Maxon 2012-13 Catalog

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Program 2012/13

High Precision Drives and Systems.

DVD inside
maxon DVD:
with selection program

Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7

Helps you find the maxon solution for
your drive requirements
No installation necessary

Adobe Reader is required to maximize the

electronic catalogs full range of functions.
This is contained on the DVD.
Welcome to 415
maxon motor

maxon selection guide 1621

Table of Contents 2223

Technology short and 2446

to the point

maxon DC motor 47134

maxon EC motor 135199

NEW EC 22 HD 153154
NEW EC 45 flat, 70 Watt 197
NEW EC 60 flat, 100 Watt 198

maxon gear 201248

NEW GP 16 C 218
NEW GP 22 HD 228
NEW GP 26 A 232

maxon spindle drive 249259

NEW GP 16 S 251252

maxon sensor 261287

NEW Enc. MILE for EC 60 flat 263
NEW Enc. MILE for EC 90 flat 264

maxon motor control 289322

NEW ESCON 36/2 DC 292
NEW ESCON 50/5 292
NEW EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319

maxon compact drive 323326

maxon accessories 327337

NEW Accessories overview 336337

maxon special program 339374

maxon special design 375379

maxon ceramic 381385

to maxon motor

driven by precision Born in Switzerland.

maxon motor is the worlds leading Grown around the world.
supplier of high-precision drives and sys- Based in Sachseln/Switzerland, maxon
tems up to 500 watt output power. We motor employs over 2020 staff world-
develop and produce brushless and wide and has production sites in
brushed DC motors with our unique Switzerland, Germany and Hungary as
ironless maxon winding. Our modular well as distribution companies in more
program is complemented by flat motors than 30 countries. Around 1150 staff
with an iron core. The modular system work in ultra-modern production sites
with planetary, spur and special gear- in Central Switzerland, 400 in Sexau,
heads, sensors and control electronics, Germany and 220 in Veszprm,
completes the range. Hungary. We manufacture all the major
High-tech CIM and MIM components are components of our drive systems on
produced in a special competence cen- our own largely in-house developed
ter. maxon motor stands for top machinery and production lines. This not
quality, innovation, competitiveness only enables us to manufacture
and a worldwide distribution network. large series efficiently, but also provides
maximum flexibility for special require-
ments or smaller unit sizes.

Back to the motor

Dear Valued Customer vibration and shocks. The motor opens with Hall sensors in four winding types
up new possibilities for a wide range of (24, 30, 36, 48 V) and can be combined
Small, precise, powerful and at the applications. It is predestined, for exam- with over 50 different planetary and spur
core the ironless maxon winding. You ple, for use in the astronautics industry, gearheads from the GP 42 C and GS 45
can already see it on the front page. in power stations, in automotive and A series. A number of servo amplifiers
Our new motors are a key aspect of the aircraft construction or in underground (DEC, DECS, DECV and DES) and posi-
maxon catalog 2012/13. We have made applications. tion controllers (EPOS2 and EPOS2 P)
them even more powerful and robust to are available for control.
solve the most demanding drive task Stronger than ever For the EC 22 HD there is also the
problems, together with you. The successful series of brushless robust new planetary gearhead GP 22
maxon EC 45 flat motors is continually HD with the same diameter. And with
Hotter than ever expanding. The family is joined by a the new ESCON 36/2 and ESCON 50/5
With the EC 22 HD (Heavy Duty), maxon completely newly designed 70 watt mod- servo amplifiers you will always have
motor is launching a standard motor el. The new EC 45 flat 70 W is character- your DC drives under control.
for extremely harsh working conditions. ized by a very flat speed/torque gradient
The brushless DC motor, which has and combines old with new: Flange pat- Best regards,
been designed for the extremely high tern, mounting and plugs are identical to
requirements in the field of deep drilling, the existing 50 W model. Nonetheless,
can also withstand harsh environmental the 70 watt model delivers 38 percent
conditions: The EC 22 HD has been more torque.
designed for temperatures of more than
200C and atmospheric pressures of up As easily combinable as ever Eugen Elmiger
to 1700 bar. It is also resistant to large The new EC 45 flat 70 W is available CEO

left to right
Armin Lederer
Production, Human Resources
and Procurement
Dr. Ulrich Claessen
Development and Quality Assurance
Eugen Elmiger
Sales and Marketing, CEO
Dr. Karl-Walter Braun
Norbert Bitzi
maxon manufacturing company in Germany maxon manufacturing company in Hungary
Sexau Veszprm

Production at our
satellite facilities.
Security policy arguments and the labor market have charac-
terized maxon motors decentralized production locations from
the very beginning. In September 1989, for instance, we
opened a production facility in Sexau, near Freiburg im Breis-
gau (Germany).
And in 2001, we opened another production company in Vesz-
prm, Hungary. Flexible production and assembly equipment
coupled with systematic controls ensure that the manufacturing
process is efficient, precise and meets a consistently high
quality standard.

Optimum solutions for your drive problems are discussed Our employees are thoroughly trained
by our sales teams in project meetings. for their demanding tasks.

Sales, Training.
Our sales engineers are at your disposal to discuss tailored
solutions for your specialized requirements.
Our expertise: Integration of sophisticated electronic controls
and highly dynamic mechanical movement.
Reliable and well trained sales engineers and authorized
dealers ensure that you receive professional support and
advice take advantage of it!
Use maxon academy, the education and training platform for
our drive expertise at

Modern means provide our Modern production methods Most modern measuring maxons extensive R & D
engineers with the necessary and highly automated pro- methods serve to assure department is able to meet
assistance in their demand- cesses guarantee efficient highest quality, starting with the requirements of the rapid-
ing tasks. This method further and low-cost production with the individual parts. ly developing market of high
permits working out custom- an unprecedented accuracy Prior to starting production, technology drive systems.
er-specific solutions within of repetition. Flexible produc- newly developed motors Our quality assurance system
the shortest possible time. tion lines mean quick and gearheads are tested is organized and maintained,
changeovers to different pro- thoroughly round the recognizing latest respective
duction series. clock using most modern developments, thus offering
equipment. you best possible assurance
for a product of high quality.
Quality Assurance
One of maxon motors main objectives is to offer our busi-
ness partners high-quality products at attractive prices.

Quality is interpreted in a very comprehensive way at maxon

motor. Quality not only refers to the objective properties of the
products, but extends to the manner in which our employees
think and act.

Our quality assurance system:

As one of the first ten Swiss companies, we were awarded
the Quality Certificate with the most stringent requirements
according to international norm, on July 12, 1988. The struc-
ture and procedural organization, liabilities and responsibilities,
as well as special assessments of processes and procedures
are exactly documented for the entire staff, including man-
agement. Our Quality System is completely operational and
practical. It is rigorously applied, maintained and periodically
verified, the latter through BVQI Bureau Veritas Quality Inter-
national since September 1991.

ISO 9001:2008
ISO 14001:2004
ISO 13485:2003
SN EN ISO 13485:2003
is an internationally accepted quality norm for medical prod-
ucts that requires management and staff to ensure that the
design and manufacture of medical products minimise poten-
tial risks for patients. The traceability of processes and raw
materials must also be guaranteed.

In 2007 the competence center in Sexau received certification

for the development, production and distribution of ceramic den-
tal implants. A year later, maxon medical Sachseln became ISO
13485-certified. This division develops, produces and mar-
kets drive components and systems, precision DC motor drive
components up to 500 watts, spur and planetary gearheads,
DC tachos, encoders and control electronics.

Some definitions
ISO International Organization
for Standardization. Over 90
countries are associated with
this organization.

ISO 9001:2008 Quality

management system
requirements. This international
norm promotes the choice
of a process-oriented
approach for developing,
realizing and improving the
effectiveness of a quality
management system in order
to increase customer satisfac-
tion by meeting customer

SN EN ISO 9001:2008
The European norm is
identical to ISO 9001:2008. It
exists in three official versions
(English, French and Ger-
There are also versions avail- maxon System Engineering
able in the relevant languages maxon motor works according to the latest and up-to-date standards and norms in system tech-
for OEN members. nology. Our management and engineering methods and processes allow us to translate market
requirements into demand oriented products on a systematic and economic basis.
SN EN ISO 14001:2004 The difference between normal technology and maxons system technology only becomes
is an internationally accepted apparent in the application. And where does the difference begin? With the manufacturer with
quality norm for environmental us, maxon motor and our core competencies.
management systems (EMS).
It covers environmental-rele-
vant processes and proce- The Customer Connection Progress
dures in a company, requiring Customer satisfaction Integral quality assurance system SN EN ISO 9001:2008
as measure of our
a companys management and
performance Medical products certified under SN EN ISO 13485:2003
employees to adopt environ- for maxon medical and our production company in Sexau
mentally-compatible behaviour Sales partners in 30 (Germany)
and constantly seek to improve countries
its procedures and documenta-
Qualified team of engineers

Competent customer More than 40 years professional experience
advisory service
State-of-the-art data processing systems
BV Bureau Veritas, head- Transparent processes Environmental management system certified according
quartered in Paris, was The Company to SN EN ISO 14001:2004
founded in 1828 and operates
approximately 500 inspection
Operates worldwide in Application Support
development, production
centres in 125 countries and sales Documentation offering real support
as the worlds oldest
independent inspection and More than 1800 compe- Online catalog with selection program
tent and motivated staff Computer service and motors networked
classification company.
This is an assurance for broad Powerful, flexible and
international recognition. innovative
Your benefits are
Optimum total solutions at attractive prices
Efficient production of A comprehensive, innovative and modular
large and small series
product range
Cost-aware designs A verifiable quality assurance system
International purchase
of goods Flexibility for made-to-order and series production

Long-term planning
Where are maxon
motors used today?
Our drive systems go to great depths inside the earth. They
can for example be found in drill heads and help to increase
the safety of deep drills.
With modern drives, such as the maxon EC 22 HD, many func-
tions in the field of deep drilling can be better controlled. In
deep drilling tools, the hydraulic valves are, for example, con-
trolled by maxon drives. And that at high pressures and tem-
peratures of up to 200 C.


1201_Welcome.indd 12 01.05.2012 09:12:35

Medical science Industrial Automation Instrumentation & Inspection
Insulin pumps PCB mounting systems Laser leveling systems
Apnea devices Lithography systems Microscopes
Prostheses Electric discharge machines Calipers
Ophthalmosurgical devices Welding equipment Particle measuring equipment
Power tools Packing machines Calibration systems
Radiation equipment Printing equipment Precision scales
Surgical robots Weaving machines Weather and climate analyzers

Communication Robotics Surveillance cameras

Television- and aerial view cameras Humanoid robots Access and lock systems
Professional cameras Inspection robots Card readers
Digital recording systems Microrobotic systems Mobile inspection systems
Projectors Teleoperations robots Automated gates
Theater and concert lighting Educational robots Scanning systems
Advertising displays Household robots Respirators
Bar code readers Space robots
Antenna adjustment systems

Automotive Aerospace Consumer Applications

Gasoline and fuel injection pumps Brake flap adjustment Motorized golf caddies
Air conditioning Seat and display adjustment Gambling machines
Adjustable shock absorbers Flight recorders Vacuum cleaner robots
Power steering Solar sail adjustment Model airplanes and trains
Electronic tachographs Radar systems Bicycles
Distance measurement systems Luggage hatch equipment Coffee machines
Fuel cell vehicles Autopilots High-end modeling

1201_Welcome.indd 13 01.05.2012 09:12:51

maxon DC motor maxon EC motor maxon flat motor maxon gear
maxon DC motors are high- Our electronically commutat- The flat design of the brush- The precision spur and
quality motors fitted with ed DC motors are character- less DC flat motors makes planetary gearheads are
powerful permanent ized in particular by favour- them the ideal drive for many compatible with maxon
magnets. The heart of the able torque behaviour, high applications. Designed as motors. In addition to a large
motor is the worldwide pat- performance, an extremely internal or external rotor standard program, maxon
ented ironless rotor. This wide speed range and motors, they are often the shows its strengths with cus-
means using cutting-edge unprecedented service life. ideal solution when space is tomer-oriented special
technology to produce Their outstanding control fea- limited. The well thought-out designs based on a broad
compact, powerful and low tures help create precision and simple design means know-how. State-of-the-art
inertia drives. These DC positioning drives. Similar to that production is largely tools and production tech-
motors have very fast accel- the ideology of the A-max automated, helping keep niques are used to boost
eration thanks to their low programme, a modular motor down the price. performance. It is a great
mass moment of inertia. The range is available with the advantage that the gear-
modular construction of the EC-max programme. The heads can be adjusted
A-max and RE-max pro- EC-4pole range provides top adapted directly in the work-
grammes offer countless performance per volume unit, shop for the required motors.
options and top performance pushing the boundaries of
at competitive prices. technology.

Great choice, easy ordering.

maxons product range of motors and combinations is unique around the world. Its modular system and numerous winding
options are crucial for this range of variations. We have divided our products into four program groups to help guarantee our
customers the shortest delivery times.

Stock program Standard program

The market-oriented selection from our extensive range offers In the comprehensive standard program, products are
you the following key advantages: included which can be produced and delivered in a short time.
Quick delivery times The plenitude of versions in this program offer tried and tested
In stock at our sales offices around the world standard products for optimised application.

Special program Special design

A wide range of motors and combinations is available on maxon develops special versions to fit customers special needs.
request. maxon is strong in this sector.


1201_Welcome.indd 14 01.05.2012 09:12:54

maxon sensor maxon motor control maxon compact drive maxon ceramic
Encoders, DC tachos and Controls are used to their full maxons compact drives A technological leap into the
resolvers enable speed and advantage with maxon feature controllers, sensors future. An innovative tool,
angular position to be evalu- motors. Various 4-quadrant and motors in a modern ceramic material is becoming
ated accurately and form the servoamplifiers cover all aluminium casing, which, more prominent wherever
basis for high-precision requirements in terms of per- when combined with existing metals are pushed to their
positioning. For resonance formance and speed accura- compatible maxon products, limits, such as for use in
reasons, sensors are only cy in maxon DC motors. produce robust, space-saving tools, parts for medical tech-
mounted on motors with con- Should you require maxon and high power density drive nology or components for
tinuous shafts to ensure high EC motors, you benefit from solutions. The decentralized high-grade drive technology.
precision and signal resolu- the latest design in electronic concept of these intelligent The innovative use of high-
tion. Assembly is compatible communication. The 1 and drives minimises the use of tech ceramic components
with the motors and must be 4-quadrant amplifiers offer a centralised position control- leads to a marked improve-
carried out in the supplier's range of useful additional lers. The compact drives ment in performance and ser-
workshop. functions. When combined controller-motor combination vice life of our motors and
with maxon motors, the inno- has an optimum layout and drives. Volume-optimised and
vative maxon positioning con- can be used immediately. low-cost parts can be pro-
trollers are complete solu- duced using MIM parts.
tions for accurate positioning
and regulated rotary move-

The maxon modular system

maxons motors, gearheads, encoders, brakes and controllers are all perfectly compatible and offer an almost unending number
of possible combinations. The maxon modular system always gives you the ideal combination for the required application.

Planetary Gearhead Motors Encoder MR

DC motors
EC motors
EC flat motors Encoder HEDL
Spur Gearhead

Spindle Drive

4-Q-DC Servoamplifier Resolver
1-Q-EC Amplifier
4-Q-EC Amplifier
Positioning control units Brake

1201_Welcome.indd 15 01.05.2012 09:12:56

Selection guide
maxon motor
Classification of the maxon motor ranges according to performance classes.
Performance, also in conjunction with size, is frequently a central requirement
when considering drive systems. A preliminary size-related selection can be
made from the different product ranges with the maxon motor selection guide.
Our data sheets provide detailed characteristics related to individual motors.
Should you need any additional information, simply call us!

Selection Guide
maxon gear / maxon sensor

Max. Continuous torque

be ring
a ri
Intermittently permissible torque

Sli e be
Sle eari
ll b
maxon gear


  GP 6 A 6 mm 0.0020.03 Nm 3.9:1854:1 204

 GP 8 A 8 mm 0.010.1 Nm 4:14096:1 205
 GP 10 K 10 mm 0.0050.1 Nm 4:11024:1 206
  GP 10 A 10 mm 0.010.15 Nm 4:11024:1 207
  GS 12 A 12 mm 0.010.05 Nm 6.4:14402:1 208
   GP 13 K 13 mm 0.050.15 Nm 4.1:11119:1 209
  GP 13 A 13 mm 0.20.35 Nm 4.1:13373:1 210
  GP 13 M 13 mm 0.10.15 Nm 5.1:1125:1 211
  GS 16 K 16 mm 0.010.03 Nm 6.4:15752:1 212
  GS 16 A 16 mm 0.0150.04 Nm 6.4:15752:1 213
  GS 16 V 16 mm 0.060.1 Nm 6.4:15752:1 214
  GS 16 VZ 16 mm 0.060.1 Nm 22:11670:1 215
   GP 16 K 16 mm 0.060.18 Nm 4.4:11621:1 216
  GP 16 A 16 mm 0.10.3 Nm 4.4:14592:1 217
  GP 16 C 16 mm 0.20.6 Nm 4.4:14592:1 218
  GP 16 M 16 mm 0.10.3 Nm 4.4:14592:1 219
  GP 19 B 19 mm 0.10.3 Nm 4.4:14592:1 220
  GS 20 A 20 mm 0.060.25 Nm 15:1532:1 221
  GP 22 B 22 mm 0.10.3 Nm 4.4:14592:1 222
  GP 22 L 22 mm 0.20.6 Nm 3.8:14592:1 223
  GP 22 A 22 mm 0.51.0 Nm 3.8:14592:1 224
  GP 22 C 22 mm 0.52.0 Nm 3.8:14592:1 225/226
  GP 22 HP 22 mm 2.03.4 Nm 3.8:1850:1 227
  GP 22 HD 22 mm 2.04.0 Nm 3.8:14592:1 228
  GP 22 M 22 mm 0.52.0 Nm 3.8:14592:1 229
  GS 24 A 24 mm 0.1 Nm 7.2:1325:1 230
  GP 26 B 26 mm 0.52.0 Nm 3.8:14592:1 231
  GP 26 A 26 mm 0.754.5 Nm 5.2:1236:1 232
  GS 30 A 30 mm 0.070.2 Nm 15:1500:1 233
  GP 32 BZ 32 mm 0.754.5 Nm 3.7:1236:1 234
  GP 32 A 32 mm 0.754.5 Nm 3.7:16285:1 235/236
  GP 32 C 32 mm 1.06.0 Nm 3.7:16285:1 237/238
  GP 32 HP 32 mm 4.08.0 Nm 14:1913:1 239
  KD 32 32 mm 1.04.5 Nm 11:11091:1 240
  GS 38 A 38 mm 0.10.6 Nm 6:1900:1 241
  GP 42 C 42 mm 3.015.0 Nm 3.5:1936:1 242/243
  GS 45 A 45 mm 0.52.0 Nm 5:11952:1 244
  GP 52 C 52 mm 4.030.0 Nm 3.5:1936:1 245/246
  GP 62 A 62 mm 8.050.0 Nm 5.2:1236:1 247
  GP 81 A 81 mm 20.0120.0 Nm 3.7:1308:1 248

Nm 100 50 10 5 1 0.5 0.1 0.05 0.01 0.005 Output torque







3 7 /5
CO /2 DC





PO 24 /5


AD N 5 0

EP Module

EP 2 P 2
DE E 50

EP 2 5 0
EP 2 7 0
S_ 0

4 /2
DE 0/5

4 /2










maxon sensor Page








Encoder MILE 64 CPT, 3 channel 262         

Encoder MILE (60) 5122048 CPT, 2 channel, LD 263          

Encoder MILE (90) 8003200 CPT, 2 channel, LD 264          

Encoder MR, type S 16 CPT, 2 channel 265 
Encoder MR, type S 64256 CPT, 2 channel, LD 266      
Encoder MR, type S 100 CPT, 2 channel, LD 266      
Encoder MR, type S 64256 CPT, 2 channel 267 
Encoder MR, type M 32 CPT, 2/3 channel 268/269 
Encoder MR, type M 128512 CPT, 2/3 channel, LD 270      
Encoder MR, type M 128512 CPT, 2/3 channel, LD 271    

Encoder MR, type ML 1281000 CPT, 3 channel, LD 272     

Encoder MR, type L 2561024 CPT, 3 channel, LD 273   

Encoder HEDS 5540 500 CPT, 3 channel 276/277 
Encoder HEDL 5540 500 CPT, 3 channel 278280   

Encoder HEDL 9140 500 CPT, 3 channel 281/282      

Encoder MEnc 10 12 CPT, 2 channel 283 
Encoder MEnc 13 16 CPT, 2 channel 284/285 
DC tacho DCT 22 0.52 V 286 

  Information on connecting sensors with controllers, page 336.

Selection Guide
maxon DC motor
Type Modular system Recommended electronics

/EC 12
eve r Lon es

ll b earin Life

/10 13
/10 73

OS 24/5 13
0/1 316




Ca meta hes
cit brus

CO /2 DC


OS 0 / 5


Br cho

AD N 5 0

EP odule

EP 2 24

EP 2 7 0
Pre ite b

DC de r













maxon DC motor









0.3 W 0.3 mNm RE 6 50
0.5 W 0.6 mNm RE 8 51
0.75 W 0.8 mNm RE 10 52/53
0.75 W 0.51.3 mNm RE 13 58/59
1.2 W 0.51.3 mNm RE 13 56/57
1.5 W 1.51.6 mNm RE 10 54/55
1.5 W 0.31.2 mNm RE 13 6467
2.0 W 1.53.0 mNm RE 13 62/63
2.0 W 1.42.4 mNm RE 16 72
2.5 W 1.43.0 mNm RE 13 60/61
3.0 W 1.32.4 mNm RE 13 6871
3.2 W 2.45.6 mNm RE 16 73/74
4.5 W 2.24.8 mNm RE 16 75/76
10 W 11.428.7 mNm RE 25 77
20 W 21.932.9 mNm RE 25 78
20 W 11.130.0 mNm RE 25 79
60 W 51.689.7 mNm RE 30 80
90 W 73.1106.0 mNm RE 35 81
150 W 94.9192.0 mNm RE 40 82
200 W 405.0452.0 mNm RE 50 83
250 W 442.0865.0 mNm RE 65 84

maxon -max

0.5 W 0.80.9 mNm -max 12 88

0.75 W 0.81.0 mNm -max 12 87
1.2 W 0.72.2 mNm -max 16 90
1.5 W 1.33.6 mNm -max 19 94
2.0 W 0.72.5 mNm -max 16 89/91/92
2.5 W 0.83.9 mNm -max 19 93/95/96
3.5 W 4.85.3 mNm -max 22 98
4.0 W 5.412.4 mNm -max 26 101/102
4.5 W 4.513.4 mNm -max 26 104
5.0 W 4.86.3 mNm -max 22 97
6.0 W 5.96.9 mNm -max 22 99/100
6.0 W 6.813.9 mNm -max 26 105/106
7.0 W 4.513.1 mNm -max 26 103
11 W 5.517.8 mNm -max 26 107/108
15 W 32.537.7 mNm -max 32 109/110
20 W 39.745.1 mNm -max 32 111/112

0.75 W 0.31.3 mNm -max 13 116

1.2 W 0.31.3 mNm -max 13 115
2W 0.92.8 mNm -max 13 118
2.5 W 1.02.8 mNm -max 13 117
2.5 W 1.33.4 mNm -max 17 120
3.5 W 2.56.3 mNm -max 21 124
4.0 W 1.33.7 mNm -max 17 119
4.5 W 1.43.9 mNm -max 17 121/122
5.0 W 2.66.2 mNm -max 21 123
6.0 W 1.96.8 mNm -max 21 125/126
6.5 W 8.610.6 mNm -max 24 128
9.0 W 8.727.1 mNm -max 29 132
10 W 8.610.5 mNm -max 24 127
11 W 10.812.2 mNm -max 24 129/130
15 W 8.727.0 mNm -max 29 131
22 W 10.930.6 mNm -max 29 133/134

Nominal torque mNm 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Option/On request For motors with / without sensors

At least 2 channel encoder with line driver is required
Information on connecting motors with controllers, page 337.


1202_Selection_Guide.indd 18 01.05.2012 09:25:13

9 10

1202_Selection_Guide.indd 19
GP A 20
10 4
GP K 20
10 5


12 6
GP A 20
13 7
GP K 20
13 8
GP A 20
13 9
GS M 21
16 0

GS A 21
16 2
GP V 21
16 3
GP V Z 21
16 4

GP K 21
16 5
GP A 21
16 6
GP C 21

GP M 21
19 8
GS B 21
20 9

GP A 22
22 0
GP B 22
22 1

GP L 22
22 2
GP A 22
22 3
GP C 2
22 22 24
GP HP 5 /2
22 26
GP HD 22
22 7

80 90 100
GS M 22
24 8
GP A 22
26 9
GP B 23
26 0
GS A 23
30 1
GP A 23
32 2
GP BZ 23
32 3
GP A 2
32 23 3 4
GP C 5 /2
32 23 3 6
KD HP 7/2

GS 23
38 9
GP A 24
42 0
GS C 2
45 24 41
GP A 2 /2
52 43
GP C 2

62 24 44
GP A 5 /2
81 46
A 24

600 700 800 9001000


01.05.2012 09:25:14
Selection Guide
maxon EC motor
Type Modular system Recommended electronics

OS ule 36/2 312


/10 13






ea ring

3 7 /5 3
Ba e be s







C2 5
Sle ens

DE N 50

EP 2 P 2
DE 0 /10

EP 2 5 0
EP 2 24

EP 2 7 0
Br lver

DE 50/
Re der



DE 0/5





ll s

ll b










maxon EC motor








1.2 W 0.3 mNm EC 6 138
2W 0.9 mNm EC 8 139
6.0 W 2.42.5 mNm EC 13 141
8.0 W 1.5 mNm EC 10 140
12 W 5.25.7 mNm EC 13 142
30 W 4.14.5 mNm EC 13 ster. 143
30 W 8.08.5 mNm EC 16 145
30 W 7.47.8 mNm EC 16 ster. 146
40 W 19.119.7 mNm EC 22 149
40 W 16.016.5 mNm EC 22 ster. 150
50 W 6.67.6 mNm EC 13 ster. 144
60 W 16.517.7 mNm EC 16 147
60 W 13.413.7 mNm EC 16 ster. 148
80 W 33.754.5 mNm EC 22 HD 153
80 W 42.846.9 mNm EC 32 156
100 W 43.646.4 mNm EC 22 ster. 151
100 W 39.841.4 mNm EC 22 ster. 152
150 W 168191 mNm EC 45 158
170 W 160164 mNm EC 40 157
240 W 57.2149 mNm EC 22 HD 154
250 W 32.8 mNm EC 25 155
250 W 311347 mNm EC 45 159
400 W 747830 mNm EC 60 160

5.0 W 3.23.3 mNm EC-max 16 163

5.0 W 2.22.3 mNm EC-max 16, 2-w 164
8.0 W 7.68.2 mNm EC-max 16 165
12 W 10.210.9 mNm EC-max 22 166
25 W 21.723.1 mNm EC-max 22 167
40 W 33.334.6 mNm EC-max 30 168
60 W 60.263.9 mNm EC-max 30 169
70 W 87.194.7 mNm EC-max 40 170
120 W 168211 mNm EC-max 40 171

90 W 51.053.0 mNm -4pole 22 175

100 W 65.571.6 mNm -4pole 30 177
120 W 60.964.3 mNm -4pole 22 176
200 W 127131 mNm -4pole 30 178

maxon flat motor

0.2 W 0.2 mNm EC 10 flat 181

0.5 W 0.80.9 mNm EC 9.2 flat 180
1.5 W 1.61.7 mNm EC 14 flat 182
2.0 W 3.6 mNm EC 20 flat IE 185
3.0 W 3.24.1 mNm EC 20 flat 183
5.0 W 7.38.4 mNm EC 20 flat 184
5.0 W 7.37.5 mNm EC 20 flat IE 186
6.0 W 7.59.4 mNm EC 32 flat 187
12 W 18.725.8 mNm EC 45 flat 192
15 W 22.423.3 mNm EC 32 flat 188
15 W 24.625.5 mNm EC 32 flat IE 189
30 W 53.266.6 mNm EC 45 flat 193
30 W 57.089.9 mNm EC 45 flat IE 195
50 W 69.595.2 mNm EC 45 flat 194
50 W 76.6123.0 mNm EC 45 flat IE 196
50 W 36.846.6 mNm -i 40 190
70 W 41.548.4 mNm -i 40 191
70 W 108134 mNm EC 45 flat 197
90 W 425499 mNm EC 90 flat 199
100 W 216317 mNm EC 60 flat 198

Nominal torque mNm 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
on request Only for motors without Hall sensors
Only for motors with Hall sensors
Only for motors with Hall sensors and 3 channel encoder
At least 2 channel encoder with line driver or hall sensors is required
20 Information on connecting motors with controllers, page 337.

1202_Selection_Guide.indd 20 01.05.2012 09:25:15

9 10

1202_Selection_Guide.indd 21
GP A 20

GP K 20
10 5

GS A 20
12 6
GP A 20
13 7
GP K 20
13 8
GP A 20

GS M 21
16 0
GS K 211
GS A 21
16 2

GP V 21
16 3
GP V Z 21
16 4
GP K 21
16 5

GP A 21
16 6
GP C 21
16 7

GP M 21
19 8
GS B 21
20 9

GP A 22
22 0
GP B 22
22 1
GP L 22
22 2
GP A 22
22 3
GP C 2
22 22 24

80 90 100
GP HP 5 /2
22 26
GP HD 22
22 7
GS M 22
24 8
GP A 22
26 9
GP B 23
26 0
GS A 23
30 1
GP A 23
32 2
GP BZ 23
32 3
GP A 23

32 23 4
GP C 5 /2
32 23 3 6
KD HP 7/2
32 38
GS 23
38 9
GP A 24
42 0
GS C 2

45 24 41
GP A 2 /2
52 43
GP C 2
62 24 44
GP A 5 /2
81 46


600 700 800 900 1000


01.05.2012 09:25:16

Technology short and to the point

Topic Page Topic Page
maxon DC motor 2425 maxon e-media 44
maxon EC motor 2629 maxon academy 45
maxon gear 3031 maxon conversion table 46
maxon sensor 3233 Standard specification 48/136/202
maxon motor control 3435
maxon DC and EC motor Key information 3643

maxon DC motor DC motors with moving coil rotor

RE Program A-max Program

Type Page Type Page
RE 6 6 mm, Precious metal brushes, 0.3 Watt 50 A-max 12 12 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 0.75/0.5 W 8788
RE 8 8 mm, Precious metal brushes, 0.5 Watt 51 A-max 16 16 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 2/1.2 W 8990
RE 10 10 mm, Precious metal brushes, 0.75 Watt 5253 A-max 16 16 mm, Graphite brushes, 2 Watt 9192
RE 10 10 mm, Precious metal brushes, 1.5 Watt 5455 A-max 19 19 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 2.5/1.5 W 9394
RE 13 13 mm, Precious metal brushes, 1.2/0.75 Watt 5659 A-max 19 19 mm, Graphite brushes, 2.5 Watt 9596
RE 13 13 mm, Precious metal brushes, 2.5/2 Watt 6063 A-max 22 22 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 5/3.5 W 9798
RE 13 13 mm, Graphite brushes, 1.5 Watt 6467 A-max 22 22 mm, Graphite brushes, 6 Watt 99100
RE 13 13 mm, Graphite brushes, 3.0 Watt 6871 A-max 26 26 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 4/7/4.5 W 101104
RE 16 16 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 2 Watt 72 A-max 26 26 mm, Graphite brushes, 6/11 Watt 105108
RE 16 16 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 3.2 Watt 7374 A-max 32 32 mm, Graphite brushes, 15/20 Watt 109112
RE 16 16 mm, Graphite brushes, 4.5 Watt 7576
RE 25 25 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 10 Watt 77
RE 25 25 mm, Graphite brushes, 20 Watt 7879
RE 30 30 mm, Graphite brushes, 60 Watt 80 RE-max Program
RE 35 35 mm, Graphite brushes, 90 Watt 81 Type Page
RE 40 40 mm, Graphite brushes, 150 Watt 82
RE 50 50 mm, Graphite brushes, 200 Watt 83 RE-max 13 13 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 0.75/1.2 W 115116
RE 65 65 mm, Graphite brushes, 250 Watt 84 RE-max 13 13 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 2/2.5 W 117118
RE-max 17 17 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 4/2.5 W 119120
RE-max 17 17 mm, Graphite brushes, 4.5 Watt 121122
RE-max 21 21 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 5/3.5 W 123124
RE-max 21 21 mm, Graphite brushes, 6 Watt 125126
RE-max 24 24 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 10/6.5 W 127128
RE-max 24 24 mm, Graphite brushes, 11 Watt 129130
RE-max 29 29 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 15 Watt 131
RE-max 29 29 mm, Precious metal brushes CLL, 9 Watt 132
RE-max 29 29 mm, Graphite brushes, 22 Watt 133134

maxon EC motor Brushless DC servomotors

EC Program EC-4pole Program

Type Page Type Page
EC 6 6 mm, brushless, 1.2 Watt 138 EC-4pole 22 22 mm, brushless, 90 Watt 175
EC 8 8 mm, brushless, 2 Watt 139 EC-4pole 22 22 mm, brushless, 120 Watt 176
EC 10 10 mm, brushless, 8 Watt 140 EC-4pole 30 30 mm, brushless, 100 Watt 177
EC 13 13 mm, brushless, 6/12 Watt 141142 EC-4pole 30 30 mm, brushless, 200 Watt 178
EC 13 sterilizable 13 mm, brushless, 30 Watt 143
EC 13 sterilizable 13 mm, brushless, 50 Watt 144
EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 30/60 Watt 145/147
EC 16 sterilizable 16 mm, brushless, 30/60 Watt 146/148 EC flat Program
EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 40/100 Watt 149/151
EC 22 sterilizable 22 mm, brushless, 40/100 Watt 150/152 Type Page
EC 22 HD 22 mm, brushless, 80/240 Watt 153154 EC 9.2 flat 10 mm, brushless, 0.5 Watt 180
EC 25 25 mm, brushless, High-Speed 155 EC 10 flat 10 mm, brushless, 0.2 Watt 181
EC 32 32 mm, brushless, 80 Watt 156 EC 14 flat 13.6 mm, brushless, 1.5 Watt 182
EC 40 40 mm, brushless, 170 Watt 157 EC 20 flat 20 mm, brushless, 3/5 Watt 183184
EC 45 45 mm, brushless, 150/250 Watt 158159 EC 20 flat brushless, 2/5 Watt, IE 185186
EC 60 60 mm, brushless, 400 Watt 160 EC 32 flat 32 mm, brushless, 6/15 Watt 187188
EC 32 flat brushless, 15 Watt, IE 189
EC-i 40 40 mm, brushless, 50/70 Watt 190191
EC-max Program EC 45 flat 42.9 mm, brushless, 12/30/50 Watt 192194
Type Page EC 45 flat brushless, 30/50 Watt, IE 195196
EC 45 flat 42.8 mm, brushless, 70 Watt 197
EC-max 16 16 mm, brushless, 5/8 Watt 163165 EC 60 flat 60 mm, brushless, 100 Watt 198
EC-max 22 22 mm, brushless, 12/25 Watt 166167 EC 90 flat 90 mm, brushless, 90 Watt 199
EC-max 30 30 mm, brushless, 40 Watt 168
EC-max 30 30 mm, brushless, 60 Watt 169
EC-max 40 40 mm, brushless, 70 Watt 170
EC-max 40 40 mm, brushless, 120 Watt 171


1203_Contents.indd 22 01.05.2012 09:07:19

maxon gear Gearheads
Type Page Type Page
Planetary gearhead GP 6 A 6 mm, 0.0020.03 Nm 204 Planetary gearhead GP 22 A 22 mm, 0.51.0 Nm 224
Planetary gearhead GP 8 A 8 mm, 0.010.1 Nm 205 Planetary gearhead GP 22 C 22 mm, 0.52.0 Nm 225226
Planetary gearhead GP 10 K 10 mm, 0.0050.1 Nm 206 Planetary gearhead GP 22 HP 22 mm, 2.03.4 Nm 227
Planetary gearhead GP 10 A 10 mm, 0.010.15 Nm 207 Planetary gearhead GP 22 HD 22 mm, 2.04.0 Nm 228
Spur gearhead GS 12 A 12 mm, 0.010.03 Nm 208 Planetary gearhead GP 22 M 22 mm, sterilizable 229
Planetary gearhead GP 13 K 13 mm, 0.050.15 Nm 209 Spur gearhead GS 24 A 24 mm, 0.1 Nm 230
Planetary gearhead GP 13 A 13 mm, 0.20.35 Nm 210 Planetary gearhead GP 26 B 26 mm, 0.52.0 Nm 231
Planetary gearhead GP 13 M13 mm, 0.050.275 Nm 211 Planetary gearhead GP 26 A 26 mm, 0.754.5 Nm 232
Spur gearhead GS 16 K 16 mm, 0.010.03 Nm 212 Spur gearhead GS 30 A 30 mm, 0.070.2 Nm 233
Spur gearhead GS 16 A 16 mm, 0.0150.04 Nm 213 Planetary gearhead GP 32 BZ 32 mm, 0.754.5 Nm 234
Spur gearhead GS 16 V 16 mm, 0.060.1 Nm 214 Planetary gearhead GP 32 A 32 mm, 0.754.5 Nm 235236
Spur gearhead GS 16 VZ 16 mm, 0.060.1 Nm 215 Planetary gearhead GP 32 C 32 mm, 1.06.0 Nm 237238
Planetary gearhead GP 16 K 16 mm, 0.060.18 Nm 216 Planetary gearhead GP 32 HP 32 mm, 4.08.0 Nm 239
Planetary gearhead GP 16 A 16 mm, 0.10.3 Nm 217 Koaxdrive KD 32 32 mm, 1.04.5 Nm 240
Planetary gearhead GP 16 C 16 mm, 0.20.6 Nm 218 Spur gearhead GS 38 A 38 mm, 0.10.6 Nm 241
Planetary gearhead GP 16 M16 mm, sterilizable 219 Planetary gearhead GP 42 C 42 mm, 315 Nm 242243
Planetary gearhead GP 19 B 19 mm, 0.10.3 Nm 220 Spur gearhead GS 45 A 45 mm, 0.52.0 Nm 244
Spur gearhead GS 20 A 20.3 mm, 0.060.25 Nm 221 Planetary gearhead GP 52 C 52 mm, 430 Nm 245246
Planetary gearhead GP 22 B 22 mm, 0.10.3 Nm 222 Planetary gearhead GP 62 A 62 mm, 850 Nm 247
Planetary gearhead GP 22 L 22 mm, 0.20.6 Nm 223 Planetary gearhead GP 81 A 81 mm, 20120 Nm 248

DC Motor
maxon spindle drive Spindle Drive
Type Page Type Page
Spindle drive GP 16 S 16 mm, ball screw 251 Spindle drive GP 32 S 32 mm, ball screw 255
Spindle drive GP 16 S 16 mm, metric spindle 252 Spindle drive GP 32 S 32 mm, metric spindle 256
Spindle drive GP 22 S 22 mm, ball screw 253 Spindle drive GP 32 S 32 mm, trapezoidal spindle 257

EC Motor
Spindle drive GP 22 S 22 mm, metric spindle 254

maxon sensor Encoder and DC-Tacho

Type Page Type Page

Encoder MILE 643200 CPT, 2/3 channel 262264 Encoder HEDL 9140 500 CPT, 3 channel 281282
Encoder MR 161024 CPT, 2/3 channel 265273 Encoder MEnc 10 12 CPT, 2 channel 283
Encoder Enc 22 100 CPT, 2 channel 274275 Encoder MEnc 13 16 CPT, 2 channel 284285
Encoder HEDS 5540 500 CPT, 3 channel 276277 DC-Tacho DCT 22 0.52 V 286
Encoder HEDL 5540 500 CPT, 3 channel 278280 Resolver Res 26 10 V 287

maxon motor control Electronics for DC motors and EC motors
Type Page Type Page
ESCON servo controllers 290292 Positioning control unit EPOS2 P 314316
1-Q-EC Servoamplier 293301 Positioning control unit EPOS3 317319

4-Q-EC Servoamplier 302308 Summary maxon motor control 320
Positioning control unit EPOS2 309313 Summary accessories 321322

maxon compact drive

Type Page Type Page

MCD EPOS/MCD EPOS P 324325 Accessories 326

maxon accessories Accessories

Type Page Type Page

Brake AB 20, 24 VDC, 0.1 Nm 328 Brake AB 44, 24 VDC, 2.5 Nm 334
Brake AB 28, 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm 329331 End caps 335
Brake AB 32, 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm 332 Accessories overview 336337
Brake AB 41, 24 VDC, 2.0 Nm 333

maxon special program

Type Page Type Page
RE-Program 340 GM-Program 358
F-Program 341347 EC-Program 359368

S-Program 348355 Gearheads 369

A-Program 356357 maxon motor control 370374

maxon special design maxon ceramic

Type Page Type Page

Special Gearheads/Special Motors 376379 CIM products 383

MIM products 384

maxon worldwide

Type Page
Contact information 386389

maxon DC motor
Technology short and to the point
maxon DC motor

The outstanding technical features of

maxon DC motors:
Program 1 Flange
No magnetic cogging 2 Permanent magnet
High acceleration thanks to a low RE-Program 3 Housing (magnetic return)
mass inertia A-max-Program 4 Shaft
Low electromagnetic interference RE-max-Program 5 Winding
Low inductance
6 Commutator plate
High efficiency
Linearity between voltage and speed 7 Commutator
Linearity between load and speed 8 Graphite brushes
Linearity between load and current 9 Precious metal brushes
Small torque ripple thanks to multi-segment = Cover
commutator + Electrical connection
Able to bear high overloads for short periods
Compact design small dimensions " Ball bearing
Multiple combination possibilities with gears * Sintered sleeve bearing
as well as DC tachometers and encoders

Characteristics of the maxon RE range:

High power density
High-quality DC motor with NdFeB magnet
High speeds and torques
Robust design (metal flange)

Characteristics of the maxon A-max range: The maxon winding Service life
Good price/performance ratio
DC motor with AlNiCo magnet The heart of the maxon motor is the world-wide A general statement about service life cannot
Torsionally rigid shaft patented ironless winding, System maxon: This be made due to many influencing factors.
Automated manufacturing process motor principle has very specific advantages. Service life can vary between more than 20000
There is no magnetic detent and minimal elec- hours under favorable conditions, and less than
Characteristics of the maxon RE-max range: tromagnetic interference. The efficiency of up to 100 hours under extreme conditions (in rare
High-performance at low cost 90% exceeds that of other motor systems. cases). Roughly 1000 to 3000 hours are attained
Combines rational manufacturing and design with average requirements.
of the A-max motors with the higher power There are numerous winding variants for each
density of the NdFeB magnets motor type (see motor data sheets). They are The following have an influence:
Automated manufacturing process differentiated by the wire diameter and number 1. The electric load: higher current loads result
of turns. This results in various motor terminal in greater electric wear. Therefore, it may be
resistances. The wire sizes used are between advisable to select a somewhat stronger motor
32 m and 0.45 mm, resulting in the different for certain applications. We would be happy to
terminal resistances of the motors. advise you.
This influences the motor parameters that 2. Speed: the higher the speed, the greater the
describe the transformation of electrical and me- mechanical wear.
chanical energy (torque and speed constants). It 3. Type of operation: extreme start/stop,
allows you to select the motor that left/right operation leads to a reduction in service
is best suited to your application. life.
4. Environmental influences: temperature,
The maximum permissible winding tempera- humidity, vibration, type of installation, etc.
ture in high-temperature applications is 125C 5. In the case of precious metal brushes,
(155C in special cases), otherwise 85C. the CLL concept increases service life at higher
loads and the benefits of precious metal brushes
Effects of wire gauge and number of windings are retained.
are: 6. Combinations of graphite brushes and ball
Turning speed bearings lead to a long service life, even under
Low terminal resistance extreme conditions.
Low resistance winding
The optimal operating speeds are between Thick wire, few turns
4000 rpm and 9000 rpm depending on the High starting currents
motor size. Speeds of more than 20000 rpm High specific speed (rpm per volt)
have been attained with some special versions.
High terminal resistance
A physical property of a DC motor is that, at a High resistance winding
constant voltage, the speed is reduced with in- Thin wire, many turns
creasing loads. A good adaptation to the desired Low starting currents
conditions is possible thanks to a Low specific speed (rpm per volt)
variety of winding variants.

At lower speeds, a gear combination is often

more favorable than a slowly turning motor.

24 Technology short and to the point May 2012 edition / subject to change

1204_Technology.indd 24 02.05.2012 14:17:26


maxon DC motor
8 1
+ 5

= 78

= 9 *

Mechanical commutation
Graphite brushes Precious metal brushes and commutator CLL concept
In combination with copper commutators for the Our precious metal combinations ensure a With precious metal commutation, the wear on
most rigorous applications. highly constant and low contact resistance, even commutators and brushes is caused mainly by
More than 10 million cycles were attained in dif- after a prolonged standstill time. The sparks. The CLL concept suppresses spark gen-
ferent applications. motors work with very low starting voltages eration to a large extent, thus greatly extending
and electromagnetic interferences. service life.
When driven with a pulsed power stage (PWM)
Graphite brushes are typically used: Precious metal brushes are typically used: higher no-load currents occur and an unwanted
In larger motors In small motors motor heating can result.
With high current loads In continuous operation
In start/stop operation With small current loads
In reverse operation With battery operation
While controlling at In DC tachometers
pulsed power stage (PWM)
The commutation pattern is uniform and free
The special properties of graphite brushes can of spikes, as opposed to that of other motors.
cause so-called spikes. They are visible in the The combination of precious metal brushes
commutation pattern. Despite the high-frequency and maxon rotor system results in minimum of
interference caused by the spikes, these mo- high-frequency interference, which otherwise
tors have become popular in applications with leads to major problems in electronical circuits. For further explanations, please see page 49
electronic controls. Please note, that the contact The motors need practically no interference or The selection of high-precision microdrives
resistance of the graphite brushes changes suppression. by Dr. Urs Kafader.
dependent on load.

Commutation pattern with Commutation pattern with Commutation pattern

graphite brushes precious metal brushes The commutation pattern shows the current
pattern of a maxon DC motor over one motor
Please place a low-ohm series resistor in series
3 with the motor (approx. 50 times smaller than the
motor resistance). Observe the voltage drop over
the resistor on the oscilloscope.

2 1 1 Ripple, actual peak-to-peak ripple
2 Modulation, attributable mainly to
asymmetry in the magnetic field and
in the winding.
3 Signal pattern within a revolution
(number of peaks = twice the number of
commutator segments)

May 2012 edition / subject to change Technology short and to the point 25

1204_Technology.indd 25 02.05.2012 14:17:30

maxon EC motor ironless winding
Technology short and to the point
maxon EC motor

Characteristics of maxon EC motors: Program 1 Flange

Brushless DC motor
Long service life
2 Housing
Highly efficient EC-Program 3 Laminated steel stack
Linear motor characteristics, excellent EC-max-Program 4 Winding
control properties EC-4pole 5 Permanent magnet
Ironless winding system maxon 6 Shaft
with three phases in the stator
Lowest electrical time constant and
with Hall sensors 7 Balancing disks
low inductance sensorless 8 Print with Hall sensors
No detent with integrated electronics 9 Control magnet
Good heat dissipation, high overload sterilizable = Ball bearing
capacity heavy duty + Spring (bearing preload)
Rotating Neodymium permanent magnet
with 1 or 2 pole pairs.

Characteristics of the maxon EC range:

Power optimized, with high speeds up to
100000 rpm
Robust design
Various types: e.g. short/long, sterilizable
Lowest residual imbalance

Characteristics of the maxon EC-max range:

attractive price/performance ratio Electronical commutation
robust steel casing
speeds of up to 20000 rpm Block commutation Sensorless block commutation
rotor with 1 pole pair Rotor position is reported by three in-built Hall The rotor position is determined using the
sensors. The Hall sensors arranged offset by progression of the induced voltage. The electron-
Characteristics of the maxon EC-4pole range: 120 provide six different signal combinations ics evaluate the zero crossing of the induced
Highest power density thanks to rotor per revolution. The three partial windings are voltage (EMF) and commute the motor current
with 2 pole pairs now supplied in six different conducting phases after a speed dependent pause (30 after EMF
Knitted winding system maxon with optimised in accordance with the sensor information. The zero crossing).
interconnection of the partial windings current and voltage curves are block-shaped. The amplitude of the induced voltage is
Speeds of up to 25000 rpm The switching position of each electronic com- dependent on the speed. When stalled or at low
High-quality magnetic return material to mutation is offset by 30 from the respective speed, the voltage signal is too small and the
reduce eddy current losses torque maximum. zero crossing cannot be detected precisely. This
Mechanical time constants below 3 ms is why special algorithms are required for start-
Properties of block commutation ing (similar to stepper motor control).
Relatively simple and favorably priced To allow EC motors to be commuted without
electronics sensors in a D arrangement, a virtual star point
Torque ripple of 14% is usually created in the electronics.
Bearings and service life Controlled motor start-up
High starting torques and accelerations Properties of sensorless commutation
possible Torque ripple of 14% (block commutation)
The long service life of the brushless design can The data of the maxon EC motors are No defined start-up
only be properly exploited by using preloaded determined with block commutation. Not suitable for low speeds
ball bearings. Not suitable for dynamic applications
Bearings designed for tens of thousands Possible applications
of hours. Highly dynamic servo drives Possible applications
Service life is affected by maximum speed, Start/stop operation Continuous operation at higher speeds
residual unbalance and bearing load. Positioning tasks Fans

Block commutation

Sensorless commutation


Legend 1
The commutation angle is based on the length of
a full commutation sequence (360e). The length
of a commutation interval is therefore 60e. 2 2
The commutation rotor position is identical to the EMK
motor shaft position for motors with 1 pole pair.
The values of the shaft position are halved for
motors with 2 pole pairs.
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
3 3
26 Technology short and to the point May 2012 edition / subject to change

1204_Technology.indd 26 02.05.2012 14:17:31

2 1

maxon EC motor
7 =
+ 2
8 3
6 4


9 =

= 1

Hall sensor circuit Winding arrangement

Sinusoidal commutation The open collector output of Hall sensors does The maxon rhombic winding is divided into
The high resolution signals from the encoder not normally have its own pull-up resistance, as three partial windings, each shifted by 120.
or resolver are used for generating sine-shape this is integral in maxon controllers. Any excep- The partial windings can be connected in two
motor currents in the electronics. The currents tions are specifically mentioned in the relevant different manners - Y or D. This changes the
through the three motor windings are related to motor data sheets. speed and torque inversely proportional by the
the rotor position and are shifted at each phase factor 3 .
by 120 degrees (sinusoidal commutation). This However, the winding arrangement does not play
results in the very smooth, precise running of the Wiring diagram for Hall sensors a decisive role in the selection of the motor. It
motor and, in a very precise, high quality control. is important that the motor-specific parameters
(speed and torque constants) are in line with
Properties of sinusoidal commutation requirements.
More expensive electronics
No torque ripple
Very smooth running, even at very low speeds
Approx. 5% more continuous torque
compared to block commutation

Possible applications
Highly dynamic servo drives
Positioning tasks The power consumption of a Hall sensor is typi-
cally 4 mA (for output of Hall sensor = HI).

The maximum permissible winding temperature

is 125C or 155C depending on motor type.

Currents in sine and block commutation

Sinusoidal phase currents

Block-shaped phase currents

1 Star point For further explanations, please see page 137
0 60 120 180 240 300 360 2 Time delay 30 or The selection of high-precision microdrives
Turning angle
3 Zero crossing of EMF by Dr. Urs Kafader.

May 2012 edition / subject to change Technology short and to the point 27

1204_Technology.indd 27 02.05.2012 14:17:39

maxon EC motor iron-cored winding
Technology short and to the point
maxon EC motor

Characteristics of maxon EC flat motors Program 1 Flange

and EC-i motors:
Brushless DC motor
2 Housing
Long service life EC flat motor 3 Laminated steel stack
Flat design for when space is limited 4 Winding
Comparatively high inertia with Hall sensors 5 Permanent magnet
Motor characteristics may vary from sensorless 6 Shaft
the strongly linear behaviour
Hall sensor signals utilizable for simple speed
with integrated electronics 7 Print with Hall sensors
and position control 8 Ball bearing
Winding with iron core and several teeth 9 Spring (bearing preload)
per phase in the stator
Low detent torque
Good heat dissipation, high overload
Multipole Neodymium permanent magnet
Smaller commutation steps

Characteristics of maxon EC flat motors:

Attractive price/performance ratio
High torques due to external, multipole rotor
Excellent heat dissipation at higher speeds
thanks to open design

Characteristics of the maxon EC-i program: Electronical commutation

Highly dynamic due to internal,
multipole rotor Block commutation Sensorless block commutation
Mechanical time constants below 3 ms Rotor position is reported by three built-in Hall The rotor position is determined using the
High torque density sensors which deliver six different signal progression of the induced voltage. The electron-
Speeds of up to 15 000 rpm combinations per commutation sequence. ics evaluate the zero crossing of the induced
The three phases are powered in six differ- voltage (EMF) and commute the motor current
ent conducting phases in line with this sensor after a speed dependent pause (30 after EMF
information. The current and voltage curves zero crossing).
Bearings and service life are block-shaped. The switching position of The amplitude of the induced voltage is
every electronic commutation lies symmetrically dependent on the speed. When stalled or at low
around the respective torque maximum. speed, the voltage signal is too small and the
The long service life of the brushless design can zero crossing cannot be detected precisely. This
only be properly exploited by using preloaded Properties of block commutation is why special algorithms are required for start-
ball bearings. Relatively simple and favorably priced ing (similar to stepper motor control). To allow
Bearings designed for tens of thousands electronics EC motors to be commuted without sensors in
of hours Controlled motor start-up a D arrangement, a virtual star point is usually
Service life is affected by maximum speed, High starting torques and accelerations pos- created in the electronics.
residual imbalance and bearing load sible
The data of the maxon EC motors are Properties of sensorless commutation
determined with block commutation. No defined start-up
Not suitable for low speeds
Possible applications Not suitable for dynamic applications
Highly dynamic servo drives
Start/stop operation Possible applications
Positioning tasks Continuous operation at higher speeds
Fans, pumps

Block commutation

Sensorless commutation


The commutation angle is based on the length of 2 2
a full commutation sequence (360e). The length EMK
of a commutation interval is therefore 60e.
The values of the shaft position can be calcu-
lated from the commutation angle divided by the
0 60 120 180 240 300 360
number of pole pairs.
3 3
28 Technology short and to the point May 2012 edition / subject to change

1204_Technology.indd 28 02.05.2012 14:17:41


maxon EC motor

8 3 7 6

9 4 5

Hall sensor circuit Winding arrangement

Sinusoidal commutation The open collector output of Hall sensors does The winding is divided into 3 partial windings
Sinusoidal commutation for EC motors with not normally have its own pull-up resistance, as which have several stator teeth each. The
slotted winding is basically possible, provided this is integral in maxon controllers. Any excep- partial windings can be connected in two
that an encoder can be mounted. The main tions are specifically mentioned in the relevant different manners - Y or D. This changes
benefit of sinusoidal commutation the smooth motor data sheets. the speed and torque inversely proportional
operation only comes into play to a limited by the factor 3 .
degree due to the detent. However, the winding arrangement does not play
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors a decisive role in the selection of the motor. It
is important that the motor-specific parameters
(speed and torque constants) are in line with
Integrated electronics requirements. Flat motors and EC-i are normally

For motors with integrated electronics, the

electronic commutation (mostly block com-
mutation with Hall sensors) is built in. A speed
controller and other functionalities can also be

Features The power consumption of a Hall sensor is typi-

Simple operation with DC voltage cally 4 mA (for output of Hall sensor = HI).
Fewer connections than with the EC motor
No additional electronics required
Output power reductions possible due to less
space for power electronics
The maximum permissible winding temperature
is 125C. (EC-i 155C).

1 Star point For further explanations, please see page 137
2 Time delay 30 or The selection of high-precision microdrives
3 Zero crossing of EMF by Dr. Urs Kafader.

May 2012 edition / subject to change Technology short and to the point 29

1204_Technology.indd 29 02.05.2012 14:17:42

maxon gear
Technology short and to the point
maxon gear

Gears Program 1 Output shaft

2 Mounting flange
If mechanical power is required at a high torque Planetary gearhead 3 Bearing of the output shaft
and correspondingly reduced speed, a maxon Spur gearhead
precision gear is recommended. According
4 Axial security
to the gear ratio the output speed is reduced Koaxdrive 5 Intermediate plate
while the output torque is enhanced. For a more Spindle drives 6 Cogwheel
precise determination of the latter, efficiency 7 Motor pinion
must be taken into consideration. 8 Planetary gearwheel
Conversion 9 Sun gearwheel
The conversion of speed and torque of the gear = Planet carrier
output (nL, ML) to the motor shaft (nmot, Mmot) fol- + Internal gear
lows the following equations:

nmot = i nL

Mmot = i

i: reduction
h: Gearhead efficiency

Selection of gears Spur gearhead

Service life For the selection of the gearhead, the maximum The gear consists of one or more stages. One
transmittable power the product of speed and stage represents the pairing of two cogwheels.
The gears usually achieve 1000 to 3000
torque is decisive. It should be noted that the The first cogwheel (pinion) is mounted directly
operating hours in continuous operation at the
transmittable power depends on the number of on the motor shaft. The bearing of the output
maximum permissible load and recommended
gear stages. shaft is usually made of sintered material.
input speed. Service life is significantly extended
The load torque should be below the nominal Favorably priced
if these limits are not pushed.
torque (max. continuous torque) of the gearhead For low torques
If the speed drops below this threshold, the
MN,G. Output torque up to 2 Nm
gearhead may be loaded with higher torques
Reduction ratios of 6:1 to 5752:1
without compromising the life span. On the other
MN,G ML External - 12 - 45 mm
hand, higher speeds and thus higher reduction
Low noise level
ratios can be chosen if the torque limits are not
For short-term loading, the short-term torque of High efficiency
fully exploited.
the gearhead must also be considered.
Factors affecting life span include:
Where possible, the input speed of the gear imax
Exceeding maximum torque can lead to
should not be exceeded. This limits the maxi-
excessive wear.
mum possible reduction imax at a given operating
Local temperature peaks in the area of tooth
speed. The following applies to the selection of
contact can destroy the lubricant.
the reduction i
Massively exceeding the gear input speed
reduces the service life.
Radial and axial loads on the bearing. nmax,G
i imax =

Temperature/lubrication If the gear is selected, the data conversed to

the motor axis (nmot, Mmot) are used to select the
maxon gears are lubricated for life. The lubri- motor. The maxon modular system defines the
cants used are especially effective in the recom- proper motor-gear combinations.
mended temperature range. At higher or lower
operating temperatures we offer recommenda-
tions for special lubricants.

30 Technology short and to the point May 2012 edition / subject to change

1204_Technology.indd 30 02.05.2012 14:17:44

maxon gear
1 5

2 34

Planetary gearhead Ceramic versions Koaxdrive

By using ceramic components in gearheads,
Planetary gears are particularly suitable for the the wear characteristics of critical components Noise reduction
transfer of high torques. Large gearheads are can be significantly improved. The result when Noise is primarily generated in the input stage of
normally fitted with ball bearings at gearhead compared to purely metal gearheads is: the gearhead. The following measures can help
output. Longer service life to reduce noise:
For transferring high torques up to 180 Nm Higher continuous torques Smaller input speeds and thus smaller relative
Reduction ratios of 4:1 to 6285:1 Higher intermittent torques velocity of the tooth flanks
External diameter 681 mm Higher input speeds Input stage with plastic gears
High performance in a small space High power gearhead Use of a Koaxdrive gearhead
High reduction ratio in a small space Especially high output torques in the output
Concentric gear input and output stage of planetary gearheads can be achieved The quiet Koaxdrive combines worm and
through the following measures planetary gearing. In the first stage, a separately
Plastic versions
Use of ceramic components mounted worm drives the three offset planetary
Favorably priced and yet compact drives can be
4 instead of 3 planet gears in the output stage wheels which then mesh in the specially toothed
realized with plastic gears. The mechanical load
Additional motor-side support of the output internal geared wheel. All further stages are
is slightly smaller than that of metal designs,
stage designed as a normal planetary gear:
however, it is significantly higher than that of
Reinforcement of the output bearings low noise
spur gears.
high reduction ratio in the first stage
Heavy duty gearhead other properties as planetary gears
The HD (heavy duty) gearheads are character-
ized by their robust construction. The use of
stainless steel and optimized welding joints en-
able use under the most extreme conditions.
Reduced backlash gearhead
The reduction in backlash is achieved through
a patented preloading of the planet gears in the
output stage. Despite the wear that occurs dur-
ing operation, the gearhead backlash remains
constantly low, unlike for gearheads in which the
backlash reduction is achieved by low-tolerance
manufacturing and material pairing.
Sterilizable gearhead
Sterilizable gearheads are characterized by the
use of stainless steel and special lubricants. The
bearing of the output shaft and the connection to
the motor are designed so that fluid leaking into
the gearhead is inhibited.

May 2012 edition / subject to change Technology short and to the point 31

1204_Technology.indd 31 02.05.2012 14:18:04

maxon sensor
Technology short and to the point
maxon sensor

Sensors Program 1 End cap

2 Electrical connections motor and encoder
maxon offers a series of sensors. Their charac- Digital MILE encoder 3 Print
teristics are: Digital MR encoder 4 MR sensor
Digital incremental encoder Digital Hall effect encoder 5 ASIC
Relative position signal suitable for Digital optical encoder 6 Magnetic multi-pole wheel
positioning tasks
DC Tacho 7 Encoder housing
Rotation direction recognition
Speed information from number of pulses per Resolver 8 Motor connections
time unit 9 Motor
Standard solution for many applications = Solid measure
DC tachometer + Carrier of solid measure
Analog speed signal
Rotation direction recognition
Not suitable for positioning tasks
Analog rotor position signal
Analog speed signal
Extensive evaluation electronics required in
the control system
For special solutions in conjunction with sinu-
soidal commutation in EC motors

Digital Incremental Encoder Magnetic principles

Encoder signals On the magnetic Encoder a small multipole er (photo transistor) changes light/dark signals
For further processing in the controller, the permanent magnet sits on the motor shaft. The into corresponding electrical impulses that are
encoders deliver square-wave signals whose changes in the magnetic flow are recorded amplified and processed in the electronics.
pulses can be counted for exact positioning or by sensors and supplied to the electronics as
speed measurement. Channels A and B pick up processed channel A and B. Magnetic encoders
Rather higher space requirement with project-
phase shifted signals, which are compared with require a minimum of space.
ing part
one another to determine the rotation direction.
MR encoder High number of pulses
All maxon positioning systems evaluate the
Sensor with magnetoresistive principle Index channel and line driver possible
rising and falling signal edges. With regard to
Thanks to interpolation, high counts per turn Very high accuracy
encoder number of pulses, this results in a four
times higher positioning precision. This is what is
Different number of pulses can be selected
referred to as quadcounts.
Index channel possible
A home pulse (index channel I) can be used
Line driver possible
Inductive principle
as a reference point for precise determination of
rotation angle. MEnc With inductive MILE encoders, a high-frequency
The line driver produces complementary signals Digital Hall sensors alternating field is transformatively transmitted
A, B, I which help to eliminate interference on 2 channels A and B and thus angle dependant modulated, using a
long signal lines. In addition, this electronic No line driver possible structured copper disk.
driver installed in the encoder improves signal Low number of pulses
quality by steeper signal edges. Characteristics
Very robust against magnetic and electrical
fields as well as contamination
Optical principle Very high speeds possible

High precision. Interpolation errors are
In the optical principle of the fork light barrier
largely compensated for by a look-up table
(example: HEDL, HEDS, Enc22) an LED sends
Index channel and line driver available
light through a finely resolved impulse disc,
Absolute interface (SSI) on request
which is mounted on the motor shaft. The receiv-

Representation of the output signal Schematic design of a Schematic design of an

of a digital encoder magnetic encoder opto-electronic encoder

90 e Phase shift A,B A B I

360 e Cycle

Channel A

Channel B S
Channel I
Index puls width S
Phase shift of index pulse

32 Technology short and to the point May 2012 edition / subject to change

1204_Technology.indd 32 02.05.2012 14:18:04


maxon sensor
7 9
6 +
3 53

8 =
DC Tacho
In principle every maxon DC motor can be used
1 as a DC tacho. For motor-tacho combinations,
we offer a DC tachometer, whereby the tacho
rotor is mounted directly on the motor shaft.
25 Characteristics
The output DC voltage is proportional to the
speed thanks to the precious metal brushes.
AINiCo magnet for high signal stability with
temperature fluctuations
No additional tacho bearings or friction
No couplings, high mechanical resonance

Tips on encoder selection

Principal features of the maxon incremental The following applies especially to
encoder are: positioning systems: The resolver is mounted on the motors through
The number of pulses per revolution The higher the number of pulses, the more shaft and adjusted according to the magnetic
(increments) precise the position that can be reached. field of the motor rotor. The resolver has a rotat-
The accuracy At 500 pulses (2000 quadcounts) an angle ing primary coil (rotor) and two secondary coils
Use of an index channel resolution of 0.18 is achieved, which is (stator) offset by 90. An alternating current
The use of a line driver usually much better than the precision of the connected to the primary coil is transferred to
The maximum supported speed mechanical drive components (e.g. due to the two secondary coils. The amplitudes of the
The suitability for special ambient conditions gear play or elasticity of drive belts). secondary voltages are sin j and cos j, where j
(dust, oil, magnetic fields, ionizing radiation) Only encoders with an integrated line driver is the rotation angle.
(RS422) should be used in positioning con-
Encoders and maxon controllers Characteristics
trols. This prevents electromagnetic interfer-
As a standard the maxon controllers are pre- Robust, for industrial use
ence signals from causing signal loss and
set for encoders with 500 pulses per revolu- Long service life
accumulated positioning errors.
tion. No mechanical wear
Positioning applications often require the
The input frequency of the controller electron- Output signal can be transmitted over long
index channel of the encoder for precise refer-
ics can limit the maximum possible counts per distances without problems
ence point detection.
turn of the encoder. No sensitive electronics
The higher the number of pulses and the Special signal evaluation required
higher the accuracy the better a smooth, jerk- Only one sensor for position and speed infor-
free operation can be achieved even at low mation
speeds. EC motors with resolver are supplied
maxon controllers can be set for low or high without Hall sensors
speed operation and for encoders with a low
or high number of pulses.

Schematic design of Recommendations on encoder selection

the inductive MILE encoder () Conditionally applicable Schematic design of a resolver

*on request


very low speed ()

sin very high speed
arctan precise position
A/D line driver possible
LUT index channel possible
compact design () ()
dust, dirt, oil
robust against ext. magnetic fields
ionising radiation *

May 2012 edition / subject to change Technology short and to the point 33

1204_Technology.indd 33 02.05.2012 14:18:06

maxon motor control
Technology short and to the point
maxon motor control

The maxon motor control program contains Program Motor type

servo amplifiers for controlling the fast reacting maxon DC motor
maxon DC and EC motors. maxon EC motor
4-Q servoamplifiers for DC motors with or without sensor
Sensorless controllers for EC motors Type of control
1-Q and 4-Q servoamplifiers for EC motors Speed
Position controllers for DC and EC motors Position
DC Tacho
IxR compensation
Hall sensors
Power amplifiers
1 quadrant
4 quadrant
Circuit technology

Controlled variables Digital encoder control IxR compensation

Speed control The motor is equipped with a digital encoder that The motor is provided with a voltage that is
The function of the speed servo amplifier is to provides a certain number of pulses per revolu- proportional to the applied speed set value.
keep the prescribed motor speed constant and tion. The turning direction is detected with the The speed would drop with increasing motor
independent of load changes. To achieve this, square pulses of channels A and B offset by 90 load. The compensation circuitry increases the
the set value (desired speed) is continuously electric degrees. output voltage with increasing motor current. The
compared with the actual value (actual speed) Digital encoders are often found in positioning compensation must be adjusted to the terminal
in the control electronics of the servo amplifier. controls, in order to derive and measure the resistance of the motor which depends on tem-
The controller difference determined in this way travel or angle. perature and load.
is used by the controller to regulate the power Digital encoders are not subject to mecha-
stage of the servo amplifier in such a manner nical wear. The attainable speed precision of such a system
that the motor reduces the controller differ- In conjunction with digital controllers there are is subject to limits in the percent range.
ence. This represents a closed speed regulating no drift effects. Favorably priced and space-saving
circuit. If Hall sensor signals of an EC motor are used No tacho-generator or encoder required
for control, this corresponds to an encoder Less precise control when there is a load
Position control with low resolution. change
The positioning control ensures a match be- Only analog speed control possible
tween the currently measured position with a Ideal for low-cost applications without high
target position, by providing the motor with the demands on speed accuracy
corresponding correction values, as with a speed
controller. The position data are usually obtained
from a digital encoder.

Current control
The current control provides the motor with a
current proportional to the set value. Accordingly,
the motor torque changes proportionally to the
set value.
The current controller also improves the
dynamics of a superior positioning or speed
control circuit.

Principle of a control circuit Principle: Encoder control Principle: IxR compensation

34 Technology short and to the point May 2012 edition / subject to change
maxon motor control
Power amplifiers

One of the following two principles to control

the power stage transistors is used in maxon

Linear power stage

The operating voltage is divided between the
motor and the power amplifier. The controller
DC tacho control Operating quadrants changes the voltage on the motor (UM) linearly
and proportionally. The voltage applied to the
The motor must be equipped with a DC tachom- 4-Q operation power amplifier (UT) causes power dissipation
eter that provides a speed proportional signal. In Controlled motor operation and braking opera- High currents and low motor voltages cause
the maxon modular system, the tachometer rotor tion in both rotation directions significant power dissipation
is mounted directly on the through motor shaft, A must for positioning tasks Simple and favorably priced design of
resulting in a high resonant frequency. the power amplifier
Classical solution of a very precise control 1-Q operation
Limited service life of the DC tacho Only motor operation Principle: Linear power amplifier
generator (Quadrant I or Quadrant III)
Not suitable for positioning tasks Direction reverse via digital signal
Only for analog controllers Typical: amplifier for EC motors
Only for DC motors
Ideal for stringent demands on speed

Pulsed power stage (PWM)

The controller switches the motor on and off in
short intervals (pulses/cycles). If the off interval
is longer, the motor loses speed. The decisive
average value of the voltage changes in relation
to the on-to-off time. Only little energy is con-
verted into heat.
More expensive power amplifier
For further explanations, please see page 289. High efficiency

Principle: DC tachometer control Operation quadrants Principle: Pulsed power amplifier

May 2012 edition / subject to change Technology short and to the point 35
maxon DC motor and maxon EC motor
Key information
maxon motor

See also: Technology short and to the point, explanation of the motor

The motor as an energy converter

The electrical motor converts electrical power Pel (current I and voltage Units
U ) into mechanical power Pmech (speed n and torque M ). The losses that In all formulas, the variables are to be used in the units according to
arise are divided into frictional losses, attributable to Pmech and in Joule the catalog (cf. physical variables and their units on page 42).
power losses PJ of the winding (resistance R). Iron losses do not occur
in the coreless maxon DC motors. In maxon EC motors, they are treated The following applies in particular:
formally like an additional friction torque. The power balance can therefore All torques in mNm
be formulated as: All currents in A (even no-load currents)
Speeds (rpm) instead of angular velocity (rad/s)
Pel = Pmech + PJ

The detailed result is as follows

UI= n M + R I2
30 000

Electromechanical motor constants

The geometric arrangement of the magnetic circuit and winding defines in
Pel = U I PJ = R I 2 Pmech = Mn
detail how the motor converts the electrical input power (current, voltage) 30 000
into mechanical output power (speed, torque). Two important characteristic
values of this energy conversion are the speed constant kn and the torque Motor constants
constant kM. The speed constant combines the speed n with the voltage Speed constant kn and torque constant kM are not independent of one
induced in the winding Uind (=EMF). Uind is proportional to the speed; the another. The following applies:
following applies:

n = kn Uind

Similarly, the torque constant links the mechanical torque M with the elec- The speed constant is also called specific speed. Specific voltage,
trical current I. generator or voltage constants are mainly the reciprocal value of the
speed constant and describe the voltage induced in the motor per
M = kM I speed. The torque constant is also called specific torque. The recipro-
cal value is called specific current or current constant.
The main point of this proportionality is that torque and current are
equivalent for the maxon motor.
The current axis in the motor diagrams is therefore shown as parallel
to the torque axis as well.

Motor diagrams
A diagram can be drawn for every maxon DC and EC motor, from which
key motor data can be taken. Although tolerances and temperature influ-
ences are not taken into consideration, the values are sufficient for a first
estimation in most applications. In the diagram, speed n, current I, power
output P2 and efficiency K are applied as a function of torque M at constant
voltage U.

Speed-torque line
This curve describes the mechanical behavior of the motor at a constant
voltage U:
Speed decreases linearly with increasing torque.
The faster the motor turns, the less torque it can provide.
The curve can be described with the help of the two end points, no-load
speed n0 and stall torque MH (cf. lines 2 and 7 in the motor data).
DC motors can be operated at any voltage. No-load speed and stall torque Derivation of the speed-torque line
change proportionally to the applied voltage. This is equivalent to a parallel The following occurs if one replaces current I with torque M using
shift of the speed-torque line in the diagram. Between the no-load speed the torque constant in the detailed power balance:
and voltage, the following proportionality applies in good approximation 2
U nM+R
kM = 30 000 kM
n0Nn U

where kn is the speed constant (line 13 of the motor data). Transformed and taking account of the close relationship of kM and kn , an
equation is produced of a straight line between speed n and torque M.
Independent of the voltage, the speed-torque line is described most practi- 30 000 R
n = kn8 M
cally by the slope or gradient of the curve (line 14 of the motor data). k M2
Q n0
0 = MH or with the gradient and the no-load speed n0
Q Q0 0 M

36 Key information May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon motor
The speed-torque gradient is one of the most informative pieces of data Speed n U = UN
and allows direct comparison between different motors. The smaller the
speed-torque gradient, the less sensitive the speed reacts to torque (load)
changes and the stronger the motor. With the maxon motor, the speed-
torque gradient within the winding series of a motor type (i.e. on one
catalog page) remains practically constant.

Current gradient
The equivalence of current to torque is shown by an axis parallel to the
torque: more current flowing through the motor produces more torque. The
current scale is determined by the two points no-load current I0 and starting
current IA (lines 3 and 8 of motor data).
The no-load current is equivalent to the friction torque MR , that describes
the internal friction in the bearings and commutation system. Torque M

IA Current I
MR = kM I0

In the maxon EC motor, there are strong, speed dependent iron losses in
the stator iron stack instead of friction losses in the commutation system.

The motors develop the highest torque when starting. It is many times
greater than the normal operating torque, so the current uptake is the
greatest as well.
The following applies for the stall torque MH and starting current IA

MH = kM IA

Efficiency curve
The efficiency K describes the relationship of mechanical power delivered
to electrical power consumed.

n (00R )
30 000 UI

One can see that at constant applied voltage U and due to the proportion-
ality of torque and current, the efficiency increases with increasing speed n0
(decreasing torque). At low torques, friction losses become increasingly
significant and efficiency rapidly approaches zero. Maximum efficiency (line
9 of motor data) is calculated using the starting current and no-load current
and is dependent on voltage.

max = 1

Maximum efficiency and maximum output power do not occur at the same

Rated working point

The rated working point is an ideal working point for the motor and derives
from operation at nominal voltage UN (line 1 of motor data) and nominal
current IN (line 6). The nominal torque MN produced (line 5) in this working
point follows from the equivalence of torque and current.

MN kM (IN,0)

Nominal speed nN (line 4) is reached in line with the speed gradient.

The choice of nominal voltage follows from considerations of where the
maximum no-load speed should be. The nominal current derives from the
motors thermally maximum permissible continuous current.

May 2012 edition / subject to change Key information 37

Motor diagrams, operating ranges
The catalogue contains a diagram of every maxon DC and EC motor type
that shows the operating ranges of the different winding types using a typi-
cal motor.
maxon motor

Permanent operating range
The two criteria maximum continuous torque and maximum permis- sible
speed limit the continuous operating range. Operating points within this
range are not critical thermally and do not generally cause increased wear
of the commutation system.
Short-term operating range
The motor may only be loaded with the maximum continuous current for
thermal reasons. However, temporary higher currents (torques) are al-
lowed. As long as the winding temperature is below the critical value, the
10 20 30 40
winding will not be damaged. Phases with increased currents are time
limited. A measure of how long the temporary overload can last is provided 0.4 0.8 1.2
by the thermal time constant of the winding (line 19 of the motor data). The
magnitude of the times with overload ranges from several seconds Operating range diagram
for the smallest motors (6 mm to 13 mm diameter) up to roughly one
minute for the largest (60 mm to 90 mm diameter). The calculation of the
exact overload time is heavily dependent on the motor current and the ro-
tors starting temperature.

Maximum continuous current, maximum continuous torque

The Jule power losses heat up the winding. The heat produced must be
able to dissipate and the maximum rotor temperature (line 22 of the mo-
tor data) should not be exceeded. This results in a maximum continuous
current, at which the maximum winding temperature is attained under
standard conditions (25C ambient temperature, no heat dissipation via the
flange, free air circulation). Higher motor currents cause excessive winding
The nominal current is selected so that it corresponds to this maximum
permissible constant current. It depends heavily on the winding. These thin
wire windings have lower nominal current levels than thick ones. With very
low resistive windings, the brush systems capacity can further limit the
permissible constant current. With graphite brush motors, friction losses
increase sharply at higher speeds. With EC motors, eddy current losses
increase in the return as speed increases and produce additional heat.
The maximum permissible continuous current decreases at faster speeds
The nominal torque allocated to the nominal current is almost constant
within a motor types winding range and represents a characteristic size of ION / IN T
the motor type.
The maximum permissible speed
for DC motors is primarily limited by the commutation system. The 4
commutator and brushes wear more rapidly at very high speeds.
The reasons are:
Increased mechanical wear because of the large traveled path of 3
the commutator
Increased electro-erosion because of brush vibration and spark
formation. 2

A further reason for limiting the speed is the rotors residual mechanical 1
imbalance which shortens the service life of the bearings. Higher speeds
than the limit speed nmax (line 23) are possible, however, they are paid for
by a reduced service life expectancy. The maximum permissible speed for 0
the EC motor is calculated based on service life considerations of the ball 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 ON%
bearings (at least 20 000 hours) at the maximum residual imbalance and
bearing load.
ON Motor in operation
Maximum winding temperature OFF Motor stationary
The motor current causes the winding to heat up due to the windings ION Max. peak current
resistance. To prevent the motor from overheating, this heat must dissipate IN Max. permissible continuous current (line 6)
to the environment via the stator. The coreless winding is the thermally tON ON time [s], should not exeed Ww (line 19)
critical point. The maximum rotor temperature must not be exceeded, even T Cycle time tON + tOFF [s]
temporarily. With graphite brush motors and EC motors which tend to have tON% Duty cycle as percentage of cycle time.
higher current loads, the maximum rotor temperature is 125C (in individual The motor may be overloaded by the relationship
cases up to 155C). Motors with precious metal commutators only allow ION / IN at X % of the total cycle time.
lower current loads, so that the rotor temperatures must not exceed 85C. T
Favourable mounting conditions, such as good air circulation or cooling Ion = IN
plates, can significantly lower temperatures.

38 Key information May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon flat motor
Multipole EC motors, such as maxon flat motors, require a greater number
of commutation steps for a motor revolution (6 x number of pole pairs). Due
to the wound stator teeth they have a higher terminal inductance than mo-

maxon motor
tors with an ironless winding. As a result at higher speed, the current can-
not develop fully during the correspondingly short commutation intervals.
Therefore, the apparent torque produced is lower. Current is also fed back
into the controllers power stage.
As a result, motor behaviour deviates from the ideal linear speed-torque
gradient. The apparent speed-torque gradient depends on voltage and
speed: The gradient is steeper at higher speeds.
Mostly, flat motors are operated in the continuous operation range where
the achievable speed-torque gradient at nominal voltage can be approxi-
mated by a straight line between no-load speed and nominal working point.
The achievable speed-torque gradient is approximately.


0 0N

Start with constant terminal voltage
In accordance with the electrical boundary conditions (power supply, Here, the speed increases from the stall torque along the speed-
control, battery), a distinction is principally made between two different torque line. The greatest torque and thus the greatest acceleration is
starting processes: effective at the start. The faster the motor turns, the lower the accel-
Start at constant voltage (without current limitation) eration. The speed increases more slowly. This exponentially flattening
Start at constant current (with current limitation) increase is described by the mechanical time constant Wm (line 15 of
the motor data). After this time, the rotor at the free shaft end has at-
Start under constant current tained 63% of the no-load speed. After roughly three mechanical time
A current limit always means that the motor can only deliver a limited constants, the rotor has almost reached the no-load speed.
torque. In the speed-torque diagram, the speed increases on a vertical line
with a constant torque. Acceleration is also constant, thus simplifying the
calculation. Start at constant current is usually found in applications with
servo amplifiers, where acceleration torques are limited by the amplifiers
peak current. n n

n n

M Mechanical time constant Wm (in ms) of the unloaded motor:

JR + R
m = 100
k 2M
Angular acceleration D (in rad / s2) at constant current I or constant
torque M with an additional load of inertia JL: Mechanical time constants Wm (in ms) with an additional load
kM I M inertia JL:
= 104 = 104
JR + JL JR + JL JR + R J
m' = 100 1+ L
k 2M JR
Run-up time 't (in ms) at a speed change 'n with an additional load
inertia JL: Maximum angular acceleration Dmax (in rad / s2) of the unloaded
J + JL motor:
W = Q R
300 kM I MH
max = 104 J

(all variables in units according to the catalog)

Maximum angular acceleration Dmax (in rad / s2) with an additional
load inertia JL:
max = 104 J + J

Run-up time (in ms) at constant voltage up to the operating point

(ML , nL ):
1 n0
W m
M 0R
1 L n0 nL

May 2012 edition / subject to change Key information 39

Tolerances must be considered in critical ranges. The possible deviations
of the mechanical dimensions can be found in the overview drawings. The
motor data are average values: the adjacent diagram shows the effect of
maxon motor

tolerances on the curve characteristics. They are mainly caused by dif-

ferences in the magnetic field strength and in wire resistance, and not so
much by mechanical influences. The changes are heavily exaggerated in
the diagram and are simplified to improve understanding. It is clear, how-
ever, that in the motors actual operating range, the tolerance range is more
limited than at start or at no-load. Our computer sheets contain all detailed

The tolerances can be limited by controlled de-magnetization of the
motors. Motor data can be accurately specified down to 1 to 3%.
However, the motor characteristic values lie in the lower portion of the
standard tolerance range.

Thermal behavior
The Joule power losses PJ in the winding determine heating of the motor. Influence of temperature
This heat energy must be dissipated via the surfaces of the winding and An increased motor temperature affects winding resistance and mag-
motor. The increase 'TW of the winding temperature TW with regard to the netic characteristic values.
ambient temperature arises from heat losses PJ and thermal resistances
Rth1 and Rth2. Winding resistance increases linearly according to the thermal
resistance coefficient for copper (Cu = 0.0039):
TW 7U = 'TW = (Rth1 + Rth2) PJ
RT = R25 (1 Cu (725C))
Here, thermal resistance Rth1 relates to the heat transfer between the wind-
ing and the stator (magnetic return and magnet), whereas Rth2 describes Example: a winding temperature of 75C causes the winding
the heat transfer from the housing to the environment. Mounting the motor resist- ance to increase by nearly 20%.
on a heat dissipating chassis noticeably lowers thermal resistance Rth2. The
values specified in the data sheets for thermal resistances and the maxi- The magnet becomes weaker at higher temperatures. The reduction is
mum continuous current were determined in a series of tests, in which the 1 to 10% at 75C depending on the magnet material.
motor was end-mounted onto a vertical plastic plate. The modified thermal
resistance Rth2 that occurs in a particular application must be determined The most important consequence of increased motor temperature is
using original installation and ambient conditions. Thermal resistance that the speed curve becomes steeper which reduces the stall torque.
Rth2 on motors with metal flanges decreases by up to 80% if the motor is The changed stall torque can be calculated in first approximation from
coupled to a good heat-conducting (e.g. metallic) retainer. the voltage and increased winding resistance.

The heating runs at different rates for the winding and stator due to the U
different masses. After switching on the current, the winding heats up first MHT = kM IAT = kM
(with time constants from several seconds to half a minute). The stator
reacts much slower, with time constants ranging from 1 to 30 minutes
depending on motor size. A thermal balance is gradually established. The
temperature difference of the winding compared to the ambient tempera-
ture can be determined with the value of the current I (or in intermittent
operation with the effective value of the current I = IRMS ).

(Rth1 + Rth2) R I 2
7W =
1Cu (Rth1 + Rth2) R I 2

Here, electrical resistance R must be applied at the actual ambient


40 Key information May 2012 edition / subject to change

Motor selection
The drive requirements must be defined before proceeding to motor selec- Advices for evaluating the requirements:
tion. Often the load points (especially the torque) are not known or are
How fast and at which torques does the load move? difficult to determine. In such cases you can operate your device with a

maxon motor
How long do the individual load phases last? measuring motor roughly estimated according to size and power. Vary
What accelerations take place? the voltage until the desired operating points and motion sequences
How great are the mass inertias? have been achieved. Measure the voltage and current flow. Using
Often the drive is indirect, this means that there is a mechanical transfor- these specifications and the order number of the measuring motor, our
mation of the motor output power using belts, gears, screws and the like. engineers can often specify the suitable motor for your application.
The drive parameters, therefore, are to be calculated to the motor shaft.
Additional steps for gear selection are listed below. Additional optimization criteria are, for example:
Mass to be accelerated (type, mass inertia)
Furthermore, the power supply requirements need to be checked. Type of operation (continuous, intermittent, reversing)
Which maximum voltage is available at the motor terminals? Ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, medium)
Which limitations apply with regard to current? Power supply, battery
The current and voltage of motors supplied with batteries or solar cells
are very limited. In the case of control of the unit via a servo amplifier, the
amplifiers maximum current is often an important limit.
When selecting the motor type, other constraints also play a major
Selection of motor types role:
The possible motor types are selected using the required torque. On the What maximum length should the drive unit have, including gear and
one hand, the peak torque, Mmax, is to be taken into consideration and on encoder?
the other, the effective torque MRMS. Continuous operation is characterized What diameter?
by a single operating or load point (ML, nL). The motor types in question What service life is expected from the motor and which
must have a nominal torque (= max. continuous torque) MN that is greater commutation system should be used?
than operating torque MB. Precious metal commutation for continuous operation at
low currents (rule of thumb for longest service life: up to approx. 50% of
MN > MB IN )
Graphite commutation for high continuous currents
In work cycles, such as start/stop operation, the motors nominal torque (rule of thumb: 50% to approx. 75% of IN ) and frequent current peaks
must be greater than the effective load torque (quadratically averaged). (start/stop operation, reversing operation).
This prevents the motor from overheating. Electronic commutation for highest speeds and longest service life.
How great are the forces on the shaft, do ball bearings have to be used
MN > MRMS or are less expensive sintered bearings sufficient?

The stall torque of the selected motor should usually exceed the emerging
load peak torque.

MH > Mmax

Selection of the winding: electric requirement

In selecting the winding, it must be ensured that the voltage applied directly
to the motor is sufficient for attaining the required speed in all operating

Unregulated operation
In applications with only one operating point, this is often achieved with a n
fixed voltage U. A winding is sought with a speed-torque line that passes
through the operating point at the specified voltage. The calculation uses
the fact that all motors of a type feature practically the same speed-torque
gradient. A target no-load speed n0,theor is calculated from operating point
(nL, ML).

Q0, theor  QL + 0 0L

This target no-load speed must be achieved with the existing voltage U, M
which defines the target speed constant.

n0, theor
kn, theor = U

Those windings whose kn is as close to kn, theor as possible, will approximate

the operating point the best at the specified voltage. A somewhat larger
speed constant results in a somewhat higher speed, a smaller speed con-
stant results in a lower one. The variation of the voltage adjusts the speed
to the required value, a principle that servo amplifiers also use.

The motor current I is calculated using the torque constant kM of the se-
lected winding and the load torque ML.

I = kL

May 2012 edition / subject to change Key information 41

Regulated servo drives
In work cycles, all operating points must lie beneath the curve at a maxi-
mum voltage Umax. Mathematically, this means that the following must apply
for all operating points (nL, ML): n
kQ Umax Q0 > QL + Q 0L
maxon motor

When using servo amplifiers, a voltage drop occurs at the power stage, so
that the effective voltage applied to the motor is lower. This must be taken
into consideration when determining the maximum supply voltage Umax. It
is recommended that a regulating reserve of some 20% be included, so
that regulation is even ensured with an unfavorable tolerance situation of
motor, load, amplifier and supply voltage. Finally, the average current load
and peak current are calculated ensuring that the servo amplifier used can
deliver these currents. In some cases, a higher resistance winding must be
selected, so that the currents are lower. However, the required voltage is M
then increased.

Example for motor/gear selection Physical variables and their units

SI Catalog
A drive should move cyclically according to the following speed diagram. i Gear reduction*
I Motor current A A, mA
n IA Starting current* A A, mA
I0 No-load current* A mA
IRMS RMS determined current A A, mA
IN Nominal current* A A, mA
JR Moment of inertia of the rotor* kgm2 gcm2
JL Moment of inertia of the load kgm2 gcm2
kM Torque constant* Nm/A mNm/A
kn Speed constant* rpm/V
0.5 2.5 3.0 3.7 M (Motor) torque Nm mNm
ML Load torque Nm mNm
MH Stall torque* Nm mNm
The inertia of the load to be accelerated JL is 140 000 gcm2. The constant Mmot Motor torque Nm mNm
coefficient is approximately 300 mNm. The motor should be driven with a MR Moment of friction Nm mNm
4-Q servo amplifier from maxon ESCON 36/2. The power supply unit deliv- MRMS RMS determined torque Nm mNm
ers max. 3 A and 24 V. MN Nominal torque Nm mNm
MN,G Max. torque of gear* Nm Nm
Calculation of load data n Speed rpm
The torque required for acceleration and braking are calculated as follows nL Operating speed of the load rpm
(motor and gearhead inertia omitted): nmax Limit speed of motor* rpm
nmax,G Limit speed of gear* rpm
Q 60 nmot Motor speed rpm
M = JL = 0.014 = 0.176 Nm = 176 mNm n0 No-load speed* rpm
30 W 30 0.5
Pel Electrical power W W
PJ Joule power loss W W
Together with the friction torque, the following torques result for the Pmech Mechanical power W W
different phases of motion. R Terminal resistance : :
Acceleration phase (duration 0.5 s) 476 mNm R25 Resistance at 25C* : :
Constant speed (duration 2 s) 300 mNm RT Resistance at temperature T : :
Braking (friction brakes Rth1 Heat resistance winding housing* K/W
with 300 mNm) (duration 0.5 s) 124 mNm Rth2 Heat resistance housing/air* K/W
Standstill (duration 0.7 s) 0 mNm t Time s s
T Temperature K C
Peak torque occurs during acceleration. Tmax Max. winding temperature* K C
The RMS determined torque of the entire work cycle is TU Ambient temperature K C
TW Winding temperature K C
t1 M 21 + t2 M 22 + t3 M 23 + t4 M 24 U Motor voltage V V
MRMS = Uind Induced voltage (EMF) V V
Umax Max. supplied voltage V V
UN Nominal voltage* V V
0.5 4762 + 2 3002 + 0.5 1242 + 0.7 0 DCu Resistance coefficient of Cu = 0.0039
= 285 mNm Dmax Maximum angle acceleration rad/s2
'n/'M Curve gradient* rpm/mNm
'TW Temperature difference winding/ambient K K
The maximum speed (60 rpm) occurs at the end of the acceleration phase at 't Run up time s ms
maximum torque (463 mNm). Thus, the peak mechanical power is: K (Motor) efficiency %
KG (Gear) efficiency* %
Kmax Maximum efficiency* %
Pmax = Mmax n = 0.476 60 W Wm Mechanical time constant* s ms
30 max 30
WS Therm. time constant of the stator* s s
WW Therm. time constant of the winding* s s
(*Specified in the motor or gear data)

42 Key information May 2012 edition / subject to change

Gear selection
A gear is required with a maximum continuous torque of at least 0.28 Nm
and an intermittent torque of at least 0.47 Nm. This requirement is fulfilled,
for example, by a planetary gear with 22 mm diameter (metal version
GB 22 A).

maxon motor
The recommended input speed of 6000 rpm allows a maximum reduction of:
nmax, G 6000
imax = = = 100:1
nB 60
We select the three-stage gear with the next smallst reduction of 84 : 1
(stock program). Efficiency is max. 59%.

Motor type selection

Speed and torque are calculated to the motor shaft 9.6 mNm, 5040 rpm
nmot = i nL = 84 60 = 5040 rpm

MRMS 285
Mmot, RMS = = 5.8 mNm
i  84 0.59
Mmax 476
Mmot, max = = 9.6 mNm
i  84 0.59

The possible motors, which match the selected gears in accordance with
the maxon modular system, are summarized in the table opposite. The Motor MN Suitability
table contains only DC motors with graphite commutation, which are better A-max 22, 6 W | 6.9 mNm good
suited for start-stop operation, as well as brushless EC motors. A-max 19, 2.5 W | 3.8 mNm too weak
RE-max 21, 6 W | 6.8 mNm good
Selection falls on an A-max 22, 6 W, which demonstrates a sufficiently high EC 16, 30 W | 8.5 mNm good
continuous torque. The motor should have a torque reserve so that it can EC 16, 60 W | 17 mNm too strong
even function with a somewhat unfavorable gear efficiency. The additional EC 20 flat, 3W | 3-4 mNm too weak
torque requirement during acceleration can easily be delivered by the mo- EC 20 flat, 5W | 7.5 mNm good
tor. The temporary peak torque is not even twice as high as the continuous EC 20 flat, 5 W, iE. | 7.5 mNm good, possible alternative with
torque of the motor. integrated speed controller, no
ESCON control necessary
Selection of the winding
The motor type A-max 22, 6 W has an average speed-torque gradient
of some 450 rpm/mNm. However, it should be noted that the two lowest re-
sistance windings have a somewhat steeper gradient. The desired no-load
speed is calculated as follows:

Q0, theor Qmot + 0max = 5040 + 450 9.6 = 9360 rpm

The extreme working point should of course be used in the calculation

(max. speed and max. torque), since the speed-torque line of the winding
must run above all working points in the speed / torque diagram.
This target no-load speed must be achieved with the maximum voltage
U = 24 V supplied by the control (ESCON 36/2), which defines the mini-
mum target speed constant kn, theor of the motor.

n0, theor 9360 rpm

kn, theor = = = 390
U 24 V

According to the calculations, the selection of the motor is 110163, which

with its speed constant of 558 rpm/V has a speed control reserve of over
20%. This means that unfavorable tolerances are not a problem. The higher
speed constant of the winding compared to the calculated value means
that the motor runs faster at 24 V than required, which can be compensat-
ed with the controller. This motor also has a second shaft end for mounting
an encoder.
The torque constant of this winding is 17.1 mNm/A. Therefore the maxi-
mum torque corresponds to a peak current of:

Mmax 9.6
Imax = + I0 = + 0.029 = 0.6 A
kM 17.1

This current is smaller than the maximum current (4 A) of the controller and
the power supply unit (3 A).

Thus, a gear motor has been found that fulfils the requirements (torque and
speed) and can be operated by the controller provided.

May 2012 edition / subject to change Key information 43

maxon e-media
maxon motor

Visit us online

The electronic catalogue

All the information in this printed catalogue
are stored independently from the maxon
selection program on the DVD.
Adobe Reader is required to maximise the
electronic catalogs full range of functions.
This is contained on the DVD.

maxon selection program

The maxon selection program is
available in 5 languages on DVD or at
Selection menu for
After selecting your drive requirements, the
a discrete application
maxon selection program shows the pos-
sible solution combinations available from our
extensive product program:
Motor/gearhead combinations
Matching maxon controllers
Matching encoders and DC tachos

The solutions can be evaluated using various

Power and voltage requirement

Easy-to-follow layout of chosen solution

System overview
Input data and peripheral conditions
Motor data: nominal data with tolerances
and typical values for the application
Gearhead data, controller and sensor data

Calculation and layout of achievable operating

data for an existing drive unit.

Quick search for a replacement for an existing

motor/gearhead combination, showing Display of possible
matching maxon controllers and sensors. drive solutions

Integrated moment of inertia calculator to help

you calculate moments of inertia.

System requirements
Windows 7, NT, 2000, ME or XP
Windows Vista Business, Enterprise or
Recommended memory (RAM):
at least 256 MB
Recommended screen resolution:
at least 1024 x 768
The maxon selection program requires no
installation. It can be copied into the hard disc
or started using the DVD.
Settings can not be saved when using the
DVD. Graphical description
of a particular drive

44 maxon e-media May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon academy In depth knowledge direct from the manufacturer

maxon motor
Increase your knowledge of drive technology and motion control. Learn
more about the interaction of drive components, namely motor, gears,
sensors and controllers. maxon academy brings together maxon prod-
ucts to provide ongoing education on drive technology. In addition to
the maxon academy books and brochures, you will find here E-learning
modules, the currently planned seminars on drive technology and motion
control as well as teaching material. These range from presentation and
sample motors that can be taken apart for student exercises to models
for hands-on training with suggestions for practical work.

The selection of high-precision microdrives

Step by step from the specific formulation of the drive problem to its
solution. Numerous tips and explanations, focusing only on theory where
required for greater understanding. Various examples of applications deal
with the practical aspects of drive technology.

Author: Dr. Urs Kafader, 149 pages, ISBN 978-3-9520143-4-6

Principles, definitions and theory on magnetism, magnetic circuits and
magnetisation procedures. In-depth handling of drive technology-related
magnetic forces. Explanations on magnetic field sensors and natural
magnetic fields.

Author: Dr. Otto Stemme, 182 pages, ISBN 978-3-9520143-5-6

maxon Formula Compendium

Formulae, terms and explanations for all types of calculations concerning
drive systems. Detailed collection with illustrations and descriptions. Flow
chart for targeted drive selection.

Author: Dipl. Ing. Jan Braun

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon academy 45

maxon Conversion Tables

General Information Power P [W]

maxon motor

Quantities and their basic units in the B A oz-in-s -1

oz-in-min -1
in-lbf-s -1
ft-lbf-s -1
W = N ms -1
mW kpm s -1
mNm min-1
International System of Measurements (SI) W = N ms-1 7.06 10-3 1.17 10 -4
0.113 1.356 1 1 10 -3
9.807 2
3 3 3 2
Quantity Basic- Sign mW 7.06 0.117 112.9 1.356 10 1 10 1 9.807 10 /60
unit oz-in-s-1 1 1/60 16 192 141.6 0.142 1.39 103 2.36 10-3
Length Meter m ft-lbf-s-1 1
/192 1
/11520 1
/12 1 0.737 0.737 10-3 7.233 1.23 10-5
Mass Kilogram kg kpm s-1 7.20 10-4 1.2 10-5 1.15 10-2 0.138 0.102 0.102 10-3 1 1.70 10-6
Time Second s
Electrical current Ampere A
temperature Kelvin K Torque M [Nm]

Conversion Example B A oz-in ft-lbf Nm = Ws Ncm mNm kpm pcm

A known unit Nm 7.06 10-3 1.356 1 1 10-2 1 10-3 9.807 9.807 10-5
B unit sought
mNm 7.06 1.356 103 1 103 10 1 9.807 103 9.807 10-2
known: multiply by sought: kpm 7.20 10-4 0.138 0.102 0.102 10-2 0.102 10-3 1 1 10-5
oz-in 7.06 mNm
oz-in 1 192 141.6 1.416 0.142 1.39 103 1.39 10-2
Factors used for 1
ft-lbf /192 1 0.737 0.737 10-2 0.737 10-3 7.233 7.233 10-5
1 oz = 2.834952313 10-2 kg
1 in = 2.54 10-2 m
Moment of Inertia J [kg m2]
gravitational acceleration:
g = 9.80665 m s-2 B A oz-in2 oz-in-s2 lb-in2 lb-in-s2 Nms2=kgm2 mNm s2 gcm2 kpm s2
= 386.08858 in s-2 g cm2 182.9 7.06 104 2.93 103 1.13 106 1 107 1 104 1 9.807 107
derived units: kgm2=Nms2 1.83 10-5 7.06 10-3 2.93 10-4 0.113 1 1 10-3 1 10-7 9.807
1 yd = 3 ft = 36 in oz-in2 1 386.08 16 6.18 103 5.46 104 54.6 5.46 10-3 5.35 105
1 lb = 16 oz = 7000 gr (grains)
1 kp = 1 kg 9.80665 ms-2 lb-in2 1
/16 24.130 1 386.08 3.41 103 3.41 3.41 10-4 3.35 104
1 N = 1 kgms-2
1 W = 1 Nms-1 = 1 kgm2s-3
1 J = 1 Nm = 1 Ws Mass m [kg] Force F [N]
Decimal multiples and fractions of units
B A oz lb gr (grain) kg g B A oz lbf N kp p

Prefix Abbre- Multiply Prefix Abbre- Multiply kg 28.35 10-3 0.454 64.7910-6 1 1 10-3 N 0.278 4.448 1 9.807 9.80710-3
vation vation g 28.35 0.454 103 64.7910-3 1 103 1 kp 0.028 0.454 0.102 1 1 10-3
Deka . . da 101 Dezi . . d 10-1 oz 1 16 2.28 10-3 35.27 35.27 103 oz 1 16 3.600 35.27 35.2710-3
1 1
Hekto . . h 102 Zenti . . c 10-2 lb /16 1 /7000 2.205 2.205 103 lbf 1
/16 1 0.225 2.205 2.20510-3
3 6
Kilo . . k 10 3
Milli . . m 10 -3 gr (grain) 437.5 7000 1 15.43 10 15.43 10 pdl 2.011 32.17 7.233 70.93 70.9310-3
Mega . . M 10 6
Mikro . . P 10 -6

Giga . . G 109 Nano . . n 10-9

Ter a . . T 1012 Piko . . p 10-12
Length l [m]

B A in ft yd Mil m cm mm P
m 25.4 10-3 0.305 0.914 25.4 10-6 1 0.01 1 10-3 1 10-6
Arc denition
cm 2.54 30.5 91.4 25.4 10-4 1 102 1 0.1 1 10-4
-3 3
mm 25.4 305 914 25.4 10 1 10 10 1 1 10-3
-3 -2
in 1 12 36 1 10 39.37 0.394 3.94 10 3.94 10-5
1 1
ft /12 1 3 /12 10-3 3.281 3.281 10-2 3.281 10-3 3.281 10-6

Angular Velocity Z [s-1] Angular Acceleration D [s-2]

B A s-1 = Hz min-1
rpm rad s-1 B A min-2 s-2 rad s-2 min-1 s-1
rad s-1 2S /30 1 s-2 1
/3600 1 1
/2S 1
-1 1 30 -2 S S
min /60 1 /S rad s /1800 2S 1 /30

Linear Velocity v [m s-1]

B A in-s-1 in-min-1 ft-s-1 ft-min-1 m s-1 cm s-1 mm s-1 m min-1

m s-1 2.54 10-2 4.23 10-4 0.305 5.08 10-3 1 1 10-2 1 10-3 1
in-s-1 1 60 12 720 39.37 39.37 10-2 39.37 10-3 0.656
ft-s-1 1
/12 5 1 60 3.281 3.281 10-2 3.281 10-3 5.46 10-2

Temperature T [K]

B A Fahrenheit Celsius = Centigrade Kelvin

Kelvin (F -305.15) / 1.8 + 273.15 1
Celsius (F -32) / 1.8 1 -273.15
Units used in this brochure Fahrenheit 1 1.8C + 32 1.8 K + 305.15

46 maxon motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon DC motor
maxon DC motor
maxon DC motors are high-quality motors fitted with powerful permanent magnets. The heart
of the motor is the worldwide patented ironless rotor. For you, this means cutting-edge technology
in compact, powerful and low inertia drives.

Standard Specification No. 100 48

Explanation of the DC motors 49
RE-Program 5084
%-max Program 87112
&-max Program 115134

maxon Standard Specication
maxon DC motor

With our Standard Specification we of-

fer you a means to judge maxon motors The Standard Specication No. 100
in the most important respects. To our
knowledge it covers normal applica- for maxon DC motor, maxon %-max
tions. The Standard Specification is part
of our General Conditions of Sale.
and maxon &-max
1. Principles tact resistance of graphite brushes and
Electrical equipment must meet cer- The standard specification describes the torque constant may change during
tests carried out on the finished motor the run-in period due to increased brush
tain minimum requirements, which was and during the production process. seating. As a result, no-load current and
introduced into the European market In order to guarantee our high quality speed may drift marginally. The same ef-
after 1.1.96. Small motors will be identi- standard, we check materials, parts and fect may also be observed if motors are
fied as components and will therefore subassemblies through the manufactur- being operated under no-load condition
ing process and the complete motor. The over a longer period.
represent no seperate electrical equip- obtained measurements are recorded
ment within the sense of the guidelines. and can be made available to custom- 2.2 Mechanical data per outline drawing:
Nevertheless the majority of the maxon ers if required. Random sampling plans Standardmeasuring instruments (for
are according to ISO 2859, MIL STD electrical length measuring DIN 32876,
motor program are already CE certified. micrometer per DIN 863, dial indicator
105E and DIN/ISO 3951 (inspection by
Certifying the motors takes place dur- attributes, sequential sampling, variables DIN 878, calliper per DIN 862, bore cal-
ing operation at no-load and in the new inspection) as well as internal manufac- liper DIN 2245, thread calliper per DIN
turing controls. This specification always 2280 and others) are used.
applies unless a different one has been 2.3 Rotor imbalance: Rotors are balanced
agreed between the customer and max- according to standard data or customer
on. requirements during manufacturing.
2. Data 2.4 Noise: Tests are carried out for anoma-
2.1 Electrical data apply at 22 to 25C. lies within a lot, on a subjective basis.
The CE sign means that the product Data control within one minute running Depending on speed, the motions in the
conforms to EU guidelines and proce- time. motor cause noise and vibration of vary-
dures designed to achieve conformity Measurement voltage +/- 0.5 % for ing degrees, frequency and intensity. The
voltages t 3V and
were carried out. 0.015 V for volt-
noise level experienced with a single
sample unit should not be interpreted as
ages d 3V indicative of the noise or vibration level to
No-load speed 10%
RoHS No-load current d maximum specified
be expected of future deliveries.
All our products are built under EU value 2.5 Service life: Durability tests are carried
directive 2002/95/EG. Sense of rotation cw = clockwise out under uniform internal criteria as part
Motor position horizontal of product certification. A motors service
Notes: Measurement voltage may vary life essentially depends on the operating
from the nominal voltage listed in the and ambient conditions. Consequently,
REACH catalog. The no load current specified the many possible variations do not al-
As a downstream user, maxon motor in the catalog is a typical value and not low us to make a general statement on
ag has taken all the necessary steps the maximum one. By connecting the service life.
to ensure that the chemical substances red wires or if voltage is applied to the +
Terminal, shaft rotation is cw (clockwise) 2.6 Environmental influences
were pre-registered by our suppliers. as seen from the mounting end. For ccw Protection against corrosion: Our prod-
The clarifications with our suppliers per running, the specified tolerance data may ucts are tested during product certification
September 9, 2009 resulted in, that no only be marginally exceeded. on the basis of DIN EN 60068-2-30.
Terminal resistance: Winding resis- Coating of components: Surface treat-
maxon products contain more than 0.1 tance is verified in the manufacturing ment and coating procedures used by
mass percentage of chemicals that are process through spot checks on a rep- maxon are selected on the basis of their
stated on the EChA list. resentative basis. Terminal resistance merits to resist corrosion. These treat-
is determined at product certification. It ments are evaluated at product certifica-
should be noted that terminal resistance tion according to their applicable stan-
Note to the Catalogue 2012/13 depends on the rotors rotational posi- dard.
maxon motor ag accepts no liability for tion. As transfer resistance depends on
the accuracy of the information con- current density in graphite brushes, mea-
suring resistance with an ohmmeter if the 3. Parameters that differ from or are addi-
tained in this catalogue, nor for any current is low does not give reasonable tional to the data sheet can be specified
damages which may result directly or results. Too low a reading is produced and will be then a central part of our sys-
indirectly from the use of such informa- with precious metal brush motors if the tematic testing as the customers speci-
brushes bridge two commutator seg- fication. Test/inspection certificates are
tion. This disclaimer does not apply to issued by prior agreement.
ments, thereby short-circuiting one coil
wilful intent, gross negligence, and does segment.
not affect legislation governing product Inductance is determined at product January 2010 edition / subject to change
liability. certification. Test frequency is 1 kHz. The
motors terminal inductance depends on
Commutation: An oscilloscope is used
to check the neutral setting and test for
electrical faults, such as interrupted
winding or short-circuit between turns.
Commutation displays for precious metal
brushes and graphite brushes are not di-
rectly comparable. Precious metal brush-
es display a clear commutation picture
which remains interference free up to the
motors recommended maximum speed,
but with graphite brushes, this is only ex-
pected up to around one third of that. In
addition, it should be noted that the con-

48 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Explanation of the pages 50134

maxon DC motor
Dimensional drawings Line 7 Stall torque MH [mNm] Line 19 Thermal time constant winding
On the enclosed DVD dimensional drawings is the torque produced by the motor when at Ww [s]
(DXF-files) are available and are suitable for im- standstill. Rising motor temperatures reduce stall and
port to any CAD system. torque. Line 20 Thermal time constant motor Wm [s]
Presentation of the views according to the projec- These are the typical reaction times for a tem-
tion method E (ISO). Line 8 Starting current IA [A] perature change of winding and motor. It can be
All dimensions in [mm]. is the quotient from nominal voltage and the seen that the motor reacts much more sluggishly
motor's terminal resistance. Starting current is in thermal terms than the winding.The values are
Mounting threads in plastic equivalent to stall torque. With larger motors, IA calculated from the product of thermal capacity
Screwed connections on motors with plastic cannot often be reached due to the amplifier's and given heat resistances.
flanges require special attention. current limits.
Line 21 Ambient temperature [C]
MA Max. tightening torque [Ncm] Line 9 Maximum efficiency Kmax [%] Operating temperature range. This derives from
A torque screw driver may be adjusted to this is the optimal relationship between input and the heat reliability of the materials used and vis-
value. output power at nominal voltage. It also doesn't cosity of bearing lubrication.
always denote the optimal operating point.
L Active depth of screw connection Line 22 Max. winding temperature [C]
[mm] Line 10 Terminal resistance R [:] Maximum permissible winding temperature.
The relation of the depth of the screw connection is the resistance at the terminals at 25C and
to the thread diameter must be at least 2:1. The determines the starting current at a given volt- Line 23 Maximum permissible speed
depth of the screw connection must be less than age. For graphite brushes, it should be noted that nmax [rpm]
the usable length of the thread! resistance is load-dependent and the value only is the maximum recommended speed based on
applies to large currents. thermal and mechanical perspectives. A reduced
Motor Data service life can be expected at higher speeds.
The values stated are based on a motor tempera- Line 11 Terminal inductance L [mH]
ture of 25C (so-called cold data). is the winding inductance when stationary and Line 24 Axial play [mm]
measured at 1 kHz, sinusoidal. For non-preloadedmotors, this represents the
Line 1 Nominal voltage UN [Volt] tolerance limits of the factory-set bearing play.
is the DC voltage on the motor connections on Line 12 Torque constant kM [mNm/A] The latter is included in shaft length tolerances.
which all nominal data are based (lines 2 - 9). This may also be referred to as "specific torque" Pre-loading cancels out axial play up to the given
Lower and higher voltages are permissible, pro- and represents the quotient from generated axial loading.
vided set limits are not exceeded. torque and applicable current.
Line 25 Radial play [mm]
Line 2 No load speed n0 [rpm] 10% Line 13 Speed constant kn [rpm/V] Radial play derives from the bearings' radial air.
This is the speed at which the motor turns at nom- shows the ideal no load speed per 1 volt of ap- A spring (bearing preload) cancels out radial play
inal voltage and without load. It is approximately plied voltage. Friction losses not taken into ac- up to the given axial loading.
proportional to the applied voltage. count.
Line 26 / 27 Max. axial loading [N]
Line 3 No load current I0 [mA] 50% Line 14 Speed / torque gradient dynamically: axial loading permissible in op-
This is the typical current that the unloaded mo- 'n / 'M [rpm/mNm] eration. If different values apply for traction and
tor draws when operating at nominal voltage. The speed / torque gradient is an indicator of the thrust, the smaller value is given.
It depends on brush friction and friction in the motor's performance. The smaller the value, the statistically: maximum axial force applying to
bearings, and also increases with rising speed. more powerful the motor and consequently the the shaft at standstill where no residual damage
No-load friction depends heavily on temperature, less motor speed varies with load variations. It is occurs.
particularly with precious metal commutation. In based on the quotient of ideal no-load speed and Shaft supported: maximum axial force applying
extended operation, no-load friction decreases ideal stall torque. to the shaft at standstill if the force is not input at
and increases at lower temperatures. the other shaft end.This is not possible for motors
with only one shaft end.
Line 15 Mechanical time constant
Line 4 Nominal speed nN [rpm]
Wm [ms]
is the speed set for operation at nominal voltage Line 28 Max. radial loading [N]
is the time required for the rotor to accelerate from
and nominal torque at a motor temperature of The value is given for a typical clearance from the
standstill to 63% of its no-load speed.
25C. flange; this value falls the greater the clearance
Line 16 Rotor inertia JR [gcm2]
Line 5 Nominal torque MN [mNm] Line 29 Number of pole pairs
is the mass moment of inertia of the rotor, based
is the torque generated for operation at nominal Number of north poles of the permanent mag-
on the axis of rotation.
voltage and nominal current at a motor tempera- net. The phase streams and commutation signals
ture of 25C. It is at the limit of the motor's continu- pass through per revolution p cycles. Servo-con-
Line 17 Thermal resistance trollers require the correct details of the number
ous operation range. Higher torques heat up the
housing-ambient Rth2 [K/W] of pole pairs.
winding too much. and
Line 18 Thermal resistance
Line 6 Nominal current IN [A] winding-housing Rth1 [K/W] Line 30 Number of commutator segments
is the current that, at 25C ambient temperature, Characteristic values of thermal contact resis-
heats the winding up to the maximum permissible tance without additional heat sinking. Lines 17 Line 31 Weight of motor [g]
temperature (= max. permissible continuous cur- and 18 combined define the maximum heating
rent). IN decreases as speed increases due to ad- at a given power loss (load). Thermal resistance
ditional friction losses. Rth2 on motors with metal flanges can decrease
by up to 80% if the motor is coupled directly to
a good heat-conducting (e.g. metallic) mounting
rather than a plastic panel.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 49

RE 6 6 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.3 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with cables 386780 386781 386782 386783

with terminals 349189 349190 349191 349192
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 3 4.5 6
2 No load speed rpm 18500 18600 18600 18600
3 No load current mA 42.6 21.3 14.2 10.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 4680 5670 5400 5340
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.302 0.324 0.318 0.316
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.453 0.242 0.158 0.118
7 Stall torque mNm 0.419 0.485 0.469 0.465
8 Starting current A 0.581 0.336 0.217 0.161
9 Max. efciency % 54 57 56 56
10 Terminal resistance : 2.58 8.92 20.8 37.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0227 0.0907 0.204 0.363
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.72 1.44 2.16 2.88
13 Speed constant rpm/V 13300 6630 4420 3310
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 47500 41000 42400 42700
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.45 7.18 7.24 7.24
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.015 0.0167 0.0163 0.0162

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 77 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 16.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.39 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 16.3 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 23000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.02 - 0.1 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 10 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.6 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 5
31 Weight of motor 2.3 g Planetary Gearhead
6 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.002 - 0.03 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 204

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Notes 18

50 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 8 8 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.5 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

347723 347724 347725 347728 347726 347727

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 4.2 6 7.2 9 12
2 No load speed rpm 13900 14200 13300 14300 14400 15600
3 No load current mA 19.2 11.2 7.3 6.66 5.35 4.44
4 Nominal speed rpm 4320 4480 3500 4220 4760 5410
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.63 0.624 0.616 0.596 0.626 0.589
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.412 0.237 0.155 0.134 0.113 0.0865
7 Stall torque mNm 0.925 0.932 0.857 0.866 0.957 0.925
8 Starting current A 0.581 0.34 0.207 0.187 0.166 0.13
9 Max. efciency % 67 67 66 66 68 67
10 Terminal resistance : 4.13 12.3 29 38.5 54.3 92.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0304 0.09 0.206 0.257 0.4 0.606
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.59 2.74 4.15 4.63 5.77 7.11
13 Speed constant rpm/V 6000 3490 2300 2060 1650 1340
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 15600 15700 16100 17200 15500 17400
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.31 6.3 6.34 6.44 6.29 6.49
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.0388 0.0383 0.0375 0.0358 0.0387 0.0355

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 48 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 22 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.96 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 21.3 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 23000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.02 - 0.1 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 10 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.6 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 5
31 Weight of motor 4.1 g Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
8 mm 100 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.01 - 0.1 Nm 2 channels
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 205 Page 266

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 51

RE 10 10 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.75 Watt, approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118382 118383 118384 118385 118386 118387 118388 118389 118390 118391
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3 3.6 4.5 6 6 7.2 7.2 9 12
2 No load speed rpm 10300 10400 9930 11300 13000 11400 11700 10600 10700 11600
3 No load current mA 16 12.8 10.1 9.52 8.51 7.18 6.22 5.47 4.45 3.68
4 Nominal speed rpm 1670 2010 1520 2970 4680 3160 3350 1860 2000 2790
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.76 0.792 0.786 0.788 0.785 0.801 0.784 0.758 0.757 0.746
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.368 0.307 0.243 0.222 0.191 0.17 0.143 0.125 0.101 0.0811
7 Stall torque mNm 0.924 1 0.949 1.09 1.25 1.13 1.12 0.944 0.957 1.01
8 Starting current A 0.432 0.375 0.284 0.297 0.292 0.232 0.198 0.15 0.123 0.106
9 Max. efciency % 66 67 66 68 69 68 68 66 66 67
10 Terminal resistance : 5.55 8 12.7 15.2 20.6 25.8 36.4 47.9 72.9 114
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0461 0.072 0.112 0.136 0.184 0.24 0.325 0.398 0.605 0.92
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.14 2.67 3.34 3.67 4.27 4.87 5.68 6.28 7.75 9.55
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4470 3570 2860 2600 2230 1960 1680 1520 1230 1000
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 11600 10700 10800 10700 10700 10400 10800 11600 11600 11900
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.02 7.96 7.99 7.95 7.95 7.9 7.98 8.09 8.09 8.16
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.066 0.0711 0.0704 0.0706 0.0706 0.0726 0.0706 0.0666 0.0666 0.0654

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 45.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 19.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.16 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 108 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 7 g Planetary Gearhead
10 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.005 - 0.1 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 206
Planetary Gearhead
10 mm
0.01 - 0.15 Nm
Page 207

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Notes 18

52 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 10 10 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.75 Watt, approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

256085 256086 256087 256088 256089 256090 256091 256092 256093 256094
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3 3.6 4.5 6 6 7.2 7.2 9 12
2 No load speed rpm 10100 10200 9760 11200 12800 11200 11600 10400 10500 11400
3 No load current mA 23.4 18.8 14.9 13.9 12.3 10.5 9.07 8.01 6.51 5.37
4 Nominal speed rpm 1670 2010 1520 2970 4690 3170 3350 1860 2000 2790
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.746 0.777 0.771 0.773 0.769 0.786 0.769 0.743 0.743 0.731
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.368 0.307 0.243 0.222 0.19 0.17 0.143 0.125 0.101 0.081
7 Stall torque mNm 0.924 1 0.949 1.09 1.25 1.13 1.12 0.944 0.957 1.01
8 Starting current A 0.432 0.375 0.284 0.297 0.292 0.232 0.198 0.15 0.123 0.106
9 Max. efciency % 59 61 60 62 64 62 62 60 60 60
10 Terminal resistance : 5.55 8 12.7 15.2 20.6 25.8 36.4 47.9 72.9 114
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0461 0.072 0.112 0.136 0.184 0.24 0.325 0.398 0.605 0.92
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.14 2.67 3.34 3.67 4.27 4.87 5.68 6.28 7.75 9.55
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4470 3570 2860 2600 2230 1960 1680 1520 1230 1000
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 11600 10700 10800 10700 10700 10400 10800 11600 11600 11900
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.02 7.96 7.99 7.95 7.95 7.9 7.98 8.09 8.09 8.16
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.066 0.0711 0.0704 0.0706 0.0706 0.0726 0.0706 0.0666 0.0666 0.0654

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 45.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 19.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.16 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 108 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 14000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 7 g Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
10 mm 16 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.005 - 0.1 Nm 2 channels
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 206 Page 265
Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
10 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
0.01 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Page 207 Page 266
Encoder MEnc
10 mm
Recommended Electronics: 12 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 283
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 53

RE 10 10 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 1.5 Watt, approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118392 118393 118394 118395 118396 118397 118398 118399 118400

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3 4.5 4.5 6 6 9 9 12
2 No load speed rpm 13000 10700 12800 10600 12400 9880 12200 11100 12500
3 No load current mA 23.9 18.5 15.5 12.1 11.1 8.33 7.27 6.42 5.67
4 Nominal speed rpm 6840 4430 6530 4210 6160 3880 6080 4990 6510
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.5 1.49 1.48 1.47 1.5 1.57 1.53 1.54 1.54
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.713 0.582 0.462 0.379 0.338 0.282 0.226 0.207 0.176
7 Stall torque mNm 3.12 2.52 3.04 2.47 3.01 2.61 3.08 2.83 3.24
8 Starting current A 1.44 0.963 0.919 0.619 0.66 0.458 0.444 0.371 0.36
9 Max. efciency % 76 75 76 74 76 75 76 76 77
10 Terminal resistance : 2.08 3.11 4.9 7.27 9.09 13.1 20.3 24.3 33.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0173 0.0253 0.0402 0.0586 0.0766 0.12 0.178 0.215 0.299
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.16 2.62 3.3 3.99 4.56 5.7 6.95 7.63 9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4410 3640 2890 2400 2100 1680 1370 1250 1060
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4240 4330 4280 4370 4180 3860 4010 3980 3930
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.62 4.61 4.6 4.59 4.58 4.56 4.59 4.56 4.56
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.104 0.102 0.102 0.1 0.105 0.113 0.109 0.11 0.111

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 37.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 9.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.22 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 135 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 10 g Planetary Gearhead
10 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.005 - 0.1 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 206
Planetary Gearhead
10 mm
0.01 - 0.15 Nm
Page 207

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Notes 18

54 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 10 10 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 1.5 Watt, approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

256096 256097 256099 256100 256101 256102 256103 256104 256105

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 2.4 4.5 4.5 6 7.2 9 10 12
2 No load speed rpm 10400 8560 12800 10600 12400 11900 12200 12300 12500
3 No load current mA 21.7 17 15.1 11.8 10.8 8.55 7.06 6.45 5.5
4 Nominal speed rpm 4170 2230 6530 4210 6160 5900 6080 6250 6510
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.51 1.49 1.48 1.47 1.5 1.56 1.53 1.54 1.55
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.715 0.584 0.462 0.379 0.339 0.282 0.226 0.207 0.176
7 Stall torque mNm 2.49 2.02 3.04 2.47 3.01 3.13 3.08 3.14 3.24
8 Starting current A 1.15 0.771 0.919 0.619 0.66 0.549 0.444 0.412 0.36
9 Max. efciency % 75 73 76 75 76 77 77 77 77
10 Terminal resistance : 2.08 3.11 4.9 7.27 9.09 13.1 20.3 24.3 33.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0173 0.0253 0.0402 0.0586 0.0766 0.12 0.178 0.215 0.299
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.16 2.62 3.3 3.99 4.56 5.7 6.95 7.63 9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4410 3640 2890 2400 2100 1680 1370 1250 1060
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4240 4330 4280 4370 4180 3860 4010 3980 3930
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.62 4.61 4.6 4.59 4.58 4.56 4.59 4.56 4.56
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.104 0.102 0.102 0.1 0.105 0.113 0.109 0.11 0.111

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 37.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 9.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.22 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 135 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 14000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 10 g Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
10 mm 16 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.005 - 0.1 Nm 2 channels
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 206 Page 265
Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
10 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
0.01 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Page 207 Page 266
Encoder MEnc
10 mm
Recommended Electronics: 12 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 283
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 55

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 1.2 Watt, approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118401 118402 118403 118404 118405 118406 118407 118408 118409 118410 118411 118412 118413 118414 118415
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 5 6 8 9 10 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 11600 11300 11100 11000 11300 11600 12100 11500 11300 10900 11700 10600 11000 11200 10700
3 No load current mA 104 84.1 65.7 53.8 42 34.5 30.6 24.5 20.1 16 13.2 10.3 9.75 8.31 6.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 9930 8600 7670 6520 5860 6250 6960 6310 6010 5650 6400 5210 5590 5820 5190
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.499 0.63 0.825 1.02 1.24 1.27 1.31 1.3 1.28 1.28 1.27 1.26 1.24 1.25 1.24
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.666 0.557 0.499 0.405 0.329 0.266 0.211 0.169 0.156 0.133 0.101
7 Stall torque mNm 2.86 2.4 2.52 2.45 2.54 2.76 3.08 2.9 2.76 2.69 2.84 2.52 2.57 2.65 2.48
8 Starting current A 3.56 2.45 2.02 1.62 1.3 1.15 1.11 0.857 0.674 0.53 0.449 0.321 0.307 0.268 0.19
9 Max. efciency % 69 67 68 67 68 69 70 70 69 69 69 68 68 68 68
10 Terminal resistance : 0.281 0.491 0.742 1.11 1.85 2.61 3.23 4.9 7.42 11.3 17.8 28 32.6 44.9 78.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0061 0.0091 0.0147 0.0216 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.802 0.98 1.25 1.51 1.96 2.41 2.76 3.39 4.1 5.08 6.32 7.84 8.37 9.89 13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 11900 9740 7660 6310 4870 3970 3460 2820 2330 1880 1510 1220 1140 966 734
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4170 4880 4560 4640 4600 4310 4040 4090 4220 4190 4250 4350 4440 4380 4450
15 Mechanical time constant ms 15.6 14.9 14.3 14.1 13.9 13.7 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.299 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.18 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 76.1 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 170 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 12 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

56 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 1.2 Watt, approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118416 118417 118418 118419 118420 118421 118422 118423 118424 118425 118426 118427 118428 118429 118430
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 5 6 8 9 10 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 11600 11300 11100 11000 11300 11600 12100 11500 11300 10900 11700 10600 11000 11200 10700
3 No load current mA 104 84.1 65.7 53.8 42 34.5 30.6 24.5 20.1 16 13.2 10.3 9.75 8.31 6.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 9930 8600 7670 6520 5860 6250 6960 6310 6010 5650 6400 5210 5590 5820 5190
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.499 0.63 0.825 1.02 1.24 1.27 1.31 1.3 1.28 1.28 1.27 1.26 1.24 1.25 1.24
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.666 0.557 0.499 0.405 0.329 0.266 0.211 0.169 0.156 0.133 0.101
7 Stall torque mNm 2.86 2.4 2.52 2.45 2.54 2.76 3.08 2.9 2.76 2.69 2.84 2.52 2.57 2.65 2.48
8 Starting current A 3.56 2.45 2.02 1.62 1.3 1.15 1.11 0.857 0.674 0.53 0.449 0.321 0.307 0.268 0.19
9 Max. efciency % 69 67 68 67 68 69 70 70 69 69 69 68 68 68 68
10 Terminal resistance : 0.281 0.491 0.742 1.11 1.85 2.61 3.23 4.9 7.42 11.3 17.8 28 32.6 44.9 78.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0061 0.0091 0.0147 0.0216 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.802 0.98 1.25 1.51 1.96 2.41 2.76 3.39 4.1 5.08 6.32 7.84 8.37 9.89 13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 11900 9740 7660 6310 4870 3970 3460 2820 2330 1880 1510 1220 1140 966 734
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4170 4880 4560 4640 4600 4310 4040 4090 4220 4190 4250 4350 4440 4380 4450
15 Mechanical time constant ms 15.6 14.9 14.3 14.1 13.9 13.7 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.299 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.18 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 76.1 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 170 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 15 g 13 mm
0.05 - 0.15 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 209
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 57

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.75 Watt, approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118431 118432 118433 118434 118435 118436 118437 118438 118439 118440 118441 118442 118443 118444 118445
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 0.6 0.72 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 10
2 No load speed rpm 6900 6710 6590 7250 6990 6850 5950 6490 6700 6480 6950 7000 6530 6650 7030
3 No load current mA 88.2 71.7 56.1 47.3 36.2 29.4 24.7 20.6 17.1 13.7 11.2 9.06 8.33 7.09 5.46
4 Nominal speed rpm 5170 3920 3070 2740 1430 1430 682 1180 1300 1090 1520 1510 990 1140 1480
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.511 0.643 0.837 1.03 1.26 1.3 1.34 1.33 1.3 1.3 1.29 1.28 1.26 1.27 1.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.720 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.671 0.562 0.504 0.408 0.331 0.268 0.213 0.17 0.158 0.134 0.101
7 Stall torque mNm 1.71 1.44 1.51 1.63 1.59 1.66 1.54 1.66 1.66 1.61 1.7 1.68 1.54 1.59 1.65
8 Starting current A 2.14 1.47 1.21 1.08 0.812 0.69 0.557 0.489 0.404 0.318 0.269 0.214 0.184 0.161 0.127
9 Max. efciency % 64 61 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 63 64 64 62 63 63
10 Terminal resistance : 0.281 0.491 0.742 1.11 1.85 2.61 3.23 4.9 7.42 11.3 17.8 28 32.6 44.9 78.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0061 0.0091 0.0147 0.0216 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.802 0.98 1.25 1.51 1.96 2.41 2.76 3.39 4.1 5.08 6.32 7.84 8.37 9.89 13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 11900 9740 7660 6310 4870 3970 3460 2820 2330 1880 1510 1220 1140 966 734
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4170 4880 4560 4640 4600 4310 4040 4090 4220 4190 4250 4350 4440 4380 4450
15 Mechanical time constant ms 15.6 14.9 14.3 14.1 13.9 13.7 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.299 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.18 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 76.1 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 170 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 12 g 16 CPT,
2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Encoder MR
64 - 256 CPT,
2 channels
Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

58 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.75 Watt, approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118446 118447 118448 118449 118450 118451 118452 118453 118454 118455 118456 118457 118458 118459 118460
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 0.6 0.72 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 10
2 No load speed rpm 6900 6710 6590 7250 6990 6850 5950 6490 6700 6480 6950 7000 6530 6650 7030
3 No load current mA 88.2 71.7 56.1 47.3 36.2 29.4 24.7 20.6 17.1 13.7 11.2 9.06 8.33 7.09 5.46
4 Nominal speed rpm 5170 3920 3070 2740 1430 1430 682 1180 1300 1090 1520 1510 990 1140 1480
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.511 0.643 0.837 1.03 1.26 1.3 1.34 1.33 1.3 1.3 1.29 1.28 1.26 1.27 1.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.720 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.671 0.562 0.504 0.408 0.331 0.268 0.213 0.17 0.158 0.134 0.101
7 Stall torque mNm 1.71 1.44 1.51 1.63 1.59 1.66 1.54 1.66 1.66 1.61 1.7 1.68 1.54 1.59 1.65
8 Starting current A 2.14 1.47 1.21 1.08 0.812 0.69 0.557 0.489 0.404 0.318 0.269 0.214 0.184 0.161 0.127
9 Max. efciency % 64 61 62 63 63 63 63 64 64 63 64 64 62 63 63
10 Terminal resistance : 0.281 0.491 0.742 1.11 1.85 2.61 3.23 4.9 7.42 11.3 17.8 28 32.6 44.9 78.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0061 0.0091 0.0147 0.0216 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.802 0.98 1.25 1.51 1.96 2.41 2.76 3.39 4.1 5.08 6.32 7.84 8.37 9.89 13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 11900 9740 7660 6310 4870 3970 3460 2820 2330 1880 1510 1220 1140 966 734
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4170 4880 4560 4640 4600 4310 4040 4090 4220 4190 4250 4350 4440 4380 4450
15 Mechanical time constant ms 15.6 14.9 14.3 14.1 13.9 13.7 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.6 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.299 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W 12000 0.75 In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.18 s 118455
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 76.1 s 8000
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.
4000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm 0.4 0.8 1.2
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N 0.1 0.2 0.3
(static, shaft supported) 170 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 15 g 13 mm 16 CPT,
0.05 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 209 Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
13 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
0.2 - 0.35 Nm 2 channels
Page 210 Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 59

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 2.5 Watt, approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118461 118462 118463 118464 118465 118466 118467 118468 118469 118470 118471 118472 118473 118474 118475
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3 3 3.6 4.8 4.8 6 7.2 8 10 12 15 15 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 10600 12200 10700 10800 11400 10100 11400 11400 10900 11400 11000 11100 10300 10600 11500
3 No load current mA 51.5 50.8 42 35.5 28.8 24.4 23 19.2 16.1 13.8 11 8.87 7.98 6.9 5.82
4 Nominal speed rpm 9160 10500 8490 8050 7890 6430 7660 7730 7320 7790 7390 7470 6620 6920 7800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.44 1.56 1.8 2.16 2.76 2.87 2.81 2.86 2.98 2.9 2.89 2.9 2.88 2.9 2.84
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.664 0.586 0.497 0.443 0.363 0.291 0.235 0.217 0.187 0.149
7 Stall torque mNm 9.95 10.2 8.34 8.25 8.81 7.78 8.51 8.84 9.1 9.15 8.77 8.9 8.13 8.44 8.87
8 Starting current A 4.63 4.42 3.15 2.63 2.22 1.74 1.72 1.48 1.31 1.11 0.856 0.699 0.592 0.526 0.451
9 Max. efciency % 80 80 79 78 79 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79
10 Terminal resistance : 0.519 0.679 0.951 1.37 2.16 2.75 3.5 4.85 6.11 9.03 14 21.5 25.3 34.2 53.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.15 2.31 2.65 3.14 3.97 4.46 4.96 5.95 6.94 8.27 10.2 12.7 13.7 16 19.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4440 4130 3610 3040 2410 2140 1930 1600 1380 1160 932 750 696 595 485
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1070 1210 1300 1330 1310 1320 1360 1310 1210 1260 1270 1260 1280 1270 1310
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.65 7.55 7.45 7.37 7.28 7.27 7.28 7.23 7.16 7.2 7.21 7.21 7.21 7.22 7.27
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 229 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 95 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 21 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

60 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 2.5 Watt, approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118476 118477 118478 118479 118480 118481 118482 118483 118484 118485 118486 118487 118488 118489 118490
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3 3 3.6 4.8 4.8 6 7.2 8 10 12 15 15 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 10600 12200 10700 10800 11400 10100 11400 11400 10900 11400 11000 11100 10300 10600 11500
3 No load current mA 51.5 50.8 42 35.5 28.8 24.4 23 19.2 16.1 13.8 11 8.87 7.98 6.9 5.82
4 Nominal speed rpm 9160 10500 8490 8050 7890 6430 7660 7730 7320 7790 7390 7470 6620 6920 7800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.44 1.56 1.8 2.16 2.76 2.87 2.81 2.86 2.98 2.9 2.89 2.9 2.88 2.9 2.84
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.664 0.586 0.497 0.443 0.363 0.291 0.235 0.217 0.187 0.149
7 Stall torque mNm 9.95 10.2 8.34 8.25 8.81 7.78 8.51 8.84 9.1 9.15 8.77 8.9 8.13 8.44 8.87
8 Starting current A 4.63 4.42 3.15 2.63 2.22 1.74 1.72 1.48 1.31 1.11 0.856 0.699 0.592 0.526 0.451
9 Max. efciency % 80 80 79 78 79 78 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79
10 Terminal resistance : 0.519 0.679 0.951 1.37 2.16 2.75 3.5 4.85 6.11 9.03 14 21.5 25.3 34.2 53.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.15 2.31 2.65 3.14 3.97 4.46 4.96 5.95 6.94 8.27 10.2 12.7 13.7 16 19.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4440 4130 3610 3040 2410 2140 1930 1600 1380 1160 932 750 696 595 485
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1070 1210 1300 1330 1310 1320 1360 1310 1210 1260 1270 1260 1280 1270 1310
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.65 7.55 7.45 7.37 7.28 7.27 7.28 7.23 7.16 7.2 7.21 7.21 7.21 7.22 7.27
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 229 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 95 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 21 g 13 mm
0.05 - 0.15 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 209
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 61

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 2 Watt, approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118491 118492 118493 118494 118495 118496 118497 118498 118499 118500 118501 118502 118503 118504 118505
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 10 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 6570 6090 6380 7170 7100 6300 6800 6620 6490 6810 6590 6630 6840 7020 7150
3 No load current mA 43.8 39.8 35.3 30.8 24.3 20.8 19.2 15.8 13.5 11.5 9.19 7.41 6.94 5.99 4.91
4 Nominal speed rpm 5170 4320 4160 4400 3560 2550 3000 2880 2880 3130 2880 2940 3120 3330 3400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.46 1.58 1.82 2.18 2.78 2.91 2.85 2.91 3.02 2.95 2.93 2.94 2.92 2.93 2.88
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.669 0.592 0.502 0.446 0.367 0.294 0.237 0.218 0.188 0.151
7 Stall torque mNm 6.22 5.12 5.01 5.5 5.51 4.86 5.1 5.16 5.46 5.49 5.26 5.34 5.42 5.63 5.54
8 Starting current A 2.89 2.21 1.89 1.75 1.39 1.09 1.03 0.866 0.786 0.665 0.514 0.419 0.395 0.351 0.282
9 Max. efciency % 77 75 75 76 76 75 75 75 76 76 75 76 76 76 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.519 0.679 0.951 1.37 2.16 2.75 3.5 4.85 6.11 9.03 14 21.5 25.3 34.2 53.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.15 2.31 2.65 3.14 3.97 4.46 4.96 5.95 6.94 8.27 10.2 12.7 13.7 16 19.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4440 4130 3610 3040 2410 2140 1930 1600 1380 1160 932 750 696 595 485
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1070 1210 1300 1330 1310 1320 1360 1310 1210 1260 1270 1260 1280 1270 1310
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.65 7.55 7.45 7.37 7.28 7.27 7.28 7.23 7.16 7.2 7.21 7.21 7.21 7.22 7.27
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 229 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 95 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 21 g 16 CPT,
2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Encoder MR
64 - 256 CPT,
2 channels
Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

62 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 2 Watt, approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118506 118507 118508 118509 118510 118511 118512 118513 118514 118515 118516 118517 118518 118519 118520
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 10 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 6570 6090 6380 7170 7100 6300 6800 6620 6490 6810 6590 6630 6840 7020 7150
3 No load current mA 43.8 39.8 35.3 30.8 24.3 20.8 19.2 15.8 13.5 11.5 9.19 7.41 6.94 5.99 4.91
4 Nominal speed rpm 5170 4320 4160 4400 3560 2550 3000 2880 2880 3130 2880 2940 3120 3330 3400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.46 1.58 1.82 2.18 2.78 2.91 2.85 2.91 3.02 2.95 2.93 2.94 2.92 2.93 2.88
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.669 0.592 0.502 0.446 0.367 0.294 0.237 0.218 0.188 0.151
7 Stall torque mNm 6.22 5.12 5.01 5.5 5.51 4.86 5.1 5.16 5.46 5.49 5.26 5.34 5.42 5.63 5.54
8 Starting current A 2.89 2.21 1.89 1.75 1.39 1.09 1.03 0.866 0.786 0.665 0.514 0.419 0.395 0.351 0.282
9 Max. efciency % 77 75 75 76 76 75 75 75 76 76 75 76 76 76 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.519 0.679 0.951 1.37 2.16 2.75 3.5 4.85 6.11 9.03 14 21.5 25.3 34.2 53.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.15 2.31 2.65 3.14 3.97 4.46 4.96 5.95 6.94 8.27 10.2 12.7 13.7 16 19.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4440 4130 3610 3040 2410 2140 1930 1600 1380 1160 932 750 696 595 485
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1070 1210 1300 1330 1310 1320 1360 1310 1210 1260 1270 1260 1280 1270 1310
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.65 7.55 7.45 7.37 7.28 7.27 7.28 7.23 7.16 7.2 7.21 7.21 7.21 7.22 7.27
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 229 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 95 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 21 g 13 mm 16 CPT,
0.05 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 209 Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
13 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
0.2 - 0.35 Nm 2 channels
Page 210 Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 63

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 1.5 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118521 118522 118523 118524 118525 118526 118527 118528 118529 118530 118531 118532 118533 118534 118535
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.2 1.5 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 12 15 18 20
2 No load speed rpm 9360 10400 12300 12300 12300 12800 11900 12400 12100 12200 13200 12200 13100 13900 13300
3 No load current mA 423 359 247 191 156 138 109 91.7 73.2 58.9 49.1 44.6 38.8 35.1 29.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 6840 7080 7500 6290 6590 7290 6430 6970 6650 6750 7860 6780 7750 8790 7950
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.262 0.384 0.755 1.06 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.2 1.23 1.23 1.19 1.21 1.19 1.19 1.18
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.707 0.608 0.549 0.458 0.376 0.308 0.248 0.197 0.184 0.156 0.138 0.118
7 Stall torque mNm 1.3 1.53 2.26 2.45 2.71 3.02 2.9 2.99 2.98 3 3.19 2.93 3.17 3.46 3.18
8 Starting current A 1.66 1.6 1.53 1.28 1.15 1.12 0.878 0.748 0.601 0.486 0.417 0.359 0.328 0.316 0.251
9 Max. efciency % 17 18 29 33 36 39 40 41 42 42 43 42 44 45 44
10 Terminal resistance : 0.721 0.938 1.57 2.34 3.12 3.74 5.47 8.02 12 18.5 28.8 33.4 45.7 57 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0061 0.0091 0.0216 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.19 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.782 0.956 1.48 1.91 2.35 2.69 3.3 4 4.95 6.17 7.64 8.17 9.64 10.9 12.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 12200 9990 6470 5000 4070 3550 2890 2390 1930 1550 1250 1170 990 872 753
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 11300 9810 6870 6110 5410 4930 4790 4800 4670 4650 4700 4790 4690 4540 4730
15 Mechanical time constant ms 42.3 29.9 20.8 18.4 17.2 16.4 15.8 15.4 15 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.4 14.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.303 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.18 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 210 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 15 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

64 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 1.5 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118536 118537 118538 118539 118540 118541 118542 118543 118544 118545 118546 118547 118548 118549 118550
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.2 1.5 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 12 15 18 20
2 No load speed rpm 9360 10400 12300 12300 12300 12800 11900 12400 12100 12200 13200 12200 13100 13900 13300
3 No load current mA 423 359 247 191 156 138 109 91.7 73.2 58.9 49.1 44.6 38.8 35.1 29.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 6840 7080 7500 6290 6590 7290 6430 6970 6650 6750 7860 6780 7750 8790 7950
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.262 0.384 0.755 1.06 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.2 1.23 1.23 1.19 1.21 1.19 1.19 1.18
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.707 0.608 0.549 0.458 0.376 0.308 0.248 0.197 0.184 0.156 0.138 0.118
7 Stall torque mNm 1.3 1.53 2.26 2.45 2.71 3.02 2.9 2.99 2.98 3 3.19 2.93 3.17 3.46 3.18
8 Starting current A 1.66 1.6 1.53 1.28 1.15 1.12 0.878 0.748 0.601 0.486 0.417 0.359 0.328 0.316 0.251
9 Max. efciency % 17 18 29 33 36 39 40 41 42 42 43 42 44 45 44
10 Terminal resistance : 0.721 0.938 1.57 2.34 3.12 3.74 5.47 8.02 12 18.5 28.8 33.4 45.7 57 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0061 0.0091 0.0216 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.19 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.782 0.956 1.48 1.91 2.35 2.69 3.3 4 4.95 6.17 7.64 8.17 9.64 10.9 12.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 12200 9990 6470 5000 4070 3550 2890 2390 1930 1550 1250 1170 990 872 753
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 11300 9810 6870 6110 5410 4930 4790 4800 4670 4650 4700 4790 4690 4540 4730
15 Mechanical time constant ms 42.3 29.9 20.8 18.4 17.2 16.4 15.8 15.4 15 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.4 14.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.303 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.18 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 210 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 17 g Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.05 - 0.15 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 209
Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 65

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 1.5 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118555 118556 118557 118558 118559 118560 118561 118562 118563 118564 118565 118566
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 12 15 18 20
2 No load speed rpm 12300 12300 12800 11900 12400 12100 12200 13200 12200 13100 13900 13300
3 No load current mA 191 156 138 109 91.7 73.2 58.9 49.1 44.6 38.8 35.1 29.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 6290 6590 7290 6430 6970 6650 6750 7860 6780 7750 8790 7950
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.06 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.2 1.23 1.23 1.19 1.21 1.19 1.19 1.18
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.707 0.608 0.549 0.458 0.376 0.308 0.248 0.197 0.184 0.156 0.138 0.118
7 Stall torque mNm 2.45 2.71 3.02 2.9 2.99 2.98 3 3.19 2.93 3.17 3.46 3.18
8 Starting current A 1.28 1.15 1.12 0.878 0.748 0.601 0.486 0.417 0.359 0.328 0.316 0.251
9 Max. efciency % 33 36 39 40 41 42 42 43 42 44 45 44
10 Terminal resistance : 2.34 3.12 3.74 5.47 8.02 12 18.5 28.8 33.4 45.7 57 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.19 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.91 2.35 2.69 3.3 4 4.95 6.17 7.64 8.17 9.64 10.9 12.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5000 4070 3550 2890 2390 1930 1550 1250 1170 990 872 753
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 6110 5410 4930 4790 4800 4670 4650 4700 4790 4690 4540 4730
15 Mechanical time constant ms 18.4 17.2 16.4 15.8 15.4 15 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.4 14.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.303 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.38 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 210 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 140 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 15 g 16 CPT,
2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Encoder MR
64 - 256 CPT,
2 channels
Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

66 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 1.5 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118570 118571 118572 118573 118574 118575 118576 118577 118578 118579 118580 118581
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 12 15 18 20
2 No load speed rpm 12300 12300 12800 11900 12400 12100 12200 13200 12200 13100 13900 13300
3 No load current mA 191 156 138 109 91.7 73.2 58.9 49.1 44.6 38.8 35.1 29.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 6290 6590 7290 6430 6970 6650 6750 7860 6780 7750 8790 7950
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.06 1.13 1.17 1.22 1.2 1.23 1.23 1.19 1.21 1.19 1.19 1.18
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.707 0.608 0.549 0.458 0.376 0.308 0.248 0.197 0.184 0.156 0.138 0.118
7 Stall torque mNm 2.45 2.71 3.02 2.9 2.99 2.98 3 3.19 2.93 3.17 3.46 3.18
8 Starting current A 1.28 1.15 1.12 0.878 0.748 0.601 0.486 0.417 0.359 0.328 0.316 0.251
9 Max. efciency % 33 36 39 40 41 42 42 43 42 44 45 44
10 Terminal resistance : 2.34 3.12 3.74 5.47 8.02 12 18.5 28.8 33.4 45.7 57 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0362 0.0545 0.0719 0.108 0.158 0.243 0.377 0.579 0.661 0.921 1.19 1.59
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.91 2.35 2.69 3.3 4 4.95 6.17 7.64 8.17 9.64 10.9 12.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5000 4070 3550 2890 2390 1930 1550 1250 1170 990 872 753
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 6110 5410 4930 4790 4800 4670 4650 4700 4790 4690 4540 4730
15 Mechanical time constant ms 18.4 17.2 16.4 15.8 15.4 15 14.8 14.7 14.7 14.6 14.4 14.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.303 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 46 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.38 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 210 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 140 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 15 g 13 mm 16 CPT,
0.05 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 209 Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
13 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
0.2 - 0.35 Nm 2 channels
Page 210 Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 67

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 3 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118582 118583 118584 118585 118586 118587 118588 118589 118590 118591 118592 118593 118594 118595 118596
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3.6 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 30
2 No load speed rpm 11900 13400 11700 13400 13400 11900 12900 13500 12900 13100 13200 12800 13800 13500 13800
3 No load current mA 164 160 133 118 93.3 79 73.5 62.5 52.6 44.3 35.9 28.5 27.4 23.2 19.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 9350 10700 8620 9940 10100 8500 9610 10400 9890 10000 10200 9730 10900 10600 10800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.25 1.35 1.62 1.97 2.1 2.22 2.17 2.22 2.38 2.36 2.37 2.42 2.34 2.39 2.34
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.604 0.559 0.496 0.424 0.384 0.32 0.259 0.213 0.193 0.167 0.134
7 Stall torque mNm 7.57 8.27 7.23 8.71 9.4 8.5 9.18 10.2 10.7 10.6 10.7 10.5 11.3 11.2 11.1
8 Starting current A 3.46 3.51 2.69 2.72 2.33 1.87 1.82 1.69 1.52 1.25 1.03 0.814 0.809 0.688 0.556
9 Max. efciency % 51 53 53 57 60 60 61 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 67
10 Terminal resistance : 0.867 1.02 1.34 1.76 2.57 3.21 3.96 5.32 6.6 9.56 14.6 22.1 26 34.9 54
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.19 2.36 2.69 3.2 4.04 4.54 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.41 10.4 13 14 16.3 20
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4370 4050 3550 2990 2370 2100 1890 1580 1350 1140 915 737 684 585 477
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1730 1760 1770 1640 1510 1480 1480 1390 1260 1290 1280 1260 1270 1250 1290
15 Mechanical time constant ms 12.3 11 10.1 9.12 8.38 8.17 7.95 7.66 7.48 7.36 7.25 7.17 7.14 7.12 7.12
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 93.8 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 24 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

68 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 3 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118597 118598 118599 118600 118601 118602 118603 118604 118605 118606 118607 118608 118609 118610 118611
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3.6 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 30
2 No load speed rpm 11900 13400 11700 13400 13400 11900 12900 13500 12900 13100 13200 12800 13800 13500 13800
3 No load current mA 164 160 133 118 93.3 79 73.5 62.5 52.6 44.3 35.9 28.5 27.4 23.2 19.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 9350 10700 8620 9940 10100 8500 9610 10400 9890 10000 10200 9730 10900 10600 10800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.25 1.35 1.62 1.97 2.1 2.22 2.17 2.22 2.38 2.36 2.37 2.42 2.34 2.39 2.34
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.604 0.559 0.496 0.424 0.384 0.32 0.259 0.213 0.193 0.167 0.134
7 Stall torque mNm 7.57 8.27 7.23 8.71 9.4 8.5 9.18 10.2 10.7 10.6 10.7 10.5 11.3 11.2 11.1
8 Starting current A 3.46 3.51 2.69 2.72 2.33 1.87 1.82 1.69 1.52 1.25 1.03 0.814 0.809 0.688 0.556
9 Max. efciency % 51 53 53 57 60 60 61 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 67
10 Terminal resistance : 0.867 1.02 1.34 1.76 2.57 3.21 3.96 5.32 6.6 9.56 14.6 22.1 26 34.9 54
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.19 2.36 2.69 3.2 4.04 4.54 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.41 10.4 13 14 16.3 20
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4370 4050 3550 2990 2370 2100 1890 1580 1350 1140 915 737 684 585 477
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1730 1760 1770 1640 1510 1480 1480 1390 1260 1290 1280 1260 1270 1250 1290
15 Mechanical time constant ms 12.3 11 10.1 9.12 8.38 8.17 7.95 7.66 7.48 7.36 7.25 7.17 7.14 7.12 7.12
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 93.8 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 24 g Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.05 - 0.15 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 209
Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 69

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 3 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118613 118614 118615 118616 118617 118618 118619 118620 118621 118622 118623 118624 118625 118626 118627
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3.6 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 30
2 No load speed rpm 11900 13400 11700 13400 13400 11900 12900 13500 12900 13100 13200 12800 13800 13500 13800
3 No load current mA 164 160 133 118 93.3 79 73.5 62.5 52.6 44.3 35.9 28.5 27.4 23.2 19.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 9350 10700 8620 9940 10100 8500 9610 10400 9890 10000 10200 9730 10900 10600 10800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.25 1.35 1.62 1.97 2.1 2.22 2.17 2.22 2.38 2.36 2.37 2.42 2.34 2.39 2.34
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.604 0.559 0.496 0.424 0.384 0.32 0.259 0.213 0.193 0.167 0.134
7 Stall torque mNm 7.57 8.27 7.23 8.71 9.4 8.5 9.18 10.2 10.7 10.6 10.7 10.5 11.3 11.2 11.1
8 Starting current A 3.46 3.51 2.69 2.72 2.33 1.87 1.82 1.69 1.52 1.25 1.03 0.814 0.809 0.688 0.556
9 Max. efciency % 51 53 53 57 60 60 61 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 67
10 Terminal resistance : 0.867 1.02 1.34 1.76 2.57 3.21 3.96 5.32 6.6 9.56 14.6 22.1 26 34.9 54
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.19 2.36 2.69 3.2 4.04 4.54 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.41 10.4 13 14 16.3 20
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4370 4050 3550 2990 2370 2100 1890 1580 1350 1140 915 737 684 585 477
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1730 1760 1770 1640 1510 1480 1480 1390 1260 1290 1280 1260 1270 1250 1290
15 Mechanical time constant ms 12.3 11 10.1 9.12 8.38 8.17 7.95 7.66 7.48 7.36 7.25 7.17 7.14 7.12 7.12
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 93.8 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 24 g 16 CPT,
2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Encoder MR
64 - 256 CPT,
2 channels
Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

70 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 13 13 mm, Graphite Brushes, 3 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118628 118629 118630 118631 118632 118633 118634 118635 118636 118637 118638 118639 118640 118641 118642
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 3.6 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 9 10 12 15 18 21 24 30
2 No load speed rpm 11900 13400 11700 13400 13400 11900 12900 13500 12900 13100 13200 12800 13800 13500 13800
3 No load current mA 164 160 133 118 93.3 79 73.5 62.5 52.6 44.3 35.9 28.5 27.4 23.2 19.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 9350 10700 8620 9940 10100 8500 9610 10400 9890 10000 10200 9730 10900 10600 10800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.25 1.35 1.62 1.97 2.1 2.22 2.17 2.22 2.38 2.36 2.37 2.42 2.34 2.39 2.34
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.604 0.559 0.496 0.424 0.384 0.32 0.259 0.213 0.193 0.167 0.134
7 Stall torque mNm 7.57 8.27 7.23 8.71 9.4 8.5 9.18 10.2 10.7 10.6 10.7 10.5 11.3 11.2 11.1
8 Starting current A 3.46 3.51 2.69 2.72 2.33 1.87 1.82 1.69 1.52 1.25 1.03 0.814 0.809 0.688 0.556
9 Max. efciency % 51 53 53 57 60 60 61 64 65 65 66 66 67 67 67
10 Terminal resistance : 0.867 1.02 1.34 1.76 2.57 3.21 3.96 5.32 6.6 9.56 14.6 22.1 26 34.9 54
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0213 0.0247 0.0323 0.0456 0.0727 0.092 0.114 0.164 0.223 0.316 0.485 0.749 0.87 1.19 1.79
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.19 2.36 2.69 3.2 4.04 4.54 5.05 6.06 7.07 8.41 10.4 13 14 16.3 20
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4370 4050 3550 2990 2370 2100 1890 1580 1350 1140 915 737 684 585 477
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1730 1760 1770 1640 1510 1480 1480 1390 1260 1290 1280 1260 1270 1250 1290
15 Mechanical time constant ms 12.3 11 10.1 9.12 8.38 8.17 7.95 7.66 7.48 7.36 7.25 7.17 7.14 7.12 7.12
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 33 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.88 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 93.6 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 24 g 13 mm 16 CPT,
0.05 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 209 Page 265
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
13 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
0.2 - 0.35 Nm 2 channels
Page 210 Page 266/267
Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 71

RE 16 16 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

320173 320174 320175 320176 320177 320178 320179

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.8 3 6 9 12 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 8240 8340 8490 8230 8090 7940 7760
3 No load current mA 35.1 21.4 11 7.02 5.81 3.35 2.44
4 Nominal speed rpm 6250 4830 4850 4590 4350 4140 3850
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.42 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.29 2.28 2.22
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.366 0.237 0.169 0.11 0.0783
7 Stall torque mNm 5.46 5.55 5.55 5.4 5.01 4.81 4.45
8 Starting current A 2.65 1.64 0.833 0.524 0.359 0.226 0.153
9 Max. efciency % 79 79 79 79 77 77 77
10 Terminal resistance : 0.679 1.83 7.2 17.2 33.4 79.8 157
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0168 0.0456 0.176 0.421 0.77 1.8 3.35
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.06 3.39 6.66 10.3 13.9 21.3 29.1
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4640 2810 1430 927 685 448 328
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1530 1520 1550 1550 1640 1680 1770
15 Mechanical time constant ms 10.4 9.97 9.87 9.87 9.98 9.92 10.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.65 0.626 0.609 0.61 0.58 0.565 0.546

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 40.6 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 9.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.33 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 268 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.5 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 21 g Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 16 mm 32 CPT,
0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 216 Page 268
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Page 217 Page 270
Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.2 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Page 251/252 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

72 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 16 16 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 3.2 Watt,  approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118678 118679 118680 118681 118682 118683 118684 118685 118686 118687 118688 118689 118690 118691 118692
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.8 2.4 3 3.2 4.5 4.8 7.2 9 12 12 15 18 24 30 48
2 No load speed rpm 4990 6360 6890 6270 6740 5700 6890 6740 7130 5990 6010 5900 7250 6460 5500
3 No load current mA 23.5 25.4 23 18.6 14.8 10.8 9.57 7.4 6.05 4.63 3.72 3.02 3.11 2.08 1.02
4 Nominal speed rpm 4320 5510 5820 4930 5050 3630 4810 4630 5030 3830 3840 3730 5070 4220 3180
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.39 2.5 2.89 3.41 4.48 5.61 5.54 5.48 5.48 5.38 5.36 5.33 5.29 5.18 5.01
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.711 0.566 0.438 0.348 0.287 0.229 0.187 0.171 0.119 0.0614
7 Stall torque mNm 15.5 16.9 17.3 15.2 17.4 15.2 18.1 17.4 18.6 14.9 14.9 14.5 17.6 15 11.9
8 Starting current A 4.53 4.71 4.19 3.13 2.74 1.9 1.82 1.37 1.16 0.784 0.628 0.5 0.561 0.341 0.144
9 Max. efciency % 86 86 86 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 85 85 86 85 84
10 Terminal resistance : 0.397 0.51 0.715 1.02 1.64 2.53 3.95 6.56 10.3 15.3 23.9 36 42.8 88 333
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0207 0.0227 0.0302 0.0415 0.0711 0.113 0.174 0.284 0.452 0.639 0.993 1.48 1.75 3.44 12.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.43 3.58 4.13 4.84 6.34 7.99 9.92 12.7 16 19 23.7 28.9 31.4 44.1 82.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2790 2660 2310 1970 1510 1190 962 753 597 502 403 330 304 217 115
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 323 379 400 415 391 378 383 389 386 404 406 410 414 432 465
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.84 5.71 5.56 5.46 5.36 5.31 5.29 5.29 5.27 5.29 5.3 5.31 5.31 5.36 5.42
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.73 1.44 1.33 1.26 1.31 1.34 1.32 1.3 1.3 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.23 1.18 1.11

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 30 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.6 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 436 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.5 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 38 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 16 mm
0.06 - 0.18 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 216
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.1 - 0.3 Nm
Page 217
Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.2 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm Notes 18
Page 251/252

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 73

RE 16 16 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 3.2 Watt,  approved
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118693 118694 118695 118696 118697 118698 118699 118700 118701 118702 118703 118704 118705 118706 118707
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.8 2.4 3 3.2 4.5 4.8 7.2 9 12 12 15 18 24 30 48
2 No load speed rpm 4990 6360 6890 6270 6740 5700 6890 6740 7130 5990 6010 5900 7250 6460 5500
3 No load current mA 23.5 25.4 23 18.6 14.8 10.8 9.57 7.4 6.05 4.63 3.72 3.02 3.11 2.08 1.02
4 Nominal speed rpm 4320 5510 5820 4930 5050 3630 4810 4630 5030 3830 3840 3730 5070 4220 3180
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.39 2.5 2.89 3.41 4.48 5.61 5.54 5.48 5.48 5.38 5.36 5.33 5.29 5.18 5.01
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.711 0.566 0.438 0.348 0.287 0.229 0.187 0.171 0.119 0.0614
7 Stall torque mNm 15.5 16.9 17.3 15.2 17.4 15.2 18.1 17.4 18.6 14.9 14.9 14.5 17.6 15 11.9
8 Starting current A 4.53 4.71 4.19 3.13 2.74 1.9 1.82 1.37 1.16 0.784 0.628 0.5 0.561 0.341 0.144
9 Max. efciency % 86 86 86 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 85 85 86 85 84
10 Terminal resistance : 0.397 0.51 0.715 1.02 1.64 2.53 3.95 6.56 10.3 15.3 23.9 36 42.8 88 333
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0207 0.0227 0.0302 0.0415 0.0711 0.113 0.174 0.284 0.452 0.639 0.993 1.48 1.75 3.44 12.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.43 3.58 4.13 4.84 6.34 7.99 9.92 12.7 16 19 23.7 28.9 31.4 44.1 82.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2790 2660 2310 1970 1510 1190 962 753 597 502 403 330 304 217 115
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 323 379 400 415 391 378 383 389 386 404 406 410 414 432 465
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.84 5.71 5.56 5.46 5.36 5.31 5.29 5.29 5.27 5.29 5.3 5.31 5.31 5.36 5.42
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.73 1.44 1.33 1.26 1.31 1.34 1.32 1.3 1.3 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.23 1.18 1.11

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 30 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.6 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 436 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 70 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.5 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 38 g 16 mm 32 CPT,
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Page 216 Page 268
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Page 217 Page 270
Planetary Gearhead Encoder MEnc
16 mm 13 mm
0.2 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
Page 218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Page 251/252 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

74 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 16 16 mm, Graphite Brushes, 4.5 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118710 118711 118712 118713 118714 118715 118716 118717 118718 118719 118720 118721 118722 118723 118724
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.8 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 45 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 12700 12100 13200 13600 13100 13900 14000 13200 14000 14700 14100 14500 14200 10100 5320
3 No load current mA 105 98.7 87.6 75.4 56.9 45.9 37.1 28.5 23 19.6 15.6 12.8 11.8 7.66 3.63
4 Nominal speed rpm 11200 10500 11500 11700 11000 12000 12200 11300 12200 12900 12300 12700 12400 8130 3170
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.15 2.27 2.67 3.18 4.09 4.26 4.34 4.48 4.5 4.37 4.44 4.41 4.42 4.65 4.77
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.69 0.569 0.467 0.375 0.299 0.245 0.199 0.162 0.15 0.111 0.0603
7 Stall torque mNm 26.3 22.7 25.8 27.3 29.9 34.3 35.3 33.4 36.3 36.8 35.6 36.2 35.4 24.2 12.1
8 Starting current A 7.56 6.26 6.16 5.56 4.65 4.23 3.51 2.6 2.24 1.91 1.48 1.23 1.11 0.541 0.144
9 Max. efciency % 69 69 72 73 76 78 79 79 80 80 80 81 80 78 71
10 Terminal resistance : 0.635 0.767 0.975 1.29 1.94 2.83 4.28 6.93 10.7 15.7 24.4 36.5 43.3 88.7 334
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0208 0.0227 0.0303 0.0415 0.0711 0.113 0.174 0.285 0.452 0.64 0.994 1.48 1.75 3.44 12.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.48 3.64 4.2 4.91 6.43 8.11 10.1 12.9 16.2 19.3 24.1 29.4 31.9 44.8 83.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2750 2630 2280 1940 1480 1180 948 742 589 495 397 325 299 213 114
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 502 554 529 511 447 411 403 399 389 403 402 404 407 423 453
15 Mechanical time constant ms 9.07 8.35 7.36 6.71 6.13 5.78 5.56 5.43 5.31 5.28 5.25 5.23 5.22 5.24 5.28
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.73 1.44 1.33 1.26 1.31 1.34 1.32 1.3 1.3 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.23 1.18 1.11

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 30 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.5 K/W 4.5 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.6 s 16000
118718 temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 459 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C 12000
ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm 4000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N 2.0 4.0 6.0 Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.5 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 40 g Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.06 - 0.18 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 216
Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.1 - 0.3 Nm
Page 217
Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.2 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm Notes 18
Page 251/252

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 75

RE 16 16 mm, Graphite Brushes, 4.5 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118725 118726 118727 118728 118729 118730 118731 118732 118733 118734 118735 118736 118737 118738 118739
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.8 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 45 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 12700 12100 13200 13600 13100 13900 14000 13200 14000 14700 14100 14500 14200 10100 5320
3 No load current mA 105 98.7 87.6 75.4 56.9 45.9 37.1 28.5 23 19.6 15.6 12.8 11.8 7.66 3.63
4 Nominal speed rpm 11200 10500 11500 11700 11000 12000 12200 11300 12200 12900 12300 12700 12400 8130 3170
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.15 2.27 2.67 3.18 4.09 4.26 4.34 4.48 4.5 4.37 4.44 4.41 4.42 4.65 4.77
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.69 0.569 0.467 0.375 0.299 0.245 0.199 0.162 0.15 0.111 0.0603
7 Stall torque mNm 26.3 22.7 25.8 27.3 29.9 34.3 35.3 33.4 36.3 36.8 35.6 36.2 35.4 24.2 12.1
8 Starting current A 7.56 6.26 6.16 5.56 4.65 4.23 3.51 2.6 2.24 1.91 1.48 1.23 1.11 0.541 0.144
9 Max. efciency % 69 69 72 73 76 78 79 79 80 80 80 81 80 78 71
10 Terminal resistance : 0.635 0.767 0.975 1.29 1.94 2.83 4.28 6.93 10.7 15.7 24.4 36.5 43.3 88.7 334
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0208 0.0227 0.0303 0.0415 0.0711 0.113 0.174 0.285 0.452 0.64 0.994 1.48 1.75 3.44 12.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.48 3.64 4.2 4.91 6.43 8.11 10.1 12.9 16.2 19.3 24.1 29.4 31.9 44.8 83.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2750 2630 2280 1940 1480 1180 948 742 589 495 397 325 299 213 114
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 502 554 529 511 447 411 403 399 389 403 402 404 407 423 453
15 Mechanical time constant ms 9.07 8.35 7.36 6.71 6.13 5.78 5.56 5.43 5.31 5.28 5.25 5.23 5.22 5.24 5.28
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.73 1.44 1.33 1.26 1.31 1.34 1.32 1.3 1.3 1.25 1.25 1.24 1.23 1.18 1.11

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 30 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.6 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 459 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 60 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.5 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 40 g 16 mm 32 CPT,
0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 216 Page 268
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Page 217 Page 270
Planetary Gearhead Encoder MEnc
16 mm 13 mm
0.2 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
Page 218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Page 251/252 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

76 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 25 25 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 10 Watt,  approved

maxon DC motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118740 118741 118742 118743 118744 118745 118746 118747 118748

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 8 9 12 15 18 24 32 48
2 No load speed rpm 5360 5320 5230 4850 4980 4790 5190 5510 5070
3 No load current mA 79.7 44.4 38.7 26.3 21.8 9.88 14.4 11.7 6.96
4 Nominal speed rpm 4980 4520 4220 3800 3920 3710 4130 4450 4000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 11.4 20.9 23.9 28.6 28.2 28.7 28 27.9 27.9
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.24 1.01 0.811 0.652 0.516 0.317
7 Stall torque mNm 131 132 119 129 131 126 136 144 132
8 Starting current A 16.5 9.23 7.31 5.5 4.57 3.52 3.1 2.61 1.47
9 Max. efciency % 87 87 86 87 87 90 87 87 87
10 Terminal resistance : 0.273 0.867 1.23 2.18 3.28 5.11 7.73 12.3 32.6
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0275 0.0882 0.115 0.238 0.353 0.551 0.832 1.31 3.48
12 Torque constant mNm/A 7.99 14.3 16.3 23.5 28.6 35.8 43.9 55.2 89.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1200 668 584 406 334 267 217 173 106
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 40.9 40.5 44 37.7 38.3 38.2 38.3 38.5 38.6
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.99 4.4 4.37 4.25 4.23 4.22 4.22 4.22 4.23
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 11.7 10.4 9.49 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 14 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 612 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +100C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 5500 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.2 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
(static, shaft supported) 800 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 11 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 130 g 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
Page 231/232 Page 272
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Encoder Enc
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 32 mm 22 mm
0.75 - 6.0 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Option Page 234/235/237 Page 274
Preloaded ball bearings Koaxdrive Encoder HED_ 5540
32 mm 500 CPT,
1.0 - 4.5 Nm Recommended Electronics: 3 channels
Page 240 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 276/278
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 DC-Tacho DCT
32 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 22 mm
Page 255/256/257 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 0.52 V
EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 286
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 77

RE 25 25 mm, Graphite Brushes, 20 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

302534 339149 339150 339151 339152 339153 339154 339155 339156 339157 339158
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 7.2 9 12 18 24 30 36 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 10500 9710 9620 10400 10900 9210 10100 9540 8450 6720 4650
3 No load current mA 133 93.2 68.1 50.6 40.2 25 23.7 16.4 13.7 9.89 6
4 Nominal speed rpm 8970 8260 8310 9190 9690 8010 8860 8360 7270 5530 3430
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 21.9 24.4 27.5 29.1 30.4 31.4 30.7 31.7 32.3 32.9 32.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.68 2.97 2.45 1.85 1.5 1.04 0.931 0.68 0.614 0.495 0.341
7 Stall torque mNm 259 238 268 297 325 265 279 270 243 192 127
8 Starting current A 42.1 28.1 23.2 18.4 15.6 8.61 8.24 5.67 4.51 2.84 1.3
9 Max. efciency % 79 81 84 86 88 88 88 89 89 88 86
10 Terminal resistance : 0.171 0.32 0.517 0.98 1.53 3.49 4.37 8.47 10.6 16.9 36.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0163 0.0308 0.0573 0.112 0.186 0.407 0.493 0.979 1.25 1.97 4.11
12 Torque constant mNm/A 6.15 8.46 11.5 16.1 20.8 30.8 33.8 47.7 53.8 67.7 97.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1550 1130 828 591 460 311 282 200 177 141 97.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 43.2 42.8 37.1 35.9 34 35.2 36.5 35.6 35.1 35.2 36.9
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.52 6.06 5.62 5.36 5.24 5.17 5.16 5.13 5.12 5.12 5.14
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 13.5 14.5 14.3 14.7 14 13.5 13.8 13.9 13.9 13.3

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 14.4 K/W 15000 20 In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 27.7 s 339155
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 543 s 10000
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C = Thermal limit.
5000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
23 Max. permissible speed 14000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 10 20 30
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 20 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 60 N 0.25 0.5 1.0
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 35 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 11 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 115 g 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 231/232 Page 272
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
32 mm 500 CPT,
Option 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
Encoder MR on request Page 234/235/237 Page 277/280
Encoder HED_ 5540 on request Koaxdrive DC-Tacho DCT
32 mm 22 mm
1.0 - 4.5 Nm Recommended Electronics: 0.52 V
Page 240 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 286
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 Brake AB 28
32 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 24 VDC
Page 255/256/257 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 0.4 Nm
EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 330
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

78 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 25 25 mm, Graphite Brushes, 20 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

according to dimensional drawing 118749 118750 118751 118752 118753 118754 118755 118756 118757
shaft length 15.7 shortened to 4 mm 302002 302003 302004 302005 302006 302007 302001 302008 302009
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 15 18 24 30 42 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 10000 9660 10200 9560 9860 11100 10300 8240 5050
3 No load current mA 110 60.8 53.9 36.9 30.5 25.2 20.1 15.2 8.52
4 Nominal speed rpm 8970 8430 8850 8330 8640 9920 9160 7040 3830
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 11.1 20.5 22.9 26.3 26.7 27.1 27.7 28.7 30
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.5 1.5 1.46 1.16 0.968 0.784 0.653 0.536 0.343
7 Stall torque mNm 232 225 220 243 249 283 264 209 129
8 Starting current A 29.1 15.8 13.5 10.4 8.72 7.94 6.03 3.81 1.44
9 Max. efciency % 76 82 83 85 86 87 87 86 84
10 Terminal resistance : 0.309 0.952 1.33 2.32 3.44 5.29 7.96 12.6 33.4
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0275 0.0882 0.115 0.238 0.353 0.551 0.832 1.31 3.48
12 Torque constant mNm/A 7.96 14.3 16.3 23.4 28.5 35.6 43.8 55 89.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1200 670 586 408 335 268 218 174 107
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 46.5 44.7 48 40.3 40.4 39.8 39.6 39.8 39.7
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.68 4.87 4.77 4.55 4.47 4.4 4.37 4.37 4.35
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 11.7 10.4 9.49 10.8 10.6 10.6 10.5 10.5 10.5

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 14 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 612 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 14000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.2 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
(static, shaft supported) 800 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 11 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 130 g 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 231/232 Page 272
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder Enc
32 mm 22 mm
Option 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Preloaded ball bearings Page 234/235/237 Page 274
Koaxdrive Encoder HED_ 5540
32 mm 500 CPT,
1.0 - 4.5 Nm Recommended Electronics: 3 channels
Page 240 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 276/278
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 DC-Tacho DCT
32 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 22 mm
Page 255/256/257 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 0.52 V
EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 286
EPOS2 50/5 313 Brake AB 28
EPOS2 P 24/5 316 24 VDC
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 0.4 Nm
Notes 18 Page 330

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 79

RE 30 30 mm, Graphite Brushes, 60 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

according to dimensional drawing 310005 310006 310007 310008 310009

shaft length 15.7 shortened to 8.7 mm 268193 268213 268214 268215 268216
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 8170 8590 8810 8590 8490
3 No load current mA 301 213 165 106 78.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 7630 7910 8050 7840 7760
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 51.6 75.5 85.6 86.6 89.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4 4 3.47 2.28 1.74
7 Stall torque mNm 852 1000 1020 1000 1050
8 Starting current A 61.1 50.3 39.3 25.2 19.6
9 Max. efciency % 85 87 87 87 88
10 Terminal resistance : 0.196 0.358 0.611 1.43 2.45
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0345 0.0703 0.119 0.281 0.513
12 Torque constant mNm/A 13.9 19.9 25.9 39.8 53.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 685 479 369 240 178
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 9.64 8.61 8.69 8.61 8.09
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.4 3.24 3.05 2.98 2.94
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 33.7 35.9 33.5 33.1 34.7

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 6.0 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.7 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 16.3 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 525 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 28 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 260 g 32 mm 256 - 1024 Imp.,
0.75 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 234/236/237 Page 273
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Koaxdrive
32 mm
Tolerances may vary from the standard 1.0 - 4.5 Nm
specication. Page 240
Spindle Drive
Option 32 mm
Preloaded ball bearings Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS2 24/5 313
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

80 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 35 35 mm, Graphite Brushes, 90 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

according to dimensional drawing 273752 323890 273753 273754 273755 273756 273757 273758 273759 273760 273761 273762 273763
shaft length 15.6 shortened to 4 mm 285785 323891 285786 285787 285788 285789 285790 285791 285792 285793 285794 285795 285796
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 15 24 30 42 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 7180 7740 7270 7560 7300 6670 5980 4760 3820 3140 2580 2110 1630
3 No load current mA 247 169 124 92.9 77.5 68.8 59.8 44.8 34.2 27.2 21.6 17.2 13
4 Nominal speed rpm 6500 7000 6490 6820 6530 5890 5180 3940 2990 2290 1720 1230 736
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 73.1 101 97.2 101 99.4 101 101 104 106 106 106 105 105
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4 3.62 2.62 2.02 1.67 1.55 1.39 1.14 0.928 0.761 0.626 0.507 0.393
7 Stall torque mNm 929 1200 973 1080 980 890 776 620 498 398 322 255 196
8 Starting current A 47.8 41.1 25 20.7 15.8 13.1 10.2 6.5 4.2 2.76 1.84 1.19 0.708
9 Max. efciency % 83 86 85 86 86 85 85 84 82 81 79 77 74
10 Terminal resistance : 0.314 0.583 1.2 2.03 3.05 3.67 4.69 7.38 11.4 17.4 26 40.2 67.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.085 0.191 0.34 0.62 0.87 1.04 1.29 2.04 3.16 4.65 6.89 10.3 17.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 19.4 29.2 38.9 52.5 62.2 68 75.8 95.2 119 144 175 214 276
13 Speed constant rpm/V 491 328 246 182 154 140 126 100 80.5 66.4 54.6 44.7 34.6
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 7.93 6.55 7.57 7.05 7.52 7.57 7.79 7.77 7.76 8.01 8.13 8.4 8.49
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.65 5.44 5.4 5.35 5.34 5.35 5.35 5.36 5.36 5.37 5.38 5.39 5.41
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 68.1 79.2 68.1 72.5 67.9 67.4 65.6 65.9 65.9 64 63.2 61.2 60.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 6.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 30.2 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 644 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 28 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 340 g 32 mm 256 - 1024 Imp.,
0.75 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 234/236/237 Page 273
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
32 mm 500 CPT,
Option 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 3 channels
Hollow shaft as special design Page 239 Page 276/278
Preloaded ball bearings Planetary Gearhead DC-Tacho DCT
42 mm 22 mm
3 - 15 Nm Recommended Electronics: 0.52 V
Page 242 ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Page 286
Spindle Drive EPOS2 24/5 313 Brake AB 28
32 mm EPOS2 50/5 313 24 VDC
Page 255/256/257 EPOS2 P 24/5 316 0.4 Nm
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 330
ADS 50/10 373 End cap
ADS_E 50/10 373 Page 335
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 81

RE 40 40 mm, Graphite Brushes, 150 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

148866 148867 148877 218008 218009 218010 218011 218012 218013 218014
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 6920 7580 7590 6420 5560 3330 2690 2130 1720 1420
3 No load current mA 241 137 68.6 53.6 43.7 21.9 16.6 12.5 9.66 7.76
4 Nominal speed rpm 6380 6940 7000 5810 4930 2710 2060 1510 1080 781
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 94.9 177 187 186 180 189 190 192 192 190
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 6 6 3.17 2.66 2.23 1.4 1.13 0.909 0.73 0.6
7 Stall torque mNm 1720 2420 2560 2040 1620 1020 814 655 523 424
8 Starting current A 105 80.2 42.4 28.6 19.7 7.43 4.79 3.06 1.97 1.32
9 Max. efciency % 87 91 92 91 91 89 89 88 87 85
10 Terminal resistance : 0.115 0.299 1.13 1.68 2.44 6.46 10 15.7 24.4 36.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0245 0.0823 0.329 0.46 0.612 1.7 2.62 4.14 6.4 9.31
12 Torque constant mNm/A 16.4 30.2 60.3 71.3 82.2 137 170 214 266 321
13 Speed constant rpm/V 581 317 158 134 116 69.7 56.2 44.7 35.9 29.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 4.05 3.14 2.97 3.16 3.45 3.29 3.31 3.27 3.29 3.37
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.89 4.67 4.28 4.2 4.19 4.16 4.15 4.15 4.15 4.16
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 139 142 137 127 116 121 120 121 120 118

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 4.7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.9 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 41.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 736 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 28 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 480 g 42 mm 256 - 1024 Imp.,
3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 242 Page 273
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
52 mm 500 CPT,
Option 4 - 30 Nm 3 channels
Preloaded ball bearings Page 245 Page 276/278
Brake AB 28
24 VDC
Recommended Electronics: 0.4 Nm
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Page 330
EPOS2 24/5 313 Industrial Version
EPOS2 50/5 313 Encoder HEDL 9140
EPOS2 70/10 313 Page 281
EPOS2 P 24/5 316 Brake AB 28
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 331
ADS 50/10 373 End cap
ADS_E 50/10 373 Page 335
Notes 18

82 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

RE 50 50 mm, Graphite Brushes, 200 Watt

maxon DC motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

370354 370355 370356 370357

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 36 48 70
2 No load speed rpm 5950 5680 4900 2760
3 No load current mA 236 147 88.4 27.4
4 Nominal speed rpm 5680 5420 4620 2470
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 405 418 420 452
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 10.8 7.07 4.58 1.89
7 Stall torque mNm 8920 8920 7370 4340
8 Starting current A 232 148 78.9 17.9
9 Max. efciency % 94 94 94 92
10 Terminal resistance : 0.103 0.244 0.608 3.9
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0717 0.177 0.423 2.83
12 Torque constant mNm/A 38.5 60.4 93.4 242
13 Speed constant rpm/V 248 158 102 39.5
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 0.668 0.638 0.666 0.638
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.75 3.74 3.78 3.74
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 536 560 542 560

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 71.7 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 1370 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 11.5 N 0 mm
> 11.5 N 0.1 mm
25 Radial play 0.03 mm Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 30 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 150 N
(static, shaft supported) 6000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 15 mm from ange 110 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDS 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 15 52 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 1100 g 4 - 30 Nm 3 channels
Page 245 Page 277
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 5540
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 62 mm 500 CPT,
8 - 50 Nm 3 channels
Industrial version with radial shaft seal ring Page 247 Page 279
(resulting in increased no-load current) Industrial Version IP54
Encoder HEDL 9140
Recommended Electronics: Page 282
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Brake AB 44
EPOS2 50/5 313 Page 334
EPOS2 70/10 313 End cap
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 335
ADS 50/10 373
ADS_E 50/10 373
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 83

RE 65 65 mm, Graphite Brushes, 250 Watt
maxon DC motor

M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

353294 353295 353296 353297 353298 353299 353300 353301

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 24 36 48 60 70 70 70
2 No load speed rpm 3420 3960 3850 3560 3570 3340 3090 2610
3 No load current mA 721 665 417 276 221 171 153 120
4 Nominal speed rpm 3150 3710 3630 3340 3360 3130 2880 2410
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 442 485 628 722 758 796 809 865
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 10 9.4 7.62 5.97 5.01 4.19 3.93 3.54
7 Stall torque mNm 14000 16200 18000 16600 16700 15500 14100 12600
8 Starting current A 296 292 207 131 106 78.6 66.1 49.7
9 Max. efciency % 80 83 87 88 89 89 89 89
10 Terminal resistance : 0.0609 0.0821 0.174 0.365 0.568 0.891 1.06 1.41
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0226 0.0308 0.076 0.161 0.251 0.393 0.458 0.643
12 Torque constant mNm/A 47.5 55.4 87 127 158 198 214 253
13 Speed constant rpm/V 201 172 110 75.4 60.4 48.3 44.7 37.7
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 0.258 0.256 0.22 0.218 0.217 0.218 0.222 0.21
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.74 3.46 3.18 3.05 3 2.97 2.97 2.94
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1380 1290 1380 1340 1320 1310 1280 1340

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 1.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.9 K/W 6000 250
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 123 s 353297
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 960 s 4500
21 Ambient temperature -30+100C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 5500 rpm 1500 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 25 N 0 mm
> 25 N 0.1 mm 150 300 450 600 750
25 Radial play 0.03 mm Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 70 N 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 420 N
(static, shaft supported) 12000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 15 mm from ange 350 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDS 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 26 81 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 2100 g 20 - 120 Nm 3 channels
Page 248 Page 277
Values listed in the table are nominal. Encoder HEDL 5540
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 500 CPT,
3 channels
Industrial version with radial shaft seal ring Page 279
(resulting in increased no-load current) Industrial Version IP54
Encoder HEDL 9140
Recommended Electronics: Page 282
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Brake AB 44
EPOS2 50/5 313 Page 334
EPOS2 70/10 313 End cap
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 335
ADS 50/10 373
ADS_E 50/10 373
Notes 18

84 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon %-max
maxon A-max
maxon A-max motors are an innovative range of high-quality DC motors, equipped with
powerful AlNiCo permanent magnets. The heart of our motors is the ironless maxon winding,
that has been tested millions of times over. This is the latest technology for compact,
powerful and low-inertia drives.

Summary 86

DC motor 12 - 32 mm in diameter 87112

maxon A-max program
The economically priced DC motor program that
gives you top performance and convincing quality.

Motor housing, precision-

made from rolled steel,
delivers high strength yet
minimizes waste material
to reduce costs.

Power leads or AMP-

compatible terminals.
Save strain relieve on
power leads.

Elimination of a C-Clip Modular construction of the A-max series

groove results in higher
torsional stability and
greater cross-sectional

Reduced-diameter com-
mutator, employing
more segments, provi-
des longer life.

Hybrid process forms the stator

by assembling motor housing,
magnet and end cap in one step
using injection molding of PPA
plastic. Customers can select
either sleeve or ball bearings.

Glass-fibre reinforced
polyphtalamide plastic (PPA),
impact-resistant, heat-resistant
up to 125C and noise
A-max 12 1 WE
A-max 12 2 WE
A-max 16 1 WE
A-max 16 2 WE

A-max 19 1 WE
A-max 19 2 WE
A-max 22 1 WE
A-max 22 2 WE
A-max 26 1 WE
A-max 26 2 WE
A-max 32 1 WE

A-max 32 2 WE
WE = Shaft end

Proven winding technology

provides a high-performance
relationship between the coil X = Standard
X = Option
and magnet system.
Precious Metal Brushes (EB) X X X X X X X X

Precious Metal Brushes (EB) and CLL X X X X X X X X X X

Graphite Brushes (GB) X X X X X X X X X X

Sleeve Bearings X X X X X X X X X X X X

Graphite brushes for the Ball Bearings X X X X X X X X X X X X

Terminals X X X X X X X X X X
most demanding tasks. 4-,
Pigtails X X X X X X X X X X X X
5- or 7-fingered precious metal
min. 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
brushes for fine rotary motions. Shaft flange side (FS)
max. 10.0 10.0 15.0 15.0 27.4 27.4 25.0 25.0 30.0 30.0 30.0 30.0
min. 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 3.0
Shaft brush side (BS)
max. 9.4 10.0 16.6 16.0 16.0 19.3

%-max 12 12 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 0.75 Watt,  approved

maxon motor
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

200937 265374 265375 265376 265377 265378

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 4.5 6 9 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 13900 11900 12800 12100 12300 13800
3 No load current mA 21.1 11.5 9.47 5.87 4.5 4.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 5980 4380 5260 4470 4610 5030
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.897 0.961 0.948 0.941 0.931 0.804
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.465 0.282 0.225 0.141 0.107 0.0836
7 Stall torque mNm 1.58 1.55 1.63 1.52 1.52 1.29
8 Starting current A 0.789 0.438 0.374 0.22 0.168 0.129
9 Max. efciency % 70 71 71 70 70 68
10 Terminal resistance : 3.8 10.3 16 40.9 71.6 116
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0851 0.263 0.402 1.01 1.74 2.13
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.01 3.53 4.36 6.92 9.06 10
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4760 2710 2190 1380 1050 952
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 9030 7880 8060 8170 8330 11000
15 Mechanical time constant ms 20.6 20.3 20.4 20.4 20.5 21.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.218 0.246 0.241 0.238 0.235 0.183

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 44.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 15 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.03 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 245 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 11 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL= Capacitor Long Life 10 mm
Alignment of the electronic 0.005 - 0.15 Nm
connections not specied Page 207
Spur Gearhead
Values listed in the table are nominal. 12 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 0.008 - 0.025 Nm
Page 208
Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
0.05 - 0.15 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 209 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Planetary Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292
13 mm Notes 18
0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 87

%-max 12 12 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 0.5 Watt,  approved
maxon motor

M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

200938 265389 265390 265391 265392 265393

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 4.5 6 9 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 13700 11700 12600 11900 12100 13500
3 No load current mA 34.5 18.8 15.5 9.63 7.38 6.88
4 Nominal speed rpm 6000 4390 5280 4480 4620 5050
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.872 0.937 0.923 0.918 0.908 0.78
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.464 0.282 0.225 0.141 0.106 0.0835
7 Stall torque mNm 1.58 1.55 1.63 1.52 1.52 1.29
8 Starting current A 0.789 0.438 0.374 0.22 0.168 0.129
9 Max. efciency % 63 63 64 63 63 60
10 Terminal resistance : 3.8 10.3 16 40.9 71.6 116
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0851 0.263 0.402 1.01 1.74 2.13
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.01 3.53 4.36 6.92 9.06 10
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4760 2710 2190 1380 1050 952
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 9030 7880 8060 8170 8330 11000
15 Mechanical time constant ms 20.6 20.3 20.4 20.4 20.5 21.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.218 0.246 0.241 0.238 0.235 0.183

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 44.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 15 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.03 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 267 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 14000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 70 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 12 g 10 mm 16 CPT,
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 0.01 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Alignment of the electronic Page 207 Page 265
connections not specied Spur Gearhead Encoder MR
12 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.008 - 0.025 Nm 2 channels
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 208 Page 266
Planetary Gearhead
13 mm
0.05 - 0.15 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 209 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Planetary Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292
13 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
0.2 - 0.35 Nm EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Page 210 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

88 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 16 16 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2 Watt,  approved

maxon motor
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110041 110042 110043 110044 110045 110046 110047 110048 110049 110050
with cables 139820 352815 134844 231379 220514 304672 352823 352816 260678 352817
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30
2 No load speed rpm 10800 12300 10100 12300 12300 13200 14100 13700 13800 11400
3 No load current mA 61.4 38.1 13.9 12.7 9.54 8.57 7.99 6.53 5.83 3.37
4 Nominal speed rpm 9360 8810 4530 6700 6660 7590 8480 8040 8120 5480
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.712 1.3 2.22 2.19 2.17 2.17 2.15 2.14 2.11 2.08
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.6 0.6 0.408 0.327 0.243 0.209 0.185 0.153 0.134 0.0864
7 Stall torque mNm 4.79 4.51 4.03 4.82 4.77 5.16 5.44 5.22 5.12 4.04
8 Starting current A 3.66 1.97 0.723 0.702 0.52 0.482 0.453 0.362 0.315 0.164
9 Max. efciency % 77 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 74
10 Terminal resistance : 0.41 1.52 8.3 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.7 57.9 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.017 0.0519 0.306 0.467 0.831 1.13 1.42 2.05 2.61 6.01
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.31 2.29 5.57 6.88 9.17 10.7 12 14.4 16.3 24.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 7290 4170 1720 1390 1040 893 795 663 587 387
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 2280 2770 2560 2590 2620 2600 2630 2670 2750 2880
15 Mechanical time constant ms 25.3 23.8 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.4 23.5 23.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.82 0.868 0.859 0.849 0.859 0.852 0.838 0.816 0.793

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 29.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.55 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 165 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Spur Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 16 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N 0.01 - 0.1 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N Page 212 - 215
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 16 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.06 - 0.18 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Page 216
31 Weight of motor 21 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 16 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 217/218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm Notes 18
Option Page 251/252
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 89

%-max 16 16 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 1.2 Watt,  approved
maxon motor

M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110051 110052 110053 110054 110055 110056 110057 110058 110059 110060
with cables 139823 352825 352826 352827 352828 352829 352830 352831 352832 352833
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.2 2.4 6 7.2 9 12 15 18 18 30
2 No load speed rpm 8560 9730 10000 9740 9120 10400 11600 11600 10300 11300
3 No load current mA 73.9 44.1 18.3 14.7 10.8 9.69 8.99 7.49 6.34 4.33
4 Nominal speed rpm 7170 6310 4540 4200 3530 4900 6090 6050 4580 5500
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.694 1.29 2.18 2.17 2.16 2.16 2.13 2.12 2.09 2.04
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.6 0.6 0.407 0.327 0.244 0.21 0.185 0.153 0.134 0.0862
7 Stall torque mNm 3.83 3.61 4.03 3.86 3.57 4.13 4.54 4.48 3.84 4.04
8 Starting current A 2.93 1.58 0.723 0.561 0.39 0.386 0.378 0.311 0.236 0.164
9 Max. efciency % 71 70 71 71 70 71 72 72 71 71
10 Terminal resistance : 0.41 1.52 8.3 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.7 57.9 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.017 0.0519 0.306 0.467 0.831 1.13 1.42 2.05 2.61 6.01
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.31 2.29 5.57 6.88 9.17 10.7 12 14.4 16.3 24.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 7290 4170 1720 1390 1040 893 795 663 587 387
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 2280 2770 2560 2590 2620 2600 2630 2670 2750 2880
15 Mechanical time constant ms 25.3 23.7 23.2 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.3 23.4 23.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.818 0.866 0.857 0.847 0.857 0.85 0.836 0.814 0.791

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 29.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.5 K/W
12000 1.2
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.55 s 110053
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 165 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C 8000 ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 4000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N 0.2 0.4 0.6
(static, shaft supported) 280 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Spur Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 16 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 0.01 - 0.1 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N Page 212 - 215 Page 268
(static, shaft supported) 280 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N 16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 216 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MEnc
30 Number of commutator segments 7 16 mm 13 mm
31 Weight of motor 22 g 0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 217/218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. 16 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 251/252 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Without CLL

90 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 16 16 mm, Graphite Brushes, 2 Watt

maxon motor
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110061 110062 110063 110064 110065 110066 110067 110068 110069 110070
with cables 139821 352853 352854 352855 325083 352856 205903 352857 266076 352858
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 3 6 9 12 14 15 18 21 30
2 No load speed rpm 10200 11600 9520 11700 11700 11700 11100 11100 11500 10800
3 No load current mA 226 129 53.3 43.1 32.3 27.7 24.7 20.6 18.2 12
4 Nominal speed rpm 8670 7860 3240 5470 5430 5470 4840 4790 5080 4170
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.646 1.35 2.45 2.41 2.39 2.41 2.4 2.38 2.33 2.29
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.494 0.393 0.293 0.253 0.224 0.186 0.162 0.105
7 Stall torque mNm 4.93 4.51 4.02 4.82 4.76 4.81 4.53 4.47 4.48 4.03
8 Starting current A 3.76 1.97 0.721 0.7 0.519 0.45 0.377 0.31 0.275 0.164
9 Max. efciency % 54 54 52 56 56 56 55 55 55 53
10 Terminal resistance : 0.399 1.52 8.32 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.8 58 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.017 0.0519 0.306 0.467 0.831 1.13 1.42 2.05 2.61 6.01
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.31 2.29 5.57 6.88 9.17 10.7 12 14.4 16.3 24.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 7290 4170 1720 1390 1040 893 795 663 587 387
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 2220 2770 2560 2600 2630 2600 2630 2670 2750 2880
15 Mechanical time constant ms 24.6 23.8 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.4 23.5 23.4 23.5 23.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.82 0.868 0.859 0.849 0.859 0.852 0.838 0.816 0.793

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 29.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.5 K/W 12000
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.55 s 110063
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 165 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 4000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N 0.2 0.4 0.6
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Spur Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 16 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N 0.01 - 0.1 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N Page 212 - 215
Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
Other specications 0.06 - 0.18 Nm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Page 216
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 21 g 16 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 217/218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
16 mm Notes 18
Option Page 251/252
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 91

%-max 16 16 mm, Graphite Brushes, 2 Watt
maxon motor

M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110071 110072 110073 110074 110075 110076 110077 110078 110079 110080
with cables 139825 352870 352871 352872 352873 352874 352875 352876 352877 352878
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 3 6 9 12 14 15 18 21 30
2 No load speed rpm 10200 11600 9520 11700 11700 11700 11100 11100 11500 10800
3 No load current mA 226 129 53.3 43.1 32.3 27.7 24.7 20.6 18.2 12
4 Nominal speed rpm 8670 7860 3240 5470 5430 5470 4840 4790 5080 4170
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.646 1.35 2.45 2.41 2.39 2.41 2.4 2.38 2.33 2.29
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.494 0.393 0.293 0.253 0.224 0.186 0.162 0.105
7 Stall torque mNm 4.93 4.51 4.02 4.82 4.76 4.81 4.53 4.47 4.48 4.03
8 Starting current A 3.76 1.97 0.721 0.7 0.519 0.45 0.377 0.31 0.275 0.164
9 Max. efciency % 54 54 52 56 56 56 55 55 55 53
10 Terminal resistance : 0.399 1.52 8.32 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.8 58 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.017 0.0519 0.306 0.467 0.831 1.13 1.42 2.05 2.61 6.01
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.31 2.29 5.57 6.88 9.17 10.7 12 14.4 16.3 24.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 7290 4170 1720 1390 1040 893 795 663 587 387
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 2220 2770 2560 2600 2630 2600 2630 2670 2750 2880
15 Mechanical time constant ms 24.6 23.8 23.3 23.3 23.4 23.4 23.5 23.4 23.5 23.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.82 0.868 0.859 0.849 0.859 0.852 0.838 0.816 0.793

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 29.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.5 K/W 12000
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.55 s 110073
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 165 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 4000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N 0.2 0.4 0.6
(static, shaft supported) 280 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Spur Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 16 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 0.01 - 0.1 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N Page 212 - 215 Page 268
(static, shaft supported) 280 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N 16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 216 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MEnc
30 Number of commutator segments 7 16 mm 13 mm
31 Weight of motor 22 g 0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics: 16 CPT, 2 channels
Page 217/218 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 284
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 16 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Page 251/252 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Option EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Notes 18

92 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 19 19 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2.5 Watt,  approved

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110081 110082 110083 110084 110085 110086 110087 110088 110089
with cables 139828 202411 352922 202412 352923 233453 238388 267427 235373
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 3.6 4.5 6 9 12 15 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 8040 10800 9420 7790 9220 10300 10300 9300 8870
3 No load current mA 78 52.9 33.6 18.6 16.2 14.6 11.7 8.25 5.73
4 Nominal speed rpm 6840 8080 5710 4000 5470 6510 6500 5380 4900
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.35 2.48 3.61 3.59 3.59 3.49 3.48 3.42 3.39
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.83 0.51 0.403 0.33 0.264 0.195 0.138
7 Stall torque mNm 7.79 9.43 9 7.36 8.83 9.47 9.45 8.16 7.63
8 Starting current A 4.44 3.02 2.01 1.02 0.963 0.867 0.692 0.45 0.301
9 Max. efciency % 76 76 77 76 76 76 76 76 75
10 Terminal resistance : 0.338 1.19 2.24 5.88 9.34 13.8 21.7 40 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0186 0.0587 0.121 0.314 0.506 0.719 1.12 1.98 3.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.76 3.12 4.49 7.22 9.17 10.9 13.7 18.1 25.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5440 3060 2130 1320 1040 874 699 526 377
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1050 1170 1060 1080 1060 1110 1110 1160 1180
15 Mechanical time constant ms 27.9 25.4 24.3 24.2 24.1 24.2 24.3 25 24.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.54 2.07 2.18 2.14 2.16 2.09 2.09 2.06 1.99

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 21.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 10.5 K/W 2.5
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 11 s 110086
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 201 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
10000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 5000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 19 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N Page 220
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 22 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 2.0 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 222/224/225
31 Weight of motor 33 g Spur Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 24 mm
0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
22 mm Notes 18
Option Page 253/254
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 93

%-max 19 19 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 1.5 Watt,  approved
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110090 110091 110092 110093 110094 110095 110096 110097 110098
with cables 139832 352925 352926 352927 352928 352929 352930 315468 352931
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.2 2.4 3 4.8 6 7.2 9 12 18
2 No load speed rpm 6390 7160 6230 6190 6090 6130 6130 6140 6590
3 No load current mA 88.3 52 34.2 21.2 16.6 14 11.2 8.41 6.19
4 Nominal speed rpm 5210 4410 2500 2410 2330 2290 2280 2210 2630
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.33 2.49 3.62 3.57 3.59 3.51 3.51 3.43 3.38
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.833 0.511 0.405 0.332 0.265 0.195 0.138
7 Stall torque mNm 6.23 6.28 6 5.89 5.89 5.68 5.67 5.44 5.73
8 Starting current A 3.55 2.01 1.34 0.816 0.642 0.52 0.415 0.3 0.226
9 Max. efciency % 72 71 71 71 71 71 71 70 70
10 Terminal resistance : 0.338 1.19 2.24 5.88 9.34 13.8 21.7 40 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0186 0.0587 0.121 0.314 0.506 0.719 1.12 1.98 3.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.76 3.12 4.49 7.22 9.17 10.9 13.7 18.1 25.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5440 3060 2130 1320 1040 874 699 526 377
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1050 1170 1060 1080 1060 1110 1110 1160 1180
15 Mechanical time constant ms 27.9 25.4 24.3 24.2 24.1 24.3 24.3 25 24.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.54 2.08 2.18 2.15 2.17 2.09 2.09 2.06 1.99

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 21.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 10.5 K/W 1.5
10000 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 11 s 110095
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 201 s 8000
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C 6000 = Thermal limit.
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm 2000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(static, shaft supported) 480 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 19 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 220 Page 268
(static, shaft supported) 480 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N 22 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 222/224/225 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
30 Number of commutator segments 9 24 mm 22 mm
31 Weight of motor 34 g 0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics: 100 CPT, 2 channels
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 275
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Values listed in the table are nominal. 22 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 253/254 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 284
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Without CLL

94 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 19 19 mm, Graphite Brushes, 2.5 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 249982 249983 249984 249985 249986 249987 249988 249989 249990
with cables 240133 352942 310977 352943 352944 352945 352946 352947 310980
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3.6 6 7.2 9 12 15 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 11700 10200 12100 8960 8840 9930 9940 8910 8470
3 No load current mA 288 157 114 66.1 51.9 44.6 35.7 26.3 18.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 9550 7160 8480 4470 4460 5560 5600 4480 4010
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.781 1.79 2.76 3.85 3.94 3.84 3.85 3.81 3.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.593 0.476 0.392 0.315 0.234 0.166
7 Stall torque mNm 4.7 6.42 9.56 8.07 8.33 9.1 9.21 8.05 7.58
8 Starting current A 2.68 2.06 2.13 1.12 0.909 0.833 0.675 0.444 0.299
9 Max. efciency % 35 47 57 56 57 59 59 57 56
10 Terminal resistance : 0.896 1.75 2.8 6.44 9.9 14.4 22.2 40.6 80.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0186 0.0587 0.121 0.314 0.506 0.719 1.12 1.98 3.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.76 3.12 4.49 7.22 9.17 10.9 13.7 18.1 25.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5440 3060 2130 1320 1040 874 699 526 377
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 2780 1720 1330 1180 1120 1150 1140 1180 1190
15 Mechanical time constant ms 74.7 37.8 30.8 26.9 25.9 25.6 25.3 25.7 25.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.57 2.1 2.21 2.17 2.2 2.12 2.12 2.09 2.02

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 21.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 10.5 K/W 2.5
12000 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 11 s 249987
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 201 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 4000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 19 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N Page 220
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 22 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 2.0 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 222/224/225
31 Weight of motor 33 g Spur Gearhead
24 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Option 22 mm Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Page 253/254

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 95

%-max 19 19 mm, Graphite Brushes, 2.5 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 249991 249992 249993 249994 249995 249996 249997 249998 249999
with cables 240035 352971 353590 352972 352973 344596 352974 352975 352976
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3.6 6 7.2 9 12 15 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 11700 10200 12100 8960 8840 9930 9940 8910 8470
3 No load current mA 288 157 114 66.1 51.9 44.6 35.7 26.3 18.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 9550 7160 8480 4470 4460 5560 5600 4480 4010
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.781 1.79 2.76 3.85 3.94 3.84 3.85 3.81 3.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.593 0.476 0.392 0.315 0.234 0.166
7 Stall torque mNm 4.7 6.42 9.56 8.07 8.33 9.1 9.21 8.05 7.58
8 Starting current A 2.68 2.06 2.13 1.12 0.909 0.833 0.675 0.444 0.299
9 Max. efciency % 35 47 57 56 57 59 59 57 56
10 Terminal resistance : 0.896 1.75 2.8 6.44 9.9 14.4 22.2 40.6 80.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0186 0.0587 0.121 0.314 0.506 0.719 1.12 1.98 3.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.76 3.12 4.49 7.22 9.17 10.9 13.7 18.1 25.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5440 3060 2130 1320 1040 874 699 526 377
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 2780 1720 1330 1180 1120 1150 1140 1180 1190
15 Mechanical time constant ms 74.7 37.8 30.8 26.9 25.9 25.6 25.3 25.7 25.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.57 2.11 2.21 2.17 2.2 2.12 2.12 2.09 2.02

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 21.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 10.5 K/W 2.5
12000 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 11 s 249996
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 201 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 4000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
(static, shaft supported) 480 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 19 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 220 Page 268
(static, shaft supported) 480 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N 22 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 222/224/225 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
30 Number of commutator segments 9 24 mm 22 mm
31 Weight of motor 34 g 0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics: 100 CPT, 2 channels
Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 275
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 22 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
Page 253/254 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
Option EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 284
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Notes 18

96 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 22 22 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 5 Watt,  approved

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110117 110119 110120 110121 110122 110123 110124 110125 110126 110127 110128 110129
with cables 139838 218799 238798 202413 258367 137255 134267 134666 267423 137476 310003 342390
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 9 12 12 15 18 24 30 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 9630 9970 8760 10400 9400 10300 9970 10700 10800 9800 9280 8370
3 No load current mA 29.5 20.8 16.8 16.8 14.2 13.1 10.4 8.81 7.18 5.06 3.47 2.93
4 Nominal speed rpm 7390 7300 6100 7770 6700 7530 7220 7970 8070 7000 6420 5520
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.81 6.22 6.3 6.24 6.18 6.1 6.05 6.02 5.98 5.94 5.83 5.9
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.745 0.661 0.586 0.523 0.451 0.362 0.291 0.234 0.175 0.122 0.111
7 Stall torque mNm 20.1 22.9 20.5 24.3 21.4 22.9 22 23.5 23.5 20.8 19 17.4
8 Starting current A 3.42 2.68 2.11 2.23 1.77 1.65 1.28 1.11 0.894 0.599 0.387 0.32
9 Max. efciency % 83 84 83 84 83 83 83 83 83 83 82 82
10 Terminal resistance : 1.76 3.36 4.27 5.39 6.78 9.07 14 21.6 33.5 60.1 124 150
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.106 0.222 0.288 0.362 0.445 0.584 0.89 1.37 2.1 3.68 7.29 8.95
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.9 8.55 9.73 10.9 12.1 13.9 17.1 21.2 26.2 34.8 48.9 54.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1620 1120 981 875 790 689 558 450 364 274 195 176
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 482 438 430 432 443 451 458 459 465 474 494 486
15 Mechanical time constant ms 20.5 19.8 19.7 19.7 19.8 20.2 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.3 20.5 20.4
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.07 4.32 4.37 4.36 4.26 4.27 4.2 4.2 4.16 4.09 3.97 4.01

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 20 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 6.0 K/W 5.0
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.2 s 15000 110121
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 313 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
10000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 5000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 22 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N Page 222/223
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 22 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 224/225
31 Weight of motor 54 g Spur Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 24 mm
0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
22 mm Notes 18
Option Page 253/254
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 97

%-max 22 22 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 3.5 Watt,  approved
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110130 110132 110133 110134 110135 110136 110137 110138 110139 110140 110141 110142
with cables 139846 352986 352987 352988 352989 352990 352991 352992 352993 352994 352995 352996
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 6 7.2 7.2 7.2 9 12 15 18 24 36 42
2 No load speed rpm 7210 6630 7000 6240 5620 6140 6630 6680 6480 6520 6950 7320
3 No load current mA 26.7 17.8 16 13.6 11.8 10.6 8.88 7.17 5.73 4.33 3.16 2.92
4 Nominal speed rpm 4970 4380 4770 3990 3340 3830 4320 4360 4140 4160 4540 4940
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.82 5.24 5.27 5.27 5.22 5.15 5.1 5.09 5.05 5 4.89 4.92
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.628 0.555 0.495 0.442 0.381 0.306 0.246 0.197 0.147 0.103 0.0932
7 Stall torque mNm 15.1 15.3 16.4 14.6 12.8 13.7 14.6 14.7 14.1 13.9 14.2 15.2
8 Starting current A 2.56 1.79 1.69 1.34 1.06 0.992 0.856 0.693 0.537 0.399 0.29 0.28
9 Max. efciency % 81 81 82 81 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 81
10 Terminal resistance : 1.76 3.36 4.27 5.39 6.78 9.07 14 21.6 33.5 60.1 124 150
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.106 0.222 0.288 0.362 0.445 0.584 0.89 1.37 2.1 3.68 7.29 8.95
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.9 8.55 9.73 10.9 12.1 13.9 17.1 21.2 26.2 34.8 48.9 54.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1620 1120 981 875 790 689 558 450 364 274 195 176
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 482 438 430 432 443 451 458 459 465 474 494 486
15 Mechanical time constant ms 20.6 19.8 19.7 19.7 19.8 20.2 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.3 20.6 20.4
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.07 4.32 4.38 4.36 4.26 4.27 4.2 4.21 4.16 4.1 3.97 4.01

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 20 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 6.0 K/W 3.5
10000 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.2 s 110134
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 313 s 8000
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C 6000 = Thermal limit.
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm 2000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(static, shaft supported) 440 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 22 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 222/223 Page 268
(static, shaft supported) 440 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N 22 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.5 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 224/225 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
30 Number of commutator segments 9 24 mm 22 mm
31 Weight of motor 54 g 0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics: 100 CPT, 2 channels
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 275
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Values listed in the table are nominal. 22 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 253/254 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 284
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Without CLL

98 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 22 22 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110143 110145 110146 110147 110148 110149 110150 110151 110152 110153 110154 110155
with cables 139840 353017 199807 320206 323856 108828 199424 202921 267433 325492 313302 353019
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 9 12 12 15 18 24 24 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 9230 9700 8520 10200 9190 10100 9780 10500 8490 9630 9120 8210
3 No load current mA 83.1 57.9 49.6 45.8 40.5 36 29 23.7 18.4 14.2 9.99 8.84
4 Nominal speed rpm 5310 6210 5100 6870 5840 6740 6490 7300 5210 6370 5790 4900
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 5.91 6.54 6.75 6.73 6.76 6.73 6.77 6.78 6.87 6.78 6.68 6.79
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 0.818 0.74 0.66 0.597 0.519 0.423 0.341 0.279 0.208 0.146 0.133
7 Stall torque mNm 15.2 19.5 17.9 21.8 19.5 21.3 20.9 22.7 18.3 20.5 18.8 17.3
8 Starting current A 2.58 2.28 1.83 2 1.61 1.54 1.22 1.07 0.697 0.59 0.384 0.318
9 Max. efciency % 62 67 67 70 69 70 71 72 70 71 70 70
10 Terminal resistance : 2.32 3.95 4.9 6.01 7.45 9.75 14.8 22.4 34.4 61 125 151
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.106 0.222 0.288 0.362 0.445 0.584 0.89 1.37 2.1 3.68 7.29 8.95
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.9 8.55 9.73 10.9 12.1 13.9 17.1 21.2 26.2 34.8 48.9 54.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1620 1120 981 875 790 689 558 450 364 274 195 176
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 638 515 495 482 487 485 482 475 477 481 498 490
15 Mechanical time constant ms 26.7 22.9 22.3 21.6 21.3 21.3 20.8 20.6 20.5 20.3 20.4 20.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4 4.25 4.3 4.29 4.19 4.2 4.13 4.13 4.09 4.02 3.9 3.94

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 20 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 6.0 K/W 10000
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.2 s 110147
8000 temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 313 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
6000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm 2000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 22 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N Page 222/223
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 22 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 224/225
31 Weight of motor 54 g Spur Gearhead
24 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Option 22 mm Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Page 253/254

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 99

%-max 22 22 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110156 110158 110159 110160 110161 110162 110163 110164 110165 110166 110167 110168
with cables 139848 353023 353024 231171 353025 353026 231174 353027 353028 353029 316659 353603
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 9 12 12 15 18 24 24 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 9230 9700 8520 10200 9190 10100 9780 10500 8490 9630 9120 8210
3 No load current mA 83.1 57.9 49.6 45.8 40.5 36 29 23.7 18.4 14.2 9.99 8.84
4 Nominal speed rpm 5310 6210 5100 6870 5840 6740 6490 7300 5210 6370 5790 4900
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 5.91 6.54 6.75 6.73 6.76 6.73 6.77 6.78 6.87 6.78 6.68 6.79
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 0.818 0.74 0.66 0.597 0.519 0.423 0.341 0.279 0.208 0.146 0.133
7 Stall torque mNm 15.2 19.5 17.9 21.8 19.5 21.3 20.9 22.7 18.3 20.5 18.8 17.3
8 Starting current A 2.58 2.28 1.83 2 1.61 1.54 1.22 1.07 0.697 0.59 0.384 0.318
9 Max. efciency % 62 67 67 70 69 70 71 72 70 71 70 70
10 Terminal resistance : 2.32 3.95 4.9 6.01 7.45 9.75 14.8 22.4 34.4 61 125 151
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.106 0.222 0.288 0.362 0.445 0.584 0.89 1.37 2.1 3.68 7.29 8.95
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.9 8.55 9.73 10.9 12.1 13.9 17.1 21.2 26.2 34.8 48.9 54.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1620 1120 981 875 790 689 558 450 364 274 195 176
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 638 515 495 482 487 485 482 475 477 481 498 490
15 Mechanical time constant ms 26.7 22.9 22.3 21.6 21.4 21.3 20.8 20.6 20.5 20.3 20.4 20.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4 4.25 4.3 4.29 4.19 4.2 4.13 4.13 4.09 4.02 3.9 3.94

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 20 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 6.0 K/W 10000
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.2 s 110160
8000 temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 313 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
6000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm 2000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(static, shaft supported) 440 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 22 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 222/223 Page 268
(static, shaft supported) 440 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N 22 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.5 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 224/225 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
30 Number of commutator segments 9 24 mm 22 mm
31 Weight of motor 54 g 0.1 Nm Recommended Electronics: 100 CPT, 2 channels
Page 230 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 275
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 22 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
Page 253/254 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
Option EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319 Page 284
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Notes 18

100 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 26 26 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 4 Watt,  approved

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110169 110170 110171 110172 110173 110174 110175 110176 110177 110178 110179 110180
with cables 353039 353040 353041 353042 220031 353043 353044 353045 353046 353047 353048 353049
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 4.5 4.5 7.2 12 12 15 18 18 24 30 42
2 No load speed rpm 6120 5230 3860 5110 5590 5020 5430 5980 5340 5670 5890 5520
3 No load current mA 60 47.4 30.4 28.5 19.6 16.7 15 14.5 12.2 10 8.5 5.51
4 Nominal speed rpm 5140 3910 2400 3290 3470 2880 3190 3690 3160 3500 3680 3270
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 5.45 6.46 8.95 10.9 12.4 12.4 11.8 11.4 12.1 12.1 11.9 11.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.631 0.565 0.464 0.414 0.392 0.312 0.255 0.168
7 Stall torque mNm 32.6 24.9 23.3 30.2 32.8 29.3 28.6 29.9 29.9 31.8 31.9 28.9
8 Starting current A 4.7 3.08 2.12 2.27 1.62 1.3 1.1 1.05 0.94 0.797 0.665 0.403
9 Max. efciency % 79 77 78 79 80 79 78 78 79 79 79 79
10 Terminal resistance : 0.958 1.46 2.12 3.17 7.41 9.24 13.7 17.1 19.2 30.1 45.1 104
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.101 0.138 0.254 0.372 0.862 1.07 1.42 1.69 2.13 3.35 4.85 10.8
12 Torque constant mNm/A 6.94 8.09 11 13.3 20.2 22.5 26 28.3 31.8 39.9 48 71.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1380 1180 869 718 472 423 367 337 300 239 199 133
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 190 213 168 171 173 173 193 203 181 181 187 194
15 Mechanical time constant ms 24.6 24.4 23.8 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.8 23.9 23.7 23.7 23.8 24
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 12.3 10.9 13.6 13.2 13.1 13 11.8 11.2 12.5 12.5 12.2 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W
12000 4.0
(lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s 110173
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 423 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C 8000 ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) 4000 Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 4.0 8.0 12.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5 N 26 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N Page 231/232
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 30 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.07 - 0.2 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 233
31 Weight of motor 100 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 32 mm
0.75 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292
38 mm Notes 18
Option 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Page 241
Without CLL Spindle Drive
32 mm
Page 255/256/257

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 101

%-max 26 26 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 4 Watt,  approved
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110192 110193 110194 110195 110196 110197 110198 110199 110200 110201 110202 110203
with cables 353064 353065 353066 353067 205635 353068 353069 353070 353071 353072 353073 353074
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3.6 4.5 6 7.2 9 9 12 15 18 21 24 30
2 No load speed rpm 4870 5210 5140 5090 4180 3740 4320 4970 5320 4950 4690 3920
3 No load current mA 63.9 56.8 41.5 34.1 20.2 17.2 16 15.8 14.6 11.2 9.04 5.54
4 Nominal speed rpm 3910 3910 3700 3350 2400 1960 2450 3060 3530 3140 2850 2040
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 5.43 6.4 8.84 10.4 10.4 10.4 9.83 9.5 10 10.1 9.94 9.82
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.811 0.531 0.476 0.39 0.348 0.328 0.262 0.214 0.141
7 Stall torque mNm 26.1 24.9 31.1 30.2 24.6 22 22.8 24.9 29.9 27.8 25.5 20.6
8 Starting current A 3.76 3.08 2.83 2.27 1.22 0.974 0.878 0.879 0.94 0.697 0.532 0.288
9 Max. efciency % 76 75 78 78 76 76 75 76 77 77 76 75
10 Terminal resistance : 0.958 1.46 2.12 3.17 7.41 9.24 13.7 17.1 19.2 30.1 45.1 104
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.101 0.138 0.254 0.372 0.862 1.07 1.42 1.69 2.13 3.35 4.85 10.8
12 Torque constant mNm/A 6.94 8.09 11 13.3 20.2 22.5 26 28.3 31.8 39.9 48 71.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1380 1180 869 718 472 423 367 337 300 239 199 133
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 190 213 168 171 173 173 193 203 181 181 187 194
15 Mechanical time constant ms 24.6 24.4 23.8 23.7 23.6 23.6 23.8 24 23.8 23.7 23.9 24
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 12.4 11 13.6 13.2 13.1 13 11.8 11.3 12.6 12.5 12.2 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 660 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6700 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 6700 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N Page 231/232 Page 272
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N 30 mm 22 mm
0.07 - 0.2 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Other specications Page 233 Page 275
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 100 g 0.75 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics: 3 channels
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 277/278
Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Values listed in the table are nominal. 38 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 0.1 - 0.6 Nm EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
Page 241 EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 285
Option Spindle Drive EPOS2 50/5 313
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings 32 mm EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Without CLL Page 255/256/257 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

102 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 26 26 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 7 Watt,  approved
High Power

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110181 110182 110183 110184 110185 110186 110187 110188 110189 110190 110191
with cables 353078 353079 353080 353081 329757 353082 332818 353083 353084 353085 353086
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 6 9 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48
2 No load speed rpm 7320 8670 6160 6780 6730 6690 5670 6090 6780 6570 6050
3 No load current mA 78.9 77.7 30.2 26.3 20.7 17.1 9.97 8.9 8.76 7.15 5.51
4 Nominal speed rpm 6900 8130 5000 5400 5350 5290 4230 4660 5350 5110 4580
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.46 5.02 11.3 13.1 13.1 13 12.8 12.7 12.6 12.4 12.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.803 0.639 0.523 0.327 0.281 0.259 0.212 0.17
7 Stall torque mNm 67.3 73.5 58.8 63.5 63.6 62.1 50.3 54.2 60.2 56.4 51.4
8 Starting current A 11.5 11.2 4.25 3.78 3.01 2.43 1.25 1.16 1.2 0.93 0.683
9 Max. efciency % 84 84 84 84 84 84 83 84 84 84 83
10 Terminal resistance : 0.39 0.536 2.12 3.17 4.99 7.41 19.2 25.8 30.1 45.1 70.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0402 0.0509 0.227 0.332 0.528 0.77 1.9 2.57 2.99 4.34 6.68
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.84 6.57 13.9 16.8 21.2 25.5 40.1 46.7 50.3 60.6 75.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1640 1450 689 569 451 374 238 205 190 158 127
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 109 119 105 108 106 108 114 113 114 117 119
15 Mechanical time constant ms 16.5 16 15 14.9 14.8 14.8 14.9 14.9 14.9 15 15
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 473 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5 N 26 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N Page 231/232
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 30 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.07 - 0.2 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 233
31 Weight of motor 117 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 32 mm
0.75 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292
38 mm Notes 18
Option 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Page 241
Without CLL Spindle Drive
32 mm
Page 255/256/257

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 103

%-max 26 26 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 4.5 Watt,  approved
High Power
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110204 110205 110206 110207 110208 110209 110210 110211 110212 110213 110214
with cables 353109 353110 353111 353112 353113 353114 353115 353116 353117 353118 353119
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3.6 6 7.2 9 12 15 18 24 30 36
2 No load speed rpm 3890 5190 4090 4060 4020 4440 3530 3640 4510 4680 4520
3 No load current mA 67.7 69.9 29.2 24 19 16.5 9.41 8.2 8.45 7.16 5.67
4 Nominal speed rpm 3460 4640 2940 2650 2620 3030 2070 2180 3060 3210 3050
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.53 5.08 11.3 13.3 13.4 13.2 12.9 12.9 12.8 12.6 12.5
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.814 0.647 0.529 0.33 0.284 0.262 0.214 0.171
7 Stall torque mNm 35.9 44.1 39.2 38.1 38.2 41.4 31.4 32.5 40.1 40.3 38.5
8 Starting current A 6.15 6.71 2.83 2.27 1.8 1.62 0.783 0.697 0.797 0.665 0.513
9 Max. efciency % 81 81 81 81 81 81 80 80 81 81 81
10 Terminal resistance : 0.39 0.536 2.12 3.17 4.99 7.41 19.2 25.8 30.1 45.1 70.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0402 0.0509 0.227 0.332 0.528 0.77 1.9 2.57 2.99 4.34 6.68
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.84 6.57 13.9 16.8 21.2 25.5 40.1 46.7 50.3 60.6 75.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1640 1450 689 569 451 374 238 205 190 158 127
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 109 119 105 108 106 108 114 113 114 117 119
15 Mechanical time constant ms 16.6 16.1 15 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 14.9 15 15
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 473 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6700 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 6700 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N Page 231/232 Page 272
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N 30 mm 22 mm
0.07 - 0.2 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Other specications Page 233 Page 275
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 119 g 0.4 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics: 3 channels
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 277/278
Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Values listed in the table are nominal. 38 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 0.1 - 0.6 Nm EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
Page 241 EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 285
Option Spindle Drive EPOS2 50/5 313
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings 32 mm EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Without CLL Page 255/256/257 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

104 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 26 26 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110923 110924 110925 110926 110927 110928 110929 110930 110931 110932 110933 110934
with cables 353132 353133 353134 353135 340503 353136 353137 353138 353139 353140 353141 353605
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 7.2 9 12 12 18 18 24 24 30 36 42 48
2 No load speed rpm 9270 10000 10000 8300 8260 7410 8590 7870 8810 8440 8170 6240
3 No load current mA 118 104 76.8 59.6 39.1 34 30.8 27.5 25.4 20 16.4 10.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 7160 7620 7600 5540 5610 4760 5860 5080 6200 5840 5540 3540
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 6.73 7.97 11.1 13.3 13.8 13.9 13.2 13 13.7 13.9 13.8 13.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.05 0.716 0.649 0.536 0.484 0.455 0.366 0.301 0.202
7 Stall torque mNm 38.2 39.7 52.7 43.8 45.6 41 43.5 38.1 47.9 46.4 43.7 32.6
8 Starting current A 5.5 4.9 4.8 3.29 2.25 1.82 1.67 1.34 1.51 1.16 0.911 0.455
9 Max. efciency % 64 66 72 71 73 73 73 72 75 75 75 72
10 Terminal resistance : 1.31 1.84 2.5 3.65 8 9.91 14.4 17.9 19.9 31 46.1 106
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.101 0.138 0.254 0.372 0.862 1.07 1.42 1.69 2.13 3.35 4.85 10.8
12 Torque constant mNm/A 6.94 8.09 11 13.3 20.2 22.5 26 28.3 31.8 39.9 48 71.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1380 1180 869 718 472 423 367 337 300 239 199 133
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 260 268 198 197 186 186 203 213 188 186 191 197
15 Mechanical time constant ms 33.6 30.7 28.1 27.3 25.5 25.3 25 25 24.7 24.4 24.4 24.3
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 12.4 11 13.6 13.2 13.1 13 11.8 11.3 12.5 12.5 12.2 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 423 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N 26 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N Page 231/232
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 30 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.07 - 0.2 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 233
31 Weight of motor 98 g Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.4 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292
Option 38 mm Notes 18
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Page 241
Spindle Drive
32 mm
Page 255/256/257

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 105

%-max 26 26 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110946 110947 110948 110949 110950 110951 110952 110953 110954 110955 110956 110957
with cables 353143 353144 353145 353146 353147 353148 353149 353150 353151 353152 353153 353154
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 7.2 9 12 12 18 18 24 24 30 36 42 48
2 No load speed rpm 9270 10000 10000 8300 8260 7410 8590 7870 8810 8440 8170 6240
3 No load current mA 118 104 76.8 59.6 39.1 34 30.8 27.5 25.4 20 16.4 10.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 7160 7620 7600 5540 5610 4760 5860 5080 6200 5840 5540 3540
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 6.73 7.97 11.1 13.3 13.8 13.9 13.2 13 13.7 13.9 13.8 13.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.05 0.716 0.649 0.536 0.484 0.455 0.366 0.301 0.202
7 Stall torque mNm 38.2 39.7 52.7 43.8 45.6 41 43.5 38.1 47.9 46.4 43.7 32.6
8 Starting current A 5.5 4.9 4.8 3.29 2.25 1.82 1.67 1.34 1.51 1.16 0.911 0.455
9 Max. efciency % 64 66 72 71 73 73 73 72 75 75 75 72
10 Terminal resistance : 1.31 1.84 2.5 3.65 8 9.91 14.4 17.9 19.9 31 46.1 106
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.101 0.138 0.254 0.372 0.862 1.07 1.42 1.69 2.13 3.35 4.85 10.8
12 Torque constant mNm/A 6.94 8.09 11 13.3 20.2 22.5 26 28.3 31.8 39.9 48 71.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1380 1180 869 718 472 423 367 337 300 239 199 133
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 260 268 198 197 186 186 203 213 188 186 191 197
15 Mechanical time constant ms 33.6 30.7 28.1 27.3 25.5 25.3 25 25.1 24.7 24.4 24.4 24.3
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 12.4 11 13.6 13.2 13.1 13 11.8 11.3 12.5 12.5 12.2 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 660 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N Page 231/232 Page 272
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N 30 mm 22 mm
0.07 - 0.2 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Other specications Page 233 Page 275
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 100 g 0.4 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics: 3 channels
Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 277/278
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 38 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
Option Page 241 EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 285
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings Spindle Drive EPOS2 50/5 313
32 mm EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Page 255/256/257 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

106 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 26 26 mm, Graphite Brushes, 11 Watt
High Power

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110935 110936 110937 110938 110939 110940 110941 110942 110943 110944 110945
with cables 139852 353166 353167 353168 353169 206344 353171 314214 202893 353174 353175
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 7.2 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 9110 9850 8020 8320 7950 8820 7020 7250 7850 7450 6000
3 No load current mA 140 128 56.6 47.3 37 31.6 18.8 16.3 15.5 12.7 9.66
4 Nominal speed rpm 7560 8230 6030 6110 5810 6710 4900 5150 5770 5340 3860
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 5.53 6.3 14.2 16.8 17.4 17.4 17.7 17.8 17.7 17.5 17.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.05 0.857 0.711 0.458 0.396 0.366 0.301 0.244
7 Stall torque mNm 54.4 59.6 66.5 70.3 69.7 77.6 60.5 63.1 68.4 63.2 50.6
8 Starting current A 9.33 9.07 4.8 4.19 3.3 3.04 1.51 1.35 1.36 1.04 0.672
9 Max. efciency % 64 67 75 76 77 79 78 79 79 79 77
10 Terminal resistance : 0.643 0.794 2.5 3.58 5.46 7.9 19.9 26.6 30.9 46 71.4
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0402 0.0509 0.227 0.332 0.528 0.77 1.9 2.57 2.99 4.34 6.68
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.84 6.57 13.9 16.8 21.2 25.5 40.1 46.7 50.3 60.6 75.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1640 1450 689 569 451 374 238 205 190 158 127
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 180 176 124 122 116 116 118 117 116 120 121
15 Mechanical time constant ms 27.3 23.8 17.6 16.8 16.3 15.8 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.3 15.3
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 473 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N 26 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N Page 231/232
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 30 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.07 - 0.2 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 233
31 Weight of motor 117 g Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.4 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292
Option 38 mm Notes 18
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Page 241
Spindle Drive
32 mm
Page 255/256/257

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 107

%-max 26 26 mm, Graphite Brushes, 11 Watt
High Power
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 110958 110959 110960 110961 110962 110963 110964 110965 110966 110967 110968
with cables 353606 353607 353608 353609 353610 353611 353612 353613 353614 353615 353616
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 7.2 12 15 18 24 30 36 42 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 9110 9850 8020 8320 7950 8820 7020 7250 7850 7450 6000
3 No load current mA 140 128 56.6 47.3 37 31.6 18.8 16.3 15.5 12.7 9.66
4 Nominal speed rpm 7560 8230 6030 6110 5810 6710 4900 5150 5770 5340 3860
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 5.53 6.3 14.2 16.8 17.4 17.4 17.7 17.8 17.7 17.5 17.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.05 0.857 0.711 0.458 0.396 0.366 0.301 0.244
7 Stall torque mNm 54.4 59.6 66.5 70.3 69.7 77.6 60.5 63.1 68.4 63.2 50.6
8 Starting current A 9.33 9.07 4.8 4.19 3.3 3.04 1.51 1.35 1.36 1.04 0.672
9 Max. efciency % 64 67 75 76 77 79 78 79 79 79 77
10 Terminal resistance : 0.643 0.794 2.5 3.58 5.46 7.9 19.9 26.6 30.9 46 71.4
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0402 0.0509 0.227 0.332 0.528 0.77 1.9 2.57 2.99 4.34 6.68
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.84 6.57 13.9 16.8 21.2 25.5 40.1 46.7 50.3 60.6 75.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1640 1450 689 569 451 374 238 205 190 158 127
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 180 176 124 122 116 116 118 117 116 120 121
15 Mechanical time constant ms 27.3 23.8 17.7 16.8 16.3 15.9 15.5 15.4 15.3 15.3 15.3
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 12.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 473 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N Page 231/232 Page 272
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N 30 mm 22 mm
0.07 - 0.2 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Other specications Page 233 Page 275
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_ 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 119 g 0.4 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics: 3 channels
Page 234/235/237 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292 Page 277/278
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spur Gearhead ESCON 50/5 292 Encoder MEnc
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 38 mm EPOS2 24/2 312 13 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm EPOS2 Module 36/2 312 16 CPT, 2 channels
Option Page 241 EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 285
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings Spindle Drive EPOS2 50/5 313
32 mm EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Page 255/256/257 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

108 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 32 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 15 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 236643 236644 236645 236646 236647 236648 236649 236650
with cables 353184 353185 353186 353187 353188 353189 353190 353191
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 18 24 30 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 5830 4930 4670 5270 5930 5870 5830 3870
3 No load current mA 154 83.5 58.6 44.9 38.7 30.6 25.3 11.8
4 Nominal speed rpm 3730 2950 2850 3540 4180 4140 4080 2080
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 32.5 33.6 36.3 37.7 36.9 37.2 36.9 36.9
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.54 2.04 1.56 1.22 1 0.8 0.657 0.328
7 Stall torque mNm 99.4 87.4 95.9 118 127 128 125 81.3
8 Starting current A 10.4 5.12 3.98 3.66 3.34 2.66 2.15 0.698
9 Max. efciency % 73 74 76 78 79 80 79 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.577 1.76 3.02 4.92 7.19 11.3 16.7 68.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0657 0.209 0.416 0.739 1.04 1.66 2.43 9.71
12 Torque constant mNm/A 9.58 17.1 24.1 32.2 38.2 48.2 58.3 117
13 Speed constant rpm/V 996 559 396 297 250 198 164 81.9
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 60 57.6 49.5 45.5 47.1 46.3 47.1 48.4
15 Mechanical time constant ms 27.8 23.7 22.6 22 21.8 21.7 21.6 21.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 44.2 39.2 43.5 46.2 44.2 44.6 43.8 42.6

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 17.8 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 791 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 7.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 32 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N 32 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N 0.75 - 6.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10.5 N Page 234/236/237
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 38 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 241
31 Weight of motor 211 g Spindle Drive
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Option Notes 18
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 109

%-max 32 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 15 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 236651 236652 236653 236654 236655 236656 236657 236658
with cables 353220 353221 353222 353223 353224 353225 353226 353227
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 18 24 30 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 5830 4930 4670 5270 5930 5870 5830 3870
3 No load current mA 154 83.5 58.6 44.9 38.7 30.6 25.3 11.8
4 Nominal speed rpm 3730 2950 2850 3540 4180 4140 4080 2080
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 32.5 33.6 36.3 37.7 36.9 37.2 36.9 36.9
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.54 2.04 1.56 1.22 1 0.8 0.657 0.328
7 Stall torque mNm 99.4 87.4 95.9 118 127 128 125 81.3
8 Starting current A 10.4 5.12 3.98 3.66 3.34 2.66 2.15 0.698
9 Max. efciency % 73 74 76 78 79 80 79 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.577 1.76 3.02 4.92 7.19 11.3 16.7 68.8
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0657 0.209 0.416 0.739 1.04 1.66 2.43 9.71
12 Torque constant mNm/A 9.58 17.1 24.1 32.2 38.2 48.2 58.3 117
13 Speed constant rpm/V 996 559 396 297 250 198 164 81.9
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 60 57.6 49.5 45.5 47.1 46.3 47.1 48.4
15 Mechanical time constant ms 27.8 23.7 22.6 22 21.8 21.7 21.6 21.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 44.2 39.2 43.5 46.2 44.2 44.6 43.8 42.6

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 17.8 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 791 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 7.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 32 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 32 mm 256 - 1024 Imp.,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N Page 234/236/237 Page 273
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N Spur Gearhead Encoder HED_5540
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10.5 N 38 mm 500 CPT,
0.1 - 0.6 Nm 3 channels
Other specications Page 241 Page 277/278
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spindle Drive
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm
31 Weight of motor 211 g Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Option EPOS2 24/5 313
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

110 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

%-max 32 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 20 Watt
High Power

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 236659 236660 236661 236662 236663 236664 236665

with cables 353230 353231 353232 262500 341970 353233 353234
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 24 30 36 42
2 No load speed rpm 4850 4980 4660 6460 6160 5850 5650
3 No load current mA 123 84.1 58.2 42.8 32.3 25.3 20.8
4 Nominal speed rpm 3090 3320 3080 5010 4710 4410 4200
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 39.7 40.7 42.6 44.7 44.6 45.1 44.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.55 2.48 1.81 1.31 0.998 0.798 0.656
7 Stall torque mNm 120 129 131 205 193 186 177
8 Starting current A 10.4 7.61 5.39 5.81 4.18 3.19 2.51
9 Max. efciency % 75 78 79 83 83 83 83
10 Terminal resistance : 0.577 1.18 2.23 4.13 7.17 11.3 16.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0601 0.129 0.264 0.555 0.953 1.52 2.22
12 Torque constant mNm/A 11.6 17 24.3 35.2 46.1 58.2 70.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 825 562 394 271 207 164 136
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 41.1 39.1 36.1 31.9 32.2 31.8 32.3
15 Mechanical time constant ms 19 16.7 15.8 15.1 14.9 14.8 14.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 44.2 40.8 41.7 45.3 44.2 44.6 43.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 17.8 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 521 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 7.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 32 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5 N 32 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N 0.75 - 6.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10.5 N Page 234/236/237
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 38 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 241
31 Weight of motor 240 g Spindle Drive
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Option Notes 18
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 111

%-max 32 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 20 Watt
High Power
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with terminals 236666 236667 236668 236669 236670 236671 236672

with cables 353236 353237 301030 353239 353240 353241 353242
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 24 30 36 42
2 No load speed rpm 4850 4980 4660 6460 6160 5850 5650
3 No load current mA 123 84.1 58.2 42.8 32.3 25.3 20.8
4 Nominal speed rpm 3090 3320 3080 5010 4710 4410 4200
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 39.7 40.7 42.6 44.7 44.6 45.1 44.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.55 2.48 1.81 1.31 0.998 0.798 0.656
7 Stall torque mNm 120 129 131 205 193 186 177
8 Starting current A 10.4 7.61 5.39 5.81 4.18 3.19 2.51
9 Max. efciency % 75 78 79 83 83 83 83
10 Terminal resistance : 0.577 1.18 2.23 4.13 7.17 11.3 16.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0601 0.129 0.264 0.555 0.953 1.52 2.22
12 Torque constant mNm/A 11.6 17 24.3 35.2 46.1 58.2 70.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 825 562 394 271 207 164 136
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 41.1 39.1 36.1 31.9 32.2 31.8 32.3
15 Mechanical time constant ms 19 16.7 15.8 15.1 14.9 14.8 14.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 44.2 40.8 41.7 45.3 44.2 44.6 43.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 17.8 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 521 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 7.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 32 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.12 - 0.22 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.012 mm 32 mm 256 - 1024 Imp.,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 110 N Page 234/236/237 Page 273
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N Spur Gearhead Encoder HED_5540
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10.5 N 38 mm 500 CPT,
0.1 - 0.6 Nm 3 channels
Other specications Page 241 Page 277/278
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spindle Drive
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm
31 Weight of motor 240 g Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Option EPOS2 24/5 313
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

112 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon &-max
maxon RE-max
High-performance at low cost
High and consistent quality thanks to mastery
and monitoring of the processes
Same part platform compatible with the A-max
Automated manufacturing process
Open for customer-oriented modifications
Summary 114

DC motors 13 - 29 mm in diameter 115134

maxon RE-max program
The high-power range DC motor, with top
performance and convincing quality.

Same design as the innovative

and award-winning A-max ran-
ge. Consistent implementation
of the same part platform.

Motor housing made of steel

laminate, minimizing waste. The
strong field of the neodymium
magnets is absorbed by an addi-
tional sleeve.

Hybrid process forms the stator Modular construction of the RE-max series
by assembling motor housing,
magnet and end cap in one step
using injection molding of PPA
plastic. Customers can select
either sleeve or ball bearings.

Elimination of a C-Clip
groove results in higher
torsional stability and
greater cross-sectional

Reduced-diameter commutator,
employing more segments. The
newly developed CLL concept
(Capacitor Long Life) significantly
increases the service life of the
RE-max motors.

High and consistent quality

thanks to process monitoring
and production on the most
modern assembly lines.
RE-max 13 1 WE

RE-max 13 2 WE

RE-max 17 1 WE

RE-max 17 2 WE

RE-max 21 1 WE

RE-max 21 2 WE
RE-max 24 1 WE

RE-max 24 2 WE
RE-max 29 1 WE

RE-max 29 2 WE
WE = Shaft end

The heart of our motors is the

ironless winding System maxon.
X = Standard
This means physically dependent X = Option
advantages like an efficiency of Precious Metal Brushes (EB) X X X X X X X X X X
up to 90%, the best regulating Precious Metal Brushes (EB) and CLL X X X X X X X X X X

dynamics and small dimensions. Graphite Brushes (GB) X X X X X X X X

Sleeve Bearings X X X X X X X X X X

Ball Bearings X X X X X X X X
Graphite brushes for hard use
Terminals X X X X X X X X
with the highest peak loads. Pigtails X X X X X X X X X X
Precious metal brushes for min. 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0
Shaft flange side (FS)
fine rotational movements. max. 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 27.4 27.4 25.0 25.0 30.0 30.0
min. 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.6
Shaft brush side (BS)
max. 10.0 10.0 16.6 16.0 16.0

&-max 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 1.2 Watt

maxon motor
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

201352 203881 203882 203883 203884 203885 203886 203887 203888 203889 203890 203891 203892 203893 203894
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.2 5 6 8 9 10 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 11700 11400 11200 11100 11400 11700 12200 11600 11400 11100 11800 10700 11200 11300 10800
3 No load current mA 68 55 42.8 35.1 27.5 22.7 20.3 16.1 13.2 10.4 8.69 6.65 6.36 5.43 4.02
4 Nominal speed rpm 10200 9350 8720 7950 7350 6920 7070 6300 6020 5670 6440 5250 5630 5860 5240
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.334 0.422 0.552 0.682 0.898 1.11 1.28 1.31 1.29 1.3 1.28 1.27 1.26 1.27 1.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.4 0.325 0.263 0.209 0.167 0.155 0.132 0.0997
7 Stall torque mNm 2.36 2.14 2.33 2.32 2.47 2.7 3.02 2.87 2.74 2.68 2.83 2.51 2.56 2.64 2.47
8 Starting current A 2.94 2.18 1.87 1.53 1.26 1.12 1.09 0.846 0.668 0.527 0.447 0.321 0.306 0.267 0.19
9 Max. efciency % 73 72 73 73 73 74 75 75 75 75 75 74 74 74 74
10 Terminal resistance : 0.34 0.55 0.802 1.17 1.91 2.67 3.29 4.96 7.48 11.4 17.9 28.1 32.7 44.9 78.9
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0056 0.0083 0.0135 0.0199 0.0333 0.0501 0.0661 0.0993 0.145 0.223 0.346 0.532 0.607 0.847 1.47
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.802 0.98 1.25 1.51 1.96 2.41 2.76 3.39 4.1 5.08 6.33 7.84 8.38 9.89 13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 11900 9740 7650 6300 4870 3970 3460 2820 2330 1880 1510 1220 1140 965 734
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 5050 5470 4920 4880 4740 4400 4110 4130 4250 4210 4270 4360 4450 4380 4450
15 Mechanical time constant ms 19 16.7 15.4 14.8 14.3 14 13.7 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.6 13.7 13.7 13.6 13.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.358 0.291 0.299 0.29 0.288 0.303 0.318 0.315 0.306 0.308 0.304 0.3 0.293 0.297 0.294

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 47.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.11 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 186 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 15 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 13 mm
Alignment of the electronic 0.05 - 0.15 Nm
connections not specied Page 209
Planetary Gearhead
Values listed in the table are nominal. 13 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 115

&-max 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.75 Watt
maxon motor

M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

268336 268337 268338 268339 268340 268341 268342 268343 268344 268345 268346 268347 268348 268349 268350
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 0.6 0.72 0.9 1.2 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.4 3 3.6 4.8 6 6 7.2 10
2 No load speed rpm 6870 6700 6600 7260 7010 6870 5980 6510 6720 6510 6970 7030 6560 6680 7050
3 No load current mA 79 64 50 42.8 32.6 26.3 21.8 18.3 15.3 12.2 10.1 8.16 7.43 6.34 4.92
4 Nominal speed rpm 5490 4680 4130 4160 2960 2150 849 1200 1340 1140 1580 1580 1050 1200 1550
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.327 0.415 0.545 0.674 0.892 1.11 1.28 1.32 1.3 1.3 1.29 1.27 1.26 1.27 1.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.402 0.327 0.264 0.211 0.168 0.156 0.133 0.1
7 Stall torque mNm 1.41 1.28 1.4 1.55 1.54 1.62 1.51 1.64 1.64 1.61 1.7 1.68 1.54 1.59 1.65
8 Starting current A 1.76 1.31 1.12 1.02 0.786 0.674 0.547 0.484 0.401 0.316 0.268 0.214 0.184 0.16 0.127
9 Max. efciency % 63 62 63 64 64 65 65 66 65 65 66 66 65 65 65
10 Terminal resistance : 0.34 0.55 0.802 1.17 1.91 2.67 3.29 4.96 7.48 11.4 17.9 28.1 32.7 44.9 78.9
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0056 0.0083 0.0135 0.0199 0.0333 0.0501 0.0661 0.0993 0.145 0.223 0.346 0.532 0.607 0.847 1.47
12 Torque constant mNm/A 0.802 0.98 1.25 1.51 1.96 2.41 2.76 3.39 4.1 5.08 6.33 7.84 8.38 9.89 13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 11900 9740 7650 6300 4870 3970 3460 2820 2330 1880 1510 1220 1140 965 734
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 5050 5470 4920 4880 4740 4400 4110 4130 4250 4210 4270 4360 4450 4380 4450
15 Mechanical time constant ms 19.2 17 15.7 15.1 14.6 14.2 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.8 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.363 0.296 0.304 0.295 0.293 0.308 0.323 0.32 0.311 0.313 0.309 0.305 0.298 0.302 0.299

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 47.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 14 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.11 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 186 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
(static, shaft supported) 240 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 15 g 13 mm 16 CPT,
Alignment of the electronic 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
connections not specied Page 209 Page 265
Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
Values listed in the table are nominal. 13 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 2 channels
Page 210 Page 266/267

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

116 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2.5 Watt

maxon motor
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

201353 203937 203938 203939 203940 203941 203942 203943 203944 203945 203946 203947 203948 203949 203950
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2.4 3 3 3.6 4.8 4.8 6 7.2 8 10 12 15 15 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 10600 12300 10800 10900 11500 10200 11500 11500 10900 11500 11100 11200 10400 10600 11600
3 No load current mA 30.6 31.5 25.1 21.3 17.5 14.3 14 11.7 9.67 8.4 6.62 5.35 4.72 4.11 3.55
4 Nominal speed rpm 9550 11000 9180 8940 9050 7440 8320 7980 7570 8050 7660 7750 6900 7210 8080
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.969 1.04 1.21 1.45 1.84 2.09 2.32 2.67 2.78 2.72 2.71 2.72 2.7 2.72 2.66
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.459 0.409 0.336 0.27 0.218 0.201 0.173 0.138
7 Stall torque mNm 8.91 9.4 7.84 7.9 8.56 7.61 8.35 8.72 9 9.08 8.73 8.86 8.1 8.42 8.85
8 Starting current A 4.15 4.06 2.97 2.52 2.16 1.71 1.69 1.47 1.3 1.1 0.852 0.697 0.591 0.526 0.45
9 Max. efciency % 84 84 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 83 84 84
10 Terminal resistance : 0.578 0.738 1.01 1.43 2.22 2.81 3.56 4.91 6.16 9.09 14.1 21.5 25.4 34.3 53.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0157 0.0182 0.0237 0.0334 0.0534 0.0675 0.0834 0.12 0.163 0.232 0.356 0.549 0.638 0.872 1.31
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.15 2.31 2.64 3.14 3.96 4.46 4.95 5.94 6.94 8.26 10.2 12.7 13.7 16 19.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4450 4130 3610 3040 2410 2140 1930 1610 1380 1160 933 751 697 596 486
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1200 1320 1380 1390 1350 1350 1380 1330 1220 1270 1280 1270 1290 1270 1320
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.55 8.23 7.94 7.71 7.5 7.44 7.42 7.33 7.25 7.26 7.26 7.24 7.25 7.25 7.3
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.681 0.596 0.548 0.53 0.53 0.526 0.512 0.528 0.565 0.545 0.541 0.544 0.536 0.543 0.529

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 37 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 10 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 6.97 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 277 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 24 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 13 mm
Alignment of the electronic 0.05 - 0.15 Nm
connections not specied Page 209
Planetary Gearhead
Values listed in the table are nominal. 13 mm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 117

&-max 13 13 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2 Watt
maxon motor

M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

268351 268353 268355 268356 268357 268358 268359 268360 268361 268362 268363 268364 268365 268366 268367
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.5 1.5 1.8 2.4 3 3 3.6 4.2 4.8 6 7.2 9 10 12 15
2 No load speed rpm 6570 6080 6380 7180 7100 6300 6810 6620 6500 6820 6600 6640 6840 7030 7160
3 No load current mA 43.8 39.8 35.3 30.8 24.3 20.9 19.2 15.9 13.5 11.5 9.2 7.42 6.95 5.99 4.91
4 Nominal speed rpm 5550 4830 4840 5290 4720 3590 3690 3150 3160 3420 3180 3230 3420 3630 3700
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.941 1.02 1.18 1.42 1.82 2.06 2.3 2.66 2.76 2.7 2.69 2.7 2.68 2.69 2.64
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.48 0.46 0.41 0.337 0.271 0.219 0.201 0.173 0.139
7 Stall torque mNm 5.57 4.7 4.71 5.26 5.35 4.76 5.01 5.09 5.4 5.45 5.24 5.32 5.4 5.61 5.53
8 Starting current A 2.59 2.03 1.78 1.68 1.35 1.07 1.01 0.856 0.779 0.66 0.511 0.418 0.394 0.35 0.281
9 Max. efciency % 76 74 74 75 75 74 75 75 76 76 75 75 76 76 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.578 0.738 1.01 1.43 2.22 2.81 3.56 4.91 6.16 9.09 14.1 21.5 25.4 34.3 53.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0157 0.0182 0.0237 0.0334 0.0534 0.0675 0.0834 0.12 0.163 0.232 0.356 0.549 0.638 0.872 1.31
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.15 2.31 2.64 3.14 3.96 4.46 4.95 5.94 6.94 8.26 10.2 12.7 13.7 16 19.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4450 4130 3610 3040 2410 2140 1930 1610 1380 1160 933 751 697 596 486
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 1200 1320 1380 1390 1350 1350 1380 1330 1220 1270 1280 1270 1290 1270 1320
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.61 8.3 8.01 7.78 7.57 7.51 7.49 7.4 7.31 7.33 7.33 7.31 7.31 7.32 7.37
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.686 0.601 0.553 0.535 0.535 0.531 0.517 0.533 0.57 0.55 0.546 0.549 0.541 0.548 0.534

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 37 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 10 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 6.97 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 277 s
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
(static, shaft supported) 140 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 24 g 13 mm 16 CPT,
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 2 channels
Alignment of the electronic Page 209 Page 265
connections not specied Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
13 mm 64 - 256 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 2 channels
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 210 Page 266/267

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

118 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 17 17 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 4 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

214895 214896 214897 214898 214899 215982 215983 215985 215986 215987
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 4.5 12 15 21 24 24 30 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 11300 9650 10600 10700 11300 11000 9830 10200 10900 9560
3 No load current mA 40.7 21 9.2 7.5 5.81 4.91 4.06 3.47 3.2 1.94
4 Nominal speed rpm 10500 7810 8110 8210 8740 8520 7280 7680 8290 6890
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.42 2.57 3.67 3.64 3.61 3.63 3.62 3.59 3.53 3.47
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.6 0.6 0.35 0.281 0.209 0.18 0.16 0.132 0.115 0.0744
7 Stall torque mNm 18.5 13.1 15.5 15.5 16.1 15.9 14 14.4 14.8 12.5
8 Starting current A 7.32 2.95 1.45 1.17 0.91 0.772 0.604 0.518 0.473 0.262
9 Max. efciency % 86 84 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 84
10 Terminal resistance : 0.41 1.52 8.3 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.7 57.9 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0114 0.0349 0.206 0.314 0.558 0.759 0.956 1.38 1.75 4.04
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.53 4.42 10.7 13.3 17.7 20.6 23.2 27.8 31.4 47.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3780 2160 889 720 540 463 412 344 304 201
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 613 744 687 696 705 698 707 716 739 773
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.81 6.4 6.25 6.26 6.27 6.28 6.31 6.29 6.31 6.42
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.82 0.868 0.859 0.849 0.859 0.852 0.838 0.816 0.793

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 35 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 12 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 7.75 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 343 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 19000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 16 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N 0.06 - 0.18 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N Page 216
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 16 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Page 217
31 Weight of motor 26 g
CLL = Capacitor Long Life
Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 119

&-max 17 17 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2.5 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

215988 215989 215990 215991 215992 215993 215994 215995 215996 215997
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2 3 7.2 9 12 15 18 21 24 36
2 No load speed rpm 8110 6920 6840 6930 6920 7420 7940 7720 7810 7720
3 No load current mA 47.6 25.8 10.6 8.6 6.45 5.65 5.15 4.25 3.78 2.48
4 Nominal speed rpm 7300 4940 4140 4200 4180 4700 5200 4960 5010 4850
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.29 2.36 3.4 3.37 3.35 3.36 3.33 3.31 3.25 3.18
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.6 0.6 0.352 0.282 0.21 0.181 0.16 0.132 0.116 0.0745
7 Stall torque mNm 11.4 8.05 8.61 8.6 8.5 9.2 9.7 9.31 9.13 8.63
8 Starting current A 4.88 1.97 0.868 0.702 0.52 0.482 0.453 0.362 0.315 0.196
9 Max. efciency % 82 79 79 79 79 80 80 80 80 79
10 Terminal resistance : 0.41 1.52 8.3 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.7 57.9 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0114 0.0349 0.206 0.314 0.558 0.759 0.956 1.38 1.75 4.04
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.34 4.09 9.92 12.3 16.3 19.1 21.4 25.7 29 44
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4090 2340 962 779 584 501 446 372 329 217
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 718 871 804 815 825 817 828 839 865 906
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.96 7.47 7.3 7.32 7.32 7.33 7.37 7.34 7.37 7.5
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.818 0.866 0.857 0.847 0.857 0.85 0.836 0.814 0.791

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 35 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 12 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 7.75 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 343 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 16 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N Page 216 Page 269
(static, shaft supported) 280 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N 16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 217 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 27 g Recommended Electronics:
CLL = Capacitor Long Life ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. EPOS2 24/2 312
Explanation of the gures on page 49. EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

120 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 17 17 mm, Graphite Brushes, 4.5 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

215998 215999 269569 216000 216001 216002 216003 216004 216005 216006 216007
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 4.8 9 12 15 21 24 24 30 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 12000 11000 11400 11300 11500 12000 11800 10500 10900 11600 10200
3 No load current mA 118 66.4 37 27.5 22.3 16.9 14.4 12.6 10.6 9.46 6.09
4 Nominal speed rpm 11000 8610 8290 8220 8340 8920 8680 7320 7750 8420 6880
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.41 2.68 3.85 3.86 3.83 3.79 3.81 3.83 3.79 3.71 3.66
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.556 0.415 0.333 0.248 0.214 0.191 0.157 0.137 0.0889
7 Stall torque mNm 18 13 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.9 14.7 12.9 13.3 13.7 11.5
8 Starting current A 7.7 3.17 1.95 1.45 1.17 0.909 0.771 0.604 0.517 0.472 0.262
9 Max. efciency % 75 73 74 74 74 75 75 73 74 74 72
10 Terminal resistance : 0.39 1.52 4.61 8.3 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.7 58 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0114 0.0349 0.114 0.206 0.314 0.558 0.759 0.956 1.38 1.75 4.04
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.34 4.09 7.4 9.93 12.3 16.4 19.1 21.4 25.7 29 44
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4090 2340 1290 962 779 584 501 446 372 329 217
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 682 866 804 804 815 825 817 827 838 865 905
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.57 7.44 7.32 7.31 7.33 7.33 7.35 7.38 7.36 7.39 7.51
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.82 0.869 0.868 0.859 0.849 0.859 0.852 0.838 0.816 0.793

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 35 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 12 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 7.75 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 343 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 16 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N 0.06 - 0.18 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N Page 216
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 16 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Page 217
31 Weight of motor 26 g

Values listed in the table are nominal. Recommended Electronics:

Explanation of the gures on page 49. ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 121

&-max 17 17 mm, Graphite Brushes, 4.5 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

216008 216009 269571 216010 216011 216012 216013 216014 216015 216016 216017
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 4.8 9 12 15 21 24 24 30 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 12000 11000 11400 11300 11500 12000 11800 10500 10900 11600 10200
3 No load current mA 118 66.4 37 27.5 22.3 16.9 14.4 12.6 10.6 9.46 6.09
4 Nominal speed rpm 11000 8610 8290 8220 8340 8920 8680 7320 7750 8420 6880
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.41 2.68 3.85 3.86 3.83 3.79 3.81 3.83 3.79 3.71 3.66
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.556 0.415 0.333 0.248 0.214 0.191 0.157 0.137 0.0889
7 Stall torque mNm 18 13 14.4 14.4 14.3 14.9 14.7 12.9 13.3 13.7 11.5
8 Starting current A 7.7 3.17 1.95 1.45 1.17 0.909 0.771 0.604 0.517 0.472 0.262
9 Max. efciency % 75 73 74 74 74 75 75 73 74 74 72
10 Terminal resistance : 0.39 1.52 4.61 8.3 12.8 23.1 31.1 39.7 58 76.2 183
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0114 0.0349 0.114 0.206 0.314 0.558 0.759 0.956 1.38 1.75 4.04
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.34 4.09 7.4 9.93 12.3 16.4 19.1 21.4 25.7 29 44
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4090 2340 1290 962 779 584 501 446 372 329 217
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 682 866 804 804 815 825 817 827 838 865 905
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.57 7.44 7.32 7.31 7.33 7.33 7.35 7.38 7.36 7.39 7.51
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.06 0.82 0.869 0.868 0.859 0.849 0.859 0.852 0.838 0.816 0.793

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 35 K/W
In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 12 K/W
19 Thermal time constant winding 7.75 s (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
20 Thermal time constant motor 343 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N Assigned power rating
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 11900 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 16 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.2 N 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N Page 216 Page 269
(static, shaft supported) 280 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.8 N 16 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 217 Page 270
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 26 g
Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Values listed in the table are nominal.
ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49.
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Notes 18
Pigtails in place of terminals

122 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 21 21 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 5 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

221009 221010 221011 221012 221013 221015 221016 221017 221019

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 6 9 12 18 21 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 8880 9980 10400 8630 10200 9980 9120 10300 9820
3 No load current mA 43.8 26.7 19.2 10.4 9.24 7.64 5.74 4.71 3.25
4 Nominal speed rpm 8200 8430 8500 6670 8260 8000 7130 8270 7770
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.57 4.66 6.21 6.17 6.17 6.04 6.05 5.88 5.83
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.772 0.476 0.375 0.308 0.247 0.181 0.128
7 Stall torque mNm 28.5 28.8 33 27 32.3 30.3 27.7 29.9 27.9
8 Starting current A 8.87 5.03 4.01 2.04 1.93 1.52 1.11 0.9 0.602
9 Max. efciency % 87 86 87 87 87 87 86 86 86
10 Terminal resistance : 0.338 1.19 2.24 5.88 9.34 13.8 21.7 40 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.013 0.041 0.0846 0.219 0.353 0.502 0.784 1.38 2.7
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.21 5.71 8.21 13.2 16.8 20 25 33.2 46.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2970 1670 1160 723 569 478 382 288 206
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 313 349 318 322 317 331 331 346 353
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.32 7.57 7.25 7.22 7.18 7.23 7.24 7.46 7.35
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.54 2.07 2.18 2.14 2.16 2.09 2.09 2.06 1.99

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 28 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.83 s 221011
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 502 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 22 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.5 - 1.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N Page 224
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 22 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 225
31 Weight of motor 42 g Spur Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 38 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 241 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
22 mm Notes 18
Option Page 253/254
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 123

&-max 21 21 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 3.5 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

221020 221023 221024 221025 221026 221028 221030 221031 221032

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2 3.6 5 8.4 10 12 15 21 30
2 No load speed rpm 5890 5950 5760 6010 5630 5670 5670 5970 6100
3 No load current mA 54.5 30.8 21.1 13.4 10.2 8.61 6.88 5.31 3.84
4 Nominal speed rpm 5220 4410 3830 4060 3690 3680 3680 3940 4050
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.54 4.65 6.25 6.16 6.21 6.07 6.06 5.91 5.85
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.778 0.477 0.378 0.311 0.248 0.182 0.129
7 Stall torque mNm 19 17.3 18.3 18.9 18 17.3 17.3 17.4 17.5
8 Starting current A 5.91 3.02 2.23 1.43 1.07 0.867 0.692 0.525 0.376
9 Max. efciency % 82 81 82 82 82 81 81 81 81
10 Terminal resistance : 0.338 1.19 2.24 5.88 9.34 13.8 21.7 40 79.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.013 0.041 0.0846 0.219 0.353 0.502 0.784 1.38 2.7
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.22 5.72 8.22 13.2 16.8 20 25 33.2 46.5
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2970 1670 1160 722 569 477 382 287 206
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 312 348 317 321 316 330 331 346 353
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.32 7.57 7.25 7.22 7.18 7.23 7.25 7.46 7.35
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.54 2.08 2.18 2.15 2.17 2.09 2.09 2.06 1.99

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 28 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.83 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 502 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 480 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 22 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.5 - 1.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 224 Page 269
(static, shaft supported) 480 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N 22 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.5 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 225 Page 271
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spur Gearhead
30 Number of commutator segments 9 38 mm
31 Weight of motor 43 g 0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 241 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. 22 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 253/254 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

124 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 21 21 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

250000 250001 250002 250003 250004 250005 250006 250007 250008

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4 6 9 15 18 21 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 11400 9700 10200 10600 9990 9780 8930 10100 9620
3 No load current mA 155 84.1 59.1 37.1 28.8 24.1 18.9 14.6 10.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 9880 7850 8050 8280 7740 7500 6650 7820 7320
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.85 3.68 5.5 6.65 6.84 6.75 6.84 6.62 6.61
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.535 0.431 0.357 0.289 0.212 0.151
7 Stall torque mNm 14.5 19.8 26.5 31 30.8 29.4 27.2 29.7 28
8 Starting current A 4.47 3.43 3.19 2.33 1.82 1.46 1.08 0.888 0.598
9 Max. efciency % 58 67 73 76 76 76 75 76 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.896 1.75 2.8 6.44 9.9 14.4 22.2 40.6 80.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.013 0.041 0.0846 0.219 0.353 0.502 0.784 1.38 2.7
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.24 5.76 8.29 13.3 16.9 20.2 25.2 33.5 46.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2950 1660 1150 716 564 473 379 285 204
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 814 503 390 346 330 338 334 345 350
15 Mechanical time constant ms 21.9 11.1 9.02 7.87 7.58 7.5 7.41 7.54 7.38
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.57 2.1 2.21 2.17 2.2 2.12 2.12 2.09 2.02

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 28 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.75 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 502 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 22 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.5 - 1.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N Page 224
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 22 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 225
31 Weight of motor 42 g Spur Gearhead
38 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 241 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Option 22 mm Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Page 253/254
Pigtails in place of terminals

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 125

&-max 21 21 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

250020 250021 250022 250023 250024 250025 250026 250027 250028

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4 6 9 15 18 21 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 11400 9700 10200 10600 9990 9780 8930 10100 9620
3 No load current mA 155 84.1 59.1 37.1 28.8 24.1 18.9 14.6 10.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 9880 7850 8050 8280 7740 7500 6650 7820 7320
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.85 3.68 5.5 6.65 6.84 6.75 6.84 6.62 6.61
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.535 0.431 0.357 0.289 0.212 0.151
7 Stall torque mNm 14.5 19.8 26.5 31 30.8 29.4 27.2 29.7 28
8 Starting current A 4.47 3.43 3.19 2.33 1.82 1.46 1.08 0.888 0.598
9 Max. efciency % 58 67 73 76 76 76 75 76 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.896 1.75 2.8 6.44 9.9 14.4 22.2 40.6 80.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.013 0.041 0.0846 0.219 0.353 0.502 0.784 1.38 2.7
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.24 5.76 8.29 13.3 16.9 20.2 25.2 33.5 46.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2950 1660 1150 716 564 473 379 285 204
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 814 503 390 346 330 338 334 345 350
15 Mechanical time constant ms 21.9 11.1 9.03 7.88 7.58 7.5 7.41 7.55 7.38
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.57 2.11 2.21 2.17 2.2 2.12 2.12 2.09 2.02

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 28 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.75 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 502 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 420 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.7 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 22 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.5 - 1.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 224 Page 269
(static, shaft supported) 480 N Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11.9 N 22 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.5 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 225 Page 271
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spur Gearhead
30 Number of commutator segments 9 38 mm
31 Weight of motor 42 g 0.1 - 0.6 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 241 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 22 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Page 253/254 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Option EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Notes 18
Pigtails in place of terminals

126 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 24 24 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 10 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

220404 220405 220406 220407 220408 220410 220415 220416 220418 220419 220422 220423
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 15 15 18 20 24 30 36 42 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 8240 9470 8320 8910 8930 9350 9470 9160 8640 7450 5290 4770
3 No load current mA 18.8 14.1 11.5 10.7 9.65 8.65 7.07 5.58 4.35 3.01 1.79 1.54
4 Nominal speed rpm 6950 8040 6900 7480 7480 7890 8000 7680 7150 5930 3730 3220
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 8.55 10.3 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.1 10 10 9.99 9.95 9.82 9.93
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.698 0.62 0.55 0.49 0.422 0.339 0.273 0.22 0.165 0.115 0.105
7 Stall torque mNm 53.3 67.4 60.3 64.3 62.9 64.6 64.5 62.2 57.9 49 33.4 30.6
8 Starting current A 5.12 4.47 3.52 3.34 2.95 2.65 2.14 1.66 1.25 0.799 0.387 0.32
9 Max. efciency % 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 88 87 87
10 Terminal resistance : 1.76 3.36 4.27 5.39 6.78 9.07 14 21.6 33.5 60.1 124 150
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0735 0.154 0.2 0.251 0.309 0.406 0.618 0.952 1.45 2.56 5.06 6.22
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.4 15.1 17.2 19.2 21.3 24.4 30.1 37.4 46.3 61.3 86.3 95.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 919 634 557 497 448 391 317 255 206 156 111 99.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 155 141 138 139 143 145 147 148 150 153 159 156
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.61 6.37 6.34 6.34 6.36 6.49 6.48 6.5 6.52 6.53 6.61 6.57
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.07 4.32 4.37 4.36 4.26 4.27 4.2 4.2 4.16 4.09 3.97 4.01

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 24 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.32 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 637 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 16000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 22 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N Page 225
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 38 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 241
31 Weight of motor 70 g Spindle Drive
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 22 mm
Page 253/254 Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 127

&-max 24 24 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 6.5 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

220425 220426 220427 220428 220429 220430 220431 220432 220433 220434 220435 220437
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 9 12 12 15 18 24 30 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 5480 5670 4980 5930 5350 5830 5670 6090 6160 5580 5280 4760
3 No load current mA 18.7 13.1 10.9 10.5 9.04 8.18 6.55 5.45 4.43 3.2 2.22 1.92
4 Nominal speed rpm 4190 4230 3540 4490 3890 4360 4190 4610 4670 4060 3730 3220
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 8.56 10.4 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.2 10.2 10.1 10 9.97 9.77 9.88
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.704 0.625 0.554 0.494 0.426 0.343 0.275 0.221 0.165 0.115 0.105
7 Stall torque mNm 35.5 40.4 36.2 42.8 37.7 40.4 38.7 41.5 41.4 36.7 33.4 30.6
8 Starting current A 3.42 2.68 2.11 2.23 1.77 1.65 1.28 1.11 0.894 0.599 0.387 0.32
9 Max. efciency % 86 87 86 87 86 87 86 87 87 86 86 85
10 Terminal resistance : 1.76 3.36 4.27 5.39 6.78 9.07 14 21.6 33.5 60.1 124 150
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0735 0.154 0.2 0.251 0.309 0.406 0.618 0.952 1.45 2.56 5.06 6.22
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.4 15.1 17.2 19.2 21.3 24.4 30.1 37.4 46.3 61.3 86.3 95.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 919 634 557 497 448 391 317 255 206 156 111 99.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 155 141 138 139 143 145 147 148 150 153 159 156
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.62 6.38 6.35 6.35 6.36 6.49 6.48 6.5 6.53 6.54 6.62 6.57
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.07 4.32 4.38 4.36 4.26 4.27 4.2 4.21 4.16 4.1 3.97 4.01

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 24 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.32 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 637 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 420 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 22 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 225 Page 269
(static, shaft supported) 440 N Spur Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N 38 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.6 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 241 Page 271
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spindle Drive
30 Number of commutator segments 9 22 mm
31 Weight of motor 71 g Page 253/254 Recommended Electronics:
CLL = Capacitor Long Life ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. EPOS2 24/2 312
Explanation of the gures on page 49. EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

128 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 24 24 mm, Graphite Brushes, 11 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

222036 222037 222038 222039 222040 222041 222042 222043 222044 222045 222046 222047
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 12 15 18 18 24 24 36 42 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 8190 7530 8280 8870 8000 9310 7530 9110 8600 7400 5240 4720
3 No load current mA 45.5 31 27.6 25 22.1 19.8 15.5 12.9 10.3 7.59 5.15 4.59
4 Nominal speed rpm 6530 5830 6600 7190 6290 7610 5790 7390 6860 5630 3400 2890
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 10.8 12.1 12.2 12.1 12 11.7 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 0.834 0.735 0.651 0.584 0.5 0.407 0.324 0.261 0.197 0.139 0.127
7 Stall torque mNm 54 54.2 60.6 64.5 56.7 64.7 51.7 62.3 57.9 49 33.4 30.6
8 Starting current A 5.19 3.6 3.53 3.35 2.66 2.65 1.71 1.66 1.25 0.799 0.387 0.32
9 Max. efciency % 82 82 83 84 83 84 82 83 83 82 78 78
10 Terminal resistance : 1.73 3.34 4.25 5.37 6.76 9.06 14 21.6 33.5 60.1 124 150
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0735 0.154 0.2 0.251 0.309 0.406 0.618 0.952 1.45 2.56 5.06 6.22
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.4 15.1 17.2 19.2 21.3 24.4 30.1 37.4 46.3 61.3 86.3 95.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 919 634 557 497 448 391 317 255 206 156 111 99.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 153 140 138 139 142 145 147 148 150 153 159 156
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.41 6.23 6.21 6.22 6.24 6.37 6.37 6.39 6.41 6.42 6.49 6.45
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4 4.25 4.3 4.29 4.19 4.2 4.13 4.13 4.09 4.02 3.9 3.94

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 24 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.32 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 637 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 22 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N Page 225
Spur Gearhead
Other specications 38 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 9 Page 241
31 Weight of motor 70 g Spindle Drive
22 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 253/254 Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Option Notes 18
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 129

&-max 24 24 mm, Graphite Brushes, 11 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

222048 222049 222050 222051 222052 222053 222054 222055 222056 222057 222058 222059
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 12 15 18 18 24 24 36 42 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 8190 7530 8280 8870 8000 9310 7530 9110 8600 7400 5240 4720
3 No load current mA 45.5 31 27.6 25 22.1 19.8 15.5 12.9 10.3 7.59 5.15 4.59
4 Nominal speed rpm 6530 5830 6600 7190 6290 7610 5790 7390 6860 5630 3400 2890
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 10.8 12.1 12.2 12.1 12 11.7 11.8 11.7 11.6 11.6 11.6 11.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 0.834 0.735 0.651 0.584 0.5 0.407 0.324 0.261 0.197 0.139 0.127
7 Stall torque mNm 54 54.2 60.6 64.5 56.7 64.7 51.7 62.3 57.9 49 33.4 30.6
8 Starting current A 5.19 3.6 3.53 3.35 2.66 2.65 1.71 1.66 1.25 0.799 0.387 0.32
9 Max. efciency % 82 82 83 84 83 84 82 83 83 82 78 78
10 Terminal resistance : 1.73 3.34 4.25 5.37 6.76 9.06 14 21.6 33.5 60.1 124 150
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0735 0.154 0.2 0.251 0.309 0.406 0.618 0.952 1.45 2.56 5.06 6.22
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.4 15.1 17.2 19.2 21.3 24.4 30.1 37.4 46.3 61.3 86.3 95.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 919 634 557 497 448 391 317 255 206 156 111 99.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 153 140 138 139 142 145 147 148 150 153 159 156
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.41 6.23 6.21 6.22 6.24 6.37 6.37 6.39 6.41 6.42 6.49 6.45
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4 4.25 4.3 4.29 4.19 4.2 4.13 4.13 4.09 4.02 3.9 3.94

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 24 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.32 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 637 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 420 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.8 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 9800 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 22 mm 32 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.3 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 2 / 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N Page 225 Page 269
(static, shaft supported) 440 N Spur Gearhead Encoder MR
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N 38 mm 128 / 256 / 512 CPT,
0.1 - 0.6 Nm 2 / 3 channels
Other specications Page 241 Page 271
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Spindle Drive
30 Number of commutator segments 9 22 mm
31 Weight of motor 71 g Page 253/254 Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Option EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings Notes 18
Pigtails in place of terminals

130 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 29 29 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 15 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

226748 226749 226751 226752 226753 226754 226755 226756 226757 226759 226760 226761 226762 226763 226764
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 7.2 9 12 18 18 24 30 36 42 48 48 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 6320 7020 6010 6650 5490 5810 6010 6480 6550 6120 5260 4880 4050 3260 2720
3 No load current mA 43 41.7 23.6 18.9 13.4 11.1 9.45 9.01 7.87 6.1 4.65 4.07 2.95 2.04 1.5
4 Nominal speed rpm 6080 6710 5430 6020 4700 4990 5190 5650 5680 5280 4410 4020 3180 2380 1820
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 8.67 9.78 15.6 21.2 25.9 27 26.6 26.5 25 25.9 26.2 26.2 25.9 25.8 25.6
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.695 0.569 0.508 0.417 0.353 0.305 0.283 0.232 0.186 0.153
7 Stall torque mNm 200 205 156 219 177 190 193 206 188 187 161 149 120 95.7 77.5
8 Starting current A 18.4 16.8 8.22 8.49 5.68 4.81 4.05 3.9 3.07 2.51 1.86 1.59 1.06 0.683 0.461
9 Max. efciency % 91 91 90 91 91 91 91 91 90 91 90 90 90 90 89
10 Terminal resistance : 0.39 0.536 1.46 2.12 3.17 4.99 7.41 9.24 13.7 19.2 25.8 30.1 45.1 70.2 104
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0353 0.0447 0.108 0.199 0.292 0.464 0.676 0.839 1.12 1.67 2.26 2.63 3.81 5.86 8.46
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.9 12.2 19 25.8 31.2 39.4 47.5 53 61.1 74.7 86.9 93.7 113 140 168
13 Speed constant rpm/V 879 781 502 370 306 242 201 180 156 128 110 102 84.6 68.2 56.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 31.6 34.3 38.6 30.4 31 30.7 31.3 31.4 34.9 32.8 32.7 32.8 33.9 34.2 35.2
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.77 4.63 4.42 4.32 4.29 4.28 4.28 4.27 4.31 4.3 4.3 4.29 4.32 4.33 4.34
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 10.9 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 13 11.8 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 15.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 15.4 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 928 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5 N 26 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N Page 231
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 32 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.75 - 4.5 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 235
31 Weight of motor 159 g Planetary Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 32 mm
1.0 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 238 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
32 mm Notes 18
Option Page 255/256/257
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals
Without CLL

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 131

&-max 29 29 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 9 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

226765 226767 226770 226771 226772 226773 226774 226775 226776 226778 226779 226780 226781 226782 226783
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 6 9 12 15 18 24 24 30 36 36 42 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 3940 4670 4500 4430 4570 4350 4810 4310 4670 4590 3940 4270 4050 3260 2710
3 No load current mA 39.5 38.7 24.4 17.8 15 11.5 10.1 8.52 7.75 6.27 4.93 4.79 3.86 2.76 2.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 3700 4370 3930 3800 3780 3530 3980 3480 3800 3740 3090 3410 3180 2380 1820
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 8.71 9.81 15.5 21.3 25.8 27.1 26.7 26.7 25.2 26 26.2 26.1 25.7 25.7 25.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.84 0.697 0.57 0.511 0.419 0.354 0.306 0.283 0.231 0.186 0.153
7 Stall torque mNm 125 137 117 146 148 142 154 138 134 140 121 131 120 95.7 77.5
8 Starting current A 11.5 11.2 6.16 5.66 4.73 3.61 3.24 2.6 2.2 1.88 1.39 1.39 1.06 0.683 0.461
9 Max. efciency % 89 89 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 89 88 87
10 Terminal resistance : 0.39 0.536 1.46 2.12 3.17 4.99 7.41 9.24 13.7 19.2 25.8 30.1 45.1 70.2 104
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0353 0.0447 0.108 0.199 0.292 0.464 0.676 0.839 1.12 1.67 2.26 2.63 3.81 5.86 8.46
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.9 12.2 19 25.8 31.2 39.4 47.5 53 61.1 74.7 86.9 93.7 113 140 168
13 Speed constant rpm/V 879 781 502 370 306 242 201 180 156 128 110 102 84.6 68.2 56.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 31.6 34.3 38.6 30.4 31 30.7 31.3 31.4 34.9 32.8 32.7 32.8 33.9 34.2 35.2
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.78 4.63 4.43 4.32 4.3 4.29 4.29 4.28 4.32 4.31 4.31 4.3 4.33 4.34 4.35
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 11 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 13 11.8 12.6 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 15.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 15.9 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 928 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+65C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 6700 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 6700 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N Page 231 Page 272
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N Planetary Gearhead
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N 32 mm
0.75 - 4.5 Nm
Other specications Page 235
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm
31 Weight of motor 161 g 1.0 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
CLL = Capacitor Long Life Page 238 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. 32 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 255/256/257 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS2 24/5 313
Option EPOS2 50/5 313
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Pigtails in place of terminals EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Without CLL Notes 18

132 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 29 29 mm, Graphite Brushes, 22 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

226784 226785 226787 226788 226789 226790 226791 226792 226793 226795 226796 226797 226798 226799 226800
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 7630 9130 8890 8780 9090 8660 8380 8600 7450 6100 5240 4860 4030 3250 2700
3 No load current mA 77.4 73.1 46.5 34.1 28.6 22.3 18.2 16.5 13.6 10.5 8.7 7.92 6.32 4.9 3.96
4 Nominal speed rpm 6690 8170 7760 7680 8010 7620 7350 7580 6380 5050 4190 3810 2970 2180 1610
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 10.9 12.3 19.7 27 27.7 28.8 29.1 29.2 28.4 29.9 30.4 30.5 30.4 30.5 30.3
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 0.914 0.752 0.63 0.567 0.477 0.411 0.358 0.333 0.275 0.223 0.184
7 Stall torque mNm 171 207 202 262 273 268 257 265 208 182 157 146 118 94.1 76.5
8 Starting current A 15.8 16.9 10.6 10.2 8.73 6.8 5.41 4.99 3.4 2.43 1.81 1.56 1.04 0.672 0.455
9 Max. efciency % 77 80 83 86 87 87 88 88 87 87 86 86 85 83 82
10 Terminal resistance : 0.571 0.708 1.69 2.36 3.44 5.29 7.76 9.61 14.1 19.7 26.5 30.8 46.1 71.4 106
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0353 0.0447 0.108 0.199 0.292 0.464 0.676 0.839 1.12 1.67 2.26 2.63 3.81 5.86 8.46
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.9 12.2 19 25.8 31.2 39.4 47.5 53 61.1 74.7 86.9 93.7 113 140 168
13 Speed constant rpm/V 879 781 502 370 306 242 201 180 156 128 110 102 84.6 68.2 56.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 46.2 45.3 44.7 33.9 33.6 32.6 32.8 32.7 36.1 33.8 33.5 33.5 34.5 34.8 35.6
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.98 6.12 5.13 4.81 4.66 4.55 4.49 4.45 4.46 4.43 4.41 4.4 4.41 4.41 4.41
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 11 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 13 11.8 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 15.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 15.9 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 928 s
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm Planetary Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N 26 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12.3 N Page 231
Planetary Gearhead
Other specications 32 mm
29 Number of pole pairs 1 0.75 - 4.5 Nm
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Page 235
31 Weight of motor 159 g Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 1.0 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 238 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Option 32 mm Notes 18
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings Page 255/256/257
Pigtails in place of terminals

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon DC motor 133

&-max 29 29 mm, Graphite Brushes, 22 Watt
maxon motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

226801 226802 226805 226806 226807 226808 226809 226810 226811 226815 226816 226817 226818 226819 226820
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 7640 9130 8900 8790 9090 8670 8380 8600 7450 6100 5240 4860 4030 3250 2700
3 No load current mA 73 69 44 32.2 27 21 17.2 15.6 12.9 9.92 8.19 7.46 5.95 4.61 3.72
4 Nominal speed rpm 6690 8170 7760 7680 8010 7620 7350 7580 6370 5050 4190 3810 2970 2170 1610
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 11 12.4 19.7 27.1 27.9 28.9 29.2 29.3 28.5 30 30.5 30.6 30.5 30.6 30.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 0.918 0.754 0.632 0.569 0.478 0.412 0.359 0.334 0.276 0.223 0.184
7 Stall torque mNm 171 207 202 262 273 268 257 265 208 182 157 146 118 94.1 76.5
8 Starting current A 15.8 16.9 10.6 10.2 8.73 6.8 5.41 4.99 3.4 2.43 1.81 1.56 1.04 0.672 0.455
9 Max. efciency % 77 80 84 86 87 88 88 88 87 87 86 86 85 84 82
10 Terminal resistance : 0.571 0.708 1.69 2.36 3.44 5.29 7.76 9.61 14.1 19.7 26.5 30.8 46.1 71.4 106
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0345 0.0437 0.106 0.195 0.285 0.454 0.661 0.82 1.09 1.63 2.21 2.57 3.72 5.73 8.27
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.9 12.2 19 25.8 31.2 39.4 47.5 53 61.1 74.7 86.9 93.7 113 140 168
13 Speed constant rpm/V 879 781 502 370 306 242 201 180 156 128 110 102 84.6 68.2 56.8
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 46.2 45.3 44.7 33.9 33.6 32.6 32.8 32.7 36.1 33.8 33.5 33.5 34.5 34.8 35.6
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.98 6.12 5.13 4.81 4.66 4.55 4.49 4.45 4.47 4.44 4.42 4.41 4.41 4.41 4.41
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 14.4 12.9 11 13.6 13.2 13.3 13.1 13 11.8 12.5 12.6 12.5 12.2 12.1 11.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 15.8 K/W 22 In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.0 K/W 10000 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 15.9 s 226808
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 928 s 8000
21 Ambient temperature -30+85C ration at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C 6000 = Thermal limit.
Mechanical data (ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm 2000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 10 20 30
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.0 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 75 N 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20.5 N

Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

23 Max. permissible speed 10400 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 26 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.7 N 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 3 channels
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 80 N Page 231 Page 272
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N Planetary Gearhead
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5.5 N 32 mm
0.75 - 4.5 Nm
Other specications Page 235
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of commutator segments 13 32 mm
31 Weight of motor 161 g 1.0 - 6.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
Page 238 ESCON 36/2 DC Page 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive ESCON 50/5 292
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 32 mm EPOS2 24/2 312
Page 255/256/257 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Option EPOS2 24/5 313
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings EPOS2 50/5 313
Pigtails in place of terminals EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 18

134 maxon DC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon EC motor
maxon EC motor
The electronically commutated EC motors are characterized especially by their favorable
torque characteristics, high power, extremely broad speed range and, of course, by their
unsurpassed service life.

Standard Specification No. 101 136

Explanation of the EC motors 137
EC Program 138160
&-max Program 163171
&-4pole Program 175178
EC flat Program 180199
maxon Standard Specication
maxon EC motor

With our Standard Specification we of-

fer you a means to judge maxon motors The Standard Specication No. 101
in the most important respects. To our
knowledge it covers normal applica- for maxon EC motor, maxon &-max,
tions. The Standard Specification is part
of our General Conditions of Sale. &-4pole and maxon at motor
1. Principles Depending on speed, the motions in the
Electrical equipment must meet cer- The standard specication denes motor cause noise and vibration of vary-
checks and tests performed on the com- ing degrees, frequency and intensity. The
tain minimum requirements, which was pletemotor and during the production noise level experienced with a single
introduced into the European market process. In order to guarantee our high sample unit should not be interpreted as
after 1.1.96. Small motors will be identi- quality standard, we check compliance to indicative of the noise or vibration level to
fied as components and will therefore specied measurements and character- be expected of future deliveries.
istics of materials, parts and subassem- 2.6 Service life: Durability tests are carried
represent no seperate electrical equip- blies through the manufacturing process out under uniform internal criteria as part
ment within the sense of the guidelines. and the complete motor. The obtained of product certication. The service life of
Nevertheless the majority of the maxon measurements are recorded and can be- an EC motor essentially depends on the
motor program are already CE certified. made available to customers if required. service life of the bearings. This is deter-
Random sampling plans are according to mined by type of operation, bearing load
Certifying the motors takes place dur- ISO 2859, MIL STD 105E and DIN/ISO and ambient conditions. Consequently,
ing operation at no-load and in the new 3951 (inspection by attributes, sequential the many possible variations do not al-
condition. sampling, variables inspection) as well low us to make a general statement on
as internal manufacturing controls. This service life.
standard specication always applies
unless a different one has been agreed 2.7 Environmental inuences
between the customer and maxon. Protection against corrosion: Our prod-
ucts are tested during product certica-
2. Data tion on the basis of DIN EN 60068-2-30.
The CE sign means that the product 2.1 Electrical data apply at 22 to 25C and Coating of components: Surface treat-
conforms to EU guidelines and proce- use of a 1 quadrant controller with block ment and coating procedures used by
dures designed to achieve conformity commutation: Data control within one min- maxon are selected on the basis of their
ute running time. merits to resist corrosion. These treat-
were carried out. ments are evaluated at product certica-
Measurement voltage +/- 0.5 % for
voltages t 3 V tion according to their applicable stan-
and 0.015 V dard.
All our products are built under EU for voltages
d3V 3. Parameters that differ from or are addi-
directive 2002/95/EG. No load speed 10% tional to the data sheet can beset and
No load current d maximum are a central part of our systematic te-
specied value sting as the customers specication.
REACH Direction of rotation CW/CCW Test/inspection certicates are issued
As a downstream user, maxon motor Motor position horizontal or by prior agreemen.
ag has taken all the necessary steps vertical
to ensure that the chemical substances Notes: Measurement voltage may vary January 2010 edition/subject to change
from the nominal voltage listed in the
were pre-registered by our suppliers. catalog. The no load current specied
The clarifications with our suppliers per in the catalog is a typical value and not
September 9, 2009 resulted in, that no the maximum one. When connecting the
maxon products contain more than 0.1 motor according to the catalog (or label-
ling), the shaft turns CW as seen from the
mass percentage of chemicals that are mounting end.
stated on the EChA list. Terminal resistance is veried through
random sampling.
Inductance is determined at product
Note to the Catalogue 2012/13 certication. Test frequency is 1 kHz. Ter-
maxon motor ag accepts no liability for minal inductance depends on frequency.
the accuracy of the information con- The specied electromechanical parame-
tained in this catalogue, nor for any ters are sufciently guaranteed with these
damages which may result directly or
indirectly from the use of such infor- 2.2 Mechanical data per outline drawing:
Standard measuring instruments (for
mation. This disclaimer does not apply electrical length measuring DIN 32876,
to wilful intent, gross negligence, and micrometer per DIN 863, dial indica-
does not affect legislation governing tor DIN 878, caliper per DIN 862, bore
caliper DIN 2245, thread caliper per DIN
product liability. 2280 and others) are used.
2.3 Rotor imbalance: Rotors for EC mo-
tors with air-ux winding are balanced
according to our standard guidelines
during manufacturing. For EC motors
with wound stator teeth, the rotors are
mounted in gauges but not balanced as
standard. Only a subjective assessment
is possible on the complete motor which
is done during random sampling.
2.4 Electric strength: Every motor is tested
in its completed mounted state for earth
short circuit.
2.5 Noise: Tests are carried out for anoma-
lies within a lot on a subjective basis.

136 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Explanation of the pages 138199

Dimensional drawings Line 10 Terminal resistance phase to phase Line 24 Axial play [mm]

maxon EC motor
On the enclosed DVD dimensional drawings (DXF-les) R [:] For non-preloaded motors, this represents the tolerance
are available and are suitable for import to any CAD sys- is determined through the resistance at 25C between limits of the factory-set bearing play. The latter is included
tem. two connections. in shaft length tolerances. Preloading cancels out axial
Presentation of the views according to the projection play up to the given axial loading.
method E (ISO). Line 11 Terminal inductance phase to phase
All dimensions in [mm]. L [mH] Line 25 Radial play [mm]
is the winding inductance between two connections. It is Radial play derives from the bearings' radial air. A spring
Motor Data measured at 1 kHz, sinusoidal. (bearing preload) cancels out radial play up to the given
The values in lines 2 15 are valid when using block com- axial loading.
mutation. Line 12 Torque constant kM [mNm/A]
This may also be referred to as "specic torque" and Line 26/27 Max. axial loading [N]
Line 1 Nominal voltage UN [Volt] represents the quotient from generated torque and ap- dynamically: axial loading permissible in operation. If
is the applied voltage between two powered phases in plicable current. different values apply for traction and thrust, the smaller
block commutation. See page 26 for the timing diagram value is given.
of the voltage in the three phases. All nominal data (lines Line 13 Speed constant kn [rpm/V] statistically: maximum axial force applying to the shaft
2 9) refer to this voltage. Lower and higher voltages are indicates the theoretical no load speed per volt of applied at standstill where no residual damage occurs.
permissible, provided that limits are not exceeded. voltage, disregarding friction losses. Shaft supported: maximum axial force applying to the
shaft at standstill if the force is not input at the other shaft
Line 2 No load speed n0 [rpm] 10% Line 14 Speed/torque gradient
end. This is not possible for motors with only one shaft
'n/'M [rpm/mNm]
is the speed at which the unloaded motor runs with the end.
The speed/torque gradient is an indicator of the motor's
nominal voltage applied. It is approximately proportional
performance. The smaller the value, the more powerful Line 28 Max. radial loading [N]
to the applied voltage.
the motor and consequently the less motor speed varies The value is given for a typical clearance from the ange;
Line 3 No load current I0 [mA] 50% with load variations. It is based on the quotient of ideal no- this value falls the greater the clearance.
This is the typical current that the unloaded motor draws load speed and ideal stall torque (tolerance 20%).
when operating at nominal voltage. It increases with rising With at motors, the real gradient depends on speed: at Line 29 Number of pole pairs
speed owing to bearing friction and iron losses. No-load higher speeds, it is steeper, but atter at lower speeds. Number of north poles of the permanent magnet. The
friction depends heavily on temperature. It decreases in The real gradient at nominal voltage can be approxi- phase streams and commutation signals pass through
extended operation and increases at lower temperatures. mated by a straight line between no-load speed and the per revolution p cycles. Servo-controllers require the cor-
nominal working point (see page 36). rect details of the number of pole pairs.
Line 4 Nominal speed nN [rpm]
is the speed set for operation at nominal voltage and Line 15 Mechanical time constant Wm [ms] Line 30 Number of phases
nominal torque at a motor temperature of 25C. is the time required for the rotor to accelerate from stand- All maxon EC motors have three phases.
still to 63% of its no-load speed.
Line 5 Nominal torque MN [mNm] Line 31 Weight of motor [g]
is the torque generated for operation at nominal voltage Line 16 Rotor moment of inertia JR [gcm2]
and nominal current at a motor temperature of 25C. It is the mass moment of inertia of the rotor, based on the Line 33 Max. torque Mmax [mNm]
is at the limit of the motor's continuous operation range. axis of rotation. Maximum torque the motor can briey deliver. It is limited
Higher torques heat up the winding too much. by the overload protection of the electronics.
Line 17 Thermal resistance
Line 6 Nominal current IN [A] housing-ambient Rth2 [K/W] Line 34 Max. current Imax [A]
and Surge current with which the peak torque is generated at
is the current in the active phase in block commutation
Line 18 Thermal resistance nominal voltage. With an active speed controller, surge
that generates the nominal torque at the given nominal
winding-housing Rth1 [K/W] current is not proportionate to the torque, but also de-
speed (= max. permissible continuous load current).
Characteristic values of thermal contact resistance with- pends on the supply voltage. As a result, this value only
The maximum winding temperature is reached at 25C
out additional heat sinking. Lines 17 and 18 combined applies at nominal voltage.
ambient temperature in continuous operation with IN. IN
dene the maximum heating at a given power loss (load).
decreases as speed increases due to additional losses
Thermal resistance Rth2 on motors with metal anges can Line 35 Control variable
in the lamination. For the EC 10 at motor the nominal
decrease by up to 80% if the motor is coupled directly Speed means that the drive is tted with an integral
working point is given varying at half no-load speed, as
to a good heat-conducting (e.g. metallic) mounting rather speed controller. Controlled means that the drive is t-
the thermal limit is not reached at nominal voltage.
than a plastic panel. ted with true commutation electronics.
Line 7 Stall torque MH [mNm]
Line 19 Thermal time constant winding Ww [s] Line 36 Supply voltage +VCC [V]
is the torque produced by the motor when at standstill. and Range of supply voltages measured in respect of GND at
Rising motor temperatures reduce stall torque. Line 20 Thermal time constant motor Wm [s] which the drive functions.
These are the typical reaction times for a temperature
Line 8 Starting current IA [A]
change of winding and motor. It can be seen that the mo- Line 37 Set speed value input UC [V]
is the quotient from nominal voltage and the motor's ter-
tor reacts much more sluggishly in thermal terms than the Range of analog voltage for set speed value measured in
minal resistance. Starting current is equivalent to stall
winding. The values are calculated from the product of respect of GND. For 2 wire solutions, the supply voltage
torque. With larger motors, IA cannot often be reached
thermal capacity and given heat resistances. acts as speed setting at the same time.
due to the amplier's current limits.
Line 21 Ambient temperature [C] Line 38 Scaling Set speed value input
Line 9 Maximum efciency Kmax [%]
Operating temperature range. This derives from the heat kc [rpm/V]
is the optimal relationship between input and output pow-
reliability of the materials used and viscosity of bearing Set speed value nc is based on the product nc= kc Uc.
er at nominal voltage. It also doesn't always denote the
optimal operating point. Line 39 Speed range
Line 22 Max. permissible winding temperature Achievable speeds in the controlled range.
Maximum permissible winding temperature. Line 40 Max. acceleration
The set speed value follows a sudden set point change
Line 23 Max. permissible speed nmax [rpm] with a ramp. This value indicates the increase in the ramp.
is the maximum recommended speed based on thermal
and mechanical perspectives. A reduced service life can
be expected at higher speeds.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 137

EC 6 6 mm, brushless, 1.2 Watt
maxon EC motor

M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

310599 250101
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 12
2 No load speed rpm 45100 34400
3 No load current mA 53.1 19
4 Nominal speed rpm 22400 11200
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.251 0.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.265 0.105
7 Stall torque mNm 0.542 0.427
8 Starting current A 0.48 0.147
9 Max. efciency % 45 41
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 12.5 81.5
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0911 0.602
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.13 2.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 8470 3290
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 93800 92500
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.91 4.84
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.005 0.005

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 75 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.467 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 80.2 s 310599
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 100000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 0.15 N 0 mm
> 0.15 N max. 0.06 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.1 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 10 N
28 Max. radial loading, 2 mm from ange 8N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MILE
31 Weight of motor 2.8 g 6 mm 64 CPT,
0.002 - 0.03 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 204 Page 262

Pin 1 Motor winding 3
Pin 2 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Hall sensor 3
Pin 4 VHall 4.518 VDC
Pin 5 GND Recommended Electronics:
Pin 6 Hall sensor 1 DEC 24/1 318305 Page 297
Pin 7 Hall sensor 2 DEC Module 24/2 298
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 EPOS2 24/2 312
Connector for Flexprint, Molex 52745-0896, EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
FPC, 8 pole, pitch 0.5 mm, top contact style. Notes 20
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see page 27

138 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 8 8 mm, brushless, 2 Watt
A with hall sensors B sensorless

maxon EC motor
M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 384406 384407 384408

B sensorless 384409 384410 384411
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 36000 43900 42700
3 No load current mA 63.6 44 21
4 Nominal speed rpm 24500 33000 32100
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.946 0.936 0.952
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.662 0.404 0.199
7 Stall torque mNm 2.73 3.49 3.52
8 Starting current A 1.98 1.54 0.755
9 Max. efciency % 69 70 71
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 3.02 7.8 31.8
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.039 0.106 0.447
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.54 2.53 5.21
13 Speed constant rpm/V 6200 3770 1830
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 12200 11600 11200
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.19 3.03 2.92
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.024961 0.024961 0.024961

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 51.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.832 s 2.0 W
temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 154 s 384406
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 80000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 0.15 N 0 mm
> 0.15 N max. 0.06 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.1 N 0.5 1.0
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 10 N
28 Max. radial loading, 2 mm from ange 2N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
31 Weight of motor 6 g Planetary Gearhead
Values listed in the table are nominal. 8 mm
0.01 - 0.1 Nm
Connection with hall sensors sensorless Page 205
Pin 1 Motor winding 1 Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Motor winding 2 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Motor winding 3 Motor winding 3
Pin 4 VHall 4.5...24 VDC N.C.
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Hall sensor 1
Pin 7 Hall sensor 2
Pin 8 Hall sensor 3 Recommended Electronics:
Connector Article number Article number DECS 50/5 Page 297
Molex 52745-0896 52207-0485 DEC 24/1 381510 297
Molex 52089-0419 DEC Module 24/2 298
Tyco 84953-4 Notes 20
Pin for design with Hall sensors:
FPC, 8 pole, pitch 0.5 mm, top contact style
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see page 27

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 139

EC 10 10 mm, brushless, 8 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 315170 315171 315172 315173

B sensorless 315174 315175 315176 315177
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 18
2 No load speed rpm 49200 52400 53200 57100
3 No load current mA 169 124 95.2 70.9
4 Nominal speed rpm 42700 46300 47200 51400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.52 1.47 1.48 1.47
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.47 1.02 0.782 0.558
7 Stall torque mNm 12 13 13.7 15.6
8 Starting current A 10.4 8.05 6.46 5.27
9 Max. efciency % 77 77 78 79
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.575 1.12 1.86 3.42
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.00998 0.0198 0.0342 0.0671
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.15 1.61 2.12 2.97
13 Speed constant rpm/V 8340 5920 4500 3220
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 4180 4110 3940 3700
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.03 2.97 2.85 2.68
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.0691 0.0691 0.0691 0.0691

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 45 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.21 K/W 8.0 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.654 s 80000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 250 s 315170
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C 60000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 40000 Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 80000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 1.0 N 0 mm 20000
> 1.0 N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N 0.5 1.0 1.5
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 12 N 0.5 1.0 1.5
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 13 g 10 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.01 - 0.15 Nm
Page 207
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless
Pin 1 VHall 4.524 VDC Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 N.C.
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2 Recommended Electronics:
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Adapter Article number Article number DECS 50/5 297
see p. 321 220300 220310 DEC 24/1 297
Connector Article number Article number DEC Module 24/2 298
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 DEC Module 50/5 299
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 Notes 20
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419
Pin for design with Hall sensors:
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style

140 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 13 13 mm, brushless, 6 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

maxon EC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 318000 318001 318002 318003 318004

B sensorless 305190 305191 305192 305193 305194
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 27300 29000 26100 26500 26300
3 No load current mA 138 99.4 64.4 43.9 32.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 19200 21400 18300 18600 18300
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.39 2.55 2.52 2.44 2.41
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.29 0.972 0.646 0.426 0.313
7 Stall torque mNm 8.27 10.1 8.78 8.49 8.2
8 Starting current A 4.08 3.52 2.06 1.35 0.973
9 Max. efciency % 67 70 68 68 67
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.47 2.56 5.82 13.3 24.7
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0206 0.0416 0.091 0.198 0.357
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.03 2.88 4.26 6.28 8.43
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4710 3320 2240 1520 1130
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 3420 2950 3070 3220 3320
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.9 5.1 5.3 5.57 5.73
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165 0.165

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 32 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.46 K/W 6.0 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.72 s 50000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 188 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C 40000
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 20000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 50000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 1 N 0 mm 10000
>1N max. 0.05 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 1.0 2.0 3.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N 0.5 1.0 1.5
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 4N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of phases 3 13 mm
31 Weight of motor 19 g 0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 210
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless
Pin 1 VHall 4.524 VDC Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 N.C.
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3 Recommended Electronics:
Pin 7 Motor winding 2 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 DECS 50/5 297
Adapter Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
see p. 321 220300 220310 DEC Module 24/2 298
Connector Article number Article number DEC Module 50/5 299
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 Notes 20
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419
Pin for design with Hall sensors:
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 141
EC 13 13 mm, brushless, 12 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 318005 318006 318007 318008 318009 318010

B sensorless 305195 305196 305197 305198 305199 305200
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 18 24 36
2 No load speed rpm 24100 24200 24100 24900 24200 26600
3 No load current mA 182 122 91.2 63.5 45.6 35.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 18400 19200 18800 20000 19000 21700
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.96 5.55 5.12 5.54 5.21 5.43
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.28 1.69 1.17 0.869 0.598 0.457
7 Stall torque mNm 21.7 27.4 23.8 28.8 24.8 30.3
8 Starting current A 9.31 7.85 5.1 4.24 2.67 2.38
9 Max. efciency % 75 77 76 78 76 78
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.644 1.15 2.35 4.24 9 15.1
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0103 0.0233 0.0413 0.0879 0.165 0.308
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.33 3.49 4.66 6.8 9.32 12.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4100 2730 2050 1410 1020 751
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1130 896 1030 877 990 893
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.85 3.05 3.52 2.98 3.37 3.03
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.325 0.325 0.325 0.325 0.325 0.325

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 23.9 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.26 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.604 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 263 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 50000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 1 N 0 mm
>1N max. 0.05 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 4N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of phases 3 13 mm
31 Weight of motor 29 g 0.2 - 0.35 Nm
Page 210
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless
Pin 1 VHall 4.524 VDC Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 N.C.
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3 Recommended Electronics:
Pin 7 Motor winding 2 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 DECS 50/5 297
Adapter Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
see p. 321 220300 220310 DEC Module 24/2 298
Connector Article number Article number DEC Module 50/5 299
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 Notes 20
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419
Pin for design with Hall sensors:
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style
142 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 13 13 mm, brushless, 30 Watt, sterilizable

maxon EC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 368851 368852 370540

B sensorless 371407 371408 371409
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 48
2 No load speed rpm 71200 71200 82900
3 No load current mA 175 87.6 53.5
4 Nominal speed rpm 64600 64800 76400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.42 4.52 4.1
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.9 1.48 0.788
7 Stall torque mNm 48.2 51.6 54.7
8 Starting current A 34.5 18.4 11.4
9 Max. efciency % 86 87 87
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.348 1.3 4.22
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.018 0.072 0.213
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.6 3.2 5.5
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5970 2980 1740
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1300 1210 1330
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.47 3.24 3.56
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.255 0.255 0.255

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 20.7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.58 K/W 100000 30 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.87 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 352 s 80000 368852
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+135C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C 60000
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 40000
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 90000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 7 N 0 mm 20000
>7N max. 0.85 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 6N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 7N 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 4N

Other specications Application Sterilization information

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3 In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 500 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
31 Weight of motor 34 g

Alignment of the electronic connections not specied. Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Values listed in the table are nominal. Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
Connection A and B, motor (cable AWG 22) ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
red Motor winding 1 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3
Connection A, sensors (cable AWG 26)
green VHall 3.8...24 VDC maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21
blue GND
red/grey Hall sensor 1 Planetary Gearhead Recommended Electronics:
black/grey Hall sensor 2 sterilizable ESCON 50/5 Page 292
white/grey Hall sensor 3 13 mm DECS 50/5 297
0.1 - 0.15 Nm DEC Module 24/2 298
Option: Inch-version size 5 available Page 211 DEC 24/3 298
as standard version. DEC Module 50/5 299
Notes 20
Chokes sometimes required

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 143

EC 13 13 mm, brushless, 50 Watt, sterilizable
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 384183 384184 384185

B sensorless 384215 384216 384217
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 48
2 No load speed rpm 79300 79400 79400
3 Nominal speed mA 257 129 64.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 73500 74400 74500
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 6.61 7.5 7.62
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.79 2.7 1.37
7 Stall torque mNm 88.1 122 128
8 Starting current A 71.3 49.3 25.9
9 Max. efciency % 89 90 90
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.168 0.486 1.86
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.00676 0.027 0.108
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.44 2.88 5.76
13 Speed constant rpm/V 6630 3320 1660
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 775 560 535
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.92 2.11 2.02
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.36 0.36 0.36

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 17.9 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.703 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.731 s 100000 50 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 394 s operation at 25C ambient.
80000 384184
21 Ambient temperature -40+135C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 90000 rpm 40000
24 Axial play at axial load < 7 N 0 mm
>7N max. 0.85 mm 20000
Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 6N 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.5
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 7N
1.0 2.0 3.0
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 4N

Other specications Application Sterilization information

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3 In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 500 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
31 Weight of motor 44 g

Alignment of the electronic connections not specied. Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Values listed in the table are nominal. Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
Connection A and B, motor (cable AWG 22) ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
red Motor winding 1 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3
Connection A, sensors (cable AWG 26)
green VHall 3.8...24 VDC maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
blue GND
red/grey Hall sensor 1 Planetary Gearhead Recommended Electronics:
black/grey Hall sensor 2 sterilizable ESCON 50/5 Page 292
white/grey Hall sensor 3 13 mm DECS 50/5 297
0.1 - 0.15 Nm DEC Module 24/2 298
Option: Inch-version size 5 available Page 211 DEC 24/3 298
as standard version. DEC Module 50/5 299
Notes 20
Choke may be required

144 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 30 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

maxon EC motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 400160 405812 400161 405813 400162

B sensorless 404079 405817 404080 405818 404081
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 44700 42400 43000 46000 39800
3 No load current mA 268 165 126 93.4 56.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 39400 37300 38000 40900 34700
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 8.02 8.33 8.48 8.06 8.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.37 2.2 1.7 1.16 0.766
7 Stall torque mNm 75.5 78 82.7 82.3 72.5
8 Starting current A 29.8 19.4 15.6 11.1 6.35
9 Max. efciency % 82 83 83 83 82
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.403 0.928 1.53 3.24 7.56
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0235 0.059 0.102 0.2 0.477
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.54 4.02 5.29 7.4 11.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3760 2380 1810 1290 836
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 598 549 524 565 554
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.54 4.17 3.98 4.29 4.21
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725 0.725

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 16.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.68 K/W 30 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.97 s 70000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 240 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C 50000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
30000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 70000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0 Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 1.0 2.0 3.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 16 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 34 g 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 128/256/512 CPT,
Page 217/218 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead
22 mm
Connection A 0.5 - 1.0 Nm
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 224
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 Spindle Drive
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 16 mm Recommended Electronics:
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 Page 251/252 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
green GND Pin 5 DECS 50/5 297
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 DEC Module 24/2 298
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 DEC 24/3 298
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 DEC Module 50/5 299
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DES 50/5 306
EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) EPOS2 24/5, EPOS2 50/5 313
brown Motor winding 1 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
red Motor winding 2 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
orange Motor winding 3 Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 145
EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 30 Watt, sterilizable
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 405146 405147

B sensorless 405149 405150
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 47800 45900
3 No load current mA 323 153
4 Nominal speed rpm 42300 40800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.35 7.77
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.38 1.71
7 Stall torque mNm 70.6 77.3
8 Starting current A 29.8 15.6
9 Max. efciency % 81 81
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.403 1.53
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0168 0.0729
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.37 4.94
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4030 1930
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 685 601
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.2 4.56
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.725 0.725

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 16.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.68 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.97 s
70000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 240 s 405146
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+135C 50000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 155C
30000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 70000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm 15000
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0 Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 40 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N Application Sterilization information

Other specications In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 34 g Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Values listed in the table are nominal. Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
Connection A and B, motor (Cable AWG 22) ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
red Motor winding 1 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3 maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection A, sensors (Cable AWG 26) Planetary Gearhead
green VHall 324 VDC sterilizable
blue GND 16 mm
red/grey Hall sensor 1 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
black/grey Hall sensor 2 Page 219 Recommended Electronics:
white/grey Hall sensor 3 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DECS 50/5 297
DEC Module 24/2 298
DEC 24/3 298
DEC Module 50/5 299
Notes 20
146 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 60 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

maxon EC motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 394216 396916 395588 396928 405794

B sensorless 397162 397294 397292 397295 405795
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 24 32 48
2 No load speed rpm 36700 42900 42900 42900 41200
3 No load current mA 267 222 167 125 78.5
4 Nominal speed rpm 32400 38800 39000 39000 37400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 16.5 16.8 17.3 17.5 17.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.51 4.37 3.37 2.55 1.65
7 Stall torque mNm 159 207 224 232 227
8 Starting current A 51.4 52 42.2 32.8 20.5
9 Max. efciency % 86 88 88 88 88
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.233 0.346 0.569 0.976 2.34
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0199 0.033 0.0586 0.104 0.254
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.1 3.99 5.31 7.09 11.1
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3080 2400 1800 1350 863
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 232 208 192 186 182
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.6 2.33 2.16 2.08 2.04
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07 1.07

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.2 K/W 60 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.53 s 70000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 299 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C 50000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 155C
30000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 70000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm 15000
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm 4 8 12 16 20 Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 16 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 58 g 0.2 - 0.6 Nm 128/256/512 CPT,
Page 218 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead
22 mm
Connection A 0.5 - 1.0 Nm
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 224
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 Planetary Gearhead
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 22 mm
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 0.5 - 2.0 Nm Recommended Electronics:
green GND Pin 5 Page 226 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 Spindle Drive DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 16/22 mm DEC 24/3, Module 24/2 298
gray Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 Page 251254 DEC Module 50/5 299
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DES 50/5 306
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
brown Motor winding 1 EPOS2 24/5, 50/5 313
red Motor winding 2 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 147
EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 60 Watt, sterilizable
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 399264 399263

B sensorless 399696 399678
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 47700 55200
3 No load current mA 406 247
4 Nominal speed rpm 42900 50900
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 13.4 13.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.94 3.52
7 Stall torque mNm 147 202
8 Starting current A 61.8 48.9
9 Max. efciency % 85 86
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.194 0.491
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.00968 0.0291
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.38 4.13
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4000 2310
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 326 275
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.66 3.08
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.07 1.07

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.18 s 60 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 299 s 70000 operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+135C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 155C 50000
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 30000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 70000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm 15000 Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N 1.0 3.0 5.0 7.0
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 40 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N Application Sterilization information

Other specications In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 58 g Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Values listed in the table are nominal. Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
Connection A and B, motor (Cable AWG 22) ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
red Motor winding 1 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3 maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection A, sensors (Cable AWG 26)
green VHall 324 VDC Planetary Gearhead
blue GND sterilizable
red/grey Hall sensor 1 16 mm
black/grey Hall sensor 2 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
white/grey Hall sensor 3 Page 219 Recommended Electronics:
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
DECS 50/5 297
DEC Module 24/2 298
DEC 24/3 298
DEC Module 50/5 299
Notes 20
148 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 40 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

maxon EC motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 386657 386658 386659 386660

B sensorless 386661 386662 386663 386664
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 30400 35100 31600 34100
3 No load current mA 330 205 116 98.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 26900 31900 28400 31000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 19.1 19.6 19.7 19.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.36 3.18 1.91 1.53
7 Stall torque mNm 184 243 221 237
8 Starting current A 49.1 37.4 20.4 17.7
9 Max. efciency % 85 86 86 86
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.244 0.641 1.76 2.71
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0182 0.0546 0.152 0.231
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.75 6.49 10.8 13.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2550 1470 882 716
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 166 145 144 145
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.16 3.64 3.6 3.64
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.39 2.39 2.39 2.39

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2 K/W 40 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.85 s 60000
386658 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 278 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C 45000
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 60000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm 5 10 15 20
Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 85 g 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 128/256/512 CPT,
Page 226/227 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive
22 mm for type B:
Connection A Page 253/254 Resolver
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 on request
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4
green GND Pin 5 Recommended Electronics:
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 DECS 50/5 297
DEC 24/3, Module 24/2 298
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 DEC Module 50/5 299
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DEC 70/10 305
DES 50/5, 70/10 306
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
brown Motor winding 1 EPOS2 24/5, 50/5, 70/10 313
red Motor winding 2 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 149
EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 40 Watt, sterilizable
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 386665 386666 386667 386668

B sensorless 386669 386670 386671 386672
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 36100 41700 41800 44900
3 No load current mA 327 198 132 110
4 Nominal speed rpm 31900 37900 37900 41000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 16 16.4 16.5 16
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.33 3.16 2.12 1.67
7 Stall torque mNm 155 204 210 219
8 Starting current A 49.1 37.4 25.7 21.5
9 Max. efciency % 85 86 86 86
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.244 0.641 1.4 2.23
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0182 0.0546 0.123 0.189
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.15 5.46 8.18 10.1
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3030 1750 1170 941
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 235 206 200 206
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.2 4.54 4.41 4.56
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.11 2.11 2.11 2.11

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2 K/W 40 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.85 s 60000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 278 s 386665
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+135C 45000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 155C
30000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 60000 rpm 15000
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 5 10 15
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
Application Sterilization information
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 85 g
Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
Values listed in the table are nominal. bone drilling and grinding machine
Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Connection A and B, motor (Cable AWG 22) Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
red Motor winding 1 ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
black Motor winding 2 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
white Motor winding 3
Connection A, sensors (Cable AWG 26)
green VHall 324 VDC
blue GND maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21
red/grey Hall sensor 1
black/grey Hall sensor 2 Planetary Gearhead Recommended Electronics:
white/grey Hall sensor 3 sterilizable ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 22 mm DECS 50/5 297
0.5 - 2.0 Nm DEC Module 24/2 298
Page 229 DEC 24/3 298
DEC Module 50/5 299
DEC 70/10 305
Notes 20

150 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 100 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

maxon EC motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 386673 386674 386675

B sensorless 386676 386677 386678
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 24 48
2 No load speed rpm 31000 29500 32200
3 No load current mA 383 263 153
4 Nominal speed rpm 28600 27200 30100
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 43.6 45.4 46.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 8.15 6.04 3.37
7 Stall torque mNm 643 690 856
8 Starting current A 116 89.1 60.2
9 Max. efciency % 89 90 90
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.155 0.269 0.797
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0178 0.035 0.118
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.53 7.75 14.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1730 1230 672
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 48.4 42.9 37.7
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.07 1.84 1.61
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.09 4.09 4.09

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1 K/W 100 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.92 s 60000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 355 s 386673
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C 45000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 155C
30000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 60000 rpm 15000
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 10 20 30 40 50
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 60 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 128 g 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 128/256/512 CPT,
Page 226/227 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive
22 mm for type B:
Connection A Page 253/254 Resolver
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 on request
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 Recommended Electronics:
green GND Pin 5 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 DEC 24/3, Module 24/2 298
gray Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 DEC Module 50/5 299
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DEC 70/10 305
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) DES 50/5, 70/10 306
brown Motor winding 1 EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
red Motor winding 2 EPOS2 24/5, 50/5, 70/10 313
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 151
EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 100 Watt, sterilizable
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 386679 386680

B sensorless 386681 386682
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 42
2 No load speed rpm 32400 32700
3 No load current mA 195 113
4 Nominal speed rpm 29500 30000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 39.8 41.1
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.75 3.42
7 Stall torque mNm 546 612
8 Starting current A 77.4 50.1
9 Max. efciency % 90 91
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.31 0.839
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0438 0.131
12 Torque constant mNm/A 7.06 12.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1350 781
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 59.4 53.6
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.55 2.29
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.09 4.09

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.01 s 100 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 355 s 60000
386679 operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+135C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature 155C 45000

30000 Short term operation

Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 60000 rpm 15000
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded 10 20 30
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 60 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
Application Sterilization information
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 128 g
Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
Values listed in the table are nominal. bone drilling and grinding machine
Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Connection A and B, motor (Cable AWG 22) Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
red Motor winding 1 ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
black Motor winding 2 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
white Motor winding 3
Connection A, sensors (Cable AWG 26)
green VHall 324 VDC
blue GND maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21
red/grey Hall sensor 1
black/grey Hall sensor 2 Planetary Gearhead Recommended Electronics:
white/grey Hall sensor 3 sterilizable ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 22 mm DECS 50/5 297
0.5 - 2.0 Nm DEC Module 24/2 298
Page 229 DEC 24/3 298
DEC Module 50/5 299
DEC 70/10 305
Notes 20

152 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 80 Watt
Heavy Duty for applications in air

maxon EC motor
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 426448

B sensorless 426449
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage and ambient temperature C 25 100 150 200
1 Nominal voltage V 28 28 28 28
2 No load speed rpm 7730 7930 8070 8210
3 No load current mA 43.6 36.2 37.1 38.1
4 Nominal speed1) rpm 4890 5590 6190 7040
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque)1) mNm 54.5 43.2 33.7 20.3
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.73 1.38 1.09 0.672
7 Stall torque mNm 268 202 172 149
8 Starting current A 7.8 6.03 5.24 4.63
9 Max. efciency % 85.8 85.3 84.1 83
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 3.59 4.64 5.35 6.05
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.357 0.357 0.357 0.357
12 Torque constant mNm/A 34.4 33.5 32.9 32.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 278 285 290 296
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 29 39 47 55
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.31 3.15 3.77 4.42
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63
Values for operation in thermal equilibrium.
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuousoperation
TA = 25CContinuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10 K/W TA = 100CInInobservation
observationofof above
above listed
listed thermal resistance
thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.48 K/W 25000 (lines1717and
(lines and18)18)
thethe maximum
maximum permissible
permissible win-
TA = 150C
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.05 s ding temperature
temperature will be
will be reachedduring
reached during continuous
TA = 200C
20 Thermal time constant motor 507 s 20000 operationatat25C
operation 25Cambient.
21 Ambient temperature -55 +200 C 120 W == Thermal
Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +240 C 15000

80 W
Short termoperation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 10000 The
The motor
motor may
may bebe briey
briey overloaded
overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 20000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm 5000 40 W
>5N max. 0.14 mm 20 W Assignedpower
25 Radial play preloaded 10 20 30 40 50 60 M [mNm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 60 N 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 I [A]
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N Application
General Oil & Gas Industry
Other specications extreme temperature applications oil, gas and geothermal wells
29 Number of pole pairs 1
vibration tested (according to MIL-STD810F/Jan2000 Robotics
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor (sensorless) 160 g Fig. 514.5C-10) robotic exploration vehicles
ultra-high vacuum applications
(low outgassing, can be baked out at 240C) Industry
Connection A , motor Cable PTFE blue (AWG 19) pumps and valves for liquid metal cooling
red Motor winding 1 Aerospace systems/turbine fuel and steam control
black Motor winding 2 gas turbine starter/generators for aircraft engines
white Motor winding 3 valve adjustment for gas and steam
regulation of combustion engines power plants
Connection A, sensors Cable PTFE green (AWG 24)
green VHall 4.524 V
blue GND
red Hall sensor 1
black Hall sensor 2
white Hall sensor 3
Connection B, motor Cable PTFE blue (AWG 19)
red Motor winding 1
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 153

EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 240 Watt
Heavy Duty for applications in oil
maxon EC motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall Sensors 426450

B sensorless 426451
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage and ambient temperature C 25 100 150 200
1 Nominal voltage V 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 12900 13500 13700 13900
3 No load current mA 384 140 144 149
4 Nominal speed1) rpm 8560 8640 9240 10700
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque)1) mNm 149 120 92.9 57.2
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.53 3.64 2.9 1.88
7 Stall torque mNm 460 346 295 256
8 Starting current A 13.4 10.3 8.98 7.93
9 Max. efciency % 70.5
71 70.5
71 70.5
70 70.5
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 3.59 4.64 5.35 6.05
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.357 0.357 0.357 0.357
12 Torque constant mNm/A 34.4 33.5 32.9 32.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 278 285 290 296
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm/mNm 29 39.5 47.2 55.4
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.31 2.31
3.15 2.31
3.77 2.31
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 7.63 7.63 7.63 7.63
Values in thermal steady state.
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuousoperation
TA = 25CContinuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 0.793 K/W TA = 100CInInobservation
observation of
of above listed thermal
above thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.754 K/W (lines17
(lines 17and
and 18)
18) the maximum permissible
TA = 150C
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.78 s 25000 temperature will bebereached
temperature during
reached continuous
during ope-
TA = 200C
20 Thermal time constant motor 40.2 s ration at 25C
operation at 25Cambient.
21 Ambient temperature -55 +200 C 20000 = =Thermal
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +240 C
15000 240 W Shortterm
Short termoperation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 200 W Themotor
maybebe briey overloaded (recurring).
10000 The briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 20000 rpm 140 W
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm 5000 80 W
>5N max. 0.14 mm Assignedpower
Assigned powerrating
25 Radial play preloaded
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 M [mNm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 60 N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 I [A]
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N Application Reference medium
General Shell Tellus oil T15
Other specications extreme temperature applications Operation in oil of different viscosity will affect
29 Number of pole pairs 1
vibration tested according to MIL-STD810F/ the motor data.
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor (sensorless) 160 g Jan2000 Fig. 514.5C-10
operation in oil and high pressure
Connection A , motor Cable PTFE blue (AWG 19) Oil & Gas Industry
red Motor winding 1 oil, gas and geothermal wells
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3
Connection A, sensors Cable PTFE green (AWG 24)
green VHall 4.524 V
blue GND
red Hall sensor 1 maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21
black Hall sensor 2
Planetary Gearhead
white Hall sensor 3
Connection B, motor Cable PTFE blue (AWG 19)
22 mm
2.0 - 4.0 Nm
red Motor winding 1
Page 228
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3

154 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 25 25 mm, brushless, 250 Watt
High Speed

maxon EC motor
M 3:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 36
2 No load speed rpm 64100
3 No load current mA 242
4 Nominal speed rpm 62300
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 32.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 6.31
7 Stall torque mNm 1580
8 Starting current A 294
9 Max. efciency % 94
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.122
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0137
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.36
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1780
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 40.6
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.32
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 5.45

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 6.54 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.1 K/W 250 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.509 s 351144 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 332 s 60000
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C 50000
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C 40000
30000 Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 70000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 8 N 0 mm 10000
>8N max. 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play 0.025 mm 10 20 30 40 50
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 7N 1 3 5 7 9 11
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 120 N
(static, shaft supported) 5650 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 20 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 207 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Connection motor (Cable AWG 18)

red Motor winding 1
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26) Recommended Electronics:
green VHall 324 VDC ESCON 50/5 Page 292
blue GND DEC 70/10 305
red/grey Hall sensor 1 Notes 20
black/grey Hall sensor 2
white/grey Hall sensor 3

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 155

EC 32 32 mm, brushless, 80 Watt, approved
maxon EC motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118891 118892 118888 118889 118893 118890

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 15100 14300 13100 11000 14700 11300
3 No load current mA 662 404 349 199 211 104
4 Nominal speed rpm 13500 12800 11500 9460 13200 9740
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 42.8 44.5 45.2 46.9 43.6 45.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 6.28 4.09 3.77 2.44 2.07 1.23
7 Stall torque mNm 428 443 407 355 454 353
8 Starting current A 57.2 37.4 31.4 17.3 19.7 8.84
9 Max. efciency % 80 81 81 80 81 80
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.21 0.481 0.573 1.39 1.83 5.43
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.03 0.0752 0.09 0.226 0.285 0.856
12 Torque constant mNm/A 7.48 11.8 13 20.5 23.1 40
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1280 806 737 465 414 239
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 35.8 32.7 32.6 31.5 32.8 32.5
15 Mechanical time constant ms 7.49 6.86 6.82 6.59 6.87 6.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 20 20 20 20 20 20

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.4 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 14.8 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1180 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed1) 25000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 8 N 0 mm
>8N max. 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.6 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 98 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 28 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_5540
30 Number of phases 3 32 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 270 g 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
Page 234 Page 277/279
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Resolver Res 26
32 mm 26 mm
Connection motor (Cable AWG 22) 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 10 V
red Motor winding 1 Page 236/238 Page 287
black Motor winding 2 Spindle Drive
white Motor winding 3 32 mm
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26)1) Page 255/256/257
green VHall 4.524 VDC Recommended Electronics:
blue GND ESCON 50/5 Page 292
red/grey Hall sensor 1 DECS 50/5 297
black/grey Hall sensor 2 DEC Module 50/5 299
white/grey Hall sensor 3 DEC 70/10 305
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DES 50/5 306
EPOS2 24/5, 50/5, 70/10 313
Not lead through in combination with resolver. EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
156 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 40 40 mm, brushless, 170 Watt

maxon EC motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

369146 393023 393024 393025

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 15 24 42 48
2 No load speed rpm 9840 9840 10100 9840
3 No load current mA 617 386 230 193
4 Nominal speed rpm 9120 9140 9380 9150
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 164 162 160 164
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 11.8 7.29 4.22 3.68
7 Stall torque mNm 2620 2660 2740 2760
8 Starting current A 181 115 69.1 59.6
9 Max. efciency % 89 89 89 89
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.0829 0.209 0.608 0.806
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0329 0.0843 0.246 0.337
12 Torque constant mNm/A 14.5 23.2 39.6 46.4
13 Speed constant rpm/V 659 412 241 206
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 3.77 3.71 3.7 3.57
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.12 2.09 2.08 2.01
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 53.8 53.8 53.8 53.8

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.21 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.05 K/W 170 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 18.7 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1910 s 369146
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 18000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 9 N 0 mm
>9N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 7N 50 100 150 200
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 106 N 5 10 15 20
(static, shaft supported) 4500 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 75 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_5540
31 Weight of motor 580 g 42 mm 500 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
Page 242 Page 277/279
Connection motor (Cable AWG 16) Planetary Gearhead Resolver Res 26
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 52 mm 26 mm
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2 4 - 30 Nm 10 V
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3 Page 245 Page 287
N.C. Pin 4
Brake AB 32
Connector Article number
24 VDC
Molex 39-01-2040
Recommended Electronics: 0.4 Nm
Connection Sensors (Cable AWG 26)
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Page 332
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DECS 50/5 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC Module 50/5 299
blue GND Pin 4 DEC 70/10 305
green VHall 324 VDC Pin 5 DES 50/5, 70/10 306
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
Connector Article number EPOS2 24/5, 50/5, 70/10 313
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 157
EC 45 45 mm, brushless, 150 Watt, approved
maxon EC motor

M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

136202 136196 136203 136197 136204 136198 136205 136200 136206 136201
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 12 18 18 24 24 36 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 9780 5650 10300 5930 10500 6090 9360 5400 10200 5860
3 No load current mA 1530 577 1120 419 879 328 471 177 411 154
4 Nominal speed rpm 8470 4380 9020 4690 9310 4840 8160 4190 8960 4640
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 167 184 168 183 167 182 179 191 173 187
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 15.6 9.53 11 6.68 8.46 5.11 5.27 3.14 4.2 2.51
7 Stall torque mNm 1380 872 1540 931 1600 952 1560 911 1650 962
8 Starting current A 119 43.6 93.3 32.6 74.8 25.6 43.1 14.5 37.2 12.5
9 Max. efciency % 79 79 80 79 80 79 81 80 81 80
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.101 0.275 0.193 0.552 0.321 0.936 0.836 2.48 1.29 3.85
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0266 0.0797 0.0542 0.163 0.0917 0.275 0.263 0.788 0.395 1.19
12 Torque constant mNm/A 11.5 20 16.5 28.6 21.4 37.1 36.3 62.8 44.5 77.1
13 Speed constant rpm/V 827 478 579 334 445 257 263 152 214 124
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 7.22 6.58 6.78 6.46 6.67 6.49 6.07 6 6.22 6.18
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.99 8.19 8.44 8.05 8.32 8.08 7.56 7.48 7.75 7.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119 119

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 1.9 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.9 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 15.4 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1600 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 20 N 0 mm
> 20 N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 16 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 182 N
(static, shaft supported) 5000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 140 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 9140
31 Weight of motor 850 g 42 mm 500 CPT,
Protection to IP54* 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 242 Page 281
Planetary Gearhead Resolver Res 26
Connection motor (Cable AWG 16) 52 mm 26 mm
Cable 1 Motor winding 1 4 - 30 Nm 10 V
Cable 2 Motor winding 2 Page 245 Page 287
Cable 3 Motor winding 3
Brake AB 28
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 24)1)
24 VDC
white Hall sensor 3
0.4 Nm
brown Hall sensor 2
Recommended Electronics: Page 331
green Hall sensor 1
yellow GND ESCON 50/5 Page 292
grey VHall 4.5 24 VDC DECS 50/5 297
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DEC Module 50/5 299
Not lead through in combination with resolver. DEC 70/10 305
DES 50/5, 70/10 306
Option EPOS2 50/5, 70/10 313
Temperature monitoring, PTC resistance Micropille EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
110C, R 25C < 0.5 k:, R 105C = 1.21.5 k:, *Protection level only when Notes 20
R 115C = 713 k:, R 120C = 1835 k: installed with ange-side seal.
158 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 45 45 mm, brushless, 250 Watt, approved

maxon EC motor
M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

136210 136207 136211 136208 136212 136209

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 36 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 8670 5000 10400 6010 10700 6160
3 No load current mA 897 341 834 312 656 244
4 Nominal speed rpm 7970 4300 9730 5320 10000 5490
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 311 331 312 341 316 347
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 12.5 7.51 10.2 6.21 7.94 4.86
7 Stall torque mNm 4400 2540 5750 3320 6110 3530
8 Starting current A 167 55.8 175 58.3 143 47.7
9 Max. efciency % 86 85 87 86 87 87
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.143 0.43 0.206 0.617 0.336 1.01
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0565 0.17 0.0883 0.265 0.149 0.448
12 Torque constant mNm/A 26.3 45.5 32.8 56.9 42.7 73.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 364 210 291 168 224 129
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1.98 1.98 1.82 1.82 1.76 1.76
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.34 4.34 3.99 3.99 3.85 3.85
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 209 209 209 209 209 209

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 1.7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 31 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1570 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 20 N 0 mm
> 20 N max. 0.15 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 16 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 182 N
(static, shaft supported) 5000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 180 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 9140
31 Weight of motor 1150 g 42 mm 500 CPT,
Protection to IP54* 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 242 Page 281
Planetary Gearhead Resolver Res 26
Connection motor (Cable AWG 16) 52 mm 26 mm
Cable 1 Motor winding 1 4 - 30 Nm 10 V
Cable 2 Motor winding 2 Page 245 Page 287
Cable 3 Motor winding 3
Planetary Gearhead Brake AB 28
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 24)1)
white Hall sensor 3
62 mm 24 VDC
8 - 50 Nm 0.4 Nm
brown Hall sensor 2
Page 247 Page 331
green Hall sensor 1 Recommended Electronics:
yellow GND ESCON 50/5 Page 292
grey VHall 4.524 VDC DECS 50/5 297
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DEC Module 50/5 299
Not lead through in combination with resolver. DEC 70/10 305
Option DES 50/5, 70/10 306
Temperature monitoring, PTC resistance Micropille EPOS2 50/5, 70/10 313
110C, R 25C < 0.5 k:, R 105C = 1.21.5 k:, EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
R 115C = 713 k:, R 120C = 1835 k: *Protection level only when Notes 20
installed with ange-side seal.
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 159
EC 60 60 mm, brushless, 400 Watt, approved
maxon EC motor

M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

167132 167131
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 5370 3100
3 No load current mA 733 304
4 Nominal speed rpm 4960 2680
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 747 830
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 9.38 5.85
7 Stall torque mNm 11800 6820
8 Starting current A 139 46.4
9 Max. efciency % 86 85
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.345 1.03
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.273 0.82
12 Torque constant mNm/A 84.9 147
13 Speed constant rpm/V 113 65
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 0.457 0.457
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.98 3.98
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 831 831

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 1.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 33.9 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1200 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 7000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 30 N 0 mm
> 30 N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 24 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 392 N
(static, shaft supported) 6000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 240 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 9140
31 Weight of motor 2450 g 81 mm 500 CPT,
Protection to IP54* 20 - 120 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 248 Page 281
Connection motor (Cable AWG 16) Resolver Res
Cable 1 Motor winding 1 26 mm
Cable 2 Motor winding 2 10 V
Cable 3 Motor winding 3 Page 287
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 24)1) Brake AB 41
white Hall sensor 3 24 VDC
brown Hall sensor 2 2.0 Nm
green Hall sensor 1 Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Page 333
yellow GND
grey VHall 4.5 24 VDC DECS 50/5 297
blue Temperature sensor (PTC) DEC Module 50/5 299
pink Temperature sensor (PTC) DEC 70/10 305
Not lead through in combination with resolver.
DES 50/5, 70/10 306
Temperature monitoring, PTC resistance Micropille EPOS2 70/10 313
110C, R 25C < 0.5 k:, R 105C = 1.21.5 k:, EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
R 115C = 713 k:, R 120C = 1835 k: Notes 20
*Protection level only when
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 installed with ange-side seal.
160 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
maxon &-max
maxon EC-max
The new maxon EC-max program picks up the ideology of the successful A-max and RE-max motors.
The electronically commutated DC motors are based on the same parts platform idea,
creating a wide market-oriented range in the modular system with gearheads, sensors and brakes.

Summary 162

EC-max motors
1640 mm in diameter 163171

maxon EC-max program
The heart is the ironless winding,
System maxon. This means physi-
cally dependent advantages like
no detent, high efficiency and
excellent regulating dynamics.

The motor housing, a simple

tube made of stainless steel
non magnetic, rigid, rust-proof.

Metallic housing and

flange allow good
heat dissipation and
mechanical stability.

Shaft with no groove

guarantees torsional
stability and smooth

Non-tension cables can be

directed both radially and
axially from the motor. Wide
range of plug options.

High quality, thanks to a

process monitored produc-
tion on the most modern
assembly lines which are, in
part, developed by maxon.

Modular construction with

gears, sensors and brakes.

The modular EC-motor

program with an
impressive price/
performance ratio
&-max 16 16 mm, brushless, 5 Watt

maxon motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

283825 283826 283827 283828

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 6 9 12
2 No load speed rpm 12800 13500 12600 13500
3 No load current mA 148 120 72.4 60.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 5210 5710 4930 5840
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 3.31 3.19 3.28 3.23
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.18 0.901 0.573 0.456
7 Stall torque mNm 5.82 5.79 5.64 5.95
8 Starting current A 1.89 1.49 0.901 0.762
9 Max. efciency % 53 53 53 53
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 2.38 4.04 9.99 15.7
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0396 0.0634 0.163 0.254
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.08 3.9 6.26 7.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3100 2450 1530 1220
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 2390 2540 2440 2470
15 Mechanical time constant ms 10.7 11.4 10.9 11.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.428 0.428 0.428 0.428

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 23.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.57 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.943 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 390 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 20000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 1.5 N 0 mm
> 1.5 N 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.0 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N
(static, shaft supported) 600 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 6N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 16 mm 128/256/512 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 36 g 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 2/3 channels
Page 217 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
Connection (Cable AWG 24) 0.2 - 0.6 Nm
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 218
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 Spindle Drive
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 16 mm
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 Page 251/252 Recommended Electronics:
green GND Pin 5
ESCON 50/5 Page 292
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6
DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7
DEC 24/1 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8
DEC Module 24/2 298
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27
DEC 24/3 298
DES 50/5 306
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 163
&-max 16 2-wire 16 mm, brushless, 5 Watt, approved
maxon &-max

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

320816 320817 320818 320819

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 5 6 9 12
2 No load speed rpm 14400 13700 12800 13800
3 No load current mA 156 124 82.9 72.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 8280 7500 6960 8080
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.24 2.24 2.33 2.26
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.903 0.714 0.466 0.37
7 Stall torque mNm 4.61 5.25 5.39 5.76
8 Starting current A 1.7 1.44 0.929 0.801
9 Max. efciency % 50 49 49 49
35 Control variable controlled controlled controlled controlled
36 Supply voltage +VCC V 515 515 515 515
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.06 3.87 6.21 7.73
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3130 2470 1540 1230
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 2440 2580 2480 2510
15 Mechanical time constant ms 10.9 11.6 11.1 11.3
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.428 0.428 0.428 0.428
39 Speed range rpm 14400-44700 11300-35200 6840-21800 5360-17400
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 23.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.57 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.943 s 20000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 390 s 320817
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C 15000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. temperature of electronics +100C
(max. loading capacity of the motor 10000 Short term operation
is dened by the electronics) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
23 Max. permissible speed 20000 rpm Assigned power rating
24 Axial play at axial load < 1.5 N 0 mm 2.0 4.0 6.0
> 1.5 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 6 N maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 32 g 16 mm
Direction of rotation Clockwise (CW) 0.1 - 0.3 Nm
Page 217
Values listed in the table are nominal.

Connection (Cable AWG 26/7 UL Style 1569)

red +VCC
black GND

Protective functions
Inverse-polarity protection up to max. 18 VDC
Blockage protection at speed < 76 rpm
Temperature monitoring > 104C
Current limitation 1.6 A 15%
Low voltage monitoring < 4 VDC

Attention: Operating voltage VCC > 18 VDC

will destroy the electronics

Option: Sense of rotation: counter-clockwise (CCW)

164 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
&-max 16 16 mm, brushless, 8 Watt

maxon motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

283831 283832 283833 283834 283835

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 12000 11900 11900 11900 11900
3 No load current mA 130 85.1 64.2 42.6 31.9
4 Nominal speed rpm 7160 7100 7310 7180 7360
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.61 7.77 8.01 7.87 8.19
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.75 1.17 0.907 0.593 0.461
7 Stall torque mNm 19.2 19.8 21.1 20.3 22.0
8 Starting current A 4.17 2.82 2.27 1.45 1.17
9 Max. efciency % 69 69 70 70 71
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.44 3.19 5.3 12.4 20.5
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0343 0.0793 0.14 0.317 0.566
12 Torque constant mNm/A 4.61 7.02 9.32 14 18.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2070 1360 1020 681 510
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 646 619 582 602 556
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.75 5.51 5.18 5.36 4.95
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85 0.85

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 17.7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.41 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 0.9 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 427 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 20000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 1.5 N 0 mm
> 1.5 N 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N
(static, shaft supported) 400 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 6N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 16 mm 128/256/512 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 52 g 0.2 - 0.6 Nm 2/3 channels
Page 218 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead
22 mm
Connection (Cable AWG 24) 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 226
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 Spindle Drive
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 16 mm
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 Page 251/252
green GND Pin 5 Recommended Electronics:
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Spindle Drive DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 22 mm DEC 24/1 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 Page 253/254
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DEC Module 24/2 298
DEC 24/3 298
DES 50/5 306
EPOS2 24/2 312
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 165
&-max 22 22 mm, brushless, 12 Watt
maxon &-max

MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

283837 283838 283839 283840 283841

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 12 18 24 36
2 No load speed rpm 11400 12100 12100 12100 12100
3 No load current mA 282 155 103 77.3 51.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 7270 8050 8250 8250 8210
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 10.4 10.2 10.9 10.8 10.6
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.38 1.25 0.879 0.657 0.432
7 Stall torque mNm 30.0 31.3 35.4 35.1 34.1
8 Starting current A 6.23 3.47 2.6 1.94 1.25
9 Max. efciency % 63 63 65 65 65
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.963 3.46 6.93 12.4 28.7
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0343 0.121 0.275 0.488 1.09
12 Torque constant mNm/A 4.81 9.02 13.6 18.1 27.2
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1990 1060 701 526 352
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 397 406 356 360 371
15 Mechanical time constant ms 9.36 9.56 8.39 8.47 8.75
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.72 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.69 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 567 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 18000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 4.0 N 0 mm
> 4.0 N 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 53 N
(static, shaft supported) 1400 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm 128/256/512 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 83 g 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 2/3 channels
Page 226/227 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Koaxdrive Brake AB 20
32 mm 24 VDC
Connection (Cable AWG 24) 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 0.1 Nm
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 240 Page 328
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 Spindle Drive
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 22 mm
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 Page 253/254 Recommended Electronics:
green GND Pin 5 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 DEC 24/3, Module 24/2 298
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 DEC Module 50/5 299
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DES 50/5 306
EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
EPOS2 24/5, 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
166 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
&-max 22 22 mm, brushless, 25 Watt

maxon motor
MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

283856 283857 283858 283859 283860

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 12400 12900 12900 12200 12900
3 No load current mA 226 161 121 73.5 60.4
4 Nominal speed rpm 9820 10300 10400 9630 10500
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 22.7 21.7 22.6 22.4 23.1
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.69 1.8 1.4 0.872 0.715
7 Stall torque mNm 114 112 121 111 127
8 Starting current A 12.6 8.55 6.97 4 3.66
9 Max. efciency % 76 75 76 75 77
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.955 2.1 3.44 9.01 13.1
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0498 0.103 0.182 0.462 0.729
12 Torque constant mNm/A 9.1 13 17.4 27.7 34.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1050 732 549 345 274
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 110 118 109 112 103
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.14 5.5 5.06 5.23 4.82
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45 4.45

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.02 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.99 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 628 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 18000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 4.0 N 0 mm
> 4.0 N 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 60 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm 128/256/512 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 124 g 2.0 - 3.4 Nm 2/3 channels
Page 227 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Brake AB 20
32 mm 24 VDC
Connection (Cable AWG 24) 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 0.1 Nm
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 238 Page 328
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 Koaxdrive
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 32 mm
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 1.0 - 4.5 Nm Recommended Electronics:
green GND Pin 5 Page 240 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 Spindle Drive DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 32 mm DEC 24/3, Module 24/2 298
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 Page 255/256/257 DEC Module 50/5 299
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 DES 50/5 306
EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
EPOS2 24/5, 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 167
&-max 30 30 mm, brushless, 40 Watt
maxon &-max

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

272766 272768 272769 272770

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 8680 9250 9150 9250
3 No load current mA 223 123 80.5 61.4
4 Nominal speed rpm 6650 7220 7100 7210
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 34.6 33.7 33.3 33.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.85 1.49 0.969 0.737
7 Stall torque mNm 153 160 154 157
8 Starting current A 11.8 6.57 4.18 3.24
9 Max. efciency % 75 75 75 75
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.01 3.65 8.61 14.8
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.088 0.31 0.713 1.24
12 Torque constant mNm/A 12.9 24.3 36.8 48.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 738 393 259 197
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 57.8 59.1 60.6 59.9
15 Mechanical time constant ms 6.66 6.81 6.98 6.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 11 11 11 11

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 8.6 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1 K/W 40 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.25 s 15000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 777 s 272768
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C 10000
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm 5000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 6.0 N 0 mm
> 6.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N 10 20 30 40
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 98 N 0.5 1.0 1.5
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 25 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 195 g 32 mm 500/1000 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 1.0 - 8.0 Nm 3 channels
Page 238/239 Page 272
Connection motor (Cable AWG 20) Koaxdrive Encoder HEDL 5540
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 32 mm 500 CPT,
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3 Page 240 Page 279
N.C. Pin 4
Spindle Drive Brake AB 20
Connector Article number
Molex 39-01-2040
32 mm 24 VDC
Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics: 0.1 Nm
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26) Page 328
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DECS 50/5 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC Module 24/2 298
blue GND Pin 4 DEC Module 50/5 299
green VHall 324 VDC Pin 5 DES 50/5 306
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 24/5 313
Connector Article number EPOS2 50/5 313
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
168 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
&-max 30 30 mm, brushless, 60 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

272762 272763 272764 272765

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 7980 9340 9490 9350
3 No load current mA 302 191 130 95.4
4 Nominal speed rpm 6620 8050 8280 8130
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 62 60.2 63.4 63.9
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.62 2.64 1.88 1.4
7 Stall torque mNm 381 458 522 519
8 Starting current A 26.8 18.8 14.5 10.7
9 Max. efciency % 80 81 82 82
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.447 1.27 2.48 4.49
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.049 0.143 0.312 0.573
12 Torque constant mNm/A 14.2 24.3 35.9 48.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 672 393 266 197
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 21.2 20.6 18.4 18.2
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.86 4.73 4.21 4.17
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 21.9 21.9 21.9 21.9

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.4 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.5 K/W 60 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.76 s 15000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1000 s 272763
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C 10000
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm 5000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 6.0 N 0 mm
> 6.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N 20 40 60
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 98 N 1.0 2.0 3.0
(static, shaft supported) 1300 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 25 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 305 g 32 mm 500/1000 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 8.0 Nm 3 channels
Page 239 Page 272
Connection motor (Cable AWG 20) Koaxdrive Encoder HEDL 5540
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 32 mm 500 CPT,
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3 Page 240 Page 279
N.C. Pin 4
Planetary Gearhead Brake AB 20
Connector Article number
Molex 39-01-2040
42 mm 24 VDC
3 - 15 Nm 0.1 Nm
Connection Sensors (Cable AWG 26) Recommended Electronics:
Page 243 Page 328
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DECS 50/5 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC Module 24/2 298
blue GND Pin 4 DEC Module 50/5 299
green VHall 324 VDC Pin 5 DES 50/5 306
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 24/5 313
Connector Article number EPOS2 50/5 313
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 169
&-max 40 40 mm, brushless, 70 Watt
maxon &-max

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

283866 283867 283868 283869

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 8030 8040 8470 9030
3 No load current mA 584 292 209 173
4 Nominal speed rpm 6460 6530 7040 7610
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 87.1 88.9 94.7 94
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 6.7 3.41 2.54 2.02
7 Stall torque mNm 466 497 595 636
8 Starting current A 33.3 17.8 14.9 12.7
9 Max. efciency % 76 77 78 79
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.36 1.35 2.42 3.78
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0464 0.186 0.379 0.592
12 Torque constant mNm/A 14 28 40 50
13 Speed constant rpm/V 682 341 239 191
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 17.6 16.5 14.4 14.4
15 Mechanical time constant ms 9.41 8.82 7.74 7.73
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 51.2 51.2 51.2 51.2

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 4.63 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.542 K/W 70 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.78 s 12000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1060 s 283867
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C 8000
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm 4000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 12 N 0 mm
> 12 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 9N 20 40 60 80 100
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 211 N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
(static, shaft supported) 5000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 80 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 460 g 42 mm 256 - 1024 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
Page 243 Page 273
Connection motor (Cable AWG 20) Encoder HEDL 5540
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 500 CPT,
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2 3 channels
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3 Page 279
N.C. Pin 4
Brake AB 28
Connector Article number
24 VDC
Molex 39-01-2040
Recommended Electronics: 0.4 Nm
Connection (Cable AWG 26)
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Page 329
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DECS 50/5 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC Module 50/5 299
blue GND Pin 4 DES 50/5 306
green VHall 324 VDC Pin 5 EPOS2 24/5 313
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 50/5 313
Connector Article number EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 Notes 20

170 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-max 40 40 mm, brushless, 120 Watt

maxon motor
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

283870 283871 283872 283873

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 10100 7240 4720 3610
3 No load current mA 310 188 104 72.8
4 Nominal speed rpm 9260 6290 3770 2670
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 168 184 203 211
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.02 3.09 2.19 1.74
7 Stall torque mNm 2090 1490 1050 838
8 Starting current A 46.7 23.7 10.9 6.68
9 Max. efciency % 85 83 82 80
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.03 2.02 4.4 7.19
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.204 0.4 0.937 1.6
12 Torque constant mNm/A 44.8 62.8 96.1 126
13 Speed constant rpm/V 213 152 99.4 76.1
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 4.89 4.9 4.55 4.35
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.17 5.19 4.81 4.61
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 101 101 101 101

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.45 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.29 K/W 120 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.96 s 12000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1240 s 283871
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C 8000
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm 4000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 12.0 N 0 mm
> 12.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 9N 50 100 150 200
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 211 N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
(static, shaft supported) 4000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 80 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 720 g 52 mm 256 - 1024 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 4 - 30 Nm 3 channels
Page 246 Page 273
Connection motor (Cable AWG 20) Encoder HEDL 5540
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 500 CPT,
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2 3 channels
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3 Page 279
N.C. Pin 4
Brake AB 28
Connector Article number
24 VDC
Molex 39-01-2040
Recommended Electronics: 0.4 Nm
Connection Sensors (Cable AWG 26)
ESCON 50/5 Page 292 Page 329
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DECS 50/5 297
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC Module 50/5 299
blue GND Pin 4 DEC 70/10 305
green VHall 324 VDC Pin 5 DES 50/5, 70/10 306
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 24/5 313
Connector Article number EPOS2 50/5, 70/10 313
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 171
For your personal notes
maxon motor

P I K n
mW mA % rpm


maxon &-4pole
maxon EC-4pole
This 4-pole power motor is one of the best in its class and demonstrates excellent
performance thanks to maxons winding technology: top performance per volume and
weight unit, quality and security thanks to largely automated production, inertia-free
motion and of course an unprecedented service life.

Summary 174

EC-4pole motors
2230 mm in diameter 175178

maxon EC-4pole program
The heart is the ironless winding,
System maxon. This means physi-
cally dependent advantages like
no detent, high efficiency and
excellent regulating dynamics.

The motor housing, a

simple tube made of
stainless steel non
magnetic, rigid, rustproof.

High performance
capability thanks
to the 4-pole

Metallic housing and

flange allow good
heat dissipation and
mechanical stability.

Shaft with no groove gua-

rantees torsional stability
and smooth running.

Non-tension cables can be

directed both radially and
axially from the motor. Wide
range of plug options.

High quality, thanks to a pro-

cess monitored production
on the most modern
assembly lines which are, in
part, developed by maxon.

The EC-motor program

delivers top performance
per volume
and weight unit.
&-4pole 22 22 mm, brushless, 90 Watt
High Power

maxon EC
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

323217 323218 323219 323220 327739

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 24 36 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 16300 16300 16300 16300 6900
3 No load current mA 221 166 110 82.8 21.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 14700 14700 14700 14700 5320
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 51 53 51.6 50.4 51.2
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.99 3.88 2.52 1.85 0.787
7 Stall torque mNm 588 639 612 586 234
8 Starting current A 55.8 45.5 29.1 20.9 3.55
9 Max. efciency % 88 89 88 88 85
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.323 0.527 1.24 2.3 13.5
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0283 0.0503 0.113 0.201 1.11
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.5 14 21.1 28.1 66
13 Speed constant rpm/V 907 680 453 340 145
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 27.8 25.5 26.7 27.9 29.7
15 Mechanical time constant ms 1.61 1.48 1.55 1.62 1.72
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54 5.54
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 9.08 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.904 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.89 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 358 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 25000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 53 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 5540
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 125 g 2.0 - 3.4 Nm 3 channels
Page 227 Page 280
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Connection motor (Cable AWG 20) 1.0 - 6.0 Nm
red Motor winding 1 Page 238
white Motor winding 3
Spindle Drive
black Motor winding 2
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26)
32 mm
Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
red/grey Hall sensor 1
black/grey Hall sensor 2 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
white/grey Hall sensor 3 DECS 50/5 297
green VHall 324 VDC DEC Module 50/5 299
blue GND DEC 70/10 305
DES 50/5, DES 70/10 306
EPOS2 24/5 313
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 70/10 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 175
&-4pole 22 22 mm, brushless, 120 Watt
High Power
maxon EC

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

311535 311536 311537 311538

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 16800 16900 17800 16900
3 No load current mA 298 223 166 112
4 Nominal speed rpm 15500 15600 16600 15600
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 60.9 63 63.8 64.3
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 6.22 4.81 3.45 2.46
7 Stall torque mNm 874 954 1090 1020
8 Starting current A 86 70.4 56.8 37.7
9 Max. efciency % 89 89 90 90
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.209 0.341 0.634 1.27
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0173 0.0308 0.0618 0.123
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.2 13.5 19.2 27.1
13 Speed constant rpm/V 940 705 497 352
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 19.4 17.7 16.4 16.6
15 Mechanical time constant ms 1.81 1.65 1.53 1.54
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 8.91 8.91 8.91 8.91
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 8.01 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 6.66 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 701 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 25000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 53 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 5540
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 175 g 2.0 - 3.4 Nm 3 channels
Page 227 Page 280
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Connection motor (Cable AWG 20) 1.0 - 6.0 Nm
red Motor winding 1 Page 238
white Motor winding 3
Spindle Drive
black Motor winding 2
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26)
32 mm
Page 255/256/257 Recommended Electronics:
red/grey Hall sensor 1
black/grey Hall sensor 2 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
white/grey Hall sensor 3 DECS 50/5 297
green VHall 324 VDC DEC Module 50/5 299
blue GND DEC 70/10 305
DES 50/5, DES 70/10 306
EPOS2 24/5 313
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 70/10 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
176 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
&-4pole 30 30 mm, brushless, 100 Watt
High Power

maxon EC
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

309755 309756 309757 309758

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 17800 17800 17800 17800
3 No load current mA 719 539 360 270
4 Nominal speed rpm 16700 16700 16800 16800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 67.3 65.5 71.6 71
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 7.62 5.58 4.03 3
7 Stall torque mNm 1280 1240 1480 1470
8 Starting current A 133 96.9 77.2 57.4
9 Max. efciency % 86 86 87 87
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.135 0.248 0.466 0.836
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0166 0.0295 0.0664 0.118
12 Torque constant mNm/A 9.58 12.8 19.2 25.5
13 Speed constant rpm/V 997 748 499 374
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 14.1 14.5 12.1 12.2
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.7 2.78 2.33 2.35
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 18.3 18.3 18.3 18.3
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.95 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.831 K/W 100 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.63 s 25000
temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 859 s 309756
20000 operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C 15000
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 10000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 25000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 8.0 N 0 mm 5000
> 8.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
20 40 60 80 100
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.5 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 73 N 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 25 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 32 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 210 g 8 Nm 3 channels
Page 239 Page 272
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 5540
42 mm 500 CPT,
Connection motor (Cable AWG 18) 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
black Motor winding 2 Page 243 Page 280
white Motor winding 3
Brake AB 20
red Motor winding 1
24 VDC
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26)
0.1 Nm
black/grey Hall sensor 2
Recommended Electronics: Page 328
blue GND
green VHall 324 VDC ESCON 50/5 Page 292
red/grey Hall sensor 1 DECS 50/5 297
white/grey Hall sensor 3 DEC 70/10 305
DES 70/10 306
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 70/10 313
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 177

&-4pole 30 30 mm, brushless, 200 Watt
High Power
maxon EC

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

305013 305014 305015

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 16700 16700 16500
3 No load current mA 728 485 356
4 Nominal speed rpm 15900 15900 15800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 127 131 130
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 9.91 6.79 5
7 Stall torque mNm 3220 3510 3430
8 Starting current A 236 171 124
9 Max. efciency % 89 90 90
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.102 0.21 0.386
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0163 0.0368 0.0653
12 Torque constant mNm/A 13.6 20.5 27.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 700 466 346
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 5.21 4.78 4.83
15 Mechanical time constant ms 1.82 1.67 1.68
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 33.3 33.3 33.3
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.209 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.11 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 848 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 25000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 8.0 N 0 mm
> 8.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.5 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 73 N
(static, shaft supported) 1300 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 25 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 32 mm 128 - 1000 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 300 g 8 Nm 3 channels
Page 239 Page 272
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDL 5540
42 mm 500 CPT,
Connection motor (Cable AWG 18) 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
black Motor winding 2 Page 243 Page 280
white Motor winding 3
Brake AB 20
red Motor winding 1
24 VDC
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26)
0.1 Nm
black/grey Hall sensor 2
Recommended Electronics: Page 328
blue GND
green VHall 324 VDC ESCON 50/5 Page 292
red/grey Hall sensor 1 DECS 50/5 297
white/grey Hall sensor 3 DEC 70/10 305
DES 70/10 306
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 70/10 313
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20

178 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon flat motor
maxon flat motor
Thanks to their flat design, the brushless EC motors with iron-core winding are exactly the right drive
for many applications. The well-conceived, simple engineering allows mainly automated production
which results in a favorable price.

EC flat motors
9.290 mm in diameter 180199

EC 9.2 at 10 mm, brushless, 0.5 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon at motor

M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 362790 370444 370445

B sensorless 371119 371120 371122
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 4.5 6
2 No load speed rpm 14900 15500 16100
3 No load current mA 51.7 36.5 29.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 3720 4120 4010
5 Nominal torque mNm 0.837 0.887 0.75
6 Nominal current A 0.5 0.366 0.248
7 Stall torque mNm 1.19 1.29 1.07
8 Starting current A 0.675 0.507 0.332
9 Max. efciency % 53 55 50
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 4.44 8.88 18.1
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.12 0.25 0.4
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.77 2.55 3.23
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5400 3740 2960
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 13600 13000 16600
15 Mechanical time constant ms 20.3 19.5 24.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.143 0.143 0.143
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 49.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 13.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.47 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 73.8 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+85C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +100C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 25000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 0.5 N 0 mm
> 0.5 N 0.1 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.15 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 15 N
(static, shaft supported) 70 N
28 Max. radial loading, 4 mm from ange 0.4 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 4 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 3 g 10 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.005 - 0.1 Nm
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless Page 206
Pin 1 Motor winding 1 Motor winding 1 Planetary Gearhead
Pin 2 Motor winding 2 Motor winding 2 10 mm
Pin 3 Motor winding 3 Motor winding 3 0.01 - 0.15 Nm
Pin 4 VHall 4.5...18 VDC Y Page 207
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Hall sensor 1
Pin 7 Hall sensor 2
Pin 8 Hall sensor 3 Recommended Electronics:
Connector Article number Article number DECS 50/5 Page 297
Molex 52745-0896 52207-0485 DEC 24/1 381510 297
Molex 52089-0419 DEC Module 24/2 298
Tyco 84953-4 EPOS2 24/2 312
Pin for design with Hall sensors: EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
FPC, 8-pol, Pitch 0.5 mm, top contact style Notes 20
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings

180 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 10 at 10 mm, brushless, 0.2 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

EC motor
maxon at
M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 302000

B sensorless 301999
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4
2 No load speed rpm 15300
3 No load current mA 13
4 Nominal speed rpm
5 Nominal torque mNm 0.24
6 Nominal current A 0.108
7 Stall torque mNm 0.167
8 Starting current A 0.0813
9 Max. efciency % 38
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 49.2
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.277
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.09
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4570
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 108000
15 Mechanical time constant ms 90.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.08
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 50 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 50 K/W 24000 0.2 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.22 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 20.5 s 301999
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C 16000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +100C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 8000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 22000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 0.15 N 0 mm
> 0.15 N 0.06 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 6N 0.04 0.08 0.12
(static, shaft supported) 20 N
28 Max. radial loading, 1 mm from ange 1N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 4
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 0.82 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Connection with Hall sensors sensorless

Pin 1 Motor winding 3 Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Motor winding 2 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 3
Pin 4 VHall 4.5...12 VDC N.C.
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Hall sensor 1 Recommended Electronics:
Pin 7 Hall sensor 2 DECS 50/5 Page 297
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 DEC 24/1 318305 297
Connector Article number Article number DEC Module 24/2 298
Molex 52745-0896 52207-0485 Notes 20
Molex 52089-0419
Tyco 84953-4
Pin for design with Hall sensors:
FPC, 8-pol, Pitch 0.5 mm, top contact style
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 181

EC 14 at 13.6 mm, brushless, 1.5 Watt
maxon at motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

sensorless 339251 339252 236679 339253

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 12 18 24
2 No load speed rpm 21200 22100 21000 21200
3 No load current mA 173 93.8 57.4 43.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 10200 10700 9970 10200
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.67 1.59 1.61 1.67
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.797 0.404 0.257 0.199
7 Stall torque mNm 3.54 3.42 3.36 3.54
8 Starting current A 1.5 0.764 0.474 0.374
9 Max. efciency % 45 44 44 45
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 4.01 15.7 38 64.1
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.107 0.428 0.962 1.71
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.36 4.47 7.08 9.45
13 Speed constant rpm/V 4040 2130 1350 1010
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 6860 7500 7230 6860
15 Mechanical time constant ms 79.1 86.3 83.3 79.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.92 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 11 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.34 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 33.6 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 22000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 1.5 N 0 mm
> 1.5 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.3 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.8 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 4
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 8.5 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Pin 1 Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Motor winding 3
Pin 4 neutral point
Adapter Article number
see p. 321 220310 Recommended Electronics:
Connector Article number DECS 50/5 Page 297
Tyco 84953-4 Notes 20
Molex 52207-0485
Molex 52089-0419

182 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 20 at 20 mm, brushless, 3 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

EC motor
maxon at
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 351098 351099 351100 351101

B sensorless 339255 241916 339257 339258
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 9130 9760 9540 9450
3 No load current mA 48.4 35.1 25.8 12.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 3090 4180 3510 3830
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 3.21 4.05 3.27 3.78
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.554 0.474 0.293 0.163
7 Stall torque mNm 5.29 8.04 5.67 7.12
8 Starting current A 0.9 0.957 0.503 0.309
9 Max. efciency % 60 66 61 65
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 6.67 9.4 23.9 77.7
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.639 1.3 2.35 9.8
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.88 8.4 11.3 23
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1620 1140 847 414
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1840 1270 1790 1400
15 Mechanical time constant ms 74.1 51.2 72.1 56.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 3.84 3.84 3.84 3.84
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 15.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.46 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.28 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 25.1 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 2.0 N 0 mm
> 2.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 18 N
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.8 N
Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 4
30 Number of phases 3 Spur Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 15 g 20.3 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.06 - 0.25 Nm
Page 221
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless Planetary Gearhead
Pin 1 VHall 4.524 VDC Motor winding 1 22 mm
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3 Page 224/226
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 neutral point
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 Recommended Electronics:
Adapter Article number Article number ESCON 50/5 Page 292
see p. 321 220300 220310 DECS 50/5 297
Connector Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 DEC Module 24/2 298
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 EPOS2 24/2 312
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Pin for design with Hall sensors: Notes 20
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 183

EC 20 at 20 mm, brushless, 5 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon at motor

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 351005 351006 351007 351008

B sensorless 351054 351055 351056 351057
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 9350 9430 9380 9300
3 No load current mA 102 68.3 51.1 25.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 4970 5410 5210 5240
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.25 8.36 7.5 7.71
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.26 0.951 0.648 0.328
7 Stall torque mNm 17.2 22.4 18.9 19.9
8 Starting current A 2.93 2.54 1.61 0.838
9 Max. efciency % 67 71 68 69
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 2.05 3.54 7.45 28.6
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.189 0.424 0.754 3.09
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.88 8.82 11.8 23.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1620 1080 812 402
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 567 435 515 484
15 Mechanical time constant ms 30.3 23.2 27.5 25.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.66 K/W 5.0 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.77 s 16000 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 22.8 s 351006
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100 12000
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 8000
Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 2.0 N 0 mm 4000
> 2.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.8 N 5 10 15
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 26 N 0.5 1.0 1.5
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 4 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Spur Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 22 g 20.3 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.06 - 0.25 Nm
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless Page 221
Pin 1 VHall 4.524 VDC Motor winding 1 Planetary Gearhead
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2 22 mm
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 neutral point Page 224/226
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 Recommended Electronics:
Adapter Article number Article number ESCON 50/5 Page 292
see p. 321 220300 220300 DECS 50/5 297
Connector Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 DEC Module 24/2 298
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 EPOS2 24/2 312
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Pin for design with Hall sensors: Notes 20
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29

184 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 20 at brushless, 2 Watt, with integrated electronics
1-Q-speed controller

maxon at motor
IP 40 IP 00

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request) 5 wire version
2 wire version Enable Direction
IP 40 (with cover) 350795 350796 350794 370413
IP 00 (without cover) 350776 350778 349694 370412
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 3000 6000 6000 6000
3 No load current mA 11.4 15.5 15.5 15.5
4 Nominal speed rpm 3000 6000 6000 6000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 3.6 3.55 3.55 3.55
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.156 0.209 0.209 0.209
33 Max. torque mNm 5.95 5.9 5.9 5.9
34 Max. current A 0.343 0.429 0.429 0.429
9 Max. efciency % 39 51 51 51
35 Control variable Speed Speed Speed Speed
36 Supply voltage +VCC V 1028 1028 1028 1028
37 Speed set value input V = VCC = VCC 0.3310.8 0.3310.8
38 Scale speed set value input rpm/V 125 250 600 600
39 Speed range rpm 12503500 25007000 2006480 2006480
40 Max. acceleration rpm/s 3000 6000 6000 6000

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 17.2 K/W The drive can be operated with a speed controller
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 7.98 K/W and, taking account of the given thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.37 s (g. 17 and 18) at an ambient temperature of 25C,
20 Thermal time constant motor 132 s does not exceed the maximum permissible operating
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C temperatures.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
41 Max. temperature of electronics +105C Overload range
The drive reaches these operating points. Speed may
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) vary from the set value. The overload protection shuts
16 Rotor inertia 3.2 gcm2 down the drive in the event of sustained overload.
24 Axial play at axial load < 2.0 N 0 mm
> 2.0 N 0.14 mm n [rpm]
25 Radial play preloaded n [rpm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 26 N
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 11 N 350776

Other specications
31 Weight of motor 30 g
32 Direction of rotation Clockwise (CW)

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Protective functions
Overload protection, blockage protection,
inverse-polarity protection, thermal overload
protection, low/high voltage cut-off
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection 2 wire version (Cable AWG 28) Spur Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC 20.3 mm
black GND 0.06 - 0.25 Nm
Page 221
Connection 5 wire version (Cable AWG 28)
Planetary Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC
black GND
22 mm
0.5 - 2.0 Nm
white Speed set value input
Page 224/226
green Monitor n (6 pulses per revolution)
grey Disable (Type Enable) or sense of
direction (Type Direction)

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 185

EC 20 at brushless, 5 Watt, with integrated electronics
1-Q-speed controller
maxon at motor

IP 40 IP 00

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request) 5 wire version
2 wire version Enable Direction
IP 40 (with cover) 350834 350835 350806 370416
IP 00 (without cover) 350804 350805 349731 370415
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 3000 6000 6000 6000
3 No load current mA 19.4 33.7 33.7 33.7
4 Nominal speed rpm 3000 6000 6000 6000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.45 7.31 7.31 7.31
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.264 0.378 0.378 0.378
33 Max. torque mNm 12.5 12.4 12.4 12.4
34 Max. current A 0.565 0.71 0.704 0.704
9 Max. efciency % 44 54 54 54
35 Control variable Speed Speed Speed Speed
36 Supply voltage +VCC V 1028 1028 1028 1028
37 Speed set value input V = VCC = VCC 0.3310.8 0.3310.8
38 Scale speed set value input rpm/V 125 250 600 600
39 Speed range rpm 12503500 25007000 2006480 2006480
40 Max. acceleration rpm/s 3000 6000 6000 6000

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.6 K/W The drive can be operated with a speed controller
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.32 K/W and, taking account of the given thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.66 s (g. 17 and 18) at an ambient temperature of 25C,
20 Thermal time constant motor 13.9 s does not exceed the maximum permissible operating
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C 349731 temperatures.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
41 Max. temperature of electronics +105C Overload range
The drive reaches these operating points. Speed may
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) vary from the set value. The overload protection shuts
16 Rotor inertia 5.1 gcm2 down the drive in the event of sustained overload.
24 Axial play at axial load < 2.0 N 0 mm
> 2.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded n [rpm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.8 N n [rpm]
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 26 N
(static, shaft supported) 200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 12 N
350804 350805
Other specications
31 Weight of motor 37 g
32 Direction of rotation Clockwise (CW)

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Protective functions
Overload protection, blockage protection,
inverse-polarity protection, thermal overload
protection, low/high voltage cut-off
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection 2 wire version (Cable AWG 28) Spur Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC 20.3 mm
black GND 0.06 - 0.25 Nm
Page 221
Connection 5 wire version (Cable AWG 28)
Planetary Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC
black GND
22 mm
0.5 - 2.0 Nm
white Speed set value input
Page 224/226
green Monitor n (6 pulses per revolution)
grey Disable (Type Enable) or sense of
direction (Type Direction)

186 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 32 at 32 mm, brushless, 6 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

EC motor
maxon at
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 339259 200187 339260 339261

B sensorless 339263 200138 339264 339265
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 9210 8380 7970 9310
3 No load current mA 186 107 75.6 46.2
4 Nominal speed rpm 3930 3660 3220 4490
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.51 8.84 7.96 9.41
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.36 0.924 0.612 0.4
7 Stall torque mNm 15.5 19 15.7 22.8
8 Starting current A 2.73 2 1.19 0.995
9 Max. efciency % 55 60 57 62
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 2.2 4.5 10.1 24.1
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.378 1.06 2.04 6.19
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.67 9.5 13.2 23
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1680 1010 724 416
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 651 476 551 437
15 Mechanical time constant ms 94.8 69.3 80.3 63.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.9
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 6.28 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.83 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 3.26 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 16.8 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 12000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N typ. 0.6 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 5.5 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 4 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 32 g 22 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.5 - 1.0 Nm
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless Page 224
Pin 1 VHall 3.524 VDC Motor winding 1 Planetary Gearhead
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2 22 mm
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 neutral point Page 226
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 Recommended Electronics:
Adapter Order number Order number ESCON 50/5 Page 292
see p. 321 220300 220310 DECS 50/5 297
Connector Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 DEC Module 24/2 298
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 DEC 24/3 298
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419 DEC Module 50/5 299
Pin for design with Hall sensors: EPOS2 24/2 312
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 187
EC 32 at 32 mm, brushless, 15 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon at motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 339267 339268 267121 339269

B sensorless 339271 339272 226006 339273
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 12 24 48
2 No load speed rpm 3720 4610 4530 4780
3 No load current mA 74.7 75.7 36.9 19.9
4 Nominal speed rpm 2090 2810 2760 2940
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 24.6 25.1 25.5 24.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.06 1 0.5 0.257
7 Stall torque mNm 70 84.1 85.8 84.1
8 Starting current A 3.13 3.49 1.75 0.906
9 Max. efciency % 72 73 74 73
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 2.87 3.43 13.7 53
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 1.61 1.87 7.73 27.8
12 Torque constant mNm/A 22.4 24.1 49 92.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 427 397 195 103
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 54.9 56.6 54.5 58.7
15 Mechanical time constant ms 20.1 20.7 20 21.5
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 35 35 35 35
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 9.04 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.99 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.78 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 100 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N typ. 0.6 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 5.5 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 4 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 46 g 32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.75 - 6 Nm
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless Page 236/238
Pin 1 VHall 3.524 VDC Motor winding 1 Spur Gearhead
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3 Motor winding 2 38 mm
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1 Motor winding 3 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2 neutral point Page 241
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 Recommended Electronics:
Adapter Article number Article number ESCON 50/5 Page 292
see p. 321 220300 220310 DECS 50/5 297
Connector Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 DEC Module 24/2 298
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 DEC 24/3 298
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419 DEC Module 50/5 299
Pin for design with Hall sensors: EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style EPOS2 24/2 312
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
188 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 32 at brushless, 15 Watt, with integrated electronics
1-Q-speed controller

maxon at motor
IP 40 IP 00

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request) 5 wire version
2 wire version Enable Direction
IP 40 (with cover) 353400 353401 353399 370418
IP 00 (without cover) 353324 353325 349801 370417
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 3000 6000 6000 6000
3 No load current mA 31.8 68.6 68.6 68.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 3000 6000 6000 6000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 19.7 19.2 19.2 19.2
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.44 0.742 0.742 0.742
33 Max. torque mNm 34.2 33.7 33.7 33.7
34 Max. current A 0.889 1.4 1.4 1.4
9 Max. efciency % 62 68 68 68
35 Control variable Speed Speed Speed Speed
36 Supply voltage +VCC V 1028 1028 1028 1028
37 Speed set value input V = VCC = VCC 0.3310.8 0.3310.8
38 Scale speed set value input rpm/V 125 250 600 600
39 Speed range rpm 12503500 25007000 2006480 2006480
40 Max. acceleration rpm/s 3000 6000 6000 6000

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.24 K/W The drive can be operated with a speed controller
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.99 K/W 7000 and, taking account of the given thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.69 s 6000
(g. 17 and 18) at an ambient temperature of 25C,
20 Thermal time constant motor 61 s 5000 does not exceed the maximum permissible operating
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C 4000 temperatures.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C 3000
41 Max. temperature of electronics +105C Overload range
1000 The drive reaches these operating points. Speed may
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) vary from the set value. The overload protection shuts
16 Rotor inertia 35 gcm2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 down the drive in the event of sustained overload.
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N 0.14 mm n [rpm]
25 Radial play preloaded n [rpm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 6.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 95 N 353400 7000
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N 6000
3000 353324
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 32 N 5000 353325
2000 4000
Other specications 3000
31 Weight of motor 91 g 1000 2000
32 Direction of rotation Clockwise (CW) 1000
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Values listed in the table are nominal.

Protective functions
Overload protection, blockage protection,
inverse-polarity protection, thermal overload
protection, low/high voltage cut-off
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection 2 wire version (Cable AWG 24) Planetary Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC 32 mm
black GND 0.75 - 6 Nm
Page 236/238
Connection 5 wire version (Cable AWG 24)
Spur Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC
black GND
38 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm
white Speed set value input
Page 241
green Monitor n (6 pulses per revolution)
grey Disable (Type Enable) or sense of
direction (Type Direction)

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 189

&-i 40 40 mm, brushless, 50 Watt
maxon at motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with Hall sensors 339241 313320

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 12300 13100
3 No load current mA 726 402
4 Nominal speed rpm 9840 10400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 36.8 46.6
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.1 2.6
7 Stall torque mNm 432 773
8 Starting current A 48.3 45.8
9 Max. efciency % 78 83
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.248 0.524
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.109 0.39
12 Torque constant mNm/A 8.95 16.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1070 565
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 29.6 17.5
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.26 1.93
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 10.5 10.5
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 9.66 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.57 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 17.6 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 821 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 6.0 N 0 mm
> 6.0 N 0.15 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 87 N
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 15 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 32 mm 256 - 1024 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 170 g 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
Page 238 Page 273
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive Encoder HEDL 5540
32 mm 500 CPT,
Connection (Cable AWG 20) 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 255/256/257 Page 280
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3
N.C. Pin 4
Connector Article number
Molex 39-01-2040 Recommended Electronics:
Connection (Cable AWG 26) ESCON 50/5 Page 292
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1 DECS 50/5 297
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DEC Module 50/5 299
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC 70/10 305
blue GND Pin 4 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
green VHall 4.524 VDC Pin 5 EPOS2 24/5 313
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Connector Article number EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Molex 430-25-0600 Notes 20

190 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-i 40 40 mm, brushless, 70 Watt

EC motor
maxon at
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with Hall sensors 339243 339244

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 36
2 No load speed rpm 10000 10700
3 No load current mA 476 262
4 Nominal speed rpm 8400 8940
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 58 70.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.49 2.17
7 Stall torque mNm 798 1140
8 Starting current A 49.1 44.6
9 Max. efciency % 82 86
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.367 0.807
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.18 0.644
12 Torque constant mNm/A 16.7 31.5
13 Speed constant rpm/V 572 303
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 12.6 7.75
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.18 1.96
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 24.2 24.2
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.8 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.6 K/W 70 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 28.4 s 15000
temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 936 s 339244
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
10000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +155C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
5000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 15000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 6.0 N 0 mm
> 6.0 N 0.15 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
20 40 60 80 100
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 87 N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
(static, shaft supported) 2000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 15 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MR
30 Number of phases 3 32 mm 256 - 1024 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 240 g 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
Page 238 Page 273
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive Encoder HEDL 5540
32 mm 500 CPT,
Connection (Cable AWG 20) 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 3 channels
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 255/256/257 Page 280
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3
N.C. Pin 4
Connector Article number
Molex 39-01-2040 Recommended Electronics:
Connection (Cable AWG 26) ESCON 50/5 Page 292
yellow Hall sensor 1 Pin 1 DECS 50/5 297
brown Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 DEC Module 50/5 299
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC 70/10 305
blue GND Pin 4 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
green VHall 4.524 VDC Pin 5 EPOS2 24/5 313
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 70/10 313
Connector Article number EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 191
EC 45 at 42.8 mm, brushless, 12 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon at motor

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 200188 339275 339276

B sensorless 200141 339277 339278
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 9 9 12 12 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 7990 7970 8140 8130 7300 7290
3 No load current mA 147 147 115 114 47.6 47.6
4 Nominal speed rpm 4830 4150 4840 4720 4380 4350
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 22.8 25.5 19.1 18.7 25.8 25.6
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.96 2.19 1.31 1.29 0.739 0.736
7 Stall torque mNm 84.5 71.4 62.8 58 100 97.3
8 Starting current A 8.57 7.2 4.9 4.53 3.46 3.36
9 Max. efciency % 76 74 73 72 78 78
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.05 1.25 2.45 2.65 6.93 7.13
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.32 0.32 0.541 0.541 2.75 2.75
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.4 10.4 13.5 13.5 30.5 30.5
13 Speed constant rpm/V 918 918 706 706 313 313
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 92.7 110 128 138 71.1 73.2
15 Mechanical time constant ms 50.8 60.5 70.1 75.8 39 40.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3 52.3
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.19 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.06 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.31 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 148 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N typ. 0.6 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 5.5 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 8 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 57 g
Values listed in the table are nominal.
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless
Pin 1 VHall 4.518 VDC Motor winding 1
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3* Motor winding 2
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1* Motor winding 3
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2* neutral point
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 Recommended Electronics:
*Internal pull-up (713 k:) on pin 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 DECS 50/5 297
Adapter Article number Article number DEC 24/1 297
see p. 321 220300 220310 DEC Module 24/2 298
Connector Article number Article number DEC 24/3 298
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 DEC Module 50/5 299
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 EPOS2 24/2 312
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Pin for design with Hall sensors: EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style Notes 20
192 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 45 at 42.9 mm, brushless, 30 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

EC motor
maxon at
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 200142 339281 339282

B sensorless 200189 339283 339284
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 12 24 24 36 36
2 No load speed rpm 4380 4370 4380 4380 4760 4760
3 No load current mA 146 146 73 73 55.4 55.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 2940 2850 2940 2910 3290 3270
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 55.5 53.2 55.3 54.7 66.6 66.1
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.03 1.96 1.01 1 0.849 0.844
7 Stall torque mNm 241 206 239 230 337 330
8 Starting current A 10 8.58 4.97 4.77 5.38 5.22
9 Max. efciency % 78 76 78 77 81 81
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.2 1.4 4.83 5.03 6.69 6.89
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.56 0.56 2.24 2.24 4.29 4.29
12 Torque constant mNm/A 25.5 25.5 51 51 70.6 70.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 374 374 187 187 135 135
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 17.6 20.5 17.7 18.5 12.8 13.2
15 Mechanical time constant ms 17.1 19.9 17.2 17.9 12.4 12.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 92.5 92.5 92.5 92.5 92.5 92.5
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.7 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.96 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 11.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 251 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5.0 N 0 mm
> 5.0 N typ. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 53 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 21 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 8 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead
31 Weight of motor 75 g 42 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 3 - 15 Nm
Connection with Hall sensors sensorless Page 243
Pin 1 VHall 4.518 VDC Motor winding 1 Spur Gearhead
Pin 2 Hall sensor 3* Motor winding 2 45 mm
Pin 3 Hall sensor 1* Motor winding 3 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Pin 4 Hall sensor 2* neutral point Page 244
Pin 5 GND
Pin 6 Motor winding 3
Pin 7 Motor winding 2 Recommended Electronics:
Pin 8 Motor winding 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
*Internal pull-up (713 k:) on pin 1 DEC 24/1 318305 297
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 DECS 50/5 297
Adapter Article number Article number DEC Module 24/2 298
see p. 321 220300 220310 DEC 24/3 298
Connector Article number Article number DEC Module 50/5 299
Tyco 1-84953-1 84953-4 EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
Molex 52207-1185 52207-0485 Option EPOS2 24/5 313
Molex 52089-1119 52089-0419 With Cable and Connector EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Pin for design with Hall sensors: (Motor length +1.3 mm, EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
FPC, 11-pol, Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style Ambient temperature -20+100C) Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 193
EC 45 at 42.8 mm, brushless, 50 Watt
maxon at motor

39-28-1083 Molex

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with Hall sensors 339285 251601 339286 339287

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 24 24 36
2 No load speed rpm 6720 6710 4730 3360
3 No load current mA 247 185 106 42.3
4 Nominal speed rpm 5220 5250 3480 2360
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 95.2 82.7 69.5 90.5
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.46 2.32 1.41 0.828
7 Stall torque mNm 925 741 382 459
8 Starting current A 38.9 23.3 8.5 4.83
9 Max. efciency % 85 83 79 82
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.463 1.03 2.82 7.46
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.322 0.572 1.15 5.15
12 Torque constant mNm/A 25.1 33.5 47.5 101
13 Speed constant rpm/V 380 285 201 95
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 7 8.75 12 7.05
15 Mechanical time constant ms 9.89 12.4 16.9 9.97
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 135 135 135 135
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 4.13 K/W n [rpm] Continuous operation
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.95 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 18.4 s (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
20 Thermal time constant motor 207 s temperature will be reached during continuous
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C operation at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 4.0 N 0 mm
> 4.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 53 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 21 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 8 Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of phases 3 42 mm
31 Weight of motor 110 g 3 - 15 Nm
Page 243
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spur Gearhead
45 mm
Connection 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Pin 1 Hall sensor 1* Page 244
Pin 2 Hall sensor 2*
Pin 3 VHall 4.518 VDC
Pin 4 Motor winding 3
Pin 5 Hall sensor 3*
Pin 6 GND Recommended Electronics:
Pin 7 Motor winding 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Pin 8 Motor winding 2 DECS 50/5 297
*Internal pull-up (713 k:) on pin 3 DEC 24/3 298
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 DEC Module 50/5 299
EPOS2 24/2 312
Cable EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Connection cable Universal, L = 500 mm 339380 EPOS2 24/5 313
Connection cable to EPOS, L = 500 mm 354045 Option EPOS2 P 24/5 316
With Cable and Connector EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
(Ambient temperature -20+100C) Notes 20
194 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 45 at brushless, 30 Watt, with integrated electronics
1-Q-speed controller

maxon at motor
IP 40 IP 00

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request) 5 wire version
2 wire version Enable Direction
IP 40 (with cover) 353518 353519 350909 370425
IP 00 (without cover) 353516 353517 352886 370424
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 3000 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
3 No load current mA 79.5 79.5 210 210 210 210 210 210
4 Nominal speed rpm 3000 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 69.7 94.7 57 89.6 59.4 89.6 89.9 89.6
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.27 1.78 1.98 3.1 2.06 3.1 3.11 3.1
33 Max. torque mNm 106 106 104 104 104 104 104 104
34 Max. current A 2.02 2.02 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62 3.62
9 Max. efciency % 73 73 76 76 76 76 76 76
35 Control variable Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed
36 Supply voltage +VCC V 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028
37 Speed set value input V = VCC = VCC = VCC = VCC 0.3310.8 0.3310.8 0.3310.8 0.3310.8
38 Scale speed set value input rpm/V 125 125 250 250 600 600 600 600
39 Speed range rpm 12503500 12503500 25007000 25007000 2006480 2006480 2006480 2006480
40 Max. acceleration rpm/s 3000 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.6 (3.12) K/W The drive can be operated with a speed controller
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 9 (4.5) K/W and, taking account of the given thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 44 (22) s (g. 17 and 18) at an ambient temperature of 25C,
20 Thermal time constant motor 633 (306) s does not exceed the maximum permissible operating
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C temperatures.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
41 Max. temperature of electronics +105C Overload range
The drive reaches these operating points. Speed may
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) vary from the set value. The overload protection shuts
16 Rotor inertia 135 gcm2 down the drive in the event of sustained overload.
24 Axial play at axial load < 7.0 N 0 mm
> 7.0 N 0.14 mm n [rpm]
25 Radial play preloaded n [rpm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 6.8 N 353518 353516 353519 353517
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 95 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 51 N

Other specications
31 Weight of motor 226 g
32 Direction of rotation Clockwise (CW)
Values listed in the table are nominal.

Protective functions
Overload protection, blockage protection,
inverse-polarity protection, thermal overload
protection, low/high voltage cut-off
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection 2 wire version (Cable AWG 18/24) Planetary Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC 42 mm
black GND 3 - 15 Nm
Page 243
Connection 5 wire version (Cable AWG 18/24)
Spur Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC
black GND
45 mm
0.5 - 2.0 Nm
white Speed set value input
Page 244
green Monitor n (6 pulses per revolution)
grey Disable (Type Enable) or sense of
direction (Type Direction)

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 195

EC 45 at brushless, 50 Watt, with integrated electronics
1-Q-speed controller
maxon at motor

IP 40 IP 00

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request) 5 wire version
2 wire version Enable Direction
IP 40 (with cover) 353526 350910 370427
IP 00 (without cover) 353524 352887 370426
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 24 24 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 3000 3000 4500 4500 4500 4500
3 No load current mA 96.8 96.8 166 166 166 166
4 Nominal speed rpm 3000 3000 4500 4500 4500 4500
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 81 123 85.2 125 76.6 76.6
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.44 2.27 2.2 3.3 1.98 1.98
33 Max. torque mNm 144 144 143 143 143 143
34 Max. current A 2.72 2.72 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
9 Max. efciency % 74 74 76 76 76 76
35 Control variable Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed Speed
36 Supply voltage +VCC V 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028 1028
37 Speed set value input V = VCC = VCC 0.3310.8 0.3310.8 0.3310.8 0.3310.8
38 Scale speed set value input rpm/V 125 125 600 600 600 600
39 Speed range rpm 12503500 12503500 2006480 2006480 2006480 2006480
40 Max. acceleration rpm/s 3000 3000 6000 6000 6000 6000

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 6.66 (2.75) K/W The drive can be operated with a speed controller
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 5.75 (3) K/W and, taking account of the given thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 28.2 (20.2) s (g. 17 and 18) at an ambient temperature of 25C,
20 Thermal time constant motor 285 (111) s does not exceed the maximum permissible operating
21 Ambient temperature -40+85C temperatures.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
41 Max. temperature of electronics +105C Overload range
The drive reaches these operating points. Speed may
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) vary from the set value. The overload protection shuts
16 Rotor inertia 181 gcm2 down the drive in the event of sustained overload.
24 Axial play at axial load < 7.0 N 0 mm
> 7.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded n [rpm]
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 6.8 N n [rpm]
353526 353524
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 95 N
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 54 N

Other specications
31 Weight of motor 260 g
32 Direction of rotation Clockwise (CW)

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Protective functions
Overload protection, blockage protection,
inverse-polarity protection, thermal overload
protection, low/high voltage cut-off
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Connection 2 wire version (Cable AWG 18/24) Planetary Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC 42 mm
black GND 3 - 15 Nm
Page 243
Connection 5 wire version (Cable AWG 18/24) Spur Gearhead
red +VCC 1028 VDC 45 mm
black GND 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
white Speed set value input Page 244
green Monitor n (6 pulses per revolution)
grey Disable (Type Enable) or sense of
direction (Type Direction)

196 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 45 at 42.8 mm, brushless, 70 Watt

EC motor
maxon at
39-28-1083 Molex

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with Hall sensors 397172 402685 402686 402687

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 30 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 6110 6230 6330 3440
3 No load current mA 234 194 166 48.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 4860 4990 5080 2540
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 128 112 108 134
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 3.21 2.36 1.93 0.935
7 Stall torque mNm 1150 1040 1000 879
8 Starting current A 39.5 25.8 20.7 6.97
9 Max. efciency % 85 84 83 84
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.608 1.16 1.74 6.89
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.463 0.691 0.966 5.85
12 Torque constant mNm / A 36.9 45.1 53.3 131
13 Speed constant rpm / V 259 212 179 72.7
14 Speed / torque gradient rpm / mNm 4.26 5.44 5.85 3.82
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.07 10.3 11.1 7.24
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 181 181 181 181
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.25 K/W n [rpm] Continuous operation
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 4.22 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 30.4 s 70 W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
20 Thermal time constant motor 162 s 397172 temperature will be reached during continuous
21 Ambient temperature -40 ... +100C operation at 25C ambient.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C = Thermal limit.

Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 4.0 N 0 mm
> 4.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
25 50 75 125 150
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.8 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 50 N 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0
(static, shaft supported) 1000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 21 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 8 Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of phases 3 42 mm
31 Weight of motor 141 g 3 - 15 Nm
Page 243
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spur Gearhead
45 mm
Connection 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Pin 1 Hall sensor 1* Page 244
Pin 2 Hall sensor 2*
Pin 3 VHall 4.5 ... 18 VDC
Pin 4 Motor winding 3
Pin 5 Hall sensor 3*
Pin 6 GND Recommended Electronics:
Pin 7 Motor winding 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Pin 8 Motor winding 2 DECS 50/5 297
*Internal pull-up (7 13 k:) on pin 3 DEC 24/3 298
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 DEC Module 50/5 299
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Cable EPOS2 24/2 312
Connection cable Universal, L = 500 mm 339380 EPOS2 24/5 313
Connection cable to EPOS, L = 500 mm 354045 Option EPOS2 P 24/5 316
With Cable and Connector EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
(Ambient temperature -20 ... +100C) Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 197
EC 60 at 60 mm, brushless, 100 Watt
maxon at motor

IP 54* IP 00
M 1:2.5
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

IP 54* (with cover) 412819 408057 412821

IP 00 (without cover) 412823 411678 412825
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 12 24 24 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 3710 3710 4250 4250 3970 3970
3 No load current mA 671 671 419 419 187 187
4 Nominal speed rpm 3290 3190 3850 3740 3580 3500
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 216 267 221 284 255 317
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 7.37 8.88 4.33 5.39 2.28 2.77
7 Stall torque mNm 2820 2820 3740 3740 4190 4190
8 Starting current A 93.5 93.5 78.2 78.2 43.8 43.8
9 Max. efciency % 84 84 86 86 88 88
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.128 0.128 0.307 0.307 1.1 1.1
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0615 0.0615 0.188 0.188 0.864 0.864
12 Torque constant mNm/A 30.5 30.5 53.4 53.4 114 114
13 Speed constant rpm/V 313 313 179 179 83.4 83.4
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1.32 1.32 1.03 1.03 0.798 0.798
15 Mechanical time constant ms 16.7 16.7 13 13 10.1 10.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210 1210
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 4.31 (2.41) K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.8 K/W
19 Thermal time constant winding 40 s 6000
100 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
411678 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 155 (86.9) s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C 4000
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 6000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 15.0 N 0 mm
> 15.0 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 12 N 100 200 300
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 170 N 1.5 3.0 4.5 6.0
(static, shaft supported) 6000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 100 N
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 7 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of phases 3 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MILE
31 Weight of motor 470 g 52 mm 512 - 2048 CPT,
Values listed in the table are nominal. 4 - 30 Nm 2 channels
Connection motor (Cable AWG 16) Page 246 Page 263
red Motor winding 1 Pin 1
black Motor winding 2 Pin 2
white Motor winding 3 Pin 3
N.C. Pin 4
Connector Article number
Molex 39-01-2040
Connection Sensors (Cable AWG 26)
grey Hall sensor 1 Pin 1 Recommended Electronics:
grey Hall sensor 2 Pin 2 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 3 DEC Module 50/5 299
grey GND Pin 4 DEC 70/10 305
blue VHall 4.518 VDC Pin 5 EPOS2 24/5 313
N.C. Pin 6 EPOS2 50/5 313
Connector Article number EPOS2 70/10 313
Molex 430-25-0600 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
* Protection class only when installed with ange-side Notes 20
198 maxon EC motor May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 90 at 90 mm, brushless, 90 Watt

EC motor
maxon at

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with Hall sensors 323772 244879

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 48
2 No load speed rpm 3190 2080
3 No load current mA 544 135
4 Nominal speed rpm 2620 1620
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 425 517
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.84 2.21
7 Stall torque mNm 4840 4530
8 Starting current A 70 21.1
9 Max. efciency % 84 85
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.343 2.28
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.264 2.5
12 Torque constant mNm/A 70.5 217
13 Speed constant rpm/V 135 44
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 0.659 0.462
15 Mechanical time constant ms 21.1 14.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 3060 3060
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 1.78 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.63 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 46.6 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 264 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -40+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 5000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 15 N 0 mm
> 15 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 12 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 183 N
(static, shaft supported) 8000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 60 N

Other specications
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
29 Number of pole pairs 12 Planetary Gearhead Encoder MILE
30 Number of phases 3 52 mm 800 - 3200 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 600 g 4 - 30 Nm 2 channels
Page 246 Page 264
Values listed in the table are nominal.

Pin 1 Hall sensor 1
Pin 2 Hall sensor 2
Pin 3 VHall 4.518 VDC
Pin 4 Motor winding 3
Pin 5 Hall sensor 3
Pin 6 GND Recommended Electronics:
Pin 7 Motor winding 1 ESCON 50/5 Page 292
Pin 8 Motor winding 2 DECS 50/5 297
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 DEC Module 50/5 299
DEC 70/10 305
Cable EPOS2 24/5 313
Connection cable Universal, L = 500 mm 339380 EPOS2 50/5 313
Connection cable to EPOS2, L = 500 mm 354045 EPOS2 70/10 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT 319
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon EC motor 199
For your personal notes
maxon motor

P I K n
mW mA % rpm


maxon gear
maxon gear
Precision spur- and planetary gearheads matched to maxon motors. Gears are advantageously
adapted directly to the desired motors in the delivery plant. The motor pinion is the input gearweel for
the first stage and is rigidly affixed to the motor shaft.

Standard Specification No. 102 202

Important considerations 203
Spur- and planetary gearheads 204248

maxon Standard Specication

With our Standard Specication we of-

maxon gear

fer you a means to judge maxon gear- The Standard Specication No. 102
heads in the most important respects.
To our knowledge it covers normal ap- for maxon gear
plications. The Standard Specication 1. Principles 2.3 Service life: Durability tests are carried
is part of our General Conditions of The Standard Specication denes out under uniform internal criteria as part
Sale. If additional requirements need checks and tests performed on the com- of product certication. A gearheads
plete gearhead and during the produc- service life essentially depends on the
to be met, we shall cooperate with you tion process. In order to guarantee our operating and ambient conditions. Con-
to work out more detailed specica- high quality standard, we check compli- sequently, the many possible variations
tions. ance to specied measurements and do not allow us to make a general state-
characteristics of materials, parts and ment on service life. Minimum expected
subassemblies through the manufactur- service life for the relevant maxon gears
RoHS ing process and the complete gearhead. is based on standard conditions
All our products are built under EU The obtained measurements are record- 25C
ed and can be made available to custom- Normal storage conditions
directive 2002/95/EG. ers if required. Random sampling plans Horizontal position of the unit
are according to ISO 2859, and DIN/ISO No axial and radial load on the output
3951 (inspection by attributes, sequential shaft
REACH sampling, variables inspection) as well 2.4 Environmental inuences
As a downstream user, maxon motor as internal manufacturing controls. This Protection against corrosion: Our prod-
Standard Specication always applies ucts are tested during product certication
ag took all necessary steps to ensure unless a different one has been agreed on the basis of DIN EN 60068-2-30.
that chemical substances used by our between the customer and maxon. Coating of components: Surface treat-
suppliers were pre-registered. Our 2. Data ment and coating procedures used by
supplier declarations as of September 2.1 Mechanical data per outline drawing: maxon are selected on the basis of their
9, 2009 showed that none of maxon's Standard measuring instruments (for merits to resist corrosion. These treat-
electrical length measuring DIN 32876, ments are evaluated at product certica-
products contained substances of more micrometer per DIN 863, dial indicator tion according to their applicable stan-
than 0.1 w% as per the EChA list. DIN 878, caliper per DIN 862, bore ca- dard.
liper DIN 2245, thread caliper per DIN
2280 and others) are used. 3. Parameters that differ from or are addi-
Note to the Catalogue 2012/13 tional to the data sheet can beset and
2.2 Noise: Tests are carried out for anoma-
maxon motor ag accepts no liability for lies within a lot on a subjective basis. are a central part of our systematic te-
the accuracy of the information con- Depending on speed the motions in the sting as the customers specication.
tained in this catalogue, nor for any gearhead cause noise and vibration of Test/inspection certicates are issued
varying degrees, frequency and intensity. by prior agreement.
damages which may result directly or
The noise level experienced with a single
indirectly from the use of such infor- sample unit should not be interpreted as April 2010 edition/subject to change
mation. This disclaimer does not apply indicative of the noise or vibration level to
to wilful intent, gross negligence, and be expected of future deliveries.
does not affect legislation governing
product liability.

202 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Explanation of the pages 204248
Dimensional drawings the type of bearings and may be zero for pre-load- put shaft which, when the input shaft is blocked,
On the enclosed DVD dimensional drawings ed ball bearings and low axial forces. Minimum the gear output shaft covers when it is turned from
(DXF-les) are available and are suitable for play is required for any kind of friction bearings one end position to the opposite position. The end
import to any CAD system. Presentation of the otherwise they will jam. positions depend on the torque applied to the out-

maxon gear
views according to the projection method E (ISO). put shaft. It should be noted that if the gear output
All dimensions in [mm]. Max. permissible axial load shaft is blocked, based on the reversed reduction
Corresponds to the permissible axial load of the ratio, the motor shaft will turn through a much
Mounting threads in plastic drive shaft without damaging the gear. Below the greater angle from stop to stop.
Screwed connections on motors with plastic given load, axial play can be kept.
anges require special attention. Line 10 Mass inertia [gcm]
Max. permissible pressing force The gear moment of inertia is given at the motor
MA Max. tightening torque [Ncm] Corresponds to the force with which, for example, shaft. It is required in order to calculate the ad-
A torque screwdrivermay be adjusted to this value. a coupling element may be mounted to the gear ditional torque needed for acceleration of the gear
drive shaft. components in the case of highly dynamic drives.
L Active thread depth [mm]
Variations may arise depending on how lubrica-
The relation of the thread depth to the thread di- Line 1 Reduction ratio
tion is distributed.
ameter must be at least 2:1. The screw-in depth The reduction indicates the ratio by which the
must be less than the usable length of the thread! speed of the gear output shaft is smaller than the Line 11 Gear length L1 [mm]
motor speed. L1 describes the gear length down to the motors
Gearhead data axial mount area (reference C in motors).
Values are based on an ambient temperature of Line 2 Absolute reduction ratio
around 25C (known as cold data). Provides the reduction as an exact ratio of two Line 12 Direction of rotation
natural numbers. The direction of rotation of our planetary gears is
Technical data Line 3 Max. motor shaft diameter [mm] always the same as that of the motor shaft. With
The max. motor shaft diameter is based on the spur gears, it depends on the number of stages.
Recommended input speed motor pinions root circle. With even numbers (i.e. 2, 4, 6, 8), the direction of
It is based on service life considerations. If this rotation is the same, but the opposite if the num-
value is greatly exceeded, the service life can Line 4 Number of stages bers are odd (exception: GS 20 A).
be shortened, the gear heats up more and more States the number of gear stages engaged in se-
noise is generated. ries. Line 13 Max. transmittable continuous
power [W]
Temperature range Line 5 Max. continuous torque [Nm] This value gives the maximum constant output
The temperature range may be extended for some The continuous torque provides the maximum available on the output shaft. If it is exceeded, the
gears to -40C and +100C, but in extremely low load permanently applied to the output shaft. If it service life is considerably shortened.
temperatures, much greater power consumption is exceeded, the service life is signicantly short-
must be expected. Special lubrication can be ened. Line 14 Max. transmittable intermittent
supplied on request, even for other temperature power [W]
ranges. Line 6 Intermittent torque [Nm] This value gives the maximum intermittent output
The intermittent torque is the value that may be available on the output shaft. This range may be
Radial play applied to the gears for a short period without used intermittently and repeatedly. It is dened as
The radial play test value depends heavily on the causing damage. It is dened as follows: follows:
mounting, measuring point and adjoining force. during 1 second during max. 1 second
For this reason, the clearance of the measuring during max. 10 % of the life expectancy during max. 10% of the operating cycle
point to the ange is always given. Measurement If these values are exceeded, a reduced service If these values are exceeded, a reduced service
is always carried out under a test force that is life must be expected. life must be expected.
smaller than the maximum radial load.
Line 7 Efciency [%] Line 15 Max. overload torque
Max. permissible radial load The specied efciency is a maximum value that The maximal permitted torque that can be applied
Is stated in a specic distance from the gear is valid for maximum continuous torque. The ef- for a short period of time (a few seconds) without
ange. If it is not specied in stages, radial load is ciency is greatly reduced with very small loads destroying the gear. It can be considered as break
based on a reference speed of 1,000 rpm on the (see diagram). The efciency is stage-dependent, free torque, for example, to overcome static fric-
gear drive shaft. but is unaffected by the motor speed. tion of a mechanically jammed drive.
Axial play Line 8 Weight [g]
The value for the axial play of a gear is deter-
mined between the two axial end positions of the Line 9 Median gear backlash unloaded []
output shaft. This measurement is determined by Gear backlash is the turning angle of the gear out-

Gearhead efciency as a function of torque (schematic) Gear play measurement

Efficiency Twisting angle [degrees]


3-stage 0.2
Backlash Backlash
no load loads
60% 0
5-stage -2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Test torque [mNm]


Max. continuous torque at gear output


May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 203

Planetary Gearhead GP 6 A 6 mm, 0.0020.03 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Option sleeve bearing

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.12 mm
Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 10 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 40 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 5 mm
from ange 5N 5N 5N 5N 5N

M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
304178 304179 304180 304181 304182
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.9 : 1 15 : 1 57 : 1 221 : 1 854 : 1
27 729 19683 531441 14348907
2 Reduction absolute 7 49 343 2401 16807
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1 1 1 1 1
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.030 0.030
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.005 0.010 0.020 0.060 0.060
7 Max. efciency % 88 77 68 60 52
8 Weight g 1.7 2.1 2.5 2.9 3.3
9 Average backlash no load 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 6.2 8.7 11.3 13.9 16.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 6, 0.3 W 50 21.9 24.4 27.0 29.6 32.2
RE 6, 0.3 W, Cap 50 25.9 28.4 31.0 33.6 36.2
EC 6, 1.2 W 138 28.4 30.9 33.5 36.1 38.7
EC 6, 1.2 W 138 MILE 262 28.8 31.3 33.9 36.5 39.1

Variant dimensions for the EC 6 combination (including assembly sleeve)

Combinations of EC 6 with GP 6 Combinations of EC 6 with MILE Encoder and GP 6

204 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 8 A 8 mm, 0.010.1 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Option sleeve bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
Axial play 0.08 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 10 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 12 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 5 mm
from ange 5N 5N 5N 5N 5N
M 2.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
370419 370420 370421 370422 370423
381894 381895 381896 381897 381898
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4:1 16 : 1 64 : 1 256 : 1 1024 : 1 4:1 16 : 1 64 : 1 256 : 1 1024 : 1
2 Reduction absolute 4 16 64 256 1024 4 16 64 256 1024
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.010 0.020 0.060 0.080 0.100 0.010 0.020 0.060 0.080 0.100
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.015 0.030 0.090 0.120 0.150 0.015 0.030 0.090 0.120 0.150
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 65 59 90 81 73 65 59
8 Weight g 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.4 5.0 2.6 3.2 3.8 4.4 5.0
9 Average backlash no load 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.50 2.80 1.80 2.00 2.20 2.50 2.80
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 10.8 13.4 16.0 18.6 21.1 9.2 11.7 14.3 16.9 19.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 8, 0.5 W 51 26.9 29.5 32.1 34.7 37.2
RE 8, 0.5 W 51 MR 266 33.5 36.1 38.7 41.3 43.8
EC 8, 2 W 139 32.3 34.8 37.4 40.0 42.6

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 205

Planetary Gearhead GP 10 K 10 mm, 0.0050.1 Nm
Plastic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Housing plastic
Output shaft stainless steel
maxon gear

Bearing at output sleeve bearing

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 2N
Max. permissible force for press ts 10 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 5 mm
from ange 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110308 110309 110310 110311 110312
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4:1 16 : 1 64 : 1 256 : 1 1024:1
2 Reduction absolute 4 16 64 256 1024
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.005 0.015 0.054 0.100 0.100
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.005 0.015 0.054 0.100 0.100
7 Max. efciency % 90 80 70 60 55
8 Weight g 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6
9 Average backlash no load 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.004 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.003
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 10.2 14.3 18.4 22.5 26.6

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 10, 0.75 W 52/53 27.3 31.4 35.5 39.6 43.7
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 MR 265/266 33.1 37.2 41.3 45.4 49.5
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 MEnc 10 283 35.4 39.5 43.6 47.7 51.8
RE 10, 1.5 W 54/55 34.9 39.0 43.1 47.2 51.3
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 MR 265/266 40.7 44.8 48.9 53.0 57.1
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 MEnc 10 283 43.0 47.1 51.2 55.3 59.4
EC 9.2 at, 0.5 W 180 22.8 26.9 31.0 35.1 39.2

206 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 10 A 10 mm, 0.010.15 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings

maxon gear
Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
Axial play at axial load <2N 0 mm
>2N max. 0.04 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 10 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 12000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 5 mm
from ange 5 N 10 N 15 N 20 N 25 N
M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
218415 218416 218417 218418 218419
332422 332423 332424 332425 332426
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4:1 16 : 1 64 : 1 256 : 1 1024:1 4:1 16 : 1 64 : 1 256 : 1 1024:1
2 Reduction absolute 4 16 64 256 1024 4 16 64 256 1024
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.010 0.030 0.100 0.150 0.150 0.010 0.030 0.100 0.150 0.150
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.020 0.050 0.150 0.200 0.200 0.020 0.050 0.150 0.200 0.200
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 65 59 90 81 73 65 59
8 Weight g 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2 8.7 6.7 7.2 7.7 8.2 8.7
9 Average backlash no load 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 1.5 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005 0.005
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 10.4 14.1 17.2 20.4 23.5 10.4 14.1 17.2 20.4 23.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 10, 0.75 W 52/53 27.5 31.2 34.3 37.5 40.6
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 MR 265/266 33.3 37.0 40.1 43.3 46.4
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 MEnc 10 283 35.6 39.3 42.4 45.6 48.7
RE 10 1.5 W 54/55 35.1 38.8 41.9 45.1 48.2
RE 10 1.5 W 55 MR 265/266 40.9 44.6 47.7 50.9 54.0
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 MEnc 10 283 43.2 46.9 50.0 53.2 56.3
A-max 12 87/88 31.7 35.4 38.5 41.7 44.8
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 MR 265/266 35.8 39.5 42.6 45.8 48.9
EC 10, 8 W 140 36.2 39.9 43.0 46.2 49.3
EC 9.2 at, 0.5 W 180 23.0 26.7 29.8 33.0 36.1

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 207

Spur Gearhead GS 12 A 12 mm, 0.010.03 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 6.5 mm from ange max. 0.05 mm

Axial play 0.020.12 mm
Max. permissible axial load 2N
Max. permissible force for press ts 10 N
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6.5 mm
from ange 1.5 N 1.5 N 1.5 N 1.5 N 1.5 N

M 1.5:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
310301 313872 313990 313991 310311 313993 310316
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 6.4 : 1 13 : 1 58 : 1 141 : 1 371 : 1 485 : 1 3101 : 1
403 21866 724594 20138716 26782109 624300196 11535969787
2 Reduction absolute 63 1694 12474 142884 72171 1285956 3720087
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.2 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.2
Article Numbers 310302 310304 310307 313992 310313 310317
1 Reduction 9.1:1 22:1 76:1 200:1 900:1 4402:1
899 12493 387283 22462414 372178963 25733436102
2 Reduction absolute 99 567 5103 112266 413342 5845851
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0
Article Numbers 310305 310308 310310 310314
1 Reduction 31:1 108:1 261:1 1278:1
27869 863939 1200573 830245379
2 Reduction absolute 891 8019 45927 649539
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.0
4 Number of stages 2 3 4 5 5 6 7
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.025 0.030 0.030
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.030 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.045 0.050 0.050
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = z = z z = z
7 Max. efciency % 81 73 66 59 59 53 48
8 Weight g 6.5 7.4 8.3 9.2 9.2 10.1 11
9 Average backlash no load 1 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002 0.002
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 10 12 14 16 16 18 20

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 12 87/88 31.3 33.3 35.3 37.3 37.3 39.3 41.3
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 MR 265/266 35.4 37.4 39.4 41.4 41.4 43.4 45.4

208 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 13 K 13 mm, 0.050.15 Nm
Plastic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Housing, planetary wheels plastic
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened

maxon gear
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.12 mm
Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 2N 3N 4N 5N 5N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
137149 137150 137151 137152 137153
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.1 : 1 17 : 1 67 : 1 275 : 1 1119 : 1
57 3249 185193 10556001 601692057
2 Reduction absolute 14 196 2744 38416 537824
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.050 0.075 0.100 0.125 0.150
7 Max. efciency % 85 70 60 50 45
8 Weight g 5.9 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0
9 Average backlash no load 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.025 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.008
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 15.5 21.4 25.1 28.8 32.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 13 57/59 34.8 40.7 44.4 48.1 51.8
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 MR 265-267 41.9 47.8 51.5 55.2 58.9
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 MEnc 13 284 42.6 48.5 52.2 55.9 59.6
RE 13 61/63 47.0 52.9 56.6 60.3 64.0
RE 13, 2 W 63 MR 265-267 54.1 60.0 63.7 67.4 71.1
RE 13, 2 W 63 MEnc 13 284 54.8 60.7 64.4 68.1 71.8
RE 13, 1.5 W 65/67 37.9 43.8 47.5 51.2 54.9
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 MR 265-267 44.0 49.9 53.6 57.3 61.0
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 MEnc 13 284 45.9 51.8 55.5 59.2 62.9
RE 13, 3 W 69/71 50.1 56.0 59.7 63.4 67.1
RE 13, 3 W 71 MR 265-267 56.2 62.1 65.8 69.5 73.2
RE 13, 3 W 71 MEnc 13 284 58.1 64.0 67.7 71.4 75.1
A-max 12 87/88 36.8 42.7 46.4 50.1 53.8
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 MR 265-267 40.7 46.6 50.3 54.0 57.7
RE-max 13 115/116 36.1 42.0 45.7 49.4 53.1
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 MR 265-267 40.8 46.7 50.4 54.1 57.8
RE-max 13 117/118 47.1 53.0 56.7 60.4 64.1
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 MR 265-267 51.8 57.7 61.4 65.1 68.8

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 209

Planetary Gearhead GP 13 A 13 mm, 0.20.35 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.055 mm

Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 8 N 12 N 16 N 20 N 20 N

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110313 110314 110315 110316 110317
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.1 : 1 17 : 1 67 : 1 275 : 1 1119 : 1
57 3249 185193 10556001 601692057
2 Reduction absolute 14 196 2744 38416 537824
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 352365 352366 352367 352368 352369
1 Reduction 5.1 : 1 26 : 1 131 : 1 664 : 1 3373 : 1
66 4356 287496 18974736 1252332576
2 Reduction absolute 13 169 2197 28561 371293
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.20 0.20 0.30 0.30 0.35
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.30 0.30 0.45 0.45 0.53
7 Max. efciency % 91 83 75 69 62
8 Weight g 11 14 17 20 23
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.025 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 16.0 19.9 23.7 27.6 31.4
* for A-max 12 and RE-max 13 L1 is + 0.3 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 13 57/59 35.4 39.3 43.1 47.0 50.8
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 MR 265-267 42.5 46.4 50.2 54.1 57.9
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 MEnc 13 284 43.2 47.1 50.9 54.8 58.6
RE 13 61/63 47.6 51.5 55.3 59.2 63.0
RE 13, 2 W 63 MR 265-267 54.7 58.6 62.4 66.3 70.1
RE 13, 2 W 63 MEnc 13 284 55.4 59.3 63.1 67.0 70.8
RE 13, 1.5 W 65/67 38.5 42.4 46.2 50.1 53.9
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 MR 265-267 44.6 48.5 52.3 56.2 60.0
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 MEnc 13 284 46.5 50.4 54.2 58.1 61.9
RE 13, 3 W 69/71 50.7 54.6 58.4 62.3 66.1
RE 13, 3 W 71 MR 265-267 56.8 60.7 64.5 68.4 72.2
RE 13, 3 W 71 MEnc 13 284 58.7 62.6 66.4 70.3 74.1
A-max 12 87/88 37.6 41.5 45.3 49.2 53.0
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 MR 265-267 41.7 45.6 49.4 53.3 57.1
RE-max 13 115/116 36.9 40.8 44.6 48.5 52.3
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 MR 265-267 41.6 45.5 49.3 53.2 57.0
RE-max 13 117/118 47.9 51.8 55.6 59.5 63.3
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 MR 265-267 52.6 56.5 60.3 64.2 68.0
EC 13, 6 W 141 37.4 41.3 45.1 49.0 52.8
EC 13, 12 W 142 49.6 53.5 57.3 61.2 65.0

Option Ball Bearing Article Numbers Technical Data

4.1 : 1 144300 131 : 1 352393
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
5.1 : 1 352391 275 : 1 144303
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
17 : 1 144301 664 : 1 352394
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
26 : 1 352392 1119 : 1 144304 Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.04 mm
67 : 1 144302 3373 : 1 352395 Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
> 5 N max. 0.04 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 25 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -35+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 10 N 15 N 20 N 20 N 20 N
Gearhead length: L1 + 0.2 mm
Gearhead values according to sleeve bearing version

210 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 13 M 13 mm, 0.050.275 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 0.24 in from ange max. 0.2 mm
Axial play max. 0.1 mm
Max. permissible axial load 50 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 80 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 60 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
with shaft seal -10+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 10 N 15 N 20 N
M 1.5:1
Option: Inch-version GP size 5 M as standard variant available.
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request) with shaft seal 370275 370517 370611
without shaft seal 370617 370622 370623
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 5:1 25 : 1 125 : 1
5 25 125
2 Reduction absolute 1 1 1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.05 0.225 0.275
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.1 0.25 0.3
7 Max. efciency, sealed % 85 80 70
8 Weight g 16 20 23
9 Average backlash no load 1.2 1.4 1.6
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.017 0.016 0.016
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 25.4 31.3 37.2
13 Max. transmittable continuous power W 30 20 15
14 Max. transmittable intermittent power W 40 25 20

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 13, 30 W, ster. 143 62.5 68.4 74.3
EC 13, 50 W, ster. 144 73.5 79.4 85.3

Operating Range (Output shaft) Comments

Continuous operating
n [rpm] Valid in an ambient temperature of 25C and taking account of stage-
dependent limits (points 5 and 13). The recommended motor speed must
16000 370275 not be exceeded.
30 W 370617
12000 40 W Short term operation
Valid in an ambient temperature of 25C and taking account of stage-
8000 dependent limits (points 6 and 14). This range may be used intermittently
and repeatedly. It is dened as follows
4000 during max. 1 second
during max. 10% of the operating cycle
25 50 75 100
max. transferable continuous performance
M [mNm]

max. transferable intermittent performance

Application Sterilization information

In normal use, the motor-gearhead-combination with
shaft seal can be sterilized 500 times in an autoclave.
Medicine/surgery/chemicals No need to dismantle. Without shaft seal, the number of
cycles is reduced.
Hand tools such as bone saws, bone drilling and
Sterilization with steam
grinding machine can be sterilized.
Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 211

Spur Gearhead GS 16 K 16 mm, 0.010.03 Nm
Plastic Version
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 6.5 mm from ange max. 0.15 mm

Axial play 0.020.12 mm
Max. permissible axial load 2N
Max. permissible force for press ts 15 N
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6.5 mm
from ange 1N 1N 1N 1N 1N

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
201463 201465 201467 201469 201471 201473
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 6.4 : 1 22 : 1 76 : 1 261 : 1 900 : 1 3101 : 1
403 12493 387283 12005773 372178963 11537547853
2 Reduction absolute 63 567 5103 45927 413343 3720087
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 207405 207406 207407 207408 207409 207410
1 Reduction 9.1 : 1 31 : 1 108 : 1 371 : 1 1278 : 1 4402 : 1
899 27869 863939 26782109 830245379 25737606749
2 Reduction absolute 99 891 8019 72171 649539 5845851
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 201464 201466 201468 201470 201472 201474
1 Reduction 12 : 1 41 : 1 141 : 1 485 : 1 1670 : 1 5752 : 1
961 29791 923521 28629151 887503681 27512614111
2 Reduction absolute 81 729 6561 59049 531441 4782969
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Number of stages 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.010 0.020 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = z = z = z
7 Max. efciency % 81 73 66 59 53 48
8 Weight g 9.0 9.8 10.2 10.7 11.3 11.7
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.0032 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 11.8 12.8 14.8 16.8 18.8 20.8

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 16 89-92 37.3 38.3 40.3 42.3 44.3 46.3
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 42.3 43.3 45.3 47.3 49.3 51.3
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 45.4 46.4 48.4 50.4 52.4 54.4

212 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spur Gearhead GS 16 A 16 mm, 0.0150.04 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 6.5 mm from ange max. 0.15 mm
Axial play 0.020.12 mm
Max. permissible axial load 2N
Max. permissible force for press ts 30 N
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6.5 mm
from ange 1.5 N 1.5 N 1.5 N 1.5 N 1.5 N

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
144409 143761 143763 143765 143767 143769
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 6.4 : 1 22 : 1 76 : 1 261 : 1 900 : 1 3101 : 1
403 12493 387283 12005773 372178963 11537547853
2 Reduction absolute /63 /567 /5103 /45927 /413343 /3720087
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 207834 207835 207836 207837 207838 207839
1 Reduction 9.1 : 1 31 : 1 108 : 1 371 : 1 1278 : 1 4402 : 1
899 27869 863939 26782109 830245379 25737606749
2 Reduction absolute /99 /891 /8019 / 72171 /649539 /5845851
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 144410 143762 143764 143766 143768 143770
1 Reduction 12 : 1 41 : 1 141 : 1 485 : 1 1670 : 1 5752 : 1
961 29791 923521 28629151 887503681 27512614111
2 Reduction absolute /81 / 729 /6561 /59049 /531441 /4782969
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Number of stages 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.015 0.025 0.035 0.040 0.040 0.040
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = z = z = z
7 Max. efciency % 81 73 66 59 53 48
8 Weight g 9.0 9.8 10.2 10.7 11.3 11.7
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.0032 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031 0.0031
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 11.8 12.8 14.8 16.8 18.8 20.8

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 16 89-92 37.3 38.3 40.3 42.3 44.3 46.3
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 42.3 43.3 45.3 47.3 49.3 51.3
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 45.4 46.4 48.4 50.4 52.4 54.4

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 213

Spur Gearhead GS 16 V 16 mm, 0.060.1 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
maxon gear

Radial play, 6.5 mm from ange max. 0.02 mm

Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 5N
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6.5 mm
from ange 25 N 25 N 25 N 25 N 25 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
235066 235070 235073 235076 235079 235082
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 6.4 : 1 22 : 1 76 : 1 261 : 1 900 : 1 3101 : 1
403 12493 387283 12005773 372178963 11537547853
2 Reduction absolute /63 /567 /5103 /45927 /413343 /3720087
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 235068 235071 235074 235077 235080 235083
1 Reduction 9.1 : 1 31 : 1 108 : 1 371 : 1 1278 : 1 4402 : 1
899 27869 863939 26782109 830245379 25737606749
2 Reduction absolute /99 /891 /8019 / 72171 /649539 /5845851
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 235069 235072 235075 235078 235081 235084
1 Reduction 12 : 1 41 : 1 141 : 1 485 : 1 1670 : 1 5752 : 1
961 29791 923521 28629151 887503681 27512614111
2 Reduction absolute /81 / 729 /6561 /59049 /531441 /4782969
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1 1 1 1 1 1
4 Number of stages 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.06 0.06 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.15 0.15 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = z = z = z
7 Max. efciency % 81 73 66 59 53 48
8 Weight g 13.8 14.5 15.8 17.0 17.9 18.5
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.5 1.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.0057 0.0052 0.0035 0.0032 0.0032 0.0032
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 14.3 17.3 19.3 21.3 23.3 25.3

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 16 89-92 39.8 42.8 44.8 46.8 48.8 50.8
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 44.8 47.8 49.8 51.8 53.8 55.8
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 47.9 50.9 52.9 54.9 56.9 58.9

214 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spur Gearhead GS 16 VZ 16 mm, 0.060.1 Nm
Low Backlash
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings

maxon gear
Radial play, 6.5 mm from ange max. 0.02 mm
Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 5N
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6.5 mm
from ange 25 N 25 N 25 N 25 N 25 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
327789 327796 327800
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 76 : 1 261 : 1 900 : 1
387283 12005773 372178963
2 Reduction absolute /5103 /45927 /413343
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 327788 327797 327801
1 Reduction 108 : 1 371 : 1 1278 : 1
863939 26782109 830245379
2 Reduction absolute /8019 / 72171 /649539
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 1.5
Article Numbers 327790 327799 327802
1 Reduction 141 : 1 485 : 1 1670 : 1
923521 28629151 887503681
2 Reduction absolute /6561 /59049 /531441
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1 1 1
4 Number of stages 4 5 6
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.10 0.10 0.10
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.30 0.30 0.30
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output z
7 Max. efciency % 62 54 48
8 Weight g 17.2 18.7 20.2
9 Average backlash no load 0.3 0.45 0.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.017 0.014 0.013
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 19.3 21.3 23.3

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 16 89-92 44.8 46.8 48.8
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 49.8 51.8 53.8
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 52.9 54.9 56.9

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 215

Planetary Gearhead GP 16 K 16 mm, 0.060.18 Nm
Plastic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Housing, planetary wheels plastic
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
maxon gear

Bearing at output sleeve bearing

Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 5N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 2N 3N 4N 5N 5N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
112862 112863 112864 112865 112866
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 370 : 1 1621 : 1
57 3249 185193 10556001 601692057
2 Reduction absolute /13 /169 /2197 /28561 /371293
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 2 2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.06 0.09 0.12 0.15 0.18
7 Max. efciency % 85 70 60 50 45
8 Weight g 6.4 7.7 8.4 9.1 9.8
9 Average backlash no load 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.5 2.8
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 16.5 22.0 25.5 29.0 32.5
*for RE 15 and RE 16 L1 is1.0 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 16, 2 W 72 37.9 43.4 46.9 50.4 53.9
RE 16, 2 W 72 MR 268/270 43.6 49.1 52.6 56.1 59.6
RE 16, 3.2 W 73/74 56.0 61.5 65.0 68.5 72.0
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MR 268/270 61.0 66.5 70.0 73.5 77.0
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MEnc 13 284 62.1 67.6 71.1 74.6 78.1
RE 16, 4.5 W 75/76 59.0 64.5 68.0 71.5 75.0
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MR 268/270 64.0 69.5 73.0 76.5 80.0
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MEnc 13 284 65.1 70.6 74.1 77.6 81.1
A-max 16 89-92 42.0 47.5 51.0 54.5 58.0
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 47.0 52.5 56.0 59.5 63.0
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 50.1 55.6 59.1 62.6 66.1
RE-max 17 119-122 42.0 47.5 51.0 54.5 58.0
RE-max 17 120/122 MR 268/270 47.0 52.5 56.0 59.5 63.0

216 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 16 A 16 mm, 0.10.3 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.06 mm
Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 8 N 12 N 16 N 20 N 20 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110321 110322 110323 118186 110324 134782 110325 134785
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 157 : 1 370 : 1 690 : 1 1621 : 1 3027 : 1
57 3249 185193 19683 10556001 1121931 601692057 63950067
2 Reduction absolute /13 /169 /2197 /125 /28561 /1625 /371293 /21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 1.5 2 2 2 2
Article Numbers 118184 134777 134778 134780 118187 134783 134786
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 24 : 1 104 : 1 455 : 1 850 :1 1996 : 1 3728 : 1
27 1539 87723 5000211 531441 285012027 30292137
2 Reduction absolute /5 /65 /845 /10985 /625 /142805 /8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5 2 2
Article Numbers 118185 134779 134781 134784 118188
1 Reduction 29 : 1 128 : 1 561 : 1 2458 : 1 4592 : 1
729 41553 2368521 135005697 14348907
2 Reduction absolute /25 /325 /4225 /54925 /3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.150 0.225 0.300 0.300 0.375 0.375 0.450 0.450
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 73 65 65 59 59
8 Weight g 20 23 27 27 31 31 35 35
9 Average backlash no load 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 15.5 19.1 22.7 22.7 26.3 26.3 29.9 29.9

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 16, 2 W 72 37.9 41.5 45.1 45.1 48.7 48.7 52.3 52.3
RE 16, 2 W 72 MR 268/270 43.6 47.2 50.8 50.8 54.4 54.4 58.0 58.0
RE 16, 3.2 W 73/74 56.0 59.6 63.2 63.2 66.8 66.8 70.4 70.4
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MR 268/270 61.0 64.6 68.2 68.2 71.8 71.8 75.4 75.4
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MEnc 13 284 62.1 65.7 69.3 69.3 72.9 72.9 76.5 76.5
RE 16, 4.5 W 75/76 59.0 62.6 66.2 66.2 69.8 69.8 73.4 73.4
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MR 268/270 64.0 67.6 71.2 71.2 74.8 74.8 78.4 78.4
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MEnc 13 284 65.1 68.7 72.3 72.3 75.9 75.9 79.5 79.5
A-max 16 89-92 41.0 44.6 48.2 48.2 51.8 51.8 55.4 55.4
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 46.0 49.6 53.2 53.2 56.8 56.8 60.4 60.4
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 49.1 52.7 56.3 56.3 59.9 59.9 63.5 63.5
RE-max 17 119-122 41.0 44.6 48.2 48.2 51.8 51.8 55.4 55.4
RE-max 17 120/122 MR 268/270 46.0 49.6 53.2 53.2 56.8 56.8 60.4 60.4
EC 16, 30 W 145 55.6 59.2 62.8 62.8 66.4 66.4 70.0 70.0
EC 16, 30 W 145 MR 271 66.3 69.9 73.5 73.5 77.1 77.1 80.6 80.6
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 39.6 43.2 46.8 46.8 50.4 50.4 54.0 54.0
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 MR 271 46.9 50.5 54.1 54.1 57.7 57.7 61.3 61.3
EC-max 16, 2-wire 164 49.1 52.7 56.3 56.3 59.9 59.9 63.5 63.5

Option Ball Bearing Article Numbers Technical Data

4.4 : 1 138333 455 : 1 138343 Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
5.4 : 1 138334 561 : 1 138344 Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
19 : 1 138335 690 : 1 138345 Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
24 : 1 138336 850 : 1 138346 Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
29 : 1 138337 1621 : 1 138347 Axial play at axial load <4N 0 mm
84 : 1 138338 1996 : 1 138348 > 4 N max. 0.05 mm
104 : 1 138339 2458 : 1 138349 Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 25 N
128 : 1 138340 3027 : 1 138350
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
157 : 1 138341 3728 : 1 138351 Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
370 : 1 138342 4592 : 1 138352 Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -35+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 10 N 15 N 20 N 20 N 20 N
Gearhead values according to sleeve bearing version

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 217

Planetary Gearhead GP 16 C 16 mm, 0.20.6 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
maxon gear

Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm

Axial play at axial load <4N 0 mm
>4N max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 12 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 12 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Optional temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 20 N 40 N 60 N 80 N 80 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
416328 407883 416391 401954 328699 416028 416188 414453
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 157 : 1 370 : 1 690 : 1 1621 : 1 3027 : 1
57 3249 185193 19683 29198 1121931 10573969 20348987
2 Reduction absolute /13 /169 /2197 /125 / 79 /1625 /6525 /6722
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 1.5 2 1.5 2 2
Article Numbers 416500 416499 416385 416115 415807 415893 415476
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 24 : 1 104 : 1 455 : 1 850 : 1 1996 : 1 3728 : 1
27 1539 87723 1701938 531441 14755043 30292137
2 Reduction absolute /5 /65 /845 /3739 /625 / 7393 /8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 2 2 1.5 2 1.5
Article Numbers 416428 402672 416097 415786 409316
1 Reduction 29 : 1 128 : 1 561 : 1 2458 : 1 4592 : 1
729 41553 2368521 22979850 14348907
2 Reduction absolute /25 /325 /4225 /9349 /3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 1.5 2 2 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.3 0.45 0.6 0.6 0.75 0.75 0.9 0.9
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 73 65 65 59 59
8 Weight g 22 25 29 29 33 33 37 37
9 Average backlash no load 1.4 1.6 2 2 2.4 2.4 3 3
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 18.1 23.2 26.8 26.8 30.4 30.4 33.9 33.9

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 16, 2 W 72 40.5 45.6 49.2 49.2 52.8 52.8 56.3 56.3
RE 16, 2 W 72 MR 268/270 46.2 51.3 54.9 54.9 58.5 58.5 62.0 62.0
RE 16, 3.2 W 73/74 58.6 63.7 67.3 67.3 70.9 70.9 74.4 74.4
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MR 268/270 63.6 68.7 72.3 72.3 75.9 75.9 79.4 79.4
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MEnc 13 284 64.7 69.8 73.4 73.4 77.0 77.0 80.5 80.5
RE 16, 4.5 W 75/76 61.6 66.7 70.3 70.3 73.9 73.9 77.4 77.4
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MR 268/270 66.6 71.7 75.3 75.3 78.9 78.9 82.4 82.4
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MEnc 13 284 67.7 72.8 76.4 76.4 80.0 80.0 83.5 83.5
A-max 16 89-92 43.6 48.7 52.3 52.3 55.9 55.9 59.4 59.4
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 48.6 53.7 57.3 57.3 60.9 60.9 64.4 64.4
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 51.7 56.8 60.4 60.4 64.0 64.0 67.5 67.5
EC 16, 30 W 145 58.2 63.3 66.9 66.9 70.5 70.5 74.0 74.0
EC 16, 30 W 145 MR 271 68.9 74.0 77.6 77.6 81.2 81.2 84.7 84.7
EC 16, 60 W 147 74.2 79.3 82.9 82.9 86.5 86.5 90.0 90.0
EC 16, 60 W 147 MR 271 84.9 90.0 93.6 93.6 97.2 97.2 100.7 100.7
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 42.2 47.3 50.9 50.9 54.5 54.5 58.0 58.0
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 MR 271 49.5 54.6 58.2 58.2 61.8 61.8 65.3 65.3
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 54.2 59.3 62.9 62.9 66.5 66.5 70.0 70.0
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 MR 271 61.5 66.6 70.2 70.2 73.8 73.8 77.3 77.3

218 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 16 M 16 mm, 0.10.3 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings

maxon gear
Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
Axial play at axial load <4N 0 mm
>4N max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 50 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 10 N 15 N 20 N 20 N 20 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
312908 312910 312913 312916 312917 312920 312922 312925
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.4:1 19:1 84:1 157:1 370:1 690:1 1621:1 3027:1
57 3249 185193 19683 10556001 1121931 601692057 63950067
2 Reduction absolute /13 /169 /2197 /125 /28561 /1625 /371293 /21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 1.5 2 2 2 2
Article Numbers 312909 312911 312914 312918 312921 312923 312926
1 Reduction 5.4:1 24:1 104:1 455:1 850:1 1996:1 3728:1
27 1539/65 87723 5000211 531441 285012027 30292137
2 Reduction absolute /5 /845 /10985 /625 /142805 /8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5 2 2
Article Numbers 312912 312915 312919 312924 312927
1 Reduction 29:1 128:1 561:1 2458:1 4592:1
729 41553 2368521 135005697 14348907
2 Reduction absolute /25 /325 /4225 /54925 /3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.150 0.225 0.300 0.300 0.375 0.375 0.450 0.450
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 73 65 65 59 59
8 Weight g 25 28 32 32 36 36 41 41
9 Average backlash no load 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 20.6 24.2 27.8 27.8 31.4 31.4 35.0 35.0

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 16, 30 W, ster. 146 60.4 64.0 67.7 67.7 71.3 71.3 73.9 73.9
EC 16, 60 W, ster. 148 76.4 80.0 83.7 83.7 87.3 87.3 90.9 90.9

Application Sterilization information

The motor can be sterilized at least 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in autoclave.
No need to dismantle.

Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
ECG Rel. humidity 100%
Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 219

Planetary Gearhead GP 19 B 19 mm, 0.10.3 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm

Axial play 0.020.12 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 8 N 12 N 16 N 20 N 20 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
149039 149041 149044 149047 149048 149051 149053 149056
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 157 : 1 370 : 1 690 : 1 1621 : 1 3027 : 1
57 3249 185193 19683 10556001 1121931 601692057 63950067
2 Reduction absolute /13 /169 /2197 /125 /28561 /1625 /371293 /21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 1.5 2 2 2 2
Article Numbers 149040 149042 149045 149049 149052 149054 149057
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 24 : 1 104 : 1 455 : 1 850 :1 1996 : 1 3728 : 1
27 1539 87723 5000211 531441 285012027 30292137
2 Reduction absolute /5 /65 /845 /10985 /625 /142805 /8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5 2 2
Article Numbers 149043 149046 149050 149055 149058
1 Reduction 29 : 1 128 : 1 561 : 1 2458 : 1 4592 : 1
729 41553 2368521 135005697 14348907
2 Reduction absolute /25 /325 /4225 /54925 /3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.150 0.225 0.300 0.300 0.375 0.375 0.450 0.450
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 73 65 65 59 59
8 Weight g 26 31 36 36 41 41 46 46
9 Average backlash no load 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 15.9 19.5 23.1 23.1 26.7 26.7 30.3 30.3

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 19 93/94 44.9 48.5 52.1 52.1 55.7 55.7 59.3 59.3
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MR 268/270 50.0 53.6 57.2 57.2 60.8 60.8 64.4 64.4
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 Enc 22 275 59.3 62.9 66.5 66.5 70.1 70.1 73.7 73.7
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MEnc 13 284 52.4 56.0 59.6 59.6 63.2 63.2 66.8 66.8
A-max 19, 2.5 W 95/96 47.5 51.1 54.7 54.7 58.3 58.3 61.9 61.9
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MR 268/270 51.8 55.4 59.0 59.0 62.6 62.6 66.2 66.2
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 Enc 22 275 61.9 65.5 69.1 69.1 72.7 72.7 76.3 76.3
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MEnc 13 284 55.0 58.6 62.2 62.2 65.8 65.8 69.4 69.4

Option Ball Bearing Article Numbers Technical Data

4.4 : 1 227632 455 : 1 227642 Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
5.4 : 1 227633 561 : 1 227643 Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
19 : 1 227634 690 : 1 227644 Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
24 : 1 227635 850 : 1 227645 Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
29 : 1 227636 1621 : 1 227646 Axial play at axial load <4N 0 mm
84 : 1 227637 1996 : 1 227647 >4N max. 0.05 mm
104 : 1 227638 2458 : 1 227648 Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 25 N
128 : 1 227639 3027 : 1 227649
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
157 : 1 227640 3728 : 1 227650 Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
370 : 1 227641 4592 : 1 227651 Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -35+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 10 N 15 N 20 N 20 N 20 N
Gearhead values according to sleeve bearing version

220 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spur Gearhead GS 20 A 20.3 mm, 0.060.25 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output sleeve bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm
Axial play max. 0.3 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 20 N
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 2 3 4 5 6
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 8 N 12 N 16 N 20 N 20 N

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
258042 258044 258045 258047 258049
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 15 : 1 36 : 1 88 : 1 216 : 1 532 : 1
1696 54272 1736704 55574528 1778384896
2 Reduction absolute /117 /1521 /19773 /257049 /3341637
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 2 2
4 Number of stages 2 3 4 5 6
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.06 0.08 0.15 0.20 0.25
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.07 0.09 0.18 0.25 0.30
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output z = z = z
7 Max. efciency % 91 83 75 69 62
8 Weight g 11.8 13.0 14.3 15.6 16.8
9 Average backlash no load 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.016 0.015 0.015 0.015 0.015
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 23.6 25.8 28.1 30.3 32.6
*for A-max 19 L1 is4.0 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 20 at, 3 W, A 183 34.1 36.3 38.6 40.8 43.1
EC 20 at, 3 W, B 183 33.5 35.7 38.0 40.2 42.5
EC 20 at, 5 W 184 37.7 39.9 42.2 44.4 46.7
EC 20 at, IE, IP 00 185 40.7 42.9 45.2 47.4 49.7
EC 20 at, IE, IP 40 185 41.8 44.0 46.3 48.5 50.8
EC 20 at, IE, IP 00 186 44.7 46.9 49.2 51.4 53.7
EC 20 at, IE, IP 40 186 45.8 48.0 50.3 52.5 54.8

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 221

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 B 22 mm, 0.10.3 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Housing steel
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
maxon gear

Bearing at output sleeve bearing

Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.06 mm
Axial play 0.020.10 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 8 N 12 N 16 N 20 N 20 N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110355 110356 110357 118653 110358 134772 110359 134775
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 157 : 1 370 : 1 690 : 1 1621 : 1 3027 : 1
57 3249 185193 19683 10556001 1121931 601692057 63950067
2 Reduction absolute /13 /169 /2197 /125 /28561 /1625 /371293 /21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 1.5 2 2 2 2
Article Numbers 118651 134767 134768 134770 118654 134773 134776
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 24 : 1 104 : 1 455 : 1 850 :1 1996 : 1 3728 : 1
27 1539 87723 5000211 531441 285012027 30292137
2 Reduction absolute /5 /65 /845 /10985 /625 /142805 /8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5 2 2
Article Numbers 118652 134769 134771 134774 118655
1 Reduction 29 : 1 128 : 1 561 : 1 2458 : 1 4592 : 1
729 41553 2368521 135005697 14348907
2 Reduction absolute /25 /325 /4225 /54925 /3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 1.5 2 2 2 1.5
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.20 0.25 0.25 0.30 0.30
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.150 0.225 0.300 0.300 0.375 0.375 0.450 0.450
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 73 73 65 65 59 59
8 Weight g 39 48 57 57 65 65 73 73
9 Average backlash no load 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.4 2.4 3.0 3.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.07 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 15.9 19.5 23.1 23.1 26.7 26.7 30.3 30.3

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 19 93/94 44.9 48.5 52.1 52.1 55.7 55.7 59.3 59.3
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MR 268/270 50.0 53.6 57.2 57.2 60.8 60.8 64.4 64.4
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 Enc 22 275 59.3 62.9 66.5 66.5 70.1 70.1 73.7 73.7
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MEnc 13 284 52.4 56.0 59.6 59.6 63.2 63.2 66.8 66.8
A-max 19, 2.5 W 95/96 47.5 51.1 54.7 54.7 58.3 58.3 61.9 61.9
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MR 268/270 51.8 55.4 59.0 59.0 62.6 62.6 66.2 66.2
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 Enc 22 275 61.9 65.5 69.1 69.1 72.7 72.7 76.3 76.3
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MEnc 13 284 55.0 58.6 62.2 62.2 65.8 65.8 69.4 69.4
A-max 22 97-100 47.9 51.5 55.1 55.1 58.7 58.7 62.3 62.3
A-max 22 98/100 MR 268/270 52.9 56.5 60.1 60.1 63.7 63.7 67.3 67.3
A-max 22 98/100 Enc 22 275 62.3 65.9 69.5 69.5 73.1 73.1 76.7 76.7
A-max 22 98/100 MEnc 13 284 55.0 58.6 62.2 62.2 65.8 65.8 69.4 69.4

Option Ball Bearing Article Numbers Technical Data

4.4 : 1 144137 455 : 1 144147 Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
5.4 : 1 144138 561 : 1 144148 Housing steel
19 : 1 144139 690 : 1 144149 Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
24 : 1 144140 850 : 1 144150 Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
29 : 1 144141 1621 : 1 144151 Radial play, 6 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
84 : 1 144142 1996 : 1 144152 Axial play at axial load <4N 0 mm
104 : 1 144143 2458 : 1 144153 >4N max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
128 : 1 144144 3027 : 1 144154
Max. permissible force for press ts 25 N
157 : 1 144145 3728 : 1 144155 Sense of rotation, drive to output =
370 : 1 144146 4592 : 1 144156 Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -35+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 6 mm
from ange 10 N 15 N 20 N 20 N 20 N
Gearhead values according to sleeve bearing version

222 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 L 22 mm, 0.20.6 Nm
Plastic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Housing plastic
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened

maxon gear
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm
Axial play max. 0.15 mm
Max. permissible axial load 20 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 15 N 20 N 25 N 30 N 30 N
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
232763 232766 232772 232778 232782 232788 232794 232796 232803 232809 232815
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 590 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625 29198 59049 759375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /64 /845 /256 /79 /100 /1024 158340015/114244 285012027/142805 1594323/500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 232764 232767 232773 232779 232783 232789 232795 232798 232804 232810 232816
1 Reduction 4.4 :1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 690 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375 263169
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /208 /20 /832 /676 1121931/1625 2885625
/3328 3947535/2704 7105563/3380 30292137/8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 232765 232768 232774 232780 232784 232790 232797 232799 232805 232811 232817
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 850 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2214 : 1 4592 : 1
27 3249 48735 41553 731025 6561 531441 10965375
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /676 /325 /2704 /16 /625 /10816 98415/64 177147
/80 14348907/3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 4 2.5
Article Numbers 232769 232775 232781 232785 232791 232800 232806 232812
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 157 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2458 : 1
81 1215 19683 18225 1701938 273375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /125 /64 /3739 /256 601692057/371293 135005697/54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 2.5 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 232770 232776 232786 232792 232801 232807 232813
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2589 : 1
1539 185193 2777895 124659 41668425
2 Reduction absolute /65 /2197 /8788 /260 /35152 15000633/8788 3365793/1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 232771 232777 232787 232793 232802 232808 232814
1 Reduction 29 : 1 89 : 1 333 : 1 561 : 1 1249 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
729 4617 69255 2368521 1038825
2 Reduction absolute /25 /52 /208 /4225 /832 373977/208 63950067/21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.6
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 59 59 49 49 49 42 42 42 42
8 Weight g 28 35 43 43 51 51 51 59 59 59 59
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 22.7 29.5 36.3 36.3 43.1 43.1 43.1 49.9 49.9 49.9 49.9

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 22 97-100 54.7 61.5 68.3 68.3 75.1 75.1 75.1 81.9 81.9 81.9 81.9
A-max 22 98/100 MR 268/270 59.7 66.5 73.3 73.3 80.1 80.1 80.1 86.9 86.9 86.9 86.9
A-max 22 98/100 Enc 22 275 69.1 75.9 82.7 82.7 89.5 89.5 89.5 96.3 96.3 96.3 96.3
A-max 22 98/100 MEnc 13 284 61.8 68.6 75.4 75.4 82.2 82.2 82.2 89.0 89.0 89.0 89.0

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 223

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 A 22 mm, 0.51.0 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Option sleeve bearing

Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.2 mm
Axial play max. 0.2 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
134156 134158 134163 134168 134172 110340 134183 134186 134190 134195 134203
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 590 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625 29198 59049 759375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /64 /845 /256 /79 /100 /1024 158340015/114244 285012027/142805 1594323/500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 110337 134159 134164 134169 134173 134178 134184 134187 134193 134198 134204
1 Reduction 4.4 :1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 690 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375 263169
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /208 /20 /832 /676 1121931/1625 2885625
/3328 3947535/2704 7105563/3380 30292137/8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 134157 110338 134165 134170 134174 134180 134185 134188 134196 134200 134205
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 850 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2214 : 1 4592 : 1
27 3249 48735 41553 731025 6561 531441 10965375
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /676 /325 /2704 /16 /625 /10816 98415/64 177147
/80 14348907/3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 4 2.5
Article Numbers 134160 134166 134171 134176 134179 134191 110341 134199
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 157 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2458 : 1
81 1215 19683 18225 1701938 273375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /125 /64 /3739 /256 601692057/371293 135005697/54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 2.5 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 134161 110339 134175 134181 134189 134194 134201
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2589 : 1
1539 185193 2777895 124659 41668425
2 Reduction absolute /65 /2197 /8788 /260 /35152 15000633/8788 3365793/1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 134162 134167 134177 134182 134192 134197 134202
1 Reduction 29 : 1 89 : 1 333 : 1 561 : 1 1249 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
729 4617 69255 2368521 1038825
2 Reduction absolute /25 /52 /208 /4225 /832 373977/208 63950067/21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 59 59 49 49 49 42 42 42 42
8 Weight g 42 55 68 68 81 81 81 94 94 94 94
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 22.6 29.4 36.2 36.2 43.0 43.0 43.0 49.8 49.8 49.8 49.8
*for EC 32fl. L1 is + 7.1 mm

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 19 93/94 51.6 58.4 65.2 65.2 72.0 72.0 72.0 78.8 78.8 78.8 78.8
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MR 268/270 56.7 63.5 70.3 70.3 77.1 77.1 77.1 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 Enc 22 275 66.0 72.8 79.6 79.6 86.4 86.4 86.4 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MEnc 13 284 59.1 65.9 72.7 72.7 79.5 79.5 79.5 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3
A-max 19, 2.5 W 95/96 54.2 61.0 67.8 67.8 74.6 74.6 74.6 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MR 268/270 58.5 65.3 72.1 72.1 78.9 78.9 78.9 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 Enc 22 275 68.6 75.4 82.2 82.2 89.0 89.0 89.0 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MEnc 13 284 61.7 68.5 75.3 75.3 82.1 82.1 82.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9
A-max 22 97-100 54.6 61.4 68.2 68.2 75.0 75.0 75.0 81.8 81.8 81.8 81.8
A-max 22 98/100 MR 268/270 59.6 66.4 73.2 73.2 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.8 86.8 86.8 86.8
A-max 22 98/100 Enc 22 275 69.0 75.8 82.6 82.6 89.4 89.4 89.4 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2
A-max 22 98/100 MEnc 13 284 61.7 68.5 75.3 75.3 82.1 82.1 82.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9
RE-max 21 123/124 51.6 58.4 65.2 65.2 72.0 72.0 72.0 78.8 78.8 78.8 78.8
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 MR 269/271 56.7 63.5 70.3 70.3 77.1 77.1 77.1 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9
RE-max 21, 6 W 125/126 54.2 61.0 67.8 67.8 74.6 74.6 74.6 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 MR 269/271 58.5 65.3 72.1 72.1 78.9 78.9 78.9 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7
EC 16, 30 W 145 65.5 72.3 79.1 79.1 85.9 85.9 85.9 92.7 92.7 92.7 92.7
EC 16, 30 W 145 MR 271 76.2 83 89.8 89.8 96.6 96.6 96.6 103.4 103.4 103.4 103.4
EC 16, 60 W 147 81.5 88.3 95.1 95.1 101.9 101.9 101.9 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7
EC 16, 60 W 147 MR 271 92.2 99.0 105.8 105.8 112.6 112.6 112.6 119.4 119.4 119.4 119.4
EC 20 at, 3 W, A 183 33.1 39.9 46.7 46.7 53.5 53.5 53.5 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3
EC 20 at, 3 W, B 183 32.5 39.3 46.1 46.1 52.9 52.9 52.9 59.7 59.7 59.7 59.7
EC 20 at, 5 W 184 36.7 43.5 50.3 50.3 57.1 57.1 57.1 63.9 63.9 63.9 63.9
EC 20 at, IE, IP 00 185 39.7 46.5 53.3 53.3 60.1 60.1 60.1 66.9 66.9 66.9 66.9
EC 20 at, IE, IP 40 185 40.8 47.6 54.4 54.4 61.2 61.2 61.2 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0
EC 20 at, IE, IP 00 186 43.7 50.5 57.3 57.3 64.1 64.1 64.1 70.9 70.9 70.9 70.9
EC 20 at, IE, IP 40 186 44.8 51.6 58.4 58.4 65.2 65.2 65.2 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0
EC 32 at, 6 W 187 39.8 46.6 53.4 53.4 60.2 60.2 60.2 67.0 67.0 67.0 67.0
224 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change
Planetary Gearhead GP 22 C 22 mm, 0.52.0 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.2 mm
Axial play max. 0.2 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
143971 143974 143980 143986 143990 143996 144002 144004 144011 144017 144023
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 590 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625 29198 59049 759375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /64 /845 /256 /79 /100 /1024 158340015/114244 285012027/142805 1594323/500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 143972 143975 143981 143987 143991 143997 144003 144006 144012 144018 144024
1 Reduction 4.4 :1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 690 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375 263169
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /208 /20 /832 /676 1121931/1625 2885625
/3328 3947535/2704 7105563/3380 30292137/8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 143973 143976 143982 143988 143992 143998 144005 144007 144013 144019 144025
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 850 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2214 : 1 4592 : 1
27 3249 48735 41553 731025 6561 531441 10965375
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /676 /325 /2704 /16 /625 /10816 98415/64 177147
/80 14348907/3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 4 2.5
Article Numbers 143977 143983 143989 143993 143999 144008 144014 144020
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 157 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2458 : 1
81 1215 19683 18225 1701938 273375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /125 /64 /3739 /256 601692057/371293 135005697/54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 2.5 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 143978 143984 143994 144000 144009 144015 144021
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2589 : 1
1539 185193 2777895 124659 41668425
2 Reduction absolute /65 /2197 /8788 /260 /35152 15000633/8788 3365793/1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 143979 143985 143995 144001 144010 144016 144022
1 Reduction 29 : 1 89 : 1 333 : 1 561 : 1 1249 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
729 4617 69255 2368521 1038825
2 Reduction absolute /25 /52 /208 /4225 /832 373977/208 63950067/21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.8 0.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 59 59 49 49 49 42 42 42 42
8 Weight g 42 55 68 68 81 81 81 94 94 94 94
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 25.4 32.2 39.0 39.0 45.8 45.8 45.8 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.6
*L1 is2.8 mm for calculating the overall length

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 19 93/94 51.6 58.4 65.2 65.2 72.0 72.0 72.0 78.8 78.8 78.8 78.8
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MR 268/270 56.7 63.5 70.3 70.3 77.1 77.1 77.1 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 Enc 22 275 66.0 72.8 79.6 79.6 86.4 86.4 86.4 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MEnc 13 284 59.1 65.9 72.7 72.7 79.5 79.5 79.5 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3
A-max 19, 2.5 W 95/96 54.2 61.0 67.8 67.8 74.6 74.6 74.6 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MR 268/270 58.5 65.3 72.1 72.1 78.9 78.9 78.9 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 Enc 22 275 68.6 75.4 82.2 82.2 89.0 89.0 89.0 95.8 95.8 95.8 95.8
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MEnc 13 284 61.7 68.5 75.3 75.3 82.1 82.1 82.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9
A-max 22 97-100 54.6 61.4 68.2 68.2 75.0 75.0 75.0 81.8 81.8 81.8 81.8
A-max 22 98/100 MR 268/270 59.6 66.4 73.2 73.2 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.8 86.8 86.8 86.8
A-max 22 98/100 Enc 22 275 69.0 75.8 82.6 82.6 89.4 89.4 89.4 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2
A-max 22 98/100 MEnc 13 284 61.7 68.5 75.3 75.3 82.1 82.1 82.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9
RE-max 21 123/124 51.6 58.4 65.2 65.2 72.0 72.0 72.0 78.8 78.8 78.8 78.8
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 MR 268/271 56.7 63.5 70.3 70.3 77.1 77.1 77.1 83.9 83.9 83.9 83.9
RE-max 21 125/126 54.2 61.0 67.8 67.8 74.6 74.6 74.6 81.4 81.4 81.4 81.4
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 MR 268/271 58.5 65.3 72.1 72.1 78.9 78.9 78.9 85.7 85.7 85.7 85.7
RE-max 24 127-130 54.6 61.4 68.2 68.2 75.0 75.0 75.0 81.8 81.8 81.8 81.8
RE-max 24 128/130 MR 269/271 59.6 66.4 73.2 73.2 80.0 80.0 80.0 86.8 86.8 86.8 86.8

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 225

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 C 22 mm, 0.52.0 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.2 mm

Axial play max. 0.2 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
143971 143974 143980 143986 143990 143996 144002 144004 144011 144017 144023
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 590 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625 29198 59049 759375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /64 /845 /256 /79 /100 /1024 158340015/114244 285012027/142805 1594323/500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 143972 143975 143981 143987 143991 143997 144003 144006 144012 144018 144024
1 Reduction 4.4 :1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 690 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375 263169
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /208 /20 /832 /676 1121931/1625 2885625
/3328 3947535/2704 7105563/3380 30292137/8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 143973 143976 143982 143988 143992 143998 144005 144007 144013 144019 144025
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 850 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2214 : 1 4592 : 1
27 3249 48735 41553 731025 6561 531441 10965375
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /676 /325 /2704 /16 /625 /10816 98415/64 177147
/80 14348907/3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 4 2.5
Article Numbers 143977 143983 143989 143993 143999 144008 144014 144020
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 157 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2458 : 1
81 1215 19683 18225 1701938 273375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /125 /64 /3739 /256 601692057/371293 135005697/54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 2.5 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 143978 143984 143994 144000 144009 144015 144021
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2589 : 1
1539 185193 2777895 124659 41668425
2 Reduction absolute /65 /2197 /8788 /260 /35152 15000633/8788 3365793/1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 143979 143985 143995 144001 144010 144016 144022
1 Reduction 29 : 1 89 : 1 333 : 1 561 : 1 1249 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
729 4617 69255 2368521 1038825
2 Reduction absolute /25 /52 /208 /4225 /832 373977/208 63950067/21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.8 0.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 59 59 49 49 49 42 42 42 42
8 Weight g 42 55 68 68 81 81 81 94 94 94 94
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 25.4 32.2 39.0 39.0 45.8 45.8 45.8 52.6 52.6 52.6 52.6
*for EC-max 16 L1 is2.8 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 16, 60 W 147 81.5 88.3 95.1 95.1 101.9 101.9 101.9 108.7 108.7 108.7 108.7
EC 16, 60 W 147 MR 271 92.2 99.0 105.8 105.8 112.6 112.6 112.6 119.4 119.4 119.4 119.4
EC 22, 40 W 149 70.0 76.8 83.6 83.6 90.4 90.4 90.4 97.2 97.2 97.2 97.2
EC 22, 40 W 149 MR 271 76.0 82.8 89.6 89.6 96.4 96.4 96.4 103.2 103.2 103.2 103.2
EC 22, 100 W 151 88.2 95.0 101.8 101.8 108.6 108.6 108.6 115.4 115.4 115.4 115.4
EC 22, 100 W 151 MR 271 94.2 101.0 107.8 107.8 114.6 114.6 114.6 121.4 121.4 121.4 121.4
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 58.7 65.5 72.3 72.3 79.1 79.1 79.1 85.9 85.9 85.9 85.9
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 MR 271 66.0 72.8 79.6 79.6 86.4 86.4 86.4 93.2 93.2 93.2 93.2
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 57.5 64.3 71.1 71.1 77.9 77.9 77.9 84.7 84.7 84.7 84.7
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 MR 271 67.2 74.0 80.8 80.8 87.6 87.6 87.6 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 AB 20 328 93.1 99.9 106.7 106.7 113.5 113.5 113.5 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3
EC 20 at, 3 W, A 183 33.1 39.9 46.7 46.7 53.5 53.5 53.5 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3
EC 20 at, 3 W, B 183 32.5 39.3 46.1 46.1 52.9 52.9 52.9 59.7 59.7 59.7 59.7
EC 20 at, 5 W 184 36.7 43.5 50.3 50.3 57.1 57.1 57.1 63.9 63.9 63.9 63.9
EC 20 at, IE, IP 00 185 39.7 46.5 53.3 53.3 60.1 60.1 60.1 66.9 66.9 66.9 66.9
EC 20 at, IE, IP 40 185 40.8 47.6 54.4 54.4 61.2 61.2 61.2 68.0 68.0 68.0 68.0
EC 20 at, IE, IP 00 186 43.7 50.5 57.3 57.3 64.1 64.1 64.1 70.9 70.9 70.9 70.9
EC 20 at, IE, IP 40 186 44.8 51.6 58.4 58.4 65.2 65.2 65.2 72.0 72.0 72.0 72.0
EC 32 at, 6 W 187 39.8 46.6 53.4 53.4 60.2 60.2 60.2 67.0 67.0 67.0 67.0

226 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 HP 22 mm, 2.03.4 Nm
High Power
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.2 mm
Axial play max. 0.1 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 12 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
370683 370687 370690 370776 370780 370783 370792 370797 370802 370807
Gearhead Data (provisional)
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 20 : 1 53 : 1 76 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 316 : 1 410 : 1 590 : 1
15 225 81 3375 1215 87723 50625
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /4 /64 /16 /845 /256 2777895/8788 6561
/16 59049
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4
Article Numbers 370685 370688 370691 370778 370781 370784 370794 370799 370803 370808
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 16 : 1 24 : 1 62 : 1 84 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 333 : 1 455 : 1 690 : 1
57 855 1539 12825 185193 2187 192375
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /65 /208 /2197 /20 /832 69255/208 1701938
/3739 1121931/1625
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 370686 370689 370692 370779 370782 370785 370795 370800 370805 370809
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 29 : 1 72 : 1 89 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 370 : 1 479 : 1 850 : 1
27 3249 729 48735 4617 41553 731025
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /25 /676 /52 /325 /2704 29198/79 124659
/260 531441/625
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.5
Article Numbers 370786 370796 370801 370806
1 Reduction 157 : 1 285 : 1 389 : 1 561 : 1
19683 18225 263169 2368521
2 Reduction absolute /125 /64 /676 /4225
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 4 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 2 2.4 2.4 3 3 3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 2.5 3 3 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 70 59 59 59 49 49 49 49
8 Weight g 51 64 64 78 78 78 91 91 91 91
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 25.4 32.2 32.2 39.0 39.0 39.0 45.8 45.8 45.8 45.8

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 22, 40 W 149 70.0 76.8 76.8 83.6 83.6 83.6 90.4 90.4 90.4 90.4
EC 22, 40 W 149 MR 271 76.0 82.8 82.8 89.6 89.6 89.6 96.4 96.4 96.4 96.4
EC 22, 100 W 151 88.2 95.0 95.0 101.8 101.8 101.8 108.6 108.6 108.6 108.6
EC 22, 100 W 151 MR 271 94.2 101.0 101.0 107.8 107.8 107.8 114.6 114.6 114.6 114.6
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 57.5 64.3 64.3 71.1 71.1 71.1 77.9 77.9 77.9 77.9
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 MR 271 67.2 74.0 74.0 80.8 80.8 80.8 87.6 87.6 87.6 87.6
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 AB 20 328 93.1 99.9 99.9 106.7 106.7 106.7 113.5 113.5 113.5 113.5
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 74.0 80.8 80.8 87.6 87.6 87.6 94.4 94.4 94.4 94.4
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 MR 271 83.7 90.5 90.5 97.3 97.3 97.3 104.1 104.1 104.1 104.1
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 AB 20 328 109.7 116.5 116.5 123.3 123.3 123.3 130.1 130.1 130.1 130.1
EC-4pole 22 175 74.1 80.9 80.9 87.7 87.7 87.7 94.5 94.5 94.5 94.5
EC-4pole 22 175 HEDL 5540 280 95.6 102.4 102.4 109.2 109.2 109.2 116.0 116.0 116.0 116.0
EC-4pole 22 176 91.5 98.3 98.3 105.1 105.1 105.1 111.9 111.9 111.9 111.9
EC-4pole 22 176 HEDL 5540 280 113.0 119.8 119.8 126.6 126.6 126.6 133.4 133.4 133.4 133.4

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 227

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 HD 22 mm, 2.04.0 Nm
Heavy Duty for application in oil
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.2 mm

Axial play max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 11'000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -55+200C
Extended range as option -55+260C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
410657 410637 410558 416698 409667 416709 416738 416211 416747 416753 416760
Gearhead Data (provisional)
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 561 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625
2 Reduction absolute 4 16 64 845 256 10556001 28561 2368521
4225 759375 1024 158340015 114244 373977 208 63950067 21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 416684 416686 416693 416699 416703 416710 416739 416742 416748 416754 416762
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 590 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375
2 Reduction absolute 13 52 208 20 832 263169 676 59049
100 2885625 3328 3947535 2704 285012027 142805 1594323 500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 416687 416694 416701 416704 416711 416740 416743 416749 416756 416763
1 Reduction 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 690 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
3249 48735 41553 731025 6561 1121931
2 Reduction absolute 169 676 325 2704 16 1625 10965375 10816 98415 64 7105563 3380 30292137 8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 4.0 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 416688 416695 416706 416736 416744 416751 416757
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2214 : 1
81 1215 18225
2 Reduction absolute 4 16 64 5000211 10985 273375
256 601692057 371293 177147 80
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4
Article Numbers 416689 416696 416707 416737 416745 416752 416758
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2458 : 1
1539 185193 2777895
2 Reduction absolute 65 2197 8788 124659 260 41668425
35152 15000633 8788 135005697 54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3,2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 416697 416708 416746 416759
1 Reduction 89:1 333 : 1 1249 : 1 2589 : 1
4617 69255 1038825 3365793
2 Reduction absolute 52 208 832 1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 2 2.4 3 3 3.4 3.4 3.4 4 4 4 4
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 2.5 3 3.5 3.5 3.8 3.8 3.8 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
15 Max. overload torque1) Nm 6 9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
7 Max. efciency % 95 87 78 78 65 65 65 53 53 53 53
8 Weight g 46 65 82 82 96 96 96 110 110 110 110
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 20.6 29.7 38.2 38.2 45.0 45.0 45.0 51.8 51.8 51.8 51.8
1) Reduced expected life span

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 22, 240 W, A 154 110.2 119.3 127.8 127.8 134.6 134.6 134.6 141.4 141.4 141.4 141.4
EC 22, 240 W, B 154 97.7 106.8 115.3 115.3 122.1 122.1 122.1 128.9 128.9 128.9 128.9

228 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 22 M 22 mm, 0.52.0 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.12 mm
Axial play max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+100C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 25 N 25 N 25 N 25 N 25 N
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
305129 305132 305138 305144 305148 305154 305160 305163 305169 305175 305181
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 590 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /64 /845 /256 10556001/28561 59049
/100 759375
/1024 158340015/114244 285012027/142805 1594323/500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 305130 305133 305139 305145 305149 305155 305161 305164 305170 305176 305182
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 690 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /208 /20 /832 263169/676 1121931
/1625 2885625
/3328 3947535/2704 7105563/3380 30292137/8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 305131 305134 305140 305146 305150 305156 305162 305165 305171 305177 305183
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 850 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2214 : 1 4592 : 1
27 3249 48735 41553 731025 6561 531441 10965375
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /676 /325 /2704 /16 /625 /10816 98415/64 177147
/80 14348907/3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 4 2.5
Article Numbers 305135 305141 305147 305151 305157 305166 305172 305178
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 157 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2458 : 1
81 1215 19683 18225
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /125 /64 5000211/10985 273375
/256 601692057/371293 135005697/54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 2.5 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 305136 305142 305152 305158 305167 305173 305179
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2589 : 1
1539 185193 2777895
2 Reduction absolute /65 /2197 /8788 124659/260 41668425
/35152 15000633/8788 3365793/1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 305137 305143 305153 305159 305168 305174 305180
1 Reduction 29 : 1 89 : 1 333 : 1 561 : 1 1249 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
729 4617 69255
2 Reduction absolute /25 /52 /208 2368521/4225 1038825
/832 373977/208 63950067/21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.5 0.6 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.8 0.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 59 59 49 49 49 42 42 42 42
8 Weight g 64 77 90 90 103 103 103 116 116 116 116
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 35.8 42.6 49.4 49.4 56.2 56.2 56.2 63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 22, 40 W, ster. 150 80.4 87.2 94.0 94.0 100.8 100.8 100.8 107.6 107.6 107.6 107.6
EC 22, 100 W, ster. 152 98.6 105.4 112.2 112.2 119.0 119.0 119.0 125.8 125.8 125.8 125.8

Application Sterilization information

The motor can be sterilized at least 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in autoclave.
No need to dismantle.

Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 229

Spur Gearhead GS 24 A 24 mm, 0.1 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Housing plastic
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
maxon gear

Bearing at output sleeve bearing

Radial play, 8 mm from ange max. 0.038 mm
Axial play 0.030.30 mm
Max. permissible axial load 8N
Max. permissible force for press ts 500 N
Recommended input speed < 4000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 8 mm
from ange 5N 5N 5N 5N 5N
M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110480 110481 110482 110483 110484 110485 110486
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 7.2 : 1 20 : 1 32 : 1 64 : 1 131 : 1 199 : 1 325 : 1
93 121915 151813 837 212629 778642 1093365
2 Reduction absolute /13 /6153 /4695 /13 /1625 /3909 /3362
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 Number of stages 2 4 4 4 4 6 6
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = = = = = = =
7 Max. efciency % 81 66 66 66 66 53 53
8 Weight g 25 28 28 28 28 30 30
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.008 0.01 0.008 0.007 0.006 0.008 0.006
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 16.5 20.2 20.2 20.2 20.2 24 24
*L1 for A-max 22 L1 is2.8 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 19 93/94 45.5 49.2 49.2 49.2 49.2 53.0 53.0
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MR 268/270 50.6 54.3 54.3 54.3 54.3 58.1 58.1
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 Enc 22 275 59.9 63.6 63.6 63.6 63.6 67.4 67.4
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MEnc 13 284 53.0 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.7 60.5 60.5
A-max 19, 2.5 W 95/96 48.1 51.8 51.8 51.8 51.8 55.6 55.6
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MR 268/270 52.4 56.1 56.1 56.1 56.1 59.9 59.9
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 Enc 22 275 62.5 66.2 66.2 66.2 66.2 70.0 70.0
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MEnc 13 284 274 55.6 59.3 59.3 59.3 59.3 63.1
A-max 22 97-100 45.7 49.4 49.4 49.4 49.4 53.2 53.2
A-max 22 98/100 MR 268/270 50.7 54.4 54.4 54.4 54.4 58.2 58.2
A-max 22 98/100 Enc 22 275 60.1 63.8 63.8 63.8 63.8 67.6 67.6
A-max 22 98/100 MEnc 13 284 52.8 56.5 56.5 56.5 56.5 60.3 60.3

230 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 26 B 26 mm, 0.52.0 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
Axial play at axial load <4N 0 mm
>4N max. 0.05 mm
Max. permissible axial load 100 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 100 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N 70 N
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
144026 144029 144035 144041 144045 144051 144057 144059 144066 144072 144078
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 14 : 1 53 : 1 104 : 1 198 : 1 370 : 1 590 : 1 742 : 1 1386 : 1 1996 : 1 3189 : 1
15 225 3375 87723 50625 29198 59049
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /64 /845 /256 /79 /100 759375/1024 158340015/114244 285012027/142805 1594323/500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3.2 4 3.2 4 4 3.2 3.2 4
Article Numbers 144027 144030 144036 144042 144046 144052 144058 144061 144067 144073 144079
1 Reduction 4.4 :1 16 : 1 62 : 1 109 : 1 231 : 1 389 : 1 690 : 1 867 : 1 1460 : 1 2102 : 1 3728 : 1
57 855 12825 2187 192375 263169
2 Reduction absolute /13 /52 /208 /20 /832 /676 1121931/1625 2885625/3328 3947535/2704 7105563/3380 30292137/8125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 144028 144031 144037 144043 144047 144053 144060 144062 144068 144074 144080
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 128 : 1 270 : 1 410 : 1 850 : 1 1014 : 1 1538 : 1 2214 : 1 4592 : 1
27 3249 48735 41553 325 731025 6561 531441
2 Reduction absolute /5 /169 /676 / /2704 /16 /625 10965375/10816 98415/64 177147
/80 14348907/3125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 4 2.5 3.2 4 4 2.5
Article Numbers 144032 144038 144044 144048 144054 144063 144069 144075
1 Reduction 20 : 1 76 : 1 157 : 1 285 : 1 455 : 1 1068 : 1 1621 : 1 2458 : 1
81 1215 19683 18225 1701938 273375
2 Reduction absolute /4 /16 /125 /64 /3739 /256 601692057/371293 135005697/54925
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 2.5 4 3.2 4 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 144033 144039 144049 144055 144064 144070 144076
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 316 : 1 479 : 1 1185 : 1 1707 : 1 2589 : 1
1539 185193 2777895 124659 41668425
2 Reduction absolute /65 /2197 /8788 /260 /35152 15000633/8788 3365793/1300
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
Article Numbers 144034 144040 144050 144056 144065 144071 144077
1 Reduction 29 : 1 89 : 1 333 : 1 561 : 1 1249 : 1 1798 : 1 3027 : 1
729 4617 69255 2368521 1038825
2 Reduction absolute /25 /52 /208 /4225 /832 373977/208 63950067/21125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2.5 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.5 0.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 1.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.8 0.9 1.9 1.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0
7 Max. efciency % 84 70 59 59 49 49 49 42 42 42 42
8 Weight g 65 86 108 108 130 130 130 152 152 152 152
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 29.2 36.0 42.8 42.8 49.6 49.6 49.6 56.4 56.4 56.4 56.4
*for A-max 26 and RE-max 29 L1 is2.2 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25 77/79 83.8 90.6 97.4 97.4 104.2 104.2 104.2 111.0 111.0 111.0 111.0
RE 25 77/79 MR 272 94.8 101.6 108.4 108.4 115.2 115.2 115.2 122.0 122.0 122.0 122.0
RE 25 77/79 Enc 22 274 97.9 104.7 111.5 111.5 118.3 118.3 118.3 125.1 125.1 125.1 125.1
RE 25 77/79 HED_ 5540 276/278 104.6 111.4 118.2 118.2 125.0 125.0 125.0 131.8 131.8 131.8 131.8
RE 25 77/79 DCT22 286 106.1 112.9 119.7 119.7 126.5 126.5 126.5 133.3 133.3 133.3 133.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 72.3 79.1 85.9 85.9 92.7 92.7 92.7 99.5 99.5 99.5 99.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 83.3 90.1 96.9 96.9 103.7 103.7 103.7 110.5 110.5 110.5 110.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 277/280 93.1 99.9 106.7 106.7 113.5 113.5 113.5 120.3 120.3 120.3 120.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT22 286 94.6 101.4 108.2 108.2 115.0 115.0 115.0 121.8 121.8 121.8 121.8
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 106.4 113.2 120.0 120.0 126.8 126.8 126.8 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.6
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 / AB 28 277/330 123.6 130.4 137.2 137.2 144.0 144.0 144.0 150.8 150.8 150.8 150.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 328 117.9 124.7 131.5 131.5 138.3 138.3 138.3 145.1 145.1 145.1 145.1
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_ 5540 / AB 28 278/330 135.1 141.9 148.7 148.7 155.5 155.5 155.5 162.3 162.3 162.3 162.3
A-max 26 101-108 71.8 78.6 85.4 85.4 92.2 92.2 92.2 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0
A-max 26 102-108 MEnc 13 285 78.9 85.7 92.5 92.5 99.3 99.3 99.3 106.1 106.1 106.1 106.1
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 80.6 87.4 94.2 94.2 101.0 101.0 101.0 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 86.2 93.0 99.8 99.8 106.6 106.6 106.6 113.4 113.4 113.4 113.4
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 90.2 97.0 103.8 103.8 110.6 110.6 110.6 117.4 117.4 117.4 117.4
RE-max 29 131-134 71.8 78.6 85.4 85.4 92.2 92.2 92.2 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0
RE-max 29 132/134 MR 272 80.6 87.4 94.2 94.2 101.0 101.0 101.0 107.8 107.8 107.8 107.8

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 231

Planetary Gearhead GP 26 A 26 mm, 0.754.5 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
maxon gear

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm

Axial play at axial load <6N 0 mm
>6N max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 70 N 140 N 210 N
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
406757 406762 406764 406767 406128 406769 406770 406771 406092
Gearhead Data (provisional)
1 Reduction 5.2 : 1 19 : 1 27 : 1 35 : 1 71 : 1 100 : 1 139 : 1 181 : 1 236 : 1
57 3591 3249 1539 226233 204687 185193 87723 41553
2 Reduction absolute /11 /187 /121 /44 /3179 /2057 /1331 /484 /176
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.75 2.25 2.25 2.25 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2
7 Max. efciency % 90 80 80 80 70 70 70 70 70
8 Weight g 53 77 77 77 93 93 93 93 93
9 Average backlash no load 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.96 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 23.3 33.4 33.4 33.4 39.4 39.4 39.4 39.4 39.4

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25 77/79 77.9 88.0 88.0 88.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0 94.0
RE 25 77/79 MR 272 88.9 99.0 99.0 99.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0
RE 25 77/79 Enc 22 274 92.0 102.1 102.1 102.1 108.1 108.1 108.1 108.1 108.1
RE 25 77/79 HED_ 5540 276/278 98.7 108.8 108.8 108.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8
RE 25 77/79 DCT22 286 100.2 110.3 110.3 110.3 116.3 116.3 116.3 116.3 116.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 66.4 76.5 76.5 76.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5 82.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 77.4 87.5 87.5 87.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5 93.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 277 87.2 97.3 97.3 97.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3 103.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT 22 286 88.7 98.8 98.8 98.8 104.8 104.8 104.8 104.8 104.8
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 100.5 110.6 110.6 110.6 116.6 116.6 116.6 116.6 116.6
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_5540/AB 28 277/330 117.7 127.8 127.8 127.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8 133.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 112.0 122.1 122.1 122.1 128.1 128.1 128.1 128.1 128.1
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_ 5540/AB 28 278/330 129.2 139.3 139.3 139.3 145.3 145.3 145.3 145.3 145.3
A-max 26 101-108 68.1 78.2 78.2 78.2 84.2 84.2 84.2 84.2 84.2
A-max 26 101-108 MEnc 13 285 75.2 85.3 85.3 85.3 91.3 91.3 91.3 91.3 91.3
A-max 26 101-108 MR 272 76.9 87.0 87.0 87.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0
A-max 26 101-108 Enc 22 275 82.5 92.6 92.6 92.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6 98.6
A-max 26 101-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 86.5 96.6 96.6 96.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6 102.6

232 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spur Gearhead GS 30 A 30 mm, 0.070.2 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Shaft diameter as option 8 mm

maxon gear
Bearing at output sleeve bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm
Axial play 0.030.2 mm
Max. permissible axial load 15 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 400 N
Recommended input speed < 5000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -5+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 5 mm
from ange 35 N 35 N 35 N 35 N 35 N

M 1:1 Option: Low-noise version

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
110445 110446 110447 110448 110449 110450
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 15 : 1 30 : 1 60 : 1 100 : 1 200 : 1 500 : 1
2 Reduction absolute 15 30 60 100 200 500
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 2 2 2 2 2 2
4 Number of stages 3 3 4 4 5 6
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.07 0.07 0.10 0.10 0.20 0.20
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.21 0.21 0.30 0.30 0.60 0.60
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output z z = = z =
7 Max. efciency % 73 73 66 66 60 53
8 Weight g 40 40 45 45 50 55
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.17 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 23.0 23.0 25.5 25.5 30.5 30.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 26 101-108 67.8 67.8 70.3 70.3 75.3 75.3
A-max 26 102-108 MEnc 13 285 74.9 74.9 77.4 77.4 82.4 82.4
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 76.6 76.6 79.1 79.1 84.1 84.1
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 82.2 82.2 84.7 84.7 89.7 89.7
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 86.2 86.2 88.7 88.7 93.7 93.7

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 233

Planetary Gearhead GP 32 BZ 32 mm, 0.754.5 Nm
Low Backlash
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm

Axial play max. 0.7 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 4000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 70 N 140 N 210 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
358975 351942 358331 357988 358335 358385 358512 358513 358515 358516
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 5.2 : 1 19 : 1 27 : 1 35 : 1 71 : 1 100 : 1 139 : 1 181 : 1 236 : 1
63 57 3591 3249 1539 226233 204687 185193 87723 41553
2 Reduction absolute /17 /11 /187 /121 /44 /3179 /2057 /1331 /484 /176
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 5.5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.75 0.75 2.25 2.25 2.25 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
Max. continuous torque within the preloading Nm 0.5 0.5 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.1 1.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2
7 Max. efciency % 85 85 80 80 80 70 70 70 70 70
8 Weight g 150 150 190 190 190 240 240 240 240 240
9 Average backlash no load 0.15 0.15 0.35 0.35 0.35 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.25 1.25 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 33.5 33.5 43.6 43.6 43.6 53.1 53.1 53.1 53.1 53.1
*for EC 32 L1 is + 6.4 mm, for RE 30 L1 is + 1.0 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25 77/79 88.1 88.1 98.2 98.2 98.2 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7
RE 25 77/79 MR 272 99.1 99.1 109.2 109.2 109.2 118.7 118.7 118.7 118.7 118.7
RE 25 77/79 Enc 22 274 102.2 102.2 112.3 112.3 112.3 121.8 121.8 121.8 121.8 121.8
RE 25 77/79 HED_ 5540 276/278 108.9 108.9 119.0 119.0 119.0 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5 128.5
RE 25 77/79 DCT 22 286 110.4 110.4 120.5 120.5 120.5 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0
RE 25, 20 W 78 76.6 76.6 86.7 86.7 86.7 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2 96.2
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 87.6 87.6 97.7 97.7 97.7 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2 107.2
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 277/280 97.4 97.4 107.5 107.5 107.5 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0 117.0
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT 22 286 98.9 98.9 109.0 109.0 109.0 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5 118.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 110.7 110.7 120.8 120.8 120.8 130.3 130.3 130.3 130.3 130.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 / AB 28 277/330 127.9 127.9 138.0 138.0 138.0 147.5 147.5 147.5 147.5 147.5
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 122.2 122.2 132.3 132.3 132.3 141.8 141.8 141.8 141.8 141.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_ 5540 / AB 28 276/330 139.4 139.4 149.5 149.5 149.5 159.0 159.0 159.0 159.0 159.0
RE 30, 60 W 80 102.6 102.6 112.7 112.7 112.7 122.2 122.2 122.2 122.2 122.2
RE 30, 60 W 80 MR 273 114.0 114.0 124.1 124.1 124.1 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.6 133.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 104.6 104.6 114.7 114.7 114.7 124.2 124.2 124.2 124.2 124.2
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 116.0 116.0 126.1 126.1 126.1 135.6 135.6 135.6 135.6 135.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 125.3 125.3 135.4 135.4 135.4 144.9 144.9 144.9 144.9 144.9
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 286 122.7 122.7 132.8 132.8 132.8 142.3 142.3 142.3 142.3 142.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 140.7 140.7 150.8 150.8 150.8 160.3 160.3 160.3 160.3 160.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 HEDS 5540 / AB 28 276/330 157.9 157.9 168.0 168.0 168.0 177.5 177.5 177.5 177.5 177.5
A-max 26 101-108 78.3 78.3 88.4 88.4 88.4 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9 97.9
A-max 26 101-107 MEnc 13 285 85.4 85.4 95.5 95.5 95.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0 105.0
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 87.1 87.1 97.2 97.2 97.2 106.7 106.7 106.7 106.7 106.7
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 92.7 92.7 102.8 102.8 102.8 112.3 112.3 112.3 112.3 112.3
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 96.7 96.7 106.8 106.8 106.8 116.3 116.3 116.3 116.3 116.3
A-max 32 109/111 96.5 96.5 106.6 106.6 106.6 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.1 116.1
A-max 32 110/112 95.1 95.1 105.2 105.2 105.2 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7 114.7
A-max 32 110/112 MR 273 106.3 106.3 116.4 116.4 116.4 125.9 125.9 125.9 125.9 125.9
A-max 32 110/112 HED_ 5540 277/278 115.9 115.9 126.0 126.0 126.0 135.5 135.5 135.5 135.5 135.5
EC 32, 80 W 156 100.2 100.2 110.3 110.3 110.3 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8 119.8
EC 32, 80 W 156 HED_ 5540 277/279 118.6 118.6 128.7 128.7 128.7 138.2 138.2 138.2 138.2 138.2
EC 32, 80 W 156 Res 26 287 120.3 120.3 130.4 130.4 130.4 139.9 139.9 139.9 139.9 139.9
MCD EPOS, 60 W 325 153.6 153.6 163.7 163.7 163.7 173.2 173.2 173.2 173.2 173.2
MCD EPOS P, 60 W 325 153.6 153.6 163.7 163.7 163.7 173.2 173.2 173.2 173.2 173.2

234 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 32 A 32 mm, 0.754.5 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Shaft diameter as option 8 mm

maxon gear
Bearing at output ball bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N
M 1:2 Option: Low-noise version

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
166155 166158 166163 166164 166169 166174 166179 166184 166187 166192 166197 166202
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1 1181 : 1 1972 : 1 2829 : 1 4380 : 1
26 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044 10123776
2 Reduction absolute /7 /49 /16 /343 /125 /1715 /175 /25 /8575 8626176/4375 495144/175 109503/25
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 6 3 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
Article Numbers 166156 166159 166165 166170 166175 166180 166185 166188 166193 166198 166203
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913 : 1 1414 : 1 2189 : 1 3052 : 1 5247 : 1
24 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501 2425488
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /245 /56 /343 /625 /40 /1715 536406/245 712/625 523
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166157 166160 166166 166171 166176 166181 166186 166189 166194 166199 166204
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1 1526 : 1 2362 : 1 3389 : 1 6285 : 1
23 299 3887 3312 389376 20631 279841 9345024
2 Reduction absolute /4 /14 /49 /25 /1225 /35 /256 /6125 2066688/875 474513/140 6436343/1024
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166161 166167 166172 166177 166182 166190 166195 166200
1 Reduction 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1 1694 : 1 2548 : 1 3656 : 1
576 14976 1587 359424 79488 1162213
2 Reduction absolute /25 /175 /10 /875 /125 /686 7962624/3125 457056/125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3
Article Numbers 166162 166168 166173 166178 166183 166191 166196 166201
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1 1828 : 1 2623 : 1 4060 : 1
138 3588 12167 89401 158171 2238912
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /64 /196 /224 /1225 2056223/ 784 3637933/896
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.75 2.25 2.25 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.1 3.4 3.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
7 Max. efciency % 80 75 75 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 50
8 Weight g 118 162 162 194 194 226 226 226 258 258 258 258
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 26.5 36.4 36.4 43.1 43.1 49.8 49.8 49.8 56.5 56.5 56.5 56.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25 77/79 81.1 91.0 91.0 97.7 97.7 104.4 104.4 104.4 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1
RE 25 77/79 MR 272 92.1 102.0 102.0 108.7 108.7 115.4 115.4 115.4 122.1 122.1 122.1 122.1
RE 25 77/79 Enc 22 274 95.2 105.1 105.1 111.8 111.8 118.5 118.5 118.5 125.2 125.2 125.2 125.2
RE 25 77/79 HED_ 5540 276/278 101.9 111.8 111.8 118.5 118.5 125.2 125.2 125.2 131.9 131.9 131.9 131.9
RE 25 77/79 DCT 22 286 103.4 113.3 113.3 120.0 120.0 126.7 126.7 126.7 133.4 133.4 133.4 133.4
RE 25, 20 W 78 69.6 79.5 79.5 86.2 86.2 92.9 92.9 92.9 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 80.6 90.5 90.5 97.2 97.2 103.9 103.9 103.9 110.6 110.6 110.6 110.6
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 277/280 90.4 100.3 100.3 107.0 107.0 113.7 113.7 113.7 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT22 286 91.9 101.8 101.8 108.5 108.5 115.2 115.2 115.2 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 103.7 113.6 113.6 120.3 120.3 127.0 127.0 127.0 133.7 133.7 133.7 133.7
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 / AB 28 277/330 120.9 130.8 130.8 137.5 137.5 144.2 144.2 144.2 150.9 150.9 150.9 150.9
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 115.2 125.1 125.1 131.8 131.8 138.5 138.5 138.5 145.2 145.2 145.2 145.2
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_ 5540/AB 28 276/330 132.4 142.3 142.3 149.0 149.0 155.7 155.7 155.7 162.4 162.4 162.4 162.4
A-max 26 101-108 71.3 81.2 81.2 87.9 87.9 94.6 94.6 94.6 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3
A-max 26 102-108 MEnc 13 285 78.4 88.3 88.3 95.0 95.0 101.7 101.7 101.7 108.4 108.4 108.4 108.4
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 80.1 90.0 90.0 96.7 96.7 103.4 103.4 103.4 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 85.7 95.6 95.6 102.3 102.3 109.0 109.0 109.0 115.7 115.7 115.7 115.7
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 89.7 99.6 99.6 106.3 106.3 113.0 113.0 113.0 119.7 119.7 119.7 119.7
RE-max 29 131-134 71.3 81.2 81.2 87.9 87.9 94.6 94.6 94.6 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3
RE-max 29 132/134 MR 272 80.1 90.0 90.0 96.7 96.7 103.4 103.4 103.4 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 235

Planetary Gearhead GP 32 A 32 mm, 0.754.5 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Shaft diameter as option 8 mm
maxon gear

Bearing at output ball bearing

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N
M 1:2 Option: Low-noise version

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
166155 166158 166163 166164 166169 166174 166179 166184 166187 166192 166197 166202
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1 1181 : 1 1972 : 1 2829 : 1 4380 : 1
26 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044 10123776
2 Reduction absolute /7 /49 /16 /343 /125 /1715 /175 /25 /8575 8626176/4375 495144/175 109503
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 6 3 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
Article Numbers 166156 166159 166165 166170 166175 166180 166185 166188 166193 166198 166203
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913 : 1 1414 : 1 2189 : 1 3052 : 1 5247 : 1
24 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501 2425488
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /245 /56 /343 /625 /40 /1715 536406/245 1907712/625 839523
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166157 166160 166166 166171 166176 166181 166186 166189 166194 166199 166204
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1 1526 : 1 2362 : 1 3389 : 1 6285 : 1
23 299 3887 3312 38976 20631 279841 9345024
2 Reduction absolute /4 /14 /49 /25 /1225 /35 /256 /6125 2066688/875 474513/140 6436343
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166161 166167 166172 166177 166182 166190 166195 166200
1 Reduction 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1 1694 : 1 2548 : 1 3656 : 1
576 14976 1587 359424 79488 1162213
2 Reduction absolute /25 /175 /10 /875 /125 /686 7962624/3125 457056/125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3
Article Numbers 166162 166168 166173 166178 166183 166191 166196 166201
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1 1828 : 1 2623 : 1 4060 : 1
138 3588 12167 89401 158171 2238912
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /64 /196 /224 /1225 2056223/ 784 3637933/896
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.75 2.25 2.25 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50 4.50
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.1 3.4 3.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
7 Max. efciency % 80 75 75 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 50
8 Weight g 118 162 162 194 194 226 226 226 258 258 258 258
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 26.5 36.4 36.4 43.1 43.1 49.8 49.8 49.8 56.5 56.5 56.5 56.5
*for EC 32 flat L1 is + 2.0 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 30, 60 W 80 94.6 104.5 104.5 111.2 111.2 117.9 117.9 117.9 124.6 124.6 124.6 124.6
RE 30, 60 W 80 MR 273 106.0 115.9 115.9 122.6 122.6 129.3 129.3 129.3 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 97.6 107.5 107.5 114.2 114.2 120.9 120.9 120.9 127.6 127.6 127.6 127.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 109.0 118.9 118.9 125.6 125.6 132.3 132.3 132.3 139.0 139.0 139.0 139.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 118.3 128.2 128.2 134.9 134.9 141.6 141.6 141.6 148.3 148.3 148.3 148.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 286 115.7 125.6 125.6 132.3 132.3 139.0 139.0 139.0 145.7 145.7 145.7 145.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 133.7 143.6 143.6 150.3 150.3 157.0 157.0 157.0 163.7 163.7 163.7 163.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 HEDS 5540 / AB 28 276/330 150.9 160.8 160.8 167.5 167.5 174.2 174.2 174.2 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9
A-max 32 109/111 89.5 99.4 99.4 106.1 106.1 112.8 112.8 112.8 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5
A-max 32 110/112 88.1 98.0 98.0 104.7 104.7 111.4 111.4 111.4 118.1 118.1 118.1 118.1
A-max 32 110/112 MR 273 99.3 109.2 109.2 115.9 115.9 122.6 122.6 122.6 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3
A-max 32 110/112 HED_ 5540 277/278 108.9 118.8 118.8 125.5 125.5 132.2 132.2 132.2 138.9 138.9 138.9 138.9
EC 32, 80 W 156 86.6 96.5 96.5 103.2 103.2 109.9 109.9 109.9 116.6 116.6 116.6 116.6
EC 32, 80 W 156 HED_ 5540 277/279 105.0 114.9 114.9 121.6 121.6 128.3 128.3 128.3 135.0 135.0 135.0 135.0
EC 32, 80 W 156 Res 26 287 106.7 116.6 116.6 123.3 123.3 130.0 130.0 130.0 136.7 136.7 136.7 136.7
EC 32 at, 15 W 188 44.5 54.4 54.4 61.1 61.1 67.8 67.8 67.8 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5
EC 32 at, IE, IP 00 189 54.6 64.5 64.5 71.2 71.2 77.9 77.9 77.9 84.6 84.6 84.6 84.6
EC 32 at, IE, IP 40 189 56.3 66.2 66.2 72.9 72.9 79.6 79.6 79.6 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3

236 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 32 C 32 mm, 1.06.0 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Shaft diameter as option 8 mm

maxon gear
Bearing at output ball bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N
M 1:2 Option: Low-noise version

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
166930 166933 166938 166939 166944 166949 166954 166959 166962 166967 166972 166977
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1 1181 : 1 1972 : 1 2829 : 1 4380 : 1
26 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044 10123776
2 Reduction absolute /7 /49 /16 /343 /125 /1715 /175 /25 /8575 8626176/4375 495144/175 109503/25
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 6 3 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
Article Numbers 166931 166934 166940 166945 166950 166955 166960 166963 166968 166973 166978
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913 : 1 1414 : 1 2189 : 1 3052 : 1 5247 : 1
24 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501 2425488
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /245 /56 /343 /625 /40 /1715 536406/245 1907712/625 839523/160
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166932 166935 166941 166946 166951 166956 166961 166964 166969 166974 166979
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1 1526 : 1 2362 : 1 3389 : 1 6285 : 1
23 299 3887 3312 389376 20631 279841 9345024
2 Reduction absolute /4 /14 /49 /25 /1225 /35 /256 /6125 2066688/875 474513/140 6436343/1024
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166936 166942 166947 166952 166957 166965 166970 166975
1 Reduction 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1 1694 : 1 2548 : 1 3656 : 1
576 14976 1587 359424 79488 1162213
2 Reduction absolute /25 /175 /10 /875 /125 /686 7962624/3125 457056/125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3
Article Numbers 166937 166943 166948 166953 166958 166966 166971 166976
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1 1828 : 1 2623 : 1 4060 : 1
138 3588 12167 89401 158171 2238912
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /64 /196 /224 /1225 2056223/ 784 3637933/896
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 1 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.25 3.75 3.75 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
7 Max. efciency % 80 75 75 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 50
8 Weight g 118 162 162 194 194 226 226 226 258 258 258 258
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 26.5 36.4 36.4 43.1 43.1 49.8 49.8 49.8 56.5 56.5 56.5 56.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25, 10 W 77/79 81.1 91.0 91.0 97.7 97.7 104.4 104.4 104.4 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1
RE 25, 10 W 77/79 MR 272 92.1 102.0 102.0 108.7 108.7 115.4 115.4 115.4 122.1 122.1 122.1 122.1
RE 25, 10 W 77/79 Enc 22 274 95.2 105.1 105.1 111.8 111.8 118.5 118.5 118.5 125.2 125.2 125.2 125.2
RE 25, 10 W 77/79 HED_ 5540 276/278 101.9 111.8 111.8 118.5 118.5 125.2 125.2 125.2 131.9 131.9 131.9 131.9
RE 25, 10 W 77/79 DCT 22 286 103.4 113.3 113.3 120.0 120.0 126.7 126.7 126.7 133.4 133.4 133.4 133.4
RE 25, 20 W 78 69.6 79.5 79.5 86.2 86.2 92.9 92.9 92.9 99.6 99.6 99.6 99.6
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 80.6 90.5 90.5 97.2 97.2 103.9 103.9 103.9 110.6 110.6 110.6 110.6
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 277/280 90.4 100.3 100.3 107.0 107.0 113.7 113.7 113.7 120.4 120.4 120.4 120.4
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT22 286 91.9 101.8 101.8 108.5 108.5 115.2 115.2 115.2 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 103.7 113.6 113.6 120.3 120.3 127.0 127.0 127.0 133.7 133.7 133.7 133.7
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 / AB 28 277/330 120.9 130.8 130.8 137.5 137.5 144.2 144.2 144.2 150.9 150.9 150.9 150.9
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 115.2 125.1 125.1 131.8 131.8 138.5 138.5 138.5 145.2 145.2 145.2 145.2
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_5540 / AB 28 330 132.4 142.3 142.3 149.0 149.0 155.7 155.7 155.7 162.4 162.4 162.4 162.4
RE 30, 60 W 80 94.6 104.5 104.5 111.2 111.2 117.9 117.9 117.9 124.6 124.6 124.6 124.6
RE 30, 60 W 80 MR 273 106.0 115.9 115.9 122.6 122.6 129.3 129.3 129.3 136.0 136.0 136.0 136.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 97.6 107.5 107.5 114.2 114.2 120.9 120.9 120.9 127.6 127.6 127.6 127.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 109.0 118.9 118.9 125.6 125.6 132.3 132.3 132.3 139.0 139.0 139.0 139.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 118.3 128.2 128.2 134.9 134.9 141.6 141.6 141.6 148.3 148.3 148.3 148.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 287 115.7 125.6 125.6 132.3 132.3 139.0 139.0 139.0 145.7 145.7 145.7 145.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 133.7 143.6 143.6 150.3 150.3 157.0 157.0 157.0 163.7 163.7 163.7 163.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 HEDS 5540 / AB 28 276/330 150.9 160.8 160.8 167.5 167.5 174.2 174.2 174.2 180.9 180.9 180.9 180.9
A-max 26 101-108 71.3 81.2 81.2 87.9 87.9 94.6 94.6 94.6 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3
A-max 26 102-108 MEnc 13 285 78.4 88.3 88.3 95.0 95.0 101.7 101.7 101.7 108.4 108.4 108.4 108.4
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 80.1 90.0 90.0 96.7 96.7 103.4 103.4 103.4 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 85.7 95.6 95.6 102.3 102.3 109.0 109.0 109.0 115.7 115.7 115.7 115.7
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 89.7 99.6 99.6 106.3 106.3 113.0 113.0 113.0 119.7 119.7 119.7 119.7
A-max 32 109/111 89.5 99.4 99.4 106.1 106.1 112.8 112.8 112.8 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5
A-max 32 110/112 88.1 98.0 98.0 104.7 104.7 111.4 111.4 111.4 118.1 118.1 118.1 118.1
A-max 32 110/112 MR 273 99.3 109.2 109.2 115.9 115.9 122.6 122.6 122.6 129.3 129.3 129.3 129.3
A-max 32 110/112 HED_ 5540 277/278 108.9 118.8 118.8 125.5 125.5 132.2 132.2 132.2 138.9 138.9 138.9 138.9

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 237

Planetary Gearhead GP 32 C 32 mm, 1.06.0 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Shaft diameter as option 8 mm
maxon gear

Bearing at output ball bearing

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N
M 1:2 Option: Low-noise version

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
166930 166933 166938 166939 166944 166949 166954 166959 166962 166967 166972 166977
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1 1181 : 1 1972 : 1 2829 : 1 4380 : 1
26 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044 10123776
2 Reduction absolute /7 /49 /16 /343 /125 /1715 /175 /25 /8575 8626176/4375 495144/175 109503
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 6 3 6 4 4 3 3 4 4 3 3
Article Numbers 166931 166934 166940 166945 166950 166955 166960 166963 166968 166973 166978
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913 : 1 1414 : 1 2189 : 1 3052 : 1 5247 : 1
24 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501 2425488
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /245 /56 /343 /625 /40 /1715 536406/245 1907712/625 839523
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166932 166935 166941 166946 166951 166956 166961 166964 166969 166974 166979
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1 1526 : 1 2362 : 1 3389 : 1 6285 : 1
23 299 3887 3312 389376 20631 279841 9345024
2 Reduction absolute /4 /14 /49 /25 /1225 /35 /256 /6125 2066688/875 474513/140 6436343
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 3
Article Numbers 166936 166942 166947 166952 166957 166965 166970 166975
1 Reduction 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1 1694 : 1 2548 : 1 3656 : 1
576 14976 1587 359424 79488 1162213
2 Reduction absolute /25 /175 /10 /875 /125 /686 7962624/3125 457056/125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 4 3 4 3 3 4 3
Article Numbers 166937 166943 166948 166953 166958 166966 166971 166976
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1 1828 : 1 2623 : 1 4060 : 1
138 3588 12167 89401 158171 2238912
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /64 /196 /224 /1225 2056223/ 784 3637933/896
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 1 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.25 3.75 3.75 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5
7 Max. efciency % 80 75 75 70 70 60 60 60 50 50 50 50
8 Weight g 118 162 162 194 194 226 226 226 258 258 258 258
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.5 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 26.5 36.4 36.4 43.1 43.1 49.8 49.8 49.8 56.5 56.5 56.5 56.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE-max 29 131-134 71.3 81.2 81.2 87.9 87.9 94.6 94.6 94.6 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3
RE-max 29 132/134 MR 272 80.1 90.0 90.0 96.7 96.7 103.4 103.4 103.4 110.1 110.1 110.1 110.1
EC 32, 80 W 156 86.6 96.5 96.5 103.2 103.2 109.9 109.9 109.9 116.6 116.6 116.6 116.6
EC 32, 80 W 156 HED_ 5540 277/279 105.0 114.9 114.9 121.6 121.6 128.3 128.3 128.3 135.0 135.0 135.0 135.0
EC 32, 80 W 156 Res 26 287 106.7 116.6 116.6 123.3 123.3 130.0 130.0 130.0 136.7 136.7 136.7 136.7
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 75.1 85.0 85.0 91.7 91.7 98.4 98.4 98.4 105.1 105.1 105.1 105.1
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 MR 271 84.8 94.7 94.7 101.4 101.4 108.1 108.1 108.1 114.8 114.8 114.8 114.8
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 AB 20 328 111.6 121.5 121.5 128.2 128.2 134.9 134.9 134.9 141.6 141.6 141.6 141.6
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 68.9 78.8 78.8 85.5 85.5 92.2 92.2 92.2 98.9 98.9 98.9 98.9
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 MR 272 81.1 91.0 91.0 97.7 97.7 104.4 104.4 104.4 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540 279 89.5 99.4 99.4 106.1 106.1 112.8 112.8 112.8 119.5 119.5 119.5 119.5
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 AB 20 328 104.5 114.4 114.4 121.1 121.1 127.8 127.8 127.8 134.5 134.5 134.5 134.5
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540 / AB 20 279/328 125.1 135.0 135.0 141.7 141.7 148.4 148.4 148.4 155.1 155.1 155.1 155.1
EC-4pole 22, 90 W 175 75.2 85.1 85.1 91.8 91.8 98.5 98.5 98.5 105.2 105.2 105.2 105.2
EC-4pole 22, 90 W 175 HEDL 5540 280 96.7 106.6 106.6 113.3 113.3 120.0 120.0 120.0 126.7 126.7 126.7 126.7
EC-4pole 22, 120 W 176 92.6 102.5 102.5 109.2 109.2 115.9 115.9 115.9 122.6 122.6 122.6 122.6
EC-4pole 22, 120 W 176 HEDL 5540 280 114.1 124.0 124.0 130.7 130.7 137.4 137.4 137.4 144.1 144.1 144.1 144.1
EC 32 at, 15 W 188 44.5 54.4 54.4 61.1 61.1 67.8 67.8 67.8 74.5 74.5 74.5 74.5
EC 32 at IE, IP 00 189 54.6 64.5 64.5 71.2 71.2 77.9 77.9 77.9 84.6 84.6 84.6 84.6
EC 32 at IE, IP 40 189 56.3 66.2 66.2 72.9 72.9 79.6 79.6 79.6 86.3 86.3 86.3 86.3
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 58.1 68.0 68.0 74.7 74.7 81.4 81.4 81.4 88.1 88.1 88.1 88.1
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 MR 273 73.8 83.7 83.7 90.4 90.4 97.1 97.1 97.1 103.8 103.8 103.8 103.8
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 HEDL 5540 280 81.5 91.4 91.4 98.1 98.1 104.8 104.8 104.8 111.5 111.5 111.5 111.5
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 68.1 78.0 78.0 84.7 84.7 91.4 91.4 91.4 98.1 98.1 98.1 98.1
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 MR 273 83.8 93.7 93.7 100.4 100.4 107.1 107.1 107.1 113.8 113.8 113.8 113.8
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 HEDL 5540 280 91.5 101.4 101.4 108.1 108.1 114.8 114.8 114.8 121.5 121.5 121.5 121.5
MCD EPOS, 60 W 325 150.2 160.1 160.1 166.8 166.8 173.5 173.5 173.5 180.2 180.2 180.2 180.2
MCD EPOS P, 60 W 325 150.2 160.1 160.1 166.8 166.8 173.5 173.5 173.5 180.2 180.2 180.2 180.2
238 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change
Planetary Gearhead GP 32 HP 32 mm, 4.08.0 Nm
High Power
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm
Axial play max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 200 N 200 N 200 N 200 N 200 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
320247 326663 326664 326668 326672 324947 324952
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111:1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1
676 529 17576 13824 456976 89401 158171
2 Reduction absolute /49 /16 /343 /125 /2401 /196 /224
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 3 6 4 6 3 3
Article Numbers 326659 326665 326669 324942 324948 324953
1 Reduction 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1
624 16224 6877 421824 86112 19044
2 Reduction absolute /35 /245 /56 /1715 /175 /25
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 6 3 6 6 4
Article Numbers 326660 326666 326670 324944 324949 324954
1 Reduction 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913 : 1
299 3887 3312 101062 331776 36501
2 Reduction absolute /14 /49 /25 /343 /625 /40
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 6 6 4 6 4 3
Article Numbers 326661 326667 326671 324945 324950
1 Reduction 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1
576 14976 1587 389376 20631
2 Reduction absolute /25 /175 /10 /1225 /35
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 6 3 6 6
Article Numbers 326662 320297 324946 324951
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1
138 3588 359424 79488
2 Reduction absolute /5 /35 /875 /125
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 6 6 4
4 Number of stages 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 4 4 8 8 8 8 8
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 6 6 12 12 12 12 12
7 Max. efciency % 75 75 70 70 60 60 60
8 Weight g 178 178 213 213 249 249 249
9 Average backlash no load 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.6 0.5 1.5 0.7 1.5 1.5 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 48.1 48.1 54.8 54.8 61.5 61.5 61.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 35, 90 W 81 119.2 119.2 125.9 125.9 132.6 132.6 132.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 130.6 130.6 137.3 137.3 144.0 144.0 144.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 139.9 139.9 146.6 146.6 153.3 153.3 153.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 286 137.3 137.3 144.0 144.0 150.7 150.7 150.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 155.3 155.3 162.0 162.0 168.7 168.7 168.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 HEDS 5540 / AB 28 276/330 172.5 172.5 179.2 179.2 185.9 185.9 185.9
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 90.2 90.2 96.9 96.9 103.6 103.6 103.6
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 MR 272 102.4 102.4 109.1 109.1 115.8 115.8 115.8
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540 279 110.8 110.8 117.5 117.5 124.2 124.2 124.2
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 AB 20 328 125.8 125.8 132.5 132.5 139.2 139.2 139.2
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540/AB 20 279/328 146.4 146.4 153.1 153.1 159.8 159.8 159.8
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 112.2 112.2 118.9 118.9 125.6 125.6 125.6
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 MR 272 124.4 124.4 131.1 131.1 137.8 137.8 137.8
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540 279 132.8 132.8 139.5 139.5 146.2 146.2 146.2
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 AB 20 328 147.8 147.8 154.5 154.5 161.2 161.2 161.2
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540/AB 20 328 168.4 168.4 175.1 175.1 181.8 181.8 181.8
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 95.2 95.2 101.9 101.9 108.6 108.6 108.6
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 MR 272 107.4 107.4 114.1 114.1 120.8 120.8 120.8
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 HEDL 5540 280 115.8 115.8 122.5 122.5 129.2 129.2 129.2
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 AB 20 328 131.4 131.4 138.1 138.1 144.8 144.8 144.8
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 HEDL 5540/AB 20 280/328 152.2 152.2 158.9 158.9 165.6 165.6 165.6
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 112.2 112.2 118.9 118.9 125.6 125.6 125.6
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 MR 272 124.4 124.4 131.1 131.1 137.8 137.8 137.8
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 HEDL 5540 280 132.8 132.8 139.5 139.5 146.2 146.2 146.2
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 AB 20 328 148.4 148.4 155.1 155.1 161.8 161.8 161.8
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 HEDL 5540/AB 20 280/328 169.2 169.2 175.9 175.9 182.6 182.6 182.6
MCD EPOS, 60 W 325 168.2 168.2 174.9 174.9 181.6 181.6 181.6
MCD EPOS P, 60 W 325 168.2 168.2 174.9 174.9 181.6 181.6 181.6

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 239

Koaxdrive KD 32 32 mm, 1.04.5 Nm
Low Noise
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead special toothing
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.14 mm

Axial play max. 0.4 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N 140 N

M 1:2 Option: higher reduction ratio on request

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
354722 354725 354962 354730 354731 354734 354737 354963 354742
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 11 : 1 41 : 1 82 : 1 158 : 1 152 : 1 253 : 1 392 : 1 705 : 1 1091 : 1
11 286 408 792 7436 6336 9792 9867 17457
2 Reduction absolute /1 /7 /5 /5 /49 /25 /25 /14 /16
7 Max. efciency % 78 70 65 61 63 63 59 55 55
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.65 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.35 0.22
Article Numbers 354723 354726 354728 354744 354732 354735 354738 354740
1 Reduction 17 : 1 53 : 1 98 : 1 190 : 1 196 : 1 304 : 1 455 : 1 760 : 1
17 264 391 759 6864 1518 22308 19008
2 Reduction absolute /1 /5 /4 /4 /35 /5 /49 /25
7 Max. efciency % 72 70 65 65 63 63 55 55
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.38 0.60 0.35 0.35 0.60 0.60 0.22 0.22
Article Numbers 354724 354727 354729 354733 354736 354739 354741
1 Reduction 33 : 1 63 : 1 123 : 1 235 : 1 364 : 1 588 : 1 911 : 1
33 442 858 11492 5819 20592 4554
2 Reduction absolute /1 /7 /7 /49 /16 /35 /5
7 Max. efciency % 68 70 61 63 63 59 55
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.65 0.60 0.22 0.60 0.60 0.35 0.22
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 1 3.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.25 4.4 4.4 4.4 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
8 Weight g 130 230 230 230 262 262 262 262 262
9 Average backlash no load 3.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 40.7 57.9 57.9 57.9 67.6 67.6 67.6 67.6 67.6

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25 77/79 95.3 112.5 112.5 112.5 122.2 122.2 122.2 122.2 122.2
RE 25 77/79 MR 272 106.3 123.5 123.5 123.5 133.2 133.2 133.2 133.2 133.2
RE 25 77/79 Enc 22 274 109.4 126.6 126.6 126.6 136.3 136.3 136.3 136.3 136.3
RE 25 77/79 HED_5540 276/278 116.1 133.3 133.3 133.3 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0 143.0
RE 25 77/79 DCT 22 286 117.6 134.8 134.8 134.8 144.5 144.5 144.5 144.5 144.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 83.8 101.0 101.0 101.0 110.7 110.7 110.7 110.7 110.7
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 94.8 112.0 112.0 112.0 121.7 121.7 121.7 121.7 121.7
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_5540 277/280 104.6 121.8 121.8 121.8 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT 22 286 106.1 123.3 123.3 123.3 133.0 133.0 133.0 133.0 133.0
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 117.9 135.1 135.1 135.1 144.8 144.8 144.8 144.8 144.8
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_5540 / AB 28 277/330 135.1 152.3 152.3 152.3 162.0 162.0 162.0 162.0 162.0
RE 30, 60 W 80 108.8 126.0 126.0 126.0 135.7 135.7 135.7 135.7 135.7
RE 30, 60 W 80 MR 273 120.2 137.4 137.4 137.4 147.1 147.1 147.1 147.1 147.1
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 72.8 90.0 90.0 90.0 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7 99.7
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 MR 271 82.4 99.6 99.6 99.6 109.3 109.3 109.3 109.3 109.3
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 AB 20 328 108.4 125.6 125.6 125.6 135.3 135.3 135.3 135.3 135.3
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 89.3 106.5 106.5 106.5 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 MR 271 98.9 116.1 116.1 116.1 125.8 125.8 125.8 125.8 125.8
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 AB 20 328 125.0 142.2 142.2 142.2 151.9 151.9 151.9 151.9 151.9
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 82.8 100.0 100.0 100.0 109.7 109.7 109.7 109.7 109.7
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 MR 272 95.0 112.2 112.2 112.2 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9 121.9
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540 279 103.4 120.6 120.6 120.6 130.3 130.3 130.3 130.3 130.3
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 AB 20 328 118.4 135.6 135.6 135.6 145.3 145.3 145.3 145.3 145.3
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540/AB 20 279/328 136.8 154.0 154.0 154.0 163.7 163.7 163.7 163.7 163.7
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 104.8 122.0 122.0 122.0 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7 131.7
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 MR 272 117.0 134.2 134.2 134.2 143.9 143.9 143.9 143.9 143.9
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540 279 125.4 142.6 142.6 142.6 152.3 152.3 152.3 152.3 152.3
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 AB 20 328 140.4 157.6 157.6 157.6 167.3 167.3 167.3 167.3 167.3
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540/AB 20 279/328 158.8 176.0 176.0 176.0 185.7 185.7 185.7 185.7 185.7

240 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spur Gearhead GS 38 A 38 mm, 0.10.6 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output sleeve bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 12 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm
Axial play 0.030.2 mm
Max. permissible axial load 30 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 500 N
Recommended input speed < 5000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -5+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 50 N 50 N 50 N 50 N 50 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110451 110452 110453 110454 110455 110456 110457 110458 110459
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 6:1 10 : 1 18 : 1 30 : 1 60 : 1 100 : 1 200 : 1 500 : 1 900 : 1
2 Reduction absolute 6 10 18 30 60 100 200 500 900
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 6
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.6
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.3 0.3 0.6 0.6 0.9 0.9 1.8 1.8 1.8
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = = z z = = z = =
7 Max. efciency % 81 81 73 73 66 66 59 53 53
8 Weight g 55 55 60 60 65 65 70 75 75
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 20.6 20.6 23.1 23.1 25.6 25.6 28.1 30.6 30.6
*for EC 32 flat L1 is + 2.0 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 26 101-108 65.4 65.4 67.9 67.9 70.4 70.4 72.9 75.4 75.4
A-max 26 102-108 MEnc 13 285 72.5 72.5 75.0 75.0 77.5 77.5 80.0 82.5 82.5
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 74.2 74.2 76.7 76.7 79.2 79.2 81.7 84.2 84.2
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 79.8 79.8 82.3 82.3 84.8 84.8 87.3 89.8 89.8
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 277/278 83.8 83.8 86.3 86.3 88.8 88.8 91.3 93.8 93.8
A-max 32 109/111 83.6 83.6 86.1 86.1 88.6 88.6 91.1 93.6 93.6
A-max 32 110/112 82.2 82.2 84.7 84.7 87.2 87.2 89.7 92.2 92.2
A-max 32 110/112 MR 273 93.4 93.4 95.9 95.9 98.4 98.4 100.9 103.4 103.4
A-max 32 110/112 HED_ 5540 277/278 103.0 103.0 105.5 105.5 108.0 108.0 110.5 113.0 113.0
RE-max 21 123/124 49.6 49.6 52.1 52.1 54.6 54.6 57.1 59.6 59.6
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 MR 269/271 54.7 54.7 57.2 57.2 59.7 59.7 62.2 64.7 64.7
RE-max 21 125/126 52.2 52.2 54.7 54.7 57.2 57.2 59.7 62.2 62.2
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 MR 269/271 56.5 56.5 59.0 59.0 61.5 61.5 64.0 66.5 66.5
RE-max 24 127-130 52.6 52.6 55.1 55.1 57.6 57.6 60.1 62.6 62.6
RE-max 24 128/130 MR 269/271 57.6 57.6 60.1 60.1 62.6 62.6 65.1 67.6 67.6
EC 32 at, 15 W 188 38.6 38.6 41.1 41.1 43.6 43.6 46.1 48.6 48.6
EC 32 at, IE, IP 00 189 48.7 48.7 51.2 51.2 53.7 53.7 56.2 58.7 58.7
EC 32 at, IE, IP 40 189 50.4 50.4 52.9 52.9 55.4 55.4 57.9 60.4 60.4

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 241

Planetary Gearhead GP 42 C 42 mm, 315 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
maxon gear

Radial play, 12 mm from ange max. 0.06 mm

Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.3 mm
Max. permissible axial load 150 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 300 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 120 N 150 N 150 N 150 N
M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
203113 203115 203119 203120 203124 203129 203128 203133 203137 203141
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.5 : 1 12 : 1 26 : 1 43 : 1 81 : 1 156 : 1 150 : 1 285 : 1 441 : 1 756 : 1
7 49 343 2197 2401 15379
2 Reduction absolute /2 /4 26 /8 /27 156 /16 /54 441 756
10 Mass inertia gcm2 14 15 9.1 15 9.4 9.1 15 15 14 14
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 8 10 8 8 10 10 10 10
Article Numbers 203114 203116 260552* 203121 203125 260553* 203130 203134 203138 203142
1 Reduction 4.3 : 1 15 : 1 36 : 1 53 : 1 91 : 1 216 : 1 186 : 1 319 : 1 488 : 1 936 : 1
13 91 36 637 216 4459 637 4394
2 Reduction absolute /3 /6 /1 /12 91 /1 /24 /2 /9 936
10 Mass inertia gcm 9.1 15 5.0 15 15 5.0 15 15 9.4 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 10 4 10 10 4 10 10 8 8
Article Numbers 260551* 203117 203122 203126 203131 203135 203139 260554*
1 Reduction 6:1 19 : 1 66 : 1 113 : 1 230 : 1 353 :1 546 : 1 1296 : 1
6 169 1183 338 8281 28561 1296
2 Reduction absolute /1 /9 /18 /3 /36 /81 546 /1
10 Mass inertia gcm2 4.9 9.4 15 9.4 15 9.4 14 5.0
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 8 10 8 10 8 10 4
Article Numbers 203118 203123 203127 203132 203136 203140
1 Reduction 21 : 1 74 : 1 126 : 1 257 : 1 394 : 1 676 : 1
147 1029 1183
2 Reduction absolute 21 /2 126 /4 /3 676
10 Mass inertia gcm2 14 15 14 15 15 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 10 10 10 8
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 3.0 7.5 7.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 4.5 11.3 11.3 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 81 72 72 72 64 64 64 64
8 Weight g 260 360 360 460 460 460 560 560 560 560
9 Average backlash no load 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 41.0 55.5 55.5 70.0 70.0 70.0 84.5 84.5 84.5 84.5
*no combination with EC 45 (150 W and 250 W) **for EC 45 flat L1 is3.5 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor Page Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 35, 90 W 81 112.1 126.6 126.6 141.1 141.1 141.1 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 123.5 138.0 138.0 152.5 152.5 152.5 167.0 167.0 167.0 167.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 132.8 147.3 147.3 161.8 161.8 161.8 176.3 176.3 176.3 176.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 286 130.2 144.7 144.7 159.2 159.2 159.2 173.7 173.7 173.7 173.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 148.2 162.7 162.7 177.2 177.2 177.2 191.7 191.7 191.7 191.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 AB 28 330 165.4 179.9 179.9 194.4 194.4 194.4 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9
RE 40, 150 W 82 112.1 126.6 126.6 141.1 141.1 141.1 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6
RE 40, 150 W 82 MR 273 123.5 138.0 138.0 152.5 152.5 152.5 167.0 167.0 167.0 167.0
RE 40, 150 W 82 HED_ 5540 276/278 132.8 147.3 147.3 161.8 161.8 161.8 176.3 176.3 176.3 176.3
RE 40, 150 W 82 HEDL 9140 281 166.2 180.7 180.7 195.2 195.2 195.2 209.7 209.7 209.7 209.7
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 330 148.2 162.7 162.7 177.2 177.2 177.2 191.7 191.7 191.7 191.7
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 331 156.2 170.7 170.7 185.2 185.2 185.2 199.7 199.7 199.7 199.7
RE 40, 150 W 82 HED_ 5540 276/278 AB 28 330 165.4 179.9 179.9 194.4 194.4 194.4 208.9 208.9 208.9 208.9
RE 40, 150 W 82 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 176.7 191.2 191.2 205.7 205.7 205.7 220.2 220.2 220.2 220.2
EC 40, 170 W 157 120.9 135.4 135.4 149.9 149.9 149.9 164.4 164.4 164.4 164.4
EC 40, 170 W 157 HED_ 5540 277/279 144.3 158.8 158.8 173.3 173.3 173.3 187.8 187.8 187.8 187.8
EC 40, 170 W 157 Res 26 287 148.3 162.8 162.8 177.3 177.3 177.3 191.8 191.8 191.8 191.8
EC 40, 170 W 157 AB 32 332 163.6 178.1 178.1 192.6 192.6 192.6 207.1 207.1 207.1 207.1
EC 40, 170 W 157 HED_ 5540 277/279 AB 32 332 187.0 201.5 201.5 216.0 216.0 216.0 230.5 230.5 230.5 230.5
EC 45, 150 W 158 152.3 166.8 166.8 181.3 181.3 181.3 195.8 195.8 195.8 195.8
EC 45, 150 W 158 HEDL 9140 281 167.9 182.4 182.4 196.9 196.9 196.9 211.4 211.4 211.4 211.4
EC 45, 150 W 158 Res 26 287 152.3 166.8 166.8 181.3 181.3 181.3 195.8 195.8 195.8 195.8
EC 45, 150 W 158 AB 28 331 159.7 174.2 174.2 188.7 188.7 188.7 203.2 203.2 203.2 203.2
EC 45, 150 W 158 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 176.7 191.2 191.2 205.7 205.7 205.7 220.2 220.2 220.2 220.2
EC 45, 250 W 159 185.1 199.6 199.6 214.1 214.1 214.1 228.6 228.6 228.6 228.6
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 200.7 215.2 215.2 229.7 229.7 229.7 244.2 244.2 244.2 244.2
EC 45, 250 W 159 Res 26 287 185.1 199.6 199.6 214.1 214.1 214.1 228.6 228.6 228.6 228.6
EC 45, 250 W 159 AB 28 331 192.5 207.0 207.0 221.5 221.5 221.5 236.0 236.0 236.0 236.0
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 209.5 224.0 224.0 238.5 238.5 238.5 253.0 253.0 253.0 253.0

242 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 42 C 42 mm, 315 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings

maxon gear
Radial play, 12 mm from ange max. 0.06 mm
Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.3 mm
Max. permissible axial load 150 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 300 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 120 N 150 N 150 N 150 N
M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
203113 203115 203119 203120 203124 203129 203128 203133 203137 203141
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.5 : 1 12 : 1 26 : 1 43 : 1 81 : 1 156 : 1 150 : 1 285 : 1 441 : 1 756 : 1
7 49 343 2197 2401 15379
2 Reduction absolute /2 /4 26 /8 /27 156 /16 /54 441 756
10 Mass inertia gcm2 14 15 9.1 15 9.4 9.1 15 15 14 14
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 8 10 8 8 10 10 10 10
Article Numbers 203114 203116 260552* 203121 203125 260553* 203130 203134 203138 203142
1 Reduction 4.3 : 1 15 : 1 36 : 1 53 : 1 91 : 1 216 : 1 186 : 1 319 : 1 488 : 1 936 : 1
13 91 36 637 216 4459 637 4394
2 Reduction absolute /3 /6 /1 /12 91 /1 /24 /2 /9 936
10 Mass inertia gcm 9.1 15 5.0 15 15 5.0 15 15 9.4 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 10 4 10 10 4 10 10 8 8
Article Numbers 260551* 203117 203122 203126 203131 203135 203139 260554*
1 Reduction 6:1 19 : 1 66 : 1 113 : 1 230 : 1 353 :1 546 : 1 1296 : 1
6 169 1183 338 8281 28561 1296
2 Reduction absolute /1 /9 /18 /3 /36 /81 546 /1
10 Mass inertia gcm2 4.9 9.4 15 9.4 15 9.4 14 5.0
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 4 8 10 8 10 8 10 4
Article Numbers 203118 203123 203127 203132 203136 203140
1 Reduction 21 : 1 74 : 1 126 : 1 257 : 1 394 : 1 676 : 1
147 1029 1183
2 Reduction absolute 21 /2 126 /4 /3 676
10 Mass inertia gcm2 14 15 14 15 15 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 10 10 10 8
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 3.0 7.5 7.5 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 15.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 4.5 11.3 11.3 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
7 Max. efciency % 90 81 81 72 72 72 64 64 64 64
8 Weight g 260 360 360 460 460 460 560 560 560 560
9 Average backlash no load 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 41.0 55.5 55.5 70.0 70.0 70.0 84.5 84.5 84.5 84.5
*no combination with EC 45 (150 W and 250 W)

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor Page Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 105.1 119.6 119.6 134.1 134.1 134.1 148.6 148.6 148.6 148.6
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 MR 272 117.3 131.8 131.8 146.3 146.3 146.3 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540 279 125.7 140.2 140.2 154.7 154.7 154.7 169.2 169.2 169.2 169.2
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 AB 20 328 141.3 155.8 155.8 170.3 170.3 170.3 184.8 184.8 184.8 184.8
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540 279 AB 20 328 162.1 176.6 176.6 191.1 191.1 191.1 205.6 205.6 205.6 205.6
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 99.1 113.6 113.6 128.1 128.1 128.1 142.6 142.6 142.6 142.6
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 MR 273 115.0 129.5 129.5 144.0 144.0 144.0 158.5 158.5 158.5 158.5
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 HEDL 5540 279 122.5 137.0 137.0 151.5 151.5 151.5 166.0 166.0 166.0 166.0
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 AB 28 329 139.1 153.6 153.6 168.1 168.1 168.1 182.6 182.6 182.6 182.6
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 HEDL 5540 279 AB 28 329 162.5 177.0 177.0 191.5 191.5 191.5 206.0 206.0 206.0 206.0
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 88.1 102.6 102.6 117.1 117.1 117.1 131.6 131.6 131.6 131.6
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 MR 272 100.3 114.8 114.8 129.3 129.3 129.3 143.8 143.8 143.8 143.8
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 HEDL 5540 280 108.7 123.2 123.2 137.7 137.7 137.7 152.2 152.2 152.2 152.2
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 AB 20 328 124.3 138.8 138.8 153.3 153.3 153.3 167.8 167.8 167.8 167.8
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 HEDL 5540 280 AB 20 328 145.1 159.6 159.6 174.1 174.1 174.1 188.6 188.6 188.6 188.6
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 105.1 119.6 119.6 134.1 134.1 134.1 148.6 148.6 148.6 148.6
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 MR 272 117.3 131.8 131.8 146.3 146.3 146.3 160.8 160.8 160.8 160.8
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 HEDL 5540 280 125.7 140.2 140.2 154.7 154.7 154.7 169.2 169.2 169.2 169.2
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 AB 20 328 141.3 155.8 155.8 170.3 170.3 170.3 184.8 184.8 184.8 184.8
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 HEDL 5540 280 AB 20 328 162.1 176.6 176.6 191.1 191.1 191.1 205.6 205.6 205.6 205.6
EC 45 at, 30 W 193 53.9 68.4 68.4 82.9 82.9 82.9 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4
EC 45 at, 50 W 194 58.8 73.3 73.3 87.8 87.8 87.8 102.3 102.3 102.3 102.3
EC 45 , IE, IP 00 195 72.7 87.2 87.2 101.7 101.7 101.7 116.2 116.2 116.2 116.2
EC 45 , IE, IP 40 195 74.9 89.4 89.4 103.9 103.9 103.9 118.4 118.4 118.4 118.4
EC 45 , IE, IP 00 196 77.7 92.2 92.2 106.7 106.7 106.7 121.2 121.2 121.2 121.2
EC 45 , IE, IP 40 196 79.9 94.4 94.4 108.9 108.9 108.9 123.4 123.4 123.4 123.4
EC 45 , 70 W 197 64.2 78.7 78.7 93.2 93.2 93.2 107.7 107.7 107.7 107.7
MCD EPOS, 60 W 325 161.1 175.6 175.6 190.1 190.1 190.1 204.6 204.6 204.6 204.6
MCD EPOS P, 60 W 325 161.1 175.6 175.6 190.1 190.1 190.1 204.6 204.6 204.6 204.6

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 243

Spur Gearhead GS 45 A 45 mm, 0.52.0 Nm
Technical Data
Spur Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 10 mm from ange max. 0.15 mm

Axial play 0.020.2 mm
Max. permissible axial load 60 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 60 N
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4 5
Max. radial load, 10 mm
from ange 180 N 180 N 180 N 180 N 180 N

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
301177 301175 301181 301186 301191
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 5:1 18 : 1 61 : 1 212 : 1 732 : 1
51 459 20655 125862 492790
2 Reduction absolute /10 /26 /338 /595 /673
10 Mass inertia gcm2 3.7 1.6 1.0 0.8 0.8
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 301178 301173 301182 301187 301192
1 Reduction 7:1 26 : 1 89 : 1 310 : 1 1072 : 1
209 9405 66632 183281 307572
2 Reduction absolute /28 /364 / 745 /592 /287
10 Mass inertia gcm2 3.1 1.4 1.0 0.8 0.8
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 301179 266595 301184 301188 301193
1 Reduction 9:1 32 : 1 111 : 1 385 : 1 1334 : 1
2295 8523 334 173808 198769
2 Reduction absolute /247 /265 /3 /451 /149
10 Mass inertia gcm2 2.1 1.4 0.6 0.5 0.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3
Article Numbers 301180 301171 301185 301189 301194
1 Reduction 14 : 1 47 : 1 163 : 1 564 : 1 1952 : 1
2475 6221 141157 161880 1929023
2 Reduction absolute /182 /132 /861 /287 /988
10 Mass inertia gcm2 2.2 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 2 3 4 5 6
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 0.75 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
12 Sense of rotation, drive to output = z = z =
7 Max. efciency % 87 76 66 59 53
8 Weight g 224 224 255 287 313
9 Average backlash no load 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
11 Gearhead length L1* mm 23.5 23.5 26.9 30.4 33.8
*for EC 45 flat, IE, L1 is max. + 4.0 mm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 45 at, 30 W 193 40.0 40.0 43.4 46.9 50.3
EC 45 at, 50 W 194 44.9 44.9 48.3 51.8 55.2
EC 45 at, IE, IP 00 195 59.2 59.2 62.6 66.1 69.5
EC 45 at, IE, IP 40 195 61.4 61.4 64.8 68.3 71.7
EC 45 at, IE, IP 00 196 64.2 64.2 67.6 71.1 74.5
EC 45 at, IE, IP 40 196 66.4 66.4 69.8 73.3 76.7
EC 45 , 70 W 197 50.3 50.3 53.7 57.2 60.6

244 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 52 C 52 mm, 430 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings

maxon gear
Radial play, 12 mm from ange max. 0.06 mm
Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.3 mm
Max. permissible axial load 200 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 500 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 500 N 700 N 900 N 900 N
M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
223080 223083 223089 223094 223097 223104 223109
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.5 : 1 12 : 1 43 : 1 91 : 1 150 : 1 319 : 1 546 : 1
7 49 343 2401 637
2 Reduction absolute /2 /4 /8 91 /16 /2 546
10 Mass inertia gcm2 20.7 17.6 17.3 16.7 17.3 16.8 16.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Article Numbers 223081 223084 223090 223095 223099 223105 223110
1 Reduction 4.3 : 1 15 : 1 53 : 1 113 : 1 186 : 1 353 :1 676 : 1
13 91 637 338 4459 28561
2 Reduction absolute /3 /6 /12 /3 /24 /81 676
10 Mass inertia gcm2 12 16.8 17.2 9.3 17.3 9.4 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 10 10 8 10 8 8
Article Numbers 223085 223091 223096 223101 223106 223111
1 Reduction 19 : 1 66 : 1 126 : 1 230 : 1 394 : 1 756 : 1
169 1183 8281 1183
2 Reduction absolute /9 /18 126 /36 /3 756
10 Mass inertia gcm2 9.5 16.7 16.4 16.8 16.7 16.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 10 10 10 10 10
Article Numbers 223086 223092 223098 223102 223107 223112
1 Reduction 21 : 1 74 : 1 156 : 1 257 : 1 441 : 1 936 : 1
147 1029
2 Reduction absolute 21 /2 156 /4 441 936
10 Mass inertia gcm2 16.5 17.2 9.1 17.3 16.5 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 8 10 10 8
Article Numbers 223087 223093 223103 223108
1 Reduction 26 : 1 81 : 1 285 : 1 488 : 1
2 Reduction absolute 26 2197/27 15379/54 4394/9
10 Mass inertia gcm2 9.1 9.4 16.7 9.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 8 10 8
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 4 15 30 30 30 30 30
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 6 22.5 45 45 45 45 45
7 Max. efciency % 91 83 75 75 68 68 68
8 Weight g 460 620 770 770 920 920 920
9 Average backlash no load 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 49.0 65.0 78.5 78.5 92.0 92.0 92.0

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor Page Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 40, 150 W 82 120.1 136.1 149.6 149.6 163.1 163.1 163.1
RE 40, 150 W 82 MR 273 131.5 147.5 161.0 161.0 174.5 174.5 174.5
RE 40, 150 W 82 HED_ 5540 276/278 140.8 156.8 170.3 170.3 183.8 183.8 183.8
RE 40, 150 W 82 HEDL 9140 281 174.1 190.1 203.6 203.6 217.1 217.1 217.1
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 330 156.2 172.2 185.7 185.7 199.2 199.2 199.2
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 331 164.2 180.2 193.7 193.7 207.2 207.2 207.2
RE 40, 150 W 82 HED_ 5540 276/278 AB 28 330 173.4 189.4 202.9 202.9 216.4 216.4 216.4
RE 40, 150 W 82 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 184.6 200.6 214.1 214.1 227.6 227.6 227.6
RE 50, 200 W 83 157.1 173.1 186.6 186.6 200.1 200.1 200.1
RE 50, 200 W 83 HED_5540 277/279 177.8 193.8 207.3 207.3 220.8 220.8 220.8
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDL 9140 282 219.5 235.5 249.0 249.0 262.5 262.5 262.5
RE 50, 200 W 83 AB 44 334 219.5 235.5 249.0 249.0 262.5 262.5 262.5
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDL 9140 282 AB 44 334 232.5 248.5 262.0 262.0 275.5 275.5 275.5
EC 40, 170 W 157 132.4 148.4 161.9 161.9 175.4 175.4 175.4
EC 40, 170 W 157 HED_5540 277/279 155.8 171.8 185.3 185.3 198.8 198.8 198.8
EC 40, 170 W 157 Res 26 287 159.8 175.8 189.3 189.3 202.8 202.8 202.8
EC 40, 170 W 157 AB 32 332 175.1 191.1 204.6 204.6 218.1 218.1 218.1
EC 40, 170 W 157 HED_5540 277/279 AB 32 332 198.5 214.5 228.0 228.0 241.5 241.5 241.5

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 245

Planetary Gearhead GP 52 C 52 mm, 430 Nm
Ceramic Version
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel
Bearing at output preloaded ball bearings
maxon gear

Radial play, 12 mm from ange max. 0.06 mm

Axial play at axial load <5N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.3 mm
Max. permissible axial load 200 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 500 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 6000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Extended range as option -40+100C
Number of stages 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load, 12 mm
from ange 500 N 700 N 900 N 900 N
M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
223080 223083 223089 223094 223097 223104 223109
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.5 : 1 12 : 1 43 : 1 91 : 1 150 : 1 319 : 1 546 : 1
7 49 343 2401 637
2 Reduction absolute /2 /4 /8 91 /16 /2 546
10 Mass inertia gcm2 20.7 17.6 17.3 16.7 17.3 16.8 16.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Article Numbers 223081 223084 223090 223095 223099 223105 223110
1 Reduction 4.3 : 1 15 : 1 53 : 1 113 : 1 186 : 1 353 : 1 676 : 1
13 91 637 338 4459 28561
2 Reduction absolute /3 /6 /12 /3 /24 /81 676
10 Mass inertia gcm2 12 16.8 17.2 9.3 17.3 9.4 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 10 10 8 10 8 8
Article Numbers 223085 223091 223096 223101 223106 223111
1 Reduction 19 : 1 66 : 1 126 : 1 230 : 1 394 : 1 756 : 1
169 1183 8281 1183
2 Reduction absolute /9 /18 126 /36 /3 756
10 Mass inertia gcm2 9.5 16.7 16.4 16.8 16.7 16.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 10 10 10 10 10
Article Numbers 223086 223092 223098 223102 223107 223112
1 Reduction 21 : 1 74 : 1 156 : 1 257 : 1 441 : 1 936 : 1
147 1029
2 Reduction absolute 21 /2 156 /4 441 936
10 Mass inertia gcm2 16.5 17.2 9.1 17.3 16.5 9.1
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 10 10 8 10 10 8
Article Numbers 223087 223093 223103 223108
1 Reduction 26 : 1 81 : 1 285 : 1 488 : 1
2197 15379 4394
2 Reduction absolute 26 /27 /54 /9
10 Mass inertia gcm2 9.1 9.4 16.7 9.4
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 8 10 8
4 Number of stages 1 2 3 3 4 4 4
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 4 15 30 30 30 30 30
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 6 22.5 45 45 45 45 45
7 Max. efciency % 91 83 75 75 68 68 68
8 Weight g 460 620 770 770 920 920 920
9 Average backlash no load 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 49.0 65.0 78.5 78.5 92.0 92.0 92.0

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor Page Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 45, 150 W 158 160.3 176.3 189.8 189.8 203.3 203.3 203.3
EC 45, 150 W 158 HEDL 9140 281 175.9 191.9 205.4 205.4 218.9 218.9 218.9
EC 45, 150 W 158 Res 26 287 160.3 176.3 189.8 189.8 203.3 203.3 203.3
EC 45, 150 W 158 AB 28 331 167.7 183.7 197.2 197.2 210.7 210.7 210.7
EC 45, 150 W 158 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 184.7 200.7 214.2 214.2 227.7 227.7 227.7
EC 45, 250 W 159 193.1 209.1 222.6 222.6 236.1 236.1 236.1
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 208.7 224.7 238.2 238.2 251.7 251.7 251.7
EC 45, 250 W 159 Res 26 287 193.1 209.1 222.6 222.6 236.1 236.1 236.1
EC 45, 250 W 159 AB 28 331 200.5 216.5 230.0 230.0 243.5 243.5 243.5
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 217.5 233.5 247.0 247.0 260.5 260.5 260.5
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 137.1 153.1 166.6 166.6 180.1 180.1 180.1
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 MR 273 153.0 169.0 182.5 182.5 196.0 196.0 196.0
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 HEDL 5540 281 160.5 176.5 190.0 190.0 203.5 203.5 203.5
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 AB 28 329 177.1 193.1 206.6 206.6 220.1 220.1 220.1
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 HEDL 5540 281 AB 28 329 200.5 216.5 230.0 230.0 243.5 243.5 243.5
EC 60 at, IP 00 198 89.8 105.8 119.3 119.3 132.8 132.8 132.8
EC 60 at, IP 54 198 94.8 110.8 124.3 124.3 137.8 137.8 137.8
EC 60 at, IP 00 198 MILE 90.8 106.8 120.3 120.3 133.8 133.8 133.8
EC 60 at, IP 54 198 MILE 94.8 110.8 124.3 124.3 137.8 137.8 137.8
EC 90 at, 90 W 199 81.4 97.4 110.9 110.9 124.4 124.4 124.4

246 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 62 A 62 mm, 850 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft steel
Bearing at output ball bearing

maxon gear
Radial play, 7 mm from ange max. 0.08 mm
Axial play max. 1 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 1000 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 3000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -30+140C
Number of stages 1 2 3
Max. radial load, 24 mm
from ange 240 N 360 N 570 N

M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110499 110501 110502 110503 110504 110505 110506 110507 110508
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 5.2 : 1 19 : 1 27 : 1 35 : 1 71 : 1 100 : 1 139 : 1 181 : 1 236 : 1
57 3591 3249 1539 226223 204687 185193 87723 41553
2 Reduction absolute /11 /187 /121 /44 /3179 /2057 /1331 /484 /176
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 8 25 25 25 50 50 50 50 50
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 12 37 37 37 75 75 75 75 75
7 Max. efciency % 80 75 75 75 70 70 70 70 70
8 Weight g 950 1250 1250 1250 1540 1540 1540 1540 1540
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 109 100 105 89 104 105 102 88 89
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 72.5 88.3 88.3 88.3 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2 104.2

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor Page Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 50, 200 W 83 180.6 196.4 196.4 196.4 212.3 212.3 212.3 212.3 212.3
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDS 5540 277 201.3 217.1 217.1 217.1 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDL 5540 279 201.3 217.1 217.1 217.1 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0 233.0
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDL 9140 282 243.0 258.8 258.8 258.8 2747 274.7 274.7 274.7 278.7
RE 50, 200 W 83 AB 44 334 243.0 258.8 258.8 258.8 2747 274.7 274.7 274.7 278.7
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDL 9140 282 AB 44 334 256.0 271.8 271.8 271.8 287.7 287.7 287.7 287.7 287.7
EC 45, 250 W 159 216.6 232.4 232.4 232.4 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 232.2 248.0 248.0 248.0 263.9 263.9 263.9 263.9 263.9
EC 45, 250 W 159 Res 26 287 216.6 232.4 232.4 232.4 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3 248.3
EC 45, 250 W 159 AB 28 331 224.0 239.8 239.8 239.8 255.7 255.7 255.7 255.7 255.7
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 AB 28 331 241.0 256.8 256.8 256.8 272.7 272.7 272.7 272.7 272.7

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon gear 247

Planetary Gearhead GP 81 A 81 mm, 20120 Nm
Technical Data
Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft steel
Bearing at output ball bearing
maxon gear

Radial play, 8 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm

Axial play max. 1 mm
Max. permissible force for press ts 1500 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 3000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -30+140C
Number of stages 1 2 3
Max. radial load, 24 mm
from ange 400 N 600 N 1000 N
Max. permissible axial load 80 N 120 N 200 N

M 1:4 Option: low-play version

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
110408 110409 110410 110411 110412 110413
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 14 : 1 25 : 1 51 : 1 93 : 1 308 : 1
63 3969 1701 250047 107163 19683
2 Reduction absolute /17 /289 /68 /4913 /1156 /64
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 14 14 14 14 14 14
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 20 60 60 120 120 120
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 30 90 90 180 180 180
7 Max. efciency % 80 75 75 70 70 70
8 Weight g 2300 3000 3000 3700 3700 3700
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.5 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0
10 Mass inertia gcm2 165 155 125 88 154 89
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 92.0 113.7 113.7 135.3 135.3 135.3

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor Page Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 65, 250 W 84 223.5 245.2 245.2 266.8 266.8 266.8
RE 65, 250 W 84 HEDS 5540 277 249.4 271.1 271.1 292.7 292.7 292.7
RE 65, 250 W 84 HEDL 5540 279 249.4 271.1 271.1 292.7 292.7 292.7
RE 65, 250 W 84 HEDL 9140 282 279.6 301.3 301.3 322.9 322.9 322.9
RE 65, 250 W 84 AB 44 334 279.6 301.3 301.3 322.9 322.9 322.9
RE 65, 250 W 84 HEDL 9140 282 AB 44 334 297.6 319.3 319.3 340.9 340.9 340.9
EC 60, 400 W 160 269.4 291.1 291.1 312.7 312.7 312.7
EC 60, 400 W 160 HEDL 9140 281 269.4 291.1 291.1 312.7 312.7 312.7
EC 60, 400 W 160 Res 26 287 269.4 291.1 291.1 312.7 312.7 312.7
EC 60, 400 W 160 AB 41 333 283.0 304.7 304.7 326.3 326.3 326.3
EC 60, 400 W 160 HEDL 9140 281 AB 41 333 307.0 328.7 328.7 350.3 350.3 350.3

248 maxon gear May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon spindle drive
maxon spindle drive
Compact, easy to configure spindle drives as complete systems. With integrated axial bearing for
high axial loads. Versions with metric spindle, ball screw and trapezoidal spindle.

Important considerations 250

Spindle Drives 251257
Options 258

Spindle Drive Basics
maxon spindle drive

Design Technical Data Spindle Drive Data

 Spindle, directly implemented in the gearhead The Technical Data block contains generally Line 7 Max. efciency
 Radial bearing applicable data on spindle, nut and gearhead. The given efciency is a maximum value that
 Axial bearing These are independent of the gearhead reduc- applies when loaded with maximum feed force.
 Planetary gearhead 04 stages tion ratio. Efciency falls sharply with very small loads.
 Motor The stated value refers to the complete spindle
 Encoder Length drive (gearhead and spindle).
The data sheets show the spindle drives with
the standard lengths. Other lengths are avail- Line 20 Max. feed velocity
able as an option in 5 mm steps up to a given Species the maximum permissible feed
maximum length. Please give detailed require- velocity.
ments for special lengths.
Line 21 Max. feed force (continuous)
   Max. efciency/mass inertia Is the maximum permissible feed force which
The values stated refer to the spindle alone may be continuously applied. Exceeding this
(without gearhead). The values with gearhead value results in a reduced service life.
are given in the Gearhead data main data
The particular type of spindle required must eld. Line 22 Max. feed force (intermittent)
rst be established before a spindle drive can Is the maximum permissible feed force which
be designed. Every type of spindle has different Nut may be intermittently applied. Intermittently is
characteristics and a number of specic limits. Standard spindle drives are supplied with a dened as follows:
These limits are taken into account in the techni- thread nut. Flange or cylinder nuts are also during max. 1 second
cal data. available as an option. See details with corre- during max. 10% of operation
sponding reference number on page 258. Exceeding these values results in a reduced
Ball screw: service life.
highly efcient Bearing
not self-locking The output stage and the spindle are support- Line 23 Mechanical positioning accuracy
high load capacity ed by preloaded axial bearings. This means In this value, following factors are taken into
Metric spindle: that the high axial forces can be absorbed consideration:
self-locking directly by the gearhead without additional backlash of the gearhead
low costs support. accuracy of the spindle
Trapezoidal spindle: axial play of the nut
same as metric spindle
higher load capacity than metric spindle

Feed force
For the calculation of the feed force acceleration
and friction forces as well as gravity have to be Speed and feed velocity Maximum stroke
taken into consideration. Exceeding the maxi- Feed velocity v [mm/s] is linked to output speed The maximum possible stroke depends on the
mum permissible load must be avoided, as this n [rpm] by the lead p [mm]. length of the spindle L [mm]. The length of the
damages the spindle. The maximum permissible nut LN [mm] and the thickness of its mounting
pn plate X [mm] must be taken into consideration.
feed force is displayed for standard spindles. For v=
longer spindles, the permissible feed force can
be limited by the critical compressive force of In combination with the gearhead, the motor Stroke = L (LN + X + stroke reserve +
the spindle. In this case, supporting the end of speed nmot [rpm] is: opt. SPIN02)
the spindle may be necessary.
v 60 i
nmot = p
Limitation for ball screws
Where i is the gearhead reduction ratio and p
Max. axial force [N]

GP 22 S not supported GP 32 S not supported the spindle lead.
GP 22 S supported GP 32 S supported
2500 The spindle speed is limited by the resonance
2000 frequency of the spindle and for ball screws ad-
1500 ditionally by the ball return system.
500 In addition, the maximum permissible speed of Mounting and safety instructions
0 the gearhead has to be considered. Using a ball screw with a ange nut, the mount-
150 250 350 450 550 650 ing through a hole is only possible with the
Spindle length [mm] optional rectangular mounting ange.
Max. spindle speed at ball screws
The ball screw nut may never be removed. As
Torque 5000 the balls are preloaded remounting would be
Max. spindle speed [rpm]

The required torque of the spindle Ma [mNm] 4500 impossible.

is calculated with the feed force Fa [N] (load), 4000 The spindle may never block during opera-
the thread lead p [mm] and the efciency of the GP 22 S not supported
tion, as this could damage the spindle nut or
spindle K1. GP 22 S supported gearhead.
Fa p GP 32 S not supported Service life crucially depends on the precision
Ma = 2000
with which the gear is xed to the spindle nut.
2  1 1500
GP 32 S supported
Eccentricities and angle errors sometimes result
In combination with the gearhead, the required in massive radial loading which must never
motor torque Mmot [mNm] is: exceed the given maximum value.
Fa p 150 250 350 450 550 650 Additional information can be found in the
Mmot =
2i Spindle length [mm] maxon online catalog at the item under down-
Where i is the gearhead reduction ratio and K
the efciency of the complete spindle drive.

250 maxon spindle drive May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spindle Drive GP 16 S 16 mm, Ball Screw
Technical Data

maxon spindle drive

Spindle 5 x 2, stainless steel
Standard length 102 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 200 mm
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material X46Cr13, hardened
Axial play < 0.01 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/axial bearing
Radial play, 6 mm from ange < 0.08 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed2 < 12 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. axial load (static)1 500 N
Number of stages 0 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load,
M 1:1 6 mm from ange 20 N 40 N 60 N 80 N 80N

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
424221 424222 424223 424219 424224
Spindle Drive Data (provisional)
1 Reduction 1:1 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 370 : 1
1 57 3249 185193 29198
2 Reduction absolute 1 13 169 2197 79
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 150 90.9 21.1 4.8 1.1
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 54 64 104 171 280
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 149 176 287 403 403
Article Numbers 424731 424733 424745 424749
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 24 : 1 104 : 1 455 : 1
27 1539 87723 1701938
2 Reduction absolute 5 65 845 3739
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 74.1 16.7 3.8 0.9
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 69 113 184 300
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 189 311 403 403
Article Numbers 424744 424747 424750
1 Reduction 29 : 1 128 :1 561 : 1
729 41553 2368521
2 Reduction absolute 25 325 4225
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 13.8 3.1 0.7
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 120 197 322
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 331 403 403
Article Numbers 424748 424751
1 Reduction 157 : 1 690 : 1
19683 1121931
2 Reduction absolute 125 1625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 2.5 0.6
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 211 345
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 403 403
Article Numbers 424752
1 Reduction 850 : 1
2 Reduction absolute 625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 0.5
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 370
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 403
4 Number of stages 0 1 2 3 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 93 87 79 71 63
8 Weight1 g 52 58 61 65 69
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.4
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.039 0.041 0.042 0.044 0.046
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 0.23 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 19.2 22.3 27.4 31.0 34.6
1 2
based on spindle length 102 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 4500 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor / brake) + assembly parts
RE 16, 2 W 72 41.6 44.7 49.8 53.4 57.0
RE 16, 2 W 72 MR 268/270 47.3 50.4 55.5 59.1 62.7
RE 16, 3.2 W 73/74 59.7 62.8 67.9 71.5 75.1
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MR 268/270 64.7 67.8 72.9 76.5 80.1
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 MEnc 13 284 65.8 68.9 74.0 77.6 81.2
RE 16, 4.5 W 75/76 62.7 65.8 70.9 74.5 78.1
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MR 268/270 67.7 70.8 75.9 79.5 83.1
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 MEnc 13 284 68.8 71.9 77.0 80.6 84.2
A-max 16 89-92 44.7 47.8 52.9 56.5 60.1
A-max 16 90/92 MR 268/270 49.7 52.8 57.9 61.5 65.1
A-max 16 90/92 MEnc 13 284 52.8 55.9 61.0 64.6 68.2
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on page 252

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon spindle drive 251

Spindle Drive GP 16 S 16 mm, Metric spindle
Technical Data
maxon spindle drive

Spindle M6 x 1, stainless steel

Standard length 102 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 200 mm
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material bronze
Axial play < 0.134 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/axial bearing
Radial play, 6 mm from ange < 0.08 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed2 < 12 000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. axial load (static)1 500 N
Number of stages 0 1 2 3 4
Max. radial load,
M 1:1 6 mm from ange 20 N 40 N 60 N 80 N 80N

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
424231 424232 424233 424234 424235
Spindle Drive Data (provisional)
1 Reduction 1:1 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 84 : 1 370 : 1
1 57 3249 185193 29198
2 Reduction absolute 1 13 169 2197 79
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 50.0 45.5 10.5 2.4 0.5
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 35 37 60 98 160
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 134 138 224 315 315
Article Numbers 424797 424798 424800 424806
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 24 : 1 104 : 1 455 : 1
27 1539 87723 1701938
2 Reduction absolute 5 65 845 3739
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 37.0 8.3 1.9 0.4
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 39 64 105 172
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 148 243 315 315
Article Numbers 424799 424803 424807
1 Reduction 29 : 1 128 : 1 561 : 1
729 41553 2368521
2 Reduction absolute 25 325 4225
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 6.9 1.6 0.4
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 69 112 184
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 258 315 315
Article Numbers 424804 424808
1 Reduction 157 : 1 690 : 1
19683 1121931
2 Reduction absolute 125 1625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 1.3 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 120 197
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 315 315
Article Numbers 424809
1 Reduction 850 : 1
2 Reduction absolute 625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 211
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 315
4 Number of stages 0 1 2 3 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 28 27 24 22 19
8 Weight1 g 55 61 64 68 72
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.4 1.6 2.0 2.4
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.166 0.167 0.167 0.169 0.170
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 0.23 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.05
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 19.2 22.3 27.4 31.0 34.6
1 2
based on spindle length 102 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 3000 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 16, 30 W 145 59.3 62.4 67.5 71.1 74.7
EC 16, 30 W 145 MR 271 70.0 73.1 78.2 81.8 85.4
EC 16, 60 W 147 75.3 78.4 83.5 87.1 90.7
EC 16, 60 W 147 MR 271 86.0 89.1 94.2 97.8 101.4
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 43.3 46.4 51.5 55.1 58.7
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 MR 271 50.6 53.7 58.8 62.4 66.0
EC-max 16, 8 W 163 55.3 58.4 63.5 67.1 70.7
EC-max 16, 8 W 163 MR 271 62.6 65.7 70.8 74.4 78.0
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on page 251

252 maxon spindle drive May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spindle Drive GP 22 S 22 mm, Ball Screw
Technical Data

maxon spindle drive

Spindle 6 x 2, stainless steel
Standard length 151 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 300 mm
Max. efciency 96%
Mass inertia 1 gcm2
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material 100CR6, hardened
Axial play < 0.01 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/thrust roller bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange < 0.05 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed4 < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. radial load, 15 mm from ange 150 N
M 1:2 Max. axial load (static)1 500 N

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
363863 363867 363871 363872 363877 363882 363887 363892
Spindle Drive Data
1 Reduction 1:1 14 : 1 29 : 1 53 : 1 89 : 1 198 : 1 333 : 1 479 : 1
1 225 729 3375 4617 50625 69255 124659
2 Reduction absolute 1 16 25 64 52 256 208 260
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 150 19 9.2 5.0 3.0 1.3 0.8 0.6
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 77 154 196 240 285 372 443 500
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 183 365 465 500 500 500 500 500
Article Numbers 363864 364041 363873 363878 363883 363888 363893
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 16 : 1 62 : 1 104 : 1 231 : 1 370 : 1 561: 1
15 885 12825 87723 192375 10556001 2521
2 Reduction absolute 4 52 208 845 832 28561 4225
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 70 17 4.3 2.6 1.2 0.7 0.5
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 100 161 253 300 392 458 500
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 236 381 500 500 500 500 500
Article Numbers 363865 363868 363874 363879 363884 363889 363894
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 109 : 1 270 : 1 389 : 1 590 : 1
57 3249 48735 2187 731025 263169 59049
2 Reduction absolute 13 169 676 20 2704 676 100
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 61 14 3.7 2.4 1.0 0.7 0.5
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 105 170 266 305 413 466 500
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 248 404 500 500 500 500 500
Article Numbers 363866 363869 363875 363880 363885 363890 363895
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 20 : 1 76 : 1 128 : 1 285 : 1 410 : 1 690 : 1
27 81 1215 41553 18225 6561 1121931
2 Reduction absolute 5 4 16 325 64 16 1625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 49 13 3.5 2.1 0.9 0.7 0.4
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 112 173 270 322 420 474 500
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 266 411 500 500 500 500 500
Article Numbers 363870 363876 363881 363886 363891 363896
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 157 : 1 316 : 1 455 : 1 850 : 1
1539 185193 19683 2777895 5000211 531441
2 Reduction absolute 65 2197 125 8788 10985 625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 11 3.2 1.7 0.8 0.6 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 184 280 345 435 491 500
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 437 500 500 500 500 500
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 812 67 67 57 57 47 47 47
8 Weight1 g 103 115 115 128 128 141 141 141
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.039 0.040 0.040 0.042 0.042 0.044 0.044 0.044
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 1.03 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 38.0 44.8 44.8 51.6 51.6 58.4 58.4 58.4
1 2 3
based on spindle length 151 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 96% for reduction 1:1 = 10 gcm2 4
for reduction 1:1 = 4500 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor / brake) + assembly parts
A-max 19 93/94 64.2 71.0 71.0 77.8 77.8 84.6 84.6 84.6
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MR 268/270 69.3 76.1 76.1 82.9 82.9 89.7 89.7 89.7
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 Enc 22 275 78.6 85.4 85.4 92.2 92.2 99.0 99.0 99.0
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 MEnc 13 284 71.7 78.5 78.5 85.3 85.3 92.1 92.1 92.1
A-max 19, 2.5 W 95/96 66.8 73.6 73.6 80.4 80.4 87.2 87.2 87.2
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MR 268/270 71.1 77.9 77.9 84.7 84.7 91.5 91.5 91.5
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 Enc 22 275 81.2 88.0 88.0 94.8 94.8 101.6 101.6 101.6
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 MEnc 13 284 74.3 81.1 81.1 87.9 87.9 94.7 94.7 94.7
A-max 22 97-100 67.2 74.0 74.0 80.8 80.8 87.6 87.6 87.6
A-max 22 98/100 MR 268/270 72.2 79.0 79.0 85.8 85.8 92.6 92.6 92.6
A-max 22 98/100 Enc 22 275 81.6 88.4 88.4 95.2 95.2 102.0 102.0 102.0
A-max 22 98/100 MEnc 13 284 74.3 81.1 81.1 87.9 87.9 94.7 94.7 94.7
RE-max 21 123/124 64.2 71.0 71.0 77.8 77.8 84.6 84.6 84.6
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 MR 269/271 69.3 76.1 76.1 82.9 82.9 89.7 89.7 89.7
RE-max 21 125/126 66.8 73.6 73.6 80.4 80.4 87.2 87.2 87.2
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 MR 269/271 71.1 77.9 77.9 84.7 84.7 91.5 91.5 91.5
RE-max 24 127-130 67.2 74.0 74.0 80.8 80.8 87.6 87.6 87.6
RE-max 24 128/130 MR 269/271 72.2 79.0 79.0 85.8 85.8 92.6 92.6 92.6
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on page 254

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon spindle drive 253

Spindle Drive GP 22 S 22 mm, Metric spindle
Technical Data
maxon spindle drive

Spindle M6 x 1, stainless steel

Standard length 151 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 300 mm
Max. efciency 41.6%
Mass inertia 1 gcm2
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material CuSn12
Axial play < 0.008 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/thrust roller bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange < 0.05 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed4 < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. radial load, 15 mm from ange 150 N
M 1:2 Max. axial load (static)1 550 N

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
363826 363830 363834 363835 363840 363845 363850 363855
Spindle Drive Data
1 Reduction 1:1 14 : 1 29 : 1 53 : 1 89 : 1 198 : 1 333 : 1 479 : 1
1 225 729 3375 4617 50625 69255 124659
2 Reduction absolute 1 16 25 64 52 256 208 260
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 101 9.5 4.6 2.5 1.5 0.7 0.4 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 42 92 118 144 171 223 266 300
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 118 259 330 350 350 350 350 350
Article Numbers 363827 364040 363836 363841 363846 363851 363856
1 Reduction 3.8 : 1 16 : 1 62 : 1 104 : 1 231 : 1 370 : 1 561: 1
15 885 12825 87723 192375 10556001 2521
2 Reduction absolute 4 52 208 845 832 28561 4225
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 35 8.3 2.2 1.3 0.6 0.4 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 60 97 152 180 235 275 316
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 167 270 350 350 350 350 350
Article Numbers 363828 363831 363837 363842 363847 363852 363857
1 Reduction 4.4 : 1 19 : 1 72 : 1 109 : 1 270 : 1 389 : 1 590 : 1
57 3249 48735 2187 731025 263169 59049
2 Reduction absolute 13 169 676 20 2704 676 100
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 30 7.0 1.9 1.2 0.5 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 63 102 159 183 248 280 321
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 176 286 350 350 350 350 350
Article Numbers 363829 363832 363838 363843 363848 363853 363858
1 Reduction 5.4 : 1 20 : 1 76 : 1 128 : 1 285 : 1 410 : 1 690 : 1
27 81 1215 41553 18225 6561 1121931
2 Reduction absolute 5 4 16 325 64 16 1625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 25 6.7 1.8 1.0 0.5 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 67 104 162 193 252 285 339
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 188 291 350 350 350 350 350
Article Numbers 363833 363839 363844 363849 363854 363859
1 Reduction 24 : 1 84 : 1 157 : 1 316 : 1 455 : 1 850 : 1
1539 185193 19683 2777895 5000211 531441
2 Reduction absolute 65 2197 125 8788 10985 625
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 5.6 1.6 0.8 0.4 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 111 168 207 261 295 350
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 310 350 350 350 350 350
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 352 29 29 25 25 20 20 20
8 Weight1 g 103 116 116 128 128 141 141 141
9 Average backlash no load 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.6 1.6 2.0 2.0 2.0
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.037 0.037 0.037
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 1.03 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 38.0 44.8 44.8 51.6 51.6 58.4 58.4 58.4
1 2 3
based on spindle length 151 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 42% for reduction 1:1 = 10 gcm2 4
for reduction 1:1 = 6088 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC 16, 60 W 147 94.3 101.1 101.1 107.9 107.9 114.7 114.7 114.7
EC 16, 60 W 147 MR 271 105.0 111.8 111.8 118.6 118.6 125.4 125.4 125.4
EC 22, 40 W 149 82.6 89.4 89.4 96.2 96.2 103.0 103.0 103.0
EC 22, 40 W 149 MR 271 88.6 95.4 95.4 102.2 102.2 109.0 109.0 109.0
EC 22, 100 W 151 100.8 107.6 107.6 114.4 114.4 121.2 121.2 121.2
EC 22, 100 W 151 MR 271 106.8 113.6 113.6 120.4 120.4 127.2 127.2 127.2
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 71.3 78.1 78.1 84.9 84.9 91.7 91.7 91.7
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 MR 271 78.6 85.4 85.4 92.2 92.2 99.0 99.0 99.0
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 70.1 76.9 76.9 83.7 83.7 90.5 90.5 90.5
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 MR 271 79.8 86.6 86.6 93.4 93.4 100.2 100.2 100.2
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 AB 20 328 105.7 112.5 112.5 119.3 119.3 126.1 126.1 126.1
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on page 253

254 maxon spindle drive May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spindle Drive GP 32 S 32 mm, Ball Screw
Technical Data

maxon spindle drive

Spindle 10 x 2, stainless steel
Standard length 200.8 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 600 mm
Max. efciency 94%
Mass inertia 9 gcm2
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material 100CR6, hardened
Axial play < 0.01 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/thrust roller bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange < 0.05 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. radial load, 15 mm from ange 200 N
M 1:2 Max. axial load (static) 1
2700 N

Stock program
Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
363970 363974 363979 363980 363985 363990 363995 364000
Spindle Drive Data
1 Reduction 1:1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1
1 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044
2 Reduction absolute 1 49 16 343 125 1715 175 25
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 133 19 8.1 5.2 2.4 1.1 0.5 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 386 739 983 1137 1473 1921 2420 2700
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 1023 1956 2604 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700
Article Numbers 363971 363975 363981 363986 363991 363996 364001
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913: 1
26 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501
2 Reduction absolute 7 35 245 56 343 625 40
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 72 15 4.0 2.2 0.9 0.5 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 474 803 1239 1524 2041 2482 2700
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 1255 2127 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700
Article Numbers 363972 363976 363982 363987 363992 363997 364002
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1
24 299 3887 3312 389376 20631 279841
2 Reduction absolute 5 14 49 25 1225 35 256
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 56 13 3.4 2.0 0.8 0.5 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 517 846 1315 1561 2092 2569 2700
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 1369 2239 2700 2700 2700 2700 2700
Article Numbers 363973 363977 363983 363988 363993 363998
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1
23 576 14976 1587 359424 79488
2 Reduction absolute 4 25 175 10 875 125
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 46 12 3.1 1.7 0.6 0.4
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 551 872 1353 1661 2279 2636
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 1458 2308 2700 2700 2700 2700
Article Numbers 363978 363984 363989 363994 363999
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1
138 3588 12167 89401 15817
2 Reduction absolute 5 35 64 196 224
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 9.5 2.6 1.4 0.6 0.4
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 931 1437 1762 2359 2700
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 2465 2700 2700 2700 2700
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 752 71 71 66 66 56 56 56
8 Weight1 g 304 331 331 359 359 387 387 387
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039 0.039
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 4.23 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 51.0 57.7 57.7 64.4 64.4 71.1 71.1 71.1
1 2 3
based on spindle length 200.8 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 94% for reduction 1:1 = 42.3 gcm2 4
for reduction 1:1 = 4000 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
RE 25 77/79 105.6 112.3 112.3 119.0 119.0 125.7 125.7 125.7
RE 25 77/79 MR 272 116.6 123.3 123.3 130.0 130.0 136.7 136.7 136.7
RE 25 77/79 Enc 22 274 119.7 126.4 126.4 133.1 133.1 139.8 139.8 139.8
RE 25 77/79 HED_5540 276/278 126.4 133.1 133.1 139.8 139.8 146.5 146.5 146.5
RE 25 77/79 DCT 22 286 127.9 134.6 134.6 141.3 141.3 148.0 148.0 148.0
RE 25, 20 W 78 94.1 100.8 100.8 107.5 107.5 114.2 114.2 114.2
RE 25, 20 W 78 MR 272 105.1 111.8 111.8 118.5 118.5 125.2 125.2 125.2
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_5540 276/278 114.9 121.6 121.6 128.3 128.3 135.0 135.0 135.0
RE 25, 20 W 78 DCT 22 286 116.4 123.1 123.1 129.8 129.8 136.5 136.5 136.5
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 128.2 134.9 134.9 141.6 141.6 148.3 148.3 148.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_5540/AB 28 276/330 145.4 152.1 152.1 158.8 158.8 165.5 165.5 165.5
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 139.7 146.4 146.4 153.1 153.1 159.8 159.8 159.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_5540/AB 28 276/330 156.9 163.6 163.6 170.3 170.3 177.0 177.0 177.0
RE 30, 60 W 80 119.1 125.8 125.8 132.5 132.5 139.2 139.2 139.2
RE 30, 60 W 80 MR 273 130.5 137.2 137.2 143.9 143.9 150.6 150.6 150.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 122.1 128.8 128.8 135.5 135.5 142.2 142.2 142.2
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 133.5 140.2 140.2 146.9 146.9 153.6 153.6 153.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_5540 276/278 142.8 149.5 149.5 156.2 156.2 162.9 162.9 162.9
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 286 140.2 146.9 146.9 153.6 153.6 160.3 160.3 160.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 158.2 164.9 164.9 171.6 171.6 178.3 178.3 178.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 HEDS 5540/AB 28 276/330 175.4 182.1 182.1 188.8 188.8 195.5 195.5 195.5
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on pages 256 and 257

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon spindle drive 255

Spindle Drive GP 32 S 32 mm, Metric spindle
Technical Data
maxon spindle drive

Spindle M10 x 1, stainless steel

Standard length 200.8 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 600 mm
Max. efciency 27.0%
Mass inertia 9 gcm2
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material CuSn12
Axial play < 0.008 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/thrust roller bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange < 0.05 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed4 < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. radial load, 15 mm from ange 200 N
M 1:2 Max. axial load (static)1 2700 N

Stock program
Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
363900 363904 363909 363910 363915 363920 363925 363930
Spindle Drive Data
1 Reduction 1:1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1
1 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044
2 Reduction absolute 1 49 16 343 125 1715 175 25
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 100 9.5 4.0 2.6 1.2 0.5 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 183 400 533 616 798 1040 1311 1350
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 455 995 1324 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350
Article Numbers 363901 363905 363911 363916 363921 363926 363931
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913: 1
26 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501
2 Reduction absolute 7 35 245 56 343 625 40
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 36 7.4 2.0 1.1 0.5 0.3 0.1
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 257 435 671 826 1105 1345 1350
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 638 1082 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350
Article Numbers 363902 363906 363912 363917 363922 363927 363932
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1
24 299 3887 3312 389376 20631 279841
2 Reduction absolute 5 14 49 25 1225 35 256
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 28 6.3 1.7 1.0 0.4 0.2 0.1
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 280 458 712 845 1133 1350 1350
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 696 1139 1350 1350 1350 1350 1350
Article Numbers 363903 363907 363913 363918 363923 363928
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1
23 576 14976 1587 359424 79488
2 Reduction absolute 4 25 175 10 875 125
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 23 5.8 1.6 0.8 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 298 472 733 899 1234 1350
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 742 1174 1350 1350 1350 1350
Article Numbers 363908 363914 363919 363924 363929
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1
138 5 3588 12167 89401 15817
2 Reduction absolute 35 64 196 224
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 4.8 1.3 0.7 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 504 778 955 1278 1350
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 1253 1350 1350 1350 1350
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 222 20 20 19 19 16 16 16
8 Weight1 g 304 331 331 359 359 387 387 387
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.033 0.033 0.033 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034 0.034
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 3.03 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 51.0 57.7 57.7 64.4 64.4 71.1 71.1 71.1
1 2 3
based on Spindle length 200.8 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 27% for reduction 1:1 = 43.3 gcm2 4
for reduction 1:1 = 5984 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
A-max 26 101-108 95.8 102.5 102.5 109.2 109.2 115.9 115.9 115.9
A-max 26 102-108 MEnc 13 284 102.9 109.6 109.6 116.3 116.3 123.0 123.0 123.0
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 104.6 111.3 111.3 118.0 118.0 124.7 124.7 124.7
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 110.2 116.9 116.9 123.6 123.6 130.3 130.3 130.3
A-max 26 102-108 HED_5540 276/278 114.2 120.9 120.9 127.6 127.6 134.3 134.3 134.3
A-max 32 109/111 114.0 120.7 120.7 127.4 127.4 134.1 134.1 134.1
A-max 32 110/112 112.6 119.3 119.3 126.0 126.0 132.7 132.7 132.7
A-max 32 110/112 MR 273 123.8 130.5 130.5 137.2 137.2 143.9 143.9 143.9
A-max 32 110/112 HED_5540 276/278 133.4 140.1 140.1 146.8 146.8 153.5 153.5 153.5
RE-max 29 131-134 95.8 102.5 102.5 109.2 109.2 115.9 115.9 115.9
RE-max 29 132/134 MR 272 104.6 111.3 111.3 118.0 118.0 124.7 124.7 124.7
EC 32, 80 W 156 111.1 117.8 117.8 124.5 124.5 131.2 131.2 131.2
EC 32, 80 W 156 HED_ 5540 277/279 129.5 136.2 136.2 142.9 142.9 149.6 149.6 149.6
EC 32, 80 W 156 Res 26 287 131.2 137.9 137.9 144.6 144.6 151.3 151.3 151.3
MCD EPOS, 60 W 325 171.1 177.8 177.8 184.5 184.5 191.2 191.2 191.2
MCD EPOS P 60 W 325 171.1 177.8 177.8 184.5 184.5 191.2 191.2 191.2
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on pages 255 and 257

256 maxon spindle drive May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spindle Drive GP 32 S 32 mm, trapezoidal spindle
Technical Data

maxon spindle drive

Spindle TR10 x 2, stainless steel
Standard length 200.8 mm
Special length (5 mm steps) max. 600 mm
Max. efciency 47.0%
Mass inertia 9 gcm2
Nut (standard) thread nut
Material CuSn12
Axial play < 0.008 mm
Planetary gearhead straight teeth
Bearing ball bearing/thrust roller bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange < 0.05 mm
Axial play preloaded
Recommended input speed4 < 8000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -15+80C
Max. radial load, 15 mm from ange 200 N
M 1:2 Max. axial load (static)1 2700 N

Stock program
Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
363936 363940 363945 363946 363951 363956 363961 363966
Spindle Drive Data
1 Reduction 1:1 14 : 1 33 : 1 51 : 1 111 : 1 246 : 1 492 : 1 762 : 1
1 676 529 17576 13824 421824 86112 19044
2 Reduction absolute 1 49 16 343 125 1715 175 25
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 186 19 8.1 5.2 2.4 1.1 0.5 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 216 462 614 710 921 1200 1512 1530
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 528 1127 1500 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530
Article Numbers 363937 363941 363947 363952 363957 363962 363967
1 Reduction 3.7 : 1 18 : 1 66 : 1 123 : 1 295 : 1 531 : 1 913: 1
26 624 16224 6877 101062 331776 36501
2 Reduction absolute 7 35 245 56 343 625 40
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 72 15 4.0 2.2 0.9 0.5 0.3
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 296 502 774 953 1275 1530 1530
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 723 1226 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530
Article Numbers 363938 363942 363948 363953 363958 363963 363968
1 Reduction 4.8 : 1 21 : 1 79 : 1 132 : 1 318 : 1 589 : 1 1093 : 1
24 299 3887 3312 389376 20631 279841
2 Reduction absolute 5 14 49 25 1225 35 256
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 56 13 3.4 2.0 0.8 0.5 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 323 529 822 975 1308 1530 1530
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 789 1291 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530
Article Numbers 363939 363943 363949 363954 363959 363964
1 Reduction 5.8 : 1 23 : 1 86 : 1 159 : 1 411 : 1 636 : 1
23 576 14976 1587 359424 79488
2 Reduction absolute 4 25 175 10 875 125
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 46 12 3.1 1.7 0.6 0.4
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 344 545 846 1038 1424 1530
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 840 1330 1530 1530 1530 1530
Article Numbers 363944 363950 363955 363960 363965
1 Reduction 28 : 1 103 : 1 190 : 1 456 : 1 706 : 1
138 3588 12167 89401 15817
2 Reduction absolute 5 35 64 196 224
20 Max. feed velocity1 mm/s 9.5 1.3 0.7 0.3 0.2
21 Max. feed force (continuous)1 N 582 898 1101 1475 1530
22 Max. feed force (intermittent)1 N 1420 1530 1530 1530 1530
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 4
7 Max. efciency gearhead incl. spindle % 382 35 35 33 33 28 28 28
8 Weight1 g 304 331 331 359 359 387 387 387
9 Average backlash no load 0.7 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
23 Mechanical positioning accuracy1 mm 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037 0.037
10 Mass inertia gearhead incl. spindle1 gcm2 2.43 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 51.0 57.7 57.7 64.4 64.4 71.1 71.1 71.1
1 2 3
based on spindle length 200.8 mm (standard length) for reduction 1:1 = 47% for reduction 1:1 = 42.3 gcm2 4
for reduction 1:1 = 5569 rpm

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor/Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor/brake) + assembly parts
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 99.6 106.3 106.3 113.0 113.0 119.7 119.7 119.7
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 MR 271 109.3 116.0 116.0 122.7 122.7 129.4 129.4 129.4
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 AB 20 328 135.4 142.1 142.1 148.8 148.8 155.5 155.5 155.5
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 93.1 99.8 99.8 106.5 106.5 113.2 113.2 113.2
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 MR 272 105.3 112.0 112.0 118.7 118.7 125.4 125.4 125.4
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL5540 279 113.7 120.4 120.4 127.1 127.1 133.8 133.8 133.8
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 AB 20 328 128.9 135.6 135.6 142.3 142.3 149.0 149.0 149.0
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540 / AB 279/328 149.5 156.2 156.2 162.9 162.9 169.6 169.6 169.6
EC-4pole 22, 90 W 175 99.7 106.4 106.4 113.1 113.1 119.8 119.8 119.8
EC-4pole 22, 90 W 175 HEDL 5540 280 121.2 127.9 127.9 134.6 134.6 141.3 141.3 141.3
EC-4pole 22,120 W 176 117.1 123.8 123.8 130.5 130.5 137.2 137.2 137.2
EC-4pole 22,120 W 176 HEDL 5540 280 138.6 145.3 145.3 152.0 152.0 158.7 158.7 158.7
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 82.7 89.4 89.4 96.1 96.1 102.8 102.8 102.8
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 MR 273 98.4 105.1 105.1 111.8 111.8 118.5 118.5 118.5
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 HEDL 5540 280 106.1 112.8 112.8 119.5 119.5 126.2 126.2 126.2
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 92.7 99.4 99.4 106.1 106.1 112.8 112.8 112.8
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 MR 273 108.4 115.1 115.1 121.8 121.8 128.5 128.5 128.5
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 HEDL 5540 280 116.1 122.8 122.8 129.5 129.5 136.2 136.2 136.2
Continuation of the modular system (irrespective of the spindle) on pages 255 and 256

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon spindle drive 257

Spindle Drive Options
maxon spindle drive

Option to GP 16 S to GP 22 S

Without specication, the spindle is supplied in the standard Without specication, the spindle is supplied in the standard
Special length
length 102 mm. Special lengths can be ordered in 5 mm steps length 151 mm. Special lengths can be ordered in 5 mm steps
Order reference SPIN01
up to the stated maximum length. up to the stated maximum length.

3 -0.020

Spindle end

4 -0.012
Order reference SPIN02

In order to support the end of the

spindle by an additional bearing, it
can be delivered according to the

Customer specic spindle ends on 4

request. 5

18 *1 60
20 *2 4 x 3.4 60
4 x 3.4
12 -0.017
Flange nut
Order reference SPIN04

Flange nut instead of the standard

thread nut.

If using a ball screw, the rectangular

-0.015 *1

-0.006 *2

mounting ange (SPIN 06) must be

10 -0.030

12 -0.017

used. 16
18 4 16
1 18 18
* Kugelumlaufspindel / Ball Screw
*2 Metrische Spindel / Metric Spindle

Axial play is almost eliminated through increased pre-loading

Low backlash ball screw nut
Not available for GP 16 S. of the ball screw nut. Although, the increased load can lead to
Order reference SPIN05
greater wear.

Ansicht ohne Mutter/

(0 )
25 h7 - 0.021

3.3 0.6 Ansicht ohne Mutter/ 0
2.9 - 0.1 view without nut
view without nut
16 0.1

Rectangular mounting ange 1.9 + 0.35


0.20 1.4 0.05

Order reference SPIN06

Spindle drive with rectangular moun-

6.5 x 2.4

ting ange allows mounting from the


gearhead side.

If using a ball screw with ange nut,

10 0.01

(0 )
25 h7 - 0.021


the rectangular assembly ange must 4

be used for mounting. 15
6.2 23

258 maxon spindle drive May 2012 edition / subject to change

Spindle Drive Options

maxon spindle drive

Option to GP 32 S

Without specication, the spindle is supplied in the standard

Special length
length 200.8 mm. Special lengths can be ordered in 5 mm steps
Order reference SPIN01
up to the stated maximum length.

Spindle end
6 -0.012

Order reference SPIN02

In order to support the end of the

spindle by an additional bearing, it
can be delivered according to the

Customer specic spindle ends on

request. 10

4 x 4.5
Flange nut
18 -0.017

Order reference SPIN04

Flange nut instead of the standard

thread nut.

If using a ball screw, the rectangular

mounting ange (SPIN 06) must be
5 22
28 27

Axial play is almost eliminated through increased pre-loading

Low backlash ball screw nut
of the ball screw nut. Although, the increased load can lead to
Order reference SPIN05
greater wear.
(0 )

Ansicht ohne Mutter/

36 h7 - 0.025

2.95 - 0.1 (Gewindeauslauf/thread run out) view without nut
Rectangular mounting ange 2 0.05
Order reference SPIN06

Spindle drive with rectangular moun-

ting ange allows mounting from the
8 x 3

gearhead side.

If using a ball screw with ange nut,

) 36 h7 - 0.025

the rectangular assembly ange must 6


be used for mounting.


9.6 31.5

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon spindle drive 259

For your personal notes
maxon motor

P I K n
mW mA % rpm


maxon sensor
maxon sensor
High precision encoders, DC tachometers and resolvers with a high signal resolution are mounted
exclusively on motors with through shafts for resonance reasons. The assembly requires adjustment
to the motors and may only be done in the delivery plant.

MILE Encoder 262264

MR Encoder 265273
Optical Encoder 274282
Hall effect Encoder 283285
DC-Tacho 286
Resolver 287
Encoder MILE 64 Counts per turn, 3 Channels, with Line Driver
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
Counts per turn 64
Number of channels 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 107
Max. speed (rpm) 100 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC 6, 1.2 W 138 21.7
EC 6, 1.2 W 138 GP 6, 0.002-0.03 Nm 204 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% 1 VCC
Encoder, Line Driver

Line receiver
Output signal CMOS and TTL compatible VCC
2 Channel A Recommended IC's:
GND - MC 3486
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
- SN 75175
4 Channel B
Signal rise time 5 Channel B
- AM 26 LS 32
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 1 k:, 25C) 10 ns 6 Channel I Channel A
Signal fall time 7 Channel I
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 1 k:, 25C) 10 ns 8 Commutation H1 Channel A C
9 Commutation H2
Index pulse width (nominal) 90e 10 Commutation H3
Operating temperature range -20+100C 11 GND Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.006 gcm2 12 Motor winding 1
13 Motor winding 2 Channel B
Output current per channel max. 4 mA 14 Motor winding 3
Channel I
Note: Pull-down resistors on the encoder outputs are not permit- R
ted. Pull-up resistors are permitted, but not required.
Channel I C

Compatible connector: Molex 0527451496 / Tyco 1-1734839-4

Adapter print EC 6 MILE encoder to terminal strip and DIN 41651
adapter order no. 397973

Pitch 0.5 mm, top contact style.

Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :
The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Capacitor C t .1 nF per m line length
262 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change
Encoder MILE 5122048 CPT, 2 Channels, with Line Driver
Integrated into motor
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor
Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e
Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
421985 421986 421987
Counts per turn 512 1024 2048
Number of channels 2 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 500 500 500
Max. speed (rpm) 6000 6000 6000
State length sn 90e (2000 rpm) 45135e 45135e 45160e

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC 60 at, IP00 198 39.0 39.0 39.0
EC 60 at, IP00 198 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x x x
EC 60 at, IP54 198 43.0 43.0 43.0
EC 60 at, IP54 198 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver

Line receiver
Output signal CMOS and TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC Recommended IC's:
3 GND - MC 3486
Signal rise time - SN 75175
4 N.C. VCC
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 1 k:, 25C) 100 ns 5 Channel A
- AM 26 LS 32
Signal fall time 6 Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 1 k:, 25C) 100 ns 7 Channel B
Operating temperature range -40+100C 10 9 8 Channel B Channel A
300 10 9 Do not connect R
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 13 gcm2 10 Do not connect C
Channel A
Output current per channel max. 4 mA
Open collector output of the Hall sensors DIN Connector 41651/EN 60603-13
at band cable AWG 28 Channel B
with integrated pull-up resistor 10 k: 20% R
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29 Note: Pull-down resistors on the encoder outputs are not permit- C
Channel B
ted. Pull-up resistors are permitted, but not required.

Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

Capacitor C t .1 nF per m line length

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 263

Encoder MILE 8003200 CPT, 2 Channels, with Line Driver RS 422
Integrated into motor
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e
maxon sensor

Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
M 1:3 ' s  45e
Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
409996 411964 411965
Counts per turn 800 1600 3200
Number of channels 2 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 500 500 500
Max. speed (rpm) 5000 5000 5000
State length sn 90e (2000 rpm) 45135e 45135e 45160e

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC 90 at 199 29.2 29.2 29.2
EC 90 at 199 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% Connection motor Connection Encoder
Encoder, Line Driver, AM26C31QD

Line receiver
Output signal EIA Standard RS422 Pin 1 Hall sensor 1* Pin 1 N.C.
Recommended IC's:
GND - MC 3486
driver used: AM26C31QD Pin 2 Hall sensor 2* Pin 2 VCC - SN 75175
Signal rise and fall times Pin 3 VHall 4.5 ... 18 VDC Pin 3 GND - AM 26 LS 32

(typically, at CL = 120 pF, RL = 100 :) 20 ns Pin 4 Motor winding 3 Pin 4 N.C. Channel A
Operating temperature range -40+100C Pin 5 Hall sensor 3* Pin 5 A\
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 65 gcm2 Pin 6 GND Pin 6 A Channel A

Output current per channel min. -20 mA, max. 20 mA Pin 7 Motor winding 1 Pin 7 B\
Pin 8 Motor winding 2 Pin 8 B Channel B
Pin 9 Do not connect
*Internal pull-up (10 k:) on pin 3 (VHall) Pin 10 Do not connect Channel B
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29

39-28-1083 Molex
DIN 41651/EN 60603-13
Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

264 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MR Type S, 16 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor
Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
201933 224702
Counts per turn 16 16
Number of channels 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 8 8
Max. speed (rpm) 30 000 30 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 22.8
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 GP 10, 0.005 - 0.15 Nm 206/207 x
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 30.4
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 GP 10, 0.005 - 0.15 Nm 206/207 x
RE 13, 0.75 W 58 26.3
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 28.7
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 13, 2 W 62 38.5
RE 13, 2 W 63 40.9
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 13, 1.5 W 66 28.4
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 30.8
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 13, 3 W 70 40.6
RE 13, 3 W 71 43.0
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 25.3
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GP 10, 0.01 - 0.15 Nm 207 x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GS 12, 0.01 - 0.03 Nm 208 x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 25.2
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 36.2
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 2.7 - 5.5 V 1 Motor +
Output signal VCC = 5 VDC TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
4 Channel B
Operating temperature range -25+85C 5 GND
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.005 gcm2 6 Motor
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 10 9
DIN Connector 41651/
150 5 EN 60603-13
at band cable AWG 28

No Pull-Up

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 265

Encoder MR Type S, 64256 CPT, 2 Channels, with Line Driver
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e
maxon sensor

Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
323049 323050 334910 323051 323052 323053 323054
Counts per turn 64 64 100 128 128 256 256
Number of channels 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 80 80 100 160 160 320 320
Max. speed (rpm) 75 000 75 000 60 000 75 000 75 000 75 000 75 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 8, 0.5 W 51 22.6
RE 8, 0.5 W 51 GP 8, 0.01 - 0.1 205 x
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 22.8 22.8 22.8
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 GP 10, 0.005 - 0.15 Nm 206/207 x x x
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 30.4 30.4 30.4
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 GP 10, 0.005 - 0.15 Nm 206/207 x x x
RE 13, 0.75 W 58 26.3 26.3 26.3
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 28.7 28.7 28.7
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE 13, 2 W 62 38.5 38.5 38.5
RE 13, 2 W 63 40.9 40.9 40.9
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE 13, 1.5 W 66 28.4 28.4 28.4
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 30.8 30.8 30.8
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE 13, 3 W 70 40.6 40.6 40.6
RE 13, 3 W 71 43.0 43.0 43.0
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 25.3 25.3 25.3
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GP 10, 0.01 - 0.15 Nm 207 x x x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GS 12, 0.01 - 0.03 Nm 208 x x x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
A-max 12, 0.5 W 88 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 25.2 25.2 25.2
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 36.2 36.2 36.2
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 5% Article Numbers 323049 323054 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver

Line receiver
Output signal TTL compatible Pin 1 10 / X = 0.3 0.05 / Y = 11 0.1 / L = 80 3 2 N.C. Recommended IC's:
- MC 3486
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Compatible connector: 3 Channel B
- SN 75175
Molex 52207-1085, Tyco 1-84953-0 4 Channel B VCC
Operating temperature range -25+85C Adapter print to DIN 41651, Art. No. 327086 5 Channel A
- AM 26 LS 32
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.005 gcm2 Pitch 1.0 mm, top contact style 6 Channel A
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 7 Motor
8 GND Channel A
10 Motor + C
Channel A

Channel B
1 Channel B
2 Channel B Channel B
3 Channel A
4 Channel A
Article Numbers 334910 5 Motor
Pin 1 8 / X = 0.3 0.03 / Y = 4.5 0.07 / L = 84 3 6 GND
Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :
Compatible connector: 7 VCC
Molex 52745-0896 8 Motor + Capacitor C t 0.1 nF per m line length

266 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MR Type S, 64256 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor
Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
241057 241060 241062
Counts per turn 64 128 256
Number of channels 2 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 80 160 320
Max. speed (rpm) 75 000 75 000 75 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 13, 0.75 W 58 26.3 26.3 26.3
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 28.7 28.7 28.7
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE 13, 2 W 62 38.5 38.5 38.5
RE 13, 2 W 63 40.9 40.9 40.9
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE 13, 1.5 W 66 28.4 28.4 28.4
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 30.8 30.8 30.8
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE 13, 3 W 70 40.6 40.6 40.6
RE 13, 3 W 71 43.0 43.0 43.0
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 25.2 25.2 25.2
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE-max 13, 0.75 W 116 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 36.2 36.2 36.2
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x x x
RE-max 13, 2 W 118 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 5% 1 Motor +
Output signal TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
4 Channel B
Operating temperature range -25+85C 5 GND
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.005 gcm2 6 Motor
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 7 N.C.
10 9 DIN Connector 41651/
150 5 EN 60603-13
at band cable AWG 28

No Pull-Up

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 267

Encoder MR Type M, 32 Counts per turn, 2/3 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
201935 201938
Counts per turn 32 32
Number of channels 2 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 8 8
Max. speed (rpm) 15 000 15 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 16, 2 W 72 28.0 28.0
RE 16, 2 W 72 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x
RE 16, 2 W 72 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x
RE 16, 2 W 72 GP 16 S 251/252 x x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 45.4 45.4
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16 S 251/252 x x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 48.4 48.4
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16 S 251/252 x x
A-max 16 90/92 30.4 30.4
A-max 16 90/92 GS 16, 0.01 - 0.1 Nm 212-215 x x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 217 x x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16 S 251/252 x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 34.0 34.0
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 222/225 x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 22 S 253/254 x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 35.8 35.8
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GS 20, 0.06 - 0.25 Nm 221 x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 22, 0.1 - 2.0 Nm 222/225 x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 22 S 253/254 x x
A-max 22 98/100 36.9 36.9
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 222/223 x x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 222-225 x x
A-max 22 98/100 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22 S 253/254 x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 2.7 5.5 V 1 Motor +
Output signal VCC = 5 VDC TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
4 Channel B
Operating temperature range -25+85C 5 GND
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.09 gcm2 6 Motor
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 7* Channel I (Index)
10 9
DIN Connector 41651/
150 5 EN 60603-13
at band cable AWG 28
*version with 3 channels

No Pull-Up
The index signal , is not synchronised with channel A or B. necessarily
The length of the index signal can last more than one cycle.

268 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MR Type M, 32 Counts per turn, 2/3 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e


maxon sensor
Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
201935 201938
Counts per turn 32 32
Number of channels 2 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 8 8
Max. speed (rpm) 15 000 15 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE-max 17 120/122 30.4 30.4
RE-max 17 120/122 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x
RE-max 17 120/122 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 219 x x
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 34.0 34.0
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 GP 22 S 253/254 x x
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 35.8 35.8
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 GP 22 S 253/254 x x
RE-max 24 128/130 36.9 36.9
RE-max 24 128/130 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 225 x x
RE-max 24 128/130 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x
RE-max 24 128/130 GP 22 S 253/254 x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 2.7 5.5 V 1 Motor +
Output signal VCC = 5 VDC TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
4 Channel B
Operating temperature range -25+85C 5 GND
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.09 gcm2 6 Motor
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 7* Channel I (Index)
10 9
DIN Connector 41651/
150 5 EN 60603-13
at band cable AWG 28
*version with 3 channels

No Pull-Up
The index signal , is not synchronised with channel A or B. necessarily
The length of the index signal can last more than one cycle.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 269

Encoder MR Type M, 128512 CPT, 2/3 Channels, with Line Driver
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
228179 228177 228181 228182 201937 201940
Counts per turn 128 128 256 256 512 512
Number of channels 2 3 2 3 2 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 80 80 160 160 320 320
Max. speed (rpm) 37 500 37 500 37 500 37 500 37 500 37 500

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 16, 2 W 72 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0
RE 16, 2 W 72 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x x x x x
RE 16, 2 W 72 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x x x x x
RE 16, 2 W 72 GP 16 S 251/252 x x x x x x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 45.4 45.4 45.4 45.4 45.4 45.4
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x x x x x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x x x x x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16 S 251/252 x x x x x x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 48.4 48.4 48.4 48.4 48.4 48.4
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x x x x x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x x x x x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16 S 251/252 x x x x x x
A-max 16 90/92 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4
A-max 16 90/92 GS 16, 0.01 - 0.1 Nm 212-215 x x x x x x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.6 Nm 216-218 x x x x x x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16 S 251/252 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GS 20 0.06 - 0.25 Nm 221 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x x x x x x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
A-max 22 98/100 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 222/223 x x x x x x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x x x x x
A-max 22 98/100 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x x x x x x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
RE-max 17 120/122 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4 30.4
RE-max 17 120/122 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x x x x x x
RE-max 17 120/122 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 217 x x x x x x
Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example
Supply voltage VCC 5 V 5% 1 Motor +
Encoder, Line Driver

Line receiver
Output signal TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC VCC
Recommended IC's:
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 GND GND - MC 3486
- SN 75175
4 Motor
Index pulse width 90e 45e 5 Channel A - AM 26 LS 32
Operating temperature range -25+85C 6 Channel A Channel A
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.09 gcm2 7 Channel B
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 10 9 8 Channel B Channel A C

150 5 9* Channel I (Index)

10* Channel I (Index)
Channel B
DIN Connector 41651/
EN 60603-13 C
Channel B
at band cable AWG 28
*version with 3 channels
Channel I

Channel I C

Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Capacitor C t 0.1 nF per m line length

270 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MR Type M, 128512 CPT, 2/3 Channels, with Line Driver
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e


maxon sensor
Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
228179 228177 228181 228182 201937 201940
Counts per turn 128 128 256 256 512 512
Number of channels 2 3 2 3 2 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 80 80 160 160 320 320
Max. speed (rpm) 37 500 37 500 37 500 37 500 37 500 37 500

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x x x x x
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x x x x x
RE-max 21, 3.5 W 124 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8 35.8
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x x x x x x
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x x x x x
RE-max 21, 6 W 126 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
RE-max 24 128/130 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9 36.9
RE-max 24 128/130 GP 22/GS 38 225/241 x x x x x x
RE-max 24 128/130 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
EC 16, 30 W 145 50.7 50.7 50.7 50.7 50.7 50.7
EC 16, 30 W 145 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x x x x x
EC 16, 30 W 145 GP 22, 0.5 - 1.0 Nm 224 x x x x x x
EC 16, 30 W 145 GP 16 S 251/252 x x x x x x
EC 16, 60 W 147 66.7 66.7 66.7 66.7 66.7 66.7
EC 16, 60 W 147 GP 16, 0.2 - 0.6 Nm 218 x x x x x x
EC 16, 60 W 147 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/226 x x x x x x
EC 16, 60 W 147 GP 16 S/GP 22 S 251/254 x x x x x x
EC 22, 40 W 149 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.5 50.5
EC 22, 40 W 149 GP 22, 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 226/227 x x x x x x
EC 22, 40 W 149 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
EC 22, 100 W 151 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7 68.7
EC 22, 100 W 151 GP 22, 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 226/227 x x x x x x
EC 22, 100 W 151 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x x x x x x
EC-max 16, 5 W 163 GP 16 S 251/252 x x x x x x
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 GP 16, 0.2 - 0.6 Nm 218 x x x x x x
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 226 x x x x x x
EC-max 16, 8 W 165 GP 16 S/GP 22 S 251/254 x x x x x x
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 226/227 x x x x x x
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x x x x x x
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 GP 22 S 253/254 x x x x x x
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 58.2 58.2 58.2 58.2 58.2 58.2
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 GP 22/GP 32 227/238 x x x x x x
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 GP 32 S 253/254 x x x x x x
Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example
Supply voltage VCC 5 V 5% 2 1
Encoder, Line Driver

1 N.C. VCC
Line receiver
Output signal TTL compatible 2 VCC Recommended IC's:
GND - MC 3486
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 GND - SN 75175
4 N.C. - AM 26 LS 32
Index pulse width 90e 45e 5 Channel A Channel A
Operating temperature range -25+85C 10 9 6 Channel A R
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.09 gcm2 150 5 7 Channel B
Channel A C
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 8 Channel B
9* Channel I (Index)
MR Encoder EC-max 16 / EC-max 22 10* Channel I (Index) Channel B

2 1 DIN Connector 41651/ C

Channel B
EN 60603-13
at band cable AWG 28
Channel I
*version with 3 channels R

Channel I C
10 9 Pin assignment for RE-max
300 10 see Page 270
Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :
The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. MR Encoder EC 16 / EC 22 Capacitor C t 0.1 nF per m line length

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 271

Encoder MR Type ML, 1281000 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
225771 225773 225778 225805 225780
Counts per turn 128 256 500 512 1000
Number of channels 3 3 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 80 160 200 320 200
Max. speed (rpm) 37 500 37 500 24 000 37 500 12 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 77/79 65.5 65.5 65.5 65.5 65.5
RE 25 77/79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x x x x x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 234-238 x x x x x
RE 25 77/79 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x x x x x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
RE 25, 20 W 78 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0 54.0
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x x x x x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 234-238 x x x x x
RE 25, 20 W 78 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x x x x x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
A-max 26 102-108 53.5 53.5 53.5 53.5 53.5
A-max 26 102-108 GP 26, 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 231/232 x x x x x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 30, 0.07 - 0.2 Nm 233 x x x x x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 234-238 x x x x x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x x x x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
RE-max 29 131-134 53.5 53.5 53.5 53.5 53.5
RE-max 29 131-134 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x x x x x
RE-max 29 131-134 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235-238 x x x x x
RE-max 29 131-134 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 54.2 54.2
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 1 - 8.0 Nm 238/239 x x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32 S 255-257 x x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 76.2 76.2
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 x x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x x
EC-4pole 30 177 59.2 59.2
EC-4pole 30 177 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x x
EC-4pole 30 177 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x x
EC-4pole 30 178 76.2 76.2
EC-4pole 30 178 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x x
EC-4pole 30 178 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 5% 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver

Line receiver
Output signal TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC VCC
Recommended IC's:
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 GND GND - MC 3486
- SN 75175
4 N.C.
Index pulse width 90e 45e 5 Channel A - AM 26 LS 32
Operating temperature range -25+85C 6 Channel A Channel A
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.7 gcm2 7 Channel B
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 10 9 8 Channel B Channel A C

500 5 9 Channel I (Index)

10 Channel I (Index)
Channel B
DIN Connector 41651/
EN 60603-13 C
Channel B
at band cable AWG 28
Channel I

Channel I C

Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Capacitor C t 0.1 nF per m line length

272 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MR Type L, 2561024 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e


maxon sensor
Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
225783 228452 225785 228456 225787
Counts per turn 256 500 512 1000 1024
Number of channels 3 3 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 80 200 160 200 320
Max. speed (rpm) 18 750 24 000 18 750 12 000 18 750

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 30, 60 W 80 79.4 79.4 79.4 79.4 79.4
RE 30, 60 W 80 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x x x x x
RE 30, 60 W 80 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 x x x x x
RE 30, 60 W 80 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
RE 35, 90 W 81 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x x x x x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 x x x x x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x x x x x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x x x x x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
RE 40, 150 W 82 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4 82.4
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x x x x x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x x x x x
A-max 32 110/112 72.7 72.7 72.7 72.7 72.7
A-max 32 110/112 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/238 x x x x x
A-max 32 110/112 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x x x x x
A-max 32 110/112 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 73.9 73.9 73.9 73.9 73.9
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x x x x x
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9 103.9
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 x x x x x
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0 42.0
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 x x x x x
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0 52.0
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 x x x x x
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 GP 32 S 255-257 x x x x x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 5% 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver

Line receiver
Output signal TTL compatible 2 1 2 VCC VCC
Recommended IC's:
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 GND GND - MC 3486
- SN 75175
4 N.C.
Index pulse width 90e 45e 5 Channel A - AM 26 LS 32
Operating temperature range -25+85C 6 Channel A Channel A
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 1.7 gcm2 7 Channel B
Output current per channel max. 5 mA 10 9 8 Channel B Channel A C

500 5 9 Channel I (Index)

10 Channel I (Index)
Channel B
DIN Connector 41651/
EN 60603-13 C
Channel B
at band cable AWG 28
Channel I

Channel I C

Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Capacitor C t 0.1 nF per m line length

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 273

Encoder Enc 22 100 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e
maxon sensor

Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
103937 143330 103935 110520 168045 110521
Counts per turn 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of channels 2 2 2 2 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 20 20 20 20 20 20
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 2 2 3 2 3 3
Orientation encoder to motor mounting dened 5 5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 77/79 68.6
RE 25 77/79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 235 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32 S 255-257 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% Micromodule contact strip
Output signal TTL compatible VCC 5 VDC 5 %
Type Lumberg MICS 4
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Pin 4 GND
Rpull-up 3.3 k
Signal rise time Pin 3 Channel A
Pin 2 VCC, Pin 1 Channel B
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 200 ns recommended connectors:
Signal fall time Micromodule connector Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 50 ns Type Lumberg MICA 4
Operating temperature range -20+85C Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.05 gcm2 Order number for connector with cable: 3419.506
Output current per channel min. -1 mA, max. 5 mA


Ambient temperature range -U = 22 - 25C

274 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder Enc 22 100 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor
Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
103937 143330 103935 110520 168045 110521
Counts per turn 100 100 100 100 100 100
Number of channels 2 2 2 2 2 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 20 20 20 20 20 20
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 2 2 3 2 3 3
Orientation encoder to motor mounting dened 5 5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 43.3
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GS 20, 0.06 - 0.25 Nm 221 x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 22, 0.1 - 2.0 Nm 222-225 x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x
A-max 19, 1.5 W 94 GP 22 S 253/254 x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 45.9
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 22, 0.1 - 2.0 Nm 222-225 x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x
A-max 19, 2.5 W 96 GP 22 S 253/254 x
A-max 22 98/100 46.3
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 222 x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.2 - 0.6 Nm 223 x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.1 - 2.0 Nm 222-225 x
A-max 22 98/100 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22 S 253/254 x
A-max 26 102-108 59.1
A-max 26 102-108 GP 26, 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 231/232 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 30, 0.07 - 0.2 Nm 233 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 235 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 238 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32 S 253/254 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% Micromodule contact strip
Output signal TTL compatible VCC 5 VDC 5 %
Type Lumberg MICS 4
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Pin 4 GND
Rpull-up 3.3 k
Signal rise time Pin 3 Channel A
Pin 2 VCC, Pin 1 Channel B
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 200 ns recommended connectors:
Signal fall time Micromodule connector Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 50 ns Type Lumberg MICA 4
Operating temperature range -20+85C Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.05 gcm2 Order number for connector with cable: 3419.506
Output current per channel min. -1 mA, max. 5 mA


Ambient temperature range -U = 22 - 25C

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 275

Encoder HEDS 5540 500 Counts per turn, 3 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110511 110513 110515
Counts per turn 500 500 500
Number of channels 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100 100 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 3 4 6

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 77/79 75.3
RE 25 77/79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 x
RE 25 77/79 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 105.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 236 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32 S 255-257 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 91.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 124.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 AB 28 330 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 91.7
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 330 124.3
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 AB 28 330 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 AB 28 330 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10%
Encoder Description Pin no. from Channel A
Output signal TTL compatible 3409.506
Pin 3
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Pin 5 Channel B 1 Pin 5
Channel B
Signal rise time Pin 4 VCC 2 TTL
Channel I
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 180 ns Pin 3 Channel A 3 Pin 2
Pin 2 Channel I 4
Signal fall time Pin 1 GND 5
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 40 ns Rpull-up 3.3 k
Index pulse width (nominal) 90e
Cable with plug:
Operating temperature range -40+100C
maxon Art. Nr. 3409.506
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2 The plug (Harting 918.906.6803) can
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2 be xed in the required position. VCC 5 VDC
Output current per channel min. -1 mA, max. 5 mA Pin 4

Cable with plug (compatible Pin 1

with encoder HEDS5010): GND
maxon Art. Nr. 3409.504
The plug (3M 89110-0101) can be
xed in the required position.
The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Ambient temperature range -U = 25C

276 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder HEDS 5540 500 Counts per turn, 3 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e


maxon sensor
Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110511 110513 110515 110517
Counts per turn 500 500 500 500
Number of channels 3 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100 100 100 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 3 4 6 8

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 78 63.8
RE 25 78 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x
RE 25 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
RE 25 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 x
RE 25 78 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x
RE 25 78 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 94.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32 S 255-257 AB 28 330 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 128.7
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 x
RE 65, 250 W 84 157.3
RE 65, 250 W 84 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x
A-max 26 102-108 63.1
A-max 26 102-108 GP 26, 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 231/232 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 30, 0.07 - 0.2 Nm 233 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/238 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32 S x
A-max 32 110/112 82.3
A-max 32 110/112 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/238 x
A-max 32 110/112 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x
A-max 32 110/112 GP 32 S 255-257 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 78.4
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/238 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32 S x
EC 40, 170 W 157 103.3
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example
Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10%
Encoder Description Pin no. from Channel A
Output signal TTL compatible 3409.506
Pin 3
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Pin 5 Channel B 1 Pin 5
Channel B
Signal rise time Pin 4 VCC 2 TTL
Channel I
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 180 ns Pin 3 Channel A 3 Pin 2
Pin 2 Channel I 4
Signal fall time Pin 1 GND 5
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 40 ns Rpull-up 3.3 k
Index pulse width 90e
Cable with plug:
Operating temperature range -40+100C
maxon Art. Nr. 3409.506
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2 The plug (Harting 918.906.6803) can
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2 be xed in the required position. VCC 5 VDC
Output current per channel min. -1 mA, max. 5 mA Pin 4

Cable with plug (compatible Pin 1

with encoder HEDS5010): GND
maxon Art. Nr. 3409.504
The plug (3M 89110-0101) can be
xed in the required position.
The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Ambient temperature range -U = 25C

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 277

Encoder HEDL 5540 500 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver RS 422
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110512 110514 110516
Counts per turn 500 500 500
Number of channels 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100 100 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 3 4 6
maxon Modular System
+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 77/79 75.3
RE 25 77/79 GP 26/GP 32 231/234 x
RE 25 77/79 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 105.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 26/GP 32 231/234 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32 S 255-257 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 91.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 124.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 AB 28 330 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 AB 28 330 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 91.7
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 330 124.3
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 AB 28 330 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 AB 28 330 x
A-max 26 102-108 63.1
A-max 26 102-108 GP 26, 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 231/232 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 30/GP 32 233/236 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/238 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32 S 255-257 x
A-max 32 110/112 82.3
A-max 32 110/112 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/238 x
A-max 32 110/112 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x
A-max 32 110/112 GP 32 S 255-257 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver, DS26LS31

Line receiver
Output signal EIA Standard RS 422 VCC
2 VCC Recommended IC's:
driver used: DS26LS31 2 1 3 GND GND - MC 3486
4 N.C. - SN 75175
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 5 Channel A
- AM 26 LS 32
Signal rise time 6 Channel A Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 180 ns 7 Channel B R

Signal fall time 8 Channel B Channel A

9 Channel I (Index)
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 40 ns 10 Channel I (Index)
Index pulse width 90e Channel B

Operating temperature range -40+100C

10 9 Pin type DIN 41651/ R
EN 60603-13 Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2 at band cable AWG 28
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2
Channel I
Output current per channel min. -20 mA, max. 20 mA
Option 1000 Counts per turn, 2 Channels Channel I

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

278 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder HEDL 5540 500 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver RS 422
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e


maxon sensor
Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110512 110514 110516 110518
Counts per turn 500 500 500 500
Number of channels 3 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100 100 100 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 3 4 6 8

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 50, 200 W 83 128.7
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 x
RE 65, 250 W 84 157.3
RE 65, 250 W 84 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 78.4
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/238 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32 S 255-257 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 103.3
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 62.6
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 AB 20 328 101.7
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 AB 20 328 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32 S x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 84.6
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 AB 20 328 120.4
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 AB 20 328 x
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 81.4
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 AB 28 329 121.4
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 AB 28 329 x
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 111.4
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 x
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 AB 28 329 140.8
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 AB 28 329 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver, DS26LS31

Line receiver
Output signal EIA Standard RS 422 VCC
2 VCC Recommended IC's:
driver used: DS26LS31 2 1 3 GND GND - MC 3486
4 N.C. - SN 75175
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 5 Channel A
- AM 26 LS 32
Signal rise time 6 Channel A Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 180 ns 7 Channel B R

Signal fall time 8 Channel B Channel A

9 Channel I (Index)
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 40 ns 10 Channel I (Index)
Index pulse width 90e Channel B

Operating temperature range -40+100C

10 9 Pin type DIN 41651/ R
EN 60603-13 Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2 at band cable AWG 28
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2
Channel I
Output current per channel min. -20 mA, max. 20 mA
Option 1000 Counts per turn, 2 Channels Channel I

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 279

Encoder HEDL 5540 500 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver RS 422
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
110512 110514 110516
Counts per turn 500 500 500
Number of channels 3 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100 100 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000 12 000
Shaft diameter (mm) 3 4 6

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 78 63.8
RE 25 78 GP 26/GP 32 231/234 x
RE 25 78 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x
RE 25 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 x
RE 25 78 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 AB 28 330 94.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 26/GP 32 231/234 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 KD 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235/237 AB 28 330 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32 S 255-257 AB 28 330 x
EC-4pole 22 175 70.1
EC-4pole 22 175 GP 22/GP 32 227/238 x
EC-4pole 22 175 GP 32 S 255-257 x
EC-4pole 22 176 87.5
EC-4pole 22 176 GP 22/GP 32 227/238 x
EC-4pole 22 176 GP 32 S 255-257 x
EC-4pole 30 177 67.6
EC-4pole 30 177 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x
EC-4pole 30 177 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x
EC-4pole 30 177 AB 20 328 104.0
EC-4pole 30 177 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 AB 20 328 x
EC-4pole 30 177 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 AB 20 328 x
EC-4pole 30 178 84.6
EC-4pole 30 178 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 x
EC-4pole 30 178 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x
EC-4pole 30 178 AB 20 328 121.0
EC-4pole 30 178 GP 32, 4.0 - 8.0 Nm 239 AB 20 328 x
EC-4pole 30 178 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 AB 20 328 x
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 49.0
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 x
EC-i 40, 50 W 190 GP 32 S 255-257 x
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 59.0
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 x
EC-i 40, 70 W 191 GP 32 S 255-257 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% 1 N.C.
Encoder, Line Driver, DS26LS31

Line receiver
Output signal EIA Standard RS 422 VCC
2 VCC Recommended IC's:
driver used: DS26LS31 2 1 3 GND GND - MC 3486
4 N.C. - SN 75175
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 5 Channel A
- AM 26 LS 32
Signal rise time 6 Channel A Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 180 ns 7 Channel B R

Signal fall time 8 Channel B Channel A

9 Channel I (Index)
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 2.7 k:, 25C) 40 ns 10 Channel I (Index)
Index pulse width 90e Channel B

Operating temperature range -40+100C

10 9 Pin type DIN 41651/ R
EN 60603-13 Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2 at band cable AWG 28
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2
Channel I
Output current per channel min. -20 mA, max. 20 mA
Option 1000 Counts per turn, 2 Channels Channel I

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

280 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder HEDL 9140 500 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver RS 422
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e


maxon sensor
Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
Counts per turn 500
Number of channels 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 40, 150 W 82 125.1
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 AB 28 331 135.6
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 AB 28 331 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 AB 28 331 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 126.8
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 AB 28 331 135.6
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 AB 28 331 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 AB 28 331 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 159.6
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 AB 28 331 168.4
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 AB 28 331 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 AB 28 331 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 AB 28 331 x
EC 60, 400 W 160 177.3
EC 60, 400 W 160 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x
EC 60, 400 W 160 AB 41 333 214.9
EC 60, 400 W 160 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 AB 41 333 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% Cable white = 2 VCC 5 VDC
Encoder, Line Driver, DS26LS31

Line receiver
Output signal EIA Standard RS 422 VCC
Cable brown = 3 GND Recommended IC's:
Cable green = 5 Channel A GND - MC 3486
driver used: DS26LS31 - SN 75175
Cable yellow = 6 Channel A
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Cable yellow = 7 Channel B
- AM 26 LS 32
Signal rise time Cable pink = 8 Channel B Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 180 ns Cable blue = 9 Channel I (Index) R

Signal fall time Cable red = 10 Channel I (Index) Channel A

(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 40 ns Cable size 8 0.25 mm2
Index pulse width 90e Channel B
Operating temperature range -40+85C
Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2
Channel I
Output current per channel min. -20 mA, max. 20 mA
Channel I

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 281

Encoder HEDL 9140 500 CPT, 3 Channels, with Line Driver RS 422
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor

Channel A
Phase shift 90e
Channel B
Channel I
s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
cable outlet axial 386051 386001
cable outlet radial 386053 386002
Counts per turn 500 500
Number of channels 3 3
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 100 100
Max. speed (rpm) 12 000 12 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Brake Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 50, 200 W 83 170.4
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 AB 44 334 183.4
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 AB 44 334 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 AB 44 334 x
RE 65, 250 W 84 187.5
RE 65, 250 W 84 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x
RE 65, 250 W 84 AB 44 334 205.5
RE 65, 250 W 84 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 AB 44 334 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 5 V 10% Encoder
Encoder, Line Driver, DS26LS31

Line receiver
Output signal EIA Standard RS 422 VCC
Cable white = VCC 5 VDC Recommended IC's:
Cable brown = GND GND - MC 3486
driver used: DS26LS31 - SN 75175
Cable green = Channel A
Phase shift ) 90e 45e Cable yellow = Channel A
- AM 26 LS 32
Signal rise time Cable grey = Channel B Channel A
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 180 ns Cable pink = Channel B R

Signal fall time Cable blue = Channel I (Index) Channel A

Cable red = Channel I (Index)
(typically, at CL = 25 pF, RL = 11 k:, 25C) 40 ns Cable size 8 0.25 mm2
Index pulse width 90e Channel B

Operating temperature range -40+85C Motor R

Cable white = Motor + Channel B
Moment of inertia of code wheel d 0.6 gcm2 Cable brown = Motor -
Max. angular acceleration 250 000 rad s-2 Cable size 2 1.0 mm2
Channel I
Output current per channel min. -20 mA, max. 20 mA
Protection to IP54 Channel I

The index signal , is synchronised with channel A or B. Terminal resistance R = typical 120 :

282 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MEnc 10 12 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor
Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
Counts per turn 12
Number of channels 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 20
Max. speed (rpm) 100 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 25.1
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 GP 10, 0.005 - 0.1 Nm 206 x
RE 10, 0.75 W 53 GP 10, 0.01 - 0.15 Nm 207 x
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 32.7
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 GP 10, 0.005 - 0.1 Nm 206 x
RE 10, 1.5 W 55 GP 10, 0.01 - 0.15 Nm 207 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 3.8 - 24 V 2 1 1 Motor +
Output signal VCC = 5 VDC TTL compatible 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
10 k: 20%

4 Channel B
Power input at VCC 5 VDC max. 8 mA 5 GND
Inertia of the magnetic disc 0.03 gcm2 6 Motor
Operating temperature range -20+80C 10 9
Open collector output Pin type DIN 41651/
10 k: 20%

EN 60603-13
with integrated pull-up resistance 10 k: 20% (Type 3M 89110-0101 HA)
at band cable AWG 28


May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 283

Encoder MEnc 13 16 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e
maxon sensor

Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
Counts per turn 16
Number of channels 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 20
Max. speed (rpm) 75 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 13, 0.75 W 58/59 27.0/29.4
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 0.75 W 59 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 13, 2 W 62/63 39.2/41.6
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 2 W 63 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 13, 1.5 W 66/67 30.3/32.7
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 1.5 W 67 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 13, 3 W 70/71 42.5/44.9
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.05 - 0.15 Nm 209 x
RE 13, 3 W 71 GP 13, 0.2 - 0.35 Nm 210 x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 46.5
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x
RE 16, 3.2 W 74 GP 16 S 251/252 x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 49.5
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 217/218 x
RE 16, 4.5 W 76 GP 16 S 251/252 x
A-max 16 90/92 33.5
A-max 16 90/92 GS 16, 0.01 - 0.03 Nm 212/213 x
A-max 16 90/92 GS 16, 0.06 - 0.1 Nm 214/215 x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16, 0.06 - 0.18 Nm 216 x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 217 x
A-max 16 90/92 GP 16 S 251/252 x
A-max 19 94/96 36.4/39.0
A-max 19 94/96 GP 19, 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 220 x
A-max 19 94/96 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x
A-max 19 94/96 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x
A-max 19 94/96 GP 22 S 253/254 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 3.8 - 24 V 2 1 1 Motor +
Output signal VCC = 5 VDC TTL compatible 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
10 k: 20%

4 Channel B
Power input at VCC 5 VDC max. 8 mA 5 GND
Inertia of the magnetic disc 0.07 gcm2 6 Motor
Operating temperature range -20+80C 10 9
Open collector output Pin type
10 k: 20%

DIN 41651/EN 60603-13

with integrated pull-up resistance 10 k: 20% (Type 3M 89110-0101 HA)
at band cable AWG 28


284 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Encoder MEnc 13 16 Counts per turn, 2 Channels
Cycle C = 360e
Pulse P = 180e

maxon sensor
Channel A

Phase shift

Channel B

s3 s4 s1 s2 s 1..4 = 90e
' s  45e

Direction of rotation cw (denition cw p. 48)

Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
Counts per turn 16
Number of channels 2
Max. operating frequency (kHz) 20
Max. speed (rpm) 75 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
A-max 22 98/100 39.0
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 222/223 x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 224/225 x
A-max 22 98/100 GS 24, 0.1 Nm 230 x
A-max 22 98/100 GP 22 S 253/254 x
A-max 26 102-108 51.8
A-max 26 102-108 GP 26, 0.5 - 4.5 Nm 231/232 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 30, 0.07 - 0.2 Nm 233 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 235 x
A-max 26 102-108 GS 38, 0.1 - 0.6 Nm 241 x
A-max 26 102-108 GP 32 S 253/254 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation Connection example

Supply voltage VCC 3.8 - 24 V 2 1 1 Motor +
Output signal VCC = 5 VDC TTL compatible 2 VCC Encoder
Phase shift ) 90e 45e 3 Channel A
10 k: 20%

4 Channel B
Power input at VCC 5 VDC max. 8 mA 5 GND
Inertia of the magnetic disc 0.07 gcm2 6 Motor
Operating temperature range -20+80C 10 9
Open collector output Pin type
10 k: 20%

DIN 41651/EN 60603-13

with integrated pull-up resistance 10 k: 20% (Type 3M 89110-0101 HA)
at band cable AWG 28


May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 285

DC-Tacho DCT 22 0.52 Volt
Important Information
Tacho with moving coil, maxon system.
Tacho with precious metal commutation.
maxon sensor

To establish total inertia add motor and

tacho inertias.
With the output shaft turning CW as seen from
the mounting surface, the tacho output voltage
will be positive at the + terminal.
A high impedance load is recommended at
tacho terminals.
The tacho current should be kept low.
The indicated resonance frequency refers to the
motor-tacho rotor system.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
118908 118909 118910
Shaft diameter (mm) 2 3 4

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25 77/79 76.8
RE 25 77/79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234/235 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 237 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x
RE 25 77/79 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 25 78 65.3
RE 25 78 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 x
RE 25 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234/235 x
RE 25 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 237 x
RE 25 78 GP 32, 1.0 - 4.5 Nm 240 x
RE 25 78 GP 32 S 255-257 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 89.1
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/237 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 x

Technical Data Connection example

Output voltage per 1000 rpm 0.52 V Max. recommended current 10 mA
Terminal resistance tacho 37.7 : Tolerance of the output voltage 15 % 180 :
Typical peak to peak ripple d 6% Rotor inertia (tacho only) < 3 gcm
Ripple frequency per turn 14 Resonance frequency with motors on p. 77 79 > 2 kHz T 1 k: 0.1 PF
Linearity between 500 and 5000 rpm unloaded 0.2 % with motors on p. 81 > 4.5 kHz
Linearity with 10 k: load resistance 0.7 % Temperature range -20 ... +65C
Reversal error 0.1 %
Temperature coefcient of EMF (magnet) -0.02 % /C Option: Pigtails in place of solder terminals.
Temperature coefcient of coil resistance +0.4 % /C
Ripple = x 100 (%)

Resonance frequency Motor winding-Tacho winding fR t 4 kHz

286 maxon sensor May 2012 edition / subject to change

Resolver Res 26 10 Volt

Primary Secondary

maxon sensor
b32 SIN z32


red / white red z30 360e
d30 Rotor-

r -

to er
ro olv

yellow / white black d32

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)
166488 133405 268912 199287
Shaft diameter (mm) 4 6 6 6
Max. speed (rpm) 10 000 10 000 10 000 10 000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC 32, 80 W 156 80.1
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32, 0.75 - 6.0 Nm 236/238 x
EC 32, 80 W 156 GP 32 S 255-257 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 107.3
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 111.2
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 144.0
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 42, 3.0 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 52, 4.0 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 62, 8.0 - 50 Nm 247 x
EC 60, 400 W 160 177.3
EC 60, 400 W 160 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x

Technical Data
Input voltage 10 V peak, 10 kHz Rotor inertia 6 gcm2
Reduction ratio 0.5 Weight 40 g
Electrical error 10 minutes Operating temperature range -55 ... +155C

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon sensor 287

For your personal notes
maxon motor

P I K n
mW mA % rpm


maxon motor control
maxon motor control
These control electronics are optimized for use with maxon motors. Various 4-quadrant servo-
amplifiers meet your needs regarding performance and speed accuracy with maxon DC motors.
The most sophisticated electronic commutation is available with maxon EC motors. Together with
maxon motors, the positioning control represents a complete solution for precise positioning
with controlled rotation.

ESCON servo controllers 290292

1-Q-EC Amplifier 293301
4-Q-EC Amplifier 302308
Positioning controller 309319
Summary and accessories 320322
ESCON Overview
maxon motor control

The ESCON servo controllers are small-sized, The featured operating modes speed control features extensive analog and digital I/O func-
powerful 4-quadrant PWM servo controller for (closed loop), speed control (open loop), and tionality and are being configured via USB inter-
the highly efficient control of permanent magnet- current control meet the highest requirements. face using the graphical user interface ESCON
activated DC motors. The ESCON servo controllers are designed Studio for Windows PCs.
being commanded by an analog set value and

// ESCON Setup

Full version, including
ESCON Studio
ESCON Firmware

Documentation (Hardware Reference, Feature Comparison Chart, Firmware Version Readme)

ESCON 36/2 DC ESCON 50/5

Feature Comparison Chart Feature Comparison Chart
Hardware Reference Hardware Reference
Firmware Firmware
Firmware Version Firmware Version
Readme Readme

403112 409510

Depending on the ESCON variant, the following Speed controller (open loop): The open loop shifted signals that are being compared to
motor types can be operated speed controller feeds the motor with a voltage determine the sense of rotation.
DC motor: Permanent-magnet DC motor proportional to the applied speed set value.
EC motor: Brushless, electronically commu- Changes in load are compensated using the To the numerous inputs and outputs, various
tated permanent-magnet DC motor (BLDC) IxR methodology. functionalities can be assigned to.
with Hall sensors.
Speed measurement by Set value (speed or current), current limitation,
Various operating modes allow an adaptable Digital incremental encoder: The encod- as well as offset can be assigned as follows.
use in a wide range of drive systems ers deliver simple square signals for further Analog value: The value is defined by an
Current controller: The current controller processing. Their impulses are counted to analog voltage set via external or internal
compares the actual motor current (torque) determine the speed. Channels A and B are potentiometer.
with the applied set value. In case of deviation, phase-shifted signals, which are being com- PWM value: The value is defined by fixed
the motor current is dynamically readjusted. pared to determine the sense of rotation. frequency and amplitude. The desired change
Speed controller (closed loop): The closed DC tacho: The DC tacho delivers a speed- is achieved by variation of the duty cycle of
loop speed controller compares the actual proportional analog voltage. 1090%.
speed signal with the applied set value. In Available Hall sensors: The Hall sensors Fixed value: The value is defined by a fixed
case of deviation, the speed is dynamically deliver six different combinations of switching preset value.
readjusted. impulses per electrical turn which are counted 2 fixed values: Value 1 is defined by a fixed
to determine speed. They also deliver phase- preset value 1. Value 2 is defined by a fixed
preset value 2. A digital input is used to switch
between the two preset values.

Various functionalities are available to enable

the power stage.
Enable: Enables or disables the power stage.
Enable & Direction: Enables or disables the
power stage and determines the motor shafts
direction of rotation.
Enable CW: Enables or disables the power
stage in direction of rotation-dependent sense.
The rotor can only turn clockwise (CW).
Enable CCW: Enables or disables the power
stage in direction of rotation-dependent sense.
The rotor can only turn counterclockwise
Enable CW & CCW: Enables or disables the
ESCON Studio (Controller Monitor) power stage in direction of rotation-dependent

290 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

sense. The rotor can only turn in defined direc-
tion. The signals are interlocked against each Easy startup
other. Startup and parameterization are performed using the intuitive graphical user interface
ESCON Studio with the help of simple to use, menu-guided wizards. The following wizards

maxon motor control

The ramp function permits controlled accelera- are available: Startup, Regulation Tuning, Firmware Update, Controller Monitor, Parameters,
tion/deceleration of the motor shaft in both, open Data Recording, and Diagnostics.
loop and closed loop speed controller mode.
Analog ramp: The ramp is defined by a vari- Protective equipment
able analog value. The servo controller has protective circuits against overcurrent, excess temperature, under-
Fixed ramp: The ramp is defined by a fixed and overvoltage, against voltage transients, and against short-circuits in the motor cable.
preset value. Furthermore it is equipped with protected digital inputs and outputs and an adjustable current
limitation for protecting the motor and the load. The motor current and the actual speed of the
Stop: The motor shaft decelerates with preset motor shaft can be monitored by means of the analog output voltage.
speed ramp until complete standstill.
Comprehensive documentation
Ready: The Ready signal can be used to trans- Using the Feature Comparison Chart, the appropriate ESCON servo controller can be
mit the operational status (respectively fault) to a easily found. In the Hardware Reference, the complete hardware is specified in detail.
superior control. In the document Firmware Version, the changes and improvements of the firmware are
documented. The graphical user interface ESCON Studio also has a comprehensive online
Speed comparator: The digital output is set as help.
soon as the preset speed is reached.
Limit: The digital output is set as soon as the
preset speed is reached. It will continue set as
long as the overspeed remains.
Range: The digital output is set as soon as the
preset speed range is reached. It will continue
set as long as the speed remains in range.
Deviation: The digital output is set as soon
as the preset speed variation (based on the
speed set value) is reached.

With the integrated potentiometers the addi-

tional following functions can be adjusted
Current Gain: Adjustment of the current
controller gain.
Speed Gain: Adjustment of the speed control-
ler gain.
IxR Factor: The voltage drop caused by
terminal resistance will be compensated in the
range of [010002000].

Analog outputs allow monitoring of

Actual current: Actually measured motor
winding current.
Actual current averaged: Actually measured
motor winding current filtered by first order
digital low-pass filter with a cut-off frequency
of 5 Hz.
Actual speed: Actually measured motor
speed. Software
Actual speed averaged: Actually measured Installation Program ESCON Setup
motor speed filtered by 1st order digital low- Graphical User Interface ESCON Studio
pass filter with a cut-off frequency of 5 Hz. Startup Wizard 9
Demand Current: Demanded motor winding Regulation Tuning 9
Diagnostic 9
Demand Speed: Demanded motor speed.
Temperature Power Stage: Actually mea- Firmware Update 9
sured power stage temperature. Controller Monitor 9
Fixed value: The output voltage is said fixed Parameters 9
to the preset value. Data Recording 9
Online Help 9
Language German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese,
Operating System Windows 7, Windows XP SP3
Communication interface USB 2.0 (full speed)

Accessories (not included in delivery) ESCON 36/2 DC ESCON 50/5

404404 ESCON 36/2 DC Connector Set 9
403964 ESCON Analog I/O Cable 9
403962 ESCON DC Motor Cable 9
403965 ESCON Digital I/O Cable 9
275934 ESCON Encoder Cable optional optional
403957 ESCON Power Cable 9
409286 ESCON USB Stick 9 9
403968 USB 2.0 Type A micro-B Cable 9 9

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 291

ESCON Feature Comparison Chart
maxon motor control

ESCON 36/2 DC ESCON 50/5

DC motors up to 72 W 250 W
EC motors up to 250 W
Digital Incremental Encoder Digital Incremental Encoder
(2 channel with or without Line Driver) (2 channel with or without Line Driver)
DC Tacho DC Tacho
Digital Hall Sensors (EC motors)
Operating Mode
Current controller (torque control), Current controller (torque control),
Speed controller (closed and open loop) Speed controller (closed and open loop)
Electrical Data
Nominal operating voltage VCC 10 - 36 VDC 10 - 50 VDC
Max. output voltage 0.98 x VCC 0.98 x VCC
Max. output current 4 A (<60 s) 15 A (<20 s)
Continuous output current 2A 5A
Pulse width modulation frequency 53.6 kHz 53.6 kHz
Sampling rate PI current controller 53.6 kHz 53.6 kHz
Sampling rate PI speed controller 5.36 kHz 5.36 kHz
Max. efficiency 95% 95%
Max. speed (DC) limited by max. permissible speed (motor) and limited by max. permissible speed (motor) and
max. output voltage (controller) max. output voltage (controller)
Max. speed (EC; 1 pole pair) 150 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke 300 PH / 2 A 3 x 30 PH / 5 A
Hall sensor signals H1, H2, H3
Encoder signals A, A\, B, B\ A, A\, B, B\
Max. encoder input frequency differential 1 MHz 1 MHz
(single-ended) (100 kHz) (100 kHz)
Potentiometers 1 2
Digital inputs 2 2
Digital inputs/outputs 2 2
Analog inputs 2 2
Resolution, Range, Circuit 12-bit, -10+10 V, differential 12-bit, -10+10 V, differential
Analog outputs 2 2
Resolution, Range 12-bit, -4+4 V 12-bit, -4+4 V
Auxiliary voltage output +5 VDC (IL d10 mA) +5 VDC (IL d10 mA)
Hall sensor supply voltage +5 VDC (IL d30 mA)
Encoder supply voltage +5 VDC (IL d70 mA) +5 VDC (IL d70 mA)
Status Indicators Operation: green LED / Error: red LED Operation: green LED / Error: red LED
Environmental Conditions
Temperature Operation -30+45C -30+45C
Temperature Extended range +45+81C; Derating: -0.056 A/C +45+85C; Derating: -0.113 A/C
Temperature Storage -40+85C -40+85C
Humidity (condensation not permitted) 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 30 g Approx. 204 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 55 x 40 x 16.1 mm 115 x 75.5 x 24 mm
Mounting holes for screws M2.5 for screws M4
Article Numbers
403112 ESCON 36/2 DC 409510 ESCON 50/5
Order accessories separately, from page 321 Order accessories separately, from page 321

292 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

1-Q-EC Amplifier Summary

maxon motor control

The basic function of EC motors electronics is without Hall sensors. A further distinction is 1-Q amplifier functions in motor operation.
the electronic commutation of the motor winding. made between open or closed loop speed Direction reverse via digital signal.
Simple speed controls are possible with and control.

1-Q-EC Amplifier sensorless DECS 50/5

Digital speed control for sensorless EC motors
Selectable control gain
Different start sequences can be selected
closed loop

Various options for set value

Small design

Details on page 294

Article Numbers DECS 50/5 343253

1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 24/1

Speed controller with Hall sensors
Motor speed is adjustable with built-in potentiometer
or external set value
Direction, brake and disable input
Details on page 294
Article Numbers DEC 24/1 318305 249630 381510
249631 249632

1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC Module 24/2

open loop

Speed controller with Hall sensors

Motor speed is adjustable with external set value
Direction and enable input
Details on page 295
Article Numbers DEC Module 24/2 367661

1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 24/3

Speed controller with Hall sensors
Motor speed is adjustable with built-in potentiometer
Hall sensors

or external set value

Direction, brake and disable input
Details on page 295
Article Numbers DEC 24/3 336286 336287

1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC Module 50/5

Speed controller with Hall sensors
Motor speed is adjustable with external set value
Direction and enable input
Details on page 296
closed loop

Article Numbers DEC Module 50/5 380200

1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 50/5

Speed controller with Hall sensors
Motor speed is adjustable with built-in potentiometer
or external set value
Direction, brake and disable input
Details on page 296
Article Numbers DEC 50/5 230572

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 293

DECS 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier, sensorless
maxon motor control

Controlling sensorless EC motors

The actual rotor position is evaluated by using the Back-EMF
sensing technique. Different start sequences with varying start-up
procedures can be easy selected.
Operating modes
Digital speed control with selectable regulation gain.
Wide supply voltage range 10 - 50 VDC. Pluggable screw type
terminal block and a flexprint connector compatible with maxon flat
Small design
Open and compact electronics board. Easy mounting with hexagonal
distance pins with inside thread.
All-round functionality
Direction can be predetermined using a logic signal. The motor shaft
can be disabled or braked, as required. Speed can be monitored
through the speed monitor output. Different protective functions
safeguard the motor and amplifier. Status indicator with green and
red LED.
Flexible set value input
Set value input either by internal potentiometer or external analog
voltage. Different speed ranges can be selected using DIP switches.

The DECS (Digital EC Controller Sensorless) is a 1-quadrant amplifier for Technical data page 297
the control of sensorless EC motors with a maximum output of 250 watts. Dimensions and connections page 300

DEC 24/1 1-Q-EC Amplifier

Operating modes
Digital speed control or open loop speed control operation can be
selected with a built-in jumper.
249631 Flexible
Wide supply voltage range 5 - 24 VDC. A range of adapter boards
allows the use of different maxon EC micro motors.

Small design
Open and compact electronics board. Easy mounting with hexagonal
distance pins with inside thread.

All-round functionality
Direction can be predetermined with a logic signal. Motor shaft can
be disabled or slowed down as required. Adjustable maximum cur-
rent limitation. Status indicator with green LED.

Flexible set value input
Set value input either by internal potentiometer or external,
381510 analog voltage. Different speed ranges can be selected using
built-in jumpers.

The DEC 24/1 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier for control- Technical data page 297
ling EC motors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of 24 watts. Dimensions and connections page 300

294 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

DEC Module 24/2 1-Q-EC Amplifier

maxon motor control

Operating modes
Digital speed control or open loop speed control operation can be
preset by a digital signal.

Excellent price/performance ratio

Reasonably priced 1-Q-EC amplifier optimised for OEM applications
in small appliances.

OEM Module
Miniaturized open electronics board. Two connector arrays arranged
in a 2.54 mm (0.1) pattern support easy connectivity and integration
into the motherboard.

Direction of rotation preset by a digital signal. The motor shaft
can be enabled or disabled. Adjustable maximum current limitation.
Set value input through external analog voltage.

Protection circuit
The power amplifier is protected against thermal overload and the
control inputs against overvoltage.

The DEC Module 24/2 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier Technical data page 298
for controlling EC motors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of Dimensions and connections page 300
48 watts.

DEC 24/3 1-Q-EC Amplifier

Operating modes
Digital speed control or open loop speed control operation can be
selected with a built-in DIP switch.
Wide supply voltage range 5 - 24 VDC.
Two variants for direct connection of different maxon EC motors.

Small design
Open and compact electronics board. Easy mounting with hexagonal
distance pins with inside thread.

All-round functionality
Direction can be predetermined with a logic signal. Motor shaft can
be disabled or slowed down as required. Adjustable maximum cur-
rent limitation. Status indicator with green LED.

Flexible set value input

Set value input either through internal potentiometer or external,
analog voltage. Different speed ranges can be selected using
built-in DIP switches.

The DEC 24/3 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier for control- Technical data page 298
ling EC motors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of 72 watts. Dimensions and connections page 301

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 295

DEC Module 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier
maxon motor control

Operating modes
Digital speed control or open loop speed control operation can be
preset by a digital signal.

Excellent price/performance ratio

Reasonably priced 1-Q-EC amplifier optimised for OEM applications
in small appliances.

OEM Module
Miniaturized open electronics board. Connector arrays arranged in a
2.54 mm (0.1) pattern support easy connectivity and integration into
the motherboard.

Direction of rotation preset by a digital signal. The motor shaft can
be enabled or disabled. Adjustable maximum current limitation. Set
value speed input through external analog voltage. Speed can be
monitored through the speed monitor output. Status indicator with

Protection circuit
The power amplifier is protected against thermal overload and the
control inputs against overvoltage.

The DEC Module 50/5 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier Technical data page 299
for controlling EC motors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of Dimensions and connections page 301
250 watts.

DEC 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier

Operating modes
Digital speed control, open loop speed control or current control can
be selected with built-in DIP switch.

Small design
Robust and compact modular metallic housing offers various
mounting options.

Easy start-up procedure

Plug-in terminal clamp, no extensive adjustment necessary.

All-round functionality
Direction can be set with a logic signal. Motor shaft can be disabled
or slowed down as required. Adjustable maximum current limitation.
Operating status display with red and green LED.

Flexible set value input

Set value input either through internal potentiometer or external
analog voltage. Two preset speeds switchable. Speed ramp can be

Protection circuit
The power amplifier is protected against thermal overload and the
control inputs against overvoltage.

The DEC 50/5 (Digital EC Controller) is a 1-quadrant amplifier for control- Technical data page 299
ling EC motors with Hall sensors with a maximum output of 250 watts. Dimensions and connections page 301

296 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

1-Q-EC Amplifier Data

maxon motor control

DECS 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 24/1 1-Q-EC Amplifier
1-quadrant amplifier for controlling sensorless 1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC motors
EC motors with a maximum output of 250 watts. with Hall sensors with a maximum output of
24 watts.

Operating modes
Speed controller (sensorless) Speed controller, open loop speed controller

Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 10 - 50 VDC 5 - 24 VDC
Max. output voltage 0.8 x VCC VCC
Max. output current Imax 8A 2A
Continuous output current Icont 5A 1A
Switching frequency of power stage 50 kHz 39 kHz
Band width current controller
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 80 000 rpm 120 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke per phase 150 PH / 1 A
Set value Speed 05 V (1024 Steps) Speed 05 V (1024 Steps)
Current limit
Enable Enable +3.550 V /Disable +2.424 V
Direction Direction +3.550 V Direction +2.424 V
Stop / Brake Brake +3.550 V /Brake +2.424 V
Monitor Monitor n, digital (5 V) Monitor n, digital (5 V)
Status reading Ready Ready max. +50 V
Voltage outputs
Hall sensors supply voltage VCC Hall +4.55 VDC, max. 30 mA
Auxiliary voltages +5 VDC
Possible adjustments DIP switch Jumpers
Trim potentiometer Speed, Imax Speed, Imax
Indicator Green LED = READY; red LED = ERROR Green LED
Protective functions
Blockage protection Switches off after 5 unsuccessful starting Motor current limitation if motor shaft is blocked
attempts for longer than 1.5 s
Heat monitoring of power stage T > 90C
Dynamic current limit Imax = 2 Icont is limited to 0.9 Icont after 1 s
Under- / Overvoltage protection Switches off when VCC < 9.5 V or VCC > 59 V
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation -10+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 40 g Approx. 20 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 73.4 x 50.8 x 21 mm (see page 300) 57 x 36 x 24 mm (see page 300)
Mounting threads 4 Hexagonal distance pins with M3 inner thread 4 Hexagonal distance pins with M3 inner thread
Connections See page 300 See page 300
Article Numbers
343253 DECS 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier sensorless DEC 24/1 1-Q-EC Amplifier
318305 DEC 24/1 with FPC pitch 0.5 mm
381510 DEC 24/1 with FPC pitch 0.5 mm
249630 DEC 24/1 with FPC pitch 1.0 mm
249631 DEC 24/1 with a pin con. pitch 2.5 mm
249632 DEC 24/1 with screw type terminal
block pitch 2.54 mm
309687 DSR 50/5 Shunt regulator

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 297

1-Q-EC Amplifier Data
maxon motor control

DEC Module 24/2 1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 24/3 1-Q-EC Amplifier

1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC motors 1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC motors
with Hall sensors with a maximum output of with Hall sensors with a maximum output of
48 watts. 72 watts.

Operating modes
Speed controller, open loop speed controller Speed controller, open loop speed controller

Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 8 - 24 VDC (optional 5.0 VDC) 5 - 24 VDC
Max. output voltage VCC VCC
Max. output current Imax 3A 6A
Continuous output current Icont 2A 3A
Switching frequency of power stage 46.8 kHz 39 kHz
Band width current controller
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 80 000 rpm 120 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke per phase
Set value Speed 0+5 V (1024 steps) Speed 0+5 V (1024 steps)
Current limit Current Limit external resistor against GND
Enable Enable +2.424 V Enable +2.424 V
Direction Direction +2.424 V Direction +2.424 V
Stop / Brake Brake +2.424 V
Monitor Monitor n, digital, (5 V)
Status reading Ready Ready, digital, (5 V)
Voltage outputs
Hall sensors supply voltage VCC Hall +5 VDC, max. 35 mA +5 VDC, max. 30 mA
Auxiliary voltages +5 VDC, max. 10 mA
Possible adjustments Input Mode 0 and Mode 1 DIP switch
Trim potentiometer Speed, Imax
Indicator Green LED
Protective functions
Blockage protection Motor current limitation if motor shaft is blocked Motor current limitation if motor shaft is blocked
for longer than 1.5 s for longer than 1.5 s
Heat monitoring of power stage T > 95C
Dynamic current limit Imax = 2 Icont is limited to 0.9 Icont after 1 s
Under- / Overvoltage protection Switches off when VCC < 6.5 V or VCC > 30 V Switches off when VCC < 4.5 V
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation -10+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 4 g Approx. 28 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 24.2 x 20.38 x 12.7 mm (see page 300) 65 x 58 x 18 mm (see page 301)
Mounting threads mountable on socket terminal strips pitch 2.54 mm 4 Hexagonal distance pins with M3 inner thread
Connections see page 300 See page 301
Article Numbers
367661 DEC Module 24/2 1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 24/3 1-Q-EC Amplifier
336287 DEC 24/3 with FPC pitch 1.0 mm
336286 DEC 24/3 with a pin connector
pitch 2.5 mm

370652 DEC Module Eva-Board

298 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

1210_Motor_control.indd 298 02.05.2012 13:56:48

maxon motor control
DEC Module 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier
1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC motors 1-quadrant amplifier for controlling EC motors
with Hall sensors with a maximum output of with Hall sensors with a maximum output of
250watts. 250 watts.

Operating modes
Speed controller, open loop speed controller Speed controller, open loop speed controller,
current controller
Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 6 - 50 VDC (optional 5.0 VDC) 10 - 50 VDC
Max. output voltage 0.95 x VCC 0.95 x VCC
Max. output current Imax 10 A 10 A
Continuous output current Icont 5A 5A
Switching frequency of power stage 46.8 kHz 39 kHz
Band width current controller 15 Hz
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 80 000 rpm 120 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke per phase
Set value Speed 0+5 V (1024 steps) Speed 0+5 V (1024 steps)
Current limit Current Limit external resistor against GND
Enable Enable +2.450 V /Disable +2.450 V
Direction Direction +2.450 V Direction +2.450 V
Stop / Brake /Brake +2.450 V
Configurable AUX digital input / 5 VDC output
Monitor Monitor n, digital, (5 V)
Status reading Ready Ready, digital, (5 V)
Voltage outputs
Hall sensors supply voltage VCC Hall +5 VDC, max. 35 mA +712 VDC, max. 30 mA
Auxiliary voltages
Possible adjustments Input Mode 0 and Mode 1 DIP switch
Trim potentiometer Speed 1, Speed 2 / Ramp, Imax, gain
Indicator Green LED = READY; red LED = ERROR
Protective functions
Blockage protection Motor current limitation if motor shaft is blocked Motor current limitation if motor shaft is blocked
for longer than 1.5 s for longer than 1.5 s
Heat monitoring of power stage T > 100C T > 100C
Dynamic current limit
Under- / Overvoltage protection Switches off when VCC < 6 V or VCC > 56 V
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation -10+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 9 g Approx. 155 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 43.18 x 27.94 x 12.7 mm (see page 301) 95 x 75 x 24 mm (see page 301)
Mounting threads mountable on socket terminal strips pitch 2.54 mm Flange for M3-screws
Connections See page 301 See page 301
Article Numbers
380200 DEC Module 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier 230572 DEC 50/5 1-Q-EC Amplifier

370652 DEC Module Eva-Board

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 299

1210_Motor_control.indd 299 02.05.2012 13:56:48

1-Q-EC Amplifier Dimensions and connections
maxon motor control

DECS 50/5

Pluggable screw type
terminal block J1 10 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.5 mm2
Connections Motor
Pluggable screw type
terminal block J3 4 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.5 mm2

Flex print connector J2,

top contact style 4 poles
Pitch 1.0 mm

Dimensions in [mm] DECS 50/5 343253

DEC 24/1
Connections Power/Signal
Screw type terminal block 7 poles
Pitch 2.54 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 20
0.140.5 mm2

Connections Motor
DEC 24/1 318305
Flex print connector,
top contact style 8 poles
Pitch 0.5 mm

Dimensions in [mm] DEC 24/1 381510

Flex print connector,
top contact style 8 poles
Pitch 0.5 mm

DEC 24/1 249630

Flex print connector,
DEC 24/1 Adapter versions top contact style 11 poles
Pitch 1.0 mm

DEC 24/1 249631

Pin connector with snap-in 8 poles
Pitch 2.50 mm

DEC 24/1 249632

318305 381510 249630 249631 249632 Screw type terminal block 8 poles
compatible with compatible with Pitch 2.54 mm
EC 6 EC 8 AWG 26 - 20 0.140.5 mm2
EC 10 flat EC 9.2 flat

DEC Module 24/2

0.64 x 0.64


Male header 8 + 9 = 17 poles

Pitch 2.54 mm
17.78 1.6
20.38 5.8 2.54 Dimensions in [mm] DEC Module 24/2 367661

300 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

1-Q-EC Amplifier Dimensions and connections

maxon motor control

DEC 24/3

Connections Power/Signal
Male header J1 9 poles
Pitch 2.5 mm
Flat band cable,
suitable for wire cross section AWG 28

Connections Motor
DEC 24/3 336287
Flex print connector J2,
top contact style 11 poles
Pitch 1.0 mm

DEC 24/3 336286

Dimensions in [mm] Male header J3 8 poles
Pitch 2.50 mm
DEC 24/3 Variations Flat band cable,
suitable for wire cross section AWG 28

336287 336286

DEC Module 50/5

0.64 x 0.64


Male header 1 2 rows, 2 x 9 poles


Male header 2 1 row, 8 poles

Pitch 2.54 mm
2.54 2.7
38.10 1.6 Dimensions in [mm] DEC Module 50/5 380200
43.18 5.8 2.54

DEC 50/5

Connections Power/Signal
Plug-in terminal clamps 15 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.3 mm2 single wire

The screw terminals are pluggable. In order to
prevent the screw terminals from twisting, the
recesses must be used for removal.
(Maximum 20 plug-in cycles)

DEC 50/5 230572

Dimensions in [mm]

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 301

4-Q-EC Amplifier Summary
maxon motor control

The basic function of EC motors electronics is Simple speed controls are possible with Hall The combination of EC motors and 4-quadrant
the electronic commutation of the motor winding. sensors. For high-quality controls the speed is amplifiers offers highly dynamic drive systems.
detected using encoder signals.

4-Q-EC Amplifier DECV 50/5

4-Q speed controller with Hall sensors
(controlled acceleration and braking)
Motor speed and the current limitation can be adjusted
Hall sensors
closed loop

through two different external set values

Direction and Enable can be set
Connection ready module
Motor current 5 A / 10 A
Supply voltage 12 up to 50 VDC
Particularly suitable for low-impedance motors
Details on page 303
Article Numbers DECV 50/5 305259

4-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 70/10

4-Q speed controller with Hall sensors
(controlled acceleration and braking)
Voltage regulator with IxR compensation, digital speed controller
Hall sensors
closed loop

(via Hall sensors) or current controller

Motor speed is adjustable by a built-in potentiometer or
by an external set value voltage
Connection ready module
Motor current 10 A / 20 A
Supply voltage 10 up to 70 VDC
Details on page 303
Article Numbers DEC 70/10 306089

4-Q-EC Servoamplifier DES

Dynamical control of speed and torque
encoder closed loop
Hall sensors and

Sinusoidal commutation
Suitable for positioning applications
4-Q operation
Connection ready module
Communication by RS232 or CAN possible

Details on page 304

Article Numbers DES 50/5 205679

DES 70/10 228597

302 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

DECV 50/5 4-Q-EC Amplifier

maxon motor control

Operating modes
Speed controller for speeds from 1000 rpm (not suitable for
positioning tasks). Controlled acceleration and braking operation.

Easy start-up procedure

Pluggable screw type terminal block, simple adjustment using
DIP switch. Stable speed behaviour when set value and disturbance
variable change.

Reduced motor heating

Internally controlled DC link voltage reduces motor current ripple
(lower self-heating of motor), particularly suitable for low-impedance
motors. No additional motor chokes required.

Robust and compact modular metallic housing offers various
mounting options. Wide supply voltage range 12 - 50 VDC.

Protection circuit
Protected against overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage,
short-circuit of motor cables against each other and thermal

The DECV 50/5 (Digital EC Controller Voltage regulated) is a small-sized Technical data page 305
4-quadrant digital speed controller for brushless EC motors up to Dimensions and connections page 307
250 watts. The brushless EC motor must be only equipped with Hall

DEC 70/10 4-Q-EC Amplifier

Operating modes
Digital speed controller (via Hall sensor for speeds from 1000 rpm)
voltage regulator with IxR compensation or current controller (suit-
able for positioning tasks) can be adjusted with DIP switch.

Optimised design
Robust and compact metal housing in module form several mounting

Easy start-up procedure

Pluggable screw terminal block, no complex adjustment necessary.

All-round functionality
Disabling of motor winding and braking of motor shaft can be
controlled. Adjustable maximum current and speed limitation. Status
indicator with green and red LED.

Flexible set value input

Set value input by internal or external potentiometer or by analog
voltage. Different speed ranges can be selected using built-in DIP-
switches. Adjustable speed ramp.

Protection circuit
Protected against overcurrent, overvoltage, undervoltage, short-
circuit of motor cables against each other and thermal overload.

The DEC 70/10 (Digital EC Controller) is a small 4-quadrant digital con- Technical data page 305
troller for brushless EC motors up to 700 watts. The brushless EC motor Dimensions and connections page 307
must be only equipped with Hall sensors.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 303

DES 50/5 4-Q-EC Servoamplifier
maxon motor control

Operating modes
Digital speed controller and current controller (torque controller),
suitable for positioning tasks.

Digital signal processor (DSP) allows fast digital controlling.
Parameters can be set digitally in a reproducible way.

Easy start-up procedure

Simple connection, compatible with maxon EC motors. Easy adjust-
ment using few potentiometers or alternatively configurable and com-
manding by serial interface (RS232 or CAN).

Protection circuit
Monitoring of overcurrent, short-circuiting of motor cables and

PC based commanding
Support by graphical user interface (GUI), Windows DLL for RS232
with several programming examples.

The DES (Digital EC Servoamplifier) is a very powerful digital servoampli- Technical data page 306
fier with sinusoidal commutation for perfectly controlling EC motors up to Dimensions and connections page 308
250 watts. The motor used must be fitted with Hall sensors and a 3-chan-
nel encoder.

DES 70/10 4-Q-EC Servoamplifier

Operating modes
Digital speed controller and current controller (torque controller),
suitable for positioning tasks.

Digital signal processor (DSP) allows fast digital controlling.
Parameters can be set digitally in a reproducible way.

Easy start-up procedure

Simple connection, compatible with maxon EC motors.
Easy adjustment using few potentiometers or alternatively configu-
rable and commanding by serial interface (RS232 or CAN).

Protection circuit
Monitoring of overcurrent, short-circuiting of motor cables and

PC based commanding
Support by graphical user interface (GUI), Windows DLL for RS232
with several programming examples.

The DES (digital EC servoamplifier) is a very powerful digital servoampli- Technical data page 306
fier with sinusoidal commutation for perfectly controlling EC motors up to Dimensions and connections page 308
700 watts. The motor used must be fitted with Hall sensors and a 3-chan-
nel encoder.

304 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

4-Q-EC Amplifier Data

maxon motor control

DECV 50/5 4-Q-EC Amplifier DEC 70/10 4-Q-EC Amplifier
4-quadrant controller for brushless EC motors 4-quadrant controller for brushless EC motors
with Hall sensors up to 250 watts. with Hall sensors up to 700 watts.

Operating modes
Speed controller Voltage regulator with IxR compensation,
speed controller, current controller
Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 12 - 50 VDC 10 - 70 VDC
Max. output voltage 0.95 x VCC 0.9 x VCC
Max. output current Imax 10 A 20 A
Continuous output current Icont 5A 10 A
Switching frequency of power stage 50 kHz
Max. efficiency 95%
Band width current controller 300 Hz
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 60 000 rpm 80 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke per phase 25 PH / 10 A
Set value Set value speed 0+5 V (1024 Steps) Set value -10+10 V (1024 Steps)
Current limit Set value current 0+5 V (1024 Steps)
Enable Enable +2.450 V Enable +450 V
Direction Direction +2.450 V
Stop / Brake STOP +2.450 V STOP +450 V
Configurable Digital IN +450 V
Monitor Monitor speed, analog, 05 V Monitor n or Monitor I, -10+10 V
Monitor current, analog, 05 V
Status reading Ready Open Collector max. 50 V (IL < 10 mA) Open Collector max. 30 V (IL < 20 mA)
Voltage outputs
Hall sensors supply voltage VCC Hall +712 VDC, max. 30 mA +5 VDC, max. 30 mA
Auxiliary voltages +5 VDC, max. 2 mA +12 VDC, max. 4 mA; -12 VDC, max. 2 mA
Possible adjustments DIP switch DIP switch
Trim potentiometer nmax, Offset, Ramp, Imax, ngain, Igain
Indicator Green LED Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR
Protective functions
Blockage protection Error message, if motor shaft is blocked for
longer than 0.5 s
Heat monitoring of power stage T > 100C T > 115C
Dynamic current limit Imax = 2 Icont is limited to Icont after 2 s Imax = 2 Icont is limited to Icont after 2 s
Under- / Overvoltage protection Switches off when VCC < 10.3 V or VCC > 58 V Switches off when VCC < 9.4 V or VCC > 77 V
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation 0+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 180 g Approx. 400 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 95 x 75.5 x 24 mm (see page 307) 120 x 103 x 27 mm (see page 307)
Mounting threads Flange for M4-screws Flange for M3-screws
Connections See page 307 See page 307
Article Numbers
305259 DECV 50/5 4-Q-EC Amplifier 306089 DEC 70/10 4-Q-EC Amplifier
in module housing in module housing

309687 DSR 50/5 Shunt regulator 235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 305

4-Q-EC Servoamplifier Data
maxon motor control

DES 50/5 4-Q-EC Servoamplifier DES 70/10 4-Q-EC Servoamplifier

Digital servoamplifier with sinusoidal commuta- Digital servoamplifier with sinusoidal commu-
tion for perfectly controlling EC motors with Hall tation for perfectly controlling EC motors with
sensors and encoder and an output of up to Hall sensors and encoder and an output of up
250 watts. to 700 watts.

Operating modes
Speed controller, current controller Speed controller, current controller
Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 12 - 50 VDC 24 - 70 VDC
Max. output voltage 0.9 x VCC 0.9 x VCC
Max. output current Imax 15 A 30 A
Continuous output current Icont 5A 10 A
Switching frequency of power stage 50 kHz 50 kHz
Max. efficiency 92 % 92 %
Band width current controller 1 kHz 1 kHz
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 25 000 rpm 25 000 rpm
Built-in motor choke per phase 160 PH / 5 A Minimum required terminal inductance 400 PH
Set value configurable (1024 Steps) -10+10 V/0+5 V -10+10 V/0+5 V
Enable +2.450 V +2.450 V
Digital 1 (Switch Monitor n / Monitor I) +2.450 V +2.450 V
Digital 2 (Switch speed- / current controller) +2.450 V +2.450 V
STOP +2.450 V +2.450 V
Encoder signals A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ max. 1 MHz A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ max. 1 MHz
3-channel encoder is required 3-channel encoder is required
Hall sensor signals H1, H2, H3 H1, H2, H3
Monitor configurable -10+10 V/0+5 V -10+10 V/0+5 V
Status reading Ready Open Collector, max. 30 V (IL < 20 mA) Open Collector, max. 30 V (IL < 20 mA)
Voltage outputs
Encoder supply voltage +5 VDC, max. 100 mA +5 VDC, max. 100 mA
Hall sensors supply voltage +5 VDC, max. 50 mA +5 VDC, max. 50 mA
Auxiliary voltage +5 VDC, max. 20 mA
RS232 RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s) RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s)
CAN high; low (max.1 Mbit/s) high; low (max.1 Mbit/s)
Trim potentiometer nmax, Offset, Imax, gain nmax, Offset, Imax, gain
Indicator Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation -10+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 430 g Approx. 400 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 180 x 103 x 26 mm (see page 308) 180 x 103 x 29 mm (see page 308)
Mounting threads Flange for M4-screws Flange for M4-screws
Connections See page 308 See page 308
Article Numbers
205679 DES 50/5, digital 4-Q-EC 228597 DES 70/10, digital 4-Q-EC
Servoamplifier in module housing Servoamplifier in module housing
223774 Encoder adapter according to 347919 Choke module 3 x 0.1 mH, 10 A
DIN41651 screw type terminal block 223774 Encoder adapter according to
235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator DIN41651 on screw type
terminal block
235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator

306 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

4-Q-EC Amplifier Dimensions and connections

maxon motor control

DECV 50/5

Connections Power
Pluggable screw type terminal block 2 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 -16
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Motor
Pluggable screw type terminal block 8 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 -16
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Signal
Dimensions in [mm]
Pluggable screw type terminal block 10 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 -16
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

DECV 50/5 305259

DEC 70/10

Connections Power
Plug-in terminal clamps 6 poles
Pitch 5.0 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 14
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.142.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Hall sensor

Plug-in terminal clamps 6 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.3 mm2 single wire

Connections Signal
Plug-in terminal clamps 10 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Dimensions in [mm] Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.3 mm2 single wire

The screw terminals are pluggable. In order to
prevent the screw terminals from twisting, the
recesses must be used for removal
(Maximum 20 plug-in cycles).

DEC 70/10 306089

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 307

4-Q-EC Servoamplifier Dimensions and connections
maxon motor control

DES 50/5

Connections Power
Screw type terminal block 6 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Signal
Screw type terminal block 18 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

Connection Encoder
Plug (DIN41651) 10 poles
Pitch 1.27 mm
Flat band cable,
suitable for wire cross section AWG 28

DES 50/5 205679

Dimensions in [mm]

DES 70/10

Connections Power
Screw type terminal block 6 poles
Pitch 5.08 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.14 - 1.5 mm2

Connections Signal
Screw type terminal block 20 poles (2 x10)
Pitch 2.54 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 20
0.140.5 mm2

Connection Encoder
Plug (DIN41651) 10 poles
Pitch 1.27 mm
Flat band cable,
suitable for wire cross section AWG 28

DES 70/10 228597

Dimensions in [mm]

308 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

EPOS2 Positioning Control Units Summary

maxon motor control

EPOS2 24/2 Slave version (online commanded) using CAN
Several device variations allows the operation Master (EPOS2 P, PC, PLC, SoftPLC, etc.) or
Online commanded

of various maxon DC and EC micromotors of PC via USB or RS232 interface

up to 48 watts
Point to point control (1 axis) Typical applications:
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT) Small apparatus/appliances
Combination of several drives via CAN Bus System automation tasks
CANopen Drive technology
6 digital inputs
2 digital outputs Article Numbers
2 analog inputs EPOS2 24/2 380264, 390003
Miniaturised module design 390438
Details pages 310312

EPOS2 Module 36/2 Slave version (online commanding) using

DC and EC motors up to 72 W CAN Master (EPOS2 P, PC, PLC, SoftPLC,
Online commanded

Point to point control unit (1 axis) P-Prozessor, etc.) or PC via USB *) or RS232
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT) interface *)
requires external transceiver
Combination of several drives via CAN Bus
CANopen Typical applications:
6 digital inputs Small apparatus/appliances
3 digital outputs System automation tasks
2 analog inputs OEM customer
Miniaturized open electronics board (OEM)
Article Numbers
Details pages 310312 EPOS2 Module 36/2 360665

EPOS2 24/5 Slave version (online commanding) using

DC and EC motors up to 120 W CAN Master (EPOS2 P, PC, PLC, SoftPLC,
Online commanded

Point to point control unit (1 axis) etc.) or PC via USB or RS232 interface
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT)
Combination of several drives via CAN Bus Typical applications:
CANopen Tool building
6 digital inputs Production equipment
4 digital outputs System automation tasks
2 analog inputs
Compact module design Article Numbers
EPOS2 24/5 367676
Details pages 310313

EPOS2 50/5 Slave version (online commanding) using

DC and EC motors up to 250 W CAN Master (EPOS2 P, PC, PLC, SoftPLC,
Online commanded

Point to point control unit (1 axis) etc.) or PC via USB or RS232 interface
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT)
Combination of several drives via CAN Bus Typical applications:
CANopen Tool building
11 digital inputs Production equipment
5 digital outputs System automation tasks
2 analog inputs
1 analog output Article Numbers
Compact module design EPOS2 50/5 347717

Details pages 310313

EPOS2 70/10 Slave version (online commanding) using

DC and EC motors up to 700 W CAN Master (EPOS2 P, PC, PLC, SoftPLC,
Point to point control unit (1 axis) etc.) or PC via USB or RS232 interface
Online commanded

Interpolated Position Mode (PVT)

Combination of several drives via CAN Bus Typical applications:
CANopen Production equipment
10 digital inputs System automation tasks
5 digital outputs Plant construction
2 analog inputs (12-bit ADC, differential)
Robust design Article Numbers
EPOS2 70/10 375711
Details pages 310313

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 309

EPOS2 Positioning Control Units
maxon motor control

Slave version (online commanded) EPOS2 is a modular constructed digital position-

ing controller. It is suitable for DC and EC motors
Single motion and I/O commands from the process control are transmitted to the positioning with incremental encoder with a power range
control unit by a superior system (Master). For that purpose product specific commands are avail- from 1 - 700 watts.
able. A number of operating modes provides flexible
application in a wide range of drive systems in
automation technology and mechatronics.

Point to point
The CANopen Profile Position Mode move the
position of the motor axis from point A to point
B. Positioning is in relation to the axis Home
position (absolute) or the actual axis position

Interpolated Position Mode (PVT)

Thanks to Interpolated Position Mode, the
EPOS2 is able to synchronously run a path
specified by interpolating points. With a suitable
master, coordinated multi-axis movements as
well as any profile in a 1-axis system can be
carried out. (PVT = Position and Velocity versus

Position and Speed control with Feed

The combination of feedback and feed forward
control provides ideal motion behaviour. Feed
forward control reduces control error. EPOS2
supports feed forward acceleration and speed

Speed control
In CANopen Profile Velocity Mode, the motor
axis is moved with a set speed. The motor axis
retains speed until a new speed is set.

310 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

Torque control
In Current Mode, a controlled torque can be Standardised, extendable
produced on the motor shaft. The sinusoidal com- CANopen standard CiA DS-301, DSP-402 and DSP-305. Can easily be integrated into existing
CANopen systems. Networks with other CANopen modules. Alternatively controllable by serial

maxon motor control

mutation used produces minimum torque ripple.
interface (USB and RS232).
Homing Flexible, modular
The CANopen Homing Mode is for referencing The same technology for DC and EC motors. Configurable inputs and outputs for limit switches,
to a special mechanical position. There are more reference switches, brakes and for other sensors and indicators near the drive.
than 30 methods available for finding the reference Easy start-up procedure
position. Graphic user interface with many functions and wizards for start-up procedure, automatic control
settings, I/O configuration, tests.
Electronic gearhead
Easy programming
In Master Encoder Mode, the motor follows a
Numerous IEC 61131-3 libraries free available for CAN-Master units of several PLC manufactur-
reference input produced by an external encoder.
ers providers (Beckhoff, Siemens/Helmholz, VIPA) and 32-/64-bit Windows-DLLs for PC Master
A gearing factor can also be defined using soft-
(IXXAT, Vector and National Instruments). Various programming examples free available for MS
ware parameters. Two motors can be very easily
Visual C#, MS Visual C++, MS Visual Basic, Borland C++, Borland Delphi, National Instruments
synchronised using this method.
LabVIEW and National Instruments LabWindows/CVI.
Also available is the 32-bit Linux Shared Object Library with the programming example for
Eclipse C++/QT. In addition, the integration of the EPOS2 into the National Instruments Compact
In Step/Direction Mode the motor axis follows a
Rio System is easy to handle thanks to the available maxon library for NI SoftMotion.
digital signal step-by-step. This mode can replace
stepper motors. It can also be used to control the State-of-the-art
EPOS2 by a PLC without CAN interface. Digital position, speed and current/torque control. Sinusoidal commutation for smooth operation
of EC motors.
Analog Commands
In the position, speed and current mode it is pos-
sible to give commands via an external analog
set value. This function offers further possibilities
to operate the EPOS2 without serial on-line com-

on ti
m trol r 7

on con lle 771
ax r tro 34
m moto Con d
EPOS2 50/5

Capture inputs (Position Marker)

ax n /5 erl


m sitio 50 itz



on in

EP de


N1 J10

Digital inputs can be configured so that the actual

er S upply

Pow gic S




position value is saved when a positive and/or Mo or



ll S




negative edge of an input appears. cod



Trigger output (Position Compare)
Digital outputs can be configured so that a digital
signal is emitted at a set position value.

Dual Loop Position and Speed Control

With an additional sensor the load can be con-
trolled directly and with high precision; the motor
control is subordinated. The mechanical play and
the elasticity can be compensated.
Wide range of sensors can be handled: digital in-
cremental encoder, SSI absolute encoder, analog
incremental encoder (sin/cos). (Only in use with
EPOS2 50/5 and EPOS2 70/10.)

Control of Holding Brakes

The control of the holding brake can be imple-
mented in the device state management. There Operating modes Inputs/Outputs
the delay times can be individually configured for CANopen Profile Position-, Profile Velocity- and Free configurable digital inputs e.g. for limit
switching on and off. Homing Mode switches and reference switches
Free configurable digital outputs e.g.
Position, Velocity and Current Mode
for holding brakes
Additional information for technical data of page Alternative set value setting via Step/Direction,
Free analog inputs
312/313 Master Encoder or external analog command-
ing Available software
Path generating with trapezoidal or sinusoidal EPOS Studio
profiles Windows DLL
Feed forward for velocity and acceleration IEC 61131-3 Libraries
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT) Firmware
Sinusoidal or block commutation for EC motors Available documentation
Dual loop position and speed controller Getting Started
Communication Cable Starting Set
Communication via CANopen and / or USB 2.0 Hardware Reference
and / or RS232 Firmware Specification
Gateway function USB-to-CAN and RS232-to- Communication Guide
CAN Application Notes
A comprehensive range of cables is available
as an option. Details can be found on page 321.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 311

EPOS2 Positioning control unit Data
maxon motor control




EPOS2 24/2 EPOS2 Module 36/2

Matched with DC brush motors with encoder The EPOS2 is an OEM positioning controller
or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors and plug-in module for brushed DC motors with
encoder up to 48 watts. encoder or brushless EC motors with Hall
sensors and encoder up to 72 watts.
Controller versions
Slave version Slave version
Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 9 - 24 VDC 11 - 36 VDC (optional 0 - 36 VDC)
Logic supply voltage VC (optional) 11 - 36 VDC (optional 5.0 VDC)
Max. output voltage 0.9 x VCC 0.9 x VCC
Max. output current Imax (<1 s) 4A 4A
Continuous output current Icont 2A 2A
Switching frequency of power stage 100 kHz 50 kHz
Sample rate of PI - current controller 10 kHz 10 kHz
Sample rate of PI - speed controller 1 kHz 1 kHz
Sample rate of PID - positioning control 1 kHz 1 kHz
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block) 25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block)
Built-in motor choke per phase 47 mH / 2 A 10 mH / 2 A
Hall sensor signals H1, H2, H3 H1, H2, H3
Encoder signals A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz) A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz)
Digital inputs 6 (TTL level) 6 (TTL level)
Analog inputs 2 2
12-bit resolution, 0+5 V 11-bit resolution, 0+5 V
CAN-ID (CAN node identification) configurable with DIP switch 14 set by external wiring
Digital outputs 2 3
Analog outputs
Encoder voltage output +5 VDC, max. 100 mA +5 VDC, max. 100 mA
Hall sensor voltage output +5 VDC, max. 30 mA +5 VDC, max. 30 mA
Auxiliary voltage output +5 VDC, max. 10 mA
RS232 RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s) RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s)
CAN high; low (max. 1 Mbit/s) high; low (max. 1 Mbit/s)
USB 2.0 Data+; Data- (max. 12 Mbit/s) external USB transceiver required
LED green = READY, red = ERROR green LED, red LED green LED, red LED
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation -10+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical data
Weight Approx. 30 g Approx. 10 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 55 x 40 x 19.6 mm 54.5 x 28.2 x 9 mm
Mounting threads Flange for M2.5-screws PCB edge connector with locking mechanism
Article Numbers
390438 EPOS2 24/2 for DC motors 360665 EPOS2 Module 36/2
380264 EPOS2 24/2 for EC motors
390003 EPOS2 24/2 for DC/EC motors
309687 DSR 50/5 Shunt regulator 363407 EPOS2 Module Starter-Kit
Order accessories separately, see page 321 Order accessories separately, see page 321

312 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

1210_Motor_control.indd 312 02.05.2012 13:56:59

maxon motor control
EPOS2 24/5 EPOS2 50/5 EPOS2 70/10
Matched with DC brush motors with encoder Matched with DC brush motors with encoder Matched with DC brush motors with encoder
or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors and or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors and or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors or
encoder, from 5 to 120 watts. encoder, from 5 to 250 watts. encoder, from 80 to 700 watts.

Controller versions
Slave version Slave version Slave version
Electrical Data
11 - 24 VDC 11 - 50 VDC 11 - 70 VDC
11 - 24 VDC 11 - 50 VDC 11 - 70 VDC
0.9 x VCC 0.9 x VCC 0.9 x VCC
10 A 10 A 25 A
5A 5A 10 A
50 kHz 50 kHz 50 kHz
10 kHz 10 kHz 10 kHz
1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
1 kHz 1 kHz 1 kHz
25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block) 25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block) 25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block)
15 mH / 5 A 22 mH / 5 A 25 mH / 10 A
H1, H2, H3 H1, H2, H3 H1, H2, H3
A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz) A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz) A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz)
6 (TTL and PLC level) 11 (7 optically isolated, 4 differential) 10 (7 optically isolated, 3 differential)
2 2 (differential) 2 (differential)
12-bit resolution, 0+5 V 12-bit resolution, 10 V 12-bit resolution, 0+5 V
configurable with DIP switch 17 configurable with DIP switch 17 configurable with DIP switch 17
4 5 (4 optically isolated, 1 differential) 5 (4 optically isolated, 1 differential)
1 (12-bit, 010 V)
+5 VDC, max 100 mA +5 VDC, max. 100 mA +5 VDC, max. 100 mA
+5 VDC, max. 30 mA +5 VDC, max. 30 mA +5 VDC, max. 30 mA
VCC, max. 1300 mA +5 VDC, max. 150 mA +5 VDC, max. 150 mA; +5 VDC (Ri = 1 kW)
RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s) RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s) RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s)
high; low (max. 1 Mbit/s) high; low (max. 1 Mbit/s) high; low (max. 1 Mbit/s)
Data+; Data- (max. 12 Mbit/s) Data+; Data- (max. 12 Mbit/s) Data+; Data- (max.12 Mbit/s)
green LED, red LED green LED, red LED green LED, red LED
Ambient temperature and humidity range
-10+45C -10+45C -10+45C
-40+85C -40+85C -40+85C
2080% 2080% 2080%
Mechanical data
Approx. 170 g Approx. 240 g Approx. 330 g
105 x 83 x 24 mm 120 x 93.5 x 27 mm 150 x 93 x 27 mm
Flange for M3-screws Flange for M3-screws Flange for M3-screws
Article Numbers
367676 EPOS2 24/5 347717 EPOS2 50/5 375711 EPOS2 70/10

309687 DSR 50/5 Shunt regulator 309687 DSR 50/5 Shunt regulator 235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator
Order accessories separately, see page 321 Order accessories separately, see page 321 Order accessories separately, see page 321

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 313

1210_Motor_control.indd 313 02.05.2012 13:57:00

EPOS2 P programmable positioning controller Summary
maxon motor control

EPOS2 P 24/5 (programmable) Standalone operation, programmable from

IEC 61131-3 programmable PC via RS232 or USB 2.0 with standard IEC
CANopen Master function 61131-3. Program languages (ST, IL, FBD, LD,
Multiple axis systems via CAN Bus CANopen SFC). CANopen master function for control-
Standalone operation

Point to point control unit (1 axis) ling other axes. Standard motion control library.
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT) Supervisory Control and Data Acquistion for
DC and EC motors up to 120 W monitoring and controlling a process via RS232;
6 digital inputs (TTL and PLC level) USB 2.0 or CANopen.
4 digital outputs
2 analog inputs (12-bit ADC) Typical applications:
compact design Work equipment manufacturing
Tool building
Details page 316 System automation tasks

Article Numbers
EPOS2 P 24/5 378308

EPOS2 P is a freely programmable positioning Standalone drive systems Via the CAN Bus all axes can be coordinated
controller with an integrated power stage, based With self-compiled programs, the standalone simultaneously. The combination with maxon
on the EPOS2 slave version. It is suitable for version of EPOS2 can autonomously control motors produces drive systems for highly dy-
brushless and brush DC motors with incremen- single and multiple axis systems dispensing with namic movements.
tal encoder and up to 120 watt output. the need for a superior intelligent control unit.


Single Axis System Multi Axis System



CANopen Slave Network (CAN-S)




Supervisory Control

Single Standalone System Multi Standalone System



PC CANopen Master Network (CAN-M)

RS 232; USB


CANopen Slave Network (CAN-S) CANopen Slave Network (CAN-S) CANopen Slave Network (CAN-S)



314 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon motor control
The programming of applications complies with IEC 61131-3 standard. A non-volatile flash memory
is used for saving. The three-stage code optimization produces IEC 61131-3 programs adjusted for
the applications needs; optimized by memory, performance or a combination of both.

EPOS Studio programming according to IEC 61131-3

Editors (ST, IL, FBD, LD, SFC) of the powerful EPOS Studio tool are available for programming
according to IEC 61131-3. The integrated project browser shows all network resources. Complex
programs with a large number of decentralized controls can be optimally managed with it. Drive
systems are configured and networked quickly using intelligent step-by-step wizards.

Motion control library

The complexity and development costs of drive systems are substantially reduced. The Motion Firm-
ware Library was implemented according to the widly-used Motion Control Standard. Standardized
function blocks make implementation easy.

maxon utility library

Thanks to the additional maxon user library, the programming of recurring motion control tasks is
simplified. By means of the Best Practice programs and the numerous applications examples,
purposeful IEC 61131-3 application programs can be compiled.

Technical data page 316

Performance features Motion firmware library

32 bit host processor, 60 MHz Drive control
1 MB memory, with 768 KB free user Referencing (Homing)
program memory Speed control
typicaly 2.5 ms / 5000 lines IL Positioning absolute and relative
4 KB non-volatile memory Error Management
Digital motion control signal processor Parameter Handling
Software features Motion utility library
Windows-based development environment Inputs and Outputs
IEC 61131-3 programming languages Error Handling
(ST, IL, FBD, LD, SFC) Object Dictionary Access
IEC 61131-3 standard libraries Homing Parameter
Motion control function blocks FBD Editor Data Handling
maxon utility function block library
CANopen function block library
User libraries
Network variables and data exchange
Online debugger with break points and
watch variables
Axis configuration and parameterization
Online help

ST Editor

SFC Editor

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 315

EPOS2 P programmable positioning controller Data
maxon motor control

EPOS2 P 24/5 Additional information

Matched with DC brush motors with encoder
or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors and
encoder, from 5 to 120 watts.

Controller versions Operating modes

Master-Version (programmable) CANopen Profile Position, Profile Velocity- and
Electrical Data Homing Mode
Operating voltage VCC 11 - 24 VDC Position, Velocity and Current Mode
Logic supply voltage VC (optional) 11 - 24 VDC Path generating with trapezoidal or sinusoidal
Max. output voltage 0.9 x VCC profiles
Max. output current Imax (<1 s) 10 A Feed forward for velocity and acceleration
Continuous output current Icont 5A Interpolated Position Mode (PVT)
Switching frequency of power stage 50 kHz Sinusoidal or block commutation for EC motors
Sample rate of PI - current controller 10 kHz Communication
Sample rate of PI - speed controller 1 kHz Programming interface (Windows) via USB 2.0
Sample rate of PID - positioning control 1 kHz or RS232
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block) Communication via CANopen, RS232 or
Built-in motor choke per phase 15 PH / 5 A USB 2.0 maxon protocol
Input Inputs / Outputs
Hall sensor signals H1, H2, H3 Free configurable digital inputs e.g. for limit
Encoder signals A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz) switches and reference switches
Digital inputs 6 (TTL and PLC level) Free configurable digital outputs e.g. for holding
Analog inputs 2 brakes
12-bit resolution, 0+5 V Free analog inputs
CAN-ID (CAN node identification) Configurable with DIP switch 17 Available software
Output EPOS Studio
Digital outputs 4 programming according to IEC 61131-3
Encoder voltage output +5 VDC, max. 100 mA IEC 61131-3 standard libraries
Hall sensor voltage output +5 VDC, max. 30 mA motion control library
Auxiliary voltage output VCC, max. 1300 mA maxon utility function block library
Interface CANopen function block library
RS232 RxD; TxD (max. 115 200 bit/s) maxon utility library
CAN high; low (max. 1 Mbit/s) Application Examples
USB 2.0 Data+; Data- (max.12 Mbit/s) Best Practice Examples
Indicator Firmware
Operating/Error/Program green LED, red LED, blue LED Available documentation
Ambient temperature and humidity range Getting Started
Operation -10+45C Cable Starting Set
Storage -40+85C Hardware Reference
No condensation 2080% Firmware Specification
Mechanical Data Programming Reference
Weight Approx. 180 g Application Notes
Dimensions (L x W x H) 105 x 83 x 24 mm Cable
Mounting threads Flange for M3-screws A comprehensive range of cables is available
Article Numbers as an option. Details can be found on page 321.
378308 EPOS2 P 24/5
309687 DSR 50/5 Shunt regulator
Order accessories separately, see page 321

316 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

EPOS3 Positioning Control Unit

maxon motor control

EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT Slave The EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT is a modular, digital
positioning controller and suits DC and EC mo-
The EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT positioning controller receives motion and I/O commands from a tors with incremental encoder in the range up to
superordinate EtherCAT-Master, which operates as sequence control system. The EPOS3 70/10 700 Watt.
EtherCAT supports CoE (CAN application layer over EtherCAT). A wide range of operating modes allows flexible
use in a variety of fields in drive systems, auto-
mation, and mechatronics.

Cyclic Synchronous Position (CSP)

The EtherCAT master calculates the path plan-
ning and sends the target position cyclically and
synchronously via the EtherCAT network to the
The position control loop runs in the EPOS3. Via
the sensors, the EPOS3 delivers the measured
current position, speed and current values to the
EtherCAT master.

Cyclic Synchronous Velocity (CSV)

The EtherCAT master calculates the path plan-
ning and sends the target speed cyclically and
synchronously via the EtherCAT network to
the EPOS3. The speed control loop runs in the
EPOS3. Via the sensors, the EPOS3 delivers the
measured current position, speed and current
values to the EtherCAT master. If the position
control loop is closed via the EtherCAT master,
CSV mode is often used.

Cyclic Synchronous Torque (CST)

The EtherCAT master calculates the path plan-
ning and sends the target torque cyclically and
synchronously via the EtherCAT network to the
EPOS3. The torque (current) control loop runs in
the EPOS3. Via the sensors, the EPOS3 delivers
the measured current position, speed and current
values to the EtherCAT master. If the PID position
control loop is closed via the EtherCAT master,
CST mode is often used.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 317

Point to point
The Profile Position Mode move the position of Standardized
the motor axis from point A to point B. Positioning EtherCAT Slave: CoE (CAN application layer over EtherCAT) according to CANopen standard
is in relation to the axis Home position (absolute) DSP-402 Device Profile Drives and Motion Control. Easy integration into existing EtherCAT
maxon motor control

or the actual axis position (relative). systems. Can be networked with additional EtherCAT units. Alternatively configurable via serial
interface (USB 2.0).
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT)
Thanks to Interpolated Position Mode, the Flexible, modular
EPOS3 is able to synchronously run a path The same technology for DC and EC motors. Configurable inputs and outputs for limit switches,
specified by interpolating points. With a suitable reference switches, brakes and for other sensors and indicators near the drive.
master, coordinated multi-axis movements as
well as any profile in a 1-axis system can be Easy start-up procedure
carried out. (PVT = Position and Velocity versus Graphic user interface with many functions and wizards for start-up procedure, automatic control
Time.) settings, I/O configuration, tests.

Position and Speed control with Feed EtherCAT Master (Beckhoff TwinCAT): Integration made easy
Forward Easy integration of the position controller EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT into the Beckhoff-TwinCAT
The combination of feedback and feed forward SoftPLC thanks to existing device description file (ESI file) and device-specific configuration
control provides ideal motion behaviour. Feed instructions.
forward control reduces control error. EPOS3
supports feed forward acceleration and speed State-of-the-art
control. Digital position, speed and current/torque control. Sinusoidal commutation for smooth operation
of EC motors.
Speed control
In Profile Velocity Mode, the motor axis is
moved with a set speed. The motor axis retains
speed until a new speed is set.

The Homing Mode is for referencing to a special
mechanical position. There are more than 30 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT
methods available for finding the reference posi-

Capture inputs (Position Marker)

Digital inputs can be configured so that the ac-
tual position value is saved when a positive and/
or negative edge of an input appears.

Trigger output (Position Compare)

Digital outputs can be configured so that a digital
signal is emitted at a set position value.

Dual Loop Position and Speed Control

With an additional sensor the load can be con-
trolled directly and with high precision; the motor
control is subordinated. The mechanical play and
the elasticity can be compensated.
Wide range of sensors can be handled: digital
incremental encoder, SSI absolute encoder,
analog incremental encoder (sin/cos).

Control of Holding Brakes Operating modes Inputs/Outputs

Control of the holding brake can be integrated
Cyclic Synchronuous Position (CSP), Cyclic Free configurable digital inputs e.g. for limit
in the device status management. Thereby the
Synchronuous Velocity (CSV), Cyclic Synchron- switches and reference switches
delay times can be individually configured for
uous Torque (CST) Free configurable digital outputs e.g.
switching on and off.
Profile Position-, Profile Velocity- and Homing for holding brakes
Mode Free analog inputs
Additional information for technical data of page Path generating with trapezoidal or sinusoidal Available software
319 profiles EPOS Studio
Feed forward for velocity and acceleration Firmware
Interpolated Position Mode (PVT) Available documentation
Sinusoidal or block commutation for EC motors Getting Started
Dual loop position and speed controller Cable Starting Set
Communication Hardware Reference
Communication via EtherCAT Firmware Specification
Configuration Communication Guide
Configuration via EtherCAT or USB 2.0 Application Notes
A comprehensive range of cables is available as
an option. Details can be found on page 321.

318 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

EPOS3 Positioning controller Data

maxon motor control

EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT
Matched with DC brush motors with encoder
or brushless EC motors with Hall sensors or
encoder to 700 watts.

Controller versions
EtherCAT Slave
Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 11 - 70 VDC
Logic supply voltage VC (optional) 11 - 70 VDC
Max. output voltage 0.9 x VCC
Max. output current Imax (<1 s) 25 A
Continuous output current Icont 10 A
Switching frequency of power stage 50 kHz
Sample rate of PI - current controller 10 kHz
Sample rate of PI - speed controller 1 kHz
Sample rate of PID - positioning control 1 kHz
Max. speed (1 pole pair) 25 000 rpm (sinusoidal); 100 000 rpm (block)
Built-in motor choke per phase 22 PH / 10 A
Hall sensor signals H1, H2, H3
Encoder signals A, A\, B, B\, I, I\ (max. 5 MHz)
Digital inputs 11 (7 optically isolated, 4 differential)
Analog inputs 2 (differential)
12-bit resolution, 10 V
Digital outputs 5 (4 optically isolated, 1 differential)
Analog outputs 1 (12-bit resolution, 010 V)
Encoder voltage output +5 VDC, max. 100 mA
Hall sensor voltage output +5 VDC, max. 30 mA
Auxiliary voltage output +5 VDC, max. 150 mA
EtherCAT IEEE 802.3 100 Base Tx (100 Mbit/s, Full Duplex)
USB 2.0 Data+; Data- (max.12 Mbit/s)
Device green LED, red LED
EtherCAT green LED, red LED
EtherCAT Port green LED, yellow LED
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation -10+45C
Storage -40+85C
No condensation 2080%
Mechanical data
Weight 442 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 150 x 120 x 29 mm
Mounting threads Flange for M3-screws
Article Numbers
411146 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT
235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator
Order accessories separately, see page 321

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 319

Summary maxon motor control
maxon motor control

4-Q Servocontroller Page

ESCON 403112 ESCON 36/2 DC, for DC motors, speed control (open loop/closed loop), current control, 2/4 A, 10 - 36 VDC 292
409510 ESCON 50/5, for DC/EC motors, speed control (open loop/closed loop), current control, 5/15 A, 10 - 50 VDC 292

4-Q-DC Servoamplifier
LSC 250521 LSC 30/2, linear 4-Q-Servoamplifier 30 V/2 A in module housing 372
ADS 145391 ADS 50/5, pulsed (PWM) 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 50 V/5 A in module housing 372
201583 ADS 50/10, pulsed (PWM) 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 50 V/10 A in module housing 373
166143 ADS_E 50/5, pulsed (PWM) 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 50 V/5 A in racket card (Eurocard) 373
168049 ADS_E 50/10, pulsed (PWM) 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 50 V/10 A in racket card (Eurocard) 373

1-Q-EC Amplifier 10 kHz 10 kHz

DECS 274645 DECS 5/0.05, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 5 V/0.05 A, sensorless, speed control, open electronic circuit board
343253 DECS 50/5, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 50 V/5 A, sensorless, speed control, open electronic circuit board 297
DEC 318305 DEC 24/1, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/1 A, speed control, adapter FPC pitch 0.5 mm 297
249630 DEC 24/1, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/1 A, speed control, adapter FPC pitch 1.0 mm 297
249631 DEC 24/1, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/1 A, speed control, adapter a pin connector pitch 2.5 mm 297
249632 DEC 24/1, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/1 A, speed control, adapter screw type tepitchinal block pitch 2.54 mm 297
381510 DEC 24/1, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24V/1A, speed control, adapter FPC pitch 0.5 mm to EC 9.2 flat, EC 8 297
249633 DEC 24/1, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/1 A, speed control, basic module, no adapter
367661 DEC Module 24/2, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/2 A, speed control, OEM module 298
336286 DEC 24/3, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/3 A, speed control, adapter a pin connector pitch 2.5 mm 298
336287 DEC 24/3, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 24 V/3 A, speed control, adapter FPC pitch 1.0 mm 298
380200 DEC Module 50/5, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 50 V/5 A, speed control , OEM module 299
230572 DEC 50/5, digital 1-Q-EC Amplifier 50 V/5 A, speed control, current control, PWM operation 299

4-Q-EC Amplifier
DECV 305259 DECV 50/5, digital 4-Q-EC Amplifier 50 V/5 A, speed control 305
DEC 306089 DEC 70/10, digital 4-Q-EC Amplifier 70 V/10 A, speed control, current control 305

4-Q-EC Servoamplifier
DES 205679 DES 50/5, digital 4-Q-EC Servoamplifier 50 V/5 A, sinusoidal commutation 306
228597 DES 70/10, digital 4-Q-EC Servoamplifier 70 V/10 A, sinusoidal commutation 306

EPOS, EPOS2 280937 EPOS 24/1 for DC motors, digital positioning controller, 1 A, 9 - 24 VDC
317270 EPOS 24/1 for EC 10 flat motors, digital positioning controller, 1 A, 9 - 24 VDC
302267 EPOS 24/1 for EC 16 / EC 22 motors, digital positioning controller, 1 A, 9 - 24 VDC
302287 EPOS 24/1 for DC/EC motors (with crimp connector), digital positioning controller, 1 A, 9 - 24 VDC
380264 EPOS2 24/2 for EC motors, digital positioning controller, 2 A, 9 - 24 VDC 312
390003 EPOS2 24/2 for DC/EC motors, digital positioning controller, 2 A, 9 - 24 VDC 312
390438 EPOS2 24/2 for DC motors, digital positioning controller, 2 A, 9 - 24 VDC 312
360665 EPOS2 Module 36/2 OEM positioning controller plug-in module, 2 A, 11 - 36 VDC 312
392159 EPOS2 Module 24/3 OEM positioning controller plug-in module, 3 A, 11 - 24 VDC
367676 EPOS2 24/5, digital positioning controller, 5 A, 11 - 24 VDC 313
347717 EPOS2 50/5, digital positioning controller, 5 A, 11 - 50 VDC 313
375711 EPOS2 70/10, digital positioning controller, 10 A, 11- 70 VDC 313
EPOS2 P 378308 EPOS2 P 24/5, digital positioning controller, programmable, 5 A, 11 - 24 VDC 316
EPOS3 411146 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT, digital positioning controller, 10 A, 11 - 70 VDC 319

320 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

Summary maxon motor control accessories

maxon motor control

Backplane Page
166873 Backplane with screw type terminal block to ADS_E 50/5 (166143) and ADS_E 50/10 (168049) 373

Front panel 10 kHz

167850 Front panel 3HE / 5TE to ADS_E 50/5 (166143) 373
168910 Front panel 3HE / 7TE to ADS_E 50/10 (168049) 373

Motor choke
137303 Choke module, 3 x 0.25 mH, 5.0 A, L x W x H (90 x 70 x 49 mm) with screw type terminal block
347919 Choke module, 3 x 0.1 mH, 10.0 A, L x W x H (90 x 70 x 49,7 mm) with screw type terminal block

403957 ESCON power cable (length 1.5 m) to 403112
403962 ESCON DC motor cable (length 1.5 m) to 403112
403964 ESCON analog I/O cable (length 1.5 m) to 403112
403965 ESCON digital I/O cable (length 1.5 m) to 403112
403968 USB 2.0 Type A-micro B cable (length 1.5 m) to 403112, 409510
275829 EPOS power cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 411146
275851 EPOS motor cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 411146
303490 EPOS motor cable (length 3 m) to 302287, 390003
275878 EPOS Hall sensor cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 411146
302948 EPOS motor- / Hall sensor cable (length 3 m) to 302287, 390003
275934 EPOS encoder cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 390438, 380264, 390003, 403112, 409510, 411146
275932 EPOS signal cable (length 3 m) to 302287, 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 390003, 411146
300586 EPOS signal cable 2 (length 3 m) to 347717, 375711, 411146
350390 EPOS2 signal cable 3 (length 3 m) to 347717, 411146
378173 EPOS2 signal cable 4 (length 3m) to 375711
275900 EPOS RS232-COM cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 390003
350392 EPOS2 USB type A-B cable (length 3 m) to 347717
370513 EPOS2 USB type A-mini B cable (length 3 m) to 367676, 375711, 378308, 390438, 380264, 390003, 411146
275908 EPOS CAN-COM cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 390003
275926 EPOS CAN-CAN cable (length 3 m) to 347717, 367676, 375711, 378308, 390003
319471 EPOS CAN Y cable to 302287, 390003, 378308
422827 EPOS3 Ethernet cable (length 2 m) to 411146
404404 ESCON 36/2 DC connector set to 403112
303807 EPOS connector set to 302287, 390003
351061 EPOS2 connector set to 347717
384915 EPOS2 connector set to 367676, 378308
381405 EPOS2 connector set to 375711
423544 EPOS3 70/10 EtherCAT connector set to 411146

220300 Adapter Flex print connector 11 poles on screw type terminal block 8 poles available for maxon flat motor
220310 Adapter Flex print connector 4 poles on screw type terminal block 4 poles available for maxon flat motor
425931 Adapter Flex print connector 8 poles on screw type terminal block 8 poles available for maxon micromotors, pitch 0.5 mm
223774 Adapter spring contact strip according to DIN41651 10 poles on screw type terminal block 8 poles
262359 Adapter male header to DIN41651 10 poles on screw type terminal block 10 poles
257703 Adapter to DEC 24/1: Flex print connector 8 poles, top contact style, pitch 0.5 mm
249635 Adapter to DEC 24/1: Flex print connector 11 poles, top contact style, pitch 1.0 mm
249636 Adapter to DEC 24/1: Pin connector with snap-in (Stocko) 8 poles, pitch 2.5 mm
249637 Adapter to DEC 24/1: Screw type terminal block 8 poles, pitch 2.54 mm, AWG 20 - 26
380555 Adapter to DEC 24/1: Flex print connector 8 poles , top contact style, pitch 0.5 mm to EC 9.2 flat and EC 8
405120 Adapter, encoder connector adapter 1.27 mm pitch to 2.54 mm pitch (DIN 41651)
397973 Adapter EC 6 MILE encoder to terminal strip and DIN 41651

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 321

Summary maxon motor control accessories
maxon motor control

Shunt regulator Page

309687 DSR 50/5, shunt regulator 27 VDC and 56 VDC (adjustable), Pmax 300 W, Pcont 10 W
235811 DSR 70/30, shunt regulator 12-75 VDC (selectable), Pmax 475 W, Pcont 25 W, module housing 180 x 103 x 26 mm

Starter kits, evaluation boards, motherboards

DEC 370652 DEC module evaluation board, with switch, LED, potentiometer etc. suitable for 367661 and 380200
EPOS2 363407 EPOS2 module 36/2 starter kit consisting of 361435, 360665, 275829, 275851, 275878, 275934, 275932, 350392
361435 EPOS2 module evaluation board, 1-axis (with switch, LED, potentiometer and connection plug) suitable for 360665
407582 EPOS2 module motherboard, 1 to max. 11 axes suitable for 360665
(inclusive 1 each red & black power-link -plug and CAN-link cable)
Optional accessories:
407583 EPOS2 motherboard USB module (incl. 4-wire connection leads l = 0.25 m, 2x M3 screws)
407584 EPOS2 motherboard RS232 module (incl. 6-wire connection leads l = 0.25 m, 2x M3 screws)
407585 EPOS2 motherboard I/O expander module (2x M3 screws)
423536 EPOS2 motherboard dual encoder module (2x M3 screws)
423507 EPOS2 motherboard power cable (l = 1 m) suitable for 407582
423526 EPOS2 motherboard USB type A cable (l = 1.5 m) suitable for 407583
423530 EPOS2 motherboard RS232 DB9 cable (l = 1 m) suitable for 407584
EPOS2 P 327460 EPOS2 P 24/5 starter kit consisting of EPOS2 P 24/5, EC motor with encoder, power supply unit, I/O board, cables

ESCON 409286 ESCON USB stick including ESCON Setup for 403112, 409510

322 maxon motor control May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon compact drive
maxon compact drive
maxons compact drives feature controllers, sensors and motors in a modern aluminium casing.
The use of existing maxon products with an adapted design results in robust, space-saving drive
solutions with high power density. The decentralised concept of these intelligent drives minimises
the use of centralised controllers.

Summary 324
MCD EPOS 325326

MCD EPOS Intelligent compact drive
maxon compact drive

A reliable drive solution is the
key to production machinery with
many years of maintenance-free
operation in a variety of applica-

Setting-up Maintenance-free positioning drive with tried and

The rapid set-up of proces- trusted components
sing machinery which offers The combination of the brushless maxon EC motor, digital MR encoder
both precision and long-term and the fully digital EPOS positioning controller results in a highly dyna-
accuracy is the key to efcient mic, maintenance-free positioning drive with excellent functionality and
production. high efciency. The programmable version MCD EPOS P is equipped
with a processor and memory for standalone operation.

A complete system easy start-up procedure

The compact drives controller-motor combination is optimally tuned and
ready for use. Wiring is kept to a minimum through direct connection
to the CANopen bus or an PLC. Wiring errors are largely avoided and
installation time is signicantly reduced. The drive is controlled,
parameterised and diagnosed via the CAN bus or the serial port (RS232).
Products that are dynamically Master Slave

guided throughout the entire


process ensure consistent

product quality.


Intelligence at the right place

maxons compact drives are tted with several optically isolated inputs and
Dispensing outputs. Sensor signals and events can be evaluated directly in the drive.
The precise set-up of dispensing Cable lengths are shorter, thus reducing susceptibility to interference.
systems provides maximum
exibility through the accurate CANopen, IEC 61131-3 and Motion Control Library
dosing of individual component key to standardized operation
quantities. The MCD can be connected according to the CANopen standard, allow-
ing communication with other CANopen devices.
Drive programming complies with the IEC 61131-3 standard using the
powerful EPOS Studio tool.
The integration of the Motion Control Library under the widely used stan-
dards reduces programe complexity and development costs.

Everything integrated also a question of price

Substantial cost-savings have been made thanks to the careful selection
Positioning and optimisation of components. The resulting drive is available at an
Several synchronised axes unsurpassed price which is well below the cost of the individual parts.
transport the product to the Simplied mounting results in further cost-savings.
correct location with both high
accuracy and sustained repro- Drives with a broad application spectrum
ducibility. The requirements of compact design and enhanced functionality have
been completely realised with maxons compact drives. Their supreme
exibility ensures use in a wide range of industrial applications.

324 maxon compact drive May 2012 edition / subject to change

MCD EPOS and EPOS P 60 W Compact Drive

maxon compact drive

M 1:2
Motor Data Electrical data
Nominal torque (Max. continuous torque) 54 mNm Power supply voltage +VCC +12.+50 VDC
(TU=25C, 5000 rpm) Logic supply voltage +VC (optional) +12.+50 VDC
Max. torque 218 mNm Max. output voltage 0.9 x VCC
Max. permissible speed (restricted by econder) 12000 rpm Max. output current Imax 9A
Max. efciency 70 % Continuous output current Icont 2.6 A (TU = 25C, 5000 rpm)
Torque constant 24.3 mNm / A Switching frequency 50 kHz
Speed constant 393 rpm / V Controller
Speed / torque gradient 20.6 rpm / mNm Sample rate PI-current controller 10 kHz
Rotor inertia 21.9 gcm2 Sample rate PI-speed controller 1 kHz
Axial play at axial load <6N 0 mm Sample rate PID-positioning controller 1 kHz
(Preloaded ball bearings) >6N 0.14 mm Position resolution 0.09
Radial play preloaded Position accuracy 1
Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.5 N Position reproducibility 0.09
Max. force for press ts (static) 100 N Encoder 1000 Imp./3 channels
Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 25 N Inputs
4 digital inputs (optically isolated) +9+24 VDC
Pin layout 2 digital inputs (differential) EIA-standard RS-422
Connector J1: Signal Outputs
D Sub connector High Density 15 poles (female) 2 digital outputs (optically isolated) max. +24 VDC ( IL<350 mA)
1 DigIN 7 6 DigIN 1 11 +V Opto IN Interfaces
2 DigIN 7/ 7 DigIN 2 12 DigOUT 3 RS-232 (EIA-standard RS-232) max. 115 200 bit/s
3 DigIN 8 8 DigIN 3 13 DigOUT 4 CAN (high-speed; ISO 11898 compatible) max. 1 MBit/s
4 DigIN 8/ 9 DigIN 4 14 not connected CAN ID LSS CiA DSP-305
5 D_Gnd 10 IN_COM 15 not connected Protective functions Current Limit (adjustable),
Connector J2: Power/Communication Under-/over-voltage limitation,
D Sub connector 9 poles (male) Temperature monitoring
1 EPOS RxD 4 Gnd 7 CAN low LED indicator
2 Gnd 5 Power_Gnd 8 +VC 12-50 VDC Bi-colour LED green = Enable, red = Fault
3 EPOS TxD 6 CAN high 9 +VCC 12-50 VDC blink pattern = Operating status
Blue LED (only master version) program status
Ambient temperature / Humidity range
Protection class IP42 Performance features MCD EPOS P
Operating -20 ... +85C 32 bit host processor, 60 MHz
power derating 1.4%/K from TU = 25C 512 KB memory, with 256 KB free user program memory
Storage -40 +85C Typical 2.5 ms / 5000 lines AWL
Non condensating 20 80 % 512 Byte non-volatile memory
Max. case temperature < 100C Digital motion control signal processor
Mechanical data
Weight approx. 528 g maxon Modular System
Dimensions (L x W x H) 120x33x53 mm Planetary Gearhead
Mounting plate four M3x4.5 threaded holes 32 mm, 1.0-8.0 Nm,
P. 234/238/239/255-257
Planetary Gearhead
42 mm,
3.0 - 15.0 Nm, p. 243

Article Numbers
326343 MCD EPOS 60 W
315665 MCD EPOS P 60 W

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon compact drive 325

Programming Accessories MCD EPOS 60 W
maxon compact drive

EPOS operating modes Mounting Kit

Brackets for mounting the opti-
Point to point onal the MCD EPOS 60 W. The
Positioning the motor axis from point A to point B brackets provided can be placed
(absolute and relative) in any position along the length
Position control with feed forward of the MCD. Fixing screws are

20.5 +0.1
Reducing control error through acceleration and speed feed forward
Speed control
Rotating the motor axis at a pre-dened set value speed
Torque control (current control)
Controlling a constant torque on the motor shaft. Minimum
torque ripple through sinusoidal commutation
Homing mode
Referencing onto a special mechanical position with more than
30 different methods
Electronic gearing
Synchronising (also with intermediate factor) with an externally
produced reference variable
Step/Direction Article Numbers
Step-by-step movement of the motor axis 326930 MCD EPOS 60 W Mounting-Kit
Capture inputs (position marker)
Saving positions when a positive and/or negative edge of an Cable
input signal appears
Signal cable
EPOS Studio

Editors (ST, IL, FBD, LD, SFC)

of the powerful EPOS Studio
tool are available for program-
ming according to IEC 61131-3.
The integrated project browser
Article Numbers
shows all network resources.
326923 MCD EPOS Signal Cable
Complex programs with a large
number of decentralized con-
trols can be optimally managed
with it. Drive systems are con- Power / RS232-CAN cable
gured and networked quickly
using intelligent step-by-step

Windows-based development
IEC 61131-3 programming
languages Article Numbers
(ST, IL, FBD, LD, SFC) 325939 MCD EPOS Power / RS232-CAN Cable
IEC 61131-3 standard libraries
Motion control function blocks
maxon Utility function block library Power / CAN-CAN cable
CANopen function block library
User libraries
Network variables and data exchange
Online debugger with break points and watch variables
Axis conguration and parameterization
Online help

Article Numbers
Motion Control Library 325235 MCD EPOS Power / CAN-CAN Cable

The complexity and development costs of drive systems are sub-

stantially reduced. The Motion Firmware Library was implemented CAN Termination plug
according to the widely-used Motion Control Standard. Standardized Is required as line termination for the CAN-Network.
function blocks make implementation easy.

Drive control
Referencing (Homing)
Speed control
Positioning absolute and relative
Error management
Parameter handling Article Numbers
326925 MCD EPOS CAN Termination Plug
326 maxon compact drive May 2012 edition / subject to change
maxon accessories
maxon accessories
Useful parts complete maxons full range of drive technology products. Brakes may only be
assembled with motors in the delivery plant.

Brakes 328334
End caps 335
Accessories overview 336337
Accessories for maxon motor control
refer to page 321

Brake AB 20 24 VDC, 0.1 Nm
Important Information
maxon accessories

Permanent magnet - single-face brake for DC

(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) 301212 301213

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page AB [mm] Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 22 67.8
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 GP 22, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 226/227 22 x
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 KD 32 240 22 x
EC-max 22, 12 W 166 GP 22 S 253/254 22 x
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 22 84.2
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 GP 22 227 22 x
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 22 x
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 KD 32 240 22 x
EC-max 22, 25 W 167 GP 32 S 255-257 22 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 30 77.6
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 30 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 HEDL 5540 279 30 96.0
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 1 - 6 Nm 238 HEDL 5540 279 30 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 30 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32, 8 Nm 238 HEDL 5540 279 30 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32 S 255-257 30 x
EC-max 30, 40 W 168 GP 32 S 255-257 HEDL 5540 279 30 x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 30 x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 HEDL 5540 279 30 x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 30 99.6
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 30 x
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 HEDL 5540 279 30 120.4
EC-max 30, 60 W 169 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 HEDL 5540 279 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 30 83.2
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 HEDL 5540 280 30 104
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 HEDL 5540 280 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 100 W 177 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 HEDL 5540 280 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 30 100.2
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 HEDL 5540 280 30 121
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 HEDL 5540 280 30 x
EC-4pole 30, 200 W 178 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 HEDL 5540 280 30 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 0.1 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC 10% Cable (AWG 26) Designation
Mass inertia 1.8 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 227 : 6% red UBrake + 24 VDC
Max. permissible speed 49 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% blue UBrake GND
Weight 29 g Reaction time Coupling d 12 ms
Ambient temperature range -40+100C Opening d 6 ms Min. cable length 350 mm

328 maxon accessories May 2012 edition / subject to change

Brake AB 28 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm
Important Information

maxon accessories
Permanent magnet - single-face brake for DC
(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.
It is possible to lower the voltage applied to the
brake after it has been energized, for the purpose of
reducing heat loss.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) 301215

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page AB [mm] Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 40 92.5
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 40 x
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 HEDL 5540 279 40 115.9
EC-max 40, 70 W 170 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 HEDL 5540 279 40 x
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 40 122.5
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 40 x
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 HEDL 5540 279 40 140.8
EC-max 40, 120 W 171 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 HEDL 5540 279 40 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 0.4 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC 10% Cable (AWG 26) Designation
Mass inertia 10 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 92.5 : 6% red UBrake + 24 VDC
Max. permissible speed 16 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% blue UBrake GND
Weight 0.05 kg Reaction time Coupling d 12 ms
Ambient temperature range -5+85C Opening d 6 ms Min. cable length 350 mm

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon accessories 329

Brake AB 28 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm
Important Information
maxon accessories

Permanent magnet - single-face brake for DC

(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.
It is possible to lower the voltage applied to the
brake after it has been energized, for the purpose of
reducing heat loss.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) 228384 228386 228387

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page AB [mm] Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 25, 20 W 78 40 77.1
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 235 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237/240 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32 S 255-257 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 HED_ 5540 277/280 40 94.3
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 HED_ 5540 277/280 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 HED_ 5540 277/280 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 235 HED_ 5540 277/280 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237/240 HED_ 5540 277/280 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 78 GP 32 S 255-257 HED_ 5540 277/280 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 40 88.6
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 234 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 235 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237/240 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32 S 255-257 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 105.8
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 26, 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 231 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.4 - 2.0 Nm 234 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 235 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237/240 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 25, 20 W 79 GP 32 S 255-257 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 40 107.1
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 236 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237/240 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 124.3
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm 236 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 1.0 - 6.0 Nm 237/240 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32, 8 Nm 239 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 40 x
RE 35, 90 W 81 GP 32 S 255-257 HED_ 5540 276/278 40 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 45 107.1
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 45 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 45 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 HED_ 5540 276/278 45 124.3
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 HED_ 5540 276/278 45 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 HED_ 5540 276/278 45 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 0.4 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC 10% Cable (AWG 26) Designation
Mass inertia 10 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 92.5 : 6% red UBrake + 24 VDC
Max. permissible speed 16 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% blue UBrake GND
Weight 0.05 kg Reaction time Coupling d 13 ms red Motor+
Ambient temperature range -5+85C Opening d 27 ms black Motor-
Min. cable length 350 mm

330 maxon accessories May 2012 edition / subject to change

Brake AB 28 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm
Important Information

maxon accessories
Permanent magnet - single-face brake for DC
(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.
It is possible to lower the voltage applied to the
brake after it has been energized, for the purpose of
reducing heat loss.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) 228389 228390

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 40, 150 W 82 115.1
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 HEDL 9140 281 135.6
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 HEDL 9140 281 x
RE 40, 150 W 82 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 HEDL 9140 281 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 118.6
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 HEDL 9140 281 135.6
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 HEDL 9140 281 x
EC 45, 150 W 158 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 HEDL 9140 281 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 151.4
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 HEDL 9140 281 168.4
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 243 HEDL 9140 281 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 HEDL 9140 281 x
EC 45, 250 W 159 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 HEDL 9140 281 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 0.4 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC 10% Brake from motor clamp Designation
Mass inertia 10 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 92.5 : 6% RE 40
Max. permissible speed 16 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% Cable green (AWG 20) UBrake + 24 VDC
Weight 0.05 kg Reaction time Coupling d 13 ms Cable yellow (AWG 20) UBrake GND
Ambient temperature range -5+85C Opening d 27 ms EC 45
Cable red No 4 (AWG 18) UBrake + 24 VDC
Cable blue No 5 (AWG 18) UBrake GND
Min. cable length 500 mm

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon accessories 331

Brake AB 32 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm
Important Information
maxon accessories

Permanent magnet - single-face brake for DC

(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.
It is possible to lower the voltage applied to the
brake after it has been energized, for the purpose of
reducing heat loss.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) 392335

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC 40, 170 W 157 122.6
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 HED_ 5540 277/279 146.0
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 42, 3 - 15 Nm 242 HED_ 5540 277/279 x
EC 40, 170 W 157 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 245 HED_ 5540 277/279 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 0.4 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC 10% Cable (AWG 24) Designation
Mass inertia 19 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 100 : 7% red UBrake + 24 VDC
Max. permissible speed 10 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% blue UBrake GND
Weight 0.1 kg Reaction time Coupling d 13 ms
Ambient temperature range -40+100C Opening d 24 ms Min. cable length 350 mm

332 maxon accessories May 2012 edition / subject to change

Brake AB 41 24 VDC, 2.0 Nm
Important Information

maxon accessories
Permanent magnet - single-face brake for DC
(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.
It is possible to lower the voltage applied to the
brake after it has been energized, for the purpose of
reducing heat loss.

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) 228998

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
EC 60, 400 W 160 190.9
EC 60, 400 W 160 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x
EC 60, 400 W 160 HEDL 9140 281 214.9
EC 60, 400 W 160 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 HEDL 9140 281 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 2.0 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC -10 ... +6% Brake from motor clamp Designation
Mass inertia 45 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 72 : 7% Cable red No 4 (AWG 16) UBrake + 24 VDC
Max. permissible speed 10 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% Cable black No 5 (AWG 16) UBrake GND
Weight 0.18 kg Reaction time Coupling d 2 ms
Ambient temperature range -5+85C Opening d 25 ms Min. cable length 500 mm

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon accessories 333

Brake AB 44 24 VDC, 2.5 Nm
Important Information
maxon accessories

Permanent magnet single-face brake for DC

(dry operation). Braking in unpowered condition.
Holding brake, prevents rotation of the shaft at
standstill or with turned off motor power.
Not suitable for braking.
It is possible to lower the voltage applied to the
brake after it has been energized, for the purpose of
reducing heat loss.
Protection: IP54

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request) Cable output axial 386052 385999
Cable output radial 386054 386000

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Gearhead Page + Sensor Page Overall length [mm] / x see Gearhead
RE 50, 200 W 83 170.4
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 HEDL 9140 282 183.4
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 52, 4 - 30 Nm 246 HEDL 9140 282 x
RE 50, 200 W 83 GP 62, 8 - 50 Nm 247 HEDL 9140 282 x
RE 65, 250 W 84 187.5
RE 65, 250 W 84 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 x
RE 65, 250 W 84 HEDL 9140 282 205.5
RE 65, 250 W 84 GP 81, 20 - 120 Nm 248 HEDL 9140 282 x

Technical Data Pin Allocation

Max. permissible static torque at 20C 2.5 Nm Nominal voltage, smoothed 24 VDC 10% Cable (AWG 18) Designation
Mass inertia 90 gcm2 Resistance R20 = 64 : 7% white Motor+
Max. permissible speed 10 000 rpm Duty cycle 100% brown Motor-
Weight 0.19 kg Reaction time Coupling d 20 ms green UBrake + 24 VDC
Ambient temperature range -40+100C Opening d 35 ms yellow UBrake GND
Min. cable length 1490 mm

334 maxon accessories May 2012 edition / subject to change

End Caps
End cap for maxon DC motor RE 35 mm

maxon accessories
Details for motor see page 81

x Plastic housing
x Protection to IP54
x With 500 mm cable, AWG 20 (2 0.5 mm) other lengths on request!
x Radial or axial cable outlet
x Assembly only by maxon motor. The shaft must be shortened.

Pin Allocation
Cable No. Color Motor
1 black + Pol
2 black Pol

Article Numbers
Type number Version/Item
Motorlnge / motor length 137235 A End cap with radial cable outlet (500 mm)
137234 B End cap with axial cable outlet (500 mm)

End cap for maxon DC motor RE 40 mm

A B Details for motor see page 82

x Plastic housing
x Protection to IP54
x With 500 mm cable, AWG 20 (2 0.5 mm) other lengths on request!
x Radial or axial cable outlet
x Assembly only by maxon motor. The shaft must be shortened.

Pin Allocation
Cable No. Color Motor
1 black + Pol
2 black Pol

Article Numbers
Type number Version/Item
232341 A End cap with radial cable outlet (500 mm)
232343 B End cap with axial cable outlet (500 mm)

End cap for maxon DC motor RE 50 mm

Details for motor see page 83

x Aluminium housing
x Protection to IP54
x With 1500 mm cable, AWG 18 (2 1.0 mm) other lengths on request!
x Radial or axial cable outlet
x Assembly only by maxon motor.

Pin Allocation
Cable No. Color Motor
1 white + Pol
2 brown Pol

Article Numbers
Type number Version/Item
386056 A End cap with radial cable outlet (1500 mm)
386055 B End cap with axial cable outlet (1500 mm)

End cap for maxon DC motor RE 65 mm

Details for motor see page 84

x Aluminium housing
x Protection to IP54
x With 1500 mm cable, AWG 18 (2 1.0 mm) other lengths on request!
x Radial or axial cable outlet
x Assembly only by maxon motor.

Pin Allocation
Cable No. Color Motor
1 white + Pol
2 brown Pol

Article Numbers
Type number Version/Item
386004 A End cap with radial cable outlet (1500 mm)
386003 B End cap with axial cable outlet (1500 mm)

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon accessories 335

Accessories overview
The following table contains information on connecting maxon motors with be ordered separately. The numbers refer to the Selection Guide pages
maxon accessories

maxon controllers. All listed adapters, plugs, evaluation boards, etc. must 1721.

maxon sensor, page 17 maxon DC motor, page 18 maxon EC motor, page 20

maxon sensor Selection Guide, page 17

 Can be connected directly. No accessories required.

 Can be connected directly. Plug must be removed.
 Extension cable without plug required.
 Adapter 223774 required.
 Adapter 223774 and extension cable 3409.506 (6 poles plug must be removed) required.
 Extension cable 3409.506 (6 poles plug must be removed) required.
 Adapter 327086 required.
 Adapter 397973, extension cable 302948 and extension cable 354046 required.
 Can be connected directly. Attach solder bridge to printed circuit board.
 Adapter 223774 required. Plug must be removed.
 Extension cable 403964 required.
 Adapter 425931 required.
 Evaluation board 361435 and adapter 425931 required.
Extension cable 354046 required.

336 maxon accessories May 2012 edition / subject to change

Accessories overview

maxon accessories
maxon DC motor Selection Guide, page 18

 Can be connected directly. No accessories required.

 Can be connected directly. Attach solder bridge to printed circuit board.
 Can be connected directly. Connect via encoder connection.
 Adapter 327086 required.
 Extension cable 303490 required.
 Evaluation board 361435 and adapter 327086 required. Connect via encoder connection.
 Evaluation board 361435 required. Connect via encoder connection.
 Evaluation board 361435 and extension cable 275851 required.
 Extension cable 275851 required.
 Adapter 327086 required. Attach solder bridge to printed circuit board.
 Can be connected directly for motor with cable. Extension cable 403962 for motor with terminal required.

maxon EC motor Selection Guide, page 20

 Can be connected directly. No accessories required.

 Can be connected directly. Plug must be removed.
 Can be connected directly (only for sensorless motors).
 Plug 203209 required.
 Evaluation board 370652 required.
 Evaluation board 370652 required. Plug must be removed.
 Extension cable 339380 and plug 203209 required.
 Evaluation board 370652 and extension cable 339380 required.
 Adapter 220300 required.
 Extension cable 339380 required.
 Adapter 397973, extension cable 302948 and extension cable 354046 required.
 Adapter 220300 and extension cable 302948 required.
 Adapter 397973, extension cable 275851, extension cable 275878 and extension cable 354046 required.
Evaluation board 361435 and plug set 384915 required. Plug must be removed.
Adapter 220300, extension cable 275878 and extension cable 275851 required.
Extension cable 354045 required.
Plug set 384915 required. Plug must be removed.
 Plug set 384915 required.

Plug set 351061 required. Plug must be removed.

Plug set 351061 required.
Plug set 381405 required. Plug must be removed.
Plug set 381405 required.

Plug set 423544 required. Plug must be removed.

Plug set 423544 required.
 Evaluation board 370652 and adapter 425931 required.
 Adapter 425931 and extension cable 302948 required.
 Adapter 425931, extension cable 275878 and extension cable 275851 required.

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon accessories 337

For your personal notes
maxon motor

P I K n
mW mA % rpm


maxon special program
maxon special program
With the maxon program we offer a range of motors and combinations that are now only available
on demand. The necessary production facilities are available. The material required is procured when
ordered which means that minimum quantity orders are required (typical quantity 10,000 pcs).

DC Special program 340357

GM Special program 358
EC Special program 359368
Gearhead Special program 369
mmc Special program 370374

RE 15 15 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 1.6 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

118643 118644 118645 118646 118647 118648 118649 118650

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3.0 4.5 6.0 7.2 9.0 12.0 15.0 24.0
2 No load speed rpm 7780 7450 7990 7740 7710 8370 8110 9890
3 No load current mA 27.2 17.2 14.1 11.3 8.97 7.45 5.73 4.59
4 Nominal speed rpm 4420 3080 3610 3370 3320 3930 3700 5480
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.71 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.24 2.20 2.22 2.19
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.500 0.416 0.333 0.270 0.214 0.171 0.134 0.101
7 Stall torque mNm 4.03 3.92 4.17 4.06 4.02 4.22 4.16 4.98
8 Starting current A 1.12 0.697 0.596 0.469 0.370 0.316 0.241 0.220
9 Max. efciency % 72 71 72 72 72 72 72 74
10 Terminal resistance : 2.67 6.46 10.1 15.3 24.4 38.0 62.2 109
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0500 0.122 0.190 0.291 0.458 0.692 1.15 1.99
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.60 5.62 7.01 8.67 10.9 13.4 17.2 22.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2660 1700 1360 1100 878 714 554 421
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1970 1950 1960 1950 1970 2030 2000 2030
15 Mechanical time constant ms 10.9 10.8 10.8 10.8 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.528 0.530 0.528 0.530 0.527 0.514 0.519 0.514

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 35 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.18 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 214 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.2 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 20 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 0.5 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 5
31 Weight of motor 20 g Spur Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 16 mm
0.015 - 0.04 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 213
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.06 - 0.18 Nm
Page 216
Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.1 - 0.3 Nm
Page 217
Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

340 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

F 2130 30 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 2.5 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2130. . . . -22.112-050 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 917 900 903 904 905 906 907 908 910
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 2 3 6 6 9 12 12 15 24
2 No load speed rpm 5250 5750 6020 4790 5980 6480 5290 5310 5380
3 No load current mA 43.7 33.7 18.2 12.6 12.0 10.3 7.37 5.94 3.79
4 Nominal speed rpm 1780 2470 2660 1410 2570 3050 1820 1810 1850
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 3.41 3.59 3.49 3.52 3.44 3.39 3.41 3.38 3.34
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.992 0.761 0.388 0.311 0.253 0.204 0.166 0.133 0.0831
7 Stall torque mNm 5.23 6.35 6.32 5.05 6.09 6.48 5.25 5.19 5.15
8 Starting current A 1.48 1.31 0.682 0.435 0.436 0.376 0.25 0.198 0.125
9 Max. efciency % 70 71 71 70 71 71 70 69 69
10 Terminal resistance : 1.35 2.29 8.79 13.8 20.6 31.9 48.1 75.7 193
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0720 0.136 0.496 0.780 1.13 1.71 2.56 3.96 9.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.53 4.85 9.27 11.6 14.0 17.2 21.0 26.2 41.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2700 1970 1030 822 683 555 454 365 231
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1040 930 978 976 1010 1030 1040 1050 1080
15 Mechanical time constant ms 43.9 42.9 42.9 42.7 43.0 43.2 43.3 43.5 43.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.05 4.40 4.19 4.18 4.07 4.02 3.99 3.94 3.87

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 23.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 13.3 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 22.1 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 705 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm
24 Axial play 0.15 - 0.25 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.4 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 50 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.0 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 61 g Spur Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 30 mm
0.07 - 0.2 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 233
Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 341

F 2130 30 mm, Graphite Brushes, 3 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2130. . . . -22.116-050 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 900 903 904 905 906 907 908 910
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 6 6 9 12 12 15 24
2 No load speed rpm 4220 5260 4190 5470 6050 4920 4990 5140
3 No load current mA 56.5 31.2 23.5 20.9 17.5 13.5 10.9 6.96
4 Nominal speed rpm 987 2020 929 2200 2780 1600 1650 1760
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.41 2.84 2.98 2.97 3.00 3.07 3.08 3.11
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.544 0.332 0.276 0.230 0.189 0.157 0.127 0.0809
7 Stall torque mNm 3.52 5.01 4.10 5.31 5.87 4.81 4.85 4.96
8 Starting current A 0.725 0.540 0.353 0.380 0.341 0.228 0.185 0.120
9 Max. efciency % 37 51 49 54 57 55 56 57
10 Terminal resistance : 4.14 11.1 17.0 23.7 35.2 52.5 80.9 200
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.136 0.496 0.780 1.13 1.71 2.56 3.96 9.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 4.85 9.27 11.6 14.0 17.2 21.0 26.2 41.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1970 1030 822 683 555 454 365 231
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1680 1230 1200 1160 1130 1130 1130 1120
15 Mechanical time constant ms 72.6 50.6 49.2 46.1 44.5 44.1 43.3 42.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.13 3.91 3.91 3.80 3.75 3.71 3.67 3.60

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 23.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 13.3 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 22.1 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 728 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 13600 rpm
24 Axial play 0.15 - 0.25 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.4 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 50 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.0 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 13600 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.15 - 0.25 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Spur Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.0 N 30 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 24 N 0.07 - 0.2 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5 N Page 233

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 63 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Explanation of the gures on page 49.
Recommended Electronics:
Option ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

342 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

F 2130 30 mm, Graphite Brushes, 3 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2130. . . . -57.236-050 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 900 903 904 905 906 907 908 910
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3 6 6 9 12 12 15 24
2 No load speed rpm 4060 5150 4080 5380 5970 4830 4910 5050
3 No load current mA 72.2 38.7 30.2 25.7 21.1 16.9 13.6 8.65
4 Nominal speed rpm 987 2030 929 2210 2790 1610 1650 1770
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 2.31 2.73 2.87 2.87 2.89 2.96 2.98 3.00
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.544 0.331 0.276 0.230 0.188 0.157 0.127 0.0808
7 Stall torque mNm 3.52 5.01 4.10 5.31 5.87 4.81 4.85 4.96
8 Starting current A 0.725 0.540 0.353 0.380 0.341 0.228 0.185 0.120
9 Max. efciency % 32 46 44 50 53 50 51 52
10 Terminal resistance : 4.14 11.1 17.0 23.7 35.2 52.5 80.9 200
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.136 0.496 0.780 1.13 1.71 2.56 3.96 9.87
12 Torque constant mNm/A 4.85 9.27 11.6 14.0 17.2 21.0 26.2 41.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1970 1030 822 683 555 454 365 231
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1680 1230 1200 1160 1130 1130 1130 1120
15 Mechanical time constant ms 72.6 50.6 49.2 46.1 44.5 44.1 43.3 42.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.13 3.91 3.91 3.80 3.75 3.71 3.67 3.60

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 23.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 13.3 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 22.1 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 728 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 13600 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.0 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 24 N
(static, shaft supported) 240 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 5N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Spur Gearhead Encoder
31 Weight of motor 63 g 30 mm 22 mm
0.07 - 0.2 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 233 Page 275
Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Preloaded ball bearings

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 343

F 2140 40 mm, Precious Metal Brushes CLL, 4 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2140. . . . -22.112-050 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 939
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 9 12 15 18 24 36
2 No load speed rpm 3940 4630 3740 4090 4080 3850 4110 4130
3 No load current mA 23.1 20.1 14.2 12.3 9.77 7.43 6.19 4.17
4 Nominal speed rpm 2270 2990 2080 2430 2410 2160 2420 2400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 13.8 13.9 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.6 13.6 13.3
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.974 0.773 0.624 0.508 0.404 0.314 0.251 0.164
7 Stall torque mNm 32.6 39.5 31.6 34.2 33.9 31.2 33.1 31.8
8 Starting current A 2.26 2.15 1.39 1.23 0.974 0.706 0.601 0.387
9 Max. efciency % 81 82 81 82 81 81 81 81
10 Terminal resistance : 2.65 4.19 6.47 9.73 15.4 25.5 40.0 93.0
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.341 0.558 0.853 1.27 1.99 3.21 5.02 11.2
12 Torque constant mNm/A 14.4 18.4 22.7 27.8 34.8 44.1 55.2 82.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 664 519 420 344 275 216 173 116
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 122 118 120 121 122 125 125 131
15 Mechanical time constant ms 32.2 31.9 31.9 31.9 32.0 32.1 32.1 32.5
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 25.1 25.7 25.5 25.3 25.1 24.6 24.5 23.6

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.4 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.8 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 45.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 988 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 6400 rpm
24 Axial play 0.2 - 0.3 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.5 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 50 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.5 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 190 g Spur Gearhead
CLL = Capacitor Long Life 38 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 241
Explanation of the gures on page 49.

Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings

Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

344 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

F 2140 40 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2140. . . . -22.116-050 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 939
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 9 12 15 18 24 36
2 No load speed rpm 3550 4320 3500 3880 3910 3710 3990 4030
3 No load current mA 53.3 45.6 33.5 28.7 23.0 17.7 14.6 9.87
4 Nominal speed rpm 1900 2720 1880 2270 2300 2080 2360 2380
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 11.1 11.7 12.1 12.3 12.5 12.5 12.6 12.5
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.815 0.672 0.560 0.466 0.377 0.298 0.240 0.160
7 Stall torque mNm 26.3 34.4 27.9 31.2 31.6 29.5 31.9 31.1
8 Starting current A 1.83 1.87 1.23 1.13 0.909 0.669 0.578 0.378
9 Max. efciency % 61 66 65 68 69 69 70 70
10 Terminal resistance : 3.28 4.81 7.35 10.7 16.5 26.9 41.5 95.2
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.341 0.558 0.853 1.27 1.99 3.21 5.02 11.2
12 Torque constant mNm/A 14.4 18.4 22.7 27.8 34.8 44.1 55.2 82.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 664 519 420 344 275 216 173 116
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 152 136 136 132 130 132 130 134
15 Mechanical time constant ms 37.9 34.9 34.4 33.3 32.6 32.2 31.7 31.5
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 23.9 24.5 24.2 24.0 23.9 23.3 23.2 22.4

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.4 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.8 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 45.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 988 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.2 - 0.3 mm
25 Radial play 0.014 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.5 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 50 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 2.5 N

Mechanical data (ball bearings)

23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
24 Axial play 0.2 - 0.3 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm Spur Gearhead
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1.5 N 38 mm
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 50 N 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 7.5 N Page 241

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 190 g

Values listed in the table are nominal.

Explanation of the gures on page 49.
Recommended Electronics:
Option ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 345

F 2260 60 mm, Graphite Brushes, 40 Watt
maxon special program

M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2260. . . . -51.216-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 810 819 820
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 18 21 24 30 36 42 45 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 4440 4000 3620 4230 4550 4210 3680 3160 2560 2060 1600
3 No load current mA 533 403 314 297 267 210 168 133 107 85.0 65.8
4 Nominal speed rpm 4040 3580 3180 3820 4150 3800 3230 2670 2040 1510 1030
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 65.6 77.8 85.9 78.5 74.6 81.4 88.8 95.3 102 106 109
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.33 2.03 1.74 1.50 1.29 1.09 0.955 0.815 0.701 0.585 0.470
7 Stall torque mNm 883 847 775 890 939 882 762 651 529 419 321
8 Starting current A 24.2 17.8 12.9 13.7 12.9 9.59 6.77 4.67 3.09 1.99 1.20
9 Max. efciency % 69 69 69 71 72 71 70 68 66 62 58
10 Terminal resistance : 0.743 1.18 1.87 2.19 2.79 4.38 6.64 10.3 15.5 24.2 40.0
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.229 0.390 0.626 0.728 0.917 1.46 2.18 3.36 5.05 7.66 12.4
12 Torque constant mNm/A 36.5 47.5 60.2 65.0 72.9 91.9 113 139 171 211 268
13 Speed constant rpm/V 262 201 159 147 131 104 84.9 68.5 55.8 45.3 35.7
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 5.34 4.98 4.91 4.96 5.02 4.95 5.01 5.05 5.07 5.19 5.33
15 Mechanical time constant ms 37.0 35.8 35.3 35.0 34.7 34.5 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.4 34.6
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 661 687 687 674 661 665 655 650 648 633 619

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 5.0 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.4 K/W 40 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 79 s 5000 temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 1980 s 813
ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C 4000 = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C 3000
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) 2000 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 5000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 15 N 0 mm 1000
> 15 N 0.01 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play bei ball bearings 0.05 mm Assigned power rating
25 50 75 100
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 15 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 400 N 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
(static, shaft supported) 10000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 100 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDS 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 26 62 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 790 g 8 - 50 Nm 3 channels
Page 247 Page 277
Values listed in the table are nominal. Encoder HEDL 5540
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 500 CPT,
3 channels
Page 279
Encoder HEDS 6540
1000 CPT,
3 channels
Recommended Electronics: Brake AB 28
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292 40 mm
ESCON 50/5 292 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm
EPOS2 24/5 313 Page 330
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
ADS 50/5 372
ADS_E 50/5 373
Notes 18
346 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change
F 2260 60 mm, Graphite Brushes, 80 Watt

maxon special program

M 1:4
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2260. . . . -51.216-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 15 18 18 24 24 24 36 42 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 3950 3290 2640 2840 2630 2220 2690 2560 2660 2360 1790
3 No load current mA 604 398 305 247 226 185 153 124 113 98.2 72
4 Nominal speed rpm 3570 2900 2230 2440 2220 1810 2290 2160 2270 1950 1380
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 190 226 249 253 258 276 273 275 275 280 298
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 6.10 4.91 4.27 3.48 3.27 2.94 2.33 1.91 1.74 1.56 1.26
7 Stall torque mNm 2820 2370 1890 2050 1860 1660 2010 1860 1940 1690 1360
8 Starting current A 82.0 47.3 30.2 26.2 22.0 16.6 16.1 12.2 11.5 8.88 5.42
9 Max. efciency % 77.4 78 76.9 78.6 78 77.4 79.8 79.5 80 79 77.4
10 Terminal resistance : 0.183 0.38 0.596 0.917 1.09 1.44 2.24 3.45 4.17 5.40 8.86
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.066 0.140 0.218 0.341 0.398 0.559 0.873 1.31 1.59 2.03 3.49
12 Torque constant mNm/A 34.4 50.0 62.5 78.2 84.4 100 125 153 169 191 250
13 Speed constant rpm/V 278 191 153 122 113 95.4 76.3 62.3 56.5 50.1 38.2
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1.48 1.45 1.45 1.43 1.46 1.38 1.37 1.40 1.40 1.42 1.35
15 Mechanical time constant ms 21.3 20.4 20.1 19.6 19.6 19.3 18.9 18.8 18.8 18.8 18.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1380 1340 1320 1310 1280 1340 1320 1280 1280 1260 1320

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.4 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.1 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 72.5 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 1030 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 4000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 15 N 0 mm
> 15 N 0.01 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play bei ball bearings 0.05 mm Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 15 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 400 N
(static, shaft supported) 10000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 100 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 2 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDS 5540
30 Number of commutator segments 26 62 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 1300 g 8 - 50 Nm 3 channels
Page 247 Page 277
Values listed in the table are nominal. Encoder HEDL 5540
Explanation of the gures on page 49. 500 CPT,
3 channels
Page 279
Encoder HEDS 6540
1000 CPT,
3 channels
Recommended Electronics: Brake AB 28
ESCON 50/5 Seite 292 40 mm
EPOS2 24/5 313 24 VDC, 0.4 Nm
EPOS2 50/5 313 Page 330
EPOS2 P 24/5 316
ADS 50/5 372
ADS 50/10 372
ADS_E 50/5 373
ADS_E 50/10 373
Notes 18
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 347
S 2322 22 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2322. . . . -11.225-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 980 981 990 982 983 985 987
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 15 18 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 7010 7000 7530 6690 7190 7240 6370
3 No load current mA 42.2 33.3 30.6 25.8 21.3 14.3 8.88
4 Nominal speed rpm 4300 4310 4840 3970 4490 4500 3580
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 11.8 12.2 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.3 12.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.807 0.654 0.583 0.520 0.420 0.279 0.184
7 Stall torque mNm 32.9 33.5 35.9 31.4 34.1 33.4 28.8
8 Starting current A 2.14 1.72 1.64 1.28 1.11 0.724 0.411
9 Max. efciency % 70 71 72 71 73 73 73
10 Terminal resistance : 5.61 8.71 10.9 14.1 21.6 49.7 117
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.492 0.790 0.995 1.26 1.97 4.43 10.2
12 Torque constant mNm/A 15.4 19.4 21.8 24.6 30.7 46.1 69.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 622 491 437 389 311 207 137
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 227 220 219 223 219 224 228
15 Mechanical time constant ms 13.9 13.5 13.3 13.3 13.0 12.9 12.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 5.84 5.86 5.79 5.70 5.68 5.50 5.37

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 14.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.6 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 9.24 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 649 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 14 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 7
31 Weight of motor 92 g Planetary Gearhead
22 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.5 - 1.0 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 224
Planetary Gearhead
Option 22 mm
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Page 225
Planetary Gearhead
26 mm
0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Page 231

348 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

S 2322 22 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2322. . . . -52.235-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 980 981 990 982 983 985 987
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 15 18 18 24 36 48
2 No load speed rpm 7010 7000 7530 6690 7190 7240 6370
3 No load current mA 42.2 33.3 30.6 25.8 21.3 14.3 8.88
4 Nominal speed rpm 4300 4310 4840 3970 4490 4500 3580
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 11.8 12.2 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.3 12.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.807 0.654 0.583 0.520 0.420 0.279 0.184
7 Stall torque mNm 32.9 33.5 35.9 31.4 34.1 33.4 28.8
8 Starting current A 2.14 1.72 1.64 1.28 1.11 0.724 0.411
9 Max. efciency % 70 71 72 71 73 73 73
10 Terminal resistance : 5.61 8.71 10.9 14.1 21.6 49.7 117
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.492 0.790 0.995 1.26 1.97 4.43 10.2
12 Torque constant mNm/A 15.4 19.4 21.8 24.6 30.7 46.1 69.9
13 Speed constant rpm/V 622 491 437 389 311 207 137
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 227 220 219 223 219 224 228
15 Mechanical time constant ms 13.9 13.5 13.3 13.3 13.0 12.9 12.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 5.84 5.86 5.79 5.70 5.68 5.50 5.37

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 14.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.6 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.91 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 649 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
(static, shaft supported) 240 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 14 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 7 Planetary Gearhead Encoder Enc
31 Weight of motor 92 g 22 mm 22 mm
0.5 - 1.0 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 224 Page 274
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Planetary Gearhead
22 mm
Option 0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings Page 225
Planetary Gearhead
26 mm
0.5 - 2.0 Nm
Page 231
Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 349

S 2326 26 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 4 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2326. . . . -12.111-050 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 930 932 933 934 948 936 937 938 945 939 946 940 941 942 949
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3.0 3.6 4.5 6.0 6.0 7.2 9.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 42.0
2 No load speed rpm 5380 5590 5920 6410 5390 4920 5120 5540 5390 5450 6030 5300 5940 6020 5680
3 No load current mA 61.5 54.4 47.4 40.1 30.9 22.5 19.1 16.1 15.5 12.6 12.2 10.0 8.94 7.31 4.79
4 Nominal speed rpm 4130 3910 4020 4060 2870 2460 2640 3030 2750 2910 3410 2740 3330 3390 2980
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.63 8.84 10.5 13 13.4 13.8 13.6 13.5 12.8 13.3 12.8 13.2 12.9 12.8 12.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.30 1.02 0.837 0.671 0.621 0.522 0.465 0.420 0.345 0.277 0.182
7 Stall torque mNm 33.2 29.6 32.9 35.6 28.9 27.9 28.3 30.0 26.4 28.7 29.8 27.5 29.5 29.4 26.4
8 Starting current A 6.29 4.87 4.57 4.02 2.75 2.02 1.71 1.46 1.25 1.11 1.06 0.858 0.773 0.626 0.378
9 Max. efciency % 82 80 81 81 80 80 80 81 79 80 80 80 80 80 79
10 Terminal resistance : 0.477 0.739 0.984 1.49 2.18 3.57 5.27 8.19 9.57 13.6 17.1 21.0 31.0 48.0 111
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0652 0.0866 0.121 0.183 0.258 0.447 0.644 0.980 1.03 1.58 1.86 2.41 3.41 5.17 11.4
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.28 6.08 7.19 8.85 10.5 13.8 16.6 20.5 21.0 26.0 28.2 32.1 38.2 47.0 69.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1810 1570 1330 1080 909 691 576 467 455 367 339 298 250 203 137
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 163 191 182 182 189 179 183 187 207 192 205 195 204 207 218
15 Mechanical time constant ms 19.0 18.6 18.2 18.0 17.9 17.7 17.7 17.7 17.9 17.8 17.9 17.8 17.9 18.0 18.1
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 11.1 9.30 9.57 9.42 9.03 9.46 9.23 9.03 8.24 8.84 8.32 8.71 8.38 8.27 7.91

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 17 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.4 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.72 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 640 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 6400 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.02 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 1N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 100 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 4.3 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 11
31 Weight of motor 107 g Spur Gearhead
30 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.07 - 0.2 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 233

Ball bearings in place of sleeve bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals

350 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

S 2326 26 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2326. . . . -12.216-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 930 933 934 948 936 944 937 938 945 939 946 940 941 942 949
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3.0 7.2 9.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 18.0 24.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0
2 No load speed rpm 5080 9270 9460 10700 8110 7770 8460 8240 8010 8660 7970 8780 8850 8380 6440
3 No load current mA 114 101 82.6 72.9 50.0 47.4 42.3 34.0 32.7 27.2 24.4 22.2 18.7 14.9 9.21
4 Nominal speed rpm 2980 6760 6870 8140 5640 5120 6020 5790 5440 6220 5440 6330 6360 5870 3820
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.38 10.1 11.4 11.3 12.3 11.5 12.3 12.4 11.8 12.3 12.0 12.3 12.0 12.0 12.0
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.50 1.50 1.36 1.15 0.936 0.839 0.781 0.636 0.592 0.498 0.448 0.403 0.332 0.269 0.180
7 Stall torque mNm 20.9 42.5 45.7 51.7 42.7 35.1 44.4 43.0 38.0 44.7 38.7 44.9 43.6 40.7 29.9
8 Starting current A 3.96 5.91 5.17 4.92 3.09 2.44 2.68 2.10 1.81 1.72 1.37 1.40 1.14 0.866 0.430
9 Max. efciency % 64 73 75 76 75 73 76 76 75 76 75 77 76 76 73
10 Terminal resistance : 0.758 1.22 1.74 2.44 3.88 4.92 5.60 8.56 9.96 14.0 17.5 21.4 31.5 48.5 112
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0652 0.121 0.183 0.258 0.447 0.484 0.644 0.980 1.03 1.58 1.86 2.41 3.41 5.17 11.4
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.28 7.19 8.85 10.5 13.8 14.4 16.6 20.5 21.0 26.0 28.2 32.1 38.2 47.0 69.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1810 1330 1080 909 691 664 576 467 455 367 339 298 250 203 137
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 260 225 213 211 194 227 194 195 215 197 210 199 207 210 220
15 Mechanical time constant ms 30.2 22.6 21.0 20.0 19.3 19.3 18.8 18.5 18.6 18.3 18.4 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 11.1 9.58 9.43 9.04 9.47 8.11 9.25 9.05 8.25 8.86 8.34 8.72 8.40 8.28 7.93

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 17 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.4 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.72 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 640 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 14 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 11
31 Weight of motor 109 g Spur Gearhead
38 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 241

Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 351

S 2326 26 mm, Graphite Brushes, 6 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2326. . . . -52.236-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 930 933 934 948 936 944 937 938 945 939 946 940 941 942 949
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 3.0 7.2 9.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 18.0 24.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 42.0 48.0
2 No load speed rpm 5080 9270 9460 10700 8110 7770 8460 8240 8010 8660 7970 8780 8850 8380 6440
3 No load current mA 114 101 82.6 72.9 50.0 47.4 42.3 34.0 32.7 27.2 24.4 22.2 18.7 14.9 9.21
4 Nominal speed rpm 2980 6760 6870 8140 5640 5120 6020 5790 5440 6220 5440 6330 6360 5870 3820
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 7.38 10.1 11.4 11.3 12.3 11.5 12.3 12.4 11.8 12.3 12.0 12.3 12.0 12.0 12.0
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.50 1.50 1.36 1.15 0.936 0.839 0.781 0.636 0.592 0.498 0.448 0.403 0.332 0.269 0.180
7 Stall torque mNm 20.9 42.5 45.7 51.7 42.7 35.1 44.4 43.0 38.0 44.7 38.7 44.9 43.6 40.7 29.9
8 Starting current A 3.96 5.91 5.17 4.92 3.09 2.44 2.68 2.10 1.81 1.72 1.37 1.40 1.14 0.866 0.43
9 Max. efciency % 64 73 75 76 75 73 76 76 75 76 75 77 76 76 73
10 Terminal resistance : 0.758 1.22 1.74 2.44 3.88 4.92 5.60 8.56 9.96 14.0 17.5 21.4 31.5 48.5 112
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0652 0.121 0.183 0.258 0.447 0.484 0.644 0.980 1.03 1.58 1.86 2.41 3.41 5.17 11.4
12 Torque constant mNm/A 5.28 7.19 8.85 10.5 13.8 14.4 16.6 20.5 21.0 26.0 28.2 32.1 38.2 47.0 69.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1810 1330 1080 909 691 664 576 467 455 367 339 298 250 203 137
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 260 225 213 211 194 227 194 195 215 197 210 199 207 210 220
15 Mechanical time constant ms 30.2 22.6 21.0 20.0 19.3 19.3 18.8 18.5 18.6 18.3 18.4 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 11.1 9.58 9.43 9.04 9.47 8.11 9.25 9.05 8.25 8.86 8.34 8.72 8.40 8.28 7.93

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 17 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.4 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.72 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 640 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 11000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 2.8 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
(static, shaft supported) 700 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 14 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 11 Spur Gearhead Encoder Enc
31 Weight of motor 109 g 38 mm 22 mm
0.1 - 0.6 Nm 100 CPT, 2 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 241 Page 274
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Encoder HEDS 5540
500 CPT,
Option 3 channels
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings Page 277
Pigtails in place of terminals Encoder HEDL 5540
500 CPT,
3 channels
Page 278
Recommended Electronics: DC-Tacho DCT
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292 22 mm
ESCON 50/5 292 0.52 V
Notes 18 Page 286

352 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

S 2332 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 11 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2332. . . . -12.256-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 900 904 905 906 908 909 910 911 912 913
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 9.0 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 48.0 48.0
2 No load speed rpm 7730 8510 7370 7930 7980 8830 8770 8400 8930 7390
3 No load current mA 160 82.8 68.0 55.2 36.5 31.1 24.5 19.2 15.6 12.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 6070 6410 5120 5740 5820 6690 6640 6230 6780 5190
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 6.32 13.3 15.4 16.1 16.9 17.0 17.3 17.3 17.4 17.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.50 1.50 1.48 1.23 0.847 0.703 0.565 0.448 0.359 0.298
7 Stall torque mNm 52.3 66.4 58.8 66.2 67.4 74.5 74.7 69.4 74.5 59.9
8 Starting current A 11.2 7.10 5.42 4.84 3.25 2.96 2.34 1.73 1.48 0.986
9 Max. efciency % 60 72 72 75 77 78 79 79 80 78
10 Terminal resistance : 0.403 1.27 1.66 2.48 5.54 8.12 12.8 20.8 32.5 48.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0417 0.167 0.224 0.357 0.821 1.21 1.94 3.06 4.85 7.05
12 Torque constant mNm/A 4.68 9.35 10.8 13.7 20.8 25.2 31.9 40.0 50.4 60.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2040 1020 881 698 460 379 300 239 189 157
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 176 138 135 126 123 122 120 124 122 126
15 Mechanical time constant ms 39.5 28.1 27.7 26.1 24.8 24.3 24.0 23.9 23.6 23.7
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 21.5 19.4 19.6 19.7 19.3 19.0 19.0 18.4 18.5 18.0

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 13.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 8.51 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 1170 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9200 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3.2 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 64 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 13
31 Weight of motor 174 g Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.75 - 4.5 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 235
Spur Gearhead
Option 38 mm
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings 0.1 - 0.6 Nm
Pigtails in place of terminals Page 241

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 353

S 2332 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 15 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2332. . . . -12.216-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 960 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 12 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 5810 5310 6650 5870 4880 5380 5750 6000 5710 5270 4860 3950
3 No load current mA 110 63.9 65.0 54.6 42.4 32.1 26.3 22.3 17.3 13.3 10.4 7.96
4 Nominal speed rpm 4560 3780 5040 4230 3250 3880 4280 4530 4250 3790 3370 2440
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 13.2 22.7 24.3 25.9 26.5 28.6 29.1 28.9 29.3 29.2 29.3 29.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.19 0.939 0.763 0.633 0.508 0.399 0.323 0.263
7 Stall torque mNm 89.1 91.1 116 104 85.6 109 119 122 118 106 97.1 78.2
8 Starting current A 9.45 5.79 6.87 5.42 3.72 3.46 3.02 2.59 1.97 1.41 1.04 0.682
9 Max. efciency % 73 77 79 79 78 81 82 82 82 81 81 80
10 Terminal resistance : 0.635 1.56 1.75 2.21 3.22 5.21 7.94 11.6 18.2 29.8 46.1 70.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0883 0.246 0.283 0.363 0.526 0.985 1.54 2.22 3.53 5.64 8.65 13.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 9.43 15.7 16.9 19.1 23.0 31.5 39.3 47.2 59.6 75.3 93.3 115
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1010 607 566 500 415 303 243 202 160 127 102 83.3
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 68.3 60.0 58.7 57.9 58.2 50.2 49.0 49.6 49.1 50.3 50.6 51.1
15 Mechanical time constant ms 23.6 17.2 16.4 16.0 15.5 14.6 14.3 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 33.0 27.4 26.7 26.4 25.5 27.9 27.8 27.2 27.1 26.4 26.1 25.9

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 12.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.9 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.9 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 1030 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9200 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 113 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 28 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 13
31 Weight of motor 230 g Planetary Gearhead
32 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.75 - 4.5 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 235

Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings
Pigtails in place of terminals

354 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

S 2332 32 mm, Graphite Brushes, 15 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2332. . . . -51.236-200 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 960 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 9 12 12 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 5810 5310 6650 5870 4880 5380 5750 6000 5710 5270 4860 3950
3 No load current mA 110 63.9 65.0 54.6 42.4 32.1 26.3 22.3 17.3 13.3 10.4 7.96
4 Nominal speed rpm 4560 3780 5040 4230 3250 3880 4280 4530 4250 3790 3370 2440
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 13.2 22.7 24.3 25.9 26.5 28.6 29.1 28.9 29.3 29.2 29.3 29.4
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.19 0.939 0.763 0.633 0.508 0.399 0.323 0.263
7 Stall torque mNm 89.1 91.1 116 104 85.6 109 119 122 118 106 97.1 78.2
8 Starting current A 9.45 5.79 6.87 5.42 3.72 3.46 3.02 2.59 1.97 1.41 1.04 0.682
9 Max. efciency % 73 77 79 79 78 81 82 82 82 81 81 80
10 Terminal resistance : 0.635 1.56 1.75 2.21 3.22 5.21 7.94 11.6 18.2 29.8 46.1 70.3
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0883 0.246 0.283 0.363 0.526 0.985 1.54 2.22 3.53 5.64 8.65 13.1
12 Torque constant mNm/A 9.43 15.7 16.9 19.1 23.0 31.5 39.3 47.2 59.6 75.3 93.3 115
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1010 607 566 500 415 303 243 202 160 127 102 83.3
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 68.3 60.0 58.7 57.9 58.2 50.2 49.0 49.6 49.1 50.3 50.6 51.1
15 Mechanical time constant ms 23.6 17.2 16.4 16.0 15.5 14.6 14.3 14.1 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.8
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 33.0 27.4 26.7 26.4 25.5 27.9 27.8 27.2 27.1 26.4 26.1 25.9

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 12.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.9 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10.9 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 1030 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (ball bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9200 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.025 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 5.6 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 113 N
(static, shaft supported) 1200 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 28 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of commutator segments 13 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HEDS 5540
31 Weight of motor 230 g 32 mm 500 CPT,
0.75 - 4.5 Nm 3 channels
Values listed in the table are nominal. Page 235 Page 277
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Encoder HEDL 5540
500 CPT,
Option 3 channels
Sleeve bearings in place of ball bearings Page 279
Pigtails in place of terminals DC-Tacho DCT
22 mm
0.52 V
Page 286
Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 355

A 2515 15 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 2 Watt, approved
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2515. . . . -11.111-000 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 980 981 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 992 994
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 1.2 1.2 3.0 3.6 4.5 6.0 7.2 9.0 12.0 18.0 24.0
2 No load speed rpm 6010 5600 8070 7750 7740 8070 7740 8060 8600 8500 7180
3 No load current mA 47.0 42.4 29.7 23.2 18.6 14.8 11.6 9.89 8.22 5.38 3.1
4 Nominal speed rpm 4690 3970 5040 4040 4030 4330 4000 4260 4810 4650 3270
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 1.27 1.37 2.44 3.05 3.05 3.02 3.02 2.96 2.95 2.91 2.90
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.720 0.720 0.720 0.716 0.571 0.443 0.354 0.29 0.231 0.151 0.0946
7 Stall torque mNm 5.83 4.77 6.54 6.43 6.40 6.57 6.30 6.33 6.74 6.48 5.36
8 Starting current A 3.11 2.37 1.87 1.47 1.17 0.939 0.721 0.604 0.514 0.326 0.171
9 Max. efciency % 77 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 77 76
10 Terminal resistance : 0.386 0.505 1.60 2.45 3.84 6.39 9.99 14.9 23.3 55.2 140
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.0304 0.0348 0.105 0.164 0.257 0.421 0.657 0.947 1.48 3.4 8.46
12 Torque constant mNm/A 1.88 2.01 3.49 4.37 5.46 6.99 8.74 10.5 13.1 19.9 31.3
13 Speed constant rpm/V 5080 4750 2730 2190 1750 1370 1090 911 729 480 305
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1050 1200 1250 1220 1230 1250 1250 1290 1300 1330 1360
15 Mechanical time constant ms 18.6 18.1 17.0 16.8 16.8 16.8 16.7 16.8 16.8 16.9 16.9
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.70 1.44 1.30 1.31 1.30 1.28 1.28 1.24 1.24 1.21 1.18

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 30 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 8.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 10 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 450 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 9500 rpm
24 Axial play 0.1 - 0.2 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.45 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 40 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.5 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 5
31 Weight of motor 30 g Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.01 - 0.03 Nm
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 212
Planetary Gearhead
Option 16 mm
Pigtails in place of terminals 0.06 - 0.18 Nm
Page 216
Spur Gearhead
24 mm
0.1 Nm
Page 230

356 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

A 2516 16 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 0.8 Watt

maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

2516. . . . -11.111-000 (Insert winding number)

Winding number 805 800 804
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 4.5 12.0 24.0
2 No load speed rpm 16600 16100 18200
3 No load current mA 31.4 11.4 7.00
4 Nominal speed rpm 6940 4990 7400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 0.759 0.654 0.661
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.329 0.105 0.0603
7 Stall torque mNm 1.32 0.964 1.13
8 Starting current A 0.542 0.147 0.0968
9 Max. efciency % 60 54 56
10 Terminal resistance : 8.30 81.5 248
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.128 0.926 2.95
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.43 6.55 11.7
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3930 1460 817
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 13400 18200 17300
15 Mechanical time constant ms 66.0 72.6 72.2
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.470 0.382 0.398

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 25.5 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 28.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.78 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 158 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings)
The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 22000 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.012 mm
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.5 N Assigned power rating
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 40 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 1.4 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 5
31 Weight of motor 12.4 g Spur Gearhead Encoder MEnc
16 mm 13 mm
Values listed in the table are nominal. 0.01 - 0.03 Nm 16 CPT, 2 channels
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Page 212 Page 284
Spur Gearhead
16 mm
0.015 - 0.04 Nm
Page 213
Spur Gearhead
16 mm
0.06 - 0.1 Nm
Page 214/215
Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Notes 18

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 357

GM 20 20 mm, Precious Metal Brushes, 1.2 Watt
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
Dimension Drawing A 167171 167172 167173 167165 167166 167167 167168 167169 167170
Dimension Drawing B 204978 204977 204968 204965 204975 204974
Gearhead reduction ratio 2.5:1 10.5:1 55.1:1 159:1 371:1 2.5:1 10.5:1 55.1:1 159:1 371:1 2.5:1 10.5:1 55.1:1 159:1 371:1
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 12 12 12 12 12
2 No load speed motor shaft rpm 13500 13700 13700 13700 13700 13000 13400 13300 13400 13400 12900 13200 13100 13200 13200
2 No load speed1) rpm 5260 1300 248 86.1 36.9 5070 1270 241 83.9 36.0 5020 1250 238 82.9 35.5
3 No load current mA 19.9 12.5 14.1 12.8 12.9 12.8 8.15 9.17 8.33 8.39 9.37 5.94 6.7 6.08 6.12
4 Nominal speed1) rpm 2910 711 157 74.0 34.4 1430 347 78.8 62.4 31.6 1590 386 95.8 63.9 31.6
5 Nominal torque mNm 2.10 7.90 30.0 30.0 30.0 1.86 6.96 30.0 30.0 30.0 1.98 7.44 30.0 30.0 30.0
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 0.236 0.235 0.194 0.0821 0.0458 0.136 0.136 0.127 0.0536 0.0299 0.107 0.107 0.0939 0.0396 0.022
7 Stall torque1) mNm 2.10 7.90 30.0 30.0 30.0 1.93 7.15 30.0 30.0 30.0 2.07 7.65 30.0 30.0 30.0
8 Starting current A 0.223 0.227 0.183 0.0705 0.0336 0.136 0.136 0.122 0.0468 0.0223 0.107 0.107 0.0896 0.0344 0.0164
9 Max. efciency1) % 59 58 51 47 42 51 52 45 42 38 53 53 46 43 39
10 Terminal resistance : 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 48.8 78.7 78.7 78.7 78.7 78.7
11 Terminal inductance mH 0.209 0.209 0.209 0.209 0.209 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.475 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.875
12 Torque constant mNm/A 10.5 43.0 224 648 1510 15.8 64.9 338 978 2280 21.4 88.1 459 1330 3100
13 Speed constant motor rpm/V 2350 2350 2350 2350 2350 1560 1560 1560 1560 1560 1150 1150 1150 1150 1150
13 Speed constant1) rpm/V 913 222 42.6 14.7 6.31 605 147 28.2 9.77 4.19 446 108 20.8 7.19 3.08
14 Speed/torque gradient1) rpm/mNm 1040 61.4 2.26 0.271 0.0497 1870 111 4.07 0.488 0.0896 1640 96.8 3.56 0.427 0.0783
15 Mechanical time constant1) ms 59.6 59.6 59.6 59.6 59.6 67.4 67.4 67.4 67.4 67.4 65.7 65.7 65.7 65.7 65.7
16 Moment of inertia1) gcm2 5.48 92.7 2520 21000 115000 3.44 58.2 1580 13200 71900 3.83 64.8 1760 14700 80100
Recommended limits
Max. permissible speed1) rpm 4700 1100 220 75.0 32.0 4700 1100 220 75.0 32.0 4700 1100 220 75.0 32.0
Max. torque short-term1) mNm 3.00 10.0 50.0 100 100 3.00 10.0 50.0 100 100 3.00 10.0 50.0 100 100
1) Values refer to gearhead output shaft

Specications Operating Range Comments

n [rpm] Continuous operation
Thermal data
In observation of above listed thermal resistance
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 25.5 K/W
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 28.5 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 7.7 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant gearmotor 255 s ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+65C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +85C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (sleeve bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed motor shaft 14700 rpm
24 Axial play 0.05 - 0.15 mm
25 Radial play 0.005 mm Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 0.12 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 12 N
28 Max. radial loading, 3 mm from ange 0.6 N

Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
30 Number of commutator segments 5
31 Weight of motor 20 g Encoder MEnc
13 mm
Spur Gearhead 16 CPT, 2 channels
Reduction No. of stages Sense of rotations Page 284
2.57 : 1 1 z
10.57 : 1 2 =
55.1 : 1 3 z
159.21 : 1 4 = Recommended Electronics:
371.49 : 1 5 z ESCON 36/2 DC Seite 292
ESCON 50/5 292
Values listed in the table are nominal. EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Explanation of the gures on page 49. Notes 18

358 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 15 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless

maxon special program

MKF 13268-6-0-808
Stocko Elektronik GmbH M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 266521 236918 266519 236917

B sensorless 266523 236922 266522 236921
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 24 32
2 No load speed rpm 33900 37400 39200 38400
3 No load current mA 234 179 144 105
4 Nominal speed rpm 28200 31700 33700 32800
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 4.96 4.76 4.89 4.77
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 1.71 1.22 0.984 0.707
7 Stall torque mNm 31.2 33.1 36.9 34.4
8 Starting current A 9.47 7.38 6.47 4.43
9 Max. efciency % 72 72 73 72
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 1.27 2.44 3.71 7.22
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0350 0.0648 0.105 0.194
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.30 4.48 5.71 7.77
13 Speed constant rpm/V 2900 2130 1670 1230
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1110 1160 1090 1140
15 Mechanical time constant ms 8.75 9.10 8.53 8.98
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 0.750 0.750 0.750 0.750

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 15.6 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.8 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible win-
19 Thermal time constant winding 1.24 s ding temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 265 s 266519
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 50000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm
Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 30 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 16 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 34 g 0.1 - 0.3 Nm 128/256/512 CPT,
Page 217 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal.

Connection A
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3 Recommended Electronics:
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
green GND Pin 5 DECS 50/5, DEC 24/1 297
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 DEC 24/3 298
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 DEC Module 24/2 298
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 DEC 50/5 299
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) DEC Module 50/5 299
brown Motor winding 1 DECV 50/5 305
red Motor winding 2 DES 50/5 306
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS2 Module 36/2 312
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS2 24/2 312
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 359
EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 40 Watt
A with Hall sensors B sensorless
maxon special program

MKF 13268-6-0-808
M 1:1 Stocko Elektronik GmbH

Stock program Article Numbers

Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with Hall sensors 232242 262860 232241 262862

B sensorless 235689 262864 235686 262866
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 24 32
2 No load speed rpm 35800 40300 41400 41400
3 No load current mA 358 284 222 166
4 Nominal speed rpm 32100 36700 37900 37900
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 13.3 13.4 13.9 13.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.51 3.41 2.71 2.03
7 Stall torque mNm 141 166 184 183
8 Starting current A 44.5 39.3 33.5 24.9
9 Max. efciency % 83 84 85 85
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.269 0.458 0.716 1.28
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0140 0.0249 0.0420 0.0746
12 Torque constant mNm/A 3.18 4.23 5.50 7.33
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3010 2260 1740 1300
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 255 244 226 228
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.39 3.25 3.01 3.03
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.27 1.27 1.27 1.27

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible win-
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.08 s ding temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 299 s 232241
operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 50000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm
Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 35 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 58 g 0.5 - 2.0 Nm 128/256/512 CPT,
Page 226 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive
22 mm
Connection A Page 253/254
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3
yellow VHall 324 VDC Pin 4 Recommended Electronics:
green GND Pin 5 ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
blue Hall sensor 1 Pin 6 DECS 50/5 297
violet Hall sensor 2 Pin 7 DEC 24/3 298
grey Hall sensor 3 Pin 8 DEC 50/5 299
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) DECV 50/5 305
brown Motor winding 1 DES 50/5 306
red Motor winding 2 EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS2 24/5, EPOS2 50/5 313
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Notes 20
360 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 16 16 mm, brushless, 40 Watt, sterilizable

maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

235823 235821
Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 24
2 No load speed rpm 42100 48700
3 No load current mA 572 342
4 Nominal speed rpm 38100 44900
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 10.3 10.7
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.36 2.61
7 Stall torque mNm 120 156
8 Starting current A 44.5 33.5
9 Max. efciency % 79 81
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.269 0.716
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0140 0.0420
12 Torque constant mNm/A 2.68 4.65
13 Speed constant rpm/V 3560 2050
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 357 316
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.12 4.54
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 1.37 1.37

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10.3 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible win-
19 Thermal time constant winding 2.08 s 235821 ding temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 299 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 50000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 3.5 N 0 mm
> 3.5 N max. 0.14 mm
Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 3N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 43 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 10 N Application Sterilization information

Other specications In normal use, the motor can be sterilized 100 times
Medicine/surgery/chemicals in an autoclave. No need to dismantle.
29 Number of pole pairs 1
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 58 g Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
bone drilling and grinding machine
Values listed in the table are nominal. Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
Connection (Cable AWG 22) ECG Rel. humidity 100 %
red Motor winding 1 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
black Motor winding 2
white Motor winding 3

maxon modular system Overview on page 16 - 21

Planetary Gearhead
16 mm
0.1 - 0.3 Nm
Page 219 Recommended Electronics:
ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
DECS 50/5 297
Notes 20

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 361

EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 20 Watt
A with hall sensors B sensorless
maxon special program

MKF 13268-6-0-808
Stocko Elektronik GmbH M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with hall sensors 169007 169008 200685 200118

B sensorless 200859 200857 200860 200858
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 24 24 24 24
2 No load speed rpm 35500 20500 16600 9540
3 No load current mA 210 99 76.1 38.9
4 Nominal speed rpm 32400 17300 13300 6270
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 15.1 16.4 15.5 15.8
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 2.54 1.56 1.2 0.703
7 Stall torque mNm 195 117 82.7 48.1
8 Starting current A 30.4 10.5 6.08 2.04
9 Max. efciency % 84 82 79 75
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.789 2.28 3.95 11.7
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.071 0.214 0.322 0.966
12 Torque constant mNm/A 6.40 11.1 13.6 23.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1490 861 702 405
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 184 177 204 202
15 Mechanical time constant ms 5.78 5.56 6.40 6.35
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 10 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 2.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 4.93 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 300 s
ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed1) 50000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
1) in combination with encoder MR nmax = 37500 rpm
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 85 g 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 128/256/512 CPT.,
Page 226/227 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive
Connection A 22 mm for type B:
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 253/254 Resolver
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 on request
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3
yellow VHall 4.5 ... 24 VDC Pin 4
green GND Pin 5 Recommended Electronics:
blue Hall sensor 1* Pin 6 ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
violet Hall sensor 2* Pin 7 DECS 50/5, DEC 24/1 297
grey Hall sensor 3* Pin 8 DEC 24/3, DEC 50/5 298/299
*Internal pull-up (713 k:) on pin 4 DEC Module 24/2 298
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) DECV 50/5 305
brown Motor winding 1 DES 50/5 306
red Motor winding 2 EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS2 24/5, EPOS2 50/5 313
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Notes 20
362 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 50 Watt
A with hall sensors B sensorless

maxon special program

MKF 13268-6-0-808
Stocko Elektronik GmbH M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with hall sensors 167130 167129

B sensorless 201049 201048
Motor Data (provisorisch)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 32 32
2 No load speed rpm 38700 22400
3 No load current mA 327 128
4 Nominal speed rpm 36600 20200
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 30.6 37.2
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.16 2.82
7 Stall torque mNm 692 437
8 Starting current A 88.2 32.1
9 Max. efciency % 88 88
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.363 0.997
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0490 0.147
12 Torque constant mNm/A 7.85 13.6
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1220 702
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 56.2 51.4
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.47 2.26
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.20 4.20

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.0 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.06 s
temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 355 s
ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed1) 50000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 45 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
1) in combination with encoder MR nmax = 37500 rpm
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead for type A:
30 Number of phases 3 22 mm Encoder MR
31 Weight of motor 130 g 0.5 - 3.4 Nm 128/256/512 CPT.,
Page 226/227 Page 271
Values listed in the table are nominal. Spindle Drive
Connection A 22 mm for type B:
brown Motor winding 1 Pin 1 Page 253/254 Resolver
red Motor winding 2 Pin 2 on request
orange Motor winding 3 Pin 3
yellow VHall 4.5 ... 24 VDC Pin 4
green GND Pin 5 Recommended Electronics:
blue Hall sensor 1* Pin 6 ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
violet Hall sensor 2* Pin 7 DECS 50/5 297
grey Hall sensor 3* Pin 8 DEC 24/3, DECV 50/5 298
*Internal pull-up (713 k:) on pin 4 DEC 50/5 299
Connection B (Cable AWG 24) DES 50/5 306
brown Motor winding 1 EPOS2 24/2, Module 36/2 312
red Motor winding 2 EPOS2 24/5 313
orange Motor winding 3 EPOS2 50/5 313
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Notes 20
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 363
EC 22 22 mm, brushless, 50 Watt, sterilizable
A with hall sensors B sensorless
maxon special program

M 1:1
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

A with hall sensors 266520 264443

B sensorless 275312 254168
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 32 32
2 No load speed rpm 41100 23800
3 No load current mA 364 141
4 Nominal speed rpm 38900 21400
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 28.6 34.9
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.18 2.82
7 Stall torque mNm 652 411
8 Starting current A 88.2 32.1
9 Max. efciency % 88 87
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.363 0.997
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0490 0.147
12 Torque constant mNm/A 7.39 12.8
13 Speed constant rpm/V 1290 746
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 63.4 58.1
15 Mechanical time constant ms 3.08 2.82
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 4.63 4.63

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 7.0 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 5.06 s temperature will be reached during continuous ope-
20 Thermal time constant motor 355 s
ration at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C
= Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C

Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation

23 Max. permissible speed 50000 rpm The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 5 N 0 mm
>5N max. 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 4N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 53 N
(static, shaft supported) 250 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 16 N
Application Sterilization information
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 The motor can be sterilized at least 100 times in autoclave.
Medicine / surgery / chemicals No need to dismantle.
30 Number of phases 3
31 Weight of motor 130 g
Hand tools that can be sterilized, such as bone saw, Sterilization with steam
Values listed in the table are nominal. bone drilling and grinding machine
Dermatological and dental tools Temperature +134C 4C
Connection A motor (Cable AWG 22) Infusion pumps Compression pressure up to 2.3 bar
red Motor winding 1 ECG Rel. humidity 100%
black Motor winding 2 Therapy aid, analysis and dialysis equipment Cycle length 20 minutes
white Motor winding 3
Connection A sensors (Cable AWG 26)
green VHall 4.5 ... 24 VDC maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
blue GND Planetary Gearhead Recommended Electronics:
red/grey Hall sensor 1 sterilizable ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
black/grey Hall sensor 2 22 mm DECS 50/5 297
white/grey Hall sensor 3 0.5 - 2.0 Nm DEC 24/3 298
Connection B (Cable AWG 22) Page 229 DEC 50/5 299
red Motor winding 1 DECV 50/5 305
black Motor winding 2 Notes 20
white Motor winding 3
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27
364 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change
EC 40 40 mm, brushless, 120 Watt, approved

maxon special program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

167176 167177 118894 118895 167178 167179 118896 118897 167180 118898 167181 167183 118899 118901
Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 18 21 30 24 36 42 48 48 48 48 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 10300 12000 10400 11600 10300 9830 10400 7560 10300 5930 5420 3530 3110 2020
3 No load current mA 886 754 515 426 443 275 258 139 222 97.8 86.2 48.6 41.3 24.4
4 Nominal speed rpm 9050 10900 9240 10500 9160 8710 9290 6450 9190 4830 4290 2400 1990 893
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 107 113 116 120 120 123 122 127 123 130 126 127 129 129
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 10.4 8.62 6.46 5.24 5.78 3.76 3.40 2.22 2.96 1.77 1.57 1.03 0.920 0.599
7 Stall torque mNm 985 1340 1150 1420 1210 1200 1280 940 1270 743 639 410 370 237
8 Starting current A 89.2 94.4 60.1 57.9 55.0 34.6 33.5 15.7 28.8 9.72 7.65 3.21 2.56 1.07
9 Max. efciency % 81 83 83 84 83 83 84 82 84 81 80 77 76 72
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.134 0.191 0.349 0.518 0.436 1.04 1.25 3.07 1.66 4.94 6.28 14.9 18.8 44.8
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.0266 0.0439 0.0797 0.132 0.106 0.263 0.319 0.788 0.425 1.28 1.52 3.56 4.57 10.7
12 Torque constant mNm/A 11.0 14.2 19.1 24.6 22.1 34.7 38.2 60.1 44.1 76.4 83.5 128 145 221
13 Speed constant rpm/V 865 673 500 389 433 275 250 159 216 125 114 74.8 66.0 43.2
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 10.5 9.05 9.13 8.20 8.55 8.26 8.20 8.12 8.16 8.07 8.59 8.76 8.56 8.75
15 Mechanical time constant ms 9.39 8.06 8.13 7.30 7.61 7.35 7.30 7.22 7.26 7.18 7.64 7.79 7.62 7.78
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.2 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.2 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible win-
19 Thermal time constant winding 17.1 s ding temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1050 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 18000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 8 N 0 mm
>8N max. 0.14 mm
Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 10 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 133 N
(static, shaft supported) 5000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 70 N
maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21
Other specications
29 Number of pole pairs 1 Planetary Gearhead Encoder HED_5540
30 Number of phases 3 42 mm 500 CPT,
31 Weight of motor 390 g 3 - 15 Nm 3 channels
Page 242 Page 277/279
Values listed in the table are nominal. Planetary Gearhead Resolver Res 26
Explanation of the gures on page 137 52 mm 26 mm
4 - 30 Nm 10 V
Connection motor (Cable AWG 22) Page 245 Page 287
red Motor winding 1 Brake AB 28
black Motor winding 2 24 VDC
white Motor winding 3 Recommended Electronics: 0.4 Nm
Connection sensors (Cable AWG 26)1) ESCON 50/5 Seite 292 Page 330
green VHall 4.5 ... 24 VDC DECS 50/5 297
blue GND DEC 50/5 299
red/grey Hall sensor 1 DEC Module 50/5 299
black/grey Hall sensor 2 DECV 50/5, DEC 70/10 305
white/grey Hall sensor 3 DES 50/5, DES 70/10 306
Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 27 EPOS2 24/5, 50/5, 70/10 313
1) Not lead through in combination with resolver. EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Notes 20

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 365

&-4pole 45 45 mm, brushless, 200 Watt, approved
maxon program

M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with encoder 266052 252463 252464

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 48 48 48
2 No load speed rpm 8730 6120 4370
3 No load current mA 473 261 153
4 Nominal speed rpm 8110 5550 3820
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 255 310 314
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.26 4.34 3.1
7 Stall torque mNm 4420 4070 2890
8 Starting current A 84.8 54.7 27.7
9 Max. efciency % 86 87 86
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.566 0.878 1.73
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.172 0.350 0.686
12 Torque constant mNm/A 52.2 74.5 104
13 Speed constant rpm/V 183 128 91.6
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 1.99 1.51 1.52
15 Mechanical time constant ms 4.16 3.16 3.18
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 200 200 200

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.1 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 1.0 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 31.8 s 252463 temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1550 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -10+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 20.0 N 0 mm
> 20.0 N 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 20 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 182 N
(static, shaft supported) 5000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 140 N Integrated encoder R35i Overview on page 16 - 21

Other specications Connection Encoder (Cable AWG 28) Counts per turn 2048
29 Number of pole pairs 2 green (Pin 1) Channel A Number of channels 3

30 Number of phases 3 yellow (Pin 2) Channel A Max. operating frequency (kHz) 200
31 Weight of motor 1000 g red (Pin 3) Channel B Supply voltage 5V5%

Protection to IP54 blue (Pin 4) Channel B Output signal RS 422
pink (Pin 5) Channel I (Index) Phase shift ) (nominal) 90e

Values listed in the table are nominal. grey (Pin 6) Channel I (Index) Logic state width s min. 45e
violet (Pin 7) Commutation signal S 1 Index pulse width (nominal) 90 r 45
Connection motor (Cable AWG 18) red/blue (Pin 8) GND 2 Operating temperature range -10+100C
Cable 1 Motor winding 1 black (Pin 9) Commutation signal S 2 Moment of inertia d 3.11 gcm2
Cable 2 Motor winding 2 white/green (Pin 10) VCC 2
Cable 3 Motor winding 3 grey/pink (Pin 11) Commutation signal S 3 Recommended Electronics:
(Pin 12) n.c. ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
Option white (Pin 13) VCC 1 DECS 50/5 297
Temperature monitoring, PTC resistance brown (Pin 14) GND 1 DEC 50/5, DEC Module 50/5 299
R 20C < 0.3 k: DEC 70/10 305
R 130C = 7.035 k: DES 50/5 306
DES 70/10 306
EPOS2 50/5 313
EPOS2 70/10 313
Notes 20

366 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

&-4pole 45 45 mm, brushless, 300 Watt, approved

maxon program
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with encoder 283150

Motor Data (provisional)
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 48
2 No load speed rpm 4010
3 No load current mA 193
4 Nominal speed rpm 3570
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 647
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 5.71
7 Stall torque mNm 7690
8 Starting current A 67.6
9 Max. efciency % 90
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.710
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.677
12 Torque constant mNm/A 114
13 Speed constant rpm/V 84.0
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 0.524
15 Mechanical time constant ms 2.02
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 368

Specications Operating Range Comments

Thermal data n [rpm] Continuous operation
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 1.97 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 0.718 K/W (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible winding
19 Thermal time constant winding 34.3 s temperature will be reached during continuous
20 Thermal time constant motor 1600 s operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -10+100C = Thermal limit.
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C
Short term operation
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
23 Max. permissible speed 10000 rpm
24 Axial play at axial load < 20.0 N 0 mm
> 20.0 N 0.14 mm Assigned power rating
25 Radial play preloaded
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 20 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 182 N
(static, shaft supported) 5000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 5 mm from ange 140 N Integrated encoder R35i Overview on page 16 - 21

Other specications Connection Encoder (Cable AWG 28) Counts per turn 2048
29 Number of pole pairs 2 green (Pin 1) Channel A Number of channels 3

30 Number of phases 3 yellow (Pin 2) Channel A Max. operating frequency (kHz) 200
31 Weight of motor 1130 g red (Pin 3) Channel B Supply voltage 5V5%

Protection to IP54 blue (Pin 4) Channel B Output signal RS 422
pink (Pin 5) Channel I (Index) Phase shift ) (nominal) 90e

Values listed in the table are nominal. grey (Pin 6) Channel I (Index) Logic state width s min. 45e
violet (Pin 7) Commutation signal S 1 Index pulse width (nominal) 90 r 45
Connection motor (Cable AWG 18) red/blue (Pin 8) GND 2 Operating temperature range -10+100C
Cable 1 Motor winding 1 black (Pin 9) Commutation signal S 2 Moment of inertia d 3.11 gcm2
Cable 2 Motor winding 2 white/green (Pin 10) VCC 2
Cable 3 Motor winding 3 grey/pink (Pin 11) Commutation signal S 3 Recommended Electronics:
(Pin 12) n.c. ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
Option white (Pin 13) VCC 1 DECS 50/5 297
Temperature monitoring, PTC resistance brown (Pin 14) GND 1 DEC 50/5 299
R 20C < 0.3 k: DEC Module 50/5 299
R 130C = 7.035 k: DEC 70/10 305
DES 50/5 306
DES 70/10 306
EPOS2 70/10 313
Notes 20

181 May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 367
EC 90 at brushless, 60 Watt, with encoder
maxon special program

Molex M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)

with Hall sensors 353984 346970

Motor Data
Values at nominal voltage
1 Nominal voltage V 12 36
2 No load speed rpm 1600 1560
3 No load current mA 338 108
4 Nominal speed rpm 1260 1240
5 Nominal torque (max. continuous torque) mNm 327 405
6 Nominal current (max. continuous current) A 4.56 1.78
7 Stall torque mNm 2330 3400
8 Starting current A 33.1 15.6
9 Max. efciency % 81 84
10 Terminal resistance phase to phase : 0.363 2.3
11 Terminal inductance phase to phase mH 0.264 2.5
12 Torque constant mNm/A 70.5 217
13 Speed constant rpm/V 135 44.0
14 Speed/torque gradient rpm/mNm 0.697 0.467
15 Mechanical time constant ms 22.3 15.0
16 Rotor inertia gcm2 3060 3060
Specications Operating Range Comments
Thermal data
17 Thermal resistance housing-ambient 3.7 K/W n [rpm] Continuous operation
18 Thermal resistance winding-housing 3.4 K/W In observation of above listed thermal resistance
19 Thermal time constant winding 60 s 1800
60 (lines 17 and 18) the maximum permissible win-
20 Thermal time constant motor 549 s 346970 ding temperature will be reached during continuous
1500 operation at 25C ambient.
21 Ambient temperature -20+70C
22 Max. permissible winding temperature +125C 1200 = Thermal limit.
Mechanical data (preloaded ball bearings) Short term operation
23 Max. permissible speed 1750 rpm 600 The motor may be briey overloaded (recurring).
24 Axial play at axial load < 15 N 0 mm 300
> 15 N 0.14 mm
25 Radial play preloaded Assigned power rating
100 300 500
26 Max. axial load (dynamic) 12 N
27 Max. force for press ts (static) 150 N 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
(static, shaft supported) 8000 N
28 Max. radial loading, 7.5 mm from ange 30 N

Other specications maxon Modular System Overview on page 16 - 21

29 Number of pole pairs 12 Connection motor Planetary Gearhead
30 Number of phases 3 Pin 1 Hall sensor 1 52 mm
31 Weight of motor 665 g Pin 2 Hall sensor 2 4 - 30 Nm
Pin 3 4.5 ... 18 VDC Page 246
Values listed in the table are nominal. Pin 4 Motor winding 3
Pin 5 Hall sensor 3
Technical Data Encoder Pin 6 GND
Function principle optical Pin 7 Motor winding 1
Counts per turn 2048 Pin 8 Motor winding 2
Number of channels 2 Wiring diagram for Hall sensors see p. 29
Max. operating frequency 60 kHz
Supply voltage VCC 5V 10% Connection Encoder
Output signal EIA Standard RS422 Pin 1 N.C.
Driver used DS26C31T Recommended Electronics:
Pin 2 VCC ESCON 50/5 Seite 292
Power per channel -20+20 mA Pin 3 GND
Signal rise and fall times 30 ns EPOS2 24/5 313
Pin 4 N.C. EPOS2 50/5 313
(typically, at CL = 25pF, RL = 1k:) Pin 5 A\ EPOS2 70/10 313
Pin 6 A EPOS2 P 24/5 316
Cable Pin 7 B\
Connection cable to EPOS2, L = 500 mm 354045 Notes 20
Pin 8 B
Connection cable Encoder, L = 500 mm 354046 Pin 9 N.C.
Pin 10 N.C.

368 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

Planetary Gearhead GP 32 B 32 mm, 0.75 - 4.5 Nm
Technical Data

maxon special program

Planetary Gearhead straight teeth
Output shaft stainless steel, hardened
Bearing at output ball bearing
Radial play, 5 mm from ange max. 0.1 mm
Axial play max. 0.7 mm
Max. permissible axial load 120 N
Max. permissible force for press ts 120 N
Sense of rotation, drive to output =
Recommended input speed < 4000 rpm
Recommended temperature range -40+80C
Number of stages 1 2 3
Max. radial load,
12 mm from ange 70 N 140 N 210 N
Average backlash
M 1:2 no load < 1.0 < 1.2 < 1.4
M 2.5:1
M 1:2
Stock program Article Numbers
Standard program
Special program (on request)
338648 339182 338571 338581 339183 339184 338572 338573 338574
Gearhead Data
1 Reduction 5.2 : 1 19 : 1 27 : 1 35 : 1 71 : 1 100 : 1 139 : 1 181 : 1 236 : 1
57 3591 3249 1539 226233 204687 185193 87723 41553
2 Reduction absolute /11 /187 /121 /44 /3179 /2057 /1331 /484 /176
3 Max. motor shaft diameter mm 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 Number of stages 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
5 Max. continuous torque Nm 0.75 2.25 2.25 2.25 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5 4.5
6 Intermittently permissible torque at gear output Nm 1.1 3.2 3.2 3.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2
7 Max. efciency % 90 80 80 80 70 70 70 70 70
8 Weight g 120 150 150 150 220 220 220 220 220
10 Mass inertia gcm2 1.15 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.65
11 Gearhead length L1 mm 26.5 36.0 36.0 36.0 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.5 45.5

overall length overall length

maxon Modular System

+ Motor Page + Sensor / Brake Page Overall length [mm] = Motor length + gearhead length + (sensor / brake) + assembly parts
RE 25, 10 W 77 81.1 90.6 90.6 90.6 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1
RE 25, 10 W 77 MR 272 92.1 101.6 101.6 101.6 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1
RE 25, 10 W 77 Enc 22 274 95.2 104.7 104.7 104.7 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2
RE 25, 10 W 77 HED_ 5540 276/278 101.9 111.4 111.4 111.4 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9
RE 25, 10 W 77 DCT 22 286 103.4 112.9 112.9 112.9 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4
RE 25, 20 W 78 69.6 79.1 79.1 79.1 88.6 88.6 88.6 88.6 88.6
RE 25, 20 W 79 81.1 90.6 90.6 90.6 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1 100.1
RE 25, 20 W 79 MR 272 92.1 101.6 101.6 101.6 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1 111.1
RE 25, 20 W 79 Enc 22 274 95.2 104.7 104.7 104.7 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2 114.2
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_ 5540 276/278 101.9 111.4 111.4 111.4 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9 120.9
RE 25, 20 W 79 DCT 22 286 103.4 112.9 112.9 112.9 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4 122.4
RE 25, 20 W 79 AB 28 330 115.2 124.7 124.7 124.7 134.2 134.2 134.2 134.2 134.2
RE 25, 20 W 79 HED_5540 / AB 28 276/330 132.3 141.8 141.8 141.8 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3 151.3
RE 30, 60 W 80 71.3 80.8 80.8 80.8 90.3 90.3 90.3 90.3 90.3
RE 30, 60 W 80 MR 273 78.4 87.9 87.9 87.9 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4 97.4
RE 35, 90 W 81 80.4 89.9 89.9 89.9 99.4 99.4 99.4 99.4 99.4
RE 35, 90 W 81 MR 273 85.7 95.2 95.2 95.2 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7 104.7
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_5540 276/278 90.1 99.6 99.6 99.6 109.1 109.1 109.1 109.1 109.1
RE 35, 90 W 81 DCT 22 286 95.6 105.1 105.1 105.1 114.6 114.6 114.6 114.6 114.6
RE 35, 90 W 81 AB 28 330 107.0 116.5 116.5 116.5 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0 126.0
RE 35, 90 W 81 HED_5540 / AB 28 276/278 97.6 107.1 107.1 107.1 116.6 116.6 116.6 116.6 116.6
A-max 26 101-108 109.0 118.5 118.5 118.5 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0 128.0
A-max 26 101-107 MEnc 13 284 118.3 127.8 127.8 127.8 137.3 137.3 137.3 137.3 137.3
A-max 26 102-108 MR 272 115.7 125.2 125.2 125.2 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7 134.7
A-max 26 102-108 Enc 22 275 133.7 143.2 143.2 143.2 152.7 152.7 152.7 152.7 152.7
A-max 26 102-108 HED_ 5540 276/278 150.8 160.3 160.3 160.3 169.8 169.8 169.8 169.8 169.8
A-max 32 109/111 89.5 99.0 99.0 99.0 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5 108.5
A-max 32 110/112 88.1 97.6 97.6 97.6 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1 107.1
A-max 32 110/112 MR 273 99.3 108.8 108.8 108.8 118.3 118.3 118.3 118.3 118.3
A-max 32 110/112 HED_ 5540 276/278 108.9 118.4 118.4 118.4 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9 127.9
EC 32, 80 W 156 93.0 102.5 102.5 102.5 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0 112.0
EC 32, 80 W 156 HED_ 5540 276/278 111.4 120.9 120.9 120.9 130.4 130.4 130.4 130.4 130.4
EC 32, 80 W 156 Res 26 287 113.1 122.6 122.6 122.6 132.1 132.1 132.1 132.1 132.1

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 369

4-Q-DC Servoamplier Summary
4-Q-DC Servoamplier LSC
maxon special program

Five operating modes: IxR compensation,

voltage control, encoder speed control, DC
0 - 30 Watt

tacho speed control, current control

No motor choke necessary
Thanks to linear power stage, practically no
electrical interference
Stand alone easy start-up procedure
Operating voltage VCC 12 - 30 VDC
Max. output current Imax 2 A, Icont = Imax

4-Q-DC Servoamplier ADS Standard

Four operating modes: IxR compensation,
encoder speed control, DC tacho speed
10 - 250 Watt

control, current control

Pulse width modulated power stage
Built-in motor choke
Module housing with screw type terminal
block or eurocard format
Operating voltage VCC 12 - 50 VDC
Max. output current Imax up to 10 A
Continuous output current Icont up to 5 A

4-Q-DC Servoamplier ADS Power

Four operating modes: IxR compensation,
encoder speed control, DC tacho speed
80 - 500 Watt

control, current control

Pulse width modulated power stage
Built-in motor choke
Module housing with screw type terminal
block or eurocard format
Operating voltage VCC 12 - 50 VDC
Max. output current Imax up to 20 A
Continuous output current Icont up to 10 A

Choosing the servoamplifier Choice of motor winding Choice of power supply unit
Basically the power stages are controlled linearly Every controller has an optimal operating range Any power supply, which fulfills the requests of
(030 watts) or pulsed (10500 watts). The argu- as well as absolute limits. The motor winding the servoamplifiers, can be used:
ments for one or the other technology are shown should be selected such that the controller is not
on page 34/35. operated continuously at the limits of its capabil- Output voltage VCCmin ; VCCmax
ity. Remaining ripple d 5%
Choice of motor type Output current continuous Icont
Select the motor or motor-gear type according to 1. Take the voltage drop through the servo- max. Imax (0.1 s)
the required power output. See Selection guide amplifier into consideration (5 Volt for LSC,
and possibly items page 203. 2 Volt for ADS). Consider
2. To be sure calculate the load torque Voltage and current must correspond to the
10% higher. desired operating point of the motor.
3. Calculate the theoretical speed The power supply must be able to buffer the
constant kn,th. back-fed energy from brake operation e.g. in a
condenser. With electronically stabilized power
supply units it is to ensure that the overcurrent
protection responds in no operating condition.

kn,th = Theoretical speed constant

kn = Speed constant
[rpm/V] (line 13)
nL = Output speed, loaded [rpm]
'n/'M = Speed/torque gradient
[rpm/mNm] (line 14)
ML = Required output torque [mNm]
U = Max. voltage supplied by the
maxon motor control [V]

4. Choose the winding with kn > kn,th

(see motor data, pages 48134, line 13)

370 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

LSC 4-Q-DC Servoamplier
4-Q operation

maxon special program

Controlled operation for acceleration and braking in both directions.
Linear power stage
Ideally suited for small outputs power, low electromagnetic emission,
no motor choke required.
Operating modes
IxR compensation, voltage control, encoder speed control, DC tacho
speed control or current control selectable with a switch from outside.
Robust metal housing with variable installation options on assembly
plate or 19 rack.
Set value input
Via external potentiometer, external set value voltage or using inter-
nal potentiometer.
Easy start-up procedure
Pluggable screw type terminal block, simple set-up with potentiom-
eter, robust designed PI controller.
Excellent price/performance ratio
Good value 4-Q-DC servoamplifier matched with small permanent
magnet activated DC motors.

The LSC 30/2 (Linear Servo Controller) is a linear 4-quadrant Servo- Technical data page 372
amplifier used to control permanent magnet activated DC motors up to Dimensions and connections page 374
approx. 50 watts.

ADS 4-Q-DC Servoamplier

Pulsed power stage
Suitable for controlling low and high output power. 95% efficiency
thanks to state-of-the-art MOSFET technology.
Operating modes
IxR compensation, encoder speed control, DC tacho speed control or
current control selectable with a switch from outside.
Design versions
Robust metal housing in module form offers several mounting options.
Standardized Eurocard version (with accessories) for the installation
in a 19-Rack or in a plug-in card system.
Excellent control characteristics
ADS in module housing Stable speed behaviour when set value and disturbance variable
change, fast current controller.
Protection circuit
Protected against overcurrent, thermal overload and short-circuit of
motor cable.
Set value input
External potentiometer or external set value voltage.
Excellent price/performance ratio
Modern servoamplifier with many technical features, suitable for
permanent magnet activated DC motors up to 500 watts.

ADS_E in Eurocard format

The ADS (Analog DC Servoamplifier) is a powerful pulse-width modulated

(PWM) servoamplifier for controlling permanent magnet activated DC mo-
tors. Standard Version from 10250 watts and Power Version from 80500
watts output power. Available in robust metallic housing and as Eurocard
version for installation into a 19 rack.

Technical data page 372/373

Dimensions and connections page 374

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 371

4-Q-DC Servoamplier Data
maxon special program

LSC 30/2 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier ADS 50/5 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier

Linear 4-quadrant servoamplifier for Powerful PWM servoamplifier for permanent
permanent magnet activated DC motors magnet activated DC motors from 10 to approx.
up to approx. 50 watts. 250 watts output power. Available as Standard
Version in module housing.

Operating modes
IxR compensation, voltage control, IxR compensation, encoder speed control,
encoder speed control, DC tacho speed DC tacho speed control, current control
control, current control
Electrical Data
Operating voltage VCC 12 - 30 VDC 12 - 50 VDC
Max. output voltage VCC -5 V 0.9 x VCC
Max. output current Imax 2A 10 A
Continuous output current Icont 2A 5A
Switching frequency of power stage 50 kHz
Max. efficiency 95%
Built-in motor choke 150 PH/5 A
Set value Configurable, -10+10 V, -3.9+3.9 V -10+10 V
Enable Disable Enable
Disable min. VCC - 1 V, Enable max. GND + 1 V +450 V
DC tacho min. 2 VDC, max. 50 VDC min. 2 VDC, max. 50 VDC
Encoder signals Channel A and channel B, max. 100 kHz, TTL Channel A, A\, B, B\, max. 100 kHz, TTL
Status reading Ready Open Collector, max. 30 VDC (IL < 20 mA) Open Collector max. 30 VDC (IL < 20 mA)
Monitor current Monitor I -10+10 VDC (short circuit protected)
Monitor speed Monitor n -10+10 VDC (short circuit protected)
Voltage outputs
Auxiliary voltages +3.9 VDC, -3.9 VDC, max. 2 mA +/-12 VDC, max. 12 mA (short circuit protected)
Encoder supply voltage +5 VDC, max. 80 mA +5 VDC, max. 80 mA
Trim potentiometer IxR compensation, Offset, nmax, Imax, gain IxR compensation, Offset, nmax, Imax, gain
Protective functions Protected against thermal overload Protected against thermal overload,
overcurrent and short-circuit of motor cables
Indicator Green LED = READY, red LED = ERROR Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR
Ambient temperature and humidity range
Operation 0+45C -10+45C
Storage -40+85C -40+85C
No condensation 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Weight Approx. 330 g Approx. 400 g
Dimensions (L x W x H) 103 x 100 x 34 mm (see page 374) 180 x 103 x 26 mm (see page 374)
Mounting threads Flange for M4-screws Flange for M4-screws
Connections See page 374 See page 374
Article Numbers
250521 LSC 30/2, 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 145391 ADS 50/5, 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier
in module housing Standard Version in module housing
235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator

372 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon special program
ADS 50/10 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier ADS_E 50/5 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier ADS_E 50/10 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier
Powerful PWM servoamplifier for permanent Powerful PWM servoamplifier for permanent Powerful PWM servoamplifier for permanent
magnet activated DC motors from 80 to approx. magnet activated DC motors from 10 to approx. magnet activated DC motors from 80 to approx.
500 watts output power. Available as Power Ver- 250 watts output power. Available as Standard 500 watts output power. Available as Power Ver-
sion in module housing. Version in racket card (Eurocard) format. sion in racket card (Eurocard) format.

Operating modes
IxR compensation, encoder speed control, IxR compensation, encoder speed control, IxR compensation, encoder speed control,
DC tacho speed control, current control DC tacho speed control, current control DC tacho speed control, current control

Electrical Data
12 - 50 VDC 12 - 50 VDC 12 - 50 VDC
0.9 x VCC 0.9 x VCC 0.9 x VCC
20 A 10 A 20 A
10 A 5A 10 A
50 kHz 50 kHz 50 kHz
95% 95% 95%
75 PH/10 A 150 PH/5 A 75 PH/10 A
-10+10 V -10+10 V -10+10 V
Enable Enable Enable
+450 V +450 V +450 V
min. 2 VDC, max. 50 VDC min. 2 VDC, max. 50 VDC min. 2 VDC, max. 50 VDC
Channel A, A\, B, B\, max. 100 kHz, TTL Channel A, A\, B, B\, max. 100 kHz, TTL Channel A, A\, B, B\, max. 100 kHz, TTL
Open Collector, max. 30 VDC (IL < 20 mA) Open Collector max. 30 VDC (IL < 20 mA) Open Collector max. 30 VDC (IL < 20 mA)
-10+10 VDC (short circuit protected) -10+10 VDC (short circuit protected) -10+10 VDC (short circuit protected)
-10+10 VDC (short circuit protected) -10+10 VDC (short circuit protected) -10+10 VDC (short circuit protected)
Voltage outputs
+/-12 VDC, max. 12 mA (short circuit protected) +/-12 VDC, max. 12 mA (short circuit protected) +/-12 VDC, max. 12 mA (short circuit protected)
+5 VDC, max. 80 mA +5 VDC, max. 80 mA +5 VDC, max. 80 mA
IxR compensation, Offset, nmax, Imax, gain IxR compensation, Offset, nmax, Imax, gain IxR compensation, Offset, nmax, Imax, gain
Protected against thermal overload, Protected against thermal overload, Protected against thermal overload,
overcurrent and short-circuit of motor cables overcurrent and short-circuit of motor cables overcurrent and short-circuit of motor cables
Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR Bi-colour LED, green = READY, red = ERROR
Ambient temperature and humidity range
-10+45C -10+45C -10+45C
-40+85C -40+85C -40+85C
2080% 2080% 2080%
Mechanical Data
Approx. 400 g Approx. 175 g Approx. 410 g
180 x 103 x 26 mm (see page 374) 160 x 100 x 16 mm (see page 374) 160 x 100 x 30.5 mm (see page 374)
Flange for M4-screws Rack-Installation Rack-Installation
See page 374 See page 374 See page 374
Article Numbers
201583 ADS 50/10 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 166143 ADS_E 50/5 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier 168049 ADS_E 50/10 4-Q-DC Servoamplifier
Power Version in module housing Standard Version in Eurocard format Power Version in Eurocard format
167850 Front panel 3HE, 5TE 168910 Front panel 3HE, 7TE
235811 DSR 70/30 Shunt regulator 166873 Backplane with screw 166873 Backplane with screw
type terminal block type terminal block

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special program 373

4-Q-DC Servoamplier Dimensions and connections
maxon special program

LSC 30/2

Pluggable screw type terminal block 16 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.14 ... 1.0 mm2 multi-core
0.14 ... 1.4 mm2 single wire

It is advisable to consider mounting on a heat
sinking surface if ambient temperature is high
and there is high power loss in the LSC!

Dimensions in [mm] LSC 30/2 250521

ADS in module housing

Connections Power
Screw type terminal block 5 poles
Pitch 3.81 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.14 ... 1.0 mm2 multi-core
0.14 ... 1.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Signal
Screw type terminal block 12 poles
Pitch 3.81 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.14 ... 1.0 mm2 multi-core
0.14 ... 1.5 mm2 single wire

Connection Encoder
Plug (DIN 41651) 10 poles
Pitch 1.27 mm
Flat band cable,
suitable for wire cross section AWG 28

ADS 50/5 Standard 145391

ADS 50/10 Power 201583
Dimensions in [mm]

ADS_E in Eurocard format

Contact strip DIN 41612
Version H7/F24

ADS_E 50/5 Standard 166143

ADS_E 50/10 Power 168049

Dimensions in [mm]

374 maxon special program May 2012 edition / subject to change

maxon special design
maxon special design
In addition to the extensive range of standard products, maxon develops, together with the
customer, custom made solutions for special drive problems. This ranges from modification of
standard products, through newly designed assembly parts to the complete new development
of drive units.

Special motors and gearheads 376379

maxon special design
New products demand new solutions
maxon special design

Increasing miniaturisation demands
exceptional functionality in minimal
space. As the dimensions are so
small, controllers and drives must
be developed on a coupled basis.

Only high-precision drive solutions
enable todays machinery to make
fine mechanical movements a must
for different types of applications.

The inclusion of electrical drive
technology in medical and food
technology requires sterilisability,
a process that is very demanding
on drive solutions and for which
expert knowledge is essential.

Reliability Know-how
Seamless function processes maxon motor develops customized gearhead and drive solutions that
are based on drive systems reect the market as closely as possible - from simple gearhead solutions
that demonstrate absolute to complex mechatronic drive units. Proven knowledge in maxon standard
reliability from the first to the products is put to careful use for our special solutions.
last movement.
For maxon motor, quality begins with the choice of individual components
and spans all process levels - from initial contact through sampling to after-
sales service. The various standardisation levels achieved illustrate the
desire to provide top-quality.
Service life
The drives are placed under Experience
enormous strain when used Thorough application knowledge from many reference projects helps
over a long period. Low-main- maxon motor come up with the right answers. We develop intelligent drive
tenance drive solutions help solutions at the highest level by working closely with customers.
minimise down-times.

376 maxon special design May 2012 edition / subject to change

1214_Special_design.indd 376 01.05.2012 14:57:10

4-Q-EC Amplifier Dimensions and connections

maxon motor control

DECV 50/5

Connections Power
Pluggable screw type terminal block 2 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 -16
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Motor
Pluggable screw type terminal block 8 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 -16
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Signal
Dimensions in [mm]
Pluggable screw type terminal block 10 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 -16
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.141.5 mm2 single wire

DECV 50/5 305259

DEC 70/10

Connections Power
Plug-in terminal clamps 6 poles
Pitch 5.0 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 14
0.141.5 mm2 multi-core
0.142.5 mm2 single wire

Connections Hall sensor

Plug-in terminal clamps 6 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.3 mm2 single wire

Connections Signal
Plug-in terminal clamps 10 poles
Pitch 3.5 mm
Dimensions in [mm] Suitable for wire cross section AWG 26 - 16
0.141.0 mm2 multi-core
0.141.3 mm2 single wire

The screw terminals are pluggable. In order to
prevent the screw terminals from twisting, the
recesses must be used for removal
(Maximum 20 plug-in cycles).

DEC 70/10 306089

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon motor control 307

1210_Motor_control.indd 307 02.05.2012 13:56:53

maxon special design
The right combination produces the best solution
maxon special design

maxons accumulated knowledge of different plete drive systems. Special versions are used Special combination
drive areas helps it find the right combination of where the combination of standard products is Perfectly compatible standard combinations
electronics, sensors, motor and gearheads. Tried insufficient. They help produce innovative solu- modified for the customers own requirements
and tested knowledge already implemented in tions that fulfil their function perfectly in minimal adjusted for the end products specific use.
standard products is incorporated in com- space.

378 maxon special design May 2012 edition / subject to change

1214_Special_design.indd 378 01.05.2012 14:57:16


Customer specifications can be quickly

maxon special design

recorded and realised using modern 3D
modelling systems. Required changes
can be incorporated immediately into the
development process and their effect shown
Compact drive unit Complete system using 3D simulation.
Special gearheads compactly built in the hous- Electronics and sensors adjusted directly on
ing, including a motor which is ingeniously site optimum control and minimum wiring.
space-saving and low-maintenance.

State-of-the-art electronic simulation tools are

the basis for maximised controls that direct
the motors. Modern production processes
ensure compactness and reliability.

Simulation / tests

Proposed solutions are tested in a wide va-

riety of simulation models. Mechanical long-
time tests highlight weaknesses in specific
load scenarios for early rectification.

Sample shop

maxons sample shop is where new

solutions can be tested and improved in
practice straightaway. Sample production
allows early use in prototypes of the end

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon special design 379

1214_Special_design.indd 379 01.05.2012 14:57:17

For your personal notes
maxon motor

P I K n
mW mA % rpm


maxon ceramic
maxon ceramic
Drive with maxon ceramic CIM/MIM components

We have been successfully testing them in our motors and gearheads for years: whether ceramic,
rust-free metallic or ferromagnetic MIM materials, we offer you customized solutions, even for the
most challenging design tasks in all areas of technology.

Summary 382
CIM-Materials 383
MIM-Materials 384
Special and Standard Products 385

maxon ceramic Innovative CIM / MIM components
Complex components often have to be assembled from different parts dimensions and intricate shape structures are unbeatable advantages
and this is an intricate and expensive procedure. With CIM/MIM techno- of this process. Undercutting, cross holing, internal and external-screw
maxon ceramic

logy, the shape forming is predetermined using the injection mould. Tiny threads and gear teeth can be produced.

The shaft of this 6 mm microdrive is made of

high-tech ceramic material which is superior to
steel in many respects. At 0.8 mm its as thin
as a pencil lead.

Miniature spindle drives provide linear motion

in the smallest equipment. Requiring minimal
space, their life expectancy is similar to that of
expensive ball screws.
Powder + binder
= compound Injection moulding Debinding

Production with a high vertical range of manufacture

The ne ceramic or metallic powder is mixed with a binder system and
granulated to a material that can be injection moulded. This compound
Thread guides and nozzles are temperature- can be processed as freely as with injection moulding. After debindering
resistant and are highly wear-resistant. and sintering at very high temperatures, components can, if necessary,
be sanded and polished to their nal mass. Strict quality controls ensure
that the manufactured part conforms to specications.

Components made of high-tech ceramic

material are excellent insulators and protect
key electronic components.

Planet carriers are very complex and

tolerance-critical gear parts. Most of them
are assembled using several components,
an intricate and therefore costly procedure. Sintering Machining Control

Its much easier with MIM technology.

Gear parts produced using MIM technology

can be manufactured cost-effectively in large

382 May 2012 edition / subject to change

Versatile ceramic materials
High-tech ceramic materials have a wide range nents made of hightech ceramic materials can
of uses. Their extremely high wear-resistance also be used as insulators in electrotechnology

maxon ceramic
and excellent anti-friction properties signicantly and electronics. The human body accepts im-
increase the service life of components, such as plants made of zirconium oxide with almost no
axes, shafts and their friction partners. The ela- side-effects and allergies. The aesthetics of the-
sticity module and heat expansion coefcient are se translucent materials are illustrated perfectly
very similar to steel, so the combination of these when they are used as dental implants for a na-
two materials provides excellent results. Compo- tural effect.

maxon ceramic components for maxon motor

maxon ceramic develops and produces compo-
nents for maxon motor using high-performance
ceramic materials. An in-house development
and design department with state-of-the-art CAD
technology and the facility for nite element cal-
culation are pre-requisites for producing high-pre-
cision, top-quality components for drive systems.

High-performance ceramic components

can be found in
drive technology
textile industry
medical and dental technology
analysis technology, MRI analysis
microsystem technology
watch industry
paper industry
measuring and control technology
laser technology
vacuum technology

CIM Materials
Aluminium oxide Al2O3 also resists high temperatures Zirconium oxide ZrO2 for wear-resistant components

High temperature stability even when temperature changes Extremely wear-resistant and hard
Good thermal conductivity Excellent antifriction properties
Average mechanical solidity High mechanical solidity
Low coefcient of thermal expansion High temperature stability even when temperature changes
High corrosion and chemical resistance, largely acid and alkali-proof Excellent insulation ability against heat and electricity
Very hard High corrosion and chemical resistance, largely acid and alkali-proof
Low specic weight Elasticity module and thermal expansion coefcient similar to steel
Biocompatible and allergen-low
Low specic weight

Material types ZrO2 Al2O3

Theoretical density [g / cm3] 6.08 3.98
Hardness [HV] ~ 1200 ~ 2000
Bending strength (4-point) [N / mm2] 8001000 350450
Elasticity module [103 N / mm2] approx. 200 approx. 350
Maximum usage temperature [C] d 1000 (dependent on humidity) 1400
Expansion coefcient [10-6 / K] approx. 10 approx. 57
Specic heat (20C) [J / kgK] 550 900
Thermal conductivity (100C) [W / mK] approx. 1.5 approx. 25
Spec. resistance (20C) [Ohm cm] 1010 1015
Colour white white
Special features very rigid, highly wear-resistant high temperature applications

May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon ceramic 383

MIM technology Complex Shapes in One Step
No additional machining is required in most Whether ceramic, stainless metallic or ferro-
cases: MIM components are produced in their magnetic materials, or materials of high tensile
maxon ceramic

nal shape and have a high-quality surface nish. strength, the range of material properties is very
broad and is dened by customer requirements.

A well-kept secret: the tools

The injection moulds are designed in our own tool
shop or in close cooperation with established, reli-
able and experienced partners.
We can design a protable tool concept for the
customer. The specication of the tooling design
is a very complex procedure that requires precise
knowledge about the processing behaviour of raw
granulate. The components eventual application
and the general commercial conditions must be

Cost-effective thanks to high quantities and High density materials are produced through the Advantages of MIM materials
efcient production processes use of ne-grained powder and catalytic debin- Almost the same excellent mechanical
Production is cost-effective, as the quantities ding. This high density level combined with an properties as cast or rolled steel
involved are large and almost no machining is homogenous material structure accounts for the Components have a 96% 98% density
required. Intensive utilisation of materials used excellent mechanical and magnetic properties. Components have a closed structure and
also helps to keep costs down. can be gastight and pressurised
MIM components can be found in Excellent surface quality, almost no
Low tolerance levels and excellent surface drive technology machining required
quality ofce machinery Highly corrosion resistant
CIM/MIM technology yields high-precision com- medical technology Components can be heat-treated,
ponents and excellent reproducibility. The surface food technology polished, galvanized, welded, soldered
quality means, in many instances, that no machi- writing utensils and machined
ning is required. locks
watch industry
Reliable mechanical and magnetic properties aviation
We only use materials from recognised manufac- hydraulics
turers known for their well-developed technology. electrotechnology

MIM Materials
Low alloyed steels for heat treatment
Description 42CrMo4 FN02 FN08
Composition 42CrMo4 Carbonyl iron Carbonyl iron
with 2% nickel with 8% nickel
DIN standard 1.7225
Properties heat-treatable case-hardened treatable and case-hardened
Applications Toothing parts simple components
Yield strength Rp 0.2 [MPa] > 400 > 170 > 210
Tensile strength Rm [MPa] > 650 > 380 > 380
Ultimate strain A [%] >3 >3 > 15

Stainless steel Magnetically soft alloys

Description P.A.N.A.C.E.A. 316 L 17-4PH FeSi3
Composition X15 CrMnMoN 17 11 3 X2 CrNiMo 17 13 2 X5 CrNiCuNb 17 4 Carbonyl iron
with 3% silicon
DIN standard 1.4404 1.4542 1.0884
Properties non-magnetic non-magnetic can be hardened
nickel-free can be easily polished ferromagnetic
Applications Medical technology Parts that are extremely corrosion resistant
dental technology corrosion-resistant and components
very tough, medical tech-
nology, food technology
Yield strength Rp 0.2 [MPa] > 690 t 180 > 660 > 300
Tensile strength Rm [MPa] > 1090 t 510 > 950 > 500
Ultimate strain A [%] > 35 t 50 >6 > 20
384 May 2012 edition / subject to change
Standard components Axles and shafts
maxon ceramic offers ceramic shafts within the standard stock program.
Ceramic shafts with the dimensions given below are available at short notice.

maxon ceramic
Diameter tolerance deviation: -0,008/-0,013
Diameter tolerance deviation: -0,013/-0,018
Rounded edges R 0,3 0,1
Straightness tolerance deviation: 0,02 mm
Straightness tolerance deviation: 0,03 mm
Straightness tolerance deviation: 0,04 mm
Circularity tolerance deviation: 0.003 mm
D L = 2.4 L = 6.4 L = 7.4 L = 10.6 L = 13.8 L = 15 L = 35 L = 40 L = 60 L = 70 L = 120
0.8 255899 255900 255901 255902 255903 255904 2559054) 3485014) 3485025) 3485036)
1.0 255891 255892 255893 255894 255895 255896 2558984) 3484984) 3484995) 3485006)
1.5 255883 255884 255885 255886 255887 255888 2558894) 2558904) 2557925) 2557936)
2.0 255872 255873 348693 255875 255876 255877 255879 255880 255881 255882
2.5 255864 1438253),7) 255866 255867 255868 255869 255870 255871 346621 348288
3.0 255856 255857 255858 255859 255860 255861 255862 255863 346619 346620
4.0 255845 255846 1668751),3),7) 1379621),3),7) 255849 255850 255851 255853 255854 255791 2557875)
5.0 255833 255834 255835 255836 255837 255838 255839 255840 255841 255842 255843 5)
5.5 255818 255819 255820 255786 2050632),3),7) 255825 255826 255827 255828 255830 2558315)
6.0 255806 255807 255808 255809 255810 255811 255812 255813 255814 255815 2558165)
8.0 255794 255795 255796 255797 255798 255799 255800 255801 255802 255803 2558045)

Standard components Ceramic spindles

Thread tolerance 5h (4h on request)
Length adjustment on request
End machining on request
G1) Colour Article number D A 2), 3) max. L 2) max. F1 F2 (Y) max.
white 426634 2.0 18 102 0.3 0.3 120
black 427107 2.0 18 102 0.3 0.3 120
white 426707 2.5 18 132 0.3 0.3 150
black 427186 2.5 18 132 0.3 0.3 150
white 426715 3.0 18 132 0.3 0.4 150
black 427199 3.0 18 132 0.3 0.4 150
white 426717 4.0 18 132 0.3 0.5 150
black 427209 4.0 18 132 0.3 0.5 150
white 426730 5.0 18 132 0.3 0.6 150
black 427216 5.0 18 132 0.3 0.6 150
white 426740 6.0 18 232 0.5 0.7 250
black 427221 6.0 18 232 0.5 0.7 250
white 426763 8.0 18 232 0.5 0.8 250
black 427231 8.0 18 232 0.5 0.8 250
white 426783 10.0 18 232 0.7 1.0 250
black 427232 10.0 18 232 0.7 1.0 250
white 426771 12.0 18 232 0.7 1.1 250
427235 12.0 18 232 0.7 1.1 250
May 2012 edition / subject to change maxon ceramic 385
maxon Manufacturing Companies
maxon motor GmbH
Untere Ziel 1
79350 Sexau
maxon motor

Tel. +49/7641 - 91 14 -0
Fax: +49/7641 - 91 14 -14

maxon motor GmbH

Untere Ziel 1
79350 Sexau
Tel. +49/7641 - 91 14 -113
Fax: +49/7641 - 91 14 -655

maxon motor hungary kft

Tartu u. 4.
8210 Veszprm
Tel. +36-88-887-300
How to nd maxon motor Fax: +36-88-887-301

Sales Switzerland
maxon motor ag
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Ewil Maxon
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Giswil Switzerland
Tel. +41 (41) 662 42 39
Fax: +41 (41) 666 16 16
Mobile: +41 (79) 855 20 68

Switzerland West (ZIP 1- and 2000)

maxon motor ag
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6072 Sachseln
Schaffhouse Switzerland
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386 Milan
maxon motor represented worldwide
maxon motor


maxon Sales Companies

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E-mail: Russia Tel. +7-812- 702 1001
Fax: +7-812- 702 1148
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2711 Gran Elsim Elektroteknik Sistemler A..
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Tel. +47/6160 9492 eni Sok. No:4
Mobile: +47/9400 2990 34418 4. Levent - Istanbul
E-mail: Turkey Tel. +90 (212) 282 75 80 Pbx.
Fax: +90 (212) 282 75 81

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maxon Sales Companies maxon Sales Companies

USA (East Coast) Australia

maxon precision motors, inc. maxon motor australia Pty Ltd
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Fax: +1/508 - 677 0530 Tel. +61 2 9476 4777
E-mail: Fax: +61 2 9476 4866 E-mail:
USA (West Coast)
maxon precision motors, inc.
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1820 Gateway Drive, Suite 370
San Mateo, CA 94404, USA
Tel. +1/650-524-8822
Fax: +1/650-372-9395
maxon Sales Agents
South Africa
maxon Sales Agents
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Tel. +55 31 9982 95 95
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4300 Steeles Avenue West,
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Woodbridge, Ontario L4L 4C2
Tel. +1/877 737 8698
Fax: +1/877 737 8699


1216_worldwide.indd 388 09.05.2012 09:42:50

maxon motor

maxon Sales Companies

China Taiwan Malaysia

maxon motor (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. maxon motor Taiwan Co. Ltd. Servo Engineering Sdn. Bhd.
5F, Block 1, No. 1128, East Jiangxing Road, 8F.-8 No. 16, Lane 609, Sec. 5 No. 15 G, Ground Floor, Highway Center,
Wujiang Economic Developing District, Chongxin Rd., Sanchong Dist., Jalan 51/205,
215200 Wujiang, Jiangsu Province New Taipei City 241 46050 Petaling Jaya,
China Taiwan (R.O.C.) Selangor Darul Ehsan
Tel. +86/512-8207 9287 Tel. +886-2-2999-3558 Malaysia
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maxon precision motor India Pvt. Ltd. maxon Sales Agents
#4, Subhodayam, 3rd Floor Asia
Servo Dynamics Pte. Ltd.
New B.E.L. Road, R.M.V. 2nd stage
No. 10 Kaki Bukit Road 1
Bangalore 560 094 Hong Kong
#01-30 Kaki Bukit Industrial Park
India Servo Dynamics (H.K.) Ltd.
416175 Singapore
Tel. +91 80417 34132 Room 504, 5/Fl, Mega Trade Centre
Tel. +65/6844 0288
Fax: +91 80416 12703 1 Mei Wan Street
Fax: +65/6844 0070
Mobile: +91 95387 71755 Tsuen Wan, N.T. Hong Kong
E-mail: Tel. +852/2409 9986 Fax: +852/2409 7872
Servo Dynamics (Thailand) Co. LTD
maxon japan corporation Israel
52/210 Moo 2, Soi Wadnamdaeng, Srinakarin Rd.
5-1-15 Shinjuku Electrondart Ltd.
10540 Bangkaew Bangplee Samutprakarn
Shinjuku-Ku 9 Ben Zion Gellis St.
Tokyo 160-0022 Segula Industrial Area
Tel. +66 2 753 56 25
Japan P.O. Box 4575
Fax: +66 2 753 56 50
Tel. +81/3 - 3350 42 61 Petach-Tikva 49145
Fax: +81/3 - 3350 42 30 Israel
E-mail: Tel. +972 (3) 931 4447 Fax: +972 (3) 930 2867
maxon motor Korea
3F, Tops Venture Tower Bldg.
1591-3, Seocho-Dong, Seocho-Gu
Seoul, Korea 137-876
Tel. +82/2 - 3486 3441
Fax: +82/2 - 3486 8836


1216_worldwide.indd 389 09.05.2012 09:42:51

maxon product range

The solution is always a matter

of the right combination.

If versatility and intelligent drive solutions are called for, the maxon maxon motor is the worlds leading supplier of high-precision drives
product range provides the answer: A wide range of brushed and and systems of up to 500 watts power output. maxon motor stands for
brushless DC motors up to 500 watts complemented by gearheads, customer specific solutions, high quality, innovation, competitive prices
sensors, brakes, positioning controllers and accessories offer a con- and a worldwide distribution network. See what we can do for you:
sistent modular system to realize whatever you have in mind.

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