Anaesthesia Outside The Operating Theatre Update 2010
Anaesthesia Outside The Operating Theatre Update 2010
Anaesthesia Outside The Operating Theatre Update 2010
Anaesthesia Outside the Operating Theatre
DEFINITION OF A REMOTE LOCATION dependent on the location (e.g. in the MRI suite)
Remote locations, where anaesthesiologists may be or the procedure being undertaken (e.g. methods
Modern hospital practice to reduce intracranial pressure in the interventional
required to administer anaesthesia or sedation outside
has seen the role of the
the operating theatres, include: neuroradiology suite).
anaesthesiogist expand
beyond the operating Radiology suites e.g. cardiac angiography,
theatre complex. While the PATIENT POPULATION
interventional radiology, CTscan, MRI Many procedures undertaken in remote locations
operating theatres have
experienced staff, adequate Endoscopy suites can be accomplished under light sedation, local
equipment and monitors, anaesthesia, or with no sedation. However, there are
providing anaesthesia The dental clinic groups of patients who may require deep sedation or
outside this complex is general anaesthesia on a routine basis. These include:
challenging and requires The burns unit
expertise and skill. Children
Psychiatric unit for electroconvulsive therapy
Uncooperative or anxious patients
Renal unit for lithotripsy
Claustrophobic patients (especially in MRI
The gynaecology unit for in vitro fertilisation. suites)
Duration of the procedure
The duration of these procedures is difficult to predict and they may Conscious sedation
finish very abruptly (e.g. cerebral angiography with coiling of cerebral This describes a depressed state of consciousness where the patient
aneurysms). Avoid long-acting muscle relaxants and maintain close is able to respond to commands, maintains his/her airway and the
communication with the specialist performing the procedure. airway reflexes are well preserved.
P (pharmacy) Basic drugs needed for life support during DISCHARGE CRITERIA
emergency: The discharge criteria of these patients are the same as for any patient
Epinephrine (adrenaline) after surgery.
Naloxone (reversal agent for opioid drugs)
The secret of success in anaesthesia for remote locations is the skilled
Flumazenil (reversal agent for benzodiazepines).
anaesthesiologist with the appropriate equipment and drugs, along
with adequate back up facilities.
M (monitors):
Pulse oximeter FURTHER READING
NIBP 1. Statement on non-operating room anesthetizing locations.
End-tidal CO2 (capnography) Committee of Origin: Standards and Practice Parameters.
Temperature American Society of Anaesthesiologists, 2008. Available at: