3-2 A Functional Cryptosystem Using A Group Action: YAMAMURA Akihiro
3-2 A Functional Cryptosystem Using A Group Action: YAMAMURA Akihiro
3-2 A Functional Cryptosystem Using A Group Action: YAMAMURA Akihiro
Group Action
The main purpose of this paper is to examine applications of group theoretical concepts to
cryptography. We construct a backward deterministic system employing the action of the modu-
lar group on the upper half plane and the amalgamated free product structure of the group. We
invent a geometrical algorithm that finds the normal form of an element of the modular group
effectively. This algorithm makes our backward deterministic system tractable. Using the back-
ward deterministic system, we invent a public-key cryptosystem in terms of a functional cryp-
Public-key cryptosystem, Functional cryptosystem, Backward deterministic system,
Modular group, Amalgamated free product
102 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.52 Nos.1/2 2005
ministic systems and a morphism satisfying and R a set of words on XX -1. A group G is
the computational complexity requirements, said to have a presentation Gp(XR) if G is a
we can employ them to build a public-key quotient group of a free group F(X) on the set
cryptosystem. This type of a cryptosystem is X by the normal subgroup N generated by the
called a functional cryptosystem. set R , that is, G = F(X)N. An amalgamated
We now propose a functional cryptosys- free product is one of the most important
tem using a group action on a certain object in constructions in combinatorial group theory.
mathematics. Let G be a group, a non- Intuitively, a free product of groups G 1 and G 2
empty set (or some other mathematical amalgamating a subgroup H is a group con-
object). We say that G acts on if there is a taining groups G 1 and G 2 such that the inter-
mapping of G into (we usually denote section of G 1 and G 2 is exactly H . We now
the image (g, x) of (g, x) under by gx ) sat- give the formal definition of an amalgamated
isfying the followings: free product of groups. Let G 1, G 2 be groups.
(i) For a, b G, and x, we have (ab) x Suppose that H 1 (resp. H 2) is subgroup of G 1
= a (bx ). (or G 2). We also assume that : H 1 H 2 is an
(ii) For x, we have 1x = x where 1 is isomorphism. Then the free product of G 1 and
the identity element of G. G 2 amalgamating H 1 and H 2 is the group pre-
Suppose that a group G acts on a set . sented by
Then each element g of G can be regarded as
a one-to-one function of onto under the
rule x g x . Now we consider a homomor- where this presentation is an abbreviated form
phism of a group G acting on a set to a of the following presentation
group H acting on a set . Assume that a map-
ping f of into satisfies f , (gx) = (g) f (x)
for each gG and x. Let g1G and x. provided that the groups G 1 and G 2 have the
Suppose that (( gi) (iI )} f ( x), ) is a back- presentations
ward deterministic system. Then clearly ({g i (i
and .
I )}, x , ) is also a backward deterministic
system. The mapping f is a morphism between The amalgamated free product is usually
two systems. We offer a concrete example of denoted by G 1* H1 = H 2 G 2. We usually identify
such a functional cryptosystem using the mod- the subgroups in the group G 1* H1 = H 2 G 2. The
ular group in Section 5. most important aspect of an amalgamated free
product is that every element in an amalga-
3 Amalgamated free products mated free product is expressed uniquely in a
certain fashion. We introduce the concept of
Combinatorial group theory is the research the normal form of an element of an amalga-
of presentations of groups by generators and mated free product of groups as follows: Let
relators. Many results concerning algorithms G be the free product of groups G 1 and G 2
on words or sequences on an alphabet have amalgamating H 1 and H 2, that is,
been obtained in this area of mathematics. This
simply implies that concepts in combinatorial
group theory meshes the theory of algorithms We consider coset decompositions of G 1
on words or sequences. In fact the modular by H 1 and G 2 by H 2, respectively. Choose a
group is employed in14 to construct a cryp- set of coset representatives for each decompo-
tosystem. In this section we introduce several sition. Suppose that {a i i I } is the set of
concepts from combinatorial group theory for coset representatives of G 1 by H 1 and that {bi
our later use. For more details we refer the jJ} is the set of coset representatives of G 2
reader to2
79. Let be a non-empty set by H 2. Therefore we have the coset decompo-
For the proof, the reader is referred to2 7 In the case that s m is a representative of G 2
9. We now suppose that we are given a free and u t is in G 1, we do the dual procedure.
product G of finite groups G1 and G 2 amal- Then go to Step 1).
gamating a subgroup H. We choose sets of At each stage of Step 2), the number of
coset representatives of G1 and G 2 by H. Sup- u k's is reduced. Hence, the algorithm ends
pose that g = u 1 u 2 ...u n, is a product of alter- within at most 2n+1 steps if the length of the
nate elements from G1 and G 2 , that is, if u i input is n. Therefore, Algorithm 1 takes only
G 1 then u i+1G 2 and vice versa. We give an linear time.
algorithm that finds the normal form s 1 s 2 ...s n
of g as follows: 4 The modular group
Algorithm 1
INPUT: A decomposition u 1 u 2 ...u n of an The group of 22 matrices over rational
element g in G 1 * H 1 = H 2 G 2 as a integers with determinant 1 is called the mod-
product of alternate sequence of ular group and denoted by SL (2, Z ), that is,
elements from G1 and G 2.
OUTPUT: The normal form s 1 s 2 ...s n of g.
Step 0) .
We note that u 1G 1 or u 2G 2. We now This group appears often in the literature
assume that u 1G 1. Then we have u 1 = s 1 v 1 of number theory, complex analysis, hyperbol-
where s 1 is a representative of H in G 1 and v 1 ic geometry, discrete group theory and combi-
H. We rewrite g as g = s 1 v 1u 2u 3... u n. We natorial group theory. The modular group has
note that s 1G 1 and u 2G 2. In the case that been studied profoundly, and hence, we have a
u 1G 2, we do the similar process. lot of technology provided in those areas of
Step 1) mathematics toward creating cryptosystems
We suppose that we have g = s 1 s 2...s m vm using it. For more information on the modular
u t u t+1...u n where v m H and s 1 is a representa- group, we refer the reader to6and13.
tive of G 1 or G 2 , such that if s 1G 1 then s i+1 Let A and B be the matrices in S L (2, Z )
G 2 or vice versa and also if s mG 1 then u t given by
104 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.52 Nos.1/2 2005
and B 1 generating S L(2, Z ) and subject to the
6 4 3 2
relations A 1 = B 1 = 1and A 1 = B 1. We now
review the action of the modular group on the
Furthermore, it is known that A and B upper half plane of the Gaussian plane. We
generate S L (2, Z ). As a matter of fact,S L (2, denote the upper half plane by H, that is,
Z ) has the presentation
where C is the field of all complex numbers
This simply implies that S L (2, Z ) is the and Im(z) is the imaginary part of the complex
free product of the cyclic group < A> of order number z. Let M be a matrix in S L(2, Z ). A
6 and the cyclic group < B> of order 4 amal- fractional linear (Mbius) transformation f M
gamating the cyclic group H = < A 3> = < B 2> determined by the matrix M is given by:
= {I , -I}, of order 2. Therefore, every element For zC $z,
of S L (2, Z ) is uniquely written as a normal
form. We choose
as the set of coset representatives of H in
< A>. We choose
106 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.52 Nos.1/2 2005
Proposition 4 rithm 2 consecutively within linear time.
The algorithm above stops within 2n + 1
steps if the length of the normal form for N is 5 A functional cryptosystem using
n. Moreover, if L = (X 1, X x, ..., X n) where X k is the modular group
A, A2 or B, then the normal form for N with
respect to A and B is X 1, X x, ..., X n up to I. Let us define two backward deterministic
systems using the action of S L (2, Z ) on the
Proof: We note that A and B generate upper half plane and apply the scheme of
S L (2, Z) and that O is a fundamental domain functional cryptosystems in Section 2. Let A 1
of H. It follows that every point p on the upper and B 1 be generators of SL (2, Z) subject to A 1
4 3 2
half plane can be written as = B 1 = 1 and A 1 = B 1. We have seen that there
are infinitely many choices for A 1 and B 1. We
choose a word V 1, V 2 on letters A 1 and B 1 such
where q is in O and MSL (2, Z). that V 1 and V 2 generate a free subsemigroup of
Furthermore, it is easy to verify that SL (2, Z ), that is, if two words X 1 and X 2 on V 1
coincides with V 2 as elements of S L (2, Z ),
then X 1 and X 2 are identical as words on V 1
and and V 2. Furthermore, we require that every
concatenation of V 1 and V 2 is in the normal
form with respect to A 1 and B 1, that V 1 is not
Suppose that N is in SL(2, Z) and that its an initial segment of V 2 and that V 2 is not an
normal form is X 1, X x, ..., X n where X k is A, A2 initial segment of V 1. For example, the matri-
or B for each k = 1, 2, ..., n up to I . Take an ces (B 1 A 1) i and (B 1 A 1) j form a freesubsemi-
arbitrary point y from O. We can obtain infor- group of S L (2, Z ) for all positive integers i
mation of the first letter of the normal form by and j and satisfy our requirements. It is easy to
the position of the point Ny on the upper half find such a pair of matrices in general using
plane. If X 1 is A, then Ny must lie in P. If X 2 is the combinatorics on words. We choose a
A2, then Ny must lie in Q. If X 1 is B , then Ny matrix M arbitrarily from GL (2, C ) and set
must lie in R. For instance, if X 1X 2 = AB , then
Ny must be in P and we obtain X 1 = A and X 2 =
B. Similarly we can deduce in other cases. We Recall that GL (2, C ) is the group of all
should note that the algorithm ends exactly in 22 invertible matrices on the complex num-
n steps if the length of the normal form is n. ber field C. We note that W 1 and W 2 are SL (2,
To find the matrix N and its normal form C ) since for each i = 1, 2 we have
with respect to A and B, one can employ the
standard reduction algorithm (Algorithm
7.4.2. in2) to find a decomposition of the
matrix into some matrices and Algorithm 1,
however, Algorithm 2 seems much faster than We should note that S L(2, C ) acts on the
the combination of the reduction algorithm upper half plane H in the same way as SL (2,
and Algorithm 1. We should also remark that Z ) acts on H in terms of fractional linear trans-
since we can find the normal form for a matrix formations. Let = M-1H = {M-1qqH}. Let
MS L (2, Z ) with respect to the matrices A p be a point on such that the point Mp is in
and B within liner time using Algorithm 2, we the interior of the fundamental domain O.
can also find the normal form for M with Therefore S L (2, Z ) acts faithfully on Mp
respect to the other generators A1 and B1 of up to I , that is, if LMp = NMp for L, N
6 4
S L (2, Z ) satisfying the relations A 1 = 1 = B 1 SL (2, Z) then we have L = N. Let fM : H
3 2
and A 1 = B 1 by using Algorithm 1 and Algo- be the fractional linear mapping defined by
108 Journal of the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Vol.52 Nos.1/2 2005
field of complex numbers to a finite extension the decomposition and then checking whether
field of the field of rational numbers. It is pos- or not it gives the correct answer. However,
sible to realize the field operation of a splitting this is a non-deterministic polynomial time
field of an irreducible polynomial over the algorithm and so takes exponential time.
field of rational numbers on computers. We Hence, it is slow for the breaking the system.
should also note that N is not necessarily Therefore, the backward deterministic system
equal to M and that if N is distinct from M, (W 1, W 2, p, ) is considered intractable. On
the eavesdropper still has a problem to decrypt the other hand, the backward deterministic
the message because N does not necessarily system (V 1, V 2, f M (p), H) is tractable because
yield free generators of a free subsemigroup of we can employ geometry of the upper half
SL(2, Z ) satisfying our requirements. For, plane. In mathematics, geometry often pro-
even if matrices U 1 and U 2, words on genera- vides a fast algorithm as Algorithm 2. The
tors A 2 and B2 of SL(2, Z ) subject to the rela- first backward system is associated to the
6 4 3 2
tions A 2 = 1 = B 2 and A 2 = B 2, form a set of space which is intractable, on the other
free generators of a free subsemigroup, a con- hand, the second system is associated to the
catenation of them is not necessarily in the upper half plane that we have good under-
normal form with respect to A 2 and B2, and standing. The difference between the two sys-
hence, there is still a trouble to retrieve the tems lies in geometry.
plain text.
Another possible attack is to find the 7 Conclusion
matrix E and decompose it directly to the
product of W 1 and W 2. There might be a smart We explain attempts in1415. There are
way to find and decompose the matrix E. Of several research on attacks on the proposed
course, if the matrix E is found, then the systems. We would like to take into considera-
eavesdropper can decompose E by guessing tion such attacks and make a progress.
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