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3, August 2011
SoS in CS & IT, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India
{narainbhawna, anuradha.shinestar, sanraipur, patlevinod}@gmail.com
Use of Wireless sensor networks have been widely seen in the fields of target detection and tracking,
environmental monitoring, industrial process monitoring, and tactical systems.In wireless sensor
networks nodes work with a incomplete power source, energy efficient operations in an important factor
of the nodes in wireless sensor network. Energy conservation plays important role in different layers of
the TCP/IP protocol suit, and for MAC layer it is the effective part. Therefore, to work in wireless
communicating sensors network, we use MAC protocol which improve energy efficiency by increasing
sleep duration, decreasing idle listening and overhearing, and eliminating hidden terminal problem or
collision of packets. In this paper First section we describe the accessible energy efficient MAC
protocols for sensor networks their energy saving method. In Second section we discuss the architecture
of same protocols and then compare same protocols depending on their Advantages and Disadvantages.
Wireless sensor Network, Mac protocol, Energy.
Now a days intrusion detection, defense, climate control, medical systems ,environment
monitoring, robotic exploration, smart spaces, disaster management, target tracking, wildlife
habitat monitoring, scientific application, are uses the Wireless Sensor Network. The Wireless
sensor networks are made up of one or more battery-operated sensor devices with embedded
processor, small memory and low power radio. Coverage and communication range for sensor
nodes compared to other mobile devices is limited due to low power capacities of sensor nodes.
Sensor networks are composed of large number of nodes to cover the target area. Nodes in
wireless sensor network communicate with each other to give a common task [1].
How to efficiently utilize the limited amount of energy has been the primary concern in
designing MAC protocols for WSNs [2]. As there was a challenge for WSN designers is to
develop a system that will run for years, they used not only robust hardware and software, but
also lasting energy sources.
In shared channel to manage the access of active node, Medium access control schemes are
used .MAC protocol provides following functional it:
Framing: Define the frame format and perform data encapsulation and de encapsulation
for communication between devices.
Error control: In frames delivered to upper layers, to have power over the amount of
errors present it uses error detection or error correction codes [3].
Collision: - Some time the packet gets corrupted during transmission these packet need
to be discarded and resent, these lead to increased energy consumption.
Control Packet Overhead:- Energy is also required for Sending and receiving control
packets due to this less useful data packets can be transmitted.
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 2011
Idle Listening: - Extra energy is also consumed for Listening to receive possible traffic
which is not sent.
Overhearing:- Sometime nodes can pickup which are destined to other nodes. These
also leads to unnecessary consume of energy.
Reducing the energy wasted idle listing protocols like SMAC, TMAC and CMAC can be used.
SMAC Traditional wakeup scheduling approach which uses fixed duty cycle [4].
1) Schedule based.
2) Contention based.
The schedule based protocols is based on strict time synchronization requirements. They
schedule transmit & listen periods, thus avoiding collisions, overhearing and idle listening.
These protocols are based on Carrier Sense Multiple Access (CSMA) technique, they have
higher costs for message collisions, overhearing and idle listening [5].The contention based
protocols relax time synchronization requirements and can easily adjust to the topology changes
by joining some new nodes. Others nodes may die few years after deployment.
In wireless sensor network, the Sensor S-MAC protocol is a contention based MAC protocol. It
is an improved version of IEEE 802.11 protocol .The sensor node periodically goes to the fixed
sleep cycle for the medium access control protocol. the time frame is divided into to part: one
for a listening session and the other for a sleeping session In SMAC,. the sensor node are
capable to communicate with additional nodes and send some control packets such as SYNC,
RTS (Request to Send), CTS (Clear to Send) and ACK(Acknowledgement) are only for listen
period. By a SYNC packet exchange all nearest nodes can synchronize collectively and using
RTS/CTS switch over the two nodes can communicate with each other. the Fig. 1 discribe the
basic snode scheme where node 1 transmits data to node 2 is shown . even IF there is no
reception/transmission A lot of energy is still wasted in this protocol during listen period as the
sensor will be awake [7].
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 2011
The duty cycle is doubled so that the schedules of the neighbors will not be affected. The
latency observed with DSMAC is better than the one observed with S-MAC. Moreover, it is
also shown to have better average power consumption per packet [3].
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 2011
Random-access and Scheduled access (transmission) periods are two part of time. For establish
two-hop topology information Random-access period is used . It is assumed that Mac layer can
calculate the transmission duration needed by the information passed by the application layer.
This transmission duration is denoted as SCHEDULE_INTERVAL. Then at time t, the node
calculates the number of slots for which it will have the highest priority among two-hop
neighbors within the Period [tt+ SCHEDULE_INTERVAL]. The node announces the slots
which will use as well as the intended receivers for these slots with a schedule packet. A bitmap
whose length is equal to the number of its neighbors is used to indicates the intended receivers
by the scheduled packets. Bits correspond to one-hop neighbors ordered by their identities.
identities of the potential senders receiver, one hop neighbors are evaluated for re-use
of those slots [3].
thus, if two children were differing for parents accept slot, the loosing child will get a second
opportunity to send its packet. The D-MAC uses a separate control packet named MTS (More
to Send) to solve the difficulty of the interference between nodes on the dissimilar branches of
the tree. The MTS packet makes all the nodes on the multi-hop path to remain active in case of
nodes failure due to interference. in terms of energy efficiency, latency and throughput in both
multi-hop chain topology and random data gathering tree topology The simulation results
shows that the D-MAC protocol outperforms the Sensor S-MAC protocol [5].
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 2011
the checking of the channel twice to avoid missing activities, time between the two checks
should be larger than inter-RTS separation and smaller than RTS duration as shown in fig
7.Receiver needs to check if co-ordination that channel is busy after waking up. Time between
the two checks should be larger than inter-RTS separation and should be smaller than RTS
duration [1].
By [4] Contention-based and TDMA protocols are the main component of the MAC design for
wireless sensor networks. When nodes are in idle mode the energy consumption using this
MAC is very high.
By [17] Mac protocol work for the CSMA and tonebased MANET.
By [19] the recent work on MAC protocol design in sensor networks [1, 6, 7] focused on
energy efficiency and coordination instead of fairness, delay, and bandwidth utilization.
Name of
Scheme used Energy Saving Advantages Disadvantages
Power savings Low energy Sleep latency,
Fixed duty
consumption problem with
SMAC cycle, virtual
over standard
cluster, CSMA
CSMA/CAMAC when traffic is low Broadcast
Better power
Overhearing, bad
Low overhead when
LPL, channel performance at
savings, latency, network is idle,
assessment heavy traffic. Long
BMAC and throughput imple to implement
software transmission latency
than S-MAC Consumes less
Uses 20% of
Adaptive duty Adaptive active Early sleeping
energy used in
cycle, time problem
Minimized Low power for low
Better than Consumption both
preamble traffic, Do not incur
SMAC and Low at sender And
WISE sampling, overhead due to
Power Listening receiver, and at non
MAC schedule synchronization.
target receiver,
increase latency at
each hop.
Higher energy
Utilization of time is divided into
TRAMA TDMA efficiency &
classical TDMA random access period
Converge cast Energy saving and Aggregate rate is
DMAC Low latency
communication low letency larger
International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 2011
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International Journal of Computer Science & Engineering Survey (IJCSES) Vol.2, No.3, August 2011
1) Mrs. Bhavna Narain MCA , M.Phil (CS), has been working in the field of
computers since last ten years, Currently working in SoS of computer science
& IT.Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
Specialization in computer networks(adhoc,mesh).
2) Ms. Anuradha Sharma has done MCA. Currently, she is doing M.Phil (CS &
IT) From SoS of computer science & IT.Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India.
4) Dr. Vinod Kumar Patle, is done M.Sc. M.C.A and Ph.D. Currently
he working as Sr. Lecturer in Computer Science at School of Studies
in Computer Science & I.T., Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University,
Raipur (C.G.). His current research is focused on Wireless networking and
Sensor Data Mining.