EBCS-9-2013 - Plumbing Services Final Draft PDF

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The key takeaways are that the EBCS-9 code provides standards for plumbing services in buildings in Ethiopia including water supply, sanitation and drainage systems. It was updated in 2013 to reflect modern practices and materials.

The purpose of the EBCS-9 code is to ensure public health and environmental health by providing standards for technically sound water supply, sanitation and drainage systems in buildings.

The main sections covered in the code are administration, scope and definitions, water supply, drainage and sanitation, solid waste management, plumbing systems, materials, and annexes with additional guidelines.


Ethiopian Building Code Standard



Ministry of Urban Development and Construction

Addis Ababa
August 2013

To ensure public and environmental health, buildings should be provided with technically
sound water supply, sanitary and drainage systems. This requires a standard code of practice
that governs their planning, design, installation, use and maintenance. The code should
reflect the state-of-the-art in material science, technology and approach as much as practical.
In Ethiopia, the designs and installations of building water supply, sanitary systems, and
stromwater drainage have been practiced using EBCS9 1995. EBCS-9 2013 has been
prepared after having revised and updated EBCS-9 1995 that has been in use for 18 years.
Various model plumbing codes were referred in the preparation of EBCS-9 2013 and include
National Building Code of India, Uniform Plumbing Code, and British Plumbing Standards.
Local practitioners and experts who use the code have also been consulted and relevant
feedbacks incorporated.
Major improvements to the different sections of EBCS-9 1995 have been made. The section
on Fire Fighting Water Supply has been removed as there is a new full-fledged code under
preparation. EBCS-9 2013 has a total of eight sections with two of them being new-
Administration and Solid waste management.

EBCS-9 Revision Team Members

Dr. Agizew Nigussie

EBCS-9 Revision Team Leader
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, AAiT
Addis Ababa University
(251) 911640100

Ato Belete Lakew

EBCS-9 Revision Team Secretary
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, AAiT
Addis Ababa University
(251) 911862190

Dr-Ing. Geremew Sahilu

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, AAiT
Addis Ababa University
(251) 911620361

Ato Melaku Werede

San-Mech Consult
(251) 911221847

Dr-Ing. Gashaw Yayehyirad

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, AAiT
Addis Ababa University
(251) 911200311

Dr. Yilma Seleshi

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, AAiT
Addis Ababa University
(251) 911222440

Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ i
1 SCOPE AND DEFINITIONS .......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Definition ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 General ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Terminology.............................................................................................................. 1
2 ADMINISTRATION ..................................................................................................... 18
2.1 The Authority ................................................................................................................. 18
2.2 Permits for Connections ................................................................................................. 18
2.2.1 Water Supply Connection ....................................................................................... 18
2.2.2 Drainage and Sanitation .......................................................................................... 19
2.3 Licensing/Registration of Plumbers ............................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Execution of Work .................................................................................................. 20
2.3.2 Examination and Certification ................................................................................ 20
2.3.3 Duration of the License ........................................................................................... 21
2.3.4 Revocation or Suspension of License ..................................................................... 21
2.4 Control of Licensed Plumbers ........................................................................................ 21
2.4.1 Inspection ................................................................................................................ 21
2.4.2 Payment of All Lawful Charges ............................................................................. 21
2.4.3 No Work Should be done without Permission........................................................ 21
2.4.4 Pipes and Fittings to be Approved .......................................................................... 22
2.5 Obligations of Licensed Plumber ................................................................................... 22
3 SANITARY FIXTURES................................................................................................ 23
3.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 23
3.2 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.1 Quality..................................................................................................................... 23
3.2.2 Standards to be Complied With .............................................................................. 23
3.2.3 Delivery and Storage............................................................................................... 23
3.3 Design Considerations.................................................................................................... 23
3.3.1 Sanitary Accommodation........................................................................................ 23

3.3.2 Fixture ..................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.3 Hygiene ................................................................................................................... 24
3.3.4 Support .................................................................................................................... 24
3.4 Provision of Fixtures (Appliances) ................................................................................ 25
3.5 Selection and Installation of Fixtures ............................................................................. 25
3.5.1 General .................................................................................................................... 25
3.5.2 Bath-tubs ................................................................................................................. 25
3.5.3 Shower Units ........................................................................................................... 26
3.5.4 Bidets ...................................................................................................................... 26
3.5.5 Sinks........................................................................................................................ 27
3.5.6 WC Pans.................................................................................................................. 27
3.5.7 WC Seats and Covers.............................................................................................. 28
3.5.8 Flushing Cisterns for WCs ...................................................................................... 28
3.5.9 WC Flush Pipes....................................................................................................... 28
3.5.10 WC Flush Valves .................................................................................................... 28
3.5.11 Urinals ..................................................................................................................... 29
3.5.12 Wash Basins ............................................................................................................ 30
3.5.13 Floor Drains (Floor Waste Gullies) ........................................................................ 30
3.6 Inspection and Maintenance ........................................................................................... 30
3.6.1 Inspection ................................................................................................................ 30
3.6.2 Maintenance ............................................................................................................ 30
4 WATER SUPPLY AND DISTRIBUTION ................................................................... 32
4.1 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 32
4.2 Materials ......................................................................................................................... 32
4.2.1 General .................................................................................................................... 32
4.2.2 Pipes and Fittings .................................................................................................... 32
4.2.3 Materials Handling and Preparation ....................................................................... 34
4.2.4 Choice of Materials ................................................................................................. 34
4.3 Water supply .................................................................................................................. 35
4.3.1 General .................................................................................................................... 35
4.3.2 Quality of Water supply .......................................................................................... 35
4.3.3 Identification of Potable and Non Potable Water System ...................................... 37

4.3.4 Preservation qf Water Quality ................................................................................ 38
4.3.5 Water Supply Daily Requirements for Buildings ................................................... 40
4.4 Storage Cisterns.............................................................................................................. 42
4.4.1 General .................................................................................................................... 42
4.4.2 Underground Cisterns ............................................................................................. 43
4.4.3 Elevated and Ground Cisterns ................................................................................ 43
4.4.4 Cistern Accessories ................................................................................................. 44
4.4.5 Cistern Capacity Design ......................................................................................... 45
4.4.6 Effective Storage Capacity of Pump Suction Cistern ............................................. 46
4.5 Pipes and Isolating Valves ............................................................................................. 48
4.5.1 Pipes ........................................................................................................................ 48
4.5.2 Isolating Valves ...................................................................................................... 48
4.6 Pumps and Equipment.................................................................................................... 48
4.6.1 General .................................................................................................................... 48
4.6.2 Pump Room ............................................................................................................ 50
4.6.3 Installation of Pumps .............................................................................................. 50
4.7 Water Meters .................................................................................................................. 50
4.7.1 Location of Water Meters ....................................................................................... 50
4.7.2 Installation of Water Meters ................................................................................... 50
4.8 Design of Water Distribution System ............................................................................ 51
4.8.1 General Requirements ............................................................................................. 51
4.8.2 Rate of Flow ............................................................................................................ 52
4.8.3 Pipe Sizing .............................................................................................................. 53
4.8.4 Distribution system in multi-story buildings .......................................................... 67
4.8.5 Water Pressure, Pressure Regulators, Pressure Relief Valves and Vacuum relief
Valves 71
4.9 Hot water supply installation ......................................................................................... 72
4.9.1 Design Consideration .............................................................................................. 72
4.9.2 Storage Temperature and Capacity ......................................................................... 72
4.9.3 Rate of Hot Water Flow .......................................................................................... 73
4.9.4 Materials, location and Installation of hot water storage tanks (Vessel) ................ 73
4.9.5 Types of System ...................................................................................................... 74

4.9.6 Cold Feed and Hot Water Distribution Pipes ......................................................... 75
4.9.7 Safety Devices ........................................................................................................ 76
4.10 Water Service Pipe ......................................................................................................... 77
4.11 Minimum Pressure ......................................................................................................... 77
4.12 Water Hammer ............................................................................................................... 78
4.13 Installation of Pipe Work in Buildings ........................................................................... 78
4.13.1 General .................................................................................................................... 78
4.13.2 Handling of Materials ............................................................................................. 78
4.13.3 Allowance for Thermal Movement ......................................................................... 78
4.13.4 Accessibility Pipes and Water Fittings ................................................................... 78
4.13.5 Support & fixing of pipes ....................................................................................... 80
4.14 Underground Pipe Laying .............................................................................................. 83
4.14.1 Trench Excavations ................................................................................................. 83
4.14.2 Bedding and Backfilling ......................................................................................... 83
4.14.3 Proximity to Other Services .................................................................................... 83
4.14.4 Ingress of Dirt ......................................................................................................... 85
4.14.5 Corrosion................................................................................................................. 85
4.14.6 Thrust Blocks .......................................................................................................... 85
4.15 Identifying and Recording Piping Locations ................................................................. 86
4.15.1 Location of Pipes and Valves ................................................................................. 86
4.15.2 Recording Drawings ............................................................................................... 87
4.16 Inspection and Testing ................................................................................................... 87
4.16.1 General .................................................................................................................... 87
4.16.2 Procedure ................................................................................................................ 87
4.16.3 Inspection ................................................................................................................ 87
4.16.4 Leakage Testing ...................................................................................................... 88
4.17 Cleaning and Disinfection .............................................................................................. 89
4.17.1 Storage tanks ........................................................................................................... 89
4.17.2 Water services in buildings ..................................................................................... 89
4.18 Maintenance ................................................................................................................... 90
4.18.1 General .................................................................................................................... 90
4.18.2 Pipe work ................................................................................................................ 90

4.18.3 Terminal Fittings and Valves .................................................................................. 90
4.18.4 Cisterns ................................................................................................................... 91
4.18.5 Ducts ....................................................................................................................... 91
4.18.6 Vessels under Pressure ............................................................................................ 91
4.18.7 Disconnection of Unused Pipes and Fittings .......................................................... 91
4.18.8 Pumps...................................................................................................................... 91
5 Internal Drainage for Buildings ..................................................................................... 92
5.1 General ........................................................................................................................... 92
5.1.1 Scope ....................................................................................................................... 92
5.1.2 Basic Principles ....................................................................................................... 92
5.2 Types of Appliances ....................................................................................................... 94
5.2.1 Soil Appliances ....................................................................................................... 94
5.2.2 Waste Appliances.................................................................................................... 94
5.2.3 Requirements of Various Appliances ..................................................................... 95
5.3 Drainage System Requirements ..................................................................................... 95
5.3.1 General .................................................................................................................... 95
5.3.2 For Residences ........................................................................................................ 96
5.3.3 For Buildings Other than Residences ..................................................................... 96
5.3.4 Number of Occupants of Each Sex ....................................................................... 110
5.3.5 Installation of Fixtures .......................................................................................... 110
5.3.6 Drainage Piping Installation ................................................................................. 111
5.4 Materials, Fittings and Appliances ............................................................................... 112
5.4.1 Standards for Materials, Fittings and Sanitary Appliances ................................... 112
5.4.2 Choice of Material for Pipes ................................................................................. 112
5.4.3 Quality of Fixtures ................................................................................................ 113
5.4.4 Connections Between Drainage Piping And Fittings ........................................... 113
5.4.5 Cleanouts............................................................................................................... 114
5.5 Vents............................................................................................................................. 115
5.5.1 General .................................................................................................................. 115
5.5.2 Materials ............................................................................................................... 116
5.5.3 Outdoor Vent Extension ....................................................................................... 116
5.5.4 Vent Terminals...................................................................................................... 117

5.5.5 Vent Connections and Grades ............................................................................... 118
5.5.6 Fixture Vents ......................................................................................................... 118
5.5.7 Individual Vent ..................................................................................................... 119
5.5.8 Common Vent ....................................................................................................... 119
5.5.9 Wet Venting .......................................................................................................... 120
5.5.10 Waste Stack Vent .................................................................................................. 121
5.5.11 Circuit Venting...................................................................................................... 122
5.5.12 Combination Drain and Vent System ................................................................... 123
5.5.13 Island Fixture Venting .......................................................................................... 124
5.5.14 Relief Vents-Stacks of More Than 10 Branch Intervals ...................................... 125
5.5.15 Vents For Stack Offsets ........................................................................................ 125
5.5.16 Vent Pipe Sizing ................................................................................................... 125
5.5.17 Air Admittance Valves ......................................................................................... 128
5.5.18 Engineered Vent Systems ..................................................................................... 129
5.5.19 Computerized Vent Design ................................................................................... 131
5.6 Traps, Interceptors-And Separators.............................................................................. 131
5.6.1 General .................................................................................................................. 131
5.6.2 Trap Requirements ................................................................................................ 132
5.6.3 Materials, Joints And Connections ....................................................................... 134
5.7 Preliminary Data for Design ........................................................................................ 134
5.7.1 General .................................................................................................................. 134
5.7.2 Fixture Units ......................................................................................................... 134
5.8 Planning and Design considerations ............................................................................ 136
5.8.1 Aim ....................................................................................................................... 136
5.8.2 Layout ................................................................................................................... 137
5.8.3 Drainage (Soil, Waste and Ventilating) Pipes ...................................................... 139
5.8.4 Drainage System Sizing ........................................................................................ 149
5.8.5 Offsets In Drainage Piping In Buildings of Five Stories or More ........................ 150
5.8.6 Computerized Drainage Design ............................................................................ 150
6 EXTERNAL DRAINAGE SYSTEM FOR BUILDINGS ........................................... 152
6.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 152
6.2 General ......................................................................................................................... 152

6.3 Foul Drainage ............................................................................................................... 153
6.3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 153
6.3.2 Determination of Pipe Size and Gradient ............................................................. 154
6.3.3 Determination of Pipe Size and Gradient ............................................................. 158
6.4 Groundwater Drainage ................................................................................................. 159
6.4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 159
6.4.2 Groundwater Drains under Buildings ................................................................... 159
6.4.3 Disposal of Groundwater Discharge ..................................................................... 160
6.4.4 Disposal of Groundwater Discharge ..................................................................... 160
6.4.5 Drain Pipe Sizes .................................................................................................... 160
6.5 Laying of Drain Pipes .................................................................................................. 160
6.5.1 General .................................................................................................................. 160
6.5.2 Proximity to Other Services .................................................................................. 161
6.5.3 Depth of Cover ...................................................................................................... 161
6.6 Excavation, Bedding, Support and Backfilling ............................................................ 163
6.6.1 Excavation of Trenches......................................................................................... 163
6.6.2 Bedding of Drains ................................................................................................. 165
6.7 Inspection Chambers and Manholes ............................................................................ 166
6.7.1 General .................................................................................................................. 166
6.7.2 Dimensions ........................................................................................................... 167
6.7.3 Materials of construction for Inspection Chambers and Manholes ...................... 167
6.7.4 Channels and Bending .......................................................................................... 168
6.7.5 Access to Manholes-Step Irons ............................................................................. 169
6.7.6 Drop-Pipe Manholes (See Figure 6.7) .................................................................. 169
6.7.7 Inspection Chamber and Manhole Covers and Slabs ........................................... 170
6.8 Interceptors, Sewage Treatment and Disposal Units ................................................... 170
6.8.1 Interceptors ........................................................................................................... 170
6.8.2 Septic Tanks .......................................................................................................... 172
6.8.3 Cesspools .............................................................................................................. 175
6.8.4 Effluent Disposal .................................................................................................. 177
6.9 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Drainage Works ........................................... 180
6.9.1 Inspection and Testing of Drainage Works .......................................................... 180

6.9.2 Maintenance and Periodic Inspection ................................................................... 184
6.9.3 Pipes, Fittings and Joints....................................................................................... 184
7 STROM WATER DRAINAGE ................................................................................... 185
7.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................ 185
7.2 Materials ....................................................................................................................... 185
7.2.1 Standards to be Complied With ............................................................................ 185
7.3 Joints............................................................................................................................. 185
7.4 Design........................................................................................................................... 185
7.4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 185
7.4.2 Run-off .................................................................................................................. 185
7.4.3 Roof Drainage ....................................................................................................... 192
7.4.4 Surface Water Drainage ........................................................................................ 203
7.5 Installation .................................................................................................................... 205
7.5.1 Gutters ................................................................................................................... 205
7.5.2 Downpipes ............................................................................................................ 205
7.5.3 Storm Water Drains .............................................................................................. 205
7.5.4 Strom Water Pits and Inlets Pits ........................................................................... 206
7.5.5 Inlets ...................................................................................................................... 206
7.6 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance ........................................................................... 206
7.6.1 Inspection .............................................................................................................. 206
7.6.2 Testing................................................................................................................... 206
7.6.3 Maintenance .......................................................................................................... 207
8 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT ............................................................................. 208
8.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 208
8.1.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................... 208
8.1.2 Basic Principles (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle) ............................................................ 208
8.2 Solid Waste Management Systems .............................................................................. 209
8.2.1 Refuse Chute System ............................................................................................ 209
8.2.2 Treatment by Vermi-Composting ......................................................................... 210
8.3 Refuse Chute System ................................................................................................... 211
8.3.1 Purpose.................................................................................................................. 211
8.3.2 Components .......................................................................................................... 211

8.3.3 Requirements ........................................................................................................ 211
ANNEX A ............................................................................................................................. 212
ANNEX B ............................................................................................................................. 214
ANNEX C ............................................................................................................................. 215
ANNEX D ............................................................................................................................. 216
ANNEX E ............................................................................................................................. 219
ANNEX F ............................................................................................................................. 220
ANNEX G ............................................................................................................................. 221
ANNEX H ............................................................................................................................. 226
ANNEX I .............................................................................................................................. 234
ANNEX J .............................................................................................................................. 241
ANNEX K ............................................................................................................................. 242
ANNEX L ............................................................................................................................. 246

Section 1: Scope and Definitions



1.1 Scope

(1) This Standard lays down requirements for and given recommendations on the design,
installation, testing and maintenance of plumbing fixtures, water supply for domestic and
fire-fighting systems, drainage and venting and disposal systems for water-borne domestic
wastes, and storm-water drainage system within premises.

(2) A list of symbols in common use has been included in this Standard.

1.2 Definition

1.2.1 General
(1) Unless otherwise expressly stated, the following words and terms shall, for the purposes of
this code, have the meanings shown in this section.
(2) Words stated in the present tense include the future; words stated in the masculine gender
include the feminine and neuter; the singular number includes the plural and the plural the
(3) Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in other Codes, such terms shall
have the meanings ascribed to them as in those codes.
(4) Where terms are not defined through the methods authorized by this section, such terms shall
have ordinarily accepted meanings such as the context implies.

1.2.2 Terminology

Accepted Engineering Practice: That which conforms to accepted principles, tests or standards
of nationally recognized technical or scientific authorities.
Access Cover: A removable plate, usually secured by bolts or screws, to permit access to a pipe
or pipe fitting for the purposes of inspection, repair or cleaning.
Adapter Fitting: An approved connecting device that suitably and properly joins or adjusts
pipes and fittings which do not otherwise fit together.
Air Admittance Valve: One-way valve designed to allow air to enter the plumbing drainage
system when negative pressures develop in the piping system. The device shall close by gravity
and seal the vent terminal at zero differential pressure (no flow conditions) and under positive
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 1: Scope and Definitions
internal pressures. The purpose of an air admittance valve is to provide a method of allowing air
to enter the plumbing drainage system without the use of a vent extended to open air and to
prevent sewer gases from escaping into a building.
Air Break (Drainage System): A piping arrangement in which a drain from a fixture, appliance
or device discharges indirectly into another fixture, receptacle or interceptor at a point below the
flood level rim and above the trap seal.
Access Panel: Removable panel mounted in a frame, normally secured with screws and mounted
in a wall or ceiling, to provide access to concealed appurtenances or items which may require

Air Gap: The unobstructed vertical distance through the free atmosphere between the lowest
opening of a water service pipe of fixed outlet supplying water to a fixture or receptacle and the
highest possible water level of such fixture or receptacle.

Air Valve: A valve that releases air from a pipeline automatically without loss of water, or
introduce air into a line automatically if the internal pressure becomes less than that of the

Alternative Engineered Design: A plumbing system that performs in accordance with the intent
and provides an equivalent level of performance for the protection of public health, safety and
Appliance: A receptacle with necessary appurtenances designed for a specific purpose the use or
operation of which results in a discharge into the sanitary drainage system.

Authority Having Jurisdiction: The Authority which has been created by a statute and which
for the purpose of administering the Code/Part may authorize a committee or an official to act on
its behalf, hereinafter called the Authority.
Back Siphonage: The flowing back of used, contaminated, or polluted water from a plumbing
fixture or vessel into a water supply due to a reduced pressure in such pipe (see Backflow).
Back Up: A condition where the wastewater may flow back into another fixture or compartment
but not back into the potable water system.
Backflow: The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distributing pipes
of a system of supply of potable water from any source or sources other than its intended source.
Backflow Preventer: A device or means to prevent backflow.
Base: The lowest portion or lowest point of a stack of vertical pipe.
Base Flood Elevation: A reference point, determined in accordance with the building code,
based on the depth or peak elevation of flooding, including wave height, which has a 1 percent
(lOO-year flood) or greater chance of occurring in any given year.
Bathroom Group: A group of fixtures consisting of a water closet, lavatory, bathtub or shower,
including or excluding a bidet, an emergency floor drain or both. Such fixtures are located
together on the same floor level.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 1: Scope and Definitions

Battery of Fixtures: Any group of two or more similar adjacent fixtures which discharge into a
common horizontal waste or soil pipe.
Bedding: The material on which the pipe is laid and which provides support for the pipe.
Bedding can be concrete, granular material or the prepared trench bottom


a) Special form of sewer pipe used for making connections to a sewer or water main. The
various types are called T, Y, TY, double Y and V branches, according to their
respective shapes.
b) Any part of a piping system other than a main or stack.
Branch Soil Pipe: A pipe connecting one or more soil appliances to the main soil pipe.
Branch Soil Waste Pipe: A pipe connecting one or more soil and/or waste appliances to the
main soil waste pipe (one pipe system).
Branch Ventilating Pipe: A pipe, one end of which is connected to the system adjacent to the
trap of an appliance and the other to a main ventilating pipe or a drain-ventilating pipe. It is fitted
to prevent loss of water seal from a trap owing to partial vacuum, back-pressure, or surging
caused by air movement within the pipe system. It also provides ventilation for the branch waste
Branch Waste Pipe: A pipe connecting one or more waste appliances to the main waste pipe.
Branch Discharge Pipe: A common discharge pipe to which plumbing-fixture traps at any one
floor level are connected.

Branch Drain: A line or pipes installed to discharge into another line or at a point of access; i.e.,
a manhole.
Branch Interval: A vertical measurement of distance, 8 feet (2438 mm) or more in developed
length, between the connections of horizontal branches to a drainage stack. Measurements are
taken down the stack from the highest horizontal branch connection.
Branch Vent: A vent connecting one or more individual vents with a vent stack or stack vent.
Building Drain: That part of the lowest piping of a drainage system that receives the discharge
from soil, waste and other drainage pipes inside and that extends 30 inches (762 mm) in
developed length of pipe beyond the exterior walls of the building and conveys the drainage to
the building sewer.
Building Trap: A device, fitting or assembly of fittings installed in the building drain to prevent
circulation of air between the drainage system of the building and the building sewer.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Building Drainage: A drainage system consists of appliances, their traps and discharge pipes, a
soil or/and waste stack, graded discharge branch pipes, a building drain and a building sewer
with external drains, manholes and other appurtenances.
Building Official: An authority having statutory powers to control design, installation or testing
plumbing systems in buildings and their premises.

Building Sewer: That part of the horizontal piping of a drainage system which extends from the
end of the building drain to a public sewer, a treatment unit or cesspool.

Cesspool: A covered watertight tank used for receiving and storing sewage from premises which
cannot be connected to a public sewer and where ground conditions prevent the use of on-site
treatment works including a septic tank.
Chute: A vertical pipe system passing from floor to floor provided with ventilation and inlet
openings for receiving refuse from successive floors and ending at the ground floor on the top of
the collecting chambers.
Circuit Vent: A vent that connects to a horizontal drainage branch and vents two traps to a
maximum of eight traps or trapped fixtures connected into a battery.
Cleanout: A small access opening in a pipe or pipe fitting arranged to facilitate the clearing of
obstructions and fitted with removable cap or plug.
Cleaning Eye: An access opening in a pipe or pipe fitting arranged to facilitate the cleaning
obstructions and fitted with removable cover.
Code: These regulations, subsequent amendments thereto, or any emergency rule or regulation
that the administrative authority having jurisdiction has lawfully adopted.
Combination Fixture: A fixture combining one sink and laundry tray or a two- or three-
compartment sink or laundry tray in one unit.
Combination Waste And Vent System: A specially designed system of waste piping
embodying the horizontal wet venting of one or more sinks or floor drains by means of a
common waste and vent pipe adequately sized to provide free movement of air above the flow
line of the drain.
Common Discharge Pipe: See branch pipe

Communication Pipe: That part of the service pipe, extending from the water main up to the
water meter (see Figure 1.1)

Common Vent: A vent connecting at the junction of two fixture drains or to a fixture branch and
serving as a vent for both fixtures.
Concealed Fouling Surface: Any surface of a plumbing fixture which is not readily visible and
is not scoured or cleansed with each fixture operation.
Conductor: A pipe inside the building that conveys storm water from the roof to a storm or
combined building drain.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Construction Documents: All of the written, graphic and pictorial documents prepared or
assembled for describing the design, location and physical characteristics of the elements of the
project necessary for obtaining a building permit. The construction drawings shall be drawn to an
appropriate scale.
Consumer: Any person who uses or is supplied water or on whose application such water is
supplied by the Authority.
Consumers Pipe: The portion of service pipe used for supply of water and which is not the
property of the Authority (see Figure 1-1).


a) A removable plate for permitting access to a pipe, fitting, vessel or appliance.

b) The vertical distance between the top of the barrel of a buried pipe or other construction
and the surface of the ground
Cross Connection: Any physical connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate
piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other either water of unknown or
questionable safety or steam, gas or chemical, whereby there exists the possibility for flow from
one system to the other, with the direction of flow depending on the pressure differential between
the two systems.
Cross vent: A vent interconnecting a stack and its relief vent.

Crown of Trap: The topmost point of the inside of a trap outlet.

Dead End: A branch leading from a soil, waste or vent pipe; a building drain; or a building
sewer, and terminating at a developed length of 2 feet (610 mm) or more by means of a plug, cap
or other closed fitting.
Depth of Manhole: The vertical distance from the top of the manhole cover to the outgoing
invert of the main drain channel
Depth of Water Seal: The depth of water that would have to be removed from a full trap before
air could pass through the trap.
Developed Length: A total length along the center line of a pipe and fittings including all bends.

Design Flood Elevation: The elevation of the "design flood," including wave height, relative to
the datum specified on the community's legally designated flood hazard map.
Diameter: The nominal internal diameter of pipes and fittings

Discharge Pipe: a pipe for carrying sewage (waste water) from any fixture (appliance) or
floor waste fully to a branch (common) discharge pipe, stack or drain.

Distributing Pipe: means any pipe (other than an overflow pipe or a flush pipe) conveying
water from a storage cistern or from any other pressure source (apart from mains pressure) to
one or more fixtures or appliance (see Figure 1.1).
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Domestic Waste: Also known as residential waste consists of wastes produced by household
activities such as food preparation, sweeping, cleaning, fuel burning, and gardening. They also
can include old clothing, old furnishing, abandoned equipment, packaging and newsprint.
Downpipe: A conduit for the conveyance of roof water from an outlet of a gutter, box receiver or
sump to another roof or ground level or storm-water drain.

Drain a pipe installed or laid within the property boundary, intended to convey sewage, storm
water, sub-soil water, etc under gravity.

Drain Ventilating Pipe: A pipe installed to provide flow of air to or from a drain to prevent
undue concentration of foul air in the drain. The main soil pipe or main waste pipe may serve as
drain ventilating pipe wherever their upper portions, which do not receive discharges, are
extended to the roof level and let open to air.
Drainage Fittings: Type of fitting or fittings utilized in the drainage system. Drainage fittings
are similar to cast-iron fittings, except that instead of having a bell and spigot, drainage fittings
are recessed and tapped to eliminate ridges on the inside of the installed pipe.
Drainage Fixture Unit (DFU): A measure of the probable discharge into the drainage system by
various types of plumbing fixtures. The drainage fixture-unit value for a particular fixture
depends on its volume rate of drainage discharge, on the time duration of a single drainage
operation and on the average time between successive operations.
Drainage System: Piping within a public or private premise that conveys sewage, rainwater or
other liquid wastes to a point of disposal. A drainage system does not include the mains of a
public sewer system or a private or public sewage treatment or disposal plant.
(a) Building gravity: A drainage system that drains by gravity into the building sewer.
(b) Sanitary: A drainage system that carries sewage and excludes storm, surface and ground
(c) Storm: A drainage system that carries rainwater, surface water, subsurface water and
similar liquid wastes.
Drop Manhole: A manhole installed in a sewer where the elevation of the incoming sewer
considerably exceeds that of the outgoing sewer; a vertical waterway outside the manhole is
provided to divert the waste from the upper to the lower level so that it does not fall freely into
the manhole except at peak rate of flow.
Drop Pipe: Vertical section of drain jointing the drains at different levels.

Duct: An enclosure designed to accommodate water pipes and fittings and other services if
required and constructed so that access to the interior can be obtained either through its length or
at specified points by removal of a cover or covers.
Effluent: Liquid discharged from a waste water treatment unit (process).

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions
E-waste: is a popular informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their useful life
such as computers, televisions, VCRs, stereos, copiers, fax machines, microwaves and washing
machines. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished or recycled. Electronic discards is
one of the fastest growing segments of many countries waste stream. Certain components of
these products contain materials that render them hazardous, depending on their condition and
Faucet: A valve end of a water pipe through which water is drawn from or held within the pipe.
Fire Hose Reel: A length of fire fighting hose which is connected to a valved water supply and
is wound on a reel.

Fire Hydrant: A fitting installed in a water pipeline which provides a valved outlet (above or
below ground) to permit a controlled supply of water.
Fittings: Fittings shall mean coupling, flange, branch, bend, tees, elbows, unions, waste with
plug, P or S trap with vent, stop ferrule, stop tap, bib tap, pillar tap, globe tap, ball valve, cistern
storage tank, baths, water-closets, boiler, geyser, pumping set with motor and accessories, meter,
hydrant, valve and any other article used in connection with water supply, drainage and
Fixture Unit: A quantity in terms of which the load producing effects on the plumbing system of
different kinds of plumbing fixtures is expressed on some arbitrarily chosen scale.
Float Operated Valve: Ball valves or ball taps and equilibrium valves operated by means of a
float taken from the pipeline for fire fighting.
Fixture Branch: A drain serving two or more fixtures that discharges to another drain or to a
Fixture Drain: The drain from the trap of a fixture to a junction with any other drain pipe.

Fixture Fitting:

a) Supply fitting- A fitting that controls the volume and/or directional flow of water and is
either attached to or accessible from a fixture, or is used with an open or atmospheric
b) Waste fitting- A combination of components that conveys the sanitary waste from the
outlet of a fixture to the connection to the sanitary drainage system.
Flushing Cistern: A cistern provided with a device for discharging the stored water rapidly into
a water close pan or urinal.

French Drain or Rubble Drain: A shallow trench filled with coarse rubble, clinker, or similar
material with or without field drain pipes.

Foul Drainage: The drainage through drains of foul water.

Foul Water: Any water contaminated by soil or any domestic waste water.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Grade (Gradient): The inclination expressed as the percentage of unit rise to horizontal

Gully (Trapped): An assembly used in a waste water system which provides a water seal to
prevent odours and gases from escaping into a building or into the atmosphere in the proximity
of the assembly.
Hydrant Valve: A valve controlling flow of water from the fire hydrant outlet with provision for
attachment of a fire hose.
Horizontal Branch Drain: A drainage branch pipe extending laterally from a soil or waste stack
or building drain, with or without vertical sections or branches, that receives the discharge from
two or more fixture drains or branches and conducts the discharge to the soil or waste stack or to
the building drain.
Horizontal Pipe: Any pipe or fitting that makes an angle of less than 45 degrees (0.79 rad) with
the horizontal.
Individual Vent: A pipe installed to vent a fixture trap and connects with the vent system above
the fixture served or terminates in the open air.
Inlet Pit: Chamber with an inlet, which may be side entry (herb inlet), granted inlet (gully-
grating) or combination, that permits the entry of storm water to a storm water drain and allow
access to the drain for maintenance purposes (see Figure H-2, ANNEX H, for kerb and granted
Inspection Chamber: A covered chamber constructed on a drain or sewer so as to provide
access thereto, for inspecting, testing or the clearance and removal of obstructions, and usually
situated in areas subjected to light loading only.
Intercepting Trap: A trap used to aerially disconnect the building drain from the sewer.

Interceptor: An appurtenance or device designed and installed so as to separate and retain

deleterious, hazardous, or undesirable matter (liquid or solid) from normal waste water and
permit normal waste water or liquid waste to discharge into the disposal terminal by gravity.
Junction: A plumbing fitting used to connect a branch pipe or channel to a main pipe or channel.
Leader: An exterior drainage pipe for conveying storm water from roof or gutter drains to an
approved means of disposal.
Loading Unit: See Fixture Unit.

Local Vent Stack: A vertical pipe to which connections are made from the fixture side of traps
and through which vapor or foul air is removed from the fixture or device utilized on bedpan
Manhole: Working chamber with cover constructed on a drain or sewer within which a person
may inspect, test or clear and remove obstruction in safety.
Nominal Size (DN): A numerical designation of the size of a pipe, bend or branch fitting, which
is a convenient round number approximately equal to a manufactured dimension.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Offset: The pipe and fittings used to provide continuity between pipes whose axes are parallel
but not collinear.

Paved Area: an area (a road or path, etc) covered with pointed stones, pointed brick, concrete,
asphalt, etc to make a hard and tight surface.
Peak Flow: The maximum rate of a fluctuating flow.

Pipe System: The system to be adopted will depend on the type and planning of the building in
which it is to be installed and will be one of the following:
a) Single stack system (see Fig.1. 2) The one pipe system in which there is no trap
b) Single stack Partially Vented A via media between the one-pipe system and the
single stack system (see one-pipe system, partially ventilated).
c) One-pipe system (see Fig.1. 3) The system of plumbing in which the wastes from the
sinks, baths and wash basins, and the soil pipe branches are all collected into one main
pipe, which is connected, directly to the drainage system. Gully traps and waste pipes are
completely dispersed with, but all the traps of the water closets, basins, etc, are
completely ventilated to preserve the water seal.
d) One-pipe system Partially vented (also called single stack, partially ventilated) A
system in which there is one soil pipe into which all water closets, baths, sinks, and
basins discharge. In addition, there is a relief vent, which ventilates only the traps of
water closets.
e) Two-pipe system (see Fig.1. 4) The system of plumbing in which soil and waste pipes
are distinct and separate. The soil pipes being connected to the drain direct and waste
pipes through a trapped gully. All traps of all appliances are completely ventilated in this
Pipe Work: Any installation of piping with its fittings.
Puff Ventilation: The ventilation provided for waste traps in two-pipe system, in order to
preserve the water seal.
Plumbing: The practice, materials and fixtures utilized in the installation, maintenance,
extension and alteration of all piping, fixtures, plumbing appliances and plumbing
appurtenances, within or adjacent to any structure, in connection with sanitary drainage or storm
drainage facilities; venting systems; and public or private water supply systems.
Plumbing Appliance: Anyone of a special class of plumbing fixtures intended to perform a
special function. Included are fixtures having the operation or control dependent on one or more
energized components, such as motors, controls, heating elements, or pressure- or temperature-
sensing elements. Such fixtures are manually adjusted or controlled by the owner or operator, or
are operated automatically through one or more of the following actions: a time cycle, a
temperature range, a pressure range, a measured volume or weight.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Plumbing Appurtenance: A manufactured device, prefabricated assembly or an on-the-job
assembly of component parts that is an adjunct to the basic piping system and plumbing fixtures.
An appurtenance demands no additional water supply and does not add any discharge load to a
fixture or to the drainage system.
Plumbing Fixture: A receptacle or device that is either permanently or temporarily connected to
the water distribution system of the premises and demands a supply of water there from;
discharges wastewater, liquid-borne waste materials or sewage either directly or indirectly to the
drainage system of the premises; or requires both a water supply connection and a discharge to
the drainage system of the premises.
Plumbing System: Includes the water supply and distribution pipes; plumbing fixtures and
traps; water-treating or water-using equipment; soil, waste and vent pipes; and sanitary and storm
sewers and building drains; in addition to their respective connections, devices and
appurtenances within a structure or premises.
Potable Water: Water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and domestic purposes and
meets the requirements of the Authority
Ready Access: That which enables a fixture, appliance or equipment to be directly reached
without requiring the removal or movement of any panel, door or similar obstruction and without
the use of a portable ladder, step stool or similar device.
Registered Design Professional: An individual who is registered or licensed to practice
professional architecture or engineering as defined by the statutory requirements of the
professional registration laws of Ethiopia
Relief Vent: A vent installed in a stack below the lowest fixture.

Residual Head: The head available at any particular point in the distribution system

Roding: A system of road which are progressively jointed to clear drainage lines.

Roughing Work: The installation of all parts of the plumbing system which is completed prior
to the installation of fixtures.

Sand Trap: A chamber (may be a space provided within an inlet pit or a separate pit made for
the sole purpose) designed to intercept and retain sand or silt in a storm water drainage system.
Sanitary Fixture: See Appliance.

Self-Cleansing Velocity: The velocity of a flowing liquid in a pipe or channel necessary to

prevent the deposition of solids in suspension.
Septic Tank: A water-tight receptacle which receives the discharge of a drainage system or part
thereof, designed and constructed so as to retain solids, digest organic matter through a period of
detention and allow the liquids to be disposed off elsewhere.
Service Pipe: So much of any pipe for supplying water from a main to any premises as is subject
to water pressure from that main (see Figure 1.1).

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Sewer: A conduit for the carriage of sewage which is usually vested in the local sewerage
Siphonage: The siphoning away of water seals in fixture traps due to negative pressure.
Sleeve: An enclosure f tubular or other section of suitable material so designed as to provide a
space through an obstruction to accommodate a single water pipe and to which access to the
interior can be obtained only from either end of such sleeve.
Soakaway Pit: A pit dug into permeable ground, filled with broken stone, bricks or large
granular material and usually covered, where liquid may seep away into the ground.
Soffit: The highest point of the internal surface of a pipe at any cross section.

Soil Appliances: A sanitary appliance for the collection and discharge of excretory matter.
Soil Waste: The discharge from water closets, urinals, slop hopper, stable yard or cowshed
gullies and similar appliances.
Sprinkler System: An assembly of pipe work graded in size, erected throughout a building
and which sprinkler heads are installed at prescribed intervals. The pipe work is connected to a
set of installation (e.g. control valves, etc) for the operation of the system.
Stack: Any vertical waste water drainage or vent pipe including offsets extending through more
than one floor level.
Stack Vent: The extension of a soil or" waste stack above the highest horizontal drain connected
to the stack.
Stack Venting: A method of venting a fixture or fixtures through the soil or waste stack

Storage Cistern: Any cistern or water tank other than a flushing cistern in which water is stored
at atmospheric pressure, the water being normally received through a float control valve set at a
predetermined level and incorporating an air gap.
Storm Water Drain: The conduit of a storm water drainage installation normally laid
underground for the collection and conveyance of storm water from a premise to the storm water
Storm Water Manhole: see Storm Water Pit.

Storm Water Pit: A chamber constructed within a storm water drain in order to provide access
for inspecting, testing or the clearance of obstructions.
Supply Pipe: So much of any service pipe as is not a communication pipe (see Figure 1.1)
Sub-Soil Water: Water occurring naturally in the sub-soil.

Sub-Soil Water Drain:

(a) A drain intended to collect and carry away sub-soil water.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 1: Scope and Definitions
(b) A drain intended to disperse into the sub-soil from a septic tank.

Surface Water: Natural water from the ground surface, paved areas and roofs

Systems of Drainage:

a) Combined system- A system in which foul water (sewage) and surface water are
conveyed by the same sewers and drains.
b) Separate system- A system in which foul water (sewage) and surface water are
conveyed by the separate sewers and drains.
c) Partially separate system- A modification of the separate system in which part of the
surface water is conveyed by the foul (sanitary) sewers and drains
Trap: Any fitting designed to retain a water seal for the purpose of preventing the passage of
Trap Water Seal: The water retained in a trap which acts as a barrier to the passage of air
though the trap.
Trap Weir: The lowest point of the outlet leg of a trap.
Tundish: A fitting into which pipe work can discharge with an air gap.
Under Drain: A two pipe subsurface effluent disposal system with the pipes laid at different
elevations, with fine gravel media in between.
Vent Pipe: A pipe installed to provide a flow of air to or from a drainage system or to provide a
circulation of air within such system to protect trap seals from siphonage and back pressure.
Wall-Hung Water Closet: A wall-mounted water closet installed in such a way that the fixture
does not touch the floor.
Waste: The discharge from any fixture, appliance, area or appurtenance that does not contain
fecal matter.
Water Fittings: Includes pipes (other than mains), taps, cocks, valves, ferrules, meters, cisterns,
baths, water closets, soil pans and other similar apparatus used in connection with the supply and
use of water.
Water Main (Street Main): A pipe laid by the water undertakers for the purpose of giving a
general supply of water as distinct from a supply to individual consumers and includes any
apparatus used in connection with such a pipe.
Water Service: That part of the cold water supply pipe work from the water main up to an
including the putlet valves at fixtures or appliances.
Water Supplier: Any regional or sub regional water supply organization including water

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions
Water Supply System: Water supply system of a building or premises consists of the water
service pipe, the water distribution pipes, and the necessary connecting pipes, fittings, control
valves, and all appurtenances in or adjacent to the building or premises

Waste Appliance: A sanitary appliance for the collection and discharge of water after use for
ablutionary, culinary and other domestic purpose.
Waste Pipe: In plumbing, any pipe that receives the discharge of any fixtures, except water
closets or similar fixtures and conveys the same to the house drain or soil or waste stack. When
such pipe does not connect directly with a house drain or soil stack, it is called an indirect waste
Water Seal: The water in a trap, which acts as a barrier to the passage of air through the trap.
Yoke Vent: A pipe connecting upward from a soil or waste stack to a vent stack for the purpose
of preventing pressure changes in the stacks.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions

Figure 1-1 Domestic water service connections

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions

Figure 1-2 Single Stack System--Main Feature OF Design

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions

Figure 1.3 Diagram of One-Pipe System

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 1: Scope and Definitions

Figure 1-4 Diagram of Two-Pipe System

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 2: Administration

2.1 The Authority
The Ministry of Urban Development and Construction, the Authority which has been
created by a statute and which, for the purpose of administering the Code/Part, may authorize
a committee or an official or an agency to act on its behalf, hereinafter called the

2.2 Permits for Connections

2.2.1 Water Supply Connection Application for obtaining supply connection

Every consumer, requiring a new supply of water or any extension or alteration to the
existing supply shall apply in writing in the prescribed form (see Annex A) to the Authority. Bulk supply

In the case of large housing colonies or where new services are so situated that it will be
necessary for the Authority to lay new mains or extend an existing main, full information
about the proposed housing scheme shall be furnished to the Authority; information shall
also be given regarding their phased requirements of water supply with full justification.
Such information shall include site plans, showing the layout of roads, footpaths, building
and boundaries and indicating there on the finished line and level of the roads or footpaths
and water supply lines and appurtenances. Completion certificate

On completion of the plumbing work for the water supply system, the licensed plumber shall
give a completion certificate in the prescribed form (see Annex B) to the Authority for
getting the water connection from the mains.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 2: Administration
2.2.2 Drainage and Sanitation Preparation and submission of plan

No person shall install or carry out any water-borne sanitary installation or drainage
installation or any works in connection with anything existing or new buildings or any other
premises without obtaining the previous sanction of the Authority. The owner shall make an
application in the prescribed form (see Annex C) to the Authority to carry out such a work. Site Plan

A site plan of the premises on which the building is to be situated or any such work is to be
carried out shall be prepared drawn to a scale not smaller than 1:500. The site plan of the
building premises shall show:
(a) the adjoining plots and streets with their names;
(b) the position of the municipal sewer and the direction of flow in it;
(c) the invert level of the municipal sewer, the road level, and the connection level of the
proposed drain connecting the building in relation to the sewer,
(d) the angle at which the drain from the building joins the sewer; and
(e) the alignment, sizes and gradients of all drains and also of surface drains, if any.

A separate site plan is not necessary if the necessary particulars to be shown in such a site
plan are already shown in the drainage plan. Drainage Plan

The application ( shall be accompanied by a drainage plan drawn to a scale of not
smaller than 1:100 and furnished along with the building plan. The plans shall show the
(a) Every floor of the building in which the pipes or drains are to be used;
(b) The position, forms, level and arrangement of the various parts of such building,
including the roof thereof;
(c) All new drains as proposed with their sizes and gradients;
(d) Invert levels of the proposed drains with corresponding ground levels;
(e) The position of every manhole, gully, soil and waste pipe, ventilating pipe, rain water
pipe, water-closet, urinal, latrine, bath, lavatory, sink, trap or other appliances in the
premises proposed to be connected to any drain and the following colors are
recommended for indicating sewers, wastewater pipes, rainwater pipes and on existing
Description of Work
Sewers Red
Wastewater pipes and rain-water pipe Blue
Existing work Black

(f) The position of refuse chute, inlet hopper and collection chamber.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 2: Administration In the case of an alteration or addition to an existing building, this clause shall be
deemed to be satisfied if the plans as furnished convey sufficient information for the
proposals to be readily identified with previous sanctioned plans and provided the locations
of tanks and other fittings are consistent with the structural safety of the building. The plans for the building drainage shall in every case be accompanied by
specifications for the various items of work involved. This information shall be supplied in
the prescribed from given in Annex D. In respect of open drains, cross-sectional details shall be prepared to a scale not
smaller than 1:50 showing the ground and invert levels and any arrangement already existing
or proposed for the inclusion of any or exclusion of all storm water from the sewers. Completion Certificate

At the completion of the plumbing installation work, the licensed plumber shall give a
completion certificate in the prescribed form, which is given in Annex E.

2.3 Licensing/Registration of Plumbers

2.3.1 Execution of Work

The work which is required to be carried out under the provisions of this Section shall be
executed only by a licensed plumber under the control of the Authority and shall be
responsible to carry out all lawful directions given by the Authority. No individual shall
engage in the business of plumbing unless so licensed under the provisions of this Section. No individual firm, partnership or corporation shall engage in the business of

installing, repairing or altering plumbing unless the plumbing work performed in the course
of such business is under the direct supervision of a licensed plumber.

2.3.2 Examination and Certification

The Authority shall establish standards and procedure for the qualification, examination and
licensing of plumbers and shall issue licenses to such persons who meet the qualifications
thereof and successfully pass the examination.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 2: Administration
2.3.3 Duration of the License
All licenses issued by the Authority shall be valid for a period of minimum two years and
shall expire on the date indicated on the license, but may be renewed, upon payment of fees
prescribed by the Authority, for further period of two years each, at a time the expired license
not renewed within prescribed time of the expiry of the license may he renewed upon
payment of the penalty prescribed by the Authority.

2.3.4 Revocation or Suspension of License

The Authority may suspend or revoke any license for non- compliance of the conditions
under which the license has been given, or breach of any regulations of the water supply
undertaking. Before a license may be suspended or revoked, the licensee shall have notice in
writing, enumerating the charges against him, and be entitled to a hearing by a duly
authorized board or officer of the Authority. The licensee shall be given an opportunity to
present testimony, oral or written, and shall have the right to cross- examination. A person
whose license has been revoked shall not be permitted to reapply for a license within two
years from the date of revocation.

2.4 Control of Licensed Plumbers

2.4.1 Inspection
The officer deputed by the Authority may inspect at any time without notice any work done by
licensed plumber or place of business.

2.4.2 Payment of All Lawful Charges

Every licensed plumber shall pay lawful demands made by the Authority for:
a) Repairs to roads, drains, pipes, mains or any fittings or appliances connected therewith or
any other property whatsoever whether belonging to the Authority or not;
b) Losses made to any person or property by or through neglect ;
c) Fees for licenses for the time being in force for carrying out trades.

2.4.3 No Work Should be done without Permission

No licensed plumber shall make any water connection or any addition or alteration in fittings
and appliances to carry out any other work in or with reference to public streets, pipes,
sewers, drains, without obtaining sanction of the Authority.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 2: Administration
2.4.4 Pipes and Fittings to be Approved
In execution of any work, the pipes, fittings, appliances and material used shall conform to
relevant Ethiopian Standards or approved by the Authority.

2.5 Obligations of Licensed Plumber

2.5.1 Every licensed plumber shall proceed with any work undertaken by him diligently and
in a proper workman like manner and shall not cause any delay in the execution thereof
without sufficient cause.

2.5.2 Every licensed plumber shall report to the Authority defect noticed by him in any
premises in connection with any water pipes, fittings or other appliances causing waste of
water or in connection with any drains, water closets, privies, urinals or any fittings,
appliances connection therewith rendering such drains privy or urinal insufficient or
otherwise objectionable for sanitary reasons.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures

3.1 Scope
(1) This section deals with the selection, installation, and maintenance of sanitary fixtures.

3.2 Materials

3.2.1 Quality
(1) Sanitary fixtures shall have smooth impervious surfaces, be free from defects and
concealed fouling surfaces and shall be of approved standards in quality and design (see
Clause 3.2.2).

3.2.2 Standards to be Complied With

(1) All sanitary fixtures shall comply with the relevant Ethiopian Standards or equivalent and
shall be acceptable on the approval of the Building Official.

3.2.3 Delivery and Storage

(1) Before deliver, arrangement should be made for storage of fixtures under cover to prevent
(2) Upon delivery, all fixtures should be checked carefully to ensure that they satisfy
provisions of Section 3.2
(3) Handling and storage of fixtures shall confirm to the manufacturers and/or suppliers
(4) All accessories such as traps, taps, brackets, seats, cisterns, etc should be checked and, if
appropriate, grouped together.

3.3 Design Considerations

3.3.1 Sanitary Accommodation

(1) (a) Adequate ventilation of all sanitary accommodation including bath rooms and
kitchens should be provided.
(b) Windows or sky light opening direct to the external air should be made wherever
(c) Where natural ventilation is not possible, mechanical ventilation in accordance with
the provisions of EBCS-11.
(2) (a) Care should be taken to prevent the transmission of noise from sanitary fixtures to
areas such as sitting rooms, class rooms and public areas.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
(b) Noise can be reduced by proper attention to pipe work, siting and fixing of the
(3) Bath and shower compartments shall have walls constructed of smooth, non-corrosive
and non-absorbent waterproof material to a height of non less than 1.8m above the floor.

3.3.2 Fixture
(1) Fixtures should be selected and installed to allow all connections to be correctly made
initially and so as to be easily disconnected for subsequent maintenance or replacement.

(2) Where fixtures will be subjected to heavy use, as in public conveniences, schools,
hospitals, factories, etc, they should be robust in construction and designed to withstand

3.3.3 Hygiene
(1) (a) Sanitary fixtures should be designed, assembled and fitted so as to avoid harbouring

(b) Where fixtures abut a floor and/or a wall or walls, the joint between the fixtures and
the floor and/or the walls should be impermeable.
(2) Shower traps and surrounding areas should be cleansable specially in the case of
communal showers.
(3) (a) Sanitary fixtures should be installed in a manner to afford easy access for cleaning.
(b) Fixtures having concealed slip-joints connections should be provided with an access
for or unity space so arranged as to make the slip connection accessible for inspection
and repair.

3.3.4 Support General
(1) The design, choice and fixing of supports for sanitary fixtures are important and
consideration should be given to the dead weight of fixtures the load which may be
placed in it or on it and the nature of the structure to which it is to be fixed.
(2) All fixing screws should be of non-ferrous metal or stainless steel, and any low-carbon
steel in brackets or other supports should be galvanized, whether subsequently painted or
not. Brackets
(1) Brackets should be of adequate strength and securely fixed having regard to the
cantilever effect of the weight of the fixture fully loaded.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures Floor supports
(1) Larger and heavier sanitary fixtures, such as ablution fountains, shall be fixed direct to
the floor. Great care should also be taken to ensure that they are bedded solidly on a level
and even base.
(2) Other lighter fixtures such as WC pans and pedestal wash basins shall also be fixed direct
to the floor on a level and even base.
(3) Appliances on pedestals or legs shall be fastened to walls to give stability, expect in those
cases where the whole fitting is designed to be self supporting.

3.4 Provision of Fixtures (Appliances)

(1) The scale of provision of sanitary fixtures for the various types of occupancies shall be as
specified in NBCE Part 6.

3.5 Selection and Installation of Fixtures

3.5.1 General
(1) Care should be taken at all times, and particularly after fixing, to protect fixtures from
damage. Glazed, enameled and plated surfaces of fixtures can be irreparably damaged by
carelessness during subsequent operations.
(2) Water supply and discharge pipes should be installed before fixtures are put in place.
Before installing fixtures, it should be ensured that the discharge pipe is clear or
obstruction. Joints between fixtures and traps and/or pipes should be of the union or
detachable type.
(3) Cistern overflows should be arranged to give visible warning of discharge.

3.5.2 Bath-tubs Selection
(1) Bath-tub is intended for bodily immersion in a reclining position and it should have a flat
bottom with a fall to the outlet.
(2) Anti-slip surfaces, if provided, should not interfere with comfort or ease of cleaning and
draining. Installation
(1) Support should be adequate for the weight of the fixture, use and water and sufficiently
unyielding to obviate strain on service connections.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
(2) Supports should be adjustable to permit a bath-tab should be horizontal and care should
be taken to make a permanently watertight seal between the wall and the edge of the bath.

3.5.3 Shower Units Selection
(1) Bodily ablutions under running water are more hygienic than washing by bodily
immersion in a bath. In addition, a shower unit is more economical in energy and water
consumption and convenient to use.
(2) Shower units shall be selected in accordance with approved standard (see Section 3.2). Installation
(1) (a) Shower units should be installed in rooms that are adequately ventilated to reduce the
possibility of condensation.
(b) Adequate space should be provided to ensure convenience in use.
(c) Shower trays should be laid on a smooth and structurally sound base and shall be and
made watertight with acceptable material.
(2) (a) Public shower rooms shall be drained in such a manner that no waste water from any
head will pass over areas occupied by other users.
(b) Traps shall be constructed so that a shower tray may be securely fastened to the trap at
the seepage entrance, making a watertight joint between the shower tray and the trap.

3.5.4 Bidets Selection
(1) There are two main types of bidets over-rim water feed and submersible spray.
(2) Either of the bidets in (1) above may be with pedestal (more frequently fitted), or wall
mounted (used where an unrestricted floor is required). Installation
(1) Pedestal bidets should be set on a level floor or bed.
(2) Where fixing screws are used, they should be non-ferrous or stainless steel.
(3) Wall-hung type bidets may be fixed directly to load bearing walls by bolts or,
alternatively and for non-load bearing walls, by bolting to a support frame.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
3.5.5 Sinks Selection
(1) The most hard-wearing material for sinks is stainless steel. Fire-clay sinks are hard-
wearing and strong, but care has to be taken in the use of utensils to avoid chipping,
especially on the front edge of the sink. Enamel steel sinks require careful use to prevent
chipping the enamel. Installation
(1) Sinks fitted as an independent fixture shall be supported on cantilever brackets, wherever
possible, in order to avoid the use of leg supports.
(2) Where sinks are built into table-top units, care shall be taken to seal the joint between the
bowl rim and the surrounding to prevent water seeping below the surface of the table top.

3.5.6 WC Pans Selection
(1) (a) A single flushing should clear all normal faecal matter from the WC pan, the flush
being so distributed over the internal surface of the pan as to cleanse every part thereof
without any of the contents of flushing water splashing on to the seat or the floor.
(b) WCs should be selected so that noise produced while flushing is minimum.
(2) Wash down WC pans have horizontal outlets and require purpose-made connector to
connect them to the drainage systems.
(3) Siphonic WC pans depend upon siphonic action generate in the trap for the removal of
the contents when flushed. The area of exposed water in siphonic pans is usually greater
than in the washdown type with less chance of the pan being soiled. Siphonic WC pans
have a quieter flush than washwoen types but are more prone to blocking.
(4) Squatting WC pans are designed to be used without a seat and consist of a floor level
bowl with a squatting plate, i,e impervious surround which normally has slightly raised
foot treads. Installation
(1) To prevent the penetration of moisture, the joint between the underside of the WC
pedestal and the floor should be sealed.
(2) All pedestal-type WC pans should be secured to the floor using stainless steel or non-
ferrous fixing screws.
(3) Where pedestal WC pans are installed on solid floors, it is essential that provision be
made in the floor to receive the fixing screws.

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Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
(4) If cement mortar is used for bedding (normally 1:3 mix), a thin layer should be applied
only to that part of the pedestal which is in contact with the floor.
(5) Wall-hung type WC pans may be fixed directly to load bearing walls by bolts, or
alternatively and for non-load bearing walls, by bolting to a support frame.

3.5.7 WC Seats and Covers Selection
(1) WC seats and covers should be smooth and non absorbent. Ring sears are the simplest
type of seats and the most suitable for general use.
(2) Open-front seats are mostly used in male sanitary blocks in such buildings as industrial
and commercial premises and public conveniences, as being less likely to be fouled than
ring seat. Installation
(1) The seat and cover, where fitted, should be properly fixed direct to the WC pan with
hinges. Compressible protective washers should be used between the hinge fixings and
both sides of the ceramic-ware. When raised, all seats and covers should travel though an
angle greater than 900 to ensure stability.

3.5.8 Flushing Cisterns for WCs Selection
(1) Flushing cisterns shall have a flushing capacity sufficient to properly flush WC bowls
with which they are connected.
(2) The float-operated valve should close tight and be selected to suit the water pressure and
to ensure a refilling time of not longer than 2.0 min, Installation
(1) Flushing cisterns may be:
(a) Supported by direct wall fixing; or
(b) Supported by brackets of various types; or
(c) Close coupled to WC pan.

3.5.9 WC Flush Pipes

(1) A 32.0mm minimum inside diameter flush pipes is required for high level cistern and a

3.5.10 WC Flush Valves

(1) Flush valves should be installed so that they will be readily accessible for maintenance.

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Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
(2) When the value is operated, it shall complete the cycle of operation automatically,
opening fully and closing positively under the service pressure.
(3) At each operation, the value shall deliver water in sufficient volume and at a rate that will
thoroughly flush the fixture and refill the fixture trap.
(4) Means shall be provided for regulating the flush valve flow.
(5) Not more than one fixture shall be served by a single flush valve.

3.5.11 Urinals Selection
(1) (a) Still urinal is heavy, takes up more space, and unless designed with great care with all
angles rounded, it is more difficult to keep clean.
(b) it affords greater privacy than other types and is better able to withstand rough usage.
(c) Flushing should be by means of a spreader to each stall to clean the whole surface
likely to be fouled.
(2) (a) Bowl urinal are less restrictive to planning and are more suitable for use where floor
movement might occur.
(b) Spreader should be provided to ensure that the flushing water washes the whole of the
internal surface of the bowl likely to be fouled.
(c) Bowl urinals are recommended only where responsibility in use can be anticipated, as
they are vulnerable to misuse.
(d) Independent divisions securely bolted to the wall surface should be used for privacy.
(3) (a) Trough urinals should be rigidly supported along the whole of their length and should
discharge to a trapped outlet.
(b) Flushing may be by spreader to other means which can produce an even curtain of
water against the back of the urinal.
(c) Trough urinals shall be smooth and non absorbent. Installation
(1) The area behind, under and around urinals should be carefully made (made smooth and
non-absorbent) to take into account water and urine penetration.
(2) (a) The maximum fun of channel (through urinal) to an outlet should not exceed
(b) The floor surface should be non-slip and hard wearing.
(c) Trough urinal should preferably be made so that the front lip is 600.0mm high for
men on 500.0mm high for junior boys.

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Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
3.5.12 Wash Basins Selection
(1) Vitreous China basins serve most purposes.
(2) Fire clay can be used, but is subject to the disadvantage of chipping, and it usually needs
(3) Stainless steel gives good service under most conditions.
(4) Porcelain channeled sheet steel is suitable for light duty, but better service is usually
obtained from porcelain channeled cast iron for normal and heavy duty. Installation
(1) The following types of support are normally used for the installation of wash basins;
(a) Wall fixing by means of built-in cantilever or brackets, screwed brackets, or by screwing
direct to the wall.
(b) A pedestal securely fixed to the floor. The basin should be properly bedded on the
pedestal and anchored to the wall. It may be advisable to carry the weight of the basin on
wall fixings.
(c) Insert into a table top. Care should be taken to seal the joint between the rim and the
surround to prevent water seeping below the surface of the table top.

3.5.13 Floor Drains (Floor Waste Gullies)

(1) Floor drains shall be rust-resistant and provided with removable strainers or gratings
(2) Floor drains shall be of a size to serve sufficiently the purpose for which they are
intended (see Clause

3.6 Inspection and Maintenance

3.6.1 Inspection
(1) Upon completion of the work, all fixtures, materials and workmanship should be
carefully examined for defects and for faults in installation which should be corrected before
the fixtures are handed over for use.

3.6.2 Maintenance General
(1) Fixture should be cleaned frequently to maintain them in good sanitary condition and to
preserve their appearance.

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Section 3: Sanitary Fixtures
(2) The removal of faulty tap and valve washers should receive prompt attention to avoid
waste of water and damage to the value seating and the surface of the fixture.
(3) Cleaning materials containing corrosive alkalis, abrasives or acids should not be used
because they damage fixtures and/or discharge pipe.
(4) The instruction of the manufacturer of the fixtures and of the cleaning and/or de-scaling
materials should be followed. Removal of scale and encrustation

(1) For the removal of scale, encrustation and other deposits, acid and alkali-based cleaning
materials should be used with caution to avoid damage to the appliance and pipework and/or
injury to the cleaning operatives.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

4.1 Scope

(1) This section covers basic requirements of water supply and distribution for residential,
commercial and other types of buildings, including traffic terminal stations and gives
recommendations on the design, installation, testing, commissioning and maintenance of
water supply and distribution services.
(2) It covers the system of pipes, fittings and connected appliances (fixtures) installed to
supply buildings.
(3) This section deals only with low temperature systems; it does not cover systems that are
designed to operate with steam or high temperature hot water.
(4) This section does not take into consideration the requirements of water supply for
industrial plants and processes and other purposes.

4.2 Materials

4.2.1 General
(1) The plumbing system shall have durable material, free from defective workmanship and
so designed and installed as to give satisfactory service for its reasonable expected life.
(2) Materials that have been used for a purpose other than the distribution of potable water
shall not be subsequently used in a potable water system.
(3) Every length of pipe and every fitting shall have case, stamped or indelibly marked on it
the makers name or mark and the weight or class or quality of the product, or it shall be
marked in accordance with the relevant standard; and such markings shall be visible after
(4) Water distribution pipes and fittings shall be of brass, copper, cast iron, UPVC,
galvanized malleable iron, galvanized wrought iron, and galvanized steel, PEX, PPR or
other approved materials manufactured to recognized standards may be used for water
distribution system. All materials used in the water supply system, except valves and
similar devices, shall be of a like material, unless and otherwise approved by the
Authority Having Jurisdiction.

4.2.2 Pipes and Fittings Standards to be complied

(a) All pipes and fittings for the water supply system shall comply with the relevant Ethiopian
Standards or equivalent standards approved by the Building Official.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Specific Requirements
(1) Lead
(a) No pipe or pipe fittings or storage cistern made from lead or internally lined with lead
shall be used in new installations.
(b) Repairs to existing lead services shall be by replacement with other approved materials.
(c) The repair or partial replacement of lead piping with copper piping shall be avoided
unless galvanic action is prevented.
(2) Copper
(a) Copper is generally resistant to corrosion and is suitable for hot and cold water
applications. Where supply waters are capable of dissolving an undue amount of copper
such that either:
i. Unacceptable green staining is produced, or
ii. Deposition of copper into aluminum or zinc surface promotes galvanic attack;
consideration shall be given to the use of alternative materials.
(b) Galvanized steel pipe work should not be used connected to and, especially, downstream
from copper pipe work; otherwise it will be subjected to accelerated corrosion.

(3) Galvanized steel

(a) Galvanized steel pipe shall be jointed only by screwed connections; under no
circumstances shall welded or brazed joints be used because this would damage the
galvanizing. Site bending of galvanized tube will also damage the galvanizing; in view
of this or where it is necessary to change direction pre-formed bends shall be used.
Galvanized tubes offer only marginal protection against corrosion, and shall be protected
from corrosion especially where installed below ground.
(4) Plastic pipes
(a) Plastic pipes shall not be installed close to source of heat or in direct sunlight; otherwise
their performance is impaired.
(b) Where pipes are installed above ground, consideration shall be given to accommodate
thermal movements.
(c) As un-plasticized PVC pipes become increasingly brittle with reducing temperatures,
particular care should be taken in handling them in temperatures below 50C.
(5) Coating and lining materials
(a) No pipe, pipe fitting or storage cistern intended for conveying or storing water shall be
lined or coated internally with coal, tar or any substance that includes coal-tar.
(b) Recommendations for the protective coating against corrosion of iron and steel pipes,
fittings and cisterns shall be referred to approved standards.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.2.3 Materials Handling and Preparation
(1) Materials installed in the system shall be so handled and installed as to avoid damages so
that the quality of the material will not be impaired.
(2) Check delivery documents and certificates against specification; examine marks and
labels and condition of materials and components.
(3) Handle all materials and components with appropriate care to prevent damage, soiling
and contamination.
(4) Store materials and components
(a) in a secure shelter or compound under cover and on bases or racking prepared in
advance of deliveries.
(b) in accordance with manufacturers instructions
(c) protect polyethylene or any plastic tube and pipe from direct sunlight.
(d) in the protective wrappings or carton in which they are delivered.
(5) Preparation Work
(a) Communicate to establish and agree the positions of pipe work and fittings in relation
to other services, appliances, and any requirements for first and subsequent fixing
(b) Inspect all components immediately before assembly and discard any components
that are damaged.

4.2.4 Choice of Materials

(1) The following factors shall be taken into account in selecting materials to be used in a
water service:
(a) Cost,
(b) Effect on water quality,
(c) Internal and external corrosion,
(d) Compatibility of different materials,
(e) Ageing, fatigue and temperature effects,
(f) Mechanical properties,
(g) Durability.

(2) Every part of a water installation shall be cable of operating effectively under the
conditions which it will experience in service. Accordingly;
(a) Every pipe, pipe joint and connected fitting used for domestic water supply shall be
capable of withstanding, without damage or deterioration, sustained temperature of up
to 400C for cold water installation and up to 700C, with occasional short-term
excursions up to 1000C to allow for malfunctions, for heated water installations.
(b) Every draw-off tap shall be capable of operating effectively at any water temperature
and internal water pressure to which it is to be subject.
(c) Discharge pipes connected to temperature or expansion relief valves shall be capable
of withstanding any continuous hot water or steam discharge at temperatures up to
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(3) (a) If pipes, pipe joints or connected fittings are of dissimilar metals, necessary measures
shall be taken to prevent corrosion.
(b) Dissimilar metals should be avoided in below-ground installation wherever

4.3 Water supply

4.3.1 General
(1) Any cold water tap which is likely to be used for drinking water and all such taps not
connected directly to the potable water supply mains shall be supplied from a storage
cistern which is protected in accordance with clause 4.3.4.
(2) No drinking water point shall be installed at the end of a long pipe where only small
volumes of water are drawn-off.
(3) To reduce the risk of stagnation, the layout of the pipe work should be arranged, where
possible, so that fittings downstream of a drinking water point have a high demand.
(4) All premises intended for human habitation, occupancy, or use shall be provided with
supply of potable water. This water supply shall not be connected with unsafe water
resources, nor shall it be subject to the hazards of backflow.
(5) Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be provided with water in sufficient
volume and at pressures adequate to enable them to function properly and without undue
noise under normal conditions of use. There should be at least a residual head of 0.5 bar
(5 m) at the consumers tap at critical water outlet and whenever fixtures or fixture
fittings that require a residual pressure higher than 0.5 bar are installed, that minimum
residual pressure shall be provided.
(6) Plumbing system shall be designed, installed and adjusted to use the optimum quantity of
water consistent with proper performance and cleaning.

4.3.2 Quality of Water supply General
(1) Public water suppliers are obliged to provide a supply of wholesome water which is
suitable and safe for drinking and culinary or cooking purposes. Potable Water

(1) Potable water is water which is satisfactory for drinking, culinary and other domestic
purposes. The quality of water to be used for this purpose shall be as per the prevailing
standards at the time of application. The national drinking water quality standard for
Ethiopia is shown in Table 4-1. WHO drinking water guideline values for chemicals that
have health significance are also indicated in Annex K.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
Table 4-1 Ethiopian Drinking Water Quality Standard (ES 261:2001)
Parameter Unit Maximum permissible level
Odor - Unobjectionable
Taste - Unobjectionable
Turbidity NTU 5
Color TCU 15

Total hardness mg/L as CaCO3 300
Total dissolved solids mg/L 1000
Total iron mg/L 0.3
Manganese mg/L 0.01
Ammonia (NH3+NH4+) mg/L 1.5
Residual free chlorine mg/L as MBAS 0.5
Anionic surfactants mg/L 1.0
Magnesium mg/L 50
Calcium mg/L 75
Copper mg/L 2
Zinc mg/L 5
Sulfate mg/L 250
Chloride mg/L 250
Total alkalinity mg/L 200
Sodium mg/L 200
Potassium mg/L 1.5
Aluminum mg/L 0.2
pH - 6.5-8.5
Barium mg/L 0.7
Total mercury mg/L 0.001
Cadmium mg/L 0.003
Arsenic mg/L 0.01
Cyanide mg/L 0.07
Nitrite mg/L 3
Nitrate mg/L 50
Phenolic compounds as phenol mg/L 0.002
Lead mg/L 0.01
Boron mg/L 0.3
Selenium mg/L 0.01
Fluoride mg/L 1.5
Chromium mg/L 0.05

Pesticides mg/L 2
Lindane mg/L 0.03
Aldrin/Dieldrine mg/L 30
1,2 Dichloroethane

Total viable organisms Colonies per 100 mL Must not be detectable
Faecal streptococci MPN per 100 mL Must not be detectable
Coliform organisms MPN per 100 mL Must not be detectable
E.Coli MPN per 100 mL Must not be detectable

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Non-Potable Water
(1) Non-potable water may be used for flushing water closets and urinals and other
appliances not requiring potable water, provided such water shall not be accessible for
drinking or culinary purposes.

4.3.3 Identification of Potable and Non Potable Water System

(1) In buildings where dual water distribution systems are installed, one potable and the other
Non-potable water, each system shall be identified either by color code or metal tags, or
other appropriate methods as may be approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Each outlet on the non-potable water line that may be unknowingly used for drinking or
domestic purpose shall be posted: DANGER - UNSAFE WATER.

(2) Potable and Non potable water systems installed shall be clearly identified by the
following color code.
a) Potable water - Green background with white lettering.
b) Non potable Yellow background with black lettering , with words

Caution: Non-potable water

c) Each system shall be identified with a colored band to designate the liquid being
conveyed , and the direction of normal flow shall be clearly shown. The minimum size
of the letters and length of the color field shall confirm to Table 4.2.

d) A colored identification band shall be indicated every 6 meters, but at least once per
room and shall be visible from the floor level.

Table 4-2 Minimum Length of Color Field and Size of Letters

Source: Uniform Plumbing Code, 2003 Table 6-1 page 91

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.3.4 Preservation qf Water Quality General
(1) Water supply installations shall be carried out so that delivered water is not liable to
become contaminated to the extent that it is hazardous to health or is unfit for its intended
(2) The installation in (1) above, in particular, shall not adversely affect drinking water in
any of the following ways;
(a) By materials in contact with water being unsuitable for the purpose (see Clause
(b) By cross connection between pipes conveying water supplied by the water undertaker
with pipes conveying water from some other source.
(c) By stagnation particularly at high temperatures.
(d) As a result of backflow of water from water-fittings or water-using appliances into pipe
work connected to mains or to other fittings and appliances (see Clause Prevention of Unsuitable Materials in Contact with Water Unsuitable internal coating of pipes and cisterns

(1) Pipes, pipe fittings and storage cisterns made from or internally lined with lead shall not
be used in any new installation or to replace any existing lead pipe or lead-lined cistern.
(2) No pipe, fitting or storage cistern shall be lined or coated internally with coal tar or with
any material which will affect the quality of potable water. Pipe lying in contaminated areas

(1) No pipe or fitting shall be laid in, on or though foul soil, refuse, sewer, cesspool or refuse
chute or any manhole connected with them or any substance that might have an adverse
effect on water quality unless the pipe is:
(a) Laid though a watertight, corrosion-resistance conduit of sufficient length and strength to
afford adequate protection to the pipes, or
(b) Fixed not less than 600.0mm above the surface of the ground likely to the contaminated.
(2) No plastic pipe shall be laid where oil or petrol leakage or spillage should be expected to
occur (unless suitable measures are taken to prevent contact of any oil or petrol with the
plastic pipes) or where possible migration of petroleum materials and phenols from
contaminated soils might occur. Backflow Prevention General
(1) Positive measures shall be taken to prevent:
(a) The ingress of contaminated water to any part of a water installation,
(b) The backflow of water from the installation to the supply mains; and

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(c) Pumping on supply pipes (without the permission of the water supplier) which may
cause backflow in adjacent pipes as shown in Figure 4.1.

Figure 4-1 Backflow caused by pump installation Draw-off taps

(1) Every draw-off tap or similar fitting installed to discharge water into a sink, was basin,
bath or similar appliance shall be installed so that the vertical distance between the point
of discharge of the fitting and the spill-over level of the receiving appliance shall not be
less than that indicated in Table 4.3 for the size of the fittings concerned.
(2) Where it is not possible to provide a minimum air gap, the water outlet shall be protected
with approved method of backflow prevention satisfactory to the Building Official. Backflow protection for bidets

(1) Every bidet connected to a supply pipe shall be:

(a) Of the over-rim water fed type, and

(b) Installed and arranged so that the vertical distance between each point of discharge of
water and the spill-over level of the bidet shall not be less than that indicated in Table 4.3
for the size of the water inlet fitting concerned. Pipes conveying water to cisterns

(1) Every supply pipe conveying water to a cistern (whether or not fitted to a float-operated
valve) shall be provided with air gaps (see Table 4.3) above the spill-over level of the cistern
(a) the cistern receives or contains any substance harmful to health, or
(b) the cistern is a flushing cistern or is holding water for non-domestic purposes.

(2) Paragraph (1b) above shall not apply to a supply pipe conveying water to a cistern:

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(a) holding water supplied for domestic purposes and complying with Clause 4.4 for which
no protection is required;
(b) fitted with a float-operated value of a reducing flow type which will prevent back
siphonage through it if a vacuum occurs in the feed pipe.

Table 4-3 Minimum air gap [mm]

Diameter of the effective opening of Minimum air gap
water service (mm) (mm)
9 20
> 9 12 25
> 12 20 40
> 20 25 50
> 25 2 x effective opening Prevention of Contamination of Water by Cross Connection

(1) No supply pipe or cistern used for conveying or receiving water supplied by a public
water supplier shall be connected so that it can receive or convey water for any non-
domestic purpose or water that is not supplied by a public water supplier.

4.3.5 Water Supply Daily Requirements for Buildings Water Supply for Residences

(1) Consumption of residential buildings depends on type of delivery of water to the end
consumer and the living standard of the community. Table 4.4 shows the residential
water requirements.

Table 4-4 Residential water requirements

Type of building occupancy Consumption per

head per day [l]
a) Dwellings with house connections*
i) Low consumption 80-120
ii) Medium Consumption 120 200
iii) High consumption 200 - 300
(b) Dwellings with yard connection 40 60
(c) Public fountain (standard pipes) 15-20

i. Low consumption is dwelling unit with only one wet corner, fitted with shower, Hand wash basin,
WC, traditional kitchen without kitchen sink, but with manual Laundry trough.
ii. Medium consumption is dwelling unit with two wet corners, fitted with shower, Bath tub, Hand
wash basin, WC, kitchen sink and laundry sink or machine.
iii. High consumption is dwelling unit with more than two wet corners, fitted with all mentioned in (ii)
above and sauna facilities and others.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Water Supply for Buildings Other than Residences
(1) Minimum requirements for water supply for buildings other than residences shall be in
accordance with Table 4.5.

Table 4-5 Water requirements for buildings other than residences

Type of building occupancy Consumption per

head per day [l]
(a) Factories with bathroom
(i) with canteen 50
(ii) without canteen 40

(b) Factories without bathroom

(i) with canteen 35
(ii) without canteen 25

(c) Hospitals (per bed)

i) Number of beds not exceeding 100 150-250
ii) Number of beds exceeding 100 250 350
d) Nursing homes and medical quarters 135
(e) Hostels (without canteen service) 100
f) Dormitories with canteen service 135
(f) Hotels (per bed)
i) Up to 4 star 200
ii) 5 stars and above 350
(g) Offices 35
(h) Restaurants (per seat) 75
(i) Bars (per seat) 50
(j) Cinemas and theatres (per seat) 15
(k) Schools
(i) Day Schools 25
(ii) Boarding schools (including canteen) 135

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Water Supply Requirements of Traffic Terminal Stations

Minimum requirements for water supply for traffic terminal stations shall be in accordance with
Table 4.6.

Table 4-6 Water Supply Requirements of Traffic Terminal Stations

No. Nature of Station/Terminal Without Bathing
Facilities (liters/capita)
1 Intermediate stations (excluding 25
meal and Express stops)

2 Junction stations and 45

intermediate stations where meal
or express Stoppage is provided
3 Terminal stations 45
4 International and Domestic 70
Source: National Building Code of India (2005), page 19 Water Supply for Fire Fighting Purposes (Refer Fire Code EBCS-13)
Due reference should be made to the fire code (EBCS-13) to estimate the water supply
requirements for firefighting purpose as a function of building type and material and the fire
extinguishing system.

4.4 Storage Cisterns

4.4.1 General
(1) In a building, provisions shall be made for storage of water:
a) to provide against interruptions of the supply caused by repairs to mains, etc;
b) to reduce the maximum rate of demand on the mains;
c) to tide over periods of intermittent supply; and
d) to maintain a storage for the fire fighting requirement of the building
(2) Every storage tank shall be easily accessible and placed in such a position as to enable
thorough inspection and cleaning to be carried out. In large storage tanks, the outlet shall
be at the end opposite the inlet to avoid stagnation of the water.

(3) Storage cisterns and their lids for domestic water supply purposes should not impart taste,
color, odor or toxicity to the water, nor promote microbial growth.

(4) The water may be stored either in overhead tanks (OHT) and/or underground tanks
(UGT) and storage cisterns above 5000 liter capacity shall be divided into two or more
compartments or tanks to avoid interruption of the water supply when carrying out
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
cleaning, inspection or maintenance of the cistern without interfering with the water
supply system.

(5) Any cistern shall be:

(a) a watertight vessel having a tight fitting;

(b) where necessary, lined or coated with a material suitable for use in contact with potable
water and must not deform unduly in use;
(c) where necessary, insulated against heat;
(d) with access for inspection and maintenance;
(e) supported on a firm level base capable of withstanding the weight of the cistern when
filled with water to the rim;
(f) provided with inlet (including float-operated valve or other approved type control
system), outlet, overflow and drain pipes.

4.4.2 Underground Cisterns

(1) No cistern shall be buried or sunk in the ground unless special measures are taken to
avoid leakage and protect the cistern from ingress of contaminants.

(2) Unless used only for non-potable water, every underground cistern shall be protected
from ingress of surface water or ground water and such cisterns shall be well ventilated
and protected from ingress of animals and insects and accessible for maintenance.

(3) The underground tanks should not be located in low lying areas or near any public or
private sewer, septic tank, leaching pool or soakage pit to prevent any contamination. For
tanks with at least one side exposed to a basement, it is safer to discharge the overflow
into the basement level provided that the basement has proper drainage system.
(4) The tank structure shall also be designed to carry the load due to fire tender movement.
(5) There shall be no common wall between the tanks storing safe water and tanks storing
water from unsafe sources.

4.4.3 Elevated and Ground Cisterns

(1) Cisterns mounted within the premises of a building shall be well ventilated and protected
from ingress of birds, animals and insects and provided with access to the interior of the
cistern for maintenance.

(2) Ventilation openings shall be screened by corrosion-resistant mesh.

(3) There should be no common wall between the tanks storing safe water and tanks storing
water from unsafe sources.

(4) In tall buildings, the top of the tank shall be provided with the safe ladder or staircase.
The top slab shall be provided with railing or a parapet wall.
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.4.4 Cistern Accessories
Each tank shall be provided with the followings

(1) Manholes Provide adequate number of manholes for access and repair. The manholes
shall made of corrosion resistant material ( For example, cast iron, reinforced cement
concrete, steel fiber reinforced concrete, galvanized steel, high density polyethylene,
fiber glass reinforced plastic or such other materials acceptable to the Authority).
Manholes shall be provided with locking arrangement to avoid misuse and tampering.
(2) Ladders Tanks higher than 1m deep shall be provided with internal corrosion steps or
ladders according to the depth to enable a person to reach the bottom of the tank.
(3) Overflow Pipe Each tank shall be provided with an overflow pipe made of rigid,
corrosion resistance material, preferably terminating above the ground level to act as a
Warning Pipe to indicate overflow conditions. The size of the overflow pipe shall be
adequate to accept the flow. The overflow pipe size shall be at least one size higher than
the inlet pipe. When the inlet pipe diameter is large, two or more overflow pipes of
equivalent cross section may be provided. The overflow of the tank should be well above
(preferably 600 mm) the external surface level and terminate as a warning pipe with a
mosquito proof grating. Care must be taken to prevent backflow of local surface water
into the tank in case of local flooding. Otherwise the overflow must be terminated in a
safer manner as per the site conditions. For tanks with at least one side exposed to a
basement, it is safer to discharge the overflow into the basement level provided that the
basement has proper drainage system.
(4) Vent Pipes Tanks shall be provided with vent pipes to prevent development of
pressure in the tank which might result in NO FLOW condition or inward collapse of the
(5) Scour/Drain Pipe Each tank shall be provided with a scour pipe with an accessible
drain valve located at their lowest point with the floor of the cisterns laid to a slight fall to
the drains for emptying the tank.
(6) Connection of Overflow and Scour/Drain Pipe Under no circumstances tank overflow
and scour pipe shall be connected to any drain, gully trap or manhole to prevent back
flow and contamination of the water. All such connections shall be discharged over a
grating with an air gap of minimum 50 mm. All overflow and vent pipes shall be
provided with a mosquito proof corrosion resistant grating to prevent ingress of
mosquito, vermin and other insects.
(7) The top slab of the tank must be suitable sloped away from its, centre for proper drainage
of the rainwater.
(8) Tanks on terraces and above ground shall be supported by appropriate structural members
so as to transfer the load of the tank and the water directly on the structural members of
the building.
(9) Outlet pipes : Outlet pipes shall conform to the following:

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(a) The heights of connection to outlet pipes (heights up to the invert of outlet pipes)
above the bottom of a gravity cistern of capacity 5000.0 liter and above shall not
be less than 80.0mm.
(b) Such heights shall not be less than 50.0mm for cisterns of capacity less than
5000.0 liter.
(c) Outlets should be provided with suitable strainers of corrosion resistance
(d) For pump-suction cisterns, the height of connection of suction pipes shall comply
with the provisions of clause 4.4.6.
(e) For jointing steel pipe to a storage tank, the end of the pipe shall be screwed,
passed through a hole in the tank and secured by back nuts, both inside and
outside. For jointing copper pipe to steel or copper tank, a connector of non-
ferrous material shall be used. The connector shall have a shoulder to bear on the
outside of the tank and shall be secured by a back nut inside.

(10) Inlet Pipes - Inlet pipes and float-operated control valves shall confirm to the following:
(a) Except for interconnected cisterns arranged to store water at the same level, every
pipe supplying water to a storage cistern shall be fitted with a float-operated valve
or some other equally effective and approved device to control the inflow of water
and maintain it at the required level.
(b) The water level shall be at least 50.0 mm below the lowest point of the lowest
overflow pipe connection.
(c) The inlet control device shall be suitable for the particular application, bearing in
mind the supply pressure and the temperature of the water in the cistern.
(d) Every float-operated valve shall be securely fixed to the storage cistern it supplies
and, where necessary, braced to prevent the thrust of the float causing the valve to
move and so effect the water level.

4.4.5 Cistern Capacity Design

(1) In designing the storage capacity, consideration shall be taken of the pattern of water use
in the premises concerned, hours of supply to fill up the storage tanks, likely frequency
and duration of breakdown in supply from the water suppliers mains and consequences
of exhausting storage.
General guidelines for calculation of the minimum recommended capacity of storage
tanks shall be as follows:
(a) In case only elevated water tank is provided, it may be taken as 33 to 50 percent of
one days requirement;
(b) In case only underground water tanks is provided, it may be taken as 50 to150 percent
of one days requirement; and
(c) In case combined storage is provided, it may be taken as 67 percent underground tank
and 33 percent elevated water tank of one days requirement.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.4.6 Effective Storage Capacity of Pump Suction Cistern

(1) (a) The effective storage capacity shall be taken as the measurement between the normal
water level in the cistern or tank and the low water level designated X as shown in Figure

(b) Low water level X is taken to be the lowest level before a vortex is created causing the
pump to draw air.

(c) The effective depth is then multiplied by the average surface area of the storage to obtain
the effective capacity.

(2) Where the suction pipe is taken from the side of the storage, as shown in Figure 4.2 (b)
and (e), the clearance between the base of the storage and the lowest part of the pump-
suction pipe shall not be less than the dimension B as given in the figure.

(3) (a) Where a suction pipe draws from a sump in the base of a storage, the sump length
shall be not less than the dimensions indicated in Figure 4.2 (d), (e) and (f).

(b) In addition, the sump width shall be not less than 3.6D where D is the nominal
diameter of the suction pipe.

(c) The point of entry shall be located centrally across the width of the sump.

(4) When an approved vertex inhibitor is installed, the following variation to the dimensions
given in (3) above shall apply:

(a) Dimension A in Figure 4.2 may be disregarded and low water level X may be taken
as the level at which vortex action commences.
(b) Dimension B in Figure 4.2 may be taken from the base of the tank to the level at
which a vertex action commences in Figure 4.2(a).

Notes: (i) Vortex inhibitors are not suitable for use in sump.
(ii) Figure 4.2(b) is unlikely to be appropriate to arrangement employing a vortex inhibitor.
(5) Where arrangements depicted in Figure 4.2 are not applicable, different intake design
may be accepted in agreement with Building Official.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-2 Vertical cross-section showing effective capacity of storage

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.5 Pipes and Isolating Valves

4.5.1 Pipes
(1) For water supply pipes and fittings refer to clause 4.2 and any approved standards.

4.5.2 Isolating Valves

(1) The flow from any water main to any water service pipe, and within the water service pipes,
shall be controlled by means of isolating valves (stop valves and service valves), the location as
specified in Table 4.7.

(2) Isolating valves shall be installed so that they are accessible.

4.6 Pumps and Equipment

4.6.1 General
(1) Electrically driven centrifugal pumping plant are normally used and pumps shall be
duplicated and use alternatively

(2) Where prudent, provision shall be made for the pumps to be supplied by an alternative power
supply in the event of mains failure.

(3) Pumps may be of either a horizontal or vertical type, directly coupled to their electric motors.

(4) Pumps shall be sized so that each pump is capable of overcoming the static lift plus the
friction losses in the pipe work and valves.

(5) Where pumps are connected directly to the service pipe, full allowance shall be made when
calculating the required pump head for the pressure already in the service pipe, since the pump
head is added to this and does not cancel out an existing pressure.

(6)The fittings of motors with sleeve-type super-silent bearings shall be considered in order to
achieve quite running

(7) (a) Automatic control of a pumping plant is essential and pressure switches, level switches or
high-level and low-level electrodes will give reliable control. Other methods of control, both
mechanical and electrical, can be adopted.

(b) Pumping equipment shall be controlled via a pump selector switch and an
ON/OFF/AUTO Control.

(c) Pumps shall be capable of being stopped or started manually.

(d) Pumps shall be controlled to limit the number of starts per hour to within the capacity of
the pump.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Table 4-7 Isolating valves for water services

Location Type of valve

(a) General

(i) At the water main tapping Stop valve

(ii) At the meter stop valve

(iii) At each flushing cistern service valve

(iv) At each appliance service valve

(v) At each pressure limiting valve stop valve

(vi) At each pumping apparatus stop valve

(vii) At each storage tank (inlet) stop valve

(viii) At each storage tank outlet stop valve

(b) Multiple buildings/multi-story

(i) At each branch serving individual building stop valve

(ii) At each branch serving each floor in building of 2 or stop valve

more storeys
(iii) At each group of fixtures stop valve

Notes: (i) Stop valve is a valve which can be operated to stop the flow in a pipeline.
(ii) Service valve is a valve which can be operated to stop the flow into an appliance or fixture.

(8) (a) Most small air compressor used for charging pneumatic pressure vessels or pressure
tanks are of the reciprocating type, shall be either air or water cooled.

(b) The air to be compressed shall be drawn from a clean cool source and should be
protected from contamination.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.6.2 Pump Room

(1) A pump room shall be of adequate size to accommodate all the plant and also to provide
adequate space for maintenance and replacement of parts.

(2) A pump room shall be dry, ventilated and protected from flooding.

(3) Entry of birds and small animals shall be prevented and access should be restricted to
authorized persons

4.6.3 Installation of Pumps

(1) Pumps shall:

(a) be installed on a base to suit satisfactory operation of the pump;

(b) have vibration eliminators at the base of the pump, in the suction side and the delivery
side of the pump so as to minimize the transmission of noise into the building structure
and along the piping system and the prevent undue stress being placed on the pump;
(c) have isolation valves on the delivery side and the suction side of the pump;
(d) have a non-return valve on the delivery side of the pump before the isolation valve;
(e) have pressure gauges on the inlet and outlet of the pump; and
(f) have unions or flanges to enable the removal of the pump;

Note: where a standby pump arrangement is installed, the pumps shall be electrically coupled in such a manner that
each pump can operate individually but can be changed over for standby or alternative duty.

4.7 Water Meters

4.7.1 Location of Water Meters

(1) Water meters shall be located as follows:

(a) Within the property; in an accessible position.

(b) Proximity to isolating valve; positioned immediately downstream of the meter isolating
(c) Proximity to street-alignment; as near as practicable to the street alignment.
(d) In other locations; as required by the relevant regulatory authority.

4.7.2 Installation of Water Meters

(1) Water meters shall be installed:

(a) so as to be accessible for reading, maintenance or removal; and

(b) in horizontal position unless designed to operate otherwise.
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

(2) Water meters to be installed inside buildings shall be fixed with the distance not more than
1.5m above floor level and readily visible for reading.

(3) Water meters to be installed below ground level shall be located in a chamber that has a
cover removable by one person and provided with a base that enable drainage. Where liable
to vehicular damage, water meters shall be protected.

(4) Water meters DN 50 mm or larger in size shall be supported independently of the pipe work.

4.8 Design of Water Distribution System

4.8.1 General Requirements

1) The sizes of the pipes and fittings used in a water service shall be such that will provide
an adequate rate of delivery of water without recourse to wasteful over sizing.

2) The installation shall be sized so that design flow rates given in Table 4.8 shall be
available at each outlet when only that outlet is open and at all outlets for most of the
time. The pipes and fittings shall also be sized so that the water velocity in any pipe does
not exceed those given in Table 4.11.

3) (a) In small, simple installations such as those in small dwellings, it is often possible to
size pipes on the basis of experience and convention.

(b) In all other cases, the pipe sizes shall be calculated in accordance with good
engineering practice.
4) The amount of either hot or cold water used in any building is variable, depending on the
type of occupancy and time of day. Optimum pipe sizes shall be designed to meet peak
5) All premises intended for human habitation, occupancy, or use shall be provided with
supply of potable water. This water supply shall not be contaminated with unsafe water
sources, nor shall it be subject to the hazards backflow.
6) Plumbing fixtures, devices and appurtenances shall be provided with water in sufficient
volume and at pressures adequate to enable them to function properly and without undue
noise under normal conditions of use.
7) The system shall be designed, installed and adjusted to use the optimum quantity of water
consistent with proper performance and cleaning.
8) The system shall be designed and installed with safety devices to safeguard against
dangers from contamination, explosion, overheating, etc.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.8.2 Rate of Flow
1) Pipes and fittings shall be sized so that the flow rates for individual draw-offs are equal to
the design flow rates shown in table 4.8 and during simultaneous discharges the
minimum flow rates shall be maintained on each tap.

Table 4-8 Design flow rates and loading units

Outlet fitting Design Minimum Loading

flow rate flow rate units
(l/s) l/s

WC flushing cistern single or dual flush 0.13 0.05 2

to fill in 2 minutes
WC trough cistern 0.15 per WC 0.10 2
Wash basin tap size DN 15 0.15 per tap 0.10 1.5 to 3
0.05 per tap 0.03
Spray tap or spray mixer 0.20 per tap 0.10 1
Bidet 0.30 0.20 10
0.60 0.40 22
Bath tap, nominal size DN 20
0.20 hot or cold 0.10 3
0.20 0.10 3
Bath tap, nominal size 1 DN 25
Shower head (will vary with type of head) 0.30 0.20 5
Sink tap, nominal size DN 15 0.60 0.40
0.20 hot or cold 0.15
0.15 0.10 3
Sink tap, nominal size 3/4 DN 20 0.004 per position 0.002
Source: BS 6700
1. Flushing troughs are advisable where likely use of WCs is
more than once per minute.
2. Mixer fittings use less water than separate taps, but this can be
disregarded in sizing.
3. Flow rates to shower mixers vary according to type fitted. Manufacturers should be consulted.
4. Manufacturers should be consulted for flow rates to washing machines and
dishwashers for other than a single dwelling.
5. For cistern fed urinals demand is very low and can usually be ignored.
Alternatively, use the continuous flow.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(2) Loading units should not be used for outlet fittings having high peak demands, e.g. those
in industrial installations. In these cases use the continuous flow.
(3) BS 6700 does not give loading units for sink tap DN 20 or pressure flushing valve for
WCs or urinals.

4.8.3 Pipe Sizing

Pipe sizes shall ensure adequate flow rates at appliances and avoid problems that lead to (see
Figure 4.3):

(1) Over-sizing that shall cause

a) additional and unnecessary installation costs;
b) delays in obtaining hot water at outlets;
c) increased heat losses from hot water distributing pipes.

(2) Under-sizing that shall cause:

a) inadequate delivery from outlets and possibly no delivery at some outlets during
simultaneous use;
b) some variation in temperature and pressure at outlets, especially showers and other
c) some increase in noise levels.

Figure 4-3 Pipe sizing considerations (Source: BS 6700)

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(3) In smaller, straightforward installations such as single dwellings, pipes are often sized on
the basis of experience and convention.

(4) In larger and more complex buildings, or with supply pipes that are very long, it is
necessary to use a recognized method of calculation such as that shown in sections and Sizing procedure for supply pipes

The procedure below is followed by an explanation of each step with appropriate examples.
(1) Assume a pipe diameter.
(2) Determine the flow rate:
(a) by using loading units;
(b) for continuous flows;
(c) obtain the design flow rate by adding (a) and (b).
(3) Determine the effective pipe length:
(d) work out the measured pipe length;
(e) work out the equivalent pipe length for fittings;
(f) work out the equivalent pipe length for draw-offs;
(g) obtain the effective pipe length by adding (d), (e) and (f).
(4) Calculate the permissible loss of head:
(h) determine the available head:
(i) determine the head loss per metre run through pipes;
(j) determine the head loss through fittings;
(k) calculate the permissible head loss.
(5) Determine the pipe diameter:
(l) decide whether the assumed pipe size will give the design flow rate in (c) without
exceeding the permissible head loss in (k).

Explanation of the procedure

Assume a pipe diameter (1)
In pipe sizing it is usual to make an assumption of the expected pipe size and then prove whether
or not the assumed size will carry the required flow.

Determine the flow rate (2)

In most buildings it is unlikely that all the appliances installed will be used simultaneously. As
the number of outlets increases the likelihood of them all being used at the same time decreases.
Therefore it is economic sense to design the system for likely peak flows based on probability
theory using loading units, rather than using the possible maximum flow rate.
(a) Loading units. A loading unit is a factor or number given to an appliance which relates
the flow rate at its terminal fitting to the length of time in use and the frequency of use for a
particular type and use of building (probable usage). Loading units for various appliances are
given in table 4.8. By multiplying the number of each type of appliance by its loading unit
and adding the results, a figure for the total loading units can be obtained. This is converted
to a design flow rate using Figure 4.4. An example using loading units is given in Figure 4.5.

(b) Continuous flows. For some appliances, such as automatic flushing cisterns, the flow rate
must be considered as a continuous flow instead of applying probability theory and using
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
loading units. For such appliances the full design flow rate for the outlet fitting must be used,
as given in Table 4.8. However, in the example shown in Figure 4.5, the continuous flow for
the two urinals of 0.008 l/s (from table 4.8) is negligible and can be ignored for design
(c) Design flow rate. The design flow rate for a pipe is the sum of the flow rate determined
from loading units (a) and the continuous flows (b).

Determine the effective pipe length (3)

(d) Find the measured pipe length. Figure 4.6 is an example showing how the
measured pipe length is found. Therefore, from figure 4.4, the required flow rate for the
system is 0.7 l/s.

(e, f ) Find the equivalent pipe lengths for fittings and draw-offs. For convenience the
frictional resistances to flow through fittings are expressed in terms of pipe lengths
having the same resistance to flow as the fitting. Hence the term equivalent pipe length
(see table 4.9). For example, a 20 mm elbow offers the same resistance to flow as a 20
mm pipe 0.8 m long. Figure 4.7 shows the equivalent pipe lengths for the fittings in the
example in Figure 4.6.

Table 4-9 Equivalent pipe length (copper, galvanized steel and plastics)

(g) Effective pipe length. The effective pipe length is the sum of the measured pipe length
(d) and the equivalent pipe lengths for fittings (e) and draw-offs (f).

Therefore, for the example shown in Figure 4.6 the effective pipe length would be:
Measured pipe length 4.75 m
Equivalent pipe lengths
elbows 2 0.8 = 1.6 m
tee 1 1.0 = 1.0 m
stopvalve 1 7.0 = 7.0 m
taps 2 3.7 = 7.4 m
check valves 2 4.3 = 8.6 m
Effective pipe length = 30.35 m
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-4 Conversion chart - loading unit to

flow rate

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-5 Example of use of loading units

Figure 4-6 Example of measured pipe length

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-7 Examples of equivalent pipe length (using the example from Figure 4.6)

Permissible loss of head (pressure) (4)

Pressure can be expressed in the following ways.

(i) In Pascal, the Pascal (Pa) being the SI unit for pressure.
(ii) As force per unit area, N/m2.
1 N/m2 =1 Pascal (Pa).
(iii) As a multiple of atmospheric pressure (bar).
Atmospheric pressure =100 kN/m2 =100 kPa = 1 bar.
(iv) As meters head, that is, the height of the water column from the water level to the
draw-off point.
1 m head =9.81 kN/m2 =9.81 kPa = 98.1 mb.

In the sizing of pipes, any of these units can be used. However, meter head shall be used for
giving a more visual indication of pressure that compares readily to the height and position of
fittings and storage vessels in the building.

(h) Available head. This is the static head or pressure at the pipe or fitting under consideration,
measured in meter head (see Figure 4.3).
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

(i) Head loss through pipes. The loss of head (pressure) through pipes due to frictional resistance
to water flow is directly related to the length of the pipe run and the diameter of the pipe. Pipes
of different materials will have different head losses, depending on the roughness of the bore of
the pipe and on the water temperature. Copper, stainless steel and plastics pipes have smooth
bores and only pipes of these materials are considered in this section.

(j) Head loss through fittings. In some cases it is preferable to subtract the likely resistances in
fittings (particularly draw-offs) from the available head, rather than using equivalent pipe
lengths. Table 4.10 gives typical head losses in taps for average flows compared with equivalent
pipe lengths. Figures 4.8 and 4.9 provide a method for determining head losses through stop
valves and float-operated valves respectively.

Note: Where meters are installed in a pipeline the loss of head through the meter shall be
deducted from the available head.

Table 4-10 Typical head losses and equivalent pipe lengths for taps

Determine the pipe diameter (5)

In the example in Figure 4.6 a pipe size of 20 mm has been assumed. This pipe size must give
the design flow rate without the permissible head loss being exceeded. If it does not, a fresh pipe
size must be assumed and the procedure worked through again.

Figure 4.10 relates pipe size to flow rate, flow velocity and head loss. Knowing the assumed pipe
size and the calculated design flow rate, the flow velocity and the head loss can be found from
the figure as follows.
(1) Draw a line joining the assumed pipe size (20 mm) and the design flow rate (0.4 l/s).
(2) Continue this line across the velocity and head loss scales.
(3) Check that the loss of head (0.12 m/m run) does not exceed the calculated permissible head
loss of 1.48 m/m run.
(4) Check that the flow velocity (1.4 m/s) is not too high by referring to 4.11.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
Table 4-11 Maximum recommended flow velocities

Figure 4-8 Head loss through stop valves

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-9 Head loss through float operated valves

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-10 Determination of pipe diameter

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Tabular method of pipe sizing

The tabular method uses a work sheet which can be completed as each of the steps is followed in
the pipe sizing procedure. An example of the method follows with some explanation of each

Explanation of the tabular method

Pipe work diagram
(1) Make a diagram of the pipeline or system to be considered (see Figure 4.11).
(2) Number the pipes beginning at the point of least head, numbering the main pipe run
first, then the branch pipes.
(3) Make a table to show the loading units and flow rates for each stage of the main run.
Calculate and enter loading units and flow rates; see Figure 4.11.

Calculate flow demand

(1) Calculate maximum demand (see Figure 4.11):

a) add up loading units for each stage (each floor level);
b) convert loading units to flow rates;
c) add up flow rates for each stage.

(2) Calculate probable demand (see Figure 4.11):

a) add up loading units for all stages;
b) convert total loading units to flow rate.

(3) Calculate percentage demand (number of stages for which frictional resistances need be
allowed). See Figure 4.13.

Work through the calculation sheet

See Figure 4.12, using the data shown in Figures 4.11 and 4.13.
Estimated maximum demand = 1.4 l/s
Probable demand = 0.85 l/s

Therefore only 60% of the installation need be considered. For example, if we were designing
for a multi-storey building 20 storeys high, only the first 12 storeys need to be calculated.
However, in the example followed here, the whole system has been sized because the last fitting
on the run has a high flow rate in continuous use. For branches only the pipes to the largest draw
off, i.e. the bath tap, need be sized.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Refer also Figure 4.13

Figure 4-11 Pipe sizing diagram

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Enter pipe references on calculation sheet (1) Pipe reference

Determine loading unit (table 4.8) (2) Loading units

Convert loading units to flow rate (figure 4.4) (3) Flow rate (l/s)

Make assumption as to pipe size (inside diameter) (4) Pipe size (mm diameter)

Work out frictional resistance per metre (figure 4.10) (5) Loss of head (m/m run)

Determine velocity of flow (figure 4.10) (6) Flow velocity (m/s)

Measure length of pipe under consideration (7) Measured pipe run (m)

Consider frictional resistances in fittings (table 4.11 and figures 4.8 and 4.9 (8) Equivalent pipe length

Add totals in columns 7 and 8 (9) Effective pipe length


Head consumed-multiply column 5 by column 9 (10) Head consumed (m)

Add head consumed in column 10 to progressive head in previous row of (11) Progressive head (m)

Record available head at point of delivery (12) Available head (m)

Compare progressive head with available head to confirm pipe diameter or not (13) Final pipe size (mm)

Notes (14) Remarks

Figure 4-12 Calculation sheet explanation of use

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Refer also fig. 4.11

Figure 4-13 Calculation sheet example of use

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

4.8.4 Distribution system in multi-story buildings Direct Supply System

(1) This system shall be adopted when adequate pressure is available throughout the day at
the municipal water distribution line which can satisfy the functionality requirements of the
building or that is sufficient to reach an elevated water tank; and municipal water supply
interruption is not expected. Direct Supply to fixtures

(1) The water supply distribution line after the water meter shall be directly connected to
sanitary fixtures without any storage. Direct Supply to Elevated Water Tank

(1) The water distribution line after water meter shall be directly connected to elevated water
tank and the fixtures are supplied via gravity from the elevated water tank. Pumping System

(1) The system shall be adopted when the requirement under is not fulfilled.
(2) The system shall be used where a constant and reliable supply of power is ensured. Direct Pumping from the Water Supply Line

(1) Direct pumping from a water supply line could affect the municipal water supply system
depending on the pressure in the system. Therefore, special approval from the water supply
authorities be obtained before designing such a system.

(2) Direct pumping from water supply line to sanitary fixtures

a) The pump shall be connected to a water distribution line after the water meter and
provides water to all fixtures without any storage.

b) Direct pumping systems shall be used for buildings where a certain amount of
constant use of water is always occurring.

(3) Direct pumping from water supply line to elevated water tank
a) The pump shall be connected to a water distribution line after the water meter and
delivers to an elevated water tank from which fixtures are supplied via gravity.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Direct Pumping from ground reservoir to elevated water tank

(1) The municipal water shall be stored at ground or low level water reservoir and be
pumped to elevated or roof water tanks as shown in Figure 4.14.
(2) Water collected in the elevated or overhead tank shall be distributed to the various parts
of the building or fixtures via gravity system.
(3) Care shall be taken to avoid dry running of pump when the water level in the lower
reservoir reaches its minimum level.
(4) The system shall ensure automatic operation of the pumps by providing level control
switches in the elevated water tank or approved control methods. Direct pumping from ground reservoir using Hydro-Pneumatic Systems

(1) An operation of the pumps shall be regulated using an air-tight pressure vessel as shown
in Figure 4.15.
(2) The vessel capacity shall be based on the cut-in and cut-out pressure of the pumping
system depending upon allowable start/stops of the pumps and capacity shall be
determined by approved standard or manufacturer recommendation.
(3) Adequate capacity clean/filtered and free from oil of compressed air shall be connected to
feed air into the vessel, so as to maintain the required air-water ratio within the system. Direct pumping from ground reservoir using Variable Speed Drive Pumps

(1) Variable speed drive pumping system shall be used where a pump with a large variation
in its pressure-discharge and speed of the pump is efficiently used to deliver water at
rates of flow as required by the system by changing its speed by varying it with the
assistance of an electronic device which will reduce the rate of flow from speed of the
motor about 960 rpm to 3000 rpm.
(2) Proper dry running protection shall be provided to protect bearings and shaft seals from
being damaged using inlet pressure of the booster system or the level in the water
(3) Expansion joints shall be installed in the suction and delivery sides of the pump system
(a) absorb expansion/contractions in the pipe work caused by changing liquid temperature
(b) reduce mechanical strains in connection with pressure surges in the pipe work
(c) isolate mechanical structure born noise in the pipe work (only rubber bellows expansion
(4) It is advisable to isolate the booster system foundation from building parts by means of
vibration dampers to prevent the transmission of vibration to buildings.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

4.8.5 Water Pressure, Pressure Regulators, Pressure Relief Valves and

Vacuum relief Valves Inadequate Water Pressure

(1) Whenever the water pressure in the main or other source of supply will not provide a
residual water pressure of at least 5 meters (0.5bar), after allowing for friction and other
pressure losses, tank and a pump or other means which will provide said fifteen shall be

(2) Whenever fixtures and /or fixture fittings are installed that require residual pressure higher
than fifteen 5meters (0.5bar), that minimum residual pressure shall be provided. Excessive Water Pressure

(1) Where local static water pressure is high an approved type pressure regulator shall be

(2) Approved regulators with integral bypasses shall be acceptable.

(3) Each such regulator and strainer shall be accessibly located and shall have the strainer
readily accessible for cleaning without removing the regulator or strainer body or
disconnecting the supply piping. Pressure Relief Valves

(1) Any water system provided with a check valve, backflow preventer, or a pressure-
regulating device which does not have a bypass feature at its source shall be provided with
as approved, listed adequately sized pressure relief valve or a means to control expansion.

(2) Relief valves located inside a building shall be provided with a drain, not smaller than the
relief valve outlet.

(3) No shutoff valve shall be installed between the relief valve and the system or in the drain
line. Vacuum Relief Valves

(1) Where a hot-water storage tank or an indirect water heater is located at an elevation above
the fixture outlets in the hot-water system, a vacuum relief valve shall be installed on the
storage or heater.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.9 Hot water supply installation

4.9.1 Design Consideration

(1) The hot water services shall be designed to provide, so far as is practicable, hot water at the
locations, in the quantities and at the temperatures required by the user at the least overall
cost, taking account of installation, maintenance and energy costs.

(2) In electric water heating the common practice for domestic purposes is to use storage heaters
in which water is steadily heated up to a predetermined temperature and stored until required
for use.
(3) In modern hotels and apartment blocks and service apartments, centralized storage and
distribution systems are adopted, where other energy sources such as oil, gas, heat pumps,
solar panels, etc, may be used for the generation of hot water as these options prove more
economical and convenient in heating large volumes of water for storage.
(4) When water supplied to the buildings contain dissolved salts resulting in hardness of water,
measures such as installation of water softening plants etc shall be taken to avoid formation
of scales in the hot water installations.

4.9.2 Storage Temperature and Capacity

(1) The design of hot water supply system and its appliances shall be based on the
temperatures at which water is normally required for the various uses.
(2) In order to minimize the danger of scalding, precipitation of scale from hard water,
standing heat losses, risk of steam formation and the possibility of damage to porcelain or
other fittings and to surface finishes, a storage temperature of 60 C shall be maintained.
If soft water is used a temperature up to 65 C may be adopted.
(3) The size of the storage vessel shall be governed by the maximum short time demand of
the domestic premises depending on local conditions. The capacity of the storage vessel
shall not be less than 20 percent in excess of the required maximum short time demand.
For domestic uses the minimum capacity is recommended to be:
a) 80 liter to 100 liter at 60C in a dwelling with a bath tub
b) 50 liter to 80 liter at 60C for a shower
c) Storage heaters of 10 liter to 30 liter 60C may be used to supply one or two points
of draw offs depending on the use of hot water.
d) In larger houses where a single hot water heater is intended to supply hot water to
more than one bathroom or kitchen or both, the maximum short time demand shall be
estimated and the capacity decided accordingly.
(4) Values of volume of hot water required for a bath, when cold water is mixed with it
depends on the supplied hot water temperature and are given in Table 4.12.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
Table 4-12 Volume of hot water required for mixing with cold water for bathing
Storage temperature, C 75 70 65 60 55 50
Percentage of hot water required 51 55 60 66 73 82.5
Quantity of hot water in liter 59 63 69 76 84 95
required for a 115 liter bath
NOTE Hot bath temperature at 41C and cold water at about 5 to 5.5 C

(5) For on-domestic uses, hot water consumption values shall be taken from good
engineering practices in agreement with the building official
(6) The hot water storage vessel shall be fitted with a thermostat, safety valves and drain

4.9.3 Rate of Hot Water Flow

With storage type installation, the recommended minimum rates of flow for different types of
fixtures are given in Table 4.13.

Table 4-13 Rate of hot water flow

Item Fixtures Rate of Flow (liters/min)

1. Bath tub 22.5
2. Kitchen sinks 18.0
3. Wash basin 7.0
4. Shower (spray type) 7.0

4.9.4 Materials, location and Installation of hot water storage tanks (Vessel)
1) Materials
a) Under no circumstances shall un galvanized (black) mild steel pipes and fittings be used
in any part of a hot water installation, including the cold feed pipe and the vent pipe.
b) Materials resistant to the chemical action of water supplied shall be used in construction
of vessels and pipes.
c) Each installation shall be restricted to one type of metal only, such as all copper or all
galvanized mild steel.
d) When water supplied is known to have appreciable salt content, galvanized iron vessels
and pipes shall not be used.
e) Where required it is also advisable to use vessels lined internally with glass, stainless
steel, etc.
2) The suitability of galvanized mild steel for storage tanks depends upon the pH value of the
water and the extent of its temporary hardness. For values of pH 7.2 or less, galvanized mild

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
steel shall not be used. For values of pH 7.3 and above, galvanized mild steel may be used
provided the corresponding temporary hardness is not lower than those given in Table 4.14.

Table 4-14 pH and required minimum temporary hardness to use galvanized mild steel for
hot water storage

pH Value Minimum Temporary Hardness Required(mg per liter)

7.3 210
7.4 150
7.5 140
7.6 110
7.7 90
7.8 80
7.9-8.5 70

(3) Location of Storage Vessel.

a) The storage vessel shall be so placed that the pipe runs to the most frequently used
outlets are as short as possible in order to minimize heat loss through pipes.
(4) Thermal Insulation of Storage Tanks.
a) The hot water storage vessel and pipes shall be adequately insulated wherever
necessary to minimize heat loss.
b) The whole external surface of the storage vessel including the cover to the hand hole,
shall be provided with a covering equivalent to not less than 75mm thickness of thermal
insulating material having a conductivity of not more than 0.05 W/(m,C)/mm at mean
temperature of 50C.

4.9.5 Types of System General
(1) The choice of the hot-water heating system (between instantaneous and hot-water storage
system) shall be made bearing in mind the objectives expressed in Clause 4.9.1 and the
characteristics of the different systems. Furthermore, the system shall be sized to meet the
requirements of the user as closely as possible. Instantaneous system

(1) In the instantaneous system, the water is heated as used, there is no storage, and the capacity
of the heater shall be equal to the peak demand.

(2) Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters installed in bath rooms shall be of the room-sealed
type. Storage system

(1) In the storage system, hot water is heated continuously or intermittently as desired.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(2) The choice between the vented and the non-vented type of installation of the storage system
shall be in accordance with the factors described below;

(a) Vented hot-water storage systems are fed with cold water from a storage cistern which is
situated above the highest outlet to provide the necessary pressure in the system and
which accommodates expansion of the water when it is heated. An open vent pipe shall
be installed from the top of the hot water storage vessel to a point above the cold water
storage cistern, into which it is arranged to discharge. The main characteristics of vented
systems are:

(i) Explosion protection is provided by the open vent pipe and the cistern, involving no
mechanical device;

(ii) The storage provides a constant low pressure and needs to be protected against the
ingress of contaminants.

(b) Non-vented systems can be fed from a storage cistern, either directly or through a booster
pump or fed from the municipal supply pipe, either directly or via a pressure reducing
valve. The main characteristics of non-vented systems are as follows;

(i) Explosion protection is provided by safety devices that need periodic inspection and

(ii) They allow quicker installation than vented system but involve more costly

4.9.6 Cold Feed and Hot Water Distribution Pipes Cold feed pipes

(1) Connection to hot water storage vessels shall be arranged so that the cold water feed pipe is
connected near to bottom of the vessel.
(2) The cold feed pipe shall be sized in accordance with Clause 4.8.3 Hot water Distribution Pipes

(1) In systems incorporating a hot water storage vessel, the hot water draw-off shall be arranged
to be from the top of the vessel, or as near as there to as practicable.
(2) The hot water distribution pipe shall be sized in accordance with Clause 4.8.3
(3) To promote maximum economy of energy and water, the hot water distribution system shall
be designed so that the hot water appears quickly at draw-off-taps when they are opened.
(4) (a) The length of pipe measured from the tap to the water heater or hot water storage
vessel shall be as short as possible and should not exceed the values given in Table 4.15
(b) Where the length shown in Table 4.15 is exceeded, the pipe should be insulated.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Table 4-15 Maximum lengths of un insulated distributing pipes

Outside diameter of distributing pipe Maximum length
[mm] [m]
Not exceeding 12 20
Exceeding 12 but not exceeding 22 12
Exceeding 22 but not exceeding 28 8
Over 28 3 Hot water recirculation

(1) When draw-off points are situated at a distance from the hot water storage vessel or water
heater, consideration should be given to the use of separate water heater close to those draw-
off points.
(2) When the provision in (1) above is impracticable, re-circulation with flow and return pipes
to the storage vessel should be considered and the circuit should be well insulated to reduce
the heat losses from pipe runs.
(3) In systems where it is not possible to attain gravity circulation, a non-corroding circulating
pump shall be installed to ensure that water within the circuit remains hot.

4.9.7 Safety Devices Energy control

(1) The energy supply to each heater shall be under effective thermostatic control to prevent the
temperature of the stored water from rising above the normal expected hot water temperature.
(2) The energy supply to each heater shall be fitted with a temperature operated, manually reset
energy cut-out independent thermostatic control, which shall operate if the thermostat fails
and the storage vessel over heats.
(3) Adequate means of dissipating the heat input shall be made in case both the temperature
thermostat and the energy cut-out fail. This can be accomplished with either of the following.
(a) A vent pipe capable of carrying away the maximum energy output from the heater at the
normal working pressures of the system.
(b) A temperature relief valve located within the top 20% of the water in the vessel and
preferably within 150.0 mm of the top of the vessel. The temperature relief valve opens at
a preset temperature to permit the over-heated water to escape safely from the hot water
storage heater before it boils. Valves shall not be fitted between the temperature relief
value and the heater. The water discharged from the temperature relief valve must be
removed from the point of discharge to a safe place.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Pressure control
(1) (a) Whether hot or cold water is involved, it shall be ensured that no part of the system bursts
due to the hydraulic pressure to which it is subjected.
(b) The pressure in the system shall never exceed the safe working pressure of the
component parts.
(c) Where necessary, the supply pressure shall be controlled by break cisterns or by
pressure-reducing valves.
(2) (a) Where non-vented storage-type water heaters are used, an expansion relief valve shall be
fitted in the cold feed to the heater and no valves (other than a draining tap) shall be fitted
between the expansion relief valve and the heater or hot water storage vessel. The
expansion or pressure relief valve setting shall be the maximum working pressure plus
0.5kg/cm2 to 1.5kg/cm2.
(b) Any water discharged from an expansion valve shall be discharged safely in a
similar manner to that of temperature-relief valve.
(c) In addition, provision can also be made to accommodate expansion water by one of the
following alternative methods:
(i) Allow the expansion water to travel back along the cold feed pipe, provided that
heated water cannot reach any branch cold feed outlet.
(ii) Where reverse flow along the cold feed is prevented, e.g. by check valve or pressure
reducing valve, an expansion vessel shall be provided to accommodate expansion
water. This vessel shall be sized in accordance with the volume of water heated and
the water temperature rise so as to limit the pressure to the maximum working
pressure of the system. The expansion vessel shall accommodate an expansion equal
to 4% of the total volume of heated water.

4.10 Water Service Pipe

(1) The water service pipe from street mains to a building shall be of sufficient size to furnish
an adequate flow of water to meet the requirements of the building and should preferably be
not less than 20.0 mm nominal diameter.

4.11 Minimum Pressure

(1) Minimum, fairly constant residual pressure at the point of outlet discharge shall not be
less than 0.50 kg/cm2 for all appliances except for flush valves and special equipment (which
may require higher pressures) valves in accordance with manufacturers requirements can be

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.12 Water Hammer
(1) Where water pressures are excessive, air chambers or other approved mechanical devices
shall be provided to reduce water hammer or line noises to such an extent that no pressure
hazard to the piping system will exist.

4.13 Installation of Pipe Work in Buildings

4.13.1 General
(1) All joints shall be gas-tight and water-tight, and no paint, varnish, or putty shall be
permitted on the joint until after the joint has been tested and approved.
(2) All joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturers instructions.
(3) Care shall be taken to establish satisfactory jointing techniques for all water services pipe
(4) All piping and fittings shall be cleaned internally and be made free from particles of sand,
soil, metal fillings and chips.

4.13.2 Handling of Materials

(1) Pipes, fittings, and components shall be handled carefully to reduce damage.

(2) Manufacturers advice should be followed concerning how their products should be
loaded, transported, unloaded and stored.

4.13.3 Allowance for Thermal Movement

(1) In installation that do not have limited straight runs and many bends and offsets,
allowance for expansion and construction of the pipes shall be made by forming
expansion loops, by introducing changes of direction avoid long straight runs or by fitting
proprietary expansion joints. This is particularly important where temperature changes
are considerable (e.g. hot water distribution pip work) and where the pipe material has a
relatively large coefficient of thermal expansion (e.g. un-plasticized PVC).

(2) In installation with limited straight runs and many bends and offsets, thermal movement
is accommodating automatically.

4.13.4 Accessibility Pipes and Water Fittings General
(1) A designer of a water supply system should consider the advantage and disadvantages
of arranging the pipe work so that it is freely accessible for repair and maintenance.

(2) The main factors that should be considered deciding the degree of accessibility to be
provided are the following:

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(a) The use to which building is put, importance of aesthetic considerations, consequences
of leakage from inaccessible parts of the pipe work; whether or not the system will be
subject to routine and maintenance.

(b) The increase or decrease in capital or maintenance costs arising from the provision of
improved accessibility, ease of forming ducts or chases, changes of pipe runs, ease of
provision removable access panels or covers, availability of multi-service walkways or
crawl ways in which water pipes may be installed.

(c) The pipe work materials and jointing methods, reliability of joints, resistance to both
internal and external corrosion, flexibility of pipe when inserted in curved ducts or
sleeves. Pipes Passing Through Walls and Floors

(1) Where a pipe passes into a building, it shall be arranged so as to accommodate
differential movement and shall be accessible for withdrawal and replacement.

(2) Where a sleeve is used for this purpose, it shall be capable of resisting external loading
and shall be sealed at each end with material of permanently flexible form to allow
movement of the pipe.

(3) The diameter of the sleeve and the radius of any bends there in shall be such as to permit
the ready insertion and withdrawal of the pipe.

(4) No sleeve intended for carrying a water pipe shall contain within it any other pipe or
cable. Pipe in Walls and Floors

(1) No pipe or pipe joint in or under a building shall be embedded in any wall or solid floor
or in any material below a solid floor at ground level except for the following (unless
equivalent method of installation satisfactory to the building official is made for the
accessibility of pipes during inspection and maintenance);

(a) The embedding of any pipe and associated pipe joints in a properly formed chases in a
wall or solid floor that is subsequently plastered or screened if the pipes or pope joints
can be exposed for repair or replacement by cutting or chipping away the surface layers
of the plaster or screed.
(b) The enclosing of any pipe and associated pipe joints in a purpose-made duct or chase in
a solid floor in such a way that the pipe and pipe joints can be exposed for purpose of
examination, repair or replacement without endangering the structural integrity of the
(c) The enclosing of any pipe and associated pipe joints in a purpose-made chase in a solid
wall in such a way that the pipe and pipe joints can either be capped off and isolated or

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
be exposed for purposes of examination, repair or replacement without endangering the
structural integrity of the building. Pipes in ceilings

(1) Pipes and pipe joints installed in ceilings shall be assessable for purposes of examination,
repair or replacement and supported adequately as specified in Clause 3.10. Underground Stop Valves

(1) Valve chambers shall be provided to give access for operation and maintenance of
underground valves which may be made of brick or concrete.

(2) Alternatively, vertical guard pipes or precast concrete encasement can be provided to
enclose valves.

(3) Brick or concrete chamber shall be constructed of sufficient dimensions to permit repairs
to be carried out to the fittings. Aboveground Valves

(1) Every valve shall be sp placed that it is readily accessible for operation and maintenance.

(2) Any cover shall be fixed by removable fastenings. Cisterns
(1) Every storage cistern shall be so placed and equipped that the interior there of can be
inspected and cleaned and the float-operated valve can be maintained.

4.13.5 Support & fixing of pipes General
(1) Piping shall be retained in position by brackets, clips or hangers.

(2) Brackets, clips and hangers shall be:

(a) Formed of suitable materials;

(b) Securely attached to the building structure, and not to any other service;
(c) Designed to withstand the applied loads;
(d) Protected against corrosion where exposed to corrosive environment;
(e) Of like material or lined with a non-abrasive, inert material for that section where
contact with the pipe work many occur; and
(f) Installed so that no movement can occur while a valve is operated.

(3) The method of supporting of spacing of pipes by means of brazing or welding a short
section of any material to the surface of each pipe shall not be permitted.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Spacing for pipe fixings
(1) The spicing for fixings of internally located piping shall be in accordance with
Table4.16. Fixing of iron pipe

(1) Iron pipes shall be secured by heavy weight holder-bats of iron or low carbon steel either
built in or bolted to the structure. Fixings for copper and stainless steel pipe

(1) Copper and stainless steel piping shall be secured by copper, copper-alloy, plastics clips
or brackets. Fixings for steel pipe

(1) Steel piping shall be secured by steel, copper alloy, suitable plastics clips or brackets.
Copper clips or brackets shall not be used for fixing steel piping. Fixing for plastic pipes

(1) Plastics piping shall be secured by suitable metal, plastic lips or brackets. Allowance shall
be made for free lateral movement within the clips and brackets. Fixing of insulated pipes

(1) Piping that is insulated shall be secured on clips or brackets that allow sufficient space
behind the back of the pipe and the batten or wall to which the pipe is fixed for the insulation
to be properly installed. Concealed pipes

(1) Piping shall be housed in properly constructed builder work ducts or wall chases with
adequate supports and have access for maintenance and inspection in accordance with Clause
4.13.4. Clearance from structural members

(1) Piping laid through notched, holes or chases shall not be subjected to external pressure
and shall be free to expand or contract. Piping though walls and floors shall be sleeved.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Table 4-16 Spacing of bracket and clips

Maximum spacing of brackets and clips [m]

Steel pipes Copper pipes Un-plasticized PVC,

and polyethylene pipes
al pipe Horizontal Vertic Horizontal Vertical Horizont Vertical
size or graded al or graded pipes al or pipes
pipes pipes pipes graded

DN15 2.0 2.4 1.80 1.50 0.60 1.20

DN20 2.4 3.0 2.40 1.80 0.70 1.40

DN25 2.4 3.0 2.40 2.00 0.75 1.50

DN32 2.7 3.0 3.00 2.50 0.85 1.70

DN40 3.0 3.6 3.00 2.50 0.90 1.80

DN50 3.0 3.6 3.00 3.00 1.05 2.10

DN65 3.0 3.6 3.00 3.00 1.20 2.40

DN80 4.0 4.5 4.00 4.00 1.35 2.70

DN100 4.0 4.5 4.00 4.00 1.50 3.00

DN125 4.5 5.0 4.00 4.00 1.70 3.40

DN150 4.5 5.5 4.00 4.00 2.00 4.00

Note: Due to water pressure effects, additional brackets, clips or hangers may be required
to prevent movements. Proximity to other services

(1) Electrical cables and gas pipes shall not be installed within 100.0mm of any water

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.14 Underground Pipe Laying

4.14.1 Trench Excavations

(1) The bottom of trenches shall be carefully prepared to a firm surface so that the barrels of the
pipes, when laid, are well bedded for their whole length.

(2) Mud, rock projections, boulders, hard sport and local soft spots shall be removed and replace
with selected material consolidated to the required level.
(3) Pipes laid in the ground shall be provided with a minimum cover given in Table 4.17

4.14.2 Bedding and Backfilling

(1) In the refilling of trenches, the pipes shall be surrounded with not less than 75.0 mm of
compacted sand, or fine grained soil, with no hard-edged object permitted to come in contact
with or rest against any pipe or fitting (see Figure 4.16).
(2) Any back fill within 300.0 mm of the top of the pipe shall be free from builders waste
bricks, concrete pipes, rocks or similar material which would be retain on a 75.0 mm sieve.

Table 4-17 Minimum cover of pipes

Location Minimum cover measured below

ground surface level [mm]

Subject to vehicular traffic 750

All other locations 600

Note: For pipes to be buried in heavy truck areas, special consideration shall be taken to protect
them from damage.

4.14.3 Proximity to Other Services

(1) Electrical cables and gas pipes shall not be installed within 600.0mm of either side of a
below ground water service. Wherever this separation cannot be achieved, the distance from
any electrical cable or gas pipe may be reduced to 300.0mm provided that, within the
exclusion zone, such electrical cable or gas pipe is suitably marked with bricks, stone
masonry or equivalent durable material painted red.

(2) Any below-ground cross-over of water service, within the exclusion zone, shall:
(a) cross at angle not less than 45
(b) have a vertical separation of not less than 100.0mm, and
(c) be suitably marked with bricks, stone masonry or equivalent durable material, painted red.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(3) Water service pipes shall not be laid in a trench excavated for a foul drain. Wherever it is
not practical to do otherwise, water pipes may be laid in the same trench as a sanitary drain
(see Figure 4.17) provided the following conditions are observed:
(a) The water service shall be located on a shelf or ledge, excavated at one side of the trench
not less than 50.0mm from the continuation of the trench, or on compacted bedding.
(b) The underside of the water pipe is at least 100.0mm above the top of foul drain.
(c) The number of joints in the water service pipe shall be kept at a minimum

Figure 4-16 Typical installations in a trench

Figure 4-17 Laying of water supply pipe work in same trench as foul drains
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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

4.14.4 Ingress of Dirt

(1) Pipes shall be kept clean and, immediately before laying each pipe and fitting, shall be
thoroughly cleaned internally and the open end temporarily capped until jointing takes place.
Particular care shall be taken to keep the joints clean. After laying and jointing, the leading
end shall remain capped.

4.14.5 Corrosion
(1) Pipes passing through corrosive materials shall be provided with approved coatings,
sheathings or wrappings or other means of protection against damage from external

(2) Where ferrous and non-ferrous pipes or fittings are jointed together, protection against
galvanic corrosion shall be provided by:
(a) fitting a plastic connector or a short length of plastic pipe between the dissimilar
metals, for threaded type joints, or
(b) fitting an insulated gasket between flanges, insulating sleeves along the bolts, and
insulating washers under the bolt head and nut, for flange type joints.

4.14.6 Thrust Blocks

(1) Thrust bocks (see Figure 4.18) shall be installed at:
(a) All bends or junctions,
(b) The termination of pipe work,
(c) Valves installed in the pipe work,
(d) The reducing fitting in the direction of smaller pipe,
(e) Changes of direction in excess of 5, and
(f) Grades in excess of 1:5.

(2) Thrust blocks shall be constructed of concrete with one side bearing against a firm
vertical face of the excavation and designed to resist the thrust produced by the test
pressure to be transmitted to the surrounding soil without the maximum bearing pressures
of the soil and the pipe work material being exceeded.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

Figure 4-18 Typical location of thrust blocks

4.15 Identifying and Recording Piping Locations

4.15.1 Location of Pipes and Valves

(1) Consideration shall be given to the need to locate the position of pipes and valves.
(2) Valve chambers shall be letter-coded to indicate what service is below them where
possible, durable marks should be set up to indicate the pipe service, the size, the position
and depth below the surface.
(3) In any building other than a single dwelling, every domestic and fire fighting water
supply pipes shall be clearly and indelibly marked to distinguish them from each other and
from every other pipe in the building.
(4) All pipes conveying non-potable water shall be adequately and durably identified by a
distinctive coloring paint so that they will be readily distinguished from pipes carrying
potable water.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
4.15.2 Recording Drawings
(1) During the installation of a water supply system, records of all pipe runs, cisterns, valves,
outlets, etc. shall be kept.
(2) On completion of the work, drawings shall be prepared on durable material of the as
fixed installation. These record drawings shall be handed to the building owner.

4.16 Inspection and Testing

4.16.1 General
(1) The procedures detailed in this section shall be used to ensure that:
(a) Materials and equipment installed comply with approved standards (see Clause 4.2)
(b) The work is done entirely within the specification for the job.
(c) The pipes and fittings shall be inspected on site before laying and shall be sounded to
disclose cracks. Any defective items shall be clearly marked as rejected and forthwith
removed from the site.

4.16.2 Procedure General
(1) Inspection and tests shall be undertaken as the work proceeds. Records of all tests
required by the specification shall be kept by the installer. Timing
(1) The timing of tests shall be arranged as follows:
(a) Interim tests as soon as practicable after completion of the particular section, with
particular attention to all work which will be concealed.
(b) Final tests to be carried out on completion of the work on the water services and prior
to handing over.
(2) Satisfactory completion of an interim test shall not constitute a final test. Retests
(1) Items failing any tests shall be corrected immediately and re-tested before further work

4.16.3 Inspection
(1) Visual inspections shall be carried out at both interim and final testing in order to detect
faults in construction or material not shown up under test but which could lead to failure at a
later date, possibly after expiry of the contractual maintenance period.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(2) Internal pipe work: All internal pipe work shall be inspected to ensure that they are properly
supported and secured, that they are clean and free from swarf and that cisterns are provided
with correctly-fitting covers before testing takes place.

(3) Underground external pipe work

(a) Trenches shall be inspected to ensure that excavation is to the correct depth to guard
mechanical damage due to traffic or other activities.
(b) In visual inspection of pipe lines laid in open trenches, particular attention shall be paid to
the pipe bed, the line and the level of the pipe, irregularities at joints, the correct fitting of
valves, the correct installation of thrust blocks where required, and ensure that protective
coatings are undamaged.

4.16.4 Leakage Testing General
After satisfactory visual inspection has been completed, hydraulic pressure testing shall be
carried out on the installation. Compressed air may be used as well for the pressure test. Testing of Installations within Buildings

(1) When the installations is complete, it shall be slowly filled with water, with the highest draw-
off point open to allow air to be expelled from the system.
(2) It is desirable that the installation then be tested hydraulically in the following way: Subject
the pipes; pipe fittings and connected appliances to a test pressure of 10.0kg/cm2 or at least
two times the maximum working pressure, which ever is greater, with the pressure applied
and maintained for at least 1.0 hr. The installation, including all cisterns, water heaters, etc
shall then be inspected for leaks.
(3) Each draw-off tap, shower fitting and float-operated valve shall be checked for rate of flow
against the specified requirements. Defects revealed by any of the foregoing tests shall be
remedied and the tests repeated until a satisfactory result is obtained. Testing of Underground Pipelines

(1) After laying, jointing and anchoring, the pipeline shall be slowly and carefully filled with
water so that all air is expelled and then tested under pressure.
(2) Interim tests shall be applied to every pipeline. For buried pipelines, these shall be carried out
before backfilling is placed over the joints. Long pipelines shall be tested as the work
(3) Final tests shall be carried out only when all relevant work is complete. Completion for
buried pipeline includes backfilling, compaction and surface finish.

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Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution
(4) Generally, the tests should be conducted before the hand-over. Where long lengths of buried
pipelines are laid clear of the general construction area, it may be practicable to carry out
final tests for complete sections as work proceeds.
(5) (a) The test pressure shall be at least twice the maximum working pressure or 10.0 kg/cm2,
whichever is greater.
(b) Pressure gauges shall be checked and re-calibrated, where necessary, before the test.
(c) To avoid the risk of contamination, water used for testing shall be obtained from potable

4.17 Cleaning and Disinfection

4.17.1 Storage tanks

(1) All water storage tanks for portable water shall be cleaned and disinfected:
(a) Prior to initial use; and
(b) Whenever the storage tank is taken out for inspection, repairs, painting or other activity
that might lead to contamination of water.

(2) (a) The tank shall be drained and all debris and sludge removed.
(b) The surfaces of walls, floor and operating facilities shall be thoroughly cleaned using a
high pressure water jet, sweeping, scrubbing or other similar effective means.
(c) All water, dirt, and other material accumulated in this cleaning process shall be flushed
or otherwise removed from the tank.

(3) (a) After cleaning, the tank shall be disinfected by filling it to overflow level with potable
water to which enough chlorine is added to provide a free chlorine residual, in the tank of
not less than 10.0mg/l, at the end of retention time.

(b) The retention time shall not be less than 6.0 hr and the tank shall be drained after
disinfection and flushed out with potable water prior to being put back into service.

4.17.2 Water services in buildings

(1) Water services used to supply potable water shall be protected against contamination during
storage, construction and repairs that might lead to contamination of water.
(2) On completion of the installation or repairs, water services shall be flushed at each discharge
point to remove any dirty water or debris from the service.
(3) After flushing, water services shall be chlorinated before being placed in service. Water
services shall be disinfected, so that, after retention period of 6.0 hrs, a free chorine residual
of not less than 10.0 mg/l is obtained throughout the service. After the applicable retention
period, the service shall be flushed until chorine measurements show that the concentration in
the water leaving the service is not higher than that generally prevailing in the suppliers
distribution system or is acceptable for domestic use.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution

4.18 Maintenance

4.18.1 General
(1) Appropriate maintenance procedures shall be adopted to maintain the performance of the
installation taking into account the requirements and recommendations given in Clauses
4.18.2 through 4.18.8.
(2) The installation shall be inspected at periods by the person responsible for maintenance.
Faults noticed on inspection shall be attended to without delay.

4.18.2 Pipe work Fixings and supports

Any loose or missing fixings or supports shall be made good. Provision for expansion and
contraction shall be checked, particularly in the case of plastics pipe work. Joints
Leaking joints shall be tightened or re-made or, where necessary, the pipe work shall be
renewed, to stop all leakage. Compatibility
When carrying out renewals, the existing pipe work shall be indentified and appropriate adaptor
shall be used as necessary.

4.18.3 Terminal Fittings and Valves Terminal fittings

(1) When any sign of leakage from a float-operated valve (e.g. dripping from any over-flow
pipe) or tap is noticed, the fitting shall be re-washered, re-seated or replaced as necessary to
stop leakage.
(2) The action of self- closing taps shall be checked at regular intervals and any necessary repairs
or adjustments carried out. Isolating valves

(1) Isolating valves (stop valves and service valves) shall be operated at least once a year to
ensure free movement of working parts. Relief valves

(1) Relief valves shall be operated at least once a year to check that the valve has not stuck or
become blocked.
(2) Any fault revealed shall be corrected immediately.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 4: Water Supply and Distribution Pressure control valves
(1) An indication of malfunction of pressure control valve shall be attended to without delay.
(2) When a pressure gauge is fitted downstream of a pressure control valve, its reading should be
checked from time to time and any changes investigated.

4.18.4 Cisterns
(1) (a) Cisterns shall be inspected from time to time to ensure that overflow pipes are clean, that
covers are adequate and securely fixed, and there are no signs of leakage or deterioration
likely to result in leakage.
(b) Cisterns storing more than 1000.0 liter drinking water shall be inspected at least once
every 6 months.
(c) Cisterns storing less than 1000.0 liter drinking water shall ne inspected at least once a
(2) (a) Overflow pipes shall be examined and kept free from obstructions.
(b) Ends of overflow pipes shall be protected from entry of insects and vermin.

4.18.5 Ducts
(1) Ducts shall be kept accessible, clear of extraneous material and free from vermin.
(2) All access points should be checked to ensure that they have not been obstructed

4.18.6 Vessels under Pressure

(1) Any vessel storing water under pressure (e.g non-vented storage water heaters) shall be
inspected for indications of deterioration no less frequently than at the intervals
recommended by the manufacturer.

4.18.7 Disconnection of Unused Pipes and Fittings

(1) If any part of an installation becomes redundant and, in particular, if any appliance or fitting
is disconnected, other than for the purpose of repair, maintenance or renewal, then the whole
of the pipe work supplying water to the disconnected or unused appliance or fitting shall also
be disconnected.

4.18.8 Pumps
A responsible person should be appointed to oversee the proper execution of the scheme and the
user should arrange for regular inspection and maintenance of the pump and equipment.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

5.1 General

5.1.1 Scope
This Section sets out requirements and standards.

(a) For the design, installation, testing and maintenance of Internal Drainage System for
residential and non- residential buildings.

(b) The term Internal Drainage System includes all Soil and Waste-Water drainage pipe work
within or on the buildings including any basement(s).
(c) This Section also sets out requirements regarding pipe materials and their jointing.

5.1.2 Basic Principles Conservation Water

Plumbing system shall be designed, installed and adjusted to use the optimum quantity of water
consistent with proper performance. Plumbing Fixtures

It is recommended that each family dwelling unit should have at least one water closet, one
lavatory, one kitchen wash place or a sink, and one bathing wash place or shower to meet the
basic requirements of sanitation and personal hygiene. Drainage System

The drainage system shall be designed, installed and maintained to guard against fouling, deposit
of solids and clogging and with adequate cleanouts so arranged that the pipes may be readily
cleaned. Materials and Workmanship

The plumbing system shall have durable material, free from defective workmanship and so
designed and installed as to give satisfactory service for its reasonable expected life. Fixture Traps and Vent Pipes

Each fixture directly connected to the drainage system shall be equipped with a liquid seal trap,
Trap seals shall be maintained to prevent sewer gas, other potentially dangerous or noxious
fumes, or vermin from entering the building. Further, the drainage system shall be designed to

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
provide an adequate circulation of air in all pipes with no danger of siphonage, aspiration, or
forcing of trap seals under conditions of ordinary use by providing vent pipes throughout the
system. Foul Air Exhaust

Each vent terminal shall extend to the outer air and be so installed as to minimize the
possibilities of clogging and the return of foul air to the building, as it conveys potentially
noxious or explosive gases to the outside atmosphere. All vent pipes shall be provided with a
cowl. Exclusion from Plumbing System

No substance that will clog or accentuate clogging of pipes, produce explosive mixtures, destroy
the pipes or their joints, or interfere unduly with the sewage-disposal process shall be allowed to
enter the drainage system. Light and Ventilation

Wherever water closet or similar fixture shall be located in a room or compartment, it should be
properly lighted and ventilated. Maintenance
Plumbing systems shall be maintained in a safe and serviceable condition. Accessibility
All plumbing fixtures shall be so installed with regard to spacing as to be accessible for their
intended use and for cleaning. All doors, windows and any other device needing access within
the toilet shall be so located that they have proper access. Fixture for Disabled

Special toilet fixtures shall be provided for the disabled with required fixtures and devices. Structural Safety

Plumbing system shall be installed with due regard to preservation of the structural members and
prevention of damage to walls and other surfaces. Signage
Required public facilities shall be designated by a legible sign for each sex. Signs shall be readily
visible and located near the entrance to each toilet facility.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.2 Types of Appliances

5.2.1 Soil Appliances Water-closet
It shall essentially consist of a closet consisting of a bowl to receive excretory matter, trap and a
flushing apparatus. It is recommended to provide ablution tap adjacent to the water-closet,
preferably on right hand sidewall. The various types/style of water-closets may be:
a) Squatting Indian type water closet,
b) Wash down type water closet,
c) Siphonic wash down type water closet, and
d) Universal or Anglo-Indian water closet. Bidet
It is provided with hot and cold water connection. The bidet outlet should essentially connect to
soil pipe in a two-pipe system. Urinal
It is a soil appliance and is connected to soil pipe after a suitable trap. Urinal should have
adequate provision of flushing apparatus. The various types/style of urinal may be:
a) Bowl type urinal: Flat back or Angle back,
b) Slab (single) type urinal,
c) Stall (single) type urinal,
d) Squatting plate type urinal, and
e) Syphon jet urinal with integral trap. Slop sink and bedpan sink

Slop sink is a large sink of square shape. The appliance is used in hospitals installed in the
nurses station, operation theatres and similar locations for disposal of excreta and other foul
waste for washing bed pans and urine bottles/pans. It is provided with a flushing mechanism.

5.2.2 Waste Appliances Washbasin
It is of one piece construction having a combined overflow and preferably should have soap
holding recess or recesses that should properly drain into the bowl. Each basin shall have circular
waste hole through which the liquid content of the basin shall drain. Wash-trough
It is a linear trough for simultaneous use by number of persons.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Sink
It is used in kitchen and laboratory for the purpose of cleaning utensils/apparatus and also serve
the purpose of providing water for general usage. The sink may be made with or without
overflow arrangement. The sink shall be of one piece construction including combined over
flow, where provided. The sink shall have a circular waste hole into which the interiors of the
sink shall drain. Bath tub

Bath tub may be of enameled steel, cast iron, gelcoated, glass fiber reinforced plastic or may be
cast-in-situ. It shall be stable, comfortable, easy to get in and out, water tight, with anti-skid base,
and easy to install and maintain. The bath tub shall be fitted with overflow and waste pipe of
nominal diameter of not less than 32 mm and 40 mm respectively. Drinking fountain

It is a bowl fitted with a push button tap and a water bubbler or a tap with a swan neck outlet
fitting. It has a waste fitting, a trap and is connected to the waste pipe. Automatic Clothes Washers Approval
Domestic automatic clothes washers shall satisfy Ethiopian Standards. Water connection
The water supply to an automatic clothes washer shall be protected against backflow. Waste connection
The waste from an automatic clothes washer shall discharge through an air break into a standpipe
or into a laundry sink. The trap and fixture drain for an automatic clothes washer standpipe shall
be a minimum of 2 inches (51mm) in diameter. The automatic clothes washer fixture drain shall
connect to a branch drain or drainage stack a minimum of 3 inches (76mm)in diameter.
Automatic clothes washer that discharge by gravity shall be permitted to drain to a waste
receptor or an approved trench drain

5.2.3 Requirements of Various Appliances

The requirements of various soil appliances and waste appliances shall be in accordance with
accepted standards.

5.3 Drainage System Requirements

5.3.1 General
(1) There should be at least one water tap and arrangement for drainage in the vicinity of each
water-closet or group of water-closet in all the buildings.
(2) Each family dwelling unit on premises shall have, at least, one water-closet and one kitchen
type sink. A bath or shower shall also be installed to meet the basic requirements of
sanitation and personal hygiene.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
(3) All other structures for human occupancy or use on premises shall have adequate sanitary
facilities, but in no case less than one water-closet and one other fixture for cleaning

5.3.2 For Residences

(1) Dwelling with individual convenience shall have at least the following fixtures:
(a) One bathroom provided with a tap and a floor trap;
(b) One water-closet with flushing apparatus with an ablution tap; and
(c) One tap with a floor trap or a sink in kitchen or wash place.
(2) Dwellings without individual conveniences shall have the following fixtures:
(a) One water tap with floor trap in each tenement,
(b) One water-closet with flushing apparatus and one ablution tap bath for every two
tenements, and
(c) One bath with water tap and floor trap for every two tenements.

5.3.3 For Buildings Other than Residences

The requirements for fixtures for drainage and sanitation in the case of buildings other than
residences shall be in accordance with Table 5.1 to Table 5.14. The following shall be, in
addition, taken into consideration:
(1) The figures shown are based upon one (1) fixture being the minimum required for the
number of persons indicated or part thereof.
(2) Drinking fountains shall not be installed in the toilets.
(3) Where there is the danger of exposure to skin contamination with poisonous, infectious or
irritating material, washbasin with eye wash jet and an emergency shower located in an area
accessible at all times with the passage/ right of way suitable for access to a wheel chair,
shall be provided.
(4) When applying the provision of these tables for providing the number of fixtures,
consideration shall be given to the accessibility of the fixtures.
(5) All building used for human habitation for dwelling, work, occupation, medical care or any
purpose detailed in the various tables shall be provided with minimum sanitary facilities
as per the schedule in the tables.
(6) In all types of buildings, individual toilets and pantry should be provided for executives, and
for meeting/seminar/conference rooms, etc as per the user requirement.
(7) Where food is consumed indoors, water stations may be provided in place of drinking water

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-1 Office Building
SI Public Toilets Staff Toilets

Male Females Male Female

(3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) (2)

i) Executive Rooms and Conference Halls

in office buildings
Toilet suite comprising one WC, one Unit could be common for For individual officer rooms
washbasin (with optional shower stall if Male/Female or separate
building is used round the clock at users depending on the number of
option) user of each facility
Pantry optional as per user requirement
ii) Main Office Toilets for Staff and
a) Water closets 1 per 25 1 per 15 1 per 25 1 per 15
b) Ablution tap with each water closet 1 in each watercloset
c) Urinals Nil up to 6 - Nil up to6 -
1 for 7 20
2 for 21 -45
3 for 46 70
4 for 71 -100
101 -200
Over 200

1 per 25 1 per 25 1 per 25 1 per 25

1 per 100 1 per 100 1 per 100 1 per 100

1 per floor

Add @ 3% for

Add @ 2.5 %

d) Washbasins
e) Drinking water fountain
f) Cleaners sink

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-2 Factories

SI Offices/ Visitors Workers


Male Females Male Female

(3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) (2)

i) Water Closets (Workers & Staff) 1 for up to 25 1 for up to15 1 for up to15 1 for up to15
2 for 16 -35 2 for 16 -25 2 for 16 -25 2 for 13 -25
3 for 36 -65 3 for 26 -40 3 for 26 -40 3 for 26 -40
4 for 66 -100 4 for 41 -57 4 for 41 -57 4 for 41 -57
5 for 58 -77 5 for 58 -77
6 for 78 -100 6 for 78 -100
For persons 101-200 add 3% 5% 3% 5%
For persons over 200 add 2.5 % 4% 2.50% 4%
1 in each water closed 1 in each water closed 1 in each water closed 1 in each water closed
ii) Ablution tap
Nil up to 6 Nil up to 6
iii) Urinals
1 for 7-20 1 for 7-20

2 for 21-45 2 for 21-45

3 for 46 - 70 3 for 46 - 70

4 for 71-100 4 for 71-100

For persons 101-200 add

3% 3%
For persons over 200 add
2.5% 2.5%

iv) Washbasins 1 per 25 or part thereof 1 per 25 or part thereof 1 per 25 or part 1 per 25 or part
thereof thereof

Washbasins in rows or troughs and taps spaced 750 mm c/c

v) Drinking water fountain 1 per every 100 or part thereof with minimum 1 per every 100 or part thereof with minimum
one on each floor one each floor

vi) Cleaners sink 1 on each floor 1 on each floor 1 on each floor 1 on each floor

vii) Showers/bathing rooms As per trade requirements

viii) Emergency shower and eye wash 1 per every shop floor per 500 persons
NOTE - For factories requiring workers to be engaged in dirty and dangerous operations or requiring them to being extremely clean and
sanitized conditions additional and separate (if required so) toilet facilities and if required by applicable Industrial and Safety laws
and the Factories Act must be provided in consultations with the user.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-3 Cinema, Multiplex Cinema, Concerts and Convention Halls, Theaters

Fixtures Public Staff

(2) Male Females Male Female
(3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Water -Closets 1 per 100 up to 400 3 per 100 up to 200 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
Over 400 add at 1 per Over 200 add at 2 per
250 or part thereof 100 or part thereof
1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet
iii) Ablution tap
1 water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water-closets and

1 per 25 or part hereof Nil up to 6

1 for 7-20
iv) Urinals 2 for 21-45

1 per 200 or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12

v) Washbasins 2 for 16 -35 2 for 13 -25

vi) Drinking water fountain 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

vii) Cleaners Sink 1 per floor

viii) Showers/Bathing As per trade requirements


1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. Male population may be assumed as two third and female population as one-third

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-4 Art Galleries, Libraries and Museums

SI Fixtures Public Staff

Male Females Male Female
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Water -Closets 1 per 200 up to 400 1 per 100 up to 200 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
Over 400 add at 1 per Over 200 add at 2 per 2 for 16 35 2 for 13 -25
250 or part thereof 150 or part thereof
ii) Ablution tap 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet 1 in each water-closet
I water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part hereof in the vicinity of water
iii) Urinals
closets and urinals
1 per 50 Nil up to 6
iv) Washbasins 1 for 7-20
2 for 21-45
1 for every 200 or part 1 for every 200 or part 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
thereof. For over 400, add at thereof. For over 400, add at 2 for 16 -35 2 for 13 -25
1 per 250 persons or part 1 per 250 persons or part
thereof thereof
v) Drinking water fountain 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

vi) Cleaners sink 1 per floor min

vii)Showers/Bathing rooms As per requirements

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. Male population may be assumed as two third and female population as one-third

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-5 Hospitals with Indoor Patient Wards

Patient Toilets Staff toilets

No. Fixtures

Male Females Male Female

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i. Toilet suite comprising Private room with up to 4 patients For individual doctors/officers rooms
one WC and one
washbasin and shower

For general Wards, Hospital Staff and Visitors

ii. Water-closets 1 per 8 beds or part thereof 1 per 8 beds or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12

iii. Ablution tap One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets

I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and
iv. Urinals 1 per 30 beds Nil up to 6
1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 -45
v. Washbasins 2 for every 30 beds or part thereof Add 1 per 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 2
additional 30 beds or part thereof 2 for 16 35 2 for 13 25
vi. Drinking water fountain 1 per ward 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

vii. Cleaners sink 1 per ward -

viii. Bed pan sink 1 per ward -

ix. Kitchen sink 1 per ward -

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
3. Provisions for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-6 Hospitals Outdoor patient Department

Patient Toilets Staff toilets


Male Females Male Female

(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Toilet Suite comprising one For up to 4 patients For individual doctors/officers

WC and one washbasin (with rooms
optional shower stall if
building used for 24 hr)
ii) Water-closets 1 per100 beds or part 2 per 100 persons or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12

iii) Ablution tap One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets

I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and
iv) Urinals 1 per 50 persons or part Nil up to 6
thereof 1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 -45
v) Washbasins 1 per 100 persons or part 2 per 100 persons or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
thereof 2 for 16 -35 2 for 13 -25
vi) Drinking water fountain 1 per 500 persons or part thereof 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
3. Provisions for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Table 5-7 Hospitals, Administrative Buildings

SI No. Fixtures Staff toilets

Male Female
(1) (2) (3) (4)

i) Toilet Suite comprising one WC and one for individual doctors/Officers rooms
washbasin (with optional shower stall if
building used for 24 hr)
ii) Water-closets 1 per25 persons or part thereof 1 per15 persons or part thereof

iii) Ablution tap One in each water-closets One in each water-closets

I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or
part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals

iv) Urinals Nil up to 6

1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 -45
v) Washbasins 1 per 25 persons or part thereof 1 per 25 persons or part thereof

vi) Drinking water fountain 1 per 100 persons or part thereof

vii) Cleaners Sink 1 per floor, Min

viii) Kitchen sink 1 per floor, Min

NOTES- Some WCs may be European style if desired.

Table 5-8 Hospitals staff Quarters and Nurses Homes

SI Patient Toilets Staff toilets

Male Females Male Female
(1) (3) (4) (5) (6)

i) Water-closets 1 per 4 persons or part thereof 1 per 4 persons or part thereof 1 per 4 persons or part thereof 1 per 4 persons or part
2 for 16 -35 thereof
2 for 13 -25
ii) Ablution tap One in each water- closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets

I water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and

iii) Washbasin 1 per 8 persons or part thereof 1 per 8 persons or part thereof

iv) Bath (Showers) 1 per 4 persons or part thereof 1 per 4 to 6 persons or part thereof

v) Drinking water 1 per 100 persons or part thereof Minimum 1 per 100 persons or part thereof, thereof
fountain 1 per floor 1 per floor

vi) Cleaners sink 1 per floor 1 per floor

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. For independent housing units fixtures shall be provided as for residences

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-9 Hotels

SI Public Rooms Non-Residential Staff


Male Females Male Female

(3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) (2)

i) Toilet Suite comprising one Individual guest room with attached to

WC , washbasin with shower
or a bath tub

Guest Rooms with Common Facilities

ii) Water-closets 1 per100 persons up to 400 2 per 100 persons up to 200 1 for up to15 1 for up to 12
Over 400 add at 1 per 250 or Over 200 add at 1 per 100 2 for 16 -35 2 for 13 -25
part thereof or part thereof 3 for 36 65 3 for 26 40
4 fro 66 -100 4 for 41-57
5 for 58 -77
6 for 78 -100
iii) Ablution tap One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water- One in each water-closets

I water tap with draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water
closets and urinals

iv) Urinals 1 per 50 persons or part thereof Nil up to 6

1 for 7 to 20 -
2 for 21 -45
3 for 46 -70
4 for 71 -100
v) Washbasins 1 per WC/Urinal 1 per WC 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12
2 for 16-35 2 for 13 -25
3 for 36 -65 3 for 26 -40
4 for 66-100 4 for 41-57

vi) Bath (Showers) 1 per 10 persons or part thereof - -

vii) Cleaners sink 1 per 30 rooms, minimum 1 per floor

viii) Kitchen sink 1 per kitchen

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
3. Provisions for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Table 5-10 Restaurants

Public Rooms Non-Residential Staff

SI Fixtures

Male Females Male Female

(3) (4) (5) (6)
(1) (2)

i) Water-closets 1 per50 seats up to 200 2 per 50 persons up to 200 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12

Over 200 add at 1 per 100 or Over 200 add at 1 per 100 or 2 for 16 -35 2 for 13 -25
Part thereof Part thereof 3 for 36 65 3 for 26 40
4 fro 66 -100 4 for 41-57
5 for 58 -77
6 for 78 -100

ii) Ablution tap One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets One in each water-closets

I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and

iii) Urinals 1 per 50 persons or part thereof - Nil up to 6 -

1 for 7 to 20
2 for 21 -45
3 for 46 -70
4 for 71 -100
iv) Washbasins 1 per WC 1 per WC 1 per WC 1 per WC

v) Cleaners sink 1 per each restaurant

vi) Kitchen sink 1 per kitchen

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired.
2. Male population may be assumed as two-third and female population as one-third.
3. Provisions for additional and special hospital fittings where required shall be made.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-11 Schools and Educational Institutions

Non-Residential Residential

SI. No Fixtures Nursery School

Boys Girls Boys Girls

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

i) Water-closets 1 per 15 Pupils or 1 per 40 pupils or 1 per 25 pupils or 1 per 8 pupils or 1 per 6 pupils or

part thereof part thereof part thereof part thereof part thereof

ii) Ablution tap One in each water - One in each water One in each water One in each water - One in each water -
closet closet closet closet

I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and

iii) Urinals 1 per 20 pupils 1 per 25 pupils or -

Or part thereof Part thereof

iv) Washbasins 1per15 pupils 1 per 60 pupils 1 per 40 pupils or 1 per 8 pupils or 1 per 6 pupils or
or Part or part part thereof part thereof part thereof
thereof thereof

v) Bath/Showers 1 per 40 - - 1 per 8 pupils or 1 per 6 pupils or

pupils or Part part thereof part thereof
vi) Drinking water 1 per 50 1 per 50 pupils or 1 per 50 pupils or 1 per 50 pupils or 1 per 50 pupils or
fountain or taps pupils or Part part thereof
thereof part thereof part thereof part thereof

vii) Cleaners sink

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired
2. For teaching staff, the schedule of fixtures to be
provided shall be the same as in case of office building.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-12 Hostels

SI. Fixtures Resident Non-Residential Visitor/Common Rooms


(1) (2) Males Females Males Females Males Females

(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

i) Water-closets 1 per 8or part 1 per 6 or 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12 1 per 100 2 per 100
thereof part thereof 2 for 16 -34 2 for 13-25 Up to Up to 200
3 for 36 65 3 for 26 40 400 Over 200 add
4 for 66 100 4 for 41 -57 Over 400 at
5 for 58-77 add at 1 per 100
6 for 78 -100 1 per 250
ii) Ablution tap One in each One in each One in each water-closet One in each water- One in One in each
water- closet water-closet closet each water-closet
I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water
closets and urinals

iii) Urinals 1 per 25 Nil up to 6 1 per 50

or part 1 for 7-20 or
thereof 2 for 21 -45 part
3 for 46 -70 thereof
4 for 71-100
iv) Washbasins 1 per 8 persons Or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12 1 per 1 per WC
2 for 16 -35 2 for 13 -25 WC/urinal
3 for 36 -65 3 for 26 40
4 for 66 -100 4 for 41 57
5 for 58 -77
6 for 78 - 100

v) Bath/Showers 1 per 8 persons Or part thereof 1 per 8 persons Or part - - -


vi) Cleaners sink 1per each floor

NOTES- Some WCs may be European style if desired

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-13 Fruit and Vegetable Markets
SI. Fixtures Show Owners
No Common Toilets in Market Building Public Toilet Floating Population

(1) (2) Males Females Males Females

Males Females
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 per 8or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for up to 12 1 per 50 1 per 50

i) Water-closets 2 for 16 -34 2 for 13-25 (Minimum 2) (Minimum 2 )
3 for 36 65 3 for 26 40
4 for 66 100 4 for 41 -57
5 for 58 -77
6 for 78 -100
One in each water- closet One in each water- closet One in each water- closet One in each water- One in each water-
ii) Ablution tap closet closet

I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals

Nil up to 6 - 1 per 50 -
iii) Urinals 1 for 7-20
2 for 21 -45
3 for 46 -70
4 for 71-100
1 per 8 persons or part thereof 1 for up to 15 1 for upto 12 - -
iv) Washbasins 1 for up to 12 2 for 13-25
2 for 16 -35 3 for 26-40
3 for 36 -65 4 for 41-57
4 for 66 -100
1 per 8 persons or 1 per 6 persons - - 1 per 50 persons 1 per 50 persons
v)Bath/Showers part thereof or part thereof

1. Toilet facilities for individual buildings in a market should be taken
some as that for office buildings.
2. Common toilets in the market buildings provide facilities for
persons working in shops and their regular visions.
3. Special toilet facilities for a large floating population of out of town
buyers/sellers., labor, drivers of vehicles for whom special toilet (public toilets)

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-14 Airports and Railway Stations

SI. Junctions Stations, Intermediate Terminal Railway and Bus Domestic and International
No Stations and Bus Stations Stations Airports


Males Females Males Females Males Females

(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
(1) (2)

(i) Water-closets 3 for up to 1000 4 for up to 1000 4 for up to 1000 5 for up to 1000 Minimum 2 Minimum 2
add 1 per add 1 per add 1 per Add 1 per For 200 5 For 200 5
additional 1000 additional 1000 additional 1000 Additional 1000 For 400 9 For 400 9
or part thereof or part thereof or part thereof Or part thereof For 600 12 For 600 12
For 800 16 For 800 16
For 1000 18 For 1000 18
(ii) Ablution tap One in each water-closet One in each water- One in each One in each water- One in each water-
closet water-closet closet closet
I water tap wit draining arrangements shall be provided for every 50 persons or part thereof in the vicinity of water closets and urinals

(iii) Urinals 4 for up to 100 - 6 for up to 1000 - 1 per 40 or part -

add 1 per add 1 per thereof
additional 1000 additional 1000

(iv) Washbasins 1 per WC/Urinal 1 per WC 1 per WC/Urinal 1 per WC 1 per WC/Urinal 1 per WC

(v) Bath/Showers 2 per 1000 3 per 1000 4 per 1000

(vi) Drinking water fountain or 2 per 1000 or part thereof 3 per 1000 or part thereof 4 per 1000 or part thereof
taps (in common lobby for
(vii) Cleaners sink 1 per toilet 1 per toilet 1 per toilet 1 per toilet 1 per toilet 1 per toilet
compartment with WCs compartment with compartment compartment with compartment with compartment
WCs with WCs WCs WCs with WCs
(viii) Toilet for disabled 1 per 4000 1 per 4000 1 per 4000 1 per 4000 1 per 4000 1 per 4000

1. Some WCs may be European style if desired
2. Male population may be assumed as there-fifth and female
population as two fifth
3. Separate provision shall be made for staff and workers.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.3.4 Number of Occupants of Each Sex
The required water closets, lavatories, and showers or bathtubs shall be distributed equally
between the sexes based on the percentage of each sex anticipated in the occupant load. The
occupant load shall be composed of 50 percent of each sex, unless statistical data indicate a
different distribution of the sexes.

5.3.5 Installation of Fixtures Water supply protection
The supply lines and fittings for every plumbing fixture shall be installed so as to prevent
backflow. Access for cleaning

Plumbing fixtures shall be installed so as to afford easy access for cleaning both the fixture and
the area around the fixture. Setting
Fixtures shall be set level and in proper alignment with reference to adjacent walls. Water
closets, urinals, lavatories and bidets. A water closet, urinal, lavatory or bidet shall not be set
closer than 15 inches (381 mm) from its center to any side wall, partition, vanity or other
obstruction, or closer than 30 inches (762 mm) center-to-center between adjacent fixtures. There
shall be at least a 21-inch (533 mm) clearance in front of the water closet, urinal, lavatory or
bidet to any wall, fixture or door. Water closet compartments shall not be less than 30 inches
(762mm) wide and 60 inches (1524 mm) deep.( see Figure 5.1)

Figure 5-1 Fixture Clearances

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Floor and wall drainage connections
Connections between the drain and floor outlet plumbing fixtures shall be made with a floor
flange. The flange shall be attached to the drain and anchored to the structure. Connections
between the drain and wall-hung water closets shall be made with an approved extension nipple
or home adaptor. The water closet shall be bolted to the hanger with corrosion-resistant bolts or
screws. Joints shall be sealed with an approved elastomeric gasket, flange-to-fixture connection
complying with or an approved setting compound.
Floor flanges for water closets or similar fixtures shall not be less than 0.125inch (3.2 mm) thick
for brass, 0.25 inch (6.4 mm) thick for plastic, and 0.25inch (6.4mm) thick and not less than a 2-
inch (51 mm) caulking depth for cast-iron or galvanized malleable iron.
Floor flanges of hard lead shall weigh not less than 1 pound, 9 ounces (0.7 kg) and shall be
composed of lead alloy with not less than 7.75-percent antimony by weight. Closet screws and
bolts shall be of brass. Flanges shall be secured to the building structure with corrosion-resistant
screws or bolts. Design of overflows

Where any fixture is provided with an overflow, the waste shall be designed and installed so that
standing water in the fixture will not rise in the overflow when the stopper is closed, and no
water will remain in the overflow when the fixture is empty.
The overflow from any fixture shall discharge into the drainage system on the inlet or fixture
side of the trap.

5.3.6 Drainage Piping Installation Slope of horizontal drainage piping

Horizontal drainage piping shall be installed in uniform alignment at uniform slopes. The
minimum slope of a horizontal drainage pipe shall be in accordance with Table5.15.

Table 5-15 Slope of Horizontal Drainage Pipe

Size(Inches) Minimum Slope

(Inch per foot)
2 or less 1/4

3 to 6 1/8

8 or larger 1/16 Change in size

The size of the drainage piping shall not be reduced in size in the direction of the flow. A 4-inch
by 3-inch (102 mm by 76 mm) water closet connection shall not be considered as a reduction in
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Connections to offsets and bases of stacks
Horizontal branches shall connect to the bases of stacks at a point located not less than 10 times
the diameter of the drainage stack downstream from the stack. Future fixtures

Drainage piping for future fixtures shall terminate with an approved cap or plug. Dead Ends

In the installation or removal of any part of a drainage system, dead ends shall be prohibited.
Cleanout extensions and approved future fixture drainage piping shall not be considered as dead

5.4 Materials, Fittings and Appliances

5.4.1 Standards for Materials, Fittings and Sanitary Appliances

All materials, fittings and sanitary appliances shall conform to Building Materials requirements
or acceptable standards.

5.4.2 Choice of Material for Pipes Cast iron pipes
(1) These pipes shall be used in the following situation:
a) under buildings and where pipes are suspended in basements and like situations;
b) in reaches where the velocity is more than 2.4 m/s; and
(2) Cast iron pipes shall conform to accepted standards. Asbestos cement pipes

Asbestos cement pipes are commonly used for house drainage systems and they shall conform to
accepted standards . Where so desired, the life of asbestos cement pipes may be increased by
lining inside of the pipe with suitable coatings like epoxy/polyester resins etc. PVC pipes

Unplasticized PVC pipes may be used for drainage purposes; however, where hot water
discharge is anticipated, the wall thickness shall be minimum 3 mm irrespective of the size and
flow load.
PVC and HDPE pipes shall conform to accepted standards.
Note:- Where possible, high density polyethylene pipes (HDPE) and PVC pipes may be used for drainage and
sanitation purposes, depending upon the suitability.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.4.3 Quality of Fixtures
Plumbing fixtures shall be constructed of approved materials, with smooth, impervious surfaces,
free from defects and concealed fouling surfaces, and shall conform to accepted standards. All
porcelain enameled surfaces on plumbing fixtures shall be acid resistant.

5.4.4 Connections between Drainage Piping and Fittings Connections and changes in direction

All connections and changes in direction of the sanitary drainage system shall be made with
approved drainage fittings. Connections between drainage piping and fixtures shall conform to
5.3.8. Obstructions
The fittings shall not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing
flow in the piping. Threaded drainage pipe fittings shall be of the recessed drainage type. Installation of fittings

Fittings shall be installed to guide sewage and waste in the direction of flow. Change in direction
shall be made by fittings installed in accordance with Table 5.16. Change in direction by
combination fittings, side inlets or increasers shall be installed in accordance with Table 5.16
based on the pattern of flow created by the fitting.
Table 5-16 Fitting for Change in Direction
Change in Direction
Type of Fitting
Pattern Horizontal to Vertical to Horizontal to
vertical horizontal horizontal

Sixteenth bend X X X
Eighth bend X X X
Sixth bend X X X
Quarter bend X Xa Xa
Short Sweep X Xa,b Xa
Long Sweep X X X
Sanitary tee X - -
Wye X X X
Combination X X X
wye and eighth
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.
a. The fittings shall only be permitted for a 2 inch or smaller fixture drain
b. There inches or larger.
c. For a limitation double sanitary tees, see section

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Heel- or side-inlet quarter bends
Heel-inlet quarter bends shall be an acceptable means of connection, except where the quarter
bend serves a water closet. A low-heel inlet shall not be used as a wet-vented connection. Side-
inlet quarter bends shall be an acceptable means of connection for drainage, wet venting and
stack venting arrangements.

5.4.5 Cleanouts Scope
This section shall govern the size, location, installation and maintenance of drainage pipe
cleanouts . Cleanout plugs

Cleanout plugs shall be brass or plastic, or other approved materials. Brass cleanout plugs shall
be utilized with metallic drain, waste and vent piping only, Cleanouts with plate-style access
covers shall be fitted with corrosion-resisting fasteners. Plastic cleanout plugs shall conform to
the requirements. Plugs shall have raised square or countersunk square heads. Countersunk heads
shall be installed where raised heads are a trip hazard. Cleanout plugs with borosilicate glass
systems shall be of borosilicate glass. Where required

Cleanouts shall be located in accordance with sections through Horizontal drains within buildings

All horizontal drains shall be provided with cleanouts located not more than 100 feet (30 480
mm) apart. Changes of direction

Cleanouts shall be installed at each change of direction greater than 45 degrees (0.79 rad) in the
building drain and horizontal waste or soil lines. Where more than one change of direction
occurs in a run of piping, only one cleanout shall be required for each 40 feet (12 192 mm) of
developed length of the drainage piping. Base of stack

A cleanout shall be provided at the base of each waste or soil stack. Concealed piping

Cleanouts on concealed piping or piping under a floor slab or in a crawl space of less than 24
inches (610 mm) in height or a plenum shall be extended through and terminate flush with the
finished wall, floor or ground surface or shall be extended to the outside of the building.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Opening direction
Every cleanout shall be installed to open to allow cleaning in the direction of the flow of the
drainage pipe or at right angles thereto. Minimum size

Cleanouts shall be the same nominal size as the pipe they serve up to 4 inches (102 mm). For
pipes larger than 4 inches (102 mm) nominal size, the minimum size of the cleanout shall be 4
inches (102 mm). Clearances
Cleanouts on 6-inch (153 mm) and smaller pipes shall be provided with a clearance of not less
than18 inches (457 mm) for rodding. Cleanouts on 8-inch (203 mm) and larger pipes shall be
provided with a clearance of not less than 36 inches (914 mm) for rodding. Access
Access shall be provided to all cleanouts.

5.5 Vents

5.5.1 General Scope
The provisions of this section shall govern the materials, design, construction and installation of
vent systems. Trap seal protection

The plumbing system shall be provided with a system of vent piping that will permit the
admission or emission of air so that the seal of any fixture trap shall not be subjected to a
pneumatic pressure differential of more than 1 inch of water column (249 Pa). Venting required

Every trap and trapped fixture shall be vented in accordance with one of the venting methods
specified in this section. Chemical waste vent system

The vent system for a chemical waste system shall be independent of the sanitary vent system
and shall terminate separately through the roof to the open air. Use limitations

The plumbing vent system shall not be utilized for purposes other than the venting of the
plumbing system.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Tests
The vent system shall be tested in accordance with accepted standard. Engineered systems

Engineered venting systems shall conform to the provisions of Section 5.5.18.

5.5.2 Materials Vents
The materials and methods utilized for the construction and installation of venting systems shall
comply with acceptable standards. Sheet copper

Sheet copper for vent pipe flashings shall conform to accepted standards and shall weigh not less
than 8 ounces per square foot (2.5 kg/m2). Sheet lead

Sheet lead for vent pipe flashings shall weigh not less than 3 pounds per square foot (15 kg/m2)
for field-constructed flashings and not less than 2.5 pounds per square foot (12 kg/m2) for
prefabricated flashings.

5.5.3 Outdoor Vent Extension Required vent extension

The vent system serving each building drain shall have at least one vent pipe that extends to the
outdoors. Installation
The required vent shall be a dry vent that connects to the building drain or an extension of a
drain that connects to the building drain. Size
The required vent shall be sized in accordance with Section based on the required size
of the building drain. Vent stack required

A vent stack shall be required for every drainage stack that has five branch intervals or more. Vent termination

Every vent stack or stack vent shall terminate outdoors to the open air or to a stack-type air
admittance valve in accordance with Section 5.5.17.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Vent connection at base
Every vent stack shall connect to the base of the drainage stack. The vent stack shall connect at
or below the lowest horizontal branch. Where the vent stack connects to the building drain, the
connection shall be located downstream of the drainage stack and within a distance of 10 times
the diameter of the drainage stack. Vent headers

Stack vents and vent stacks connected into a common vent header at the top of the stacks and
extending to the open air at one point shall be sized in accordance with the requirements of
Section The number of fixture units shall be the sum of all fixture units on all stacks
connected thereto, and the developed length shall be the longest vent length from the intersection
at the base of the most distant stack to the vent terminal in the open air, as a direct extension of
one stack.

5.5.4 Vent Terminals Roof extension

All open vent pipes that extend through a roof shall be terminated at least at least 7 feet (2134
mm) above the roof. Flashings
The juncture of each vent pipe with the roof line shall be made water tight by an approved
flashing. Location of vent terminal

An open vent terminal from a drainage system shall not be located directly beneath any door,
open able window, or other air intake opening of the
building or of an adjacent building, and any such vent terminal shall not be within 10 feet (3048
mm) horizontally of such an opening unless it is at least 2 feet (610 mm) above the top of such
opening. Extension through the wall

Vent terminals extending through the wall shall terminate a minimum of 10 feet (3048mm) from
the lot line and 10 feet (3048 mm) above average ground level. Vent terminals shall not
terminate under the overhang of a structure with soffit vents. Side wall vent terminals shall be
protected to prevent birds or rodents from entering or blocking the vent opening.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.5.5 Vent Connections and Grades Connection
All individual, branch and circuit vents shall connect to a vent stack, stack vent, air admittance
valve or extend to the open air. Grade
All vent and branch vent pipes shall be so graded and connected as to drain back to the drainage
pipe by gravity. Vent connection to drainage system

Every dry vent connecting to a horizontal drain shall connect above the centerline of the
horizontal drain pipe; Vertical rise of vent

Every dry vent shall rise vertically to a minimum of 6 inches (152mm) above the flood level rim
of the highest trap or trapped fixture being vented. Height above fixtures

A connection between a vent pipe and a vent stack or stack vent shall be made at least 6 inches
(152 mm) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture served by the vent. Horizontal vent
pipes forming branch vents, relief vents or loop vents shall be at least 6 inches (152 mm) above
the flood level rim of the highest fixture served. Vent for future fixtures

Where the drainage piping has been roughed-in for future fixtures, a rough-in connection for a
vent shall be installed. The vent size shall be not less than one half the diameter of the rough-in
drain to be served. The vent rough-in shall connect to the vent system, or shall be vented by other
means as provided for in this section. The connection shall be identified to indicate that it is a

5.5.6 Fixture Vents Distance of trap from vent

Each fixture trap shall have a protecting vent located so that the slope and the developed length
in the fixture drain from the trap weir to the vent fitting are within the requirements set forth in
Table 5.17.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Table 5-17 Maximum Distance of Fixture Trap from Vent

Slope Distance from trap

Size of Trap
(Inch per foot) (feet)
1 1/4 5

1 1/4 6

2 1/4 8

3 1/8 12

4 1/8 16

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 foot = 304.8 mm;

1 inch per foot = 83.3 mm/m. Venting of fixture drains

The total fall in a fixture drain due to pipe slope shall not exceed the diameter of the fixture
drain. Crown Vent.

A vent shall not be installed within two pipe diameters of the trap weir.

5.5.7 Individual Vent Individual vent permitted

Each trap and trapped fixture is permitted to be provided with an individual vent. The individual
vent shall connect to the fixture drain of the trap or trapped fixture being vented.

5.5.8 Common Vent Individual vent as common vent

An individual vent is permitted to vent two traps or trapped fixtures as a common vent. The traps
or trapped fixtures being common vented shall be located on the same floor level. Connection at the same level

Where the fixture drains being common vented connect at the same level, the vent connection
shall be at the interconnection of the fixture drains at different levels, the vent shall connect as a
vertical extension of the vertical drain. The vertical drain pipe connecting the two fixture drains

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
shall be considered the vent for the lower fixture drain, and shall be sized in accordance with
Table 5.18. The upper fixture shall not be a water closet.

Table 5-18 Common Vent Sizes

Maximum Discharge
Pipe Size
from Upper
Fixture drain (dfu)
1 1
2 4
2 to 3 6
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.

5.5.9 Wet Venting Horizontal wet vent permitted

Any combination of fixtures within two bathroom groups located on the same floor level is
permitted to be vented by a horizontal wet vent. The wet vent shall be considered the vent for the
fixtures and shall extend from the connection of the dry vent along the direction of the flow in
the drain pipe to. The most downstream fixture drain connection to the horizontal branch drain.
Only the fixtures within the bathroom groups shall connect to the wet vented horizontal branch
drain. Any additional fixtures shall discharge downstream of the horizontal wet vent. Vertical wet vent permitted

Any combination of fixtures within two bathroom groups located on the same floor level is
permitted to be vented by a vertical wet vent. The vertical wet vent shall be considered the vent
for the fixtures and shall extend from the connection of the dry vent down to the lowest fixture
drain connection. Each wet-vented fixture shall connect independently to the vertical wet vent.
Water closet drains shall connect at the same elevation. Other fixture drains shall connect above
or at the same elevation as the water closet fixture drains. The dry vent connection to the vertical
wet vent shall be an individual or common vent serving one or two fixtures. Vent connection

The dry-vent connection to the wet vent shall be an individual vent or common vent to the
lavatory, bidet; shower or bathtub. In vertical wet-vent systems, the most upstream fixture drain
connection shall be a dry-vented fixture drain connection. In horizontal wet-vent systems, not
more than one wet-vented fixture drain shall discharge upstream of the dry-vented fixture drain
connection. Size
The dry vent serving the wet vent shall be sized based on the largest required diameter of pipe
within the wet vent system served by the dry vent. The wet vent shall be of a minimum size as
specified in Table 5.19, based on the fixture unit discharge to the wet vent.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Table 5-19 Wet Vent Size

Wet Vent Pipe size Drainage Fixture
(Inches) Unit Load (dfu)
1 1
2 4
2 6
3 12
For SI: 1 inch = 25. 4 mm.

5.5.10 Waste Stack Vent Waste stack vent permitted

A waste stack shall be considered a vent for all of the fixtures discharging to the stack where
installed in accordance with the requirements of this section. Stack installation

The waste stack shall be vertical, and both horizontal and vertical offsets shall be prohibited
between the lowest fixture drain connection and the highest fixture drain connection. Every
fixture drain shall connect separately to the waste stack. Stack vent

A stack vent shall be provided for the waste stack. The size of the stack vent shall be not less
than the size of the waste stack. Offsets shall be permitted in the stack vent shall be located at
least 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level of the highest fixture and shall be in accordance
with Section The stack vent shall be permitted to connect with other stack vents and vent
stacks in accordance with Section Waste stack size

The waste stack shall be sized based on the total discharge to the stack and the discharge within a
branch interval in accordance with Table 5.20. The waste stack shall be the same size throughout
its length.

Table 5-20 Waste Stack Vent Size

Maximum Number of Drainage

Stack Size (Inches) Fixture Units (dfu)
Total Discharge Total Discharge
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
into one branch for stack

1 1 2
2 2 4
2 No limit 8
3 No limit 24
4 No limit 50
5 No limit 75
6 No limit 100
For SI: 1 inch = 25. 4 mm.

5.5.11 Circuit Venting Circuit vent Permitted

A maximum of eight fixtures connected to a horizontal branch drain shall be permitted to be
circuit vented. Each fixture drain shall connect horizontally to the horizontal branch being circuit
vented. Multiple circuit-vented branches

Circuit-vented horizontal branch drains are permitted to be connected together. Each group of a
maximum of eight fixtures shall be considered a separate circuit vent and shall conform to the
requirements of this section. Vent Connection

The circuit vent connection shall be located between the two most upstream fixture drains. The
vent shall connect to the horizontal branch and shall be installed in accordance with Section
5.5.5. Slope And Size Of Horizontal Branch

The maximum slope of the vent section of the horizontal branch drain shall be one unit vertical
in 12 units horizontal (8-percent slope). The entire length of the vent section of the horizontal
branch drain shall be sized for the total drainage discharge to the branch. Size of multiple circuit vent

Each separate circuit-vented horizontal branch that is interconnected shall be sized independently
in accordance with Section The downstream circuit-vented horizontal branch shall be
sized for the total discharge into the branch, including the upstream branches and the fixtures
within the branch.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Relief vent
A relief vent shall be provided for circuit vented horizontal branches receiving the discharge of
four or more water closets and connecting to a drainage stack that receives the discharge of soil
or waste from upper horizontal branches. Connection and installation

The relief vent shall connect to the horizontal branch drain between the stack and the most
downstream fixture drain of the circuit vent. The Relief vent shall be installed in accordance with
Section 5.5.5. Fixture drain or branch

The relief vent is permitted to be a fixture drain or fixture branch for fixtures located within the
same branch interval as the circuit-vented horizontal branch. The maximum discharge to a relief
vent shall be four fixture units. Additional fixtures

Fixtures, other than the circuit- vented fixtures, are permitted to discharge to the horizontal
branch drain. Such fixtures shall be located on the same floor as the circuit-vented fixtures and
shall be either individually or common vented.

5.5.12 Combination Drain and Vent System Type of fixtures

A combination drain and vent system shall not serve fixtures other than floor drains, sinks,
lavatories and drinking fountains. Installation
The only vertical pipe of a combination I drain and vent system shall be the connection between
the fixture drain and the horizontal combination drain and vent pipe.
The maximum vertical distance shall be 8 feet (2438 mm). Slope
The horizontal combination drain and vent pipe shall have a maximum slope of one-half unit
vertical in 12 units horizontal (4-percent slope). The minimum slope shall be in accordance with
Table 5.15. Connection
The combination drain and vent system shall be provided with a dry vent connected at any point
within the system or the system shall connect to a horizontal drain that is vented in accordance
with one of the venting methods specified in this chapter. Combination drain and vent systems

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
connecting to building drains receiving only the discharge from a stack or stacks shall be
provided with a dry vent. The vent connection to the combination drain and vent pipe shall
extend vertically a minimum of6 inches (152mm) above the flood level rim of the highest fixture
being vented before offsetting horizontally. Vent size

The vent shall be sized for the total drainage fixture unit load in accordance with Section Fixture branch or drain

The fixture branch or fixture drain shall connect to the combination drain and vent within a
distance specified in Table 5.17. The combination drain and vent pipe shall be considered the
vent for the fixture.

5.5.13 Island Fixture Venting Limitation
Island fixture venting shall not be permitted for fixtures other than sinks and lavatories.
Residential kitchen sinks with a dishwasher waste connection, a food waste grinder, or both, in
combination with the kitchen sink waste, shall be permitted to be vented in accordance with this
section. Vent Connection

The island fixture vent shall connect to the fixture drain as required for an individual or common
vent. The vent shall rise vertically to above the drainage outlet of the fixture being vented before
offsetting horizontally or vertically downward. The vent or branch vent for multiple island
fixture vents shall extend to a minimum of 6 inches (152 mm) above the highest island fixture
being vented before connecting to the outside vent terminal Vent installation below the fixture flood level rim

The vent located below the flood level rim of the fixture being vented shall be installed as
required for drainage piping in accordance with this section, except for sizing. The vent shall be
sized in accordance with Section The lowest point of the island fixture vent shall
connect full size to the drainage system. The connection shall be to a vertical drain pipe or to the
top half of a horizontal drain pipe. Cleanouts shall be provided in the island fixture vent to permit
rodding of all vent piping located below the flood level rim of the fixtures. Rodding in both
directions shall be permitted through a cleanout.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.5.14 Relief Vents-Stacks of More Than 10 Branch Intervals Where required

Soil and waste stacks in buildings having more than 10 branch intervals shall be provided with a
relief vent at each tenth interval installed, beginning with the top floor. Size and connection

The size of the relief vent shall be equal to the size of the vent stack to which it connects. The
lower end of each relief vent shall connect to the soil or waste stack through a wye below the
horizontal branch serving the floor, and the upper end shall connect to the vent stack through a
wye not less than 3 feet (914 mm) above the floor.

5.5.15 Vents For Stack Offsets Vent for horizontal offset of drainage stack

Horizontal offsets of drainage stacks shall be vented where five or more branch intervals are
located above the offset. The offset shall be vented by venting the upper section of the drainage
stack and the lower section of the drainage stack. Upper section

The upper section of the drainage stack shall be vented as a separate stack with a vent stack
connection installed in accordance with Section The offset shall be considered the base
of the stack. Lower section

The lower section of the drainage stack shall be vented by a yoke vent connecting between the
offset and the next lower horizontal branch. The yoke vent connection shall be permitted to be a
vertical extension of the drainage stack. The size of the yoke vent and connection shall be a
minimum of the size required for the vent stack of the drainage stack.

5.5.16 Vent Pipe Sizing Size of stack vents and vent stacks

The minimum required diameter of stack vents and vent stacks shall be determined from the
developed length and the total of drainage fixture units connected thereto in accordance with
Table 5.21, but in no case shall the diameter be less than one-half the diameter of the drain
served or less than 11/ 4 inches (32 mm).

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-21 Sizes and Developed Length of Stack Vents and Vent Stacks
Diameter of Maximum Developed Length of Vent (feet)a
Total fixture
Soil or Diameter of Vent (Inches)
Units Being
Wastes Stack
Vented (dfu) 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12
1 2 30
1 8 50 150 - - - - - - - - -
1 10 30 100
2 12 30 75 200
2 20 26 50 150 - - - - - - -
2 42 30 100 300
3 10 42 150 360 1,040
3 21 - 32 110 270 810 - - - - - -
3 53 27 94 230 680
3 102 25 86 210 620
4 43 - 35 85 250 980 - - - - -
4 140 27 65 200 750
4 320 23 55 170 640
4 540 - - 21 50 150 580 - - - -
5 190 28 82 320 990
5 490 21 63 250 760
5 940 - - - 18 53 210 670 - - - -
5 1,400 16 49 190 590
6 500 33 130 400 1000
6 1,100 - - - - 26 100 310 780 - - -
6 2,000 22 84 260 660
6 2,900 20 77 240 600
8 1,800 - - - - 31 95 240 940 - -
8 3,400 24 73 190 720
8 5,600 20 62 160 610
8 7,600 - - - - - 18 56 140 560
10 4,000 31 78 310 960
10 7,200 24 60 240 740
10 11,000 - - - - - - 20 51 200 630 -
10 15,000 18 46 180 570
12 7,300 31 120 380 940
12 13,000 - - - - - - - 24 94 300 720
12 20,00 20 79 250 610
12 26,000 18 72 230 500
15 15,000 - - - - - - - 40 130 310
15 25,000 31 96 240
15 38,000 26 81 200
15 50,000 - - - - - - - - 24 74 180
For SI 1 inch=25.4mm, 1 foot = 304.8mm
a) The developed length shall be measured from the event connection to the open air Vents other than stack vents or vent stacks

The diameter of individual vents, branch vents, circuit vents and relief vents shall be at least one-
half the required diameter of the drain served. The required size of the drain shall be determined
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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
in accordance with Table 5.22. Vent pipes shall not be less than 11/ 4 inches (32 mm) in
diameter. Vents exceeding 40 feet (12192mm) in developed length shall be increased by one
nominal pipe size for the entire developed length of the vent pipe. Relief vents for soil and waste
stacks in buildings having more than 10 branch intervals shall be sized in accordance with

Table 5-22 Horizontal Fixture Branches and Stacks

Maximum Number of Drainage Fixture Units(dfu)
Diameter of Total for Total discharge Total for stack of Total for stack
Pipe (Inches) horizontal into one branch three branch greater than three
branch interval intervals or less branch intervals

1 3 2 4 8

2 6 6 10 24

2 12 9 20 42

3 20 20 48 72

4 160 90 240 500

5 360 200 540 1100

6 620 350 960 1900

8 1400 600 2,200 3600

10 2500 1000 3,800 5600

12 2900 1500 6000 8400

15 7000 Note c Note c Note c

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm

a. Does not include branches of the building drain. Refer to Table 5.25
b. Stacks shall be sized based on the total accumulated connected load at each story or branch
interval. As the total accumulated connected load decreases, stacks are permitted to be reduced in size.
Stack diameters shall not be reduced to less than one half of the diameters of the largest stack size
c. Sizing load based on design criteria Developed length

The developed length of individual, branch, circuit and relief vents shall be measured from the
farthest point of vent connection to the drainage system to the point of connection to the vent
stack, stack vent or termination outside of the building.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Multiple branch vents
Where multiple branch vents are connected to a common branch vent, the common branch vent
shall be sized in accordance with this section based on the size of the common horizontal
drainage branch that is or would be required to serve the total drainage fixture unit (dfu) load
being vented. Branch vents exceeding 40 feet in developed length

Branch vents exceeding 40 feet (12 192 mm) in developed length shall be increased by one
nominal size for the entire developed length of the vent pipe.

5.5.17 Air Admittance Valves General
Vent systems utilizing air admittance valves shall comply with this section. Stack-type air
admittance valves shall conform to accepted standards. Individual and branch-type air
admittance valves shall conform to accepted standards. Installation
The valves shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of this section and the
manufacturer's installation instructions. Where permitted

Individual, branch and circuit vents shall be permitted to terminate with a connection to an
individual or branch-type air admittance valve. Stack vents and vent stacks shall be permitted to
terminate to stack-type air admittance valves. Individual and branch-type air admittance valves
shall vent only fixtures that are on the same floor level and connect to a horizontal branch drain.
The horizontal branch drain having individual and branch-type air admittance valves shall
conform to Section or Stack-type air admittance valves shall conform to
Section Location of branch

The horizontal branch drain shall connect to the drainage stack or building drain a maximum of
four branch intervals from the top of the stack. Relief vent

Where the horizontal branch is located I more than four branch intervals from the top of the
stack, the horizontal branch shall be provided with a relief vent that shall connect to a vent stack
or stack vent, or extend outdoors to the open air. The relief vent shall connect to the horizontal
branch drain between the stack and the most downstream fixture drain connected to the
horizontal branch drain. The relief pipe shall be sized to relieve air pressure inside the ejector to
atmospheric pressure, but shall not be less than 11/ 4 inches (32 mm) in size. The relief vent shall
be permitted to serve as the vent for other fixtures
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Stack
Stack-type air admittance valves shall not serve as the vent terminal for vent stacks or stack vents
that serve drainage stacks exceeding six branch intervals. Location
Individual and branch-type air admittance valves shall be located a minimum of 4 inches (102
mm) above the horizontal branch drain or fixture drain being vented. Stack-type air admittance
valves shall be located not less than 6 inches (152 mm) above the flood level rim of the highest
fixture being vented. The air admittance valve shall be located within the maximum developed
length permitted for the vent. The air admittance valve shall be installed a minimum of 6 inches
(152mm) above insulation materials. Access and ventilation

Access shall be provided to all air admittance valves. The valve shall be located within a
ventilated space that allows air to enter the valve. Size
The air admittance valve shall be rated in accordance with the standard for the size of the vent to
which the valve is connected. Vent required

Within each plumbing system, a minimum of one stack vent or vent stack shall extend outdoors
to the open air.

5.5.18 Engineered Vent Systems General
Engineered vent systems shall comply with this section for the design, submittal, approval,
inspection and testing requirements Individual branch fixture and individual fixture header vents

The maximum developed length of individual fixture vents to vent branches and vent headers
shall be determined in accordance with Table 5.23 for the minimum pipe diameters at the
indicated vent airflow rates.

The individual vent airflow rate shall be determined in accordance with the following:

Qh,b =Nn,b Qv

For SI: Qh,b =Nn,b Qv (0.4719 L/s)

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Nn,b = Number of fixtures per header (or vent branch) + total number of fixtures
connected to vent stack.
Qh,b =Vent branch or vent header airflow rate (cfm).

Qv = Total vent stack airflow rate (cfm).

Qv (gpm) =27.8 rs2/3 (1 - rs) D8/3

Qv (cfm) =0.134 Qv(gpm)

D = Drainage stack diameter (inches).

Qw = Design discharge load (gpm).

rs = Waste water flow area to total area.

= Qw/27.8) D8/3
Individual vent airflow rates are obtained by equally distributing Qh,b into one-half the total
number of fixtures on the branch or header for more than two fixtures; for an odd number of total
fixtures, decrease by one; for one fixture, apply the full value of Qh,b.
Individual vent developed length shall be increased by 20 percent of the distance from the vent
stack to the fixture vent connection on the vent branch or header.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-23 Minimum Diameter and Maximum Length of Individual Branch Fixture Vents
and Individual Fixture Header Vents for Smooth Pipes

Diameter Individual Vent Airflow Rate (Cubic Feet Per Minute)

of Vent
Maximum Developed Length of Vent (Feet)
(Inches) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

95 25 13 8 5 4 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

100 88 47 30 20 15 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1

1 - - 100 94 65 48 37 29 24 29 17 14 12 11 9 8 7 7 6 6

1 - - - - - - - 100 87 73 62 53 46 40 36 32 29 26 23 21

1 - - - - - - - - - - - 100 96 84 75 65 60 54 49 45

2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 100

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 cubic foot per minute = 0.4719 L/s, = 304.88 mm.

5.5.19 Computerized Vent Design Design of vent system

The sizing, design and layout of the vent system shall be permitted to be determined by approved
computer program design methods. System capacity

The vent system shall be based on the air capacity requirements of the drainage system under a
peak load condition.

5.6 Traps, Interceptors-And Separators

5.6.1 General Scope
This section shall govern the material and installation of traps, interceptors and separators.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.6.2 Trap Requirements Fixture traps

Each plumbing fixture shall be separately trapped by a water-seal trap, except as otherwise
permitted by this code... The vertic.al distance from the fixture outlet to the trap weir shall not
exceed 24 inches (610 mm) and the horizontal distance shall not exceed 30 inches (610 mm)
measured from the centerline of the fixture outlet to the centerline of the inlet of the trap. A
fixture shall not be double trapped. Size of fixture traps

Fixture trap size shall be sufficient to drain the fixture rapidly and not less than the size indicated
in Table 5.24. A trap shall not be larger than the drainage pipe into which the trap discharges.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-24 Drainage Fixture Units for Fixtures and Groups
Drainage Fixture Units for fixtures and Groups

Fixture Type Drainage Fixture Unit Minimum Size of

Value as Load Factors Trap (inches)
Automatic clothes washers, commercials a-g 3 2
Automatic clothes washers, residential g 2 2
Bathroom group as defined in Section 1.2 (1.6 gpf 5 -
water closet)g
Bathroom group as defined in Section 1.2 (water Closet 6 -
flushing greater than 1.6 gpf)f
Bathtubb (with or without overhead shower or 2 1
Whirlpool attachments)
Bidet 1 1
Combination sink and tray 2 1
Dental lavatory 1 1
Dental unit or cuspidor 1 1
Dishwashing machine, c domestic 2 1
Drinking fountain 1
Emergency floor drain 0 2
Floor drains 2 2
Kitchen sink, domestic 2 1
Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste grinder and/or 2 1
Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) 2 1
Lavatory 1 1
Shower 2 1
Service sink 2 1
Sink 2 1
Urinal 4 Note d
Urinal, 1 gallon per flush or less 2e Note d
Urinal, non water supplied 0.5 Note d
Wash sink (circular or multiple) each set of faucets 2 1
Water closet, flush meter tank, public or private 4e Note d
Water closet, Private (1.6 gpf) 3e Note d
Water closet, private (flushing greater than 1.6 gpf) 4e Note d
Water closet, public (1.6 gpf) 4e Note d
Water closet, public (flushing greater than 1.6 gpf) 6e Note d
For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 gallon = 3.785 L (gpf = gallon per flushing cycle).
a. For traps larger than 3 inches, use Table 5.26
b. A showerhead over a bathtub or whirlpool bathtub attachment does not increase the drainage
fixture unit value.
c. See Section and for methods of computing unit value of fixtures not listed in the
table or for rating of devices with intermittent flows.
d. Trap size shall be consistent with the fixture outlet size
e. For the purposes of computing loads on building drains and sewers, water closets and urinals
shall not be rated at a lower drainage fixture unit unless the lower value use are confirmed by testing.
f. For fixtures added to a dwelling unit bathroom group, add the dfu value of that additional
fixture to the bathroom group fixture count.
g. See Section for sizing requirements for fixture drain, branch drain, and drainage stack
for an automatic clothes washer standpipe.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Trap setting and protection
Traps shall be set level with respect to the trap seal. Recess for trap connection

A recess provided for connection of the underground trap, such as one serving a bathtub in slab-
type construction, shall have sides and a bottom of corrosion- resistant, insect- and vermin proof
construction. Acid-resisting traps

Where a vitrified clay or other Brittle ware, acid-resisting trap is installed underground, such trap
shall be embedded in concrete extending 6 inches (152mm) beyond the bottom and sides of the

5.6.3 Materials, Joints And Connections General
The materials and methods utilized for the construction and installation of traps, interceptors and
separators shall comply with this section and the applicable accepted standard. The fittings shall
not have ledges, shoulders or reductions capable of retarding or obstructing flow of the piping.

5.7 Preliminary Data for Design

5.7.1 General
Before the drainage system for a building or group of buildings is designed and constructed,
accurate information regarding the site conditions is essential. This information may vary with
the individual scheme.

5.7.2 Fixture Units Values for fixtures

Drainage fixture unit values as given in Table 5.24 designate the relative load weight of different
kinds of fixtures that shall be employed in estimating the total load carried by a soil or waste
pipe, and shall be used in connection with Tables 5.25 and 5.22 of sizes for soil, waste and vent
pipes for which the permissible load is given in terms of fixture units.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Table 5-25 Building Drains and Sewers

Maximum Number of Drainage Fixture Units Connected

to any Portion of the Building Drain or the Building
Sewer, Including Branches of the Building Drain a
Diameter of
Pipe (Inches) Slope per foot

1/16 inch 1/8 inch 1/4 inch 1/2 inch

1 1 1

1 3 3

2 21 26

2 24 31

3 36 42 50

4 180 216 250

5 390 480 575

6 700 840 1,000

8 1,400 1,600 1,920 2,300

10 2,500 2,900 3,500 4,200

12 3,900 4,600 5,600 6,700

15 7,00 8,300 10,000 12,00

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm, 1 inch per foot = 83.3 mm/m.

a)The minimum size of any building drain serving a water closet shall be 3
inches Fixtures not listed in Table5.24

Fixtures not listed in Table5.24 shall have a drainage fixture unit load based on the outlet size of
the fixture in accordance with Table 5.26. The minimum trap size for unlisted fixtures shall be
the size of the drainage outlet but not less than 1.25 inches (32 mm).

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Values for continuous and semi-continuous flow
Drainage fixture unit values for continuous and semi-continuous flow into a drainage system
shall be computed on the basis that 1gpm (0.06 Lt/s) of flow is equivalent to two fixture units.

Table 5-26 Drainage Fixture Units for Fixture Drains or Traps

Fixture Drain or Trap Size Drainage Fixture Unit Value


1 2

1 2

2 3

2 4

3 5

4 6

For SI: 1 inch = 25.4 mm.

5.8 Planning and Design considerations

5.8.1 Aim
The efficient collection and disposal of foul and waste water from a building is of great
importance to public health and is an essential part of the construction of the building. In
designing a drainage system for an individual building the aim shall be to provide a system of
self cleaning conduits for the conveyance of foul and waste and for the removal of such wastes
speedily and efficiently to a sewer or other outlet without risk of nuisance and hazard to health.
(1) To achieve this aim a drainage system shall satisfy the following requirements:
a) rapid and efficient removal of liquid wastes without leakage;
b) prevention of access of foul gases to the building and provision for their escape from the
c) adequate and easy access for clearing obstructions;
d) prevention of undue external or internal corrosion, or erosion of joints and protection of
materials of construction; and
e) avoidance of air locks, siphonage, proneness to obstruction, deposit and damage.
(2) The realization of an economical drainage system is added by compact grouping of fixtures
in both horizontal and vertical directions. This implies that if care is taken and ingenuity brought
into play when designing the original building or buildings to be drained, it is possible to group

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
the sanitary fittings and other equipment requiring drainage; both in vertical and horizontal
planes, as to simplify the drainage system and make it most economical.
(3) Efficient and an economical plumbing system can be achieved by planning the toilets in
compact grouping with the layout of the bathrooms and observing the following guidelines:
a) Placing of plumbing fixtures around an easily accessible pipe shaft; in high rise buildings
the pipe shafts may have to be within the building envelope and easy provision for access
panels and doors should be planned in advance, in such cases.
b) Adopting repetitive layout of toilets in the horizontal and vertical directions.
c) Avoiding any conflict with the reinforced cement concrete structure by avoiding embedding
pipes in it, avoiding pipe crossings in beams, columns and major structural elements.
d) Identifying open terraces and areas subject to ingress of rainwater directly or indirectly and
providing for location of inlets at each level for down takes for disposal at ground levels.

5.8.2 Layout General
The following requirements are suggested to be considered in the design of drainage system:
a) The layout shall be as simple and direct as practicable.
b) The pipes should be laid in straight lines, as far as possible, in both vertical and horizontal
c) Anything that is likely to cause irregularity of flow, as abrupt changes of direction, shall be
d) The pipes should be non-absorbent, durable, smooth in bore and of adequate strength.
e) The pipes should be adequately supported without restricting movement.
f) Drains should be well ventilated, to prevent the accumulation of foul gases and fluctuation
of air pressure within the pipe, which could lead to unsealing of gully or water-closet traps.
g) All the parts of the drainage system should be accessible for feasibility of inspection and
practical maintenance. Choice of plumbing system

In selecting one or more of the type of piping systems, the building and the layout of toilets;
relationship with other services; acceptability; and any special requirements of users, shall be
(1) Two-pipe systems
(a) This system is ideal when the location of toilets and stacks for the WCs and waste fittings
is not uniform or repetitive.
(b) In large buildings and houses with open ground and gardens the sullage water from the
waste system can be usefully utilized for gardening and agriculture.
(c) In larger and multi-storied buildings, the sullage is treated within the building for re-use
as makeup water for cooling towers for air conditioning system and is also used for
flushing water-closets provided it has absolutely no connection with any water supply
line, tank or system used for domestic and drinking supply.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
(2) One-pipe system
(a) This system is suitable for buildings where the toilet layouts and the shafts are repetitive.
It requires less space, and is economical.
(b) Continuous flow of water in the pipe from waste appliances makes it less prone to
blockage and makes the system more efficient.
(c) The system eliminates the need for a gully trap which requires constant cleaning.
(d) The system is ideal when the main pipes run at the ceiling of the lowest floor or in a
service floor. Two-pipe system may present space and crossing problems which this
system eliminates.
(3) Single stack system
(a) The single stack system (without any vent pipe) is ideal when the toilet layouts are
repetitive and there is less space for pipes on the wall.
(b) In any system so selected there should be not more than two toilet connections per floor.
(c) The system requires minimum 100 mm diameter stack for a maximum of five floors in a
(d) All the safeguards for the use of this system given in shall be complied with.
(4) Single stack system (partially ventilated)
The system and the applicable safeguards under this system are the same as for single
stack system. The prime modification is to connect the waste appliances, such as wash
basin, bath tub or sink to a floor trap.
For detailed information regarding design and installation of soil, waste and ventilating
pipes, reference may be made to good practice. Safeguards for single stack system

a) as far as practicable, the fixtures on a floor shall be connected to stack in order of increasing
discharge rate in the downward direction;
b) the vertical distance between the waste branch (from floor trap or from the individual
appliance) and the soil branch connection, when soil pipe is connected to stack above the
waste pipe, shall be not less than 200 mm;
c) depth of water seal traps from different fixtures shall be as follows:
Water closets 50 mm
Floor traps 50 mm

Other fixtures directly connected to the stack.

Where attached to branch 40 mm
Waste pipes of 75 mm dia or more
Where attached to branch 75 mm
Waste pipes of less than 75 mm dia

NOTE When connection is made through floor trap, no separate seals are required for
individual fixtures.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

d) branches and stacks which receive discharges from WC pans should not be less than 100
mm, except where the outlet from the siphonic water closet is 80 mm, in which case a branch
pipe of 80 mm may be used. For outlet of floor traps 75 mm diameter pipes may be used;
e) the horizontal branch distance for fixtures from stack, bend(s) at the foot of stack to avoid
back pressure as well as vertical distance between the lowest connection and the invert of
drain shall be as shown in Figure 5.1; and
f) for tall buildings, ground floor appliances are recommended to be connected directly to
manhole/inspection chamber.

Figure 5-2 Single Stack System-- Main Feature of Design

5.8.3 Drainage (Soil, Waste and Ventilating) Pipes General considerations

(1) Drainage pipes shall be kept clear of all other services. Provisions shall be made during the
construction of the building for the entry of the drainage pipes. In most cases this may be
done conveniently by building sleeves or conduit pipes into or under the structure in
appropriate positions. This will facilitate the installation and maintenance of the services.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
(2) Horizontal drainage piping should be so routed as not to pass over any equipment or fixture
where leakage from the line could possibly cause damage or contamination, Drainage piping
shall never pass over switch-gear or other electrical equipment. If it is impossible to avoid
these areas and piping must run in these locations, then a pan or drain tray should be installed
below the pipe to collect any leakage or condensation. A drain line should run from this pan
to a convenient floor drain or service sink.

(3) All vertical soil, waste, ventilating and antisiphonage pipes shall be covered on top with a
copper or heavily galvanized iron wire dome or cast iron terminal guards. All cast iron pipes,
which are to be painted periodically, shall be fixed to give a minimum clearance of 50 mm
clear from the finished surface of the wall by means of a suitable clamps.

NOTE Asbestos cement cowls maybe used in case asbestos cement pipes are used as soil pipes.

(4) Drainage pipes shall be carried to a height above the buildings as specified for ventilating
pipe (see Soil pipes

A soil pipe, conveying to a drain, any solid or liquid filth, shall be circular and shall have a
minimum diameter of 100 mm.
1. Except where it is impracticable, the soil pipe shall be situated outside the building or in
suitably designed pipe shafts and shall be continued upwards without diminution of its diameter,
and (except where it is unavoidable) without any bend or angle, to such a height and position as
to afford by means of its open end a safe outlet for foul air. The position of the open
end with its covering shall be such as to comply with the conditions set out in relating to
ventilating pipe. Even if the pipes are laid externally, the soil pipes shall not be permitted on a
wall abutting a street unless the Authority is satisfied that it is unavoidable. Where shafts for
pipes are provided, the cross-sectional area of the shaft shall be suitable to allow free and
unhampered access to the pipes and fittings proposed to be installed in the shaft. However in no
case cross-section area of the shaft shall be less than a square of one meter side. All pipe shafts
shall be provided with an access door at ground level and facilities for ventilation.
2. Soil pipes, whether insider or outside the pipe shall not be connected with any rainwater
pipe and there shall not be any trap in such soil pipe or between it and any drain with which it is
3. Soil pipes shall preferably be of cast iron.
4. The soil pipe shall be provided with heel rest bend which shall rest on sound footing, if
terminating at firm ground level. When the stack is terminating at the ceiling of a floor, the bend
shall be provided with sufficient structural support to cater for the stack dead weight and the
thrust developed from the falling soil/ waste. Vertical stack shall be fixed at least 50 mm clear
of the finished surface of the wall by means of a suitable clamps of approved type.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Waste pipes
Every pipe in a building for carrying off the waste or overflow water from every bath, washbasin
or sink to a drain shall be of 32 mm to 50 mm diameter, and shall be trapped immediately
beneath such washbasins or sink by an efficient siphon trap with adequate means for inspection
and cleaning. Such traps shall be ventilated into the external air whenever such ventilation is
necessary to preserve the seal of the trap. Waste pipes, traps, etc, shall be constructed of iron,
lead, brass, stoneware, asbestos cement or other approved material. The overflow pipe from
washbasin, sinks, etc, shall be connected with the waste pipe immediately above the trap.
Vertical pipes carrying off waste water shall have a minimum diameter of 75 mm.
NOTE Whenever washbasins and sinks have in-built overflow arrangements, there is no need to provide
overflow pipes in such cases.
1) Every pipe in a building for carrying off waste water to a drain shall be taken through an
external wall of the building by the shortest practicable line, and shall discharge below the
grating or surface box of the chamber but above the inlet of a properly trapped gully. The waste
pipe shall be continued upwards without any diminution in its diameter and (except when
unavoidable) without any bend or angle to such a height and position as to afford by means of
the open end of the waste pipe, a safe outlet for foul air, the position of the open end and its
covering being such as to comply with the conditions.
2) Except where it is impracticable, the common waste pipe shall be situated outside the
building and shall be continued upwards without diminution of its diameter (except where it is
unavoidable) without any bend or angle being formed to such a height and position as to avoid
by means of the open end a safe outlet for foul air, the position of the open end and the covering
threat being such as to comply with the conditions set out in relating to ventilating pipe.
3) If the waste pipe is of cast iron, it shall be firmly attached 50 mm clear of the finished surface
of the wall by means of a suitable clamps or with properly fixed holder bats or equally suitable
and efficient means. Ventilating pipes

Ventilating pipes should be so installed that water can not be retained in them. They should be
fixed vertically. Whenever possible, horizontal runs should be avoided. Ventilating pipe shall be
carried to such a height and in such a position as to afford by means of the open end of such pipe
or vent shaft, a safe outlet for foul air with the least possible nuisance.
1) The upper end of the main ventilating pipe may be continued to the open air above roof level
as a separate pipe, or it may join the MSP and/or MWP above the floor level of the highest
appliance. Its lower end may be carried down to join the drain, at a point where air relief may
always be maintained.
2) Branch ventilating pipes should be connected to the top of the BSP and BWP between 75 mm
and 450 mm from the crown of the trap.
3) The ventilating pipe shall always be taken to a point 1500 mm above the level of the eaves or
flat roof or terrace parapet whichever is higher or the top of any window within a horizontal
distance of 3 m. The least dimension shall be taken as a minimum and local conditions shall be
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
taken into account. The upper end of every ventilating pipe shall be protected by means of a
4) In case the adjoining building is taller, the ventilating pipe shall be carried higher than the roof
of the adjacent building, wherever it is possible.
5) The building drain intended for carrying waste water and sewage from a building shall be
provided with at least one ventilating pipe situated as near as practicable to the building and as
far away as possible from the point at which the drain empties into the sewer or other earner.

6. Size of ventilating pipe

(a) The building drain ventilating pipe shall be of not less than 75 mm diameter when,
however, it is used as MSP or MWP. The upper portion, which does not carry discharges,
shall not be of lesser diameter than the remaining portion;

(b) The diameter of the main ventilating pipe in any case should not be less than 50 mm;

(c) A branch ventilating pipe on a waste pipe in both one-and two-pipe systems shall be of
not less than two-thirds the diameter of the branch waste ventilated pipe; subject to a
minimum of 25 mm; and

(d) A branch ventilating pipe on a soil pipe in both one-and two-pipe systems shall be not
less than 32 mm in diameter. Design of drainage pipes Estimation of maximum flow of sewer

a) Simultaneously discharge flow

1) The maximum flow in a building drain or a stack depends on the probable maximum number
of simultaneously discharging appliances. For the calculation of this peak flow certain loading
factors have been assigned to appliances in terms of fixture units, considering their probability
and frequency of use. These fixture unit values are given in Table 5.27.
2) For any fixtures not covered under Table 5.27, Table 5.28 may be referred to for deciding
their fixture unit rating depending on their drain or trap size.
3) From Tables 5.27 and 5.28, the total load on any pipe in terms of fixtures units may be
calculated knowing the number and type of appliances connected to this pipe.
4) For converting the total load in fixture units to the peak flow in liters per minute, Figure 5.3 is
to be used.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings

Figure 5-3 Peak Flow Load Curves

5) The maximum number of fixture units that are permissible various recommended pipe size in
the drainage system are given in Tables 5.29 and 5.30.
6) Results should be checked to see that the soil, waste and building sewer pipes are not reduced
in diameter in the direction of flow. Where appliances are to be added in fixture, these should be
taken into account in assessing the pipe sizes by using the fixture units given in Tables 5.27 and

b)Maximum discharge flow

The maximum rate of discharge flow shall be taken as three times the average rate, allowance
being made in addition for any exceptional peak discharges. A good average rule is to allow for
a flow of liquid wastes from buildings at the rate of 3 litres per minute per 10 persons.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-27 Fixture Units for Different Sanitary appliance or Groups

SI. No Type of Fixture Fixture Unit Value as Lad

(1) (2) Factors (3)
i One bathroom group consisting of water-
closet, washbasin and bath tub or shower

a) Tank water-closet 6

b) Flush value water closet 8

ii Bath tub (1) 3

iii Bidet 3
iv Combination sink and-tray (drain board) 3
v Drinking fountain
vi Floor traps (2) 1
vii Kitchen sink, domestic 2
viii Wash basin, ordinary (3) 1
ix Wash basin, surgeons 2
x Shower stall, domestic 2
xi Showers (group) per head 3
xii Urinal, wall lip ` 4
xiii Urinal, stall 4
xiv Water-closet, tank-operated 4
xv Water-closet, valve-operated 8
1. A shower head over a bath tub does not increase the fixture unit value
2. Size of floor trap shall be determined by the area of surface water to be drained.
3. Washbasins with 32 mm and 40 mm trap have the same load value.

Table 5-28 Fixture Units for Fixtures Based on Fixture Drain on Trap Size

SI. No. Fixture Drain on Trap Size Fixture

Unit Value
(1) (2) (3)
i 32 mm and smaller 1
ii 40 mm 2
iii 50 mm 3
iv 65 mm 4
v 85 mm 5
vi 100 mm 6

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-29 Maximum Number of Fixture Units that can be Connected to branches and
SI. Maximum Number of Fixture Units1 that can be Connected
No. Diameter of Any Horizontal One Stack of 3 More Than 3 Storeys in
Pipe mm Fixture Branch2 Storey in Height
(1) Height or 3
(2) Intervals Total for Total at one
(3) Stack storey or Branch
(4) Interval

i 30 1 2 2 1

ii 40 3 4 8 2

iii 50 6 10 24 6

iv 65 12 20 42 9

v 75 20 30 60 16

vi 100 160 240 500 90

vii 125 360 540 1,100 200

viii 150 620 960 1,900 350

ix 200 1,400 2,200 3,600 600

x 250 2,500 3,800 5,600 1000

xi 300 3,900 6,000 8,400 1500

xii 375 7,000 - - -

1. Depending upon the probability of simultaneous use of appliances considering the

frequency of use and park discharge rate.
2. Does not include branches of the building sewer.

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Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-30 Maximum Number of Fixture Units that can be connected to Building Drains
and Sewers

SI. No. Diameter of Maximum Number of Fixture Units that can be

Pipe Connected to Any Portion 1 of the Building Drain
or the Building Sewer for Graduate
(1) (2) 1/200 1/100 1/50 1/25
(3) (4) (5) (6)
i 100 - 180 216 250

ii 150 - 700 840 1000

iii 200 1,400 1,600 1,920 2,300

iv 250 2,500 2,900 3,300 4,200

v 300 3,900 4,600 5,600 6,700

vi 375 7,000 8,300 10,000 12,000

1.Includes branches of the building sewer

Table 5-31 Different Diameter Pipes Giving Velocity and Corresponding Discharge at
Minimum and Maximum Gradient

Minimum Discharge at the Discharge at the

SI. Diamete Maximum
No. r mm Gradient Minimum Maximum
(Velocity: 0.75 Gradient Gradient
(Velocity: 2.4m/s)
m/s) (m3/min) (m3/min)
(1) (2) (5)
(3) (4) (6)

i 100 1 in 57 0.18 1 in 5.6 0.59

ii 150 1 in 100 0.42 1 in 9.7 1.32

iii 200 1 in 145 0.73 1 in 14 2.40

iv 230 1 in 175 0.93 1 in 17 2.98

v 250 1 in 195 1.10 1 in19 3.60

vi 300 1 in 250 1.70 1 in 24.5 5.30

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Gradients
1) The discharge of water through a domestic drain is intermittent and limited in quantity and,
therefore, small accumulations of solid matter are liable to form in the drains between the
building and the public sewer. There is usually a gradual shifting of these deposits as discharges
take place. Gradients should be sufficient to prevent these temporary accumulations building up
and blocking the drains.
2) When flow occurs in drain piping, it should not entirely fill the cross-section of the pipe under
flow condition. If the pipe were to flow full, pressure fluctuations would occur which could
possibly destroy the seal of the traps within the building. The approximate gradients which give
this velocity for the sizes of pipes likely to be used in building drainage and the corresponding
discharges when following half-full are given in Table5.31.
3) In cases where it is practically not possible to conform to the ruling gradients, a flatter
gradient may be used, but the minimum velocity in such cases shall on no account be less than
0.61 m/s and adequate flushing should be done.
4) On the other hand, it is undesirable to employ gradients giving a velocity of flow greater than
2.4 m/s. Where it is unavoidable, cast iron pipes shall be used. The approximate gradients, which
give a velocity of 2.4 m/s for pipes of various sizes and the corresponding discharge when
flowing half-full are given in Table 5.27.
5) The discharge values corresponding to nominal diameter and gradient given in Table5. 27 are
based on Mannings formula (n = 0.015).
NOTE Subject to the minimum size of 100mm, the sizes of pipes shall be decided in relation to the estimated
quantity of flow and the available gradient. Drain appurtenances Trap
All traps shall be protected against siphonage and back pressure ensuring access to atmospheric
air for air circulation and preserving the trap seal in all conditions.
1) A trap may be formed as an integral trap with the appliance during manufacture or may be a
separate fitting called an attached trap which may be connected to the waste outlet of the
2) Traps should always be of a self-cleansing pattern. A trap, which is not an integral part of an
appliance, should be directly attached to its outlet and the pipe should be uniform throughout and
have a smooth surface,
3) The trap should have minimum size of outlet/exit, same as that of largest waste inlet pipe.
4) Traps for use in domestic waste installations and all other traps should be conveniently
accessible and provided with cleansing eyes or other means of cleaning.
5) The minimum internal diameter for sanitary appliances shall be as follows:

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
Table 5-32 Minimum Internal Diameter of Waste Outlet

Minimum Internal Diameter of

Sanitary Appliance
Waste Outlet mm

Soil appliance

a. Indian and European type water-closets 100

b. Bed pan washers and slop sinks 75
c. Urinal with integral traps 50
d. Stall urinals (with not more than 120 mm of
channel drainage) 40
e. Lipped urinal small/large
Waste appliances
f. Drinking fountain 32
g. Wash basin 32
h. Bidets 40
i. Domestic sinks and baths 40
j. Shower bath trays 50
k. Domestic bath tubs 50
l. Hotel and canteen sinks 65
m. Floor traps (outlet diameter) Floor drains

All toilets/bathrooms in a building desirably should be provided with floor drains to facilitate
1) Floor drains shall connect into a trap so constructed that it can be readily cleaned and of a size
to serve efficiently the purpose for which it is intended. The trap shall be either accessible from
the floor drain or by a separate cleanout within the drain.
2) Floor drain should be provided in mechanical equipment rooms, where pumps, boilers, water
chillers, heat exchangers and other air conditioning equipments are periodically drained for
maintenance and repair. Boiler requires drain at safety relief valve discharge.
3) Strategically floor drains are required to be located in buildings with wet fire protection
sprinkler systems to drain water in case of activation of sprinkler heads. Cleanouts
The cleanout provides access to horizontal and vertical lines and stacks to facilitate inspection
and means to remove obstructions common to all piping systems, such as solid objects, greasy
wastes, hair and the like.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
(1) Cleanouts in general should be gas and water-tight, provide quick and easy plug removal,
allow ample space for rodding tools, have means of adjustments to finished floor level, be
attractive and be designed to support whatever load is directed over them.
(2) Waste lines are normally laid beneath the floor slab at a sufficient distance to provide
adequate back-fill over the joints. Cleanouts are then brought up to floor level grade by pipe
extension pieces.
(3) The size of the cleanout within a building should be the same size as the piping up to 100
mm. For larger size piping 100 mm cleanouts are adequate for their intended purpose.
(4) Cleanouts are suggested to be provided at the following locations:
(a) Inside the building at a point of exit, Y junction branch or a trap.
(b) At every change of direction greater than 45.
(c) At the base of all stacks.
(d) At the horizontal header, receiving vertical stacks and serving the purpose of offset

5.8.4 Drainage System Sizing Maximum Fixture Unit Load

The maximum number of drainage fixture units connected to a given size of building sewer,
building drain or horizontal branch of the building drain a given size of building drain or
horizontal branch of the building drain shall be determined using Table 5.25. The maximum
number of drainage fixture units connected to a given size of horizontal branch or vertical soil or
waste stack shall be determined using Table 5.22. Horizontal Stack Offsets.

Horizontal stack offsets shall be sized as required for building drains in accordance with Table
5.25. Vertical Stack Offsets.

Vertical stack offsets shall be sized as required for straight stacks in accordance with Table 5.22. Future Fixtures.

Where provision is made for the future installation of fixtures, those provided for shall be
considered in determining the required sizes of drain pipes.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings
5.8.5 Offsets In Drainage Piping In Buildings of Five Stories or More Horizontal Branch Connections Above or Below Vertical Stack Offsets.

If a horizontal branch connects to the stack within 2 feet (610 mm) above or below a vertical
stack offset and the offset is located more than four branch intervals below the top of the stack,
the offset shall be vented in accordance with Section 5.5.15. Horizontal Branch Connections to Horizontal Stack Offsets.

Where a horizontal stack offset is located more than four branch intervals below the top of the
stack, a horizontal branch shall not connect within the horizontal stack offset or within 2 feet
(610 mm) above or below such offset. Horizontal stack offsets.

A stack with a horizontal offset located more than four branch intervals below the top of the
stack shall be sized as follows:
1) The portion of the stack above the offset shall be sized as for a vertical stack based on the total number of
drainage fixture units above the offset.
2) The portion of the stack below the offset shall be sized as for the offset or based on the total number of drainage
fixture units on the entire stack, whichever is larger [See Table 5.22, Column 5]. Offsets below lowest branch

Where a vertical offset occurs in a soil or waste stack below the lowest horizontal branch, change
in diameter of the stack because of the offset shall not be required. If a horizontal offset occurs in
a soil or waste stack below the lowest horizontal branch, the required diameter of the offset and
the stack below it shall be determined as for a building drain in accordance with Table 5.25.

5.8.6 Computerized Drainage Design Design of drainage system.

The sizing, design and layout of the drainage system shall be permitted to be designed by
approved computer design methods. Load on drainage system.

The load shall be computed from the simultaneous or sequential discharge conditions from
fixtures, appurtenances and appliances or the peak usage design condition. Fixture discharge profiles

The discharge profiles for flow rates versus time from fixtures and appliances shall be in
accordance with the manufacturer's specifications.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section5: Internal Drainage for Buildings Selections of drainage pipe sizes
Pipe shall be sized to prevent full-bore flow. Selecting pipe wall roughness.

Pipe size calculations shall be conducted with the pipe wall roughness factor (ks), in accordance
with the manufacturer's specifications and as modified for aging roughness factors with deposits
and corrosion. Slope of horizontal drainage piping.

Horizontal drainage piping shall be designed and installed at slopes in accordance with Table

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage

6.1 Scope
(1) This Section sets out requirements and recommendations.

a) For the design, layout, construction, testing and maintenance of foul and
groundwater drainage system construction in the ground under and around buildings;

b) For the design and construction of septic tanks, cesspools and subsoil disposal
systems; and

c) Regarding pipe materials and their jointing.

6.2 General
(1) Layout

The layout of the drainage system should be as simple as possible. Changes of direction and
gradient should be minimized and as easy as practicable. Access points should be provided
only if blockages could not be cleared without them. Connections of drains to other drains or
to sewers should be made obliquely, and in the direction of flow.

Pipes should be laid to even gradients and any change of gradient should be combined with
an access point

Any bends should be limited to positions in or close to inspection chambers or manholes

Bends should have as large a radius as practicable.

(2) A drainage system should be designed, installed and maintained so as to convey and
discharge its contents without causing a nuisance or danger to health arising from
leakage, blockage or surcharge.

(3) Every building in which plumbing fixture are installed and premises having thereon,
shall have a connection to a public sewer. Where no public sewer line exists, the drains
shall be connected to a sewage disposal system approved by the Building Official.

(4) Ground water (subsoil water) should be drained from around and underneath buildings,
structures, etc. Whenever required. This should be effected through plain open-jointed
porous or perforated pipes laid in trenches or graded granular or other porous material fills
or packs around and underneath the area to be drained.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 6: External Drainage
(5) Access should be provided at all bends junctions. Access, in this context, is meant to be an
inspection chamber or manhole. Inspection chambers and manholes should be sited so as to
avoid the need for acute changes in direction of flow from branch drains.

(6) For drains laid outside buildings, the following shall be satisfied.
(a) Part of pipework laid under buildings should be limited to short branches and should be
made to enter manholes (or inspection chamber) at no more than 2.0m from the building
line whenever possible.
(b) The drain trench should not impair the stability of a building. When drains are laid
parallel to the foundation, care should be taken not to undermine the foundations.

(7) For drains laid under buildings the following shall be met:
(a)The effects of possible differential settlement between the building and the drains shall be
limited to acceptable standards
(b) Differential settlement in drains shall be accommodated by means of flexible joints or
other considerations by a qualified engineer.

(8) A free passage of air should be maintained through the system.

(9) (a) Existing drains which are or will be disused when superseded by new installations
should be traced, grubbed up and removed.

(b) Where the requirement in (a) above is impracticable, discussed drains should be filled
with suitable material such as weak concrete, cement grout or similar material to prevent
their collapse or, in appropriate circumstances, sealed against ingress of water and

6.3 Foul Drainage

6.3.1 General
(1) Clause 6.3 applies to drains of the separate system.

(2) All subsoil drainage system and surface runoff due to rain shall be excluded from the
system; i.e., foul drainage system up to a treatment unit, collection point or disposal
(3) In determining the size and gradient of the building sewer (external drain), the following
shall be observed.

(4) The fixture-unit values contributing to the flow in a given drain shall be added and the
equivalent peak flow rate (l/s) obtained. When the drain carries continuous flows from
other sources, their rates can be added to the above peak flow rate.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage
6.3.2 Determination of Pipe Size and Gradient
(1) A pipe diameter and gradient shall be selected taking account of the provisions and
requirements in (2) to (4) below (see Figures 6.2 and 6.3).

(2) Risk of recurring blockages during normal use shall be minimized by ensuring a high
standard of drain and manhole construction throughout the system and that pipes are not
unacceptably oversized.

(3) (a) Foul drains, starting from manholes adjacent to or within buildings, should be of
minimum size DN100, except for WC discharges which should be DN150.

(c) The size of a drain pipe and its gradient should be so chosen that at peak flow, the
risk of induced trap siphonage is minimized by ensuring adequate air movement in
the drain, but not exceeding a proportional depth of 0.75.

(4) (a) Choice of gradients should be such as to maintain self-cleansing velocity

(min.06m/s), but will not make scouring (max.3.0m/s)

(b) Where it is expected that a drain may be affected by settlement, selected gradient
should be such as to ensure a satisfactory fall will be maintained.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage

Figure 6-1 Design for foul drainage pipes-Conversion of fixture units to flow rates

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Section 6: External Drainage

Figure 6-2 Discharge capacities of drain pipes running full, ,2/3 proportional depth
(Hydraulic roughness = 0.6mm)

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage

Figure 6-3 Discharge capacities of drain pipes running full, , 2/3 proportional depth
(Hydraulic roughness = 1.5mm)

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage
6.3.3 Determination of Pipe Size and Gradient
(1) A connection to a foul drain within the premises of a building should be effected via an
inspection chamber or manhole.
(2) (a) A branch connection should have an angle of entry not greater than 900 at the
internal face of an inspection chamber or manhole.
(b) Where practicable, it should be installed at half pipe level of the main channel to
provide cascade entry, and the connection so shaped as to discharge into it with
minimum turbulence and without causing backing-up into other connections.

(3) (a) Where the invert level of an incoming drain is 1.0m or more above that of the
manhole, a drop-pipe shall be provided to convey the discharge to the lower level.

(b) Suitable access should be provided to facilitate testing and clearing of blockages.

(c) Where space is available without adversely affecting access of working space, a drop-
pipe may be installed inside a manhole.

(d) When the drop-pipe is larger than 150.omm, it should be constructed outside the
manhole and provided with structural protection and support suited to the pipe material
and ground conditions (see Figure 6.7).

(4) (a) the drain connection to a public sewer system should be agreed with the appropriate
drainage authority.

(b) The connector drain (to sewer system) should be laid so as to provide an adequate
hydraulic gradient and to ensure that the minimum length of drain is subjected to
backflow would the sewer surcharge.

(d) When a drain is connected to a septic or settlement tank, the entry velocity should
be restricted so as to ensure that quiescent conditions within the tank are disturbed as
little as possible.
(e) Provision should be made for effectively rodding the incoming drain and its
connection to any tank or unit.

(5) Lifting installations

Where gravity drainage is impracticable or protection against flooding due to surcharge

in downstream sewers is required, a lifting (pumping) installation will be needed.
Package lifting installations are available which are suitable for installation within
buildings. Floor mounted units may be particularly suited for installation in basements.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage
Where foul drainage from a building is to be pumped, the effluent-receiving chamber
should be sized to contain 24-hour inflow to allow for disruption in service. The capacity
of the receiving chamber should be based on the calculated daily demand of the water
intake for the building. Where only a proportion of the foul sewage is to be pumped, then
the capacity should be based pro-rata. In all pumped systems the controls should be so
arranged to optimize pump efficiency and be fitted with a suitable alarm system to alert
the owner of any malfunction.

6.4 Groundwater Drainage

6.4.1 General
(1) (a) All pipes for field drains should be laid to planned lines and gradients
(b) Plain pipes should be laid with open-joints; but perforated and porous pipes should be
fitted tightly together. Perforated pipes should be laid with holes equally distributed about the
vertical axis of the drain.

(c) Trenches for plain-ended or ogee0jointed pipes should be just wide enough at the bottom
to accommodate the pipes and should be trimmed to form a uniform bed for the pipes.
(2) Where a rubble drain is required, it should be constructed by excavating a trench and filling it
with selected rubble or stone through which water can percolate. Renewal may be necessary
from time to time.
(3) (a) where a trench drain is required, it should be constructed by excavating a trench and
laying therein open-jointed pipes, perforated or porous material.

(b) The pipes should be surrounded with fill through which water can percolate freely.

(4) (a) Where it is essential to prevent the migration of some soil particles with groundwater,
filter drain shall be used.

(b) The pipe should be surrounded with graded granular material or a polypropylene or
fabric filter designed in accordance with acceptable engineering practice.

(5) The selection of an appropriate layout of ground-water drain shall depend on the nature of
the subsoil and the topography of the site.

6.4.2 Groundwater Drains under Buildings

(1) The laying of groundwater drains under buildings, unless and otherwise required by the
engineer, should be avoided.

(2) Should it be necessary to route a groundwater drainage system under a building, this should
be done using jointed non-porous pipes.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage

6.4.3 Disposal of Groundwater Discharge

(1) A groundwater drainage system shall discharge through sand trap or directly into a ditch or a

(2) In suitable ground conditions, groundwater drainage system shall discharge to a soakaway,
preferably, through a sand trap.

(3) Where the alternatives in (a) or (b) above for groundwater disposal are not available; a
groundwater drainage system may discharge into a surface water through a sand trap.

(4) Under special circumstances, a groundwater drainage system may discharge into a foul drain
(after treatment) through an intercepting trap.

6.4.4 Disposal of Groundwater Discharge

(1) The flow rate of ground water shall be estimated from an in-depth assessment of the quantity
of run-off likely to affect the area concerned, natural slope of the terrain around the area,
terrain soil permeability and maximum water table.

6.4.5 Drain Pipe Sizes

(1) Drain pipe sizing shall be in accordance with the provisions of Clause 6.3.2.
(2) Main groundwater drains should be not less than DN150, and the branches not less than

6.5 Laying of Drain Pipes

6.5.1 General
Where a drain is to be located in a road, public place or like in an open trench, it shall be
installed as follows:

(a) It shall be laid to an even grade, straight, and have no lipped joints or internal projections.

(b) It shall have a minimum number of changes of grade and direction.

(c) It shall be continuously supported under the barrel, other than for cast iron and ductile iron
pipes and fittings.

(d) It shall be protected against damage by a minimum cover as specified in Table 6.1.

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(e) It shall be watertight

(f) It shall have the interior of each pipe cleared of any foreign matter before it is laid and prior
to commissioning.

(g) It shall have a drop manhole installed to connect drains at different elevations.

(h) Where the presence of any obstacle prevents the drain from being laid at an even grade and
with the required cover, then, whenever practicable, the drain shall pass beneath the
obstacle at an even grade with a drop permitted only at the point of connection or in any
other way approved by the Building Official.

6.5.2 Proximity to Other Services

(1) Electrical cables and gas pipes:
(a) When installed aboveground, shall not be within 100.0mm of any drain pipe.

(b) When installed belowground, shall not be within 600.0mm of either side of a below
ground drain. Whenever this separation cannot be achieved, the distance may be reduced
to 300mm provided that the electric cable or gas pipe is suitably marked with bricks,
stone masonry or equivalent durable material painted red, within the exclusion zone (see
Figure 6.4).
(2) Any belowground cross-over of a drain within the exclusion zone shall:
(a) Cross at an angle of not less than 450;
(b) Have a vertical separation of not less than 100.0mm; and
(c) Be suitably marked with bricks, stone masonry or equivalent durable material,
painted red.
(3) Stormwater pipes shall be located at least 100.0mm clear of any part of the foul drain. The
pipes shall be watertight and properly supported.

(4) The proximity of foul drain pipes to water service pipes shall be as in 4.14.3(3).

(5) Where services, other than electric cables or gas pipes, cross any part of the drain, the
service shall be not less than 25.0mm above the drain and access fir maintenance shall not
be impeded.

6.5.3 Depth of Cover

(1) Drains shall be laid in a manner that provides protection against mechanical damage and
deformation due to vehicular loadings.

(2) Drains shall be laid with a depth of cover, measured from the top of the pipe socket to the
finished ground surface, as specified in Table 6.1.

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Figure 6-4 Exclusion zone for electric cables and gas pipes
Table 6-1 Minimum depth of cover

Location Minimum depth of cover [mm]

Cast iron ductile iron Other approved
(a)Public roads, right-of-way, and other 300 700
place subject to heavy vehicular traffic

(b) Other driveways 300 600

(c)Elsewhere Nil 300*

* Except as provided in (3) and (4) below.

(3) Drains constructed of materials other than cast iron or ductile iron, having less than the
minimum cover as specified in Table 6.1. shall be covered by at least 50.0mm of overlay
and then shall be paved with:

(a) 100.0mm minimum thickness of reinforced concrete, where subject to heavy vehicular
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(b) 75.0mm minimum thickness of brick or concrete paving, where subject to light
vehicular traffic, or
(c) 50.0mm minimum thickness of brick or concrete paving, where not subject to
vehicular traffic.

(4) Drains below ground and under buildings may be laid with less than the minimum cover
specified in Table 6.1 provided that:

(a) 25.0mm overly separates the drain from a reinforced concrete slab; or
(b) The drain is adequately protected from mechanical damage.

(5) Drains in proximity to footings and foundations shall comply with the following:

(a) Drains passing under a strip footing at not less than 450 (between the drain and the
longer side of the footing) shall have a minimum clearance of 25.0mm from the top of
the pipe to the underside of any footing.

(b) Drains laid through footings or walls, other than below-ground external walls, shall
be left with an annular space of not less than 25.0mm filled with a liner of flexible

(c) Pipes may be laid through below-ground external walls provided that:

(d) Where the excavation is to be laid parallel to a footing, the excavation shall comply
with Clause 6.61 and the trench shall be located beyond a 450 angle from the base of
the footing (see Figure 6.5).

(e) Requirements for pile systems shall be determined by a qualified engineer.

6.6 Excavation, Bedding, Support and Backfilling

6.6.1 Excavation of Trenches

(1) Any trench excavation in which the sides are not self-supporting or when required by the
Building Official shall comply with the relevant regulations which require that these
trenches be adequately supported against collapse.

(2) Trenches shall be made with a minimum clearance of 100.0mm on each side of the drain
barrel measured to the inside of the sheeting or side of trench. The trench width up to the
level of the top of the drain shall be kept as narrow as practicable, but not less than the
above minimum clearance.

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(3) Where a trench has been excavated deeper than necessary, the excess depth shall be filled
either with bedding material compacted to achieve a density as near to the original soil
density as possible or with concrete.

(4) Excavation by a machine shall not be carried out within 600.0mm of the point of
connection to the municipal sewer main or any other sewage receiving unit such as tanks,
channels, etc.

(5) Excavation in water-charged ground shall be in accordance with the following:

(a)Consideration shall be given to the effect on adjacent buildings and the trench.
(b) The water level shall be lowered below the base of the proposed trench and
maintained at that level during excavation, laying of the drain, and backfilling of
the trench.
(c) Dewatering shall be carried out in accordance with the following:
(i) Gravity drainage, pumping or similar methods may be used.
(ii) The removed water shall be discharged into a location where it will not cause
a nuisance or damage.
(iii) The removed water shall not discharge, either directly or indirectly, into

Figure 6-5 Typical footing detail

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Section 6: External Drainage

6.6.2 Bedding of Drains General

(1) The bed on to which drains are laid shall be adequate to continuously support the
installed drain accommodating the loads from the pipeline and surrounding ground, in
accordance with the following:
(a) In stable sand, drains shall be directly supported on the undisturbed base of the trench
provided that the base of the trench is free any rocks or tree roots.
(b) In loam, clay, rock, shale, gravel, or ground containing hard objects, drains shall be
supported on a bedding material placed in the base of the trench.
(c) Ground water or surface water entering the trench shall not disturb the bedding
materials. Materials
(1) Materials used for bedding of rains shall comply with the following:
(a) Quarry crushed hard stone shall have a maximum aggregate size of 10.0mm.
(b) Uniform crushed hard stone shall be of size ranging from 2.5mm to 10.0mm.
(c) Sand shall be free from clay, gravel, shells, or hard particles
(d) Cement mortar shall be composed of 1:4, Portland cement to clean sand, and clean
(e) Excavated material shall be free from clay, gravel, shells, or other hard particles. Installation
(1) Bedding shall be installed in accordance with the following:
(a) Crushed hard stone shall:
(i) Extend across the full width of the base of the trench;
(ii) Be a minimum depth of 75.0mm measured below the bottom of the pipe; and
(iii) Directly support the pipes and fittings.

(b) Cement mortar bedding shall:

(i) Be a minimum depth of 50.0mm measure below the barrel of the pipe;
(ii) Be not less than 75.0mm wide
(iii) Be kept clear of flexible joints;
(iv) Have pipes supported at not greater than 1.5m centres prior to placing the
mortar bedding; and
(v) Be used where the base of the trench is rock or shale and where the grade is
greater than 20%.

(c) Excavated material shall:

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(i) Be thoroughly compacted by tamping in layers not greater than 75.0mm;
(ii) Extend for the full width of the trench; and
(iii) Have a minimum thickness of 75.0mm.

6.7 Inspection Chambers and Manholes

6.7.1 General
(1) Every drain length should accessible for maintenance, rodding and cleaning through the
provision of inspection chambers and manholes or otherwise.
(2) Inspection chambers and manholes should be provided at the head of each run of drain, at
changes in direction, gradient or pipe diameter and every 30.0m straight run of drains.
(3) Inspection chambers and manholes should be resistant to water penetration, be durable
and designed to minimize the risk of blockage.

Figure 6-6 Bedding of drains

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Section 6: External Drainage
6.7.2 Dimensions
(1) The size of inspection chambers should be such that the drain can be cleaned from the

(2) The design of manhole should permit entry without restricting operational space.

(3) Subject to the minima given in Table 6.2, internal dimensions for manholes with a
number of branches may be estimated for straight inverts as follows:
a) Length: The length should be the sum of 100.0mm on each side of the branch pipe, the
diameter of the pipe on the side having most branches for each pipe, plus an allowance
at the downstream end for the angle of entry.

b) Width: The width should be the sum of the widths of the benching plus 150.0mm or
the diameter of the main drain, whichever is greater. The benching width should be
300.0mm where there are branches or 150.0mm where there is no branch. Where
manhole or inspection chambers with curved channels cannot be avoided, their
dimensions should be based on the foregoing principles.

6.7.3 Materials of construction for Inspection Chambers and Manholes

(1) Materials of construction for inspection chambers and manholes may include:

a) Brickwork, concrete block, stone masonry;

b) Concrete, in situ and precast; and
c) Plastics (UPVC, ployropylene and GRP

(2) For blockwork (blockwork chambers):

a) The wall thickness should be adequate to resist external pressures due to soil and
ground water, but in any case not less than 150.0mm;
b) Durability and resistance to water penetration should be achieved by using bricks
and concrete blocks complying with the relevant standards. In addition, all mortar
joints should be completely filled and flush pointed as the work proceeds;
c) The roofing concrete slab for brick inspection chambers and manhole should be
designed to carry the weight of any ground above plus all probable superimposed
d) An inspection chamber or manhole should be built on base of concrete of
minimum quality C-15 not less than 150.0mm thick;

e) Pipes of size DN300 or larger, when built into walls, should have either one brick
relieving arch turned over the pipe to the full thickness of the brick work or a
concrete lintel or other effective means of relieving the load,
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f) The pipes in and out of manholes should be bedded on mortar and built in as the
brickwork proceeds.

(3) For inspection chambers and manholes constructed of in-situ concrete, the walls
should be of adequate thickness to resist external pressures. Roofing and base of
inspection chambers and manholes are as in (2) above.

(4) (a) Inspection chambers and manholes of precast concrete shall be built in sections.
(b) Materials, dimensions and test methods should comply with the relevant
(c) The base may be either of precast concrete or in situ concrete similar to that
described as in (2) above.
(d) Where manholes or inspection chambers are constructed wholly above the water
table, joints sealed with cement mortar can be satisfactory. In waterlogged
ground or where the water table is above the base, joints should be made
watertight, preferably using a non-rigid jointing materials such as a mastic
sealant or a rubber ring joint.

(5) Plastics manholes, if employed either as integral bases or as complete chamber units,
should comply with the relevant Ethiopian Standards or equivalent.

6.7.4 Channels and Bending

(1) An open channel of half-round section should extend the whole length of the
inspection chamber or manhole.
(2) A vertical benching should be formed from the top edge of the main channel to a
height not less than that of the soffit of the outlet. It should be round off to a radius of
about 25.0mm and then sloped upwards to meet the wall of the chamber.
(3) (a) side branches of diameters upto and including 150.0mm should discharge to the
main channel in the direction of flow.
(b) Vertical and side benching should be shaped so as to contain the flow without
permitting fouling and to facilitate rodding of branch drains.
(c) A branch with a diameter of more than 150.0mm should be set with the soffit level
with that of the main drain.

(4) (a) In inspection chambers and manholes of brickwork, precast concrete or in situ
concrete, main and branch channels should be bedded and jointed in 1:3 cement
(b) To ensure that the channel and the branch junctions are properly supported, the
bedding and the benching should be laid in a single operation.

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(5) Plastics channel sections are available and could be used in a similar manner to
traditional materials, but special care should be exercised to ensure adequate bonding
with the base.

6.7.5 Access to Manholes-Step Irons

1. For brick or in-situ concrete manholes, they should be built into the wall at intervals
of between 230.0mm and 300.0mm.

2. (a) The step irons should preferable be set and staggered in two vertical runs which
should be constant at approximately 300.0mm centres horizontally.

(b) The top step iron should be positioned so that direct access to it by an operator is
practicable and should be fixed not more than 750.0mm below the surface, depending
on the cover and slab arrangement.

(c) The lowest step iron should be fixed not more than 300.0mm above the benching.
Precast concrete manholes should have step irons let in.

Table 6-2 Minimum dimensions for inspection chambers and manholes

Minimum internal dimension

Depth to invert
Types of access Rectangular Circular
length and width diameter [mm]
Inspection 0.6 400x400 400
chamber or 1.0 600x600 600
manhole 1.75 1000x750 1000
2.5 1200x750 1200
>2.5 1400x900 1500
Manhole shaft* >2.5 900x800 900
*Minimum height of chamber in shafted manhole shall be 2.0m from crown of pipe to underside of reducing slab.

6.7.6 Drop-Pipe Manholes (See Figure 6.7)

(1) If the drop-pipe is outside the manhole, a continuation of the drain should be built
through the manhole wall to form a rodding eye.
(2) A drop-pipe fitted within the manhole should be able to withstand maintenance
operations and have rodding access.

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Section 6: External Drainage
6.7.7 Inspection Chamber and Manhole Covers and Slabs
(1) Covers and frames from ductile and grey cast iron, cast steel and precast concrete
for manholes and inspection chambers shall be in accordance with the relevant
Ethiopian Standards or equivalent.
(2) Covers used for manholes within buildings should be airtight and mechanically

6.8 Interceptors, Sewage Treatment and Disposal Units

6.8.1 Interceptors
(1) (a) Interceptors shall be provided, where necessary, for the proper handling of wastes
containing grease, oil, flammable wastes, sand and other ingredients harmful to the
building drainage system and the public sewer.

(b) Only wasters having a mixture of light and heavy solids or-liquids and solids having
various specific gravities may be treated and then separated in an interceptor.

(c) The size, type and location of each interceptor shall be approved by the Building

(2) (a) A grease and oil interceptor (separator) ,when it is deemed necessary, shall be
installed in the drainage line leading from sinks, drains or other appliances in the
following establishments:
(i) Restaurants,
(ii) Hotel kitchens,
(iii) Cafeterias,
(iv) Clubs or others from which grease and oil can be introduced into the drainage

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Figure 6-7 Drop pipe at manholes

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Section 6: External Drainage
(b) A grease and oil intercept may not be required for kitchens of private dwelling units.
(c) An oil interceptor shall be installed in the drainage line or section of the line where oil
or other flammable wastes can be introduced or admitted in the drainage line by accident
or otherwise. These include motor-vehicles storage and servicing stations.

(3) Sand and heavy-solids interceptors shall be so designed and located as to be readily
accessible for cleaning and shall have a water seal of not less than 150.0mm.

(4) Discharge from commercial laundries, bottling plants and slaughterhouses, which include
rags, buttons, broken glass, feathers and other solids, should be intercepted before being
discharged into the drainage system.

(5) (a) Interceptors shall be so designed that they will not become air bound if closed covers
are used (otherwise their contents might be siphoned).

(b) Each interceptor shall be vented.

(6) Each interceptor shall be so installed as to provide ready accessibility to the cover and
means for servicing and maintaining the interceptor in working and operating condition.
(7) (a) Interceptors shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by periodic removal
of accumulated grease, oil, sand, grit, solids, etc.

(b) A maintenance schedule shall be worked out to this effect alongside the design proper.

6.8.2 Septic Tanks

(1) A septic tank installation shall be provided for both settlement of solids and partial
biological treatment of sewage.

(2) The design criteria shall assume that surface water and subsoil water be excluded from
entering septic tanks.

(3) Septic tanks should be watertight so that they permit neither ingress of groundwater nor
egress of sewage to the ground.

(4) Septic tanks could be constructed from bricks, stone masonry, in-situ concrete and large
precast concrete pipes.
(5) Septic tanks could also be prefabricated from steel and plastic materials.

(6) Brick and stone masonry-work should normally be in cement mortar.

(7) Where construction in water-logged ground is unavoidable, provision should be made

for the prevention of tank flotation during construction, emptying and maintenance.

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Section 6: External Drainage
(8) Calculation of the total capacity of septic tanks shall be made on the basis of the number
of persons to be served, water consumption and sludge production per capita and the
hydraulic detention time.

(9) The design of septic tanks shall be such that the discharge of solids in the tank effluent is
kept to a minimum.

(10) The following formula is recommended for general use where dislodging is carried out
at a reasonable number of times per year, two years, etc.

V= sed.p.q/103+u1.ac.p/103 (6.1)

V is effective volume of tank, in m3
sed is hydraulic detention time, in day (s) (minimum, 1.0 day).
p is user population
q is water consumption per capita per day, in litres (see Table 4.4, Section 4).
V1 is sludge production per capita per day, in litres (0.15l)
ac is number of days between de-sludgings (minimum, 365.0 days).

(11) For rectangular tanks, at least two or three should be used in series either by
constructing two or three separate tanks or by dividing a single tank into two or three
by partitions (see Figure 6.8).
(12) (a) In all cases of (11) above, the compartments should be not less than 1200.0mm deep
below the top water level.
(b) The first compartment should have a capacity of not less than two-third of the total
tank capacity with a length of not less than twice its width and the subsequent
compartments should have a combined capacity of not less than one third of the total
(c) In order to facilitate desludging operations, the floor of the first compartment should
have a fall of 1:4 towards the inlet end.

(13) Duplicate tanks, preferably with half calculated capacities could be provided in parallel.

(14) The design of septic tank inlets and outlets shall be such that they facilitate introduction
of crude sewage and removed of the clarified liquid with the least possible disturbance
of the settled sludge or the surface scum.

a) An inlet for rectangular tanks of not more than 1200.0mm wide should be a T-shaped
dip pipe not less than the nominal bore of the incoming drain, fixed inside the tank,

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Section 6: External Drainage
with the top limb rising above the scum level and the bottom jimb extending about
450.0mm below the top water level.
b) For tanks in excess of 1200.0mm in width, two submerged inlets having inverts at the
same level should be introduced (see Figure 6.8).
c) A baffle should be provided 150.0mm from the inlet end of the tank, extending
150.0mm below the invert of the inlet pipe and 150.0mm above the top water level.
d) Where the incoming drain has a steep gradient, at least the last 12.0m should be laid
at a gradient not steeper than 1:50 in order to minimize turbulence.

(15) (a) The final outlet for tanks which are less than 1200.0mm wide should be by a
100.0mm nominal bore dip pipe fixed inside the tank in a similar manner to the inlet
dip pipe in 14(a) above and 25.0mm below it.

(b)For wider tanks, it is necessary to use a weir outlet extending the full width of the
tank and protected by a scumbcard such as suitable protected timber, plastics or
asbestos cement fixed 150.0mm from the weir and extending 150.0mm above and
450.0mm below the top water level.

(16) (a) A roof should be provided to a septic tank, in which case it may be wholly or
partially removable and be of concrete or timber.

(b)If fixed, the roof should have adequate access openings, with covers including those
necessary for inspection and cleansing of the inlet and outlet arrangements.

(17) Where it is not roofed, a septic tank should be provided with a protective fence to
prevent unauthorized access.
(18) (a) Septic tanks should be located as far away as practicable from buildings, water wells
and water reservoirs (underground) to prevent contamination of domestic water supply
and reduce the risk of nuisance in case of malfunctioning; i.e. overflow through
manholes, gas emission through vent pipes, etc.

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Section 6: External Drainage

All dimensions are in millimeters. Section A-A

Note Tanks are normally fitted with covers.

Figure 6-8 Typical septic tank-two compartments

6.8.3 Cesspools
(1) where an appropriate sewer is not available and sewage treatment is impracticable,
cesspools, could be provided.

(2) Cesspools should be and remain impervious to ingress of ground or surface water and to

(3) Cesspools should be provided only where emptying facilities are available or are possible
to introduce.
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Section 6: External Drainage

(4) Cesspools should be limited to serve only single houses.

(5) A capacity of not less than 45 days storage should be allowed.

(6) Effective storage time shall depend on the population served, the water consumption and
whether there is any infiltration into the foul drains.

(7) (a) A cesspool shall be cylindrical, square or rectangular in plan to suit the condition of the

(b) The depth from the cover of the access opening to the floor of the tank should not
normally exceed 4.0m on a flat site and may need to be further restricted on a sloping site
to limit the suction lift when emptying.

(8) The inlet drain should be provided with access appropriate for the drainage system and
should terminate with the pipe projection about 75.0mm clear of the inside of the wall of
the cesspool.

(9) Cesspools shall be properly ventilated.

(10) (a) The access to cesspools should not be less than 600.0mm clear opening to enable
inspection, maintenance or removal of consolidated sludge.

(b) The chamber should be made as sage a place of work as possible and sage methods of
working should be adopted.

(11) (a) The site selected for a cesspool should not be so near to any inhabited building as to be
liable to become a source of nuisance or a danger to health ( a minimum of 15.0m is
desirable) and it is essential that not well, stream, river, spring or aquifer likely to be used
for drinking or domestic purposes is liable to be polluted.
(b) The site of the cesspool should preferably be on ground sloping away from and sited
lower than any existing building in the immediate vicinity.
(c) the prevailing wind direction should be from the buildings served towards the

(d) Adequate means of vehicular access should be provided to the cesspool where
emptying by tankers is envisaged.

(12) (a) When a cesspool is to be abandoned, it shall be left in a condition that is neither
dangerous nor prejudicial to health.

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Section 6: External Drainage
(b) The requirement in (a) above shall be effected by the removal of the remaining
contents and backfilling of the chamber with hardcore or similar stable, non-compressible
material, demolition of the structure within 500.0mm of ground level, and re-instatement
of the ground surface.

6.8.4 Effluent Disposal Soakaway pit

(1) A soakaway pit shall be used for discharging effluent into pervious subsoils such as
gravel, sand, chalk, etc at a level above that of the water table.
(2) The pit shall be covered by a slab incorporating an inspection manhole and cover. Percolation ditch

(1) In less porous subsoils, a subsurface irrigation system percolation ditches) shall be used
as more suitable alternative.

(2) (a) Percolation ditches should be very carefully designed and should consist of a system
of field drains which should be constructed using porous or perforated pipes, laid in
trenches, with a uniform gradient which should be not steeper than 1:200.

(b)The pipes should be laid on a 150.0mm layer of clean gravel or broken stone 20.0mm
to 50.0mm grade and the trenches filled to a level 50.0mm above the pipe and covered
with strips of plastics material or equivalent laid to prevent the entry of silt.

(c) The remainder of the trench should be filled with normal soil and pipes laid at a
minimum depth of 500.0mm below the surface.
(3) If the level of water table rises to within 1.0m of the proposed invert of the irrigation
system, it is not normally advisable to use subsurface irrigation. Area of subsurface drainage

(1) The floor area of a subsurface drainage trench or infiltration area of a soakaway pit, At in
m2, required to disperse effluents from septic tanks shall be calculated from:

At = PVp 0.25 (6.2)

P is the number of persons served by the tank
VP is the percolation value obtained as described in Annex F.
(2) For effluents which have received secondary treatment followed by settlement, the area
calculation in (1) above should be reduced by 20%; i.e:

At = PVp 0.2 (5)

(3) The area determined should be used to calculate either a length of subsurface drainage or,
alternatively, the infiltration area of one or more shallow soakaways.
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Section 6: External Drainage

(4) (a) Drainage trenches should be from 300.0mm to 900.0mm wide.

(b) Areas of undisturbed ground 2.0m wide should be maintained between parallel
tranches. Underdrains
(1) Where underdrains are necessary, drainage trenches should be constructed not less than
600.0mm deeper than the above trenches and the lower part filled with fine gravel (see
Figure 6.49).

(2) A second system of drainage pipes should be laid on the bottom of the trenches to covey
surplus drainage to an outfall in a surface ditch or water course. On site Treatment

1. Percolation areas and mounds

A percolation area typically consists of a system of sub-surface irrigation pipes which allow
the effluent to percolate gradually into the surrounding soil. Biological treatment takes place
naturally in the aerated layers of soil.
Percolation mounds are essentially percolation areas placed above the natural surface of the
ground providing an aerated layer of soil to treat the effluent. Percolation areas should be
designed by the design engineer

2. Soil infiltration systems.

Land drainage pipes should not be used in a percolation trench. Access /inspection pipes
should be fitted to the end of the percolation pipes to facilitate the assessment of the proper
functioning of the percolation area and to facilitate rodding or scouring of the pipes. There
should be a maximum of five trenches attached to each distribution box when designing a
gravity system for a percolation area. On sloping sites the pipework should be installed
parallel to the contour to aid distribution of the effluent. The infiltration pipes should be
inspected before installation to ensure a clean and smooth finish on all cuts and drill holes.

3. Constructed wetlands
Constructed wetland is the generic term used to describe both (gravel- and sand-based)
horizontal and vertical flow reed bed systems and soil-based constructed wetlands. The main
difference between a constructed wetland and other filter systems is the planting of
vegetation in the media where the thick root mass acts as a pathway for the transfer of
oxygen from the atmosphere to the root zone (rhizosphere). Pumping may or may not be
required for constructed wetland systems depending on the slope of the site and the wetland
configuration. They can be used to provide secondary or tertiary treatment to effluent from
septic tank or tertiary treatment to packaged wastewater treatment systems. The design and
construction of wetlands should comply with the BMP.
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Section 6: External Drainage

4. Intermittent filter systems

This comprises a pump chamber which transfers the partially treated effluent, (generally
from a septic tank), onto the filter at regular intervals. The filter may consist of soil, sand,
peat or other media. A range of configurations may be considered:

(a) an intermittent soil filter system (soil polishing filter is built in);
(b) an intermittent sand filter followed by a polishing filter (may be inbuilt or offset);
(c) an intermittent peat filter followed by a polishing filter;
(d) an intermittent plastic or media filter followed by a polishing filter;
(e) a constructed wetland or reed bed followed by a polishing filter.

Where a pumped distribution system is used, an alarm should be fitted to alert the user to any
malfunction. A polishing filter should be used in conjunction with all intermittent filters.

5. Polishing filters
A polishing filter is a filter system the purpose of which is to provide additional treatment of
the effluent and to reduce pollutants such as micro-organisms, phosphorous and in certain
cases nitrate nitrogen. It also provides for the hydraulic conveyance of the treated effluent to
the ground.

6. Packaged wastewater treatment systems

Packaged wastewater treatment systems may be used to treat wastewater from a building
where the site is unsuitable for a septic tank system or they may be used as an alternative to
septic tank systems.
The system should be designed for a minimum hydraulic daily load of 150 l/person/day
based on the number and size of bedrooms and a minimum organic daily load of 60g
BOD/person/day to ensure adequate treatment is provided.
All such systems must have treatment efficiency capable of meeting the minimum applicable
performance effluent standards. Monitoring and maintenance of these systems is required to
ensure that the effluent is treated to this standard. In nutrient sensitive areas, more stringent
performance standards for nitrogen and phosphorous may be necessary.
The sludge storage capacity should be checked with the manufacturer to establish the
necessary frequency of de-sludging. All package wastewater treatment systems should be
provided with an alarm to indicate operation failure.
Many systems are available including: -
(a) Biofilm Aerated Filter (BAF) systems;
(b) Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) systems;

7. Greywater recovery systems

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 6: External Drainage
(1) A greywater recovery system is an installation used to collect, store and treat greywater to a
suitable quality and to distribute it for particular specified purposes.
(2) Greywater is water originating from the mains potable water supply that has been used for
bathing, washing or laundering clothes.
(3) Water from dishwashers/sinks should be avoided.
(4) Where a greywater recovery system is installed the following guidance should be complied
(a) Overground and underground drainage used to collect greywater for recovery and re-use
within the building should be designed and constructed in accordance with the general
guidance to be set by the design engineer.
(b) All pipework for greywater recovery systems should be easily distinguished and easily
recognizable wherever it is physically located (inside a property, in the street, or on
private land, etc) to avoid cross-connection and contamination of the potable water
supply systems, e.g. for greywater green/black/green bands and the words GREY
WATER in black lettering
(c) The maximum stagnation period for greywater water should be 10 days unless otherwise
specified by the manufacturer.
(d) After 10 days of stagnation, or the period specified by the manufacturer, all stored
reclaimed water (other than in the WC cistern) should be automatically dumped to the
foul drain or sewer;
(e) A back-up water supply should be incorporated. Where this is from a potable or mains
water supply the back-up supply should be fitted with a backflow prevention device

6.9 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance of Drainage Works

6.9.1 Inspection and Testing of Drainage Works

(1) Drainage works should be inspected and tested in two stages;
a) As the work proceeds, and
b) Immediately before the work is handed over upon completion.
(2) The work should be protected during all stages of construction and the entry of foreign
matter into any part of the systems prevented.
(3) Testing sequence shall constitute the following:
a) First stage testing

(i) Tests should be carried out to locate and remedy any defects in soundness that
may exist at the time of construction.
(ii) Such test should take place immediately before the work is covered up so as to
facilitate replacement of any faulty pipes or pipe fittings or to rectify any joint

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage
(iii) Inspection of the pipeline shall reveal any defects in the support and bedding.
b) Final testing:
(i) Testing and inspection should take place immediately before handover
when all relevant work been complete.

(4) Pre-test procedures are as follows:

(a) Before any tests are applied, attention should be given to the safety of the operatives
and other persons involved in the testing operation.
(b) It is essential that proper means of access should be provided to the area of work and
the sides of any trench or excavation in which work is to be tested adequately
supported and free from hazards.

Figure 6-9 Cross-section of typical underdrain

(c) All obstruction, debris and superfluous matter should be removed from sections of
pipeline, inspection chambers, manholes, or similar underground chambers and
they should be flushed out before testing.
(d) Before any tests are applied, a disc or ball-type profile testing device should be
passed through all drains and private sewers between inspection chambers,
manholes or other suitable points of access and through all accessible branch

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 6: External Drainage
(e) Water tightness: After laying drains and combined drains, including any
necessary concrete or other haunching or surrounding and backfilling, all pipes up
to 300 mm diameter should be capable of withstanding a final water test to a
pressure equal to 1.5 m head of water measured above the invert at the head of the
drain, or an air test ensuring that head of water on a manometer does not fall by
more than 25 mm in a period of five minutes for a 100 mm water gauge test
pressure and 12 mm for a 50 mm water gauge test pressure.
Where the drain is water tested using a stand pipe of the same diameter as the
drain, the section of the drain should be filled and left to stand for two hours and
topped up.

The leakage over thirty minutes should then be measured and should not be more
than 0.05 litres for each metre run of drain for a 100 mm drain - a drop in water
level of 6.4 mm/m, and not more than 0.08 litres for a 150 mm drain - a drop in
water level of 4.5 mm/m.

To prevent damage to the drain, the head of water at the lower end of the section
should not be more than 4 m and it may be necessary to test a drain in several

(5) Soundness tests for gravity drains constitute the following:

(a) water test: Drains shall be tested as follows:
(i) A water test shall be applied to every drain and to any section of an existing drain
that has been repaired
(ii) The head or water shall be at least 1.5m at the high end of the drainline and not
more than 4.0m at the lower end.
(iii) The test shall be applied by Sealing all openings except the top of the section of
the drain to be tested, filling the drain with water to the highest level in that
section; and maintaining the water at this level for a period of 2.0hrs, topping up as
(iv) The test is considered to be successful if the quantity of make-up water (rate of
water loss) measured after 2.0hrs does not exceed 1.0l/h per meter diameter linear
meter run of pipe. For various pipe diameters, this rate of loss over a 30.omin
period may be expressed as follows:
DN100 pipe- 0.05 litres per meter run
DN150 - 0.08
DN225 - 0.12
DN300 - 0.15

(b) Interpretation of results: A change in water level in the test apparatus could be due
to one or more of the following causes, which shall be rectified or appropriate
allowances made for in the testing procedure:

(i) Absorption by pipes or joints.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 6: External Drainage
(ii) Exposure of pipes in direct sunlight, or changes of ambient temperature when
pipes are laid.
(iii) Trapped air,
(iv) Leakage past expanding plugs or bag stoppers.

(c) Air test: an air test may be applied to the completed work, either in its entirety or in
sections, in accordance with the following procedure:
(i) The air pressure test shall consist of applying a pressure of 3.0m water head to
the drain and holding this pressure for 3.0min to allow the air temperature to
(ii) The air supply shall then be shut off and the time taken for the pressure in the
pipe to drop from 2.5m to 2.0m head of water shall be measured.
(iii) The drain is considered to have passed the test if the time taken is greater than
90.os for pipes of size DN225 or smaller, or 180.0s for pipes of sizes DN300
and DN375.

(6) Soundness tests for ancillary work:

(a) The design and construction of ancillary work such as inspection chambers,
manholes, oil and grease separators, sumps, septic tanks, cesspools and similar
underground structures should ensure a high level of resistance to water penetration,
both inwards and outwards.
(b) Where construction work has been effectively carried out, visual inspection may be
sufficient for acceptance without testing.
(c) Inspection should always be made to reveal any possible weaknesses in the
structure and particular attention should be paid to the following:
(d) Water test
(i) All outlets, inlets and other connection points of the chambers or structures
should be fitted with plugs and filled with clean water up to the underside of the
(ii) The water is allowed to stand for up to 8.0hrs for absorption topping up the
level as necessary.
(iii) The criterion for acceptance (at this stage) should be that no appreciable flow of
water penetrate the structures.
(iv) Where water can be observed issuing from the outside face of the structures at
an identifiable point or points, such leakage should be stopped.
(v) The external faces of a structure should not normally be backfilled or concrete
surrounded before the test.

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Section 6: External Drainage
6.9.2 Maintenance and Periodic Inspection
(1) Drainage systems should be inspected at regular intervals and, where necessary,
thoroughly cleaned out at the same time. Any defects discovered should be made good.
(2) The following operations should be carried out during the periodic cleaning of a drainage
(a) Covers of inspection chambers and manholes should be removed and the sides,
benching and channels cleaned.
(b) Main and branch drains should be cleaned and, afterwards, should be flushed with
clean water. Any obstructions found should be removed and not flushed into
(c) Accumulated deposits in interceptors should be removed periodically.
(d) Covers of inspection chambers, manholes and interceptors should be replaced,
bedded in suitable grease or other sealing material and/or bolted down as
appropriate to the type. Missing bolts and broken items should be renewed.

(3) The drainage system should be cleaned, as appropriate, using one or more of the
following methods:
(a) Rodding:

(i) Appropriate cleaning tools and techniques should be chosen to avoid damage to
the pipework to be cleaned
(ii) It is important that correctly designed proprietary ends used on the rods.
(iii) Makeshift devices attached to the ends of rods should be avoided as they are not as
effective as the correctly designed article and could become detached and create a
blockage which would be difficult to remove. Furthermore, it is possible that such
devices could cause damage to the pipeline.
(b) High pressure jetting techniques could be suitable for use with all currently available
pipe materials and should also be considered.
(c) Shock waves could be induced and transmitted by water to the point of blockage,
where the pipe is surcharged or can be filled with water from the blockage to a point
where the shock wave is introduced.

6.9.3 Pipes, Fittings and Joints

Pipes, fittings and joints shall comply with the relevant Ethiopian Standards or equivalent and
shall be acceptable upon the approval of the Building Official.

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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

7.1 Scope
(1) The materials to be used shall be selected to ensure satisfactory service for the life of the

7.2 Materials
(2) Factors to be taken into consideration for compliance with (1) above shall include:
(a) cost,
(b) the nature of the ground and the possibility of chemical attack there from,
(c) the physical and chemical characteristics of the materials, and
(d) the possibility of abrasion by solids in the flow, or of chemical attack of materials.

7.2.1 Standards to be Complied With

(1) Materials and components for storm water drainage should comply with the relevant
Ethiopian Standards or equivalent and shall be acceptable on the approval of the Building

7.3 Joints
(1) Gutters and downpipes should be jointed in accordance with good engineering practice.
(2) Manufactures instructions on the methods of jointing should be strictly following where

7.4 Design

7.4.1 General

When designing drainage systems for roofs, paved and unpaved areas, it is normally
impracticable to guard against very infrequent, extremely heavy rainfall events. The designer
should aim to achieve safe evacuation of floods of 10 year return period within reasonable time.

7.4.2 Run-off Effective Catchment Areas

(1) The effective catchment area of a sloping or vertical surface depending upon the angle of
descent of the rain. For purposes of design it may normally be assumed that the rain falls at
angle of one unit horizontal to two units vertical, and that its direction is such as to produce the

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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
maximum rate of run-off to each length of gutter; this is the basis of the recommendations
described in (2) to (4)
(2) (a) The effective catchment area, Ae, for flat roofs of a freely exposed horizontal surface is equal
to the plan area of the surface (see Figure 7.1 (a)).

(b) Where slopping or vertical surface drains to a flat roof, paved or unpaved area, the
additional area of catchment should be calculated as described in (3) and (4) below.

(3) (a) The effective catchment area, Ae, for slopping roofs of a freely exposed surface draining to
an eaves or a parapet wall gutter is equal to the plan area of the roof plus half its maximum
area in elevation (see Figure 7.1 (b). for a valley gutter, one side of the roof will tend to be
exposed to the wind and the other side will tend to be sheltered; the method of calculating the
effective catchment area is illustrated in Figure 7.1 (c). Run-off from any vertical walls should
be allowed for (see (4) below).
(b) The effect of wind can be appreciated by noting that, compared to a horizontal roof of the
same plan width, the run-off will be 25% greater if the roof has a slope of one unit vertical to
two horizontal, and 50% greater if it has a slope of one unit vertical to one unit horizontal.
(4) (a) Wind-driven rain will cause run-off from walls and other vertical surfaces that are freely
exposed to the wind, but where the run-off is to paved area, run-off from vertical surfaces will
normally need to be considered only where flooding of the paved area cannot be tolerated.
(b) for a single wall, the effective catchment area, Ae, should be taken as half the exposed
vertical area of the wall. Where two or more walls form an angle of bay, the direction of the
wind should be assumed to be such that the walls, considered together, present the maximum
vertical area to the rain. The method of calculating Ae is illustrated in Figure 7.2. Surrounding
walls are of unequal height. In the latter case the value of Ae should be increased by half the
area in elevation by which the higher wall exceeds the lower wall. Rate of Run-off

1. Run-off from roofs, paved areas, roofs and vertical surfaces should be calculated assuming
that the surfaces are impermeable; that is, run-off coefficient value C is taken to be 1.0.
Run-off coefficient values (c) for unpaved areas should be taken from practices conforming
to local conditions. C values for some unpaved areas are given in Table 7.1.

2. The rate of run-off Q (in l/s) is given by the equation:



Ae is the effective catchment area (in m2),

I is the rainfall intensity (in mm/h) for the minimum average recurrence interval in years and
time of concentration.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
IDF curves covering Ethiopia are given in consecutive Figure 7-3 (A to D). If long-term
hourly rainfall data exists for a given location, specific IDF curve shall be used in
conjunction with the regional IDF curve.




Figure 7-1 Calculation of effective catchment area, Ae, for roofs

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

Figure 7-2 Calculation of effective catchment area, Ae, for vertical surfaces

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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

Figure 7-3(a) Rainfall Regions

Note: Rainfall data used in the preparation of this figure have been collected from many Ministry of Water Resources
meteorology stations. In the course of the preparation of this manual, they have been subjected to statistical techniques.
The results indicate that the country can be divided into the above hydrological regions displaying similar rainfall
patterns. The information is subject to review, and future data may indicate the need for a further refinement in both
values and regional boundaries.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

Regions A1 & A4
Figure 5-9
Figure 7.3(b)



250,0 2 Year
Intensity, mm/hr

5 Year
10 Year
200,0 25 year
50 Year
100 Year



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Duration, min.

Regions A2 & A3
Figure 5-10
400 Figure 7.3 (c)



250 2 Year
Intensity, mm/hr

5 Year
10 Year
200 25 year
50 Year
100 Year



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Duration, min.

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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

Regions B, C & D
Figure 5-11
Figure 7.3(d)




2 Year
r 250.0
/ 5 Year
m 10 Year
,y 200.0
ti 25 year
n 50 Year
In 150.0 100 Year



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
Duration, min.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
Table 7-1 Recommended Runoff Coefficient C for Various Selected Land Uses
Description of Area Runoff Coefficients

Business: Downtown areas 0.70-0.95

Neighborhood areas 0.50-0.70
Single-family areas 0.30-0.50
Multi units, detached 0.40-0.60
Multi units, attached 0.60-0.75
Suburban 0.25-0.40
Residential (0.5 hectare lots or more) 0.30-0.45
Apartment dwelling areas 0.50-0.70
Light areas 0.50-0.80
Heavy areas 0.60-0.90
Parks, cemeteries 0.10-0.25
Playgrounds 0.20-0.40
Railroad yard areas 0.20-0.40
Unimproved areas 0.10-0.30
Asphalt 0.70-0.95
Concrete 0.80-0.95
Drives and walks 0.75-0.85
Roofs 0.75-0.95

Source: Hydrology, Federal Highway Administration, HEC No. 19, 1984

7.4.3 Roof Drainage General principles

(1) A roof drainage system generally comprises the following three parts:
(a) The gutter or channel that collects the flow from the roof;
(b) The outlet into which the flow from the gutter or channel discharges;
(c) The pipework (downpipe) that conveys the flow from the outlet to the drainage system.
(2) The three parts of the drainage system in (1) above can be designed separately if the outlet and
the pipework (downpipe) are made large enough for the flow to discharge freely from the
gutter; this is the basis of the method of design described in through
Occasionally, it is necessary to use outlets or pipe work that are smaller than those required by
this method. When this occurs, the capacity of the gutter is less than the capacity that it has
when it discharges freely; consequently another methods of design becomes (see and
Annex G).
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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

(3) Gutters and downpipes may be omitted form a roof at any height provided that is has an area of
6.0m2 or less and provided that no roof or other surface drains onto it. Consideration may be
given to the omission of gutters and downpipes from tall structures where run-off would be
dispersed before reaching the grounds; such run-off should be directed so as to avoid
undesirable pattern, staining and splashing of windows. Methods of design

(1) The method of design described subsequently (another method of design satisfactory to the
Building Official may also be used) is based on the following assumptions:
(a) The gutter slope is not steeper than 1 in 350 (i.e, it is normally level). A gutter laid to
fall will have a somewhat higher capacity, but this increase should be viewed as an
additional factor of safety.
(b) The gutter has a uniform cross-sectional shape
(c) The outlets are large enough to allow the gutter to discharge freely.
(d) The distance between a stop-end and an outlet is less than 50 times the upstream water
depth, or the distance between two outlets is less than 100 times the upstream water

(2) Eaves gutters should, wherever possible, be designed to discharge freely. If the length of an
eaves gutter exceeds the limits given in (1d) above, it is necessary to reduce its design capacity.
Methods of designing gutters that cant discharge freely or that exceed the limits in (1d) above
are given in Annex G. Calculation of flow in gutters

(1) (a) After the run-off from roof of a building has been calculated, its direction of flow in the
gutter is determined by the position of the outlets. If a length is served by two outlets, the flow
will split equally between them even if the flow does not enter the gutter uniformly along its
(b) Figure 7.4 (a) shows how the flow at each outlet in a length of gutter can be calculated. If a
strong wind blows along a gutter, the flow may be increased in that direction.

(c) Figure 7.4(b) and 7.4(c) show how the capacity of a gutter can be used most efficiently. In
Figure 7.4(b), the outlets split the gutter into three sections, of which the middle one collects
half the flow and discharges at both ends; if the total flow from the roof is Q, then each section
of the gutter needs to have a discharge capacity of Q/4.

(d) Figure 7.4 (c) shows a less efficient arrangement in which the outlets are positioned at the
ends of the gutter; in this case, a large gutter is required since each section needs to have a
discharge capacity of Q/2.

(2) (a) Although there is an optimum arrangement for the outlets(see (1) above), their number and
position will often be determined by the layout of the building or other architectural factors.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

(b) If for any reason internal downpipes are fitted, underfloor drainage should be avoided
where possible.
(c) Outlets for gutters should be located, where possible, near each angle; i.e, where there is a
change in direction of flow.

Note. For the same total flow, the gutter in (c) requires twice the capacity of the gutter in (b).

Figure 7-4 Division of flow between gutter outlets

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage Eave, valley, parapet and boundary-wall gutters.
(1) The shape of valley gutters may often be chosen so as to conform to the cross-sectional shape
of the roof. A satisfactory shape of valley gutter is obtained if the sides are slopped at the same
slope as the roof up to a height that gives the required flow capacity, and if the sides are then
turned vertically upward in order to provide the required amount of free-board.
(2) The fall (slope) to which the gutter is laid will depend on structural considerations and on the
material used for the gutter or gutter lining. The method of design described in (4) below
assumes that the gutter is level; a gutter laid to fall will have a somewhat higher capacity; but
this increase should be viewed as an additional factor of safety.

(3) (a) The overall depth of a gutter should be greater than the depth needed to give the design
capacity so as to prevent it from being over-topped by splashing or by waves produced by
strong winds.

(b) The amount of free-board should be taken as two-fifth of the maximum depth of flow in the
gutter, with an upper limit of 75.0mm.

(4) (a) In a level gutter, the depth of flow is greatest at the upstream end and decrease towards the
outlet. Subtracting the allowable free-board from the overall depth of the gutter, therefore,
gives the design depth of flow at the upstream end u, the discharge that produces the depth u
is the design capacity of the gutter. A level gutter attains its maximum capacity when the outlet
is large enough to allow the gutter to discharge freely. When this occurs, the depth of the flow
in the gutter just upstream of the outlet is equal to the critical depth c.
(b) The ratio of the depth of flow at the upstream end of the gutter, u, to the critical depth at the
downstream end c, depends only upon the cross-sectional shape of the gutter provided that the
requirement of are met. The effect of flow resistance is normally small so that the depth
of the gutter does not affect the value of u/ c unless the gutter is longer than the limit given in c can be read from Figure 7.5 once the upstream flow width , Bu, and the sloe
width, Bs (see Figure 7.4) of the gutter are determined. The discharge capacity, Q,
corresponding to the critical depth, c, can be calculated directly from Equations (G-1) of
Annex G if the cross-sectional shape of the gutter is known. The calculated value of Q assumes
that the outlet is large enough to allow the gutter to discharge freely. The method of
determining the capacity of trapezoidal gutters with restricted discharge is described in G.2,
Annex G.

(c) Rectangular and triangular gutters may be considered as special types of trapezoidal gutter
and can, therefore, be designed in the same way as trapezoidal gutters.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage Gutter outlets
(1) (a) Factors affecting the number and position of required outlets are detailed in Two
types of gutter outlets may be used. The outlet pipe may either be connected directly to the
sole of gutter, or may be connected to a box-receiver into which the flow from the gutter first

(b) Box-receivers are preferable to outlets in the sole of the gutter because they ensure that the
flow discharges freely from the gutter and may allow smaller outlets to be used. The use of
box-receivers is recommended for valley, parapet and boundary wall gutters

(c) the design of structural framework should take account of any internal box receivers (see
Figure 7.7 (b) or outlets in the sole of the gutter.

Figure 7-5 Cross-section of a trapezoidal gutter

(2) (a) The dimensions of a box receive need to be larger enough to allow the flow to discharge
freely from the gutter to which it is connected. Typical designs for box-receivers are shown in
Figure 7.6

(b) The minimum width of the box should not be less than the width of the flow in the gutter at
a depth equal of half the overall depth of the gutter, g. If the flow enters the box-receiver from
one direction (see Figure 7.7(a)), the length of the box in the direction of flow should be not
less than 0.75 g. If the flow enters the box-receiver from opposite directions (see Figure 7.7
(b)); in the later case, the length of the box should be not less than 1.5g. the top of the box
should be level with the top of the gutter except where the box is external to the building (see
Figure 7.6 (a)); in the latter case, the outer edge of the box may be lowered to act as an
emergency overflow.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

Figure 7-6 Design chart of freely-discharging trapezoidal gutters

(a) External receiver :Lb=075g

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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

(b) Internal receive : Lb- 1.5g

Figure 7-7 Dimension of typical box receivers

(c) The depth of the box below the sole of the gutter should not be less than h+25.0mm, where
h is the depth of the water above the outlet. The method of designing such box-receivers is
described in G.4, Annex G.

(d) If it is necessary to make the dimensions of a box-receiver smaller than those recommended
above the gutter may be prevented from discharging freely.

(3) (a) At small depth of flow, the perimeter of an outlet (outlet in box-receiver) to a downpipe
acts as a weir while at large depths of flow the outlet acts as an orifice. An outlet with a
rounded edge has a large capacity than a sharp- edged outlet (see Figure 7.8 (a)) having the
same size of throat. A suitable type of round-edged circular outlet is shown in Figure 7.8(b); in
terms of its discharge capacity, this type of outlet has an effective diameter,D, equal to 0.99
times its top diameter, Do.
(b) Suitable type of tapered outlets allow smaller size of downpipes to be used without
reducing the capacity of the outlet. A tapered outlet with a top diameter Do will have the same
discharge capacity as a sharp-edged outlet of diameter Do provided that the diameter of the
throat is not less than 2/3 Do and the transition is gradual over a distance not less than Do (see
Figure 7.7(c)). Equations relating the depth of water above an outlet, h, to the size of the outlet
and the discharge, Qi, passing through it are given in G.4.1 Annex G. The use of a grating over
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
an outlet will reduce its capacity; the method of designing grated outlets is described in G.4.2,
Annex G.
(4) If a downpipe is connected directly to the sole of a valley, parapet or boundary wall gutter, it is
necessary to determine whether the outlet (downpipe) is large enough to allow the flow to
discharge freely from the gutter. As a rough guide, the effective diameter of an outlet in a
rectangular gutter needs to be at least three- quarters of the width of the flow to ensure free
discharge. The method of determining whether the gutter discharge freely or not is described in
G.4.3. Outlet connected to the sides of gutter are inefficient and their use is not recommended. Downpipes
(1) (a) The size of circular downpipes (outlets) shall not be less than diameter 60.0mm and that
of spouts not less than diameter 50.0mm.

(b) The length of the shorter side of rectangular downpipes (outlets) shall not be less than

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Section 7: Stormwater Drainage

Di > 2Do/3

Figure 7-8 Types of gutter outlets

(2) Tapered outlet (vertical pipes) for valley and parapet wall gutters may be used to reduce the
size of the downpipe to not less than two-thirds of the top diameter of the outlets (see Pipes sized according to these criteria will tends to flow full so that joints between
the downpipes and the gutter or box receivers should be sealed.
(3) (a) Horizontal lengths of pipe should, where possible, be given a small fall to prevent the
ponding of water.

(b) Long runs of pipework should be designed according to the standard engineering
principles for steady flow in pipes.

(c) All joints on horizontal pipes should be sealed, and access for inspection and rodding
should be provided in accordance with 7.5.2(2). Flat roofs

(1) (a) Flat roofs shall be designed to avoid ponding;
(b) Manufactures of roof water-ponding materials shall give recommendations on the minimum
fall that should be provide and allowable poundings (allowable depth of water) on roofs during
rain storms.

(2) (a) Flat roofs may be drained in two ways:

(i) Towards the outlet edges of the roof.

(ii) Towards channels or outlets within the perimeter of the roof.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
(b) Falls are required in both cases of (a) above and can be provided by the construction of the
roof of by screeding.

(c) In general, an economic scheme will include few outlets; but the number needed may often
be determined by the plan of the roof rather than by the area to be drained.
(3) On a roof laid to falls, a water depth of upto 30mm may be acceptable if it is confined t o
relatively small area around the outlets or to a value which may be allowed by
manufacturers of water-roofing materials (see, which ever is smaller.
(4) (a) Run-off from a flat roof may be discharged at the edge of the roof into;

(i) An eaves gutter (see figure 7.9(a));

(ii) A chute connected to a hopper head (see Figure 7.9(b)).

(b) The eaves gutters and their outlets should be designed in the same way as in 7.4.3 and

(c) The entrance to a chute acts as a weir and the width that is required can be estimated from
Equation (G-6) in G.4.1, Annex G in which Lw is the width of the chute (in mm) and h is the
head of water above the invert of the chute.
(5) (a) Run-off from a flat roof may be discharged within the perimeter of the foot into:

(i) A channel formed within or by the roof (see Figure 7.9(d));

(ii) A sump containing an outlet;
(iii) An outlet draining t he roof directl7y (see Figure 7.9 (c)).

(b) Roof channels and their outlets should be designed in the same way as in (4) above.

(c) Sumps and roof outlets normally act as weirs, and should be sized so as to limit the depth
given in (3) above. The depth of a sump is determined by the capacity of the outlet that drains
it, and should be not less than h+25mm where h is the depth of water above the outlets.

(6) The procedure given in (a) through (e) hereunder may be used for determining the required
dimensions of a sump:

(a)Locate the position of the sump and calculate the rate of run-off from the catchment areas
that is drains. Where possible, the sump should be positioned centrally.

(b) Calculate the total rate of run-off Q (in l/s) assuming that the roof is impermeable.

(c)Calculate the length of the wetted perimeter of the sump, Lw, using the appropriate equation
in G.4.1, Annex G, after selecting the design depth of water on the roof (see The

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
shape of the sump should be such that the length of each side is approximately proportional
to the flow that it receives.

(b) Vertical pipe with bellmouth and grating (d) Vertical pipe either from channel or box receiver

Figure 7-9 Drainage from flat roofs-Types of outlets

(d) Select a suitable outlet to drain the sump.

(e) Calculate the head h required to pass the total discharge, Q, through the outlet using the
appropriate equation in E.4.1; if the outlet is covered by grating see G.4.2, Annex G.

(f) The depth of the sump above the level of the outlet should be a minimum of h+25mm.

(g) The downpipe connected to the outlet should be designed in accordance with the
provisions of

(7) (a) Ungrated roof outlets shall be designed using the appropriate equation in G.4.1, Annex G.
(b) The capacities of grated outlets are best determined experimentally; if suitable
measurements are not available, the method described in G.4.2., Annex G, shall be used.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
7.4.4 Surface Water Drainage Drainage of unpaved areas

(1) Appurtenances for the drainage of unpaved areas include unlined or lined channels, storm
water drains, etc.

(2) Run-off from unpaved areas should be prevented from draining onto paved areas unless
appropriate measure is taken to protect the drainage system from blockage.

(3) Design flow rates from unpaved areas should be calculated as described in

(4) The design of drainage appurtenances for unpaved areas should be made in accordance with
good engineering practice. Drainage of paved areas

(1) (a) A drainage system for a paved area generally includes:
(i) A paved channel or series of paved channels that collect the run-off from the
paved area,
(ii) Inlets or gullies (kerb-inlets or grated inlets (see Figure H-2, ANNEX H) situated
at intermediate points along the channels,
(iii) Terminal inlets or terminal gullies set at low points in the paved area or the
collecting channel,
(iv) Inlet pits conveniently positioned,
(v) Storm water drains,
(vi) Storm water pits (storm water manhole) conveniently positioned.

(b) the design method of collecting channels and inlets in described in ANNEX H. (Other
methods of design satisfactory to the Building Official are also acceptable.)

(a) The irregular shape of the areas between buildings will often determine the number of
inlets that are required rather than the permissible area that can be drained to an inlet.
Small paved areas may be drained to central terminal inlets. Larger areas can be split
into panels with central terminal inlets, or may more conveniently be drained by
collecting channels with intermediate and terminal inlets.
(b) The levels of a paved area should be determined in relation to the levels of the
following features:

(c) Water drainage from a paved area should not be allowed to concentrated along the side
of the building.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
(d) Where the general ground levels might cause concentration of drained water in (c)
above, a reverse fall should be applied to a narrow strip around the building so that the
water is kept away from the walls.

(e) If a paved area provides access to workshops, underground garages or storage

accommodation that are at or below the level of the paved area, channels with gratings
or slots should be used and these should be placed at a minimum of 500.0mm away
from the building to intercept any water that would otherwise drain into the building.

(f) The drainage system for road entrances and approaches of public roads should be
arranged so as to prevent surface water from flowing across the entrance, either to or
from a public road.

(g) Gradients of paved areas should be designed to permit quick drainage to collecting
channels or inlets.

(3) (a) The general layout of the stormwater drainage system should first be decided and the
total area then split into suitable sub-areas. The design flow from each sub-area is then
calculated as described in

(b) Collecting channels of shallow triangular cross-section have the same longitudinal
slopes and cross falls as the paved surfaces that they drain (see Figure H-2, ANNEX H).
channels with other cross-sectional shapes may, however, be used. The discharge
capacity of a particular channel will normally be limited by the maximum depth of width
of flow that it is convenient to allow. Where pedestrians need to cross collecting
channels, the width of the flow should not exceed 500.0mm. The method of calculating
the capacity of collecting channels is described in H-2, ANNEX H.
(4) (a) Intermediate inlets (kerb inlets or grated inlets (gully-gratings) are generally used
(b) Kerb-inlets generally have a lower capacity than grated inlets of the same length, but
are less liable to damage by vehicles. The design of intermediate inlets is given in

(c) Terminal inlets (terminal gullies) are situated at low points in the paved area or
collecting channel. The capacity of a terminal inlet is normally determined by the depth
and area of ponded water that can be permitted at the low point. Such inlets should be
generously sized as they are more likely to cause flooding than intermediate inlets. The
method of determining the capacity terminal inlets is given in H-7, ANNEX H.

(5) Strom water drains

(a)Shall be sized in accordance with the relevant provisions in Section 6,
(b) Shall have a minimum size of 150.00mm diameter.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
(6) Stand traps.
(a)Shall be provided to remove contamination, generally and sand or silt, from
stormwater prior to discharge to the storm water drainage system.
(b) Shall be adequately sized depending on the use of the area, the type of surface
and frequency of cleaning. However, a minimum depth of 500.0mm below the
invert of the outlet storm water drain shall be provided.

7.5 Installation

7.5.1 Gutters
(1) Eaves gutters, especially when fixed on rafter brackets, shall be given a fall to allow from
any settlement and recommended rate of fall is 1 in 350.

(2) Gutters shall be adequately supported so as to prevent sagging and ponding, and care shall
be taken that there is no sideways tilt.

7.5.2 Downpipes
(1) (a) Downpipes may fixed by holderbats, etc, screwed or built-in.
(b) All holderbats should be adequately protected against corrosion.
(c) Downpipes that require painting should be fixed at least 30.0mm clear of the building
structure using spacers or projecting ears.
(d) Materials for fixing should be selected to avoid electrolytic action,
(2) One or more cleaning eyes (cleanouts) for access and rodding should be provided at
appropriate points in horizontal runs of pipe and on long vertical pipes. This is particularly
important at the foot of each down pipe and at changes in direction.
(3) It is essential that downpipes are not encased in concrete columns or structural walls and
it is important that downpipes in castings or ducts are accessible for maintenance and
(4) (a) Where there is no alternative to a downpipe discharging on to a lower roof or paved
area, a rainwater shoe should be fitted.
(b) Where downpipes discharge on to lower roof, especially onto a flat roof, it is advisable to
reinforce the covering of the flat roof at the point where the rainwater shoe discharges onto it
because of the excessive localized wear that can occur under such conditions.

7.5.3 Storm Water Drains

(1) Storm water drains shall be laid in accordance with Section 6.5.
(2) Electrical cables, gas pipes, foul drains, water services, etc, installed proximity to storm
water drains shall comply with the provisions of Section 6.5
(3) (a) Storm water drains shall be installed in a manner that provides protection against
mechanical damage and deformation.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
(b) The depth of cover shall be as specified in Section 6.5

(4) The provisions for excavation, bedding and back filling shall be as in Section 6.6
(5) (a) Storm drains shall be joined to each other by means of:
(i) An oblique junction fitting or swept junction at an upstream angle of not greater
than 600, all swept in the direction of flow, except for concrete pipes;
(ii) A storm water pit or an inlet pit.
(b) Where storm water drains on grade and a vertical downpipe connect, the upstream angle
shall not be greater than 600.

7.5.4 Strom Water Pits and Inlets Pits

(1) The design of storm water pits and inlet pits shall be in accordance with the relevant
provisions in Section 6.7.
(2) Inlet pits shall be provided with inlets in appropriate locations (see
(3) Inlets bars or gratings shall be designed and installed to withstand external pressures (e.g.
vehicle), and shall be adequately spaced in accordance with good engineering practice.

7.5.5 Inlets
(1) Inlets shall be installed at intermediate and terminal locations (see (1)) to permit the
entry of storm water to inlet pits.
(2) Inlets bars or gratings shall be designed and installed to withstand external pressures (e.g.
vehicle), and shall be adequately spaced in accordance with good engineering practice.

7.6 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance

7.6.1 Inspection
(1) The work should be visually inspected during installation to check compliance with the
specification and design.
(2) On completion of the installation, all aboveground and underground installations should
be inspected to ensure that no obstructions are present.

7.6.2 Testing
(1) (a) Each new, repaired or altered section of an internal gutter and/or internal downpipe,
when plugged and filled with water to the immediate upstream overflow level for not less
than 5.0min, shall be free from leaks.

(b) External downpipes and gutters should be tested as in for the corresponding internal
elements in (a) above where necessary.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 7: Stormwater Drainage
(2) Each new, repaired, or altered section of a storm water drain shall be subject to either a
water test or an air test. The testing method shall be as described in Section 6.9

7.6.3 Maintenance
(1) (a) Gutters, downpipes and gratings should be inspected and thoroughly cleaned before and
after every rainy season, or more often if the building is in or near dusty area, or is near to
trees, or may be subject to extremes of temperature.
(b) Inlet pits, channels and storm water drains should be inspected and cleaned out regularly.
The frequency of inspection and cleaning will need to be based on local experience. Defects
should be remedied as soon as possible after being noted.
All ferrous metals require protection against corrosion and, if not supplied with an adequate
protective coating, they should be painted.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 8: Solid Waste Management

Section 8
8.1 General

8.1.1 Scope
(a) Efficient collection and disposal of domestic garbage from a building or activity area is of
significant importance to public health and environmental sanitation and, therefore, an
essential part of the construction of the built in environment.
(b) The provisions relating to solid waste management given in 8.2 are applicable to wastes in
general, and specifically exclude the hazardous chemical wastes and bio-medical waste.

8.1.2 Basic Principles (Reduce/Reuse/Recycle)

(a) Waste reduction is achieved by reusing some waste items, recycling selected materials and
composting of green/organic/biodegradable waste. In most of this service providers are
involved. However, the impact of waste reduction on collection and disposal services is
highly increased when waste is segregated at the source through the people, the waste
(b) Reduce: Waste prevention, or "source reduction," means consuming and throwing away
less. It includes:
purchasing durable, long-lasting goods;
seeking products and packaging that are as free of toxics as possible;
redesigning products to use less raw material in production, have a longer life, or be used
again after its original use.
(c) Source reduction actually prevents the generation of waste in the first place, so it is the most
preferred method of waste management and goes a long way toward protecting the
(d) Reuse: Reusing items by repairing items, donating items to charity and community groups,
or selling items; also reduces waste. Reusing products, when possible, is even better than
recycling because the item does not need to be reprocessed before it can be used again.
Ways to Reuse: Reusing plastics, refilling bottles, using cloth napkins or towels, donating
old magazines or surplus equipment, especially to schools, reusing boxes, turning empty jars
into containers for leftover food, purchasing refillable pens and pencils.
(e) Recycle: Recycling turns materials that would otherwise become waste into valuable
resources. It generates a host of environmental, financial, and social benefits.
(f) Materials like glass, metal, plastics, and paper can be collected, separated and sent to
facilities that can process them into products.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings
Section 8: Solid Waste Management

8.2 Solid Waste Management Systems

In designing a system dealing with collection of domestic garbage for a built
premises/community/ environment, the aim shall be to provide speedy and efficient conveyance
as an essential objective for design of the system, The various available systems may be
employed in accordance with 8.2.1 to 8.2.3, which may be adopted individually or in
combination as appropriate in specific situations.

8.2.1 Refuse Chute System General
Refuse chute system is a convenient and safe mode of collection of domestic solid wastes from
buildings exceeding 3 storeys. The internal diameter of the chute shall be at least 300 mm. The
access to the refuse chute shall be provided from well ventilated and well illuminated common
corridor or lobby and preferably it should not be located opposite or adjacent to entry of
individual flats or lift. Opening for feeding of refuse chute

Opening, with top or bottom hinged shutters with appropriate lockable latch, shall be provided
form convenient accessing of the refuse chute by users. Reuse collection chamber

The collection chamber may be located in ground floor or basement level, provided appropriate
arrangement is made for:
(a) drainage of the collection pit by gravity flow to ensure its dryness,
(b) an appropriate ramp access is provided for convenient removal of garbage from the
collection pit, and
(c) satisfactory ventilation for escape of gas and odor. The floor of the chamber shall be
provided with drainage through a 100 mm diameter trap and screen to prevent any solid
matters flowing into the drain and the drain shall be connected to the sewer line. The floor
shall be finished with smooth hard surface for convenient cleaning. The height of the
collection chamber and vertical clearance under the bottom level of garbage chute shall be
such that the garbage trolley can be conveniently placed. The collection chamber shall be
provided with appropriate shutter to prevent access of all scavenging animals like the cattle,
dogs, cats, rats, etc. Material for chute

The chute may be of masonry or suitable non-corrosive material. Further the material should be
rigid with smooth internal finish, high ductility and alkali/acid resistant properties.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 8: Solid Waste Management Size of trolley

The size of the garbage trolley shall be adequate for the daily quantity of garbage from a chute.
For working out quantity of garbage, a standard of approximately 0.75 kg/person may be taken. Dumb-Waiter
In high rise buildings with more than 8 storeys, electrically operated dumb-waiters may be used
for carrying domestic garbage in packets or closed containers. For handling of garbage by dumb-
waiters in a building, a garbage chamber shall have to provide either at ground floor or basement
level and the provisions of garbage collection chamber for chute as given in 8.2.2 shall apply. Shutters for dumb-waiter

The shutters for dumb-waiter and garbage collection chamber shall be provided with shutters
with same consideration as in the case of garbage chute. However, the dumb-waiter shall be
made child-proof. Sorting of garbage to remove toxic matters from garbage

Before feeding the garbage to compost pits the following objects need to be removed:
1. inert matters like glass, metals, etc;
2. chemicals, medicines, batteries of any kind;
3. polythene and plastic materials; and
4. any other non-biodegradable material.
These separated items shall be handled separately, and may be scrapped or recycled, etc as

8.2.2 Treatment by Vermi-Composting

Vermi-compost treatment shall be provided to the organic wastes in composting pits located in
shade. The pits shall be used to receive the garbage in a predetermined (periodic) cyclic order.
(For example 5 pits to receive garbage in 5 days and these 5 pits together accepting daily load of
garbage.) The gross area of the composting pits may be about 0.1 m per person.
(a)The site for vermi-comporting shall be enclosed from all sides with appropriate fencing (for
keeping scavenging animals away) and provided with a small door for accessing the enclosed
(b) Composting pits shall be constructed either under the shade of trees (except New tree) or
created by sheeting or shade net so as to keep the pits under shade. The pits shall be easily
accessed for convenient shifting of garbage from trolleys carrying garbage.
(c) The composting pits shall be made in a manner that the pits do not have the risk of inundation
by water. This may be achieved by appropriately raising the base level of the pit and
providing weep holes from sides. Height of side walls of compost pits need to be 0.6 m to
0.75 m high. The bottom of the pit without any lining is preferred.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Section 8: Solid Waste Management

(d) Initiation of composting pits shall be done by providing a 75 mm thick layer of cow dung
(fresh or partially decomposed) spreading 1 kg of vermin-compost and covering it with 75
mm to 100 mm thick layer of dry leaves/grass, etc and sprinkling of water and allowing to
decompose naturally for about 10 to 15 days.
(e) Sorted garbage free from inert and toxic matters shall be applied in the composting pit in
layers of 75 mm and spread, and covered with a layer of 75 mm thick dry leaves followed by
sprinkling of water.
(f) The compost may be removed from the bottom of the compost pit after intervals of 3 to 6
months. The compost so made may be used in appropriate horticultural and related

8.3 Refuse Chute System

8.3.1 Purpose
Refuse chute system is provided in multistoried buildings for transporting and collecting in a
sanitary way the refuse from floors at different heights. The refuse is received from the
successive floor through the inlets located on the vertical system of pipes that convey refuse
through it and discharge it into the collecting chamber from where the refuse is cleared at
suitable intervals.

8.3.2 Components
This system has got three functionally important components, namely, the chutes, the inlet
hopper and the collection chamber.
(a)The chute may be carried through service shafts meant for carrying drainage pipes. However,
the location shall be mostly determined by the position of the inlet hopper and the collecting
chamber that is most convenient for the user. It should also be considered to locate the chute
away from living rooms in order to avoid noise and smell nuisance.
(b) In individual chute system, the inlet hopper shall be located in the passage near the kitchen
and in the common chute system towards the end of the common passage. Natural ventilation
should be adequate to prevent any possible odor nuisance. There should be adequate lighting
at this location. For ground floor (floor 1), the inlet hopper may be placed at a higher level
and a flight of steps maybe provided for using the same.
(c)The collection chamber shall be situated at ground level.

8.3.3 Requirements
Requirements in regard to the design and construction of refuse chute system shall be in
accordance with good practice (See Annex I).

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings



EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings



Application Form for Temporary/Permanent Supply of Water/for Additions

and/or Alterations for Supply of Water
I/We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hereby make application to the* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for
the temporary/ permanent supply of water for the following additions and/or aerations to the
water supply requirements and water fittings at the premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
City.................. Sub-City . . . . . . . . . . . District..House No..
For the purpose described below and agreed to pay such charges as the Authority may from time-
to-time be entitled to make and to conform to all their byelaws and regulations . . . . . . . licensed
plumber, has been instructed by me/us to carry out the plumbing work.
Description of the premise: ................................................................................................
Purpose for which water is required: ...................................................................................
The connection/connections taken by me/us for temporary use, shall not be used by me/us for
permanent supply unless such a permission is granted to me/us in writing by the Authority.
I/We hereby undertake to give the* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . due
notice of any additions or alterations to the above mentioned supply which I/we may desire to
My/Our requirements of water supply areas under:

(a) I/We request that one connection be granted for the whole of the premises.
(b) I/We request that separate connections may be granted for each floor and I/we undertake
to pay the cost of the separate connections.
(c) My/Our probable requirements for trade purpose are . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . liters per day
and for domestic purposes are . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ...liters per day.
(d) Our existing supply is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..liters per day. Our additional requirement
of supply is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..liters per day.
(e) The details as regards proposed additions and alterations in fittings are as follows:

Signature of the licensed plumber ................... Signature of the applicant..............................

Name and address of the licensed plumber Name and address of the applicant
................................................................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
......... ..
Date ......................... . Date ......................................

1 Please strike out whatever is not applicable.
2 The application should be signed by the owner of the premises or his constituted attorney and
shall be countersigned by the licensed plumber.
* Insert here the name of the Authority.
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

Form for Licenced Plumbers Completion Certificate

Certified that I/we have completed the plumbing work of water connection No .................. for
the premises as detailed below. This may be inspected and connection given.
City.......................Sub-City ...........................District.House No.
Existing water connection No. (if any) ......................................................................................
Owned by: ...................................................................
Owners address: ....................................................................................
Applicants full name: .......................................................
Dated .....................................
Address ............................................................................................................................................
Situation ...........................................................................................................................................
Size of main ..................................on .........................
Where main is situated ...............................................
Size of service pipe ..........................................................................
Size of ferrule ..........................................................................
No. of taps ................................................... No. of closets....................................................
No. of other fittings and appliances ........................................................................
Road cutting and repairing fee ..........................................................................

Paid Eth. Birr ......................................................... (Receipt No dated)

(receipt enclosed)

Signature of the licensed plumber ..............................

Name and address of the licensed plumber ..................................................................

The Authoritys Report

Certified that the communication and distribution pipes and all water fittings have been laid,
applied and executed in accordance with the provisions of bye-laws, and satisfactory
arrangements have been made for draining off waste water.
Connection will be made on.............................................................................................................

Date.......................... The Authority................................................................................


EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


Application for Drainage of Premises

I/We hereby make application to the * .........................................................................................

for permission to drain the premises .......................... City...........................................
House No...................................................Road/Street known as ................................................
The sanitary arrangement and drains of the said premises are shown in the accompanying plans
and a description of the specification of the work/material used is also appended (Annex D).
I/We undertake to carryout the work in accordance with
EBCS 9 Plumbing Services, Section on Water Supply, Drainage and Sanitation of the Code.

Signature of the licensed plumber Signature of the owner

Name and address of the licensed plumber.. Name and address

......................................................................... ...
........................................................................... ...
Date ........................ Date ........................

NOTE The application should be signed by the owner of the premises and shall be
countersigned by the licensed plumber.
* Insert the name of the Authority.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


Form for Detailed Description of Work and Specification of Material
1) Separation of rain-water and foul water ...... ......................................................................
2) Rain-water drains, curbs and points of discharge ......................................................
3) Rain-water gutters, pipes or spouts where discharging ...................................................
4) Open-full-water drains, materials, sizes, curbs and other means places, verandahs, latrines
5) Silt-catcher and grating, size and position ... ..................................................................
6) Drains ...........................................................
a) Main sewage drains: Fall ......................
Size ......................
b) Branch drains: Fall ......................
Size ......................
c) Materials.....................................................
d) Method of jointing......................................
7) Bedding of pipes:
a) Method of bedding ..................................
b) Thickness and width of beds of concrete.
c) Thickness of concrete round pipes ..........................................................................
8) Protection of drain laid under wall ....................................................................................
9) Traps description and interceptor:
a) Lavatory waste pipes ..............................
b) Bath waste pipes .....................................
c) Sink .........................................................
d) Gully-traps ..............................................
e) Water-closet traps ..................................
f) Grease traps ............................................
g) Slope sink ................................................
h) Urinal .....................................................
i) Others .....................................................`
10) Manholes and inspection chambers:
a) Thickness of walls .................................
b) Description of bricks .............................
c) Description of rendering ........................
d) Description of invert channels ...............
e) Depth of chambers .................................
f) Size and description of cover and manner of fixing ................................................
11) Ventilation of drain:
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

a) Position-Height above nearest ground level ........................................................

b) Outlet shaft position of terminal at top...... .........................................................
12) Soil pipe, waste pipe and ventilating pipe connections:
a) Lead and iron pipes ................................
b) Lead pipe of trap with cast iron pipe .....................................................................
c) Stoneware pipe or trap with lead pipe ...................................................................
d) Lead soil pipe or trap with stoneware pipe or trap ....................................................
e) Cast iron pipe with stoneware drain ......................................................................
f) Stoneware trap with cast iron soil pipe..............................................................
13) Ventilation of water-closet trap sink, lavatory and other traps material and supports.
14) Water-closets (apartments):
i) At or above ground level ................
ii) Approached from ............................
iii) Floor material .................................
iv) Floor fall towards door ...................
v) Size of window opening in wall made to open ............................................
vi) Position of same .............................
vii) Means of constant ventilation .. ... .. .. ... ... ... .. .... .... .... .... .... ..... ....
viii) Position of same .. ..... .... ...... ... ... .... ..
b) Water-closet apparatus:
i) Description of pan, basin, etc. ........
ii) Kind ................................................
iii) Flushing cistern ..............................
iv) Material of flushing pipe ................
v) Internal diameter.
vi) Union with basin .............................
15) Sanitary fittings, water storage tank, etc:
a) Number and description of sanitary fittings in room and rooms in which theyare
to be installed ...................................
b) Capacity and position of water storage tanks ......................................................
c) Size and number of draw off taps and whether taken off storage tanks or direct
from main supply ...................................
d) Details of draw off taps, that is, whether they are of plain screw down pattern or
waste not and description of any other sanitary work to be carried out not
included under above headings . .... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. ... .. ... .. ... .. ... . ... .. .. ... .. ..
16) Depth of sewer below surface of street. ... .. .. .. ... ... .. ... ... .. .. ... .. ... .. ... .. .. ... .. ... .. .
17) Level of invert of house drain at point of junction:
a) with sewer .. ... ... ... .. ... ... ... .... . .... ... .. .... .. ... .
b) Level of invert of sewer at point of junction with house drain .. .. ... ... .. .. ... ... ..
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

c) Distance of nearest manhole on sewer from the point at which the drain leaves the
premises .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. ... ... .. .. ... .. .

18) Schedule of pipes:

Description of Pipe/Drain Materials Diameter Weight Method of Jointing
a) Sub-soil drains
b) Main sewage drains
c) Branch sewage drains
d) Soil pipes
e) Ventilating pipes other than soil pipes
f) Waste pipes
g) Rain-water pipes
h) Anti-syphon pipes

Date ............................ Signature of the licensed plumber ...............................

Name and address of the licensed plumber ...................

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Form for Licenced Plumbers Completion Certificate

Certified that I/we have completed the plumbing work of drainage and sanitation system for the
premises as detailed below. This may be inspected, approved and connection given.
City .........................................Sub-City..District.House No.
Details of work:

The work was sanctioned by the Authority*...........................................................................

Signature of the owner Signature of the licensed plumber .................................

Name and address ...................... Name and address of the licensed plumber.

Date .................................. Date ..................................

The Authoritys Report

Certified that the plumbing work of drainage and sanitation system for the premises, have been
laid, applied, executed in accordance with EBCS-9: Plumbing Services of Buildings.
Drainage connection to the main sewer will be made on .................................................................

Date ..........................
The Authority

* Insert the name of the Authority.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


Percolation Test
To determine the area of land required (for subsoil infiltration of septic tank effluent) a
percolation test is essential. The following method should be adopted for this purpose.

Excavate a hole 300.0mm square to a depth 250.0mm below the proposed invert level of the land
drain. Where deep drains are necessary, the hole should conform to this shape at the bottom but
may be enlarged above the 250.0mm level to enable safe excavation to be carried out. Fill the
300mm square section of the hole to a depth of at least 250.0mm with water and allow it to seep
away overnight. Next day, refill the test section with water to a depth of at least 250.0mm and
observe the time, in seconds, for the water to seep away completely.

Divide this by the depth in millimeters of water placed in the hole. The result gives the average
time required for the water to drop 1.0mm. The test should not be taken during abnormal
conditions such as heavy rain and severe drought. Carry out the test at least three times and take
the average.

Where deep excavations are necessary, a modified test procedure may be adopted using a
300.0mm earth auger. Bore the test hole vertically to the appropriate depth taking care to remove
all loose debris.

Make water level observation referring to fixed datum using a dip stick or some suitable
alternative water-level indicator.

The value found in this way is called the percolation value of the soil (vp in seconds) and can be
used to determine the area of drainage trench floors (walls) required to disperse effluents.

If the percolation value exceeds 140.0s, the soil is not suitable for drain fields. From 140.0s to
100.0s (about 10.0hr to 7.0hr to fall 250.0mm), underdrains are desirable.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


Supplementary Design Method for Roof Drainage

G.1 Capacity of Freely Discharging Gutters

If a lever gutter discharges freely, the depth of flow at the downstream end is equal to the critical
depth c. (see, Section 7. The relationship between discharge, Q (in l/s, and the critical
depth is given by the equation.

Q = 9.90x10-5 (G-1)


Ac is the cross sectional area (in mm2) corresponding to the critical depth c
Ac is the width (in mm) corresponding to the critical depth c

G.2 Design of Gutters with Restricted Discharge

A level gutter will not discharge freely if the outlet produces a depth of flow at the downstream
end of the gutter, c that is greater than the critical depth, c. The capacity of a gutter with
restricted discharge will be lower than that of a similar gutter that discharges freely.

Flow conditions at the downstream end of a gutter can be expressed in terms of dimensionless
Froude Number, Fo, defined by the equation;

F0 = 1.010X105 (G-2)


Q is the discharge (in l/s) in the gutter;

Ao is the cross-sectional area (in mm2) corresponding to the depth o at the outlet (calculated
from G.4);

Bo is the surface width of flow (in mm) corresponding to the depth c at the outlet (calculated
from G.4).

If Fo = 1, the depth c = c and the gutter discharges freely.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

If Fo < 1, the depth c is greater than the critical depth c and the discharge of the gutter is

To find the depth of flow c at the upstream and of the gutter, calculate F0 from Equation G-2,
calculated Bs/Bo (where Bs is the sole width of the gutter) and use Figure G-1 to find the value of
u/o from which u can be determined.

G-3 Resistance Effects in Long Gutters

Flow resistance causes the depth of flow at the upstream end of the gutter to be somewhat greater
than the value of u calculated in G.1 and G.2. As an approximate guide, the increase in the
upstream depth of flow due to friction will be less than 5% if the length of the gutter is less than
50 times its upstream water depth. The increase in water depth can be estimated as follows:

a) Calculate the Froude number Fo, from Equation 2 at the downstream end of the gutter. If Fo
1, the gutter discharges freely; if Fo<1, the discharge is restricted.
b) Calculate the value of the ratio of Lg/d, where Lg is the length of the gutter (measured from
the outlet to the point at which the maximum depth of flow occurs), and Yd is the depth of
flow at the downstream end.
c) Estimate from Figure G-2 the percentage increases x, in the upstream depth of flow. The
depth Yuf at the upstream end taking into account the effect of friction is given by the

Yuf = Yu (G-3)

The effect of resistance can be neglected if the value of x is found to be less than 5%.

The curves in Figure G-2 are based on a Manning roughness coefficient of n=0.015 in small
gutters and n = 0.20 in large gutters.

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Figure G.1 Design chart for trapezoidal gutters with restricted discharge

G.4 Design of Outlets to Down pipes

G.4.1 Outlets to box receivers
At small depths of flow, an outlet acts as a weir and the flow is controlled by the wetted
perimeter of the outlet. At larger depths, the outlet acts as an orifice and the flow is controlled by
the plan area of the outlet.
If the flow at a circular outlet is of weir type:

Qi = for hD/2 (G-4)

and if it is of orifice type;

Qi = for h>D/2 (G-5)

Qi is the total flow (in l/s) entering the outlet;
D is the effective diameter of the outlet (in mm);
h is t he head (in mm) above the top of the outlet.

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The effective diameter, D, for a sharp-edged outlet is equal to the top diameter , Do (see Figure
7.7, Section 7); for a round-edged outlet of the types shown in figure 7.7, D= 0.9Do; for a
tapered outlet of the type shown in Figure 7.7, D =Do.

The behavior of rectangular outlets is similar to that of circular outlets. If the flow at a sharp-
edged outlet is of weir type:

Qi = (G-6)

And if it is of orifice type:

Qi = (G-7)


Lw is the length of the perimeter (in mm) along which flow enter the outlet;

Ai is the plan area (in mm2) of the outlet.

A A transition from weir-type to orificial type for occurs when the head exceeds the value of
h = 2Ai/Lw

G.4.2 Grated outlets

The capacities of grated for box receivers and flat roofs are best determined experimentally.
Where measurements are not available, their capacity may be determined from Equations (G-6)
and (G-7. If the outlet acts as a weir, the required value of Lw in Equation (G-6) is the total length
of the openings measured around the perimeter of the outlet. If the outlet acts as an orifice, the
value of Ai in Equation (G-7) is the total area of the openings that are submerged by the flow;
and h is the depth of water above the level of the openings.

G.4.3 Outlets in gutters

Flow at an outlet in the sole of a gutter may be either of a weir-type or of orifice-type. The
capacity of an outlet in the sole of a gutter can be calculated from the equations for outlets in
box-receivers (see G.4.1).

In order to determine whether a gutter will discharge freely, it is necessary to compare the head,
h, at the outlet with the corresponding value of critical depth, Yc, in the gutter (found from If an outlet receives unequal flows from two or more direction, it is necessary to
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

calculate separate values of critical depth for each length of gutter. If the head at the outlet, h,
less than the critical depth Yc, the length of gutter will discharge freely; if h is greater than Yc,
the discharge of the gutter will be restricted, and the depth of the flow at the downstream end of
the gutter, Yo, will be equal to the value of h (see G.2).

Figure G.2 Effect of resistance in level gutters

Flow conditions at outlets in gutters are complex, and the above procedure contain several
simplifying assumptions. More economic design may result from the use of experimental
measurements or a more accurate method of calculation.

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Spacing of Inlets for Paved Areas

H.1 General

The spacing of inlets depends upon two separate quantities the capacity of the collecting channel
and the capacity of the inlet.

The capacity of a collecting channel is calculated using the Manning equation, Equation (H-1).
The capacity of the inlet is calculated using a semi-theoretical method which relates its capacity
to its geometry and is supported by a large number of experimental measurements.

H.2 Flow in Collecting Channel

H.2.1 Capacity of channel

The depth of flow in the channel is assumed to be controlled by its hydraulic resistance, and the
Manning equation is used to relate the depth of flow, Y, to discharge, Q. For a channel of
arbitrary cross-sectional shape, the Manning equation is:

Q = x (H-1)


A is the cross-sectional area of the flow [mm2];

P is the wetted perimeter [mm],
s is the longitudinal slope of the channel,
n is Mannings roughness coefficient of the channel.

For channels of shallow triangular cross section, Equation (H-1 may be approximated by:

Q = 3.0 x 10-6 CY8/3 (H-2)

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C is called a channel criterion and is constant for a particular channel since it only depends upon
the geometry and roughness of the channel. The factor 3.0x106 assumes that Q is in litres per
second and Y in millimeters. The quantity b is the effective side shape of the triangular channel
and is defined in Figure H-1. Values of Mannings n for channels with different surfaces are
given in Table H-1.

H.2.2 Inlet criterion (Gully criterion)

The capacity of a grated inlet (gully-grating) depends upon its geometry and also upon the flow
conditions in the collecting channel. These conditions can be used to define a characteristics
length, E, which is termed as the inlet criterion and which is given by the equation:

E = 1.010x104 (H-4)
Where E and Y are in millimeter and Q is in litres per second; Y is the depth of flow in the
channel just upstream of the inlet.

Combining Equation (H-2) and (H-4) gives for channels of triangular cross-section the equation:

E= 7.90 C9/6 Q7/16 (H-5)

Where C is defined by Equation (H-3).

Figure H.1 Channel cross section-definition of effective side-slope b

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H.3 Capacity of Kerb-inlets

In order to intercept all the flow in a collecting channel, a kerb-inlet should have a length Li of
clear opening given by the equation:

L1= K1 E (H-6)

Where E is the value of the inlet criterion given by Equation (H-5). Any struts or bars should be
placed so as not to obstruct the flow. K1 is a factor that varies with the effective cross-final of the
collecting channel; the following values of K1 have been determined experimentally:

Values of K1 for 12>b>24 should be interpolated linearly. If the actual length, L, of the inlet is
less than L1, then it will only intercept part of the flow in the collecting channel. The blow that
by passes the inlet, q, can be expressed as a proportion, p, of the total flow approaching the inlet
and if given by the equation:

P =1- (H-7)

Provided that P is not greater than 0.4.

H.4 Capacity of Grated Inlets

H.4.1 General

Grated inlets should be installed in collecting channels as closed as possible to the kerb. Figure
H-2 shows the general case of flow to a rectangular grated inlets set in collecting channel of
triangular cross-section. Flow can by-pass an inlet in the following ways:

(a) Between the kerb and the slots of the grating (the carry-by flow, q1);
(b) Over the grating, by water passing over the bars (the carry-over flow,q2);
(c) Around the grating, by water flowing around the outside edge of the grating (the carry-past flow,

H.4.2 Carry-by-flow
EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

The flow between the kerb and the first slot (or slots) of the grating, q1, can be expressed as a
proportion, P1, of the total flow approaching the inlet, experiments show that:

P1 = = (H-8)


d is the width of the gup (inmm) between the kerb and the first slot;
L is the length of the grating (in mm) measured along the kerb (see Figure H-2);
Y is the depth of flow (in mm) in the collecting channel.

The value of P1 will often be small enough to be neglected when determining the spacing of

H.4.3 Carry-overflow

The length of grating, L2, required to prevent any flow passing over the bars is related to the
inlet criterion, E, by the equation:

L1 = K2 (H-9)

Where b is the cross-fall of the channel and, k2 is a constant that depends upon the design of the
grating. For a grating with bars parallel to the kerb and with transverse bars at quarter points, k2
= 16. For heavy duty gratings with bars set at 450 to the kerb K2 =24 (see Figure H-2). For a
grating with transverse bars a value of K2= 24 can also be taken. If the actual length of the
grating, L1, is less than L2, some flow , q2, will pass over the bars. If this flow is expressed as a
proportion, P2, of the total flow approaching the inlet, it is found that:

P2 = = (H-10)

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H.4.4 Carry-past flow

The length of grating, L3, required to prevent flow by passing the grating around its outer edge is
given by the equation.

= 2.4 E (H-11)


B is the width of flow (in mm) in the collecting channel upstream if the inlet;
Wp is the distance (in mm) from the kerb to the outer edge of the grating (see Figure H-2)

If the actual length, L, of the grating is less than L3, some flow, q3, will pass around the inlet. If
this flow is expressed as a proportion, P3, of the total flow approaching the inlet, experiments
show that:

= (H-12)

H.6 Capacity of combined inlets

A combined inlet consists of a grated inlet and an adjacent kerb inlet having the same length as
the grated inlet. This type of inlet is less susceptible to blockage than either the grated inlet or the
kerb inlet used separately; but its capacity will normally be only slightly greater than that of the
grated inlet.

The method of calculating the capacity of a combined inlet is similar to that for a gully-grating
(see H.4) apart from the following changes:

(a) Carry-by flow: The value of the constant in Equation (H-8) should be change from 24 to 16;
(b) Carry-overflow: The appropriate value of the constant K2 in Equation (H-9) should reduced
by 10%.

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Figure H-2 Flow to a rectangular granted inlet

H.7 Capacity Terminal Inlets

Terminal inlets should be located at the down-stream ends of collecting channels and at low
points in the paved area. Such inlets should be designed in the same way as grated inlets in roofs.

H.8 Design Procedure for Intermediate Inlets

H.8.1 General

The determination of the spacing of inlets should begin at the upstream end of the system and
proceed in the downstream direction. The following factors may affect the spacing of inlets:

(a) Limitations on the maximum width and the maximum depth of flow in the collection
(b) Limitation on the amount of by-passing, if any, to be permitted at each inlet.
(c) The likelihood of blockage of the inlet and the frequency of clearing.

The capacity of an inlet can be increased if some flow is allowed to by-pass the inlet and
continue to an inlet further downstream. The increase in capacity can be significant in the case of
kerb-inlets, which have a relatively low efficiency in steep channels. The total proportion of flow
by-passing an inlet should not normally exceed one-fifth of the flow approaching the inlet.

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H.8.2 Limiting the depth or width of flow

The following design data are required: the slop, s, and the effective side slope, b, of the
collecting channel, the relevant dimensions of the inlet L, Wp, and (see Figure H-2), the design
rainfall intensity, I, the flow (if any) by passing the upstream inlet, q, the maximum width of
flow, B, or the maximum depth, Y.

The calculate is carried as follows:

(a) Calculate the value of the channel criterion C from Equation (H-3), using the appropriate
value of Mannings n from Table H-1.

(b) If the maximum width of flow, B, is specified, calculate the corresponding maximum depth
(c) Determine the discharge, Q, corresponding to the valves of C and Y using Equation (H-2),
then calculate the value of the inlet criterion, E, using Equation (H-5).

(d) Calculate the proportion of flow by-passing the inlet.

(e) If the proportion of flow by-passing is acceptable, calculate the area (in m2) that can be
drained, Ap, using equation.

Ap = 3600 (H-13)

Where I is in millimeters per hour, the equation assumes that the area Ap is impermeable,
(f) If the proportion of by-passing is excessive, reduce the maximum depth of flow or change
the size of the inlet; then repeat steps (a) to (e).

Table H-1 Roughness coefficients for channels

Type of Channel Manning roughness
coefficient, n

Smooth concrete 0.011

Concrete with grit 0.014

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings



Design and Construction of Refuse Chutes


1.1 Num.ber of Chutes-The number of chutes depends upon the convenience to the user and the
quantity of refuse to be handled between two subsequent clearings. Annex J gives the method of
calculation of quantity of refuse from residential buildings.
1.2 Individual or Combined System--In continuation to 1.1, if the chute system is designed as
individual system, where each flat is served by an independent hopper, it will be to the utmost
convenience to the user. However, a common hopper may be provided in each floor for each
chute whose number is further decided by the quantity of refuse to be handled.

1.3 Material of Construction - Chutes may be constructed out of asbestos cement or R.c.c. pipe
with smooth inside finish.
1.4. Diameter of the Pipe-Chutes shall be of a minimum internal diameter of 38 cm in order to
avoid any chokage inside the chute and to enable provision of a choke-free inlet hopper

1.5 Finish - The inside surface of the chute should be finished as smoothly as possible so as not
to allow any sticking of refuse particle that may cause choking eventually. .
1.6 Location-The chute may be carried through service shafts meant for carrying drainage pipes.
However, the location shall be mostly determined by the position of inlet hopper and the
collecting chamber that is most convenient for the user. It should also be considered to locate the
chute away from living rooms in order to avoid noise and smell nuisance.

1.7 Construction-The chute pipes should be assembled vertically and properly clamped to the
wall. The joints should be of cement mortar and the chute may be squarely embedded into the
surrounding walls. A section through a typical chute installation is given in Fig.8.1.
1.8 Ventilation - The upper end' of the chute, that is, beyond the uppermost floor should be
provided with a ventilation pipe to the full bore which should rise 2 to 25 m above the roof or
terrace of the building. An umbrella type cowl with wire mesh at the top will be helpful to
prevent rainfall and, other external objects of nuisance potential. For high rise buildings
mechanical ventilation of the exhaust type is recommended.

1.9 Chute Maintenance

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings

1.9.1 Access-Each chute pipe should be provided with an access door at intervals not greater than
every third floor.
1.9.2 Wrapping of Refuse-To help preventing spillage and blockage, the residents should be
encouraged to wrap their refuse.
1.9.3 Flushing of Chute- Y-connection at terrace level may preferably be provided in order to
direct a. water hose for cleaning purposes, if needed.

2. Inlet Hopper
2.1 Location - In individual chute system, the inlet hopper shall be located in the passage near
the kitchen and in the common chute system towards the end of the common passage. Natural
ventilation should be adequate to prevent any possible odour nuisance. There should be adequate
lighting at this location. For ground floor flats the inlet hoppers may be placed at a higher level
and a flight of steps may be provided for using the same.

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Figure 8.1SectionThrough Typical Refuse Chute Installation

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2.2 Design and Construction-Hopper shall be constructed such that there should be mii1imum
escape of odour or any other vapour when the hopper door is kept open or closed that the inside
portion of the hopper does not lodge any refuse while projecting it into the chute. The door
and the frame should be fire-resistant. A typical construction of an inlet hopper is given in Fig.
2.2.1 Size of the Mouth and Throat - The mouth shall have a maximum size of 25 cm height and
36 cm width. The throat should not be less than the size of the mouth. The diagonal of the mouth
should not be larger than the chute size.
2.2.2 Height of the Hopper-The hopper should be constructed at a height of 75 cm measured
from the floor level to the lower edge of the inlet opening.
2.2.3 Inner Surface - The interior of the hopper should slope towards the main chute at an angle
not less than 45 to the horizontal preferably 60 for better performance. This portion may be
specially built or may be had by providing a suitable Y-connection. If built specially, the
inside finish should be as smooth as possible. If provided by the use of Y-connection, it may be
of asbestos cement or cast iron or cement concrete pipe.
2.2.4 Door, Head, Frame and Receiving Unit - These should be of mild steel, cast iron or
aluminum adequately protected against corrosion. The door should be designed to be self-
closing, to have a latch for closing it securely after use and to have a rubber gasket in between
the door and the frame for ensuring gas tightness and minimizing noise. The receiving plate
should be fitted with two retaining side plates to prevent spillage (see Fig. 8.2).
2.2.5 Counterbalance of Door-The door when not in use, should fly back to its closed position
and be firmly closed,
2.2.6 Hinge - The hinge shall be such as to satisfy the requirements in 2.2. It should not have
sharp edges to harm the user. It should be fitted such that the door' can be taken out for
2.2.7 Handle-There should be a handle fixed properly to the door for operating the hopper door.


3.1 Location - The collection chamber shall be situated at ground level.

3.2 Capacity-If the refuse is discharged directly on the floor of the collection chamber, the
capacity is designed on the quantity of refuse expected from the chute between two consecutive
clearings. It may be recommended to provide a minimum capacity of 0'054m3/family or
apartment per day. In the case of chutes serving small number of apartments, the minimum size
of the collection chamber shall be 1.2 X 1.2 X 1.8 m in order to facilitate providing trolley and
easy cleaning of the chamber. In case of proposals to collect refuse directly into a wheeled
receptacle the capacity of the chamber should be sufficient to accommodate as many containers
as would be necessary. In that case, a .mild steel container suitably protected against corrosion or
a container of any other suitable material may be used. If more than one container, is in use, the
minimum clearance of 15 cm between t11e container will be necessary. Normally the height of
chute bottom above the top of the container shall be about 30 cm in order not to allow any refuse
to spill on: the floor of the chamber. It will be preferable to provide a minimum head room of
2m for the collection chamber to facilitate easy entry into it.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


3.3 Construction-The walls and roof of the chamber shall be constructed of brick masonry or any
non-combustible material. The door should be of steel or any fire resistant material. The door
fitting should be properly done with the provision of rebate and reveals in the opening
so as ,not to allow any gas or fume to escape. The inner surface of the walls, the floor and the
ceiling should be plastered with Cement mortar in, order to provide a smooth finish. Preferably
the chamber may be lined with glazed tiles for better cleaning and up keeping. The junctions of
the walls with each other and with the floor shall be smoothly rounded off to
prevent lodging of dust and refuse.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


Figure 8.2 Typical Inlet Hopper

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3.4 Cleaning and Maintenance-Provision of water tap in the vicinity and drainage facility with a
trapped gully shall be made in order to arrange for periodic cleaning of the chamber.
3.5 Shutter-There should be a cut-off plate or shutter at the chute bottom in order to close off the
chute at the time of handling refuse in the chamber or while cleaning. The shutter shall be made
of sheet iron sliding horizontally inside angle-iron rebates. These should be made non-corrodible
with proper painting.
3.6 Lighting- Adequate artificial light should ,be provided in the chamber with its control
switch located on the outside wall near entrance.
3.7 Access - There shall be easy access to the chamber for the cleaners and refuse collectors.
There should be a well paved pathway leading to the collection chamber from the nearest road in
order-to facilitate easy transport of refuse at site,

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


Method of Calculation of Total Refuse and Guidelines for Determining
Number of Chutes and Size of Collection Chamber

Quantity of domestic refuse

Quantity of refuse = 680 g/capita/day (Assumed average for Addis Ababa )
Density of refuse = 240 kg/m

Volume of refuse/capita/day = 680/1000 X 1000/240 = 2.83 liters

Assuming that a family residing in a flat would consist of an average

of 6 members plus 2 servants, the average volume of refuse per family
would be 2.83 X 8 =22.64 liters/day or say 0.027m/day.

To consider a multistoried building of20 flats with 2 flats per floor
Refuse/flat: 0.027 rn/day.

a) No. of Chutes

1. To be decided on convenience to the user; and

2. To be decided on the total number of containers, if used in the collection chamber.

Assuming that individual hopper system will be convenient to the residents, the number of
chutes will be two.
To provide for irregularity in municipal refuse cleaning service, collection chamber be designed
to accommodate 2 days refuse.

Hence, volume of refuse/clearing = 0.027 m3 x 20 flats x 2 days

=1.08 m3
As there are two chutes, capacity for each collection chamber will be
1.08/2 = 0.54m

However, a chamber of size 12 x 1.2 x 1.2m will be necessary as a minimum requirement.

b) If containers' are to be used in the collection chamber:

Container size = 09 m diameter x 13 m high of capacity of 0.826 m

Volume of refuse/clearing = 054 m
Number of containers/chute = one
The above collection chamber size will be adequate.

EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings



WHO Drinking Water Quality Guideline Values for Chemicals that have
Health Significance

Table K-1 Guideline values for naturally occurring chemicals that are of health significance
in drinking-water

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Table K-2 Guideline values for chemicals from industrial sources and human dwellings that
are of health significance in drinking water

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Table K-3 Guideline values for chemicals from agricultural activities that are of health
significance in drinking-water

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Table K-4 Guideline values for chemicals used in water treatment or materials in contact
with drinking-water that are of health significance in drinking-water

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EBCS-9 2013 Plumbing Services of Buildings


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