New Guinea Tropical Ecology12

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The New Guinea Tropical Ecology and

Biodiversity Digest

April 2002 Issue 12

The beautiful illustration above is one of several created by Benson, an artist from Goroka. These ink drawings have been
made into postcards and notecards that can be purchased to support the Tree Kanagaroo Research Project. They are currently
available at the Melanesian Art Gallery in Lae. For more information please contact Lisa Dabek, phone (1) 401-785-3510, fax
(1) 401-941-3988, email

Please send all contributions and corrections to either the mail, fax, or email address listed below.
mail: Debra Wright, P.O. Box 277, Goroka EHP, Papua New Guinea, fax: (675) 732-2461, email:

Please note our web address

This issue we want to thank the Wildlife Conservation Society for providing financial support -- this is much appreciated!
If you have internet access, the digest is available on the web at:
If you want to look at it there and/or print out a hard copy from this site that would save us xeroxing and postage. Please send
a note saying that this is fine for you and include your current e-mail address; I will send you an email announcement whenever
a new issue comes out so you can check the web site. Thanks!
If you need back issues of the Digest, please let us know and we will mail them to you (or you can download them from the
web site).
We try to get a new issue out every six months so the information stays relatively up-to-date. Please dont forget to send in
any information you can contribute!

Editorials and Letters

Anybody want to expound on his or her thoughts or solicit opinions about something? Please send in anything that you would
like to see appear here! Opinions are from the author and dont necessarily reflect those of the editor or WCS.

New Guinea Conservation Updates

Updates anyone??

Water hyacinth threatens 100,000 square kilometres of Indonesia wetlands

From Donna Luckman, WWF
WWF's Tropical Wetlands Oceania programme is to Working with Australia's Commonwealth Scientific
support efforts to eradicate the water hyacinth which threatens Investigative Research Organisation and the Centre for
more than 100,000 square kilomentres of wetlands in the Tropical Wetlands Management at the Northern Territory
Southern Papua region of Indonesia. As part of this effort, University, a training curriculum for the biocontrol
WWF staff undertook a four-week visit to affected districts to programme has also been developed for local villagers.
survey the distribution of water hyacinth and assess the need ''During the the four- week trip it was disappointing to see
for biocontrol. It now seems that the water hyacinth is much how quickly water hyacinth has spread since its initial
more wide-spread than originally thought. The water hyacinth accidental introduction to Merauke in 1990. Virtually all
(Eichhornia crassipes) is a major threat to the biodiversity of waterways and wetlands visited were affected by the weed and
wetlands in Southern Papua. A native of South America, water those that are not yet affected soon will be if we don't act
hyacinth grows so abundantly that it literally chokes the life quickly" said Michele Bowe, WWF'S Tropical Wetlands
out of tropical wetlands causing problems for wildlife and Oceania Programme Manager who took part in the trip. "There
people alike. are still another 10 districts to visit and it is quite likely the
Staff from WWF's Tropical Wetlands of Oceania programme will need to cover the whole of greater Merauke -
programme and WWF's Sahul Bioregion recently travelled by a vast area of over 117,000 square kilometres. We are
car, motorbike and long boat to nine districts distributing currently deciding on our best strategy for undertaking the
awareness raising posters and stickers and discussing the biocontrol work on such a vast scale."
water hyacinth problem with communities. Before the WWF Following the success of pilot training projects at
team began its mission, communities along their itinerary were Wasur National Park, Park staff are now releasing the
alerted by radio broadcasts about the initiative and even biocontrol insect on a routine basis. Reduction of water
remote communities came to know where the WWF team hyacinth in Park wetlands indicates that the program has been
would make scheduled stops. In each district, meetings were a major success. Further training work and release of the
held with the district administration, church groups and the weevil has now occurred in Timika, Kimaam and Bade on the
whole community to discuss the water hyacinth problem and south coast. WWF is now working to establish the program in
how the biocontrol programme offers a solution to the other locations.
problem. All districts were keen to take part in the programme For further information contact Donna Luckman or
which involves the setting up of breeding pools of the Michele Bowe, WWF Tropical Wetlands of Oceania
Neochetina eichorniae weevil. Neochetina is a native predator Programme, Tel. +61 (0)8 8941 7554, Fax. +61 (0)8 8941
of water hyacinth in South America which eats its way 6494, Email: or mbowe@wwf,org,au
through the weed, gradually reducing the area it covers. Publication: WWF & CTWM, Biological Control of Water
The villagers release the weevil into waterways infested with Hyacinth, Nov 2000. (Copies in English and Indonesian)
water hyacinth.

Establishing Community-Based Marine Protected Areas in Milne Bay Province, Papua

New Guinea
For a full copy of the paper, please contact Pamela Seeto, Conservation International-PNG, P.O. Box 106, Waigani, NCD,
Papua New Guinea, Ph: (675) 323 1532, Fax: (675) 325 4234, Email:
Abstract: Papua New Guinea is one of the worlds depend upon them. It is therefore imperative to secure a
biologically richest countries, with the most diverse representative sample of habitat and associated marine
assemblage of tropical marine ecosystems of any area of biodiversity in Milne Bay for its long-term conservation. To
comparable size on Earth. Milne Bay, the largest maritime this end, CI will work to establish a network of community-
province in PNG, contributes greatly to this richness. based marine protected areas (MPAs) throughout a variety of
Conservation International's (CI) Marine Rapid Assessment habitats in Milne Bay. To do this, CI works closely with local
Program has determined Milne Bays marine ecosystem to be communities, the private sector and the government in a
one of the countrys most important areas for marine and collaborative and participatory process. This paper outlines the
coastal biodiversity. Destructive fishing practices, land-based collaborative process used to conserve Milne Bay's
activities and over-exploitation of marine resources threaten biodiversity and achieve sustainable marine resource use. It
this globally significant system, the resource benefits it highlights lessons learned and provides recommendations on
provides, and the livelihoods of those communities who how to establish networks of community-based MPAs.
One landscape, two lands: what the international border means for community-based
natural resource conservation in southern New Guinea
For a copy of the full paper please contact the author: Michele Bowe Program Manager, Tropical Wetlands of Oceania
Program, World Wide Fund for Nature Australia, P.O. Box 1268, Darwin, NT 0801, Australia
Abstract: This paper examines the differences of boundaries have legal status following publication in the
approach taken by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in National Gazette and therefore the traditional land and
its work on natural resource conservation in the Indonesian resource rights of local communities are fully recognised
and Papua New Guinean parts of southern New Guinea. Since nationally and locally reflected in the management rules. The
1991 WWF has been working with local people and role of local indigenous communities in Tonda WMA
government agencies to assist in the development of natural seemingly represents the ideal in terms of locally owned and
resource management planning in two contiguous driven natural resource management policy. The twin realities
conservation areas: Wasur National Park in Indonesia and of increasingly slim government support for WMAs and the
Tonda Wildlife Management Area in PNG. Although the two strong connection of landownership and royalties from
conservation areas protect a similar landscape with identical tourism and hunting as a revenue earner mean that there is
environmental problems, WWFs difference of approach in often conflict in the community in terms of land disputes
the two areas is dictated by the very different social, political leading to disillusionment and occasional unrest.
and economic realities of the two countries. While in theory Wasur lies far to the opposite end of
Wasur National Park, situated in the Merauke the continuum of indigenous community input and legal
Regency of West Papua / Irian Jaya is the management involvement in natural resource management from Tonda,
responsibility of the Indonesian Ministry of Forestrys each model can valuably inform the other. Over the past three
Directorate of Protection and Nature Conservation (PKA). The years WWF has placed considerable emphasis on cross-border
Park covers the traditional lands of several indigenous groups collaboration as a means to solving a number of intractable
the Marind, Marori-Mengev, Yei and Kanum group of environmental problems, including issues of weed invasion,
peoples. Currently indigenous communities have no legal role exotic and feral animals, as well as fire management. These
in the management of the Park. However WWF is working issues do not respect the political boundary and require a
closely with a local NGO, several Traditional Community concerted effort on both sides to successfully tackle them.
Associations and the Wasur Park Management Authority to WWFs Tri-National Wetlands Program is emphasising cross-
develop a collaborative co-management model for the Park. visits for community members and government officials to
Contiguous to Wasur, across the international border raise awareness of threats and different management styles,
in PNG, is the 590,000 ha Tonda Wildlife Management Area. conducting joint training workshops and some collaborative
The western part of Tonda covers land of the Kanum group of research. At one end of the management authority and
peoples and thus there are family ties and shared traditions responsibility continuum Tonda is struggling for resources and
with many of the Wasur residents. The WMA is managed by a government assistance in order operationalise the ideal, while
Committee, which is comprised of locally elected landowners. at the other end the people of Wasur with ten years of
The Committees function is to develop rules that govern resourcing and support still strive for autonomy and legal
management and exploitation of wildlife, as well as decide on recognition. A practical reality would seem to contain
WMA boundaries. Committee members, WMA rules and elements of both models.

Update on Agarwood
From James Compton, Traffic
TRAFFIC Oceania and WWF South Pacific sustainable management of harvest and trade cannot provide
Programme, in collaboration with the Secretariat of the definitive direction until a best practice model is developed.
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species Botanical and forestry knowledge of agarwood-producing
(CITES), published a report The Final Frontier: Towards species in PNG and West Papua is relatively low. Therefore,
Sustainable Management of Papua New Guineas Agarwood the design of a management plan would be best developed
Resource in October 2001. The report, launched in with the technical expertise of individuals with experience
conjunction with the PNG National Forest Service, was based gleaned from other range states for agarwood-producing
on field surveys conducted in East Sepik province and marks species. In addition, many of these range states have witnessed
the first step in getting to grips with the harvest of trees substantial over-harvest of agarwood in the past 30 years to
producing this non-timber forest product in PNG. It satisfy increasing market demand.
recommends several follow-up activities and advocates that Agarwood, eaglewood, gaharu and aloeswood are all
further research addresses agarwood issues germane to the names for the resinous, fragrant and highly valuable
Indonesian province of West Papua (Irian Jaya) and links the heartwood produced primarily by Aquilaria species, in the
New Guinea situation to the global trade in agarwood. family Thymelaeaceae. Over 1000 tonnes of agarwood was
While there is significant potential in the sustainable reported in international trade in 1998 under the name
development of agarwood as an eco-enterprise in New Guinea Aquilaria malaccensis although there are 15 species in the
and other source areas, several challenges remain. The enigma genus and eight are known to produce agarwood. Aquilaria
of agarwood formation (it is found naturally in approximately malaccensis is the only species listed on CITES Appendix II.
10-20% of mature trees in some species of the genera Populations of eight Aquilaria species have declined to the
Aquilaria and Gyrinops) means that the in-situ management point where they are categorised as threatened according to
needs are somewhat unclear. At this stage, the work being IUCN Red List Categories. Of these, six are considered at risk
conducted in New Guinea, while it has clear goals of from over-exploitation for agarwood.
In PNG the gaharu resource is newly discovered and Grading gaharu is a complicated process of
interest in the harvest and trade is still rising. At this stage, evaluating the size, colour, odour, weight and flammability of
both under-exploited as well as unexploited stands of gaharu the wood. Application of grade codes (Super A, A, B, C, D, E)
still exist. Villagers are still learning how to harvest agarwood also varies between buyers.
and manage the trees. PNG therefore provides a unique Asian buyers are mostly based in Vanimo, though
opportunity to promote the establishment of a sustainable several have been reported to buy in Wewak when there is
agarwood industry. Understanding of the dynamics of the demand. Most Asian buyers have PNG nationals working for
trade and developing an appropriate regulatory framework at them who are sent as agents out to the village communities
local community and national levels may still enable the to assay and purchase gaharu. In the villages the prices paid in
sustainable management and conservation of viable Kina per gram or kilogram, but buyers are paying the
populations, something that has not really been achieved in equivalent of up to USD450 per kilo for A class agarwood.
other agarwood source countries. Regulatory Environment and Government
Identification: Herbarium specimens collected in Institutions: At present, the PNG Forest Authority has
East Sepik and Sandaun Provinces, from agarwood-producing specified that the following documents need to be obtained in
trees, have been identified as Gyrinops ledermanii Domke on order to legally trade in Eaglewood (agarwood) from PNG:
the basis of flowering and fruiting material. At present, there 1) Certificate of Company Registration;
are three agarwood-producing species known from New 2) Forest Industry Participant Certificate;
Guinea; Aquilaria filaria, Gyrinops versteegii and G. 3) Timber License (plus PGK50,000 bond);
ledermannii. The former two are only recorded from West 4) Export License (for each shipment).
Papua (Indonesia), however it is conceivable that these two Conservation status: Gyrinops ledermannii does
species also occur in PNG and that there are more agarwood- appear to be under significant threat at the population level
producing species than is presently known. Further surveys from felling by villagers in their efforts to harvest gaharu. The
and herbarium specimens of gaharu-producing plants are volume of trade is certainly much greater than that being
needed from New Guinea and nearby islands to establish the recorded at present. Further data is required to enable
identity and distribution of the species involved. confident application of an IUCN conservation category for
Taxonomy: The recording of another Gyrinops Gyrinops ledermannii.
species that produces gaharu emphasises the need for further Recommended actions: Cooperation is needed
taxonomic research into the relationship between Aquilaria between the stakeholders to develop management programs
and Gyrinops. These are closely related genera and only able for harvesting and trade in agarwood, including further
to be consistently distinguished on the basis of a single engagement with community groups in the decision-making
character. In Aquilaria the number of stamens is twice the and management process. At the national level, co-operation
number of the petals (ie. 10) while in Gyrinops there are equal has begun with the establishment of the Inter-Agency
numbers of stamens as petals (ie. 5). Committee, comprising representatives from the PNG
Geographical and Ecological Distribution: The National Forest Service, PNG Forest Research Institute, PNG
occurrence of Gyrinops ledermannii has only been confirmed Office of Environment and Conservation and the PNG Internal
from Sandaun and East Sepik Provinces. Anecdotal Revenue Commission.
information from villagers and buyers indicates the possible National and regional management plans need to be
occurrence of agarwood-producing species in other provinces developed that provide for the development of best practice
of Papua New Guinea. harvesting guidelines, grading guidelines, and the
Gyrinops ledermannii has been observed as a mid- development of a business enterprise model to promote the
canopy tree species in lowland forests on mountains, hills and independence of local communities and resource owners.
slopes probably below 1000 m altitude and in flat areas with a Awareness raising and training materials need to be
seasonally high water table but not inundated for long periods. developed and should be targeted at different groups including
Soils are usually sticky yellow to red clays, with a thin humus landowners, traders, government officials and other
layer and often with a dense surface root mat. Distribution of commercial operations. Until more knowledge is available on
plants in the forest appears to be strongly clumped with often a the management needs of the species being harvested, the
very high but localised density of trees. focus should be on promoting less destructive harvesting, the
Harvest and Trade Dynamics: Substantial conservation of immature trees, and planting regimes.
Agarwood trade from Papua New Guinea began around 1997 Research is necessary for the development of a
in Sandaun Province. Trade from East Sepik Province began conservation and management strategy that incorporates both
in 1998. Early Asian buyers to visit the villages taught in-situ and ex-situ goals. This includes research into the
villagers to identify trees and techniques to harvest and clean species biology and ecology, agarwood formation, fungal
agarwood. pathology and propagation techniques. Research into
Agarwood normally forms where the tree has techniques for villagers to undertake propagation of seedlings,
sustained damage, either in the roots, the branches or in the enrichment planting and the establishment of woodlots is also
trunk. Villagers were told to cut out small amounts of the needed to ensure future access to an agarwood resource.
darker, resinous wood using their knives, but leave the tree Further field surveys in PNG are currently being planned by
standing. Only if there were large amounts of agarwood in the Australias CSIRO in conjunction with FRI.
heartwood were they told to cut the tree down. In practice, As part of a national management strategy, a strong
villagers find these techniques time consuming and physically legislative framework is required to control and monitor
demanding, and trees are often chopped down to check the harvesting and trade in agarwood.
trunk, branches and roots.
For more information, contact Tim Dawson, WWFs The PDF version of the report can be downloaded from
Sustainable Forest Management co-ordinator for PNG , Or James Compton at

Wildlife Conservation Societys Asian Coral Reef Conservation Program

From William Kiene, WCS Marine Program
Summary: The Wildlife Conservation Societys Asian Coral resources are depleted and reef condition is diminished.
Reef Program is studying the ecological status of coral reefs of Where traditional management systems close reef areas to
Papua New Guinea and Indonesia. Its goals are to 1) rapidly fishing, and demand for fish is local, coral reef ecosystems are
assemble key indicators of coral reef health, 2) identify the relatively intact.
management strategies associated with marine protected areas Communicating our purpose and results to the local
and fisheries, and 3) determine how socio-economic and communities has become an important part of our procedures.
cultural practices influence resource extraction and its Together with our village surveys, our discussions with village
sustainability. By combining a suite of ecological and socio- leaders and others have given us valuable insights into the
economic measures, the program seeks to 4) define the human needs and desires of the local people that depend on coral
factors that promote or inhibit the conservation of the regions reefs. We have found a great deal of potential for helping the
coral reefs. people of PNG to understand their marine resources. While
During the initial three months (October - December providing an in-depth assessment of regional coral reef
2001), the program has developed an appropriate set of survey management and condition, our program also seeks to assist
techniques and trained three PNG staff assistants in these local communities to formulate options as they make decisions
methods. At the end of this period, the field team has gathered about their coral reefs and their economic future.
socio-economic information at 4 villages and ecological data Researchers: Error! Reference source not found.;
at 21 coral reef sites within the influence of these villages. Josh Cinner, Fisheries and Socio-Economic Specialist; Tracy
Papua New Guineas social structure allows for local Clark, Coral Reef Benthic Invertebrate Specialist; Michael
ownership of coral reefs and their resources. As a result, local Marnane, Coral Reef Fishes Specialist.
traditions govern how coral reefs are used and protected. Our PNG Staff: John Ben, Socio-Economic Assistant;
initial results have identified a range of extraction and Ian Liviko, Coral Reef Fishes Assistant; Ruby Yamuna, Coral
management practices that may have had a significant impact Reef Benthic Invertebrate Assistant.
on reef fish and invertebrate populations. In certain areas of Initial Project Duration: October 2001 March 3003.
intensive fishing, where the market for reef fish and For more information or for a copy of the full report,
invertebrates extends beyond local consumption, reef please contact Bill Kiene on

Kikiro Integrated Conservation and Development Project

Quarterly Report 1 Jul-30 Sep 2001
From Max Kuduk
Project Goal and Objectives: The goal of the project is to samples collected from Lake Kutubu after reports of localised
contribute to the conservation of the biodiversity of the Kikori fish die-off. The results indicated no sign of pollution from
Basin. Under the goal, there are four objectives: To build the substances tested for. The Conservation Science
community capacity to make sound natural resource Coordinator produced and distributed a report to respective
management decisions, To assist groups to benefit from stakeholders, particularly landowners.
community-operated sustainable eco-enterprises, To assist The project received the report from botanists at Kew
community groups to implement sustainable resource Garden on the palm survey conducted in November last year.
management, and To contribute to the enabling environment Fifty-five species of palms were recorded. Significant
for biodiversity conservation in the Kikori catchment. findings included: at least two undescribed species of palm;
Executive Summary: the first collection of the palm Calamus altiscandens since
Project staff conducted radio-tracking of the White- 1939 which was previously only known from the holotype
bellied Mosaic-tailed Rat (Melomys leucogaster) at Iviri eco- collection in that year by Brass; the extension of the
forestry area during August. A primary objective of the radio- distribution of Pinanga punicea by 200km to the west (it was
tracking study was to determine the home range of this previously only known from Western Province); a high
species. The aim was to determine if this species moves over diversity of Heterospathe species with three species growing
a large enough area to make it a sensitive enough indicator of symmetrically.
impacts of eco-forestry when only a small number of trees are The project produced two desktop published reports
being removed per hectare. of the Mt. Sisa biodiversity survey conducted in 1999. The
The project produced a list of all the science reports report on the mammal component found that forty species of
that have come out from the project to date. A total of 54 mammals were recorded from the higher altitude forests above
reports were recorded including all published and unpublished 2000m including the new species of Murexia. The report of
reports of the biodiversity surveys conducted in the project the moth survey found that Mt. Sisa supports a rich and
area since the inception of the project, and other research and diverse moth fauna, and individual sites had a highly endemic
conservation science study reports. moth fauna restricted to each site. There was little overlap in
The project received the results of water quality species between sites. A total of 812 species of moth were
testing done in May by a Brisbane laboratory on water recorded.
Permanent one hectare monitoring plots at Iviri eco- Planning Workshop. Project staff also attended this meeting.
forestry area established in 1998 were re-surveyed in August With partner organisations, Environmental Law Centre,
to monitor changes in mammal and plant communities. Small Greenpeace, Ecoseeds and Bismarck Ramu Group, a plan was
mammals were re-trapped which resulted in 171 captures of developed to strengthen conservation and development work
99 marked individuals of Melomys leucogaster. Forty-six bats in the Bosavi-Bamu areas.
of three species were also captured. This past quarter the project produced and printed an
Iviri Timbers sawmill personnel have begun additional eight mini-posters in Tok Pisin. More than 100
establishing a village-based forest nursery to raise seedlings of mini-posters have been laminated, trimmed, and sorted into
Xylocarpus granatum (Mangrove Cedar) for reforestation. their respective categories.
Project staff visited the site and offered advice on the layout Consultant Laina Pangasa completed a report on his
design and general management of the nursery. work on training community development workers with
The Masters student being jointly sponsored by the KORA over the past six months. He began another three-
project and Conservation Melanesia, continues his research on month assignment to conduct community development
comparison of regeneration in natural gaps, gaps created by workers training in Bosavi. He will spend a month each in
eco-forestry and closed forest. Project staff continued to Didesa, Fogomaiyu, and Musula conducting this training.
provide on-going assistance during the quarter. Since its inception, the Kikori Project has been a
Project staff visited Fogomaiyu village and made an WWF-US project. In order to achieve greater regional
assessment of the vanilla cuttings distributed by the project for integration within the WWF South Pacific Programme, the
planting in July. The vanilla cuttings planted in two separate WWF network agreed last year that Phase 3 of the project will
blocks adjacent to each other are growing well. be a WWF South Pacific project. The project is working with
Project staff met and made arrangements with the the WWF network to complete all transition steps by next
Bismarck Ramu Group to collaborate to produce educational quarter.
awareness radio programmes. Copies of the first six audio At the end of September a change in management of
tapes were presented to Bismarck Ramu Group. Kikori project was effected. Dan McCall, the Projects
The project management made a decision to put on Manager who has worked with the project since September
hold all activities regarding the projects assistance to Darkend 1997, left to take up an assignment as Conservation Manager
Lumber group for the time being. Since most clan groups for WWF PNGs programme and is now based at Port
have signed either the Forest Management Agreement (FMA) Moresby. Effective 1 October 2001, Max Kuduk took up the
or the Supplementary FMA, the project is unable to assist Project Manager position. Tanya Leary, the former
them with their planned eco-forestry activities, as they no Conservation Science Coordinator also left to take up a Project
longer retain tenure over their forest resources. Manager position in Australia. The project staff are very
Personnel from Papua New Guinea Forest Authority grateful for their leadership, which has contributed much to
and Office of Environment and Conservation carried out the success of our work during their years of work here. We
separate investigations to look into the issue of harvesting of wish both Dan and Tanya all the best in their endeavours.
the mangroves in the lower Kikori area. The officers visited The project has completed its move to CDIs Moro 2
Kikori Pacifics central processing facilities at Kikori and Iviri Camp. Until new email connections are established, staff
Timbers sawmill site. They visited the sites where the logs continue to use their former email addresses. The new contacts
have been harvested and were quite impressed with good are as follows: phone (675) 278 6638 / (675) 278 6217, and
forestry practices of the operations. fax: (675) 278 6203.
The project assisted with travel arrangements for
three Bosavi leaders to attend the Bosavi-Bamu Network

Kikiro Integrated Conservation and Development Project

Quarterly Report 1 Oct-31Dec 2001
From Max Kuduk
Executive Summary: The four permanent monitoring plots at Iviri eco-
Dr. Steve Richards, a frog biologist and honorary forestry area established in 1998 were re-surveyed in
curator from South Australian Museum conducted frogs and November/December to monitor changes in mammal and
reptiles survey around Kutubu/Moro, Gobe and Kikori areas plant communities. Small mammals were re-trapped from the
between the 18th October and the 2nd November 2001. A total permanent one-hectare plots and there were a total of 98
of 62 different kinds of frogs and 29 reptiles from the three individual captures of rats (Melomys leucogaster), one
areas surveyed were collected. At least 15 of the frog species Uromys caudimaculatus (Mottle - tailed Giant), and 26
may be new to science, and may only occur here. individuals of three different species of bats were caught and
The moth consultant, Andrew Kinibel finished identified.
making corrections to the list of the moth database. He also Biatus Bito, the Masters student being jointly
wrote a short article on mimicking moths known from the sponsored by WWF and Conservation Melanesia (CM), left
project area. the project on the 21st December 2001 after completing his 18
The Forest Ecologist identified 99 plant specimens months field work on comparing regeneration in natural gaps,
from CFI Plots at Darkend Lumber eco-forestry area to gaps created by eco-forestry and closed forest. During this
species names at the Lae Herbarium between 1 10 October quarter, he completed a chapter on seed dispersal, soil seed
2001. The data has been entered into the Projects Plant bank, seed dormancy and seed predation. He also completed
Database. the final enumerations at his study sites in Sirebi and
continued editing parts of his thesis on literature review, provided logistical support and facilitated a visit for four
methodology and data analysing. ChevronTexaco Auditors to Lake Kutubu and Tubo Lodge.
The Forest Ecologist completed a draft copy of the Conservation Science Officer accompanied Chevron CA
report titled Species composition and structure of one hectare Liaison Officer, Joe Paro, Lake Kutubu WMA Chairman,
logged forest in the mature mangrove forest of Kikori, Gulf David Ani and Stanley Wabi, Tubo Lodge representative and
Province, PNG. community leader on the tour.
Consultant, Chris Dal completed work on preparation Kikori Pacific Ltd has lodged an application for a
and registration of mammal specimens collected from the Timber Authority (TA) with the Papua New Guinea Forest
Kikori project area at the National Museum and UPNG mini- Authority to operate in the lower Turama area.
museum. A total of 72 specimens were registered. Community Outreach Officer and Consultant Lucy
Conservation Science Officer conducted the second Yomil facilitated a 3 day Gender Workshop in Fogomaiyu,
planning workshop of the proposed Wiroro-Makrosen WMA Mt. Bosavi. The workshop shop was conducted from the 15-
at Fogomaiyu for the Furidiki Kamano clan and other 17 October 2001. The objective of the workshop was to
landowning clans who did not attend the Iwatubu workshop, promote Gender Awareness and Personal Reflection on
which was held in April. At least 40 people attended the individual attitudes and behaviors. To challenge and change
workshop from Fogomaiyu and Seane Falls villages. towards achieving gender sensitivity in community
Conservation Science Officer and David Ani, the conservation work, their communities and families. The
Chairman of the Lake Kutubu WMA, visited nine villages workshop was attended by a total of 64 participants including
around Lake Kutubu on the 10th October 2001 to investigate 28 females.
and collect information about the reported presence of The Education Officer conducted awareness activities
European Carp (aka Common Carp) in the lake. Most of the amongst the Lake Kutubu communities from the 16-18
people interviewed have not actually seen the fish, but some October, based out at Tubo Lodge. He presented the results of
claim they are commonly found at Soro Creek. the Training Needs Analysis the staff and Management of
The Conservation Science staff accompanied Tubo Lodge. The purpose of this activity was to report back to
Chevron Community Affairs Lands officers on two visits to Tubo staff the results of the previously conducted Training
assess impacts of sedimentation by landslides at Moran-Sisibia Needs Analysis conducted last quarter.
road and investigate fish die-off at Otomo Creek. The Education Officer carried out awareness around
Kevin ORegan and Pascalis Pisiai (KPL), Amos Ona the Lake Kutubu area. Videotapes and radio programmes
(Projects Eco-forestry officer), Glen Pip (Business produced by the project (programmes 1 and 3) were played to
Development Officer - Gobe Petroleum Development Project) packed audiences at Yoobo and Tugiri villages and after
and Jason Patau (a Gobe small sawmill operator) made a joint which the issues were processed. One hundred educational
visit to Samberigi road to investigate the timber species found mini-posters on Kikori Basin Nature Resources and
in the area. If the proposed road construction extension goes Confusions in Development were also left in each community.
ahead, the potential of salvage logging seems possible. Consultant Laina Pangasa returned to the project
A consultant, Mr. John Wilmot engaged by Office of starting September 2001. The purpose of Lainas return was to
Environment and Conservation (OEC) visited Kikori area complete the Community Development training he had started
between 16th and 18th October 2001 to complete the within Bosavi during his previous contract with the project.
investigations and report on the issues of mangrove logging. Laina spent a month each in Didesa, Fogomaiyu and Musula
He met and held discussions with WWF staff, Kevin ORegan conducting Community Development training. Laina
of Kikori Pacific Ltd (KPL) and Mara Akaro of Iviri mills. He submitted a report on completion of his contract.
was taken on visits to the KPL central processing facility at Consultant Martin Kasbal has been engaged to
Kikori, the Iviri mill site and also visited the sites where trees categorize and sort projects digital images.
had been harvested. He will submit a report with Dr. Larry Orsak has been engaged to complete
recommendations to the OEC for further deliberations. production of a number of documents on eco-enterprises and
WWF staff and Chevron Community Affairs jointly education.

Current Research Updates

If you have recently finished work or are currently doing a project, please send a summary for inclusion in the next newsletter--
thanks! Remember that research articles should still be submitted to journals for publication. We just want to print a
summary of your work to let people know what is going on without having to wait for the lag-time involved in regular journal
publications and so that summaries of all current work in NG can be found in one location. We want to make it easy for
everyone to keep informed about all of the current research in New Guinea, so please send your information!
Foraging Behaviour, Den Sites and Movement of the Long-beaked Echidna, (Zaglossus
bruijnii) in the Crater Mountain Wildlife Management Area, Papua New Guinea
Muse D. Opiang, Honors student at UPNG
The long-beaked echidna is only found in New been tracked 22 August through 24 October 2001 and still has
Guinea and is IUCN listed as a critically endangered species. a working transmitter. The straight-line distance moved by
The long-beaked echidna, which had roamed the earth with echidnas in a single night ranged from 44 to 821 meters a
the Dinosaurs, is the oldest surviving mammal and very little night. The largest home range found was roughly 44 ha over a
is known about this elusive monotreme. The survival of this 7-week period.
animal is threatened by the lost of habitat and hunting Animals used the same den site for 1-20 consecutive
pressure. days (though typically 1-4 days). One animal was
The ground breaking study of the long-beaked underground for 20 days and burrowed 6 meters horizontally
echidna is a project of Zoological Parks and Garden Board of during this time and lost an average of 25g/day. The 22 den
Victoria (ZPGB) and Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). sites located had from 1 to 6 entrances (mean of 2). Echidnas
The pilot study was conducted between August and September showed no preference for canopy cover, entrance compass
2001 as my PET project while working with Research and direction, shrub canopy or soil type, but did seem to avoid flat
Conservation Foundation of PNG (RCF). The project ground and stony areas for den placement.
commenced in March 2001 with full funding from ZPGB. The This study would be greatly enhanced by having a
purpose of the pilot project was to determine the difficulities, method for sex determination in the wild, temperature
the practicalities and possibilities of obtaining quality data to sensitive transmitters that will not dislodge from the animal,
effectively study its ecology. microchip for long term identification of the animal and
Here is an abstract of the preliminary report that I receivers that are reliable under remote field conditions.
presented at Healesville Sanctuary, Melbourne Zoo, and
Melbourne National Museum. This project is the first study of the long-beaked
Abstract echidna and my sponsors, ZPGB and WCS have jointly
Nine long-beak echidnas were caught between pledged to support this project through my PHD. This study
August and 2000 and May and July 2001 in the Crater will be one of few high tech projects ever carried out in PNG
Mountain Wildlife Management Area in Chimbu Province, by a PNG scientist. It is a challenge to me and is also a
Papua New Guinea. Seventy percent were captured when motivation to young PNG Biologists to study and do research
found foraging at night and 30% were tracked to their den in our own land.
sites by following tracks from fresh feeding signs. I never Acknowledgments
found echidnas foraging in daylight and found no animal with I would like to acknowledge and thank the
eggs or pouch young. Mean juvenile mass was 4kg and adult Zoological Parks and Garden Board of Victoria and Wildlife
mass was 6.5kg. Mass was positively correlated with head Conservation Society for aiding this research. I especially
body length, but not with snout length or longest hind claw thank Garry Slater, Dr. Peter Temple-Smith and WCS for
length. One animal gained an average of 0.8 g/day over a making funds available. I thank Gary Slater and Jennifer
four-month period. Kingston for training in the field and Andrew Mack and Debra
The first three echidnas captured (2000) were not Wright for help with data analysis and writing. I am also
radio-tracked. Of the 6 tracked animals, three were never grateful to Dr. Peggy Rismiller for teaching me new
heard again after being released and two dislodged their techniques at Healesville Sanctuary and to the monotreme
transmitters after 5 and 51 days respectively. I followed one keepers at Healesville Sanctuary for letting us use their
animal for 42 days until the transmitter started emitting a animals for training.
steady signal and then presumably quit. The last animal has

Dispersion, habitat use, hunting behaviour, vocalizations and conservation status of the
New Guinea Harpy Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae)
Mark Watson, The Game Conservancy Trust, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, SP6 1EH U.K.
and Smith Asoyama, Herowana Village, c/o Research and Conservation Foundation. Box 1261, Goroka, EHP, PNG
Abstract--We studied dispersion, habitat use, Cassowary (Casuarius bennetti), New Guinea Megapode
hunting behavior, vocalizations and conservation status of the (Megapodius decollatus) and an arboreal marsupial. Eagles
New Guinea Harpy Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae) from called mainly by day, near sunup. Spectrogram analysis
December 1998 to October 1999 in Crater Mountain Wildlife revealed two main types of call. A continuous, low frequency
Management Area (CMWMA), Eastern Highlands Province, call was used to advertise territory and for contact between
Papua New Guinea. From territory mapping it was estimated mates over distances <2 km. A higher frequency, chicken-like
that mean home range size was 13.0 km2/pair (n=5, SD=3.9). call was used in interactions between individuals that were
However, one pair was followed on 42 d over 4 mo and was close to each other and during hunting, perhaps as a stimulus
only ever recorded in an area of 0.25 km2. We observed the or lure for prey. In contrast to the rest of the Highlands, eagles
male hunting in this area 6 d for a total of 510 min. A small were protected from hunting inside CMWMA under
sample of prey items included ground-dwelling species such agreements between villagers and international conservation
as forest wallaby (Dorcopsulus sp.), juvenile Dwarf organizations. The Peregrine Fund funded this research.
IPCA set to begin biological survey with BP in Papua
From INCL: Indo-Pacific Conservation News, Vol. 2 (1), January 2002
IPCA is set to carry out full scale rapid biological Our research teams are composed of expert
assessment of the new British Petroleum (BP) natural gas international and Indonesian scientists. Participating biologists
project areas in Tangguh, Papua, Indonesia. The Tangguh include Dr. Wayne Takeuchi (PNG Forest Research Institute),
project, with an estimated cost of at least $2 billion, will be R. Maturbongs (University of Papua), Dr. Vojtech Novotny
one of BP's global flagship projects. Our survey, which is set (Smithsonian), M. Amir (LIPI - Indonesian Institute of
to begin in early February 2002, will be a joint effort between Sciences), Dr. Scott Miller (Smithsonian), Dr. Gerald Allen
IPCA, BP, and P.T. Hatfindo Prima, an affiliate of Hatfield (West Australian Museum), Mr. Samuel Renyaan
Associates, a Canadian consulting firm. When fully (Cenderawasih University), Dr. Allen Allison (Bishop
operational in 2006, the liquefied natural gas (LNG) facilities Museum), Dr. Helen Kurniati (LIPI), Dr. Bas van Balen
of Tangguh will produce approximately 7 million tons of LNG (Wageningen University), Dr. James Menzies (University of
per year. BP indicates that among its top priorities is to Adelaide), and others. The combined local and international
improve health and education services for nearby villages and experience encourages two-way transfer of scientific and local
7,000 people directly affected by the project, as well as to knowledge between local and international scientists. The
have as small a "footprint" on local rainforest and mangrove survey will also support the broader endeavor of documenting
habitat as possible. Papua's flora and fauna for purposes of conservation biology
This survey follows a site visit to Tangguh by Burke and natural resource management in the province.
Burnett, IPCA Executive Director, in March 2001. His report The Indo-Pacific Conservation Alliance (IPCA) is a
to BP highlighted the urgent need for this survey, in order to non-profit scientific and educational organization dedicated to
better understand the biodiversity of Tangguh and how it will the study and conservation of the native ecosystems of the
be affected by changing land uses both on-site and in adjacent tropical Indo-Pacific region and support for traditional peoples
areas that have been converted to oil palm plantations by in their stewardship of these globally significant natural
companies unrelated to BP. The Bomberai Peninsula where resources.
Tangguh is located is, like much of Papua, poorly understood To subscribe to the IPCA newsletter or for more
and under-documented scientifically. Our survey will address information please contact: Indo-Pacific Conservation
BP's need to document the flora and fauna of Tangguh, while Alliance, 1620-D Belmont Street, NW, Washington, DC
also providing critical data that conservation science requires 20009, Tel. 202-939-9773, Fax 202-265-1169, Email:
to plan and manage sustainable development and conservation or In
initiatives in Papua. IPCA believes that this sort of project Indonesia, Tel: 021-780-0050, Email:,
illustrates how "win-win" solutions can result when scientists WWW:
and conservation organizations work in partnership with
responsible corporations.

Investigating large scale vegetation change in the Transfly

From Michele Bowe, WWF
Over the past forty years the savanna landscapes of and changes in the way people use fire over the landscape.
the Transfly in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea have Traditionally people practice burning early in the dry season to
dramatically changed. The encroachment of Melalueca trees protect important resources from late hot season fires, by
across large areas of seasonally flooded grassland is turning progressively burning on a small-scale to create a mosaic
what were once rich and diverse wetlands into a monoculture patchwork effect of vegetation. In more recent years, hot fires
of melaleuca scrub. burn large tracts of land later in the season. The Rusa Deer
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) in collaboration since they were introduced about sixty years ago, have thrived
with researchers form the Northern Territory University are in the Transfly area where there is an abundance of palatable
undertaking comprehensive vegetation mapping of the grasses. According to local communities, there has also been
Transfly region. Aerial photographs taken over the last forty a drastic reduction in some species of wetland grasses notably
years and satellite imagery taken at intervals of 10 years are Phragmites karka and Eleocharis spp. Researchers believe
used to create a series of maps of the Transfly area. By that the reduction in these grasses in conjunction with changes
comparing these maps we can determine the temporal and in the use of fire has lead to the encroachment of melaleuca.
spatial vegetation changes that have occurred. By combining local information on changes to
WWF is also working with local communities, vegetation and fire practise over time with current maps of
especially older villagers who remembered a time when the vegetation cover information we can build a better
grasslands were still open. Anecdotal information from understanding of the extent of the Melaleuca weed problem
villagers about fire management and the numbers of and start to develop management solutions in conjunction with
introduced species during their lifetimes is critically important local communities.
information that will help us understand what factors may be For further information contact: Michele Bowe,
causing the change. WWF Tropical Wetlands of Oceania Program Manager,
Preliminary research suggests that two main reasons mbowe@wwf,org,au or Ph: +61 (0)8 8941 7554
for this Melaleuca invasion are Rusa Deer (Cervus timorensis)
Natures Nutrition: Minerals in Native Fruits Eaten by Birds of Paradise
Ellen S. Dierenfeld, Department of Wildlife Nutrition, Wildlife Conservation Society;
Paul Zabarauskas, Department of Ornithology, Wildlife Conservation Society;
& Peter Clark, Director, The Rainforest Habitat
Samples of 7 fruits fed to captive birds of paradise at has also been shown to interfere with Fe absorption, so may be
The Rainforest Habitat in Lae, PNG, were preserved in a means of safeguarding against excess dietary Fe (Steams,
ethanol and analyzed through the Wildlife Nutrition 2000). Further, Cr may be important in carbohydrate
Laboratory (Wildlife Conservation Society, Bronx, NY). metabolism of frugivorous species as has been indicated in
Macromineral concentrations listed below (% dry matter human studies; further investigation may be valuable.
basis) confirm high levels of calcium, and Ca:P ratios in figs Cu requirement in avian species is < 8 g/g, and does
(Ficus spp.) compared with other fruits, as has been reported not appear excessive in any of the fruits analyzed (some
in other studies (OBrien et al., 1998). The bioavailability of possibly deficient). Mn requirements of birds varies widely
any of these minerals, however, remains unknown at this time. due to bioavailability of this mineral, and analysis reveals little
Nonetheless, some interesting observations can be made, even about the value of that food as a manganese source. Se
on these limited samples, and speculations on nutritional value requirements (<0.2 g/g) may not be met on a fruit-based diet,
are possible. Differences between the two banana samples but are highly dependent upon the vitamin E and overall
(Musa spp.), particularly regarding Ca and Mg content, are antioxidant content of ingredients, which were not evaluated
striking, and can have very different consequences on the in this study. Few E or C deficiencies in frugivorous birds
health of animals consuming these fruits. have been reported in the literature. While many frugivorous
One meets known Ca requirements for avian species species do not have the ability to synthesize vitamin C,
(0.5 to 1.2%), with the exception of laying poultry (> 2.0%) presumably they meet requirements through dietary sources.
while the other appears deficient and contains an inverse Ca:P It is likely that the dietary requirement for Se is low for
ratio. Optimally, avian diets should contain a ratio of frugivores, as antioxidants work synergistically to mitigate
available Ca and P of approximately 2:1 for maintenance (up oxidative damage in vivo, and thus may spare the dietary
to 4:1 when other nutrients are in balance), this can rise to 7:1 requirements of each other. Zn requirements of avian species
during active laying periods. Phosphorus requirements are <70 g/g during all stages of life; these data suggest that
established for avian species range from 0.3 to 0.6%, only diets containing <50 g/g may be adequate. High dietary Zn
Ficus spp. would appear adequate in that nutrient. High levels increases the requirement for Se, Cu, and Fe thus
of dietary magnesium can interfere with Ca availability, thus interactions and balances among minerals must be considered.
values for the second banana variety may be better suited for Iron, however, deserves somewhat greater attention
meeting needs of the birds of paradise at various physiological in the nutrition of birds of paradise, since iron storage
stages, if mineral interactions are factored into the equation. disorders are a primary health syndrome in captive birds
Mg requirements established for avian species are generally < (Dierenfeld et al., 1994). Studies with caged birds (European
0.06%, with tolerance up to 1% of dietary dry matter. Most of starling, Sturnus vulgaris) have shown diets containing >200
these fruits, then would appear adequate for Mg, but Na g/g Fe can lead to increased hepatic deposition of Fe; high
requirements would not be met by fruit (0.05% for liver concentrations of iron were not found in bird samples in
maintenance, 0.1 and 0.2% for growth and reproduction), and situ, and low-iron diets have been developed for feeding
must be supplied from other sources. frugivorous species. Native fruits examined (Table 3) were,
Domestically-cultivated bananas, figs, and guava indeed, low in Fe (avian requirements 50-120 mg/kg) with the
(Psidium spp.) fed as fruit substitutes to birds of paradise exception of one of the Musa samples. The contribution of
outside PNG, in general, contain substantially less Ca, K, and dietary Fe content to the captive syndrome remains
P compared with the native fruits analyzed (see Table 2). controversial, and clearly other factors including stress,
Trace element composition of native fruits is found in tannins that may bind iron, pH, and interactions with other
Table 3. Not listed in the table are values for Co (all < 0.10 dietary constituents are important (Klasing, 1998).
g/g), or Se (all < 0.025 g/g with the exception of the second Domestic fruits (figs, bananas, and guava, USDA
Musa spp (0.04 g/g)). Chromium requirements have not database) contain ranges for trace elements similar to those of
been established for avian species, but the disparity seen PNG fruits reported here. Nonetheless, data on mineral
suggests wide differences in soil composition and/or fruit content of native foods can provide valuable guidelines for the
species tolerance to uptake/metabolism of this mineral. Cr development of optimal diets, and is to be encouraged.
Table 1. Macrominerals in locally-collected fruits fed to captive birds of paradise in Papua, New Guinea.
Species Ca K Mg Na P Ca:P
<------------------- % of dry matter ---------------------->
1.37 2.06 0.37 0.005 0.40 3.43
Ficus sp3
Ficus sp4 1.18 3.14 0.37 0.003 0.27 4.37
Musa spp1 0.06 1.24 0.09 <0.001 0.11 0.55
Musa spp2 0.97 0.75 0.38 0.02 0.10 9.70
Pandanus 0.92 0.76 0.05 <0.001 0.12 7.67
Psidium guajava 0.10 1.33 0.03 0.002 0.15 0.67
Tectoma sp. 0.03 1.66 0.05 <0.001 0.17 0.18

Table 2. Macromineral content of domestic cultivars of Ficus, Musa, and Psidium spp. fed to birds of paradise in the United
States (data from USDA Table of Food Composition).
Domestic species Ca K Mg Na P Ca:P
<------------------- % of dry matter ---------------->
Fig 0.17 1.11 0.08 0.0 0.07 2.43
Banana 0.02 1.54 0.11 0.0 0.08 0.25
Guava 0.14 2.04 0.07 0.02 0.18 0.78

Table 3. Macrominerals in locally-collected fruits fed to captive birds of paradise in Papua, New Guinea.
Species Cr Cu Fe Mn Zn
<------------------- g/g dry matter ------------------------>
Ficus sp3 <0.20 7.60 40.1 15.6 33.2
Ficus sp4 0.73 16.10 52.0 15.3 45.4
Musa spp <0.20 <0.10 29.8 10.9 7.1
Musa spp 25.6 7.64 1890 84.2 38.6
Pandanus julianettii 0.8 9.61 26.0 8.0 18.8
Psidium guajava <0.20 4.01 30.9 4.5 10.6
Tectoma sp. 0.87 0.93 25.5 2.3 29.6

Literature Cited
Dierenfeld, E.S., M.T. Pini, and C.D. Sheppard. 1994. Hemosiderosis and Dietary Iron in Birds. J. Nutr. 124:2685S-
Klasing, K.C. 1998. Comparative Avian Nutrition. CAB International, Wallingford. 356 pp.
OBrien, T.G., M.F. Kinnaird, E.S. Dierenfeld, N.L. Conklin-Brittain, S.C. Silver, and R.W. Wrangham. 1998.
Whats So Special About Figs: a Pantropical Mineral Analysis. Nature 392:668.
Steams, D.M. 2000. Is chromium a trace essential metal? Biofactors 1:149-162.

MistletoeA Keystone Resource in Forests and Woodlands Worldwide

Watson, D.M. 2001. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 32:219-49
Abstract: Mistletoes are a diverse group of parasitic as nesting sites. There is widespread support for regarding
plants with a worldwide distribution. The hemiparasitic mistletoe as a keystone resource, and all quantitative data are
growth form is critical to understanding their biology, consistent with mistletoe functioning as a determinant of alpha
buffering variation in resource availability that constrains the diversity. Manipulative experiments are highlighted as a key
distribution and growth of most plants. This is manifested in priority, and six explicit predictions are provided to guide
many aspects of mistletoe life history, including extended future experimental research.
phenologies, abundant and high-quality fruits and nectar, and
few chemical or structural defenses. Most mistletoe species The largest gaps in the worldwide database were from
rely on animals for both pollination and fruit dispersal, and New Guinea. If anyone has any information about
this leads to a broad range of mistletoe-animal interactions. In mistletoes in NG, or their interactions with vertebrates,
this review, I summarize research on mistletoe biology and especially feeding and nesting records, please contact
synthesize results from studies of mistletoe-animal David M. Watson, The Johnstone Centre and
interactions. I consolidate records of mistletoe-vertebrate Environmental Studies Unit, Charles Sturt University,
interactions, incorporating species from 97 vertebrate families Bathurst NSW 2795, Australia, email:
recorded as consuming mistletoe and from 50 using mistletoe

Birds Sighted on Buka and Bougainville

From Phil Gregory, Sicklebill Safaris
From August 30 4 September 2001 Chris Eastwood referendum about independence scheduled for sometime in the
and I made a trip to these islands, long off the route for birders future.
due to the civil war, which has put them off-limits since 1989. Buka is the small island that lies off the north west tip
Andy Anderson made a brief Buka trip in 1999, and was here of Bougainville, and which has escaped the devastation
the week before us, but no other birders have visited here for wrought on the towns and infrastructure of the main island. It
many years. However, Don Hadden is the resident birder, is a useful birding destination in its own right, with many
teaching with the NZ Aid program, and he and his wife Llane Solomon Islands species, which are currently not accessible
(of Cichlornis (Megalurulus) llaneae fame) were kind enough there due to the political and social problems besetting that
to host us at Arawa. Happily a peace process is now in place, country. Our brief look on Buka consisted of a morning and a
and the long task of rebuilding from the ruins can begin, part of two afternoons around Buka town and about 5km
though the mountain areas are still firmly off limits and are inland along the main road. We also had a careful check of the
likely to be so for some time. Bougainville is now an airstrip area for Buff-bellied Mannikins, but failed to locate
autonomous province of Papua New Guinea, with a any.
The following species were noted: Solomons and 5 birds in total north of the Arawa/Panguna road junction.
Bismarck endemics are in bold type Lesser Frigatebird 18, Good news was that Common Myna is down to a single pair
Great Frigatebird 1, Intermediate Egret 1, Pacific Black Duck, and we had to twitch this for our PNG list in the ruins of the
Glossy Ibis 2 by the airstrip Aug 31- a new bird for Buka it petrol station in Arawa, where it was formerly common.
seems, Osprey 3, Sanfords Sea-Eagle 1, Variable Goshawk Hopefully it will die-out soon!
1, Pied Goshawk 1, Brahminy Kite, Melanesian Scrubfowl Bougainville species; Wedge-tailed Shearwater 1 off
heard, Bush-hen heard, Grey-tailed Tattler, Common Kieta, Reef Heron 1, Pacific Black Duck, Little Pied
Sandpiper, Whimbrel, Turnstone, Crested Tern, Solomons Cormorant, Osprey , Sanfords Sea-Eagle 1, Variable
Cockatoo, Eclectus Parrot, Cardinal Lory very common, Goshawk 1, Brahminy Kite, Melanesian Scrubfowl, Bush-
Red-flanked Lorikeet, Rainbow Lorikeet, Green Pygmy- hen heard, Purple Swamphen, Grey-tailed Tattler 3, Terek
Parrot 1, Nicobar Pigeon 2 imm, Red-knobbed Imperial- Sandpiper 1, Common Sandpiper 12, Whimbrel, Turnstone,
Pigeon, Grey (Island) Imperial-Pigeon quite common, Pacific Golden Plover 15, Lesser Sand Plover 3, Crested Tern,
Claret-breasted Fruit-Dove , Moustached Tree-swift, Uniform Solomons Cockatoo, Eclectus Parrot, Cardinal Lory very
Swiftlet, Pacific Swallow, Blyths Hornbill 2, Sacred common, Red-flanked Lorikeet, Rainbow Lorikeet, Duchess
Kingfisher, Collared Kingfisher heard in mangroves, Yellow- Lorikeet 2, Red-knobbed Imperial-Pigeon, Grey (Island)
bellied Sunbird, Midget Flowerpecker, Solomons Satin Imperial-Pigeon quite common, Claret-breasted Fruit-Dove 7
Flycatcher, Bougainville Monarch 1 male, Red-naped , Superb Fruit-Dove 5, Mackinlays Cuckoo-Dove 5,
Myzomela singles on two dates only, Willie-wagtail, Yellow- Solomons Boobook 3 heard, Moustached Tree-swift,
throated White-eye common, Cicadabird 1m and 1 f, White- Uniform Swiftlet, White-rumped Swiftlet, Pacific Swallow,
bellied Cuckoo-shrike, Long-tailed Myna 20+, Singing Blyths Hornbill 2, Collared Kingfisher, Ultramarine
Starling 5, Brown-winged Starling 2 and a nest by the Kingfisher 4, Brush Cuckoo 1 (very distinctive song, quite
Lodge, Metallic Starling 20. 46 species total. unlike Australian or NG birds and quite richly coloured
We traveled by PMV from Buka, after crossing the beneath), Koel sp. heard (Asian?), Yellow-bellied Sunbird,
narrow Buka Strait that separates the two islands, taking about Midget Flowerpecker, Solomons Satin Flycatcher,
4 hours to reach Arawa on pretty reasonable gravel roads. Bougainville Monarch 5, Willie-wagtail, Cockerells Fantail
Arawa is a simply a shell, burnt out and destroyed by the 4, Yellow-throated White-eye common, Australian Reed
Bougainville Revolutionary Army in their scorched earth Warbler many heard and one seen at Kieta, Cicadabird 1m and
policy, obliterating all traces of the Panguna mine 1 f, White-bellied Cuckoo-shrike, Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike
infrastructure including such things as schools, hospitals, 5, Solomons Black-bellied Cuckoo-shrike 2, Long-tailed
electricity, water supplies, banking, postal services etc. A sad Myna 20+, Singing Starling 5, Brown-winged Starling 8,
sight indeed, though the UN and NZ aid have reconnected a Metallic Starling, Common Myna 2. 58 total species.
water system and supply power for about 4 hours a day to the The Collared type Kingfishers here are very like
people dwelling in the surviving houses. Two guest houses Sacred in plumage, only more intensely coloured, with
now operate as well and signs of recovery are evident. We intermediate sized bills. Very vocal and showing signs of
encountered no animosity, people were friendly and interested breeding activity. The total trip list was some 67 species.
in what we were doing, and now again have some hope for the We had only been at Don and Llanes house in
future. Arawa some 5 minutes when Dons collector John appeared
We added a few species by coming down to Arawa, down from the mountains with live specimens of some species
including the almost mythical Woodfords Rail which is quite destined for the American Museum of Natural History. The
common in the environs of the town and can be seen scuttling following were taken at 1500m, and were duly photographed,
across the main road north. The long grass everywhere may measured and described:
have helped the survival of this species, which is listed as Yellow-bibbed Fruit-Dove 1, Bronze Ground-Dove 1, Brush
vulnerable in Threatened Birds of the World (BirdLife Cuckoo 1 which I initially thought was a Fan-tailed as it was
International 2001) and of which there have been very few so rufous beneath, Island Leaf Warbler, Grey-throated
sightings until Don found them commonly here. We saw 9 White-eye 1, Red-naped Myzomela 1 f, Hooded Whistler 1
birds one day, including a pair with two juveniles out by the female, Bougainville Thicketbird 1 presumed immature and
Arawa airstrip. I saw 4 on the return car ride to Buka, presumably this species- heavy black streaks on breast, faint
including two quite well north between Wakunai and Tinputz. rufous supercilium, broad dark eyestripe extending onto ear
The plumage was entirely black, with a pale bill and legs coverts, narrow dark malar stripe and broader pale
almost whitish in colour, and the eye was reddish. The birds moustachial. A short orangey gape suggested an immature, but
often ran across the road with wings upraised, and we saw there were no wing bars or obvious feather scaling. John has
them foraging along the banks of the main river in town and also brought in two specimens of the legendary Odedi bird,
coming out on the shingle banks in the water. which was known by its call from the montane areas but
Sanfords Sea-Eagle was elusive, and one we remained unseen. It appears to be a small warbler type along
particularly wanted after just a glimpse on Buka. Fortunately the lines of Shade Warbler or similar, but awaits formal
we eventually did see a single bird out by the airstrip, and had naming.
scope views of it perched for a while. Bougainville Monarch Thanks to Don and Llane Hadden for their
was sparse but not uncommon in the understorey of forest, and hospitality, and to Chris Eastwood for accompanying me on
we heard the Solomons Boobook out in the same area on a this scouting trip. Phil Gregory, Cassowary House, Kuranda,
night foray. Bougainville Crow was very scarce, we saw just Queensland, Australia , September 2001.

and Requests
This section is for anyone to use. You can send in announcements (for example, to advertise an upcoming meeting). You can
also send in any requests for information that you think other newsletter recipients could help with (for example, if you are
writing a paper about forest structure and want to find out who is currently working in this area or who you could collaborate
with or exchange info with). Please send any announcements or information requests to Deb.

PNG National Museum

Dr. Frank Bonaccorso has accepted the position of Chief Curator of Natural History at the Papua New Guinea
Director at the Lubee Foundation effective 15 July National Museum & Art Gallery. As occassion presents he
2002. After that date he can be contacted at The Lubee will continue to conduct field research on pteropodid bats in
Foundation, 1308 NW 192 Ave, Gainesville, Fl 32609. Phone PNG. Current email: will work
352 485 1250 or Fax 485 2656. He served for seven years as through mid-June.

Longterm NG Researchers Gone

From Robin Hide
Some NG specialists may not have heard that two Goroka-Mount Hagen area, Lands of the Wewak-Lower Sepik
longterm researchers, who both made major contributions to area, etc, etc). Later he was a longterm member, specialising
New Guinea environmental knowledge, recently died. in airphoto interpretation, of the CSIRO team that in the 1980s
David Holdsworth (in August) who published over produced the PNGRIS (Papua New Guinea Resource
50 papers on PNG medicinal plants between 1970 and 1993 Information System) database, work that culminated most
(brief obituary in PROSEA Newsletter No. 27, Oct 2001). recently (1993-95) in the publication of his maps of PNG
John Saunders (in November), a forester/vegetation agricultural land use and forest resources, and of forest
specialist, who did many seasons of field work in the 1960s resources and vegetation.
working on the CSIRO PNG Land surveys (eg. Lands of the

The World's Most Elusive Harrier? Feather Needed.

From Rob Simmons
The Papuan Harrier is confined to PNG and almost If you have access to a recent specimen or know of
nothing is known of its biology or ecology. In the recently live birds from which a feather might be taken, please write to
completed Harriers of the World by Oxford University Press me at the address below. If you can lead me to securing tissue
(2000), Professor Michael Wink and I put together an from these species I will send a free copy of the new harrier
evolutionary tree of 14 of the world's 16 harriers. Two are still book to you and a full acknowledgement will appear in the
missing from this group: the Pied Harrier of Mongolia and paper which appears when we have all 16 species.
Russia, and probably the world's most elusive harrier, the I look forward to hearing from you. Dr Rob Simmons,
Papuan Harrier. We have no idea if this bird is a good species National Biodiversity Programme, Directorate of
but present (morphological)evidence suggests that it is. Environmental Affairs, Ministry of Environment & Tourism,
We need a large recent feather or a blood sample Private Bag 13306, Windhoek, NAMIBIA, Fax: (264) 61-
(stored in EDTA which we can supply) from this bird in order 240339 (at DEA) 237552 (at Schubert House), Tel: (264) 61-
to sequence its DNA and add it to our evolutionary tree. 249015 (at DEA) 237553 (at Schubert House), e-mail:

Request for information on Introduced fish species in southern New Guinea

WWF is working in southern New Guinea in two conservation most recent introduction, first occurring in Merauke around
areas Wasur National Park in Papua, Indonesia and the five years ago, it has spread rapidly through Wasur and was
contiguous Tonda Wildlife Management Area in Papua New seen for the first time in Tonda last year. There is much
Guinea. The two areas share many common problems in anecdotal information that this species is having a heavy toll
relation to exotic species. We are looking for information from on native fish numbers. If anyone has information on current
anyone who may have done research on the impacts of four or previous research into these fish species in New Guinea,
exotic fish species on native fish stocks in New Guinea. There including control programs, I would be very pleased to hear
are two species of major concern the Climbing Perch from you. Please contact Michele Bowe, WWF Tropical
(Anabas testudineus) and Striped Snakehead (Channa striata) Wetlands of Oceania Program Manager, PO Box 1268,
in addition to Talapia (Oreochromis mozambicus) and the Darwin, NT 0801, Australia. Ph. + 61 889 41 7554; Fax + 61
Walking Catfish (Clarias batrachus). Striped Snakehead is the 889 41 6494; email:
Metrosideros Update
From Tony Whitaker
You probably recall that after our visit to PNG last in the newsletter ... see below) and how to process and ship
February just one species of Metrosideros remained that had specimens, he got the job instead of us ... damn!
not been sampled for the project? This was M. ovata from Michael went up the Bulldog Track in mid-January.
high in the Ekuti and Owen Stanley mountains. Around the Apparently local people recognised the plant from the painting
middle of the year we started planning for a trip to the Bulldog and were able to direct him to some plants with relative ease.
Track, where it crosses the Ekuti Range west of Wau, to The specimens had a difficult journey back to NZ by courier
search for it. However, before we got very far with and by the time it got here about 75% of the sample was
preparations we were contacted by Michael Lovave who rotted. However, there was enough live tissue left to
works at the FRI herbarium at Lae. Michael had seen the extract material for PCR treatment and we are expecting the
article on our visit to Western and Sandaun Provinces in DNA results from the sequencer any day now. It will be
the 'PNG Newsletter' and offered to help with the collection of exciting to see how the last of the PNG species fits into the
M. ovata as his field work often took him to the mountains picture, and now it will be possible to complete the
around Wau. After some discussion to be sure Michael knew publications relating to the Mearnsia sub-genus. We'll keep
what to look for (we sent him a painting like that you printed you posted on how it all goes. Michael has proved to be an
excellent contact and a wonderful help.


Note: Many of the following opportunites are sourced from INCL

The Pacific Biological Foundation (PBF): Information for Applicants

This Foundation supports activities designed to protect, Foundation grants have also supported specific components of
conserve or manage important components of the natural large projects financed primarily by other agencies.
environment, such as plants, forests, animals, soils, water and Typically the PBF provides grants up to
climates. In the words of one of the initial donors, the approximately A$15,000 per year for a maximum of three
Foundation encourages scientific studies which will help to years.
beautify our environment. The PBF is intended to support research workers and
In seeking to achieve this ideal, the PBF provides support, institutions in developing countries of the southwest pacific
on a competitive basis, for three types of activity. region. PBF grants may be made either directly to institutions
The top priority is to encourage high quality research in those countries, or to institutions in scientifically advanced
carried out by scientists in national or state institutions, countries (including Australia) to support collaborative
and universities. activities with individuals or institutions in the developing
Periodically, capital grants may be made to help finance countries.
equipment or facilities, which are needed to encourage Grants are made in six-monthly instalments, and
relevant studies by either scientists or the general payments are dependent upon the receipt of satisfactory, six-
community. monthly reports and annual financial statements.
Occasional support may also be given to such activities as Administrative overheads are not funded.
training, publications or conferences. Further information and application forms may be
The Foundation seeks to complement, rather than obtained from: Dr Barry K Filshie, Executive Secretary
compete with, other funding bodies. Experience has shown Research Committee, PO Box 9154, Port Macquarie NSW
that modest support can be particularly effective if used as 2444 Australia, Phone: (61) 2-6582-7813, Fax: (61) 2-6582-
seed money to initiate projects, which may subsequently 7814, E-Mail:
expand and attract major funding from other sources.

Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland Conservation and Wise Use (SGF)
The Wetland Conservation Fund (subsequently humankind and compatible with the maintenance of the
renamed the Ramsar Small Grants Fund for Wetland natural properties of the ecosystem". The SGF Operational
Conservation and Wise Use (SGF)) was created in 1990 in Guidelines for the Triennium 2000-2002 put emphasis on the
order to provide assistance for wetland conservation and wise implementation of the Ramsar Strategic Plan 1997-2002, and
use initiatives in developing countries and (since 1996) project proposals must demonstrate the potential to assist in
countries with economies in transition. Its allocations are not fulfilling specific Strategic Plan objectives.
intended to support major projects traditionally covered by All of the required forms for applying to the Small
larger funding agencies. Grants Fund are included in the Operational Guidelines at
The wise use concept has been defined as "the
sustainable utilisation of wetlands for the benefit of

BP Conservation Programme Grants

From Birdlife International, December 17, 2001
The BP conservation programme, a partnership launched the website at The
between BirdLife International, Fauna & Flora International programme aims to provide support to student-led
and the multinational corporation, BP, has recently re- conservation projects world-wide through training and
funding. 125,000 of grants are given annually in April to news on the projects as well as helpful links and guides for
between twenty and twenty-five student teams, studying planning and leading a conservation project. There is also a
species or habitats of international conservation concern. notice board where relevant NGOs, students and Universities
Training workshops in all aspects of conservation projects are invited to post useful information including project ideas
have been run in Malaysia, Indonesia and the UK over the last and requests for partners.
year. For any more information, comments or additions,
The new website includes the application form and please contact Paul Mathew, the BP Conservation Programme
guidelines, programme news, project summaries and photos, Officer, at

International courses on wetland management and restoration

Every year since 1994, the Institute for Inland Water serves as chair of the Advisory Board), and many graduates
Management and Waste Water Treatment (RIZA), part of the from 40 countries have returned to their own countries with a
Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management thorough experience of the Convention's work both in theory
in The Netherlands, has hosted the International Course in and practice.
Wetland Management at the Wetlands Advisory and Training Adobe PDF versions of the informative brochures
Centre (WATC) in Lelystad. Over the past few years, RIZA and application forms for both courses are available at
has also hosted a separate International Course on Wetland
Restoration. Both 4-6 week, certificate-granting courses are Further information should be sought from WATC
organized according to approved Ramsar Convention (not from the Ramsar Bureau), at Tel: +31 320 298346, Fax:
principles and guidelines (the Ramsar Secretary General +31 320 298339, Email:

Seacology grants
Are you working with an island community that preservation projects. Please note that Seacology does not
requires funding for a marine conservation project? fund salaries, academic programs or basic research.
A call for proposals is being made by Seacology, the A brief proposal can be submitted by e-mail and
world's premier NGO that exclusively aims to protect the should contain the following information: a description of the
environments or cultures of islands throughout the world. island; the problem addressed; the proposed solution; a
Grants in the range of $2,000 to $35,000 are available for description of how the local island population is involved with
selected marine conservation projects in Indonesia, project implementation; a budget; and three references.
Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Papua New Guinea where For further information, please contact Arnaz Mehta,
both the local environment is protected and islanders receive Seacology, SE Asia Representative, Email:
some tangible benefit for doing so. Preference will be given to WWW:
projects that result in mutually beneficial trade-offs,
environmentally sustainable micro-enterprises and marine


Fourth New Guinea Biology Conference
AUGUST 20-22, 2002
You are hereby invited to attend the above Abstract submitted on computer diskette must be in
conference and participate by submitting a paper or poster. Microsoft Word. Abstract submitted by email must be
Dead line for registration and submitting abstract is July 30, unencoded as a Microsoft Word file.
2002. Please direct all Biocon IV inquiries to : Dr. Rosye Presentations will be scheduled at 25 minute
H.R. Tanjung, FMIPA Biologi, Universitas Cenderawasih, intervals. Speakers should give a 20 minutes presentation
Kampus Waena Jayapura, Papua Indonesia, Phone: (62) allowing 2-4 minutes for discussion.
(967) 572 115, email or Registration fees : Non members and reguler members: Rp. 100, 000
The theme for this meeting is working together for Uncen lectures: Rp. 50, 000
better biological resources management. This meeting focuses Uncen students: Rp. 20, 000
on three groups of topic areas : plant science, animal science Abstract fee: Rp. 25,000/paper
and ethno biology in New Guinea. Payment can be made by bank transfer : Dr. Rosye Hefmi
Deadline for registration and submission of Tanjung, Bank Mandiri Kantor kas Uncen, Jayapura Papua
abstract is July 30, 2002. Indonesia, No. 154-0090011200 or payment can be made at
Maximum number of words is 250 for the abstract or the registration desk.
approximately 2500 characters, including the title, author(s) A registration and information desk will be open at
names and affiliation. Please note the title is bold, affiliation the secretariat for the duration of the meeting from August 20
and scientific names are in italics, and that the name of the 22 from 8 AM to 4 PM. You can register for the meeting and
person presenting the paper is underlined. pick up the program book.
Second International Tropical Marine Ecosystems Management Symposium
Manila, Philippines 25-28 November, 2002
Organized by the: International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) and Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
Tropical marine ecosystems are under increasing - management to mitigate the effects of climate change;
pressure from many sources, including coastal land use and - dissemination of information for coastal and marine
development, pollution, unsustainable fishing and tourism and management;
the impacts of global climate change. Therefore, effective - targeted research for management support;
management that promotes sustainable use of marine - securing sustainable funding for management;
resources is essential. The 2nd International Tropical Marine - restoration and rehabilitation of damaged ecosystems; and
Ecosystems Management Symposium (2nd ITMEMS) will - achieving sustainable fisheries.
provide an opportunity for managers to engage in The Organising Committee welcomes nominations of
multidisciplinary discussions and sharing of experiences and case studies (deadline 30th of April, 2002) that effectively
lessons learned to identify gaps and priorities for future illustrate relevant experiences and lessons learned in each of
management action. The output and recommendations from the topics. In addition, we are aiming to present examples
the symposium will be disseminated through the partners of from throughout the world and those of which have been
ICRI (including member countries, the International Coral implemented on a range of geographic scales from local to
Reef Action Network, IUCN, UNEP, WWF, the World Bank, global. Also, feel free to contribute comments on the
donor agenices, etc.) and considered in the implementation of preliminary selection of topics and suggestions for the
management programs for tropical ecosystems at local, inclusion of additional topics. Case studies that facilitate the
national, regional and global levels. achievement of the goals of the symposium most effectively
The 2nd ITMEMS will be conducted through a will then be invited for oral presentation.
number of concurrent workshops that address the topics listed Cost of registration will be announced closer to the
below. Each workshop will start with presentations of event.
exemplary case studies that illustrate relevant experiences and Please fax an indication of interest form to: ICRI
lessons learned either by their successes or, equally important, Secretariat: +63 2 928 1225 / +63 2 926 2693 or e-mail to:
their inadequacies. These will form as bases for subsequent or
facilitated discussions that aim to achieve clear International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) , Joint Philippine-
recommendations and priorities for the management of Sweden Secretariat , 2nd/F FASPO Bldg. , Department of
tropical ecosystems in the future. The results of each Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) , Visayas Ave.,
workshop will then be reported to all participants and Diliman, Quezon City, 1101, Philippines.
discussed in plenary sessions. The number of participants in Please include the following :
each workshop group will be limited to approximately 20. Name: ______________
Preliminary topics for workshop sessions: Affiliation/Institution:______________
- co-management and social impacts of marine and coastal Address:______________
management; Email:______________
- economic benefits of conservation and sustainable use; Topics of Most Interest (feel free to list more than
- the role of the private sector in protection and management; one):______________
- the role of protected areas and management; Suggestion for Additional Topics:______________
- monitoring to facilitate successful management; Suggestion for Case Studies:______________


(Thanks to the INCL for many of these resources)
Biodiversity links PNG. Put it in your bookmarks and pass on
Check out for lots of links to to others who maybe interested.
sites with information about biodiversity resources. Dugong - Status Report and Action Plans for countries and
PNG Eco-Forestry Forum territories
The PNG Eco-Forestry Forum is pleased to announce This report is available on
that our web site has been updated and modified so that many and is written
Forum publications are now available on-line. by Marsh, H., Penrose, H., Eros, C. and J. HUGUES, Action
Publications that can be downloaded as Acrobat files Plan Coordinator - IUCN/SSC Sirenia Specialist Group.
include all back issues of Iko-Forestri Nius, the Small Scale The dugong (Dugong dugon) is the only herbivorous
Sawmilling Information Pack and recent NGO Submissions to mammal that is strictly marine, and is the only extant species
the Government. in the Family Dugongidae. It is listed as vulnerable to
We have also recently added a new section on Forest extinction at a global scale by The World Conservation Union
Certification. (IUCN). The dugong has a large range that spans some 37
Website: countries and territories and includes tropical and subtropical
Tenkile Alliance Webpages coastal and island waters from East Africa to Vanuatu,
You may like to have a look at the recently launched between about 26 north and south of the Equator.
web page for the Tenkile Conservation Alliance Inc., a not for The purpose of this document is to present a global
profit association established in Papua New Guinea to support overview of the status of the dugong and its management in
the conservation of Scott's Tree Kangaroo, Tenkile, and its the various countries in its range. We aimed to provide
environment in the Torricelli Mountains on the north coast of comparative information that will enable individual countries
to develop their own, more detailed, conservation plans. This PNG Eco-Forestry ForumNew Forest Resources Report
document contains information on dugong distribution and PNGs forest resources are almost finished as far as
abundance, threatening processes, legislation, and existing and commercial logging goes. That is the conclusion in a
suggested research and management initiatives for 37 devastating new report published this week.
countries and territories in the dugong's known range. The The report shows that PNG has already lost most of
report is organised in a geographical sequence from the its high commercial value forests, and that most current
Western Indian Ocean region, through to the South West logging operations are operating on an unsustainable basis.
Pacific. Chapter One introduces the Dugong; Chapter 2 This report gives us the first clear picture of what is
comprises information on East Africa; the Red Sea and the happening to our forests and shows us the truth behind
Arabian Gulf. Chapter 3 discusses India and Sri Lanka; industry claims that the logging industry is in decline, says
Chapter 4 presents data from Southeast Asia including Japan, the PNG Eco-Forestry Forum. The decline is not because of
Taiwan, China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Cambodia and high taxes or low prices, but because the overseas loggers are
Thailand; Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia; Chapter 5 cutting in an unsustainable way and using up the forest areas
discusses Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, in just a few years.
New Caledonia and Vanuatu; and Chapter 6 presents The logging industry has already finished most of
information from Australia. our high value forest in the New Guinea island region and
Reefs at Risk in Southeast Asia what we have left is only the low volume and inaccessible
Parts of this report by Lauretta Burke, Elizabeth forests of Western and West Sepik Provinces.
Selig, and Mark Spalding, World Resource Institute, are The report, PNG Forest resources and the Log
available at Export Industry is based on official but unpublished Government data. The report assesses the amount of forest
The heavy reliance on marine resources across resources in PNG and the impact of commercial logging as
Southeast Asia has resulted in the overexploitation and well as the future for the log export industry.
degradation of many coral reefs, particularly those near major The report has found that PNG has about 26 million
population centers. The main threats include overfishing, hectares of forest and some 11 million hectares of this is
destructive fishing practices, and sedimentation and pollution suitable for commercial logging. But with 7 million hectares
from land-based sources. Human activities now threaten an already allocated, the best forests have already gone.
estimated 88 percent of Southeast Asia's coral reefs, The report also highlights that most logging
jeopardizing their biological and economic value to society. concessions only last 11 or 12 years, not the 40 years that is
For 50 percent of these reefs, the level of threat is "high" or specified in logging agreements. This means that most
"very high." Only 12 percent of reefs are at low risk. The operations that started in the early 1990s will finish in the
Reefs at Risk project estimates that about 64 percent of the next few years.
region's reefs are threatened by overfishing, and 56 percent are The report also concludes that even if another 2.5
threatened by destructive fishing techniques. In addition, million hectares of new concessions are handed out to logging
dredging, landfilling, mining of sand and coral, coastal companies, log exports will not rise above their current levels.
construction, discharge of sewage and other activities Copies of the Report can be obtained from the PNG
associated with coastal development threaten about 25 percent Eco-Forestry Forum or downloaded from their website at
of the region's coral reefs. Sediment and pollution from
deforestation and agricultural activities threaten an estimated
20 percent of the region's reefs.

Research Sites
This section is for contributions describing research facilities in New Guinea. If you have information about a place where
researchers are welcome to come and work, please send a summary. Include the location, altitude, available facilities, logistics
of getting there, and a contact name, address and fax number. Thanks!
Research facilities we have covered in past issues include: Crater Mountain Biological Research Station, Motupore Island
Research Department, Ivimka Research Station, Mekil Research Station, Mahonia Na Dari Research and Conservation Centre,
Kamiali Training Centre and Guest House, PNG National Museum and Art Gallery, and the Natural Science Resource Center
of UPNG.

The Rainforest Habitat

Situated on the University of Technology campus in nosed Echidnas, and around seventy species of birds. A
Lae, the Rainforest Habitat holds Papua New Guineas largest complete list is available at the Rainforest Habitat website
zoological collection. Notable is the largest collection of Birds
of Paradise currently held anywhere in the world, some Owned by the University, the Rainforest Habitat has
hundred specimens of fifteen different species. Other animals responsibilities in both the education and research fields and
of note include tree-kangaroos, cassowaries, reptiles, Long- works in collaboration with many overseas and local
specialists. Notable to date in education is the work carried out These facilities are available for hire for
with the introduction of environmental education into the accommodation or to hold courses. Larger numbers of visitors
primary school curriculum of Morobe Province, this with the can be accommodated on mattresses in the classroom (for
help of the Wildlife Conservation Society of New York, the example with the case of visiting students). Currently rates are
New Zealand High Commission, BP PNG and Research and K66 (inc tax) per night for individual rooms and K44 for twin
Conservation Foundation of PNG. Research projects include share rooms. This price includes washing of laundry but not
the work on halting the imminent extinction of Scotts tree- ironing.
kangaroo with the Tenkile Conservation Alliance, climate Cooking facilities are available or meals can be
history studies, the Lake Wanam rainbowfish, animal breeding negotiated with the RFH. There is a cable TV in the lounge
and insect life histories. and communications including phone, fax and e-mail can be
The Rainforest Habitat (RFH) also owns the Insect arranged at the nearby office. A copier is available.
Farming and Trading Agency at Bulolo in the Morobe The centre is set within the RFH grounds so security
highlands. This agency was established by the PNG is good. Full time security officers patrol the area and the
government in 1978 and currently handles the purchase, building itself is very secure.
export and overseas sale of ranched and collected insects from Anyone interested in visiting or working with the
over 1500 village insect farmers throughout the country. Rainforest Habitat should contact the manager for more
People interested in wildlife or environmental information.
research are invited to contact the Rainforest Habitat for Contact details: Peter Clark, Manager, Ph/fax (675) 4757839
possibilities of collaboration. Although there are no laboratory E-mail Website
facilities as such at the RFH, there is a fully accredited For visitors the Rainforest Habitat is open from 10am
analytical laboratory at the University. to 4pm everyday of the year except Good Friday and Xmas
Accommodation is available at the RFH in the form Day.
of a twelve-person dormitory that also has an attached air-
conditioned classroom capable of seating up to thirty.

Diseases you should know about

This section is to make sure that we are all aware of the various diseases we need to look out for in New Guinea. Many
diseases you would not get in town, but only by working in the forest or in a village, and doctors might not be able to diagnose
these diseases easily. If you know about a disease that we should be aware of, PLEASE send in a description, or at least the
name of the disease, so we can look up information on it to include in a future issue of this newsletterthank you! Folks at the
Institute of Medical Researchcan you help us?
Diseases we have covered in past issues include: Ross River Virus, Barmah Forest Virus, Filariasis, Dengue Virus, Murray
Valley Encephalitis Virus, Bat Lyssavirus, Japanese Encephalitis, Malaria, Typhoid Fever , Typhus and Tuberculosis.

Available Publications and Items

If you know about any books or items we should know about, please send the details! To order the following publications, use
the addresses in bold.

To subscribe to the INCL or if you have questions or contributions for inclusion: send an e-mail to Muchamad Muchtar
( or Ed Colijn (
The Indonesian Nature Conservation newsLetter (INCL) is a non-profit internet e-mail list for announcements and
news about topics related to nature conservation in Indonesia. Messages appear in digest format and are sent out once a week in
the following formats:
1. English language issue with announcements and press clippings in plain text format (about 100 kB/week)
2. The above in HTML format
3. Bahasa Indonesia issue with announcements and press clippings in plain text format (about 150 kB/week)
4. The above in HTML format

To subscribe to the journal Science in New Guinea, contact Ray Kumar, fax: (675) 326-0369 or email:
Soon from Larry Orsak, WWF Kikori ICDP, P.O. Box 842, Port Moresby NCD, Papua New Guinea, Email:
Amongst other things, up here at Moro, one of the former CRI 'mangi binatangs' and I are finalizing a CD-catalogue
of the KICDP's posters and leaflets which we plan to distribute to all the NGOs we can think of, along with a complete hard
copy, in a couple more months. I'm also writing a manual for 'community entry' for Conservation Melanesia which we hope to
finalise by mid-year and get published!

Download from the Biodiversity Support Program website

Adaptive Management: A Tool for Conservation Practitioners by Nick Salafsky, Richard Margoluis, and Kent
Redford. 2001. 102 pp.
Adaptive management is growing in popularity as a concept in conservation circles. The purpose of our research was
to determine how to make adaptive management a practical tool for conservation practitioners around the world. We first
reviewed related concepts in fields including science and philosophy, social learning, business management, professional
practice, and ecosystem management to create a research framework. We then field-tested this framework by visiting
conservation projects in Zambia, Papua New Guinea, and British Columbia that all use some elements of an adaptive
management approach. Our research revealed that adaptive management must be done by project managers themselves and
requires establishing a clear purpose, developing an explicit model of the project site, selecting actions that maximize results
and learning, developing and implementing a monitoring plan to test assumptions, analyzing data, communicating results, and
then using these results to adapt and learn.

From the Society for Conservation Biology:

The Society for Conservation Biology, the only international organization of conservation professionals and
publishers of the leading journal of conservation-"Conservation Biology"-is offering membership for 2002 at highly discounted
rates for people in developing countries: only $25 for electronic access to the journal and its archives (paper subscriptions are
also discounted). At their website,, you can learn more details, see a sample issue of
Conservation Biology electronically, and enroll in SCB via the internet. For information about the Society for Conservation
Biology's current efforts to form Sections in Asia and other continents see

Recent Publications to look for:

The Alfred Russel Wallace Reader - A Selection of Writings from the Field, Edited by Jane R Camerini, December
2001. Johns Hopkins UP, USA.
A biography interleaved with Wallace's own writing.
Loggers and Degradation in the Asia-Pacific - Corporations and Environmental Management, Peter Dauvergne,
September 2001. CUP.
Examines why and how loggers in the Asia-Pacific have resisted and ignored calls for environmental reforms.
Orchids of Southeast Asia, Major electronic work (CD-ROM) covering 8000 orchid species of Southeast Asia. -
Volume 1: Orchids of New Guinea - Illustrated Checklist and Genera Ed de Vogel and Andre Schuiteman, 2001.
Rijksherbarium, Netherlands.
Consists of descriptions of all 132 New Guinea orchid genera and a checklist of all 3000 orchid taxa occurring in New
Guinea, complete with the synonomy, indicating the types and where they are located, the distribution of the taxa, and
including concise cultivation notes. It is illustrated by nearly 1000 colour photographs and over 1000 digitised flower analyses
in pencil from the archives of JJ Smith.
Microchiropteran Bats, Hutson, A.M., S.P. Mickleburgh and P.A. Racey, 2001. IUCN.
Covers the conservation priorities for the 834 species of Microchiroptera.
Soft Corals and Sea Fans, Fabricius, K. and P. Alderslade, 2001. AIMS, Australia.
Covers over 90 genera known from the warm shallow waters of the Central and Western Pacific, the Indian Ocean,
and the Red Sea.
Genera Euphorbiacearum, Alan Radcliffe-Smith, 2001. Kew RBG.
Account of the sixth largest family of the Angiosperms.
Faunal and floral migrations and evolution in SE Asia-Australasia, Metcalfe, I., J.M.B. Smith, M. Morwood and I.
Davidson, 2001. Balkema, Netherlands.

From Andrew Isles Natural History Books, Rear of 115-117 Greville Street, (PO Box 2305), Prahran 3181, Australia,
Phone [61] (03) 9510 5750 4 lines, Fax [61] (03) 9529 1256, Email to:
Search our online catalogue:

[1261 ] Henty, E. E., editor. Handbooks of the flora of Papua New Guinea, volume two. Melbourne: 1981. Dustwrapper, 276
pp., line drawings. AU$20.00
[1257 ] Womersley, John S., editor. Handbooks of the flora of Papua New Guinea, Volume one. Melbourne: 1978.
Dustwrapper, 278 pp., line drawings. AU$20.00
[9085 ] Conn, Barry J., editor. Handbooks of the flora of Papua New Guinea, volume three. Melbourne: 1995. Dustwrapper,
292 pp., line drawings. AU$20.00
[9040 ] Flannery, Tim. Mammals of New Guinea. Chatswood: (1995 revised and updated edition). Quarto, dustwrapper, 568
pp., colour photographs, maps.Was AU$75.00. AU$30.00
[2365 ] Flannery, Tim. Mammals of the South-West Pacific and Moluccan Islands. Chatswood: 1995. Quarto, dustwrapper,
464 pp., colour photographs.This book covers 230 indigenous species of mammals, which have been located on over 250
islands. There are species accounts, focussing on living native species, with introduced and prehistorically extinct species dealt
with separately. Was AU$80.00. AU$30.00

Scientific Literature
If you havent sent your publication list in yet (your papers about New Guinea), please send these citations to Debra
so we can include them in a future issue. It doesnt matter if you have one paper, or 30 papers-- the rest of us want to know
about it! We would really like to know what you have found out about New Guinea; that is the purpose for this newsletterto
share information. If you have more than one page of citations, please send your list on disk or by email (preferably in Word)
if possible-- thanks! In addition, dont forget that we offer a reference-finding service for those of us without inter-library loan.
If you need a particular reference and cannot find it or do not have access to it, please write and we will see if we can find it for
you and send it to you. (Not just the citations in the newsletter, you can request any citation).
Amphibians- from James Menzies
Menzies, J.I. The jaw, shoulder and hyoid muscles of Oreophryne and Albericus (Anura: Microhylidae) of New Guinea. Science
in New Guinea 26, 3-26.

Sent in from Robin Hide from Web of Science search for papua/irian 2001-2002
Thornton IWB. Colonization of an island volcano, Long Island, Papua New Guinea, and an emergent island,
Motmot, in its caldera lake. I. General introduction. J BIOGEOGR 28 (11-12): 1299-1310 NOV-DEC 2001.
Harrison RD, Banka R, Thornton IWB, et al. Colonization of an island volcano, Long Island, Papua New Guinea,
and an emergent island, Motmot, in its caldera lake. II. The vascular flora.
J BIOGEOGR 28 (11-12): 1311-1337 NOV-DEC 2001.
Schipper C, Shanahan M, Cook S, et al. Colonization of an island volcano, Long Island, Papua New Guinea, and
an emergent island, Motmot, in its caldera lake. III. Colonization by birds.
J BIOGEOGR 28 (11-12): 1339-1352 NOV-DEC 2001.
Shanahan M, Harrison RD, Yamuna R, et al. Colonization of an island volcano, Long Island, Papua New Guinea,
and an emergent island, Motmot, in its caldera lake. V. Colonization by figs (Ficus spp.), their dispersers
and pollinators. J BIOGEOGR 28 (11-12): 1365-1377 NOV-DEC 2001.
Edwards JS, Thornton IWB. Colonization of an island volcano, Long Island, Papua New Guinea, and an emergent
island, Motmot, in its caldera lake. VI. The pioneer arthropod community of Motmot.
J BIOGEOGR 28 (11-12): 1379-1388 NOV-DEC 2001.
Thornton IWB, Cook S, Edwards JS, et al. Colonization of an island volcano, Long Island, Papua New Guinea, and
an emergent island, Motmot, in its caldera lake. VII. Overview and discussion.
J BIOGEOGR 28 (11-12): 1389-1408 NOV-DEC 2001.
Smales LR. A cladistic analysis of the tribe Labiostrongylinea Beveridge, 1983 (Nematoda : Cloacinidae) parasitic
in macropodoid marsupials (Marsupialia : Macropodoidea), with a redescription of Parazoniolaimus collaris
Johnston & Mawson, 1939. SYST PARASITOL 51 (3): 179-197 MAR 2002.
Marsden SJ, Pilgrim JD, Wilkinson R. Status, abundance and habitat use of Blue-eyed Cockatoo Cacatua
ophthalmica on New Britain, Papua New Guinea. BIRD CONSERV INT 11 (3): 151-160 SEP 2001.
Sinclair JR. Temperature regulation in mounds of three sympatric species of megapode (Aves : Megapodiidae) in
Papua New Guinea: testing the 'Seymour Model'. AUST J ZOOL 49 (6): 675-694 2001.
Beveridge I. Cervonemella reardoni gen. et sp nov (Nematoda : Cloacinidae) from the stomachs of scrub
wallabies, Dorcopsis spp, in Papua New Guinea. T ROY SOC SOUTH AUST 125: 141-145
Part 2 NOV 30 2001.
Heads M. Birds of paradise, biogeography and ecology in New Guinea: a review.
J BIOGEOGR 28 (7): 893-925 JUL 2001.
Watson M, Asoyama S. Dispersion, habitat use, hunting behavior, vocalizations, and conservation status of the
New Guinea Harpy Eagle (Harpyopsis novaeguineae). J RAPTOR RES 35 (3): 235-239 SEP 2001.
Bishop KD, Jones DN. The montane avifauna of West New Britain, with special reference to the Nakanai
Mountains. EMU 101 (3): 205-220 2001.
McVicar TR, Bierwirth PN. Rapidly assessing the 1997 drought in Papua New Guinea using composite AVHRR
imagery (vol 22, pg 2109, 2001). INT J REMOTE SENS 22 (14): 2861-2861 SEP 20 2001.
Basset Y. Invertebrates in the canopy of tropical rain forests - How much do we really know?
PLANT ECOL 153 (1-2): 87-107 APR 2001.
Aptroot A. Lichenized and saprobic fungal biodiversity of a single Elaeocarpus tree in Papua New Guinea, with the
report of 200 species of ascomycetes associated with one tree. FUNGAL DIVERS 6: 1-11 FEB 2001.
Kraus F, Allison A. A review of the endemic new guinea microhylid frog genus Choerophryne.
HERPETOLOGICA 57 (2): 214-232 JUN 2001.
Leps J, Novotny V, Basset Y. Habitat and successional status of plants in relation to the communities of their
leaf-chewing herbivores in Papua New Guinea. J ECOL 89 (2): 186-199 APR 2001.
McNab BK, Bonaccorso FJ. The metabolism of New Guinean pteropodid bats.
J COMP PHYSIOL B 171 (3): 201-214 APR 2001.

Kikori ICDP Biodiversity Studies and other Conservation Science Reports

For copies of any of the following papers please contact Max Kuduk
Or Ted Mamu

Alan G. R.(1996) Oxyeleotris caeca, a new species of blind cave fish (Eleotridae) from Papua Nee Guinea. Revue fr. Aquariol.
23 (1-2);43-46.
Alan, G. R. (1996) Supplemental survey of fishes of the Kikori River Basin, Papua New Guinea. Unpublished report to WWF.
Alan, G. R. (1996) Two new species of Rainbowfishes (Melanotaenia: Melanotaenidae), from the Kikori River system, Papua
New Guinea. Revue fr. Aquariol, 23: 9 - 16.
Anip, P. (199X) - Environmental Impact Statement for eco-enterprises assisted by KICDP.
Baker, W. (1996) Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, European Uniion Rattan Project - Expedition to Papua New Guinea 4 january -
26 February 1996.
Baker, W. (1997) Rattans & rheophytes - Palms of the Mubi River. Principes 41(3) : 148 - 157.
Baker, W., King, K., Banka, R. and Gebia, O. (2001) Expedition Report. Papua New Guinea. 17 November 21 December
2000. Unpublished repport on Palm survey.
Bickford, D & Leary, T. (1996) A report on the frog monitoring pilot program at Wasi Falls and at Henry's Trail Agogo Ridge
(April - June, 1996).
Bonacorso, F., Anamiato, J. and Leary, T. (2000) The marine mammals of the Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development
Area: A Rapid assessment. Unpublished WWF Report.
Balun, L. and Gebia, O. (1999) Studies of the biological diversity of rainforest and mangrove ecosystems in the Kikori River
Catchment of Papua New Guinea. Unpublished WWF Report.
Diamond, J. and Bishop, K. D. (1998) Rivers in the Sky: The avifauna of the Kikori Pipeline, Papua New Guinea. Unpublished
WWF Report
Diamond, J. and Bishop, K. D. (1999a) Birds of Mt Sisa. Unpublished WWF Report.
Diamond, J. and Bishop, K. D. (1999b) Local Avifauna of the Kikori River Catchment surveyed in 1999. Unpublished WWF
Diamond, J. and Bishop, K.D. (2001) Seasonality in Birds of the Kikori River Catchment: Year - 2001 Studies. For the World
Wildlife Fund/Chevron Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project
Evans, B (1998) Non-Timber Forest Products with commercial potential in the Kikori river watershed of PNG: Mt Bosavi and
Upper Kikori. Unpublished report to WWF-KICDP.
Gebia, O. & Lawong, B. (2000) A study on two forest communities in the Kikori River Catchment of Papua New Guinea. KICDP
Scientific Report : SR -00 - 01
Gebia, O. and Lawong, B. (2001) An Orchid survey of the Lake Kutubu area Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
Unpublished WWF report.
Gozapo, G. (1995) - Orchid assessment of Kutubu., Unpublished report to WWF.
Hartshorn, G. S., Burrows, I., Forney, M., Kosi, T., Mala, T. and Wiakabu, J. (1994) Preliminary biological reconnaissance of the
Kikori River Basin, Papua New Guinea. Unpublished WWF Report, Washington DC.
Hartshorn, G. S., Leary, T., Seri, L., Burrows, I., Allen, G., Polhemus, D., Balun, L., Orsak, L., Bigilale, E., Kinbag, F., Kinibel, A.,
Dal, C., Wasel, H., Ellis, G. and Forney, M. (1995) Field Survey of Biodiversity in the Kikori River Basin, Papua New
Guinea. Unpublished WWF Report, Washington DC.
(NOTE: there are also individual reports by the following authors that make up this large report - Burrows, Leary et al, Seri et al,
Orsak & Eason, Polhemus, Alan)
Houston, W. (1995) - The Lake Kutubu subsistence fishery - Preliminar assessment of fisheries resources, fish habitats and
monitoring programmes. Unpublished report to WWF.
Jaensch, R. and Matsui, K. (1999) Public awareness of wetlands biodiversity conservation and the impact of peat swamp forest
fire at Lake Kutubu, Papua New Guinea. Project Completion Report to Keidanren Nature Conservation Fund.
Jenkins, A. (1997) Distribution, abundance and ecological roles of Lake Kutubu fishes. Unpublished WWF report.
Jenkins, A. and Buston, P. (1997) Distribution and Abundance of the Fishes of Lake Kutubu. Unpublished WWF report.
Jenkins, A & Bustard, P and Alan, G. R. (2000) Two new species of freshwater gudgeons (Eleotrididae : Mogurnda) from Lake
Kutbu, Papua New Guinea. Ichthyol. Explor. Freshwaters 10 : 447-454.
Landford, A. (1996) Entomological survey and research report into the viability of village based butterfly ranching projects in the
Lake Kutubu - Mt Bosavi region, PNG. Consultancy report to WWF.
Lawong, B. and Gebia, O (1999) Study on the biological diversity of two adjoining forest ecotypes: mangrove and rainforest
ecosystem, in the Gulf and Southern Highlands Province. Unpublished report to WWF.
Leary, T. (1995) Field survey of biodiversity in the Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project Area. Paper
presented at the 1995 Biological Society meeting at Ok Ted 27 - 30 August 1995.
Leary, T., Naug, R., and Price, J. (1996) Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project : Sustaining the Environment
and Promoting Conservation and Sustainable Development Alongside the Kutubu Joint Venture Petroleum
Development. pp. 805 - 814. In : P.G. Buchanan (Ed.) Proceedings of the Third Petroleum Convention, Port Moresby.
Leary T. (1996) Prelimary assessment of the subsistence fisheries catch at Lake Kutubu. Paper presented to the PNG
Biological Society Conference.
Leary, T. (1996) Areas of known conservation significance in the Kikori Integrated Conservation and Development Project Area.
(A report to accompany a map of high biodiversity areas in the Kikori ICDP area. Unpublished WWF report.
Leary, T. (1997) Subsistence fish catch monitoring Lake Kutubu, Southern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea.
Unpublished WWF Report.
Leary, T. and Seri, L. (1997) An annotated checklist of mammals recorded in the Kikori River Basin, Papua New Guinea.
Science in New Guinea 23 (2) : 79 100.
Leary, T. (1998) Mammals of the Lake Kutubu Swamp Forests. A report to Wetlands International. WWF Unpublished report.
Leary, T. (1998) Discussion paper on environmental impact monitoring (including biodiversity monitoring) at the eco-forestry
sites in the lower Kikori. Unpublished WWF report.
Leary, T., (1999) Mammal survey of the Gobe Oil Field Area, Southern Highlands and Gulf Provinces, Papua New Guinea
December, 1998. Unpublished WWF Report.
Leary, T. (1999) A partnership between WWF and the Foi people of Lake Kutubu to monitor and sustainably manage
subsistence fish catch. Paper presented at the Pacific Science Congress. Sydney July 1999.
Leary, T. (1999) Protocol for Environmental Impact Assessment of eco-enterprise interventions of the Kikori ICDP Unpublished
report to WWF KICDP.
Leary, T. (2001) Mammal survey of two sites on the northeast side of Mt Sisa, Southern Highlands Province, PNG - October
1999. Unpublished WWF report. Scientific Report Series SR-01-02.
Leary, T. and Kinibel, A. (2001) A survey of the Moth fauna (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) of Mt Sisa, Southern Highlands, PNG
October 1999. Unpublished WWF report. KICDP Scientific Report SR-01-03.
Mamu, T. (2000) Review of information on existing and proposed WMAs with Kikori ICDP. SR-00-02 Unpublished WWF
Menzies, J. (1999) Frogs of the Gobe Oil Field area, Southern Highlands and Gulf Provinces, Papua New Guinea December,
1998. Unpublished WWF Report.
NSR Environmental Consultants (1998) PNG Gas Project Environmental Plan Main Report. Chevron Niuguini Report.
McDonald, W. J. F., Kiapranis, R., and Jessup, L. W. (1999) Floristic patterns in the swamp forests of Lake Kutubu, PNG.
Unpublished report to Wetlands International and Keidanren Conservation Fund.
Osborne, P. L. and Totome, R. C. (1999) Preliminary assessment of Lake Kutubu (Papua New Guinea) swamp forest sediment
deposits and hydrology. Unpublished report to Wetlands International, Keidanren Conservation Fund and WWF Kikori
Richards, S. (1997) Herpetofauna of the Kikori River Basin .A report submitted to NSR Environmental Consultants.

Richards, S. (2000) Herpetofauna and Odonata of Dark End Lumber (Gulf Province) and Mt Sisa (Southern Highlands
Province), Papua New Guinea. Unpublished Consultancy report to WWF KICDP.
Tosi, J. A. and Balanos R. (1994) Ecological Reconnaissance and Forestry Survey of the Kikori River Watershed. Unpublished
report to World Wildlife Fund.

Contributions in Natural History of the Papua New Guinea National Museum & Art Gallery
Any prospective author that acknowledges the PNG National Museum for assistance of any kind in a biological
sciences publication (logistical, visa aquistion, use of laboratory space, use of collections, collaboration with staff) is requested
to use a Contributions Series number assigned by the Chief Curator of Natural History. Please request a number from Frank
Bonaccorso when your manuscript is near submission (supply title, authors, journal of submission). When publication occurs
please send 3 copies of reprints to the Chief Curator for reprint/library collections. Your cooperation helps us to continue to
offer services to scientists from outside the Museum and to justify our existence and budget. Thank you.
List of publications and manuscripts with assigned series numbers follow:
1. From the past to the future: live animal collections and conservation biology in Papua New Guinea. 1996. F. J.
Bonaccorso. Zoos: evolution or extinction. Proceedings of the ARAZPA/ASZK Conference 1996, Healesville, Australia.
2. Plasticity of energetics in blossom bats (Pteropodidae): impact on distribution. 1997. F. J. Bonaccorso and B. K.
McNab. Journal of Mammalogy 78(4):1073-1088.
3. Salt appetite, seawater ingestion, and kidney function in flying foxes of the genus
Pteropus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). C. A. Iudica and F. J. Bonaccorso. Submitted to Mammalia.
4. Standard energetics in Leaf-nosed bats (Hipposideridae): Its relationship to intermittent and protracted foraging
tactics in bats and bats. F. J. Bonaccorso and B.K. McNab. Submitted to Journal of Comparative Phsiology B
5. Home range of the southern blossom bat, Syconycteris australis, in Papua New Guinea. 2000. J. R. Winkelmann,
F. J. Bonaccorso, and T. L. Strickler. Journal of Mammalogy 81(2): 408-414.
6. Bonaccorso, F. J., J. R. Winkelmann, E. R. Dumont, and K. Thibault. 2002. Foraging movements and the stability of
home range of Dobsonia minor (Pteropodidae): a solitary, foliage roosting fruit bat in Papua New Guinea. Biotropica : IN
7. J. R. Winkelmann, F. J. Bonaccorso, T. L. Strickler. Home range of the least blossom bat, Macroglossus minimus in
Papua New Guinea. To be submitted to Journal of Mammalogy.
8. McNab, B. K. and F. J. Bonaccorso. 2001. Metabolism of New Guinean pteropodid bats. Journal of Comparative
Phsiology B, 171:201-214.
9. B. K McNab. 2000. The influence of body mass, climate, and distribution on the energetics of South Pacific
pigeons. Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology Part A, 127:309-329.
10. B. K. McNab and F. J. Bonaccorso. The Standard Energetics of South Pacific Kingfishers. Not presently
11. B. K. McNab. The energetics of toucans (Ramphastidae), a barbet (Capitonidae), and a hornbill (Bucerotidae):
Implications for Avian Frugivory
12. B. K. McNab. An analysis of the factors influencing the standard energetics of flighted and flightless rails
(Rallidae). Submitted to Auk.
13. F. J. Bonaccorso, C. Goddard, P. Clark, R. Clark, and T. Leary. Cetaceans of New Guinea and Its Satellite
Islands: An Annotated Checklist and Dichotomous Key. Possibly to be submitted to Zoologische Verhandelingen, Leiden.
14. L. Beaudoin-Ollivier, F. Bonaccorso, M. Aloysius, and M. Kasiri. Movements of Scapanes australis (Coleoptera:
Scarabaeidae: Dynastidae) in Papua New Guinea: a radio telemetry study. Draft manuscript in progress.
15. Phylogeny of the owlet-nightjars (Aegothelidae) based on mitochondrial DNA sequence. J. P. Dumbacher, T. K.
Pratt and R. C. Fleischer. In prep; to be sent to Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
16. B.K. McNab. The relationship between flow rate and chamber size in vertebrate respirometry,. Submitted soon to
17. B. K. McNab. Minimizing energy expenditure facilitates vertebrate persistence on oceanic islands. Invited Paper
for Ecology Letters.
If you would like a reprint of any of the publications above write or email to the first author of the publication at their
home address. Email contact for senior authors above are provided below. Manuscripts without full citation are either in
preparation for submission, in review by a journal or in press sometimes authors are willing to share preprints of manuscripts,
but these can only be provided by contacting the senior author and subject to their approval.
Emails of senior authors on the list are: Brian McNab, John Winkelmann, Carlos Iudica, Laurence Beaudoin-Olliver, John
Dumbacher, Frank Bonaccorso,

We Want You!
To make this newsletter more useful, we want YOUR contribution! Please send changes or additions to the mailing
list. Please send a paragraph to introduce yourself and tell us what your interests are. Please send a list of any publications you
have about New Guinea. Please send a paragraph about any recent research or work you have done in New Guinea. Please
send editorials, letters, announcements, etc. In other words, send anything of interest to your fellow researchers and
conservationists-- share with us! We want this to be YOUR newsletter!-- Think of us as just the compilers! (Send all this
good stuff to Debra Wright at the addresses/numbers listed on the first page of this newsletter)

Our Current Mailing List

Included with this issue of the Digest, you will find the 2002 Mailing Directory. We hope this will facilitate
communication between all of us. Please help us by sending the names and addresses of anyone else who would like to get a
copy of the Digest. Also, please check your address, phone, fax, and e-mail. If anything is wrong, please drop us a line so we
can correct it. If you would rather not receive the newsletter, please let us know so we can save the paper and postage. If you
have email or internet service, please let us know if you would like to get the newsletter via email, or if you would like to get
an announcement via email when a new issue is posted on the web and you can look at it there. These options will save us
paper and postage. Thanks!

Goodbye until next time!

Lukim yu bihain!
Sampai jumpa lagi!

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