this research note was mainly to discuss the implications of FRV being a property of the etheric
body, that complications with the etheric can interfere with the mutual feedback loop between consciousness and
experiential reality, and that the etheric being so close to the physical means that FRV is likely something that exotic
technology can directly measure, manipulate, and perhaps artificially project.
Atlantis and 2012, FRV as 4D
For an explanation of frequency resonance vibration (FRV) or soul vibe please see my previous
research note. Now, through intent and the transmutation of negative emotions into positive, it is
09/17/2006 possible to momentarily raise your FRV. The end result should be an elevated mood and
conscious lucidity, reduction in passivity or reactivity, and greater perspicacity.

Raising FRV from neutral to positive mood is used to connect one with positive probable futures,
as when manifesting through intent, or initiating communication with higher positive entities. Raising FRV from negative
to neutral is done by degrees to get one out of a depressed or reactive state of mind, particularly one that is the result
of psychic attack or lunar energies.

The thing to notice is that the raising sensation can be felt. It is not just an auto-release of endorphins as that is just a
byproduct of something nonphysical, rather it is an actual feeling of being raised, but not in any three dimensional
direction. So lets make a working hypothesis that raising your FRV actually shifts you in a fourth dimensional direction.
This hypothesis is useful because in accordance with metaphysical fact, by raising FRV enough you could leave the 3D
plane and enter into a 4D positive realm. So tuning the dial to a higher station gets you there.

Likewise, lowering your FRV by intensifying and purifying your lowest frequencies of resonance would eventually pop you
into the 4D negative realm. One might ask, how can lowering FRV bring you into a higher dimension? Answer is shown in
this diagram:

As you can see, lowering FRV simply moves one in a negative fourth dimensional direction, and raising moves one in a
positive direction. This is interesting because from a 4D perspective the negative realms are actually beneath 3D. Those
of us accustomed to thinking in terms of densities (degrees of consciousness) may not have found this initially
apparent. But here we are talking instead about dimensions (degrees of freedom in motion). Fourth density STS beings
are higher than us in terms of density and complexity of dimension, but positionally lower than us in the fourth
dimension. Remember that the third dimension is just a subset of the fourth and like a horizontal plane there is space
above and space below. So when heaven and hell are said to be above and below, this is just a metaphor for positive
and negative realms being ana and kata, respectively. Ana and kata are the four dimensional equivalents of up and

One reason this hypothesis works is because mythology frequently makes references to dark forces residing in the abyss,
underground, in tartarus, at the bottom of the ocean where it is cold, dark, and still. It is true that negative beings have
bases that are literally underground, but the myths also refer to their being fourth dimensionally beneath us. The abyss
also seems to be the quantum foam from which our three dimensional physical existence and its timelines spring forth,
and likewise it is the place physical dimensions and timelines may return to when wiped from active existence.

This then brings us to the myth of Atlantis. There are enough archeological, religious, geographic, and mythological
pieces of evidence that Atlantis existed and disappeared between twelve and thirteen thousand years ago. The most
convincing evidence is that early civilizations, the survivors of Atlantis, sprung into existence quite suddenly at highly
advanced levels of cultural and scientific sophistication, yet these immediately degenerated over the following millennia
as old knowledge became lost. And yet, the majority of physical evidence of Atlantis is curiously missing. Maybe more
should have survived if Atlantis merely sank beneath the waters.

But what if the myth speaks not (only) of a physical cataclysm, but a hyperdimensional one? What if Atlantis sank into
the quantum abyss and the new timeline that sprang forth contained little physical evidence of the previous one?

I am reminded of Matrix Reloaded where it was revealed that the underground sanctuary Zion was just the most recent
version, whereby the older versions had been intentionally wiped out by the machines to make room for the next try, the
next iteration of the timeloop. The Matrix Trilogy is modern mythology, and as such includes data about
hyperdimensional history. For instance, note that the Keymaker mentioning a 314 second time limit could very well be
code for timeloop since 314 is the circle constant PI and seconds is a measure of time. Another movie, Donnie Darko,
contains similar themes when a temporary timeloop is spawned by a dimensional glitch from the future. We may also
take into account ancient mythology, like those analyzed in the book Hamlets Mill that appear to describe precession of
equinoxes when referring to events like the unhinging of the millstone but may in fact refer to an unhinging of the time
axis, and also the battles between hyperdimensional forces if you read between the lines. If you research this stuff
deeply, you may even conclude that our current timeline may very well have resulted from a monumental abuse of
hyperdimensional technology, that we exist in a temporary timeloop perhaps very different from the original.

Returning to the subject of Atlantis, another interesting thing is that the Fall of Atlantis occurred exactly half a
precessional cycle ago. Every year at spring equinox the sun rises at a slightly different spot relative to the background
of stars, traversing the entire zodiac of constellations over a 25,700 year period. This is known as the Great Year, or
Platonic Year. For each zodiac sign there is an age lasting around 2100-2150 years, and currently we are in the Age of
Pisces heading over the next several centuries into the Age of Aquarius. The Fall of Atlantis occurred opposite our current
age on the zodiac circle, during the Age of Virgo going into Leo.

If we draw the precessional cycle as a wave, it is evident that both the beginning of the wave and its halfway point cross
the zero line and thus share common qualities. If the beginning marks the Fall of Atlantis, then the midpoint basically
marks 2012 AD, the symbolic mile marker of our imminent dimensional Shift opportunity. The dimensional Shift provides
an opportunity to rise in numbers towards fourth density, to become native to the fourth dimension. This is primarily a
positive shift, a rising toward something higher. Notice how this is opposite what happened to Atlantis whereas Atlantis
sank into the abyss, we now have an opportunity to rise into the heavens. All of these ideas may be elegantly related in
this diagram:

As you can see, the Fall of Atlantis marks descent into a negative half of the cycle. No doubt, history since then has been
quite dark. And half a precessional cycle afterwards, we now cross that zero line again, this time into a positive phase. In
the terminology of Ra, I would say that the heights of corruption and darkness reached by Atlantis made for a social
memory complex on the verge of graduating towards a 4D STS state of existence. Not everyone in Atlantis would have
qualified due to lack of sufficient polarization, and they would have been recycled allowed to continue in the next
timeloop which is the one we currently find ourselves in. The negative ones who graduated gained abode in the quantum
abyss from which they have for the past twelve thousand years manipulated their counterparts within the 3D timeloop,
namely those negative secret societies who have run the show in all great civilizations of history (Egypt, Sumeria,
Babylon, Rome, etc).

It is only appropriate then, that this time around (2012 onwards) there may be an opposite shifting, one towards a
restoration of balance. But again, the primary point of this research note is to emphasize the importance of thinking
fourth dimensionally, and how doing so unlocks many secrets of mythology, history, current and future events.
Timeline Dynamics
The rules of time travel are rooted in quantum physics. Understanding these rules reveals much about the
behavior of hyperdimensional beings and the reason for certain metaphysical laws. Timeline dynamics is
essentially about temporal feedback loops between the present and its available range of probable
futures. This is just realm dynamics reinterpreted from the perspective of linear time, which affords
additional insights as you will see. Although timeline dynamics sounds abstract, it has concrete
applications pertaining to manifesting positive synchronicities, deflecting hyperdimensional manipulation,
bending probability, and transcending matrix limitations.

The Nature of Linear Time

A good place to start would to recap the nature of time. Linear time is the constant flow of variable
futures into a single immutable past. Every moment of choice involves multiple optional pathways into
the future. Each path is a deterministic chain of effects cascading forward like dominoes toward the next
moment of choice whereupon another branching takes place.

Viewed from a higher dimension, this looks like an intricate roadmap where intersections and exits
represent choice points and the roads represent the causal consequence of those choices. The entire
roadmap exists at once, a simultaneous whole.

Linear time is the product of our minds moving through the map, tracing out a route which becomes our
remembered past. From our perspective, the route is drawn in permanent marker once drawn, it cannot
be erased.
Not so for beings who have transcended linear time by becoming hyperdimensional. From their
perspective, our pathway through the network is comparable to a winding string pinned to the map with
thumb tacks.

The string represents the causal progression of events, and the tacks represent our moments of choice.
Multiple interacting individuals weave a complicated web whose nodes are pinned in place by the
combined strength of their freewill.
An entity outside linear time can change the past either by overriding a choice already made, or by
inserting a new sequence of events where freewill was absent and thus not violable. The string network
may be altered by repositioning a tack or creating a deviation in some loose section of string. Obviously
the latter is easier.

Except for feelings of deja vu, we would not normally notice a timeline edit since our memories would
change as well. We can trace the string back and find it winds a continuous path, meaning all
consequences of the timeline change are consistently accounted for by preceding causes when examined.
consequences of the timeline change are consistently accounted for by preceding causes when examined.
Thus we normally remember only the most recent edit as being the past that always was.

So from our perspective time is constant, singular, and permanent. From a higher perspective, time is
variable in its rate of flow and selective in its configuration. Our perception of time, like the flow of time
within a movie or novel, is an illusion. The string exists from beginning to end, simultaneously, but its
path is open to revision. True time moves forward not with the tick of a clock but the making of a choice.
That which is inevitable has already happened.

The seemingly irreversible flow of linear time has its origins in quantum phenomena. Like a movie
projector displaying successive still frames to create the illusion of motion, so does consciousness
continuously select from a stationary spectrum of realities which frame to experience next. The
nondeterministic (unpredictable) nature of choice is what creates this one-way flow of time; at our level
of existence, the collapse of a wave function cannot be reversed, and it is this collapse which generates
time as we know it.

Quantum Physics of Time Travel

Last year (2005) an interesting paper appeared that investigated the paradoxes of time travel in context
of quantum physics. Usually time travel is approached from the Relativity angle, involving black holes or
faster than light travel, whose requirements for application are too immense to be practical. Fortunately,
it turns out that the quantum interpretation opens the door to understanding some basic fourth density
(beyond linear time) principles. What follows is a summary and discussion of the paper by Daniel
Greenberger and Karl Svozil titled Quantum Theory Looks at Time Travel.

From the abstract:

We introduce a quantum mechanical model of time travel which includes two figurative
beam splitters in order to induce feedback to earlier times. This leads to a unique
solution to the paradox where one could kill ones grandfather in that once the future has
unfolded, it cannot change the past, and so the past becomes deterministic. On the other
hand, looking forwards towards the future is completely probabilistic. This resolves the
classical paradox in a philosophically satisfying manner.

From the conclusion:

According to our model, if you travel into the past quantum mechanically, you would only
see those alternatives consistent with the world you left behind you. In other words,
while you are aware of the past, you cannot change it. No matter how unlikely the events
are that could have led to your present circumstances, once they have actually occurred,
they cannot be changed. Your trip would set up resonances that are consistent with the
future that has already unfolded.

This also has enormous consequences on the paradoxes of free will. It shows that it is
perfectly logical to assume that one has many choices and that one is free to take any
one of them. Until a choice is taken, the future is not determined. However, once a
choice is taken, and it leads to a particular future, it was inevitable. It could not have
been otherwise. The boundary conditions that the future events happen as they already
have, guarantees that they must have been prepared for in the past. So, looking
backwards, the world is deterministic. However, looking forwards, the future is
probabilistic. This completely explains the classical paradox. In fact, it serves as a kind of
indirect evidence that such feedback must actually take place in nature, in the sense that
without it, a paradox exists, while with it, the paradox is resolved. (Of course, there is an
equally likely explanation, namely that going backward in time is impossible. This also
solves the paradox by avoiding it.)
solves the paradox by avoiding it.)

The model also has consequences concerning the many-worlds interpretation of quantum
theory. The world may appear to keep splitting so far as the future is concerned.
However, once a measurement is made, only those histories consistent with that
measurement are possible. In other words, with time travel, other alternative worlds do
not exist, as once a measurement has been made confirming the world we live in, the
other worlds would be impossible to reach from the original one.

To more accurately rephrase what is said above, a time traveler can only interact in a causal, physical,
tangible manner with pasts that inevitably evolve into the future from which the time traveler came.
Alternately, we in the present can only interact in a causal manner with time travelers from the very
future we are currently vectoring towards.

The rules of time travel may not be as strict as this, however, since the paper ends by pointing to an
alternate solution implying that less deterministic and fuzzier time traveling might be possible. Based
on the mathematics alone, the paper shows that feedback loops between the present and future can and
probably do exist, that their existence perfectly resolves time travel paradoxes by setting conditions on
how the future can interact with its past. But what exactly is less deterministic and fuzzier time
travel? Well, that question leads to the rest of this article.

A deterministic process is one where a perfectly predictable chain of events follows some initial known
cause. A nondeterministic event cannot be predicted at all, merely described in terms of probabilities.
Clearly, freewill is absent in determinism and fully present in nondeterminism. That a time traveler
interacts deterministically with people in the past implies he can violate their freewill by being the cause
that evokes a definite effect upon them. But then he can only do what he ended up doing anyway.

A fuzzier form of time travel is where a greater range of pasts may be accessed at the expense of
decreased determinism in the interaction. In other words, the time traveler will have greater freedom to
visit alternate pasts if he is more respecting of freewill. This is not his choice, rather it is a restriction
enforced by the laws of quantum mechanics. The more inconsistent a past with his timeline, the less
presence the time traveler will have while visiting.

By presence I mean two things: physical presence and probabilistic presence. Either will enforce the
preservation of freewill. To lose physical presence means to become more ethereal. To lose probabilistic
presence means you will simply not be at the right place at the right time doing the right thing to have
any effect.

A time traveler can therefore visit any past at all if he remains entirely invisible and nonphysical. This
would be equivalent to remote viewing the past. The more tangible he desires to be, the more restricted
the range of pasts he can visit. If he wants to be fully physical, he can only enter the pasts that created
his present. This is not speculation, this follows directly from the mathematics shown in the paper by

Fuzzy Time Travel

Of greatest interest is the gray zone between deterministic and nondeterministic interaction. Such
hybrid interactions are somewhat tangible but still respectful of freewill, mostly ethereal but periodically
physical, mostly subjective and only fleetingly objective. Whatever does not outright violate freewill is
allowed. Examples abound: telepathic interaction, synchronistic signs and number sightings, contact
through the subjective screen of dreams, abductions made dubious through memory wiping or screen
memories, visitation in the etheric state, chance meetings without proof of record, an inner voice quiet
enough to be ignored, a compulsion that biases but does not force, an experience meant only for a few,
Fuzzy time travel happensall the time. Technically, it is not time travel so much as one realm interacting
with another in regulated ways. But being that we still exist in the illusion of linear time, much can be
gleaned from thinking in terms of past, present, future, and the feedback loops between these.

It follows that the more you vector towards a particular probable future, the more tangible and objective
your interaction with that future becomes. Perhaps your upcoming choices will change your path to a
different set of probable futures, but for now whatever direction you are moving towards will garner you
feedback from that future. This has some interesting implications.

Imagine for a moment that you are a time traveler interacting very loosely with someone of the past. You
would like to interact more objectively, but quantum laws preserving freewill prohibit you. How, then, can
you achieve this without violating freewill? By using your limited range of interaction to solicit or entrain
the person into volitionally vectoring ever closer towards your own timeline. The more this persons
probable futures become your probable pasts, the more both of you become part of the same time
stream, and the more objectively you may interact.

Negative Hyperdimensional Entrainment

This technique of entrainment to achieve greater deterministic influence is a favorite tactic of self-serving
hyperdimensional entities who find it profitable to enslave other souls. The more tangibly they can do so,
the less freewill their targets have to resist. From our linear time perspective, these entities come from a
very negative probable future and are interacting with us now in dodgy but manipulative ways to entrain
us into reinforcing their timeline, either by becoming them, serving them, or not being an obstacle to
them. We know these entities more commonly as the negative variety of gray, reptilian, mantis, and
nordic alien factions. Not surprisingly, their method of operation is entirely consistent with the quantum
mechanics of time travel. By manipulating rather than forcing their targets toward spiritual slavery, they
may ensnare souls on timelines more lush than their own.

A fascinating but disturbing phenomenon happens to people who get too paranoid, depressed, desperate,
or fearful regarding matters of darkness. Alien abductees, conspiracy researchers, paranormal
investigators, newbies to Matrix research they are all vulnerable to enhancing the object of their fears
by getting too emotionally entangled. Fear vectors one toward a probable future of vulnerability, initiating
a feedback loop that ensures one becomes vulnerable unless the vector switches orientation towards
something more emotionally and spiritually balanced.

Those obsessively fearful of grays will draw them in, those obsessively paranoid of government
monitoring will receive it, those easily freaked out by the artificially synchronistic nature of the matrix will
be swarmed by weirdness. The feedback loop induces a self-reinforcing downward spiral whereby
traumatic experience creates fear and fear creates further trauma. The person is always free to choose
transcendence and break out of the loop.

While negative emotional states lock one onto negative futures, lack of resistance or enthusiastic support
out of naivete does the same. For instance, another way to increase the objective manifestation of
negative aliens in your life is by happily supporting them, calling for them, beckoning to interact with
them. While fear is completely lacking, you still reinforce their timeline and thereby increase how much
force they can use against you. The interaction may even be of a warm and fuzzy nature but if out of
ignorance you help what ends up being a hostile agenda, the timeloop grows in strength. Beyond a
certain point it becomes very difficult to back out, especially since the increased objectivity of interaction
affords them more thorough avenues for abduction, programming, implantation, and control. This
undermines your ability to resist. So these dark forces work either by entraining you emotionally into
vectoring towards them or deceiving/suppressing you intellectually into supporting them.
Positive Hyperdimensional Entrainment

Enough on darkness. Lets discuss how to apply the quantum mechanics of time travel towards positive
ends. The first and most obvious application is strengthening ones connection with positive forces,
namely the Higher Self. The second application is in forcing reality to correct perturbations to well-
established feedback loops via miracles, as shall be explained shortly.

What is the Higher Self? Simply the final version of you that has become fully manifest in potential.
Should your conscious evolution continue indefinitely, it is inevitable that sooner or later you would reach
the heights of individual spiritual perfection, a state in which your wisdom and power has grown profound
and your mind has fully transcended the limits of time and space. While that is yet to occur, its
inevitability means it has already happened. If your future self transcends time, then its consciousness
may naturally extend backwards and overlap the consciousness of all its past incarnations

In other words, although from your linear perspective the Higher Self is a distant probable future,
ultimately this future perfected self exists right now alongside you. According to the quantum principle
discussed in this article, the more you vector towards becoming the Higher Self, the more objectively the
Higher Self can interact with you. A weak connection means its guidance is limited to faint intuitive
impressions, symbolic dreams, certain synchronicities, and so on. A stronger connection would allow
direct inner conversation, which is clearly more objective than vague impressions. The voice of the Higher
Self is often described as a small, still voice meaning an inner knowing that is easily drowned out by
mental distractions. A prolonged and sincere effort to think, feel, and act like the Higher Selfto live from
the highest part of you, the heart of your soulincreases the feedback loop and widens your capacity to
act as a channel for your future self. You are then merging with who you truly are. The prodigal son
returns home.

Whatever you want to connect with, simply support it, reinforce it, try to become it. People who pray to
Jesus from the standpoint of weak beggars receive no response because they are vectoring towards a
future of disempowerment and victimhood, a direction opposite to what the Christ represents, and so
they receive little feedback. Those who call upon the divine impulse within, recognize it, and do their best
to express it receive reinforcement.

Manifesting Miracles

Another application of quantum time travel laws pertains to the creation of miracles. A miracle is a highly
improbable but meaningful event that serves a recognizably positive purpose. Some miracles are
intentionally inserted into the timeline as a matter of divine intervention, but they also happen as a
consequence of natural law. Leap and the net will appear is proven through experience, but its
explanation is most elegantly handled by timeline dynamics as follows:

There exists a bundle of probable pathways between the present moment and some particular future. The
straightest path is the most probable and mundane, while the more deviating paths are less probable.
The greater the deviation, the more fantastic or bizarre the correction necessary to ensure that future. So
if you can stay locked onto a particular future, any excursions you take that might upset its fulfillment
merely brings you onto a less probable path towards that same future, a path whose initial excursion is
redressed by a miraculous correction.
How to lock upon a particular future? By resonating with it. Your soul vibrational spectrum, which is
somewhat equivalent to your emotional temperament or learning style, determines what range of
probable futures you resonate with most and therefore attract. The more hostile, reactive, depressive,
fearful, fanciful, passive, or jaded your regular mode of being, the harsher and more painful the types of
experiences attracted. The more confident, attentive, serene, exultant, warmhearted, and patient you are,
the more your experiences will reinforce those qualities by being of a positive nature.

You enter into temporal feedback with futures that spawn from your current mode of being, a self-
reinforcing process that keeps you within the bundle of probable paths consistent with a resonant range
of futures. Once this feedback loop is established, you can then take risks that merely send you on a
more exciting trajectory towards the same successful future. In other words, if through a positive state of
mind you connect with a positive future, then by maintaining that inner connection your experiences will
adjust accordingly to ensure everything works out.

The trick is in making your causal excursion as nonchalantly as possible. Worry reorients your vector
towards a disappointing future. Anticipation constricts the quantum fluidity of a probable future and
prevents it from manifesting synchronistically. Remaining dispassionate when taking a risk ensures that
you maintain your original vector and stay within the intended bundle of probable paths. It is much like
telling a scriptwriter that no matter what scene opens an act, the act must have a happy ending; then
the more perilous the opening scene, the more amazingly the plot must transition to manifest a happy
ending. If a month from now you will be financially fine, then spending on something that assists your
growth and thereby reinforces a positive future guarantees that some miracle must manifest to
reimburse the purchase.


In a nutshell, according to quantum physics we are caught in mutual feedback loops with all our probable
futures. The greater the probability of a particular future, the stronger the feedback loop, the more
tangibly beings from that future can interact with you in the present. By choosing to become more
positive and aware, you establish mutual reinforcement with positive futures and thereby increase the
number of miracles necessary to evolve you into those futures. The enormous implications I will leave to
your imagination and experimentation.
Freewill, Fate, and Causality in Matrix Reloaded
Matrix:Reloaded explores freewill, fate, and causality, three themes that may formulate the very
basis of existence.

Causality is a phenomenon whereby one cause is the effect of another. This axiom or assumption
forms the foundation of orthodox physics; if all causes are known, then theoretically all effects can
be known and predicted with absolute certainty. Causality cannot begin or end itself because, by
definition, in a purely linear system1 every cause is the effect of another preceding it, a causal
chain that extends forever into the past.

In truth, a causal chain is finite; it begins and ends with choice. Freewill is the only true cause; all
else is purely effect. Thus, freewill is both beginning and end; causality merely mitigates and
facilitates freewill by creating consequence from choice. From a physics standpoint, choice arises
when indeterminate quantum states are made definite by the wave-collapsing ability of
consciousness2. Nonlinear systems are sensitive enough to translate quantum causes into classical
effects, thereby allowing consciousness to initiate linear causal chains extending into the
macroscopic world3.

Without multiple choices, there is just causality. When you perceive only one choice or one effect,
you become a passive link in a causal chain initiated by someone else. The more knowledge and
understanding you have, the more genuine choices you see, and the greater your role becomes as
cause rather than effect. It is lack of knowledge that places one under the influence of causality.
You cannot change what you cannot see, because without seeing you cannot choose.

Fate is the causal consequence of choices made outside your realm of linear time. Because you do
not see your fate, you cannot or more accurately, you do notchange it. So you become a passive
link in the chain of causality initiated by a hyperdimensional source. In the case of fate, that source
is your Higher Self, a greater aspect of your being with whom you merge after physical death to
review your recent incarnation and plan another. In this planning phase, while merged with the
Higher Self you choose the key lessons and events that characterize your upcoming incarnation.
Once incarnated, the original choice to learn those lessons has already been made. As the Oracle
said in Matrix Reloaded, the point is to understand why they were made and therefore learn the
lessons prompted by fated events.

But freewill is not subordinate to fate; quite to the contrary, freewill is the ultimate of precondition of
existence. Fate merely orchestrates, while causality executes. Freewill does seem subordinate when
it is not applied, as in the case where one does not know ones fate and therefore makes no choice
to alter it. But fate can be changed if it is known.

In their proper places, fate decides what lessons must be learned and why, while freewill decides
how they are learned and when. Alternate events can lead to the same lessons learned, so it is not
the mundane details of events that are ruled by fate, but rather their core meanings. Because
freewill decides the timing as well as the qualitative nature of how lessons are learned, neither
timing nor quality of experiences is definite.
Things of a game are real only within the game. Like any game, our reality exists because we
consensually create it by setting rules and limitations to define the nature of our mutual
interactions. In abstract terms, we place infinity in a box, thus separating former inseparables into
a structured reality composed of individual elements obeying definite rules; mathematics as we
know it details our consensual restrictions upon infinity4. All mathematical equations include a
hidden variable representing the potential influence of freewill. Because freewill is absent in cases
where rules are followed, this variable often remains silent. Nevertheless, it represents an exit from
the game or program, a choice to break the rules and become an anomaly.

Because the mathematics of a game is accurate and real only within the game, those who take
choices delineated by its rules become predictable and easily controlled by those who know the
mathematics, the why of an effect. It is this knowledge that allows manipulators to see and
therefore strategically deny others certain choices; when denied the multiplicity of choice, people
become passive elements in the causal chain initiated by those with power. What you dont see
controls you via causality.

To make a choice beyond those given by the game, particularly the game of physical incarnation
ruled by linear time, one must have a connection to something beyond its boundaries. This
connection allows the introduction of nonlinear variables in the equation of ones behavior. What
cannot be predicted cannot be controlled; to be predictable is to become hunted.

Examples of such connection include higher knowledge and higher emotions, those originating from
our Higher Self. Higher knowledge allows one to see transcendent choices, while higher emotion
helps one intuitively feel their possible existence. Incidentally, both of these arise from ones
connection with the Higher Self, the same aspect that orchestrates fate. Because they share the
same source, fate is often associated with higher knowledge and higher emotion. On rare occasions
we accomplish the impossible or improbable because we were fated to do them, because we knew
and felt that they must be regardless of the rules of the game.

Choosing to attempt the impossible arises from two processes: the rational knowing of what must
not be, and the irrational emotional drive to risk accomplishing what might instead be.

Neos fated choice to save Trinity despite the impossible odds demonstrates this perfectly: 1) he
rationally knew that choosing the door on the right would lead to the assured continued survival but
enslavement of humanity, a choice his predecessors foolishly made which he knew must be avoided,
and 2) he felt an irrational compulsion out of his love for Trinity to risk everything and choose the
door on the left, an emotion that opened him to unlimited possibilities and allowed him to do what
the Architect with all his calculative perfection could not predict.

The Architect is a character who demonstrates the limits and fallacies of deductive reasoning.
Deductive reasoning starts with fundamental axioms and deduces conclusions from them,
attempting to know what is from what ultimately is assumed. The problem is that these
assumptions are rooted within the game itself, thus they allow no deduction of possibilities outside
the game.

In contrast, reasoning via contradiction is superior because it is easier to see what is not than to
accurately know what is. When choices within a game are eliminated as viable possibilities, finite
mathematics declares none are left; but in an infinite universe where everything is possible, choices
external to the game must remain. Every wall has at least two sides; what ends one domain begins
Truth is internally consistent, meaning it does not contradict itself, so while deductive reasoning
can mistakenly eliminate the truth from its conclusions when one begins with false assumptions,
reasoning via contradiction always leaves truth as an option among its set of non-contradicted
possibilities. It is the irrational impulses of faith, hope, and love that beckon us to explore these

If we take a choice based solely on reason, because calculations indicate it is the least risky path to
take with the most favorable outcome, we will remain trapped within the game because we are
automatically denying all possibilities beyond those delineated by the games rules. Like delusional
mimes, we predict, pretend, and thus concretize our own limits. This works well if one wishes to
advance within the game, but more is needed to evolve or expand in an orthogonal manner5. True
limits are to be tested, not manifested, though the weak are never willing to take that risk. But what
is risk?

Risk is the chance for failure, the chance of encountering a limit. It is a relative quantity because it
depends on which goals one is attempting to reach, what limits one is testing, and whether failure
is even a possibility. Some only take mundane risks to receive mundane rewards such as social
attention, an adrenaline rush, or professional promotion rewards given because of the game or
program. Although they may seem like courageous risk takers, these individuals tremble when
faced with genuine risks that offer rewards given despite the game, rewards actually worth

Mundane risks are distractions, while worthwhile risks offer learning lessons and expansion for the
soul. Ones soul and its inventory of lessons learned are the only things that consistently survive
physical death, therefore it is important to prioritize which risks are worth taking.

Ironically, risks that test the games limits are buffered by the influence of fate, thus they tend to
be the least risky of all. We are fated to test the games limits, to make choices based on our
knowledge of the past, objective awareness of the present, and faith in the future. We have entered
this physical reality to learn how to eventually transcend it, to take risks by applying our freewill to
learn fated lessons. When placed in proper context, such risks have no chance for failure because all
paths potentially provide the needed lessons; on some chosen paths, we can learn the easy way,
others the hard way, but either way the same lessons are ultimately learned; it is just a matter of

While failure is not an option, stagnation is nevertheless possible when one refuses to choose to
learn; those preoccupied with the transitory distractions of the program are wasting away their
finite lives. They encounter experiences meant to shake them loose from their hypnotic trances, but
choose to ignore them and therefore redundantly repeat the same mistakes. As the Architect said,
they are given the choice to refuse the program but keep choosing to accept it.

Due to the influence of fate, risks that the program deems most dangerous are actually the safest
risks of all. They are only dangerous to the program itself because such risks allow individuals to
escape its control. For example, the institution of public education deems dropping out to be the
most dangerous risk to anyone wanting a successful career, and yet those with the most successful
careers are often ones who did not follow that rule.

Those who trade liberty for security become enslaved; they are sold on the idea of security as
defined by the program, a definition engineered to perpetuate control. To avoid the necessity of
making genuine choices and therefore taking risks, many give their freewill to a surrogate chooser,
thereby becoming a passive link in a causal chain initiated by the chooser. A causal chain is ruled
by precise mathematics: one does x to effect y; there is no risk involved when the outcome is
certain, hence the illusion of security. Because abdication of freewill is a precondition for
participating in a causal chain, the price of resultant security is enslavement.

True security is found in taking worthwhile risks, ones that provide fated lessons. Fate fully
supports our endeavors to take such risks because we have incarnated for that very purpose. While
the program ensures safety via causality, fate ensures safety via synchronicity. The first is illusion
while the second is tangible.

Synchronicity is normally defined as a meaningful coincidence, but its definition can be expanded.
More generally, synchronicity arises from a chain of causality that originates outside the program.
Because the program cannot see where the chain begins, where the original cause resides, it deems
the phenomenon acausal. In context of fate, synchronicity is a causal chain that resides outside the
program of linear time and space, a.k.a. physical reality.

Synchronicities are whole packets of cause and effect spanning past, present, and future that are
instantly inserted into the timeline. Because every synchronicity includes a definite series of cause
and effect, it may be easy to rationalize the phenomenon as mere coincidence by claiming that
synchronicity is simply a mundane product of mundane causes. But this logical fallacy cannot
explain away the sheer improbability and meaning behind the synchronicity, which arises from the
fact that the synchronicity and all its causal components are inserted as a whole into the timeline.

Many think the future is variable due to freewill; until we have chosen our next move the future
remains open. With a single application of freewill the distribution of possible futures shifts as some
are prevented while others are created. But what most do not realize is that freewill doesnt just
affect the future, it can change the past and present as well. For example, a synchronicity can be
created in direct response to a decision you make now, but tracing back the synchronicity reveals it
to be the culmination of a series of cause and effect that may have started yesterday. Prior to
making your present choice, yesterday may have been different.

Linear time as we know it is illusion. It is the finalized version of events recorded in the memory
function of our brains and the environment. Real time is variable and selective, meaning causal
chains from beginning to end can be instantly inserted and removed at the command of freewill. It
is our cumulative recording of the last sequence of events that generates the illusion of continuity.
The intervals of time between elements of a linear causal chain are imaginary; when the first domino
is pushed, the last might as well have already fallen. Time only increments in intervals demarcated
by freewill choices.

What you are reading now is the finalized version of an article, which up to the point of completion I
am at liberty to edit. Between this sentence and the next, I might halt and choose to revise earlier
sections of the article, possibly inserting or deleting entire paragraphsbut how would you possibly
know? All you see is the final product with no record of the actual sequence involved in creating it. If
you understand this, then you can understand the illusory nature of linear time.

The present is a fulcrum between past and future; a shift in the fulcrum will affect both. How we
apply our freewill now has consequences that can span both ways on the timeline. Effects depend
on the choice of cause, and individuals brainwashed by the program see only the choices that cause
strictly future effects, choices whose consequences reinforce the illusion of linear time and the faux
supremacy of causality.

Making choices that affect the entire timeline requires connections beyond the program, choices
that comprise the aforementioned worthwhile risks. They are transcendental choices based on the
rational knowledge that the programs options are void, and the irrational hope that greater
possibilities must exist. Fated choices are ones that seem right because they feel right and there is
nothing clearly wrong with them. They are not choices made because of limits, but choices made in
spite of them. They are not choices that obey the program, but ones that are open to unlimited

Therefore, those who obey the program become prey to causality while others choosing to
transcend it are aided by synchronicity. The acausal phenomenon of synchronicity ensures that the
program never succeeds in preventing individuals from choosing to fulfill their destinies. The Higher
Self can override any actions, laws, or limits endangering that fulfillment because the program is
never to undermine its purpose, which is to indirectly assist and accelerate the spiritual evolution of
physical incarnates. Consequently, those taking fated risks need not search for safety nets to catch
them because failure is never a possibility in such cases. All that is needed is the knowledge of
which choices to avoid and the desire to transcend the programs limits. Life then falls into place

Freewill is the only universal constantthe rest is causality. Fate is simply a type of causality that
originates beyond the limits of linear time, initiated by choices already made on a higher level of
reality. As Morpheus said, Everything begins with choice.


1 Linear systems are straightforward in their behavior. The output is directly related to the input. If

the inputs of a system are known, as well as the rules by which the system processes them, then
the output can be known. There is no mystery about how they function or any quirkiness and
unpredictability associated with them.

2 According to quantum mechanics, everything is made of waves. Particles are actually waves

spread out among possible states of existence. Only when we measure or observe a particle does its
wave collapse into one possibility and one observable manifestation. In truth, we are simply tuning
into one slice of the probability wave, choosing to experience one manifestation of it. Which state a
wave collapses into is entirely unpredictable by quantum mechanics because mathematics cannot
predict the influence of freewill. If something is predictable, then it has no choice of being anything
other than what is predicted, and therefore has no freewill.

3 Nonlinear systems are ones where output need not correspond to input in a simple or direct

manner. Often there is feedback involved where part of the output gets fed into the input and
creates amplifying loops. According to chaos theory, the smallest triggers can have the largest
effects due to that amplifying characteristic. A well-known example is the butterfly effect, where
something as small as a butterfly can trigger the formation of a hurricane due to the sensitive
nature of the atmosphere. How small can the smallest trigger be? In some cases, it can be as small
as a single quantum process. Whether the wave of the particle collapses into one state or the other
is correspondingly amplified by the nonlinear system into a large and observable output. Because
the collapse of a wave function is decided by consciousness, nonlinear systems are a means
through which consciousness can influence the observable physical world. Our brains are an
example of such a system; whether a neuron fires or not could ultimately depend on decisions
made by the soul to think a certain thought.

4 According to quantum mechanics, everything is made of waves. Combining different waves in

different proportions creates different types of objects. A wave existing in free space (one that is
free from the influence of any external fields or forces) is not quantized, meaning it does not take on
certain limited values. Such an amorphous wave consists of infinite possible values. But when the
wave is placed in a box called a potential well, certain frequencies and probabilities are cut out. The
wave then assumes a discrete number of possible values, thus creating a definite and
distinguishable object. So putting infinity in a box means creating our reality by imposing
restrictions upon what is possible. It is like forming a statue from a block of marble by chipping
away the stone to leave only what one wants, or like creating a board game by setting up rules that
determine what is not allowed within the game. These rules can be described by mathematical
equations, but since such rules were ultimately agreed to or created by us, we are free to break
them if we know how. Therefore, all mathematical equations are never absolute; because they are
based on consensual rules, such equations have exceptions.

5 Orthogonal means at right angles. An orthogonal expansion implies expanding in a manner

perpendicular to the old way of being. It signifies a fundamental motion that isnt just a
continuation or recombination of the old, but an entirely new way of doing things.
Maximizing Your Potential to Help Others
In a recent email exchange with a friend, an important subject came up. How can we help others,
and what difference would it make? This question came about because he was feeling down and
confused about the world and the prospect of acting upon his desire to help. In the past I have had
these thoughts myself, feeling dejected with the seeming futility of trying to make a difference in a
world brimming with negativity and corruption.

From my own contemplation of the matter, certain answers revealed themselves over time. These I
offered to my friend in the following email. I have met many others in recent months who were
equally discouraged and confused by these same issues, so for the benefit of anyone reading, I am
publishing my email response here. Rather than condensing my response into a formal article, I
decided to merely do some minor editing and leave the conversational flow intact.

One of the reasons I am confused at the moment is because I have been talking to
a person who is confusing me. He is a really nice bloke, but he asks me about
spiritual matters and then the conversation gets all confusing! I dont know if
the feelings he is sending me are of good nature, or if he is being negative. He
totally disables me! I need something to get me back on track.


You see I am drawn to discussing spiritual things with certain people. ... for
instance, this boy who is confusing me, I walk into his room and he sits there
reading the papers getting noticably upset with the state of the world. I tell him to
not read the papers if its getting him down. He says that is burying his head in
the sand. I say it might do you good to be aware of a negative side, but you
shouldnt dwell on it. He says if you have all the answers, how can I help the
world? there is people starving & we sit here eating luxury food etc etc I say I
dont know all the answers but am aware of a bigger perspective that may help him
see things in a different way and the conversation ends with me feeling confused
and a bit helpless. How can I help people!

Regarding the person who confuses you, consider it a challenge testing you on not only how well
you know what you know, but how well you can communicate it to others, especially when there
could be things working through them to befuddle your mind (usually involves an energy drain and
neurolinguistic programming through their language that works to put you in a slight hypnotic
trance, all unbeknownst to them).

The more you learn what you know, and learn how to communicate it, the greater your confidence
and power. Its like wielding a swordat first its heavy and slows you down, but only after practicing
can it be turned into a great tool.

Can I ask you a question? What is the best way to help somebody? Should you talk
about the bigger picture to other people, or just let them discover it for
themselves? If now is a critical time for Earth, is it good to throw seeds about or
is it unwise?

What I do is give up only when my interaction with someone turns purely into a waste of energy.
Thats the line you cross when you see they have made their choice and actively defend it to the
point of no longer hearing what you have to say. You can tell this happens when they start
becoming irrational or argue in circles or simply dont get what you say no matter how you put it.
Thats when navet on their part spills over into willful ignorance. Navet is simple lack of
information but willingness to learn, while ignorance is choice to hear no more. Once you
understand this difference, youll know when to try and when to stop.

You can plant seeds as long as something goes into them, but once they shut the door and lock it,
then your job is done for the moment. So what I do is keep going til I cross that line, then for good
measure try a bit more just to make sure their door truly is locked. So cross the line, and go a bit
farther, then be satisfied youve tried and get on with your life.

I say it might do you good to be aware of a negative side, but you shouldnt dwell
on it. He says if you have all the answers, how can I help the world? there is people
starving & we sit here eating luxury food etc etc I say I dont know all the
answers but am aware of a bigger perspective that may help him see things in a
different way and the conversation ends with me feeling confused and a bit

Whenever you feel confused, thats usually a sign that some great truth is buried there. Confusion
says Figure me out!!, like a present contained in a chinese puzzle boxgotta figure out the tricky
way of opening it and the present is yours.

For example, a close friend of mine recently complained that were here to do good in the world, and
yet shes consuming products that require things be thrown away, which damages the
environment so thats not really helping. She asked theoretically, why not just move into the
country and live off the land, grow our own food and help the earth?

There is a paradox there we come here to help the world, and yet were harming the world
through our garbage.

After thinking about it, the solution hit me: you must maximize how much of your potential you can
manifest. Lets say your potential is to reveal the truth to as many people as possible, to wake them
up, arm them with knowledge to free themselves from the Matrix Control System, to maximize their
potential and so on. But you then move into the country away from civilization and spend all day
working the farm just to stop yourself from being a consumer that harms the environmentsure,
youre no longer harming the world, but youre also not applying your potential in ways that could
help the world a hundredfold more. If people like us moved into a wooden shack and lived off the
land without electricity, we could save the earth for a year but ultimately allow tyranny on earth to
prevail for the next thousands of years (if that were our destiny, hypothetically speaking).

To maximize how much you can help the world, you have to weigh the costs and benefits of doing
or not doing something. The cost is between how much you help the world by doing it, and how
much you hurt the world by failing to spend that time making better use of your potential. This will
vary from person to person, but one thing I guarantee is that the only way to know whats right for
you is to know what gives you enthusiasm, what is naturally in line with your drives, your skills, and
the needs of the world.
Some examples I can think of are donating large sums to charity and working in soup kitchens.
Depending on who you are, these may or may not be the ideal options for you. There are those who
do precisely these things because that is the maximum extent of their potential, and they know it
because it is their heart that leads them to do this. If you have time you cannot think of spending
any other way, then naturally these are right for you.

But for me, other than giving money to homeless when they come my way on the streets, or having
spent time doing volunteer work in college when I had the time, I dont go out of my way donating
to charity or working at homeless shelters because Im busy helping the world in other ways. When
I donate, I dont give money indiscriminately, but rather where it countswhere a little can go a
long way. Tithing the homeless is an example. So is donating to a fellow truthseekers website.
Under higher laws, only time is a limit, never money. When you give for the right reasons, reality
compensates you: give to receive.

Regarding many of the altruistic options the Matrix gives us are just the opposite most amount
of money for the least amount of effects. Think about donating to the National Cancer Foundation
to help with cancer research. Sounds like a noble thing to do, but in truth cures for cancer are
being suppressed by these same pharmaceutical companies, and its amazing how much money
universities blow on research that ultimately does nothing. A hundred thousand dollars for a
university physics lab may build a machine whose results may be published in an obscure scientific
journal that gets forgotten, or a hundred thousand dollars in the hands of a renegade inventor
presently working in his garage on a free energy machine may be enough to change the world.

Its all about where you put your time, energy, and money. Not only must you maximize your
potential, but you must apply it in a way that makes use of others potential in the best way as well.

Many compassionate people from 4D incarnate into 3D and often sacrifice themselves for the
well-being of others, only to learn eventually that wisdom is needed in knowing when and how to
help. This is the lesson we need to learn.

Sometimes a little harm is needed to access an exponentially greater amount of help. I use gasoline
to power my car, so that I can network and buy things I need to help others. The harm I do is
insignificant to the help I try to accomplish. And being that the SOUL is what matters,
metaphysical help is far more powerful than sheer physical help. Therefore, you also must learn to
prioritize things.

Then there are problems you cant do anything about, like the starving children in Africa. Well, you
could go there and help them for the rest of your life, but the issues above must be taken into
account. The least you can do, however, is send them love and compassion, which helps ease the
suffering of their souls on the metaphysical level.

He says if you have all the answers, how can I help the world? there is people
starving & we sit here eating luxury food etc etc

See, what would this guy be implying? That we should feel guilty about what we have (which
ignores that we chose our life before incarnating), that we should live like the starving people (which
ignores that were living the life were supposed to), that we should give all our food to them (which
would be impractical), etc? When we can help someone, then we should help in the wisest manner
possible. If we cannot help someone, then we should not worry about it other than sending them
some metaphysical help like a prayer. Everything happens for a reason, because of a choice.

You cannot help everyone in the world if you have to choose between feeding someone in Africa
versus India, how is this less sinful than choosing between donating to such charities and using
the money to, say, write a book that helps free the minds of thousands? This is IF you had to make
that choice often you can indeed contribute money toward charity and still have much left over for
helping others in more productive ways, but nevertheless wisdom demands optimization and the
long range view.

What do you suggest? I want to help stop that horribleness in the planetall the
ignorance and negative energy.

If you cant do something physically, then you can only work on the metaphysical level which is good
because thats where the physical is projected from anyway. You can be a beacon by discovering
your inner truth, manifesting it as practical knowledge, and maintaining your frequency and
confidence in what you know, you become a beacon broadcasting higher frequency and higher
knowledge into your environment and into the lives of all who cross your path. You create ripple
effects in reality, sending waves out through the lives of others. You throw seeds and they grow in
those whose minds are fertile. You create a forward cascading effect into the future, in ways only
the divine mind can grasp in its entirety because the future is nonlinear small things can have
HUGE effects if applied in the right way at the right place at the right time. You cant calculate
these ahead of time, but know that by following your divine calling, youll always be on target.

You dont have to yell in a park to teach the truth, you can simply discuss it with those who bring it
up in conversation just speak your mind in the most logical way you can, share your opinion when
called for. You dont have to give your life to charity to be altruistic while thats great for some, for
others who have a different level of potential, this can only be a side project but not the main thrust
of life.

Think about Neo and Morpheus in The Matrix. They knew their goal, and they knew that it takes a
little hurt to do a lot of good. Its not about right and wrong but a matter of what needs to be
done and the wisest way of doing it. Maximizing potential isnt as simple as following societys
criteria for what the right thing is to do. Surgery requires creating a wound to fix an internal
problem. Likewise, sometimes the physical in the world will be harmed slightly so that the root
cause on the metaphysical level can be fixed.

But what is the best way to help? To sit over my computer reading Cs and other
material? Or to get off my arse and go and do some helping? Charity work, cooking
for homeless people etc.?

Imagine you had the wit, the strength, and the knowledge to tell that guy exactly why he shouldnt
gripe about the headlines. Imagine him lighting up with recognition, of him seeing that truth that
has always been within him. Say he then stops wasting his energy and starts refining how he can
best help the world, and how all who then cross his path share in his ignited light. Okay, so this is
an ideal scenario that doesnt always happen, but unless you know your truth and have practiced
the clarity of mind needed to share it, this can never happen.

Reading the Cs transcripts may seem like nothing on the physical level, but on the nonlinear and
metaphysical level you now understand how it can indeed help. In life, it is very difficult to make
things happen that arent in line with the flow of your destiny. To serve means to serve when called
to serve, not just to go out and start picking things to serve. When your heart calls you (via
enthusiasm or inspiration), when someone calls you by asking you a question or leaving himself
open to your words and thus subconsciously asking for your help, then that is the time to act. And
to act well, you must be knowledgeable and wise which is why learning is far from fruitless. The
more knowledge you have, the more you understand where help is needed, how to apply it wisely
and effectively.

I want to get rid of this helpless feeling. I want to stop talking about higher stuff
and start acting higher. But I dont know how a higher person would act! I feel I
am kind and caring, but whats the point of being kind and caring if I dont get out
there and care for anybody? etc

Lets say youre a person who likes to give presents. Do you go out and just force presents into
peoples hands? No, giving when not called for is not giving at all. I know people like this who do it
literally, they get internal satisfaction from giving things to people, even when people dont even
need or ask for what they are given. This is why patience is required for the right moment. Until
that moment, you can only become better prepared to meet it.

I think you are doing a grand job with your web site, I could make one too. but
there again we could just end up with a world full of people reading stuff on the
internet and thinking yeah thats good stuff. but how is this really helping?

Think of it this way. Theres someone out there right now whose future can benefit from you
speaking your truth. You have a role to play in his life and whether you fulfill it is up to you.
Among the many people nodding their head with what they already know by reading your site,
there will be a couple who will open their eyes for the first time. Even if its a single idea that they
havent thought of yet, its enough to kick them into an interesting direction. The divine flow works
through all channels that can contain this flow. By opening up your channel, you give one additional
outlet for the divine flow to do its thing. Thats how it works. Its like building a new road in town
sure, people can say just another road but who knows what difference it can makeby taking a
shortcut, the ambulance may get to the hospital soon enough to save someone.

Because of the eventually unpredictable effects of our actions, the best we can do is live our destiny
and our hearts calling to the fullest, regardless of whether we think anyone is listening or not
because what we THINK we are doing isnt always how things really end up working out. I dont get
much feedback on my site, but occasionally someone tells me that because of my site, he and his
whole circle of friends have now hit upon some new ideas and have been helped. THAT is something
I could not predict, but it happened anyway.

These are important points to consider, because they are things Ive had to learn for myself, and
things I understand can discourage a lot of us if we are unaware of them.
Pop Quiz
Instructions : address these questions to yourself; time limit is one decade. Answers will be
provided after time is up.

1. Fear based material is:

a) material that evokes fear in the reader.

b) material that seeks to evoke fear in the reader.
c) material written out of fear.
d) arent these all the same thing?
e) a convenient label to discredit whatever truth one is too scared to accept.

2. The concept of good and evil:

a) is simple good is anything that is nice, feels good, and is based on love rather
than fear.
b) is not valid this is a false dichotomy; there is no such thing as good or evil.
c) is subjective and relative. They mean whatever one determines them to mean.
d) is objectively a duality of balance vs imbalance, respecting freewill vs
manipulating freewill.

3. One day, Gandhi says 1+1 = 5, to which Hitler exclaims Nein! 1+1 = 2. I respond:

a) Hitler lied his way into power and killed millions. I think that speaks for itself.
b) I agree with Gandhi because hes a friendly guy and makes me feel good.
c) Hitler must be using fear-based logic, and Im too lazy to count on my fingers,
so I agree with Gandhi
d) 1+1 = 2guess that make me an anti-semite?

4. When I listen to my intuition:

a) I am freeing myself from the limiting nature of the logical mind.

b) I am actually listening to subjective emotions arising from chemical imbalances,
programs, and insecurities.
c) I am blindly listening to the implant in my head.
d) I use my logical mind to crosscheck intuition, seeing if they concur.

5. If someone is hurting me, I respond in a loving manner by:

a) giving them my tender kindness until they feel guilty and become nice like me.
b) allowing them, since there are no victims and so I obviously asked for this as
part of a karmic learning lesson
c) ignoring their existence, thereby making them go poof from my created reality.
d) caring for their spiritual evolution by doing whatever is necessary to teach them
a lesson, including being cruel to be kind.
Methods of Deception
Some paths are more circuitous and painful than others. Knowing what to watch for can save you
lots of unnecessary trouble. This comes down to matching enthusiasm with discernment and
seeking out the wisdom needed to navigate a clear path.

Here is a list of pitfalls I have encountered on my path to higher understanding:

Accurate prophecies are no guarantee of positive intent. Deceptive sources may make
successful predictions solely to win blind devotion, induce feelings of doom, or create
self-fulfilling prophecies. When positive sources give prophecies, they respect freewill and
present probabilities without macabre coloring or undue fatalism.

That a body of material contains identifiable truths does not necessarily make it valid.
Deceptive sources may pile a heap of lies upon an otherwise factual basis, while the sloppier
cases simply slap together fragments of existing material. In contrast, positive material is
always more than the sum of its parts and presents extra information that is novel, practical,
and verifiable.

Preoccupation with lower truths can distract from the pursuit of higher truths. For instance,
obsession with exposing political corruption can distract from gaining necessary spiritual
empowerment, which is a popular tactic employed by hyperdimensional entities and their
human agents. Positive sources prioritize by framing lower truths in their higher context.

Just because something contains convoluted trivia, complex jargon, and voluminous pages, it
does not necessarily contain profound truths. The illusion of profundity sends people on a
wild goose chase for grand truths better found elsewhere. Positive sources are complex only
for the sake of accuracy and conciseness.

The alternative to a fallacious belief system may not always be a better alternative. Rejecting
something and seeking its diametric opposite could simply be going from self-deception to
self-destruction. Positive sources do not subscribe to this mechanical binary thinking and
instead present balanced solutions that transcend such false dichotomies.

Deceptive sources win allegiance by stroking the ego and playing upon insecurities. We are all
special and here for a reason, but these dark forces diminish humility and cater to
self-importance by assigning one grandiose titles, messianic roles, and outlandish past life
histories. Positive sources help you achieve a humble understanding of your place in the
universe without exalting or repressing who you truly are.

Sometimes an action toward balance can overshoot equilibrium and become a new type of
imbalance. For instance, removing harmful contaminants from your diet can bring a healthier
balance, but removing too many foods without proper substitutes can lead to nutritional
deficiency. To avoid this trap, corrective actions must always be gauged relative to
The right method for the wrong person can give detrimental results. For example, the Fourth
Way methodology aims to grow souls within those who have none; if people who need soul
awakening rather than soul growth limit themselves to such a system, they will assume they
are less than they truly are and spiritually suffocate. By knowing yourself, you will know what
is right for you.

Gifts are not always given with sincerity. Alien abductees are frequently given psychic powers
and even healing abilities, but to the aliens these are worthless trinkets they dont mind
trading for spiritual and biological ownership over the abductee. Gifts are only sincere when
given unconditionally and selflessly.

Being under attack is not always a sign of being on the right path. Attacks can sometimes
serve as false confirmation in order to cattle-prod the paranoid into clutching more tightly
onto their deceptive belief system, such as devout Catholics receiving demonic attacks
because they are easily herded this way and fed upon. For those on the right track, attacks
are far more sophisticated; they seek to undermine faith and pressure one into committing

Astral deceivers often impersonate impressive characters such as historical figures, ascended
masters, archangels, Jesus, or aliens. They do this in order to form a parasitical bond with
those who believe this deception, and they go to great lengths to build up their characters.
Material should always be evaluated on its content, not its source, and deceptive sources will
give cunningly flawed or empty material regardless of their self-proclaimed credentials.

Noble intentions can be diverted onto quixotic endeavors. Those with good hearts can, due to
a lack of knowledge or ungrounded idealism, be led onto a primrose path demanding much
time, energy, and resources in order to keep them spinning their wheels thinking they are
making a difference when in the big picture their talents could be better applied elsewhere.
Discernment requires not letting subjectivity and wishful thinking mask the warning signs
that one is pursuing an inefficient path.

Group consensus is a double edged sword. While conferment and agreement between
multiple individuals lowers the risk of personal bias, if the entire group can be entrained into
agreeing upon a false idea, then any individual dissenting on the side of truth will be rebuffed
on the rationalization that an individual is far more likely to be wrong than an entire group.
Personal communion with ones heart and mind should always take precedence over group
consensus because the truth is within.

Anything good can be shown in a bad light; anything bad can be shown in a good light. By
taking the best promises of a deceptive path and comparing it to the worst risks of a
productive path, the deceptive path may falsely seem like the optimal choice. Only by
examining the totality of each option can one make an informed choice.

That a method or system just works and produces visible results is no guarantee that the
system is ultimately beneficial. What results you see may be matched by greater amounts of
detriment you cannot see, which is especially true of systems that emphasize substituting
technology, ritual, or formula for spiritual practice, self-determination, and discovery. The
best one can do is consider the benefits but hunt for the potential shortcomings of a system
and guard against them.
Deception seeks to emulate truth as closely as possible while propagating just the opposite.
It shares the superficial characteristics of a positive source and hopes the target audience
does not look past the shallow mimicry. Ultimately, something always tends to feel off about
these sources despite surface appearances indicating nothing out of the ordinary; once
intuition alerts you, it is the job of reason to help you zero in on the problem.
The Horrors of Public Education
School sucks.

Most students will agree, and many have voiced their disgust concerning this abomination we call
public education. They spite the good students who obey like little sheep, frown at imposed
conformity, and laugh at the hypocritical nature of the system.

The same will be done here, but there is a big difference between these defiant students and me,
the author. I was one of those good little sheep. I graduated high school with a 4.0, perfect
attendance record, two years of student council under my belt, and a host of top scholarships to
get me through college. Teachers loved me, students both feared and respected me, and the
principal knew me better than I knew him.

Its enough to make you sick. I know it made me sick. So here I am, biting the hand that feeds
because its been feeding nothing but propaganda and sour grapes.

Im not writing this article because of envy or spite against system-indoctrinated valedictorians, nor
am I trying to put blame on my school for all my academic failures. In fact, I cannot because I was
that valedictorian and had few if any academic failures.

Im writing this article because the system itself is messed up. Having been to many different
public school systems over the past 15 years, I have more than adequate credibility to make this

What is taught is random, useless, and meaningless

In class, too much time is wasted on useless topics. The quality of education has been sacrificed for
quantity, and as a result, academic inflation and the devaluation of information has turned
intellectual ambition into apathy and bright minds into gray mush.

In an effort to be multicultural and ecclectic, class curriculi have become shallow and disorganized
in their effort to teach students a global viewpoint. Topics are taught piecemeal, and never do
teachers spend time to help students integrate the pieces into a coherent picture that can be used
or built upon. And even if within a class the ideas are put together, between classes the grand
education still remains compartmentalized.

For example, both geometry and physics can be mastered by the average student, but the
connection and communication between the two often are not. When physics is taught in a junior
high or high school physics class, it involves only the most elementary of geometry concepts, and
vice versa. Without synthesis of the two, each remains without purpose or effectiveness.

Such synthesis between topics is neglected in the school curriculum, and consequently ones
experience in the public education system becomes a vague memory of random, meaningless, and
useless facts, just as a disassembled engine is just a junk heap of random metal parts.

Most school subjects themselves arent even real knowledge. History books are full of purposely
engineered inaccuracies and distortions for the sake of corporate gain and political correctness.

Much of school is wasted time

The purpose of education is to make one an independent, competent thinker, one who can make a
difference in the world for the better, and one who has the best chance for survival and success in
the world.

So what the hell are we doing with such profundity of pep rallies, football and basketball games,
proms, crazy hair days, sex education, death education, quiz bowls, and student council meetings?

Sure, without them, school would be dull. But, school is supposed to be an incubator of young
humans to prepare them for excitement in the real world. School is doing more than its supposed
to and has instead become a surrogate provider of such excitement, turning it artificial and socially
harmful. Is your vacuum cleaner also supposed to do the dishes, trim your hair, balance your
checkbook, and be your friday night date?

So much in school concerns extracurricular activities that time which could be spent on real world
activities is instead being wasted in these trivialities. The effect is the amassing of students
dependent upon the system and isolated from the real world. Social, financial, and academic
dysfunction result. Once again, quantity over quality has prevailed, because there is no profit for
the supplier in quality. Quality only helps those in the demand, but when consumers of education
have themselves been dumbed down to primal levels, discernment and appreciation of quality

Despite these problems, almost everyone is happy.

Parents are happy. Moms get to watch their soap operas and dads get to work while their kids are
being babysat. They dont have to worry about teaching morality or ethics to their children because
its being done for them in school. They dont have to entertain them or spend genuine time with
them because these children are too busy being entertained in school functions. Moms just have to
drive their girls to soccer practice, and dads toss the football a few times. Perfectionist parents keep
their child competitive not by guiding them and helping them on a daily basis, but by yelling them
once a school quarter when report cards come out.

Teachers are happy, as they have a secure job from 8 to 5, and the more they work, the more they
get paid. The more school programs there are with federal or state funding, the more money they
get. The more schools have the programs, the more funding and perks they receive from federal

Everyone is happy, that is, except for the students. But who cares? Who are they to complain?
Those with the gold make the rules, and all students have is some pocket change for cookies and

As is well known, in school, you spend more time learning how to obey and what to think, instead of
and how to think and think for yourself. Fact of the matter is that at least 3/4 of the time spent in
school is waste.

Students are not at fault

But thats not the worst part. The worst part is that public schools not only have a crappy
curriculum, they actually oppress their students by forcing them to participate in it. It is one thing
to offer a profundity of shallow assignments, and quite another to make students do them.
Simply put, students are forcefully occupied with junk to prevent them from learning something

Almost everything important I have learned, I learned on my own time outside school. During junior
high, the assignments given to me were few, and I often completed them in class. This left me with
enough time to go to the library to begin my study of metaphysics and the paranormal, to learn
truth on my own and experiment with what I had learned to confirm the nature of absolute truth.

But as I progressed through high school, increasingly useless assignments were given to me which
taught me nothing (and believe me, I searched for something useful in them), but occupied my
time nonetheless. What was being taught to me was compartmentalized, full of holes and errors,
shallow, and politically correct to the point of nonsense. Was it my duty to integrate the parts and
learn the material well enough to be applied? Sure, but the sheer quantity of homework prevented
me from finding time to do just that. Quantity over quality once again.

Now I am in a state college, and its no different. The oppression continues, except now Im getting
wiser and have caught onto their tricky scheme to graduate robots instead of humans.

I wish I had more time to do research related to this site, to learn true physics and history, to
continue writing music, and make a difference. But this time is erroded by the wasteful components
of the school curriculum.

Students, except for a few genuine slackers, are not at fault when lagging in critical thinking skills.
They are not being held back by their own laziness, but by direct oppression from a system with
the power to punish them or put a bad mark on their transcripts if they dont give up their
individual pursuits of knowledge in favor of hollow schoolwork.

Overloading creates dysfunction

There are multiple consequences to this program of quantity over quality. Children are under a lot
of stress nowadays in schools due to this, and as a consequence they shift into a survival mode.

This survival mode consists of taking shortcuts and getting by with the least amount of effort
possible, but even this small amount of effort is too much and applied toward futile ends. Grades
become an ends to a means, and the true goal of education is detached from daily work. Studying is
only applied toward taking the test, but not for retention thereafter. Escapism takes hold and
watching television, taking drugs, engaging in delinquent behavior, and oversocialization result. This
further detracts a student from learning whats truly needed.

Under such stress, the student body splits into two groups: those who conform and those who fail.

The ones who conform learn the rules of the game, no matter how illogical they are and play the
game to the satisfaction of faculty. They become detached from reality, from what truly matters,
and are stifled in their potential as they are stripped of their inspiration, creativity, and originality.
Quantity over quality matters as part of the survival mode, and there is no profit in overdoing
quality when the profits of doing so are decades away in the reaping. Due to this survival mentality,
thinking that far into the future is neglected. The ones who conform become roboticized and are
respected for how well they fit the mold. What was once innate curiosity to discover the world is
turned into neurotic attempts to escape punishment.

The ones who do not conform fall behind unless they are clever enough to find another source of
education that befits them. Their grades are mediocre as they are disillusioned with the system and
no longer care about pleasing it. Chances of graduation and pursuing higher education is slim, and
most of these either drop out or graduate and immediately acquire low paying jobs. The price of
refusal to conform is rejection into substandard wage earning.

Either way, those entering public education leave either as robots or peasants, hyperbolically

The system itself

Teachers are not to blame either. They are like soldiers in the trenches fighting a war to educate the
public, taking orders from their superiors who have no idea what the current conditions are on the
front lines.

Teachers are overstressed, underpaid, and restricted in their ability to respond to what they
perceive in the classroom. Due to political correctness, threat of legal action by parents, and
contrite schoolboards scared of disapproval by a vocal minority with big political clout, teachers are
confined to a tight curriculum they are forced to follow.

They are forced to teach some things, and not allowed to teach others, such guidelines set by a
panel of nodding puppets with no clue as to what the truth is, let alone initiative to spread it should
they know the truth. These puppets are those who design the school curriculum, who despite once
being teachers themselves, are for the majority removed from the classroom feedback mechanism.

Its the little things that contribute to an oppressive atmosphere in schools. Not withstanding the
social atmosphere, teachers on a strained school budget worry about saving paper, staples, or tape.
When my high school received thousands of dollars of funding from the community, it used that
money to expand its inventory of computers that werent even needed just to keep up with the
politically correct trend for schools to be technologically current. That money should have been used
for the little things, such as office supplies.

Disruptive students are put in the same class with well behaving ones, creating academic socialism
whereby equality is maintained by dragging up the idiots at the expense of the smart ones.
Separating students on the wrong criteria leads to incongruities and a breakdown of the system
and its components. Putting them into grades by age, when they should be instead separated by
level of knowledge and skill, results in academic entropy whereby the smart become dumb and the
dumb learn how to waste others time.

Teachers spend more of this time teaching children how to shut up and sit still than to pay
attention and think. Because they are very limited in their methods of discipline, teachers and
students suffer as the idiotic and delinquent minority ruins it all for the rest.

Friction within the system from misplacement of resources induces hatred among its components,
as each is suffering and blaming one another instead of blaming the system itself. In fact, the
system is set up such that the components feed off one another in a long term downward spiral.

Teachers have contempt for the students, and often make an effort to take out aggression upon
them, seeing them as the enemy and cause of their own stress. Students see authority as
something to be defied, unless they are already broken by it. Teachers make up illogical rules to test
how well students obey, such as making them walk a certain way through the library, or not enter
or leave certain exits at certain times, and other minor things which irritate students and allow
faculty to feel good when they exert their powers. This tension between student and teacher
shatters trust between them, and any teaching and learning between them enters the domain of
negative reinforcement. Instead of them loving and respecting one another, they hate each other
but do what they are supposed to, to avoid consequences if they do otherwise.

When you see a student, what youre really seeing is someone low on ambition and initiative, but
starving for recognition and self-esteem. This is a symptom of a system that is antilife,
anti-individualism, and anti-spirit. Compressing a wonderful human into a precise block to fit
perfectly into cubicle induces the survival mode of life. Knowledge, having been made into the
source of his distress, is put at the bottom of his list of priorities, as he has to do whatever is
possible to regain his self esteem, recognition, and peace of mind. However, he must do so within
the confines of the system.

Dysfunction results. Instead of individualism meaning thinking for oneself and seeking ones own
truth and sense of morality, individualism becomes wearing freaky clothing, having funny hair, and
garnering attention via infantile vulgarity no matter if it is for fame or infamy. These superficial
methods are all that are still legal within the system. The true human spirit, however, is

Those who are broken follow the teachers illogical rules and learn to trust authority over their own
potentials. In this, they become a cog in the wheel. Breaking orders is taboo to them, something
they get very nervous about when it happens, and they certainly dont do it willingly. They become
neurotics and unstable perfectionists who stand high on shaky foundations.

Once their individuality is broken, they become robots very good at their tasks. Many go on to
college, absorb whats fed to them well, and become academicians with a groovy little niche and nice
income in their fields of research. But however wonderful that sounds, they are robots and nothing
more. Or to make another analogy, they are cows.

They dont know that being the best cow still doesnt make you a cowboy.

The straight track

We hear stories of entrepreneurs who strike it rich after dropping out of college and pursuing their
dreams. We hear stories of those who go from rags to riches, of those who defied convention and
revolutionized the world.

But what do we hear in school? We hear that these people are the exception not the rule. That is
certainly true, but what the system is implying is that you are the rule, not the exception, so dont
even try to deviate from the straight track.

The straight track is what students are being taught by the system, concerning the course of their
lives. The straight track told to high school students goes as follows:

You need to do your assignment to get a good grade. When you get good grades,
your transcript will be favored by employers and colleges. You might even get
scholarships to go to a good college. If youre good in college, youll get a degree
and have good chances of getting a good job. And with a good job youll have a
good wife, good kids, and a good life.

What theyre really saying is this:

Dont worry about changing the world, just concentrate on getting good grades
because that is the only measure of what youre worth in the eyes of those youll
serve. Go to college and find your quiet niche in the world, where youll be secure in
your job because youre so specialized, theres no one else in the world who can
take your place. Youll be working to maintain the system as youre seen fit. Focus
all your energy into this specialized area and dont worry about making an impact
on the world because as long as you stay specialized and compartmentalized, well
clothe you, feed you, give you a good family, and bury you in a good plot of land.

Deviating from the track is abhored by the system. If you show initiative and take risks, you become
a statistical outlier, an anomaly in their statistical models, someone who poses a threat to the
system because you are a seed with the potential to overturn the mirrors and reveal the truth
behind this silent war.


In this lies the point of the article. You cannot be successful, recognized, or a true human being
unless you defy the system. If you only do what youre told, youll be no better than average.

The system has been designed by the biggest corporation of all, the state. Public schools either
turn out worker drones who serve the state and its partnering greedy corporations, or else they
turn out welfare recipients who are an excuse for the state to maintain its collossal parisitic size and
an idiotic consumer base to buy these corporations useless toys and poisons.

So many students are under this illusion, the illusion being that they either follow the straight track,
try to be the best cow in the herd to maintain financial and social security, or else defy the system
and fail miserably, ending up as a bum on the street.

You are seen as a social failure if you defy the system. If you measure your success by what the
system deems is successful, then you fear deviating from the straight track because that is a sign
of failure.

However, you must therefore redesign your standards of success. Would dropping out of a state
college make you a failure? In the eyes of other cows, maybe, but pursuing a better education
elsewhere be it independently or real world experience would more than make up for it.

How many famous people do you know who did everything they were told and nothing more, who
never took risks for fear of defying the status quo? Not very many.


The lesson is that not only must you take risks and utilize your innate initiative, you must also get
over your fear of defying the system and do so to get ahead of the herd. You are the exception, not
the rule, because you have the power to be.

Now, the robots in the system are definitely needed. We still need employees, soldiers, and
scientists who are specialized in what they do, but presently there is an overabundance among
these. Therefore, the emergence of individualists, generalists, and entrepreneurs is encouraged.

And the only way for them to increase in numbers is for people like you to break out of the mold and
fulfill your destiny as a human, not a machine.
SARS and Chemtrails
Because of the short attention span and jaded nature of the public majority, fashion and music
trends rapidly go out of style. The same seems to be true concerning media attention upon certain
diseases. Every season has its star, whether its the Hong Kong flu, mad cow disease, foot and
mouth disease, mail-borne anthrax, flesh eating bacteria, or West Nile virus. Each one is soon hyped
as the new disease that will wreck your health unless you wash your hands and watch the news,
and each one is just as soon forgotten in time for the next disease to make headlines. So its no
surprise seeing SARS as the latest viral superstar.

There is no doubt about it thousands of people have come down with a nasty flu-like illness and
hundreds have died. But the media reaction is highly over-hyped in proportion to SARSs
communicability and percentage kill-rate. The only ones who should be worried about the disease
are old folks with poor immune systems because they comprise the overwhelming majority of those
who allegedly died from SARS. Of course, the media is attempting to scare everyone with photos
showing healthy young Asians wearing surgical masks. Furthermore, its suspicious to see the
percentage death rate rise in the past weeks; doctors tend to prescribe drugs in accordance with
the perceived severity of the disease. All the growing hysteria over SARS may have caused a
statistical increase in the prescribed strength and quantity of antiviral drugs whose side-effects
may have killed more people than the disease itself. As witnessed in the case of AZT and AIDS, this
pattern happens repeatedly among the orthodox medical industry; the cure tends to be worse
than the disease because it suppresses symptoms while often catalyzing the cause.

Its possible that SARS was genetically engineered, but for what purpose? If true, its relatively low
level of lethality and overwhelming media attention suggests that it was specifically designed to
scare the maximum number of people with the least amount of deaths. The media, perhaps acting
upon its own greed for consumer energy and attention, is nevertheless serving what seems to be
an orchestrated attempt by certain forces to further terrorize the population into submission.
Desperate people will accept desperate measures, even when their fear is mostly manufactured.
While SARS is known to have been around in quiet mode for months before the recent outbreak, the
initiating event of the recent outbreak is highly suspicious: it spread rapidly from floor to floor in a
Chinese hotel occupied by wealthy older foreigners who would soon be flying home. Some have
wondered how it could have spread so quickly throughout the building, hypothesizing that the
disease could have crossed from damaged sewage pipes to clean water supplies in the hotel. Thats
an ad hoc explanation if there ever was one. Considering the nature of SARS and its clear political
consequences, its more likely that the disease was purposely spread by a human agent going floor
to floor infecting selected targets, or perhaps through nebulization and placement in the ventilation
systems. Cant help but be reminded of the final minutes of the movie Twelve Monkeys. Its easy for
a virus to be genetically engineered by government factions with the resources to do so, and its
even easier to spread such a genetically engineered disease. A common method includes spreading
one disease via inoculations for another.

So what has resulted from this? In general, the public has been further tenderized into accepting
increasingly restrictive curbs upon their freedoms, with growing empowerment of authority who
really dont have our best interest in mind. SARS patients in hospitals are now quarantined so that
its very difficult for relatives to even visit them meaning they are pumped full of drugs which can
kill them and theres nothing their relatives can do about it. Bush has signed an order that allows
forced quarantining of potentially infected groups of people. While SARS may disappear soon
enough, the order will remain in effect and it takes only clever media hype of any manufactured
disease to lockdown any town in the nation. Toronto is an example of a city that was test targeted
for economic destruction via a simple statement from an authoritative agency (the World Health
Organization) supported by media propaganda. Also, this appears to entirely be a test run for a real
epidemic, to get the infrastructure in place with a normalized exaggeration of a lesser disease.

As for the disease itself, it appears that other factors may be responsible for its growth besides just
person to person communicability. Whether a pathogen has any effect upon a potential victim
depends largely upon his or her immune system. The immune system isnt just biological in nature,
it is also electromagnetic and metaphysical. In other words, there are electromagnetic and
metaphysical factors which greatly determine just how severe a response will be to the introduction
of any particular pathogen. Viruses are passive things, having no energy or mobility of their own to
force their way into infecting anyone or anything. Only with the aid of a hosts own cells can it
invade, replicate, and destroy. They are more akin to gentle knocks rather than battering rams
when it comes to opening the door to ill health.

Even on a biological level, there is some level of permission from the host necessary for the disease
to take root and blossom. Metaphysically, a bodys inhabiting soul allows a disease to fully infect if it
potentially provides for some learning lesson. For example, when one strays from ones life path by
adopting a stressful and cynical outlook on life, diseases can manifest which are both symptomatic
of that mental and emotional imbalance and serve to potentially teach one to adopt a more healthy
state of being. Yes, there are biological processes that reflect these, such as rises in cortisol (stress
hormone) levels, but these either run parallel with, or are a causal result of the underlying
metaphysical process.

The points in the preceding paragraph are self-evident, but even published sources mention the
link between metaphysics and health. For example, the Ra Material talks about disease providing
chosen learning lessons for the infected person. It is the reason why laughter and positive attitude
lead to more rapid recovery and why, as mentioned, stress aggravates disease.

The physical component of the immune system plays a large part as well, however. In the door
analogy above, it was said that viruses are more like knocks than battering rams. Well, even gentle
knocks can rip through paper doors so a drastically physically weakened immune system will not
protect against disease, regardless of metaphysical and electromagnetic factors. Those succumbing
to SARS obviously tend to have weak immune systems, but it is the point of this commentary to
emphasize that their vulnerability to SARS isnt just physical, but involves metaphysical factors as
well. In other words, having a healthy mental, spiritual, and emotional state of being is great
protection against disease, especially against most viruses.

To illustrate the physical and metaphysical nature of disease, here is a summary discussion of those
who are more vulnerable. Children are vulnerable for two reasons: first, except for inherited
immunity, they have no library of antibodies gained from past exposure to viruses and are therefore
physically defenseless against many viruses, and second, their body-soul interface matures with
time and so the soul (Higher Self, actually) cannot control what happens to them in as refined
manner as when they become older.

Another vulnerable group consists of humans without individualized souls, as their infection
patterns are mostly random because there is neither reason to allow or disallow any particular
disease, nor is there a higher metaphysical agent to control such patterns. For more about these
types of people, read Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis.

The Cassiopaeans suggested increasing ones awareness to close the gaps that allow viruses to
enter, which makes sense because with increased awareness there are fewer mundane lessons one
needs to learn. I have been intensely studying the nature of reality over the past decade, constantly
increasing my awareness, and its beyond coincidence that I havent gotten the flu in seven years.
The few times Ive gotten a cold came immediately after indulging in prolonged periods of stress
and negative thinking. Once again, healthy emotions and a knowledgeable mind seem to prevent
disease. Combine this with good physical health via a decent diet and whatever supplements are
needed, and great health is virtually guaranteed.

Some may ask, what is the point of health? Isnt that being body-centric? Well, as with everything it
is a matter of balance. If one is too sick, he or she will be too preoccupied with moping and healing
to do anything else. If one is too focused on health, then he or she will be too preoccupied with
being a health nut to do anything else.

Lessons can be learned the easy way or the hard way. The easy way is by learning from the
mistakes of others. Disease is the hard way of learning a lesson so those who claim that not
getting sick cuts one short of lessons are both right and wrong they are wrong in the sense that
lessons can be learned the easy way as well; for example, one can learn to see things in a more
balanced positive manner rather than being hateful and cynical, thus preventing some illness that
might otherwise about befall them. But they are also right in the case where disease is forcefully
removed without corresponding correction on a metaphysical level. For example, cancer resulting
from some emotional blockage stemming from a life long trend of resentment and anger can be
excised during surgery, but this does nothing to address the reason the cancer formed in the first
place, and the cancer will often return to fulfill its purpose. The purpose of health is to optimize
ones biological machinery so that ones life mission can be accomplished in the smoothest and most
efficient manner possible.

Now, there are cases where there is unfair imbalance in the physical sector of immunity, and it is
perfectly fine to correct that imbalance with a physical balancer such as colloidal silver, the Zapper,
a Rife beam unit, natural supplements like melatonin or spirulina and alfalfa, or whatever fits each
individual case. These are random examples of things people have used and anecdotally reported
positive results. If you are interested, do the research and watch for disinformation. Anyway, unfair
physical imbalances can result from forced (freewill-violating) influences from the environment:
chemicals like fluoride and aspartame, ionizing radiation, and electromagnetic radiation such as
ELFs and microwaves just to name a few. While a strong soul can override these influences, they
still take their toll on the physical aspect.

This brings us to the electromagnetic component of immunity. The following paragraphs are
technical, but I am writing it for those interested.

It is through quantum mechanical processes and electromagnetics that the soul interfaces via
neurons and DNA with the physical body. It is therefore possible to technologically generate
electromagnetic signals that interfere with this interface process. They can also be used to heal (as
in the case of Rife beam units for example), but the occult technocracy that runs this world prefers
to use technology that manipulates and kills instead. The combination of quantum mechanics and
electrodynamic effects leads to a holographic resonance principle employed in radionic and psionic
technologies. It is where the vibrational signature of one object can be transmitted to and mingled
with the vibration of another. For instance, with radionics it is possible to mix the vibration of a
pesticide with a sample of a bug-infested lawn in a radionic machine, and soon the lawn is cleared of
insects without a single drop of pesticide physically sprayed on it.

The individualized human soul projects its own quantum-EM field (aura) via the etheric body which
tends to keep the bodys cells organized and operating coherently. This field can be sensed by
certain psychics and captured with Kirlian photography. As a side note, Kirlian photography actually
captures the static electrical discharges of an object placed on an electrode, but the aura alters the
fundamental constants of space (the permittivity of free space to be exact) which changes the
dielectric constant and hence lowers the resistance of the vacuum/air along certain lines through
space which the electrical discharges tend to thereby follow. Most often, the etheric bodys aura is
stronger than environmental electromagnetic signals, but these signals still place stress upon the
physical body.

It is possible to broadcast signals containing the vibrational frequency of a specific disease in order
to enhance the probability of its spread among a targeted population. An easier method is to
broadcast audio or microwave subliminals designed specifically to weaken peoples immune systems.
Because ones mental and emotional states play a large part in immunity, these subliminal
programming techniques would merely have to implant negative thoughts and emotions in order to
pry open a gap in a persons awareness for viruses to then successfully invade the physical body.
Also, through sheer hysteria psychosomatic illness can result, a phenomenon which I dont doubt
has played a hand in Asian SARS cases. Mass psychic energy pooled into a single concept creates
an etheric thoughtform, a pseudo-intelligence which functions as a probability template that biases
the likelihood of disease susceptibility in resonant sectors of the population one more possible
negative consequence of media hype.

So another point of this commentary is to suggest the presence of broadcasted electromagnetic

signals specifically tailored to aid the proliferation of certain diseases. The book Bringers of the Dawn

Modern technology is one of the biggest weapons of frequency control. You have
been sold devices for entertainment and convenience, and they are all involved with
frequency control. We recommend strongly that you get rid of your television sets.
They are the primary tool used to manipulate your consciousness on a day-to-day
basis. This experiment is so finely tuned that you respond subliminally to disease
via the television. So there is an entire generation that is killing itself by watching
television-and supporting the medical society while they are doing it.

[...] Sometimes liberating information is broadcast-perhaps even a New Age show.

However, you may watch such a television show about how uplifted and unlimited
you can be, while subliminally you are being hit with a frequency that keeps you
from original thinking. This subliminal keeps you immobilized and holds you in a
survive, arrive, be-on-time, be-silent, go-to work society. Television also promotes
inactivity and a sedentary, obese life. Look around you. Wake up, humans!

Most of the subliminals on television are done through technology that was
developed in conjunction with off-planetary beings. The use of subliminals to upset
human consciousness has become a worldwide program. If you think about the
houses that have two, three, and four televisions in them, you must agree that this
has been a very successful marketing program. Some people who know about the
subliminals on television feel that they are immune to them. However, the effects of
television are so permeating that no matter how clear you say you are going to be,
you cannot counterbalance what the technology is presently doing to your
vibrational frequency.

Certainly, television would be one of the most effective devices through which to broadcast disease
signals because almost every home in America has at least one. In comparison, the Rife beam unit
used for healing consists of a glass tube filled with a noble gas charged with modulated electricity to
produce a pulsed light. Televisions emit electric and magnetic fields, x-rays, and pulsed light waves
all under the modulation-control of whatever program the TV is receiving. If a Rife tube can heal,
then a television tube can probably weaken or infect. (the Rife principle supposedly works by
resonating with and shattering pathogens, but thats a battering-ram approach to disease. A more
finely tuned light signal can send information, perhaps the vibrational signature of a disease if so

Evidence strongly suggests that television has a negative influence upon ones mind. This goes
beyond just simple time-wasting and cultural and political indoctrination. Thus, be wary of what you
watch, especially when it comes to news programming. How many SARS cases have been catalyzed
by signals broadcasted through news which everyone is watching to keep updated on SARS to
begin with? Perhaps this is a minor factor, but I believe it is technologically feasible.

The subject of immune suppressing EM signals ties directly into the chemtrail phenomenon. In
2000 I wrote Chemtrails: Suppressing Human Evolution which hypothesized that chemtrails
contained viral vectors engineered to infect and genetically alter targeted populations to prevent
their DNA from activating into a higher evolved form. This may sound like science fiction to you, but
read the article and decide for yourself. I still stand by this hypothesis as nothing has yet disproved

At the time of the articles publication, there was no evidence of barium or aluminum salts in
chemtrail fallout because no one had tested for it, and only shortly thereafter was barium titanate
first found in samples. Barium titanate is an incredible dielectric, meaning it holds charge very well.
It seemed to me at the time that this substance was used to hold charge on chemtrail fibers so
that they would not clump but rather repel and spread out. Today, it is known fact that various
barium and aluminum salts and particles are present in chemtrails, some of which are better radar
and microwave reflectors than charge holders. This indicates additional reasons for their presence
besides homogenizing chemtrail cover.

Various excuses have emerged to explain the chemtrail phenomenon away as benign or benevolent
government projects. I already refuted the three main theories in 2000 that chemtrails were part of
a mass inoculation program, severe population reduction project, or weather modification, but a
couple new ones have emerged since then. One example is a report posted anonymously at It proposed two theories, that chemtrails contain metal particles which reflect
sunlight away from earth in order to combat global warming, and that they also create conductive
atmospheric ducts to be used in a military 3d terrain mapping project.

The global warming theory is clearly false, because biological materials such as various pathogens
and dried human blood cells have been found in chemtrail fallout, and also because chemtrails are
regularly seen during the night. Where is the sunlight to reflect at night? William Thomas has
adopted and popularized this theory, and I must call into question is intentions or sources.

The second theory is an actual technological application within the military known as Radio
Frequency Mission Planner (RFMP) and Variable Terrain Radio Parabolic Equation (VTRPE). Read
about these at the link above. These are used to map enemy territory and more
easily monitor their communications. While this may be true, radar and microwave reflective
particles such as barium and titanium salts can serve much more sinister purposes. Also, this
theory does not explain the presence of biological components in chemtrail fallout, the
immune-suppressing nature of chemtrails, nor the fact that thousands of cities across America
have been weekly sprayed by chemtrails since at least 1998if this is a military project, how much
testing is needed, and why only over populated areas? Clearly, this theory is being used as

Now, it is absolute fact that disease rates spike several days after any particular chemtrail spraying
in any given community. Pathogenic materials have been found in multiple chemtrail samples from
multiple locations. People tend to get sick with similar symptoms simultaneously in separate towns
whose only common factor is that they were sprayed in the same day.

Here is a generic list of ingredients I strongly believe are present in chemtrails:

1. immune suppressing chemicals, such as ethylene dibromide (EDB)

2. radar and microwave reflective metallic substance, like barium or aluminum
3. dielectric hollow polymer fibers
4. viral and bacterial vectors
5. remnants of genetic engineering and replication procedures used to construct the
pathogenic vectors

With the preceding information in mind, here is an educated guess as to the purpose of metal
particles in chemtrails:

The purpose of the chemtrail project is indeed to suppress human evolution on a physical, mental,
and spiritual level. Its primary goal is to perform aerosol gene therapy upon targeted populations
by spraying them with viral vectors capable of shutting down the DNA activation process in those
infected. But because viruses themselves are quite weak, several enhancements are needed:

1. the encasing of viral vectors in a hollow polymer fiber to protect them from destructive
effects of UV radiation from the sun and to help the agent spread out via electrostatic
repulsion of the charged fibers
2. the accompaniment of chemical immune suppressants to weaken and prep the body for
reception of the virus
3. the use of microwave reflective substances to help amplify beamed mind programming and
disease-signature signals upon the population in order to disarm their metaphysical
immunity mechanisms.
4. secondary objectives are to mind program the masses and modify their collective behavior in
conformity with some agenda.

Using HAARP in conjunction with electromagnetic ducts consisting of conductive channels formed
in the atmosphere by metal chemtrail particles, focused beaming of mind programming microwave
signals upon the population below is possible. The resonant cavity formed between a conductive
chemtrail sheet and the ionosphere can support induced oscillations in the ELF range. Televisions
and microwave cell phone towers, two other control methods, are not capable of generating ELF
waves as easily as chemtrails in conjunction with HAARP would.

So to recap, because viruses are often disallowed by the metaphysical protection mechanism, an
electromagnetic method of disarming that defense is required, hence the microwave amplification.
This is not the only reason for manipulative EM signals such signals can also muddle the mind,
implant thoughts, agitate emotions, and induce docility.

Thorough and all-encompassing as these control methods are, they still fail to achieve their aim of
suppression and control in cases of individuals with healthy states of being consisting of high levels
of awareness, emotional well-being, and reasonably fit physical immune systems. SARS is a good
example to illustrate how diseases function in a political, biological, psychological, commercial, and
metaphysical contexts. Both SARS and chemtrails are simply part of a hostile agenda implemented
by the worlds political and military elite to keep earths population locked down and under control.
Fortunately, their methods are imperfect and with each passing day more individuals awaken and
empower themselves. It was the intent of this article to help contribute toward this end.
Alien Origins of Sociopathy
Sociopaths or psychopaths are individuals who lack empathy and engage in predatory behavior
without remorse or guilt. In general, this lack of conscience may stem from a conditioned lack of
emotional identification with the victim, a narcissistic love of self that overrides any concern for
others, or the mechanical inability to feel any emotion other than ones which are chemical or
hormonal in origin. There are different categories of psychopaths depending on the underlying
cause for their condition and how well they blend into society.

Criminal and Successful Psychopaths

Criminal psychopaths are those who are crude enough in their manipulations to be identified and
apprehended by legal and medical institutions. They are known as serial killers, con-artists,
burglars, mobsters, mad tyrants, rapists, and delinquents. These comprise a small percentage of
psychopaths, and only about 1% of the population.

The rest are successful psychopaths who evade detection by optimally conforming to social ideals
without compromising their manipulative nature. They are skilled at faking emotions and passing
themselves off as charming, caring, and sociable people. Some use their conformity to appear
ordinary, others are more ambitious and become symbols of success by using their charm and
intellect to rapidly climb the corporate, political, academic, religious, military, or social ladder.
Between 20% and 50% of the population is included in this category.

In general, criminal psychopaths consistently violate laws and social norms while successful
psychopaths make use of them. The orthodox medical establishment presently recognizes only the
first category under the term Antisocial Personality Disorder. There is no diagnostic term
categorizing successful psychopaths, who continue to remain medically unidentified. This is no
surprise considering a significant portion of the medical establishment consists of these individuals.
When mainstream media and medical literature use the term psychopath or sociopath, they are
referring to the small minority of criminal psychopaths. In this article, the term encompasses
multiple subcategories and applies to all individuals who lack empathy, whether they are criminals or

Expanded Model of Human Behavior

To understand psychopathy, one must first understand human behavior. The enigma of human
behavior is commonly reduced to a question of nature versus nurture, genetics versus
environment. Typical of materialistic determinism, this model is dangerously simplistic because it
focuses only upon the physical and causal basis of human behavior, leaving out the metaphysical
factors which are equally as important. An expanded model for human behavior would include the
following factors:

1. environment physical influences, social conditioning, mind programming, and education;

2. genetics instinctual bias, physical limitations, and neurochemical makeup;
3. soul nature metaphysical composition based upon level of metaphysical evolution, acquired
and shaped by the experiences of prior incarnations;
4. fate predestined and synchronistically arranged experiences that improve soul nature and
thus change behavior, also the unwitting modification of ones behavior to accommodate
anothers fate;
5. freewill personal action taken out of choice, entirely non-deterministic;
6. nonphysical influences divine inspiration, telepathic persuasion, etheric thought-forms, and
various hyperdimensional technologies.

Souled and Nonsouled Psychopaths

The term soul may be defined as a nonphysical unit of consciousness whose core individuality
survives death and rebirth. By this definition, some people have individualized souls, some do not.
The latter incarnate with definite soul energy, but nothing sufficiently individualized to avoid
dissolution after death. The individualized consciousness of souled humans affords them the ability
to choose what to do with the genetic, environmental, and karmic conditions they acquire upon
incarnating. Nonsouled humans lack this choice and are entirely the product of their environment
and genetics. Psychopaths exist within both categories.

Souled psychopaths are either environmentally programmed to act against their own conscience, or
else have made the consistent choice to behave in a narcissistic and predatory manner. Those who
are programmed have chance for recovery, while the attempt to change those who choose
psychopathy only reinforces their behavior. Souled psychopaths feel love and hate, but only love for
self and hate for others.

This condition is well illustrated by certain Nazis or Zionists who love their own race but feel no guilt
about murdering those of another. Souled psychopaths also have empathy and conscience, but
these are perverted and reserved for special cases. For example, some mobsters seem to act upon
a strong moral code and thus appear as upright heroes to those they protect, but are nevertheless
criminal psychopaths. The greatest tyrants in history were souled psychopaths who passionately
pursued their twisted goals.

Since love, empathy, and freewill are qualities associated with having a soul, nonsouled humans are
psychopaths by definition. This doesnt mean all act in obviously predatory ways, just that the
severity of their manipulative behavior depends mostly upon environmental and genetic factors,
which vary greatly from person to person. Those who face adversity during childhood often mature
into criminal psychopaths, while those who have more secure upbringings are less maladjusted and
become successful psychopaths. No amount of education, medication, or programming can instill
genuine empathy and love within them, for they lack the soul nature necessary to exude these

Both souled and nonsouled psychopaths display disregard for the suffering of others. While the
souled psychopath loves himself beyond everyone else and thus feels justified in exploiting them,
the nonsouled psychopath freely exploits others because he lacks the ability to love or empathize
with anything.


Genetic characteristics determine the physical biases, limitations, and capabilities of an individual. A
nonsouled person will be at the mercy of these characteristics while a souled person can choose how
to utilize them. Souls often select the bodies into which they incarnate, seeking ones which provide
the optimal toolbox for their metaphysical needs and best serves their learning agenda or mission.
Thus, genetics and soul nature tend to correspond. A nonsouled person with a sharp set of tools
may, in accordance with environmental programming, use his or her intellectual abilities to deceive
and manipulate with perfection. For example, the CEO who manipulated his way up the corporate
ladder may simply be an nonsouled psychopath who used his genetic gifts to embody the societal
norm of material success.

Genetic flaws can also result in brain abnormalities that hinder the balanced expression of emotion,
a common condition in criminal psychopaths. Chemical and electromagnetic factors can exacerbate
these tendencies.

The Metaphysical Significance of Bloodlines

Because soul nature and genetics are coupled, the metaphysical significance of bloodlines becomes
clear. Bloodlines are characterized by concentrations of specific genetic traits passed down through
generations. Correspondingly, souled members of that bloodline share common metaphysical
characteristics, suggesting that bloodlines provide the physical vehicle for the implementation of
metaphysical goals requiring multiple generations to accomplish.

Thus there exist a variety of bloodlines, each with unique metaphysical predispositions. While some
are altruistic and noble in nature, others exist to engage in parasitical elitism and are genetically
biased toward successful psychopathy. In that case, nonsouled members would have a high
probability of being actively psychopathic. Among its souled members, most incarnate to optimally
continue their malevolent agendas, while a few deviate and use their acquired abilities for the better.
By genealogically tracing bloodlines and correlating them with historical data, one can determine the
fundamental destiny of its descendents. For example, it is well known that US presidential
candidates with the strongest royal lineage become elected.

Diffusion of Psychopathic Bloodlines

Due to crossbreeding, many bloodlines transcend racial boundaries and are not geographically
isolated. An exception would be royal lineages where active measures are taken to keep the bloodline
pure and geographically concentrated. Nevertheless, the important point is that branches of
bloodlines biased toward psychopathy inevitably diffuse into the general population and exist in all
races. This implies several things.

First, it shows that not only is racist prejudice morally repugnant, but it is also logically flawed
because its obtuse criteria falsely condemns the innocent among the hated race and excuses the
virulent bloodlines within the favored race. For example, the Nazis condemned the entire Jewish
people as subhuman psychopaths when only a few non-semitic bloodlines passing themselves off as
Jews justified this claim; there were equal concentrations of psychopathic bloodlines within the
caucasian race itself, obviously overlooked by the Nazis due to the blind favoritism of their ideology.

Second, unless a bloodline is geographically isolated or physiologically unique, it is impossible to

identify psychopaths by these traits alone. The purpose of identification is not to persecute them,
but to identify such behavior when it occurs and understand why it happens.

The success of psychopaths depends heavily upon others excusing their action with rationalizations
built on false assumptions. For instance, a nonsouled psychopath may abuse his wife and after she
leaves him, he may promise change and use sweet words to appear remorseful. The false
assumption is that this person is capable and willing to change for the better. In truth, he is
incapable of feeling empathy or remorse and fakes these qualities to perpetuate his manipulations.
Understanding the physical and metaphysical basis of human behavior allows one to avoid making
such false assumptions and see through false guises that would otherwise appear as genuine.
Psychopathy and Negative Control Systems

Psychopaths who are most intelligent and powerful tend to use lesser ones to do their bidding. This
forms a web of control, a negative hierarchy of manipulation that spans from elite globalist cabals
down to the neighborhood delinquent or psychopathic spouse. This is not to suggest that the
global elite are directly commanding local psychopaths, but rather that there exists a hidden
element unifying this hierarchy.

This hidden element originates beyond our realm and consists of advanced non-human
psychopaths of an alien or demonic nature who use hyperdimensional technology or telepathic
influence to direct all lesser psychopaths, most easily nonsouled ones who lack freewill and are thus
freely controlled. This hyperdimensional control system may be appropriately termed the Matrix,
and the lesser psychopaths may be called Matrix Agents due to the similarity between their
functions and the themes depicted in the movie.

Empathy is antithetical to control, which is why control systems demand psychopathy as the
standard mode of function. Society is best manipulated through an abundant distribution of
psychopaths among the lower and upper ranks of society. Toward this end, certain bloodlines have
been created or tweaked by negative alien forces to assist the incarnation of malevolently souled
individuals, and thus some instances of psychopathy can be said to have alien origins. Those not
genetically biased toward psychopathic behavior are nevertheless easily programmed into
supporting or idolizing such behavior, especially if they lack the freewill and discernment associated
with having a well developed soul.

The Human Condition

The problem of psychopathy rests upon the fact that only the minority of souled psychopaths who
have been programmed against their conscience are capable of changing for the better. The other
two categories, nonsouled psychopaths and those who choose the path of predation, are in the
majority, diffused among the population, and beyond rehabilitation. Their emulation of social ideals
and lack of guilt allows them to rise high in society and exploit the masses at large. Our cultures
idolization of psychopathic qualities such as ego-centrism, ruthless ambition, and superficiality
provides warm waters for these sharks. Thus, lack of knowledge among people concerning the
prevalence, subtlety, and guile of psychopaths only perpetuates their behavior.

Because of ignorance of metaphysical factors, it is commonly assumed that all psychopaths are
treatable. In truth, souled psychopaths who choose their path and nonsouled psychopaths are
beyond hopeany energy invested toward changing them will be wasted, or worse, serve to
reinforce their predatory behavior. In short, they abuse your respect, exploit your empathy, and
feed upon what energy you put into them. They are best avoided.

Further Research

Antisocial Personality, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy

Psychopathy and Antisocial Personality Disorder: A Case of Diagnostic Confusion
The Antisocial Personality
A Basic Hypothesis of Psychopathy
The Psychopathic or Sociopathic Personality
Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan
This article addresses some important questions regarding the alien agenda. It merely skims the
surface and should therefore supplement your own research, not replace it. If you want a thorough
grasp of whats going on, I recommend analyzing with discernment the following books:

Gods of Eden William Bramley

The Threat Dr David Jacobs
Taken Dr Karla Turner
The Love Bite Eve Lorgen
Into the Fringe Dr Karla Turner
Gods Gladiators Stuart Wilde
Tales from the Timeloop David Icke
UFOs and the National Security State Richard Dolan
The Allies of Humanity Marshall Summers
Bringers of the Dawn Barbara Marciniak
The Ra Material, Books I,II,III Don Elkins, Carla Rueckert
Cassiopaean Transcripts Cassiopaeans, LKJ

(email me if you need them)

Each of these contain valuable pieces to the puzzle. Use your heart to tell you what is right, and use
intellect to tell you what is false. The same goes for what you read in this article. Keep what makes
sense, and throw out what is blatantly false.

Somethings right til proven wrong or something better comes along.

Are we alone in the universe?

Of course not. Were not even alone on earth. Even assuming that a finite 3D universe is all there is,
calculations show a high probability that intelligent life exists elsewhere in this galaxy and that earth
has seen the presence of extraterrestrials. Anyone with common sense acknowledges this
possibility, anyone with an open mind will research the subject, and anyone with open eyes will
confirm for themselves that aliens exist, have been active in our past, and continue to be actively
involved in human affairs today.

Skeptics tend to be ignorant and refuse to examine all the evidence, closing their eyes and claiming
they dont see any evidence that aliens exist. In truth, ignorance is never proof to the contrary. To
put it another way, Just because your heads up your ass doesnt mean the sun dont shine.

Evidence is everywhere from worldwide religious and mythological accounts commonly describing
ancient encounters with advanced beings, anomalous archaeological sites and artifacts indicating
past use of superior technology, over a centurys worth of eyewitness sightings of UFOs, hundreds
of physical trace samples recovered from UFO landing sites, government documents and
whistleblowers acknowledging the existence of extraterrestrials, and thousands of abduction cases
that include multiple witnesses, memories recalled without hypnosis, and undisputable physical and
medical evidence confirming these accounts.

In a nutshell, what is the alien agenda?

Mankind is being enslaved by non-human forces who are technologically, psychically, and
dimensionally superior to us. They consist of multiple factions, spanning multiple dimensions and
locations in spacetime, all here to take a slice of the human pie. Their ultimate goal is to assimilate
us into their fascist empire and parasitically exploit us for our biological, etheric, and physical
resources. Through covert manipulation and hyperdimensional tricks that utilize time travel, they
have secretly manipulated and exploited humanity in every way conceivable for tens of thousands of
years. We are now seeing their plans overtly manifest with the abduction and hybrid breeding
program, and their imminent portrayal as saviors to a human race gone mad with world conflict. If
the world accepts them as saviors, individual freedom as we know it will become snuffed like a blown
candle, leaving only darkness.

Given their technological superiority, why dont hostile alien forces just take over the

For strategic reasons, their invasion is a drawn out process rather than a single spectacular
blitzkrieg as one might expect, though the latter can be used to finalize the invasion once the first
phase has spiritually tranquilized the target population. There are many problems with an overt
invasion using physical force. History has shown that visible tyrants are also visible targets who
quickly fall if they reveal themselves before total control has been established. Smarter tyrants stay
hidden and cleverly manipulate the population into first defeating and enslaving itself.

Cosmic tyrants exist who seek to assimilate entire worlds into their empire. The premature invasion
of those who have targeted us could lead to conflicts threatening the two resources they have come
here to exploit: earth and its inhabitants. They prefer that we willingly hand over ourselves and the
planet with the least amount of resistance. This can only happen under the condition that we are
unaware of their true nature or agenda. Preparing such deception requires much groundwork.
Thus, they have chosen to covertly and patiently manipulate human society toward that end.

Their preferred method of subversion is to create elite among the population who do the dirty work
of enslaving the rest. What we know as the secret government is an occult technocracy
comprised of these elite humans. The secret government is using problem-reaction-solution
techniques to frame world conflicts as pretexts for the establishment of a New World Order, an
overt global totalitarian regime that will lockdown any potential for resistance and secure earth for
easy assimilation into the alien empire.

Why have they not finished their invasion sooner, back when our technology was too
primitive to damage their desired resources?

As mentioned, they prefer we willingly acquiesce our collective freewill. Only recently have we
become technologically and politically advanced enough to create and support the infrastructure of
the New World Order through which we are intended to enslave ourselves. They make their victims
dig their own graves.

On a side note, this policy of brutal efficiency was demonstrated by the Nazis in their execution of
captives. The rise and fall of Nazi Germany was orchestrated by the secret government as a test
run for what is now becoming manifest, and much of Nazi ideology and methodology was a direct
reflection of the hostile alien mindset.
Ironically, the secret government itself is just a global version of the sonderkommando, the elite
squads of Jews the Nazis selected from among the concentration camp population to control and
execute their own people. Despite promises of power and survival, the sonderkommando were
quickly discarded once they finished serving their purpose, and the secret government faces a
similar fate once the alien invasion is complete.

Dont members of the secret government know theyre being deceived?

In a negative hierarchy, all subordinates are in some way duped by their superiors, as that is how
superiority is maintained. It is the wishful nature of such individuals to think they share the top of
the food chain. Other members are forced to uphold their allegiance due to blackmail, oath, or mind
programming. While these factors keep the hierarchy together, they also serve as its undoing when
the control system encounters unpredictable obstacles and becomes unstable. Pressured members
will betray their superiors when given the chance, and ambitious members may take the
opportunity to initiate a frenzied power grab that breaks loyalties and dissolves cohesion, thus
weakening its structure to the point of implosion. This is more typical of human hierarchies than
alien ones, as the latter are too refined to create such bumbling errors.

Is this why the secret government will eventually be discarded?

Yes. As long as the control system remains stable, the secret government maintains its cohesion
and allegiance to the alien forces. Due to upcoming earth changes and other factors, the times
ahead introduce elements of unpredictability that threaten to destabilize the control system; the
hierarchy thrives on predictability because it is a pre-requisite for control.

Because of human folly, alien forces see the secret government as unreliable during such times and
unnecessary in the period that follows. They will be among the first to be eliminated, because they
would otherwise be the first to resist the alien presence by using what technology they have been
given, in an effort to perpetuate their own survival and maintain their power. The final phase of the
alien agenda has no room for human elite, and any promises given them now about survival in a
post-cataclysmic future are lies used to bargain their allegiance.

While the exploitation of human nature has afforded our alien manipulators easy success in what
they have accomplished so far, human nature ultimately threatens to undermine the finalizations of
their plan which requires total allegiance on our part to their empire. As long as we have an innate
ability to empathize and tap into spiritual wisdom and as long as we can long for individuality and
freedom, our loyalty and their security cannot be permanently guaranteed or enforced.

How do alien forces plan to counter the problem of human nature?

Einstein once said that a problems solution cannot come from the same level where the problem
originated. If human nature is the problem, then only a non-human element can be the solution. At
present, the problem resides in the inevitable failure of both the secret government and future
humans to maintain unconditional obedience to their alien masters due to fundamental genetic and
metaphysical differences and the fact that we are individualistic and opportunistic by nature.

Once the New World Order is initiated, their solution is to place humanity under the leadership of a
genetically engineered master race of alien-human hybrids. These hybrids surpass us in
intellectual and psychic abilities, and they do not suffer from the weaknesses of human nature
such as empathy and the longing for individual freedom. While maintaining control, they will then
interbreed with the human population to infuse these genetic characteristics into humanity at
large. Thus, in the end mankind will be biologically predisposed toward subservience to the alien
empire, alleviating the empire of having to expend unnecessary resources enforcing their control. At
that point, we will be locked into bondage and the alien agenda will have reached its conclusion.

We are seeing evidence of this already. For example, we are being culturally pre-conditioned to
eventually accept the policy of interbreeding between humans and hybrids. Standards of physical
beauty embodied in supermodels and actresses increasingly move toward emphasis upon features
typical of hybrids: low forehead, small chin, triangular face, large eyes, and slim androgynous
bodies. It wasnt too long ago that the hybrid look would have been considered disturbing and
unhealthy, but today the trend has been toward the sexualization of these characteristics.

How will this hybrid race be created?

Alien abductions serve multiple purposes, and this is one of them. Presently, the hybrid breeding
program is virtually finished. Hybrids look human, but lack our aforementioned qualities that make
us liable to resist an overt alien presence. Some are already being silently integrated into the
population. A few are being unwittingly born into human families, others will be introduced in mass
numbers later this decade when they reach child-bearing age.

Some hybrids among us are already being passed off as Indigo Children, though not all Indigo
Children are hybrids. The hybrids most successfully following their intended programming act like
little psychopaths, have contempt for humans, and possess acute intellectual and psychic powers
to support their ambitions. It is these qualities that make them fit for eventually ruling over
humanity in obedience to their alien superiors.

What is the actual process used in the creation of hybrids?

The actual process involved is complicated, but here is a simple description. Both genetic and
metaphysical factors must be taken into account, as it is the latter that accounts for the hybrid
breeding program taking more time than one might expect.

Our DNA is the interface mechanism between the nonphysical soul and physical body. For this
interface to hold both together, genetics must match soul profile. A slight mismatch in one will
cause a mutation in the other, but too much of a mismatch keeps the the soul from seating in the
body. So to genetically modify or create an entire race, it is not enough to merely engineer the
genetic code, but to synchronize its profile and growth with that of the souls intended to occupy
the bodies.

This is why people with specific bloodlines especially resonant with the aliens own soul nature are
heavily targeted for abduction. Resonance exists because at some point in the ancient past,
individuals within that bloodline may have consciously aligned with a negative spiritual existence and
thus imprinted their genetic code with this alignment. Their descendants carry this imprint, which
is considered valuable as stock material for engineering the hybrid race. The physical nature of
these genetics matches in critical areas with the intended metaphysical characteristics of the

This stock material is crossed with selected alien genetics and tweaked to create a wide variety of
hybrids, some more successful than others. Until a self-sustaining and self-reproducing hybrid race
could develop, these fetuses were often implanted into an abductees womb for gestation. The
human etheric body is rich in emotional and vital energies, which helps the gestating fetus develop
robustly. Those that lack this etheric nourishment either fail to develop or become sickly hybrid
children once born.
Successful hybrids are those who can indefinitely survive in a densely physical environment such as
our own, who are capable of successfully reproducing with humans and amongst themselves, who
look human enough to integrate easily, and who are void of any undesirable human traits.

What is the soul nature of these hybrids?

Even with their human physiology, considering that the hybrid genetic profile is extremely resonant
with the soul nature of their creators, it is very likely the latter intend to incarnate into these bodies
themselves. Some hybrids may be born with alien souls, others may function as empty containers
that work their way into strategic social positions and standby to receive the alien soul at a later
time. It is also possible that hybrids have their own unique soul matrix, though the end result
would be the same.

Occupying hybrid bodies would afford our alien manipulators the strengths of both alien and human
races with none of eithers weaknesses. Human weakness is the longing for individual freedom and
ability to empathize, and alien weakness is the inability to stay in our physical environment for
prolonged periods of time. The hybrids are biologically robust like us because they have virtually
human bodies, but they will be be mentally superior and loyal to the aliens if they have souls
identical to them. Additionally, since offspring are imprinted with the soul energies of both parents,
it would quicken the metaphysical modification of mankind for the hybrid parent to have a
negatively oriented alien soul.

Why cant aliens stay in our physical environment for prolonged periods of time?

They require psychic or etheric energy to project themselves into our three dimensional
environment. In their natural state, they are four-dimensional (4D) beings who exist in a more
etheric level of reality, but can choose to become physical with an expenditure of energy. Our
three-dimensional world is embedded in a four-dimensional universe, meaning 4D beings must
focus their essence into a narrow range to become temporarily 3D. Otherwise they appear invisible
to us, a situation that can be compared to an aquarium in a room we are fish who are aware of
other fish, but we remain relatively unaware of those outside the aquarium who observe us.

This is true mainly for alien types known as reptilians or lizards. To save energy, they prefer
staying in their native 4D environment, while using various interface mechanisms to remotely
interact with 3D. For example, they have constructed a cybernetic race of beings we recognize as
grays, which serve as 3D spacesuits for them. Grays are genetically engineered robots
technologically interfaced with the reptilian soul. They are cybernetic probes into our reality that can
stay for relatively longer periods of time and are used to carry out abductions and other tasks.

This lack of physicality affords them many advantages and disadvantages. As an advantage, etheric
technology is four dimensional and beyond the strictures of our linear time, so reptilians can see
and operate within our possible past, present, and future realities simultaneously. Combined with
their calculative strategy, they are thus capable of engineering very complicated and far-ranging
manipulations of a hyperdimensional nature.

These hyperdimensional manipulations can include changing the past in seemingly trivial ways to
affect the choices a targeted individual makes in the present. Reptilians dont know which choice we
will make, and they cannot change the choices we have already made out of freewill, but they can
see and change everything else. So while they cannot easily violate the freewill of a spiritually
resilient person, they can bias his choices by tweaking the circumstances.

Since they exist beyond our space and time, they are free of linear time limits. This means they can
individually target and manipulate as many people as they need to. While an abductee perceives
several years passing between two abductions, aliens move instantly from one to the next. So
despite the grandiose nature of the alien agenda that targets entire planets and civilizations, they
also manipulate on an individual basis all whom they perceive as threats.

As a disadvantage, their lack of physicality prevents them from more easily violating freewill through
the use of force. Physicality is an environment where causality is prime, where one being can cause
an unwanted effect in another because both are subject to the laws of physics. This is less true in a
4D environment where physicality is variable, and where actions work on a synchronistic rather than
causal level. Attempting to violate someones freewill using synchronistic actions results in running
into more metaphysical roadblocks than doing it directly with force. For that reason, reptilians desire
a more physical state, to expand the range of what they can do. The hybrid breeding program is
directed toward that end.

What about military abductions?

The secret governments military factions regularly abduct people for a wide variety of uses, often
working under alien factions and using their technology. These uses are too numerous and complex
to mention in detail, but include mind control programs, genetics research projects, and the use of
psychically sensitive people for remote viewing and assassination purposes. Due to their
hyperdimensional technology, these military factions can covertly abduct people during sleep by
beaming them out of their local spacetime through portals and into military bases.

Military abductees are frequently tortured via electroshock to create split personalities and install
self-destruct, sleeper assassin, or sexual slave mind programming. For example, some mind control
projects have created thousands of sleeper agents who can be posthypnotically triggered at a
future date to commit mass violence, which would serve as a pretext for the totalitarian clampdown
on our freedoms. Military abductees are also frequently raped by reptilian aliens who feed upon their
fear and suffering. Others lead double lives where one personality participates in covert military
missions that would seem like science fiction to the other personality. Hyperdimensional technology
makes this time sharing possible.

How can one stop being abducted by aliens?

It is difficult to stop abductions permanently without round-the-clock vigilance. Nevertheless, they

can be reduced in their severity and frequency of occurrence through some of the following:

1) giving up all karmic and ego-based reasons for wanting them to continue
2) choosing to resist abductions by firmly and frequently intending that they stop
3) choosing emotional stability, positivity, and serenity over hysteria and obsessive
4) becoming consciously aware of abductions before, during, or after they happen
5) learning from evidence gained after every abduction how to counter their tactics
6) increasing ones spiritual resiliency by seeking and applying knowledge and
7) asking for divine protection and assistance

These methods help deter both soul and physical abductions. In a soul abduction, the body is left
asleep but the soul is taken and worked upon and then put back. For purely physical abductions,
one could also try detection, shielding, or scrambling methods to annoy aliens and display ones
resistance. Examples include voice-activated tape recorders, metal shielding, ultraviolet lights, white
noise fields, etc

Can anything be done to stop the alien agenda?

The alien agenda depends heavily upon us relinquishing our collective freewill. If the aliens
deceptively appear as saviors, and hybrids as a positive step in human evolution, then people will
gladly support them. Their enthusiastic support for the alien saviors may be great enough to
drive them toward suppressing any resistance movements, seeing them as enemies to the
betterment of mankind.

However, if enough people can be informed ahead of time about the alien agenda, then the
deception will not be as successful. It may even spark debate and open the floodgates of
information that expose them for what they are. When more people are informed, collective freewill
wont be given up so foolishly.

What are they doing to counter the possibility of people waking up and resisting?

Before the information age, knowledge was easily suppressed. Today, it is more easily corrupted
with disinformation. The alien and secret government factions now work to suppress or corrupt
truth wherever they find it. They seek and destroy those attempting to reveal truth, weaken others
ability to discern truth for themselves, and program the rest to immediately ridicule or ignore truth
when they hear it.

Individuals perceived as threats to the alien agenda receive custom attention. They are abducted
and implanted for monitoring purposes. After being observed for weaknesses, they are repeatedly
abducted and mind programmed with posthypnotic suggestions to indulge in self-destructive
thoughts, emotions, and behavior. If they resist these, they are socially ridiculed or publicly
discredited. Those with less spiritual resilience receive increasingly violent harassment.

Why dont negative forces just kill them?

Due to metaphysical reasons, not all who are targeted can simply be killed; they must freely choose
to destroy themselves. However, their spiritual resilience declines if they do not resist self-destruct
programming, which then makes them susceptible to more drastic targeting measures. Of those
who succumb, some are given diseases like cancer that quietly eliminates them, some are
permanently abducted and consumed, and others die in freak accidents.

It is also possible, and very effective, for susceptible individuals to be inconspicuously killed,
reanimated, and replaced as disinformation agents. They then serve to undo all damage done prior
to being replaced. This happens frequently to vulnerable authors, researchers, politicians, and

While the switchover passes without notice, one can usually observe a drastic and disturbing shift
in their research focus and methods. Others who fail to discern truth for themselves and instead
rely upon supposed credible sources to tell them what to think do not notice this shift and go along
with it. As can be seen, there is no substitute for personal discernment and the spiritual resiliency
that comes with integrity and knowledge.

Besides influential people being mind programmed or replaced as disinformation agents,

how else are negative forces suppressing the spread of knowledge?

Willpower, knowledge, spiritual resiliency, mental clarity, and emotional purity are qualities that
reduce ones level of susceptibility to being influenced by negative forces. There are billions of
humans for whom these qualities are not a priority due to the simplicity of their reason for
incarnating. This makes them very easily manipulated by alien forces and the secret government to
serve as buffers against the system-destabilizing effect of insurgent individuals.

Their function in the alien agenda is to serve as hired clappers in the crowd by using peer
pressure, ridicule, and mass consensus to override the influence of the minority who seek truth.
They are also easily directed toward surrounding truth-seekers and engaging them in energy
draining relationships or friendships that do nothing but sedate, distract, or sabotage.

Additionally, there exist artificial humans who are manufactured by alien forces to serve as
disinformation agents capable of corrupting the knowledge of a truth-seeker via direct interaction.
These are virtually identical in function to reanimated/replaced humans, except they lack a concrete
traceable past. Because they are remotely controlled, they can precisely deliver disinformation
customized to fit a truth-seekers profile, something the aforementioned hired clappers cannot do.

As can be seen, negative alien forces have in place a very effective system for the direct suppression
and corruption of knowledge. To summarize, this system includes the following:

1) the abduction and self-destruct mind programming of truth-seekers to end

their quest
2) peer pressure placed upon them by so-called hired clappers
3) direct targeting by artificial humans
4) the disinformation disseminated by programmed or replaced sources of

This supplements the various religious, political, economic, and scientific control mechanisms
already established by the secret government to control society at large.

If we do wake up as a planet, will desperate alien factions risk using force?

They have invested much energy toward securing earth and its population for their exploitation, so
they will not give up easily. As discussed before, force is usually kept to a minimum while strategy is
optimized to ensure efficient use of energy and the preservation of their desired resources. But
sometimes force is the only strategy left. As always, they would use it by getting others to do the
work for them.

Due to their aversion to the physicality of our environment, they employ physical and expendable
beings as their enforcers. This could include human soldiers, the hybrid elite, and any additional
reinforcements they may bring in from outside our solar system. The latter tend to include soldiers
recruited from other worlds they have already conquered. Nevertheless, direct confrontation with
4D forces is inevitable if we were to transcend our 3D states and enter their realm.

Acting alone in our present physical condition, even with a world united under a single
technologically advanced government, we would be unable to successfully repel such an overt
takeover. In the best of such cases, we would be like monkeys fighting armed poachers. Such
conditions are unlikely anyway since the secret government or hybrid elite will ensure that the world
does not act unilaterally against the alien forces and instead works to suppress resistance

Given the scope of their knowledge suppression mechanismand if that fails, the
overwhelming nature of their overt invasionis there any hope?
Yes, there is hope in the sense that divine plans are in place to balance the equation and give us a
fighting chance of transcending alien manipulation and escaping our fragile physical conditions. The
help we receive from higher sources is of a catalytic nature, meaning it merely assists our own

From one perspective, 3D earth is little more than a prison planet run by tyrannical forces about to
implement their final solution. We cannot fight as prisoners because we are too weak. To avoid
enslavement and liquidation, we must become empowered by first escaping this prison thankfully
with the help of those who have escaped before us. This means accepting divine help, transcending
our limited physical states, and evolving into 4D beings ourselves. Only then will we be on a level
playing field with our alien manipulators.

From a more metaphysical perspective, 3D earth is a school of hard knocks. The quantum leap in
evolution we require to withstand the overt alien takeover is not impossible, it is inevitable every
life lesson we learn brings us closer to graduating from our three dimensional physical existence.
This process is natural and need not be forced; for those of us who have chosen the path of
integrity and truth, our individual destinies are intertwined with the divine plan, and we have been
synchronistically guided since birth to have the right experiences needed to prepare us for what is
to come.

Among us are numerous advanced souls from higher realms who have incarnated into our world to
help destabilize the alien control system and catalyze the evolution of those ready to graduate for
the first time. Many dont remember who they are or where they came from, and from early
childhood most are heavily targeted by negative forces for self-destruction due to their threatening
roles as system destabilizers. Those who overcome these obstacles grow strong enough to
contribute toward the divine plan by spreading knowledge and assisting the evolution of others.
They are former prisoners who have come back to show others how to leave the prison. Take note
that no one is chosen or special anyone can take part in the divine plan who chooses to follow his
or her heart and seek knowledge.

Knowledge is the key, for it helps us see through deception and fuels our evolution. Because of
knowledge, the alien agenda will be exposed. Because of knowledge, we will evolve new insights and
metaphysical abilities that can prepare us to better counter an overt alien takeover. Divine forces
are at work to help us learn if we actively seek knowledge, the way will be shown. If we actively
apply knowledge, the path will be cleared. And if we actively share knowledge, the path will be
followed by others.
Why Negative Forces Seem to Respect Freewill
There are many ways negative forces can influence targeted individuals. Two common methods are
through reality manipulation and matrix agents. This article discusses the important roles freewill
and awareness play in such cases, which may explain why negative forces often maneuver the way
they do. Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis and True Reality Creation provide background material
for this article.

Reality Manipulation

Reality manipulations consist of acausal changes in ones reality, performed by hostile

hyperdimensional beings (4D STS) who reside outside ones realm. The acausal changes occur
when the target is moved about the temporal plane spanned by the axes of linear and phase time.
Linear time measures the progress of our perceived sense of time while we reside in third density,
and phase time measures movement from one timeline or dimension to another.

Reality manipulation is identically a process of either moving an individual to a new spot on the
temporal plane, or of merging his timeline or dimension with another that fits the engineered
requirements of a 4D STS agenda. The difference between moving to a new timeline or having ones
timeline merged with another is merely a matter of perspective. Being shifted about the temporal
plane means an individuals conscious locus is moved to a new timeline, complete with new
memories of the past and possibilities for the future. We are accustomed to thinking causally and
within the framework of linear time, that outside forces can influence us only in the sense of
affecting our possible futures, but some are equally capable of affecting our possible pasts.

Freewill Preventatively Hinders Reality Manipulation

The individual cannot be moved to just any new location on the temporal plane if he has freewill. His
freewill anchors him to all points upon the temporal plane of which he has awareness. These
elements remain tied to him, and he is likewise tied to them. Any attempts by 4D STS to
manipulate such elements automatically places them in direct engagement with his freewill, for
such elements are anchored to his freewill via his awareness.

To avoid this engagement, reality manipulations tend to occur upon elements that are not tied to
his freewill, those of which he is unconscious. This is why attacks come from the shadows, from
where they are least expected.

When Prevention Fails

Sometimes engagement is unavoidable, then a secondary tactic of disinformation is used. An

individual with false knowledge is at greater peril than one who has no knowledge because his
freewill is then tied to pseudo elements, ones which are not firmly rooted in immovable objective
reality. These elements provide artificial handles upon his reality, graspable by those who created
the disinformation. But this no longer involves acausal manipulation, but rather causal distraction
and diversion.

Nevertheless, it greatly behooves 4D STS to ensure that targets remains as nave as possible so
that their reality includes a greater portion of freely manipulable elements.

Clue Dropping

That targets are encouraged to remain nave may appear contradictory to the fact that some matrix
agents tend to purposely clue-drop, waving warning signs in the face of their targets before
proceeding with further infiltration. The clues can be anything literal or symbolic. Literal clues
include warning phrases said in seeming jest, their personal history, and behavior. Symbolic clues
are ironic and may appear in their names, word choice, and synchronicities related to them.
Whatever it may be, it provides a clue that the target is in danger, much like the warning colors of a
poisonous plant or the hiss of a snake. If the target ignores the clues, then the agent proceeds with
the next step. Each dropped clue is a subtle way of asking permission to get closer. Any ignorance
of that clue is permission granted.

The question is, if 4D STS require that an individual has no awareness of certain elements of reality
in order for them to be manipulated, then why do agents purposely drop clues and risk the
individual gaining more awareness? Why risk revealing their agenda by giving hints? The answer is
that while reality manipulation is an acausal phenomenon that happens outside ones realm and
therefore beyond the engagement range of a targets freewill, agents are within ones realm and
automatically in direct engagement with an individuals freewill because of their sheer physical
presence in ones environment. Once freewill is engaged, what applied to acausal reality
manipulation becomes defunct.

Why 4D STS Subvert Rather Than Violate Freewill

All this becomes clear with the following realization: that 4D STS sometimes cannot, and other
times choose not, to violate the freewill of a target. There are two ways to avoid violating freewill:
either dont engage it in the first place, or do only what the target permits. Reality manipulation
occurs from outside ones realm, and so freewill is not engaged in such cases, so there is no freewill
violation. Agents, because they are in ones realm already and in engagement with a targets freewill,
have no choice but subtly ask permission if they wish to not violate freewill or are not able to do so.

They cannot violate freewill in cases where they are engaging a freewill that is more powerful than
theirs. This includes cases where an individual is stronger than they are, or where he has divine
protection whereby sovereign beings intervene and overpower the lesser manipulators. It also
includes cases where the freewill of multiple beings is anchored to the same reality element and
reinforces it beyond the manipulability threshold of 4D STS. This is why although our timeline or
reality can indeed be changed, there are limits to what they can change. They cannot change the
entire timeline as they please, only elements that are relatively non-anchored.

Then there are cases where they are able to violate freewill, but choose not to. The reason is
complex but will be explained here.

Realm Dynamics

According to the Cassiopaeans, realms are divisions of reality based on experience and assumptions.
Beings in different realms have different assumptions about reality and will have different
experiences; those in the same realm will have similar experiences. The more a group of beings
interact with each other, the more their realms merge. Two beings in completely different realms
will rarely interact with or perceive each other. Realms are basically fenced off from each other
according to the FRV or frequency resonance vibration of an individual. FRV is the strength and tone
of his soul vibration based on the level of his being, which in turn depends upon his level of
knowledge and direction of evolution, which is tied to his assumptions and experiences. Realms also
measure the engagement range of ones freewill, and so entering a persons realm means engaging
his freewill.

Because two beings from completely different realms cannot directly interact with each other, for
them to do so there must be a common element or bridge formed between their realms. One way of
looking at this is to think of the common element as a frequency bridge that provides resonance
between the two and allows transfer of information and energy. If both have a unique spectrum of
fundamental vibration that would ordinarily share no common component frequencies, then the
frequency bridge is the introduction of a common fundamental tone between the two realms. 4D
STS exist in an extremely negative realm and are thus usually barred from perceiving or interacting
tangibly with an individual that is of a completely different realm. In order to manipulate him in any
way, they must use a frequency bridge which normally is the individuals own negative emotions.
These negative emotions provide a frequency subspectrum that is in resonance with the realm of
4D STS and allows them to penetrate his realm and interact with him on some level. The more his
realm is in resonance with theirs, the more they can manipulate him, and the more objective their
manipulations will appear. If their realms becomes virtually identical, then he is under their
complete control and is part of the STS hierarchy.

Because realms are projected divisions of ones FRV, and the FRV is a product of ones being, it is
mainly through a change in being that the realm changes. Negative forces who require a reality
bridge would prefer the targets being change toward a more negative frequency. This would open
his realm to easier penetration. So what does it take to change being? Beingness can only be
changed by the individual himself, by freely choosing to make negative choices which lower his
frequency and align him with the STS evolutionary current. Anything that happens to him which
violates his freewill does not change his being for the following reason:

Freewill is about choice, and one learns by facing the consequences of ones choices. If a situation
arises that does not violate freewill but rather offers choice, then if the individual later regrets
making a choice, it is entirely his own fault for having done so. Furthermore, the lesson he learns,
had he learned it earlier, would have allowed him to make a different choice. In other words, it is
because choice was given that his lesson has any value at all. If he were given no choice his
freewill thus being violated then nothing he could have learned earlier would have made any
difference, and thus it wouldnt be a lesson at all. Therefore, freewill violations do not result in
lessons for the individual, and without learning anything, his being does not change. Without a
change of being, the FRV and realm boundary remains relatively unaffected.

Therefore, those who seek to influence a change in a targets realm toward a more palatable
frequency must necessarily respect his freewill. All they can do is offer choices, biasing the choices
so that the individual is more likely to choose the negative option and therefore tarnish his being.
Biased as they are, as long as they are still choices, his freewill is not violated. Its amazing what
degree of manipulation can be done which does not qualify as a freewill violation, for permission is
a broad term.

Agents as Freelance Karmic Devices

The best way for agents not to violate freewill is to operate within the framework of an individuals
karmic lesson profile. A person comes into life with a pre-set list of what lessons to learn. It is up to
him to decide how and when they are learned, factors determined by what he does with his freewill.
His FRV, being a spectrum of fundamental resonance frequencies that indicate the composition of
his being, broadcasts into reality his lesson profile, which tends to attract via acausal signaling or
force certain types of experiences which may offer him fulfillment of a particular lesson plan. Matrix
agents can smell a needy frequency spectrum from afar and opportunistically provide that
experience. Agents such as organic portals, FRV robots, etheric vampires, or people with a strong
anima component to their psyche are examples of those whose behavior largely depends upon the
lesson profile of the targeted individual. Besides serving the function as trojan horses to allow 4D
STS to better penetrate the targets realm, they themselves are often in it for the spiritual and
emotional energy they can feed upon. They prostitute karmic lessons in exchange for energy.
Individuals who succumb to their manipulations do learn lessons in the long run, but such lessons
are learned the hard way.

So although agents do provide lessons, there are better ways of fulfilling ones lesson profile, such
as having foresight and gaining it without having to go through the experienced suffering. Of
course, those who cannot learn it the easy way will learn it the hard way. Whatever the case, it is
important that agents respect freewill because only then will the target learn, and only then will
most agents even be allowed to interact with them.

It should now be clear why matrix agents drop clues. It shifts the responsibility of what follows
entirely upon the targeted individual, allows him to learn lessons, and potentially lowers his FRV so
that his realm becomes more penetrable to 4D STS forces. Were agents to not drop clues, lessons
would be denied, FRV remains unaltered, and the realm stays impervious. Additionally, some aware
negative beings may wish to incur karmic debt, and so try not to violate freewill in such cases. They
may also wish to avoid incurring the wrath of a targets divine protection.

Freewill Violations

As to how often 4D STS are unable to violate freewill versus them choosing not to do so, it is my
view that for many people, the latter is rarer. I believe that due to divine intervention, the
sovereignty of the Creator and the Higher Self, the power of the universal consciousness, realm
differences, and the great deterioration of negative entities level of being, that it is commonly the
case that 4D STS absolutely cannot carry out certain forms of manipulation, particularly murder
and sabotage of life plan to a point that denies a person future lessons. Despite their fourth density
status, there are even greater powers who referee the game and keep curbs in place.

The reason I say this is because there are many individuals whom negative forces would gladly kill,
but who are still alive because their destiny does not allow it. Read What Theyre Not Telling You
About Death for further discussion on this particular topic. There are many people they would like to
directly sabotage, but cannot due to divine protection and realm differences. There are limits upon
what they can do, of this I am certain. The fact that we still exist, that we can move in a positive
direction, and that there are indeed victories for STO forces is evidence of this.

Awareness Protects both Actively and Passively

Lastly, we must revisit the concept of awareness and its active and passive protection aspects. As
mentioned, awareness of reality elements binds them to freewill, keeps them in place, and
essentially guards them from acausal manipulation by negative forces. The acausal manipulation of
reality can be thusly prevented by accumulating knowledge. Having knowledge alone keeps reality in
place and ones realm secured, and this forms protection. For this particular function, knowledge
need not be applied, merely earned and kept.

This is also why I think the Cassiopaeans emphasized the importance of expecting attack. Whatever
one expects, ones freewill is locked upon and energy is directed toward bulwarking. Negative forces
love to operate in shadows, in areas where freewill is not focused and therefore need not be
engaged. When one expects a particular method of attack, their use of such a method would mean
direct engagement of ones freewill. Aside from the possibility that they cannot violate ones freewill
because their level of being is lower, it is also true that freewill introduces nonlinearity into the
dynamic and therefore makes it unpredictable. Predictability is a necessary precondition of the
success of STS attacks because their plans are intellectually conceived based on founding
assumptions about the predicted nature of ones behavior. Thus, if they strike from the shadows of
ones field of perception, they have the highest chance for success. Passive protection of awareness
is simply a method of keeping a guarded territory well lit so that freewill guards all areas of ones
reality. This works well for acausal manipulations because it keeps reality in place.

The active protection of awareness comes into play when freewill is directly engaged. Two examples
are expecting a method of attack, and the phenomenon of matrix agents.

In the first case, one can expect an attack, particularly an acausal manipulation, to happen and
negative forces may still decide to use that mode. One can then take acausal action, something that
works through phase time, not just causally through linear time. This involves psychic self defense
methods such as declaring with firm intent that they stay back, or the various forms of prayer or
visualizations and defensive thought form creations. This is a form of active acausal action, active
because it begins with awareness and an engagement of freewill, and then personal initiative to act
upon it and follow through.

The second case, matrix agents, involves active protection as well but of a causal nature. By
evidence of their physical presence in ones environment and the resulting interaction, they have
already been given permission and breeched ones realm boundary. It does no good to only declare
intent or use psychic self defense methods although it can help because they are very much
physical and interacting causally with their target. Passive defense is simply a way of closing and
locking doors, but in this case the enemy is already inside. Active protection of awareness in this
case implies taking action to counter their offenses, of noticing their warning signs and not giving in
to their sly attempts to further penetrate your realm or steal your energy, and especially avoiding
believing in their disinformation.

In sum, awareness is necessary to fully access or utilize ones freewill, whether actively or passively.
Like FRV, freewill is a function of ones level of being. As long as an individual earns his lessons, his
level of being increases in proportion with his increased awareness. This balanced ratio between the
two results in maximized efficiency of learning.

Umanifested Freewill Offers Little Protection

The unfortunate situation with many humans is that we have more being than awareness, due
mainly to spiritual amnesia and forced hypnosis which suppresses our awareness and leaves much
freewill unused. An ideal goal would be to gain knowledge in order to use our latent freewill.
Ironically, 4D STS have much more awareness than they have being. So rather than use their
awareness to maximize their own freewill, because they lack a balanced proportion of being they
instead use their awareness to manipulate the freewill of others.

One can obviously see the danger of not earning ones knowledge, but absorbing it for free without
putting in the required conscious effort to cogitate and understand what is being learned. True
learning is a method of internal discovery under the guidance of external reminders, and of
consciously experiencing life.
The objective truth, and the universe as a whole, exists within most conscious humans; they need
merely retrieve it by conscious effort. This retrieval is of a holographic nature; ones level of being
determines the resolution of the holographic retrieval. The more developed the being, the more
accurately the inner world is a reflection of the outer. For those with impaired or underdeveloped
levels of being, they truly cannot retrieve much from within themselves and must instead increase
their level of being so that it resonates with a larger portion of objective truth, widening their
bandwidth so to speak. This growth of being is accomplished by gaining lessons via emotional
conscious experience and possible suffering. For those who have already gone through much of this
process but simply have spiritual amnesia, they need merely retrieve the treasures of knowledge
already buried within themselves.

Either way, the importance of earning lessons via conscious effort or emotionally charged experience
must be emphasized. The conscious core forms the gate to ones inner vault of being. Anything
that is placed in that vault must pass through conscious perception, cognition, experience, and
ultimately understanding. Without conscious perception, any gained awareness fails to enter, and
does nothing to increase increase the level of being. Such asymmetric knowledge becomes
externally grafted, mechanical tools that atrophy the individual who becomes like a cyborg with
every attachment replacing some part of his being. He becomes slave to the utilitarianism of
knowledge for the manipulation of the environment, rather than understanding its purpose in
aiding spiritual evolution. Absorbing information purely via rote memorization, learning the rules of
reality as though it were a trivial game for hedonistic amusement, and failing to retrieve or confirm
knowledge within oneself can all lead toward spiritual atrophy. [This is why many of the articles on
this site are written in such a way as to foster discovery, to encourage the experience of eureka,
whereby ideas in these articles serve as reminders for what the reader may not have thought of yet
or perhaps forgotten. It is why everything here is for the reader to personally confirm, whether by
observation, experience, or internal confirmation. I discourage rote memorization of information here
unless its something that cannot be internally confirmed or retrieved, such as facts that have no
bearing on objective truth names, dates, jargon are examples. If one truly understand
something, it automatically becomes memorized because it is integrated into ones being.
Memorizing without understanding merely grafts it onto oneself].


This article has emphasized the importance of knowledge and awareness, for they are catalysts that
help us better utilize our latent freewill. It is easier to defend against reality manipulation and agent
attacks with knowledge, which protects passively by itself and actively when utilized. I have
described a proper method of gaining knowledge and expanding ones level of being, and explained
why negative forces are limited in their offensive actions and tend to respect freewill. It was the
intent of this article to update and clarify the issue of freewill and awareness in the context of
dealing with 4D STS and their 3D agents.
Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis (Part I)
This article seeks to summarize, clarify, and update the information available on the subject of the
Matrix and its various agents, particularly one class of agents called organic portals. . I will be
paraphrasing from published sources listed in the footnotes, and will include personal observations
from friends and myself.

This article first defines organic portals (OPs) and souled humans (non-OPs), then makes a
comparison between them based on physical, psychological, and metaphysical structure. Second, it
explores the evolutionary origin and purpose of both types of humans. Third, this article describes
the function of OPs within modern society, particularly concerning their role as passive enforcers of
the Matrix. Lastly, it contrasts the usefulness of intuition versus intellectual analysis when it comes
to identifying OPs. Interspersed throughout this discussion will be additional comparisons between
these and other Matrix agents, particularly soulless robotic humans.

Definition of Souled Human and Organic Portal

Organic portals comprise approximately half of the human population; the other half mostly
consists of souled humans1. Here we define soul as the core of individualized consciousness that
remains intact between successive incarnations.

Due to genetic mixing, Organic Portals exist among all known races today2, though with unequal
distribution among them. While souled humans have a divine spark of consciousness that gives
them the ability of individual self-awareness, OPs lack this divine spark and are only dimly conscious
in comparison. They belong to an animal-like group soul that exists, evolves, and incarnates
collectively rather than individually3. While each souled human has a relatively unique energy
shaped by that persons awareness, experience, and essence, the energy that animates one OP is
the same animating any other.

Physical Comparison

Physically, the two races are virtually indistinguishable. Statistically, there are minor physiological
and perhaps genetic differences4. Physiologically, OPs tend to be more attractive and well
proportioned. Because they exist on an emotionally primal level, natural selection has ensured that
sexuality, physicality, and attractiveness play a large part in their physical evolution. Also, unlike
souled humans, OP bodies are conceived and develop independently of soul pressures or karmic
burdens, so they are as attractive as probability allows within the constraint of environmental and
genetic parameters.

Because soul and genetics are coupled5, karma and soul composition influences the physiology of
souled humans, not just genetics or environment. For metaphysical reasons, they rarely maximize
the potential for attractiveness allotted to them by genetics unless their soul quality deserves it.
Also, souled humans tend to marry or reproduce for reasons other than just physical attraction, so
the lowering of priority of physicality reflects in their offspring. There may be genetic markers in the
X chromosome that distinguish them, or perhaps differences in body chemistry and hormones6,
but such are not known at this time.

It must be stated that the difference in physical appearance between OPs and non-OPs is so slight
that it cannot be used as a reliable criterion to distinguish between the two on an individual basis.

Psychological Comparison

Psychologically, OPs are much simpler7 and therefore more efficient than non-OPs. This is because
they have fewer psychological components. While OPs have two components, souled humans have
three8. For souled humans, the first component is the divine spark known as spirit, Higher Self,
essence, or the real I. The second component is a neural product of the environment known as
ego, personality, or mechanical aspect9, which consists of numerous contradictory lesser selves10.
The third component is body or somatic consciousness, the collective consciousness of ones
physical cells and organs.

OPs have only body-consciousness and personality, but no divine essence or Higher Self. Because
the body and personality know no morality beyond social conditioning or self-preservation, OPs lack
true empathy11 or compassion. Any appearance of such is mimicked12. Due to their psychological
simplicity, they are fickle creatures who are predictable and easily manipulated.

Like the two-bodied problem in physics, they are linear systems. Like the three-bodied problem in
physics, souled humans are nonlinear systems and can therefore be unpredictably complex. This
complexity is advantageous in the sense that chaos arising from such complexity allows for true
creativity, while it is detrimental because machine efficiency is sacrificed. OPs are stagnant but
efficient machines13with great calculating ability to achieve their aims, while souled humans are
complex beings capable of creation and transducing energies from higher realms.

Metaphysical Comparison

While there are only slight differences between the physical bodies of these two types of humans,
there is significant difference in their metaphysical bodies. As stated, OPs lack the divine essence.
The essence, personality, and body-consciousness are general terms that group a system of
chakras or centers comprising the metaphysical body of conscious beings. To better understand
the metaphysical difference, an explanation of the various centers or chakras is necessary.

The difference between centers and chakras is that the latter involves energy organized into
localized vortices in the etheric body, while centers are merely the centers of gravity of a various
functional systems14. There is a direct correspondence between centers and chakras, so for
reasons they may be considered equivalent.

Centers have independent consciousness and perform specialized functions involving the collection,
transformation, and dispersal of various types of information and etheric energies. They function as
energy ports and information uplink centers.

In the fully souled human, there are three higher centers and three lower centers15. Low or high
refers to what type of energy and activity they are associated with. Low centers deal with
low-density energies and information from the immediate third density or lower environment.
Higher centers uplink with higher aspects of ones consciousness and derive their energy from
higher realms.

It is beyond the scope of this article to explain the subdivisions within each of the lower centers,
except to say that the lower centers are divided into often-conflicting sections, while the higher
centers are whole16.

Description of the Centers

Lower centers consist of the motor center (base chakra), lower emotional center (sexual chakra),
and lower intellectual center (throat chakra). Higher centers consist of the sexual center (solar
plexus chakra), higher emotional center (heart chakra), and higher intellectual center (crown

The sexual center is the primary energy port from which other centers derive theirs18. By itself,
sexual energy is merely a coarse creative energy of which the physical sexual act is just one
application. The other centers transduce this energy and create various grades of energy and
effects from their utilization. The sexual center normally gets its energy directly from the Creator,
seventh density19.

The motor center has to do with body consciousness and instinctual motions. Sexual energy used
by this center is associated with the physical sexual act, among other things20. The motor center is
the seat of the somatic, genetic, or body consciousness.

The lower emotional center has to do with base emotions, the kind animals are capable of
experiencing21. This center is responsible for the animalistic side of humans.

The lower intellectual center isnt present in most wild animals, though it is highly developed in
most humans and gives them the ability to speak, read, write, and perform abstract reasoning22.
This center is the seat of ego and personality, a mechanical product of the environment encoded in
the neural structure of the nervous system. It has little consciousness in itself, and is more like a
computer or artificial intelligence program.

The higher emotional center allows souled humans to feel when something is wrong, and gives one
the ability to experience empathy, joy, and enthusiasm23. It is an uplink with the emotional side of
ones true self, the Higher Self, and the source of ones gut instinct or intuition.

Lastly, the higher intellectual center is an uplink with the conscious core of the Higher Self. This
center allows one to know absolute truth24, and is a source of higher density information.

While souled humans possess all these centers, organic portals lack the higher intellectual and
higher emotional centers. Like all animals, the only higher center they have is the sexual center25,
which interfaces with their group soul. It is absolutely important to understand that the lack of the
two higher centers accounts for the all the differences between them and souled humans.

As for souled humans, while they possess all six centers, the two higher centers are often dormant
or inaccessible26. This does not mean the Higher Self is dormant, just that the communication
uplink is weak or inoperative. Most souled humans act very similar to organic portals for that reason.

Furthermore, organic portals can emulate the higher centers by stealing such higher energy from
souled humans27. The distinction between OPs and non-OPs can sometimes be difficult for that

Consciousness manifests only when centers observe each other28. Each center is a mechanical
component of our metaphysical body, and endowed with limited consciousness. But when they
couple together by observing each other, a consciousness greater than the sum of its parts may
manifest. It is known in physics or chaos theory that when the complexity of a system composed of
coupled parts goes beyond a certain point, it becomes chaotic. It is through chaos that true
consciousness manifests itself in this reality. Anyway, the point here is that since most of us are
bound through identification with our ego and body, we neglect to observe the two higher centers
and are therefore not manifesting or experiencing higher consciousness in this reality. The key to
experiencing higher conscious is being self-aware rather than lost in what we perceive, to remember
ourselves at every moment possible29.

Our Higher Self exists, but without a connection between our lower centers and higher centers, its
efforts to communicate go unheard30. Nevertheless, the higher centers still exist for souled beings,
albeit passively most often, and provide for inspiration, creativity, and originality. The more
developed ones connection with the higher centers, the more creative, enthusiastic, intuitive, and
Gnostic one becomes.

The Function of Centers in OPs

Because OPs have no genuine higher centers, they are incapable of empathy, higher emotions, and
higher knowledge31. As previously mentioned, animals have only the motor center, lower emotional,
and sexual center lacking the intellectual center. Without the educational and energetic presence
of souled humans, OPs would barely be any different32.

In their natural state, OPs lack the lower intellectual center just as most animals do. Only by
stealing energy from souled humans can their lower intellectual center first be formed, and only by
being trained via education, media, culture, and environment can this center be refined. Once
endowed with an intellectual center, they can make up for their lack of higher centers through deft
emulation, particularly by stealing33 and sampling the higher energies of a souled person.

The type of energy stolen depends on method of acquisition. Through physical proximity, an OP can
siphon physical energy from the motor center of a souled person, which manifests as fatigue or
exhaustion. Through intimidation, venting, or seduction, the lower emotional center is tapped. Via
lies or fantasies and the begging of attention, the lower intellectual center energy of a souled human
is drained. Through orgasm of a souled person during sexual intercourse, an OP may take in a large
quantity of all ones energies.

All this places stress upon the higher centers, meaning they don?t function as optimally because
they are underpowered. This indicates that interaction with an OP will temporarily decrease one?s
creativity, individuality, and originality. Since the lower centers are drained, intellectual performance
can suffer as well. This mental muddying makes one less able to catch the logical fallacies OPs use in
their arguments and allows ones perceptions to be more easily twisted by them34.

The primary energies OPs seek come from the higher emotional center of souled beings. Sometimes
the higher centers are drained indirectly when energy normally reserved for those centers is instead
channeled toward the three lower centers to make up for their drained conditions35. More directly,
many OPs will stage elaborate melodramas and pretend victim status, whining and begging to be
pitied in order to steal energy from the higher emotional center of those who care to listen and
make the mistake of empathizing with something that doesnt have true feelings. With this energy,
OPs can emulate their targets more accurately, giving the appearance of having a soul36.

Simulation and Manipulation of Souled Humans

Organic portals are human chameleons. When activated to reel in a souled person for manipulation,
they adjust themselves based on the soul profile and behavior of their target. This adjustment falls
into two categories: intellectual calculation, and soul emulation.

Intellectual calculation is performed through the intellectual center. In OPs, this artificial intelligence
center is responsible for formulating the OPs behavioral approach toward the target. This includes
what to say and what body language to use.

Most OPs are just background characters with seemingly independent personalities, but
occasionally they may become activated. When activated, they use their emulation and calculation
abilities to the fullest to get what they want or are assigned to get. If they seek to gain trust, they
know just the right things to say. When building rapport, they may describe their personal history,
movie and music interests, hobbies, jobs, or places they have previously lived. Many of those details
happen to coincide with their target to a degree effective at building friendship, but not so much
as to spark alarm over the weirdness of it all. On the other hand, if their aim is to harass or
sabotage, they know what buttons to push and which logical and emotional tricks work best against
a souled persons intellectual and emotional weaknesses.

Whatever their aim, the efficient intellectual center of OPs allows for a custom-fit approach toward
manipulating a target. Because OPs are capable of hive-mind behavior, once one OP has read a
persons profile, it can instantly be shared with all others. This makes for some strange
synchronicities sometimes. As will be discussed shortly, they are also interfaced with a
hyperdimensional hierarchy of negative beings37 and are thus extensions of not only second density
group soul, but also the Matrix itself. Their hive behavior is due mostly to their interface with the
Matrix. Without it, their group soul might still cause for some hive-like behavior except it would be
less noticeable, something akin to the 100th monkey phenomenon.

Soul emulation is their second asset. While intellectual calculation concerns mundane behavior, soul
emulation involves the illusion of soul depth. By sampling the energy from a souled persons higher
centers, an OP can fine tune its intellectual calculations in addition to projecting that energy back at
the target, making the target perceive a reflection of his own soul image. The naive target will
ascribe soul qualities to the OP that are actually his own38.

The ability to mirror is an OPs greatest asset. It is also their greatest weakness because it exposes
them. Those who are observant and understand the organic portal phenomenon will recognize their
mirroring as being too uncanny, too synchronistic, too strange, and too good to be true. A souled
person can have much in common with another souled person, but one must ask whether the
degree of how much they have in common is even possible assuming both have freewill. High levels
of mirroring are seen only in cases of activated OPs, however. The passive background-character
OPs display the mirroring trait less often, but in an equally as synchronistic manner.

Comparison Between OPs and Robotic Agents

There are other types of matrix agents that employ the mirroring method, and they can be
discovered the same way. Agents who must gain trust before commencing sabotage or intelligence
gathering may use the mirroring trick. Alternatively, those who intend to steal energy, intimidate, or
deal with noncompliant targets use rapid switching of personalities or methods. The unusual nature
of these 180-degree changes can be startling.

Both conscious and robotic agents are prone to making mistakes and can misread their targets
because they cannot sample soul energy as accurately or perform calculations as quickly as organic
portals can. Robotic agents are more likely to mirror imperfectly,not being as smooth or knowing
how to avoid stepping across the targets threshold of suspicion. Since the same hyperdimensional
guided artificial intelligence network that directs organic portals also controls robotic agents, they
are capable of truly outrageous synchronicities and mirroring. But unlike OPs, their mirroring is
based mostly on intelligence gathered through surveillance and mind reading technologies and is
therefore less effective.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages. While OPs can mirror effectively, they have greater
freewill than robotic agents because of their relatively greater level of consciousness. This makes
them more difficult to mobilize and customize. Also, they require energy maintenance; when a
hyperdimensional group of negative beings assigns an OP to steal energy from a target for their
consumption, the OP takes part of that energy for itself and the second density soul pool. OPs and
robotic agents are analogous to horses and motorcycles, or pawns and towers in the game of chess.

Robotic agents are virtually non-conscious and under the complete guidance of external control
mechanisms39. This means they are not as limited, as they are cybernetic extensions of higher
negatively souled beings. Nevertheless, they are susceptible to glitches when faced with situations
beyond the parameters of their programming.

Organic portals are primarily passive agents, while robotic types are active agents. The strength of
OPs lies in their numbers, approximately three billion40. Their primary function is to keep souled
individuals too distracted and beat down in life to advance spiritually, to direct public opinion by
functioning as hired clappers, to suppress and ridicule those who voice or think dissenting
thoughts about the Matrix reality, and to function as portals for lower and higher density forces to
reach through and interact with third density souled humans41. Hence their name, organic portals.
They are like weeds in a field, crowding out and weakening the good crops42.

Robotic agents are active agents and their strength lies in their complete malleability toward
negative external control. These are used most often to hone in on specific targets for sabotage,
distraction, or intelligence gathering. What often gives them away is their impatience, forcefulness,
single-mindedness, synchronistic appearance and disappearance, overly inquisitive natures on
limited topics (to the point of feigned stupidity), extraordinary demand for ones time, inflexibility at
adjusting to conversations that span beyond certain parameters, and their relentless drive for
propagating and advocating sources of disinformation. Most dont share all these signs, but all
share most of them. The more naive the target, the more an agent can employ these
characteristics without causing suspicion.

Also, robotic agents are much more stable in times of planetary chaos than organic portals because
OPs dont function well when their mundane reality crumbles. They are apt to go into denial, shut
off, or become uncontrollable. Robotic agents, however, react as they are remotely controlled to

Affinity for Mundane vs. Esoteric Environments

Returning to the subject of organic portals, they are only capable of acting or thinking within the
realm of the Matrix. This realm consists of mundane ideas that are void of genuine metaphysical
truths, truths that reveal a reality greater than the common worldview that has been programmed
into the masses via education, culture, and the media. These irrelevant ideas that pressure one into
conforming to the Matrix are called A-influences43; they are factors that have little or no bearing on
ones spiritual evolution, but rather serve as distractions, sometimes necessary ones.
The pressure to reproduce, marry, watch TV, subscribe to popular magazines, vote, engage in
political activities, memorize sports statistics, recite lines from movies, explain away weird
phenomena with orthodox rationalizations, and the drive to pursue money and power are examples
of A-influences.

Piecing together the truth, observing ones environment for glitches and synchronicities, meditating
on problems to solve them, developing ones individuality, paying attention to signs from the Higher
Self, analyzing and learning from ones mistakes, and seeking to develop independent thinking and
creativity are examples of following B-influences44.

Organic portals are masters within the realm of A-influences. They can think, say, and act within
this realm with perfection. But they are incapable of conceiving or functioning within the realm of
B-influences. They may occasionally pretend to operate there with words alone, but never follow with
action. Their actions never match their words when it comes to B-influences, and often they wont
even talk or admit to such things45.

Their common refusal to acknowledge or admit to strange phenomena follows from two facts. The
first is that they lack higher centers and therefore cannot even comprehend46 anything other than
that which belongs to the realm of A-influences. The lower centers are more than comfortable within
the Matrix, while the higher centers urge us to transcend. The second fact is that they are directed
by the hyperdimensional hierarchy of negative beings, entities who possess cold calculative
intelligence. When calculating risk versus reward, it is always advantageous for an OP to
ambiguously deny the possibility of anything outside the Matrix. By being ambiguous, an OP can
cloak its given agenda under the mantle of ignorance typical of an asleep souled person. By not
admitting to anything out of the ordinary, the OP does not reinforce ideas of the waking souled
individual. Usually, curbs are put in place to switch the conversation to something more mundane.
OPs can converse proficiently about anything until an esoteric topic arises, then the OP hits a brick
wall and either goes silent, rolls eyes, frowns, or switches topics instantlyany passive way of
avoiding the discussion, for their proficiency breaks down at that point and reveals their true
nature. They cannot argue logically about non-Matrix concepts because it is beyond their
comprehension. They can fake the subject with memorized sound bytes47 and mirror their target,
but such attempts lack depth and are never matched with corresponding action.

The difference between a sleeping souled person and an OP in this regard is that for a souled
person, their words or actions do not sharply stop at the border between A and B-influences.
Skeptical as they may be, they have the potential to stray past that border and grow while OPs are
denied that possibility. They lack the hard _permanence _of ignorance that OPs display. Organic
portals are not interested in ideas, but in energy and self-gratification48. When backed into a
corner, or if it allows perpetuation of control, they can have a conversation in which they poorly
simulate interest in B influence ideas or fake having learned a lesson, but their actions never reflect
their glib words, and very soon they behave as though the conversation never happened. Even if
rarely, a souled person will undergo inner change after learning a lesson, and this reflects visibly in

OPs have complete mobility to mirror the mundane aspects of their targets. But they are incapable
of mirroring the B-influence details. For example, an OP can have similar hobbies, personal
experiences, preferences for certain types of entertainment, political affiliation, and prefer identical
sports or outdoor activities. But when it comes to spiritual progress, pursuit of truth, and questing
after ones destiny, OPs cannot follow and are usually programmed to dissuade their targets from
progressing along such paths. Because the first set of shared interests are all they can mimic, they
go to great lengths to emphasize these to cover up their inability or non-allowance to follow the
second set. Thus, a targeted person attempting to awaken spiritually can often be entrapped by
someone who has so much in common with them, not realizing that all they have in common are
A-influence interests. All the while, they are deterred from gaining B-influences. Once again, the
difference between a partner who is an OP, and one who is an asleep souled person is that the latter
doesnt continually hit brick walls at every turn when it comes to ideas that transcend the Matrix.
Sometimes they will ponder a non-Matrix idea or two, and it will stick in their minds. An OPs inability
to cross that line should raise alarm for anyone who observes such consistent behavior in others.

The behavior of robotic agents does not follow the delineation between A and B influences, however.
Their limits merely fall along the perimeter of their programming or the ingenuity of their
controllers. What characterizes them is that when they do engage in discussion of seemingly
non-Matrix topics, from spirituality to alien abductions, alternative health to alternative science, and
philosophy to metaphysics, they propagate _false _B-influences, or disinformation49. Robotic types
are slicker than OPs when discussing esoteric things, and as mentioned earlier serve more
specialized functions as active agents rather than passive ones (OPs) whose strength lies in

To summarize, when it comes to esoteric subjects, OPs generally tend to ridicule, distract, and
suppress, while robotic agents push disinformation and commit sabotage. Respectively, these
functions follow from their passive and active natures.

Origin of OPs and Robotic Agents

Robotic humans, also known as reanimated humans, are manufactured or created from existing
human bodies by altering the nonphysical component to suit a mission or agenda. Whether souled
or an organic portal, anyone can be a candidate for this process which involves expiration then
reanimation with a new soul, reprogrammed soul, or remote cybernetic interface. Generally, OPs are
easier candidates because they lack Higher Selves and have no protection in the sense of divine
intervention. Among other factors, souled humans are easily susceptible if they have a negative soul
frequency, were going to die anyway according to life script, or have damaged their soul-body
connection through extensive drug use50.

Because OPs are controllable anyway in their common state, there is little need to reanimate them
unless special circumstances exist that absolutely require it, such as when a particular individual
must do what only a robotic human can do. One such application might involve covert military
operations that contain esoteric, hyperdimensional, or occult factors. OPs cannot comprehend such
things, would give in to primal fear, and would therefore be ineffective. But through reanimation,
they can perform their duties as intended.

The history of organic portals predates souled humans by hundreds of thousands of years. They
are the original humans, a natural evolutionary progression from our ancestral primates. Like most
animals, their evolution happens collectively and slowly rather than individually and within a single or
lifetime. This is why early humans produced no culture or agriculture and only the most
rudimentary stone tools for such a long period of time. OPs lack creativity, and left to their own
would not be capable of building a cultured society.

Periodically, the physical evolution of mankind who were all organic portals at the time, was
genetically modified by extraterrestrial/hyperdimensional beings to increase their manual dexterity
for use as slave labor. Nevertheless, after the initial modifications, the soul structure of mankind
remained the same,
that of a group soul.

Eventually, there came the introduction of a higher density soul matrix into human bodies. This was
accomplished via an agreement between a higher density soul group desiring physical existence,
and hyperdimensional aliens who genetically prepared human bodies for their incarnation. Being of a
divine origin, the new humans contained the spark of individualized higher consciousness. They
were brought to an earth already populated by OPs, and over time intermixed with them to such a
degree that today, OPs and souled individuals can be found even within the same family51.

The Larger Perspective

In the grand scheme of things, organic portals serve a beneficial function. They are bridges
between densities, particularly second and third density52. Souled humans possess higher centers,
and are able to produce higher energies. When a lower density being is exposed to such higher
densities, its evolution is accelerated53. Second density group souls evolve more rapidly into third
density individual souls if there is an influx of higher density energies. Organic portals serve that
function as energy scouts of second density that exist in third density, sucking the energy of
souled humans. This energy is funneled into their second density group soul, accelerating its
collective evolution. At present, the Matrix takes a large share of that harvest. The 50/50 ratio
between OPs and souled humans on earth is the optimal ratio for maximum energy transfer
between densities.

Unlike animals, which evolve in their own second density realm, OPs are simply energy scouts in
third density. This means that an animal has the possibility of evolving into third density in a single
lifetime, while OPs cannot. Organic portals are mere feeding tube extensions of their group soul, and
exist primarily to collect energy for that group soul. An animal, particularly those who become pets,
may acquire sufficient experience and soul essence from their owners that they individualize and
split off from their group soul54. They may then incarnate in third density as a souled human,
though a very poorly developed one at first. Because of the impersonal nature of OPs, it is
impossible for them to individualize within a single lifetime, at present. Not until the group soul
evolves from second into third density as a
whole, can individualized souls spontaneously incarnate from it.

There are differences between OPs and lower evolved souled humans who are first time incarnates
having recently graduated from second density. The latter have souls containing a divine spark of
individuality with as much potential for full soul development as all maturely souled humans,
although it will take many more lifetimes to mature to the same level. OPs also have this potential,
but not on an individual level and not within this current cycle of human evolution. An animal can
graduate to third density independent of its soul group, but as mentioned, OPs cannot.

Souls who are new to third density take on crash courses in the basics of this realm, and so their
lives tend to be basic and often primal regardless of where they live: whether inner city, suburbia,
or the rainforest. It would be reasonable to say that they live a primarily emotional existence
because their lower centers dominate over the newfound intellectual and embryonic higher centers.
They may even have residues of their former animal essence, which can reflect in their personality.
Because of their vulnerable nature, having not learned many third density lessons yet, external
forces easily influence them.

The portal-like nature of OPs makes them even better agents of the Matrix. It employs them as
feeding tubes and passive suppressors to keep souled humans in line and connected to the milking
machine, as well as open doors through which the Matrix can directly interact with them. Being a
milking machine is the Matrixs primary function, a way for higher density negative forces, who are
disconnected from directly accessing the creative energy due to atrophied higher centers, to
continue their existence.

Through agents and the Matrix, souled humans are kept in place as an energy source, as
metaphorically portrayed in The Matrix except this energy is actually of a higher etheric kind rather
than electric. This is mans place in the cosmos55, much in the same way cows have their place as
providers of dairy and meat.

One might disagree and say that cows do not deserve to be in farms, but the truth is that they are
being milked and slaughtered because most never contemplate resistance or escape, or have the
ability to do so. Likewise, humans do not deserve to be enslaved for use as a natural resource either,
but this is where we are because most people never contemplate resistance or escape. But just
because most cannot, doesnt mean certain individuals with determination are denied escape56.
Thus, while OPs, humans, and the Matrix serve evolutionary and metaphysical functions, individual
souled humans have the choice of whether to participate in this plan or attempt to transcend it. It
is the choice between being a slave and being a sovereign being. Some enjoy being slaves of
comfort, but others see the illusion and are trying to wake up and reconnect to their higher
centers. This job is difficult because life on earth is designed to oppose awakening and escape in
every way.

Role of OPs in Society

Organic portals form the backbone of the Matrixs social control infrastructure. They are what keeps
society running in a state of preoccupation with the mundane. From cradle to grave, souled
humans are pressured to stay with the status quo and not ask dangerous questions. Those who
try to wake up are targeted by the Matrix to be put back to sleep, lest they face opposition from
those around them who have been purposely inserted for that reason57.

From mechanic to professor, salesman to actor, pizza man to president, OPs can be found in every
level of mainstream society. In general, whether they work in business, science, government, or
religion, they tend to occupy the upper management positions. This is because their lack of
compassion, knack for deceit, and hive mind nature allows them to make it to the top in every
common institution or corporation.

They are favored for advancement by other OPs already established in higher positions. From such
positions, they are able to implement Matrix control tactics in very effective ways. In schools, for
example, they are instrumental in enforcing oppressive educational climates, influencing school
board decisions to adopt sterile teaching regiments and programs for indoctrinating or
preoccupying them with garbage. In universities, they influence peer review committees and reject
any research that goes contrary to what has already been accepted. In government, they do as told
by higher authorities and manipulate the voting populationhalf of which are organic portalsinto
re-electing them. Souled people can do all these as well, but have freewill and the potential to evolve
dynamically while OPs perform the same routines statically and never change on a fundamental

The hallmark signature of an organic portal is his or her absolute devotion to the orthodox and
mainstream. Whether its orthodox science or mainstream fashion trends, OPs are immersed in the
realm of the mundane like fish in water, and fight or ignore anything that lies outside of it. Sadly,
many souled humans are programmed to defend the Matrix as well. As stated, the difference is that
they have the potential to awaken in this lifetime while OPs do not.
It must be emphasized that they exist in a broad spectrum of society, from the lowest scoundrels
to the greatest academicians. Their adept use of the intellectual center gives them flexibility in what
position to occupy within the Matrix-controlled social system. Their charm and disguised
ruthlessness helps them infiltrate and subvert the upper levels of any organization run by naive
souled humans, ones whose kindness, compassion, or reticence makes them underestimate the
intentions and capabilities of the newcomers. This is the main reason why institutions that begin
with honorable intentions are eventually corrupted.

The only people who can consistently beat out OPs without knowing their nature are souled humans
with extremely negative psychopathic natures. A true psychopath is anyone who is incapable of
feeling empathy or has a twisted sense of empathy; all organic portals are fundamentally
psychopathic even if they disguise it with seemingly normal behavior59. The souled psychopath has
the advantage of using ingenuity and creativity in his pursuits, as well as having soul energy that
may be bartered with negative or demonic forces for power.

The social system forming the third density manifestation of the Matrix is designed to promote OPs
and anyone who acts linearly, and punish or oppress those who express true creativity, originality,
and individuality. Of course, organic portals are merely mechanical enforcers of the Matrix, the
pawns in the game. Ultimately, they are part of a system engineered by negative souled beings,
ones who possessed the creativity necessary to design and command it. The ones who really run
the show in this world are therefore souled, although of a very negative soul frequency. OPs are
simply the workhorses of the Matrix.

Role of OPs in Families and Relationships

Their presence in our lives is not limited to impersonal sources of authority. They can be quite
personal, occupying places within even our own families60. When placed close to us, their primary
function is to keep us too oppressed or distracted to notice or pursue B-influences. They are not
aware of their roles as agents because their level of individual consciousness is quite dim anyway;
they simply do what is in their nature to do, and what they are manipulated into doing by the
Matrix. It is fitting that the best way for the Matrix to access our lives is through those who are
closest to us, whom we spend the most time with. And if we are tied to such people through
financial, legal, or emotional obligations, we are on a leash with the Matrix holding the other end.

These personal agents are the greatest source of energy drain we may encounter. If one spends
too much time (many years) with an organic portal as a spouse or lover, ones energy can be
drained beyond recovery. This involves the death of one or more of the centers61. Such a targeted
souled person is bled dry and becomes an empty shell, virtually indistinguishable from an OP. The
organic portal and Matrix cannot be blamed in such instances, only the souled person for once
being too stupid, ignorant, or naive to know better, having given in to the temptations and desires
of the lower centers.

Of course, one has close to no choice in the case of an organic portal parent. It is difficult, if even
possible, for the Higher Self to script the presence of OPs in life because organic portals themselves
have no Higher Selves with which to negotiate. This job is left to the Matrix. Therefore, as far as
ones life script is concerned, OPs are the wildcard factors that can slow things down. Regardless,
lessons will be learned whether its the easy way or the hard way; the unheeded presence of OPs in
ones life ensures that it will be learned the hard way.

It is therefore important to know about Matrix agents, their methods, characteristics, and how to
counteract their influence. Without such knowledge, souled humans make the false assumption
that everyone else is like them, which puts them at a significant disadvantage by underestimating
potential agents placed into their lives or misunderstanding their motives.

Continue to Part II
Matrix Agents: Profiles and Analysis (Part II)
A Note of Caution

It is very important to remember that this knowledge is to be used for defense and prevention, not
persecution. Organic portals are simply portals, passive beings through which external influences
can act61. Preemptively targeting them, or any other agent including souled humans who
occasionally succumb to playing part in anothers manipulation, is missing the point because one
merely attacks the messenger. While defensive measures to counteract their attacks are
appropriate, acting offensively to persecute agents is not.

This knowledge is best used for dealing with agents already present or entrenched in ones life, and
for preventing the formation of relationships, friendships, or partnerships with new agents. Because
agents only slow down progress in life, one must not confuse ends with means. The ends is to fulfill
ones destiny, the means is aided by immunizing oneself against the influences of Matrix agents.
People who are careless can become preoccupied or obsessed with finding agents everywhere, and
can make detrimental mistakes because paranoia dulls discernment. They will be too distracted to
follow their life path and pursue their true goals, and may sabotage themselves by being too
paranoid to follow beneficial opportunities when they arise. By concentrating only on removing the
negative, they forget to also progress toward the positive.

So, one must be observant of priorities. Following ones life goals (B-influences) is primary, while
reducing friction (A-influences) is secondary. Honing razor sharp discernment makes the entire
process failsafe.

Additionally, this knowledge is useful not so much for distinguishing between the various types of
agents, but for recognizing the presence of any agent at any time, regardless of the type. Endlessly
splitting hairs about whether an agent is one type or another undermines the immediate
practicality of this knowledge. Also, being too focused on one type distracts from recognizing some
of the others slipping by. One must also not forget that even souled humans can act as agents at
times, or disconnected from their higher centers. For practical reasons, it is best to initially focus on
their mere presence rather than type.

Robotic humans are agents all the time, organic portals are agents most of the time, and souled
humans can be agents some of the time. Because of this, without proper discernment, there is
great danger in judging whole individuals as opposed to evaluating individual actions. One could
easily make the mistake of completely writing off a souled individual based on just a few actions
committed during instances when he or she succumbed to Matrix manipulation.

Unless ones confidence in the nature of a suspected agent is based on accurate discernment and
consistent observation, it is best to deal with them on the basis of individual actions. This is
because besides ones judgment being prone to error when higher intuitive faculties are not
developed to allow direct sensing of danger, the Matrix itself is known to play upon ones false
perception and amplify paranoia to sabotage otherwise beneficial relationships.

Lastly, knowing type is important for gauging the potential of the individual in question. Robotic
humans and organic portals are hopeless cases, for they cannot be taught, changed, helped, or
enlightened. Attempting to do so drains ones energy and slows down progress in life. Souled
individuals, even if asleep, have the potential to progress, and helping them when requested can
make a difference. Robotic agents and OPs can request help or assistance as wella common attack
methodbut it is just a ruse to play upon ones empathy and naive nature and serve as

In sum, type and presence have their respective places. Knowing how to distinguish type and
knowing when to recognize presence take alternate priorities depending on whether one seeks
merely to defend against the Matrix, or whether one engages in assertive action to help a person or
fulfill a request.

What is Required to Discern Agents: Critical Analysis

The discussion now turns to what is required to identify the type of agent, recognize the presence
of any agent, or distinguish the true nature of a Matrix induced individual action. There are unique
and shared traits among the various types of humans. Observing unique traits allows confident
determination to be made. Shared traits are more ambiguous, and only provide circumstantial hints
as to type. The more obvious an agent, the more he will display unique traits.

As an example, let us compare organic portals with souled humans. Unique traits are those that
one or the other type absolutely has, or absolute does not have. For example, independent souled
humans are incapable of consistently displaying hive-mind behavior. Observing such behavior
means an individual in question is most likely not a souled human. Independent displays of genuine
creativity and originality are traits that are unique to souled humans, so someone who has a unique
personality, essence, and displays independent creativity and originality is most likely a souled

Shared traits, on the other hand, do not allow the discernment between type, merely presence. For
example, someone with a loud and prolonged victim mentality may be an organic portal sucking
energy ofsouled humans by playing upon their empathy, or it may be a souled human having rough
times who refuses to solve his or her own problems. In this case, it is impossible to determine type
until observations span a length of time in which shared traits may become unique. To illustrate,
while souled humans eventually get over it, organic portals keep talking about the same problems
like a broken record. As can be seen, with shared traits one can recognize the presence of individual
actions that must be deflected, regardless of the type of person committing them.

It should be obvious that intellectual methods of dealing with agents can get very complex. It
involves not only eagle-eyed observations, but also skills of logic and analysis. If one takes the time
and effort to sift through information and observations, put the pieces together, watch for
inconsistencies in ones logic, avoid assumptions based on paranoia, and take into account the
difference between unique and shared traits, intellectual methods alone can be quite effective. But
there is much room for convoluted thinking and mistakes without some compass to give orientation
and allow for proper perspective. Because intellectual methods by themselves are often insufficient,
intuition is the necessary component that completes ones ability to identify, deal with, or avoid
Matrix agents.

What is Required to Discern Agents: Intuition

Intuition or gut instinct is a glimpsed emotional message from ones higher emotional center, the
center that links up to the Higher Self. Pure intuition never fails, because the Higher Self knows
objective truth. The better honed ones intuition, the more easily one can identify which individuals
are dangerous and deserve scrutiny, and which actions are detrimental or performed by someone
who is being influenced by the Matrix.

Intuition is a gut instinct, and feels like a strong tug at ones heart and mind. There are differences
between intuition and subjective emotions, differences that must be understood in order to know
what internal tugs are genuine signals from the higher centers. Intuition is always in agreement
with objective facts, and requires an ignorance of certain facts to ignore. Subjective emotions go
contrary to objective facts, and require ignorance of both intuition and certain facts to follow. In
other words, following subjective emotions or ignoring intuition involves wishful thinking and a
conscious effort to not look at certain facts. Intuition is also generally stronger, deeper, and longer
lasting than emotions62. Subjective emotions can be triggered by chemicals, electromagnetism,
implants, astral manipulations, and basically any stimuli whose triggering the soul has no control
over, merely how it responds to such stimuli.

Intuition can inform of another persons soul frequency, degree of consciousness, intentions, and
future actions. Of course, many who have weak connections to higher centers will find it difficult to
use intuition to such an extent, but practicing listening to intuition increases its strength. (For
safety reasons, one should use intellectual analysis to accompany intuition, to check if both are in
agreement. If they disagree, recheck the assumptions upon which the analysis is based).

While OPs are masters of disguise in the realm of A influences, and robotic humans can be
programmed to be quite lifelike, both are incapable of bypassing the discernment of a souled
persons intuition. Their nature lies naked beneath the gaze of ones Higher Self.

Ones intuitive impressions reveal the nonphysical traits of various types of humans. Organic portals
share a second density hive mind and therefore have identical auras63, while robotic humans have
electronically projected auras that are also nearly identical64. As an aside, one person with
clairvoyant abilities has even observed the auras of several people flick on and off simultaneously,
which suggests they were probably robotic humans. OPs have dim levels of consciousness, and
robotic humans have almost none65. Negative entities of various types monitor through, or
possess, these agents at times; the presence of such entities can be intuitively sensed as well.

Intuitive Impressions Characterizing the Presence of Agents

Based on personal observations from others and myself, here are some impressions one may receive
from non-conscious or dimly conscious humans. Words fail to accurately describe them, but here is
a rapid collection of descriptions:

Generally, it is difficult to mentally or emotionally connect with them because there is nothing there
to connect with. It seems like something is missing within them, that they are hollow caricatures or
cartoons despite physically looking like any other human. Mentally projecting oneself into their head
reveals only silence, or a neutral hum. Concerning robotic humans particularly, one often has the
same feeling around them as when alone: a bland, neutral, and quiet feeling. Normally, the
presence of a souled human is noticeable, for they have vibrancy, thickness and dimensionality, but
robotic humans do not. This can be confusing, because one may be physically in the same room
with them, yet in every other way it feels like they are not there.

Being around a souled person, one may perceive energy of a different type if the person has a
different soul nature, but there is still something within them that seems conscious and mentally
tangible. Being around a souled person who has a similar soul frequency as oneself usually leads to
instant rapport and a drive to interact with them, even if they have a different personality than
oneself. If an OP does give the impression of soul depth, it is simply reflecting back ones own soul
energy66. They can be discerned because the soul energy is identical to ones own, but there is still
lack of something to connect with.

Neither type of agent has any depth to their eyes, which appear glossed over or blank. Physically,
there is nothing glossy or blank about them, but it is an intuitive overlay upon a physical
perception. They may be attractive, but like a mannequin or porcelain doll, there is no inner beauty.

Despite projected auras, robotic humans are energetically invisible. The comfortableness one may
feel around them is actually blandness67, which follows from the absence of uncomfortable energy
because they dont even emit any energy. So the lack of feeling when around them is what should
alert one to their presence. Naturally, one may still get an intuitive message that they are bad news,
and so a negative intuitive impression can nevertheless arise. One shouldnt make the mistake of
thinking that absence of negative feeling alone means they are not agents, especially if the feeling is
one of blandness instead.

In many cases, agents can be physically very dynamic, loud, seemingly spontaneous, attractive,
smiling, or they can be using positive body language, but the impression one receives is that it is all
artificial or an act, form without substance, that they are little more than elaborate animatronic
meat puppets. Souled humans who act positively or dynamically have a beaming face and a sparkle
in their eye. Or when they are sad, they emit sad vibrations and the air turns heavy. When they are
neutral, there is still activity within their minds; they are thinking, perceiving, being. Organic portals
or robotic humans can act sad but shed only crocodile tears; there is no anguish or sadness there
except what a souled person has been tricked into imagining or projecting upon them.

As can be seen, robotic humans and OPs give off similar impressions, though it is more severe with
robotic humans due to their unnatural nature and comparative rarity. No matter the type of agent,
something can be felt as being off or wrong, which can often be ignored out of wishful thinking
or when succumbing to perceptual skewing.

The importance of balancing intuition with critical thinking cannot be adequately emphasized. With
these skills in tandem, one can accurately detect and avoid agents before they become entrenched
in ones life. Striving for ones destiny (that which fills one with enthusiasm and joy)68 will naturally
detach a souled person from those who cannot keep up, particularly agents of all types who would
otherwise cling on like barnacles.

Dealing with Close Agents

Of course, we may have made errors in our lives and become mired in the consequences through
financial, legal, or moral obligations. These include lovers, roommates, spouses, and offspring who
are detrimental to ones life plan, especially if they are organic portals or souled individuals with
entirely different life paths who do nothing but hold one back. Nevertheless, one must take
responsibility for past irresponsible actions. Depending on the legal and moral viability of leaving,
some may be stuck, and some have hope for escape and starting anew.

Not everyone is a permanent agent, and no one is perfect. Souled partners can have different views
and opinions, cause distractions and upsets sometimes, and occasionally delay ones plans. They
can act as vectors of Matrix attacks when not watchful, and demand certain sacrifices. Here, it is a
matter of degree that determines if they are ultimately beneficial or detrimental to ones life path. If
possible to leave, ones decision should not be based on the consequences of leaving, but the
consequence of staying. Emotional weakness and dependency is the least valid excuse for staying.
Following ones destiny is the best reason to leave.

The choice to leave is personal; each individual must decide whether it is appropriate based on
circumstances. It must be said, however, that when a souled human is matched with another
souled human of an ideally compatible soul frequency, the relationship becomes virtually
superconducting, without resistance, heavy demands for sacrifice, or hope that the other partner
will change. There may be external interference by the Matrix attempting to break such a
partnership apart, but the interferences are usually based on misunderstandings more so than
fundamental differences and ongoing resentment. Because an organic portal is not part of the life
plan, staying with them is delaying the arrival of ones destined relationship with a specific souled

For cases where escape or removal is not an option, agents must be dealt with on an
action-by-action basis. The skill of properly handling attacks by the Matrix is of inestimable value. So
the positive side of this is that dealing with permanently present agents sharpens ones ability to
deflect Matrix attacks.

But no matter how deep one is, there is no point in getting deeper, which is why prevention is the
prime mode of application of this knowledge. There is no excuse for continuing to form associations
and relationships with Matrix agents if one has this knowledge. Ultimately, it does not matter if
ones partner is an OP or not, and often it is impossible to be absolutely sure either way. Whats
more important is the nature of the relationship, whether it is oppressive or expansive.

Other Methods of Attack

Aside from the intimate avenue of family and relationships, agents can attack in a far more
impersonal manner. The crudest method of attack happens via harassment by strangers who are
part of the Matrix hive-mind network. When walking down a street, through a shopping mall,
around a university campus, or riding the subway, etc one must realize that at least half of the
strangers around are organic portals, and most of the rest are asleep souled humans. All of them
are open to temporary animation by the Matrix for direct interaction with a targeted individual. They
may mumble cryptic phrases with synchronistic meanings, yell offensive statements tailored to
press ones emotional buttons, and rarely but occasionally engage in a physical attack. What
separates them from ordinary crazies or random acts of harassment is that their actions seem
unrelated but are far from random. There is timing, engineering, and synchronicity involved in what
they do that singles out a specific target at a time. They could be OPs looking for a quick gulp of
energy from vulnerable targets, but the Matrix ensures that whom they pick deserves it. Other
examples of hive-mind harassment may include hateful stares by strangers for no apparent reason.

Souled people may consciously do these things as well, but there is selfish reason for what they do,
whether boredom, general hatred or anger, or just for fun, rather than direct manual control by a
hive-mind. With intuition, one can sense the difference. With agents of the Matrix, there is sign of a
single coordinated intelligence behind multiple strangers. When staring into their eyes, one is
looking directly into the eyes of the Matrix and the negative beings that maintain it.

The Path to Liberation

What is one to do about all this? What can one do? The first and simplest step is to seek out those
who share a similar soul frequency, other souled humans with whom to network and form
friendships. They provide support and can form an impenetrable nucleus, an island of refuge, and a
counteraction to the Matrixs divide-and-conquer tactic. How does a person know he or she has
found another with similar soul frequency? There is a mutual enthusiasm that lacks any need to put
on a mask or hide part of oneself, and the intuitive impressions and logical observations are
positively in agreement.

Aside from this, the basic way to proceed is to immunize oneself against the manipulations of the
Matrix and its agents, conserve soul energy, gain awareness about the true nature of ones reality,
and strengthen the connection with the Higher Self.

Immunization comes with knowledge. Because agents hide behind ones blind spots, the more one
knows about them, the less room they have in which to maneuver. Much of their power lies in the
illusions they project, illusions that lead one to make false assumptions about who they are and
what they want. Naturally, illusions only have as much power as is granted by the perceiver. In
judo, the superior force of an opponent is not confronted directly but cleverly displaced and
therefore used against him. In Matrix tactics, the superior spiritual force of a targeted souled
human is also cleverly displaced via illusions so that his freewill fails to directly engage the spiritually
weaker manipulator. Having knowledge prevents one from misplacing this force and allows
successful defense.

Adequate soul energy is necessary to reach escape velocity. The lower ones reserves of energy, the
stronger one is pulled into the sphere of A-influences. Energy is also needed to fuse consciousness
and personality into a coherent whole rather than fickle fragments that change to the whim of
environmental triggers70. Lastly, energy is required to build a strong connection with the higher

Conservation of energy is accomplished by not succumbing to emotional drain attempts by agents,

by not stressing or worrying about trivial things, and by redirecting and transforming negative
emotional energy when it arises by consciously focusing inward and becoming aware of oneself when
such emotions are generated, rather than becoming lost in the source of what originally triggered
their response.

Energy can be generated through enthusiasm, the aforementioned transformation of negative

energies triggered by external shocks, and conscious suffering71, which involves asserting the will
of the conscious core over the body and ego. This can be achieved by practicing going contrary to
the desires and inertia of the body and ego, within practical limits. It is a form of discipline.

In short, the entire process concerns making the internal mental, emotional, and spiritual state not
only coherent, but also independent of external actions and stimuli. This does not mean shutting off
or doing/feeling/thinking the opposite, as that is not independence but mere inverted dependence.
Independence means being sovereign king of ones inner kingdom.

As long as the mind is chained to the environment via a one-to-one correspondence between
internal emotion and external trigger, we are at the mercy of the Matrix. But when this dependency
is severed, one becomes free. External triggers do not have to stimulate negative internal emotional
responses. External actions and internal emotions do not have to be absolutely consistent with each
other. For example, just because one feels kindhearted inside does not mean one must act kind to
absolutely everyone on the outside, especially toward predators or agents who rely upon the
sheepish non-resistance of some people to make an easy meal out of them. In fact, to be truly kind,
one must also be cruel to be kind to those who indirectly ask for such treatment by initiating hostile
behavior. It is ones right to resist being eaten.
Ideally, one can and should burn with a permanent flame of positive enthusiasm that cannot be
extinguished by any external wind, while externally one should act in whatever manner necessary to
most efficiently and safely repel attacks from hostile people, act in service to those who request and
deserve it, and follow ones destiny. When combined with knowledge and awareness derived from
contemplating information to derive truth, one becomes evermore impervious to impacts from the
Matrix. Then there is no longer any need to dodge bullets, as hinted in the movie72. Positive
enthusiasm does not imply dopey ignorance, because when combined with a drive for greater
awareness, one would also be aware of external dangers and intuitive messages of warning.
Intuition is a genuine internal message from the higher centers, not a false signal from the lower
centers or external triggers.


Matrix agents are both a hassle and a great learning tool. While possibly slowing us down in life,
they also indirectly urge us to exercise our freewill and develop spiritual muscles. They are not to be
redundantly sought out, or prematurely eliminated. In fact, it is impossible to do so. All one can do
is steadily strive toward liberation. Knowledge shows the way.


Numbers of the associated footnote is listed after each published source. In many cases, personal
observation was only later confirmed by a source, but they are cited despite not being the original
source of an idea. Some ideas were found in multiple sources, and will be cited accordingly. Areas
not referenced with superscripts come from personal observations and private/public

To read excerpts from some of the sources listed below, download this supplement: opsources.pdf
(PDF file, 260 kB).

Baines, JohnHypsoconciousness (1995) | # 10, 29, 70

Cassiopaean Transcripts:

Session July 13, 2002 | # 1, 2, 5, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19, 27, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 48, 52,
57, 66
SessionJune 3, 1995 | # 14
SessionNovember 19, 1994 and June 9, 1996 | # 50
SessionOctober 21, 1995 | # 39, 49, 64, 65, 67
SessionMay 31, 1995 | # 62
SessionSept 12, 1995 | # 63

Conti, CarissaWhat Theyre Not Telling You About Death(2003) | # 30

Elkins, Rueckert, McCartyThe Ra Material, Book I (1984) | # 53, 54

GurdjieffViews from the Real World (1973) | # 10, 16, 28, 29, 61, 71

Mouravieff, BorisGnosis, Book One: Exoteric Cycle (1989) | # 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21,
22, 23, 24, 26, 30, 43, 44, 56

Mouravieff, BorisGnosis, Book Two: Esoteric Cycle (1992) | # 1, 2, 18, 19

Mouravieff, BorisGnosis, Book Three: Mesoteric Cycle (1993) | # 2, 3, 4, 6, 32, 42, 46, 55, 60, 69
Organic Portals (2002) | # 34, 45, 60>

OuspenskyIn Search of the Miraculous (1949) | # 10, 16, 29, 30, 71, 70

Quantum Future SchoolOrganic Portals: The Other Race (2002) | # 1, 2, 31, 37, 40, 47, 51, 57,
59, 60, 66

Warner Bros., The Matrix (1999)

Human Simulacra
What if you were to discover that certain individuals in government, corporations, military,
academia, media, and the alternative research community are either reprogrammed versions of
their former selves or artificial beings entirely? What if you learned these were under the complete
control of covert forces possessing a vested interest in manipulating society? Then you would see a
hidden order beneath the chaos in current affairs that leaves others with more limited
understanding shaking their heads in puzzlement. (and youd take politics a hell of a lot less

free e-book: HumanSimulacra.pdf (380kB)


Human Simulacra

* simulacrum n.
1. an image or representation of someone or something.
2. an unsatisfactory imitation or substitute.(Oxford English Dictionary)
3. a copy without an original. (Jean Baudrillard)

version 1.0 :: 2.20.05

0 Introduction

1 Dr Peter Beter

2 Cosmic Awareness

3 The Ra Material

4 The Allies of Humanity

5 Dr Karla Turner

6 The Cassiopaean Transcripts

7 Anecdotes and Conclusion

0 Introduction

What if you were to discover that certain individuals in government,

corporations, military, academia, media, and the alternative research
community are either reprogrammed versions of their former selves or
artificial beings entirely? What if you learned these were under the
complete control of covert forces possessing a vested interest in
manipulating society? Then you would see a hidden order beneath the
chaos in current affairs that leaves others with more limited understanding
shaking their heads in puzzlement.

This document is a compilation of sources discussing various aspects of the human

simulacrum phenomenon: the strategic and covert replacement, reprogramming, or
artificial creation of individuals to function as total societal control devices. Multiple
descriptive terms exist for these creatures: organic robotoids, reanimated humans,
synthetics, clones, duplicates, doubles, look-alikes, replicants, robots, and cybergenetic
humanoids. Although these terms differ in their precise definition, they concern
themselves with the same general phenomenon of impostors.

The information presented here approaches the subject from angles that vary in their
accuracy, so it is the readers responsibility to discern which viewpoints are viable,
relevant, and functional. What is provided should be sufficient to give direction for
further research and allow the reader to correlate these concepts with personal
experience and observation. My intent is to provide clarification and elaboration where
necessary and give guidance as to the proper use of this potential knowledge.

There are two dangers regarding the reception of this knowledge: ignorance and misuse.
The danger of ignorance is misconception, stemming from force-fitting into a limited
viewpoint those facts originating beyond; gullibility, arising from failing to perceive such
facts at all; and frustration, which comes with holding others to a standard not in
accordance with who they really are. The danger of misuse includes obsession
with the subject, fascination solely out of being entertained by the bizarre, having ones
vision colored rather than expanded, seeing danger where there is none, and worrying
about that which one cannot change.

Proper use of this knowledge requires bringing it into consideration when other
explanations fail, seeing patterns that one would otherwise miss, and most of all,
avoiding the frustration and gullibility experienced by those who disagree or fall for that
which they do not properly understand.

Sources will be presented in rough chronological order with an introduction preceding

each series of excerpts, concluding with my own information and thoughts on the

1 Dr Peter Beters Audio Letters

Dr Peter David Beter (1921-1987) is most remembered for his Audio Letters, cassette
tapes on conspiracy topics sent out monthly to subscribers from 1975 through 1982.
He was a successful and well-connected business man who disseminated dangerous
information most refused to believe and many attempted to suppress.

From a website dedicated to Dr Beter:

Dr. Beter was General Counsel for the Export-Import Bank of Washington; a
candidate for the governorship of West Virginia; cofounded SODESMIR, a
mineral exploration company in Zaire; represented American gas utilities
building a pipeline the length of Argentina; represented mining interests in
underwater manganese nodule exploration in the Pacific; was featured at
financial seminars in New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Toronto,
Montreal, Geneva, and other international financial centers. As a political
and economic commentator, Dr. Beter worked with Wall Street luminaries
including Franz Pick, Edward Durell, Colonel Curtis Dall, Norman Dodd,
Emmanuel Josephson, and many others. He wrote prolifically, including
Conspiracy Against the Dollar (Braziller New York).

From the editor of the Revelations of Awareness newsletter, 1979:

For the benefit of new CAC members, a brief explanation of why this particular
reading was given. Dr. Peter Beter (his first and last name rhyme) is a well-known
and respected Washington lawyer with many contacts high in government positions
who leak information to him. During the past four years, he has been revealing this
information to the public in the form of Audio Letters -- 40 minute tape-recorded
cassettes which he mails to subscribers each month. His information mainly is
concerned with behind-the-scenes activities and intrigues, power struggles etc.
between agents of the United States, Russia etc. The information Dr. Beter reveals
seldom appears in the controlled press or television networks. In the past he has
uncovered such strange plots as the removal by Rockefeller of the gold from Ft.
Knox, the placing of neutron bombs in the freshwater lakes and rivers of the U.S. by
the Russians. Although his information is far out to many, quite controversial and
sensational, most of his accusations have never been adequately refuted by his
many detractor (mainly publishers who have been scooped by his stories). [.] Dr.
Beter revealed the Bolshevik plot taking place behind the scenes in Washington.
These were entities expelled from Russia, brought to the U.S. by Kissinger,
Rockefeller and Nixon and placed in high positions of authoritytheir ultimate aim
being to take over the government of the United States and collectivize the entire
country, thus creating a totalitarian police state. In the meantime, the new guard
in power in Russia, (Christians, who had been waiting 60 years to oust the
Bolsheviks) had perfected the art of creating doublestrained look-alikes by use of
plastic surgery, actors etc. who would quickly replace an official who had been
secretly executed, and assume that pretense to the public. In this manner, a
revolution took place behind the scenes in Russia, unknown to the public, and the
familiar faces in the Kremlin began to gradually change their stance. According to

Dr. Beter, the Russians no longer desire a cold war or any war for that manner, for
they have developed technology (with the aid of UFOs) that is years ahead of that of
the United States. They have developed particle beam laser-type weapons, UFO
type aircraft, (Cosmospheres), which hover above our nation and which are capable
of incinerating an entire city within moments if necessary. In short, according to Dr.
Beter, the Russians have not only won the cold war, but are totally in command and
fully capable of winning any kind of hot war the US or any other country might try
to pull off. The four RockefelIer brothers (who were behind the plot to take over the
US) were all executed, according to Dr. Beter and replaced with doubles (all but
Nelsons, whose murder was detected and subsequently covered up). When the
Bolsheviks in power in the U.S. learned about the doubles being used here and
abroad, they became desperate. In order to maintain their positions, they decided to
try a first-strike limited nuclear war which would wipe out the missile bases in
Russia and destroy that country as a world power. Thus Operation Global Shield
79 was staged. The plan was to send all SAC bombers and NATO bombers around
the world, loaded with nuclear warheads to the Russian boarders (without prior
notice), then turn around and come back. This so-called exercise was so planned
that the bombers would not turn back at the Soviet borders, but would continue on
into Russia and wipe out their missile bases. Fortunately, this did not occur as the
Russians had informed Washington that if they proceeded with the plan, they would
launch a full response of nuclear warheads against the United States, and a
cosmosphere hovering over Washington DC was ready momentarily to wipe out that
city. None of this, of course, appeared in the controlled press. []
One big reason this nuclear disaster was avoided was because the Russian agents
in Washington, working behind the scenes to prevent the Bolshevik takeover here in
the U.S., began a campaign of executions. Systematically they executed those in
positions of power who had been pushing for war and replaced those entities with
doubles or look-alikes. According to Dr. Beter, some of those executed included
Jimmy Carter, his entire family, Vice President Mondale, all of Carters Cabinet,
many in the military, the heads of NATO. In Dr. Beters latest Audio Letter (No. 47)
he reveals that the U.S. Supreme Court has been replaced, that the assassins are
now moving through Congress and the mass media, eliminating and replacing those
who have been Hawkish on containing Russia and promoting legislation and
propaganda favorable toward war in the Middle East and elsewhere etc.
Heady stuff, this, and if true the citizens of the United States are due for quite a
surprise when the plot is finally revealed to them, which it eventually must. (You
cant kill off every right-winger and hawk in the U.S. and replace them with doubles
without eventually being caught in the act). When Cosmic Awareness, which in the
past had indicated that Dr. Beter was 90% accurate in his revelations, confirmed
that these executions were indeed going on behind the scenes, many members of
C.A.C. decided that was too much, they could not handle that type of information-so
they resigned. Many of Dr. Beters subscribers cancelled also. If they thought that
was too far out to swallow or handle, they should have waited until Audio Letters
No. 46 and 47 were released. For Dr. Beter revealed on these two latest tapes that
the reason the Russians have successfully executed and replaced so many bigwigs
with doubles is that they have been able to create artificial humans (organic
robotoids)- grow these creatures from a single cell of the executed person within
hours and program them through computers to do and say what they want them to.
Having the same DNA as the original, the robotoids retain the same memory,
personality and traits as the original entity. Their lifespan, however, is very short (a
matter of weeks)so new Robotoids must constantly be grown. Weird, huh! Far-out!
Straight out of science fiction, perhaps? Well .... who can say?

What follows are key excerpts from the mentioned Audio Letters #46 and #47:

Audio Letter #46

May 28, 1979

In Russia as well as in the West, research has been under way for many years in
biological synthesisthat is, artificial life forms; and according to high intelligence,
a stunning break-through took place in Russia some years ago. The Russians refer
to this break-through as a providential discovery, something they learned almost
by accident. They discovered the key to creating what are known as organic
robotoids. An organic robotoid is an artificial robot-like creature, it looks and acts
exactly like a human being and yet it is not human. A robotoid is alive in the
biological sense but it is an artificial life form. Robotoids respond to conventional
routine medical tests in the same way as humans do; they eat, they drink, they
breathe, they bleed if cut; and they can be killed. Robotoids can also think, but they
think only in the sense that a computer thinks. Like any other computer, the brain
of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it is given; but unlike many
electronic computers, the biological computer brain of a robotoid possesses an
enormous memory. As a result, robotoids can be programmed to communicate and
think in such complex patterns that they act human.
Organic robotoids are remarkable creatures, but they have many drawbacks.
They dont grow or reproduce but must be manufactured one by one in the desired
form. They also have a very limited life span, measured in months or even weeks,
depending upon how they are utilized. This is due to the fact that their metabolism,
while it resembles that of humans, is very inefficient. A robotoid can be
manufactured on very short notice, a matter of hours; but after a few weeks or
months it suddenly begins to degenerate physically and mentally. When that takes
place, the robotoid has to be removed from service and disposed of. To extend its
useful life as much as possible, a robotoid is customarily cooled down to slow its
metabolism between assignments. Organic robotoids are extremely expensive,
troublesome creatures to produce and utilize; and robotoid capabilities do not
exceed those of human beings. All they can really do is simulate human beings; but,
my friends, for Intelligence purposes thats all they have to do!
To produce an organic robotoid it is necessary to have a pattern to go by. The
pattern required is that of genetic coding taken from a few cells from the body of a
human being. In this respect the Russian technique sounds like cloning, but the
technique itself is totally unrelated to genuine cloning. A robotoid is produced
within a matter of hours, and it simulates the human donor at his current age. Like
any man-made copy of anything, a robotoid is never a perfect copy of the human
that is to be simulated; theres always small discrepancies in appearance and
behavior, but these are seldom great enough to arouse any suspicion.

Audio Letter #47

June 28, 1979

Last month I made public one of the most carefully guarded of all Intelligence
secretsthat is, the existence of ORGANIC ROBOTOIDS. As I explained last month,
they are now the key fact of life in understanding current world events. Without
knowing this very important secret, you will have no hope of understanding present
and coming events. Even so, some of my listeners are not waiting for events to
speak for themselves. Instead, they are shakily telling themselves, There just has
to be some other explanation for the strange things in todays news.
The man-made biological machine known as a Robotoid is remarkable from
head to foot; but the most astonishing thing about them is their ability to simulate

human beingsnot just in appearance but in behavior. In other words, the most
crucial and most amazing thing about a Russian Organic Robotoid is its biological
computer brain. The developments that were destined to lead to Russias
breakthrough in robotoid brain research began 32 years ago, in 1947. In that year a
Hungarian-born physicist, Dr. Dennis Gabor, conceived of a way to make three-
dimensional photographs called holograms. It was a revolutionary scientific
discovery, and it was destined to lead to the Nobel Prize for Dr. Gabor. He did not
receive the Prize until 24 years later, in 1971. By then, holograms were a reality in
numerous laboratories world-wide; and yet most members of the general public still
had not heard of holography. And even today, more than three decades after Dr.
Gabors original discovery, holography is still unfamiliar to the public as a whole. In
1947 Dr. Gabors theory pointed the way toward holography, but at that time
holograms could not actually be made. What was needed in order to make them was
something called monochromatic lightthat is, light of just one wave length. No
one knew how to create that kind of light in 1947, but in 1960 the situation
suddenly changedthat was the year the laser was invented. When lasers are
discussed in public, attention is usually focused on just one of their amazing
characteristicsthats the ability of a laser to produce a narrow, intense beam of
light. The beam can travel great distances without spreading out and diffusing.
Lasers pointed the way toward energy-beam weapons, among other things; and as I
revealed long ago in AUDIO LETTER No. 26, this is what secretly spawned Americas
crash program to get to the moon in 1961. But the reason laser beams behave the
way they do is that the light they produce is monochromatic, so they are made to
order for generating holograms. Like lasers, holography has led to developments
that were totally unexpected, and one of these was the Russian breakthrough in
biological computer brains some years ago. When you hear how they work, youll
understand why robotoids act so much like the human beings they replace.
A hologram is a very unusual kind of photograph. To make one, the film is exposed
using a laser and a set of mirrors and lenses; and to make the holograph image on
the film visible later on, laser light must again be used. When you look at a
hologram, it is as if you were looking through a window at the real object. You can
move back and forth, up and down, and see it from different angles in three-
dimensional detail. By contrast, of course, a conventional photograph is flat and
looks the same from all angles. Holograms are also different in another way. If you
tear a normal photograph into several pieces, you ruin it. Each piece contains only a
disconnected fraction of the total, but not so with a hologram. If you cut up a
holographic film into several pieces, each piece still contains almost the entire
image. There is some loss of detail but basically its all there. Its this fact that led
years ago to the Russian breakthrough in biological computer brains for their
[] Last month I revealed that the Russians can manufacture organic robotoids,
which are almost exact carbon copies of real human beings. This is done by a
process that simulates the genetic coding of the person to be copied. It sounds a
little like cloning, but its not. A clone of a human would itself be a human, but an
organic robotoid is NOT human. Its an artificial life form, like an animal in some
ways but like a computerized machine in others. Every Russian robotoid has what
is called a holographic brain. This brain duplicates essentially the entire memory
of a person being copied. The key to doing this is a new technique called an
ultrasonic cerebral hologram. Using high-frequency sound waves, which are
inaudible, a complete three-dimensional picture is made of a persons brain. This is
a painless, non-destructive process; and under the proper conditions it can be done
without the person even being aware of it.
[] Organic robotoids are such amazing creatures that they are still a subject of
questioning and debate. This is true even among the Russian scientists who made
them a reality. For example, robotoids seem to have no true instinct for self-

preservation. In this regard they act like machines, simply doing as they are told to
do. By contrast, both humans and animals generally have the instinct for self-
preservation. Robotoids can be programmed for self-preservation, but they are
equally willing (if willing is the word) to perform suicide missions, exploratory one-
way trips into space. Ive only one example of this: if a space mission looks too
dangerous to risk the life of an experienced cosmonaut, a robotoid can now be used.
The robotoid copy of the cosmonaut is already trained the moment its made, thanks
to its holographic memory. Organic robotoids look and act so much like human
beings that its hard for us to get used to the idea that they are not human; but the
Russians decided several months ago that the stakes are too high not to employ
them, and so the silent Russian invasion of America by robotoids is now well under

Dr Beter goes on in Audio Letters #51, #52, and #53 to discuss another category of
artificial human known as synthetic automatons (or simply synthetics) who have a
longer life span than organic robotoids but suffer poorer mental abilities, appearing
dull-witted in comparison to those they replace. Synthetics manufacture involves the
use of cattle parts and glandular substances, more complicated than the rapid-grow
procedure used to produce organic robotoids.

It is well known from other literature on cattle mutilations and alien abductions that
cattle organs and glandular secretions are used in the manufacture and maintenance of
synthetic organisms such as the grays. Related to this are the oriental-looking and
olive-skinned humanoids seen in conjunction with some black helicopter and cattle
mutilation phenomena. From the infamous O.H.Krll document (purportedly written by
John Grace and John Lear):

Situations involving the mystery helicopters appear to be a little

more insidious. A good example is an event which occurred in Madison
County, Montana, between June and October of 1976. Twenty-two confirmed
cattle mutilations had occurred during that period, and they were
accompanied by reports throughout the county of silent, unmarked, jet-black
helicopters, flashing or steady anomalous lights in the air and near the
ground, unmarked fixed- wing aircraft and white vans in remote and
previously inaccessible areas.

Toward the latter part of this period, in early autumn of 1976, a

hunter from Bozeman, Montana, was out alone around 3:00pm one day in the
Red Mountain area near Norris. He watched as a black helicopter without
markings flew overhead and disappeared below a small hill. The curious
hunter climbed to the top of the hill. There was the black chopper (a Bell
Jet Ranger, he thought) on the ground, the engine still running. Seven men
had apparently exited from the craft and were walking up the hill toward
the observer. As the hunter advanced toward the seven, he waved and
shouted congenial greetings. It was then that he realized there was
something about the men -- they were all Oriental. They had slanted eyes
and olive skin and were jabbering among themselves in some indecipherable
language. They wore "everyday" clothes, not uniforms. Suddenly they began
to return to the helicopter. The hunter, still waving and shouting
friendly greetings, started after them. The Orientals quickened their
pace. When the hunter approached within five or six feet, they broke into
a dead run, crowded into the chopper and took off

In a documented "mystery helicopter" wave in England, accounts place

Oriental-appearing occupants in an unidentified chopper. Slant-eyed, olive

skinned, Oriental-seeming occupants have been a staple at the heart and at
the periphery of UFO accounts for years. Significant numbers of the
infamous "men-in- black" (MIB) have a similar appearance, but very often
they are seen as very pale and gaunt men who are sensitive to light.

If these are genuine accounts, such entities are probably synthetics. The point of
mentioning this is that while Dr Beter may have erred in his perceived context of
phenomenon (framing it in context of the Cold War), many of the specific details he
discussed concerning the synthetics and robotoids themselves are scientifically
plausible and generally correlate with other discoveries and anecdotes in fringe

But whereas grays and the olive-skinned humanoids comprise mysterious phenomena
easy to sandwich between the covers of Time Life books, what hits closer to home is
the idea of equally artificial beings gracing the pages of Time magazine. That public
officials, authors, scientists, military personnel, and others with power and influence in
their respective fields can and have been replaced by cybernetic doubles gives pause for
considering of the implications.

2 Cosmic Awareness

Dr Beters expos on robotoids and synthetics made waves far and wide, catching the
intense interest of those who were not immediately turned off by his claims. Fortunately
this spurred others to do their own investigating and pick up where Dr Beter left off.

In 1979, a channeled source identifying itself as Awareness was asked to comment on

the validity of Dr Beters material. Normally discussing matters of a spiritual or pract-
ical nature, over the next several years Awareness divulged interesting information on
the subject of synthetics and robotoids, particularly concerning its connection with the
alien phenomenon. Channeling is not generally valued for its accuracy, but rather its
depth and breadth of information. Accuracy is left for the reader or listener to achieve
by filtering signal from noise. And so it is with the Cosmic Awareness material, which
contains deeper insights than Dr Beters Audio Letters but also makes wilder claims.

What we seek in this document is sheer data on the phenomenon of human simulacra,
data from any and all sources that, like panning for gold, allows the sifting process to
produce greater quantities of valuable substance. There is no better candidate for this
sifting process than the Cosmic Awareness material.

Here are numerous excerpts from Revelations of Awareness newsletters published by

Cosmic Awareness Communications (C.A.C.):

Weve received quite a few letters in reference to Dr. Beters latest tape and the
Robotoids, and we will probably no doubt get many more unless we print some-
thing up. And, probably this letter from M.W. will suffice for the general tone of the
letters weve received. I will read the letter, then ask the first of three specific
questions tacked onto the letter.

Dear C.A.C. I think it is absolutely imperative that Awareness

comment further on Dr. Beters last two tapes, No.s 45 and 46,
concerning the Russians killing top American leaders and replacing them
with organic robotoids. This idea is so completely ridiculous that not
even the most open-minded people are willing to accept it. To me it
seems as though Dr. Beter has flipped out and CAC also must be flipped
out to support this crazy theory.
I admit, Beter had me going with the Bolshevik double theory, but
now the robotoid thing is just too far out. [] how can ANYONE believe
that our nation has been taken over by Russia by means of organic
robotoids ?
It sounds like nothing more than a paranoids fantastic fantasy, and
CACs support of these crazy people forces one to question CACs
credibility. IS it possible that Paul has tuned into Dr. Beters twisted
mind? Is it possible that Paul has become lost on a path of right-wing
political insanity? I dont know, I hope there is some logical explanation
for all this. I dont think CAC can just shrug off the robotoid thing now
that theyve brought it to our attention. I feel Awareness MUST explain
this craziness. You cant really expect anyone to believe it, can you ? At

least not without some solid evidence. If Shockley is indeed a clear
channel for Cosmic Awareness, cant he give us information on how to
prove these happenings ? I have accepted much of the conspiracy
theories up to now. but I now am beginning to feel Ive been led down the
path of some crazy peoples paranoid fantasies. I hope Awareness can
satisfactorily explain some of these seemingly crazy theories. At this
point, I dont put much faith in anything Ive [] heard from Dr. Beter,
because their ability to see things clearly and open-mindedly seems
suspect. And now I have to say Im even suspicious of the clarity of CACs
readings. Im sure a lot of people feel the same way. I hope this can be
cleared up.

And his first question is: Awareness, please comment in detail on Dr. Beters theory
of Russian robotoids replacing Carter, Brezinski and so forth, and give some means
whereby this seemingly insane theory nay be proven true or false.

This Awareness indicates that before attending this first question, this Awareness
wishes to comment on your letter in general. This Awareness indicates that
throughout your letter the question is asked, How could anyone expect another to
believe such insanity?
This Awareness has again and again asked entities not to believe. This
Awareness asks entities to discover what is. This Awareness asks entities to
discover what is by questioning and doubting-by doubting not only others, but by
doubting ones own beliefs. This Awareness suggests that entities in discovering
what is must first question themselves and their own beliefs.
This Awareness suggests that in terms of the information which this Awareness
has given, It did not say to support Dr. Beter [] this Awareness indicated that
these were sources of information which could not be found in other places. This
Awareness indicates that these sources of information add to ones general
understanding of what is occurring.
[] This Awareness has indicated that the Dr. Beter material as being
approximately 90% accurate in those areas which it covers. This Awareness
indicates this means there is approximately 10% that is not accurate. []
[] This Awareness indicates that in terms of your evaluation of Dr. Beters
informationyou have the right to close your mind at any time you choose- all
entities have the right to close their eyes and not look. []
This Awareness indicates that in your demands, or your request, whichever it
may be, that this Awareness or the entity Paul Shockley prove to you that the
robotoids exist, you are setting yourself up for a disappointment, for neither this
entity nor this Awareness is your servant, nor needs to prove anything to you, but
can share what is seen, when and if you open your consciousness to receive, to
search, and to wonder whether there is anything to this or not. This Awareness
indicates that the fact that you wrote the question, asked the question, indicates
that your mind is still searching, and therefore you have not closed your mind to
this. This Awareness therefore suggests that the question be asked and that this
Awareness shall give you indications whereby you may search for better
understanding of how these robotoids might be real.

Please comment in detail on Dr. Beters theory of Russian robotoids replacing
Carter, Brezinski, and so forth, and give some means whereby this seemingly insane
theory may be proven true or false?

This Awareness does not wish to prove this true or false. This Awareness indicates
that if It presented the proof of this information, the Interpreter, the staff of C.A.C.
and the majority of members in C.A.C. and Dr. Beter, would in fact be jeopardized
and endangered by the proof. This Awareness indicates that this information as
being extremely dangerous for this entity to have releasedthat the only reason why
the entity has been allowed to continue serving after the release of this information
is because it appeared to be so unbelievable that the public has not responded or
reacted in a manner that threatened those who are behind this action.
This Awareness indicates that there is no way and no need for this Awareness to
prove these exist in order to be in your good graces. This Awareness indicates it is
for you to make this discovery after researching and learning and digging and
waiting, and wondering if this is important to you to make a decision as to their
reality or not. This Awareness indicates however, that there are ways whereby you
may search out further information on the development of these creatures. This
Awareness indicates that you research the areas of the DNA (you may begin with the
book mentioned by Dr. Beter), that you research areas on cloning, that you research
areas on electromagnetic fields, that you research areas in relation to UFOs-for
these are all tied together.
This Awareness indicates that the electromagnetic fields are used in creating
certain atmospheres of an electronic nature, for the transmuting of the DNA. This
Awareness indicates that information which may lead to certain possible areas of
research in this field, can be found in studies on mice and frogs and other small
animals in the early researches of the DNA. This Awareness indicates that the
majority of this type of information has been withheld from the public, and is not
available. This Awareness suggests that if you wish to spend some time moving into
these fields of study, you may spend approximately ten years working through
various scientific works and becoming acquainted with different scientists in the
fields, to ask questions and research the information in this manner.
This Awareness indicates that otherwise you may seek to explore through
contacts with secret services, various entities who have contacts in the CIA or the
secret services, and if careful you may become aware through some of these entities
of areas wherein certain researches of this type have occurred. This Awareness
indicates this may take quite some time in developing friends in these branches of
government who will share information with you or refer you to others who would do
This Awareness suggests that if working your way up through the scientific
academy or working through the secret services or through research in libraries
does not appeal to you, this Awareness suggests that you wait for other Dr. Beter
tapes and other Awareness messages and other sources to present themselves to
you for your further evaluation, and that you shelf your concern for immediate
answer to this situation.
This Awareness indicates that: essentially there are more things in heaven and
earth than you have dreamed of in your philosophy. This Awareness indicates that
the magnitude of this area of research and development is so great that entities
cannot at present comprehend. This Awareness indicates that this however is but a
small portion of information which is withheld from the public.
This Awareness indicates that entities ask this Awareness questions-this
Awareness, speaking through Its Interpreters, gives information. This Awareness
indicates entities are not satisfied with the information given, but want more
information, more in-depth information-want to know more about how this or that
can be.
This Awareness indicates if It gives everything that an entity could ask about, if
It answered all the questions in perfect proof and perfect evidence, exposing all

secrets that the members would ask about, the Interpreter would be slain and the
members hunted down for knowing too much about vital secrets to those who have
power and wish to continue holding that power.
This Awareness indicates the Project Bluebook once had twelve hundred
employees-there are now thirteen of these entities still alivefor they knew too

Were starting to get questions in about organic robotoids, and I thought maybe if I
asked a couple, it might be sufficient. D.W. of Ridgefield, Washington, wants to
know if these robotoids have an aura...?

This Awareness indicates that this around the heart chakra only.

Do these robotoids become inhabited by spirits or other entities?

This as negative, except in rare instances whereby certain forces might penetrate
briefly. This Awareness indicates these creatures as not being suitable for the
complete embodiment of a disembodied spiritthat the metabolism of these
creatures is such that the disembodied spirit would not enjoy being involved inside
such a creature, except very briefly. This Awareness indicates this much likened
unto a spirit inhabiting an animal for a brief time. This Awareness is referring to
human spirits, and assumes the questioner is also referring to this.

That is correct. Organic robotoids, apparently having the facility to think like
humans, must therefore have some form of fife-force similar to that which motivates
humans. Is that correct?

This Awareness indicates this essentially correctthat these creatures do not have
a self-awareness, except when this self-awareness is programmed into them. This as
a kind of awareness similar to that of a plant, except when programmed to be self-
This Awareness indicates that the programming of behavior being that which
is implanted into these creatures, according to the memory pattern from the
predecessor. This Awareness indicates that the creatures themselves carry certain
subconscious programmings similar to that of an entity who is in a kind of coma or
zombie-like state. The entities basic functions and basic responses carry through in
the DNA cell memory, but the general programming of behavior and personality will
occur from the implanting of the memory of the predecessorthis through the
methods described by Dr. Beter in his June 79 tape.

Then when a robotoid burns itself out and essentially dies, is there any form of
soulstuff that emerges and goes into consciousness that might be identified with the
original entity whom it replaced?

This Awareness indicates this as very little-this similar to ectoplasm, or the
electromagnetic field of energy that might emit from a hand or finger seen under
Kirilian photography. This Awareness indicates there is an energy which is released
from these beings, that this also may be similar to energy which is held in plants.
This Awareness indicates this may be somewhat stronger in the robotoid.
This Awareness suggests that the robotoid does not have a complete develop-
ment of soul, but does have certain spirit energiesthis similar to what might be
termed an elemental. This Awareness indicates these creatures in time can be
perfected scientifically through other means whereby exact duplicates with potential
for reproduction and human development could be madethis being closer to that
which Jehovah created on Mars as Adam and Eve, and this as being closer to that
which this Awareness referred to as synthetics. This Awareness suggests the
synthetics live longer than robotoids, that the synthetics have been created by
extra-terrestrials rather than Russians.

A question from R.K., of St. Cloud, Minn., which came in during June of 1978, end
was held in abeyance because at that time Awareness asked that we not question
into this area. But in light of some of Dr. Beters material, this particular question
might prove enlightening: The people at the Summit Lighthouse ere being taught
about so-called robot people. They ere supposedly laboratory-created skull-less
humans, who have reproduced themselves since the time of Atlantis, when they
were created. According to this source, there is a large percentage of these people in
America today, particularly in the government, because they ere easily influenced,
and therefore manipulated by the Fallen Ones, who are ceaselessly working to
overtake the earth for their own use. Would Awareness please comment on this?

This Awareness indicates that this information is basically correct. This Awareness
suggests that this be included in that material being released under the heading of
UFO Project Reading.
This Awareness indicates that essentially these entities are being associated
more with the synthetics this Awareness has described, than with the robotoids
described by Dr. Beter. This Awareness indicates that explanations regarding both
of these creations is available in other readings from C.A.C. This Awareness
indicates that essentially this is well-known by certain departments in the
government.that many of these have been involved in the government, and in fact,
many of these robot-like creations have taken over certain departments of
This Awareness wishes entities to consider that there have been several unusual
movie plots during the past few years, which are not purely science fiction. This
Awareness indicates that the movie Future World, wherein celebrities were taken
into a new type of amusement park, and their doubles emerged, this being in the
state of Nevada. This Awareness indicates this movie was, in actuality, based on the
alien base which was in existence in the mountains above Las Vegas, wherein these
synthetics were being created, and released into society after receiving proper
training and programming and the necessary money for carrying out their
This Awareness indicates this movie as having had a substance based on reality.
This Awareness indicates also that the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers,
wherein entities were being created who became doubles for humans and took their
place. This Awareness suggests you consider this movie in light of the information
which Dr. Beter has given on the robotoids.

Would Awareness expand on that part of the question where it said, These entities
have reproduced themselves since the time of Atlantis, when they were created. Is
that correct?

This Awareness indicates this as being essentially correctthat these entities as
being somewhat more refined than the robotoids or the synthetics. This Awareness
indicates that the synthetics as being creations by the alien UFO invadersthe
word invaders as not exactly appropriate, as these entities have been here for so
long. This Awareness indicates that the synthetics being created from parts taken
from humans or from animals and certain processes involving decompression
chambers and various nutrients and magnetics.
This Awareness indicates that the robot-like humans which the Summit
Lighthouse is referring to are basically humans or humanoid in appearance and
capability. The latest difference between themselves and humans is that they have
not been in used with the higher spiritual vibrations, but are more closely aligned to
animal vibrations.
This Awareness indicates however that these can mate with the human being
and in this manner receive the divine vibrations. This Awareness indicates these
also can develop over long periods of time to tune into spiritual or divine energies.
This Awareness wishes to define the term divine energiesthese being energies
which allow for identification with universal harmonies as opposed to simply self-
oriented vibrations. This Awareness indicates that generally however these beings
are self-centered to an extreme, and may not even have the ability or concern for
self-preservation, but simply have a strong appetite and desire to acquire or to obey
an barter programming which has been passed on through the genetic code of the
This Awareness indicates that generally these creatures remain below the
surface of the earth as subterranean creations. These not however emerging to the
surface except for certain assignments and purposes and these also not generally
emerging in that area known as MiddleEarth that these entities generally remain in
caverns and caves and tunnels deep under the surface of the earth.
This Awareness indicates that these synthetics as being created from an action
similar to cloning, yet in part using certain flesh from animals or humans,
particularly common is the use of the cerebral and nerve system of the cow. This
Awareness indicates that these synthetics are put together and indeed living
creatures in which astral beings may enter to work through upon this physical
plane. This Awareness indicates these entities also are capable of creating
synthetics who look exactly like other living persons upon this plane. These entities
being trained in an area in the mountains near Las Vegas, Nevada, given inform-
ation regarding the person who they are to replace, given background, childhood
experiences, memories, being given programmed memories of that child, and
identification to allow them to slip in and fill the role of that person.
This Awareness indicates that often there are created sets of synthetics who are
identical in appearance, but are placed in various areas so that they are not spotted
or recognized as being the same person in two locations.
This Awareness indicates these entities generally are operating from a rather
obscure position in society whereby they do not call attention to themselves by their
occupation, but these entities as generally having vast amounts of money. This
Awareness indicates this as given to them before leaving the training area in Nevada
this at present as being approximately three to five hundred thousand dollars.
This to allow them to mingle in society and serve as agents for those aliens who are
seeking to take over this planet.

This Awareness indicates that these entities in appearance have, until last year
in February (1977) have had certain types of characteristics that could be
distinguishedthat they showed no Adams apple; they did not eat in public, for
they have no need for food. They used pills, and when caught in a situation whereby
they were required to eat, would eat only soup or light salad-a very small amount.
This Awareness indicates that these entities generally had a mottled skin,
something like pizza crust. This Awareness indicates these entities often had a walk
that was reminiscent of a penguin or duck, a kind of waddle back and forth. These
entities as not being able to turn their necks very far and needing to turn their
entire body, as though they had a stiff neck.
This Awareness suggests that the information being given presently not being
given to allow entities to become paranoid and search out me synthetics in their
midst and begin some kind of persecution drive, but as being given to allow entities
to understand there is something occurring, and to assist them in being cautious in
regard to who they are associated with.
This Awareness indicates that these entities themselves are slaves. The Bigfoot
creatures are slaves, and those dwarfs and those entities beneath the ground known
as Deros or detrimental robots, these also are slaves. This Awareness indicates
those entities referred to as Men in Black, the MIBS, are also slaves. That all these
entities are set up under that entity who has presented himself in the midst of the
seat of power known as the Anti-Christ. This Awareness indicates this entity as
having control upon this hierarchy system, intent upon gaining power and control of
the earth, in order to set up his realms.
This Awareness indicates that these entities have great power in terms of
physical and occult controls. That these entities have machines which allow them to
listen to the thoughts of others, which allow them to teleport; and whereby, even in
vehicles, they can hook their teleportation machine to the vehicle and teleport, or
disappear, right before the eyes of others. This Awareness indicates these entities
have the ability to appear, to materialize, before others. This Awareness indicates
that these entities have the ability to create pains and nausea and sickness in
others. These entities as often causing accidents and death and illness to those on
the surface, particularly when these entities on the surface level become too aware
of their activities and become a threat.
This Awareness indicates that this realization and this awareness of these
entities can become that which is dangerous to know, until entities have the
spiritual awareness which allows them to protect themselves from this kind of
psychic force and power that that these entities can emanate.
This Awareness wishes you to understand that these powers these entities use
comes from an understanding of the electromagnetic spectrum and the super
spectrum. This Awareness suggests that entities read the book by John Keel, called
The Eighth Tower. This Awareness indicates that in these various vibratory rates
there are powers that echo and reflect from one octave to another. This Awareness
indicates that the Forces of Hades are using those powers which are of a lower
vibratory rate than are those who are working from levels of Celestria.
This Awareness indicates those higher vibratory rates have dominion over the
lower vibratory rates. This Awareness suggests that those who are attuned to the
highest and best cannot be touched, cannot be harmed by those forces which are
operating from the lower vibratory rates. This Awareness indicates that they can be
aware of those forces. They can feel the vibrations of those lower forces, but they
cannot be shaken from their place, or destroyed, or shattered by lower vibratory
rates. This Awareness indicates that the only way entities of a higher vibratory rate
can be harmed by those of a lower vibratory rate, is if they allow themselves to
become frightened, fearful and intimidated to the point of being terrified.
This Awareness suggests that in order to avoid this, this Awareness suggests
that entities be cautious, careful, loving, discerning, and protective-of that which is

the highest and best, and to avoid careless exposure to those areas and forces
which can be harmful without having confidence and protection accompanying that

Awareness, it has been indicated (by this Awareness) that for the most part those
heads of governments and those entities in power that would create war, nuclear
war, are synthetic entities, artificially created entities. Now, Awareness has
indicated these entities can be taken into the astral and programmed. Is this
programming confined to these synthetics entities, or can real live flesh and blood
human beings with souls and spirits also be taken into them astral levels and

This Awareness indicates that this is mostly with the real life flesh and blood
entities in the movement into the astral levels for programming. This Awareness
indicates that generally the synthetics are programmed by prompters of a physical
nature. This Awareness indicates however, they can also be influenced to a lesser
degree from the inner planes. This Awareness indicates there appears to be a very
weak astral body in the synthetics. That essentially it is not strong enough to be
effectively programmed. That the efforts by those entities in the astral levels are
aimed more toward the programming of human agents on this plane and that the
synthetics are generally used to carry out the programming which was given by
these human agents.
This Awareness indicates that this programming of synthetics is generally
accomplished through electronic technologies, this including a bioelectronic

Awareness has previously indicated that synthetics have a difficult time eating the
normal foods that the average entity eats. There are certain people in government
who are promoting the use of candy, like jelly beans. Is candy a particular food
source for these entities?

This Awareness indicates that this appears to be a way whereby these entities can
take their supplements. This Awareness indicates that this is not necessarily candy
in the usual sense, but is a supplement which is made to appear as candy. This
Awareness indicates that the technology associated with the synthetics and
robotoids as that which has progressed somewhat in the past several years and the
limitations which were previously given are not as pronounced at present as in the
This Awareness indicates that It does not wish to probe or reflect on this topic
any further. This Awareness indicates the reason being that it is too confusing and
too bizarre for the readers of your material. It detracts from greater concepts
because of its bizarre nature. This Awareness indicates however, that very
gradually, information is being released whereby within approximately 5 to 10 years
entities will understand without such apprehension that life can indeed be created
using the cells to create a full grown adult human being of a synthetic nature.
This Awareness indicates that a recent tabloid released last month headlined the
creation of a human being by scientists. This Awareness indicates that this
however, was not allowed to develop to full size. This creation was terminated while
at a very early stage of development. This Awareness indicates that the purpose for

releasing this information to the masses was simply to prepare them for future
acceptance of synthetics and robotoids in society.

Five years ago Dr. Beter made the statement to the effect that if entities could not
grasp and fully understand this concept of robotoids and implying later the
synthetics, that nothing that was going to happen in the next 5 to 10 years was
going to make any sense at all to them. Does Awareness agree with that statement?

This Awareness indicates that this as a general statement is correct. This is not
necessarily applying to every situation. This Awareness indicates that essentially all
corporations of any magnitude have been take over by synthetics, and are being
controlled and run by those who are behind these forces. This Awareness indicates
that It does not mean that every individual in power in a corporation or in the
executive or administrative level are robotoids or synthetics, but rather those key
positions within the structures are quite usually controlled and operated by this
type of being.
This Awareness indicates that in many instances the being is a replica of one
who is still living, and this allows the entity to be elsewhere, while still at his office.

This Awareness indicates there is seen some concern in regard to the concept
of robotoids, synthetics, doubles and humans in government. This Awareness
indicates that this in relation to readings which were released at previous times
through this channel and also in relation to information released by Dr. Peter
David Beter in his tapes. This Awareness indicates that the present situation in
regard to these entities is such that specific individuals shall not through this
channel be singled out and defined in terms of their type. This Awareness
indicates that other questions in regard to this can be asked.
This Awareness indicates that the reason for this is for your own protection,
for in singling out an individual and calling that individual a robotoid or
synthetic, or saying the person is a double, one could open oneself up to suits
or to other harassment. This Awareness indicates that enough was presented
previously to explain the nature of events that are occurring behind the scenes
and this Awareness does not intend to be used to point fingers at individuals,
tattling on the individual for being a robotoid, synthetic or double, for that is
not the purpose of this Awareness coming to this plane at this time.
This Awareness indicates that the purpose is to awaken consciousness to
allow entities to have a greater expansion of concepts that allow the mind to
move into areas which were previously unthinkable, to expand consciousness
into thinking about unthinkable things, to explore the unknown and to
discover new things regarding the universe in which they live. This Awareness
indicates that the purpose is also to eliminate sorrow, suffering and tragedy
from this plane, through such enlightenment.
This Awareness indicates that for It to present messages of pointing out
this or that statesman, labeling this or that entity in order for people to hold
certain judgments of that particular entity; this is not the function of this
channel. This Awareness indicates that for the record, this Awareness
indicates there are approximately 700,000 aliens on this earth at this time;
this besides the Wanderers who were born of earthly parents. This Awareness
indicates these entities have been since the time of the Eisenhower

administration, the early 50's, have been moving slowly and carefully into
positions in government whereby they can have influence.
This Awareness indicates that some of these aliens rep-resent the
Ahrimanic Forces, the Forces of Ahriman; some of these represent the
Galactic Command Forces, these beings of the Light Force who are assisting
in countering the efforts of the Dark Ahriman Forces. This Awareness
indicates the intrusion by these entities of the Galactic Force is to help assure
the continuance of this planet, for without their assistance and the assistance
of those who are the Wanderers, this planet would be lost and would be
destined for destruction.
This Awareness indicates that many of these aliens of both the Ahriman
Fortes and of the Galactic Forces do participate in actions whereby they enter
into the bodies of those who are presently here, either as robotoids or
synthetics, or whereby they enter in duplicate form, replacing entities who pass
on, or they may enter as Walk-ins, whereby the owner of the body steps out and
allows the body to be taken over by an alien being.
This Awareness indicates that this message as that which may be released
or may be held back from your readership at your discretion; that It does not
consider this to be an important factor to the current needs of your
membership, but that it does have some degree of interest to some entities.
This Awareness indicates it also may lead some of your readership to consider it
as being too bizarre and unbelievable for public consumption.
This Awareness is not concerned about whether or not this message is
released; that it is your choice. This Awareness suggests that if there are other
questions in regard to this, that these may be asked, so long as individual
names are not included in asking questions about public figures.

Well, about the main question that members write is: they read the information
released back in `79, five years ago, about these various public figures which
the communications, and Dr. Beter explicitly showed were eliminated and
made into substitute entities...the question most often asked is that they want
us to explain, as publishers of the information, how come these same people
five years later are still in the news, still running for offices, still talking the
same old line, look like they always did, sound like they always did and so
forth, and we simply don't know what to tell them because Dr. Beter hasn't
published any more information on it.

This Awareness indicates that this information was given at they time; it was
explained in those readings and in that information at the time that these
entities were replaced by those which were called robotoids in some instances,
or by those which were called synthetics. This Awareness indicates it takes little
stretch of the imagination to realize that if they were replaced once, they can be
replaced by still another duplicate.
This Awareness indicates that these synthetics and these robotoids may
have been replaced by human doubles. This Awareness reminds you that
there are quite often look-alike contests, that many of the movie stars have
look-alike doubles; that many of the tabloids on occasion will have contests,
searching for entities who look like the new president, and this Awareness
suggests that these contests are often sponsored and used by those forces
seeking to find doubles to play the parts for these public figures.
This Awareness indicates that down through the ages kings have often had
their doubles; that this is no secret. It may be unknown to many of your

members, but it is no secret; that there are many who are aware of this; there
are many historians who recognize that this has been part of the formula for
protecting the monarchies. This Awareness indicates that there are a number of
ways whereby entities who are seen at one time may be replaced by another
who looks similar.

I have a few question from one of the SPIRAL people, Recently reference was
made in the Village Voice newspaper to the subjection of, Russian dissidents
to E.M.R. (electromagnetic radiation) emitted from Russian remote sensing
instrumentation, which involves thought detect-ion studies via scanning
micowave holography. Would Awareness please explain the process and tell
us if this is related to the production of synthetics and robotoids. Also, is the
method now in use for thought detection of US. citizens; and if so, how can
we protect against it?

This Awareness indicates that this as being an advanced form of radionics, or
that which is known as psionics; that this also as related to instruments
described in the Shaver mystery material, produced in the early 40s. This
Awareness indicates that the present technology using these devices is that
which has its basis from the radionics of vibration, or frequency, whereby the
instrument tunes in to the particular frequency of the subject, and from such
frequency, can detect as well as send information. That this as associated with
the mind of the operator, whereby the operator can send certain frequency
through the machine, while also sending certain data from the mind of the
operator to the subject, once the subject has been identified and tuned in to
by the frequency on the machine.
This Awareness indicates that similarly, in the radionics machines,
whereby the subject may be contacted by its frequency, either through use of a
photograph, or through a part of the subject containing the vibration of the
subject; (this may also include the signature of the subject); that the machine
may be used to locate and identify the frequency of the subject, to send a
particular energy or to send a particular message. This Awareness indicates
that an example being to use a photograph of an orchard, whereby every other
row is painted with pesticide to kill the pests in those rows in that orchard.
This photograph then being placed in the radionics or psionics machine, then
sends forth the vibration which tend to kill the pests on those rows marked on
the photograph. This Awareness indicates that likewise, this may be used to
heal diseased plants or subjects, by giving medicines to the photograph rather
than poisons.
This Awareness indicates that the principle being that of the Law of
Correspondence, wherein that which is a substitution for another thing carrying
the vibrations of that thing, may be used for psychic attunement; this closely
associated with principles used in voodoo, This Awareness indicates that what
has been described is relatively well-known by entities involved in the radionics
field; that the new twist which has been more recently developed by the
Soviets, is that of scanning the mind of entities in order to not send, but
receive information from entities whose photographs are available. This
Awareness indicates that the principle works the same, except in reverse:
rather than sending a thought, the operator becomes open to receive a thought
by attuning to the frequency of the machine, after the machine has tuned to

the frequency in the photograph.
This Awareness indicates that this is not an exclusive machine used by
Soviets, that the United States has also use of this type of equipment and it
has been in use for some time,this in certain segments, particularly assoc-
iated with the Rockefeller powers and the agencies under their control.

This principle is also used in the creation of the robotoids and synthetics, is it

This Awareness indicates that the principle as particularly developed in the
Soviet Union for use in gathering information electronically, and implanting
that information into the robotoid through the attunement of frequency; this as
similar to a program which would combine recording techniques with
broadcasting techniques. This Awareness asks you to imagine a particular
machine that could not only record information, such as on a tape, but take from
that recordingread off the vibrations from the tape by erasing or drawing out;
that information without losing the vibrations or frequencies, and implanting
that information into another tape. This Awareness indicates this may be
difficult to imagine, yet it becomes simple when you consider the transplanting
of information from a phonograph record to another phonograph record
through the usual process of duplicating records. This Awareness indicates
that essentially, these machines through attunement to vibrations, can tap the
consciousness of an entity, record the frequencies, and translate and broadcast
these energies to other entities through the machines involved

Another question from the entity in SPIRAL. Is the Eastern establishment
encouraging and permitting an increasing number of large corporate mergers to
occur at this time in a frantic attempt to implement a corporate world-wide
dictatorship? And are the Bolsheviks in control in the United States lending to this
plan so that their plan of taking over the United States will then be made easier?
Large power blocks might be easier to nationalize than many smaller ones.

This Awareness indicates that this is in the affirmative, particularly in the first part.
This Awareness indicates that in reference to the Bolsheviks allowing this to occur, that
this as being allowed with reservation. That wherein the Bolsheviks find an opportunity
to move in and establish control of these corporations, this would be acceptable to these
Bolsheviks, even though the total dictatorship had not yet been established.
This Awareness indicates that essentially, the Bolsheviks have much control of
these corporations already, in that many of the heads of corporations are in fact
synthetics, this having been accomplished during the past two years. This Awareness
wishes to clarify also to entities that there are very few robotoids in the United States;
that these entities have been essentially removed and replaced by synthetics. This
Awareness indicates that this appears to have been a source of misunderstanding by
many entities who still speak of robotoids in the United States. This Awareness
indicates there are a few, but the majority have been replaced by synthetics of the
Bolshevik system.

Would Awareness give an approximate figure of the number of synthetics there are

now in the United States in the government and corporations and other places? Just
a ballpark figure...?

This Awareness indicates that it appears approximately one-third of the entities in the
higher level of government agencies and also in corporations,approximately 20% in
the corporation levels,--this in terms of the larger corporations. That this 20% being in
terms of the higher echelons of the corporations, not referring to the lower management
levels. This Awareness indicates this including the banking system to some degree also.
That this also includes the security agencies of the government, wherein many of these
entities are synthetic in nature. This Awareness indicates that this information as that
which can become somewhat troublesome in terms of questions from your
membership, and may cause you to lose some of your membership. This Awareness
suggests that you consider whether you wish to print this or withhold this information.

Is there any foolproof method that an entity who is non-synthetic can detect the
new, improved synthetic? For example, legend has it that vampires cast no
reflection, no shadow, or ...

This Awareness indicates that this as a reference to the aura; that these entities who
have no aura of magnitude. That the aura as that which is limited in size to a very
small close thin aura, or only that which surrounds the heart. This Awareness
indicates that with certain machines using processes similar to Kirlian photography,
or with psionic machines, entities can distinguish the synthetic from the real entity or
from the robotoid. That without such, the entities cannot, except through sensitivity
or ability to see auras, make such distinctions.
This Awareness suggests that entities not become overly curious about things
which they can do nothing with or about; or about things which, if they become too
involved in, would simply cost them their lives. This Awareness reminds you of the
saying that curiosity killed the cat. This Awareness indicates that it is one thing to
become aware, it is another thing to know too much for your own good; for there are
those who take great pains at preventing entities from finding out what is happening.
This Awareness indicates that in order to continue to function upon this plane,
entities must grow in wisdom and knowledge at a pace which is not too rapid, so as
to draw too much attention; at a pace whereby entities can not be too outstanding,
but whereby they can be on the cutting-edge of consciousness without protruding out
beyond that edge. This Awareness indicates that I t must withhold some information
for the right time; that when I t gives too much, trouble follows.
This Awareness indicates that it is healthy to be curious, but it is also healthy to
be patient and to be able to accept that which has been given, knowing that there is
more which may come later. This Awareness does not intend to chastise anyone for
questioning, but rather wishes to explain why certain information often must not yet
be released. That in retrospect, looking back at the information on the UFOs, wherein
for approximately ten years entities were asking questions regarding the UFOs; if
entities will recall the information released in that message regarding the UFOs and
synthetics, they will now understand why this Awareness did not release this
information ten years earlier. This Awareness indicates that even when it was
released, it lead to the loss of approximately one-third of the CAC member-ship, and
to many questions, hostilities and other expressions of disbelief.
This Awareness indicates that there are many areas which the human
mind cannot conceive, refuses to examine, and would not believe, yet wants

to know. This Awareness indicates that the area of robotoids, synthetics,
and the intrigues of the government are very touchy areas which can cause
problems, even though entities may, out of curiosity, wish to find out what
they cant This Awareness indicates that curiosity is that which sets the
thinking mind apart from the dull and thoughtless mind; yet curiosity, if not
checked, can also be fatal.

I have a small file of previously unreleased information on robotoids and synth-
etics. Would it be appropriate to put that together sometime and publish it?
This Awareness indicates that this could be published, presented more for those
who wish to pursue this further. This Awareness indicates that there is very little
value in that information except as satisfying those who are obsessed and
curious about the entities; that essentially, the general information regarding
robotoids as that which has already been released except in regard to the link
between the aliens and the robotoid factor.
This Awareness indicates that many entities who have not been with your
organization for a long period of time will find this to he quite unusual and
disturbing perhaps. These entities could be referred to the Dr. Beter information
for further information on robotoids. There is very little real value in pursuing
this, and this Awareness does not encourage entities to pursue research that only
satisfies curiosity in regard to its having to do with bizarrism.
However, because these things have some effect on the potential future of
individuals, this Awareness brings out the information in a general sense.
This Awareness prefers that entities have the general overview and not
become obsessed with details regarding robotoids or synthetics or any of this
bizarre information just because it is bizarre and may have some curiosity to
know all the details, such as: What do robotoids eat for breakfast? and so forth.
That these things are of little significance. What is of significance is that there is
an influence acting upon the affairs of humans which entities know little or
nothing about which have many ramifications and is behind much of what you
see in the news which is never mentioned, and it is this factor of this unseen
hand or unseen influence that this Awareness wishes entities to become aware
It does not wish to engage in disputes, arguments or questions dealing with the
miniscule details of some bizarre aspect here or there, just to satisfy some mental
curiosity, or obsession that an entity might develop. There are certain mentalities
that tend to focus not on the overview or on the significance of something but on
some miniscule detail and they become obsessed with knowing everything about
that particular detail, in order to become some kind of expert or something, and
this is not the purpose this Awareness has for giving this information.
This Awareness does not particularly wish to deny information, but It does
not wish to focus on information that is irrelevant to the main purpose of Its
communication on this plane

[] Theres some questions that arise from a book called: ALIEN MAGIC, by William
F. Hamilton III, and theres a part of this book called: THE DULCE BASE, by Jason
Bishop the third, and Id like to read some of this, if its alright, and ask Awareness
to confirm or deny this information, and when appropriate, to expand on it.*

*ALIEN MAGIC, by William F. Hamilton III,
published by UFORCES, 249 N. Brand Blvd.,
Suite 651, Glendale, Calif. 91203


They were interested in intelligent Disposable Biology

(Humanoids), to do the dangerous atomic (Plutonium) rocket and saucer
We cloned our own little Humanoids, via a process perfected in the Bio-
Genetic Research Center of the World, Los Alamos!

This Awareness indicates this relates to the synthetics and in Russia, to the
robotoids; that the reading continue.


Now, we have our own disposable slave-race. Like the alien Greys (EBES), the
U.S. government clandestinely impregnated females, then removed the hybrid
fetus, (after about 3 months) and then accelerated their growth in the Lab.
Biogenetic (DNA Manipulation) programming is instilled; they are implanted
and controlled at a distance through regular RF (Radio Frequency)
transmissions. These act as telepathic Channels and telemetric brain
(Advanced Research Project Agency). Two of the procedures were R.H.I.C.
(Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Memory). The brain transceiver is inserted into
the head through the nose. These devices are used in the Soviet Union and the
United States, as well as in Sweden. The Swedish Prime Minister Palme gave
the National Swedish Police Board the right, in 1973, to insert brain
transmitters into the of human beings covertly.
They also developed ELF and E.M. wave propagation equipment (RAYS),
which can affect the nerves and can cause nausea, fatigue, irritability, even
death. This is essentially the same as Richard Shavers Cavern Telaug Mech.
This research into biodynamic relationships within organisms (Biological
Plasma) has produced a RAY that can change the genetic structure and
HEAL also.

Is that information correct?

This Awareness indicates that this is correct; that the instruments which Dr. Beter
once spoke of in his Audio Letters as being able to locate and determine what
anyone on earth was doing at any time, is an instrument that was just spoken of,
that was made available through his contacts with scientists in Nevada; that they
were using these instruments in order to supply him with information for his Audio
Letters. You will recall that often he spoke of entities who would allegedly be at
some place, but by his sources would be found to be elsewhere, such as Jim Jones
actually being flown to Israel and being thrown out of a plane near the Turkish
boarder, and other instances of a similar nature, wherein entities were believed by
press releases and so forth to be in a certain place, and Dr. Beter would indicate
that they were truly elsewhere.
This Awareness indicates that this also allowed them to distinguish between the
real entity and a duplicate, a double who was replacing that entity, because the
vibration of that double would be slightly altered and different. This Awareness
indicates that Dr. Beter also was able to distinguish the difference between a

robotoid, synthetic and human, because the human had a soul at the time; that in
his later reports and in further technology, the robotoids were even being given a
This Awareness indicates that this occurred through further alien technology in
which the soul of an entity can be severed from the body and implanted into
anothers body. It is a technology that allows for the Walk-In. It also allows for the
soul to be put into a duplicate body, a robotoid for example, so that the soul can
continue to exist after the first body has been eliminated, and in this kind of action
it is almost the same as if the entity had received a new body. That in this sense,
and for the purposes of changing the entity from one body to another, the reason for
such might be, for example, to alter the memory or alter the philosophy of an entity
in moving it from one body to another, by erasing certain aspects of memory.

This aspect is discussed further in the next chapter reserved for the Cassiopaean
channeling material, where it is claimed that human souls can be extracted from their
bodies, reprogrammed while in an etheric state, and inserted into a duplicate physical
body. Upon completion, this process results in an individual who shares his or her
former superficial identity but is covertly and perhaps unknowingly in complete
subservience to the agenda of his or her programmers, to the point of going against his
own previous ideals and opinions and instead disseminating disinformation dressed up
by the credibility of his former self. The Cassiopaeans were not asked why body
duplication is preferred over reanimation of the original body, but fortunately
Awareness explains this in detail.

This Awareness indicates you will recall that the memory is stored in the etheric,
between the mental and etheric bodies, and that it can be altered in the human. It
can also be erased, and by taking the soul and these bodies from one physical body
and putting them into another replica of the physical body, they can actually bring
about a changed person with a different philosophy or different values, and yet the
entity would essentially be the same personality. This Awareness indicates that
perhaps this can answer many questions that entities have had, in regard to past
notable figures that have been indicated by Dr. Beter as having been replaced by
duplicate bodies. This Awareness suggests the reading continue.


The studies on Level No. 4 at Dulce, include Human-Aura Research, as well as

all aspects of Dream, Hypnosis, Telepathy, etc. They know how to manipulate
the Bio-plasmic Body (of Man). They can lower your heart beat with deep sleep
Delta Waves, induce a static shock, then re-program via a Brain-Computer link.
They can introduce data and programmed reactions into your mind (Information
impregnation-the Dream Library.
We are entering an era of the technologicalization of psychic powers. The
development of techniques to enhance man/machine communications; Nano-
tech; Bio-tech micro-machines; Psi-War; E.D.O.M. (Electronic Dissolution of
Memory); R.H.I.C. (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control); and various forms of
behavior control (via chemical agents, ultra-sonics, optical and other EM
radiations). The Physics of Consciousness.

This Awareness indicates that it is also on this level that the technique whereby
souls can be extracted from the physical and transferred into other bodies or into
replicas occurs. That in the transference there can also be the alteration of
memories, values and qualities of the soul, so that an entity can appear to be the

same, but there will be certain changes that have occurred that may be unseen, and
the attitude and purposes and directions of the entity
may then be controlled.
This Awareness indicates that this occurs when the vibratory qualities of a soul
are extracted by these electronic equipment from a body and moved into another.
This needs not necessarily be a replica of the entity; it can be a totally different
persons body, in which case it becomes what is termed a walk-in. This Awareness
indicates that if it is a replica, it will tend to work with the replica to create the final
features that result in a duplication of the features of the entity.
That this generally takes place on the almost human form, when the mind-state
or soul energies, including the various electro-body energies are transferred, and as
they begin to grow and attach themselves to that almost human form. The features
then begin to solidify, to match the features of the electro-magnetic energies and the
soul energies and astral energies and other mental and etheric bodies of the older
original being.
[] This Awareness indicates that the Stan Deyo book has been suppressed
in this country. There is some chance of getting copies from Australia. There are
rare copies in the United States. This Awareness indicates that in regard to the
corporations as being fascist in nature; that this is in the affirmative. This
Awareness suggests also that you will recall remarks by Dr. Beter that heads of
corporations were being replaced by synthetics or robotoids; in other words, replicas
of themselves. This Awareness indicates that this as having been part of the alien
program in order to assure continued use of such corporations.
These entities being replaced are under control, or were under control, of these
technologies of the alien and of those who were putting implants into their replicas
to control the corporations, according to their general plans.

A question from XX, who writes: When my husband Robert retired last year, I
noticed what looked like scars with pink scar tissue behind his ears. Also, the
space under his ears was more concave. His personality also changed (for the
better). This will sound like a strange question, but I ll ask it to help other
women in a similar predicament. Is this man who is so similar yet different
than my husband of many years, a double of my real husband? Is his body now
inhabited by a walk-in? What is going on?

This Awareness indicates that this appears to be in the affirmative; that it
appears your husband was deeply involved in levels and projects of a very un-
usual nature; that this entity as being different. This Awareness refers you
back to the messages of Dr. Beter and earlier messages from this Awareness in
regard to the creation of duplicates and the transplanting of intelligence from
one entity to another.
This Awareness suggests this as something you may prefer to keep to
yourself as it would be of no benefit to pursue further concerns.
This Awareness indicates however, that you also need to be aware the scars
behind the ears as implying the implants of monitors that can have some control
over this entity. This Awareness suggests that names be stricken from this question,
so that this entity can be identified.

(Follow-Up) Vikki:
For her own benefit, is it best for her to pretend to herself that this still is her
husband and maintain as normal a relationship as possible?

This Awareness indicates that this as in the affirmative; that this entity may
make the best of her relationship with this entity in accordance with what feels
proper to her; that the entity actually is modified to be a better husband for
her; that some of the more gentle qualities of this entity have been made
stronger and the more harsh qualities have been removed, in this creation.

We occasionally get questions like this one from J.J. particularly since we ve
been advising the new members to review some of the earlier material, She
asks: The current Carter family emerges in the news from time to time, all
three of them in connection with the best of causes: pacifism, ecology,
building homes for the poor, etc. In what possible fashion does this serve the
purposes of those who replaced the originals with these, or is it simply a
function of the duplicative material used

This Awareness indicates that these entities as being used more now for the
purpose of the causes in an effort of keeping good will. That this is a very
difficult question to answer without getting into the entire alien technology of
the use of duplicates and their ability to transfer consciousness and the
replacement of parts. It would open a can of worms to answer this question at
this time. This Awareness suggests that entities may wish to review this
information in light of the Dr. Beter material regarding synthetics and
robotoids and to also then study the mate] that is available in regard to the
aliens and their technology how this is and has been adopted in a kind of
secrecy by the government: all of this is simply too much in terms of getting
into military secrets to answer such a question.
It simply cannot be answered through this channel in this manner without
endangering the entities involved for there is information needed that is not
yet made public which, if exposed, would break secrecy of your government.
This in regard to the duplication of beings. It is also unnecessary for entities
to have this information although it is a fascinating concept which tends to
create a fixation for the mind to attempt to understand something that is in
effect quite intriguing, even bizarre.
This Awareness suggests however, that if you wish to understand the
concept of robotoids and synthetics, you may find much of this very powerful
information in one or two paragraphs in the book Alien Magic, in which there is
a very brief description of how these entities are created, as witnessed by
abductees who were inside the Dulce base in New Mexico. That by reading
what is said and what has been given previously in regard to robotoids and
synthetics, an entity can read between the lines and get a strong hint of the
general nature of these technologies, and in understanding this, and that the
CIA and aliens have worked together in the Dulce base as indicated in the book
and in other sources, entities can put two and two together for themselves to
reach answers.

[] To extract a lifetimes worth of information out of his head in four hours, they
must have some very sophisticated equipment or something to do that, do they not?

This Awareness reminds you, however, that this technology is not unique to the
aliens; that in the creation of Robotoids and synthetics it was also used, whereby an
entitys consciousness could be extracted and put into the double for that entity,
allowing the double to remember everything the entity also knew.
This Awareness reminds you that Dr. Beter spoke of this and this Awareness
discussed this information approximately 10 to 12 years ago.

In one of his questions, I recall that he described the movie They Live and all of the
various ways that the public was being deceived by these entities, and he was
focusing on the possibility that with the Robotoids and synthetics and doubles and
all of these implants, that it would possible to construct some simple method so
entities could see these entities around them.

This Awareness indicates that there might be some electronic means whereby
measurements could be obtained in terms of electronic frequency that would allow
discrimination between one type of entity and another. This Awareness indicates
that the field of radionics essentially does this kind of thing. The entity seeking to
attune to anothers vibration, uses a kind of drum with powder and moves the
fingers around on this until they stick, while at the same time turning a knob which
changes frequency on the machine and when the fingers stick, the frequency at a
certain level is assumed to be the frequency of the person or individual the operator
is attuned to.
Once you have that frequency, then you set the dials to that entitys frequency
and begin to do readings on the entity in terms of frequencies associated with illness
or other concerns. You could use the same method for finding the frequency in a
diode or implant that the entity may have within himself, or if the entity is a
synthetic or Robotoid or non-human type, you might use this method for finding
what frequency this entity is and thus, gain some understanding of the frequency
level associated with synthetics.

For more on radionics, research the works of Dr Ruth Drown. A decent radionics box
consists of nine small rheostats (wire-wound variable resistors) with numbered dials (1
through 10) electrically connected in series. Into this tuning arrangement is plugged an
electrode upon which rests a sample of what is to be analyzed. The output of the tuning
arrangement passes through a metal plate covered in stretched latex, the metal plate
then being connected to earth ground. An operator rubs the latex covering (called a
stick plate) while tuning the dials until the fingers stick and the latex makes a
snapping sound indicating the dial has been properly tunedthe operator then moves
to the other dials and repeats the procedure until all nine are tuned. This produces a
nine digit readout encoding the vibrational characteristics of the analyzed sample. It is
a sophisticated form of dowsing; whereas pendulum dowsing produces little more than
three answers: yes/no/maybe, a radionics box with nine dials allows for two billion
possible numeric answers.

The only problem is you would have to know for sure the entity is a synthetic
and there would need to be a great enough difference between most entities and
synthetics that there would always be a standard level for synthetics shown by the
vibration or frequency so that you could distinguish this entity is a synthetic
because his vibrations are those that match other synthetics that we have tested.
This Awareness indicates that it would require many years of research unless it
has already been done and you would also need to have a control group of
synthetics to measure and compare with a control group of real humans to

determine if there is indeed a difference in the vibration and how much difference
and if it is always present in synthetics and if the human vibrations never extend
into the same areas as the synthetics.
This Awareness indicates that it is an area which would require considerable
commitment and long-term research and probably quite a large amount of time and

Okay. I dont understand why it is easier for the aliens to kill someone and then
force back their soul into the Robotoid body, makes it easier to reprogram them to
do things that would have been morally repugnant to them in their previous body.

This Awareness indicates that this is not what this Awareness has indicated at any
time, that aliens were killing them in order to use their soul in some other body, to
get them to do something they would not have done otherwise. This is conjecture.
This Awareness indicates that It has indicated that the aliens technologyand this
can be used by others besides the aliens themselvesthe alien technology as having
been used to record the psyche or information or soul qualities of an individual.
It is possible for these entities to extract a recording, an electronic recording of
ones memories, psyche and vibrations, including the personality, and to put these
into a synthetic replica of the entity. This Awareness indicates that the actions have
been done for numerous years as have been described in the Dr. Beter tapes; that it
does not even require the first entity be killed in order to extract this recording or
this information and to transplant the recording to the personality, etc., into a
The double can exist along with the original. It is seldom exactly the same, but is
usually very much the same. There is always something lost in the transfer. This
Awareness indicates that the double can also be altered in terms of its information,
so that it can be reprogrammed more easily than the original. This Awareness
indicates it is in this way that an entity may be caused to take a position that is
different from the position the original held, because the new programming or the
collection of vibrations that hold the information of the individual when
transplanted to a new body can be altered with new programming because it is not
based on direct experience.
The information the original obtained was obtained by direct experience linked
with emotions. The information, when it is transferred, does not have that same
depth of attachment and therefore, can be altered more easily. This Awareness
indicates that this is not necessarily a transfer of the soul; the aliens do have the
ability to sever the soul or cause a split in the soul or move the soul of an entity into
someone else.
This, of course, as being subject to a definition of what is meant by the soul.
Theres a certain aspect of an entity that goes on, and that may be termed the true
soul. There is still another aspect of the entity that is the emotional passion
associated with the magnetic center of an entity and it may be moved it may be
severed from the etheric body and from the physical body and this results in a kind
of splitting of the soul.
It is not necessarily the ultimate spirit of the entity, but it can be a great injury
to the soul of the entity so that the soul development, if left to progress naturally,
would be different from the soul development that is tampered with by alien
technology and injured in the process of transfer. It is for this reason that many of
those in other areas who have sent some of their best to the earth to assist on the
earth are very concerned and are considering pulling them out because they are

receiving them back with warped, twisted, broken souls that cannot easily be
This Awareness indicates the problem here is language. The term soul in one
use is different from what another may mean by soul. In speaking of the immortal
soul; that part which is indestructible, referring to this as the life of the entity the
more permanent part of the entity, this may be but likened unto a denser part of
the larger soul in which there are lesser parts that are not so dense that can be
severed and can be split off and put into another body. You will retain the same
essence of the entity, but without the depth of soul.
This Awareness indicates that this is extremely complicated when attempting to
communicate it in words rather than energies. If entities can see behind the words
to the energies that make up the soul, and realize that the soul is not just a thing, It
is an energy that is accumulating experience and that there are parts of that energy
that are denser than others, that are more permanent than others, and that every
little incident is added to the overall complex known as the soul, but that many of
these incidents can be lost, can be forgotten without the soul itself being destroyed
or lost and forgotten, or these incidents can continue to compact and grow and
develop into a larger and more compressed soul, so that all of these incidents are
part of the soul.
If you can understand what makes up the soul, that it is an accumulation of
experience, then it becomes more easy to understand what is meant when one
speaks of the severing of the soul. A part can be cut off, whereby one loses
experiences, loses memories, loses a part of ones essence, and is returned,
remaining immortal but damaged from the experience of alien severing of ones soul.
If you can understand that, rather than simply seeing words, then perhaps you
can understand what is meant by this concept of transferring a soul or transferring
energies or personalities from an original being to its counterpart replica. This
Awareness indicates it is a fact that many entitles who have known the original and
who then meet the replica will comment. It looks like him, it claims to be him, but
it isnt the same person I used to know.

The terminology is confusing. Can we accurately say then that the Robotoids and
the synthetics are artificially created creatures and sometimes imbued with soul-
stuff by the aliens, and the walk-ins are living humans that have abandoned their
body; their soul has either abandoned it, or been pushed out and taken over by an
alien soul?

This is in the affirmative. The personality that has been imbedded on the brain (this
in reference to the walk-ins) in terms of its recording of events and memories,
remains with the body. The brain serves in the same way as a cassette tape
recording stays on the tape and has its impression on the tape, whereas the etheric
astral or soul energies may also carry these same memories.
An entity entering into a body that is abandoned by a soul will still have access
to the entitys memory of events. The entity will still be able to recognize friends and
associates, certain jobs and skills, and will in general appear to be the same person,
but the entity generally knows that he is someone else in this body, and generally
those who know the entity closely will recognize a major change; that the entity is
like the one before, but is different, appears to be a different person. Sometimes the
walk-in is much more enjoyable to be around than the original.

Further resources on Cosmic Awareness:

3 The Ra Material

The Ra Material is considered by many to be one of the most accurate and consistent
set of channeled messages ever published. Printed in five small volumes known as The
Law of One books, the material primarily focused on a practical system of spirituality
and cosmology centered around the concept that All is One. Additionally, the material
explored relatively more mundane subjects including the nature of negative alien forces
(termed the Orion Crusaders) and their involvement in the manipulation of mankind.

The Law of One, Book I, Session 12

January 28, 1981

Questioner: Are there any Confederation or Orion entities living upon the
Earth and operating visibly among us in our society at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. There are no entities of either group walking among you at this
time. However, the crusaders of Orion use two types of entities to do their
bidding, shall we say. The first type is the thought-form; the second, a kind
of robot.

Questioner: Could you describe the robot?

Ra: I am Ra. The robot may look like any other being. It is a construct.

Questioner: Is the robot what is normally called the "Men in Black"?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.

Questioner: Who are the Men in Black?

Ra: I am Ra. The Men in Black are a thought-form type of entity which have
some beingness to their make-up. They have certain physical characteristics
given them. However, their true vibrational nature is without third-density
vibrational characteristics and, therefore, they are able to materialize and
dematerialize when necessary.

Questioner: Are all of these Men in Black then used by the Orion crusaders?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 5

Session 12, January 28, 1981

Questioner: If a Man In Black were to visit me and I locked him in the closet
could I keep him, or would he disappear?

Ra: I am Ra. It depends upon which type of entity you grab. You are perhaps
able to perceive a construct. The construct might be kept for a brief period,
although these constructs also have an ability to disappear. The
programming on these constructs, however, makes it more difficult to

remotely control them. You would not be able to grapple with a thought-form
entity of the Man in Black, as you call it, type.

Above, Ra distinguishes between the robotic creatures and the thought-form entities,
both of which are used by the Orion Crusaders as control devices. From the description
given, gray drones are good candidates for the robotic types. But that the robotic beings
are construct and may look like any other being suggests they may take human form if
manufactured as such; in other words, they are synthetics as defined in the Dr Peter
Beter Audio Letters and the Cosmic Awareness channeling. Note that like Ra,
Awareness claimed synthetics are associated mostly with alien forces.

4 The Allies of Humanity

Although not a significant source on the subject of human simulacra, there is one
potential reference to it in the book The Allies of Humanity. What claim to be a group of
benevolent alien observers have dictated through Marshall Vian Summers this manu-
script, which is essentially an appeal to humanity to become aware of the hostile alien
agenda and the impending enslavement of planet earth. Through awareness and
preparation, these alien observers hope mankind can head off a grim totalitarian future.

Here there is a great challenge for the people of your world and particularly for
those who are in positions of power and responsibility to recognize the difference
between a spiritual presence and a visitation from the Greater Community. Yet how
can you have the framework to make this distinction? Where can you learn such
things? Who in your world is in the position to teach about the reality of the
Greater Community? Only a teaching from beyond the world can prepare you for
life beyond the world, and life beyond the world is now in your world, seeking to
establish itself here, seeking to extend its influence, seeking to win the minds and
hearts and souls of people everywhere. It is so simple. And yet so devastating.
Therefore, our task in these messages is to bring a great warning, but the
warning is not enough. There must be a recognition amongst your people. At least
amongst enough people here, there must be an understanding of the reality that
you are now facing. This is the greatest event in human history--the greatest threat
to human freedom and the greatest opportunity for human unity and cooperation.
We recognize these great advantages and possibilities, but with each passing day
their promise fades--as more and more people are captured and their awareness is
recultivated and reconstituted, as more and more people learn of the spiritual
teachings that are being promoted by the visitors and as more and more people
become more acquiescent and less able to discern.
We have come at the request of the Unseen Ones to serve in this capacity as
observers. Should we be successful, we will remain in the proximity of your world
only long enough to continue to give you this information. Beyond that, we will
return to our own homes. Should we fail and should the tide turn against humanity
and should the great darkness come over the world, the darkness of domination,
then we will have to depart, our mission unfulfilled. Either way, we cannot stay with
you, though should you show promise we shall stay until you are safeguarded, until
you can provide for your selves. Included in this is the requirement that you be self-
sufficient. Should you become reliant upon trade with other races, this creates a
very great risk of manipulation from beyond, for humanity is not yet strong enough
to resist the power in the Mental Environment that can be exerted here and is being
exerted here now.

as more and more people are captured and their awareness is recultivated and
reconstituted [emphasis mine] The choice of words is very revealing because it implies
something beyond mere social indoctrination. To be captured is not unlike being
abducted, and awareness being recultivated and reconstituted is even more indicative of
something already detailed in earlier chapters: the abduction, extraction, and repro-
gramming of the soul during the duplication process. Like reconstituted orange juice,
the soul is similar but not quite identical to its original form.

Further information about The Allies of Humanity:

5 Dr Karla Turner

The late Dr Karla Turner was a dynamite researcher whose investigations during the
early 1990s focused on aspects of the abduction phenomenon considered taboo by
mainstream UFOlogy. This led her into dangerous territory because it struck at the core
of the alien agenda, revealing it to be far from benevolent. An abductee herself, she
wrote three books detailing her own experiences and those of others. Her books are out
of print and extremely rare, but fortunately the most important of her works titled
Taken is now available online, from which the following excerpts have been extracted:

The second controversial area reported by Lisa involves, as with the case of Pat
in the previous chapter, the viewing of "new bodies." She told me that her
memory of seeing a new body occurred sometime in late 1992. Although she was
keeping a journal by that time, which recorded UFO sightings, conscious events,
and dreams, both alien-instigated and the normal, self-generated variety, she
refused for some reason to include this event in the record.

Lisa recalled lying on a table aboard a craft, with her "new body" beside her. "I
got out of my old body," she said, "and stood next to it. I was looking it over, and
I even looked at my teeth. The body was perfect, but it had my long hair that I
used to have. Somebody said they could make people believe that was me," she
continued, "even though it was perfect and with long hair. I wanted so badly to
get in it, but I did not. I don't remember who the beings were in the room with
me, just being overwhelmed seeing the body. I don't remember how I got back in
my old body."

...Of more concern are the three accounts of abductees seeing, or being told of,
cloned human bodies. Both Lisa and Pat were shown clones of their bodies,
although they were given different explanations. Similar reports come from other
abductees, and in one case a man said he saw a room full of inert male and
female human bodies, who were beautiful and identical. The implications of
such reports are enormous, considering the possible uses the aliens could make
of these carbon-copy human bodies.

...But by far the most alarming evidence of alien technology concerns the "new"
bodies and "clones" they manufacture. Whether these are really bodies for a
future human "resurrection," as Pat was told, remains to be seen, for other
explanations have been given. In a case privately reported, for instance, a man
was told that a duplicate of his body could be used to "replace" him if he didn't
"cooperate" with the aliens. Lisa, too, was told that other people wouldn't be able
to distinguish her cloned body from the original, if they chose to replace her.
And Angie was shown the cloned infants as part of a "novel breed" the aliens are

Here we see some compelling references to human duplication by hostile aliens. These
are testimonials given by individuals who experienced for themselves evidence of the
human simulacra phenomenon, and who despite not knowing each other or being
familiar with the other sources discussed in this document gave virtually identical

The implications of such reports are enormous, considering the possible uses the
aliens could make of these carbon-copy human bodies. Dr Turner knew this was a
significant subject, one with disturbing implications. In Taken she did not further
explore these implications, but from what has been discussed so far in this document,
these should be obvious.

Dr Turners continued exploration into the darker corners of the abduction phenom-
enon invited much hostility by those forces threatened with exposure:

I began the book project, and in the course of taking care of necessary
business through the mail, it soon became clear that many of my letters to
the women were being diverted. It was an annoyance, but a minor one. But
then the women began having serious problems, physical afflictions of a

Beth was first. On the night she decided to participate in the project, she
phoned a friend to discuss the decision, but in the midst of the conversation
the line went dead. That night, she had disturbing but cloudy dreams, and
the next morning both her legs from knees to ankles were in excruciating
pain for no apparent reason. And then she had a sudden, frightening
flashback that linked the mysterious pain with military personnel warning
her not to be a part of the book.

That was in early October 1993. Three weeks later, after discussing my
determination to do the project with one of the women, I went to bed in fine
shape and woke up at 6 a.m. with wracking, spasmodic pains in both legs,
from my knees to my ankles. It was unbelievably bad, unlike any pain I've
had before, and after swallowing ibuprofen I hobbled back to bed and tried to
sleep. I must have, for I dreamed after that, seeing myself surrounded by
military personnel who were injecting something into my knees. They
taunted me, saying, "Don't think you can do anything you want. This is just
a little demonstration that we can bring you, literally, to your knees any time
we choose."

For Beth and me, these may have been mere dreams, reflecting our fears
about the project. But Anita's report of experiencing this same pain after an
abduction, years before, makes it harder to discount a connection. And on
the same weekend I had the leg pains, both Anita and Jane suffered
unexpected gall bladder attacks, so severe that they both underwent

Angie was the next to suffer. After an abduction in early November, she
woke up with several physical symptoms, the worst of which was heavy
congestion. It quickly grew worse, and in the space of less than two months
she had to be hospitalized. Before that time, however, her health had been
remarkably pristine. It was in November, too, that Angie recalls military
personnel threatening punishment if she "talked to Karla Turner."

Taken was published in 1994. Following an abduction experience in 1995, Karla Turner
contracted a sudden and aggressive form of breast cancer that soon tragically took her
life. In memory of Karla Turner (1947-1996)...

Please read the complete online version of Taken:

6 The Cassiopaean Transcripts

Rounding out the discussion on duplicate humans are excerpts from the Cassiopaean
Transcripts, another published channeled source but one with a greater level of accu-
racy and conciseness than most. This material was produced between 1994 and 2002,
and unlike trance methods of channeling, the Cassiopaean transmissions utilized a
Ouija board with multiple participants. Whereas trance channeling requires an external
intelligence to take over through the subconscious and direct the vocal apparatus of a
lone individual, Ouija board channeling works through multiple participants and uses
the more easily directed muscular system; thus there is less opportunity for bias and
corruption. What bias exists stems from energies of those present tainting the conduit
of communication, which is always present to some degree so discernment is advised.

The following excerpts explore the duplicate/alien theme covered in previous chapters,
adding further correlation and data to what we already know of the subject. The format
is in question/answer, with names of session participants abbreviated in parentheses
and names of others also abbreviated to preserve their anonymity.

October 21, 1995 (discussing the Roswell crash)

Q: (L) There were two complete craft that came down?
A: Bouncing off ionized waves between two craft traveling in
Q: (L) OK, was one of these craft totally destroyed?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) And all the beings in the one that was totally destroyed
were incinerated, or blown to bits, is that correct?
A: Close.
Q: (L) Did some of them eject?
A: 4th density.
Q: (L) OK, they knew it was coming and they went into 4th
A: No.
Q: (L) They were 4th density beings, and therefore when they blew
to bits, they disappeared, is that it?
A: Close.

For those unfamiliar with the term, fourth density denotes a transdimensional
environment, the native realm of those aliens such as the grays and reptilians
(nicknamed lizzies in the Cassiopaean Transcripts). These are the same as the Orion
Crusaders spoken of by the Ra Material, and the alien abductors investigated by Dr

Q: (L) OK, now of the 21 that were in the craft that was captured,
so to speak, there were four outside the craft when it was
approached, is that correct?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Then that would mean that there were 17 inside... Of these
21 beings, how many were greys, the standard grey lizzie-probe
type being?
A: Most.

The Cassiopaeans claim grays are cybergenetic organisms with whom reptilians
psychically interface to probe our three dimensional reality, that they are essentially 3D
space-suits for 4D reptilian beings.

Q: (L) Were there other kinds of beings in there?

A: Human.
Q: (L) There was one human in there also?
A: 5.
Q: (L) There were 5 humans inside, so we have... (LM) Why?
(L) Why were those humans in the craft?
A: Retrieval and study specimens, two big foot types.
Q: (L) Does that mean that the humans that they had in there
were retrieval and study specimens, or otherwise known as
A: Deceased.
Q: (L) Oh, they were dead humans. Wonderful. Did they abduct
them dead? Or did they abduct them alive?
A: No.
Q: (L) Did they abduct them alive and then kill them?
A: No.
Q: (L) Were they dead as a result of the crash?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, then, what's the story here, I mean, what other
choices do I have?
A: Retrieved.
Q: (L) Ohh, these were beings that had been retrieved at death
and remolecularized? Is that what you are referring to, what we
discussed before?
A: 3rd density.
Q: (L) Were they remolecularized in third density? Is that what
you are saying?
A: Retrieved in 3rd density.
Q: (L) OK, tell me once again what it means for a being, a human
to be retrieved.
A: Picked up after expiration.
Q: (L) OK, so they picked up dead bodies, is that it?
A: Yes.
Q: (LM) Why? (L) To study them. OK, did they plan to reanimate
these corpses?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Do they ever pick up dead bodies, you know, right after,
and reanimate them?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) When they pick them up and reanimate them, do they
reanimate them with the souls that left them? Do they like, catch
the soul and put it back in?
A: No.
Q: (L) When they reanimate them, do they reanimate them with
an alien soul?
A: Multiple possibilities.
Q: (L) If they reanimate them, is it possible to reanimate them
with no soul?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) OK, when they reanimate them with no soul, do they have
kind of like a zombie-like situation?
A: No.
Q: (L) Well, could you give us a little more information on this
particular aspect? If they reanimate them with no soul, what is
the animating force or energy?
A: Indistinguishable from other humans.
Q: (L) They're indistinguishable from other humans. (LM) How is
that possible?
A: Technology makes all things possible!!!
Q: (L) Of course, you are talking about 4th density technology?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What form of... Now, a reanimated corpse that has been
animated by infusion of some form of an energy pattern...(SV) Is it
'chi' energy, maybe? (L) What if the reanimated corpse dies again,
I mean, you have got to understand
here, that we perceive the soul as being the animating force of the
physical body, and when the soul is gone, the body dies. Is that
A: You are making assumptions based on limited data.
Q: (L) OK, well, will you expand my database by telling me how a
corpse can be reanimated if not done by a... if not with a soul?
A: Complex technology, using electronic biogeneration frequency
matching, combined with extremely high frequency radio beacon
transmitters for tracking and control of all functions, including
thought pattern mimic and emotional
frequency vibrational rate modulation!!!!

Thought pattern mimic is simple enough to understand, but more important is the
duplication of the frequency vibrational rate modulation in other sessions, the
Cassiopaeans explained this is associated with the aura and ones emotional make-up.
The significance of this will be discussed below. Furthermore, that such entities are
controlled by extremely high frequency radio beacon transmitters suggests that
whatever spectrum these transmissions occur on, they are most likely not anything
shieldable via ordinary means, suggesting these transmissions employ scalar waves,
longitudinal waves, or identically waves composed of curl-free magnetic vector potential
fields, none of which cannot be detected by standard instrumentation, but all of which
are known to be biologically and psychologically active.

Q: (L) If they're doing this, does it make the physical body...

A: Yes.
Q: (L) The blood, the heartbeat and everything...
A: All functions, including cellular, duplicated.
Q: (SV) What about the aura? (L) Would a being such as this still
have an aura?
A: Projected.
Q: (L) OK, that would be projected, along with all of the
frequencies, and everything else. Now... (SV) Are there a lot of
dead people walking around?
A: This is method used for subjects discussed in "Matrix Material"
instead of "Robots", as suggested.

Matrix Material is a reference to Valdamar Valerians book Matrix III volume 1, which
included excerpts from the Cosmic Awareness channelings, some of the same ones
referenced earlier in this document. The Cassiopaeans are therefore suggesting that the

duplication phenomenon involves a process more sophisticated than what was
discussed by Dr Beter concerning organic robotoids.

Q: (L) Is there any way that a normal person would be able to

identify such a being?
A: No.
Q: (L) Approximately how many of this type of being are walking
around on our planet, acting like normal people?
A: 2,000,000.
Q: (L) Approximately 2 million?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) OK...
A: You, Laura, have come in contact with 7 of them!
Q: (L) Who are they?
A: Discover.
Q: (L) Are you going to tell me anything about it at all? If there is
any question I could ask to get any information concerning this,
consider it asked.
A: Who is nutritionist?
Q: (SV) Is that the one who wrote the book? SS___? (L) She's not a
nutritionist. (SV) Who do you know that's a nutritionist? Isn't she
a nutritionist, the one that wrote that book? (L) Do you mean
A: Yes.
Q: (LM) I find that hard to believe. (F) Is SS___ a robot? (LM) When
did she die?
A: Open. All it takes is a "hospital visit." [Laura's note: To my
knowledge, SS___ has been hospitalized for surgery at least
Q: (LM) Then what happens? (SV) All what takes? (LM) It doesn't
make sense. (L) Maybe there's a death certificate for her...
A: Yes it does.
Q: (L) Does this mean if one goes into a hospital for surgery, that
it's possible for them to die and be reanimated in this manner?
Without anybody being aware of what happened?
A: Yes.
Q: (LM) Why? (L) Well, we know why, because they're creating a
force, you know, putting it in place all over the planet so they can
take over... We already know that! Is that correct?
A: Open.
Q: (LM) What's open mean? (L) Open means that's not absolutely
determined yet, at this time, that's not something that they're
just... it could be, yes. (L) So, you're saying that SS____ was one of
these robotoids, is that what you're saying?
A: We gave you one for your own knowledge and protection, but
cannot give you others at this juncture. [Laura's note: Does this
mean they can be given at another time, after a particular,
destined interaction takes place?]
Q: (L) Is it up to me to figure out what characteristics these
individuals have, in order to...
A: Based upon data given, yes.

This individual, SS____ is a practitioner in the alternative health field whose later
research and publications contain a strong disinformative bent, as would be expected

of someone who has been duplicated or reanimated. What can be said of her research
and the products she endorses is that these serve to weaken will, disrupt health, peddle
fear and encourage preoccupation with physicality, and encourage a specific alternative
health service that requires the use of specialized hospital visits. The point here is
that disinformation is most prevalent in areas where truth and knowledge must be
diverted, where those interested in advancing beyond the control system are likely to
turn. Therefore, SS____ is just one manifestation of a greater phenomenon of
individuals in the alternative research community (conspiracy, esotericism, channeling,
alternative science, exopolitics, etc) peddling disinformation in ways that many
either gullibly fall for or else find extremely frustrating for its irrationality and deafness
to all reason and criticism. Irrationalism is typical of anyone who is highly programmed,
be it one simply indoctrinated, one who has been reprogrammed through soul
extraction and insertion in a duplicate, or one who is not even sentient but
technologically animated.

Q: (L) OK, is one of the, I mean, I'm clicking right now, one of the
characteristics I think, that these kind of individuals might have,
since they have this projected emotional frequency, would be a
repeating emotional pattern, that they just simply, in spite of
seeming intelligence, do not seem to learn from anything; that it
just repeats over and over again, is that a clue?
A: Yes.
Q: (SV) Wait a minute, was that her idea, that we should eat like
the monkeys do? (L) Yes. (SV) And then you've read about... saw
the Jane Goodall film that talked about the fact that monkeys like
to eat... (L) Other monkeys, yes. (SV) And what did she say when
you told her about that? (L) She said, "Well, I'll just say:" and she
changed the entire paragraph to read "That in the wild, primates
eat primarily vegetation with some amounts of protein," and no
specification as to where the protein came from. (L) That's really
stretching it. (SV) She
should have just left it out... (LM) That doesn't make any sense...
(L) Now, she does... there are some strange things about her, I'll
have to admit that. OK, then, this same inability to get a clue
about what's going on... OK, that's a clue, right there. Is there any
kind of instinctual sensation that one would
get about these types of individuals?
A: Bland.
Q: (L) That they're bland in some way? Is that it, that these
individuals are bland individuals?
A: Spend inordinate amounts of "time" in solitude.

When the Cassiopeans put words in quotes, they imply a deeper meaning to the term
than at first appears, perhaps a double meaning. If transdimensional beings are
involved in the human simulacra phenomenon, then this introduces the factor of
hyperdimensional technology not constrained by the limits of our three-dimensional
space or linear time. There is very likely a nonlinear time factor involved in the retrieval
of humans from 3D and the re-insertion of altered versions back into the timeline.

Q: (L) Well, that means Frank's one! Well, Frank's kind of bland!
And he spends a lot of time in solitude. (SV) A lot of people do! (L)
So, is Frank one?
A: No.

Q: (LM) So, if you put a lead shield up around him, he'd collapse!
(L) We're teasing you, Frank! I didn't mean it! (SV) He's not bland,
though! Frank's anything but bland! (L) Is my husband one?
A: No.
Q: (SV) Am I one? (L) Of course not! Don't be silly! Now, let's stop
a second. Now, we had several questions, and one of the
questions was...
A: Bland is not universal in this situation, just a clue for you to
identify individual.
Q: (L) OK, one is a nutritionist, one is very bland. Is that what
we're getting at?
A: No.
Q: (L) OK, bland is just part of it.
A: Not key component, more likely to be spreading of
Q: OK, is John W one?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Well, John W has got some stuff, because, I tell you what,
you tell him something logically, it's almost like he's got a pre-set
program that runs, and the minute you get to the point where
you almost might possibly think... then it just shuts down and he
repeats the program. And it just amazes me that people can be
that way. OK, have we... I guess you're not going to tell us any
more about this. Do these beings know what they are?
A: Not conscious beings!
Q: (L) They're not conscious beings, so, they just react to you as
though they are being remote controlled. (SV) So, if you told one
of them what they were...
A: Are being remote controlled.
Q: (L) OK, do we have any more questions on this subject? (SV)
So, if you told one of them what they were, they'd agree with you?
(L) No, they'd probably disagree with you. (SV) Yes, being remote
controlled... (L) Whoever is in charge
would not want you to know it, so they'd naturally deny it
vehemently. (SV) Then they'd probably come and get you... (L)
Yes, no doubt about that. Now, what is the purpose of putting 2
million of these kind of critters on the planet? Can
you give us a clue?
A: Wait and see.

December 2, 1995
Q: (L) When we did the session on October 21st, we were talking
about robotoid type people, or reanimated humans, and that this
is what is done rather than cloning and replacing. Then you said I
had been in contact with 7 of these, and we identified one of
them. Then, we talked about profiles, and it was indicated that a
"bland" personality might have something to do with
identification. You also said that you could not identify the others
right at that moment. Can you now do so?
A: Search your "files." Learning is sometimes best accomplished
by study and exploration.
Q: (L) Can I have a couple more clues as to what I am looking for?
You mentioned being in a hospital...
A: Non-emotive. There are other clues which you can discover by
your own study. It would not be advantageous for us to give you

further information on this subject. Speculation about this
particular subject will throw you off track.
Q: (L) Is the subject as important as I think it might be?
A: Ultimately, but not yet!!

April 28, 1996

Q: (L) Okay, if a person were, say, a robot person, when a person
becomes a robot person, what happens to the soul of the robot
A: Same process.
Q: (L) As what?
A: Death.
Q: (L) So, a person can die and leave their body, their body can be
taken over and reanimated and controlled to function and do a lot
of things for a long time. Meanwhile, the original soul has
completely departed to 5th density ready to recycle?
A: Yes, but body is replaced, not reanimated.

This is what the Cosmic Awareness channeling stated, that the primary component of
the soul goes on through the death after a holographic fragment is first amputated to
seed the new body, and that a duplicate body was needed because the old one holds
memories and tendencies that might run counter to the reprogrammed tendencies,
memories, and opinions of the transferred soul fragment.

Q: (L) Is this what happened to Lewis when he had that surgery

back in 1981?
A: We caution that, even though you have met 7 "robots," in your
entire lifetime, not to "see" them under every bush or around
every corner. You have met so many people in your life. We gave
you one, and only one!!
Q: (L) Well, that is why I said that was enough of that because I
don't want to talk about my personal stuff anymore. I did think
that the thing about the robot people was pretty significant, but
obviously it is not that significant or important. There are two
million of them on the planet, and I have been told that I have
encountered seven. I did think that this was a pretty high ratio of
robot people for one person to encounter...
A: Yes, but your life path has been unusual. And you have met
4588 people personally!

February 22, 1997

A: Bio and cyber/genetic humanoid types now increasing
exponentially in general population. You may have already
encountered one or two during the past 10 days.

If in 1995 there were two million robotic beings on the planet and by 1997 these were
increasing exponentially among the general population, then where does that place us
in 2005? That individuals cannot be un-replaced indicates a saturation point that
makes the presence of human simulacra among the human population no insignificant

Q: (L) You, who? You, as in me, you as in Frank, who?

A: Reflect upon activities, and power and influence centers for

Q: (L) Well, we will reflect on that over the next week, but we're
going to have to say goodnight for now.
A: If you wish. Goodbye.
Laura's Note: During the specified 10 day period, there had been
a LOT of activity relating to finances, insurance, driver's license
bureau, the purchase of an automobile; Ark attended a
conference at UFL, interacted with numerous University
officials... so, there is such a lot of ground covered that it is hard
to think which it might be. However, one of my guesses would be
the attorney who handled the paperwork for the loan for the car.
His name is "Chip." Other than that funny connection, nothing
else comes to mind.

That funny connection also carries a serious side, namely that the nonlinear time
technology employed by these transdimensional aliens allows them to change
superficial details in the timeline, meaning that many times (though not always)
reanimated or artificial humans carry odd synchronistic details about them slightly
hinting at their true nature. This is not to encourage name anagramming or analysis as
a reliable means of detecting impostors, rather that one shouldnt be surprised if in
retrospect such individuals wear odd clues about them.

November 29, 2001

(L) My next question is, of course, what is wrong with V____?
What is driving him?
A: He is a robotoid.
Q: (L) Who did his programming?
A: 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Doesn't that contradict him having his free will?
A: No. Even robots have minimal consciousness.
Q: (L) So, all his whining and all his "poor pitiful me" stuff is just
a program?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) That explains, I guess, why he doesn't seem to learn from
anything. Even a dog would have figured it out by now.
A: Yes.

February 23, 2002

Q: (L) Anybody have any wrap up questions? (R) Yeah. I have
one completely unrelated. (L) Go ahead. (R) It relates to this girl I
was communicating
on the net. I was just wondering if she was just doing all of that
[crazy manipulating] on her own or if she was just being helped.
A: FRV robot. You will encounter many more in times to come.
Q: (L) FRV Frequency resonance vibration. (R) The question still
is: if she was doing it on her own or if she was being controlled.
(L) Well, FRV robots are being
controlled. They can download an agent into anybody at any

I was given the opportunity to analyze the communications between the individual R
and this supposed FRV robot to see if anything stood out. I was shocked to find that
her behavior, style of approach, and vibrational signature (as determined by my
intuition) precisely matched those of several other bizarre individuals I once dealt with,
as though all these individuals were cut from the same die. After some extensive

observation, what I can generalize about these particular individuals is that their
personal history, interests, and personality seemed to have been superficially tailored to
their targets; they were decoys. Some of these similarities were so uncanny that only a
transdimensional manufacture technique could account for it.

All of these individuals demanded inordinate amounts of time and energy from their
targets and were themselves of a very fragmented and unstable emotional nature. The
term FRV means frequency resonance vibration which as explained earlier has to do
with the emotional composition, emotional learning path, and auric profile of a person.
It is their quantum vibratory signature that determines where their most natural
pathway progresses through the web of probable timelines.

An FRV robot is therefore most likely a synthetic being whose frequency resonance
vibration is artificially generated, or perhaps inserted via a rudimentary soul imprint
that puts them on the energetic level of animals (as discussed in the Cosmic Awareness
material). If done for strategic purposes, the inclusion of low FRV characteristics in
such entities might serve to dampen the vibration of their target, thus the demand for
energy and time commitment to allow maximum osmosis of the lower frequency from
decoy to target, which in turn makes the target more vulnerable to scanning and
interference by the alien forces whose vibrational signature may otherwise be too far
removed from the target to interfere as much as they wish. Another possible reason for
the low FRV characteristics of these robots is that it may simply be the highest alien
technology can achieve, which despite their advanced transdimensional status still
possesses metaphysical limitations.

The purpose of my recounting the above experience with possible FRV robots is that
these appear slightly different from the reanimated/duplicated types whom the
Cassiopaeans said are generally non-emotive. And indeed, there does appear to be a
different class of programmed disinformation agents who are verbally slick and mentally
sharp, but only within the boundaries of their programming. They appear calm and
rational but quickly become hot poppers if pushed beyond such boundaries, which for
ordinary individuals would evoke more rational reactions like puzzlement or intrigue.
This is not to say all irrationalism can be attributed to artificial humans, but rather that
some cases are so bizarre that no other explanation suffices.

The Cassiopaean Transcripts were once available at but

have since 2003 been removed from public access. This, after the website and research
group underwent drasticand some would say irrationalrestructuring of personnel,
philosophy, location, and research focus.

The transcripts may be found elsewhere:

7 Anecdotes and Conclusion

Besides my own experiences with what could fit under the category of human simulacra
(as recounted in the last chapter), other clues have come my way from those who have
odd stories of their own to share. I shall include two examples here:

6 Sep 2002, written by KW

This year during Spring for the first time I began seeing auras of
trees and plant life. Ive seen the auras of people and animals for
about 5 years now.

In all your studying of auras have you come across anyone else
who can describe this:

I am perhaps on my lunch hour in the heart of downtown not just

once but several times, walking amongst many other pedestrians.
I notice in one instant many or most of them go what I call
blank, that is no aura in a flicker of an eye. ?? That is, they
previously had an aura and in an instant they dont?

Ive also walked in areas where there are many blanks, malls are
good for this.

26 Jan 2005 written by C:

Someone I knew in 1989/90 who had spent a lot of time around

Glastonbury in the UK told me that she had spent some time
doing healing work with a colleague there. Over a period of time
she and her colleague noticed that some of the people who came
in for healing had absolutely no auras that they could perceive.
This to her seemed very odd but she had no explanation for it at
the time.

It was one of those pieces of information that I have stored,

waiting for an answer.

When reading these, a couple excerpts come to my mind:

Revelations of Awareness, Issue 87-11

This Awareness indicates that this as a reference to the aura; that these entities
who have no aura of magnitude. That the aura as that which is limited in size to a
very small close thin aura, or only that which surrounds the heart. This Awareness
indicates that with certain machines using processes similar to Kirlian photo-
graphy, or with psionic machines, entities can distinguish the synthetic from the
real entity or from the robotoid. That without such, the entities cannot, except
through sensitivity or ability to see auras, make such distinctions.

Cassiopaean Transcripts, October 21, 1995

Q: (L) If they're doing this, does it make the physical body...

A: Yes.
Q: (L) The blood, the heartbeat and everything...
A: All functions, including cellular, duplicated.
Q: (SV) What about the aura? (L) Would a being such as this still
have an aura?
A: Projected.

If auras can be projected artificially, then a temporary technical glitch would cause
such auras to flicker out a glitch only noticeable to those with auric vision. And if
KWs account is true, that in one instant many or most of them go blank and that
there are areas where there are many blanks, malls are good for thiswhat does that
say about the prevalence of artificial humanoids among the general population, and
where is this all leading? As the Cassiopaeans say, wait and see.

As much as this information may gnaw at the mind, one would do well to remember the
words of Awareness:

This Awareness indicates that enough was presented previously to explain the
nature of events that are occurring behind the scenes and this Awareness does
not intend to be used to point fingers at individuals, tattling on the individual
for being a robotoid, synthetic or double, for that is not the purpose of this
Awareness coming to this plane at this time.

What is of significance is that there is an influence acting upon the affairs of

humans which entities know little or nothing about which have many ram-
ifications and is behind much of what you see in the news which is never
mentioned, and it is this factor of this unseen hand or unseen influence that this
Awareness wishes entities to become aware of.

This Awareness indicates that the purpose is to awaken consciousness to allow

entities to have a greater expansion of concepts that allow the mind to move
into areas which were previously unthinkable, to expand consciousness into
thinking about unthinkable things, to explore the unknown and to discover
new things regarding the universe in which they live. This Awareness indicates
that the purpose is also to eliminate sorrow, suffering and tragedy from this
plane, through such enlightenment.

The last paragraph summarizes my intent for writing this document: that
understanding and perception be expanded so that one may become freed from
some of those mysteries that obsess, frustrate, or manipulate others lacking this

In all sincerity I recommend this information be kept in the back of the mind, that
it be brought forth as a possible explanation only when more mundane ones fail to
account for the observed facts. I would also recommend greater reliance upon
discernment, reason, and intuition rather than credibility when considering whose
words to believe, because even those with respectable pasts can be reanimated
and begin peddling disinformation sold on the basis of their previous credibility.

Lastly, only those with gaping spiritual vulnerabilities can be abducted and
messed with to the point of reanimation. Valuing spiritual awareness, avoiding
pitfalls in an active but nonplussed manner, and maintaining a positive attitude
in life are crucial measures of defense.

Food for the Moon
The moon is more than just a pale satellite of interest to poets and astronomers. Its influence goes
beyond merely creating ocean tides or driving biological cycles. More importantly, the moon exerts a
significant influence upon the mechanical, emotional, and psychological states in man. The werewolf
myth and superstition concerning full moon lunacy are not far from the truth. Certain lunar phases
heighten the possibility for emotionally draining situations and stimulate reactivity and sensitivity in
vulnerable individuals.

Personal observation reveals what numerous esoteric sources have explained at length, namely that
we are food for the moon. In this article I shall summarize these sources and then give an account
of how through personal experience I independently arrived at similar but more expansive
conclusions framed in context of the matrix control system. This is an incredibly fascinating and
practical subject since the lunar factor can be observed by anyone with eyes to see and knowledge
of such cycles can be used to bypass obstacles normally exacerbated by the fog of ignorance.

Gurdjieff and Ouspensky

Fourth Way philosophy aims to strip man of his mechanical behavior and hypnotic programming in
order to build within him a core of heightened consciousness. It is an esoteric system assembled
from incomplete fragments of inner Christianity and Sufism. Its founder, Georges Gurdjieff,
frequently admonished the thoughtless mechanical behavior of humanity and was fond of saying
that we are food for the moon.

What did Gurdjieff mean by this phrase? Many have interpreted food for the moon as a figure of
speech, that perhaps Gurdjieff meant we are slave to our mechanical conditioning and feed our
baser impulses. While it can be additionally interpreted that way, Gurdjieff was primarily being
literal. Peter Ouspensky, one of Gurdjieffs most prolific disciples, lectured at length concerning the
moons role in human affairs and its place in the cosmological scheme of things. It is reasonable to
assume what Ouspensky wrote about the moon accurately reflects what Gurdjieff taught him.

According to Ouspensky, the moon acts as a giant electromagnet pulling upon all organic life on
earth and sucking into itself the soul essence of dying creatures. The moon is an embryonic planet
receiving its nutrition from organic life on earth through an etheric umbilical cord, an energy
conduit between earth and moon.

In man, the moon drives his mechanical aspects like a pendulum moving the gears of a clock. The
degree to which ones actions are driven by the moon is proportional to ones level of reactivity and
non-being. For people incapable of moving themselves through life by nobler spiritual impulses, the
moon provides a propulsive force. Without this force, mechanical individuals would be passive as
puppets without a puppeteer.

Ouspensky went so far as to say that the very physical motion of our limbs was made possible
thanks to the moon. Other Fourth Way initiates like Rodney Collin explained that because our body
was largely made of water and the moon pulls on water to create the ocean tides, our bodies are
made to move in similar but more complicated ways through hydraulic principles. Though I find this
explanation dubious, I have included it only to be complete in my summary. The moons
gravitational field pulls on all masses equally and is not strong enough to have any physical influence
over the motion of water within the body. It would be more accurate to say that the moon exerts
some subtle influence upon the organs of our etheric body responsible for initiating neurochemical
impulses that trigger mechanical motion. So mechanical behavior is driven by the moon but not
necessarily via crude physical means.

The moon is therefore an important factor in driving physiological motion. As long as its influence is
limited to such effects, the moon is doings its job properly. Ouspensky warned, however, that if
lunar influences trespassed into ones emotional and mental aspects, then emotional and mental
imbalances would occur. How can the moon affect our emotional and intellectual centers? By the
very fact that these lower centers have their own mechanical aspects.

Ouspensky was asked whether there was any truth to the connection between full moons and
lunacy. He said there was none and that lunar phases are irrelevant because the moon is always
around earth exerting the same pull regardless of its phase. That much is true, however as i shall
explain later, it is the alignment between earth, sun, and moon that colors the lunar influence,
therefore lunar phases do correlate with cycles of mental and emotional stability and instability.

In the cosmological schema, earth is like a mother to the moon which is still a fetus in the sense
that it cannot yet breathe on its own, hold an atmosphere, or support life. Gurdjieff said: The
Moon is actually a fragment of this Earth, which must now constantly maintain the Moons
existence. In that sense, the moon is like a parasitic thoughtform. Nevertheless, the equation is
balanced because in exchange for the moon propelling our mechanical movement, we feed the
moon so that it may grow and one day be born as a living planet. As to how organic life feeds the
moon, Ouspensky explained that upon death the physical body returns to the earth but the soul
essence, the astral and etheric energies sloughed off by the evacuating spirit, float toward and
deposit themselves upon the moon. This comes with the dissolution of the bodys mechanical
center. During life, however, unprovoked emotional turmoil and unconscious psychological suffering
produce subtle energies that feed the moon, and this much is detrimental to personal esoteric

In line with the objectives of Fourth Way, to escape the more deleterious lunar influences
Ouspensky said we must create moon within ourselves. By this he meant we must develop within
us a driving mechanism that can take the place of the external lunar influence; in this way we would
break free of the puppeteer. Assuming for a moment a more general and practical interpretation,
this simply says that in order to become free from mechanical conditioning and reactive behavior we
must reinforce our sense of self-awareness so that conscious choice and awareness reigns supreme
over any external stimuli that might provoke an unconscious reaction. In this way we stop feeding
the moon while living, and still properly pay our dues upon death.


In his epic work Gnosis, Boris Mouravieff formulated an esoteric system for spiritual evolution
founded upon the inner traditions of Eastern Orthodoxy. Though sharing a common basis with
Fourth Way, what Mouravieff detailed is comparatively more complete, accurate, and systematic.
Here is an excerpt from Gnosis summarizing what is necessary to transcend the lunar influence:

As a cell of organic life on Earth, man plays a part in the development of the Ray of
Creation. The vivification of the Moon, that cosmic foetus, is one aspect of this
development. This requires considerable quantities of energy, which is produced in
particular by the human part of organic life. Illusion, which plays such an important
role in the waking consciousness of man, was introduced into that state so that he
would accept this aspect of the cosmic work, participating in it without rebellion.

If we become conscious of this situation and desire to escape it, we must conceive
and create a screen which will protect us against this devouring influence of the
Moon. We must meanwhile guard against falling into Illusion again by erecting a
false screen; the result would be an aggravated waste of these forces instead of an
economy of force. The quantity of force necessary to genuinely oppose the
influence of the Moon is already considerable. The first imperative, then, is to stop
wasting these forces, to turn off the taps which let the energy escape uselessly:
sterile emotions, in particular negative emotions; fantasies from uncontrolled
imagination; uncoordinated mental gymnastics, gossiping and chattering. We
must thus act like a wise minister of finance and carefully economize our energies,
yet without all the time sterilizing either our activity or our intelligence. On the
contrary, we must store and as far as possible augment these forces to build up
our reserves. These are the two main aspects of the first objective we have to
attain. (Mouravieff, Gnosis I, p.168)

Mouravieff also explained that organic life functions as a transmitter station sending refined energy
to the moon to assist its growth. Despite increases in the human population and thus an increase
in quantity of energy transferred, times of peace do not produce sufficient energy and so catalysts
for suffering such as wars and catastrophes arise to sustain the process.

The Moons passive energy arises from solar energy. It reflects this, but not
without a transformation as its own nature. [...] Unlike the Earth, the Moon does
not have a direct organic link with the Sun. Being a satellite, it depends directIy on
its planet, and it is only through the latters mediation that it enters into relation
with the Sun. One of its essential roles is to reflect solar energy onto the Earths
surface in a form modified by reflection as described above. This also leads to
qualitative and quantitative variations that depend on its phases. These changes
do not prevent continual reverberation, due to the fact that the Moon always
presents the same face to Earth, as the duration of its rotation around ifself and
around our planet are both the same. (Mouravieff, Gnosis II, p.29)

Although Mouravieff did not elaborate in what manner the lunar influence varies with phase, it
stands to reason that essentially it is a matter of astrological alignment between earth, sun, and
moon. During new and full moons, the moon and sun are respectively in opposition and
conjunction, respectively. During quarter moons they are square. Opposition, conjunction, and
square represent alignments that in this particular case aggravate the mechanical aspects in man.
Other times of the month the moon primarily trines sun, a harmonious astrological aspect
corresponding to relatively calm and balanced temperament with the mechanical influence not
trespassing into emotional or mental territory.

That the moon always shows the same face, has an unusually circular orbit, and is precisely
distanced to blot out the sun during total solar eclipses implies an intentional placement by the
Architect of the matrix, or perhaps it simply suggests a collective choice to experience this highly
improbable but necessary reality. When asked if the moon was intentionally placed, the
Cassiopaeans responded: This is impossibly complex because in one way or another, everything is
part of a plan. Mouravieff and Ouspensky emphasized that despite the soporific nature of the
moon and the urgent necessity for individuals to overcome its influence, there is still an important
cosmological reason for this arrangement. If nothing else, the moon makes physical life possible by
driving the earths rotation.

The Zelator

Another interesting source is The Zelator by Mark Hedsel, an autobiographical account of his
initiatory pathway through various mystery schools. The following excerpt takes place in the
presence of a teacher who gives a lengthy discourse on the moon:

We became fascinated by the nature of the Moon, and with the other female
planet, Venus. It was as though our attention had been drawn to the feminine side
of Darkness and Light, as represented in the purgatorial side of the Moon, and the
burning light of Venus. Our questions led our Master to some fascinating and
unexpected observations about the lunar connections in ancient esoteric lore, and
it was not surprising that the few questions we did put to our Master at that time
concerned these planets. Do you know what the third-day pig is? he asked in
response to a question I had put to him about the Moon. Although our Master was
looking directly at us, everyone shook their heads, as though he had directed the
question to each of us personally. Perhaps the question had been rhetorical, for he
continued almost immediately. The three-day pig is a phrase from the ancient
Mysteries. Prior to the initiation held during the Greater Mysteries of the
Boedromion at Eleusis, in Greece, there was what the Greeks called the Halade
Mystai. Early in the morning, the candidates for initiation would make their way to
the sea, carrying young pigs, which they would wash and then sacrifice. The
usualwe might even say the exotericexplanation for this sacrifice is that they
considered the blood of the pig to be especially pure, and much appreciated by the
gods of the Underworld. They buried the killed pigs deep in the Earth, after the
blood and slaughtered bodies had been dedicated to these infernal gods. Because
the sacrifice was held on the third day of the Greater Mystery, such a creature was
called the third-day pig.

He raised his eyebrows, and smiled. Now, as with all Mysteries of initiation, the
term is not quite correctit is meant to hide something. It was not a third-day
pig, but a two-and-a-half-day pig, as the sacrifices always took place in the
morning. The fact that the rites were conducted near the sea should lend a clue to
one aspect of this arcane symbolism, for the two-and-a-half day period is a lunar
period. In two and a half days, the Moon completely traverses one sign of the
zodiac: the period, cosmically speaking, is a 12th part of the month. Now, perhaps,
you will begin to see something of the deeper significance of the third-day pig?
Perhaps once again the question had been rhetorical. At all events, there was no
sound from the circle.

In a sense, the third-day pig is humanitythe liquid sweat of the Earth. Humanity
is in thrall to the Moonmankind is subject to the two-and-a-half-day rhythm, and
to all other lunar periodicities. In another sense, the third-day pig is the animal of
Set, the reject darker side of Mankindthat lucifuge side, which does not strive
towards the light.

This truth is recognized both in the overt symbolism of the pig sacrifice, and in its
deeper arcane implications. The initiation centres have always recognized that
mankind is in thrall to the Moonthat ordinary men and women are sleeping under
the influence of the lunar powers. [...] The symbolism of the three-day pig must
now be evident. The creature is a surrogate for a sacrifice which is no sacrifice, as
the loss is of no value in the face of that gained. [...] What happens to our higher
principle at this fission of porcine sacrifice is of direct account in the symbolism of
the three-day pig. Just as in a sacrifice involving a burnt offering, where the flames
go upwards, and the carbonized remains go downwards, so the sacrifice of the
third-day pig is a fission of separation. Note this word, fission. One cannot go far in
the hermetic studies without having formed a good idea of what Spiritual fission

On one level, then, the pig is symbol of the lower nature, which must be
buriedor, more accurately, placed into the hands of the infernal hordes, to which
it rightly belongs. Meanwhile, the initiated Spirit rises upwards on the scales of
perfection. As you know, only the initiates sacrifice at the Helade Mystai, so we may
presume that, at the symbolical death, it is only the lower part of the pigthe
body and the bloodwhich is rendered unto the lower world. The higher world
carries the Spirit to a higher realm, in the wonder of initiation.You see, the
three-day pig is a symbol of this rejected part, of the dark part pushed downwards
after the separation which is the immediate consequence of initiation.


But the pig. Let us glance once more at the symbolism of the famous three-day
pig. We are the pig, awaiting sacrifice. We are in thrall to the Moon: we are all
sleeping Endymions, who must render to the Moon that which bears the imprint of
the Moon. Let us presume that the sacrifice of the three-day pig is symbolical of
the three days he emphasized the words to show that they had a much deeper
meaning than might be at first apparent -... that we spend in the sphere of the
Moon after our death. As you know, in traditional Christianity, this period is called
Purgatory. In esotericism, it has other names, with which you will all be familiar.
The three-day pig is a symbolhe emphasized the wordof this period we must
spend in Purgatory.

If you reflect upon it, you will see that it is not a far-fetched symbolism. The pig,
through its association with Set, is a creature of the Moon, and the period in
Purgatory is a blood sacrifice in the sense that during that experience the sins of
the bloodone might say the sweat of our blood sinsare washed away. In
Purgatory, at great cost to ourselves, we sacrifice our sins. These entitiesour
sinsare devoured by the demons in what might be regarded as a blood-lust. We
have clung to our sins throughout our lifetime, and letting them go is no easy
matter: they must be torn away from us.

Purgatory is a sort of cosmic clearing houseeven a place of enforced

learningwhere the entities and dispositions born of sin find fulfilment and
regeneration. Without the existence of such a cleansing house, the Spiritual
atmosphere of the Earth would have been completely poisoned long ago.

The skull-face of the Moon, glaring down with cratered eyes at the world, is a
perpetual memorial to the inexorable consequences of human sin. It would be
possible to point to vast documentary sources for this belief that the Moon is the
cosmic centre of purgatoryit is indeed encapsulated in very many symbols in
Christian doctrine and symbolism. On what may be the most obvious level, the very
idea that demons have horns is probably a throw-back to the idea of the crescent
of the Moon, their natural homeland: they are, so to speak, branded with the C of
the crescent.

You were quite right, Mark much to our chagrin, he turned to us, making
public private conversations we had had with him... to link the Moon with
demonic assault, and with the dark realm of seances and atavistic clairvoyancy. The
demonic beings love the dark. While it is true that the seance rooms are kept dark
to enable amateur conjurors to perform without detection, it is also true that those
Spiritual beings who work evil through such seances love the dark. They are
lucifuges. Just as they cannot understand the need for light, so they cannot
understand human love.

The ancients used darkness, not to contact the demons, but to contact the
Higher Beings. One reason why the so-called air-shafts in the Great Pyramid are
directed towards specific stars is to allow these stellar influences to pierce into the
darkness where the initiations took place. The ancients built their stone circles to
enable them to use darkness for specific purposes. They knew that during an
eclipse, when the Moon is thrown into darkness, the effect of the Moon is, to some
extent, weakened. At such times, certain diabolical and evil influences which have
been built up in the aura of the Earth can escape. It is as though a safety valve has
been opened in the skies, pouring into the cosmos down the dark tunnel of the
Black Moon, which hangs in the shadow of the Earth. This Black Moonthe Moon of
snake-infested Hecate in the ancient mythologyis quite different from the Lighted
Moon. In some of the ancient centres this Black Moon was even given a different

The Lighted Moon is, to some extent, Spiritually warmed by the Sun. One has to
be attuned to cosmic realities to feel the difference between the Dark Moon and the
full Moon. When the Sun is eclipsed by the Dark Moon, then it is not unusual for
birds to drop from the skies in fear. Great wisdom is shown in such fear. You must
all try to experience an eclipsesolar or lunarto catch a feeling of this cosmic
reality. There is a frisson in the air, quite unlike anything which can be felt under
normal circumstances. The primaeval terror of the Moon among the ancients was
not entirely unrealistic: in those days, there was a different consciousness which
allowed men to perceive cosmic realities that are now hidden from us. You will never
understand why the ancient stone circles were built if you do not familiarize
yourself with the Dark Moon.


In the meeting prior to his death, our Master fulfilled his promise to speak about
the secrets of the Moon. Normally, he would wait for someone in our midst to ask a
question. This time he began to speak without preamble.

In the esoteric literature, you will find many records indicating that the Moon was
at one time part of the Earth. It had to leave the Earth, in order to allow life on
Earth to continue its Spiritual development unimpeded.
It is important that anyone on the Path should attempt to form a clear picture of
what this separation was like. Not only was it of considerable evolutionary
importance in the cosmogenesis of the Earth, but it is played, in miniature, in
many of our Spiritual activities. It is the archetypal form of fission. Now,
unfortunately, in modern times even our imaginative faculties have been
materialized, and it is difficult for us to form a picture of what this Moon-loss was
really like. It is difficult for us to form clear images of the fission which lies at the
root of all Spiritual activity. It is difficult for modern man and woman to visualize
things in purely Spiritual terms. This is because the picture-making which lies at
the basis of our imaginative faculty longs for mythology, since mythology is itself an
agency of Spirituality.

If you cannot imagine in this way at present, you must perforce cling to
materialistic images he touched the glass of water on the round table in front
of him... then imagine a glass of water clouded with a pigment. If the glass is left
to stand, the particles will settle to the bottom in a thick dross, leaving the water
above clear. This is much nearer to the Spiritual reality of what happened when the
Moon left the Earth, taking with it certain forms of dross materiality. [...]

The schema which depicts the planets in extended space pertains only to physical
vision. You must understand this, or there will be no way in which you can
approach some of the greater Mysteries of the cosmos. What appears to be on the
outside is more accurately described as being on the inside: our Earthly vision is
extremely limited, for, under normal circumstances, we see outwards from the
central Ego to the cosmic periphery. However, this is not the cosmic vision. We are
so used to this limited vision that we are not sufficiently tolerant to accept that
there can be othersincluding a vision from the periphery into the centre.

In the case of the Moon, the matter is made more complex by the fact that the
physical matter of the Moon did once form part of what we now call the Earth.
Within the context of the lunar sphere, the two centres did once coincide. A
tremendous effort of meditative power is required to follow these connections,
however, and the bald statement I have made can result in misconceptions.

Why, asked Philip, did the Moon have to separate from the Earth? It was a
cosmic fission. The Moon represents the harder mineralization of the Earth. In the
body of the Moon is the matter which, had it remained with the Earth, would have
weighed down human development too deeply. Man would not have been able to
bear the weight of those forces in his own body. Just as we know from our own
observations of ourselves that we must slough off darkness to reach into the light,
so the planetary bodies must also involve themselves in a similar fission. Even so, it
is true that the weight of the Moon, albeit removed by half a million miles, still
contorts the physical body of the Earth and its inhabitants through what are
usually called gravitational effects.

Now we must touch upon the connection between the Moon and clairvoyancy. We
must do this because one of our members haswisely or unwiselybecome
involved with mediumistic groups.

It is important that we set out very clearly the dangers inherent in opening the
soul to such activities. It is not for me to forbid such activity. I have no power to
forbid, and would relish no such power. Much as I would wish to protect you, I
cannot. The best I can do is make the dangers clear to you. After that, your beliefs
and your conduct remain your own.

He look around at our faces, as though to indicate that he had arrived at the most
important point of the evening.

And so now we must look at an esoteric truth which touches on the very edge of
what is permissible. What I have to say will be greatly disturbing for many people of
modern times. It will disturb, because it is generally taken for granted that
clairvoyancy, mediumship and spiritualistic activity are somehow linked with
Spiritual development, and consequently of benefit to mankind. Unfortunately, this
is far from the truth. A vast amount of our modern so-called Spiritualist literature
pertains to channelling and clairvoyancy which is far from beneficial for the
development of mankind. Indeed, not to mince words, I should tell you that it is
distinctly harmful.

I must now make a statement which will introduce you to a concept which was,
until comparatively recently, one of the deepest secrets of the esoteric Schools: In
some ways, the Moon is the greatest problem of esoteric lore. The Moon is not at all
what it appears to be.

At the end of the last century an astounding revelation was made, as a result of
dissent among members of secret Schools. Information, hitherto guarded jealously
by the most enclosed of the inner Orders, was made public. The secrets disclosed
pertained to a far deeper level of knowledge than has hitherto been made exoteric
by the Schoolseven in this enlightened age.

His trace of cynicism seemed to go by unnoticed.

Our purpose here is not to document how so deep an esoteric idea was made
publicor even to assess whether it was wise for this idea to be brought out into
the open. All this has been dealt with in the literature and if any of you wish to
follow this up, I will give you a few titles later.

In a nutshell, what was made public during this conflict in the Schools was the
truth that our Moon is a sort of counterweight to another sphere,
which remains invisible to ordinary vision. This counterweighted sphere is called in
esoteric circles the Eighth Sphere.

We must be careful with these words, for, in spite of what I have just said, this
region is not itself a sphere, nor is it a moon. Even to locate it behind the physical
Moon is not correct, for in the Spiritual realm spaces and distances are different.
The truth is that this Eighth Sphere does not pertain to anything we are familiar
with on the physical plane, yet we must use words from our own vocabularies
whenever we wish to denote its existence. Were we to use a word which fits most
appropriately this
Sphere, then we should really call it a vacuum. Certainly, vacuum is a more
appropriate term than sphere, for the Eighth Sphere sucks things into its own
shadowy existence.

This Sphere is lower in the scale of being than the Seventh Sphere (which is the
Earth). It acts as a sort of demonic conduit to suck into its maws certain
degenerate Spiritual forms on the Earth. It is a shadow Sphere, controlled by
shadow beings. However, the fact that they are shadow beings should not lead us
to demote or underestimate their capabilities and intelligence. In many respects
they are more intelligent than Man, for they are not limited by the power of love, as
is Mankind.

The operation of this Eighth Sphere is complex. Its denizensthose shadowy

beings for whom it is homewish to people their Sphere with humanity, or (more
accurately) with human souls. Towards this end, it has erected what we might call
terminals on the Earth: these terminals are soul-conduits, which will suck into the
lower Sphere a certain form of materialized Spiritual energy that is engendered on
the Earth plane. The most usual circumstances where this materialization or
engendering takes place is in seances, and in other localities wherein human beings
attempt to meddleagainst the cosmic lawwith the lower Etheric planes.

Philip was having difficulties with this curious account of the lunar powers, and
asked: Are you saying that Spiritualist activity is itself victimized by the Eighth

Yes, Philip. Certain Spiritualist activity is coloured by the erroneous belief that the
realm of the dead is accessible to the living. In truth, mediumistic activity cannot
penetrate through into the true realm of the dead: it is therefore dealing only with
shadows. In so doing, it is creating fodder for the nourishment of the Eighth
Sphere. This sucking of certain forms of human soul-matter into the Eighth Sphere
is not, by any means, intended for the benefit of humanity. The aim of the
denizens of this
world is to enhance and populate a world which may truly be described as the
realm of the damned. The efforts of these denizens, or demons, is contrary to the
evolutionary development which has been planned for the world. In truth, the
human being was not designed to become a shadow being, captive in a demonic
sphere: it was designed to become a god.

It is less than one hundred years since this knowledge of the Eighth Sphere was
made public. At first there was an outcry at this breach in initiate knowledge, but
now we can see that it has proved something of a blessing that the demonic threat
has been brought out into the open. In some ways, it is easier to deal with a visible
enemy. Those who dabble in the supposed communications with the dead, and
with that spirit-land which they fondly imagine lies beyond the veil, have not gone

I will leave most of the above for the reader to digest, and discuss only the so-called Eighth
Sphere. What is meant by the moon being a counterweight to the Eighth Sphere? Evidently, the
moon is but a physical reflection of something tangible but not material, something beyond our
realm of perception.

Based on the clues given in The Zelator we must conclude that the Eighth Sphere by definition
encompasses all the nonphysical aspects of the Matrix Control System, the service-to-self (STS)
hierarchy from top to bottom minus the physical levels of which we ourselves are part.

The Eighth Sphere would therefore include: the lower astral planes where carnal and demonic
thoughtforms dwell, the hyperdimensional realms inhabited by reptilians, the parasitic etheric
lattice overlaying the earth comprising the very tendrils of the Matrix, the second density soulpool of
which organic portals are incarnate extensions, and the demiurgic black hole a creature positioned
atop the STS hierarchy and sucking into itself all energy gathered from the tiers below.

This interpretation of the Eighth Sphere should be self-evident for those familiar with the works of
Rudolf Steiner, Carlos Castaneda, Robert Monroe, Dr William Baldwin, the Cassiopaean Transcripts,
and my articles on the Matrix.

For instance, that organic portals have something to do with the moon is clear from the fact that
they, being extensions of second density energies occupying third density bodies, are essentially
two-and-a-half density beings, which relates to the two-and-a-half-day pig. Pigs, by the way, are
physically incapable of looking up at the sky which, in addition to the fact that they share many
human characteristics and have genetics strongly suited to house low vibrational frequencies,
makes them ideal symbols for the animal nature in man. That the moon shares an archetypal basis
with organic portals is further evidenced by it being a second density planet reflecting light rather
than generating its own, just as organic portals are not fully third density and merely reflect back
the soul image of others.

Personal Observations

Studying the mythological and esoteric meaning of the moon is mere entertainment if no practical
understanding comes from it. One can easily get absorbed in the arcane and lose sight of its
application in the real world. So I was fortunate to have observed the lunar influence for myself
before reading anything about it, and based on these observations I developed some practical

This began with my early experiences as moderator of an alternative discussion group on the
internet. Having been a member of several forums previously, I was aware of the various pitfalls and
how theoretically to avoid them. Putting theory into practice required close observation, foresight,
and a case-by-case system of moderation. Over the months I was forced to deal with various
disruptors of varying degrees of cunning, each of which played key roles in setting up and
triggering a period of emotional turmoil.

After numerous months of this, it finally dawned on me that these disruptive episodes followed a
cyclical pattern, always one or two incidents per month on the same set of days that would
gradually shift later in the month with each passing month. So it was nine months of observation
that made me realize there was order behind the chaos. Furthermore, trouble wasnt limited to the
forum; often it occurred elsewhere such as in my personal life or with my family, on other message
boards, and with friends and their familiesanyplace at all, but only during certain predictable days
of the month.

That these key days shifted a little each month implied that perhaps it has something to do with
the moon phases, since full and new moon dates do shift gradually from month to month thanks to
our messed up calendar system. So I took the nine months of records and checked them against a
moon calendar: sure enough, the disruptive incidents happened consistently within two and a half
days from new or full moon.

But there was another pattern: early on the incidents generally took place before the new or full
moon, then they happened during, and in later months they arose after. I found out that this latter
pattern involved moon perigee and apogee, times of the month when the moon was closest or
farthest away from the earth. Trouble days occurred between the new/full and perigee/apogee
dates. For instance, if new moon was on the 23rd and perigee was on the 27th, then the disruption
would predictably take place around the 25th.

This much I had figured out by October 2004. By constructing a calendar with days shaded
according to their proximity to lunar perigee or apogee and new or full moon, I was able to test the
theory over the next several months. It was utterly disturbing to watch disruptions take place on
schedule month after month during the predicted days and never outside of those days. And it
wasnt just me seeing what I wanted to see because when learning lessons of an emotionally
charged nature arise, there is no mistaking or ignoring them. Additionally, I started with nine
months of unbiased records in which a pattern was clearly evident before I ever suspected the
moon might be involved; the data speaks for itself.

Putting this knowledge to practical use involved predicting and preparing for disruptive days,
understanding that during heavy lunar influences things might not be as they seem, and
remembering that emotional buttons are far more sensitive during such days. Moderating the
forum became a game of nailing the timing, nature, and plot of the upcoming disruption in order to
head it off, sometimes with success and sometimes without depending on how sneaky the plot was
and how well I could decipher the synchronistic omens and symbolic warning dreams preceding
these impending obstacles.

The process usually played out as follows: within a week or two leading up to an incident I would be
given dreams containing symbolic clues about the themes and characters involved, then I would
reference the moon chart to get an idea of the timing, and finally within a day I would receive
numerous synchronicities informing me the event was close at hand. Lately I have begun
incorporating astrological aspects (planetary alignments) to gain additional insight on the timing
and theme.

While this system may seem delusional to the casual reader, it was derived using a process of
observation, hypothesis, testing, and refinement. That this system has been applied successfully in
all areas of my life to reduce stress and redundant obstacles, improved my skills as moderator and
kept the forum impervious to permanent disruption, and continues to correctly predict when
mechanical tendencies are amplified is proof to me of its validity and practicality.

Lunar Influences and the Matrix Control System

Only then did I realize Gurdjieff was being completely literal when he said we are food for the moon.
Anyone who becomes aware of the lunar influence will see how people all around sway to the lunar
influence like reeds to the breeze. Twice a month, the Matrix Control System opens its maws and
draws in a torrent of emotional energy from all those susceptible to the lunar influence.

So what exactly is the relation between the Matrix and the moon? The archetypal correspondences
were discussed earlier. As for the technical relation, I have concluded that the gravitational
interaction between earth, moon, and sun causes cyclical variation in the separation between
dimensions and densities. Just before and after a new or full moon, the dimensional veil is thinnest
and hostile forces from other realms, including the astral and hyperdimensional realms, have an
easier time penetrating into the physical plane.

The thinning of dimensional separation has two main consequences. First, as mentioned it is easier
for beings to cross realm boundaries. Hostile entities require less energy to breech the realm of
their targets, or stated another way, metaphysical defenses against physical and psychic violence
tend to wane around such times. But on a positive side the thinning also supports personal
expansion into new realms of being, thus the new moon is said to be a good time for starting new
projects and manifesting intent through the principles of reality creation.

Second, because other realms become temporarily more accessible, occult practices become more
effective. Invocations, psychic warfare, scrying and remote viewing are assisted during such times.
This most greatly assists those darker forces who rely upon remote viewing of probable futures and
psychic attacks to stalk and ambush their prey. But once again on a positive side the intuitive
faculties are heightened and more technical forms of divination like scrying gain accuracy.

Concerning strictly the negative aspects of new and full moon energies, there is a qualitative
difference. New moon energies tend toward implosion while full moon is characterized by energy of
explosion. Whereas the new moon tends to induce oversensitivity, dissatisfaction, and depression,
the full moon energies amplify overreaction, violence, and outright lunacy. It is esoteric fact that the
moon rules over the imagination, and both during full moon and new moon windows the imagination
is particularly prone to being misapplied, meaning misunderstandings, false suspicions, and
unfounded worries increase. But whereas the new moon exacerbates introspective turmoil, full
moon externalizes the trouble.

What accounts for the qualitative difference? None other than the particular alignment between
earth, moon, and sun. During a full moon, the earth is between sun and moon, meaning the latter
two are astrologically in opposition. Whereas the sun represents spirit, the moon represents ones
shadow self. When in opposition, the light of spirit is misdirected by the mechanical pressures of
the shadow self, meaning energy is expressed but in an outwardly harmful way, thus its association
with overreaction and violence. When new, the moon is between sun and earth, energetically
blocking or filtering the solar energies. The shadow self stifles the light of spirit, thus the implosive
quality of this alignment and its association with oversensitivity and depression.

To illustrate, in my experience certain vulnerable forum members tend to get moody during the
new moon and overreact to misperceived criticism or get depressed and give their farewell, while
during a full moon people are more likely to lash out when the lunatics crawl from the woodwork to
provoke at the most sensitive times. This is not a fast rule, just a general observation. How these
energies manifest elsewhere depends on the context, and the lunar influence manifests through
whatever means are at hand to extract the greatest amount of emotional anguish.

Nevertheless, it would be incorrect to blame the moon exclusively as the cause of troubles, as
during more harmonious astrological alignments it actually supports healthy mechanical
functioning. When the moon is trine or sextile to the sun, meaning in between new and full and at
least a day away from quarter moon, the lunar influence sustains peaceful progress. So one could
equally say that four times a month the moon supports tranquility.

The moon is by no means the only cyclical factor pulling our strings. There are numerous other
cycles from personal to national to global and cosmic. Most of these have biological or astrological
origins. While the astrological ones are important to consider, particularly certain planetary aspects,
I consider the lunar influence to be the strongest and most observable.

It is no secret that hyperdimensional attacks are directed at a targets weakest spots at the
weakest moments. That is simply a matter of efficiency and logistics. Astrology is an important part
of determining this timing because the realm dynamics between attacker and target are greatly
influenced by celestial alignments. Different alignments impress upon a given location different
spectra of vibrations which in turn resonate corresponding elements within the souls of individuals
in the vicinity; the manner in which they vibrate pulls from reality a corresponding set of
experiences and learning lessons. Certain vibrations correspond to learning lessons involving
confrontation, violence, and attack, and it is when these vibrations are strongest for an individual
that astral and hyperdimensional attackers find it easiest to fulfill their role in his experiences. A
more thorough explanation can be found in my article Realm Dynamics.

While certain lunar alignments exacerbate certain mechanical tendencies which in turn can create
emotional turmoil, I have found that the moons primary function during such times is merely to
open a window between the darker realms and this world. Whether this window of opportunity is
actually utilized depends on the individual in question and whether the attackers have the
necessary interest and resources. In other words, the turbulent experiences that may arise during
critical lunar days are not necessarily deterministically created by the moon, rather the moon opens
a window during which intelligent forces can at their own discretion and choice of timing initiate an
episode of feeding or sabotage.

The reason I say this is because through certain means already described I can detect well in
advance of a lunar influence period what plans for sabotage are already in the works. There is an
active intelligence behind many of these episodes, evidenced for example by the periodic abduction
and posthypnotic programming of key individuals who will take part in the next disturbance. Or, in
the days preceding a sabotage attempt coinciding with a lunar window, one will experience
increased ear ringing and deja vu, respectively signifying monitoring attempts and timeline editing
by hyperdimensional forces.

Practical Matters

There are a variety of reasons why some people seem to experience the lunar influence more than

First, active targeting plays a large part in the worst of the trouble, those who are not targeted will
not experience much trouble other than some crankiness between themselves and others.

Second, where the moon is placed in ones natal chart (what the lunar configuration was at moment
of birth) may play a role in how strongly its mechanizing influence trespasses into ones emotional
and psychological states. Different people have different natal charts and will thus be influenced to
different degrees.

Third, although this is speculative, I suspect geographic latitude factors into how strongly one falls
within the earth-moon energy conduit; because the moon orbits around the earths equator with a
maximum eight degree deviation north or south, those nearer to the equator will be more deeply
caught up in the gravitational line of tension between earth and moon while those in the higher
latitudes might experience the lunar influence more weakly.

And fourth, the lower ones soul frequency, the greater ones mechanical tendencies, and the less
esoterically developed one is, the greater the lunar effect. It would take fission from the base
matters of the soul and fusion of the nobler qualities to gain victory over the lunar influence within
oneself, and great wisdom and compassion to handle whatever disruptions may arise among others.
In fact, it is toward this end that the moon can actually catalyze our progress by making us aware
of our weaknesses.

If you want to test this theory for yourself, download the moon charts for 2004 and 2005 to see
whether the shaded regions on the chart correlate with any patterns in your own experience.
Generally, the shaded regions are merely windows for turmoilthere is no guarantee each window
will bring trouble, but in my case I have found that when trouble does arise it does so exclusively in
the shaded regions. There have been some weaker disturbances on quarter moon days (moon
square sun) and during certain very strongly discordant astrological aspects, but these are
infrequent and no where near as severe as what tends to arise around new or full moons so I
consider them insignificant. If you find the moon chart has some validity, then you can use it to
better prepare for and perhaps head off potential obstacles. It should merely assist in giving you a
heads up, to be used in conjunction with your own intuitive system of reading the weather.

Without being aware of the lunar influence one falls too easily under its soporific influence. One is
likely to perceive the wrong dynamics behind a situation, take things too personally and succumb to
depression or misplaced outrage, and fail to place ones energies at the right place at the right time.
The types of lessons attracted during lunar windows can be learned in easier ways through
foresight; by becoming aware of a problem before it happens, one learns the same lessons that
would otherwise come about through painful experiencetherefore awareness protects against
involuntary suffering.

The ultimate goal of this knowledge is to increase awareness and help one gain an upper hand over
otherwise invisible and subliminal influences. Applied awareness always has an inverse effect upon
negative influences; for instance, while lunar windows tend to induce suffering by default, through
awareness one can make use of temporary dimensional fluidity to more effectively intend for and
manifest positive futures. With awareness one can learn more efficiently, have a smoother and more
exciting path of progress through life, avoid unproductive obstacles, and gain a measure of
liberation from the enslaving effect of ignorance.

Download the raw source material for this article

Emotional Management
Have you ever gotten emotionally riled up over events which later turned out to be trivial? Do little
things happen around you which coincidentally poke at your emotional sore spots? Does it seem
like someone behind the curtain is pushing your buttons? In many cases, someone or something

This article is about emotional defense against an invisible enemy who profits from your
overindulgence in negative emotions. As part of the matrix series, this text focuses upon the central
issue in the matter, that of loosh economy. Loosh is Robert Monroes term for a quantifiable
spiritual/emotional energy produced by physical beings such as humans, a highly-valued
commodity in the eyes of nonphysical beings who feed upon this energy. Although not its only
function, the matrix acts as the machinery which extracts loosh from humans by subjecting them
to synchronistically arranged emotional melodramas.

Here will be given a practical discussion of the nature of emotion, who manipulates emotion via the
matrix, their modes of attack, and suggested methods of defense.

Nature of emotion

Science sees emotion as the perceptual end-product of chemicals and hormones affecting our
nervous system, nothing more. In truth, such chemicals in our bodies are just physical
components of an overall metaphysical process. The body is synchronistically coupled to the soul,
meaning the soul doesnt actually impress a physical force upon the bodys cells as a magnet would
upon iron filings, but rather the soul generates a morphogenic field which tends to make ones
neurons and cells accidentally behave in a way that directly mirrors the behavior of the soul. The
morphogenic field alters the probability of cellular events in such a way to conform to the will of the

When the soul feels the emotion of love, for example, neurons accidentally fire in a specific pattern
which any neuropsychologist reading a brainscan will interpret as corresponding to that emotion.

During life in a physical body, the body and soul are strongly coupled. Ones daily consciousness,
the ego, resides at the border between physical brain and metaphysical soul, meaning it can
experience the illusion of emotion through drugs. Such artificial inductions of emotions are
generated through the body rather than the soul. Any generation of emotion via physical methods
leads only the generation of false emotions.

The difference between true and false emotions lies in their origin. There is only one true emotion,
love, and there is only one source for it, God. Love and God do not have their usual meanings
here; love does not mean physical intimacy between couples and God does not mean a personified
deity. Love is defined here as a creator energy, the original will of God that separated the original
void into positive and negative space and time, an emotion filled with truth, knowledge, and
awareness. God is defined as the original seed of consciousness from which all reality and individual
consciousness arose, an infinite supply of true emotional energy to which humans are energetically
connected and have access.
Eaters of Emotion

In other articles on this site (, a classification system of zero order, first order,
and second order beings has been utilized to separate the major types of consciousness. God is a
zero order being, humans are first order beings, and thoughtforms or entities without a direct
energetic link to God are second order beings. Likewise, there are zero, first, and second order
emotions. Zero order emotion is the will of God which essentially powered the Big Bang. First order
emotion is true love as humans can experience it, that of truth, knowledge, and awareness. Second
order emotions consist of everything else, from illusory love to lust, hatred, fear, jealousy, and
contempt. These are false emotions, for they stem not from God but from illusion. Loosh is a
generic term for emotional energy, and negative loosh implies false emotion, while positive loosh
means true emotion.

Second order beings are the primary beneficiaries of the matrix for they feed upon their
corresponding type of loosh, second order emotion. Such beings were not created by God originally,
their creators are first order beings who either purposely or accidentally succumbed to illusion and
began to feed such illusions by putting emotional energy into things not connected to the physical
reality created by God. In other words, instead of focusing entirely upon physical reality and truth in
their lives, first order beings (who by definition have Creator-like abilities) began to create a new
reality of their own, that within the realm of their imaginations. This imaginary reality is now known
as the etheric realm, and energy dumped into this realm was shaped via first order beings fears
and fantasies into second order beings called thoughtforms. Thoughtforms are etheric robots
without an energetic connection to Goda metaphysical form of artificial intelligence.
Thoughtforms, generated by illusion, soon resorted to parasitism upon first order beings to feed
themselves and maintain their own existence. Over time, thoughtforms have created an entirely
new illusory reality overlaying the real reality on earth, and this illusory overlay is the matrix.

The movie The Matrix was a metaphorical representation of this phenomenon. One point of evidence
toward this fact is that the metaphor was imperfect; machines turned humans into batteries,
sources of electrical energy, and yet they could have much more easily resorted to nuclear power.
In reality, the metaphor alluded to the fact that the machines or second order beings are after
loosh, not electricity, and there is no better generator of loosh than a human. Hence, in the movie,
humans had to be the power source despite the obvious flaw in the metaphor.

For emotion to be consumed by second order beings, it must be converted into a palatable
frequency or flavor and dumped into a domain over which second order beings have precedence.
Physical reality, being a product of God and composed of its love/will condensed into solidity, is not
second order beings preferential domain. Anything straying from reality, such as fantasies,
misconceptions, fears, and illusions miss their mark and flow into second order beings etheric
reality, if not first tapped directly by the matrix. Therefore, the matrix attempts to induce negative
emotions in you (flavoring the loosh with a palatable frequency) and pulls your mindset away from
truth so that your emotion becomes available for harvesting.

Dynamics of Emotion

Emotions are somewhat analogous to electricity; there is static electricity (stationary quantity of
charge) and dynamic electricity, also known as current (moving quantity of charge). Likewise,
emotions can be static or dynamic.

Dynamic emotion is loosh energy that is always being utilized for either constructive
physical/spiritual action or else leaking or spurting into the ether. All your genuine emotional energy
comes from your connection to God by virtue of you just being human, conscious, and alive. You
receive this energy from God to power much of your higher mental and spiritual functions, but you
must still consume physical food to run your body. What you do with your supply of loosh is up to
you; the matrix would like you to convert it into a negative form and feed the energy into imaginary
reality for interception by the matrix.

Static emotion, psychologically speaking, is repressed emotional energy. Emotion, being a quantified
substance, can neither be created nor destroyed by anyone except God. This law of conservation is
nothing new, many authors and psychologists know of that fact.

While emotion cannot be created or destroyed, it can be tapped from God and converted into
various grades, frequencies, and forms. Negative emotion can be converted into positive, and vice
versa. Perception is the key that converts one form into the other.

When you experience a negative emotion and do not let it out or convert it into something positive,
it becomes a thoughtform parasite, an auric leak, and a spiritual burden. To have become angry in
the first place is okay, but to remain so in a non-constructive way must have arisen from some
illusory component in your view of the world. In other words, because your perception of a situation
was not based entirely on truth, you became angry, stayed angry, and did nothing about it except
ignore and repress it. Your illusory perception combined with the resulting negative emotional
energy forms, by definition, a thoughtform, except it is one closely attached to your soul. In this
article, such an entity will be called an internal thoughtform. It has a conduit leading back to the
core of your soul and siphons energy from your emotional reservoir, becoming bloated in the
process as long as you continue repressing it.

While Gods supply of emotional energy is infinite, your rate to receive such energy is not. Therefore,
any leak in your loosh reservoir such as one caused by an internal thoughtform generated from
repressed emotions will take away from your influx of energy. The more repressed emotions you
have, the more auric leaks you have, and the less loosh energy you can use for yourself.

Internal thoughtforms severely affect the way you behave. Beside keeping you low of energy, they
also tend to pull your own utilization of energy in their direction.

Severely repressed emotions (to the point of amnesia) stem from soul fragmentation, where a piece
of your consciousness accompanies the perceptions and emotions splitting off from your main soul
during the trauma. Such internal thoughtforms are their own personalities in perpetual suffering.
The amnesia results from memories being a function of consciousness, and since that particular
component of consciousness has left, the main consciousness has no access to those memories
unless the fragment possessing them returns to its source. Ordinary internal thoughtforms are not
total fragmentations, but rather distortions; both affect the main souls consciousness through
some etheric or astral link.

Internal thoughtforms affect your behavior by regurgitating a negative frequency of loosh back into
your main energy reservoir which corrupts your general mood in addition to sublimely keeping your
world view in accordance with the illusion having generated the internal thoughtform in the first
place. It affects both your emotions and perceptions and tends to keep them anchored in illusion.

Static emotions cannot be tapped by the matrix, although they are still detrimental in altering your
behavior like a stuck rudder on a ship. Ones emotions remain static only as long as they are out of
ones present conscious focus. Remember that internal thoughtforms are their own loosh
reservoirs, feeding off your reservoir which in turn is filled by God. You may think of these
thoughtforms as bloated sacks of loosh just waiting to burst. To access these reservoirs, the matrix
must open them with a perceptual key so that your consciousness focuses upon them, opening the
floodgates and unleashing an explosion of dynamic emotion which bursts into the ether and is
collected by the matrix.

Thus, the matrix can do one of two things: elicit dynamic emotions in you and tap them directly, or
else pop your repressed emotions and reap a huge bounty. Often it does both and makes sure
dynamic emotion is repressed and allowed to grow for later harvest. How it accomplishes all this is
the subject of the next section

Modes of Attack

The matrix and those who operate it attack humans for various reasons including sabotage,
experimentation, and loosh harvesting. An attack is defined as a hostile act intended to benefit the
perpetrator more than one receiving the attack.

Lets begin with how the matrix harvests static emotions. As stated before, it must utilize the
correct key to unlock stored reservoir of loosh. In practical terms, this key is simply a synchronicity
in your environment which triggers an overblown emotional reaction from you. If you have ever
gotten angrier at something than warranted because youve had enough and it was the last straw,
then you have had an internal thoughtform purged of its reservoir. While this may make you feel
better in the short run, it will fill up again and continue to influence you unless it is permanently
disabled by a change of perceptions. Disabling internal thoughtforms will be discussed later.

A synchronistic trigger is created from precise calculations and data gathering by the matrix; it
knows what buttons to push. The source of this trigger may be something you read, a keyword,
song, persons name, dream event, or something someone does or says. In the case of reading
something, the synchronicity is mainly created through youthe matrix has imperceptibly altered
your actions and the path of your trigger until they intersect and the trigger comes to your
attention. In the case of being triggered by something someone does or says, the same basic
process occurs except another person is being manipulated as well. (Generation of synchronicities
doesnt happen by the direct calculation and alteration of every single step necessary to produce
them, rather a small section of the symbolic machine code of reality is altered which automatically
restructures the timeline and course of reality-based events).

You may wonder how and when this manipulation occurs, because you cannot remember or feel any
real manipulation going on. Well, the manipulation of your actions is synchronistic and occurs most
often when you are on autopilot or in the alpha state of mind. It is known that one becomes
suggestible and receptive during the alpha state, in which brainwaves pulsate between 9 and 14
cycles per second. During this state, your consciousness relaxes its perceptual filters and becomes
susceptible to external influences. It is during this autopilot state that the matrix finds it easiest to
get you to do something which will play part in a later synchronicity. When it happens, because the
synchronicity is not yet fulfilled, the trivial action you just undertook during the alpha state goes
generally unnoticed, thought of as insignificant and not even worth remembering. The manipulation
is subtle, and only after-the-fact does it become obvious. Most often, however, the manipulation is
not a direct influence to do something, but rather a suppression of your memory functionyou
perform an action while having temporarily forgotten a key piece of information that would have
made you act otherwise. Induced temporary forgetfulness resulting in a later synchronicity is the
most common way an external or higher force (even a positive one) can bypass the ego and
manipulate a persons actions.
Susceptibility to manipulation is proportional to lack of awareness. Forewarned is forearmed.

If youre not in control of your actions, something else is.

It could be the matrix, internal thoughtforms, external thoughtforms, subliminals in advertising

and music, entity attachments, alien transmissions, and even positive guidance such as your
higher self and intuition. Which of those you tend to tune into depends upon your general mood,
which is nothing more than the prevalent emotional climate of your being. Emotions are generated
from perceptions, and to attract positive guidance in times when you go into autopilot, you must
have positive perceptions aligned with truth. The more accurate your perception of reality, the
better your mood, and the less susceptible you become to influence from negative sources.

Of course, if you were a hermit, this advice would be easy to apply. Unfortunately, every person you
associate with, be it friend, family, or stranger, is also susceptible to manipulation by various forces.
The less aware they are, the more easily manipulated they become. Being aware means being
conscious of your actions and taking responsibility to make sure that what you do is really what you
want to do, and not some subtle force attempting to manipulate you into playing part in someone
elses emotional triggering. The people you interact with can be manipulated into triggering you,
pushing your buttons, sabotaging your plans, and hurting you without them even knowing it. In
fact, you have played that part as well, unknowingly performing actions which synchronistically
affect others without you being aware of it at the time. It happened to you today and it will happen
again tomorrow.

As fellow researchers have learned, the biggest challenge to anyone aware of this manipulation is
when someone you love or trust becomes a conduit of attack, an unwitting player in the negative
forces sick game of sabotaging you or harvesting your loosh (inducing suffering in you, and often
the others involved). Children, spouses, and partners in personal or business relationships are the
most common conduits of attack. Besides performing just minor synchronistic triggers, such
people can be fully manipulated into doing anything to stress you, including hurting themselves,
misperceiving you, and directly attacking you verbally or physically. By physical harm, it is not
meant that some external force picks up their fists and swings them at you, rather that some force
manipulates the persons emotions and perceptions into making them take out their frustrations
and misguided anger on you. They believe that they are in control of all their actions, but in reality
they are not.

In cases where manipulation of a person goes beyond mere synchronistic acts, there is usually a
direct alteration of his/her soul via artificial means. This can include physical means such as
electromagnetic mind control signals, physical implants, hypnosis, harmful chemicals and
nutritional deficiencies, or metaphysical means such as etheric implants, chakra alterations, entity
attachments of negative beings or aliens, or remote psionic influence. Whatever the case may be,
the person isnt truly himself, and the painful part is that he is not even aware of it.

Lack of awareness puts a person into the domain of illusion and misperception. Once there, it is
easy for the matrix or its operators to inject false speculation into the minds of the intended targets
of sabotage. The less information one has about a particular situation, the more he will tend to
speculate. Like a game of Wheel of Fortune, the less letters already chosen by contestants, the
greater the possibility that the hidden word could be almost anything. Because there are so many
possibilities that would fit the limited facts one has, such possibilities must include a great portion
of incorrect guesses, illusions. Because such possibilities are weighted equally until another piece of
information comes along to shift favor to one or the other, it is during speculation that the matrix
finds an opportune time to nudge a persons perceptions toward false conclusions. It can do so
directly by emotional manipulation and memory suppression, or it can do so with false data
introduced to him synchronistically. Not all data you could encounter via synchronicity is false, but
be aware that some of it surely is.

Such sabotage typically happens to split apart two people or a network which poses a threat to the
matrixs agenda. This happens best when one or more of the people targetted is much more
unaware than the other, and therefore becomes an easy conduit of attack. Whether one is unaware
or both are, between them there is usually a lack of full understanding of each others personality
and circumstances. This may be due either out of social custom not to be nosey, lack of time to
become more acquainted, or fear, mistrust, and ignorance. The latter factors make a relationship
most vulnerable to sabotage. Fear causes mistrust, leading to ignorance of facts contrary to
paranoid speculations, and limits the informational exchange between people involved. With lack of
information, speculation arises, and such speculation is manipulated by the matrix toward false
conclusions and soon the relationship breaks apart due to misunderstandings on both sides of the
cleavage. It is a tactic of divide and conquer. This is why love and trust between two or more aware
people is the biggest threat possible to the matrixit forms an invincible and indivisible unit more
powerful than the sum of its parts. The matrix must then resort to treating this unit as a single
entity and manipulate other people into attacking it from the outsidebut the network or
relationship is now stronger than any single person.

Such a network is impossible between individuals who are not collinear. Collinearity is the quality of
sharing the same direction of spiritual evolution, even if there are differences in awareness. Two
individuals who are collinear but not equally aware can provide for a pleasant teaching/learning
experience. But two who are not collinear will be in conflict because each will be resistant to the
other and both are going different directions in life. Among collinear individuals, it is merely
separations in awareness that allow the matrix to create misperceptions and disruption. So it is
important for a collinear couple to be completely honest with each other and on equal ground.

Methods of Defense

As bleak as the previous accounts of matrix attack modes may have been, in truth there are ways
out of this mess, methods of defense.

I believe that the Matrix can remain our cage or it can become our chrysalis
Neo, original script for The Matrix

The Matrix is the system used by foreign forces operating on this planet, so as to accelerate
spiritual choices of each individual on Earth without violating their freewill.

In the big picture the matrix is just another, albeit grandiose, learning device much like an obstacle
course or puzzle for humanity. All puzzles have solutions, that is their reason for existence: to be
solved. Acknowledging that the matrix and humanitys exploitation has a place in the course of
things does not imply that we should just accept it and submit to it. That would be like
acknowledging that a puzzle comes disassembled in a box, but going further and arguing that it
should therefore be left alone; if putting the puzzle together would no longer make it a puzzle,
would eradicating it make one guilty of being an anti-puzzle bigot? That is ludicrous. Obstacles
exist to be overcome, puzzles exist to be solved, and evil exists to be counterbalanced. If we are to
treat the matrix properly in regard to its true universal function, then we must individually
overcome it.
To overcome the matrixs method of emotional triggering via synchronistic keys, it is necessary to
discharge, disable, and eliminate negative internal thoughtforms and prevent new ones from
forming. While doing this perfectly is close to impossible, steps in that direction can be taken.

There are numerous books discussing ways of healing emotional wounds and getting rid of
self-defeating subconscious programming (internal thoughtforms). While methods vary in
complexity and efficiency, the basic idea comes down to finding an internal thoughtform,
discharging it by consciously replaying the associated false perceptions and emotions, realizing that
the perceptions were false, and replacing them with a new realization closer to the truth. Find,
discharge, replace. There are other ways as well, check the suggested reading list at the end of this

Preventing the creation of new internal thoughtforms is a matter of changing your perceptions
through an increase in awareness and immediately transforming any negative emotional energy you
do accumulate. For example, if the matrix induces a synchronicity designed to play upon your
emotions and arouse futile anger, if your perceptions are in good shape then it will not even affect
you; it will pass right through. Recall the following quote from The Matrix:

Neo: What are you trying to tell me, that I can dodge bullets?

Morpheus: No Neo. Im trying to tell you that when youre ready, you wont have to.

If your negative internal thoughtforms are discharged or nonexistent, then even without a
perceptual guard your emotional reaction will not be greater than warranted by the trigger.
Nevertheless, the perceptual guard is simply an understanding that a particular trigger is actually
trivial and warrants no negative emotion. There is no need to dodge bullets if they pass right
through you without touching or stop mid-air.

Anger itself is not that negative of an emotion if transformed; only when repressed does it cause
problems. Contempt, jealousy, hatred, and guilt however are very negative because they are
emotions that are very difficult to employ constructively. All four imply stasis, inaction, or reckless

Contempt implies illusory superiority (superiority based on illusory criteria) and does nothing to
help a person constructivelyit perpetuates separation, oppression, and exploitation.

Jealousy is an emotion of lack, insecurity, obsession, or of having to fantasize to have something

imaginarilyan automatic ejection of loosh into the ether.

Hatred is rarely acted upon and is a brooding emotion, dynamic, sending oozing negativity into
the physical and etheric environment and atrophying the soul. When acted upon, hatred leads to
destabilizing destruction.

Guilt is a major negative loosh producer. It is a futile attempt by a soul to change the past. As
detailed in Synchronicity and Reality Manipulation, emotions are the carrier wave upon which
information can be sent back into the past of the current timeline to alter the current timeline. This
is the linear interpretation of how synchronicities are set up. When feeling guilt, a person is actually
attempting to change a regretful past situation via this methodit fails most of the time because
his wish to change the past is based upon faulty perceptions (illusions) and it would complicate
certain karmic balances that required him to have done as he did. Thus, the emotions go nowhere
but into the mouth of the matrix. The proper way to handle guilt is to relieve oneself of the emotion
through thoughtform discharge, change in perception, and then to avoid repeating the
guilt-inducing mistake in the future. There is a difference between a psychopath without guilt and a
free person without guilt; the free persons actions stem from perceptions which have changed
because lifes lessons, while the psychopaths actions stem from perceptions which exist as they are
in spite of lifes lessons.

Negative emotional energy is loosh with a particular vibrational frequency tuned into resonance with
negative entities and the matrix. Because this frequency is of a second order nature, it is associated
with the quality of illusion. For example, when one is angry and offended, sometimes such emotions
trigger revenge fantasies. The angered persons direction of focus is absorbed in the trigger which
is anywhere but in the here and now. Loosh energy is channeled into wherever consciousness is
focused, and if one is absorbed in directing anger toward the object of offense, that is where the
energy goes. This is the most common way the matrix collects energy; it merely pushes a button
and opens its mouth to feed.

What factors create large responses to triggers? As explained, repressed emotions are one factor.
Another already mentioned is lack of understanding or being. Someone with certain lessons yet to
learn is yearning to have experiences which teach them those lessons. The matrix very often
provides those lesson opportunities in exchange for the negative loosh it harvests. It is fact that the
more lessons one learns, the less responsive one becomes to manipulative triggers, i.e., the less
dependent ones internal emotional state becomes to external factors.

Try to remember something that made you cry as a young child. Would it make you cry if it
happened to you now? If not, what has changed to make that so? Your perceptions; you have
grown in awareness since that young age and something that would give you a tantrum at three
would make you laugh at thirty. In fact, any spiritual lesson that you have already learned would no
longer affect you the same way if it presented itself to you again. Once you solve a homework math
problem that causes you lots of grief, if asked again on a test, you would remember how you did it
and breeze right through

Not learning a lesson or repressing an emotion are very similar because both lead to no growth of
being. Awareness and understanding are necessary to grow ones level of being, and without
conscious processing of emotions and the lessons they teach, growth does not occur. In the case of
not yet having learned a lesson, there is no stimulus for growth, and with repressed emotions,
growth is artificially squelched. Both of these create demand for and vulnerability against further
matrix manipulations in order to provide the opportunity for learning lessons.

Ultimately, it is the Higher Self that allows the matrix to have its way, to create situations which can
teach the lower self needed lessons. Unfortunately, negative second order beings and the matrix
are interested in maximizing loosh extraction from every targeted individual, not being their
teachersthus, the slower the target learns his lessons, the more energy he will continuously
expend to the satisfaction of the matrix. This carrot-before-the-donkey phenomenon can be avoided
with simple effort to learn quickly from every experience, and especially to learn preemptively from
the experiences of others.

It is possible therefore to learn lessons without negative experience if such lessons are cognized and
empathized beforehand. This is gaining knowledge the easy way which requires effort on the part of
the learner to see objective truth. If this effort is neglected, physical experience will be created to
teach it to him or her the hard way. Such experiences will repeat in various manifestations until the
lesson is learned. Once it is learned, a corresponding growth of being occurs which prevents such
experiences from necessarily reoccurring. In this way, knowledge protects indirectly because having
it kills the broadcasted demand for a matrix-provided experiential learning lesson. Nevertheless,
negative entities still have the freewill to attack whomever they can, so a direct application of
knowledge in the form of prevention or repulsion will help one defend against these attacks should
they occur. As the Cassiopaeans say, Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers. The reasons for
this should now be clear.

Most of us are imperfect and we still have lessons to learn, we still have wounds and repressed
emotions. Therefore, we can expect testing from the people and situations we daily face. Because
these are nothing more than learning lessons, an ideal objective would be to learn these lessons as
completely, efficiently, and easily as possible.

While possible to observe the mistakes of others and therefore gain their learning lesson for
ourselves, unexpected tests attempting to push our buttons or those which we must absolutely
experience can arise at any moment. Fact of the matter is that if your level of being is insufficient to
remain unaffected by the trigger, if you have yet to learn the lesson potentially provided to you by
this negative experience, then you will experience negative emotions. To try and stop cold such
emotions leads to repression, which is the problem that many people experience when they force
themselves to be nice and happy every moment of every day. Repressed emotions resurface later in
a twisted and magnified form and can lead to all kinds of psychological problems, even health
problems if repression is lengthy and severe.

The solution to such a situation where negative emotions are bound to arise is not to stop or
repress them, but to transform them. This is the first step, with the second step being to act in
accordance with what the situation demands.

Recall that the negative quality of emotions are associated with illusion, with anything but the here
and now. Essentially, your loosh is being ejected from your own being rather than conserved. Also
recall that wherever your consciousness is directed is where your energy is directed. Therefore, to
transform your energy and conserve it, you must do two things: direct your consciousness in the
here and now to conserve it, and try to gain an immediate objective understanding of the situation
to transform it. This method is well known among students of Gurdjieff and Mouravieff, and the
explanation I provide here has been simplified to ease understanding for the general reader.

To illustrate this method, consider the case of someone saying something which offends or angers
you but causes no harm to anyone or anything except your own ego. This may trigger an upwelling
of negative emotional energy which, if you are not careful, could be channeled toward that person if
you lose your sense of self and instead become hypnotically enraged at what they said. Rather than
focusing upon the the trigger, it is important to immediately focus upon your own internal state in
the present moment, to feel your own presence and the emotional energy within you. While staying
centered this way, feel the inner part of you that is calm, observant, and understanding, and
identify with itsee this situation as ridiculous and funny and try to understand the truth of why it
is happening; perhaps it is a matrix manipulation and a lesson for you.

When properly done, this process converts the negative loosh to conserved positive loosh, and
should manifest as a genuine flip of your emotional state from anger to joy. This is easier said than
done, of course, due to physical stress hormones and adrenaline which linger after the initial
trigger, but it becomes easier with practice. What is important here are the concepts of
self-awareness and knowledge. The first is what directs your energy toward yourself rather than
wasting it out there. The second is what allows you to have a proper understanding of the
situation. For example, some people just cant help themselves in their inconsiderate behavior,
much like a dog cannot keep from relieving itself in public places, but it is just as ridiculous to be
offended by the first as by the latter. With proper understanding of a trigger, you will hopefully find
no continued justification for clinging on to a negative emotional response. Be assured that if you
hold on to them, you have not yet fully learned the associated lesson.

One common misunderstanding which leads to great offense is revealed by the phrase But I would
never do such a thing, how could they? The answer is that sometimes, they are not like you.
They function differently for whatever reason. This phrase reveals an assumption that you are
identical with them. It is clear in the case of a dog that there is a great difference, and so it is less
offensive for most to see a dog relieve itself in public than a person. But just because someone looks
human doesnt mean that they psychologically and even metaphysically operate in the same
manner as you do. There exists a whole sector of the human race that behaves fundamentally
differently from the other half, as you may read more about in my article Matrix Agents: Profiles and
Analysis. Reading that article and those linked within will save you a lot of grief in dealing with
potential button-pushers because it will help you understand who they are and why they might act
as they do.

In cases where all else fails and negative emotions cannot be transformed, they must still be
released anything but repressed. Temporary release of any unconverted negative emotion can be
as simple as screaming or slamming your fist upon the table, or gentle like writing or exercising,
even crying. This is strictly for cases where there is no constructive way of acting upon that
emotionin other words, no external problem to solve. If someone else is violating your freewill and
you feel an upsurge of emotion urging you to defend yourself, then that emotion is best employed
for that purpose.

When succumbing to an emotional trigger, you must release the negative emotion to prevent it
from becoming an internal thoughtform, then later learn from that trigger and understand why it
set you off. If it did so because it keyed into an internal thoughtform, then youve found one to work
on. If it affected you because of some hole in your perception, then contemplate and learn the
lesson so that it will not have to be repeated.

Understanding that emotional triggers do happen and are synchronistically introduced into your
environment with sometimes malevolent intention is enough to get your guard up. You must
understand that the goal of such a trigger is to elicit an overblown emotional response. You must
prevent speculation and focus on the undeniable facts. To illustrate one possibility, if a woman
indulges in speculation, pretty soon she will be in an emotional meltdown thinking her husband is
cheating on her when in truth the perfume on his clothes came from the annoying saleslady
spraying samples of the stuff onto people passing through the store he visited.

Focusing on the facts is essential in preventing the matrix from cleaving apart a potentially positive
relationship. As explained earlier, two people who refuse to be open and trusting to each other end
perceptually isolating themselves. Each person can thereby be manipulated by the twisting of his or
her speculations into falsely disliking the other and ending the relationship. Were they to discuss
any issues that might crop up, they would discover that their speculations were false. And if they
turned out to be true, then the relationship was never really positive to begin with and should be
ended. But one cannot be sure of which case it may be unless there is mutual trust an openness to
discover the truth of the situation.

Truth itself is untouchable by the matrix and its operators which revel in illusion and lies. As long as
one remains impeccably within the domain of truth, which means no lying to oneself or others
except in situations that demand ones survival, those attacking such an impeccable person often
end up hanging themselves.
Now, it may seem from the foregoing discussion that the point of emotional management is to
become unemotional and unresponsive to the world. This is totally false. The goal of emotional
management, and any esoteric work for that manner, is to decouple ones internal state from ones
external behavior. In other words, it is the point of emotional management to make your internal
perceptions, thoughts, and especially emotional state independent of your external experiences and
behaviors. Where is the division line between internal and external? The line resides between the
real you and everything else.

Those familiar with Gurdjieffs teachings will recognize this as the practice of separating internal
considering from external considering. External considering has to do with how you physically
interact with the world, what actions you perform, and what things you say to toward the people
around you. Internal considering involves your inner thoughts, perceptions, and emotions. These
two must be made independent of each other, because that is the only way you can begin freeing
yourself from the matrix. As long as the two are linked, your mind can be controlled by your
environment, and the environment controlled by the matrix.

So in this process of dealing with a conduit of attack, your emotions need not correlate to the
seriousness of the situation. In other words, you dont need to be stressed out of your mind to
effectively deal with a partner in distress. What you do does not have to reflect how you feel. To put
it another way, separating feeling from doing is an extremely important concept when facing a
negative situation. This does not mean repression of emotion or becoming emotionally dead, it just
means being emotionally responsible and ideally expanding your awareness to see the situation in a
more accurate context.

Once a trigger is neutralized via the process of immediate self-awareness and understanding, the
internal battle has been won. The external battle can then commence if necessary. Do not make the
mistake of inseparably linking feeling with doing in this casesome people get the impression that if
you feel nice, you must therefore act nice. Thats nothing more than a computer algorithm with
input feel nice and output act nice which contains no intermediate contemplation or choice
process. This is just another example of total and misguided coupling between internal and external
states which can lead to disaster if you are dealing with a predator who counts on you not
defending yourself. Coupling implies causal link without room for choice, and thus its simply a
puppet string tugging your inside from the outside.

If the concepts of internal and external considering are understood and made independent, then
what would happen instead is that internally, negative emotions are replaced by cool confidence and
joy, but externally actions would take whatever form necessary in order to neutralize or deflect the
external threat.

Internal victory must always precede external victory. To do otherwise would most often feed the
matrix or aid the agenda of negative forces. It is easier to make mistakes or succumb to further
manipulation if you proceed to solve an external conflict while internally enraged. With negative
emotions, thinking is skewed. The positive emotions that come with triumph over negative emotions
result from understanding, and so is by no means overconfidence. While actions are independent of
feelings, having negative feelings can sometimes impair external actions because at our stage of
evolution the two arent entirely independent.

Make no mistake about itemotions are vital because they are fuel. They help you accomplish
things which your level of being up to that point could no do, therefore causing it to grow. As stated
before, the purpose of emotional management is not to become unemotional or unresponsive but
rather to make internal states independent of external, and also to help transform negative
emotions into positive ones. With increasing growth of being, ones emotions become increasingly
ones own rather than mechanical responses to external stimuli.

If a lesson has been learned, then no negative emotions are necessary to motivate one into action
since the action comes naturally out of understanding and as a consequence of a growth in being.
Once a lesson is learned, it can be acted upon out of enthusiasm and understanding.

But when a trigger evoking negative emotions genuinely arises, it is the goal of emotional
management procedures to transform that negativity into positivity, and then to use that new
positive state accompanied by mental clarity to fuel external actions and solve the external problem.
Emotions provide the fuel for internal and external growth, and positive emotions provide the
quickest and most efficient way of achieving that.

Emotions are necessary to deal with a problem that is happening. But they are not needed as
intensely in cases where a problem is yet to occur and can therefore be prevented. Learning from
the mistakes of others involves a certain level of empathy, enough to create understanding.
Emotions are merely a means to an end of developing ones understanding and being. Learning
things the hard way requires the most amount of emotional expenditure, which is why the matrix
prefers that mode. Having foresight and avoiding mistakes by increasing your understandingand
definitely not repeating mistakesis the least painful way of reaching that end.

Thus, learning the easy way is preferred, but when learning the hard way is unavoidable, emotional
management helps make it smoother. The problem with those who choose to be unemotional or in
any other way repress their emotions is that they often lack both the being and understanding to
support their actions, and hence they remain passive individuals vulnerable as lambs. If negative
emotions arise, they indicate that some growth on your part is necessary, and to accelerate that
growth use emotional management techniques of self-awareness and understanding.

It should be clear that those earlier on the learning path will have more negative emotional
experiences than those more advanced. There is no judgment implied everyone is where they
should be and it is pointless to envy another because judging oneself by anothers standards is
illogical (the grass is always greener on the other side). People who pretend to be more advanced by
being less emotional suffer from the fact that they are passive, for they lack the being and
understanding necessary to otherwise fuel their actions, which translates to an apparent lack of
willpower. Hence, it is okay to feel negative emotions, as they first alert you to the presence of a
learning opportunity, and can help develop your understanding and fuel your actions as long as you
practice being self-aware and try to see the objective truth of the situation.

It must be emphasized that any emotion that is based on truth and applied constructively toward
altering or changing something in physical reality is a positive emotion that helps everyone except
for the matrix and negative beings. Any emotion applied to fantasy, false speculations, and glut of
the ego is negative, for it is based on illusion and becomes food for the matrix and fuel for its

The preceding paragraphs concerned situations where a trigger was external, perhaps inserted by
the matrix, maybe purely accidental. But as Gurdjieff emphasized, daydreaming is a big waste of
emotional energies. This is not to say that daydreaming should be curbed, but at least try to avoid
negative fantasies of vengeance, hatred, lust, and fear. Fantasizing draining melodramas and
getting stressed out about some exaggerated hypothetical situation is almost as damaging as false
speculation. These are conscious indulgences in negative emotions which, like the phenomenon of
obsession, serve no purpose in expanding ones understanding. Curbing negative self-talk and
useless fantasies is a practical exercise you can start immediately.

Finally, to ensure that the concept of emotional management is not misunderstood or twisted into
disinformation, let it be emphasized that emotional management has nothing to do with whats said
in some New Age articles glorifying the New Age definition of positivity, which is more accurately
defined as complacency, submissiveness, softness, and passivity. According to the you create your
own reality paradigm, by not feeling any negative emotions or acknowledging that the dark side
exists, your reality will be void of negativity and filled with safety and abundance.

The basic principle of consciousness and emotion affecting reality is true, but it does so imperfectly
and only alters the probability of a particular type of event (positive or negative) occurring in your
life. It does not eliminate the possibility that an event of either type could happen. The main faults
of this particular New Age paradigm are 1) neglect of physical preparation and 2) repression of
negative emotions.

Because reality creation is imperfect for most humans, a negative event will happen sooner or later.
If the New Ager is under the illusion that nothing bad can ever happen to him because it would
violate his freewill, then he will neglect to prepare for the day he encounters such a negative event.
It could cost him dearly.

Secondly, being strictly positive without a change in perceptions or even a correct definition of
what constitutes positive, the New Ager out of sheer ignorance will accumulate a large storehouse
of internal thoughtforms (repressed emotions). Eventually he will explode and do something he will
greatly regret. The Love and Light illusion is just another agenda of the dark side, for the dark
side does not prefer good or evil, merely an imbalance between them. That which is repressed
becomes perverted.

So, although this article does seem to emphasize abstinence from negative thought, be sure to
grasp the importance of preparation and expansion of perception. This abstinences comes not from
repression, but from transformation of negative into positive emotions. This is possible because
loosh is a quantity of energy whose vibrational frequency can be flipped. Physical reparation, a
manifestation of external action, results from planning which is mental activity serving reality
instead of fantasy. Growth in understanding and being creates a change of perception, which is the
key to managing emotions and preventing their repression or future redundant triggering.


Most importantly, keep a lighthearted attitude toward life and constantly seek to increase your
awareness by learning lessons the easy way. Remember that negative situations need not be
accompanied by negative emotions if your perceptions are accurate, and that a trusting relationship
between two or more collinear people forms a powerful network impervious to corruption by the
The Art of Hyper Dimensional War
This is a summary of what I have learned from my encounters with inner and outer demons. Let
this text be food for thought and dont take my word for anything but do customize what you
read here to fit your own experience.

First, understand that you only experience what you need or choose to experience, and what you
need to experience was chosen by you at some other time or level of being. Therefore, you are in
some way responsible for all that happens to you, whether you created it or allowed it. The attacks
you receive ultimately serve to teach you lessons, and how successfully you defend against these
attacks determines how easily you learn your lesson. Learning a lesson before the experience often
voids the necessity of having to experience it.

Second, in the absolute sense the Matrix Control System serves to accelerate your spiritual growth,
and although its agents see you as the enemy, know that you can utilize them as teachers. You do
not need to seek them out, for they will find you as you progress in your learning path. Most
importantly, know that you will never be given anything you cannot choose to handle successfully.

Now, the likelihood of an attack depends upon two factors:

a) their desire to attack the attention you garner

b) their ability to attack the weakness of your defense

Having strong defenses and lowering your profile as a target reduce the probability of being

Strong defenses consist of the following:

1) being aware of your internal weaknesses and countering or watching

them closelyemotional buttons, ego flaws, lack of knowledge and false
assumptions, resentment and envy, bias and prejudice against the bitter truth,
emotional dependency upon sources of authority, blindspots in your awareness,

2) being aware of your external weaknesses and countering or watching

them closelypeople you depend upon or who depend upon you, who can
become unwitting tools of attack via their weaknesses being exploited; aspects of
your finances and business which can be sabotaged and thus lead to a cascading
series of problems; potential health weaknesses you may have which can be flared
up in an attack to wear you down; physical and mechanical problems like car
accidents and malfunction, slipping and falling on something to hurt yourself,
missing appointments due to various odd mishaps delaying you; and if all that
doesnt work, then the people you care for are attacked in these same areas which
necessarily gets you involved.

3) being resolute and wise in your decisionsthey attack mainly to bias the
decisions you havent yet made, and to reinforce the wrong decisions you make.
This has to do with the Law of Freewill and the STS preference to win by their
targets own will to submit. So prior to making the right choice, you may be
attacked to keep you from making it. But once you make it, since any further
attacks may only confirm for you that youve made the right choice, so they tend to
stop immediately once that learning plateau has been reached. If you make the
wrong choice, they then attack you even harder to make you think youve made the
right one.

If you are wishy washy, agnostic, and conservative in your decision making,
perhaps because youre afraid of making mistakes or being definitive, you will
receive constant attacks because youre straddling the fence and that is where
youre most easily tipped over to either side by the least amount of force. STS
attacks the weakest link at its weakest moment, and being irresolute about your
decisions creates just such an opportunity for them. It is better to make a firm
decision and be wrong (as then the results show that you have been wrong and
you can easily reverse the mistake) than to fear ever being wrong and thus become
wishy washy (which makes you uncertain of everything and totally undisciplined in
your progress).

Lowering your profile as a target consists of these:

1) stopping whatever youre doing that makes you a threatnot a good

option, as that defeats the very purpose of your existence. Any step forward
toward independence for yourself and others will naturally shine the spotlight upon
you. To reduce attack, dont cower in the spotlight and return to your former self,
but rather move forward with ever increasing strength of your defenses. Gaining
knowledge and applying it naturally ups your defenses so the very knowledge
that makes you a target can protect you against succumbing to attacks. Those
who hoard knowledge without taking it seriously enough to apply in life get all the
targeting that comes with great knowledge, but possess only half the protection,
so they get eliminated pretty quickly.

2) seeking to learn from all you experienceif you are open to learning from
your experiences, then the more they try to attack you, the more knowledgeable
you become. They take a gamble every time they attack either they win and you
become weak, or they lose and you become stronger. Its your choice. Being
egotistical psychopaths prone to wishful thinking about their skill and prowess,
they always attack and usually end up shooting themselves in the foot when they
attack a strong target.

3) keeping up a positive emotional frequencyif you are spazzy, frightful, and

fearful, you become a reaction machine, one with buttons so sensitive it takes a
simple boo to get you to splurge all your emotional energy into your etheric
environment which STS forces lap up with delight and then use to hack into your
reality more easily next time. You become a puppet they can easily control, and
they will do their best to use your reactive condition to their advantage.

Additionally, although 4D STS forces can see beyond linear time and analyze our
probable futures and pasts, their perception range is limited due to the narrow
spectrum of their soul frequencies. Thus they can only see and predict that which
resides within their choice to perceive. If you are in a negative mindset or mood,
your probable future is within that narrow spectrum, or alternately, you resonate
with the sector of hyperdimensional reality that is their territory. In that case, they
can more easily screw with you, predict what youre going to do next, and thus
control you. The solution is to stay out of their probability-detection-range by
having composure, being active rather than reactive, and generally keeping up a
positive emotional state.

So keeping up your emotional frequency isnt about shielding yourself from the
truth (because you can gain knowledge and stay positive if you choose), but rather
its a necessary tactical method when involved in a hyperdimensional ambush.
Consider it donning your metaphysical body armor and camouflage.

4) having foresight, awareness, and knowledgethis makes you less

predictable. The more knowledge you have, the more freewill you have, the more
choices you can make because youre aware of those choices, and the harder it is
for them to calculate what you will do next. Being unpredictable makes them less
efficient in their attack because they must spread their resources to account for a
wider range of probable weaknesses.

Some general tips about attacks:

1) attacks ALWAYS have more than one way of succeedingcountering one

route of attack doesnt mean you have countered all, and you can be your own
worst enemy. For example, when using an agent to sabotage or harass you, they
can win through directly sabotaging your efforts, or by getting you to sabotage
yourself via overreaction and paranoia. Often, when they cannot harm you directly,
they try to scare you so that by your own overreaction you accomplish their goal.
In such encounters, you have two adversaries: them and yourself. Know yourself,
and know them, and you will never succumb thats common sense and also the
key advice of Sun Tzu in The Art of War.

Another example is this: if their goal is to prevent you from accomplishing yours,
then they can win either by sabotaging your goal directly, or getting you to become
so distracted with this whole business of defending against attack that you forget
to continue your original goal. The best defense is a balanced defense. Sabotage
and distraction are thus the two key things you must watch for.

Another method of self-sabotage is to become frightful and reactive, which lowers

your frequency as mentioned and puts you deeper into their game, which means
they have more power over you and your reality. So although defense is necessary,
never forget about what youre defending, and never forget about your own
weaknesses and potential for self-sabotage. Add to this the possibility of being
abducted and mind programmed with self-destructive thought loops and
posthypnotic suggestions, and you can see the importance of watching not only
your adversary, but also yourself.

2) you have more power than they want you to believethey have created
numerous falsehoods in religion, philosophy, spirituality, politics, and culture
designed to disempower you by inducing within you a lack of faith in what you can
accomplish. Its the whole Oh well, whats the use mentality that allows predators
to run rampant, not because they are strong, but because people make
themselves weak by not standing up for themselves or others. Its worth at least
trying, as that tests your limits rather than falsely assumes them.

3) you can rarely succeed in fighting them in the darkas that is their
territory and there are a million directions from which an attack can come invisibly
from the dark. But if you drag them into the light by making their tactics visible to
everyone, they whither, flee, or in rare cases go bonkers and thus reveal
themselves fully. They play dirty, exploiting loopholes and cheating to win, as the
ends justify the means for them. For example, winning a debate usually consists of
successfully arguing the logic of ones case. But there is another way of winning:
wear down and overwhelm your opponent. This they do by leveling loaded
questions and accusations against you faster than you can respond. If you dont
respond, they claim a win. If you do respond, the ignore what you say and
immediately throw you another accusation or question, and thus they eventually
win when you slip up or give up. The best you can do in that case is see if the fight
is really worth fighting, and extracting yourself if it isntoften the truth speaks for
itself, and you have no obligation to explain yourself to the ignorant who purposely
avert their eyes away from the truth.

4) watch your emotional energy outputemotions are energy that open doors
into other realms. Normally, emotions help you expand your range of action and
thus enter new states of being and levels of experience and learning, but your
negative emotion and misdirected thoughts can equally be used by STS forces to
open doors into your realm. Or to look at it another way, if they cannot directly
reach you, they can still taunt you into exposing yourself where they can reach,
then hit hard what you reveal. Although negative emotions are helpful sometimes
in alarming you to present danger, be wary of indulging in them beyond their initial
use as alarms. Also, watch out for interacting with clearly harmful individuals who
seem preoccupied with demanding your time and energy some are decoys sent
to milk you of energy, which can then be used to breech your realm (hack your
reality) as stated, leading to more severe attacks than was possible before. Also
beware of implanted paranoia that cuts you off from potentially fruitful networking
opportunities. As you can see, balance is the key theres no substitute for

5) know that attacks happen on multiple fronts, meaning inside you and
outside you simultaneouslyyour mood can be artificially depressed by
malevolent forces using technology or pure psychic attack, and these can be
coupled with external attacks exploiting the external weaknesses mentioned earlier.
Your judgment may be detrimentally affected while external conditions are set up
to test your judgment and lure you into making unwise decisions. Therefore, when
in a negative state of mind, refrain from making important decisions and instead
have faith in your sober self, waiting until you sober up before making a decision.
But if the situation is urgent, you can center yourself mentally, concentrate upon a
happy thought or feeling, and through sheer willpower sober yourself up then
you have the clarity of mind and heart to carry on wisely. Whatever your negative
emotion is, just meditate upon its diametric opposite this establishes an internal
feedback cycle that over the span of a couple minutes brings you to it.

6) employ your intuition and nonphysical guidancepay attention that little

intuitive voice that has always warned you in the past of danger or unwise moves
on your part, it is your Higher Self attempting to communicate with you through
your subconscious. If what it conveys matches all the evidence you see, or if
nothing you see contradicts what it advises, then you better take it seriously. Your
intuition and logic are the most trustworthy aides you have.

Also, pay attention to symbols in your dreams and external waking environment
which may convey the presence and nature of an attack. Dreams will generally
warn of an upcoming attack or one that is underway. As for symbols in your
external waking environment, these are known as omens or synchronicities. Pay
attention to them they often give you a heads up as well. Waking reality is no
different from a dream except that it is shared. Just as nightly dreams contain
meaningful symbols, so can waking reality contain them. If you pay attention, you
will see signs in your environment correlating with hyperdimensional attacks, either
as a warning by your subconscious or as a simple byproduct of the attack itself.

An odd but significant form of guidance is the phenomenon of intermittent ear

ringing not tinnitus, which is constant and due to nerve damage, but rather the
sporadic type. Ear ringing is generated by your nervous system as an internal
audible signal either warning you of psychic intrusion or alerting you to an
important thought. The pitch, duration, volume, and apparent location (left, right,
both ears, above, below, etc) communicate different things, and only by
observing and correlating them with concurrent events and thoughts can you
figure out what each type means. In my case, generally speaking, left ear ringings
indicate monitoring by hyperdimensional sources prior to an attack or abduction
while right ear ringings confirm the importance of some thought I was just having.
Either way, they signal Be alert, pay attention.

7) call upon help from divine sourcessuch as your Higher Self or God or Jesus
or whomever you understand to be representative of the divine will. The help you
receive will be in the form of knowledge and strength, and occasionally in the form
of direct squelching of the attackers if the fight is otherwise terribly unbalanced
against you. They cant always help you directly, but they can help you help
yourself in ways you may not be aware of at the time. In your 3D form, you are very
limited in what you can do yourself. You are like the pinky of a hand, barely able to
flick a flybut you can flick on the powerful bug zapper; likewise, you can choose to
align with and receive assistance from higher divine laws and principles who
command far greater power than you could muster via strategy and personal
willpower. Have gratitude for their assistance.

8) you cannot win by taking the choices your adversaries give youalways
look for the third option, the way of skipping, skirting, or circumventing the rules
they try to foist upon you. This is known as the third man theme. The best way to
win a game is to stop playing by its rules. Their games are customized to fit what
they know about how you react, so stop reacting and alter your methods as fits the
situation on the basis of what seems like the smartest thing to do. By gauging your
method upon their approach, you are always one step ahead. But generally, its
wise to not even play their games, so watch out for falling into their ambush: stay
centered in your territory where the light shines.
Lastly, here is a summary of guidelines to keep in mind when slandered or challenged:

a) Acknowledge any truth in the criticismthis ensures that you dont become
delusional by becoming ignorant of potentially constructive criticism.

b) Remain non-judgmental, observant, impeccable, and calmthis keeps

your emotional frequency elevated and stable, ensures that you dont overreact,
and helps you focus on resolving the situation with finesse.

c) If necessary, reveal only the universal truth in the situationthis helps you
avoid becoming distracted by trivial facts, such as he-said/she-said drama that is
plentiful but worthless for you and others to invest time and energy. The universal
truth consists of that which can be applied again elsewhere to help you or another
make better choices. Arguing over petty facts and issues is a trap, quicksand that
can quickly suck you in while making you believe youre defending the truth
instead, youre defending your ego and personality.

d) Disarm an attack by revealing its underlying mechanism for all to

seethis brings the manipulations into the light, where the manipulator then loses
all power except over the most gullible and ignorant of people. People rarely give
into manipulations when they know theyre being manipulated, so show them why
they are being manipulated and they will refuse to give it power.

e) Never attack or defend ego, for that puts you dangerously upon their
turfthis is a big one. Anything done out of ego, for the benefit of ego, or in
defense of the ego will always come back to bite you. So always act for the highest
good and noblest of reasons, unless you want to learn the lesson of their necessity
the hard way. Anytime youre dealing with an attack and applaud yourself for being
so fiendish, look again as you may be unwittingly setting up your own booby trap to
trip in the future.

f) The battle is waged for the undecided who deserve an informed choice,
not the permanently ignorantin other words, when involved in an argument or
defending against a slanderous attack, you cant convince those who have chosen
to ignore, and you have no need to fight for those who already see the situation for
what it is. Thus, all your arguing, defending, etc are only for the benefit of those
who have yet to choose, who are open to the truth, and who may benefit from
learning. If there are none of these (as time goes on, there will be less and less of
them as the facts become more than obvious), then there is no point wasting your
energy defending yourself. Therefore, know what youre fighting for, and its
nothing worth fighting for, then dont fight.

g) You cannot and should not override freewill, but you can help people use
ityou cannot reverse peoples choices, but you can help them make more
informed ones. This means your energy isnt spent preaching, but rather sharing
what you see and know so that those who have yet to choose can use it for their

h) To avoid defeat by distraction or avoidance, never abandon your

principles or give up progress for the sake of defenseas explained before, the
counterpart to sabotage is distraction, and you are the only one responsible for
succumbing to distraction. Deal with attacks as quickly and efficiently as possible,
then get on with your life and dont dwell on the past. Dont hold regrets or
grudges or dig up the dead, and dont succumb to those individuals who try to
open your wounds.

Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

Always use love: kind love for the kind, tough love for the tough.

Follow the compass but watch where you step.

Battle of Opposites
The first and most important step in waking up is discerning between the positive and negative.
One must differentiate what lifts up and what drags down. As spiritual beings inhabiting third
density bodies, we are caught in a battle of opposites. This manifests within as a battle between our
higher and baser natures, and outside as a battle between divine and diabolical forces. What is
within resonates with what is outside, the divine resonating and working with our higher self and
the diabolical doing the same with our lower self. Every moment is a choice, and every choice is a
response to the following question: whom will you follow, the lower or the higher?

When faced with a choice, we may feel within us simultaneously conflicting influences. A part of us
wants this and another part wants that. For the majority of asleep people, these conflicts are
between the various sub-personalities making up the mosaic of their inconstant minds. But sooner
or later the contrast is turned up until the conflict is primarily between what is written in our hearts
as spiritual conscience and aspiration, and what is programmed into us socially, genetically, and

Anything can fall down, but not everything can fly up likewise, it takes little effort to fall into
darkness but considerable effort at times to withstand the pull of this spiritual gravity and even
more to rise higher. The intensity of this gravity fluctuates with time depending on physical and
metaphysical factors, and the strength of ones soul is put to the test during the more intense
periods. Just as weight determines how strongly something is pulled downward by gravity, so does
the level of dominance held by our lower aspect determine how strongly we are affected by negative
influences. These weigh us down for as long as we are chained to them via our repeated indulgence
in negative reactions and thoughtless mechanical behavior. But by consistently identifying and
choosing that which uplifts and originates from our nobler aspects, the chains rust away from
neglect and the possibility of flight becomes a reality.

So identifying the choice and making the right one is imperative. Some would say there is no wrong
choice, and that is true because all roads lead to the same destination. However, some roads are far
more circuitous than others. The yellow brick road circles the globe if your destination is ten miles
east, you could just as well get there by traveling twenty five thousand miles west. By right choice,
I mean the smart choice.

Most esoteric literature you may come across, such as Sufi, Fourth Way, hermetic, alchemical, and
inner Christianity literature, expound upon the necessity of distinguishing between higher and
lower. The most basic of these discuss the importance of seeing the contrast within us. The more
advanced ones mention influences that originate outside us as well. For example, Boris Mouravieff in
his three volumes of Gnosis does an excellent job of showing how our inner progress depends upon
what types of outer influences we assimilate. These influences he sorted into two basic categories:
those that beckon one to stay within the current level of evolution, and those that compel one
toward the next level.

Largely missing from esoteric literature is mention of the hyperdimensional factor. Save for a few
writers like Michael Topper, most do not discuss its negative aspects like soul abductions, implants
and mind programming, dimensional engineering and timeline manipulation, artificial
synchronicities, technological soul frequency modulation, etc This is understandable since the soul
grows from hardship regardless of where the resistance originates, and one can therefore get by
without having to know the specific methods of deception and persuasion employed by dark forces.
Nevertheless, as much as darkness has a place in Creation as mirrors for our own weaknesses and
catalysts for growth, its agents do have freewill and use extreme cunning and technological tricks to
get their way. It is easy to be misled and the price can be heavy; we must bear the consequences
not only as delay in progress, but in missed opportunities to be of service to others. Thus, more
knowledge is better than less.

Readers often ask me, How can one tell the difference between positive and negative
synchronicities? They would like to know which of the unusual opportunities placed before them are
genuine and which are traps. It is an important question because since each incarnation has a finite
span and making the most of it therefore requires discernment to avoid the pitfalls.

Toward that end I have sketched out some of my observations on distinguishing between positive
and negative influences. These are tentative guidelines rather than absolute formulas. Formulas are
mechanical substitutes for discernment undermining the very reason challenging situations are
arranged into your life. So as always, take what makes sense and leave the rest.

In my wrestling with this issue of discernment, I have found it useful to divide influences into eight
categories based on whether they originate from a positive or negative source, manifest within or
outside us, and whether they are forms of encouragement or resistance. They are listed below
together with identifying characteristics gathered from internal and external observation. To avoid
writing solely about the obvious, the following list will focus more on the hyperdimensional than
mundane types of positive and negative influences.

Negative external resistance

These are responses by the Control System toward individuals making or

contemplating some positive form of progress; sometimes they are messages
designed to instill fear and doubt, other times they manifest as distraction and
diversion, and occasionally they are sheer outbursts of frustration. Whatever the
case, negative forms of external resistance are but empty threats and optional
obligations, illusions that only carry consequence if you choose to buy into them.
They attack your certainty instead of your strength; rather than forcefully oppose
your chosen actions, such influences merely attempt to undermine your confidence
in continuing/undertaking them. Nevertheless, such messages can be highly
manipulative because they work through anyone and anything that can be
influenced by the Control System, allowing for methods of deception too subtle to
be discerned by the average person.

Examples of negative external resistance include: irrational criticism/ridicule of your

choices, being shown examples of others who failed, multiple individuals giving you
the same baseless warning around the same time delivered in the same way, hive
mind harassment like evil glares and cryptic mutterings from strangers, people
exploding into rage at you for no reason, electronic glitches and paranormal
phenomena that serve as overly dramatic omens, and twisted synchronicities that
seem smug and contrived. All of these appeal to ignorance, fear, insecurity, shame,
and self-importance.
Positive external resistance

Rather than deceptively baiting your freewill, positive external resistance comes in
the form of subtle warning signs and logistical blocking of detrimental courses of
action. The warning signs are clues that guide one toward gaining an expanded
perspective of the situation in order to see some hidden danger. In contrast to
their negative counterparts, these positive signs and synchronicities require a
raising of awareness to decipher. The logistical blocking comes in the form of
interruption and delay in plans. When severe, it manifests as an increase in
accidents, mechanical failures, and health problems. Positive resistance is far more
persistent, all encompassing, and final than the negative type, more like a brick wall
than a stop sign. Forcing ones way through these blocks results in mounting
personal misfortune. Positive external resistance appeals to reason, intuition, and

Negative external encouragement

These are deceptive opportunities and messages that appeal to ones weakness,
ignorance, wishful thinking, and primal desires. They are spiritual hooks cast into
our world by the Control System to reel in the weak and gullible for consumption.
These hooks are baited with empty promises and artificial synchronicities,
appealing to the ego and lower emotions and frequently reinforced by
confirmation in the form of blatant coincidences designed to give the impression
that this was all meant to be.

Examples of negative external encouragement: slick individuals giving you

opportunities that are too good to be true, belief systems offering quick results and
empowerment, reality responding to ego-based requests and prayers, dreams
that are literal rather than symbolic and involve characters trying to talk you into
something dubious, disinformative ideas pushed upon you simultaneously by
multiple unrelated individuals, physically impossible anomalies and indubitable
synchronicities appearing during periods of uncertainty in an attempt to sway your
decision, and oddly timed requests for participation in some form of distraction.

Positive external encouragement

Reality aligns when one is in the flow. Confirmation in the form of genuine
synchronicities and signs tend to come after the choice has already been made to
pursue some positive idea or action. Another type of positive external
encouragement is a serendipitous and unexpected opportunity that answers a
soul-based calling or earnest need. What distinguishes positive from negative types
is that positive ones appeal to reason and intuition, lifting ones spirits and bringing
relief; positive ones also lack the intuitive vibes of desperate baiting, plus they are
not limited to working within the comparatively narrow range of what is susceptible
to negative control. At its extreme, positive external encouragement conspires with
destiny to make critical events fall into place unexpectedly and thus unavoidably,
always for the better in the long run.

Negative internal resistance

When naturally occurring, negative internal resistance originates from psychological

inertia and habitual resistance to change, as well as emotional addiction to old ways
of being. Other natural factors include chemical, biorhythmic, astrological, and
lunar phase variables. When intentionally induced or amplified, negative internal
resistance generally arises from a combination of artificially lowered emotions and
destructive posthypnotic suggestions, which send the fickle mind into a downward
spiral of rationalization and reinforcement of these triggers. They may manifest
passively as impulses that are followed without second thought because they so
closely mimic real thought, or they may manifest actively as compulsions that push
the mind firmly into resisting some positive action. The latter arises most
commonly as procrastination or unfounded bias toward a beneficial field of study.
Whatever the case, such influences can be discerned on the basis that they
suppress lucidity and emotional balance.

Examples: incessant critical self-talk, mental block or fog in regards to some

constructive thought or action, symptoms of trance state signifying activation of a
posthypnotic command, sudden emotional envelopment in a dark cloud, feelings of
fear and despair rationalized by dwelling upon personal insecurities, unexplainable
hostilities toward a harmless idea or person, clenching sensation abnormally
isolated in the solar plexus area and designed to imitate the more subtle gut
instinct, symptoms of conversion (mind disobeying a hypnotic command and
releasing the pressure in other ways) such as unexplainable fidgeting and sudden
feelings of anxiety or panic that come to nothing, and positive thoughts
immediately countered by discouraging or distracting thought loops.

Positive internal resistance

When the lower self acts contrary to higher wisdom, this shows up as an inner
feeling of indifference or caution toward some matter. Despite superficial
justification by the ego, this feeling persists and can only be drowned out by
purposeful identification with lower impulses and desires. Sometimes this is
accompanied by a faint inner voice or intuitive impression, the tone ranging from
calm advice to urgent caution, but never does it manifest as spiteful criticism or
threatening commands. When in the form of a gut-instinct, this feeling tends to
circulate through the upper body rather than just the gut or solar plexus area; the
latter in isolation can be post-hypnotically triggered to provide a false signal. In
contrast to negative internal resistance, positive demands lucidity instead of
hysteria and requires rationalization to ignore rather than to believe. As a whole,
positive internal resistance is the heart and mind saying no in unison.

Negative internal encouragement

All of these play upon latent tendencies to compel one toward hastily and
impulsively engaging in harmful or distracting behavior such as acting upon false
assumptions or pursuing sexual and material fantasies. Programmed thoughts can
be amplified by lower emotions and primal instincts to produce obsession, wishful
thinking, and prejudice. Forms of negative internal encouragement range from the
completely mechanical (habit, custom, hypnotic programming) to the completely
emotional (hormones, ego preservation, primal instincts) but most often tend to be
a synergistic combination of both. The subtlest types simply dress up fruitless
ideas as good ones, and the most extreme types demand violent action. Any type
of negative encouragement can be detected by its irrational, hasty, impatient, and
desperate nature. Physiological clues accompanying negative internal
encouragement match those of mechanical or emotional trance; mechanical trance
involves mental and emotional muting preceding the carrying out of a programmed
command, while emotional trance is accompanied by physiological symptoms like
tightened breathing (subconscious activation of the thanatos death instinct),
increased heartbeat (adrenalin surge from engagement of the survival instinct), or
flushing and salivary changes (tapping of the sex drive).

Positive internal encouragement

This lights up the heart, mind, and soul. A truly good idea will be agreeable to both
reason and intuition, deepening the breath, bringing a sense of relief and inner
knowing that defeats any necessity for impatience. Whereas negative
encouragement propels one into action like gravity sending one tumbling down a
hill, positive encouragement puts spring in ones step. It always sharpens and
energizes the mind. It engages the higher emotions of wonder, curiosity, creative
joy, enthusiasm, and spiritual satiety. If active on the mental level, it will come in
the form of an epiphany. If solely on the intuitional level it will manifest as a deep
and calm sense that something is a good ideaunlike negative versions of same
where a good idea only seems so after sufficient rationalization drowns out any
underlying lack of soul interest.

Positive and negative are never identical, but they can be very similar. The training of discernment
demands increasingly challenging exercises. Whenever confronted with ambiguity, turn within and
reflect upon your own experiences. Truth is found by reconciling example with counter-example,
extracting insight from conflict like fire from friction. Below are some examples of positive
phenomena and their simulacral negative counterparts. How does one tell the difference between:

1) loss of faith in what is actually a good idea vs. intuition finally coming to light
that something was a bad idea all along? Both begin in hope and are interrupted
by discouragement, so superficially these seem indistinguishable. Knowing that
positive and negative are never identical, a difference must exist and here it is:
while the first begins with excitement in what is and meets discouragement by
what if?, the second begins with overconfidence in what if? and is eventually
defeated by what is. In other words, loss of faith in a good idea happens when facts
are overpowered by speculative failure scenarios and mental paralysis through
insecurity and fear, while intuitive recognition of a bad idea starts with
overenthusiastic fantasizing and ends in a rude awakening to the facts.

2) indifference due to absence of soul interest vs. programming to resist and

turn away? Both involve lack of total enthusiasm for an idea or course of action.
Nevertheless, they differ as follows: the first signifies total lack of inner soul
enthusiasm, the second drowns out inner soul enthusiasm with negative influences
(lower emotional encouragement toward distracting alternatives and thought-loops
rationalizing failure and insecurity). In the first case, no inner enthusiasm can be
found; in the second case, it can be found if one pays attention to it despite the

3) good course of action encountering obstacles vs. obstacles signifying a bad

course of action? Both involve goals being hindered. The difference is that that in
the first case the factual and intuitive basis of the idea is not negated by the
obstacle, while in the second case that basis is defeated by evident non-viability of
the idea. The first logically requires a bypass of the obstacle, the second demands
abandonment or modification of the idea.

4) resistance out of intuitive perception of danger vs. being programmed to

resist out of paranoia and feelings of doom? Both involve the impression that there
is danger, but the difference comes down to awareness vs. reactivity. The first
creates a sense of urgency that heightens awareness and sharpens perception,
while the second skews perception by inducing physiological symptoms of fear and
panic. Both may involve fear, but in the first case fear follows perception while in
the second case fear precedes and molds perception.

What is written in this article is not entirely universal because tests of discernment are tailored to
the discerner. How much of it applies to you depends on how much you can recognize the above in
your own life. The point of this article is merely to show you the necessity of discerning positive from
negative and to illustrate by example that it can be done.
Time: Reversible or Irreversible?
Classical physics says time is reversible because its laws hold true whether time flows forward or
backward. Thermodynamics says time only flows forward, because were it to reverse, entropy of an
isolated system could decrease which would violate the second law of thermodynamics.

So is time reversible or irreversible? The answer cannot be deduced from either classical physics or
thermodynamics because both are flawed in their assumptions.

Classical Systems are Timeless

Classical physics only deals with deterministic systems whose past, present, and future are entirely
contained in a single timeless equation. As a result, for such systems time does not exist except as spatial
increments marking the various aspects of a static pattern frozen in eternity. Moving one way or another
on a static pattern does not change it, and for this reason the laws of classical physics hold true
regardless of whether the time variable is positive or negative. Because time is not an intrinsic part of
deterministic systems, classical physics has nothing valid to say about the real nature of time.

Thermodynamics Is Just A Suggestion

Thermodynamics is a statistical science that calculates trends rather than individual events. This means it
sweeps complex molecular motion under the rug and only makes observations about the resulting lump.
It is important to remember that according to classical physics, molecular motion is deterministic,
implying that thermodynamic systems must also be deterministic because they are merely collections of
deterministic molecules. If the components of a system are time reversible, then so must the system

So why does thermodynamics claim time is irreversible? Because due to the overwhelming complexity in
keeping track of every deterministic molecule, it is forced to ignore this level of precision where
reversibility resides.

The illusion of time irreversibility in thermodynamics arises from two problems:

1) its inability to calculate a system with absolute precision, which prevents it from
mathematically confirming time symmetry, and

2) that its laws are based on incomplete statistical observations and assumptions.

Time symmetry or reversibility requires that the laws of a system in question do not change when time is
reversed. In classical physics, this is easy to check because past and future of a system can be calculated
with absolute precision. But thermodynamics cannot completely know the total characteristics of a system
because its molecular details are too complex to take into account. So it cannot even compare the
because its molecular details are too complex to take into account. So it cannot even compare the
forward and reversed systems to check for symmetry because they are too complex. On this point alone,
thermodynamics is therefore inconclusive about the nature of time.

Thermodynamics Makes Statistical Laws Apply to Individual Cases

Resorting to statistical observations, it forces a match between limited laboratory observation and
mathematics by fatally assuming that instead of collections of deterministic particles, things are made of
perfect fluids. This is done as a matter of practicality to smooth over the randomness of molecular
motion, which unfortunately throws out its inherent deterministic and time reversible nature.

Assuming a perfect fluid is like assuming that each family in America has exactly 1.3 children, to match
the national statistic. While this is a neat mathematical device, when it gets taken too seriously any
familys claim to have two children is seen as an impossibility because it would violate the statistical

Likewise, when time is reversed and entropy decreases, the resulting violation of the second law of
thermodynamics should be no cause for alarm because the second law is only a unique statistical trend,
not an absolute pillar of physics as its supporters claim. It seems universal only because the mathematics
apparently support it, but remember that the math in thermodynamics is built upon the assumption that
systems are made of perfect fluids.

While the systems to which science has restricted its observations do show increasing entropy, this says
nothing about the ignored systems. What applies to the minority need not be universal for the majority.
In truth, a decrease of entropy violates nothing because it is not an impossibility it simply has lower
probability than were the system to increase in entropy. Therefore, the mathematical and observational
proof in thermodynamics are insufficient to claim that time is irreversible.

Proper Definition of Time Irreversibility

So how do we determine whether time is reversible or irreversible, being that classical physics and
thermodynamics have now been eliminated from the debate? We see that thermodynamics is on the right
track stated another way, time seems irreversible because the future is more uncertain than the past.
While the past can be clearly observed from observation of what transpired in a system, if calculations
are unable to perfectly predict the future as well, the future will seem murkier. So the future seems
always in the making which gives rise to an apparent forward flow of time.

But this murkiness of the future is only due to incomplete information concerning the individual particles
of a thermodynamic system. Were we to know them in detail, we could indeed see that the future is as
certain as the past and that time in that case is reversible. The nearsightedness of an observer says
nothing about the intrinsic fuzziness of the object observed; that science cannot determine the future
state of a system does not mean the system itself is nondeterministic.

Quantum Mechanics Proves Direction of Time

It should now be clear that only nondeterministic systems are time irreversible. Time cannot be
symmetric in systems whose future is not already contained in some tidy equation connecting it with the

Do such systems exist? Yes, quantum processes are nondetermistic by nature. What state a wave
function collapses into cannot be predicted mathematically. Quantum mechanics is a lot like
thermodynamics in the sense that its laws deal with the statistical trends of random processes, except
there is one crucial difference: the unpredictability of a quantum system comes not from shallowness of
an observers perception, but on the intrinsically nondeterministic nature of the system itself.
Then how exactly does time arise? By consciousness sequentially choosing which aspects of quantum
wave functions to manifest as physical experience. Choice is nondeterministic because were it not, it
would already be pre-decided, leaving no choice. Choice necessitates freewill, so the irreversibility of time
ultimately stems from freewill being neither predictable nor easily undoable.

Perhaps this sounds like new age mumbo jumbo to you, but all this is self evident from the mathematics
of quantum mechanics. There are no hidden variables in quantum theory, only those created on the spot
by conscious selection. Nothing in quantum physics contradicts this idea.

Consciousness and Quantum Phase

The phase of a wave function is entirely arbitrary according to physics, and it is precisely this phase
that creates huge consequences for how a time-dependent wave function evolves and interacts with other
wave functions. In truth, this phase factor is not arbitrary, but deliberately chosen at some level of
consciousness because being detached from the deterministic (statistical) parts of quantum theory, phase
is left entirely at the discretion of choice. This shows how mind ultimately affects physical reality, not by
violating its classical laws, but by working through nonlinear systems to amplify arbitrary quantum
fluctuations into macroscopic effects.

Time dependent wave functions show how consciousness creates time. The only reason they appear to
evolve through time is that they consist of multiple stationary states (wave functions independent of
time) whose various phases change to produce a moving wave function. But these phases are chosen
by consciousness, and since it is the phases that give rise to the seeming time-dependence of a wave
function, it should be beyond debate at this point that consciousness creates time.

Furthermore, once a wave function has collapsed (one disc of the jukebox selected to be played), it
cannot uncollapse. The collapse of a wave function is not time reversible because mathematics cannot
calculate it equally well forwards and back. Only linear systems which are perfectly predictable are time
reversible. So once more, time is irreversible when, and only when, it comes to quantum systems and
freewill choice.

The Interface Between Quantum and Classical Systems

How does all this fit with the systems of classical physics? Classical systems are merely series of
deterministic effects, while conscious choice is the original nondeterministic cause.

The interval between deterministic events is known as linear time, which is illusion for the simple fact that
the span between first and last effect is redundant and thus nonexistent except to the observer choosing
to observe it as real. Deterministic systems appear to move only because our consciousness slides its
observational focal point along the eternally static pattern of the system, not because the system itself is

As an analogy, the songs on a CD do not change with time because they all exist simultaneously as data
on a disc, and any illusion of time between beginning and end of a song arises solely from them being
played as such. When a CD is played, it progresses at a default sequence, direction, and speed but
these can be changed if one chooses to skip tracks, increase the speed, or listen to it backwards, all
without actually changing the CD itself.

True time does not span intervals of deterministic sequences, but rather intervals of freewill choice. If
consciousness were to choose to view the static pattern backwards, sideways, or in jumps, then that is
perfectly permissible. The term irreversible only means that there exists a tendency for time to progress
in the direction that conscious choices are made.

Thus, reality progresses in piecewise deterministic jumps. This can be compared to how road trips consist
of roads and intersections. What roads have been traveled determine which new roads are available at an
of roads and intersections. What roads have been traveled determine which new roads are available at an
intersection, but not which particular road will be chosen. Quantum physics equations show what roads
are available, but consciousness ultimately decides which to follow.

And so it is with reality the choices we make determine what choices are available, but not which ones
well end up making. Thus, classical and quantum processes interact to give rise to the rich dynamic
fractal we call life.
Ether Physics
Summary: The forces of magnetism, electricity, and gravity are simply different types of
disturbances in a single field that permeates the universe and comprises the fabric of

Just another wacky physics theory

Our universe is permeated by an ether substrate from which electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields
arise. Ether is the medium in which space itself exists and through which electromagnetic and
gravitational waves travel.

Circulation in the ether generates magnetic field lines along the axis of circulation. Accelerative flows in
the ether create electric field lines in the direction of flow. Compressions or expansions in the ether give
rise to gravity and antigravity fields. Certain distortions create neither magnetic nor electric effects and
these cannot be detected by conventional instruments.

Ether flows outward from every point in space into the center of every mass. The total mass of the
universe therefore determines the total outflow of ether. This outflow establishes in this universe a
default ambient ether pressure. The pressure has a certain value in space, drops near masses, and
reduces to zero at the event horizon of black holes. Changes in pressure over some distance creates
gravitational forces just as gradients in air pressure create wind, and so masses attract each other. Ether
pressure also determines the local rate of time and scale of space. Gravitational force fields are
equivalently time rate gradients. The lower the pressure, the slower the rate of time and more reduced
the scale of space. Therefore time and space as we know them are ultimately generated by the very
masses occupying this universe.

Moving at constant velocity through the ambient ether reduces the locally experienced pressure, slowing
time and shrinking space in accordance with Relativity. Accelerating through the ether creates a locally
experienced gradient in this pressure, creating a gravitational force field opposite the direction of
acceleration and inducing the phenomenon of inertia. This means inertia, like space and time, is
established by the total mass of the universe, which explains the physical basis of Machs Principle.

The ether is dragged along by electric currents, in the direction of current flow. Compressions or
expansions in the ether can be induced by compressions or expansions in the flow of current. Current
flowing toward or away from a common center does the same to ether. Also, sudden intense current
pulses create compressions in electron flow, and thus linear compressions in the ether to produce
longitudinal forces in wires.

Anytime electric or magnetic fields change without inducing the other, the energy in the created wave
becomes partly longitudinal, meaning partly gravitational. Because of its geometry, a metal sphere given
an alternating electrical charge suppresses the magnetic component of the electric field, and so it
functions as a longitudinal antenna. Similar for flat electrodes with large surface areas, which send
concussive waves into the ether. Or if electromagnetic standing waves have either the electric or
magnetic component cancelled, then longitudinal standing waves would result.

When magnetic fields are rapidly rotated their intrinsic etheric circulation loosens up and partially
converts to compression or expansion. Rotating magnetic fields have a gravitational component.
Since electric fields are accelerative flows in the ether, a diverging or converging electric field has within
it a compressive or expansive ether component. Negative charges like electrons exhibit a slight
antigravitational effect, and positive charges like protons a gravitational effect. When positive and
negative charges are kept close but apart, there exists a gravitational imbalance between them and the
entire thing will experience a net force towards the positive pole, as demonstrated in the Biefeld-Brown
effect. Maximizing intensity and nonlinearity in the electric field increases the effect. Ether pressure also
influences the natural spacing between electric charges and can thus be measured indirectly by
measuring charge density.

Anything that induces current can manipulate the ether if properly directed. The greater the intensity and
divergence or convergence of the current, the better. Ion-acoustic, piezoelectric, or thermoelectric
processes could allow even sound or heat to indirectly interact with the ether.

Through manipulation of ether, its pressure can be artificially reduced in order to warp time and space. If
brought to zero, time stops and space disappears. Beyond that, both become imaginary. It is possible to
artificially reproduce the event horizon of a black hole. If the pressure is brought down but kept uniform
throughout the local space, then there exist no gravitational forces within, yet time and space would still
be altered. In this way a portal into imaginary spacetime could be created without the destructive
gravitational forces associated with physical black holes.

Or so I think.
Scalar Superpotential Theory
Dio Ob Caad
September 24, 2006

The forces of magnetism, electricity, and gravity are simply different
types of disturbances in a single field that permeates the universe and com-
prises the fabric of existence. This field is analogous to an ocean of water
where vortices approximate magnetic fields, water jets represent electric
fields, and sink or spout holes may be compared to sources of gravity. Put
simply, magnetism is a twist or curl in this field, static electricity is an
undulation, and gravity is a compression. When put into mathematical
form, these relations reveal how electric and magnetic fields can be ar-
ranged to produce artificial gravity and many other fantastic phenomena
like time distortion and the opening of portals into other dimensions.

1 Introduction
Welcome to scalar physics. In this paper you will learn how the forces of elec-
tricity, magnetism, and gravity arise from a single field. Although you need to
know vector calculus to fully understand and use the equations below, the text
itself paraphrases the math and therefore allows any patient layman to follow
along. The math alone reveals many ways to create gravity using only electric,
magnetic, or electromagnetic fields. From there, seemingly impossible feats of
artificial time dilation, antigravity, free energy, and time travel are logically
revealed as feasible.

2 Basics
Knowing the language is essential to understanding any communication. The
following math and physics terms must be used for conciseness and accuracy
in discussing specific concepts. Once you understand them, this paper will be
more transparent.

2.1 Math Terms

Scalar Field - a field where each coordinate has a single value
assigned to it. An example would be air pressure; at each point in

the atmosphere there is one value of pressure. Height is another -
on a topographic map, each coordinate has a single value of height.

(size of circle denotes strength of field at that point)

Vector Field - a field where each coordinate has values of magni-

tude and direction. An example would be wind flow; at each point
in the atmosphere the air moves at a certain velocity in a certain

Gradient - the change in scalar value over distance. A gradient in

height would signify an incline. Because the slope at various points
has a certain steepness and direction, the gradient of a scalar field
is a vector field.
Curl - the vorticity in a vector field. A curl in water current means
there is circulation, like an eddy. The curl at a point is a vector that
points in the axis of circulation and has magnitude indicating the
degree of vorticity. The curl of a vector field is another vector field
at right angles to it.
Divergence - the degree of compression, expansion, inflow, or out-
flow of a vector field. Water flowing down the drain or air being
sucked into a vacuum nozzle are examples. The divergence of a
vector field is as scalar field.
Time Derivative - the rate at which something changes over time.
If the temperature changes 24 degrees in one day, its time derivative
would be one degree per hour.

2.2 Physics Terms

Superpotential Field - the penultimate field from which all other
fields arise.

Potential Field - arises from a time derivative, divergence, or gra-
dient in the superpotential field. Potential fields give rise to force
fields, but are simpler in form and can exist even in the absence of
force fields.
Force field - arises from a gradient, curl, or time derivative of the
potential field. This can impart acceleration upon corresponding
particles or change their direction of motion. We are familiar with
the three main force fields - electric, magnetic, and gravitational.
Scalar superpotential - essentially the infamous "aether" that
scientists once believed served as a medium for the propagation of
electromagnetic waves. Here it is defined in a very specific way: it
is a scalar field whose units are in Webers.
Electric scalar potential - better known as voltage field. It
arises from the time derivative of the scalar superpotential. It is a
scalar field with units of Volts or Webers/second.
Magnetic vector potential - arises from the gradient in the scalar
superpotential. It is a vector field with units of Weber/meter. The
ether flow surrounding and being dragged along by an electric cur-
rent is one example of the magnetic vector potential.
Gravitational potential - the potential field giving rise to gravity
as we know it. In this theory it is revealed as being a divergence in
the magnetic vector potential. Most importantly, it determines the
rate of time.
Electric field - the field that accelerates matter depending on its
charge. It arises from either a gradient in the electric scalar potential
or time derivative of magnetic vector potential. This is a force field
with units of Volts/meter or Webers/meter-second. An electric field
is essentially voltage changing over some distance, but is equivalently
made of a time-changing magnetic vector potential field.
Magnetic field - the field that accelerates matter depending on
its magnetic moment. It arises from the curl in magnetic vector
potential. Its units are Webers/meter2 . Whenever there is vorticity
in the magnetic vector potential, a magnetic field exists pointing
along the axis of that rotation.
Gravitational field - the field that accelerates matter depending
on its mass. It arises from a gradient in the gravitational potential,
or equivalently a gradient in the divergence of the magnetic vector
Transverse Wave - a wave whose displacements are perpendicular
to the direction of travel. Shaking a rope sends a transverse wave
down its length. Regular electromagnetic waves such as radio or light
waves are transverse because the electric and magnetic field vectors
comprising them point perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

Longitudinal Wave - a wave whose displacement is in the direction
of motion. Pushing a slinky in from one end sends a compressive
wave towards the other end. Sound waves are longitudinal also,
whereby air molecules are successively compressed and expanded as
the wave passes by.

2.3 Symbols
Symbol Name Units
scalar superpotential Wb
electric scalar potential V
gravitational potential m / s2

A$ magnetic vector potential Wb / m

E$ electric field V/m
B$ magnetic field Wb / m2
$g gravitational field m / s2
c speed of light m/s
G gravitational constant N m2 / kg2

3 Force Fields
3.1 Magnetic Field
A magnetic field is made of vector potential which is made of scalar superpo-
tential. This can be expressed mathematically.
Scalar superpotential may be written as: = (x, y, z, t), an equation as-
signing a flux value to each coordinate in spacetime. The magnetic vector po-
tential is the gradient of this superpotential field, meaning the flux must change
over some distance to comprise a vector potential:
$ y, z, t) =

In turn, the magnetic field is the curl of the magnetic vector potential:
B(x, $
y, z, t) = A

The arrow over A $ signifies it is a vector field, means gradient, and

signifies curl.
So as you can see, through a series of distortions, the scalar superpotential
ultimately gives rise to a magnetic field. In fact the magnetic field can be written
in terms of the scalar superpotential:
B(x, y, z, t) =

Usually the curl of a gradient must always be zero, but this is only valid
for simply connected regions. Here the scalar superpotential of a magnetic field

has an artificial discontinuity in the spherical coordinate system that allows the
gradient of this function to have a nonzero curl.
The vector potential A $ of a magnetic dipole is:

$ r) = 0 m sin
4 r2
With vector potential being a gradient of the scalar superpotential

$ =
and gradient being defined in spherical coordinates as
1 1
= r + +
r r r sin
by comparing components we see that

r = 0
= 0

$ r) = 0 m sin = 1
4 r2 r sin
Solving for

0 m sin2
4 r
0 m sin2
= + (r, )
4 r
As you can see the value of depends in part on which is a coordinate
variable that goes from 0 to 2 and repeats, presenting a discontinuity in that
makes it not a smooth and continuous field. Yet it happens to be just the right
variable that produces A$ when its gradient is taken, and nonzero B
$ upon taking
the curl of A.

3.2 Electric Field

An electric field is made of scalar potential and/or vector potential which are
made of scalar superpotential. These relations are expressed as follows.
Electric scalar potential is just the time derivative of the scalar superpoten-

(x, y.z, t) =
Electric field is the negative time derivative of the electric scalar potential:
E(x, y, z, t) =

Electric field is also the negative time gradient of the magnetic vector potential:
$ = A
The electric field may therefore be written as follows:
$ = A

3.3 Gravitational Field

A gravitational force field is made of vector potential which is made of scalar
superpotential. This is the key you will not find published elsewhere because
its deceptive simplicity has kept it hidden. Let us examine the equations.
Gravitational potential is (proportional to) the divergence of the magnetic
vector potential:
(x, y, z, t) = A
where is a constant of proportionality. The gravitational field is the negative
gradient of the gravitational potential:
$g (x, y, z, t) =
Or, if written in terms of the potential and superpotential:
$g = ( A)
$g = ( )
The constant is unknown but can be found through various experiments.
It relates electromagnetism to gravity and if measured will allow one to calculate
the electromagnetic power requirements of all other setups to achieve a desired
degree of gravitational warping.

4 Force-Free Potential Fields

The great thing about potentials is that they can exist without containing dis-
tortions that give rise to force fields. Because most of modern technology utilizes
force fields, force-free potential fields go largely undetected. There are indeed
ways of detecting some potential fields, but these require very specialized equip-
ment. For the most part they stay hidden.

4.1 Potentials without Electric Fields

By setting the electric field equation to zero, we can get an idea of some hidden
potential fields, ones that can piggyback on existing electric fields or be present
where none are evident.
The equation E(x,$ y, z, t) = = 0 shows that a scalar potential field
(x, y, z, t) can be free of forces as long as it has no gradients. This leaves two

= o (voltage is constant in time and uniform in space)
= (t) (voltage is uniform in space but varies with time)
The first possibility is insignificant, but the second says that if the voltage field
(electric scalar potential) has no gradients, it can still change over time and
therefore contain a signal that would be undetectable to most modern instru-

t=0 t=1

$ = A = 0 shows that a magnetic vector potential field
The equation E t
$ y, z).
remains free of an electric field so long as it stays constant: A(x,
$ = " "
The equation E t =0 requires that = t which does not

say much, other than that if a voltage gradient coexists with a time-changing
vector potential pointed in the other direction, their combined electric fields
cancel out.

4.2 Potentials without Magnetic Fields

Like in the case of electric fields, by setting the magnetic field equation to zero
we can derive the hidden potential field:
B(x, $=0
y, z, t) = A

$ be curl-free, which implies four possibilities:

Obviously this requires that A
A $ o (uniform and constant)
$ = A(t)
A $ (uniform and time-varying)
$ y, z) (diverging and constant)
$ y, z, t) (diverging and time-varying)

The first is insignificant, the second creates an electric field, the third creates a
gravitational potential, and the fourth gives rise to a time-varying gravitational
potential or in some configurations a gravitational field.

4.3 Potentials without Gravitational Fields

According to $g (x, y, z, t) = =0 there are two possibilities for the gravita-
tional potential:

= o (diverging and constant)
= (t) (uniform and time-varying)

$ y, z) and A(x,
These are equivalent to A(x, $ y, z, t), respectively. And
this reveals another key, one that shows space-time can be warped without the
associated gravitational forces, just the gravitational potential. More on that
topic in another section.

4.4 Superpotential without Potential Field

The scalar superpotential can exist without a potential field when

$ y, z, t) = = 0
requiring that = (t) or = o , meaning the scalar superpotential must
either be uniform and time varying or uniform and constant, or

(x, y.z, t) = =0
requiring that = (x, y, z), meaning it must be constant through time.
The scalar superpotential field free of all potentials would be one that is
uniform everywhere and constant through time. It would therefore be the base
value of for any given universe.
Depending on how the superpotential is distributed through space and varies
through time, it can give rise to any potential and any force field. The following
summarizes what conditions allow for what type of fields:

1) o no potential, no forces, just the base value (in units of

Webers) for the universe.
2) (t) uniform or time-varying electric scalar potential.
3) (x, y, z) constant magnetic vector potential, constant grav-
itational potential, constant gravitational field, constant magnetic
4) (x, y, z, t) time-varying potentials, magnetic, electric, and
gravitational fields.

The aether is a superposition of all these fields:

universe = (x, y, z, t) + (x, y, z) + (t) + o

5 Visualizing with Phase Diagrams

The electrons quantum wave function has a phase component indicating align-
ment or rotational angle of the wave. This phase value is directly propor-
tional to the scalar superpotential value of the region occupied by the electron.

As an electron moves through a magnetic vector potential field, its phase changes
according to the relation: !
q $ dl
= A
Phase may be symbolically illustrated as going from 0 to 360 like the hand of a
clock. So for each incremental position in space, we can draw an angled line to
represent the phase, and thus the scalar superpotential at that point. How this
changes over space or time determines what kind of field the scalar superpoten-
tial ultimately produces. What follows are the various possible configurations
and the fields they represent.

Scalar superpotential:

Scalar electric potential:

Magnetic vector potential:

Electric field:

Electric field of a charged particle:


Magnetic field:

Magnetic field of a magnet:

Curl in the magnetic field:


Diverging magnetic vector potential, gravitational potential:


Gradient in a diverging magnetic vector potential, gravitational field:


Gravitational field of a mass:

Note that the gravitational field of a mass consists of magnetic vector po-
tentials converging (negatively diverging) from its center. Mass is simply a
magnetic vector potential monopole. The electric field of a charged particle is
nearly identical, the only difference being that the scalar superpotential com-
prising the field varies with time. Compared to mass, charge has an extra time
element to it.

The electric and gravitational fields radiating from a particle may be viewed
alternately in terms of the more fundamental potentials comprising them. In-
stead of electric field vectors radiating from a charged particle, it is equally valid
to view the field as concentric shells of electric scalar potential. Instead of vector
potential lines, mass is surrounded by concentric shells of scalar superpotential.

V3 X3

V2 X2

1 1

q m

6 Engineering Gravity
Gravity fields may be artificially generated using certain electric, magnetic, and
electromagnetic configurations. The equations relating gravity to electromag-
netism show what methods are possible. This is important because according
to Einsteins theory of General Relativity, it is the gravitational potential that
warps space and time. And as mentioned, a gravitational potential can exist
without the gradient that creates a force field, therefore it is possible to make a
uniform gravity field strong enough to bend space-time but free of the dangerous
force-fields that accompany natural warpers like black holes. One can also use
a unidirectional gravitational field for propulsion, or use that propulsive force
as a source of free energy.
First we must discuss the role of gravitational potential in General Relativity,
then explore the various methods to engineer it.

6.1 Gravitational Potential

According to General Relativity, the equation for time dilation (slowing of time
due to presence of gravity) as a function of distance from an attracting mass is
as follows:
T ="
1 2GM

where M is mass, R is radius from the center of mass, and G is the gravitational
constant. The gravitational potential as a function mass and radius is:

therefore the time dilation equation may be rewritten in terms of the gravita-
tional potential, and thus as a function of the magnetic vector potential:
To To
T =" ="
2 "
1+ c2 1+ 2A

This implies several things. First, it says that gravity is a time gradient;
as you get closer to an attracting mass like a planet or star, time slows down
for you relative to the rest of the universe because the gravitational potential is
becoming more intensely negative.
Second it implies that a diverging magnetic vector potential will affect the
time rate, speeding it up if the divergence is positive and slowing it down if
negative. And such a field can be created artificially, thus the key to using
electric, magnetic, or electromagnetic fields to alter the time rate is to simply
create a divergence in the magnetic vector potential.
Third, by setting the equation to zero, the equations show that if the gravi-
tational potential is lower than c2 /2 time slows to a stop. Beyond this point,
time becomes imaginary relative to the rest of the universe and any matter in-
habiting such a zone is severed from the space-time continuum and ejected into
imaginary space. That sets the portal condition for the gravitational potential:
p <
From imaginary space one can enter the universe again, but not necessarily
this universe. In other words, by lowering the gravitational potential uniformly
beneath c2 /2 one can tear open a portal into other dimensions, creating a
singularity like a black hole minus the destructive gravitational forces.

6.2 Method using Shaped Static Electric Fields

An electrostatic field (constant electric field) can generate both gravitational
potentials and force fields if properly shaped. This is because the magnetic
vector potential is part of the electric field, and a divergence in the latter means
divergence in the first.
$ = A
$ = (
E )
$ is constant through time, then:
If E

$ = A(x,
A $ y, z) t
$ = A(x,
E $ y, z)
As long as the electric field is constant but has a divergence, it carries within it
a diverging magnetic vector potential. The relation $g = ( A) $ then allows

us to write gravitational field as a function of the gradient in the divergence of
the electric field:
$g = ( E)$

This is the static electrogravitational field equation. It shows that wherever

there is a gradient in the diverging electric field, a gravitational force field exists
pointing the opposite direction.
Any metal conductor charged to a high voltage radiates an intense electro-
static field; the goal here is to make this field as nonlinear as possible, thereby
giving it the necessary gradient in the divergence to produce gravitational force.
Since the field shape depends on the geometry of the conductor and the dis-
tribution of the insulator (dielectric) around it, it is by introducing asymmetry
and nonlinearity into these that the electric field can be shaped appropriately.
Between two oppositely polarized conductors or electrodes exists an electric
field. By shaping or orienting one conductor differently from the other, the field
becomes more nonlinear. Maybe one conductor is flat, the other curved; one
large, the other small; one horizontal, the other perpendicular.Some asymmetric
capacitor configurations and an approximation of their nonlinear field:

+ - + -
A dielectric placed between the conductors allows more electric field lines
to be safely packed into the same space, thus intensifying the field and the
electrogravitational effect. If the dielectric is asymmetric, perhaps shaped like a
cone or wedge, that helps impress further divergence in the electric field within.
And if the strength of the dielectric varies nonlinearly between one side and the
other, then so will the electric field. Therefore three factors increase a static
electrogravitational effect are:

1) asymmetry in the shape and size of the conductors

2) asymmetry in the shape of the dielectric
3) nonlinearity in the strength of the dielectric

These are known as nonlinear and/or asymmetric high voltage capacitors. Grav-
itational researcher Thomas Townsend Brown successfully experimented with
these, which he called gravitators. His early configurations were blocks of
dielectrics with electrodes on both ends, or a stack of alternating conductors
and insulators forming a high-voltage parallel plate capacitor. When charged
with 100kV-300kV the gravitators self-accelerated towards the positive electrode.
Browns later gravitators introduced asymmetry and nonlinearity into the con-
ductors and dielectric, thereby improving the thrust.

6.3 Method: Plate Antennas
The baseline value of a potential cannot be detected by standard instruments,
neither will a change in this value normally cause a corresponding change in
the electric or magnetic field. What science cannot measure absolutely it sets
arbitrarily to whatever is most convenient. This is called setting the gauge. One
type is known as the Coulomb gauge, which is A $ = 0. Another comes in re-
sponse to the question What changes can we make to the potentials comprising
an electric field without disturbing that field? This is known as the Lorentz
A $ = k
c2 t
where k is the dielectric constant. As long as the potentials relate to each other
in this way, the electric field stays undisturbed.
There is a big problem with setting the gauge arbitrarily. That the base value
of a potential is relative or immeasurable does not mean it can be simply be
set subjectively. Maybe the fault lies with shortcomings in technology. Maybe
there is an unknown difference between one arbitrary potential and another.
Consider the scalar value of height - there is no absolute baseline for measuring
height and the only objective measurement would the difference between two
heights, but that does not mean at the top of a mountain one can re-gauge
altitude arbitrarily to zero and conclude that conditions there are no different
from sea level. With an altimeter that measures air pressure and with the
observation that there is less oxygen when atop a mountain it is clear that
despite being relative, the scalar value of height is not subjective. Same goes
for the electromagnetic potentials.
The Coulomb and Lorentz gauges, while conveniently set to keep magnetic
and electric fields isolated from unintended influences of the potentials, simply
state the unique conditions where that isolation exists. The Coulomb gauge
sets the divergence of A $ to zero, signifying the one condition where there is
no alteration in the time rate, and where physics may continue undisturbed by
that exotic possibility. Likewise, the Lorentz gauge sets the one condition where
potentials may change without affecting the measurable force fields.
What the Lorentz gauge equation really says is that another way to create
a diverging magnetic vector potential without using an electric field is to create
a uniform but time-varying electric scalar potential.
As an example, two parallel metal plates given the same voltage signal will
create a relatively uniform scalar potential field between them, which by varying
with time establishes a divergent vector potential in that space without the
presence of an electric field.



Furthermore, if we write the equation in terms of scalar superpotential we

get an interesting result:
1 2
2 = 2 2
c t
which is the typical wave equation except with one difference: the velocity is
imaginary instead of real. It is an equation for longitudinal waves in the ether,
waves that do not have magnetic or electric components. When discussing
gauge, textbooks on electrodynamics sometimes display the equation for lon-
gitudinal scalar waves without noticing their significance as being that. So of
course the Lorentz gauge ensures the potentials have no influence, for the equa-
tion applies only to waves that are entirely hidden to modern electromagnetic
instruments. Longitudinal waves are equivalent to gravitational potential waves
and time-rate waves.
Antennas for the broadcast of longitudinal waves must have a large surface
area to minimize gradient in the voltage field and thereby minimize the non-
longitudinal (transverse) component of the emission. A single large and flat
metal plate will do this when connected to one pole of an oscillating signal. As
its potential goes up and down, it sends concussions into the ether and thus
longitudinal waves. Here are the scalar and vector views of a longitudinal wave:

This is a longitudinal wave, scalar view.

This is a longitudinal wave, vector view.

Antennas for the broadcast of transverse waves (such as radio) are thin rods,
or arrays of these, to maximize electric gradient and magnetic curl. Here are
the scalar and vector view of a transverse wave:

This is a transverse wave, scalar view.

This is a transverse wave, vector view.

6.4 Method: Pulsed Charge Clustering

There is an equation relating divergence of the vector potential to the com-
pression or expansion of electric charge clusters. In other words, changing the
spacing between electrons will create a corresponding divergence in the vector
potential and vice versa in accordance with the following relation:
A $ = 3q 1 $ y, z)
dt + A(x,
4)o r(t)3
One method is to send acoustic waves through a plasma, which is a gas whose
atoms have been severed from some of their electrons. Acoustic (sound) waves
are longitudinal compression waves in a compressible medium. So when such
waves pass through a plasma, the charges therein compress and expand, thereby
generating in most cases a time-varying gravitational potential. Plasma tubes
fed a pulsed signal will do this, and the greater the nonlinearity or sphericalness
of the plasma distribution, the greater the effect.
Another method involves sending a huge current pulse down a wire. The
electrons cannot respond quickly enough to this overwhelming pulse and mo-
mentarily bunch up, thereby creating a gravitational impulse.
It is worth noting that the biological heart expands and contracts under
electrical impulses, and that this expansion and contraction of charged tissue
creates gravitational pulses.

6.5 Method: Spherical Electrodes

A metal sphere connected to one pole of high voltage signal will also radiate
longitudinal waves. Unlike the flat plate method, this one comes with a strong
electric field, however changes in the electric field are not accompanied by a
changing magnetic field. Consider the Maxwell equation relating a dynamic
electric field to the generated magnetic field:

$ = o J$ + o )o E

where J$ is a vector indicating strength and direction of electric current and
o and )o are the electric permittivity and magnetic permeability of free space.
$ should arise if E
This equation says that a curl in B $ changes with time, as it does
in an electromagnetic wave where the electric and magnetic components sustain
each other as they fluctuate. Stated another way, a changing electric field vector
will be have a magnetic field vector circulating around it perpendicularly.
A metal sphere is unique in that the curl of its electric field vectors cancel
each other, so even if the spheres electric field changes with time, there is no
magnetic field component.

What happens in this case is shown by setting the Maxwell equation to zero
o J$ + o )o =0
then invoking some vector identities
$ = ( A)
B $ = ( A)
$ 2 A

and combining the two:

$ 2 A
( A) $ = o J$ + o )o
According to derivations in textbooks,
$ = o J$
2 A

so the final result is:

( A)$ = o )o E
The term on the right is known as displacement current, proportional to the
electrical energy transferred across a capacitor without electron flow. Science
has no definite explanation of what displacement current is, but theorizes that
the changing electric field from one plate of the capacitor creates a magnetic
field that then induces an electric potential on the other plate. But in a spherical
capacitor, the magnetic fields cancel and yet energy still passes between an inner

sphere and the outer, therefore the only viable explanation in that case would
be energy transfer through

$ = ( 1 )$g
( A)

which is nothing more than a gravitational field or wave.
Capacitors, especially spherical ones, operate via the transfer of gravitational
waves, can generate them, and also intercept them as Greg Hodowanec and
Townsend Brown discovered. Written entirely in terms of A, $ this turns out to
be a wave equation:
$ = 2 A
( A) $= 1 A
c2 t2
with real velocity c. This is a longitudinal vector wave. It can consist of se-
quential compressions and expansions in the magnetic vector potential.
Primarily the equations above show that a gravitational field can be gener-
ated by an electric field that at least varies linearly with time and has minimal
magnetic components, as is the case with a spherical electrode or large flat metal
The same can be achieved with a magnetic vector potential that varies non-
linearly with time, as happens when charges cluster together due to an over-
whelming current pulse. This is clearly evident in the phenomena of explod-
ing wires or anomalous bucking or railgun tracks that experience longitudinal
stresses unexplainable by magnetic or thermal factors.

6.6 Method: Diverging Current Vectors

The equation 2 A $ = o J$ applies especially to currents flowing into or out
of a volume of space. The magnetic vector potential is like a momentum field
around an electric current, pointing in the direction of current. If the current
converges from all directions upon a central point, or diverges from that point,
then the vector potential does likewise and produces:

$g = o J$
For current I flowing uniformly and radially into, or out of, a spherical
surface of radius R:

$= o I
2 A
Multiple railguns fired toward a common center will force a spherical com-
pression in the magnetic vector potential. If the gravitational potential gener-
ated is intense enough, it could meet the portal threshold and punch open a
Another method involves two conical solenoids connected apex to apex with
current running from their bases to the central point of contact will also produce
a gravitational field.

6.7 Method: Acoustic Standing Waves in Stones
Piezoelectric materials create an electric field when mechanically stressed. Many
types of stones are piezoelectric and when compressed radiate an electric field.
A large stone block or sphere can be acoustically resonated to create three di-
mensional longitudinal standing waves within. These waves, being mechanical
in nature, are accompanied by an electric wave of the same geometry. The
spherically oscillating electric wave is similar to that of the spherical electrode
and thereby generates a periodic gravitational potential or force field most in-
tensely at its vibrational nodes. This can be used to levitate stones or break
them using only sound. The technique is delicate and involves tapping the zero
point energy, which will be discussed in another section.

6.8 Method: Rotating Magnetic Fields

Since the magnetic field arises from a curl in the vector potential, by uncurling
the magnetic field its vector potential may pick up a divergence instead. If a
magnet is rotated perpendicular to its axis, farther portions of its field will lag
behind closer portions, thereby creating a pinwheel effect.

This lag is due to changes in the magnetic field propagating outwards at

the finite speed of light. The circular bending of the magnetic field helps to
uncurl the magnetic vector potential comprising it, thereby creating an artificial
gravitational potential with the associated time dilation and perhaps portal
creation. At the very center of the field there is little divergence, and too far
from the field it is too weak, so there is a critical distance between those two
where the effects are strongest. If used to create a portal, the space within the
critical zone will be severed from the space beyond it.
Two perpendicular coils or pairs of coils, one given a sine signal and the
other a cosine, will produce a rotating magnetic field.


Frequencies in the megahertz range should be sufficient to warp time measurably.

For instance, at 1 meter radius the field will be bent back 57 degrees if the
frequency is 47 Mhz.

6.9 Method: Conjugated Electromagnetic Standing Waves

When either (or both) components of an electromagnetic wave are suppressed,
the energy simply transforms from transverse to longitudinal form. This hap-
pens when two identically polarized waves meet each other from opposite or
perpendicular directions. Polarity indicates alignment of the electric field vec-
tor, whether it points vertically, horizontally, or in between. The magnetic field
vector is perpendicular to this and therefore cancels as shown:


This is one method of phase conjugation, or aligning waves so their com-

ponents cancel. The trick is in aligning the waves correctly, node to node in
the antiparallel case and antinode to antinode in the perpendicular. Electro-
magnetic standing waves inside a resonant cavity do this automatically, perhaps
via two parallel metal plates spaced according to some integral multiple of the
wavelength and connected to the same pole of a high frequency voltage sig-
nal. This creates longitudinal standing waves. So any electromagnetic standing
wave pattern, if phase conjugated, will produce a longitudinal standing wave
pattern whose anti-nodes (regions of greatest vibration) are gravitationally al-
tered. With sufficient energy density, these antinodes become portals.

7 Relativity
7.1 Ambient Gravitational Potential
Gravitational potential and mass determine the potential energy stored in an
object due to its height above the surface of some attracting body. The higher

the object, the greater the potential energy.
P E = m
Between earth and moon exists a gravitational null point where the attracting
force of each cancels the other. An object located at that point will experience
no forces, however the gravitational potential is still nonzero, for it could fall
either way and release its potential energy as kinetic energy by the time it hits
the ground. If the energy is nonzero, then so is its gravitational potential.
What is the value of gravitational potential at the null point? Merely the
sum of potentials from both attracting masses. If a null point is the center of
a circular or spherical distribution of attracting masses, the potential energy
is a function of their total mass. We can therefore extrapolate this to the
universe as a whole and consider the ambient gravitational potential to be the
sum contributions of potentials from all other mass in the universe:
# R # # 2
ambient = G rdr sind d
0 0 0

where is the average density of the universe and R the radius of the universe.
This equation is only an approximation that assumes uniform spherical mass
distribution. Nevertheless, using standard values gives

m2 c2
ambient = 4.7 1016
s2 2
which is a very interesting result, for this is explains the portal condition:

p <
The implications are two-fold. First, the mass of the universe is what sets
the default time rate. Second, if the local gravitational potential can be made
negative enough to cancel the total gravitational potential contributions toward
that location from all other matter in the universe, time ceases to exist and
one is ejected from that universe. Therefore the very matter comprising this
universe is what sets conditions for what constitutes its boundaries, what sets
the default time rate, and perhaps what determines the speed of light. That is
the very meaning of consensus reality.
As for why the ambient value is positive, consider the following diagram:

There you see that each mass surrounding the central point has a converging
magnetic vector potential field corresponding to a negative gravitational po-
tential. Yet at the center, the vector potential is diverging, thus gravitational
potential there is positive. The picture is therefore of a positive ambient gravi-
tational potential of value c2 with some dipping surrounding masses:

This picture is reminiscent of the rubber sheet and bowling ball metaphor
used in Relativity to illustrate how masses create curvature in space-time.
By thinking of the rubber sheets height as gravitational potential, the visual
metaphor is accurate and simple to understand. And due to the relation of
magnetic vector potential divergence or convergence, every point in empty space
contains an outflow of ether while every center of mass is an inflow. If the center
of mass resides within a planet or star, the inflow may be great enough under
a certain radius to create a portal therein, thus the centers of stars and many
planets are windows to other dimensions through which energy may transfer.

7.2 Equivalence Principle

According to General Relativity, the Equivalence Principle states that the grav-
itational force experienced in the presence of an attracting body is no different
from the inertial force experienced in an accelerating frame of reference. For
instance, being pressed against the ground by the force of gravity is no different

in effect from being pressed toward the back of an accelerating car. General
Relativity attributes this to the geometric nature of the theory where space-
time curvature experienced through acceleration is identical to the curvature of
space-time induced by a gravitational field. We may interpret the Equivalence
Principle from a different angle by looking at what happens when an observer
constantly accelerates through ambient .
Since movement is in one direction only, only one component of the divergent
vector potential needs to be considered:
$ = Ax
ambient = A
Accelerating through this field causes the observer to experience a time-variable
vector potential, as shown in the following derivation:

$= 2 x A$x 2 A$x
a A 2
t x t2
The result is simply the vector potential wave equation in one direction:

2 A$x 2 A$x 1
= c2 2
= local = ( )$g
t x
So an observer accelerating through ambient experiences a time-varying vector
potential which, as shown via the wave equation, results in a locally measured
gradient in the divergence (local ) and thereby creates a local gravitational force
opposite the direction of acceleration. That explains inertia, the resistance of
mass to acceleration, and shows the Equivalence Principle to arise from the
wave equation. Uniform velocity through ambient creates just a local gravita-
tional potential, which slows time without an opposing force and explains the
relativistic time dilation effect.
Because ambient is determined by the distribution of mass in the universe,
so is inertia. This shows the quantitative physical basis of Machs Principle,
which states that the inertia of any system is the result of the interaction of
that system and the rest of the universe and in an otherwise empty universe
a single mass would experience no inertial forces.

7.3 Scale Contraction

According to Special Relativity, velocity rotates an object into the fourth dimen-
sion and results in time-dilation, length-contraction, and an increase in inertial
mass. Equivalently, what happens is that higher velocity induces a stronger lo-
cal gravitational potential, a stronger negative divergence of the magnetic vector
That velocity causes length contraction in the direction of motion is due to
the divergence in the vector potential altering only in that direction. When

divergence is uniform in all directions, length would likewise contract or ex-
pand in all directions. This means that a zone whose gravitational potential
is uniformly higher or lower than the surrounding environment would exhibit a
different scale.
Consequently, it is possible to artificially create regions of compacted or
expanded spacetime. For instance, a chamber whose internal gravitational po-
tential is lower than outside the chamber can contain more space than is ap-
parent from the outside. The volume of an airplane hangar could fit inside
a small room-sized chamber whose walls are designed to create a diverging or
converging magnetic vector potential, perhaps by passing current from an inner
conductive wall to the outer. Because space-time itself is what contracts, even
the atoms and molecules contract accordingly, so there is no problem with com-
pacted matter becoming more dense and rigid, just as a fast rocket undergoing
relativistic length contraction does not suffer its effects.
Scale therefore depends on gravitational potential. Ambient gravitational
potential sets not only the default time rate for this universe, but also the
default scale of space. Space and time as we know it are generated by the very
matter inhabiting this illusion. Entering the portal condition not only brings
time to a stop, but brings scale to zero. That gravitational potential is variable
and relative means that ultimately, so is time rate and scale.

8 Free Energy
8.1 Asymmetric Capacitors
Interestingly, the electrical energy required to operate a gravitator goes to-
wards charging it up once and then maintaining that charge against bleed off
from residual conductivity in the insulator and the surrounding medium. Once
charged, a gravitator generates thrust, producing energy in the form of acceler-
ation without any extra energy input beyond overcoming bleed off. An efficient
capacitor therefore outputs more energy than it consumes.
While energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can still be tapped from
exotic sources. The extra energy of a gravitator comes directly from the ether,
the time stream, the zero point energy. In a gravitator, one electrode has a
diverging vector potential, the other a converging vector potential. One slightly
accelerates the time rate around it, the other slightly slows it down. This
creates a time rate gradient, and as stated earlier a time rate gradient is the
same thing as a gravitational force field. Unlike the natural gravitational field
of a mass, which is relatively uniform in all directions, that of a gravitator has
a net unidirectional component. It accelerates, picking up energy from the time
gradient, meaning its energy comes from dipping into the time stream itself by
creating an imbalance or asymmetry in that stream. Stated another way, one
electrode pulls in ether and the other pushes it out, and if they are asymmetric
then one pushes more than the other pulls, creating a net thrust. Alternately,
while the zero point energy consists of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum that

normally cancel each other out, a divergence in the magnetic vector potential
biases these fluctuations and through a gradient in the divergence opens an
energy stream from the zero point energy. These are all equivalent ways of
looking at the gravitator.

8.2 Charge Cluster Oscillation

When negative charge clusters implode, a positive gravitational potential pulse
is generated. When they explode, the generated potential pulse is negative.
An oscillation in charge clusters therefore rhythmically stresses the ether. Cu-
riously, clusters bounce back from compression with more energy than went
into compressing them. Whereas the gravitator tapped the zero point energy
through spatial asymmetry, oscillating charge clusters do so through temporal
asymmetry. Below are a couple ways of utilizing this principle.

8.2.1 Resonance of Stone

To recap, mechanical vibrations in piezoelectric stones create corresponding elec-
tric vibrations which, in the case of three dimensional standing waves, produce
spherical oscillations in the divergence of the magnetic vector potential within
the stone.
Every contraction dips into the zero point energy to create an even greater
expansion, which if fed back into a more intense contraction allows the oscillation
to be built up over time. An acoustic tone at the stones resonant frequency
therefore serves to stimulate an accumulation of free energy in the standing wave
vibrations of the stone. So while the input acoustic energy is small, the output
can become quite large, enough to break or even levitate the stone. Levitation
may involve creating an asymmetrical standing wave that artificially shifts the
stones center of gravity.
This method only works if the zero point energy is successfully tapped via a
positive feedback loop, otherwise damping kills the vibration. Once a resonant
tone establishes this positive feedback loop, hitting the stone with a sudden
acoustic concussion can dump tremendous energy into the system to accelerate
the buildup of energy. So the method typically involves a constant tone com-
bined with a periodic booming. The first can be produced via tuning forks,
overtone singing, bagpipes, trumpets, and electronic methods; the second via
drums, beat frequencies, or perhaps even hitting the stone physically.

8.2.2 Plasma Oscillation

Spherical oscillations in charged plasma create converging and diverging vector
potentials. At resonance (maximum feedback between contraction and expan-
sion) the oscillation establishes feedback with the zero point energy and can
then be electrically tapped.

8.2.3 Resonance of Water
The water molecule is made of one oxygen atom bonded with two negatively
charged hydrogen atoms.

- H


As a whole, the molecule is an electric dipole with one end positive, the other
negative. It is therefore a simple charge cluster that expands and contracts
in the presence of an oscillating divergence in the magnetic vector potential.
At resonance this oscillation taps into the zero point energy and escalates in
amplitude until the hydrogen breaks from the oxygen, thus splitting the water
Because this process is assisted by zero point energy, it takes far less energy
to dissociate water into hydrogen and oxygen gas than conventional direct cur-
rent electrolysis methods, which use brute force at zero resonance. In fact the
liberated gas contains more energy than the total electrical input. This extra
output energy may be utilized by burning the gas in a combustion engine to
drive a generator. The ratio between input and output energy tends to be 1:3.
An early invention of Stanley Meyer consisted of two water-immersed con-
centric metal tubes given a special high voltage electric signal. This was a
tubular capacitor with water as the dielectric. The oscillating electric field and
its longitudinal wave component resonated the water molecule into splitting.

- -

Another inventor who replicated Meyers work reported that a special film that
develops on one of the tubes enhances this effect. If the film is an oxide with
a dielectric strength different from water, the tubes would thus have a nonlin-
ear dielectric between them, enhancing the divergence in the electric field and
increasing efficiency.

9 Miscellaneous Applications
9.1 Longitudinal Resonance Spectrum
If the local ether has a unique vibrational resonance spectrum, it will pose
greater resistance to longitudinal waves of certain frequencies. The displace-
ment current o )o E/t may therefore be useful in measuring this resonance
spectrum. The volume of ether measured is that between the electrodes, the
space through which the displacement current passes.

white noise

If a white noise signal is used, displacement current at frequencies not in reso-

nance with the ether will be attenuated and the output will have peaks or valleys
that vary depending on the local ether resonance signature. Possible detectors
include bifilar coils where each wire acts as one electrode and their insulation
as the dielectric, spherical capacitors, and vacuum tubes.
Wilhelm Reich invented an orgone meter that measured the displacement
current at one frequency to indicate the amount of orgone energy or lifeforce
permeated the measured region of space.

It consisted of two parallel metal plates, an oscillating voltage signal, and a

lightbulb that grew brighter or dimmer to indicate the strength of displacement
current. An object placed between the plates altered the local ether conductivity
and changed the displacement current accordingly.
The etheric spectrum analysis device may be used to scan the aura of living
things and perhaps allow detection of earth grid points where an anomalies in
the local vector potential divergence exist.

9.2 Stacked Asymmetric Capacitors

If nonlinear dielectrics or asymmetry between electrodes of a capacitor shapes
the electric field and produces a gravitational field, numerous elements stacked
atop each other should amplify the effect. Problems might include dielectric
breakdown. Below are examples of each.

+ +

- -
9.3 Whittaker-Force Currents
Stefan Marinov wrote of something he termed the Whittaker Force

F$ = q$v ( A)

which shows the amount of force experienced by a particle with charge q when it
travels at velocity $v through a diverging magnetic vector potential. Interestingly,
if the charge and divergence are both negative or positive, the force is in the
direction of motion. Charged conductors rotating through a diverging vector
potential field may therefore experience a propulsive force that accelerates their
rotation. Perhaps the Searl Disk Generator used this principle.

9.4 Thermogravity
The Seebeck Effect concerns thermal gradients producing electron flow in con-
ductors. The greater the difference in temperature between one end of a conduc-
tor and the other, the greater the current. The effect is extremely high currents
(hundred to thousands of amperes) at extremely low voltages. This impressive
currents would be accompanied by an equally impressive magnetic vector po-
tential field, and the latter under proper geometric configurations may warp
the local gravitational potential and by reverse biasing the time rate bring on
negentropic conditions. The Dotto Ring device used the negentropic properties
to heal various diseases.
One application involves Peltier Junction thermocouple sandwiched between
two copper discs soldered together at the edges, perhaps with a heat-absorbing
mass in between the thermocouple and the copper. With divergence of the vec-
tor potential on one side and convergence on the other, a gravitational gradient
exists that would produce net thrust. Heat flows from the top copper disk to
the edges, then towards the center of the bottom disk and back up through
Peltier-junction. Thermoelectric currents follow the same, and hence also the
vector potential. This device has been reported to lose milligrams of weight
when flipped up, and gained the same when flipped down.
Strangely enough, a similar device is reported to produce stormy weather
when flipped one way and disperses storms when reversed. Apparently diverging

or converging vector potential fields affect the weather, perhaps by altering the
local atmospheric entropy and thereby changing the nonlinear dynamics of water
vapor systems such as clouds. This meteorological effect seems to be a constant
with anything that creates exotically shaped vector potentials. Another device
that does this, albeit via rotating magnetic fields, is the Newman Motor built by
David Wells. What this means is that the underlying principle, not specifically
one device in particularly, is what affect the weather. That underlying principle
is ether engineering through convergent or divergent vector potentials and the
production of longitudinal or gravitational waves.

10 Conclusion
In summary, electromagnetic and gravitational forces and potentials are but
distortions in the underlying scalar superpotential. The equations relating one
force or potential to another reveal how to artificially bend space-time and open
portals into other dimensions, and explain the numerous facets of Special and
General Relativity. The majority of fringe inventions claiming time dilation,
free energy, teleportation, and antigravity can be explained by what role the
divergence of the magnetic vector potential and its gradients or oscillations play
in bending the rules of classical physics.

10.1 Points to Consider and Remember

An electric dipole will accelerate towards the positive pole because between
them exists a gradient in the divergence of A. $ The resultant asymmetric
gravity field induces net acceleration. (See the works of Townsend Brown).
A cylindrical or vortical magnetic field that increases in magnitude with
distance from the central radius carries the necessary configuration to have
a significant gravitational component. (See the annotations about reverse
magnetism in Case for the UFO, Varo Edition by Morris K. Jessup).
An oscillating electric field whose magnetic component is cancelled will
produce an oscillating gravity field. The same is true for an oscillating
magnetic field whose electric component is cancelled. (See works regarding
spherical capacitors and Beardens comments on resonant electromagnetic
A rotating magnetic field of sufficient size and frequency will undergo rel-
ativistic distortions and produce radial divergence in the A-vector that
normally would have only tangential components, thus generating a grav-
itational potential field capable of distorting time. (See the Philadelphia
experiment and Stefan Marinovs MAGVID device).
A magnetic vector potential field that changes nonlinearly with time,
meaning its second time derivative is nonzero, will produce a gravita-
tional pulse. The wave equation relates double time derivative to the

double spatial derivative, the latter being necessary for a gravity field.
(See the phenomenon of exploding wires or bucking railguns; the nonlin-
ear current pulse generates extreme internal gravitational fields that warp
the conductors).
A uniform electric scalar potential field that varies with time will produce
a uniform gravitational potential field that may also vary with time. For
example, connecting one terminal of an oscillating voltage source to a grid
of wires or large flat metal plate will generate an oscillating gravitational
potential field. (See the phenomenon of aerial conductive channels other-
wise known as chemtrails, and Leedskalnins grid of wires suspended over
the quarry from which he levitated stone blocks).
A spherical electrode charged with high voltage oscillating electricity will
generate an oscillating gravity field. Standing waves generated between
multiple such emissions will create localized gravity pockets. (See the
Hutchison Effect).
Current that flows spherically outward (or inward) from a point generates
a gravitational potential field and numerous time anomalies. (See the
Searl Effect and Marinovs MAGVID).
Gravitational potential sets the local time rate, and a gravity field is equiv-
alent to a gradient in that time rate, suggesting that a gradient-free grav-
itational potential can be artificially produced through electromagnetic
means, thereby creating local time distortion effects free of any detectable
gravitational force fields. Gravitational potential also sets physical scale
and may compress large spaces into small volumes. (See reports of time
and space variability in abductee descriptions of alien ships and transdi-
mensional military bases).
The universe is permeated by a uniform divergent magnetic vector po-
tential field. An observer moving through this field at constant velocity
measures a change in the divergence, meaning velocity intensifies the local
gravitational potential and thereby dilates the time rate as predicted in
Special Relativity.
The vector potential wave equation shows that accelerating through the
ambient divergence creates a local gradient in the divergence and therefore
a gradient in the local gravitational potential. This generates a local grav-
ity field that pulls opposite the direction of acceleration, thus explaining
inertia and the Equivalence Principle.
The ambient divergence is a constant determined by the total mass of the
universe, and is proportional to the total gravitational potential of the
universe. (See Machs Principle).
If one generates an artificial EM field whose A-vector divergence exceeds
in value the universal divergence constant, time in that field slows to a

stop and becomes imaginary. This opens a portal into universes beyond
our own.
While magnetic monopoles most likely do not exist, magnetic vector po-
tential monopoles do exist in a form we are all familiar with: physical
matter. Mass particles have radially converging vector potential fields.
While electromagnetic waves are transverse, magnetic vector potential
waves are longitudinal. Curl-free magnetic vector potential waves can-
not be detected by ordinary instruments other than specialized detectors
employing Josephson junctions. The most general wave is a scalar super-
potential wave in longitudinal form, which may or may not express itself
as an ordinary EM wave.
The realm of physics encompasses the various gradients, curls, and di-
vergences in the scalar superpotential substrate, the fabric of physical
existence. But what determines the fundamental value of the scalar su-
perpotential is consciousness. Therefore physics and technology can only
go so far before consciousness must take over as the observer, the chooser,
the navigator, the hand that tunes the dial.

11 Appendix - Maxwell Revisited

The equations in A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field by James
Maxwell can be rewritten in modern convention. Please refer to the edition
edited by Thomas F. Torrance; equation numbers below correspond with those
in the book.
We start with the relation between vector potential and current.
$ 2 A
4o I = ( A) $ (64)

$ = 0 then I (current) must be compressive or diverging.

Notice that if A
Current as a function of electric displacement in a dielectric is given:

I= (65)
Electric field as function of the displacement where k is dielectric constant:
$ = kD
E $ (66)

Electric field as function of vector potential and scalar electric potential:

$ = A
E (67)
Combining the previous equations yields the complete electromagnetic wave
$ relating gravitational waves to changes in the vector potential
equation in A,

and electric field:
k $ = A +
$ ( A)]
[2 A (68)
4 t2 t
Maxwell then derives the wave equation for the magnetic field, showing that
the wave velocity is the speed of light:
k $ = B
2 B (69)
4 t2
The general wave equation (68) is analyzed in a more restricted case where
divergence of the vector potential is zero. Notice here that Maxwell works with
the scalar superpotential :
2 = = A (73)

$ =

$# = A
A $ (74)

$# = 0
A (75)
In this restricted case, the wave equation first appears as
2 $#
k $ # = A + ( + )
2 A (76)
4 t2 t t
which indicates

= + o (x, y, z) (77)
and produces the transverse wave equation in A: $
2 $#
k $# = A
2 A (78)
4 t2
$ &= 0 and A
Of course, if instead A $ = 0 then we get the longitudinal
wave equation:
k $ = A
( A)
4 t2
Lastly, Maxwell looks at the possible longitudinal components that obey the
= 2 (section 99)
t t
By operating 2 on the above equation,
$ k2 o
kq = A (79)
According to (79) it would seem that longitudinal waves are ambiguous or

Since the medium is a perfect insulator,q, the free electricity (electric
charge), is immoveable, and therefore t
A $ is a function of x, y, z,
and the value of A is either constant or zero, or uniformly increas-
ing or diminishing with the time; so that no disturbance depending
$ can be propagated as a wave.
on A
The equations of the electromagnetic field, deduced from purely ex-
perimental evidence, show that transversal vibrations only can be
propagated. If we were to go beyond our experimental knowledge
and assign a definite density to a substance which we should call
the electric fluid, and select either vitreous or resinous electricity as
the representative of that fluid, then we might have normal (lon-
gitudinal) vibrations propagated with a velocity depending on this
density. We have, however, no evidence as to the density of electric-
ity, as we do not even know whether to consider vitreous electricity
as a substance or as the absence of a substance.
Hence electromagnetic science leads to exactly the same conclusions
as optical science with respect to the direction of the disturbances
which can be propagated through the field; both affirm the propa-
gation of transverse vibrations, and both give the same velocity of
propagation. On the other hand, both sciences are at a loss when
called on to affirm or deny the existence of normal vibrations.

Maxwell argues that since the elastic properties of the medium in which
electromagnetic waves travel, or rather the elastic property of electric current,
is either unknown or nonexistent, then likewise with longitudinal waves that
depend on that elasticity either they do not exist, or are unknown.
The statement that "the free electricity (electric charge), is immoveable is
not true for all cases. Consider a metal sphere given an alternating potential.
When the potential is high, more charges populate its surface, and opposite
when the potential is low. The charges are movable indeed and this change in
q produces the longitudinal waves indicated in equation 79.
Even the electron gas within conducting wires can bunch when given a quick
and intense current pulse. This bunching indicates some level of elasticity which
in turn is what creates longitudinal waves (gravitational waves) within the wire
that can stress the conductor in the direction of current to the point of buckling
or exploding.
There is no need for quaternion mathematics to investigate the "hidden"
layer of Maxwells work. Rather, one can merely rework his equations to deal
with the magnetic vector potential, electric scalar potential, and scalar super-
potential, noting that divergence of the vector potential is proportional to grav-
itational potential and the negative gradient of this divergence to gravitational
force. The "hidden" is in plain sight, namely the compressibility of the ether
$ that quantifies longitudinal waves.
via A

The Biefeld-Brown Effect
What is antigravity? An artificially generated gravity field that can oppose earths own and provide

The earliest modern discovery of antigravity belongs to Dr Alfred Biefeld, professor of physics and
astronomy at Denison University. According to an old article in FATE magazine, in the early 1920s Dr
Biefeld performed laboratory experiments involving capacitors charged with high voltage alternating
currents. When charged, these capacitors would violently twist and lurch before burning out. This
indicated that charged high voltage capacitors exhibited self-propulsive effects. Further research into this
anomalous phenomenon was taken up by Thomas Townsend Brown, then a physics student at Denison
University working for Dr Biefeld. This began Townsend Browns life-long research into antigravity.

Browns first experiments consisted of two lead spheres connected by a nonconductive glass rod, like a
dumbell. One sphere was charged positive, the other negative, with a total of 120 kilovolts between
them. This formed a large electric dipole. When suspended, the system moved toward the positive pole,
arcing upwards and staying there against the force of gravity tugging downward. This showed that
electric dipoles generate self-acceleration toward the positive pole. This experiment was repeated in oil, in
a grounded tank, proving that ion wind was not responsible.

Improved versions of this setup replaced the lead spheres with metal plates, and glass rod with dielectric
plates or blocks. This created a high voltage parallel plate capacitor with one or more layers. Browns
British patent #300,111 issued in 1927 described what he termed a cellular gravitator consisting of
numerous metal plates interleaved with dielectric plates, the entire block wrapped in insulating material
and end plates connected to output electrodes and a spark gap to limit the input voltage. This device
produced significant acceleration.

Later, Brown experimented with saucer-shaped disks with positive and negative electrodes on opposite
sides. This created an open-air high voltage capacitor that combined the electrogravitational effect with
ion wind phenomena for propulsion. They worked well in air, and they worked well in vacuum.

Interestingly, the majority of modern articles investigating Browns work tend to focus on disk gravitators.
Because they include ion wind as part of their operation, debate has arisen whether the Biefeld-Brown
effect cannot be explained away entirely by ion wind. Browns 1927 patent, however, described a self-
contained device that exhibited no ion wind effects and relied solely upon the electrogravitational action
arising from the electric dipoles within the gravitator-capacitor.

In my opinion, the cellular gravitator is far more important in demonstrating the validity of the Biefield-
Brown effect than the debatable disk-shaped gravitators. Why did Brown never mention cellular
gravitators again after the 1930s, considering they unequivocally proved electrogravitation? Maybe
gravitators again after the 1930s, considering they unequivocally proved electrogravitation? Maybe
because that part of his research became classified. The remaining public aspect, particularly his later
patents, were limited to ion wind type devices, or at least those that included that possibility so as to
make the electrogravitational aspect more ambiguous. We should remember that Brown was allegedly
involved in Project Rainbow, suggesting that much of what we know publicly of his work may only be the
soft stuff.

Let us therefore focus on the more important part of his research, the cellular gravitators. There were
several factors Brown recognized affecting their behavior and the strength of the electrogravitational
effect. These are listed as follows:

1. applied voltagegreater the voltage, greater the gravitator swings toward the positive end.
However, in his British patent, Brown explained that beyond a critical voltage the gravitator would
reverse motion and swing toward the negative electrode instead. Perhaps this was due to dielectric
2. applied currentcurrent is necessary only to overcome leakage of the capacitor. If current is
insufficient, the gravitator will not maintain its voltage and therefore the electrogravitational effect
will either wane or not manifest noticeably. Van de Graff generators provide microamps of
currents, which is normally not enough to power a gravitator. A solid state high voltage DC
generator utilizing a cockroft-walton multiplier would be needed instead.
3. mass of the dielectricdetermines only the total energy of the gravitator once it swings to a
given height. Some sources state that the greater the mass, the stronger the electrogravitational
effect, but this is debatable since Brown never mentioned this and said instead that only the
gravitational potential energy increases with mass since E = m g h.
4. duration of impulsethe gravitators impulse fluctuates with time, apparently due to
environmental gravitational conditions particularly those arising from position of the sun and
moon. This effect was later employed by Greg Hodowanec in his gravitational wave detector
circuits, which monitored the voltage across an electrolytic capacitor that fluctuated as the
gravitational influence of heavenly bodies changed with time. Just as capacitors charged with
electricity generate a gravity field, so can gravity fields affect the electrical charge of a capacitor.
5. strength of the dielectrichigher the dielectric constant, stronger the effect. The dielectric
constant measures a materials ability to store electricity in the form of electric displacement or
polarization. The more energy is stored via electric polarization, the greater the electrogravitational
6. capacitance of the gravitatorhigher the capacitance, greater the effect. So the closer the
metal plates, the larger the plates, the greater the number of cells (and as mentioned, higher the
dielectric constant of the insulator between metal plates, as this also determines total
capacitance), the stronger the Biefield-Brown effect.
7. geometry of electrodesincreased asymmetry between electrodes increases the effect. This will
be explained below.

How it Works

To understand the Biefeld-Brown effect, we must understand why electric dipoles (positive and negative
charges separated by a fixed distance) accelerate toward the positive pole. The answer is simple:

Positive and negative charges, in addition to creating an electric field, also generate slight gravitational
fields. You could say charged masses warp space more than uncharged masses do. Positive charges
induce a convergence in space and negative charges inducing a divergence in space. Thus, positive
charges emit a gravitational field while negative charges emit an antigravitational field. This arises purely
from the geometry of the electric field, which happens to include a component that shares the same
geometry as a gravity field and thus gives rise to one.
Now, an electric charge by itself emits a symmetric field, whether its gravitationally attractive or
repulsive. So left to itself, the charge goes nowhere. However, in an electric dipole, an interesting
situation arises as shown in the following diagram:

Consider positive charges sucking in the surrounding space, and negative charges blowing out the
surrounding space. By separating them at a fixed distance, the fields between the poles occupy or
cancel each other, while the flow/distortion surrounding the entire dipole is biased in one direction. The
positive pole sucks in from the left, the negative pole blows out to the right, and thus the entire dipole
propels itself leftward toward the positive pole.

In a parallel plate capacitor, the electric fields outside the capacitor cancel, but the divergent and
convergent gravity fields do not, which is why a cellular gravitator can accelerate toward the positive pole
without inducing or utilizing any external ion wind effects.

Because electric fields are immensely stronger than gravity fields, it is not generally recognized by
modern physics that electric charges contain net gravity fields because the latter are difficult to detect.
Nevertheless, certain experimental setups confirm that it is so, such as the gravitator experiment, the
different fall rates or pendulum swing periods of oppositely charged objects.

Asymmetric Electrodes

It should now be clear that electrogravitational self-acceleration requires a difference in the gravitational
divergence between two poles. Using symmetric electrodes, this is done as simply as giving one a
positive charge and the other a negative one. But its also possible to create additional asymmetry by
making the electrodes themselves asymmetric. This changes the spread of the electric field, which in turn
affects the geometric component giving rise to the gravity field.

Toward this end, Brown experimented with umbrella and disk shaped gravitators. The umbrella devices
consisted of two electrodes, one positive and one negative, with one electrode shaped like a large bowl
and the other like a smaller bowl. Overall, this formed an open-air capacitor but with asymmetric
electrodes, whose asymmetric electric fields generated unbalanced gravitational divergences and
increased acceleration. The disk gravitators, described earlier, did the same except one electrode formed
the leading edge of the disk, while the other electrode formed the body and trailing edge.


One common application of the Biefeld-Brown effect is in the form of liftersthese are constructions
made of balsa wood frames, wire, and aluminum foil. Lifters separate a grid of negatively charged wires
from a grid of grounded or positively charged aluminum foil fins. They rely upon a principle patented in
1957 by Townsend Brown (US patent #3,018,394 titled Electrokinetic Transducer). While they have
been around since the late 50s, lifters havent become popular until recently. They are easy to assemble
and require only a moderate high voltage supply, around 30 kilovolts.
and require only a moderate high voltage supply, around 30 kilovolts.

How do lifters work? The same way Browns later devices worked: through a combination of
electrogravitational and ion wind mechanisms. The asymmetry of electrodes alone guarantees a genuine
electrogravitational component to the propulsion, while it is clear from observing them in action that ion
wind is also involved.

Some say that ion wind cannot explain the level of wind generated by lifters. That much I agree with
however, one must also take into account that negative ions create an electrostatic cooling effect,
converting thermal energy to kinetic energy, cooling the air while speeding it up. Thus, the wind results
not only from air becoming negatively ionized and attracting toward the positive electrode, but also
because it gains additional kinetic energy thanks to the negentropic electrostatic cooling phenomenon.

Nevertheless, for those wishing to debunk the Biefeld-Brown effect by attributing it entirely to ion wind,
it must be pointed out that closed capacitors, the cellular gravitators, also self-accelerate without any ion
wind effects. Electrogravity arises primarily from the gravitational component of the electric field,
harnessed for propulsion via the asymmetrical gravitational field of electric dipoles. Brown also
experimented with disk gravitators in vacuum chambers and observed them accelerating nearly as
quickly as when run at atmospheric pressure.

Experimental Set up

Confirming the Biefeld-Brown effect would require the following:

1. 200 kilovolt DC, minimum 200 microamps, solid state high voltage generatorthese consist
primarily of an autotransformer, a TV flyback transformer and transistor circuit, and a many-staged
cockroft-walton voltage multiplier and rectifier. You can buy them from Information Unlimited.
2. metal capacitor platesmade from aluminum foil or aluminum flashing cut into rounded squares.
The rounded edges are needed to prevent arcing and corona leakage.
3. dielectric sheetsmade from the best dielectric material available. These must be cut into squares
that are larger than the metal plates. Polypropylene, polystyrene, mica, and if available, high-K
ceramic plates, are appropriate materials. Make sure the sheets are thick enough to prevent
dielectric breakdown or your gravitator will burn out.
4. paraffin wax or transformer oilbecause the metal plates take up space due to their thickness,
there will be slight spaces between one dielectric sheet and another. Once all the plates and sheets
are interleaved and bound together, the entire thing is best immersed in transformer oil, or cast in
paraffin wax or resin.

These are just the basicsexamine Browns 1927 patent for more information. Also beware that while a
high voltage generator gently zaps you should you touch it, once this electricity is stored in a capacitor it
reaches lethal power levels. Once I was stupid enough to peel apart a gravitator capacitor days after
charging it with a Van de Graaf generatorthought it was discharged, but the shock I received as I stuck
my fingers in there to pry it apart threw me back against the wall. Soonly do this experiment if youre a
responsible and smart hobbyist, as Ill take no responsibility for what you do with this info.


The Biefeld-Brown effect demonstrates a link between electricity and gravity. Given the explanation
above, it should be clear why electric dipoles self-accelerate toward the positive pole; the positive pole
converges space, the negative poles diverges space, and being that between poles these distortions
cancel while outside these poles they point in one direction, the dipole as a whole should accelerate in
one direction.
Further Information

Thomas Townsend Brown Website excellent collection of documents, articles, and pictures of Brown and
his research.

Rex Research, T. T. Brown an important article by Brown himself, and a copy of his 1927 British patent.

Jean Naudin Lifter Page theory, documentation, and pictures of the lifter experiment.
Portal Physics
This is a further development of my Scalar Superpotential Theory applied to the Theory of
Relativity, particularly toward the artificial dilation of time and creation of portals into hyperspace.
[use Internet Explorer with MathPlayer or Firefox with fonts to see equations properly]

Gravity slows down the time rate, and so does velocity. The equations of Special Relativity show
that if velocity reaches the speed of light, time stops for the traveling observer. If velocity exceeds the speed of light, time
becomes imaginary.

1 2

The equations of General Relativity show that the time rate depends on the local gravitational potential. If the gravitational
potential equals minus half the speed of light squared, time stops. This is found at the event horizon of a black hole. If the
gravitational potential is even more strongly negative, time becomes imaginary.

To To
T= =
2GM 2
1 2 1+
Rc c2
v velocity
T dilated time
c speed of light
gravitational potential

Because the gravitational acceleration field is the negative gradient of the gravitational potential, a gradient-free potential
field will exert no forces upon masses within it.

g =

= 0, 0
g gravitational field in

It follows that a local region of space can have a force-free gravitational potential field that slows time, stops time, or
creates imaginary time. Orthodox science knows only of gravitational potential fields created by masses, which necessarily
have gradients. However it is possible to create gradient-free potential fields electromagnetically through the generation of
diverging magnetic vector potentials, and therefore one can locally produce a force-free region of space whose time rate
can be artificially altered.

A =

( A ) = g

A magnetic vector potential
constant of proportionality

The event horizon is merely the equipotential surface whose strength is sufficient to stop time. Beyond this surface, space,
time, and mass become imaginary, forcing matter and consciousness within it to leave spacetime as we know it. This is the
very definition of a portal. Through unique electromagnetic techniques, it is possible to create portals into imaginary reality
without the types of violent gravitational forces produced by black holes, simply by ensuring that the portal region consists
of a strongly negative gradient-free gravitational potential, identically a uniform divergent magnetic vector potential field.

Entering such a region rotates one into hyperspace. This is not the same as a Lorentz transformation, which is mere
rotation through 4D spacetime. It is therefore a rotation into 5D, into hyperspace. Relativistic velocities and gravitational
potentials are limited to the domain of 4D spacetime, while ultrarelativistic velocities and potentials generate a rotation into
5D hyperspace.

The value of one half speed of light squared for the portal threshold is not arbitrary. Rather it is the product of the average
gravitational potential fields emitted by all masses in the universe.

R 2 c2
= G
0 rdr0 sin d 0 d = 2

G gravitational constant
average density of universe
R radius of universe

Each mass emits a converging magnetic vector potential field, which collectively forces each point in space to become a
diverging magnetic vector potential field for balance. The universe may be viewed as an ether sea where every point is a
source, yet the center of every mass is a sink.

The average gravitational potential of the universe is a positive quantity, while the local field of each mass is a negative
quantity. When the local negative field equals the ambient positive field, both cancel to zero and time stops. Time is
therefore a product of the universes positive ambient gravitational potential, and each mass takes away from this which is
why gravity is said to slow time.

As for length contraction, this happens in the direction of motion at relativistic velocities. The effect can be replicated
without motion via a uniform potential field, which would cause length contraction in all directions, effectively shrinking the
affected region relative to its surroundings. This is variable physicality through the local alteration of gravitational potential.
By making the potential inside a room different from the space outside it, time rate and space scale would likewise differ. It
is possible to have the space inside be larger than what is seen from the outside.

The Equivalence Principle follows from the wave equation applied to the ambient diverging magnetic vector potential field.

1 2 A
( A ) = 2 A = 2
c t2

v through A creates local

a through A creates local g

Accelerating through this ambient field creates a wavefront which is experienced by the accelerating observer as a local
gradient in the divergence, which is nothing but a gravitational field that pulls masses opposite the direction of acceleration.
This is the basis of inertia and the full explanation of Machs Principle the resistance to acceleration depends on the ambient
gravitational potential field generated by all masses in the universe. This ambient field can be altered locally via
electromagnetic means to alter or nullify the inertia of an accelerating mass.

Uniform velocity through the ambient field changes only the locally measured gravitational potential, producing no gradient
or acceleration fields, but still changing the time rate as Special Relativity predicts.

Interestingly, earth itself has a certain gravitational potential value at its surface, and the velocity needed to create a local
gravitational potential opposite that of the earth is precisely the escape velocity. It is the velocity required to get out of
earths gravitational potential well.

Hyperspace is an imaginary axis perpendicular to the real number plane. The real number plane consists of radial real
number lines each representing a particular spacetime universe, all of which intersect at their portal thresholds. It is
through accessing hyperspace that one can then climb along the axis and rotate back into any arbitrary universe, any
parallel reality.

Because gravitational potential is determined by the total mass distribution of the universe, and the universe has expanded
over time, the time rate itself has changed since the early stages of the universe. Furthermore, due to the potential being
relative, it is the masses participating in this universe that define the potential boundaries of this universe, boundaries
beyond which one accesses other universes.

Black holes are doorways to other dimensions, albeit ones whose potential gradients are so strong that entering one would
grind up matter. Nevertheless, the door into another room is also the door out of that room, meaning that each universe
may be viewed as a self-contained black hole to all other universes, therefore our own universe is essentially one large
force-free black hole containing within it further black holes which are not force-free.

In conclusion, we must therefore account for three different types of rotationsa rotation around the imaginary axis
separating the various parallel universes, a rotation into spacetime as explored in Relativity, and a rotation into hyperspace
or imaginary space by exceeding the speed of light or the portal threshold. So in addition to the three dimensions of space,
it follows that there are three dimensions of time: linear, parallel, and imaginary. To access the latter two, one must exceed
relativistic limits.
Cloudbusting Resources
Some call it weather engineering, others call it rain-making; cloudbusting is the science of correcting
unbalanced weather patterns. With the right equipment, skills and conditions, one is able to initiate
breaks in droughts and the weakening or deviation of torrential storms. Cloudbusting principles are based
upon Wilhelm Reichs research into orgonomy.

Orgone is a creative life-force energy that manifests in various ways, from sexual biological functions to
psychological states, and from thermodynamic effects to meterological phenomena. According to
orgonomy, the function of such systems depends upon the amount, quality, polarity, flow, and direction
of orgone energy. The redirection of orgone energy effects changes in these systems. Various devices
known as orgone accumulators, cloudbusters, and DORbusters are capable of storing, emitting, or
redirecting orgone energy.

There are many articles, books, and videos to be found on this subject. Those wishing to consistently
experiment with are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with this subject before beginning to
experiment. The purpose of cloudbusting is to correct unbalanced weather systems, or experiment to
learn how to do so.

Cloudbusting is not for those who want a thrill, are consistently reckless, want financial gain from
influencing the economy by manipulating weather, who wish to feel powerful, or use the principles of
orgonomy for any negative or selfish reasons. One may certainly attempt to use it for these reasons, but
karmic, ethical, and metaphysical consequences are severe. Also, it is the conscious nature of orgone that
obstructs its detrimental utilization by those with negative soul characteristics, for such negativity
atrophies the flow of orgone within such individuals to a degree that they become less successful in their
attempts to do so.

One must also have an understanding of meteorology and have access to live radar and weather maps
and know how to read them. Aside from the scientific aspect, there is also much visualization and
intuition involved.

Several articles on this website introduce one to orgone theory and cloudbusting:

Microbusting shows how weather may be influenced on a local level, within the visible
sky. It is based upon my couple years of experimentation and observation. This article
was written in 1998, and has some outdated theory, but the methods described are

Macrobusting shows how weather can be influenced on a national level, how low and high
pressure systems may be triggered with the help of cloudbusters. Again, this article has
some outdated theory, but methods described do work.
some outdated theory, but methods described do work.

Cloudbusting Demonstration is the account of an experiment conducted in Florida, to test

the responsiveness of weather in subtropical environments. Additional factors, such as the
soul nature of observers, unfortunately resulted in a strong response greater than I had
ever encountered or could have predicted. This article presents a basic introduction to
cloudbusting theory.

Experimenters Equipment has many photos, anonymously submitted, of actual simple

cloudbusting devices, with construction details.

When the reader searches for other sources of information on orgonomy and cloudbusting, he will
encounter the works of several researchers. I will list their names, recommend some items they have
published, and give my opinion on each of them.

Wilhelm Reich

CORE Cosmic Orgone Engineering. This is the definitive cloudbusting manual, written by the discoverer
of orgone energy. It is absolutely essential that one obtain and read this manual in full, for it provides a
foundation necessary to effectively do any cloudbusting operation. The link takes one to a partial online

Wilhelm Reich wrote many books, articles, and papers, and I recommend reading all one can find. His
work also provides the political, psychological, ethical, and medical implications of orgonomy, all of which
is critical to know when it comes to cloudbusting, for weather engineering has consequences in each of
these areas. The psychological area of study in orgonomy explains why many people are emotionally
armored, mentally sick, and incapable of understanding or accepting the idea of orgone energy or
cloudbusting. However, because of the limited time Reich had to do his research, and the time period in
which he experimented, some of his research is incorrect our outdated.

Dr. James DeMeo

Orgone Accumulator Handbook explains how to build and experiment with orgone accumulators. This is
the best and most concise book on the nature of orgone energy and how to experiment with it. Includes
diagrams and plans.

So You Want to Build A Cloudbuster long article by Dr. DeMeo discussing misconceptions and unheeded
cautions by modern day cloudbuster experimenters. He makes many good points, and one should read
this article to gain a wider perspective of the implications of cloudbusting. Good as this article is, there
are some problems. First, Dr DeMeo is a conservative orgonomist and sticks strongly to Reichs original
principles, some of which I find outdated and incorrect. Second, not everything can be viewed through
the eyes of orgonomy, rather, orgonomy is a subset of a larger uncompleted paradigm. Third, Dr DeMeo
ridicules the chemtrail idea, saying they are ordinary contrails and indicate healthy orgone concentrations
in the sky he obviously has not done adequate research into chemtrails.

Trevor James Constable

Loom of the Future A book-length interview with Trevor Constable, with pictures, diagrams and news
excerpts that detail his modern method of cloudbusting. He has expanded orgonomy principle, and built
cloudbusters many times more effective than Reichs equipment. This book also discusses the ethical and
political aspects of orgonomy. Highly recommended book.

Etheric Weather Engineering on the High Seas Constables video proving the efficacy of his cloudbusting
devices, with time lapse photography and footage of his devices in operation. Also recommended.
Trevor Constable has done decades of hands-on research into cloudbusting, and has developed new
concepts along the way that allow smaller, but more powerful cloudbusters to be built. He has
documented his experiments and includes them in his book and video. Constables work points way to the
larger paradigm of which orgonomy is just a small part.

Don Croft

How to build a Chembuster, Holy Hand Grenades those researching cloudbusting will eventually run
into Don Crofts chembusters, of which DeMeo is so critical. I have built and experimented with some of
Crofts devices, and am familiar with their theory and application. They utilize a matrix of plastic resin
and metal shavings, crystals, perhaps magnets, and copper pipes or wires.

I have an unfavorable opinion of these devices. First, their construction isnt based on any solid testing or
theory. Second, the Holy Hand Grenades are claimed to disable negative influences from cellular phone
towers, which I know is absolutely false because such devices have no effect on the electromagnetic
radiation coming from the towers, into which the harmful effects are encoded. Third, because orgonite
transforms rather than generates or depletes orgone, chembusters are not as effective as traditional
water-based cloudbusters which show instant results under the same conditions. Fourth, while the basic
theory of orgonite seems sound, the various derivative devices based upon it are indiscriminately
channeled or imagined. Depending on who the source may be for some of these designs, they might
actually be harmful, if not just causing people to believe they are doing good when they are wasting their
time with ineffective devices. And fifth, busting chemtrails does not get rid of the chemicals therein, which
fall slowly to the ground anyway. This is not an armchair criticism, but an analysis derived from actual
experimentation and participation. This particular field is interspersed with wishful thinking,
disinformation, and misplaced paranoia. Not to say there isnt honest research being undertaken in this
area I just urge those who experiment in this area to at least get an understanding of the fundamentals
of orgonomy from Reich himself.
montalk 20/11/98
all rights reserved

Part I: Microbusting An offshoot of orgonomy, weather engineering

offers both electrifying experiences and burdens of responsibility
for the cloudbuster operator. Though theories as to how or why it
works are abundant, research by such notables as Trevor James
Constable, James DeMeo, Robert McCullough, and, of course,
Wilhelm Reich) has unequivocably shown that methods employed
in cloudbusting do influence weather patterns. Further
investigations by backyard experimenters as myself only confirm
this fact.

My own weather operations started in May of 1996 and ended in

September of 1997, and although seventeen months may seem
insignificant to the years of research conducted by others, the
months were sufficient to allow an assemblage of theories and
protocols for the production of desired atmospheric precipitation.

Traditional practices in cloudbusting centered around the concept

of orgone energy, claimed by its discoverer, Wilhelm Reich, to be
a negentropic life force affecting physical, biological, and
psychological systems depending on its charge density, rate of
flow, and excitability. The various forms of orgone, such as DOR
(deadly orgone), and ORANUR (orgone excited by radioactive
energy), all have specific effects upon these systems, which are
described in the following chart:

physical biological psychological atmospheric

In dense
Abiogenesis of
Negative ionic, bions, tingling Free flow of
accompanied by
affinity for water, warmth on emotions,
cumulous clouds
negentropic, blue skin, sense of well
Orgone glow, life-positive, enhances being, vitality,
precipitation, in
alters alpha decay healthy growth rapidly
low densities by
of radioactive of life, discharges
aridity, adds
material. stimulates cilia during orgasm.
clarity to
blueness of sky.
Positive ionic, Destimulates Black clouds
signifies lack or cilia, slows without rain,
stagnation of intake of desert-like arid
fatigue, blocks
orgone, created by oxygen, stagnation of
orgone, created by oxygen, stagnation of
DOR emotional
TV's, microwaves, dehydrates climate,
and other the body, stagnant
electromagnetic causes severe weather
sources. thirst. patterns, haze
Densely positive
In buildings,
ionic, orgone Along with
creates an
dangerously excited symptoms of
atmosphere of Shred-like
by alpha radiation radiation
aggression, decomposition
Oranur (as found in smoke sickness,
hysteria, of cloud edges,
detectors), clears life-
claustrophobia, cobalt-blue sky.
decomposes forms within its
minerals into brown field of effect.

All three forms of orgone have specific atmospheric effects due to

its intense affinity for water; strong concentrations of "good"
orgone are accompanied by water, and low densities by arridity. A
cloud, for example, is a pocket of dense orgone energy, but the
surrounding blue sky contains a lower concentration. According
to classic cloudbuster theory, in order for a cloud to "bust," its
orgone content must be "drawn" away by some means.

It was by accident that such a means was found. Wilhelm Reich

and his associates observed that pipes pointed at a lake before
them influenced the shape of waves upon the water. Years later,
Reich capitalized upon this effect by relieving what was then
known as the DOR Emergency, during which the inhabitants of his
laboratory in Rangeley, Maine, became victims to "DOR sickness."
He sought ways to rid the area of this deadly orgone which had
not only sickened his co-workers, but also caused the static
accumulation of dark, drought-like clouds in the skies above. What
soon evolved was a contraption composed of twelve copper pipes,
each 1.5 - 2" diameter and 10' long, whose bottom ends were
connected in parallel to BX electrical cables which were dropped
in a well to siphon the DOR from the sky toward the water within
the well. After ridding the region of DOR, the cloudbuster was
found to be useful for either producing or preventing rain in the
region. For several years, Reich offered his services in preventing
forecasted rainstorms for special events such as parades and
other special events, as well as breaking several droughts
beflicting the region.

The theory behind cloudbusting involved a monumental principle:

orgone flows from low potential to high. In practice, this meant that
to draw orgone from a cloud into a collection of pipes, the orgone
potential of the pipes had to be made higher than that of the cloud.
This was the purpose of grounding the pipes in water, prefferably
running water. Since much orgone was already present in the
water contacting the pipes, much more so than within the cloud,
when the pipes were aimed at the center of the cloud, the orgone
by means of the above principle naturally flowed from cloud to
pipe and into the water to be flushed away.

Reich made an analogy between a lightning rods and

cloudbusters: both discharge orgone from the sky (lightning was
believed to be a super-dense bolt of electricity and orgone), except
whereas a lightning rod does so in the fraction of a second, the
cloudbuster extends its influence over tens of minutes -- an hour
is the usual draw duration. Though lightning rods channel much
greater magnitudes of energy than cloudbusters, it is not difficult
to see why a cloudbuster produces a more apparent change in
shape of a cloud than lightning rods do. It is not the magnitude of
energy involved, but rather the rate of energy flow. With the
cloudbuster's slower rate of orgone siphoning, the chaotically
evolving cloud has a longer time to respond to the influence of a
cloudbuster operator.

The rate of draw is dependent upon rate of water flow within the
pipe, number of pipes, and the skill at which the cloudbuster is
operated. The length-to-diameter ratio determines the range of
influence of the cloudbuster; the larger the ratio, the longer the
range. Requirements of fast-running water hint at the mechanism
by which cloudbusters function. To fully understand how metal
tubes pointed at the sky can change it, one must realize that
orgone is both an ionic and conscious phenomena. The ionic
interactions occuring within the cloud at a molecular level explain,
for the most part, how and why cloudbusting is possible. As
mentioned, orgone bears characteristics uncannily similar to
electrical phenomena, specifically that of ionized air. Orgone and
ionized air are compared as follows:

Orgone Ions
Highly charged
accumulators Objects ionized by high voltage electricity give off a
placed in the dark blue corona.
are seen to emit a
blue glow.
A healthy dose of
A healthy dose of
Negative ion generators also freshen the air, stimulate
cilia movement within air passages of subjects
"freshens" the
breathing negative ions -- leading to a better filtration
air, creates an
of dirty air and increased oxygen utilization within the
energized sense
of well being.
DOR causes
Positive ions (lack of negative ions) decrease cilia
thirst, fatigue,
movement, leading to throat irritations and thirst
irritability, and
caused by lowered production of mucous and resulting
blank stares
increase of foreign particulates entering the lung, and
among its
oxygen utilization is lowered, also creating fatigue.
Orgone is
neutralized or Static electricity is also neutralized of absorbed by
absorbed by water.
Cloudbusters are
like lightning
Lightning rods channel bolts of electricity,
rods, but draw
cloudbusters channel ions slowly.
orgone at a
slower rate.
Orgone can alter
the decay rate of
Ions are known to affect radioactive decay.

Quite clearly, orgone not only resembles electricity, but could

actually be electricity with one exception: several behaviors of
orgone cannot be fully explained by the physics of ionization
alone, which leads to my hypothesis that the unnaccounted factor
is of psychic origin, in other words, it is a radionic/conscious

First, however, let's analyze the ionic aspects of orgone before we

return to the radionic hypothesis in weather engineering. If we
visualize the interaction between a cloudbuster and its target as
being not one of orgone "drawn" into the pipe, but rather ions from
the pipe being released into the atmosphere toward that target,
then the generation of the ions and their resulting interaction with
a cloud's water droplets can elegantly be explained.

One requirement when cloudbusting is fast running water, as

mentioned above. The simplest of this type is a copper pipe with a
spray nozzled hose inserted into its lower end, as shown in this
To allow full emersion of the pipe's end into water, a tub can be

More advanced and efficient configurations involve atomizing the

water into a fine mist before injecting them into the tube. A make-
shift version of this type utilizes a motorized air humidifier
commonly found at Wal-Mart for $15 during the winter season. A
flexible, expandable hose is connected from the humidifier to the
At the molecular level, neutral streams of water are atomized by
the nozzle or humidifier into small droplets light enough to be
suspended in air. These droplets, by a well known phenomena, are
ionized; when water is split into smaller globules, charge
imbalances occur. Often, more negative ions are produced than
positive ones as in a rainstorm, where raindrops splashing on the
ground shoot off negatively charged droplets (in rare instances,
such raindrops have been seen to discharge sparks of electricity
upon contact with the ground). Within the cloudbuster's pipe,
much of the positive ions are grounded, creating in effect a filter
mechanism by which negatively ionized water droplets are
produced and forced from the muzzle of a cloudbuster. This
explains why fast-running water is a recommendation: the faster
the water, the larger the spray, and the more ionized droplets are

Ions leave the cloudbuster to dissipate into the atmosphere and

interact with an aimed target, the cloud. Precision to which these
ions are capable of being aimed shall be discussed below, for it is
radionic fundamentals that explain the precision. Contrary to
expectations the ions do not simply drift away like smoke from a
pipe, but coherently reach their target in a conical, if not beam-like
projection. Once the ions reach a water droplet in the cloud, the
largely neutral droplet (which is really a collection of negative
droplets around a positive condensation nucleus, the total charge
being zero), is split into smaller negatively charged droplets now
small enough to be classified as water vapor, which is invisible to
the naked eye except for its filtering effect of the sun's rays
causing our sky's blue hue. A cloud can therefore be made to
"disappear" when its water droplets have been ionized by the
cloudbuster's ions into invisible water vapor. Conversely, a
section of blue sky, occupied mostly by uniformly charged
positive water vapor ions, can be made to coalesce into visible
water droplets through neutralization by the interaction with the
cloudbuster's negative ions:
Because opposites attract and similars repel (Law of Attraction
and Repulsion of Charges), large water droplets can either be
made to split into two or more repelling water vapor molecules, or
ionized water vapor molecules can be neutralized and caused to
coalesce into a cloud.

Therefore, to destroy a cloud, the cloudbuster is aimed at the

cloud, and the ions dissociate it:
This is in complete agreement with classic cloudbusting protocol.

Now that ions are known to be partially responsible for weather

modifying effects, one can see why waterless cloudbuster units
are possible. Trevor James Constable, whose work is detailed in
the book Loom of the Future (one I recommend you read for its
philosophical insights and profuse number of photographs),
mentions waterless units called "blue-bellies", which are in
essence orgone accumulators wrapped around the lower half of
PVC pipe and bound with duct tape. For those who do not know
what an "orgone accumulator" is, visit the PORE webpage. Orgone
accumulators are composed of layers of organic and inorganic
material, most commonly cotton and steel wool in alternating
layers. Such a configuration of materials is said to become
charged with orgone, and radiate the orgone to objects near the
accumulator. Any physics student can see that alternating layers
of metal and insulator forms a capacitor. By virtue of its porous
and fluffy texture, such accumulators gather electrical energy and
emit a constant field of charged air ions. The source of this charge
is gravity, known by Townsend Brown and George Hodowanec to
produce self-charge on a capacitor. When an accumulator is
wrapped around a pipe, plastic or metal as in the orgone
"Volcano" model below,

the pipe will emit ions just as a regular cloudbuster, except

without the need for water.

This principle can thus be applied through a high voltage ion

generator inserted into the end of a metal or plastic pipe and
aimed at the sky. This method allows, in effect, a power-
cloudbuster to be constructed which needs only to be pointed,
set, plugged in, and monitored.
However, a question arises as to how so few ions can impact the
development of thunderheads (cumulo-nimbus clouds hundreds of
yards in height). The answer to this question is easily apparent
and stems from the same reason why, under Chaos theory, the air
currents generated by a butterfly flapping its wings could
eventually lead to the formation of a hurricane. Cloud
development, and weather, for that matter, is extremely chaotic
and volatile to the smallest factors. A cloudbuster's ion can act as
a a crucial trigger in causing millions of other water vapor
molecules to coalesce in a chain reaction, much like cloud
seeding utilizing dry ice dropped from airplanes into clouds also
create a chain reaction.

Unlike the butterfly effect, however, where the trigger's effect is

chaotic, the effects of cloudbusting are controlled by radionic
means through the mind of the cloudbuster operator. This is an
example of consciousness affecting chaos. The more chaotic a
system is, the more easily consciousness can both saturate and
influence it. A cloud, or the weather itself, is quite chaotic. Just as
influence it. A cloud, or the weather itself, is quite chaotic. Just as
a sculptor shapes a figure with his hands, so does a cloudbuster
operator shape a cloud with his mind into a state more conducive
to formation or dissipation, but not without the help of his tools, of

Cloudbusters are no different. Ions do, by evidence of their

electrical properties, interact with water droplets in clouds, but it is
the consciousness factor that tips the scale of the "butterfly effect"
one way or the other, towards a thunderhead with a straight
column, or a curved one, for example. Since the mind has a
special connection to chaotic systems due to it being intelligent
and resultingly unpredictable, the cloudbuster operator's mind can
influence the otherwise unpredictable development of clouds
without a cloudbuster, but unless he were extremely competent in
parapsychological feats, his efforts would be in vain without the
help of such a device. It is only through the interface of mind and
machine that the average person can achieve the spectacular
results of cloudbusting.

Orgone is thus a combination of mind and ion, whose effects

range from wholly ionic (blue corona) to entirely psychological
(emotional armoring).

Neither pure orgonomy nor pure present day science can

comprehensively describe or explain the process of cloudbusting,
but a combination of orgonomy, radionics, and science can. Once
again, it is consilience through which truth is revealed.

Part II: Macrobusting
Cloudbusting: Macrobusting
montalk 10/11/98
all rights reserved

Part II: Macrobusting (back to Part I: Microbusting)

Whereas Microbusting details theories and protocols pertaining to

the alteration of local meteorological phenomena, Macrobusting
involves spawnings of entire weather systems beyond the horizon.

Such weather systems owe their existence to low and high

pressure air masses, seen as a blue "H" and red "L" on the typical
weather map. By engineering a high pressure air mass (Hp) at a
particular geographic location, disturbances such as warm or cold
fronts, cool and dry or warm and moist air, lake-effect snow,
monsoons, Alberta Clippers, and anomalies as omega-blocks, cut-
offs, or hyper-latitudinal jet-streams can be created.

Because these systems appear at great distances from the

cloudbuster (CB), it is evident that the ions responsible for local
cloudbusting work play little part in Macrobusting. Although the
butterfly-effect is still in force when altering a region of the
nation's weather, radionic principles play a greater part than do
electrical ones.

First, let's analyze how Hp's and Lp's (low pressure systems) are
formed by a CB, from an orgonomic perspective. As has been
stated, high densities of orgone are accompanied by high
concentrations of water (rain is the most obvious form), low
densities by low water concentrations bringing about dry, blue
skies. Under common knowledge, Hp's bring lear skies, and Lp's
cloudy ones. Thus, we can conclude that Lp's are infact dense
regions of orgone, and Hp's areas of rarefied orgone. Furthermore,
CB's "draw" orgone from any point at which it is aimed, leading to
the following principle:

An Hp forms in the direction a CB is aimed.

Since orgone flows from low potential (density) to high potential, if

a CB is aimed eastward, for example, and lowers the potential of
eastern skies, then the atmospheric orgone stream, which
normally runs in the same direction as the jet-stream, stops,
normally runs in the same direction as the jet-stream, stops,
reverses, and flows westward to its source, streaming away from
the area of low potential. However, western portions of the orgone
stream beyond influence of the CB are still flowing W to E. As this
portion meets with the reversed stream, a damming effect occurs
by which an enormous potential of orgone is created west of the
CB (see diagram below). Because high potentials of orgone are
associated with precipitation, storms spontaneously materialize
west of the CB, which, once the W to E orgone flow overpowers
the reversed flow, begin to move eastward again over the CB and
surrounding regions in sheets of rain.

This former theory, which has proven its validity through

countless successful weather operations, can be simplified if
viewed from a strictly meteorological point, namely that visualizing
reversals of the orgone stream (which is vital for the radionic
aspects of cloudbusting to function properly), one simply
concentrates upon Hp's, Lp's, and their respective airflows.

Because "high" and "low" are relative terms, one cannot have a
"high" without having a "low" pressure system. An Hp is always
accompanied by an Lp. More specifically:

An Lp forms in the opposite direction a CB is aimed.

If one aims east, an Lp forms west. To fully understand the

dynamics of pressure systems, one must realize that in the
northern hemisphere:

Hp's rotate clockwise (cw) and Lp's rotate counter-clockwise (ccw)

Wherever a CB is, an Hp forms which rotates cw due to corriolis

forces (the same force that makes water in your sink rotate cw)
forces (the same force that makes water in your sink rotate cw)
and picks up moisture from bodies of water in the path of its
winds. Experiments have shown that with distances that Hp's form
away from a CB, the wind generated by such a system originates
90 degrees cw from a CB's aim:

And thus the following protocol is discovered:

Draw 90 degrees ccw from the desired wind flow direction

For example, if one were in Illinois and requires a moist, southerly

warm air flow from the Gulf of Mexico, the CB would be pointed
east, for east is 90 degrees ccw from south. Of course, 90 degrees
is not a critical number; infact, as will be stated later, a an hour-
long "sweep" from 70 to 90 degrees ccw with a CB is an effective
method of creating large Hp's. However, please attempt to keep
aim within this range, otherwise accuracy will suffer dearly.

Now let us discuss warm and cold fronts. Warm fronts occur
when(assuming weather normally flows from W to E accross a
region) an Lp west of a location collides with and overruns an Hp:

Because the moist, warm, low pressured air is "lifted" to higher

altitude where temperatures are considerably cooler, the Lp's air
must also cool. Since cooler air cannot hold as much moisture as
warmer air per unit volume, the moisture must condense to a form
more commonly known as rain or snow. The boundary between
the air masses in such a case is a warm front.

Conversely, a cold front is established when an Hp approaches an

Lp from the west, and digs beneath it with the same lifting effect.
This is rightly called a cold front.

Combining diagrams of direction of draw, source of moisture,

resulting Hp and Lp, and front gives us the following diagram:

As is evident by the diagrams, a cold front is engineered by

aiming the CB into the main weather flow, and a warm front by
pointing away.

How does one determine the "weather flow" described above?

Visually, one may observe cloud movement or direction of wind,
Visually, one may observe cloud movement or direction of wind,
but be aware that oftentimes clouds of different altitudes move at
separate directions. What we must be concerned with is the
motion of storms in general. It is known that storms follow the jet-
stream in their trek accross the country. Thus, it is best to consult
weather maps of the current jet-stream to know in which direction
one should draw.

In summary of fronts and their relation to Macrobusting:

Warm fronts are created by aiming away from the jet-stream's path of
flow, and will follow the direction of the stream once created.
Cold fronts are created by aiming into the jet-streams's path of flow, but
will also follow the direction of flow once created.

But what happens when the CB draws in a direction not parallel to

the jet-stream? The jet-stream then actually changes its course to
become parallel:

Don't expect to ever reverse the direction of a jet-stream. At most,

you will either create a "cut-off" or an "omega-block":
Now that we know in what direction to aim, there are several other
factorss to take into account: the elevation of aim,
strength/geometry of the CB, duration of draw, and sweep of aim.

First, the elevation in part determines range. A water powered

copper pipe such as the following,

aimed at 20 degrees above horizon can be expected to create an

Hp with center located almost 500 miles from the draw site. At 45
degrees, range reduces to 200 miles. But since Hp's and Lp's are
100's of miles in diameter, even a long-range CB has power to
influence local weather, albeit indirectly. A long range is useful for
engineering massive Hp's west or NW of a location, which results
in a quick, powerful, cold front storm followed by several days of
sunshine and cooler weather.

Due to storm systems moving rather quickly to the east, when

making warm fronts (east draw) care must be taken to use short-
range aim, since if an Hp is formed too far east, so will the warm
front, overshooting the target location by many miles and bringing
rain to places that do not need it. Therefore:
For cold fronts, aim low on horizon and into the jet-stream.
For warm fronts, aim halfway to zenith and down the jet-stream.

Second, the construction of a CB is obviously of critical

importance and affects the range at which Hp's are formed. The
following list of devices are arranged by order of decreasing

1)Long, 12' gutter pipes, water-powered, set up in rack

2)Single or double copper pipes, 10' by 2", water
3)Orgone laser (described below), dry
4)Furnace pipe, 5ft by 6 - 8 ", water powered.
5)Orgone volcanoes.
6)Trevor James Constable's geometric devices.
7)Ion guns.

Numbers 1 - 4 are best for Macrobusting, and 5 - 7 for

Microbusting. Geometry plays an integral role in TJC's equipment,
but that is beyond the scope of this article. TJC has been
extremely careful about what information he divulges to the public
concerning some of his CB's, such as the use conical shapes and
the golden ratio combined with rotary motion in his more secret
devices. Because I have not successfully replicated these devices
for lack of information, I cannot offer advice to the reader
concerning this matter.

The orgone laser has been my primary tool and works well as a
long-range waterless CB. It consists of a 5' by 8" sheet metal
furnace pipe (available cheaply at your local hardware store),
whose end is covered with a sheet metal backplate rivetted in
place. Windows are cut at 1/4 distance up from the bottom, and an
orgone matt made of alternating plastic and aluminum foil sheets
(with aluminum on the inside and plastic on the outside) is
wrapped around the lower half and duct-taped securely:
Third, duration of draw is the most important of all factors, It
decides the difference between a massive hailstorm and gentle
rain. For long-range water-powered, it is recommended by
experienced CB operators that one draw no longer than one hour.
This is critical. For the orgone volcano and laser, which are more
experimental, I have found a draw time of several hours as safe.
Occasionally, they were in place overnight without severe
consequences, unless the tornadoes in Texas were the effect
(which I seriously doubt since the range would've had to have
been 700 hundred miles). When trying novel devices built at home,
try them for no longer than 1/2 hour the first attempt, then increase
duration the next week and observe the effects if all went well the
first time. It is esciting to observe radar spots of red on the TV
screen, but always be aware of the mortality that goes along with
it. How much is a life worth at the expense of your foolery? Think
twice before drawing double the norm just to see an overkilled hit
being spoken about on the six-o'clock news. (I have done this
accidentally once, but never again)

Lastly, sweep of aim controlls the cross-span of an Hp. By sweep

it is meant the periodic repositioning of a CB muzzle to sweep an
arc accross the sky over duration of draw (by the way, "draw" is
an old lable where orgone is thought to be "drawn" into a pipe and
directed with a "sweeping motion." With my ion model, it is more
likely that ions are shot from the pipe, but both explanations can
bring weather operations to fruition). For example, one may
position a CB south-east. Then, after 5 minutes, the muzzle is
shifted left or right by an increment equal to the arc divided by the
number of repositionings (see diagram below). Sweeps can be
made horizontally or vertically. Horizontal sweeps broaden the
Hp's span, and vertical sweeps better reverse the orgone stream ,
or, if one preffers my point of view, creates a more dense Hp, and
or, if one preffers my point of view, creates a more dense Hp, and
thus better storms. Vertical sweeps should be raised no higher
than 45 degrees above horizon, otherwise inaccuracy will result.

Once a CB session is completed, one can expect to observe the

following: 1) 18 - 22 hours after the session's mid-point, a small
patch of rain roughly 100 miles in diameter moves accross the
region without the presence of a front:

At this point the weather map may show signs of an occluded

front (purple dashed line) forming 500 miles opposite of draw. The
small patch of rain gives about .15 inches of precipitation in most
locations except near the site of draw. Because the air is still
litered with an overabundance of ions due to Micro-effects, the
patch of rain disintegrates above, but re-forms once it passes:
You will also note that on a sunny day with cumulus clouds
abound, such clouds will also disintegrate and start to "shred"
above. This is classically blamed on DOR or ORANUR, but it is
really due to extreme levels of ion density (remember that
ORANUR is orgone energized by radioactivity, and that
radioactivity ionizes air, hence the term "ionizing" radiation,
showing that air ionized by a radioactive material coupled with a
radionic element is equivalent to ORANUR).

One to two days after this rain patch moves through, the occluded
front will have transformed into a prominent warm front which will
finally trek eastward and bring lots of precipitation to the target
area, including the draw site (if you empty a bucket of water above
an ion generator, the water will soak it. Likewise, a warm front will
overpower any residual ions left in the CB area. Also, the extra two
days allowed for ionized air to be thoroughly ventilated and

If, however, the CB was aimed incorrectly and not parallel to the
jet-stream, the bulk of precipitation will land north or south of the
target site.

Now, to give the reader a better idea of how to go about

cloudbusting, a thorough example of a typical CB session is given.
The CB operator is located in middle Illinois, which is currently
under the influence of a high pressure system to the NE, with SE
winds at a gentle breeze. A low pressure area is south, and due to
move east quickly, with more high pressure from the NW expected
to bring no precipitation for the next five days. Temperatures are in
the upper 80's and the humidity is at 65%:
The CB operator decides to bring a premature rain to the region in
the form of a warm front, and observes the jet-stream over his
location from NW to SE. Therefore he chooses to aim his CB south
east, away from the jet-stream to get a visible hit on his own
location. The Lp and Hp in place will move out soon to be replaced
be the HP north west, but by creating a new Hp southeast of the
site (in direction of aim), an Lp will inherently form NW, either
replacing or modifying the predicted Hp.

He utilizes two units, a 10' by 2" copper pipe and an orgone laser.
After propping both pipes up on lawn chairs at 30 degrees above
horizon, he inserts a misting spray nozzle in the copper pipe's
end. The copper pipe is swept from 15 degrees left to fifteen
degrees right of SE at intervals of five minutes. The laser is
positioned low on the horizon to be swept vertically upward to 45
degrees over the same duration as the copper pipe, an hour's long
draw. After an hour, the copper pipe is disconnected and stored,
but the laser is repositioned to its original aim 15 degrees above
zero. Later that evening, it, too, is put away.

Twenty hours later, in the early afternoon of the next day, radar
shows a frontless patch of rain approaching and overtaking the
area, but the CB site receives only sprinkles for less than twenty
minutes. (the patch of rain is less than 100 miles accross,
otherwise it must have moved at 300 mph, which is impossible).
This is the first wave of precipitation, already forcing a
contradiction of the weather man's predictions.

Over the next two days, an occluded front is observed to spawn

and develop in north Dakota and an Lp is seen arising where the
former Hp was. At the end of two days, a warm front has
developed, sending moisture from the Gulf into Illinois for a span
of fourteen wet hours(see new weather map below). Mission

Of course there are many variations on this theme, but it gives

good insight as to what one can expect when Macrobusting. But
don't forget that what is west, must go east, and all storms
running over Illinois do not just "disappear" once the pass the
state. They gather in strength as the move eastward, soaking
those in the East Coast, particularly in Virginia and North Carolina
with the example given. It doesn't take a tornado for one to know
that his CB works, so do not attempt this.

Here is more advice:

To create cooler weather draw westward; this allows a Hp to form

west, channeling in cool air from the north.

To break a drought, find large body of water such as the Gulf, the
oceans, or the Great Lakes, and aim the CB 90 degrees ccw from
that direction. Winds will cary moisture from those sources and
dump it on the target location.

To clear an overcast sky (a Microbusting protocol), set up as many

pipes as possible in a tub pointing at all skyward directions, and
flood the tub with water, or use one pipe and sweep from the
zenith to horizon in a helical manner, stopping for several seconds
zenith to horizon in a helical manner, stopping for several seconds
every twenty degrees rotationally, then repeat until sky is clear.

To make it snow, wait for cold temperatures, and follow the same
direction as in breaking droughts, except allow the moisture
source to clash with cold air over the target location. Snow fall
accumulations are a good way of measuring your accuracy, since
incorrect alignment will give snow in a streak north or south of
your desired site. The only hard part is using a water hose at
subfreezing temperatures, unless you use a waterless unit. Don't
forget the brutality of blizzards and fatal traffic accidents that
come with it, so don't overdo it.

Lastly, to check if a front on the current map is natural or man-

made, one should observe the smoothness and continuity of
fronts. If they are rounded and simple, chances are that they came
from natural sources. However, if they appear broken and
malformed, they are man made (see below). This is most obvious
in the summer months. Also look for steady streaks of clouds in
the satellite loops, for they indicate evidence of Microbusting.

This ends our discussion on cloudbusting in its typical forms. If

the reader chooses to try any of the material herein, he is advised
to learn an adequate knowledge base on meteorology and
orgonomy before starting. Reading orgonomy-related books and
watching the Weather Channel for a couple months should suffice,
unless one were to employ himself in proffessional cloudbusting,
in which case many years of study and experience are
recommended. Because the sky is finite, other CB operators may
be performing their own experiments on the same portion of it,
unaware of one another. Then they wonder why the results went
contradictory to their expectations. It's best to always document
one's proposed operation at a public forum such as PORE's
cloudbuster forum, so that other CB operators in the area know to
cloudbuster forum, so that other CB operators in the area know to
refrain from getting out their equipment in the same week.

There is much more to be discovered in the diverse variations of

cloudbusting, and while the government is breaking its back trying
to change the climate with megawatts of microwave power as in
the HAARP project, you can accomplish ten times over what they
can in the leisure of your own back yard using the gentle
principles of nature discovered by the great Wilhelm Reich. Good
experimenting to all!
Orgonomy and Cloudbusting Demonstration
montalk 8/6/02

This report details the cloudbusting experiment conducted on Monday, July 29th, 2002.
In my view, the experiment was a success due to several weather anomalies that
apparently resulted. In addition to describing what happened, I will give an overview of
orgonomy and procedures for building and operating a cloudbuster. At the end of this
report, I will introduce some speculation on the nature of orgone energy and how it
relates to topics the Cassiopaeans have discussed.

What is Orgone?

It is a type of sexual life-force energy that can be gathered, beamed, absorbed,

generated, or redirected by conscious beings or orgone-based devices. Ultimately, it is
an archetypal creative energy, meaning that although it has many manifestations from
the psychological to physical, the underlying essence of 'negentropy' remains the same
between them.

Psychologically, free flowing orgone is said to be conducive to a free-spirited

personality, healthy sexuality, vitality, creativity, and dynamism. Environmentally,
ecosystems blessed with strong orgone energies are dense and lively. Physically,
strong orgone is associated with negative ions, negentropic (self-organizing) systems,
low pressure weather systems, water vapor concentrations, and a blue ionic glow.

An important property of orgone is its strong affinity for water; water can absorb or
generate orgone. Another paramount characteristic is orgone's tendency to flow from
low concentrations to high concentrations.

Motionless water acts as a sponge or capacitor for orgone energy. It absorbs all lower
concentrations of orgone from objects or beings near it. Should water come close to an
concentrations of orgone from objects or beings near it. Should water come close to an
object with higher orgone concentrations, it will dump its energy into that object.

Motion or turbulence in water infuses it with orgone energy. This is probably due to
turbulence creating nonlinear conditions in water; nonlinearity fertilizes a substance for
the reception of consciousness-associated energies.

Another method for generating orgone is through orgone accumulators. These are
boxes, blankets, or pillows made with alternating layers of organic and inorganic
substances, such as steel wool and cotton. Such a configuration strongly generates or
absorbs orgone, but has a problem of easily depleting or saturating itself. When an
orgone accumulator is saturated or depleted, it no longer functions as effectively until
discharged or recharged, usually by placing it near water or placing it in fresh air and

Orgone energy is not easily blocked by haphazard walls of metal, glass, or plastic. Only
geometric configurations have the ability to channel or redirect orgone energy. Cones,
pyramids, and cylinders are shapes that interact well with orgone. Cones, especially
truncated cones made of sheet metal, tend to channel orgone from the base to the
truncated apex. Cylinders, such as metal pipes, channel orgone in a linear direction,
much like waveguides. Nevertheless, metal tends to reflect orgone, and non-metal
tends to absorb it.

Cloudbusters are devices that alter orgone concentrations in the atmosphere. Because
strong orgone is associated with dense water vapor concentrations, altering orgone
levels changes the distribution of condensed water vapor, i.e. clouds. Orgone is proto-
meteorological, meaning it precedes (in the chain of cause and effect) visible weather.


In 1995, I began researching orgone energy and performed over a hundred weather
modification trials during the next several years. The consistent results of these
experiments were very convincing; so-called "cloudbusters" do function as claimed,
altering weather patterns, creating weather systems, and stopping or inducing rain
depending on the method used.

Weather is naturally chaotic, so it was difficult back then to discern whether

meteorological changes were due to the influence of a cloudbuster, or if they would
have happened anyway without the presence of such a device. To determine which was
the case, I conducted numerous trials, comparing the weather during weeks of
cloudbusting to those of non-cloudbusting. The greater and more consistent the
differences between those weeks, the stronger the correlation between cloudbusting
activity and its predicted effects.

I consider anomalous weather to be anything seemingly beyond chance -- my

experiments regularly produced anomalous weather phenomena such as hailstorms on
calm days, strong rain when none was forecast, strange bends in the jet stream
("omega blocks" or "cut-offs"), and various odd cloud shapes such as funnels or waves.
When the cloudbuster was not being used, normal weather was prevalent. I could
design cloudbusting experiments to induce desired alterations of the weather, and the
repeated match between predicted outcome and actual outcome suggested that this
technology was valid.
technology was valid.


Normally, I try to stay away from inducing severe weather because it is dangerous and
contrary to the "Cloudbuster Operator Code of Ethics" which emphasizes that
cloudbusters are not to be used for fun or show, but for correcting weather imbalances
such as droughts or torrential weather. When Laura asked me to help build and
demonstrate a cloudbuster for the Cassiopaea group attending the conference, I agreed
because it was to be an educational experience which justified any associated risk.

My goal was to build a cheap but effective cloudbuster that would demonstrate three
effects: the dissolution of clouds, building of clouds into thunderheads, and the
damming of clouds. A short sprinkle, I assumed, would be enough to convince healthy
skeptics that the cloudbuster might actually work.

I was used to experimenting in Midwest with relatively stable weather patterns, and
miscalculated the volatility of Southeast weather. In short, the neighborhood was hit
with everything shy of a tornado. We experienced a rare hailstorm, sideways rain,
strong winds that ripped off some tree branches, vortical storm movements, and
incredibly loud thunder. Definitely overkill, but as far as educational value goes, it was
worth every drop of rain. There were mixed reactions of thrills, cheers, panic,
amusement and amazement, but many seemed to have viewed this as a positive
experience, a demonstration of something involving higher density energies and

Chronological Account of the Experiment

Monday afternoon, we drove to Home Depot to gather parts for a cloudbuster. Even
though Laura requested a fully equipped cloudbuster with all the bells and whistles, I
was uncertain whether the experiment would work and decided to build the cheapest
that would get the job done. This would save money if the experiment ended
inconclusively. The simplest cloudbuster consists of a metal pipe with one end
contacting running water. A fancy cloudbuster uses multiple barrels, is mounted on an
adjustable tripod, and employs a water atomizer nozzle to spray mist into a chambered
end where the pipes are inserted.

For this experiment, I chose to use a single ten foot pipe: one end open, and the other a
chamber into which water from a garden hose would be sprayed. At Home Depot, we
found two five foot long stove pipes which we later connected end to end. To create the
chamber, we used a metal tee connector and capped off the two side openings with
PVC endcaps. A metal backplate could have sufficed instead of the tee, but none was
available at the time. The tee connector and PVC endcaps formed a chamber into which
two small holes were cut, one into the top for a garden hose, and one into bottom for
We constructed the device in the back yard, using duct tape to secure the PVC
endcaps, and screws to hold the two pipes together. Then we picked a location in the
center of the yard with a good view of the sky and propped up the device on a lawn
chair. A bag of fertilizer was set over the lower chambered end to keep the device from
tipping over.
As soon as the rest of our group arrived, the experiment began. With the pipe pointed
45 degrees upward into a clear section of the sky, I turned on the garden hose halfway
to create a strong spray into the pipe's end chamber.

The first demonstration involved building up a small cloud into a larger one. There was a
puffy cumulous cloud above the treeline, surrounded by blue sky to its upper right. I
aimed the cloudbuster into that section of blue sky and waited. All clouds were moving
over us, against the direction of aim.

According to Reich's theory, orgone flows from low concentrations to high

concentrations. The cloudbuster's purpose is to decrease orgone
concentrations/potentials in the aimed regions of sky, mainly by "drawing" in orgone
from that region and channeling it into the chambered end, to be absorbed and flushed
away by the running water. By pointing at the blue sky surrounding a cloud, orgone
potential is lowered there, causing the remaining orgone to flow into the cloud, the
nearest higher-potential area.
The targeted cumulous cloud rapidly grew in size. One could see the top part
mushrooming upward, more quickly than normal. As the cloud grew in size and moved
toward us, the right half was visibly sheared off in a straight line originating at the
cloudbuster's point of aim. In other words, the cloudbuster was dissolving all clouds in
its aimed path, and building up those around the path. Despite partly cloudy conditions,
over the next 45 minutes that aimed region of sky remained blue...all clouds entering
the region dissolved quickly, leaving behind a cleanly cut channel of blue sky.
Meanwhile, the original target cloud continued to grow, turning into a large thunderhead.
By that point, I was convinced the cloudbuster really worked, because the target cloud
grew so quickly, its right side was cut off in a long straight edge, and the cloudbuster's
point of aim remained free of clouds for over half an hour. These three items of
observation were, in my opinion, beyond natural occurrence.

Halfway into the process, an interesting cloud feature developed. It was a funnel-
shaped "wave" bowing outward, ahead of the target cloud.

It soon twisted itself into a loop-shape and broke up within minutes.

I'm not sure exactly what this was, but it appeared to be vortical, like a soliton. A soliton
is a self-circulating stable wave, like a smoke ring. Just as rapid fluid motion can create
turbulence, so might the dynamic orgone streams have created turbulence in the sky.
An orgone soliton might account for the observed funnel. In my experience, undulating
wave patterns in clouds commonly accompany cloudbusting operations, but this one I
had never seen before. That I've never seen them in regular weather either suggests it
was an artifact of this particular cloudbusting session.

Besides the building of thunderheads and dissolution of clouds, a cloudbuster is also

capable of damming clouds. To do this, one simply aims the cloudbuster directly into the
stream of weather. In this case, the weather was moving toward us from the southeast,
and so I left the cloudbuster pointing southeast. The original target cloud, which by then
was still building and spreading overhead, was southeast anyway, so I did not need to
reorient the cloudbuster to do the damming demonstration.

There are two ways to understand how a cloudbuster backs up a stream of clouds.

The first way involves Reich's traditional view, that a cloudbuster draws in orgone
energy. Because orgone flows from low potential to high potential, by aiming into the
stream of weather, orgone in that region will reverse course and flow upstream to areas
where orgone potential remains high. Thus, incoming orgone with high potential is met
with returning orgone of lower potential, and a damming effect occurs. In this
with returning orgone of lower potential, and a damming effect occurs. In this
experiment, by aiming southeast and upward at 45 degrees, orgone in that region had
to flow into areas of higher potential, including areas further southeast and lower on the
horizon; this was the direction weather was coming from.

The second way involves Trevor James Constable's view that cloudbusters actually
beam orgone energy instead of drawing it in. By aiming into the direction of weather, the
emitted orgone energy pushes back the incoming clouds and dams them up. Either
view demands exactly the same orientation of a cloudbuster and produces the same
effects, the damming of clouds.

Forty five minutes into our experiment, the southeastern part of the sky was already
looming with darkness and rolling with thunder. Up to that point, the cloudbuster had
done a great job of damming up the weather and keeping the aimed region of sky free
of clouds. However, after that point, the orgone potential had grown so high that it
overpowered the cloudbuster and blue sky quickly disappeared. That was my cue to
turn off and remove the device, for it had done all it could do. The fuse had been lit.

With the cloudbuster removed, weather was free to flow overhead like water from a
broken dam. Storm clouds rushed toward us with surmounting thunder and accelerating
wind. One hour after the beginning of the experiment, we were hit with hail, gusting
winds up to 50 miles per hour, and intense sideways rain -- everything short of a

It continued raining at a moderate rate for several more minutes, and within another
hour the rain stopped. The sky that night was clear.

There was a tornado watch already in effect by the time I set up the cloudbuster.
Additionally, storms were on the way since 3PM, even though I started the experiment
at 5PM. Does this prove that it was all natural weather? I don't believe so. The
cloudbuster clearly amplified already approaching storms, damming them up and
increasing their severity. Here are several reasons I think what we experienced at
Laura's house was unusual:

- this was the first hailstorm in this town in almost eight years
- damage from the storm, like fallen branches, was most intense around the
- soliton cloud formation halfway into experiment
- soliton cloud formation halfway into experiment
- on the radar, storms going east/west changed course and converged north
or south toward our
- for 45 minutes, aimed section of sky remained blue
- right side of targeted cloud was sheared off in a straight line
- timing between cloudbuster experiment and severe storm was highly

This graph tracked the temperature, wind speed, and barometric pressure in New Port
Richey on July 29th, 2002. Notice the surge in windspeed between 5PM and 6PM, and
how the pressure graph is missing a section during that time. Weird.

--- How to Construct a Water-Powered Cloudbuster ---

All you need is a pipe and running water.


number - more pipes, broader spread of aim and more powerful

the cloudbuster. Multiple pipes aren't really necessary, unless
you have small diameter pipes, each with laserpoint areas of
coverage. In that case, multiple pipes allow you to cover a
broader area. Thus, the smaller the pipe diameter, the better it is
to use multiple pipes.

length - longer the pipe, greater the range. A length of five feet is
good for local (visible sky) targeting, ten feet is good for areas
good for local (visible sky) targeting, ten feet is good for areas
beyond the horizon. It also depends on pipe diameter. A long
skinny pipe is great for long range, while a shorter fat pipe is
ideal for very local cloudbusting.

material - cost and durability are all that matter, as long as it's
metal. Copper pipes: durable, heavy, but expensive, best suited
for fast running water like streams or gushing water hoses. Stove
pipes: light, cheap, dents easily, but are good for larger
diameters. Best used for finely sprayed water.

diameter - larger the diameter, more local the effect. Copper

pipes should have smaller diameters, like 2" or less to keep cost
down. Stove pipes should have larger diameters, like 4" to 8".


six copper pipes, 10' by 1.5", mounted in two rows of

three - traditional, long range and broad coverage

three copper pipes, 10' by 2", single row horizontal -

traditional, long range, not as broad

two stove pipes, 5' by 4", single row horizontal - local

effects like direct cloud-busting or building

one stove pipe, 10' by 8" - powerful, good range, both

local and over the horizon.

one copper pipe, 10' by 2" - long range, will get the
job done


speed - greater the speed, quicker the orgone


nozzle - finer the spray, more efficient the cloudbuster. By

"efficient," I mean both that the cloudbuster works better, and
also that less quantity of water needs to be used to get the same
effect. Compared to normal running water, finely sprayed water
would be more "porous" to orgone and therefore more
"absorbent." Additionally, any ionic effects related to orgone
would be enhanced since water droplets tend to carry electrical
charge. A water hose with a nozzle turned to a fine misted spray
works well, but one can also use a portable misting device, also
known as "Misty Mates" or "Twist 'n Mist".

type - any water will do, as long as it's moving. Water can
absorb/generate only a finite amount of orgone energy, so the
purpose of running water is to keep a fresh supply circulating.

end sunk into stream or river - unlimited orgone

capacity, but cumbersome, low orgone
absorption/generation rate

end sunk into overflowing bucket of water - high

orgone capacity, but low to medium
absorption/generation rate.

gushing water hose in pipe - medium orgone

capacity, medium to high absorption/generation rate

spraying water hose in pipe - medium orgone

capacity, high absorption/generation rate, most
powerful of all

fine mist in pipe or pipe's end chamber - low orgone

capacity, high absorption/generation rate, most

*orgone capacity: how much orgone this method can

absorb or generate. Higher is better.

*absorption/generation rate: how quickly this method

can absorb or generate orgone. Higher is better.

End chambers: optional, otherwise just put end of hose a foot into lower
end of pipe.


plastic: cheap, keeps pipes electrically separate,

durable, best used for fine mist spraying

metal: complicated, but is electrically united with

pipes, so any running water touching the chamber will
act as though it were touching the pipes themselves.


oval plastic waste basket - encloses end of two pipes,

best used for fine mist

plastic bucket with lid - multiple pipes, also for fine


metal box - for any number of pipes, electrically united

with pipes

back plate on pipe - simplest, best for spray or fine

capped tee connector - what was used in experiment,
good for spray

--- How to Use a Water-Powered Cloudbuster ----

Altering Local Weather:

Building Clouds: aim cloudbuster at the blue sky surrounding a cloud. This
will lower the orgone potential there and cause it to flow into the nearest
cloud, building it up.

Busting Clouds: aim cloudbuster at the center of a cloud. According to the

traditional convention where cloudbusters draw in orgone, this will draw in
orgone from the cloud and into the pipe, making it shrink. According to the
newer convention where cloudbusters shoot orgone, aiming it at a cloud will
blow it apart like a laser blast.

Damming Clouds: find the direction from which clouds are coming, and aim
into it. This will back up the stream of weather, often leading to storms when
the dam bursts.

Altering National Weather: this involves the creation of low and high pressure areas.
Low pressure systems rotate counter clockwise, and high pressure systems rotate
clockwise. This is important when you wish to channel moisture into your target region.
Think of high or low pressure systems as giant waterwheels that scoop up moisture
over seas and oceans, and dump them onto land.

Wherever you aim a cloudbuster, a high pressure center forms in two to three days.
This is because high pressure means low orgone, and by drawing in orgone from a
region of the sky, high pressure is bound to result. High and low pressure areas arise in
opposite pairs, so a low pressure area will arise opposite the region you aim.

Creating warm fronts: Aim east, or down the jet stream. This creates high
pressure east and low pressure west. When the low pressure area moves
from west to east as most weather does, it will displace the high pressure
area, resulting in a warm front. Warm fronts involve long and steady
showers. Aiming down the jet stream also dams up the weather on a large

Creating cold fronts: Aim west, or into the jet stream. Cold fronts involve
short but intense storms.

Channeling rain into your area: Pick a large body of water, such as the
Gulf of Mexico. Figure out where you need to create a clockwise high
pressure system, or counter clockwise low pressure system, to scoop up
and carry moisture from that body of water to your target location. Then point
your cloudbuster in the direction of the needed high pressure area, or
opposite the needed low pressure area.
When doing long range operations like these, the effects you get vary with geographic
location. The more humid and tropical the climate, the faster the response. The average
response involves a short front-less shower within 24-36 hours, and a warm or cold
front in 72 hours.

Duration of session: anything between 30 and 45 minutes is good. Never

do it longer than an hour, even if it's your first time and you're looking for
definite results. If over the next two or three days you get nothing, despite
"drawing" for an hour, then your device isn't functioning properly or the
weather simply isn't responding.

height of aim: the higher the aim, the more local the effect. Aiming straight
up (90 degrees) is a good way of clearing the sky above of clouds, for
dispersing fog, and clearing the weather of light drizzle. Anything below 30
degrees is used for long range cloudbusting.

Repositioning of cloudbuster: when a cloudbuster remains still for more

than 5 or 10 minutes, the passing orgone streams (part of the weather)
begin ignoring it, much like a stream ignores a rock thrown into it after the
ripples fade. Thus, it is necessary to move the cloudbuster slightly every 5
minutes so as to re-shock the orgone streams into responding to it.

Touching a cloudbuster: do not hold onto a cloudbuster for more than

several seconds. It will disturb the balance of orgone within you and can
lead to either energy drain or over-energizing and fidgeting. Also, if you are
attempting to destroy a storm cloud, a cloudbuster will draw in 'deadly
orgone' or DOR, which is not good for health -- so if you hold on to a
cloudbuster while it is drawing in DOR, you will receive some of it and not
feel too good. If you do get affected, symptoms will pass within a day.

When engineering large weather systems (or just cloudbusting in general), there will
often be signs on national weather maps that something artificial is being produced. A
weather map two days after a cloudbusting session will usually include occluded fronts
(purple dashed lines, meaning stationary weather fronts due to damming effect), and
fronts intersecting each other at harsh angles. Normal weather maps include gently
sloping fronts. Compare this normal map:
To this abnormal map, taken from after a short cloudbusting session I
performed in May, 2001:

The normal map has a big, gently curving cold front, with a few high/low centers
scattered about. The abnormal map has two occluded fronts, warm and cold fronts
intersecting at right angles, and a profuse number of high/low pressure centers. It looks
like a mess, but it's a sign of success.

------ Discussion -------

Cloudbusters and UFOs

Reich believed alien ships ran on orgone energy, and that by aiming a cloudbuster
toward them, their orgone could be drained and the ships made to disappear. To those
toward them, their orgone could be drained and the ships made to disappear. To those
with the ability to see, orgone energy is blue in color. Some UFO's also emit a blue
glow, and this is one reason Reich made such a claim. Reich saw these UFO's as
hostile because they fed upon living beings to refuel, and therefore seemed parasitic in

Trevor James Constable also experimented with orgone and UFO's and found that they
showed up occasionally during his early cloudbusting experiments. They could be made
to leave when the cloudbuster was pointed at them. Most of Constable's observed
UFOs could only be captured on infrared film; in those cases, he merely confirmed that
they were attracted to his experiments.

In my view, orgone is one type of energy required for 4th density STS beings and crafts
to maintain their presence in 3rd density. By draining such a craft or being of orgone
energy, they fade out and return to 4th density. The Cassiopaeans said that sometimes,
storms in 3D are the result of battles occurring in 4th density. When one creates a storm
with a cloudbuster, one is not creating a battle in 4D, but rather generating the same
types of energy that are manifested during 4D battles.

Orgone and Loosh

There are different grades to nonphysical energies. Loosh, or emotional/spiritual

energy, seems to be of a higher grade than orgone, which is coarser and more etheric.
In the case of organic portals, for example, our energies can be drained by just being
physically around them, even though our emotional buttons are not triggered -- such
energy drains make us physically fatigued. When they do push our buttons, we may feel
physically fine but emotionally fatigued and drained of willpower. This shows that OPs
can sometimes take one type of energy but not another, and so a difference in those
energies must exist. Because orgone can be generated with something as simple as
running water, or alternating layers of organic and inorganic materials, I'd guess that
orgone is not as sophisticated or refined as emotional energies.

Orgone and the Paranormal

I am certain that orgone or related energies are capable of interfering with nonphysical
or variably physical entities. This includes not only 4th density entities here temporarily,
but also free-roaming etheric/astral entities. Robert Bruce claims in his latest book
"Practical Psychic Self Defense" that negative discarnate entities, when not strongly
attached to living humans, have trouble crossing running water. This is because their
attempts to do so severely drain them of what energy they need to interact with this
reality. Running water, then, appears to absorb such energies, much as it absorbs
orgone in a cloudbuster.

Laura has noticed that many apparitions, the type involving repetitive replays of past
events, happen in places located above underground streams. It seems to me that
running water provides the energy for holographic imprints upon the environment to be
energized and played. Even though water has memory, these imprints could be stored
in the rocks through which such water flows, rather than in the water itself -- mainly
because fresh water is continually passing through the stream, but the rocks remain in
Why does running water sometimes absorb energies, and at other times generate it?
Probably because orgone flows from low potential to high potential. When an affected
object or being has lower potential than the water, it is drained of energy. When the
object or being is higher in potential, it absorbs orgone from the water.

In the case of apparitions, the energy of the underground stream might be dormant until
something energizes the environment above equilibrium. The underground stream is
then triggered into dumping its energy into the region of higher energy concentration,
activating the hologram through the rocks and minerals containing that holographic
imprint. Additionally, as Laura suggested, certain cosmic factors may be involved
related to the alignment of energies, not just their concentrations. This would explain
why such apparitions would regularly appear only on certain dates of the year.

During the conference, there was talk of carved stone formations whose grooves might
have been designed to channel water. It is possible that ritual acts involving such stones
had the effect of raising surrounding energy concentration above that of the water,
causing the water to dump its energy and greatly magnify the already present energy.
Such high concentrations of energy might result in strange effects, especially when
projected through the stones themselves. That orgone flows from low potential to high
potential explains why rocks and water alone were not sufficient, but required external
raising of energy to switch the mode of water from orgone absorption to generation,
thus catalyzing the consciously projected energy of those involved in the ritual.

--- Conclusion ----

Orgonomy requires further research. Its broad scope encompasses many topics
discussed in the Cassiopaean group and by the C's, often showing links where none
were seen before.

Ultimately, I hope orgone can be studied and quantified to the point of creating reliable
devices utilizing orgone's unique properties.

For example, cloudbusters are known to operate best in the hands of positive
individuals, so it's conceivable that an orgone-based detector can be built to determine
the 'positivity' of a person. By 'positivity', I mean less "mechanical" or "armored", to use
Reich's terminology, or less programmed and STS-inclined, to use ours.

The defensive/offensive potential of orgone technology is worth investigating as well.

Orgone seems to have hyperdimensional qualities, meaning its effects carry over into
nonphysical realms. Through orgone technology, it might be possible to create an
unpleasant environment for hostile etheric, astral, and 4th density beings attempting to
directly interfere with us or manifest themselves in this physical reality.

Orgonomy provides another piece to the puzzle, another useful paradigmatic platform. It
would be wise to discern what orgone really is, and how it relates to all the other subtle
energies we know, and finally, how to utilize it for most beneficial purposes.
Further Reading

Microbusting: Altering the visible sky, an introduction to orgonomy and cloudbusting.

Written in 1998 by myself.

Macrobusting: Engineering national weather systems, second part to the above link.

Cosmic Orgone Engineering (CORE) - Reich's original cloudbusting manual, very

comprehensive but primitive by modern standards. Highly recommended for anyone
doing cloudbusting.

Orgone Accumulator Handbook - Dr James DeMeo, an excellent primer on orgone

energy and devices. This book tells you how to make orgone accumulators.

Loom of the Future - Trevor James Constable, documented work of Constable's

experiences in cloudbusting with waterless devices. This book takes Reich's work to a
new level. Lots of pictures of cloudbusters.

Cosmic Pulse of Life - Trevor James Constable, how orgone energy and UFO's are
John Ecklin's SAG 6
The Stationary Armature Generator 6, designed by John Ecklin, is one among many of his inventions
claimed to produce free energy. It is a fascinating, ingeneous, and simple concept which might or might
not be over-unity, but is nonetheless worthwhile to investigate.

I first learned about this device when I was thirteen, have made several attempts at building and testing
it, and learned a few things not mentioned in any of the source articleswhich is why it is included here.

To understand the generator, some simple electromagnetism principles need to be reviewed.

Faradays Law states that the voltage between the outputs of a coil is proportional to the rate at which
the coil moves through a certain amount of magnetic flux. Thus, the stronger the magnet, the higher the
number of loops in the coil, or the faster the coil cuts through magnetic flux, the greater the voltage
generated. This really states that a changing magnetic field is required for a coil to tap its magnetic
energy in the form of electricity.

An example of this is a loop of wire rotating like a spinning coin between opposite poles of a horseshoe
magnet. Electricity is siphoned off the outputs of the coil.

Lenzs law states that any coil of wire will set up an opposite magnetic field to counteract any change in
its externally applied field. So if you bring the north pole of a magnet toward a coils end, the electricity
induced within the coil sets up its own north magnetic field which repels the magnet, causing you to put
more energy into bringing them closer. Then, if you pull the magnet away, the coils end becomes south
and pulls you back.

An example of Lenzs law is the following:

Much energy is lost in pushing the coil toward and pulling it away from the magnet.

Ecklins SAG 6 attempts to circumvent Lenzs law and produce electricity by combining two well known

First, metal flying past a magnet loses no energy. The piece of metal velocity increases as it nears the
magnet, and decreases as it leaves, but both in equal amounts. So from frame A to frame C, no energy is

You can prove this to yourself by tying a piece of metal to a string, taping a button magnet to a table,
and letting the metal swing back and forth above the magnet. It does so for a long time, and only slows
down due to air friction and energy lost in the strings vibration.

Second, the following setup changes the magnetic polarity of a coil without the need of a moving magnet
OR moving coil:

Note that the only moving piece in this example is the shunt (piece of magnetic metal), and as illustrated
above, shunts lose no energy when moving past a magnet. Still, from frame A to frame B, the magnetic
field within the coil changes, so electricity is produced.

Thus, because the shunts lose no energy, but electrical energy is still produced, this set up is theoretically

The SAG 6 is cleverly designed like this:

Here we have two opposite C-shaped magnets trying to influence the magnetic polarity of the I-shaped
core. Without the shunts, no magnetic difference would exist between the top of the core and bottom.
But since every quarter turn one of the gaps between core and magnet is bridged by a shunt, one
magnet has greater influence over the core. By rotating the shaft, the magnetic field within the core flips
back and forth as the strength of one magnets influence over the other switches back and forth.

Because only the shunts are rotating, no energy is lost, and yet the I-shaped core still carries an
alternating magnetic field whose energy is tapped by the coil wrapped around the core. The magnets and
core remain stationary, hence the name stationary armature generator. Zero energy in + lots of energy
out = free energy.

My first several models of this device were pathetic, for I had no experience in using the tools in my
basement, but my sixth model was sturdy enough to prove one thing: the SAG 6 does indeed generate
electricity without motion of magnets or core.

It lit a couple LEDs, but since there was so much friction, with such large airgaps, testing for over-unity
was out of the question. An oscilloscope reading measured ant-hill shaped sine waves of three volts peak
to peak. Output current was in the milliampere range. Since input power was around 30 watts, the
efficiency of my model was miniscule. But it did produce electricity, which was hopeful.

Materials employed were a race-car motor, blue radioshack C-magnets and shunts, a core cut from a
small transformer, 300 turns of #22 wire, brass shaft and slip bearings, and a battery charger to run the
motor. This was done using elementary household tools, so I was not expecting much.

I have talked to David Colishaw, and he had built a model of the SAG 6, but his was also characterized by
shoddy efficiency.

Now, the largest factor contributing to loss of generator efficiency is wider than acceptable air gaps.
There is much magnetic flux leakage, and since the intensity of the magnetic field falls off as the square
of distance, any air gap whatsoever will contribute to weakening of the magnetic field.

In the SAG 6, the air gap factor is employed to alternatingly weaken one of the magnets influence over
the corebut look carefully at how the shunts are designed. They are solid pieces of soft iron, which
actually channel the magnetic flux from the north pole to the south, leaving little for the core.

Thus, a more accurate picture of what happens in the SAG 6 is as follows:

As you can see, the magnet with the stronger influence is the one with a larger airgap. The size of this air
gap is around .7 cm, and if that is responsible for the strongest influence over the core, it is no wonder
my or Davids models had terrible efficiency. A generator with air gaps larger than a quarter millimeter
will undoubtedly fail at being practical.

Why did Ecklins design incorporate this fault? Was Ecklin naive? It is a common practice for inventors of
suppressed devices to publish their findings with an artificially inserted flaw, such that hired scientists of
the thought police build the device, see it as faulty, and abandon their persecution of the inventor. The
wise reader, however, would see the flaw, make the correction, and enjoy his over-unity model.

The corrected Ecklin generator would appear like so:

Now, the shunts do not channel flux from north to south pole, but from the poles to the core. With
careful construction, airgaps may be minimized, and friction reduced, leading to efficiencies hundreds to
thousands times better than my model. I have not built this modified version yet, but will in due time.

From what has been said here, it would appear that the SAG6 is built upon sound theory. But a flaw in
reasoning may still exist. Yes, a shunt will not lose energy when moving past a magnetUNLESS the
magnetic influence is diminished by an opposing magnetic field set up by the coil which cancels out the
original field.
As the shunt moves toward and away from the core, the pull of the magnet may differ from frame A to
frame C, such that extra energy is required to pull the shunt away from the magnet after the field is first
weakened, then strengthened.

This may be the achilles heel of Ecklins reasoning. It cant be said for certain until models are built. From
various articles written about this device, actual over-unity models have been constructed which perform
as theorized, so perhaps it truly is genuine.
Coanda Soliton Effect
Solitons are toroidal waves of energy showing very little dispersion over long distances. Smoke rings, for
example, keep their shape for several feet whereas ordinary smoke diffuses immediately and drifts away.
Far from a mere curiosity of nature, solitons have tremendous aeronautical and marine engineering

Bad Coanda Example

The Coanda effect was unknown to me until seven years ago, when in an issue of UFO Universe
Magazine, it was mentioned in relevance to Nazi saucer research of the late 30s and early 40s. In the
article, an illustration of the effect was given as follows: one holds a pie plate at a slight angle beneath
running water and observes it flowing over the edge, curling around and adhering to the surface beneath
for a few millimeters before dropping down into the sink. The adhering tendency of water, or any fluid, to
a curved surface is known as the Coanda effect.

I tried this and the experiment was very unconvincing. The adherence seemed more to be an example of
capillary action or surface tension than the mysterious Coanda effect. In Rex Research catalogs an info
packet on the Coanda effect was listed, but I neglected to purchase it at the time due to disinterest
stemming from the failed experiment. Why could it possibly have failed?

Better Coanda Example

Many years later I ran into the effect again, this time outside a campus lounge. The lounge was separated
from the lobby by rounded 2 diameter columns with large glass panels between the columns. There was
a half inch gap between a column and its glass panel, with air rushing outward from the gap. Placing my
hand a full quarter turn around the column from the gap, I could feel the air current still reaching my
palms. This could only mean the film of air followed the columns surface for a considerable distance,
unequivocally demonstrating the Coanda effect. How this relates to solutions will be explained shortly.

Encounter with Solitons

In ninth grade, the science teacher pulled out a metal coffee can that looked like a drum with a hole cut
in the bottom. When he pinched and released the balloon material stretched across the top, a puff of air
would shoot out the bottom which could hit anyone in the back row. Because it was merely air, the puff
could not be seen. I had fun shooting my dog across the room with it, as he would bark madly and run in
circles from the invisible disturbance. It wasnt until I put smoke in my own version (from burnt paper,
not cigarettes, mind you!) that I saw the puffs for what they were: solitons. In this case, they were
smoke rings.
Many household items produce solitons, such as empty milk jugs when punched from the sides, or
tupperware bowls with holes in the lid. The tupperware bowl I filled with colored water and immersed in
my bathtub. The resultant soliton traveled slowly from one end to the other before disintegrating as it hit
the wall. I tried making solitons of air in water, but none would result.

Why the first Example was Bad

This in accord with the lounge column Coanda effect revealed what was wrong with the illustration given
in UFO Universe Magazine. Apparently the fluid must be of the same density as the medium in which it
exists for the effect to work best. Water over the pie plate existed in air, and thus the effect was barely
noticeable. Air solitons in water also did not work. Only colored water in water, or air films in air would
produce these effects.

Stan Deyo Combines Coanda with Solitons

A year later I ordered a videotaped lecture by Stan Deyo entitled The History of Free Energy and
Antigravity from the Adventures Unlimited catalog. To my surprise, Stan spent considerable time on the
topic of smoke rings. However, he took it beyond merely that.

In the video, he described a model boat he had built. It combined the Coanda effect and soliton
phenomena to produce produce propulsion in water radically efficient relative to simple boat and
propeller. The boat paradoxically shot water, beneath water, in the direction it would be propelled. On the
bottom front side was a thin slit situated above a hump in the hull, from which water was ejected. The
slit and hump looked like a sharks mouth and chin. Water pumped from the slit would curl around the
hump and travel toward the back, forming a thin moving film across the bottom surface, almost like a
fluid conveyor belt. At the rear was another hump and intake port which sucked the water back in. Thus,
the entire bottom half of the boat acted like a tank tread, with water coming out the front, traveling to
the rear, and getting sucked back in.

The whole boat, in essence, did not drag across the water, but rolled across it. The wheel itself was a
thin film of water which curled around the hump in a Coanda like fashion. Normal boats and their
propellers are analogous to horses and ploughs in dirt, requiring considerable energy dispersed in the
form of a wake or in ploughed ground. Deyos boat, however, rolled across the water, leaving no wake,
and thus indicates extreme efficiency. A bullet dragging through dirt stops soon, but a ball rolling across
ground can go the distance.

Next, Deyo showed black and white government footage of the AVRO craft, supposedly the feds
investigation into the advantages of saucer shaped air crafts. In the footage, the craft could barely lift
more than a few feet off the ground. Scientists were puzzled, as the jet engine should have been more
than adequate to navigate to the skies. Stan pointed out that because the jet engines blew down, a
soliton shape emerged and the whole thing acted as one giant smoke ring whose preferred direction was
down. The craft flew at the balance point between the solitons thrust and that of the jet engine against
the ground. The whole experiment was passed off to the public as a failure, ending rumors that the
government was responsible for discs being sighted. Of course, the AVRO craft was a failureuntil its
engines were reversed. Then it took off faster than Clintons pants.

That is where his lecture ended on this fascinating topic, but my mind was still racing full speed ahead.

Deyos Ideas Extended

The same principle can be applied to a submarines, I reasoned, shaped like a lemon or football which
shoots water out the front tip, curls it to the back, and sucks it back in. The submarine would be encased
in a moving layer of water, rolling through the ocean with barely any resistance. Because the surface area
of water moving backwards is so large compared to the amount being shot out to the front, the entire
thing would move forward. Unbelievable speeds would be possible with such a submarine since it would
thing would move forward. Unbelievable speeds would be possible with such a submarine since it would
roll, not drag, through it. A stationary observer would see any ripples in the submarines fluid skin
standing still with respect to the ground, meaning there is really no drag except for fluid friction between
the fluid skin and hullwhich is considerably less than drag in normal submarines.

Now, the submarine example is similar to Deyos boat, except in addition to the bottom tread of water,
there is a top half. If one were to make the submarine more plump and bring its ends closer together,
one would see two treads in the submarines cross section. This cross section is identical to that of a

In other words, Deyos boat and the yellow submarine are mechanical equivalents of solitons. If a
soliton can go through air or water for long distances with only minute initial input of energy and travel at
such speeds, imagine what a self powered motorized soliton could do. Even if speed were limited due to
turbulence, the energy efficiency of such a craft would be ludicrous.

Other Examples of Solitons

At certain novelty shops or toy stores, little things called snakes are sold, which are water filled balloons
with a long hole down the middle. If you try holding it vertically with your hand around it, the thing drops
right out and hits the floor, no matter how hard you try to grab onto it from the sides. The Snake is an
amusing example of a soliton.

In a recent science news story, an artificial intelligence computer simulation of evolving sea creatures was
made and allowed to run for a while. Many creatures evolved whose shape and function was that of a
soliton, rotation their skin around their bodies from front to back. This is physically very difficult to do,
but the programmers did not incorporate physical limits in their simulation. This merely illustrates that
solitons are indeed exemplary of efficiency.

This principle may also be applied to sleek cars or bullet trains, which could blow a film of air out the
front, curl it over the top, and suck it in the back. A bystander on the road would feel no wind as the car
drove by since the film of air on the car would blow backwards with velocity opposite to the cars. A
feather dropped in front of the soliton car as it sped down the highway would quietly rise up, then quickly
drop down to its previous position as the car passesswithout being blown about as expected. Such a car
could achieve greater speed down the road than any other without the soliton mechanismperhaps
alerting the cop who drops his jaw to his chest, then the donut into his coffee without ever realizing the

Solitons and Some UFOs

Looking at some antigravity patents I got from Rex Research which I had ordered years earlier, I came
across one particular patent (sorry, dont have the patent or number handy) showing a doughnut shaped
disk with arrays of ion needles on its skin. The arrays of needles worked on the principle of ion wind
(heavily researched by Townsend Brown in his later years after the feds placed a gag order on his original
antigravity work). Air molecules in the vicinity of the needles would become negatively ionized, then
repelled, creating wind. In principle, the doughnut shaped craft would create a flow of wind around its
hull, going in the top and jetting out the bottom. Unfortunately, the patent holder did not know (or
perhaps did not reveal) soliton principles. His craft would have met the same fate as the publicly
displayed AVRO craft. However, reversing the needle direction would create a solid state, disc shaped
craft that would roll through the air at tremendous speeds and make almost no noise, giving off a faint
blue or orange glow due to high voltage necessary for ionic propulsion. Sound familiar, folks?
Earth Grid Research
Version 0.1 :: August 3, 2005

How To Generate the Platonic Grid

1. Install PhiGrid, an earth grid graphing program

2. Install Python, a programming language

3. Download the following scripts:


4. From the Python folder, run IDLE and open one of the above scripts. It will appear in a separate
editor window.

5. Hit F5 from the editor window to run the script.

Input prompts and possible values are as follows:

Shape? tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron, dodecahedron, beckerhagens

Latitude? latitude of the locking coordinate (negative for S)

Longitude? longitude of locking coordinate (negative for W)

Bearing? angle in degrees from true north, sets how grid is rotated around locking coordinate

Instead of bearing, the script PhiGridPlatonicHeader will ask for header coordinates, the point
toward which the grid will be rotated. It calculates the bearing angle for you.

6. Copy the output starting with line PAB and paste into PhiGrids script editor:

Run PhiGrid
Data Script script editor
Paste the output, then click Run Script
To overlay the continents, click the tab NGDC and select world from the list.

7. Use GoogleEarth or GoogleMaps to check specific coordinates. GoogleMaps can search for
numerical coordinatesif the Python script generates 45.3 55.1 then check it in GoogleMaps by
entering -55.1 45.3 - longitude and latitude are reversed in the PhiGrid convention. PhiGrid does
come with various grid systems, but aligning these using the offset function is difficult. These
Python scripts take less guesswork.

This is a quick write-up of my ongoing research into the earth grid. For what its worth, here it is

Within the spherical center of large masses is a neutral center. John Keely worked extensively with
the vibrational neutral centers of resonating masses. I define the neutral center as a point at which
the gravitational field sums to zero but gravitational potential is quite high. If sufficiently high, time
slows to a crawl and becomes imaginary, meaning spacetime breaks down and opens a window into
other dimensions and densities. The Cassiopaeans said the centers of stars and planets are

Neutral centers can be created electromagnetically via radially converging or diverging electric
current pulses, spherical standing waves in piezoelectric materials, or via the radial null vectors of
large masses as described above. See the Scalar Superpotential Theory (SST) for equations.

The earths own neutral center is a dimensional window that vibrates at frequencies resonant with
the earths own spherical harmonics. Im not certain whether these spherical harmonics correlate to
mechanical, electromagnetic, or gravitational vibrations. Whatever the case, standing waves are set
up that create equally spaced node and antinodal points on earths surface. These points are
spaced in various configurations matching the Platonic solids: tetrahedron, octahedron, cube,
icosahedron, and dodecahedron.

These standing waves pull from the central dimensional window multiple vortical conduits. Unlike a
neutral center which has a null point in the middle of a sphere, these vortical conduits have a null
axis inside a tubular vortex. They pierce the earths surface at the aforementioned node or antinode

Thus, there are dimensional window points spaced equally apart on the earths surface these are
the primary earth grid points and correspond to the vertices of the Platonic solids. Their
electromagnetic configuration includes little if any magnetic, electric, or gravitational components
except in special circumstances at special times. Their primary electromagnetic structure consists
of potential fields, both magnetic, electric, and gravitational potential, which are not easily

Based on SST calculations, one possible magnetic profile of such a conduit should consist of circular
magnetic fields that are weakest at the center and increase in magnitude with distance from the
center, a vector plot looking similar to how wheat is laid down in crop circles. This is exactly the
reverse of how ordinary magnetic fields behave, which drop off with distance instead. This reverse
magnetism was hinted by the annotators of the book Case for the UFO in regards to gridpoints.

Safe to say, specialized instruments are needed to detect these gridpoints. Such conduits do,
however, alter the dynamic characteristics of oscillating electric and magnetic fields brought into
them, so a device that can measure displacement current would suffice.

Platonic Grids

So assuming the earth grid network is distributed like the vertices of Platonic solids, plotting the
grid would require placing each solid within the globe, aligning one vertex to a chosen geographic
location and rotating the rest of the vertices to find all other points. There may be other grids, but
here Im dealing solely with the Platonic grid.

Richard Hoagland has investigating the tetrahedral model. Placed within the earth, a tetrahedron
with vertex at the north pole has the other three points touching 19.47 degrees south of the
equator, and an inverted tetrahedron will have base vertices touching 19.47 degrees north, which
falls right on the Hawaiian islands on earth and the Big Red Spot on Jupiter. But the other four
Platonic solids are just as important.
The Becker-Hagens Grid incoporates both the Platonic solids and the hexakis icosahedron to create
a grid of 62 points. It is worth reading the work of Becker and Hagens as they delved deeply into
the historical backup for such a grid. A decent article in PDF format can be downloaded here .

There is an interesting map drawn by Admiral Piri Reis in 1513, assembled from fragments of other
maps known at the time. These maps were anomalously advanced and probably put together from
maps dating back to the first several millennia after the Great Flood.

I realized the map showed a grid system that conformed precisely to a dodecahedral configuration
overlayed upon the globe. So it seems the ancients were well aware of the earth grid and Platonic
solids correspondencemost likely it used to be standard knowledge.

Computer Program

Now, to test the theory it would be necessary to create a computer program that could calculate
the latitude and longitude coordinates of all Platonic solid vertices within the earth given a set of lock
coordinates and bearing or rotation angle around that point.

Thus I created a couple scripts written in Python that would produce a list of coordinates that could
then be pasted into the script editor of a nice earth grid graphing program called PhiGrid .

Two Python scripts are available for download. The first script requires entering the chosen grid,
lock longitude, lock latitude, and bearing angle. The second script is similar but instead of bearing
requires a second coordinate point to align the grid with. Instructions are included in the scripts.

To run them, you must download and install the Python software. Then start the included GUI
program called IDLE, select File Open and find the script you downloaded which will open it up in
an editor window, and lastly hit F5 from the editor to run the program. Youll get a list of
coordinatescopy and paste that into the PhiGrid script editor.

Im no talent at programming, but this gets the job done. If your computer blows up, I apologize.
Modify the programs as you wish and please email me if you come up with something better.

Test Grids

Where to look? Starting with the Piri Reis map, one can get a pretty nice match using the
Becker-Hagens grid. After playing around with the scripts, aligning various grids to various major
landmarks including the Great Pyramids, I recalled an interesting passage from Umberto Ecos book
Foucaults Pendulum:

Now we had the entire modern age filled with industrious moles tunneling through
the earth, spying on the planet from below. But there had to be something else,
another venture the Baconians had set in motion, whose results, whose stages
were before everyones eyes, though no one had noticed themThe ground had
been punctured and the deep strata tested, but the Celts and the Templars had
not confined themselves to digging wells; they had planted their stations and
aimed them straight to the heavens, to communicate from megalith to megalith,
and to catch the influences of the stars.

The idea came to Belbo during a night of insomnia. He leaned out the window and
saw in the distance, above the roofs of Milan, the lights of the steel tower of the
Italian Radio, the great city antenna. A moderate, prudent Babel. And he
understood. The Eiffel Tower, he said to us the next morning. Why didnt we
think of it before? The metal megalith, the menhir of the last Celts, the hollow spire
taller than all Gothic spires. What need did Paris have of this useless monument?
Its the celestial probe, the antenna that collects information from every hermetic
valve stuck into the planets crust: the statues of Easter Island; Machu Picchu; the
Statue of Liberty, conceived first by the initiate Lafayette; the obelisk of Luxor; the
highest tower of Tomar; the Colossus of Rhodes, which still transmits from the
depths of a harbor that no one can find; the temples of the Brahman jungle; the
turrets of the Great Wall; the top of Ayers Rock; the spires of Strasbourg, which so
delighted the initiate Goethe; the faces of Mount Rushmorehow much the initiate
Hitchcock understood!and the TV antenna of the Empire State Building. And tell
me to what empire this creation of American initiates refers if not the empire of
Rudolf of Prague! The Eiffel Tower picks up signals from underground and
compares them with what comes from the sky. And who is it who gave us the first,
terrifying movie image of the Tour Eiffel? Rene Clair, in Paris qui dort. Rene Clair,

The entire history of science had to be reread. Even the space race became
comprehensible, with those crazy satellites that did nothing but photograph the
crust of the globe to localize invisible tensions, submarine tides, currents of warmer
air. And speak among themselves, speak to the Tower, to Stonehenge.

Check out the book, its interesting and stocked with clues and secrets hidden in plain sight for
those with eyes to see. Basic plot revolves around three intellectuals stumbling upon a Templar
conspiracy to jack into the earth grid and thereby attain ultimate power, a conspiracy initiated six
hundred years ago and awaiting a time when technology would be sufficient to make use of these

That the Eiffel Tower might be on a grid point seems logical, and with the Python scripts wouldnt
take much time to test. Inputs were as follows:

Shape? dodecahedron
Latitude of lock coordinate? 48.8666666
Longitude of lock coordinate? 2.333056
Bearing? 0

Bingo! With one dodecahedron vertex on Paris, the other grid points aligned with the North and
South poles, the two major Piri Reis map gridpoints, the Hawaiian Islands, and Mecca. The chances
of this are pretty slim, so I would say with certainty that Paris was intentionally built on a major
gridpoint. Here is the output:

-19.8168566534 -18.8444029726
160.183143347 18.8444029726
24.4829686534 -18.8444029726
-155.517031347 18.8444029726
-80.143517028 19.5612519066
99.856482972 -19.5612519066
-95.190370972 -19.5612519066
84.809629028 19.5612519066
2.333056 48.86666
-177.666944 -48.86666
2.333056 -89.3230251042
-177.666944 89.3230251042
-35.5771882595 20.0058795796
144.422811741 -20.0058795796
-57.0175189254 -47.847872046
61.6836309254 -47.847872046
-139.756699741 -20.0058795796
122.982481075 47.847872046
40.2433002595 20.0058795796
-118.316369075 47.847872046

Click here for map comparisons.

The calculated coordinates are off by around two degrees from North and South poles, however, but
this being due to either the rotational pole having wandered slightly or the calculations not taking
into account the earth being a slightly oblate spheroidmost likely both.

The one shortcoming of the Becker-Hagens grid is that it has only one alignment. Perhaps there are
other alignments. Before the Great Flood, the earths pole was located somewhere in middle to
northern Hudson Bay, so the earth grid back then was aligned differently. In fact, it could wander
over a period of several hundred or thousand years after a major pole shift before it settles into its
stable configuration we know today. Different ancients sites built at different times may therefore be
aligned to different grids due to the shifting grid alignment with shifting rotational pole orientation.

The ancients, if they were aware of these grids, would need a flexible way of calculating what
gridpoints at one period in time correspond with gridpoints at another period in timein fact, in the
Becker-Hagens article linked above there is mention of a globe contraption with an adjustible grid
cage over a sphere: may very well be possible these were used to calculate grid shifts over time, which would make
sense only if gridpoints can be used for teleportation both through space and through time.

So Paris is on the grid. Perhaps other major landmarks are located on other grids. These other grids
could be other Platonic shapes or perhaps the same shape but different alignment.

Whatever the case, once the gridpoints are known the next question is when do they activate, if
ever? My hypothesis is that astrological alignments answer this question. In the end, one computer
program should be able to plot all the gridpoints and what times they activate. Something like this
was discussed in the Time Vector Field Chronicles.

This would have use in tracking ritualistic and extraterrestrial activity, and later to be coupled with
technology allowing teleportation, reality engineering, healing, free energy, and antigravity.


Refuge of the Damnedgrid research and more.

Time Vector Field Chronicesclues about time travel and the earth grid.

David R. Cowanley line research

open resource links in a new window

Here are short reviews of books I would recommend. Click on each link to read more reviews at or to purchase the book there. Some of these I recommend more than others, though
everything is worth examining if read with discretion.

Alien Resources
The Threat Dr David Jacobs
Among mainstream abduction researchers, David Jacobs is closer to the shores of Ithaca than most.
Rather than see alien abductions as a wonderful or excusable phenomenon, Jacobs presents the
conservative possibility that perhaps the grays dont have mankinds best interest in mind. He presents
evidence that aliens are creating a race of hybrids to replace mankind, and that they want this planet for
themselves. For veterans of the fringe, this is old news, and Jacobs rigid academic approach to
researching abductions (to uphold his credibility) also limits the scope and depth of his analysis.
Nevertheless, The Threat is an excellent introduction to the abduction phenomenon from a more
mainstream perspective.

The Gods of Eden William Bramley

What if there were a history book that analyzed past trends and events in context of the alien agenda to
manipulate mankind? Well, here it is. From ancient Sumer to modern Europe, Bramley traces the
influence of the Custodians and their subordinate human secret brotherhoods. This book is a great
history text and includes lots of fascinating trivia showing that what appear to be random events may
instead have been engineered to negatively influence the course of societal evolution. Heavily backed up
with historical data and evidence, and does a good job of illustrating the far-ranging scope of the alien

UFOs and the National Security State Richard Dolan

The most documented, thorough, and well-written book on the military-political aspect of the UFO
phenomenon. This is for those who want hard evidence that the government has known about
extraterrestrials for decades. Dolan details the mindset and workings of government agencies and black
military projects regarding their continued coverup of the alien presence, and has thus written a thorough
textbook on UFOlogy.

The Love Bite Eve Lorgen

This book is about alien manipulation of human love affairs. Eve Lorgen examines multiple accounts of
abductees being soul and mind programmed to fall in love, with one partner then being artificially
switched off to leave the other in utter agony generating negative emotional energy which aliens feed
upon. I highly recommend this book for its gutsy approach to exploring the fringe of the abduction
phenomenon, an area ignored by most researchers, as it discusses military abductions and the reptilian
aspect. Most importantly, The Love Bite exposes how these beings feed upon our emotional energy and
use methods of mind control and psychological torture to extract it. An eye opening book.

The Allies of Humanity Marshall Vian Summers

An easy-to-understand summary of the perilous situation facing this planet: the imminent conquest of
humanity by an alien empire bent on assimilating us into their self-serving collective. This book does not
provide documented evidence, for it appeals to reason and intuitive perception rather than stubborn
skepticism. Thats why I like The Allies of Humanity; it cuts right to the chase. After discussing the alien
agenda, the Allies recommend knowledge as the solution: increase knowledge to increase self-
agenda, the Allies recommend knowledge as the solution: increase knowledge to increase self-
determination and thus freedom. The vibes of these words suggest they originate with fourth density STO
beings, however they seem to have watered down the information a bit to make it more easily
understandable to a broader 3D audience. For example, they do not mention the hyperdimensional or
time traveling nature of the alien threat. Still, The Allies of Humanity does a great job of painting the big
picture regarding the alien presence.

Taken Dr. Karla Turner

Inside the Alien-Human abduction agenda. Incredible book detailing the more sinister aspects of the
abduction phenomenon including military abductions, mind programming, manipulative implants, cloning
and reanimation, and psychological/sexual torture by hostile aliens. This rare and out-of-print book can
thankfully be read freely at the above link. Karla Turner tragically died of breast cancer in 1996, some
suspect this was the deliberate termination of a dynamite researcher. Its easy to see why when you read
this book.

Conspiracy Resources
Rule By Secrecy Jim Marrs
Coherent overview of the political side of the conspiracy, examining the various elite groups comprising
the New World Order. This is a well written conspiracy primer for those who want a gentle introduction to
whats really going on in the world.

Underground Bases and Tunnels Richard Sauder

One of the few books to thoroughly expose the underground network of tunnels and bases used by the
power elite and their shadow agencies. Contains pictures, maps, diagrams, and documents proving that
underground bases exist and are continuously being expanded. Those new to the conspiracy subject will
find the implications of this evidence truly earth shaking.

Behold a Pale Horse William Cooper

A classic book with some outdated material, consisting of a few original works by William Cooper
(deceased) and numerous reprints of other documents cited as evidence that a conspiracy exists. This
book opened my eyes when I was thirteen and showed me the darker side of the world. Its a good intro
to the fringier side of the conspiracy field.

The Universal Seduction, Volumes I/II/III Angelico Tapestra

This is the largest and broadest collection of articles on fringe knowledge available. Spanning three
volumes and almost 1800 pages, The Universal Seduction series covers everything from new world order
conspiracies to the alien phenomenon, mind control, time travel, and spirituality. These volumes consist
of articles contributed by a wide spectrum of authors, myself included, whose goal is to get this important
information out there. Because contributing authors present their own views in their own styles, the
quality and accuracy varies from article to article, so discernment is necessary when reading, as always.
Nevertheless, if you want an excellent reference set on the most heavily suppressed fringe topics, this is
it. I contributed three original articles, one for each volume: Counterfeit Reality, The Meaning Behind
Alien Abductions, and The Hyperdimensional Manipulation of Mankind.

Matrix III, Volume I Valerian

Another underground classic, this one published by Leading Edge International Research Group. The
expanded title is Matrix III: The Psychosocial, Chemical, Biological and Electromagnetic Manipulation of
Human Consciousness. This work is a large collection of articles, reprints, and a few original chapters by
Valerian painting a broad picture of the various technologies and methods used to manipulate the
population. Includes excerpts from Dr Peter Beters audioletters discussing the replacement of politicians
with synthetic humans and robotoids. Also has some Michael Topper material worth checking out.
Matrix III, Volume II Valerian
This second volume is an improvement upon the first, though focused mostly on the chemical and
biological control methods rather than electromagnetic. So the primary subjects covered are vaccines and
diseases, with secondary subjects too numerous to mention here. Click the above link for a more
thorough description by Valerian himself.

Bloodlines of the Illuminati Fritz Springmeier

An important book if youre serious about investigating those who operate the New World Order. By
tracing bloodlines, one can trace the political, religious, and military role of past and modern conspirators
who would otherwise appear unconnected of benign. The link above points to an online full-text version of
the book, which includes a link to Springmeiers other works, also worth reading for their brutal detailing
of what sick rituals and control methods the dark side of the Illuminati engage in.

Matrix Resources
Gods Gladiators Stuart Wilde
Entertaining book in which Stuart gives his take on the matrix control system, which he calls The
Sphere. Contains many good points eloquently worded and provides a nice, slim, and fun explanation of
the matrix and the transdimensional entities who operate it. Read a longer review here

Tales from the Timeloop David Icke

Intriguing book in which David Icke gives his take on the matrix control system, which he calls simply
the matrix. David Icke crams hundreds of pages of data exploring the matrix from its outer political
facets to the inner hyperdimensional core, and then reveals his ayahuasca mystical experience whereby
he was enlightened with knowledge concerning the illusory nature of our reality. All around good book,
though very Ickey.

Dear God! Whats Happening to Us? Lynn Grabhorn

Practical book in which Lynn Grabhorn gives her take on the matrix control system. She refers only to its
operators, which she calls The Others. Her main thesis is that The Others feed upon our negative
emotions and try to trip us up, and that the solution is to raise our emotional frequency and state
intentions denying them the permission to manipulate.

The Stellar Man John Baines

Excellent book dissecting the human condition from a Jungian and Hermetic perspective. Discusses why
humans are consciously asleep and what is required to bring a person from the state of man-animal to
man-divine, or to the stellar man as Baines calls it. Baines refers to the matrix control system only as
the collective species consciousness of humanity, which is certainly an active factor in matrix control.
Contains advice on how to heighten conscious awareness, necessary to fulfill ones potential and avoid
getting sucked into the morphic field of mass human ignorance.

Hypsoconsciousness John Baines

A purely practical book containing discussion and exercises for increasing concentration, focus, and
awareness. These are based on exercises of the Hermetic tradition. Great resources for increasing ones
lucidity, mental coherence, discipline, and productivity.

In Search of the Miraculous Ouspensky

Informative introduction to Fourth Way philosophy, initiated by Gurdjieff and his student Ouspensky.
Fourth Way philosophy is based on fragments of an esoteric teaching regarding a systematic way of
advancing individual spiritual evolution. The basic premise is that we are asleep machines who require
self-observation and discipline to begin waking up, getting our metaphysical systems back online and
reconnecting with our higher consciousness.
Gnosis, Volumes I/II/III Boris Mouravieff
A more thorough and complete treatment of the same esoteric teachings underlying Fourth Way
philosophy. Mouravieff assembles gnostic Christianity into a coherent system encompassing all facets of
spiritual evolution, both for the individual and for humanity. Mouravieff explains the metaphysical
significance and purpose of the matrix control system and its agents, something rarely acknowledged in
published sources dealing with the subject. Heavy stuff but an extremely valuable resource worth its price
for the serious student of metaphysics.

Metaphysics Resources
Bringers of the Dawn Barbara Marciniak
This important book will help you understand the metaphysical changes underway and what is in store for
our individual and collective future. Its channelled from the same source as the Cassiopaean and Ra
material. Although less accurate than the latter two, Bringers of the Dawn is easier to read and provides
a good intro to whats really going on. Visit my links section to access a free online version of this book.
Highly uplifting and informative.

Fire from Within Carlos Castaneda

Castanedas most comprehensive and elegant book explaining the basic skills of a sorcerer/warrior. He
writes about the glowing cocoon of awareness, the assemblage point, fixing the attention, stalking,
dreaming, and a myriad of related topics. Recommended for those new to the Castaneda material.

The Art of Dreaming Carlos Castaneda

His last book before going off the deep end. The book begins with instruction on how to lucid dream, but
unlike most mainstream books on the subject this one goes way beyond the fulfillment of fantasies.

Return of the Warriors Theun Mares

While Castanedas books are written in an allegorical format, Theun Mares discusses the same subjects in
a straightforward textbook manner. This first book of the Toltec Teaching series shows how to apply
warrior principles in practical ways.

Cry of the Eagle Theun Mares

Here, Theun Mares goes deeper into the Toltec Teachings and at times gets very technical. This is no fluff
book, and Theun knows what hes talking about. What Mouravieff is to Gurdjieff regarding estoeric
Christianity, Theun Mares is to Castaneda regarding shamanism.

Mists of Dragon Lore Theun Mares

Continuation of what was discussed in Cry of the Eagle but with greater focus on applying these principles
in everyday ways to regain ones freedom, self-confidence, and personal power. A must-read for anyone
interested in breaking free from the Matrix controls.

Illusions Richard Bach

Beautiful and inspiring book, perhaps fiction and perhaps not. The story is about a pilot who becomes the
student of another pilot with Christ-like abilities. In time the student realizes it was his destiny to be a
messiah as well. His mentor is reluctant about having the duty of messiah and is glad to hand over the
job. Much of the book involves discussions between the two, revealing to the reader a divine philosophy
entirely applicable for all. Good read for Wanderers.

Seth Speaks Jane Roberts

Classic channelled material with uncommon depth of insight and clarity. Seth talks about what is beyond
the veil and explains many of lifes mysteries. There is also some technical information regarding how
consciousness molds reality on earth, having to do with earth grid coordinate pointsso theres
something in this book for everyone.
The Kybalion Three Initiates
A finely tuned text explaining the basic principles of Hermeticism and, most importantly, how to apply
them. Great book to study and learn from; check my links section for access to a free online version.
Among the many techniques divulged in this book is one that shows how to effectively transform negative
emotions into positive ones. By knowing some of the hidden laws behind seemingly random experiences,
we can thereby be free from their control. This book goes a long way toward explaining the hidden
dynamics behind our inner and outer experiences.

The Secret Teaching of All Ages Manly P. Hall

If you want to learn about secret societies beyond what is written in popular conspiracy books, check this
one out. This famous book has always been large and expensive, but has now been published in
paperback for easier access. Its an encyclopedia of esoteric and historical topics including the zodiac,
gnosticism, rosicrucians, egyptians, hermeticism, alchemy, and so on. Beyond providing mere trivia,
Manly Hall throws in several lessons at the end of each chapter that make this a very interesting and
enlightening book.

Ancient Mystical White Brotherhood Frater Achad

This book is crammed with wisdom and encouragement. The text iis channelled by Graham Price,
supposedly coming from the Great White brotherhood, where white denotes spiritual purity. In other
words, fourth density STO beings. While some channelled texts claim benevolent higher origins but fail in
delivery, this one just oozes with true knowledge and wisdom. Every paragraph expounds a truth that
resonates deeply within. It can be repetitive at times, but thats because it speaks to the heart. The book
also quotes the Bible sometimes, though in a context that reveals the higher interpretation of that
passage. Overall, great to own and read periodically when you need a boost in frequency.

A Wanderers Handbook Carla Rueckert


Law of One, Book I Rueckert, Elkins, McCarty


Law of One, Book II Rueckert, Elkins, McCarty


Law of One, Book III Rueckert, Elkins, McCarty


The Cassiopaean Transcripts


Science Resources
Holographic Universe Michael Talbot

Turbulent Mirror Briggs, Peat


Feynman Lectures on Physics


Div, Grad, Curl and All That H. M. Schey

Electricity and Magnetism Jefimenko

Principles of Electrodynamics Schwartz


Quantum Theory David Bohm


Schaums Outline of Quantum Mechanics

Research Notes :: 17 December 05
Moon Chart For those who have read Food for the Moon, you may now download the 2006 moon
chart. This chart differs from the previous ones in a couple ways.

First, perigee and apogee have been incorporated into the shape of each new or full moon window
by placing a peak at the midpoint between the new or full moon and the closest apogee or perigee.
In my observation, the highest probability for lunacy occurs near this average. In other words, if
the perigee or apogee happens at the very end of a moon window, then the peak would be
three-fourths into the window.

Second, I have put a minor bump at quarter moon. That is when the moon is half full, when in
astrological terms the sun and moon are square. Square aspects are antagonistic, and as I have
found, minor disruptions sometimes crop up on those days.

Now, further narrowing down the peak probability within a moon window requires the use of
personal biorhythm charts. In my experience, the more waves cross on any given day, the more
likely that day will see improbable manifestations of negativity. Personal reality unlocks, becomes
more easily reshuffled.

Some might ask why any of this is necessary if one should strive to be aware all the time. My reply is
that its not about when to be aware and when not to be aware, but rather when one should be
more aware than usual. Trying to maintain peak awareness all the time would tax your system and
create unnecessary stress. But by knowing the cyclical factors behind turbulent flavors of
experience, you can economize your energies by maintaining peak awareness when it counts most.

The moon cycles affect some people more than others. You will know through observation whether
this is valid for you and those you interact with. I have received many emails from people who have
independently discovered this themselves, that things tend to get rougher around the new and full
moon than other days of the month.

A selection of biorhythm apps:

OS X Tiger Widget:

Conspiracy Something to keep in mind is that dark forces operate on both metaphysical and
physical levels. Most redpills are familiar with the physical side of the conspiracy: Federal Reserve,
Bush, Iraq, Bilderberg, Trilaterialists, international bankers, engineered genocide, JFK, media
propaganda, etc You can watch this conspiracy unfold in the news.

Waking up to whats going on in the world is important. But this calls for caution when you consider
the metaphysical side of the conspiracy: higher density controllers, soul frequency manipulation,
spiritual disinformation, timeline steering, and so on. In short, dark forces can further their
metaphysical conspiracy by exploiting the very avenues that seem to undermine the physical

Take the news, for instance. Awareness of world events gives you a certain level of lucidity
concerning what were facing. Getting outraged at shocking stories of corruption and injustice can
make you feel self-righteous, motivated, and awake. But from a metaphysical point of view, if this
bitterness leads to persistent pessimism and a darkening of your heart, then despite getting
politically smarter you become spiritually dimmer. This has metaphysical consequences that
outweight anything gained through awareness of the physical conspiracy.

Why is metaphysics important? Because by thinking, perceiving, and acting at that level you can do
things that are impossible on the physical. It is a greater order of power that works on the
quantum, chaotic, nonlinear level of reality. Dimming your spiritual light through emotional
preoccupation with lesser orders of awareness scews you over at that deeper level. It cuts you off
from those higher abilities and perceptions you need to really make a difference.

This makes no sense to those stubbornly stuck in the physical ways of doing things. And its also
not as naive as saying that darkness can be erased through denial. The opposite, in factbut
awareness of a higher order than mere physical. Being metaphysically potent means acting
according to a higher understanding of how consciousness shapes experience and vice versa. It
requires being aware of both the physical and metaphysical currents of experience. Read my article
Realm Dynamics for some relevant concepts to ponder.

Some might wonder, But being that we are third density, how are we to know what fourth density
principles are and how to apply them? Well, remember that the lower realms are subset of the
higher, meaning the workings of the higher are all around and within us. By being observant and
intuitive yet discerning, you can put the pieces together and learn some things. All you have to do
is try, make your best guess, test it out, and learn through trial and error.

The agnostic mind likes to moan but how can we even know such a thing?, but how can we be
sure?, but how can we know were not deceiving ourselves?but but but By taking your best
step instead of vacillating over whether it is the absolutely right step, you can get much farther in
the long run. Nothing is without risk, and errors arent that big of a deal if you learn from your

So to summarize, it is important not to fall for the metaphysical conspiracy by ignorantly limiting
yourself to mere understanding of the physical. Countering the metaphysical deceptions requires
opening your eyes and your heart. In other words, be aware and be positive, strive to know yourself
as much as you seek to know the world, and get to know the metaphysical world just as much as
the physical. That is balancethat is covering all your bases.

Negativity After pondering the subject of negativity at the price of awareness, and whether one
can still maintain a positive attitude without shunning awareness, I came to some tentative

I think most agree that gaining awareness is a good thing. But different people have different
opinions on what is worth knowing. So perhaps you only need to learn what you need to know, and
what you need to know may not be precisely the same what another needs to know. And because of
this difference, you will not find as worthwhile to know what another finds worthy, which can be
taken the wrong way if they think youre dissing their interests by not fully appreciating what they

But what is worth knowing, and what is not so worth knowing? For me, I dont feel a need to know
baseball statistics, what happened in the third season of Law and Order, how to crochet, how many
soldiers were killed in Iraq today versus yesterday, how to write well in cursive, string theory, what it
was like for yet another person to be held hostage, additional reasons why the neo-cons are corrupt
and Bush is an idiot, or what latest convict escaped from prison and is on the loose.

Yet sports fanatics could call me a wuss for not following baseball, TV fans could call me lame for not
following Law and Order, and political activists could call me ignorant for not paying attention to the
latest news from Iraq. And likewise if I told them I cared to know the principles of spirituality, how
to use my intuition together with critical thinking, how the hyperdimensional dark forces operate
and ways to counter their methods, etc. these folks would go huh? Youre crazy, man.

So that tells me that different people have different value systems, and different levels of openness
to higher orders of objectivity. Theres a huge difference between degrees of objectivity and orders
of objectivity. The first just means becoming more refined in your knowledge of some particular
area, while the second means transcending it to find knowledge that matters more in the big
scheme of things. I think political awareness is of a higher order than awareness of sports statistics,
but that metaphysical awareness is of a higher order than political. If you dont know the difference
between degree and order, then someone whose knowledge is of a higher order will seem to you like
being of a lesser degree, and youll surely call him/her stupid and ignorant for not concentrating
energy where you place it.

Anyway, here are some questions I ask to determine whether something is really worth knowing:

Is this something I really need to know?

Does it make me a better person?
Will it save me trouble later if I learn it now?
Does it tell me something important I didnt already know?
Does it help me remember what Ive known all along but forgot?
Will it straighten out my dilemmas, confusions, misperceptions, and paradoxes?
Will it empower me in some way?
Will it help me better understand myself and my relation to the world?
Will it bring me closer to being like my Higher Self?
Will this be important one day, even if it seems not as applicable right now?
Does this free me from manipulation that happens solely because Im unaware of it?
Is this at all relevant to helping me understand and do what I am here to do?
Does this in any way assist me being who I really am?
What would happen if I went without knowing it?

One reason I bring this up is because certain news stories are just old news to me, yet they have a
very definite emotional shock component. I mean, they are written to make you relive whatever the
latest victim lived through, all in the name of keeping you informed about the world. Now, the idea
behind transmuting negative to positive is that when you are given a new bit of needed awareness,
it might be shocking and if youre not present in yourself you can give yourself over to a mechanical
negative reaction that depletes your vital energy reserves. Transmutation is a way of getting
awareness without losing energy or injuring your subtle body.
But if a news story has nothing that you truly need to know beyond the headline, then just
exposing yourself to the shock is like dropping quarters into an empty vending machine. Shocks in
themselves are not the point, otherwise you might as well buy and watch the entire Faces of Death
DVD set and become knowledgeable on what its like to die in a hundred different ways.

So for the sake of being impeccable with your energy, you better get a return of knowledge for
energy invested, which means being discerning of what you need to know and transmuting
whatever negative energy you generate into positive. But how to transmute? Well, knowledge itself
is empty if merely memorized, but if you observe yourself, turn within and get a flash of insight
about how that knowledge fits into the bigger picture, if you receive an inner sense of recognition
that brings about true understanding, then that in itself is what reverses the polarity from negative
to positive and quantum leaps you to a higher order of objectivity.

(reposted from the Noble Realms forum)

Where are the Good Guys? The Forces of Light do more to show the door than to force people
to walk through it. That is the idea behind the Law of Non-Interference. And the door must be
shown in a careful way to maximize freewill. There are specific individuals who either cannot or will
not currently choose higher knowledge. What will the Forces of Light do about them? Nothing really,
except make sure that those who have chosen the light are given just enough protection and
guidance to pull their own weight and face their own consequencies without unnecessary

Look, the times ahead and here I mean the next 5-10 years will see more polarization. That is, a
turning up of the contrast. When you take a muddy picture and turn up the contrast, rather than
everything becoming brighter, merely dark gets darker and white gets whiter. Same here there
will be entire segments of the population who will become stronger in their ignorance and darkness
as time goes on. If all you see is them, then youll think were all doomed. However, at the same
time, those who already carry the light within and are open to its growth or germination, these will
also grow in strength. So a growth in strength more so than a growth in number that is whats
happening. Number isnt everything, sometimes its more about quality.

The Forces of Light are performing surgery on our planet that means a delicate operation that
works through us rather than upon us, which involves incarnating into human bodies and turning
over the system from the inside while the other half of the team stays in the higher realms and
makes sure those below get a fair shot at doing their jobs. To come in and force things is not just a
violation of freewill, not just impossible if some Creator force prevents it, but would also screw up
the learning course of this planet.

For instance if free energy technology right now were suddenly unleashed upon the world, that
would change things so drastically that a lot of the learning lessons masses have yet to go through
will be denied. Its like a movie whose dilemma is suddenly resolved halfway through, then the rest
of the movie is a waste of time. That is why free energy inventors who are too overzealous in getting
their stuff out there receive preventative assassination from the dark powers and why the forces of
light do not have much authority in helping them prematurely end the world script.

So everything in time. It takes faith. Forget the stupid people, put aside the darkness, focus on
what is lightening up within you and waking up within the few that you know to be waking up
strength matters more than number.
There is a plan, and it is being implemented, but it must also be subtle and delicate and
sophisticatedperhaps so sophisticated that not even we, the foot-soldiers, are always aware of its

Organic Portals The question is whether declaring a segment of society as empty closes the
door upon what are merely young souls who could benefit from spiritual assistance if approached
with an open mind.

This question assumes that the idea that certain people lack an individualized core of consciousness
is a theoretical declaration whose application would fail in practice.

The organic portals concept was derived out of necessity to fit a consistent pattern of anomalous
data gathered through experience. Experience shows that there is a difference between infant souls
and embryonic souls, the latter being spiritually deaf, dumb, and blind because they have not yet
been born as individuals.

Infant souls may be immature, slow to learn, maybe taking cruder classes in the school of hard
knocks, but they still evolve over a lifetime, still question things every now and then, and still show a
glimmer of something sentient behind the eyes.

Embryonic souls the organic portals adapt rather than evolve. The difference is subtle but
important. They lack the faculties for introspection, empathy, and have no use for those life lessons
that would otherwise be of soul-deep significance. Thus they go through life like broken records
recycling whatever meme groove their needle is stuck on. Their eyes have a peculiar emptiness, as
though merely ornamental rather than functional windows to the soul.

This is all based on experience and perception by many people, each independently coming to
similar suspicions that something was amiss with a certain segment of society. All this makes sense
if we consider that some people are born without the higher chakras, without an uplink to a Higher
Self, without the possibility or necessity of reincarnation.

It takes a certain level of intuition and clairvoyance to perceive this without doubt, and a certain
level of critical thinking to put the pieces together. Confusion comes mainly from a lack of perception
and also from confusion over semantics, which are neither standardized nor always lucidly defined.

Returning now to the the question, it should be clear that everyone deserves a chance to receive
assistance if you are in the position to provide it. However, experience shows that a certain class of
people are incapable of evolving no matter how much assistance is provided. And experience shows
what the case might be for any individual in question.

Good hearted people must undergo repeated burns or burnout before acknowledging that they
should be more judicious with their time and energy. For an extreme example, consider how many
spouses stick with their abusive partners trying to change them, trying to activate the hearts of
those who in retrospect never had hearts. So its not about closing the door prematurely, but
rather about knowing the possibility exists that the door is okay to close when no one is there.

(Personally, I concern myself more with searching for kindred souls than spotting matrix agents,
but the OP theory does fill in a blindspot otherwise obscured by false assumptions about the
homogenous metaphysical composition of the human race).
Twin Sun For a while I have been researching the Planet X idea and its many variants, from the
theories of Sitchin to Zetatalk, Barry Warmkessel, Richard Muller, and Velikovsky. And of course the
version explored in the Cassiopaean transmissions which are close to Richard Mullers theory of a
dark star companion that swings by every 26-27 million years. The twist is that via its highly
elliptical orbit, it punches through the Oort cloud and sends a trailing cluster of comets into the
solar system which then establish a 3600 year orbital cycle, periodically pelting the inner solar
system. Here is a PDF written in 2003 that explores the plausibility of this scenario.

Alien Saviors Several years ago I had an interesting dream. In the dream I stood on a beach at
night in Florida gazing up at an amazing auroral display. Solar activity was so high that even Florida
was getting auroras. I then ran into a sports bar and saw people staring at the televisionnews
footage of large discs were shown hovering over major cities.

Next in the dream, I was in a mobile home and saw propaganda posters pasted up on the walls
advertising these alien arrivals as friends of mankind. In the trailer with me were some of these
aliens; they looked like male and female scandinavian models dressed in golden jumpsuits. But as
fair looking as they were, their eyes were cold. On a table before me were childrens books with
cartoon images of kids playing with dark blue aliens wearing golden helmets. On the TV was an
animated cartoon with the same theme. These carricatured aliens had large, round, yellow slit eyes
but were depicted as smiling and friendly. In the very last scene of the dream, volcanoes errupted
and the ground broke up as lava upwelled from fissuresthen I woke up.

Occasionally I have prophetic dreams. In the past, dreams have alerted me to the impending
Afghanistan and Iraq invasions, and recently the flooding of New Orleans. Perhaps this alien invasion
dream above abstractly represented a probable future where aliens show up as the saviors of
mankind. The cartoon images of the aliens with slit eyes were supposed to be reptilians according to
the dream, but that is not how I imagined reptilians looked like. But a year after having this dream I
came across a supposed photograph of a reptilian in the book The Blue Planet Project matched
what I saw in the dream. Here is a photoshop enhanced version of the black and white image:
But the point of the dream is that around time of extreme solar activity, mankind was openly
contacted by a dual race of aliens, first were ones that looked entirely human but were nordics in
golden jumpsuits. Their physical perfection and impression as golden haired gods enchanted the
ignorant masses into hailing them as the best thing since Jesus. After they secured allegiance from
mankind, then came a propaganda campaign to soften up the kids to the reptilians.

While that was just a dream, over the years I have accumulated reasons to believe in the plausibility
of this scenario. I have found other published sources that propose the same. The Allies of
Humanity by Marshall Vian Summers is the most simple exposition I have found, but if you read
between the lines of alien abduction books and channeled material youll find more support.

If there is an alien agenda, it should be reflected in the types of movies that have been made over
the past couple decades. These movies can serve to inform, or to deceive, but either way it serves
as data to extrapolate the most probable nature of the alien agenda. So with E.T. and Close
Encounters we have aliens being depicted as wonderful beings, while Independence Day and the
timely remake of War of the Worlds sought to show them the antagonists of humanity. The
miniseries V came pretty close to the truth, in my opinion. But the one scenario that as far as Im
aware has never been covered is the concept of mankind joining forces with one alien race in order
to combat another.

Now, in my life I have noticed that the little things I anticipate tend not to happen, as though
awareness kills the future. On a mass scale, perhaps the blockbuster alien movies are indicators of
what will not happenfor similar reasons. Therefore, the one thing they all curiously avoid should be
the future that is most likely to happen. What if humanity goes under the karmic knife and
experience unprecedented world war, culminating in the appearance of an extraterrestrial threat?
Then what if seemingly good aliens show up demaning our allegiance to defeat this threat, and
after banishing the threat they also help us end human suffering and bring about a golden age?

Consider the following excerpt from an interesting channeling source :

Radiant pathways open in the sky. Angelic warriors descend and rout the
myrmidons of evil. An Imperium of Light ensues.

The shimmer of crystal ships. The smile of star-kings. Gifts. A cure for all disease.
Non-polluting energy. A reign of peace. Their reign.

World government. A techno-web. The deviance of cell and citizen is monitored and
managed. No crime. No poverty. No illness. All function for the weal of humankind.
No individuality.

Mutation. Bio-linkage, brain to brain. Humanity is one. No self but species.

These are images of failure, thwarting of your true design.

And now consider the final part of George Wasingtons vision :

And again I heard the mysterious voice saying, Son of the Republic, look and
learn. At this the dark, shadowy angel placed a trumpet to his mouth, and blew
three distinct blasts; and taking water from the ocean, he sprinkled it upon
Europe, Asia and Africa. Then my eyes beheld a fearful scene: from each of these
countries arose thick, black clouds that were soon joined into one. Throughout this
mass there gleamed a dark red light by which I saw hordes of armed men, who,
moving with the cloud, marched by land and sailed by sea to America. Our country
was enveloped in this volume of cloud, and I saw these vast armies devastate the
whole country and burn the villages, towns and cities that I beheld springing up.
As my ears listened to the thundering of the cannon, clashing of swords, and the
shouts and cries of millions in mortal combat, I heard again the mysterious voice
saying, `Son of the Republic, look and learn. When the voice had ceased, the dark
shadowy angel placed his trumpet once more to his mouth, and blew a long and
fearful blast.

Instantly a light as of a thousand suns shone down from above me, and pierced
and broke into fragments the dark cloud which enveloped America. At the same
moment the angel upon whose head still shone the word Union, and who bore our
national flag in one hand and a sword in the other, descended from the heavens
attended by legions of white spirits. These immediately joined the inhabitants of
America, who I perceived were well nigh overcome, but who immediately taking
courage again, closed up their broken ranks and renewed the battle.

Again, amid the fearful noise of the conflict, I heard the mysterious voice saying,
`Son of the Republic, look and learn. As the voice ceased, the shadowy angel for
the last time dipped water from the ocean and sprinkled it upon America. Instantly
the dark cloud rolled back, together with the armies it had brought, leaving the
inhabitants of the land victorious!

Then once more I beheld the villages, towns and cities springing up where I had
seen them before, while the bright angel, planting the azure standard he had
brought in the midst of them, cried with o loud voice `While the stars remain, and
the heavens send down dew upon the earth, so long shall the Union last. And
taking from his brow the crown on which blazoned the word `UNION, he placed it
upon the Standard while the people, kneeling down, said, `Amen.

So what appears to be the beginning of a Golden Age may simply be the cunning implementation of
spiritual tyranny by hostile alien forces playing good cop and perhaps also bad cop in order to
trick mankind into abdicating its collective freewill. It makes sense that superior intelligences would
seek to trick us into willingly accepting them as saviors rather than crudely obliterating us as
depicted in War of the Worlds. At the peak of global distress, their offerings of peace, security,
health, free energy, and advancement may be too irresistible an offer for the traumatized masses.
They will invade with deception and stay with force, just like any tyranny.

If any of this is true, there should currently be some disinformative efforts underway to prepare
people for this scenario. The disinformation would need to portray alien contact as a desirable and
positive event, and it would have to underscore the plights of humanity such as disease, pollution,
and war. How interesting it is, then, that the Disclosure Project precisely fits this requirement, as
does the official field of Expolitics. Steven Greer has done commendable work in gathering
testimonials and documentation of the alien presence, but toward what ends does he present this
evidence? To prove that aliens exist, that the government must admit to the coverup and share
what it knows, and to therefore invite first contact with the aliens so that mankind can get on with
being saved by the superior technology and guidance these aliens have to offer.

Meanwhile, the Exopolitics players put down as disinformation anything that suggests aliens might
be hostile. Through malicious naivete, they ignores the mountains of research published by people
like Val Valerian, the late Karla Turner, David Jacobs, Eve Lorgen, and numerous others. Their
combined works indicate that the possibility of hostility is at least worth considering. But those who
willingly limit what they discuss are those more likely to be the disinformants.

Evidence of the planned alien deception exists right now, in examples like these. This is not a matter
of paranoia, but a matter of deduction for those with eyes to see. It concerns a hefty probable

I do not doubt there are positive forces, but tend to think they are discreet hyperdimensional
beings whose great compassion and wisdom precludes them from bursting through the skies
blasting trumpets and announcing themselves as our saviors. Beware of aliens bearing gifts. For
more, see my article: Synopsis of the Alien Master Plan.

Lifters Lifters are balsa wood and aluminum foil devices that levitate when powered by high
voltage electricity. They are easy to build and fun to play with. I built one a few years ago and it
works as claimed. However those who claim this is antigravity are mistaken. It demonstrates only a
charged air phenomenon. Air molecules at the top electrode are charged and become attracted to
the neutral or opposite charged bottom electrode, thereby generating wind and thrust. In vacuum,
they do not produce lift; see this link for proof.

Lifters are not newvarious patents for ion wind devices go back to the 1950s, but it is only within
the past five years that their popularity has increased due to new ways of constructing them more
easily. Their ease of construction and demonstration is both positive and negative. On the one
hand, theres now an easy way of experimenting with a novel technology. On the other hand, there
is danger of getting carried away with overestimations of its implications, similar to how certain
orgonite research has lost touch with reality but remained popular due to the excitement factor and
ease of construction. Gullible acceptance of runaway speculation can lead to quixotic efforts.

The lifter technology is very close to that pioneered by Townsend Brown. In fact, Brown holds a
couple patents on moving fluids or gases using high voltage fields. Today we find these in desktop
air ionizers. People debate whether Browns antigravity discs were powered by ion windbut his
tests indicated that unlike the lifters, they do indeed show thrust in vacuum. That is because they
are capacitors operating on one to three hundred kilovolts, enough to generate a real
electrogravitational field. Yes there is some ion wind involved, but even in the absence of air they

Asymmetry amplifies both the charged air and electrogravitic effects, although it is strictly the
latter that allows certain devices to function in vacuum. The earliest device Brown invented was a
long parallel plate capacitor called a gravitatorthese were insulated from the air and entirely
self-contained, and they showed significant thrust. Brown even tested them inside grounded
barrels of oil and they functioned as before. His later gravitators employed nonlinear electric fields,
but these within solid dielectric blocks. For some reason, those debating the ion wind effect in
Browns devices neglect to bring up the gravitators, or worse, think that lifters with their relatively
low voltages are demonstrating the biefeld-brown effect.

Anyway, the point is that lifters are often over-hyped. They do deserve attention for their novelty
and the sheer excitement of experimentation, but they do not demonstrate electrogravitational
effects. If anything, they should motivate people into experimenting with the real stuff. So if you are
experimenting with lifters, have fun but keep in mind that there are other devices, such as
Townsend Browns gravitator cells, that do exhibit discernable antrigravity. See Browns British
patent for construction details. I also have an article on the biefeld-brown effect.

Lastly, do not use a Van de Graaf generator to power a gravitatorthe microamp currents are too
weak to overcome capacitor leakage, therefore you must use a flyback transformer plus
cockroft-walton voltage multiplier to get at least 100kV at currents in the half to two milliamp range
(200kV is ideal). Be forewarned: high voltage capacitors are deadly and retain their charge for a long
time after power is removed. The only thing holding people back from this line of research is money
decent high voltage power sources cost over a thousand dollars, but can be built from parts for a
couple hundred. Lifters are comparatively cheaper to make and operate.

Note: After publishing this research note, I received an email questioning my reasoning for
understating the significance of lifters. Here is my reply (edited for typos):

August 29, 2005 :: Im familiar with the physics of the lifter and the gravitator and know there is a
subtle difference in principle between them, which is why I wrote my research note. The major
difference is that lifters must be operated under a certain voltage, and gravitators above a certain
voltage. Any idea why that might be? Because lifters operate in a mobile dielectric medium. Beyond
a certain voltage you get corona and flashover, indicating that much energy must be imparted
upon the medium without electrical discharge losses. This means lifters operate primarily by moving
air rather than generating a gravitational field.

Yes, in lifters there is a very slight electrogravitational field due to the asymmetric electrode
configuration, however this is negligible due to the relatively low voltages employed. All the pictures
of floating lifters demonstrate not electrogravity, not the biefeld-brown effect, but rather the power
of nitrogen ion drift current: (see paragraph below equation 21)

Remember, the biefeld-brown effect was named not only after T.T. Brown but also Alfred Biefeld
after their discovery that a large capacitor would jump when pulsed with an AC current. Biefeld had
nothing to do with the wire-foil configurations Brown later patented. Browns original gravitator
designs were enclosed to prevent all external ionization and leakage, and they worked in oil as well as
in air and did not depend on moving air. They were not asymmetric, yet I know that asymmetry is
only an amplifying factor. This I accidentally left out of my research note. Two parallel plate
electrodes in vacuum given enough voltage will accelerate toward the positive electrode due solely to
the time-field gradient established by their potential difference. You could call this a rarefaction and
compaction in the ether due to the positive and negative charges.

The link above is an example of why I wrote the research notethe authors took lifters to be
examples of the biefeld-brown effect when in truth that effect only dominates in gravitators and
Browns larger disc-shaped devices. Lifters have a weak electrogravitational field but strong nitrogen
ion drift, gravitators have a strong electrogravtational field but are designed to minimize ionic
leakage. Thats where the confusion comes in: both overlap but overall there is still a critical
difference. I dont have a problem with either class of devices, only a problem with a certain device
assigned to the wrong class.

More on the original gravitator:

Compare the following patents:

~ Lifter
~ Gravitator

You can see the difference there in design. Both employ asymmetric electric fields. Asymmetry
simply increases the gradient in the divergence of the time-varying magnetic vector potential
comprising the electric field and this identically produces a gravitational field. But whereas the first
relies mostly upon ion drift, the second tries harder to create nonlinear electric fields at higher
voltages and even within nonlinear dielectrics where no air can move.

As for lifters in vacuum, I provided a link in my research notes:

There, a lifter was tested at typical lifter voltages (under 30kv) and failed to lift. When Townsend
Brown talks about his devices working in vacuum, hes talking mostly about those that generate
nonlinear electric fields at much higher potentials. Theres a difference. So I hope this is clear now.
Perhaps I didnt explain myself well enough in the research note.

Coherence Indicators I have assembled a page containing various indicators that potentially
relate to realm conditions. That is, various phenomena that I have found correlate with
hyperdimensional activity. Visit this dashboard here.

The first item there is an indicator light showing the coherence in a larger array of random number
generators, part of the Global Consciousness Project. The more red the color, the greater the
improbability manifest in the random number distributions. This is the same project that detected
a spike in coherence hours prior to the September 11 attacks, and other major disaster and
emotional events. I believe that 9/11 involved artificial timeline alterations through dimensional
engineering, which by their very nature cause probability anomalies. These anomalies manifest on
the crudest levels as deviant statistical fluctuations in quantum chaos, reflected in the random
number generator results. On a more meaningful level these probability anomalies also manifest as
synchronicities and improbable device malfunctions. That is why objects breaking, even physically,
are sometimes associated with negative hyperdimensional activity. Timeline editing creates glitches
as a side-effect, just a consequence of realm dynamics.

Next is a solar data chart showing solar proton flux, electron flux, magnetometer, and geomagnetic
storm conditions. Solar flares appear to have an impact upon the earth grid and thus upon the
stability between realms. Strong solar flares impact the earths magnetosphere and give a shock to
the earth grid, increasing the number and magnitude of portals and thereby assisting dimensional
engineering attempts. Negative hyperdimensional forces have an easier time changing things when
realm conditions are unstable, such as during certain astrological alignments and when the earths
magnetic field is buffeted. Solar flares, being plasma shockwaves, also carry with them a longitudinal
magnetic vector potential wave, essentially a gravitational potential wave, which I think is the
primary instigator of realm fluctuations. Translation: when solar activity is high, things tend to get

The following chart is a fluxgate magnetometer located at the HAARP facility in Gakona, Alaska. It
does not measure HAARP activity, just the strength and direction of earths magnetic field there.
The magnetometer suffices for the magnetic conditions at what is most likely an earth grid point.

Beneath is a waterfall chart from the HAARP facility, which shows (if you trust it) what the antenna
array is putting out along with some ambient frequencies picked up from solar radiation. When
the array is active, there will be artificial looking patterns on the chart looking much like a piano roll.
For instance, in the week and a half leading up to Katrina whacking New Orleans, there was strong
activity every daynot much before, not much since. HAARP, some claim, can be used to artificially
modify the boundary between realms and control weather.

Next is an image of the current solar disc with visible sunspots. The greater the sunspots, the
greater the solar activity, and the greater the resulting realm instability.

Then we have a map of recent earthquake activity. There are so many earthquakes it is difficult to
tell whether anything is anomalous, but I thought it might be useful anyway. Click on the image to
visit the page from which the image was pulled, this allows you to hover or click over any circle and
get info on the magnitude, time, and location of the earthquake.

The national weather map indicates several things besides rain. Realm instabilities, particularly
friction between realms and skirmishes between hyperdimensional forces, tend to reflect in a rather
messy weather map. Read the Cassiopaean Transcripts and Trevor Constables book Cosmic Pulse
of Life for more about the relation between weather and ultraterrestrials. Weather modification by
people playing with cloudbusters is also a cause for certain weather patterns, particularly
occluded/stationary fronts, so some discernment is needed in distinguishing between these two
causes of chaotic weather. Whatever the cause, it is interesting to see correlations between the
weather map and the other indicators on the page.

Next we have a forecast of the next days planetary aspects. That is, certain astrological alignments
between planets and earth. Each planets vibrational emissions encode a certain archetype, and the
angles formed between planets shows how these archetypes complement or oppose each other.
Angles called squares and oppositions indicate friction, meaning realm conditions are negatively
affected by such configurations. For those experiencing attention from hyperdimensional forces,
due to a need for economizing the resources for such attention, when realm conditions are weakest
is when such forces manifest most abrasively, so astrology can be useful in knowing ahead of time
when a window of attack is approaching.

This then ties into the last two indicators on the page concerning lunar phases and cycles. The first
gives the current moon phase, and the second is an excerpt from my moon-cycles chart showing
shaded regions signifying times when the moons alignment with the sun exerts the strongest
influence upon us. Read my article Food for the Moon for an explanation on what this chart means.

This indicators page is just an experiment, a useful dashboard to get an indirect glance of how the
matrix is doing. Saves me from having to click through numerous websites, and I figured readers
might be interested as well.

Reality Creation Some say we have power to create our own reality, that through belief and
intent we can and should specify our personal future. And yet experience shows reality is already
predicated upon a design more elegant than anything we can specify through our ephemeral

Others therefore say we should go with the flow and accept what comes. And yet experience shows
that while some things are destined, more mundane things are left to choiceif not choice, then
chance. The law of chance is without design and without mercy, and abandoning the responsibility
to choose invites the law of chance into ones life with often unpleasant consequences.

The bigger things in life we cannot change. The smaller things we can. Life is a river whose flow we
cannot reverse, yet we have freedom to navigate within that flow. Near the shore we move slowly
and roughly; near the center we move quickly and smoothly. We can humbly accept the bigger
things and still actively direct the smaller things. We can and we must. But how?

For what is within our power and wisdom to specify, we may intend. For what is beyond our power
to direct or wisdom to specify, we may make a request. Intending and requesting are two of the
most powerful tools we have for shaping our experiences within the framework of destiny.

Intend for the mundane things you know you need. Intend for a good parking spot, intend for the
perfect product or service at the perfect price, intend for a good job when youre looking for one,
intend for a positive and exciting day, intend for anything that is inconsequential to destiny and
respects freewill. Intend or it will be left to chance.

Be specific when you intend. Mentally outline or visualize what you want. This sharpens the focus of
conscious energy upon that selected probable future. If you want a blue shirt under ten dollars,
then visualize the blue shirt and intend that it be under ten dollars. If you want compensation for
the money you just spent on a book, then intend that you be doubly compensated. If you want a
safe road trip, then go over each potential complication and intend that it not arise. Whatever your
intent, be specific. You are projecting your own energy into the matrix of probable futures and
selecting a particular one to manifest.

For the more important things, make requests. Request knowledge, wisdom, insight, guidance,
protection. Request an answer to a puzzling question, request illumination, request that you learn
your lessons as smoothly and efficiently as possible, request that you are given the best
opportunities for fulfilling your potential. You cannot intend for these because they are beyond your
wisdom to accurately specify. Therefore leave their fulfillment to the discretion of wiser forces like
your positive Higher Self, the Universe, and divine forces. Be general and earnest in your request,
and have faith and patience. By being general you leave the outcome entirely open and thereby
allow possibilities to manifest that you could never have imagined.

Intending is commanding, and when done wisely commanding is the proper exercise of spiritual
power. Over time reality will tell you what is mundane and what is significant, and youll get better at
intending for what is within your place to intend.

Requesting is humbly knocking on the door to assistance by wiser forces. Such forces respect
freewill and only assist when you request. Never requesting anything keeps the door closed.
Disappointment means reality has something better in store for you at a better time.

Requesting when you should be intending is a form of wishing and only robs you of power.
Intending when you should be requesting spits in the face of higher wisdom and is a display of
spiritual hubris, while intending for what clearly goes against destiny and freewill is black magic. The
lesson: dont pray to Jesus for a new car, intend for a new car; dont command reality into
unraveling for you a mystery, request it or else you might learn the right thing at the wrong time or
wrong thing at the right time. To intend is to command, to request is to ask.

Requesting is easy. When you feel like you need assistance, call up from within the feeling of
gratitude and humility, then state your request verbally while paying full attention to the meaning
of your request. Remain silent for several seconds and wait to receive a feeling of comfort that your
request has been acknowledged. Then go away in certainty and relief that your request will be
answered in the right way at the right time.

Intending is also easy. Just hold in your mind exactly what it is you want and then go do something
else. Just like ordering something through the mail. In between intending and manifesting must be
a temporary period of forgetting. If you want a good parking spot, give yourself enough time to
forget about your intent before you get there. If you are intending for a good day, do it when you
first wake up. This gives reality some breathing room to reshuffle the timeline.

The only real difference between intending and requesting is whom you address and how specific or
general your intent. By intending, you acknowledge yourself as the source of power influencing
reality. By requesting, you humbly address forces wiser and more powerful than yourself.

Attention freezes the object of attention, so restlessly anticipating something will put it off. This is
simple quantum mechanics. The sooner you think about something else the sooner reality can get
to work. Anticipation kills the future it is better to have doubt than to anticipate, it is better to
have patience than doubt, and there is no easier way to be patient than keeping yourself busy with
other things.

These are metaphysical tools to catalyze the flow of experience and assist rather than undermine
destiny. Most people only understand the physical side of life, that getting anywhere requires
planning and physical action. Of course, doing is central to getting anything done, but direct action
is only part of the equation. To summarize the rest: intend wisely, request earnestly, and go with
the flow gracefully.

Silk After sufficient experimentation I have concluded that silk interacts with scalar waves in the
same manner that metal interacts with electromagnetic waves. Both are conductors but if properly
configured can also act as reflectors or barriers. Several sources support this conclusion:

1) John Keely, mad scientist of the 19th century who did amazing things with sound, was able to
power one of his machines by sending energy down a silk thread. The thread was loose and had a
key hanging from it in the middle, showing that physical vibrations were not transmitted, rather
something else was.

2) German mystic Karl von Eckartshausen, speaking on animal magnetism and electricity (subtle
energy), proposed an experiment by which one dressed from head to toe in silk and raised ones
arms to the sky:

Since you are dressed in silk you are insulated, therefore you will be loading yourself
with positive-electricity and thereby, you have an effect on anybody who has a

After you have loaded yourself or charged yourself, you load water with electricity.
This water becomes very useful. When you wash yourself or moisten your hands
with this water and rub your hands together, you can set small objects into motion
such as needles on a string with your fingertips without touching them, or even by
just staring at them.

3) In occultism, psychic implements like wands or crystals or scrying mirrors are best stored in silk
coverings or pouches, as this is said to amplify their numinous power.

4) The Cassiopaeans mentioned the protective qualities of silk in context of shileding against
mind-muddling control signals:

Q: (A) There must be some way to make the body less vulnerable to these things.
A: Silk clothing and headgear.
Q: (A) I know! Aluminum pyramids! [Laughter.]
A: With silk lining.

5) Tom Bearden mentioned that tubular dielectric fibers can serve as scalar beam barriers. Perhaps
silk fibers fit this description.

So it seems that silk has special properties allowing the transmission, accumulation, or shielding of
sub-electromagnetic (scalar) waves.

Experiments showed that while grounded metal foil did not attenuate a particular signal, silk
stopped it completely. Therefore the signal under study was not electromagnetic in nature and
could only be scalar. Dirt and oils interfere with the attenuating properties of silk, so care must be
taken to keep it clean.

Why silk? Perhaps this was an evolutionary advantate the silk worms cocoon may have protected
it from stray scalar fields that could interfere with its transformation into a moth. Or maybe the silk
worm is a product of ancient genetic engineering.

Unusual applications exist for this material. For instance, since certain alien and military implants
operate on scalar rather than electromagnetic spectra for remote monitoring and programming,
wearing silk when practical would serve as a countermeasure: a silk balaclava worn while sleeping will
attenuate scalar mind programming signals by functioning like a faraday cage.

Mothers Day Whether directly or indirectly, mothers assist us in becoming what we are destined
to become. Whether a mother is wise or irresponsible, sincere or corrupt, loving or vengeful, at the
very least all mothers give us life: the opportunity to grow and learn through this physical

The root word for matrix is mater mother. Our physical world is the matrix, the womb that
directly or indirectly nurtures the embryonic soul to maturity. Our world may be just, our world may
be corrupt. The matrix may be a school, the matrix may be a prison. But at the very least the
matrix gives us life: the opportunity to grow and learn through this physical experience.

The matrix expresses motherly love and discipline through our fortune and misery. One makes us
brighter, the other challenges us to become stronger. And yet both are two aspects of the same
principle. There is no fortune, there is no misery, rather there is only one nurturing continuum of

Lifeline Emotional negativity is a form of intoxication. It impairs perception and judgment. The
intellect becomes slave to emotion and begins defending it, creating a vicious cycle in which
thoughts bias perception and biased perception reinforces negativity.

Soon the mind sees what it wants to see and finds endless reasons to indulge in cynicism and
depression injustice, betrayal, suspicion, despair, stupidity, etc

In most cases, this downward spiral is initiated and sustained by influences that have no basis in
reason. The mind isnt even aware of the true reasons for its irritated or suppressed state. All it
takes is a chemical imbalance, an abrasive astrological influence, a trigger word stirring some
subconscious wound, a small irritation suddenly ruining your day.

...But these are relatively benign aggravators. More serious ones include psychic attack, entity
attachments, subliminal persuasion through implants, scalar modulation of emotional frequency
rate, and triggering of posthypnotic commands following abduction and mind programming.

Nevertheless, the exact cause isnt as important as the solution. When youre feeling down, youre
feeling down. How to climb out of that pit?

The biggest problem is that negative emotions limit perception, meaning you fail to recognize,
remember, or observe the positive side of things. This is because when your emotional frequency is
lowered, your focal point of consciousness has descended into the baser self and is looking through
its dark eyes, identifying with its skewed perception.

The baser self is an infantile creature, both predator and victim. It enjoys your suffering, your
hatred and anger, your contempt and resentment. Often we merge so closely with this creature
that we feel what it feels, which is why at some level we enjoy wallowing in negativity. But remember
this is not the real you this is you feeling the pleasure your baser self derives from the suffocation
of your spirit.

When you are drowning in negativity you need a lifeline to pull yourself back to shore. Something
must lead from your drunken state to sober state in order for you to follow. Without it, you are not
equipped to make that transition. Its like trying to get home but being too drunk to walk, let alone
drive. Best to have a sober friend help you.

One example of a self-reinforcing cycle is paranoia. This is a particulary sticky trap for the intellect.
Trying to reason your way out of biased suspicions will only sink you deeper. There are some
problems for which reason alone is insufficient. I learned this the hard way and had to transcend
reason in order to break out of the cycle, and that hard-won lesson is the focus of this research

I eventually comprehended that breaking out of a vicious cycle requires the injection of an element
that originates outside that cycle. Otherwise the cycle is self-reinforcing. For instance, when the
mind alternates between sobriety and drunkenness, both states seem valid and justified while one
is experiencing them, even though only the first is truly valid. Both sober and drunk people may
believe they can drive well, but the drunk ones are deluding themselves.

During states of what ultimately turned out to be unjustified negativity, rather than reasoning my
way out of it I simply pulled myself up a rope leading toward a more balanced state. This rope is
simply a prayer, an affirmation, a meditation, an inspirational booksomething mechanical that
serves as an aid in regaining balance. Only when emotions are balanced is the mind qualified to
make proper assessment of the facts. Until then, a bit of faith is required in using what is basically
an emotional device, a lifeline.

As mentioned earlier, negativity clouds perception and subjectively rearranges, distorts, and blots
out the perceived facts. But a prayer, meditation, sequence of spiritual facts coming from a place of
sobriety and anchored in place via print or rote memory, this survives any transition you make into
negativity and serves as a lifeline back to clarity and balance.

Forget reasoning your way out of negativityfirst get a grip on your emotions. Break the cycle of
subjectivity by contemplating a prewritten or pre-memorized sequence of phrases that captures
the essence of a balanced perception. Yes this is a crutch, but its better to hobble than to slither.
Its the easiest method, a quick fix for desparate situations.

The reason it works is because you acknowledge that your perceptions are skewed and thereby
withdraw your energy from illusion. You also acquire faith to temporarily put aside the petitions of
the baser self and instead wait for your frequency to lift before making any decisions or conclusions.
Once emotional frequency has risen to equilibrium, perception returns to normal and you are in a
better position to make decisions and act upon them.

So the key is bypassing an intellect infected by negative emotion by turning your attention toward
thoughts and feelings designated as sober by sober sources. The only hard part is willing yourself
to give it a try since the baser self is very reluctant to give up its joyride and will initially resist
through you. Do it anyway.

If this idea appeals to you, try creating your own lifeline to call upon when necessary. The one I use
employs a hermetic axiom stating that vibrations can be changed in degrees. So starting with the
most negative of positive emotions, sorrow, I raise myself degree by degree. For illustrative
purposes, here is one that works for me:

Sorrow for the wounded,

Compassion for the wounded.
Understanding of the ignorant,
Acceptance of the ignorant.
To know that everything has been in its right place,
Is in its right place, and will continue to be in its right place.
Thats why I have comfort in the past,
Gratitude in the present, and hope for the future.
I thank the Universe for this opportunity
To live and shine my light,
To guide and be guided,
To love and be loved.

Here, each line is pondered in its full meaning before going to the next. That is important, as the
mechanical serves only as a template for your emotional, intellectual, and spiritual to follow. Just
mumbling the words without thought does nothing.

It is enough to turn within and focus on the word peace. Actually, with sufficient willpower and
focus you can dispense with mechanical tools altogether and simply turn within, remember your
spiritual self, and thereby raise your frequency to an exalted state. But when under severe
pressure, and here I mean an all out hyperdimensional lesson (they hit you from the inside and
outside simultaneously, at your weakest spots at your weakest moments), the mechanical method
is a literal godsend.

Reality Uncertainty Principle Some things you can predict with certainty, other things you
cannot. The difference between science and metaphysics is very simple for science, the end is
contained in the beginning; for metaphysics, the end is open. Let me explain this because it is a
valuable concept to understand.

When you can predict what will happen at a particular moment in time, that event might as well
have already happened. Throw a ball in the air at a given velocity and a physics formula will tell you
when and where it will land. Its landing spot is decided the moment it leaves your hand the
beginning contains the end. This is what science strives toward: to study nature in order to predict
it, to predict nature in order to control it.

But science encounters a little difficulty on the quantum level. Its known as the Heisenberg
Uncertainty Principle, which explains that you cannot completely nail down the behavior of reality at
the subatomic level. For example, the more you know where a subatomic particle is located, the less
you know where its going and vice versa.

Position and momentum these are like the opposite views of the same cube. In one view we see
three sides, in the opposite view we see the other three sides. The more we see of the first, the less
we see of the second and vice versa. Yet all six sides exist simultaneously as part of the same cube.

The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is simply a clue from our Creator that space and time are
illusion, that everything is happening in the Infinite Here and Eternal Now. Existence is an
unchanging holographic fractalthe only thing that moves and changes in this fractal is the focal
point of our consciousness. The future is an endless zoom into the fractal.

While science says the Uncertainty Principle is limited to the quantum domain, this is actually not
so. Like leaves floating swiftly along a river we sense no immediate motion around us and falsely
conclude the river is still. In truth, quantum principles are in full effect even on the macroscopic
scale, but since our experiences through linear time are products of these effects we are oblivious
as leaves in a river.

But the Reality Uncertainty Principle is very evident for those with eyes to see. Here I am talking
about the spiritual principle of manifestation, how the universe answers earnest requests through
nothing short of surprises. Either you receive at the expected time in an unexpected manner, or
receive in the expected manner at an unexpected time. Usually its a little of both.
Quantum mechanics concerns itself with position and momentum, but these are just questions of
what and when space and time. The timing and nature of synchronistic answers to spiritual
requests are also questions of what and when space and time. The Uncertainty Principle is as
valid on the macroscopic scale as on the quantum. As above, so below.

Linear time does not exist because there is no change in the infinite fractal, only a change in our
point of observation. The only true time is that which measures our sequence of freewill choices,
lessons, and increments of soul growth the measure marker of our pathway through the infinite

But the critical point is this: without choice, there is absolutely no time. In a deterministic system
where the beginning contains the end, the beginning and end occur without advancement along
true time.

It is for this reason that such events can be predicted with absolute certainty they take place
within the same frame of the cosmic film strip. Metaphysical events take place between such
frames. Putting it another way, the events studied by science take place within this universe, while
metaphysical events like synchronicities involve dynamic shuffling between universes.

Just as rotating to you one half of a cube rotates away the other half, so does focusing on the
timing of a metaphysical event rotate away the expected nature of the event and vice versa. The
solution? Dont expect at all. In other words, patience and non-anticipation. You can go through life
without manifestation rituals, just a happy-go-lucky attitude that lets things fall into place like a
cube falling into a square hole.

But if you do make a request, follow Ron Popeils advice: set it and forget it. Through
non-anticipation you leave the timing entirely ambiguous, which according to the Reality
Uncertainty Principle keeps the integrity of your request entirely intact.

[when it comes to thwarting hyperdimensional attacks including negative synchronicities, the

Reality Uncertainty Principle advises to expect both the timing and nature of an attack in order to
keep it at arms length. Of course the only way to do this is through awareness. You can only expect
something if youre aware of it, and expectation without fear I should add is very effective at
heading off probable danger]

Questions Your waking experiences communicate to you symbolic messages in much the same
way as dreams do. After all, there is no difference between dreams and reality other than how
individual or collective is the consciousness projecting it. Ultimately, both are just made of thought.

So it is useful to pay attention to things that catch your attention as you go about your day. Here
Im talking about things that stand out from the background noise of routine and statistical
average. Signs, omens, synchronicities, coincidences, improbabilitiesthese can be very subtle or
maybe not so subtleit depends on how stubbornly rational you are. One part of your mind may
think thats a bit odd and the other part says forget about it, it was nothing and you forget
about it as though it were nothing.

But if you only practice reading reality as though you were interpreting a dream, then you have an
additional dimension of information at your service, no pun intended. Just as weathermen take
measurements to predict the weather, so can you measure your reality to identify patterns molding
the future. Just pay attention.
I must point out that there is danger in perceiving such clues or symbols as absolutely reliable
indicators. The future is always in flux and changes in response to our awareness. We may
experience symbolic precursors to something that will fail to manifest if we alter course based on
our prescience. And to have blind faith in the accuracy of synchronistic clues makes you vulnerable
to delusion and deception: delusion because if you misinterpret something but fail to second guess
your interpretation, you can descend into madness through self-reinforcement of skewed
perceptions, and deception because certain hyperdimensional entities use false clues as bait to fish
for the spiritually gullible.

Therefore in order to avoid two errors, one involving rejecting reality clues as subjective tricks of the
mind and the other involving having blind faith in their infallibility, a simple approach is in order:
think of these clues as questions. When these clues come to your attention, see them as simply
asking you to check up on the issue they communicate.

Its a lot like people asking you questions. Whats that burning smell? and you suddenly
remember the brownies you left in the oven. Feeling a bit stressed lately? well now that you
think about it, yeah actually and its taking its toll. How about buying one of these fine Rolex
watches for your honey? uh, no thanks they look fake to me.

Check itif everythings fine, then great. If its not fine, then you can thank reality for the reminder.
And if the message has no validity and seems a bit deceptive, then you are free to reject it.

Entelechy There is a great metaphor for spiritual development: the planting and harvesting of
crop. A field is tilled and cleared of weeds, seeds are planted, water and warmth spark germination,
and sunshine grows the seedling into a mature plant.

We begin as seeds, having the potential to become only what is within our nature to become. A
grape seed grows only into a grape vine, though the exact shape of the vine varies from plant to
plant. Likewise, we grow only into what is in accordance with our destiny, what has been within us
since conception as unmanifest potential, but freewill uniquely shapes the path we take in
manifesting this potential.

The field represents our field of consciousness, and the soil represents our soul. Just as the
uncultivated soil is overgrown with weeds, so is the uncultivated soul overrun by social
programming and biological/mechanical impulses. For the soul to flower, these programs and
impulses must be put under control. Unfortunately many seekers on the path get stuck at this
point, forever pulling weeds and never planting seeds, puzzled as to why the field remains barren.

Only within the soil can a seed germinate. Likewise, only when we recognized something within us
that is of potentially greater value than anything outside us do we set foot on the path to
awakening. Some people grasp for external means to enlightenment and never internalize the ideas
they superficially consume, ideas much like seeds roasted and eaten by the bagful instead of
planted with patience until they bear perennial fruit.

Truth waters the soul. Positive emotions warm the soul. Together, awareness and positivity provide
the catalyst and energy for the soul to blossom. People who hang on to bitterness, negativity,
hatred, depression, contempt, arrogance, and vengeance breathe iced air into their souls. Even if
one waters the soil with truth, without a positive attitude the soil will become hardened with ice, the
seeds froze dormant. When the season turns and the light of recognition warms the soil, then
progress resumes.
Once the seed breaks ground, it reaches for the sun and grows tall; the seedling yearns to achieve
its matured form. The stronger we yearn to emulate our perfected state, the more perfect our path
toward perfection, the more complete our path toward completion, and the more fulfilling our path
toward fulfillment.

To summarize, spiritual growth requires that we:

1. discover and conquer our limiting programs and destructive impulses.

2. listen to the yearnings of our soul and value its expression more than any external distraction
or superficial gimmick
3. find nourishment in truth, satisfaction in discovery
4. maintain a positive attitude
5. strive to think, feel, speak, and act as our highest Self would think, feel, speak, and act.

Are we Grays? Its not uncommon for abductees and contactees to be told their soul has some
close kinship with the abductors. For example someone may be told he or she was once a gray and
is now occupying human form for whatever purpose, perhaps to experience human emotions or act
as ground personnel to soften humanity up to the alien reality.

As far as I can tell this is a disinformation ploy designed to circumvent any freewill-based resistance
that might interfere with the abductors ability to more thoroughly use the individual. Feelings of
kinship and empathy induced in an abductee amount to a freewill invitation for further contact with
the abductors, which is ultimately asking for further exploitation.

The darkside loves twisting truth toward negative ends. Many abductees may be Wanderers,
spiritual beings from a higher density who have incarnated here to shed a little light into the
darkness. But any vague notions they might have of their spiritual origins can be cunningly diverted
toward concluding they share identity with the very beings they have come here to undermine, the
cybernetic custodians of the Matrix Control System.

Sure, different people have souls that originate from different realms, some are alien and some are
more terrestrial depending on how many lives they have spent wearing the human form versus that
of some other 3D/4D species, but to get your soul origin mixed up and thereby align your will with
the wrong group is a literal invitation for touble.

One question is whether grays are artificial beings, or whether there are organic variations with their
own independent history as a species. Obviously if they are artificial, it would be ludicrous for one to
have a gray soul. Otherwise, it could be a possibility if all the signs point toward it.

But many methods of deception existyou could have an alien entity attachment, and its influence
upon your thoughts/feelings/actions could be very convincing as being those of your own volition
and natureespecially when reinforced by mind programming and by suggestions from odd
characters you meet who profess to tell you who you are. Read Dr William Baldwins book CEVI for
more info on alien entity attachments.

So in seeking your identity, its best to be cautious before swearing your allegiance and aligning your
destiny with it. If you really want to know who you are, make an earnest request to the highest
positive spiritual forces (like your Highest Self) to be led toward discovering who you are. Pieces will
fall into place, memories and clues will surface, and in the end you will understand yourself better
and know why you are here.
Is it important to know who you are? Depends on whether you are here strictly to learn and
experience, or whether you are also here on a mission. In the first case getting hung up on past
lives can interfere with the current life unless this knowledge is used solely to observe karmic
patterns and resolve them. In the second case studying the past helps you understand yourself in
the present and increases your chances of accomplishing your purpose, which is why diversion at
this stage is seen as critical by hostile forces.

Aura We know several things about the human aura. It does not bend light, nor does it slow
time. It doesnt change the strength of constant magnetic or electric fields. But what it DOES do is
alter how easily certain forms of oscillating energy propagate through space.

For example, Kirlian photography passes high voltage and high frequency electricity through an
objectthe brighter and larger the sparks coming off the object and recorded onto grounded
photographic film, the stronger the aura of the object. In another example, the Life Energy-Field
Meter, based on Wilhelm Reichs orgone detector, uses a vacuum tube with alternating current
flowing between the electrodes in the tube. The energy extends outside the tube and is called
displacement current rather than electric current because it does not involve transfer of
electrons. In the presence of an aura, the quantity of displacement current increases which
registers on the Life Energy Meter as a read-out of the aura field strength.

The displacement current is analogous to energy passing through a slinky that is shoved at one
enda compressive ripple travels through to the other end. This is how a capacitor transmits
energy it also uses the displacement current. But what exactly IS the displacement current?
Simply put, it is energy transfered in the form of oscillating gravity waves. Mainstream science says
the displacement current comes from the electric field of one electrode changing into a magnetic
field in between that induces an electric potential on the other electrodebut this isnt exclusively
true because if the electrodes were one sphere inside another sphere (as in a spherical capacitor) all
magnetic fields would cancel but energy is still transmitted.

The displacement current is really just a longitudinal electromagnetic wavenot in the sense of
electric and magnetic fields traveling longitudinally (that is impossible just as science says) but
rather the components of electric and magnetic fields doing so; rather than twisting up into the
form of magnetism, these components remain uncurled and become instead compressed like
the slinky, thus manifesting as gravity instead of magnetism. This also shows why the aura does
not bend or discolor ordinary light, since it only affects longitudinal waves and not transverse waves.
Transverse waves characterize ordinary electromagnetic waves, like a rope being shaken rather than
a slinky compressed. Anyway, the point is that the aura seems to amplify the transmission of
longitudinal or gravitational waves.

Now, displacement current only exists when current is oscillating rather than constant. This means
the aura affects only frequency fields and not static fields. In other words, the aura only affects
gravity waves, not gravity fieldsit does not change the gravitational field of a mass. You could say
the aura is therefore a frequency resonance field that amplifies any gravitational waves having a
frequency in common with its own resonance spectrum. If stimulated, an aura will emit gravitational
waves at its resonance spectrum, and these waves would essentially be the Frequency Resonance
Vibration or FRV as the Cassiopaeans call it. Interestingly, this suggests that physical matter,
because it gives off a constant gravity field, has an FRV of zero, and that living energy fields
accentuate anything other than zero frequency. So that which is living is just a higher on the
gravitational vibrational spectrum than matter.
In order to measure the aura, one could place an object between the plates of a capacitor, pass
white noise through one plate and record it on the other. By subtracting the input white noise from
the output white noise, all that is left is a series of peaks at the resonant frequencies of the object.
But this is just an average value for the entire field of the object, and does not give individual values
for individual points in the field as with Kirlian photography. There may be more elegant methods.
What we need is a device that measures displacement current at a wide spectrum of frequencies.

[Solid state devices like a field effect transistor may work, as used by Chuck Shramek in his alleged
aura camera. Hodowanecs gravity wave detectors, which measure the self-excited potentials in
capacitors, may also work if modified. This all relates to Townsend Browns gravitators which applied
the principle in reverse charging a capacitor to produce a static gravity field].

Remote scanning of the aura would require transmission of a broad-spectrum gravity wave at the
target in order to stimulate the aura into giving off its resonant vibrations which are then recorded.
It may be possible to use a holographic technique whereby the original beam is combined with the
emmission to create a hologram of the aura. This would require sensitive equipment but appears
feasable. And because scanning requires hitting a target with a tangible gravitational wave, this
possibly explains why being monitored tends to induce ear ringing; the subconscious may detect
this intrusion and generate an auditory signal (usually in the left ear) as a warning to the conscious

Vibrations (repost from 4/7/04) Everything is vibration. Think of what reading material
resonates with you, what ideas ring true, which people have good or bad vibes, or who is on
the same wavelength. These are more than just metaphors, they are accurate ways of describing
the vibratory aspect of our reality.

Resonance brings to mind cymatics, the study of wave motion. Vibration alone is just a set of
numbers describing amplitude, frequency, and phase. But when vibration is applied to an object,
the waves reflect upon themselves, interfering to create standing waves with a unique geometric
arrangement. Cymatics is therefore the study of how sound converts into geometry and vice versa.

For example, if a metal plate sprinkled with sand is vibrated by a tone matching one of its resonant
frequencies (matching the pitch at which the plate naturally rings when struck), then standing
waves arise in the plate. The sand collects in areas where the waves are zero and helps visualize
what the standing waves look like, which gives rise to interesting patterns unique to the tone
applied. Here are some examples:

Which pattern forms depends on what resonant frequency is vibrated, which in turn depends on
the physical characteristics of the plate itself. Anything that vibrates will contain standing waves.
This includes bells, tuning forks, resonant chambers, stones, etc As long as the applied frequency
matches the objects spectrum of resonant frequencies, standing waves will result.

Our soul vibrates, its spectrum of frequencies depending on the souls resonant characteristics. It
is known that two tuning forks with the same physical characteristics resonate with each other.
Likewise, two people resonate with each other when they share common soul elements. It is
important to note that simply having common interests is not enough to cause resonance. There
must also be a compatibility on the soul level that you can feel.

Why? Because there is a difference between resonant vibrations and forced vibrations. A tuning fork
and a loudspeaker can both create a certain tone, but only the tuning fork does so naturally. The
loudspeaker will not resonate with the tuning fork because the tone it generates is forced and
doesnt arise from its natural mode of vibrations. Many of our interests, personalities, hobbies,
tastes, are forced vibrations consisting of programs and memes working through us, just as
electricity works through a loudspeaker to generate sound. But that doesnt mean these things
necessarily arise at the soul level. This explains why having common interests or personalities isnt
enough whats internal is what counts, as that is where resonance arises.

So what about resonating with a particular idea? In my case, the method I use to construct my
belief system is to question everything, and of all that survives my questioning I take that which
resonates as true. But how does this resonance arise?

If we resonate with an idea, it is because we have at one time learned it through personal
experience. Lets say your soul is like the metal plate, and every lesson you learn impresses a new
feature upon the plate that adds to its spectrum of resonant frequencies. Then even if you forget all
the things you have learned consciously before, meaning even after the tone is turned off, these
impressions remain in your soul. The next time the idea comes along (the tone sounds) it vibrates
the corresponding resonant frequency and you feel something connect or ring true even though
you have no immediate logical proof or reason to show why. To fully retrieve this knowledge, it is
then your job to reconstruct the logic behind this intuitive impression and manifest that which you
have once learned but since forgotten.

This shows that many times, learning is actually an act of spiritual remembering. This is best
accomplished by exposing yourself to many tones and paying attention to what resonates, then
using the intellect to give concrete substance to these amorphous intuitive impressions and throw
out what is false.

Have you ever read a book without much interest, and after reading it again many months or years
later find that you missed so much and its actually really interesting and exciting? In that amount
of time, you grew to expand your spectrum of resonant frequencies, and therefore could resonate
with more of the book when you reread it. Its like a metal plate that sounds dull but after being
hammered into a fine instrument resonates brightly at many different tones.

The principle of seeking that which resonates with your soul applies not only to reading material,
but people and life experiences as well. Resonance shows you the path of least resistance because it
sets your heart alight with enthusiasm and synchronizes you with the flow of life. The more you
choose to pursue that which resonates your soul, the closer you get to superconductive existence.
What vibrations you then emit impress themselves upon the environment, aligning the events you
experience just as a resonating metal plate aligns the sand particles sprinkled upon it. The beautiful
geometry that arises then manifests in the form of synchronicities and serendipitous opportunities.
Links to articles about cymatics:

Positive and Negative Being that the Creator is infinite, everywhere and everything, it is easy to
say that there is no good, evil, positive, negative, right or wrong since, after all, even the most
demonic of entities are within the womb of Creation and thus to be celebrated and respected as
simply one expression of the Creator. That is so, however this does not negate differences between
positive and negativein other words, that they share the same substance (consciousness) and
origin (Creator) does not mean they are equivalent in form (where one is) and function (where one
is going).

Both positive and negative originate with freewill, freewill originates with individuated consciousness,
and individuation of consciousness originates with the projected differentiation of unified infinite
intelligence into an infinity of finite intelligences.

Positive and negative differ in form and function in the following manner: while positive signifies
aligning freewill with Creation at large, negative implies aligning freewill solely with the individuated
fragment of the Creator within at the expense of balance to Creation at large. Whereas positive
is the prodigal son returning home to rule with the Father, negative aims to usurp the position of
Father. Whereas positive is gradually merging with infinity, negative is the futile attempt of
becoming ones own infinity.

Whether the self chooses positive or negative, either path will contain equal potential for
evolutionary growth. But there is more to Creation than self there is also other, and this is
where positive and negative ultimately differ; negative, acknowledging only the reality of self
means serving only the self, denying service to other and creating imbalance within the ALL.
Positive acknowledges both and thus serves both, bringing balance to ALL So while either path is
equally evolutionary to the individual in question, they are not equal in context of Creation as a
whole. Negative always contains an element of ignorance and imbalance absent in the positive.

Psychomantium A psychomantium is a darkened room with black walls, containing a mirror into
which a person gazes and sees prophetic visions. It is commonly built in the form of a black felt tent
containg a large swivel mirror tilted slightly to show only a featureless blackness of indeterminate
depth. A small lamp or set of candles illuminates the space just enough to distinguish the mirror.

Rather than go into the history or use of a psychomantium, Ill briefly go over how and why it works,
then suggest links for further reading.

The psychomantium is designed to induce an open-eye trance in the viewer, allowing the conscious
mind to perceive visual impressions from the subconscious and other realms beyond normal waking
perception. There are several factors helping induce such a trance.
First, the room is dim and featureless. This acts as a form of visual sensory deprivation, a condition
helpful to trance induction. Secondly the uniform color of the setup is a pre-requisite for creating
the Ganzfeld Effect, a hallucinogenic state of trance induced by a uniform field of vision. Third, the
candles or lamp are often recommended to be flickering, and strobing/flashing light is a strong
catalyst for trance. And fourth, the indeterminate depth of the mirrors darkness allows the eyes to
focus outward to infinity, a relaxation that sympathetically lowers ones state of consciousness.

An open-eye trance allows the mind to perceive visual information that is normally filtered out
during waking beta brainwave activity. When using a psychomantium, brainwaves drop into the
alpha and theta range, easing the generationg of hypnogogic imagery. What science calls noise or
hallucination may in fact be meaningful perceptions. Just as in dreams, the subconscious can
create visual symbols and vignettes that the perceiver can then remember for conscious analysis
after the psychomantium session. With practice, this can be done during a session.

More interestingly, however, open-eye trance is necessary to view behind the 3D linear visual
matrix. As known from quantum mechanics, observing a wave function collapses it into a single
state. This single state arises from ones highly focused participation in a chosen slice of that wave
function. When the observer softens the focal point of his awareness, that slice likewise broadens or
delocalizes. This allows perception of things beyond our assembled singular material reality.

Anticipation has the opposite effect, turning awareness upon the next moment in time and
collapsing it, thereby shutting out any delocalization effects. This is why using a psychomantium
requires non-anticipation of results. The ego being a creature of linear time and thus anticipation
naturally hinders such efforts, though the very nature of trance involves temporary dissolution or
forgetting of the ego.

Besides viewing images of the subconscious, a psychomantium also encourages viewing other
realms and entities within them. This happens both through images in the minds eye overlaid upon
the visual field during light trance, and vivid hallucinatory images during deeper levels of trance.
Although I require more practice, I have seen both types the latter type is equivalent to dreaming
with open eyes. The possibility that one can view other realms through scrying is supported by the
fact that it works better during new and full moons times when the veil between realms is
naturally thinner (see the Moon Phase research note further down this page).

Now, the problem with building a psychomantium is finding room to build a large felt tent and
gathering the material to sew one together. Fortunately, once you know the basics of how a
psychomantium works, you can optimize with alternatives:

Instead of a swivel mirror, use a black scrying mirror. These consist of large picture frames whose
glass has the inner side spray painted black. This creates a shiny black surface equivalent to a
standard mirror pointed toward dark felt, but is a lot cheaper to make. To induce a Ganzfeld Effect,
goggles can be worn that limit the visual field to a narrow tunnel in which the black mirror can be
seen. For the flicker, candles may be used with the ceiling fan turned on, though a safer alternative
would involve a flickering nightlight or rapidly flashing array of LEDs. [Note: there may be something
to a chaotic rhythm to the flickering, as Peruvian Whistling Vessels when whistled as a group
produce a chaotic beat frequency that strongly induces trance. The chaos, unpredictable by the
linear mind, tires its anticipatory tendencies]. And lastly, binaural beats or shamanic drum sounds
can help entrain brainwaves for quicker trance state, although one must be careful about the
lingering effects of such induction methods.

Im writing this for informational purposes only. If youre thinking about trying it, better read up on
the subject as scrying out of ignorance can lead to the same problems as using a Ouija board out of
ignorance. In all likelihood youll give it a shot, get frustrated after a few failed attempts, and give it
up. But patience and non-anticipation are the only way to get results. If this intrigues you, check
out the links below. (Oddly enough, in junior high I built and experimented with a scrying mirror
without ever having read about such things before, and it later came up in the Cass transcripts so
my interest in scrying is more than passing).

Further reading:

Mirror Scrying from Shamans Cave

Making a Black Mirror
General Scrying Links

Gravity According to Einsteins theory of General Relativity, clocks run slower in gravity fields. The
stronger the gravity, the slower the rate of time. But there are two components to gravity: the
gravitational potential and the gravitational field the latter is how fast objects accelerate when
dropped, which on earth is around 9.8 m/s2. Both are related to each other in the following way:
gravitational field is the negative gradient of the gravitational potential. This means objects only
accelerate when the gravitational potential varies over some distance. So the question arises, is
gravitational time dilation due to the potential or the field? Most physicists would say Why does it
matter? and I say You have no idea how much it matters. The answer, by the way, is evident in
the following equation from General Relativity:

The term GM/R is basically the gravitational potential. This means time dilation depends on the
potential. It also means each height above the surface of the earth (or distance from the center of
the earth) happens to have its own time rate, and because these time rates vary with height,
objects fall downward toward the area of slower time rate. It may be said that acceleration is due
to a time rate gradient.

But what if the gravitational potential does not change with distance? Say you produced a uniform
potential field in an area then there is no gradient, and thus there is nothing tugging on objects
to accelerate them. And yet, according to the equation above, the time rate would be affected. This
means the time rate of anything caught in such a field can be modulated without imparting any
gravitational forces upon them. The gravitational potential at where you are sitting right now could
be fluctuating and you wont feel a thing. To make an analogy, the potential is like air pressure and
field is like wind it takes a difference of air pressure to produce wind. But if the pressure in a room
is uniformly increased and decreased over time, even a feather resting on a table wont stir.

What if gravity waves are not pulses in the gravity field but rather pulses in a uniform gravitational
potential? Then these proposed billion dollar gravity wave detectors are bunk. Besides, Greg
Hodowanecs gravity wave detectors are far better suited for the job and can be built with ten
bucks and a trip to RadioShack.

So this brings us to the issue of time travel. When modern science talks about time travel in
context of General Relativity, it always involves black holes since these have intense gravitational
fields and thus intense time warping characteristics. Sure, it would be nice to time travel but oops,
youll get torn apart in the process. Not necessarily so. If you have just as intense a gravitational
potential but remove the gradient, you can have just as much time warping minus the extreme
forces. You could cut your time rate in half without spilling your coffee.

Of course, one might wonder how exactly does one produce a gradient-free gravitational potential?
Seek and ye shall find.

Moon Cycles After ten months of observation, I have concluded that moon phases and periods
of hyperdimensional attack are highly correlated, enough so that one can predict them.

They tend to occur within three days of a full moon, three days of a new moon, and within one day
of lunar perigee or apogee. Based on this, it sounds like the entire calendar would be filled, but that
is not so because each has different intensity, and the intensity varies within the active period. For
example, the third day prior and after a full moon is more conducive to trouble than the others;
perigee and apogee do more to amplify these.

One thing I can say for certain is that all days free of lunar influence are also free of
hyperdimensional/psychic attacks. Several months ago after figuring out this pattern I tested the
theory by making predictions. Success rate in predicting lunar-free days as being good days has
been 100%. Success rate in predicting that lunar-influence days correlate with attacks has been
about 90%.

The following are lunar calendars for 2004 and 2005, constructed by hand with each vertical grid
line representing one day of the year. Shaded regions indicate increased lunar influences, and
overlapping shaded regions signify peak lunar influence.

Horizontally scrolling versions:

What do I mean by hyperdimensional attack? First let me say that attack isnt the best word
since it implies victimization. Better words would be testing or challenge or initiationbut
these can be euphemistic considering the source and intent of these greetings are to put targets
out of commission or worse, weaken and inevitably replace/reprogram their souls into service to STS

But as far as this research note is concerned, the term hyperdimensional attack refers to cunning
operations by negative fourth/fifth density entities to pre-emptively sabotage spiritually progressive
individuals and groups in 3D. This is done by attacking the weakest persons at the weakest spots
at their weakest moments. These forces have at their disposal limited time travel capability, the
ability to abduct and hypnotically program key individuals for later triggering, and are by nature
able to foresee our future probability vectors and analyze where the necessary critical points are

In moderating my message board, the moon chart together with other tools such as warning
dreams, synchronicities, omens, number sightings, ear ringings, deja vu, etc allow me to
consistently predict when the next period of turmoil will be, from what issue it will spawn, and whom
it will involve. You can hear a train before it rolls into townyou can sense the precursors of a
hyperdimensional challenge before it manifests. Its like forecasting the weather.

I dont know the exact reason why these correllate with moon phases, but I do have theories. Its
generally known that emotions are high and judgments are off on full moons. Occult practices are
best performed three days before and after new and full moons. So these alone show periods of
increased vulnerability in targets and increased offensive ability by the sharpshooters.

An additional possible factor is the alignment between earth, moon, and sun particularly the
gravitational aspects of same. At the center of every cosmic spherical object (star, planet, perhaps
moon) resides a dimensional window created from the mutual stress of gravity tugging equally in all
directions from that point, opening up a portal into other dimensions and densities. Between the
centers of two such bodies a conduit is formed transferring energy between them. Certain
alignment between sun, earth, and moon create resonant conditions which allow maximum energy
transfer, amplifying the dimensional windows of all objects involved. This, in turn, thins the veil
between dimensions and densities and affords hyperdimensional forces an easier time viewing
realms and probability trajectories otherwise occluded, helps them work within these newly
accessible realms to effect desired change in third density. Nutational points may also be involved.

The reasons are less important than the results I am absolutely convinced of a correlation
between lunar influence and hyperdimensional interference. How do I know its actual interference
and not just the chaos caused by natural lunar astrological factors? Because these involve clever
orchestrations that are clearly set up in advance; the way they play out is too organized to be
dismissed as chance.

Certain moon phases give hyper-D attackers an upper hand, but you knowing about this fact puts
them in a hard spot: they can surprise you by attacking during a non-lunar day and suffer the
weakened energetic conditions, or they can go ahead and attack during a lunar day but suffer
complications from you expecting it.

By knowing cycles, one can become free of them. See if the moon chart correllates with anything in
your life if so, you can know what days to be extra alert. And remember, alert does not mean
paranoid. As the Cs warned, paranoia will destroy ya. But what can be predicted can also be
controlled. In this case, through awareness between myself and a few others, we have been able to
head off one attack attempt that was an act of using cycles and knowledge of precursors to win
the battle before it began. The dark works in darkness, and shining the light of awareness into
these dark paths renders them useless as sneak attack routes.

Defense involves donning protection by upping ones emotional frequency, creating reality by
intending that all goes well, and increasing awareness by expecting attack and knowing how to
counter modes of attack. Most of this is covered in The Art of Hyperdimensional War. The rule of
thumb is this: if you can guess an attack method before they have a chance to pull it off, they will
call it off and try another until the window of opportunity closes. Awareness heads off such
possibilities before they manifest. Expect the unexpected.

Real vs Artificial Synchronicities Real synchronicities and artificial synchronicities both have
meaning to the perceiver. Both manifest via highly improbable coincidences. Real synchronicities
come from your subconscious/HigherSelf/Universe and let you know that a quantum shift in
perception is imminent this can be an emotionally charged situation or a smoother leap in

Artificial synchronicity is engineered by hyperdimensional negative beings in an attempt to

suppress, sabotage, drain, distract, or mislead targets on the verge of awakening. This can happen
in a variety of ways.

One way is by backing disinformation with synchronistic confirmation for example, you can get
multiple people at the same time who apparently dont know each other to tell you about some idea,
which in truth is bait to lead you down the wrong path. You may see this odd timing as
confirmation that its the right path, even though it isnt.

A common one happens to people who attend UFO or New Age conventions and synchronistically
meet someone who happens to share odd things in common with their personal history. They
believe it was meant to be and so often start relationships with these people only to find out too
late that they were conned or hooked up with a matrix agent.

Another is experiencing electronic anomalies after doing something thats on the wayward path. Say
you are researching something, then the computer freezes or shuts down or whatever. Some
people take that to mean they are on the right path and are being interfered with by the dark
side, when in truth they are being reinforced in their error.

Now, all of the above can happen with REAL synchronicities as well. How to tell apart artificial from
real synchronicities? Well, the artificial ones seem contrived, very forceful and rushed, and just a bit
too weird. They try to press you into making a particular decision or sparkle up something that you
know deep down is false, whereas REAL synchronicities merely reflect confirmation of decisions you
have already made or else forecast an upcoming leap in progress.

Take into account the nature of the Higher Self and the Universes interface with your own
subconscious mind, reflecting in experience the nature of your thoughts, feelings, and
tendenciesthere is much weirdness that can happen via this process. Likewise, consider that
negative hyperdimensional forces have advanced technology bordering on time travel, can influence
people around you into saying or doing pre-scripted things, have at their disposal cybergenetic
humanoids posing as regular people who are completely remote-controllable, and can zap electronic
equipment or cause paranormal effects. So basically you have to differentiate between real magic
and stage illusions when it comes to synchronicity.

Only experience and intuition can tell you know which is which.
Site FAQ
What is this site?

Its my personal website containing articles on various fringe topics. These topics include aliens,
metaphysics, the matrix control system, conspiracy, and alternative science.

Where do you get your info?

Most of it comes from personal experience, insight, pondering, and applying critical thinking skills. Outer
sources of information like books, websites, and articles serve as inspiration helping me retrieve
knowledge from within myself. Some material comes from personal discussion and correspondence with

Regarding published sources, here are my primary influences, my major points of resonance:

1) Law of One (Ra material) books I/II/III

2) The Cassiopaean Transcripts
3) Bringers of the Dawn Barbara Marciniak
4) Gnosis, volumes I/II/III Boris Mouravieff
5) The Toltec Teaching Series Theun Mares

I recommend these sources to anyone who wants a thorough education in higher knowledge.

How do you know youre not spreading disinformation?

The best I can do is act on my intuition and logic, keeping what rings true and is logically sound until
something better comes along. Rather than look for whats right with an idea, I focus on whats wrong
with it because disinformation is a lot of truth with a little bit of lies and looking for the lies is therefore
the proper procedure to follow. Sure, its not a failsafe method, but I correct mistakes as soon as they
reveal themselves.

Some articles contradict each other, what gives?

Older articles are less accurate than new ones, and so they may contradict the new ones. Im working on
getting everything up to date and consistent.

Why should I believe anything you say?

Its not a matter of believing, but of discerning for yourself whats true. The articles on this site are not to
be memorized mechanically, but rather used as a collection of ideas to inspire independent thinking and
discovery. As far as material on this site goes, accept only what rings true, what you havent thought of
yet, and what correlates with your own observations. This site is like a buffet, not a spoon feeding.

Whats with the name Montalk?

My real name is Tom. Montalk is an online handle, a play upon the word Montauk. I have no
connections with the Montauk Project, and chose the name only because it was a tongue-in-cheek way of
indicating the conspiracy angle of this site. It was also one of the few names left on hotmail that hadnt
been taken when I signed up for an email account.
About the Author

Tom (montalk) is a fellow truthseeker on a quest to expose the dark and

empower the light. Like those before him, his primary goal is to help others
arm themselves with knowledge to better fulfill their evolutionary potential.
Having studied four years of physics and electrical engineering, he left
college to pursue more independent research. His interests include physics,
inventing, esoteric knowledge, music*, and painting. He lives with his
girlfriend in Virginia.

*Download: Lunar Thanatos (2002) | mp3 (5.4MB) | lyrics.

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