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5 , MAY 1976

L. G . Roberts, Multiple computer networks and inter-computer committee of the Washington, DC section of the IEEE. He was chair-
communications,presented at Ass. Comput. Mach.OperatingmanoftheThirdDataCommunicationsSymposiumandhispresent
TN, Oct.
1967. research
J. W. Smith, Determination of path lengths in a distributed net- Dr. Pickholtz is a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi.
work, RAND Corp., memo. RM-3578-PR, Aug. 1964.
E.C.Wolf, An advanced computer communication network,
inProc. AZAA Comput. Network Syst. Confi, 1973. *

Timing Recovery in Digital Synchronous

Data Receivers

Abstract-A new class of fast-converging timing recovery methods small loop gains the residual jitter is proportional and convergence time
for synchronous digital data receivers is investigated. Starting with a is inversely proportional to the loop gain. The proposed algorithms are
worst-casetiming offset, convergencewith randombinarydata will simple andeconomic to implement.Theyapply to binary or multi-
typically occur within 10-20 symbols. The input signal is sampled at level PAM signals as well as to partial response signals.
thebaudrate;thesesamplesarethen processed to deriveasuitable
control signal to adjust the timing phase. A general method is outlined
to obtain near-minimum-variance estimates of the timing offset with
respect to a given steady-state sampling criterion. Although we make I. INTRODUCTION
certainindependenceassumptionsbetween successivesamples and
postulate idealdecisions to obtainconvenientanalyticalresults,our
simulations with a decision-directed reference and baud-to-baud adjust-
ments yieldverysimilarresults.Convergence is exponential, and for
S YMBOL synchronization or timing recovery is one of the
most critical receiver functions in synchronous communica-
tion systems. The receiver clock must be continuously adjusted
in its frequency and phase to optimize the sampling instants of
Paper approved by the Associate Editor for Data Communication the received data signal and to compensate for frequency drifts
Systems of theIEEECommunicationsSocietyforpublicationafter betweenthe oscillators used in thetransmitter and receiver
presentationat the 1974 ZurichSeminarforDigital Communication,
Zurich,Switzerland. Manuscriptreceived October9,1975; revised clockcircuits. Forbinaryor multilevel PAM signals, several
December 11, 1975. timing recovery methods areknown [ l ] -[9]. Thetiming
K. H. Mueller is,with Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, NJ 07733. information is usually derived from the data signal itself and
M. Mullerwaswith the SwissFederalInstituteofTechnology,
Zurich,Switzerland. Heis nowwith the Overseas Department,Gen- based on some meaningful optimization criterion which dete-r-
eral Radio Company, Zurich, Switzerland. mines the steady-state location of the timing instants. A crude

distinction can bemadebetweenthreedifferent kinds of crossing methods (class A) can thus be obtained reliably only
methods. by averaging over a large number of transitions. This is not a
Class A : The threshold crossings of the received baseband serious drawback during steady-state tracking, but it tends to
data signal (at zero if the signal is binary, or halfway between increase the initial training time. Similar considerations apply
the reference levels if the signal is multilevel) are compared for methods based on classes B and C.
with the sampling phase. A correction of the sampling phase The mentioned timing recovery systems are usually imple-
is initiated as a result of this comparison. Themean location of mentedafter several signal processing operations have taken
the crossings is estimated and the optimum sampling instant place: the received signal is filtered,demodulated, filtered
and maximum eye opening are assumed t o be halfway between again, and probably passed through an automatic equalizer.
these crossings. For most of these operations, analog signal processing has been
CZass B: This method uses the signal derivative at the sam- used and still is in use today.The signal that is needed t o
pling instants. Thisderivative, or at least its sign, is usually derive timing information is thus usually acontinuous signal

correlated withtheestimateddatatoproducetheupdating in both time and amplitude. Threshold crossing information or

information required forthe timing controlloop.The re- the derivative are easily obtained t o realize a particular timing
sulting sampling phase is such that the mean square error be- loop.
tween the signal and the appropriate reference levels is mini- Inthecurrenttrendtowards fullydigital receivers using
mized, or, with slight changes, such that sampling will occur medium- and large-scale integration (MSI and LSI) technology,
at the peak of the impulse response. we are confronted with a somewhat different situation. The
Systems of class A and class B have been investigated by signal in such a receiver is sampled and A/D converted at the
Saltzberg [4] ; timing recovery systems of class B have been input. It is available only at discrete time intervals for further
described by Chang [5] , Gitlin and Salz [6] , and Kobayashi processing. Basically, sampling could be performed at a high
1 [7]. Both schemescan be used witha variety ofalgorithms enough rate to allow a complete reconstruction of the signal.
within thecontrolloop:adjustmentscanbe madeinincre- Analogtimingrecovery schemes could thenbe digitized
ments that are error proportional or fixed, averaging may or andwould still perform in afunctionally equivalentway.
may notbe used prior toadjustments, dead zonescan be However, such an approach is often a complex and expensive
introduced, and differentparameterscan be used during solution which leaves much t o be desired. The high A/D con-
the initialtraining mode andduring the subsequent tracking version rate that is needed with such ascheme may beanother
mode.Bothtypesof systems operateonthe baseband sig- serious drawback.Furthermore,it is desirable to sample in
nal. synchronism withthebaud rateand many systemsactually
CZuss C: A spectralline atthe clock frequency(orata use onlyone sample per baud interval for signal processing;
multipleofthis frequency) is filtered outwithanarrow- for example in digital automatic equalizers [ 131 or in digital
band loop. Since such lines are not ordinarily encountered demodulators [14]. Sucha low sampling rate is justified
in bandwidth-efficient systems, some nonlinear processing of because the final decisions at the output are also based on sam-
the signal is used to generate such lines.Anearlyproposal ples taken at the baud rate and the behavior of the data sig-
ofsuch a scheme is due to Bennett [8]. Square law devices nal betweenthe sampling instants is immaterial. Notethat
have been investigated by Takasaki [9] and Franks and baud sampling will not permit an exact signal reconstruction
Bubrouski [ 1O ] . An advantage of these systems is their ability by interpolation techniques, except in the case of a baseband
t o workwitheitherthe baseband orthe passband signal. signal which is strictly limited to the Nyquist frequency (i.e.,
However, performance with narrow-band near-Nyquist-limited half the signaling rate). The information required by all pre-
systems is usually marginal since the recovered timing wave- viously mentioned timing recovery schemes will just not be
form amplitude and the SNR depend on the systems excess available with baud sampling. The use of higher sampling rates
bandwidth. Timingrecoverysystems of the class C type are or additonal sampling of the signal derivative for timing recov-
often used in PCM-repeaters because oftheir comparatively eryreasonsdoes not seem t o be anappealing solution.Ob-
simple implementation. viously, a new approach is needed.
The best timing phase for a given system will depend on the Another difference between analogand digital processing
overall impulse response and thus on the characteristics of the is depicted in Fig. 1forthe simple case of asynchronous
communication channel. This is not only because of the un- baseband data receiver. In the analog version the signal is sam-
known delaywhich is introduced by the channel. The main pled after processing and conditioning, whereas in the digital
problems are caused by noise and linear distortion (intersym- receiver theunconditioned and probablydistorted signal is
bo1 interference); these disturbances can severely limitthe sampled.Timingrecovery fromthe digitized signal must
performance of a timing recovery loop. In some investigations always be achieved with a feedback loop, in contrast to ana-
[ I 11 , [ 121 an impulse response which is limited t o one sig- log processing where nonfeedback schemes are possible.
naling interval is assumed; this seems unrealistic forband- In this paper, we investigate some new methods suitable for
limitedchannels. In such channels, particularly if they are timing recovery in digital synchronous data receivers. Sampling
near-Nyquist-limited,the level transitions will bedistributed is assumed atthebaud rate. Updatinginformationforthe
over a large part of the signaling interval. Even in the absence control loop is derived from these samples and the estimated
of noise anddistortion, timing information using threshold data values in a simple and straightforward way without the



The term h(r) represents a gain factor which depends both on

the overall systemattenuation and the samplingphase 7.

Within the brackets, two terms appear in addition to the de-
sired data value a, : The first one1 is caused by intersymbol
interference; it disappears if h ( ~ + iT) = 6 i o , i.e., if the im-
pulse response satisfies the Nyquist criterion. Since all echoes
Fig. 1. Block diagram ofrecovery
Timing recovery
loop for +
h(7 functions of r, it is clear that the intersymbol
iT) are
receiver. (a) Analog signal processing. (b) Digital signal processing.
interference is heavily influencedby the choiceof the sam-
pling phase. The remaining term is due to additive noise which
is assumed t o be a stationary, zero mean random process. The
need ofanyfurther signal information.Our discussion will sampling phase should ideally be chosen in such a way as t o
be limited t o baseband signaling. This is justified because the minimize error probability; but for practical implementation
more important linear modulation methods allow the concept moreconvenientsuboptimalcriteria are preferable,such as
of .an equivalent baseband channel for system modeling [ 151 . sampling at the maximum-eye opening (minimum intersymbol
We realize, however, that in a general data receiver, the adap- interference), or minimizing the mean square error. It is well
tive loops for timing recovery, carrier phase control, and auto- known that, for these two objectives, the peak distortion D
matic equalization do not work independently of each other and the mean square distortion e are appropriate quality mea-
when jointly operated, and interaction must be carefully in- sures [ 151 defined by
vestigated. Such aspects have been studied for analogtiming
loops using signal differentiation [ S I , [ 7 ] . In the present
paper, we will concentrate on timing recovery alone, but joint
operationwithother receiver parameters is under investiga-
tion and will be reported in a future publication.
After a short review of the timing problem we will outline
how timing information can be derived from the samples of
the impulseresponse.Sincethesesamplesare not available
during transmission, a technique will be presented to obtain
estimatesdirectlyfromthe signal samples. We will derive a where we have used the short notation hi= h(r iT) for con-
bound for the minimum variance of these estimates and show venience. A channel is distortion free if a particular phase TO
how suboptimum estimates, suitable for simple implementa- exists such that D ( T ~=) ~ ( 7 = ~ 0.
) Whether the channel is
tion, can be obtained, which are close to this minimum. The distortion free or not, the usualobjective is to find a phase
method will be illustratedwith somepractical examples. As T that minimizes one of the performance measures (3) or (4).
anextstep,the convergencebehaviorof a timing control One obvious approach is to compute the partial derivative of
loopthat uses these estimates in astochasticadjustment the performance measure with respect t o r and make propor-
algorithm will bestudied.Finally, wewill present several tional timing updates in the opposite direction. Such steepest
computer simulations that
confirm the fast,
convergence descentgradientalgorithms will stop adjusting oncethede-
properties, even with a decision-directed start-up. sired optimum phase is reached. Note that, instead of the men-
tioned derivative, any other (monotonic) function of r could
11. REVIEW OF THE TIMING RECOVERY PROBLEM be used, provided it has the same root, or at least one that is
close. This fact is used in the threshold crossing schemes dis-
Let us consider a synchronous baseband data transmission cussed earlier. It also points the way for solving our problem
system withan overall impulseresponse h(t); its output can at hand: all that is required is a timing function f(7) that can
then be described as be efficiently computedfrombaud-spaced signal samples
andwhose root is close totheminimumofareasonably,
x(t) = a,h(t - k T ) + n(t) chosen performance measure. This will be done in two steps:
k wewill first derive our timing function from the impulse re-
where n(t) represents some additive Gaussian noise. The ahs sponse, and then, in a second step, show how thistiming func-
are data symbols chosen with equal probability and indepen- tion (or estimates of it) can be derived from the signal samples
dentlyfrom previous symbolsfrom a set of L equidistant
values. Assume now,thatthe signal is sampled atinstants
t = r + m T ; then A prime on a summation indicates deletionof the zeroth term.


In the present study we will limit our investigations tolinear
combinationsofthe samples ofthe impulseresponse,2i.e.,
to timing functions of the type

f(7) = &hi = UTh. (5)


The coefficients u i aredimensionless,and for normalization,

we wiil assume that the receivedsignal power is unity. Note
also that we will only bec,oncerned with reasonably band-
limitedsystems vm,, < l/T) whoseimpulseresponse oscil- \
lates over several signaIing,intervals. Fig. 2. Phase detector characteristics of a loop which forces h l =
The timing fuhction ( 5 ) will determine the transfer charac- h-1 (Nyquist channel with cosine rolloff a).
teristic of thecontrolloop, andtheresultingsteady-state
timing, phase will be the one for which f(7) = 0 . In the case of
idealNyquist signaling thisshouldofcoursebe 7 = 0. For
this example, sihce h(t) is even, it is also easy to see that the

uo = 0 , u i= -uPi, for i f 0 (6)

will define a class of transfer characteristics which have odd

symmetry arouild the origin. This is preferable since it guaran-
tees that offsets of both polarities are handled symmetrically. .2 .4
To achieve the sameeffectwithanoddsymmetryimpulse
response (eig:, ClassIV or bipolar partial response [ 171 ) the
set of weights u i would be chosen with even symmetry [18] .
The c o m b i n a t i o n of ( 5 ) and (6) requires that, for Nyquist sig- I
Fig. 3. Phase detector characteristics of a loop which forces hl =
naling,f(Tj be of the form 0 (Nyquist channel with rolloff 01).

f(7) = u,(h, - h-i) (7) ported by the authors of this paper [16]. Although the above
i; 1 timing functions represent a somewhat subjective choice, they
are nevertheless probably the most basic and simple functions
in order to yield (in the absence of distortion) an odd symme- satisfying all the requirements discussed earlier. Many of the
trydetectorcharacteristic.Note that, in theapproachjust
problems that have to be studied with other timing functions
outlined,timinginformation is derivedfrom thesymmetry will be highlighted in the discussion of the two examples (8)
error of the sampled impulse response.
and (9).
From the large class of possible timing functions we will
The timing function type A is plotted in Fig; 2 for a Ny-
pick out two particular ones for a more detaileddiscussion,
quist pulse with various rolloffs a. Note the excellent linearity
around zero. The slope at zero which defines the phase detector
gain constant is only mildly affected by the bandwidth (it de-
Type A :
creases by a factor of two if a varies from 0 to 0.8). For a =
f ( 7 ) = %1( h l - h _ , ) = ~ [ h ( 7 + ~ - h ( 7 - T ) ] . (8) 0 we have

Type B:

f(7) = h , = hi7 + T ) . (9)

and it can be shown that this holds also for first-order symme-
Here, type A refers obviously to a first-order symmetry error, tryerrorsinduobinaryorbipolar signaling formats.Thein-
i.e., L = 1 and u1 =, 1/2 in (7). A class of algorithms related clusion of more distant echos ( L > 1) would yield higher order
to type A has firstbeenproposed byMueller and Spaulding errorfunctionswhich we will,however,not discuss at this
[19]. The zero forcing of the first trailing echo hl was been time.
mentioned by Lucky, Salz, and Weldon [ 151, and some pre- Thecorrespondingfunctionsforscheme B areshown in
liminary investigations regarding both functions have been :e- Fig. 3 ; they do not look nearly as nice, and because of the
strongly asymmetrical transfer behavior we would intuitively
'The impulseresponsecan beestimatedfromthe sampled data judgethestabilityof a controlloop based on thistiming
signal; see Section IV. information as ratherpoor, especially for larger amounts of

excess bandwidth. However, wewill find some advantages in

a moment when we discuss operation in the presence of dis-
tortion. For zero excess bandwidth, both schemes yield the
same slope at zero, i.e., for a small offset they will provide
an identical correction. The resulting sampling instants for a
distorted pulse are shown in Fig. 4. Algorithms based ofl A
will choose their steady-state timing in such a way as to yield
equal echoes hl and h Y l . Algorithms based on B will take the
first zero crossing after the main pulse as their timing refer-
ence. Note that, for distorted signals, the two approaches will Fig. 4. Resulting sampling instants with two different timing func-
generally give different sampling phases. The sampling instants +
tions. (a) 2f(7) = h(7 7') - h(7 - 7').(b)f(r) = h(7 + n.
provided by scheme A will always be optimally located with
even impulseresponses;thismeans that both D(T) and E(T)
are minimized in the presence of amplitude distortion alone. (yet undefined) functions of the data symbols
For channels where phase distortion is the main impairment,
scheme B may be better. This is illustrated in Fig. 5 for a Ny-
quist system with cosine rolloff cx that has been degraded by
quadratic delay d i ~ t o r t i o n .For
~ tightrolloff,bothmethods
provide timing phases that result in a larger distortion than the
minimum that could be achieved. For rolloffs above approx-
imately cx = 0.3, scheme B coincides with the minimum; in-
deed for severe delay distortionit is always superior to the
\gm ( a h -m + 19 a k )/
symmetrical scheme A. For small delays the difference is not Obviously these elements cannot be constants since this would
so significant, particularlyfor rolloffs cx 2 0.4. When the make z k the output of a nonrecursive tranhversal filterand
main channel impairment consists of rising delay distortion, such an arrangement would not provide any timing informa-
thelinearityofthe transfer characteristic is improved in tion. Note that g k is assumed to depend only on data values
scheme B and degraded in scheme A. contained within ah, but this is no serious restriction since
During actualdata transmission the sampled impulse re- some function gi can always be set zero to make z k dependent
sponse is not directly available to determine fl~). In the next on "outside data."
section we will therefore show how a low Variance estimate z k For our further analysis, wewill need both the mean and
whose expected value equals fl~) can be obtaineddirectly the variance of z k . We will first discuss the expected value of
from the signal samples. (1 l), which is unbiased by additive zero mean noise. The for-
mation of the expected value can be split up into two opera-
tions [20],
Due to the linear character of (1) and (5) it makes sense
to assume a linear relationship for z k in the form
Because g k cfepends only on data symbols that are contained
zk (1 1) within thev&ctor a h , theinnerconditionalexpected value
can be written as
or alternatively

where we have introduced a new vector v k = E { x k / a k } whose

components are given by

is the signal vector at t = T kT containing the last rn input
samples, a h is the corresponding data vector The conditional expected value of x k is a linear function of
the 2m - 1 samples h , - m , ..., h,, ..., hm - of the system
impulseresponse.This can bestatedmore clearly in the
and ek = x k - is the associated errorvector.The objective
is toobtain,throughappropriate choice of the weighting Vk = E { X k / a k } =AkTh (19)
vector g k , a good estimate of fl~).Theelements of g k are
where h containsthe samples of theabove-mentionedtrun-
Delay pT at Nyquist frequency. cated impulse response and A h is a (2m - 1)*mmatrix

4 D
1. -

cx z.1 / .8-

.6 -

.4 -


0 0
.4 .8 1.2 1.6 2 .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2

1. -
.8- a :.4 a 1.8

.6 -

.4 -

.4 1.6 .8 1.2 2. .4 .8 1.2 1.6 2
Fig. 5. Peak distortion for channels with cosine rolloff 01 and
quadratic delay distortion.

0 0 ...
E k k Tek 1= E { gTkX k 1 - h O E { Tg ka k 1 (22)
ak-l 0 ...
... where the second term yieldsa constantthat can eitherbe
ak ah-1
made zero or used to offset some bias in the first term (e.g.,
dependence on ho).
A blockdiagramof a subsystem using theseprinciples to
... extract timing information is depicted in Fig. 6. Data or error
samples are entered into an m tap transversal filter-like struc-
... ture; but itis important to note that theweighting coefficients
0 0 akUm+l ..' are functionsofthedatasymbols andare thus changing at
the symbol rate. Such a function can be linear ornonlinear
and involve one, several, or all data values of a h . The resulting
- 0 0 0 ... with one or several bits. With the exception of the most sim-
ple examples(e.g.,amemoryofonlytwosymbols),the
generationof g k is most efficientlyaccomplishedwitha
read-only memory (ROM) that contains the appropriate truth
By combining (16), (17), and (19) we obtain so far wehave not discussed the computation of g k . Be-
fore this is done we will determine the variance of z k because
E{zk} =h T E { A k g k } . this will be a measure for the mean square error involved in
the estimate off(7). First we evaluate
The expectation of the product of a signal vector and a data
dependent weightingvector is thus a linear functionofthe E{zk2}=E{gkTXk-ykTgk}=E{gkTEIXkXkT/aklgk}. (13)
samples of h(t), precisely as we have specified for our timing
function ( 5 ) . The meanof (12) is obtained in an equivalent The elements mij of the m X m matrixMk =E(xkxkT/ak} are
way > given by

- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -
- -1 gonal tothedata vector a h ;but we will say more aboutthat in
the next section. Finally, we would like to point out that only
or er minor occur
modifications white
if additive Gaussian noise
with variance u2 is includedin our analysis. Thematrix Q
must then be replaced by Q + p21; the mean of z k remains
"k unchanged.

The weighting vector g k has to be selected according t o

E { Z k } =f(T) = hTU (30)

inorder to yield an unbiased estimate of AT).From (1 l),

I (30)
I and (21), see we
this that requires
L _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ A
Fig. 6 . Generalized block diagram of the proposed timing recovery
scheme (shown for rn = 3). E{Akgk} =U. (3 1)

Recall that E2{ z k } is a constant and that g k , M k , and A h are
and thus dependingonly on the m data values contained in a h . The
expected values in (32) are thus sums of individual functions
g(ah), each weighted with the probability of its a h , and the
extremum is found by setting

Thematrix(24) can now be more convenientlyexpressed as for eachThis yields

The same resultwould have been obtained by introducing a

where the elements of Q are defined by the second term in variation g k + y6gk and then requiring
(26). The second moment of z k can be written as

and the variance of z k becomes If we assume for the moment that M k is nonsingular, the op-
timum g k may be expressed as
S=E{Zk2} -E2{Zk}

The resultsshow thatthe variance of z k depends very The second equation of ( 3 3 ) requires that
strongly on g k . It 'is interesting to note that the matrix does
= 2E-'{AkMk-'AkT)U (37)
not contain the main sample ho ; thus, if the channel is ideal
and if the correct timing phase is used, we conclude that Q = so that finally
0 and v k = h o a k . The variance will then be a function o f the
product g k T a k and will be
zero if g k is chosen ortho- g!, o p t = M k - l A k T ~ - l { A k M k - l A k T } U . (3 8)

This formal solution can be inserted into (22) and will then element of u must also be zero t o avoid any appearance of ho
, yield aminimum variance in E{Zk} in order t o allow for proper operation of the control
loop as has been mentioned in Section I11 while discussing the
(39) choice of u .
In practice, it seems t o be a logical start to select the m
A few comments are in order to the above results. First we '.equations (42) symmetrically around the center of the original
recall that the matrix Q can become very small in the vicinity system, i.e., blocking out an m X m square from the rectangu-
of the optimum timing instant since it does not depend on lar matrix Ah. In addition,we would try to set all components
the main pulse ho. Mk will then be ill-conditioned since it is of d k mequal t o zero in a first approach, thereby avoiding in
mainly determined by the singular matrix v k v k T. Singularity the main term of S all contributions of the usually largest
of hfk can of course always be avoided if a noise term 021is samples in the vicinity of ho. Thus we obtain a tentative solu-
added to Q. Nevertheless, the evaluation of (38) can become tion
quite involved. Furthermore, since g k o p t depends on Mk and
thus on Q, the optimum weighting vector is a function of the
impulse response and is therefore influencedby the channel
characteristics and,mostimportant, by the timing offset whichneeds t o be checked against the remaining equations
of the set (40). If those are not satisfied, we can try again,
itself. For this reason, any fixed weighting vector g k can only
be optimum for one :special situation. We can thus interpret this time allowing nonzero values forat leastsomeof the
(39) as a lower bound. The variance associated with a fixed g knoncenter d k m elements or
probably choosing different
can then be compared with this lower bound for a variety of equations. On theotherhand,a slight deviation fromthe
channel parameters. This will be done later on when we have specified u may be entirely tolerable. Although this method
may sound somewhat heuristic, it nevertheless proved t o be
developed some particularly simple examples for g k . Instead of
evaluating (38)for some specific channels, wewill in the quite efficientandconvenientin practice. Those who may
following propose a simple, suboptimum, channel-independent prefer t o determinetheoptimum weightingvector directly
approach to the probl.em which will lead us t o a number of from (38) must bear in mind that the components of g k are
interestinggk's. rational functions of the elements of u. Such a solution would
Condition (3 1) may be expressed as also depend on the channeland on timingoffsetitself. For
computerevaluation, special formula-manipulation programs
like M A T H L A B , A L P A K , or S Y M B A L may thus be required.
At many computer sites such compilers do not exist.
where the components of dk are zero mean random variables.' Finally we mentionthatthe alternative approach (12)
The choice of the random vector dk will affect the variance of based ontheerror signal will of course always yield alow
zk according t o variance timing estimate since thecomponents of f?k are
given by

which suggests that we keep dk as small as possible; this ap-

plies in particular to the center components that are weighted
with the usually large center samples of h. Of course, d k can- and donotcontainthemain sample h,. The variance S
not be selected arbitrarily, since the system (40) defines 2m - will thus also be independent of ho. Note, however, that ho
1 equations for the m components of gk and the 2m - 1 ele- must be known to apply thistechnique. In practice,this is
ments of d k with the already mentioned zero mean constraint not a disadvantage since some kind of automatic gain control
for d k . The weighting vector gk would of course be uniquely (AGC)will be used anyway t o ensure a constant signal level
specified by choosing m independentequations of the sys- for efficient operation of the A/D converter. For more accu-
tem (40), racy, ho can be learned from the signal itself after an initial
estimate has beenused to start theprocess.
Akmgk = u r n + d k r n . (42)

Which equationsshould be chosen?Certainly, all equations VI. PRACTICAL EXAMPLES

having a nonzero element in u must be considered. Further-
more, we require the variance S to be independent of the main The procedure of determining a weighting vector in accord-
sample ho toguarantee zero variance witha Nyquistchannelance witha given u , (i.e., timing function) and a specified
operatingatitsproper timingphase.Thisimplies thatthe d k memorylength m will be illustrated with some simple ex-
component associated with ho is zero, which in turn means
that the center equationof (40), namely

akTgk = 0,

must belong to
the reduced system (42). Note
(43) (ai:1 k:

)ti1) = rf)
amples. For scheme A, based on (8) and m = 2, (40) reads

(:)+ (46)

where we have already satisfied (43). One solution is


Fig. 7 . Two implementations of a type A system.

andthat dk = 0 for binarytransmission. The variance of
(49) can either be evaluated from (41) and (48) or via direct
calculation. After some manipulations we obtain will then be equal to themean square distortion plus the SNR.
The variance is roughlyreduced by a factor of two for the
two-sample estimate (49) when compared to the one-sample
estimate (53), as we would expect due to the effect of aver-
aging. Observe, that for this comparison, we have normalized
f(~) = E { z k } t o yield identical slope at the origin. An improved
estimate could be obtained by averaging over severalsymbols,
where u2 is the variance of someadded zeromean channel in general,
noise. The term in the brackets is unity for binary signaling
and decreases with multilevel data. Note that, except for this
term,the meansquare erroroftheestimate(49) is simply
related tothe sum of the meansquare distortion and the
SNR. An alternatesolution, whichdoes notcontain ho, canbe
Two possible implementations of (49) are shown in Fig. 7. derived from (40) if we allow m > 2. As an example,for
The realizationwhich uses only one quantizer seems prefer- binary dataand m = 3 we get a weighting vector
able. Further, it should be noted that for binary signaling with
ah = +1 themultiplier and summing arrangement is really
reduced to a controlled adder-subtractor and is thus extremely
We will now proceed t o scheme B (zeroforcing of h l ) .
Trying again m = 2 yields the trivial estimate
Although a single estimate becomes moreaccuratefor
larger ms, the correlation
between succeeding estimates
(if taken at the symbol rate as discussed in the next section)
increases and decision errors will propagate over several
which satisfies (9) and (30), but not (43); i.e.,the variance estimates. If scheme B is used, the calculationsrequired for
still depends on ho. This can be avoided ifwe use the error each estimate become quite involved for rn > 3. The simple
signal ek instead of xk as defined in (12) and (45). We obtain weightingvectors discussed in the previous examples will
the new estimate
be economic to implementand will give satisfactory results
so that there seems to be little reason to give detailed consid-
eration to more complexschemes.
To illustratethis point, the variance (51) of the estimate
(49) andthe variance based on the weights (56) have been
calculated as a function of the timing offset 7 for a noiseless
Nyquist channel with cosinerolloff CY = 0.2 and random
binary signaling. The results are depicted in Fig. 8 (dashed
which is very similar to (51). Since hl = 0 in thesteady- curves). Simultaneously we have evaluated the lower bound
state timing position, we concludethatthe variance (54) (39) associated withtheappropriate timing functions (solid

effectscontribute in adominant way to thesteady-state

variance, such further increase in complexity will usually give
o(= .2 only marginal improvements in timing jitter.



The estimates discussed so far will now be used for adaptive

timing recovery. Our timing control schemes will be such that
the (k + 1)th and the kth adjustment of the sampling phase
are related by the recursion
.O .1 .2 .3 .4 .5
Fig. 8. Variance of estimate z k (dashedcurves) and theoretical mini-
mum (solid curves). Curve A is estimate (49). Curve B is an estimate
An algorithm of the above form will in general not exactly
based on ( 5 6 ) for 7 > 0. turn itself off (unless y decreases t o zero) since z k is a
stochastic variable depending on the timing phase, the impulse
response, the data symbols, and additive noise. This will cause
some randomfluctuations (jitter) aroundthesteady-state
timing phase. The mean of the corrections will be zero for a
timing phase T~ such that

and thisdeterminesof course thesteady-state sampling in-

stant.Forourfurther discussion we will assume thatthis
is at 7- = 70 = 0, which is no restriction since we could always
define a shift

e = (7- to)/^. (59)

We will also assume that
0. 4 .8
1 1.2 6 2.
Fig. 9. Variance of estimate z k in the presence of quadratic delay dis- Yk = CT = constant. (60)
tortion. Curve a is estimate (49). Curve b is an estimate based on
( 5 6 ) . Curve c is estimate (53). This is in contrasttothe usual (but unrealistic) stochastic
approximationprocedure [21],[22] where a gain constant
curves). For very small offsets, the actual meansquare error is used that decreases t o zero. We thus obtain the recursion
coincides with the lower bound, but even for larger offsets
the estimate based on the symmetry error (curve A) yields a
difference of only 1 or 2 dB. This small difference is due t o
the fact that & o p t depends on the impulse response and is For the further analysis we express the estimate z k as
thusnot identical to (47) except near the origin. However,
for practicalpurposes the difference is negligible and the
fixed weighting can be considered near optimum.
Theestimates, ingeneral, are of courseparticularly reli- Here rk is a zero mean random variable with variance S and
able near the origin. For larger timing deviations the symbol
estimation, which is needed if a- decision directed algorithm
is used, becomes unreliable anyway, so that this region is of
limited practical interest. On the other hand, the mean square
errorfor small offset will, formanychannels,be primarily i.e., the timing function is boundedbytwo straightlines
determinedby noise and residual intersymbolinterference. with slopes s1 and s a . These bounds can be quite tight, partic-
This is shownin Fig. 9 where the variance atthesteady- ularly with timing functions of type A which can exhibit a
state timing phase is plotted for different amounts ofpara- very linear transfer characteristic with suitable chosen coeffi-
bolicdelay distortion. Included are estimates based on (49), cients. The recursion (61) can now be expressed as
(53),and(56).It is seen that, among this limited selection,
the scheme based onthesymmetryerrorperformsbest. By
increasing the memory m ,estimates with still smaller variance
canofcourse be obtained. But since noise and quantization We now define

qk = 2}. (65) small andthe

thus behavior
of s and v around
the origin is
given by the slopes
Squaring both sides of (64) and taking expected values yields
e=o (74)

The expected value of the crossterm is zero if e k and rk are uu

assumed to be uncorrelated. A analysis shows thatratherthanbythebounds used in'the preceding approach.
./?{ekrk} depends on the autocorrelation products cE{rkrk-;} Therefore, the resulting jitter is
with i > 0. Thus some interaction can be expected with timing
estimates that use m > 1 , and also due t o intersymbol inter- cs,
ference. However, if adjustments are madeat intervals NT 4, = (76)
2so - c(so2 + v o 2 ) .
rather than T , and if N is chosen large enough, our assumption
will be j u ~ t i f i e d . ~
Systemstability in thesteadystate is determinedbythe
S(0) is composed of aconstant noise term plusan offset condition
dependentintersymbolinterferenceterm.The variance can
be in a similar way as slope,
the i.e., A 0 = (1 - C S O ) ~+ c2vO2 < 1, (77)
v12e2 + s, G s(e)G ~~~e~ + s, (67) and thus requires

where S , is the residual steady-state noise(including some c< 230

ifchannel is not ideal)
and so2 + vo2 '

v 1 and v2 are two constants defining the segment of the rms

error. Again, as in (63), these bounds can be quite tight since The minimal Ao is achieved with
for many estimates the rms error is a relatively linear function
of 0 (see Fig. 8). Weobtain
fromnow (66) SO

and becomes
where we have set for convenience

A m i n = (1 - cs2)2 + c2v12
A m a x = ( l -cS1)' + c2vZ2. (70) with a resulting jitter

The bounds are thus defined by a first-order difference equa- S, CO

tion. To express its solution in a more compact formwe define 4m = = -S,
so2 + Yo2 so
In many cases the bounds on s and v are close together and the
convergencebehavior can,with sufficient accuracy, be ex-
pressed by so, YO, and A , .
We will now discuss the convergence time. Note, from (73),
that the steady-state, jitter is reached in an exponential way.
We will, somewhatarbitrarily,definethe convergence time
The bounds can now be written as as the number of symbols needed t o reduce the average rms
jittertoonepercentofa signaling interval. Sucha small
standard deviation cannot always be obtained if c is initially
selectedaccording t o (79), but basically q , can be made
arbitrarily small by gear shifting t o a smaller c after initial
Notethatthequantities q m m i n and (loomax arelowerand training. We will neglect such considerations for the moment
upper bounds for the steady-state MS jitter. In practice, this and assume q , ='0. The convergence time is then bounded by
jitter can be precisely determinedwithoutthe need for
bounds. This is because the jitter amplitudes can beconsidered

In actual simulations both methods yielded about identical results.

For most practical estimates Zk andparameters c, the expected value For the worst Offset where e = 05, a system
of the crossterm (on a baud-to-baud basis) is indeed very small. withtheoptimizedparameters (79) and (80) would have a

convergence time


In practice,the initial offset is randomand will tend t o be

uniformally distributed over -0.5 < 8 < 0.5. If this is taken
into account, it can be shown that,in the mean, aconvergence
time about25percentshorterthan(83) can be expected.
However, this figure is not very useful for practicalsystem
design where enoughstart-uptimemustbe allocated for
worst case behavior.
Since timing recovery schemes of the type described here
are most likely t o be used in digital receivers, some remarks
should be made aboutquantizationeffects. Assume that 0
can be adjustedin increments p ; then adjustments will stop 4 : >
as soon as the correction term is smaller than the quantiza- f 1 Y P 16
tion interval, i.e., when Fig. 10. Minimum value of loop gain c to avoid dead zone effects.


This dead zone effect can be avoided as long as v

0.849 I 1.000 1.070

PsO2 + 2s08r + r2 >-P 2 0.826 0.963 0.851
0.762 0.858 0.662
Whether or not, at any specified offset 0 , any further adjust- 0.702 0.675 0.702 0.504
ment will occur at the next step will depend on both 8 itself 0.519 0.582 0.367
and the random variable r. Taking expected values and assum- 0.333 0.500 0.239
ing separated adjustments we obtain the condition

a small number of adjustments, often less than 20. This has

been confirmed bydetailedsimulation studies which have
also shown that our formulas tend to be quite accurate, and
forthe MS jitter. Since thismusthold even forthelimit withcertainrestrictions, are even usable when adjustments
4 ; , we can insert (76) and obtain after a few manipulations are performed at the symbol rate.
As an example, we will investigate theestimate (49).
Table I shows the values of the parameters s and v for binary
P2( - 3 + ( 3 - 2 > 0 . Nyquist signaling. For all rolloffs, the bounds ofs and v occur
eitherat 6 = 0 or 8 = 0.5. We select a20percent cosine
rolloff channelwith a 26-dB SNR andaquantization of
The minimum value c/co that satisfies(87),and thus avoids
p = 1/256. For a = 0.2, we obtain co = 0.58, but it is easy
deadzone effectswithintheloop, is shownin Fig. 10 as a to verify that such a large value would yield unacceptable
function of the parameter jitteramplitudes in the presence ofchannel impairments.
Dead zone requirementswoulddictate c > 0.1. As acom-
R = ? m promise between these extremes, we choose c = 0.2. This
P will yield acceptable jitter and avoid deadzone effects. The
resultsofsuch a simulation are depicted in Fig. 11. Adapta-
For R -+0 the curve wouldasymptotically reach c 2co. -+

tion starts with a worst case timing offset 8 = 0.5 (q = -6 dB)

Although this is still within the stability range, it is generally and settling occurs with a final rms jitter f i = 0.0125 (-38.1
undersirable t o make c > co and one wouldpreferablyset dB) which agrees perfectly with (76). Lower and upper bounds
c = co and tolerate somedead zone jitter insystems with for the convergence have been plotted from (73) as a compari-
R < 1. son basis. With the particular parameters used in this simula-
VIII. SIMULATION RESULTS tion, settling timeoccurs within 20 adjustments, whichagain, -
agrees very closely with the theoretical results of Section VII,
Numerical evaluation of the results obtained in the previous Thesimulation resultsin Fig. 11 have beenobtainedby
section shows that timing can indeed be recovered with only averaging over a large number of adaptations, each witha

c4 = . 2
p =o
2 Levels

Q I \ ._ I 2 Level

.1 -
.o - . . . . . . ....... . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . .....,

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 20 40
60 80 N

Fig. 11. Convergence with algorithm based on estimate (49).

different data sequence. To bring some practical realism into

this procedure, a 63-bit maximum length sequence has been
used and starting was assumed to be at random; i.e., averaging
was performed over the results obtained with each of the 63
possible shifted data patterns. Such a sequence would also be
suitable for initial training of an adaptive equalizer.

Similar simulationsforother estimates have also shown
. . . . . .. . . . ..
good agreement with the theoretically predicted performance.
.o *
Instead of discussing theseresultsin detail, we will devote b
0 20 40 60 80 N
some space to related topics that are of more practical signi-
ficanceto the system designer, and we will modify our sub- Fig. 12. Convergence behavior with estimate (49). (a) No distortion.
sequent simulations accordingly. (b) Quadratic delay distortion, p = 2.
First a few words will be said regarding the data symbols
ah that are required tocomputetheestimates z k . With an
initialoffset ofT/2the first few decisions are practically rapid acquisition. If the channel is noise free, a slight improve-
uncorrelated with the actual data symbols. Intheory, a synch- ment is obtained, particularly in theupperbound,butfor
ronizedreference could beprovided at the receiver, but this SNRs as theyoccurat voice grade channels(25-35dB),
is not an attractive solution since the synchronization process convergence is almost unaffected by noise.
would probably require more time than the timing recovery. Fig. 12(b) demonstratesthe behavior of the same loop
The use of adecision directedreference, even during start- with achannel that exhibits quadratic delay distortion (0 =
up, is a much more appealing scheme; i.e., the data symbols 2). The phase whichminimizes peakdistortionhas been
are estimated by suitable quantization of the signal samples. chosen as the reference, e.g., 7 = 0. The variance of the .con-
Because of the large initial error rate such a loop is hard to vergence characteristicshas somewhat increased. The larger
analyze,butit cart conveniently beinvestigated via simula- jitter,ofcourse, is due to the remaining intersymbolinter-
tion.Second, we will makeadjustmentsat each baud to ference which, in turn causes a high s-. This degradation is
obtain fast convergence in real. time. A somewhat larger value even enhanced bythe timing functionsinabilitytofind
for F will be used initially and then reduced by a factor of exactly the maximum eye opening (see Section I1 and Fig. 5).
fourafter30adjustmentstoobtain a small steady-state In the case understudy,settling occurs at a timing phase
timing jitter.Finally, we will also demonstratethe variabi- whichyieldsapeak distortion of 0.9 whereasa value of
lity of convergence as caused by the training sequence itself, 0.7 could be achieved with a more optimum sampling instant.
i.e., the choice of the starting point. This can most conveni- Decreasing c will thusonlyhelpto a minor degree since a
ently be doneby depicting the envelopes of all 63 curves. steady-state bias will remain. An algorithmwhichforces
As previously, a rolloff a = 0.2, a 26-dB SNR, and a quanti- hl = 0 (scheme B) shouldprovidesuperior steady-state
zation p = 1/256 will be used. behavior, at least for channels with delay distortion similar
Fig. 12(a) shows the performance results of this modified to that used in our example. This is depicted in Fig. 13 where
loop, again with the estimate (49). The solid lines give upper the same simulations have beenrepeated with the weighting
and lower bounds for 8 , while the dotted curve shows the rms vector (56). The average settling timeremains aboutthe
value of the average jitter 4 as in Fig. 11, only that we are now same, theupperbound is increased(particularly in theun-
using a linear scale. Convergence takes 5-15 symbols depend- distortedchannel),butthe bias inthe presence of delay
ing on the sequence start, which demonstratesthat careful distortion is significantly reduced. A similar behavior can be
optimization of the training pattern i s very importantfor expected with estimate (53) and is depicted in Fig. 14. Here

P rn :.2
P ol z.2
0.0 R.0
SNR r26d8 SNR :26dB

2 Level 2 Level


.o ..............................
0 20 40 60 80 N 0 20 40 60 80 N
(a) !a)


SNR ~ 2 d8
2 Level
.5 TL o(


S N R =26dB
2 Level

.1 - ............
. .
.o 7 -,
.................... - D

0 20 40 60 80 N 0 20 40 60 80 N
(b) (b)
Fig. 13. Convergence behavior with weighting vector ( 5 6 ) . (a) No dis- Fig. 14. Convergence behavior with estimate (53). (a) No distortion.
tortion. (b) Quadratic delay distortion,p = 2 . (b) Quadratic delay distortion,p = 3.

ho is learned simultaneously with the timing phasebyusing after a specified time. The behavior of such a system is demon-
the linear recursion strated in Fig. 15(b), and one can conclude that this approach
provides an efficientand highly practicalschemeformulti-
level signaling. Similar results have been obtained in this case
with algorithms based on other estimates.
where we have set E = 118.
Remember that a decision-directed reference has been used IX. CONCLUSIONS AND SUMMARY
inthe precedingsimulations.The use of an idealreference We have presented a new class of timing recovery schemes
was found to yield only a minor improvement in mean con- for synchronous data receivers. All information is derived from
vergence time; even the decreaseof the worst case bound is the Nyquist spaced signal samples alone; no signal derivatives,
not that significant. The reason for this may be that the large zero crossings, squarelaw devices, ornarrow-bandfilters
correctionsoccurringwithinthefirstfewadjustments will are required. Timing corrections are based on estimates which
rapidly shift the phase away from its initial 0 = 0.5 position. are productsofthe sampled signal vector (or errorvector)
It is unimportantin whichdirectionthisshifttakesplace; and a weightingvectorwhose componentsarefunctions of
the reliability ofthe decisions will alwaysimprove,andthe the data symbols. The expected value of this estimate defines
loop will be able to lock in. Our experience indicates that atimingfunction f(~)which is of crucial importancefor
this is not necessarily truewithmultilevel signaling. Such boththetransfercharacteristicofthecontrolloopandthe
have shownconvergenceproblemswith
decision- resultingsteady-statesamplingphase.Examplesforsuitable
directed start-up, even under ideal channel conditions. The use choices off(.) have been presented, and a procedure has been
of an ideal reference is very advantageous in such situations. outlined to obtainanappropriateweightingvectorthat will
As anexample, Fig lS(a)shows thesimulation resultsofa yield a low variance estimate. A bound for the minimum vari-
four-levelsystem using estimate (49). Notethatthe26-dB ancehasbeen given, andit was demonstratedthat results
SNR is now a more seriousdegradation thanwithbinary close to this bound can be practicallyachieved.Due to this
signaling, but even so, thetimingloopsettles very rapidly. smallvarianceveryrapid convergence is obtained when these
The ideal reference is not needed if the system is started up estimates are used in a timing loop with a stochastic adjust-
with a binary signal first; the numberof levels is then increased mentalgorithm. Thetheoreticalresultsregardinglowerand

established. To achieve both fast convergence and low jitter,
a gearshifting arrangement fortheloop gain maybeused.
rn :.2 Finally, it shouldbe mentionedthatthetiming recovery
0.0 schemes presentedhere are extremely suitable for receivers
SNR :26dB based on digital processing. The necessary computations are
4 Level very simple; in some estimates a single addition or subtraction
is all that is required.
.2 :


:o , ........................................ p The authors would like to thank M. Duenki, who initially

0 ?O 40 60 00 N proposed the concept of using the error vectoreh, as formulated
in (12). They would further like to thank R. D. Gitlin and
D. D. Falconer for their valuable comments; and D. A. Spauld-
ing for earlier contributions in regard to estimate (49).

ol s.2
0 . 0
SNR 226 dB W. R. Bennett and J. R. Davey, Data Transmission. New York:
4 Level
McCraw-Hill, 1965.
J. J. Stiffler, Theory of SynchronousCommunication. Engle-
wood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1971.
W. C.Lindseyand M. K. Simon, TelecommunicationSystems
Engineering. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1973.
.1 - B. R. Saltzberg, Timing recovery for
datatransmission, Bell Syst.Tech. J., vol. 46, pp. 593-622,
.o . . . . . . . . . . . .-.. ........... March 1967.
0 20 40 60 00 N R. W. Chang, Joint equalization, carrier acquisition, and timing
(b) recoveryfordatacommunication,in Conf. Rec.,Int.Conf.
Commun., 1970.
Fig. 15. Convergence behavior of four-level signal. (a) Ideal reference. R . D. Gitlinand J. Salz, Timing recoveryin PAM-systems,
(b) Estimated reference withtwo-level start-up. Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 50, pp. 1645-1669, May-June 1971.
H. Kobayashi, Simultaneous adaptive estimation and decision
IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-19, pp. 268-280, June 1971.
upper bounds on convergence as well as residual jitter have W. R. Bennett, Statistics of regenerative digital transmission,
been very well confirmed bysimulations. Our analysis was BellSyst. Tech. J., vol. 3 7 , pp. 1501-1542, Nov. 1958.
based on certain independence assumptions and on the availa- Y. Takasaki,Timingextractioninbasebandpulsetransmis-
sion, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. COM-20, pp.877-884,
bility of an idealreference signal, but these do not seem to Oct. 1972.
be restricting requirements. In fact, a large number of simula- L. E. Franks and J. P. Bubrouski, Statistical properties of tim-
tions using a decision-directedreference andbaud-to-baud ing jitterin a PAM timingrecoverysystem, IEEE Trans.
Commun., vol. COM-22, pp. 913-920, July 1974.
adjustment (where some dependencebetweenadjacent esti- A. L. McBride and A. P. Sage,Optimumestimation of bit
mates exists) have shown very similar results. Formulti- synchronization, IEEE Trans. Aerosp.Electron.Syst., vol.
level systems with decision-directed reference, it is necessary A E S J , pp. 525-536, May 1969.
U. Mengali, Aself .bitsynchronizermatchedtothe signal
to sta.rt up, withtwo levels first,andthen switch tomore shape, IEEE Trans. Aerosp.Electron.Syst., vol.AES-7,pp.
levels after a certainnumberof symbols. For binarydata, 686-693, July 1971.
convergence can be obtained in less than 20 symbols. For A. Lender, Decision directedadaptiveequalizationtechnique
for high speed data transmission, IEEE Trans. Commun.
channels with negligible or small distortion, estimates based Technol., vol. COM-18, pp. 625-632, Oct. 1970.
on the symmetry error of the sampled impulse response seem D. A. Spaulding, A new digital coherent demodulator, IEEE
to be preferable to all others since they yield timing functions Trans. Commun., vol. COM-21, pp. 237-238, Mar. 1973.
R. W. Lucky,J. Salz,and E. J.Weldon, Principles of Data
of oddsymmetry(detector characteristic), and can provide Communication. New York: McCraw-Hill, 1968.
very small variance over a wide range of offsets.However, K. H. Mueller and M. Mueller, Adaptivetimingrecoveryin
if distortion is severe, the symmetric estimates may produce digital synchronousdata receivers, in Conf. Rec., 1974 Int.
Zurich Seminar on Digital Communications, 1974.
more steady-state offset than is acceptable, and other schemes, E. R . Kretzmer,Generalization of a techniqueforbinary
e.g., forcing = 0, can give superiorresults in thisrespect. datacommunication, IEEE Trans. Commun:Technol., vol.
Noise levels as they arelikely to occur on voice grade tele- COM-14, pp. 67-68, Feb. 1966.
C. Schollmeier and N. Schatz, The design of nonlinear phase
phone channels have little influence on the rapid convergence. trackingloopsbysimulation, IEEE Trans. Commun., vol.
Steady-state jitter decreases with decreasing loop gain, but the COM-23, pp. 296-299, Feb. 1975.
loop gain cannot be reduced arbitrarily because of dead zone K. H. Mueller and D. A. Spaulding, unpublished memorandum,
Apr.24, 1973.
effectsdue to finitetimingresolution. A good compromise A. Papoulis, Probability. Random Variables and Stochastic
between these requirementscan, however,be rather easily Processes. New York: McGraw-Hill. 1965.
COM-24, 5 , MAY 1 9 7 6 531

[21] H . Robbinsand S. Monro, A stochastic approximation Institute of Technology. During 1973 he was also a member of the
method,Ann. Math. Statist,, vol. 22, pp. 400-407, Sept. 1951. Executive Body oftheEuropeanInformaticsNetwork. His present
[22] D. J. Sakrison,Stochasticapproximation:A recursive method work at Bell Laboratories is mostlyindigital signal processing for
for solving regression problems,inAdvances in Communica- data transmission systems.

tion Theory, vol. 2. New York: Academic, 1966.

Kurt H. Mueller received the Diploma in
electrical engineering andthe Ph.D. degree from
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Zurich, Switzerland, in 1961 and 1967, respec-
From1962 to 1969 heworked at various
research,teaching,and supervisory positions
atthe Swiss FederalInstitute of Technology,
1 wherehe gave courses in signal theoryand
informationtheory. In 1969hejoined Bell
Laboratories,Holmdel, NJ,
he was
involved in a variety of problems in high-speed data communication.
During 1972-1973 he was on leave of absence back at the Swiss Federal

The Capture Effect in FM Receivers


Absfrucf-Inthispaperatheoreticalexplanation of thecapture when the stronger signal is unmodulated. This phenomenon is

effect is given by calculating the instantaneous frequency of the out- known as the capture effect.
put signal of a limiter when two frequency modulated (FM) signals are In this paper, first the phasor diagram will be considered by
present at the limiter input.When this signal is applied to a demodulator
with unlimited bandwidth, the outputsignal of the demodulator proves which it is possible to calculate the output signal of a limiter
to have anextremecaptureeffect. When however thedemodulator andits instantaneousfrequency when two FM signalsare
bandwidth is limited, the capture effect is shown not be be extreme. present at the limiter input. To illustrate the problem the fre-
This phenomenon is explained and possibilities are given to minimize quency spectrum of the output signal is calculated. A function
the capture effect.
is given to express the mean frequency of the limiter output
Some of the results of measurements on limiters and demodulators
are given in this paper; they prove that a weak capture effect can be signal.
obtained. A method of calculating the degree of capturing is included. It is possible to explain the reduction of the capture effect
by limiting the bandwidth of the demodulator.
A method of calculating these effects is given for a Foster-
INTRODUCTION Seely demodulator.
HEN afrequencymodulated (FM)
has two
different FM signals withunequalamplitudes falling I . THE PHASOR DIAGRAM
within the passband at the same time, the modulation of the
weaker signal no longer exists at the demodulator output or at Suppose the two different signals at the input of the limiter
least is attenuatedtoa very highdegree.This also appears are al and u 2 . These signalsare shown in Fig. 1. The signals
may be expressed as
Paper approved by the Associate Editor for Radio Communication
ofthe IEEE CommunicationsSocietyforpublicationwithoutoral ul = A l cos = Re [Alej61]
presentation. Manuscript received December 10, 1973;revised February
14, 1975. a2 = A , cos G2 = Re [ A z e i 6 2 ]
The authors are with the Physics Laboratory of the National De-
fense Research Organisation TNO, The Hague, The Netherlands. where

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