Roadmunk Agile Roadmapping

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Some of the key takeaways are that agile roadmaps can work together with an agile methodology if treated as a flexible statement of intent, and require frequent updates and input from the whole team.

Product managers face challenges like determining what place roadmapping has in agile and how to approach planning when agile emphasizes flexibility over timelines and dates.

Guidelines suggested for an effective agile roadmap include knowing your product market well, checking in with the roadmap regularly as a team, and treating it as a living document that can change.


About Roadmunk

Roadmunk was inspired by a problem our founders experienced personally: there was no simple
way for product managers to build, share and align on the roadmap. As we got to know our
users, we discovered that roadmapping is not one-size-fits-all. Companies make roadmaps of
all shapes, sizes and typesits a powerful and essential tool for alignment. Our goal is to make
strategic roadmapping quick, effective and collaborative across an entire organization.

Learn more

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Agile Roadmapping 1
Agile is basically the status quo for tech companies. But in reality, its rare to find agile teams that are well,
actually agile. Too many real-world constraints prevent teams from embracing a pure agile mentality. Since starting
Roadmunk, Ive noticed agile product managers face similar strugglesparticularly when creating a roadmap.

A giant question mark hovers around agile roadmaps. Can roadmaps play an effective role in agile? Arent the two
concepts counterintuitive? Isnt an agile roadmap an oxymoron?! So we set off on a mission at Roadmunk to find
some answers.

The goal: discover what place roadmapping has in agile. How are real-world organizations using agile, and where do
their roadmaps fit? Speaking to dozens of agile PMs, weve compiled our research together to present this guide to LATIF NANJI
agile roadmapping. Heres what youll find:

Real-world case studies of different agile roadmaps being built at Shopify,

Frank + Oak, Lola Travel and more
Insights from expert agile product managers from Electronic Arts, Expedia,
Goodreads and more
A guide for planning your agile roadmap
Best practices for creating an agile roadmap
4 ready-to-use agile roadmap templates that you can make your own Start building your own
roadmap with over 20
This ebook is here to provide the insights and advice you need to approach roadmapping confidentlyno matter customizable templates
how your team operates in agile.

Happy reading (and roadmapping)!

Explore our template library

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Agile Roadmapping 2
Table of Contents


1 Can agile and roadmapping work together? 4

2 What you need to know before creating an agile roadmap 8

3 How to visualize your agile roadmap 11

4 Guidelines for your agile roadmap 18

Conclusion 21

Templates 22


Agile Roadmapping 3
As a methodology, agile says: forget about planning on timelines
theyre unhelpful and hard to meet! On the other hand, roadmaps
help you visualize plans, often on a timeline. So is the idea of an agile
product roadmap counterintuitive?

Lets look at the facts. Agile indicates that teams are very flexible and
willing to change their plans on a daily or weekly basis. That means
project deadlines and dates are pretty insignificant. Yeah, you can
add dates to your plan, but if youre being truly agile (i.e. flexible),
expect those dates to change.

Meanwhile, a roadmap usually asks: Where the heck are we going to

be in x amount of time? Not everyone roadmaps along a timeline,
but a roadmap almost always looks to the future beyond the day-to-
day and week-to-week, even if not visually presented on a timeline.

So one concept (agile) sheds the constraints of time and another

(roadmapping) often appears inherently time-based. Seems pret-
ty counterintuitive. But we have to respectfully disagree. An agile
product roadmap is a valuable tool and quite frankly, the concept of
roadmapping fits rather nicely in agile environments. Here are some
reasons why a roadmap does work for agile.

Can agile and

Working in agile doesn't mean you no
longer have to plan ahead. It just signifies

a mindset that lets you change direction
faster based on incoming feedback from
your market, customers and stakeholders.

work together?

Agile Roadmapping 4
Roadmaps change as often as the Roadmapping and agile both cut the
agile world bullshit
Agile is an umbrella term. Youve got your scrum shops, your extreme Agile is all about the hard truth youre headed. Its a communica-
programming teams, your kanban processes. They all fall under whether you like it or not. Agile tion asset designed specifically to
agile. Each of these methodologies have their own nuances and provides realistic versions of how align various parties on the what,
ways of operating, but ultimately they all share a few major themes: projects will play out. If a project when and how of your project.
is derailing, youre told straight up And when that plan changes, you
its derailing. This transparency present a shiny, updated version.
Youre operating in short cycles is part of why agile has picked up
Change comes quickly, so you always have so much steam: it cuts the bull- A roadmaps function (showing
to be prepared for it shit about what can or cannot be transparency) directly ties into
There is a ton of feedback because delivered. one of the major motivations of
youre operating in cycles that include adopting an agile methodology
checkpoints for evaluating your work Just as agile environments func- (operating with transparency).
tion on transparency, roadmaps Theyre not in conflict; they fit
create transparency. You build a nicely together.
These themes are all rooted in the core idea that when functioning in roadmap to clarify where the hell
agile, you must be flexible.

Here at Roadmunk, weve stressed many, many times before, a road-
map is a statement of intent. Its not a literal roadmap. Your roadmap
should not be an amalgamation of hard deadlines that must be met. An agile product roadmap is done
It should be an incremental plan that openly embraces change. Plans with the intention of change
can and will alter, and as a result so will your roadmap. being planned into the document
itself and into the process.
This flexibility of a roadmap pairs extremely well with the nature of AHSAN NANJI
agile methodologies. Roadmaps change frequently, allowing them to DIRECTOR OF PRODUCT MANAGEMENT
easily fit into agile settingswhich also get reoriented often. AT ELECTRONIC ARTS

Agile Roadmapping 5
You cant escape long-term planning Mythbusters:
One thing weve noticed when speaking to various PMs is that many
of those who claim to operate in agile actually arent. Okay, theyre THE AGILE ROADMAP EDITION
operating in some form of agile, but waterfall elements are still mixed
inso its not purely agile. The reason: as your company grows, the
harder it gets to ignore long-term planning.
Myth: Working in agile means planning is not necessary.
Plenty of startups have successfully adopted an agile mentality that
dismisses long-term timelines. But as these companies expand, stake- People like to think you wing things in agile,
holders increase, user needs intensify and communication needs arise. because plans change so often. Say sayonara to
PMs start juggling way more variables, which requires a deeper degree that thinking because planning is actually critical
Fact: in agile. You actually end up updating your plan
of planning.
more often.
Your dev and product teams may function in speedy cycles, but the
rest of your growing company probably doesnt. Other stakeholders
dont give a damn about your daily or weekly psychology. They want Myth: Timelines dont exist in agile.
longer-term visions to plan hiring, budgeting and more. A roadmap
addresses long-term goals and tackles planning pressures that Wrong! Yestime constraints might not be as
inevitably creep up. demanding as they are in waterfall. Yesyou
might not be as concerned with dates. But no

you still need to consider time at some point!

Agile teams cant escape long-term planning, so
What it comes down to is that companies they also cant escape timelines altogether.
arent as agile as they say they are. Ive
heard lots of different terms where its
always a hybrid. Where the agile aspects
Myth: Creating a roadmap in agile means you have to
come into play is within a project; how incorporate dates/deadlines in your plan.
youre executing.
Nope. Not at all true. There are actually a few
Fact: ways to create an agile roadmap that dont incor-
BREANNA HUGHES porate any strict timelines, dates or milestones at

Agile Roadmapping 6
Why you need a roadmap, especially for your agile environment
Weve debunked the argument that roadmaps dont belong in agile environments, but why do you actually need one?
Well get into what an agile roadmap looks like in Chapter 3, but for now here are some reasons for the not-yet-convinced.

Align better with your makers More cross-company cohesion Managing ALL the expectations
When you say youre operating in agile, youre most While your makers embody agile principles, other The beauty of the agile product roadmap is that it
likely referring to your makers. Your developers, teams probably dont. Sales is working in lengthy gives a PM more flexibility. Not only does it encom-
product team and designersthe ones who assem- cycles, marketing is concerned with the next release, pass the intent of a typical roadmap, it also captures
ble your product piece-by-piece. Long-term plans customer success has quarterly goals to hit. Its a the flexibility of agile methodologies. A PM can whip
are not pressing priorities for makers. Theyre more mishmash of timeframes across the company. And out their roadmap and easily set expectations. This
concerned with what they can accomplish in the next guess who has to align these different psychologies of isnt set in stone and it will probably change, but its
hour, day or week. time? You got itthe PM! (Yay) what were proposing.

By presenting an agile roadmap, you signal to your An agile roadmap better aligns your makers with With a baseline understanding established from the
makers that you understand how they function. teams working along different timelines. Teams start, PMs lives are made a hell of a lot easier in the
Youre committing to short-term priorities, but also working under more traditional time constraints may long run. When unavoidable changes happen and a
pointing out that the future is fuzzy. Itll be much have a lot of questions for agile teams. Why isnt this PM must make a tough decision, people will cause
easier to align with your makers if you position done? When should we expect this? A roadmap less of a fuss because, well, their expectations were
your roadmap as a living document that aligns adapted for your agile environment communicates managed at the start. This reduces conflict and pre-
short-term priorities and embraces the futures realistic goals to internal stakeholders prying for pares team members for change.
unpredictability. answers.

I know itll always be challenging to evangelize what agile

is to non-technical teams, but it comes down to incorpo-
rating those other teams to understand agile processes.
ARAN RASMUSSEN Structure your roadmap in a way that everyones
clear on where there is and isnt flexibility.


Agile Roadmapping 7
Before we get to what an agile roadmap looks like and how you can
build one, lets talk about what you need to know beforehand.

Behind every effective agile roadmap is a well-thought out plan. As

true (and cheesy) as that statement is, its also a bit funny since a road-
map is meant to be a (flexible and transparent) plan that aligns stake-

? holders across your organization. So what were saying is: you need to
plan for your plan.

You might be asking: why plan for an agile roadmap when it will ul-
timately change? Youre not wrongyour agile roadmap should be a
statement of intent that updates often to reflect changes brought on
by your agile setting, organization and market; NOT because you poor-
ly planned your roadmap. Planning can prevent unnecessary changes
and even complete overhauls of your agile roadmap.

Roadmap planning is a key step in the workflow of all the agile PMs
weve chatted with. So before creating your agile roadmap, here are
five steps you should take for effective agile roadmap planning.

What you need

to know before
creating an agile
Even the best laid plans go awry
and you should be prepared to
scrap parts of it. Knowing that
helps keep the balance in not
over-planning for your roadmap.

Agile Roadmapping 8
1 2 3 4 5
Evaluate your Check in with Determine your Hold planning
Set your goals
resources your users building blocks sessions
Your agile roadmap communi- If you have ten developers, but It boggles our minds when orga- Next up: establish your major This step isnt so much isolated,
cates and aligns stakeholders, two are on vacation and one nizations build roadmaps based themes, and the features that but more ongoing and works in
but what are you addressing? is shared by marketing, how solely on quantitative market fall under each of them. Then conjunction with the previous
Even if you have a list of im- much can you ship in your next data. User needs go much deep- break them down into epics and steps. Make agile roadmap
pressive features to release, sprint? The answer: probably er than statistical research. user stories. From there develop planning a team effort by put-
the big picture must be consid- not as much as you could with a Speaking first-hand to custom- high-confidence estimates on ting your whole product team in
ered. Your objective might be fully available team of ten de- ers during your planning pro- your features, epics and stories, one room. This is your opportu-
achieving product-market fit, velopers. Planning for your agile vides insights into disregarded and identify any dependencies nity to really understand togeth-
or launching sticky features. roadmap should address your investments. Before committing that could hold you back. Hack er your use cases, discovery
Whatever the goal, your road- available resources and their to anything on your roadmap, away until you have all the work and objectives before mak-
map should convey the plan constraints. it makes sense to understand if building blocks you need before ing any roadmap investments.
for achieving your high-level your users, you know, actually assembling your roadmap.
strategy. Another thing to plan against: want these things. Think of it as a way to get buy-
the speed at which resources If this seems like a lot of work in for the plan for your plan
Without established objectives, operate. Youre going to get Additionally, user research before creating an agile road- (againstrange, we know). Early
expect stakeholders to walk pushback on how fast (or slow) makes a really, really strong map, we say: planning for these buy-in during your planning
away from your roadmap with your team is delivering on your case when getting buy-in. User elements will prepare you to ad- stage will be beneficial when
different priorities (the TOTAL planeven in agile. Plan a research shows stakeholders dress (and defend) your choices getting official buy-in and pub-
opposite of what you want). cycle length that works best for that your agile roadmap isnt when changes do pop up. And lic affirmations from your stake-
Your roadmap should always your teamespecially if youre just a random, aimless plan you if changes are needed, you can holders.
tie directly back to your pri- representing time on your road- pulled out of thin air, but one speak to impacts and trade-offs
mary goals so stakeholders are map. Determining your teams developed from authentic user that must be made.
clear about your product strate- speed will let you develop a plan needs. Its pretty hard to refute
gy. Ask yourself if the document grounded in reality. real user needs.
speaks to your company and
product vision.

BONUS QUESTION! If you want to get reallyyy specific, also ask yourself what key performance indicators you want to focus on.
Planning your main KPIs will allow you to create a roadmap that explains how youll hit those targets.

Agile Roadmapping 9
A Handy Checklist
To give some structure to this process, find below a handy checklist meant to make the agile
roadmap planning process just a tad easier. Follow this checklist for steps you should take, as
well as questions you should be asking and key takeaways from each step.

Step 1: Step 2: Step 3: Step 4: Step 5:



What is the big-picture What resources do I What features do my What are the big Do we all understand
goal we are trying to have available to me? users actually want? initiatives I want to the key takeaways
achieve? At what velocity can What qualitative address on this from steps 1-4?
What are the KPIs I our resources data can we gather roadmap?
want to address? operate? on our users? What estimations KEY TAKEAWAYS
can we have on Buy-in from product
Company vision Schedule of team Quantitative user
data on the market
Product vision
Qualitative user data Themes
Key performance
indicators Use cases Features
User stories

Agile Roadmapping 10
Lets get to the meaty stuff now: what does an agile roadmap actually
look like?

Through all our chats with agile PMs, weve discovered there is no
one way to create an agile roadmap. Swimlanes, timelines, dates, no
dates, a myriad of coloursthere might be too many options, honestly.
However, we couldnt help but notice a few agile roadmapping trends
that kept popping up. From these patterns, we identified four powerful
ways to visualize your agile roadmap:

Theme-Based Sprint Fuzzy Time Agile-ish

Implemented and executed by real-life companies, these agile road-

maps are best suited for different agile scenarios. We asked six awe-
some product managers (whose agile roadmapping processes align
with at least one of the four buckets) to share how theyre actually
using agile, how they visualize their agile roadmap and why their cho-
sen roadmap works best for them.

The roadmap itself is a

How to visualize secret recipe that we have.

Its the secret recipe of how
we build products. CASEY

your agile roadmap


Agile Roadmapping 11
Theme-Based Roadmap
Instead of focusing on longer timelines, Avrum hones in on themes
and plans in quarterslike so:
Since agile is known for shedding constraints of time, its no surprise 1 2 3
many agile PMs create roadmaps absolutely void of time. Youll see
their roadmaps organized by themenot dates or timelines. Avrums team estab- Once yearly themes At a quarterly level, a
lishes yearly themes. are established, the more traditional road-
This is typical amongst your pure agile-ists, or smaller startups We have a set of team turns them into map may come into
strategic imperatives quarterly OKRs: a play. But dont expect
that find it more helpful to ignore time constraints. But there are
that are described in popular technique time to be represented.
exceptions. For instance, Avrum Laurie, VP of Product for the DIY terms of a product that lists out an orga- We dont typically
accounting software FreshBooks, approaches roadmapping with a or customer-theme, nizations objectives prescribe very specific
no-date mentality. says Avrum. and (usually) 3-4 key timelines to things,
measurable results says Avrum.
for each objective.

Avrum finds a theme-based approach keeps his teams expectations

in-check. At the year-level we ask: what themes do we want to focus
on? says Avrum. At a quarter level, a more typical roadmap comes
into play. A simple roadmap (without specific timelines)
sets more realistic expectations and de-risks things. AVRUM
Working from a top-down level, FreshBooks product
team lets themes (rather than time) drive planning
and by extension, their agile roadmap. This theme-
based approach to roadmapping caters to teams em-
bracing the dateless mentality of pure agile.
We dont really do anything like a yearly roadmap. Ive tried a more
traditional roadmap, but its kind of just fortune telling, says Avrum.
You look back and see what was delivered, tossed, changed entirely.
Id say 95% of it falls into the last two buckets. It wasnt particularly Dates arent your thing? Try this template
productive and worth over-planning that far.
Build a theme-based roadmap
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Agile Roadmapping 12
Sprint Roadmap
Ellen Chisa, VP of Product at the personalized
travel company Lola Travel, recently shifted to
sprint-based roadmapping. Ellen says, We start-
While there is an appeal to being dateless, its not realistic for most
ed and it was literally me working by myself and
agile teams. Long-term planning becomes necessary, different stake-
then we grew to 50 people. People felt like they
holders need appeasing, and, if your team is growing, good luck
were missing out in not being able to collaborate
balancing multiple priorities with zero timelines in mind!
with more of their engineering colleagues, so we
moved to two-week sprints.
Real-world demands spur many agile teams to shift to the more struc- ELLEN
tured scrum model. Working in short one- or two-week sprints allows CHISA Sprints inherently suggest there is a timeline
teams to be agile, while adhering to a loose concept of time. If youre
without setting a hard deadline. Working in
an agile team that likes the structure of scrum, creating an agile road-
sprints means working your ass off to complete
map organized around your sprints may be the best way to meet your
the priorities for your specified timeframe. Once
roadmapping needs.
that cycle is finished, on to the next cycle. Teams
are aware of their time box and work within it,
1.1 1.2 1.3 2.1 so dates dont have to be outlined on your agile

Ellens roadmap perfectly embodies

this structuredbut not so struc-
tured that you need hard dates
agile mentality. Basically, we have
a backlog view thats a list of tasks.
We assign tasks into sprints and
name sprints by whichever team is
working on them, says Ellen. We
prioritize things were working on
or the next most important things
towards the top and assign them
into specific sprints.

Agile Roadmapping 13
Fuzzy Time Roadmap
Ellen maps her sprints against scrum teams, but you can map against
themes, features, or anything else. This format works for Ellen
because as she says, Travels a pretty complex industry; every team
Fuzzy time: one of the most popular ways to organize agile roadmaps.
operates a little autonomously. One team focuses on managing our
Rather than stating explicit dates, fuzzy time roadmaps include loose
supply of hotel and flight information. Another team focuses on tools
time buckets like In Progress, Future and Completed. Since growing
for travel agents. Theyre somewhat connected, but more separated
agile teams ultimately cannot ignore time, a fuzzy approach is a
which is why this format works for us.
compromise for teams not wanting to be held to specific dates, but
still needing rough time frames.
Ellens roadmap doesnt incorporate dates, but by allocating all items
and tasks to two-week sprints, the team instills their agile process with
some structurewithout getting too rigid.

Add structure (but not too Try this template

much) with a sprint roadmap
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8 10

Adopting a kanban-style model to keep up with speedy market de-

mands, Aran Rasmussen, Director of Product Management at the
fashion- forward online retailer Frank + Oak, follows an agile roadmap
completely based on fuzzy time.

Agile Roadmapping 14
The professional networking startup Ten
Weve moved over to a Thousand Coffees also turns to fuzzy
kanban-style environment time. Product Manager, Mackenzie Ewing,
and away from two-week explains how agile roadmaps with loose
sprints. I find it to be a time structures bring clarity to their
better agile framework intense development process.
for companies that have
a product already live and in the world, explains Aran. Especially, I MACKENZIE Our roadmap has Backlog, which
find in retail, where things change fast and we need to be ultra-respon- EWING is for items not prioritized or ready to
sive to marketing needs and opportunities. be actioned. To Do, which is for
items actually ready to go. In Progress to track what devs are
Aran oversees three website development teams for front-end, back- working on. We have Under Test to say what is ready and in
end and mobile. These teams are always deploying. A fuzzy time pre-production. And then we have Done. And thats obvi-
roadmap helps him manage multiple prioritiesall while still having a ously: its in production, says Mackenzie.
realistic and flexible outlook on task timelines.
Just like Aran, Mackenzie finds fuzzy
time works best for his team because
NOW SOON LONG-TERM DONE it lays out really friggin realistic ex-
pectations. At a high level, it gives us a
framework and cadence to go forward.
This is what I have to execute and these
are the days I have. Having that expec-
tation laid out is really important to get
your team bought-in to the larger vision
We asked Aran for a clearer idea of how his agile roadmap incorporates of how were getting from point A to B.
fuzzy time. I have a swimlane and three columnsone for each team.
On the left, I have time buckets. Ive got my Now, Soon, Long-Term
and Done rows. Some things have deadlines and some dont. I try to
be as real as possible with everybody about those deadlines.
Track progress, not deadlines,
Try this template
using a fuzzy time roadmap
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Agile Roadmapping 15
Agile-ish Roadmap
Casey McKinnon, VP, Product at
the hardware company ecobee
the builders of smart WiFi
And then there are agile teams bound by time. Weve deemed them thermostats and sensors (how
agile-ish. The perfect moniker because, while most agile teams cool is that?)is one PM who
believe theyre lean, mean pure agility machines, many teams have functions on a hybrid agile
to incorporate waterfall processes thanks to strict timelines (even if roadmap. CASEY MCKINNON
their development team is working in pure agile).
Agility to us means some-
Q3 2017 Q4 2017 SOON FUTURE thing completely different than it would to a software company. We
work in phases, says Casey. There are nine phases we pass through
and within each phase we follow agile process. But when you emerge
from one phase, you commit to what youve created in that stage be-
fore moving on to the next.

With consumer electronics you have one window. Every October,

stores load inventory for the holidays. So hitting that deadline is
absolutely critical, explains Casey. We determine how many units
we need and work back on when to start mass production. Everything
prior to that is all sprints and iterating inside a cycle.

See what we mean? While ecobees development process is agile, due

to market demands, the team cant release an MVP and just build on it.
They have to get it right the first time, otherwise thats a huge setback
in keeping up with the market. They cant escape time!
So how do you create this strange, hybrid roadmap? An agile-ish
roadmap will have dates with a caveat. Dates closer to the present
are more granular, whereas the further into the future you go, the
more abstract (i.e. fuzzy) the time headers become. This way, your
dates arent the be-all-end-all and youre not over planning the future
(since far-off time is fuzzy).

Agile Roadmapping 16
This combination of methodologies strongly influences ecobees
Q3 2017 Q4 2017 SOON FUTURE
agile roadmap. Casey says, Its a calendar. Down the side you see the
different phases we pass through. Underneath each phase are items
corresponding to outputs from that stage. Essentially on the roadmap,
each phase gets a block of time and within that you are sprinting.

Thanks to multiple timelines, Rahuls agile roadmapping process be-
of companies use both
comes more complex. Rahul explains, We definitely use the hybrid
agile and waterfall * approach to agile. We have two-week sprints and a monthly release
cycle. Theres a very granular view of our monthly release cycles
* Product Focus 2017 Product Management and Product Marketing survey
which you can call our roadmap. Its here we have a backlog of func-
tions and use cases and different things we want to accomplish this
upcoming release cycle.
This roadmapping process ensures Caseys teams are very aware
about what theyre doing up until a certain point (i.e. end of a phase).
But as Rahuls team looks beyond their upcoming release cycle, things
Beyond that, future tasks are less certain and only addressed
become less granular and get relegated to a lengthy spreadsheet. On
when entering a phase.
top of that we have a spreadsheet full of really strong high-level ideas
(i.e. concepts of projects and products) that well continue to revisit.
ecobee isnt the only company thats agile roadmap is affected
And if a really good opportunity comes up, we can put it on our more
by real-world realities. Rahul Kulkarni, Product Manager at
granular roadmap, Rahul says.
Shopify (specifically the Point of Sales team), finds his agile
roadmap impacted by time too.
The closer Rahuls team is to the present, the more certainty there is
around what they can deliver. The further into the future they plan,
We have two major events in a year: our annual
the more uncertainty there is. Thats the reality of agile. You can speak
developer conference, Unite, and Black Friday/Cyber
to whats around the corner very well, but the rest of it not so much.
Monday. We have roadmaps specifically planning for
those two dates, says Rahul. Because were at scale
now, we also introduced timelines that incorporate
joint marketing pushes. So we have some deadlines
that are marketing- and growth-oriented. The future is uncertain.
RAHUL Try this template
KULKARNI Create an agile-ish roadmap
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Agile Roadmapping 17
Youve now got four powerful ways to visualize your agile roadmap.
But no matter how you choose to represent your roadmap, there are
certain standards you just gotta follow.

Treat an agile roadmap as

a statement of intent
First things first: approach your agile roadmap as a statement of
intent. We covered this in Chapter 1 and were going to keep drilling
it into your minds. Treat your agile roadmap as a living document that

can (and 100% will) change.

From just a mechanic standpoint, making sure you have a roadmap that can actu-
ally be updated is really important, says Ahsan Nanji, Director of Product Manage-
ment at Electronic Arts (no relation to Latif Nanji, our CEO). Ive seen PMs struggle
CHAPTER 4 with creating a plan that doesnt build any flexibility into it. So you want towith
either the software or whatever process youre usingbe very adaptable to change.

Guidelines for your If youre too hung up on dates or milestones, you restrict your road-

agile roadmap
map and ultimately set yourself up for failure. Give yourself breath-
ing room, so that way you can sync your roadmap nicely with the
flexibility and changes youll experience in an agile environment.

Agile Roadmapping 18
Determine if time is Remember whos seeing
right for you your agile roadmap and
When we asked Casey McKinnon (VP, Product at ecobee from Chapter tailor to them
3) about his agile roadmap best practices, the very first thing he

brought up was evaluating the role of time for your roadmap. Creating a roadmap without an audience in mind is pretty useless.
The whole point of a roadmap is to communicate and align with your
stakeholders. One of the very first questions you should be asking is:

Well, first of all I would consider if times a factor, he says. If the idea is that you whos going to see this?
need to hit a specific date, you need to compare that to something where you can
put your product out into the world and there are no consequences for when its
launched. You want to understand your audience first, because they want to see different
things, says Latif (CEO here at Roadmunk). If youre building this agile roadmap
for engineers you can get a lot more granular about information, whereas sales and
Determine how time plays a role (if at all) in your day-to-day function. marketing are more concerned about the what and when.
If it doesnt play a role: awesome, your roadmap wont incorporate
time (i.e. theme-based). If time does have a place, decide how to rep-
resent time. Agile-ish? Fuzzy time? Sprints? Knowing whether time One of the worst things you can the same exact plan. Offer some-
applies, and its particular role in your environment, will lead to a more do is have everyone see the same thing relevant to them. The result:
effective agile roadmap. roadmap, says Latif. If you know expectations are managed and
each stakeholder has individual stakeholders can feel assured
goals and concerns, you cant that their needs are being
show up to each meeting with addressed.

Agile Roadmapping 19
Know your product market. Check-in with your agile
Like really know it. roadmap (as a team)
This seems obvious. Of course a PM should know their product This should be the easiest guide- itll be easy to update to reflect
market! But were talking really knowing what upcoming features line to remember because its a recent changes.
users want, beforehand (planning step 4 in Chapter 2). In agile this natural outcome of agile. Since
will changeand quickly. But a strong market knowledge makes your youre working in short cycles, Casey McKinnon not only agrees

roadmap much more adaptable to inevitable changes. youre immersed in a constant with this practice, but emphasizes
feedback loop. Youre regularly getting the whole team involved
forced to stop and ask yourself, (planning step number 5 in Chap-
Sarah Pyo, Product Manager at Expedia, puts it this way: Understanding how your
So what worked and didnt work ter 2): You should continue
product works technically will help with prioritization, because youll know different
levers to pull to drive your product. What new, futuristic features can we push out this last cycle? to revisit your roadmap with
there and what is the demand? your whole team. Include all

This introspective behavior push- the disciplines on the roadmap

es you to check in with your road- and dont let it be an artifact of
map often. Your document should product management, but make it
Recommending a user-centric method to collect market knowledge for your agile always be up-to-date with your an artifact of the whole company.
roadmap, Rahul Kulkarni (Product Manager at Shopify from Chapter 3) says, Validate
low-fidelity mockups with customers as often as possible. Get real feedback and product strategy and if youve This way we all agree, we all
parse out whats relevant. created (and you should have) a bought in, and everyones really
living document that can change, excited about the roadmap.

Chances are your market will be disrupted (many times), and as a

result, so will your roadmap. Keeping tabs on users wants and needs
will prepare you to be just as agile; allowing you to update your
roadmap swiftly to reflect any market shifts.

Agile Roadmapping 20
Agile roadmaps have solid benefits that fit nicely into any agile environment. Whatever your agile style,
the key to reaping the rewards of an agile roadmap comes down to treating it as a statement of intent
(we told you we wouldnt let you forget this idea). Your agile roadmap requires flexibility, attention
and frequent re-evaluation to be truly effective. Build a living document that can and will change, and
watch as your agile environment gets injected with some much-needed alignment.

To build an effective
agile roadmap,
build a statement
of intent
Agile Roadmapping 21
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Agile Roadmapping 22

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