Cat Usb8486
Cat Usb8486
Cat Usb8486
◾◾ H1 (31.25 kbits/s) interface Operating Systems
◾◾ 1 or 2 ports ◾◾ Windows Vista (32-bit)/XP/2000
◾◾ Embedded Foundation Fieldbus
Recommended Software
communications-stack software ◾◾ LabVIEW
◾◾ Transformer-isolated ◾◾ NI-FBUS Configurator
Fieldbus connection ◾◾ NI-FBUS Monitor
◾◾ Plug-and-play feature (USB-8486 ◾◾ Lookout
and PCI-FBUS/2)
Other Compatible Software
◾◾ C/C++
◾◾ Visual Basic
Driver Software (included)
◾◾ NI-FBUS Communications Manager
PC Host Interfaces and Visual Basic. With the NI-FBUS OPC server, you can connect to a broad
NI USB-8486, PCI-FBUS/2, and PCMCIA-FBUS devices are H1 (31.25 kbits/s) range of application software packages including LabVIEW and Lookout as well
interfaces that connect Foundation Fieldbus devices to standard desktop, industrial, as other HMI/SCADA applications with OPC client interfaces. NI-FBUS CM,
and notebook PCs. The USB-8486 is available in a one-port configuration, included with each NI Fieldbus interface, features EDDL improvements and DDS
the PCMCIA-FBUS is available in one- and two-port configurations, and the 5.1.2 support.
PCI-FBUS/2 is available in a two-port configuration. With the PCI-FBUS/2, a The NI-FBUS Configurator is a stand-alone application that provides
desktop industrial computer can act as the host in a Foundation Fieldbus system. complete configuration tools for Foundation Fieldbus segments. An easy-to-use,
Applications for the USB-8486 and PCMCIA-FBUS include portable data logging multiwindow interface guides you through all aspects of Fieldbus configuration,
and in-the-field configuration and maintenance of devices and networks. such as device tag configuration, function block linkages, loops, and execution
The connection to the Fieldbus network is transformer isolated. The schedules. The NI-FBUS Configurator dynamically detects devices connected to
USB-8486 and PCI-FBUS/2 use a standard DB-9 male D-Sub connector to attach the Fieldbus, displays all its available function blocks, and automatically assigns
to the Fieldbus network. The PCMCIA-FBUS connects to the Fieldbus network tags. These function blocks are linked by graphically connecting the parameters
using a cable that provides two connectors–DB-9 male D-Sub connector and of one block to another, with online error checking and device descriptions along
COMBICON-style pluggable screw terminals. the way. Plus, the Configurator generates the optimal execution schedule for
function blocks and communication between function blocks, which you can then
NI-FBUS Software manually adjust to meet your specific control requirements.
The NI-FBUS Communications Manager (CM) handles communication between The NI-FBUS Monitor is a stand-alone application used to monitor, debug, and
the communication stack and the user application without requiring in-depth analyze Fieldbus data packets. The NI-FBUS Monitor detects communication on
knowledge of lower-level Fieldbus protocols. You can use this interface- the bus, capturing data packets that are passed between Fieldbus devices. These
independent software in human machine interface (HMI) and distributed control packets are timestamped and displayed in real time in active packet view of the
system (DCS) applications for data collection and control on the Fieldbus, NI-FBUS Monitor. The NI-FBUS Monitor can display data packets in decoded
including multiple processes and multithreaded applications. The NI-FBUS format or in hexadecimal format. It can also filter out unwanted data packets
CM works with NI LabVIEW graphical programming and Lookout application at three levels: the Fieldbus Data Link layer (FDL), the Fieldbus Messaging
software, as well as programming environments such as Microsoft Visual C++ Specification layer (FMS), and Fieldbus addresses.
Foundation Fieldbus Hardware and Software
and manufacturing. We also offer service programs that provide automatic upgrades to your
Visit application development environment and higher levels of technical support.
Training and Certification
NI training is the fastest, most certain route to productivity with our products. Hardware Services
NI training can shorten your learning curve, save development time, and reduce
maintenance costs over the application life cycle. We schedule instructor-led System Assurance Programs
courses in cities worldwide, or we can hold a course at your facility. We also NI system assurance programs are designed to make it even easier for you
offer a professional certification program that identifies individuals who have to own an NI system. These programs include configuration and deployment
high levels of skill and knowledge on using NI products. services for your NI PXI, CompactRIO, or Compact FieldPoint system. The NI Basic
Visit System Assurance Program provides a simple integration test and ensures that
your system is delivered completely assembled in one box. When you configure
Professional Services your system with the NI Standard System Assurance Program, you can select
Our NI Professional Services team is composed of NI applications and systems from available NI system driver sets and application development environments
engineers and a worldwide National Instruments Alliance Partner program of to create customized, reorderable software configurations. Your system arrives
more than 600 independent consultants and integrators. Services range from fully assembled and tested in one box with your software preinstalled. When
start-up assistance to turnkey system you order your system with the standard program, you also receive system-
integration. Visit specific documentation including a bill of materials, an integration test report,
a recommended maintenance plan, and frequently asked question documents.
Finally, the standard program reduces the total cost of owning an NI system
OEM Support by providing three years of warranty coverage and calibration service. Use the
We offer design-in consulting and product integration assistance if you want to
online product advisors at to find a system assurance program
use our products for OEM applications. For information about special pricing and
to meet your needs.
services for OEM customers, visit
Calibration Services
NI recognizes the need to maintain properly calibrated devices for high-
accuracy measurements. We provide manual calibration procedures, services
to recalibrate your products, and automated calibration software specifically
designed for use by metrology laboratories. Visit
©2009 National Instruments. All rights reserved. CompactRIO, FieldPoint, LabVIEW, Lookout, National Instruments, National Instruments Alliance Partner, NI, and Other product and company names listed are trademarks or
trade names of their respective companies. A National Instruments Alliance Partner is a business entity independent from National Instruments and has no agency, partnership, or joint-venture relationship with National Instruments.