GRP NewCatalogue PDF
GRP NewCatalogue PDF
GRP NewCatalogue PDF
Table of Content 01
Production WorkFlow Gunung Garuda
At PT. Gunung Raja Paksi we understand the diverse demand for this form of flat
steel as we produce steel plates from Mild Steel, High-Strength Low Alloy, Pressure
Vessel, Ship Building Plates, and for general purpose uses.
We also understand the various uses and applications of steel plates, and as one of
the leading steel mill, we can produce the majority of plate grades and standard
as issued by the worlds major third party certification entities such as BV, ABS, BKI,
DNV, LR, GL, TUV, NK & CE Marked, and each with their different sub-grades.
To further enhance the performance of our steel product, we have recent-
ly added a normalizing facility. This process is to accomodate with a mini-
mum thickness of 8mm and maximum 80mm steel plate and will provide
the additional performance enhancement to our high tensile plate range.
With the combination of experience we have accumulate through the years in the
industry and the different type of cutting machine we have at our disposal, we are
also able to fulfill the majority of sizes and dimensions required by our customers.
Thickness (mm)
8 187 467 292 583 875 1.167 700 1.400 817 1.633 933 1.867 1.050 2.100 1.167 2.334 1.284 2.567
9 210 525 328 656 985 1.313 788 1.575 919 1.837 1.050 2.100 1.181 2.363 1.313 2.625 1.444 2.888
10 233 583 365 729 1.094 1.459 875 1.750 1.021 2.041 1.167 2.333 1.313 2.625 1.459 2.917 1.605 3.209
12 280 700 438 875 1.313 1.750 1.050 2.101 1.225 2.450 1.400 2.800 1.575 3.150 1.750 3.501 1.925 3.851
12.7 296 741 463 926 1.389 1.852 1.112 2.223 1.296 2.593 1.482 2.963 1.667 3.334 1.852 3.705 2.038 4.076
14 327 817 511 1.021 1.532 2.042 1.225 2.451 1.429 2.858 1.633 3.267 1.838 3.675 2.042 4.084 2.246 4.493
15 350 875 547 1.094 1.641 2.188 1.313 2.626 1.531 3.062 1.750 3.500 1.969 3.938 2.188 4.376 2.407 4.814
16 373 933 583 1.167 1.750 2.334 1.400 2.801 1.633 3.266 1.867 3.733 2.100 4.200 2.334 4.667 2.567 5.134
18 420 1.050 656 1.313 1.969 2.625 1.575 3.151 1.837 3.675 2.100 4.200 2.363 4.725 2.625 5.251 2.888 5.776
19 443 1.108 693 1.386 2.078 2.771 1.663 3.326 1.939 3.879 2.217 4.433 2.494 4.988 2.771 5.543 3.049 6.097
20 467 1.167 729 1.459 2.188 2.917 1.750 3.501 2.041 4.083 2.333 4.667 2.625 5.250 2.917 5.834 3.209 6.418
22 513 1.283 802 1.604 2.407 3.209 1.926 3.851 2.246 4.491 2.567 5.133 2.888 5.776 3.209 6.418 3.530 7.060
24 560 1.400 875 1.750 2.625 3.501 2.101 4.201 2.450 4.899 2.800 5.600 3.150 6.301 3.501 7.001 3.851 7.702
25 583 1.458 912 1.823 2.735 3.646 2.188 4.376 2.552 5.104 2.917 5.833 3.282 6.563 3.646 7.293 4.011 8.023
25.4 593 1.482 926 1.852 2.779 3.705 2.223 4.446 2.593 5.185 2.963 5.927 3.334 6.668 3.705 7.410 4.076 8.151
26 607 1.517 948 1.896 2.844 3.792 2.276 4.551 2.654 5.308 3.033 6.067 3.413 6.826 3.792 7.585 4.172 8.344
28 653 1.633 1.021 2.042 3.063 4.084 2.451 4.901 2.858 5.716 3.267 6.533 3.675 7.351 4.084 8.168 4.493 8.985
30 700 1.750 1.094 2.188 3.282 4.376 2.626 4.251 3.062 6.124 3.500 7.000 3.938 7.876 4.376 8.751 4.814 9.627
32 747 1.867 1.167 2.334 3.501 4.667 2.801 5.602 3.266 6.533 3.733 7.467 4.200 8.401 4.667 9.335 5.134 10.269
36 840 2.100 1.313 2.625 3.938 5.251 3.151 6.302 3.675 7.349 4.200 8.400 4.725 9.451 5.251 10.502 5.776 11.553
38 887 2.217 1.386 2.771 4.157 5.543 3.326 6.652 3.879 7.757 4.433 8.867 4.988 4.976 5.543 11.085 6.097 12.194
40 933 2.333 1.459 2.917 4.376 5.834 3.501 7.002 4.083 8.166 4.667 9.333 5.250 10.501 5.834 11.669 6.418 12.836
45 1.050 2.625 1.641 3.282 4.923 6.564 3.939 7.877 4.593 9.186 5.250 10.500 5.907 11.814 6.564 13.127 7.220 14.441
50 1.166 2.917 1.823 3.646 5.470 7.293 4.376 8.752 5.104 10.207 5.833 11.667 6.563 13.126 7.293 14.586 8.023 16.045
55 1.283 3.208 2.006 4.011 6.017 8.022 4.814 9.628 5.614 11.228 6.417 12.833 7.219 14.439 8.022 16.044 8.825 17.650
60 1.400 3.500 2.188 4.376 6.564 8.751 5.251 10.503 6.124 12.249 7.000 14.000 7.876 15.751 8.751 17.503 9.627 19.254
65 1.516 3.792 2.370 4.740 7.111 9.481 5.689 11.378 6.635 13.269 7.583 15.167 8.532 17.064 9.481 18.962 10.429 20.859
70 1.633 4.083 2.553 5.105 7.658 10.210 6.127 12.253 7.145 14.290 8.167 16.333 9.188 18.377 10.210 20.420 11.232 22.463
75 1.750 4.375 2.735 5.470 8.204 10.939 6.564 13.129 7.655 15.311 8.750 17.500 9.845 19.689 10.939 21.879 12.034 24.068
80 1.866 4.667 2.917 5.834 8.751 11.669 7.002 14.004 8.166 16.331 9.333 18.667 10.501 21.002 11.669 23.337 12.836 25.672
85 1.983 4.958 3.099 6.199 9.298 12.398 7.440 14.879 8.676 17.352 9.917 19.833 11.157 22.315 12.398 24.796 13.639 27.277
90 2.100 5.250 3.282 6.564 9.845 13.127 7.877 15.754 9.186 18.373 10.500 21.500 11.814 23.627 13.127 26.254 14.441 28.882
95 2.216 5.542 3.464 6.928 10.392 13.856 8.315 16.630 9.697 19.394 11.083 22.167 12.470 24.940 13.856 27.713 15.243 30.486
100 2.333 5.833 3.646 7.293 10.939 14.586 8.752 17.505 10.207 20.414 11.667 23.333 13.126 26.252 14.586 29.172 16.045 32.091
Conculated considering specific gravity of steel as 7.85 Kg/mm2, and dimension in mm.
Mechanical Properties
Product Tensile Test Impact Test
Application Remarks
Specification Grade Thickness (mm) Thickness Range YS min. UTS E min. Bend Test Average Temp.
(N/mm2) (N/mm2) (%) (Joule)
27 (200mm) - For thickness below than
A 6 - 50 - 165 310 - 450 - - For Pressure Vessel 8mm, max width is 1,524mm
PRESSURE 30 (50mm)
Plate Carbon Steel (5); above than 8mm, max
VESSEL 185 345 - 485 25 (200mm) width is 3,048mm (10).
B 6 - 50 - - - Low AQND
ASTM A-285 28 (50mm)
Intermediate - Max. length is 15,000mm.
ASME SA-285 205 380 - 515 23 (200mm)
C 6 - 50 - - - Tensile Strength However the final sizes are
27 (50mm) subject to reconfirm by our mill.
220 415 - 550 21 (200mm)
60 12.5 - 40 - - - For Pressure Vessel - Shotblasting and primer shop
25 (50mm) are available, with max. width
Plate Carbon Steel
ASTM A-516 240 450 - 585 19 (200mm) 3,048mm (10).
65 8 up to 80 - - - Low AQND
ASME SA 516 23 (50mm) - For thickness above than
260 485 - 620 17 (200mm) 40mm shall be Normalized
70 8 up to 80 - - - Tensile Strength
21 (50mm) Condition.
Tensile Test
Impact Test
Product TR Bend Test Application Remarks
Specification Grade Thickness (mm) Thickness Range YS (N/mm2) UTS (N/mm2) EL (%) Average Temp.
Min. Min. Max. 5.65 So (Joule)
16 355 22
EN 10025-3 min. 8mm > 16 40 345 22 Boiler, Pressure Vessel,
S 355 NL 470 630 -50o C [27] Disc End, Doft Frame
TH 2004 max. 80mm > 40 63 335 22
> 63 80 325 21
A widely used product under our production line is the Hot Rolled Coil. Our Hot
Rolled Coil is produced from the best steel slabs we can source, where it is heated
to over its recrystallization temperature and rolled into flat steel while it is still in
this high temperature to right thickness size before it is rolled into coils.
To ensure better quality control during the rolling process, we use the upward coil-
ing machine. This method give us the ability to ensure that both sides of the steel
are carefully inspected to complied with our certified standard.
Our Hot Rolled Coils have been used a range applications such as, welded steel struc-
tural beams, storage tanks, flanges, and welded pipe where strength is required.
ASTM A283 C 4 - 20 - 205 380 - 515 20 (200mm) For Storage Tank of For the width of
23 (50mm) Low Temp. Use 1524mm (5) the
ASTM A285 C 5 - 20 - 205 380 - 515 23 (200mm) For Storage Tank of min. thickness is
27 (50mm) Low Temp. Use 5mm
ASTM A 36 - 2 - 20 - 250 400 - 550 18 (200mm) For General Struc-
21 (50mm) tural Application
A. B. S. A 4 - 12 - 235 400 - 520 22 (5.65 VSo) For Use In Ship
B. K. I. A 4 - 12 - 235 400 - 520 22 (5.65 VSo) For Use In Ship
L. R. A 4 - 16 - 235 400 - 520 22 (5.65 VSo) For Use In Ship
42 5 - 16 - 290 415 min 18 (200mm) - - For Welded Construc-
ASTM A 572 50 5 - 16 - 345 450 min 16 (200mm) - - tion With Improved
55 5 - 16 - 380 485 min 15 (200mm) - - Toughness
For Pressure Vessel
ASTM A 516 70 5 - 16 - 260 485 - 620 17 (200mm) - - Carbon Steel For
21 (50mm) Moderate & Lower Temp.
DIN 17100 ST 52.3 5 - 16 16 355 510 - 608 22 (200mm) 2XT/180o 0oC (27) Service With Improved
Notch Toughness
50 A 5 - 16 16 355 490 - 640 18 (200mm) - -
BS 4360 50 B 5 - 16 16 355 490 - 640 18 (200mm) - - Superior
50 C 5 - 16 16 355 490 - 640 18 (200mm) - 0oC (27) Weldability
50 D 5 - 16 16 355 490 - 640 18 (200mm) - -20oC (27)
S 355 JR+AR 5 - 16 16 355 470 - 630 20 (5.65 VSo) - 20oC (27)
EN 10025
S 355 JO+AR 5 - 16 16 355 470 - 630 20 (5.65 VSo) - 0oC (27) as per order
TH 2004
S 355 J2+N 5 - 16 16 355 470 - 630 20 (5.65 VSo) - -20oC (27) for S 355 JR+AR only
S 355 K2+N 5 -16 16 355 470 - 630 20 (5.65 VSo) - -20oC (40)
SM 490 A 6 - 16 16 325 490 - 610 17 (200mm) - -
SM 490 B 6 - 16 16 325 490 - 610 17 (200mm) - 0oC (27)
JIS G 3106 < 12mm, no impact test
SM 490 C 6 - 16 16 325 490 - 610 17 (200mm) - 0oC (47)
< 12mm, no impact test
SM 490 YA 6 - 16 16 365 490 - 610 15 (200mm) - -
SM 490 YB 6 - 16 16 365 490 - 610 15 (200mm) - 0oC (27)
< 12mm, no impact test
JIS G 3116 S G 295 295 440 26 (50mm) 180o /1.5XT - For LPG Cylinder
350 6 - 12 > 8 12 360 450 min 22 (200mm) - -
AS 3678 > 8 16 350
250 4 - 16 > 8 12 260 410 min 20 (200mm) - -
> 8 16 250
Pickling treatment will removes most surface impurities from the steel surface with
the use of chemicals, and is covered with a final layer of protective coatings. Our
years of experience in handling and controlling the right amount of chemical used in
this field of technology will ensure the treatment to produce a high degree of surface
smoothness to the plate or coil products.
With our current technology, we are able to produce hot rolled products with the
standard pickling treatment, and covered by a layer of oil based protective coating
in the final process. This protective coating will assist in resisting against corrosion
process during storage and transportation of the product, and can be applied either
to our plate or coil products.
At GRP we also produced our coil products in cold rolled form to cater to specific
materials requirement for that unique product application.
This flat steel product rolled into thinner sizes while it is in normal room temperature
to the exact thickness requirement and rolled into coils. The resulting of cold rolled
coils is that they have a better surface quality, thinner profiles, and excellent finishes,
and can be made into different type of products by means of cold forming.
Standard & Specification : JIS G 3141 spec 1B, JIS G 3141 spec SB,
JIS G 3141 spec SD
Available Size : Thickness 0.2mm - 1.5mm,
Width 700mm - 1000mm,
Maximum 762 MT/Coil
Annual Capacity : 900.000 MT/Year
Functioned similar to the mass produced H and I beam, the welded beams are
fabricated by welding together different plates to form a single beam of required
size and shape. In order to achieve Engineering Optimization, Welded Beam serves
as an alternative in construction Projects that require beams that are not available
in standard hot rolled form.
Our welded beam products are SAW (Submerged Arc Welding). The process is closely
supervised by our trained, qualified technicians and engineers, with hands on years
of experience.The quality of the product is monitored at stages by an autonomous
QA/QC Department.
At GRP, we produce Welded Beams in compliance with the JIS G 3192 standards.
Our orders are tailor made as per customers request. Customer can choose speci-
fication of Material, size of the beam and the welding/dimensional standard to be
followed. Apart from Welded Beams, we also fabricate T Beams, King / Queen
Cross, Box Beams, Box Girders and Runway Beams.
We have the unique facility to Tack Weld and Straighten Beams of Flange width up
to 1,000mm and 60mm Thk, very rare to find with many other fabricators.
450 x 200 450 x 200 9 14 18 96.8 76.00 33,500 1,870 18.60 4.40 1,490.00 187.00
500 x 200 500 x 200 10 16 20 114.2 89.60 47,800 2,140 20.50 4.33 1,910.00 214.00
600 x 200 600 x 200 11 17 22 134.4 106.00 77,600 2,280 24.00 4.12 2,590.00 228.00
600 x 300 600 x 300 12 20 28 192.5 151.00 118,000 9,020 24.80 6.85 4,020.00 601.00
700 x 300 700 x 300 13 24 28 235.5 185.00 201,000 10,800 29.30 6.78 5,760.00 722.00
800 x 300 800 x 300 14 26 28 267.4 210.00 292,000 11,700 33.00 6.62 7,290.00 782.00
900 x 300 900 x 300 16 28 28 309.8 243.00 411,000 12,600 36.00 6.39 9,140.00 843.00
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
With many different application and uses that can be achieved from using round
pipe products, at GRP we manufactured our pipe from 1/4 to 6 OD in a of length
3500 mm to 1200 mm Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) methods.
As we strive to maintain to the highest standard quality, our ERW tubular pipe com-
plied with different local and international standard specifications for its varying ap-
plication requirements.
The surface finish for this product is available in bare or in coated form and the pro-
cessing will be carried out in our facility. For the application carrying flow of water/
liquid material, we can also perform hydrostatic testing on the products to ensure
leakage-proof in its operations.
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
Medium (M)
Light (L)
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
25 1 33.7 34.2 33.3 2.9 730 50 50 2 60.3 60.8 59.7 3.6 730 50
32 1 1/4 42.4 42.9 42 2.9 730 50 65 2 1/2 76.1 76.6 75.3 3.6 730 50
40 1 1/2 48.3 48.8 47.9 2.9 730 50 80 3 88.9 89.5 88 4.0 730 50
50 2 60.3 60.8 59.7 3.2 730 50 100 4 114.3 115 113.1 4.5 730 50
65 2 1/2 76.1 76.6 75.3 3.2 730 50 125 5 139.7 140.8 138.5 5.0 730 50
80 3 88.9 89.5 88 3.6 730 50 150 6 165.1 166.5 163.9 5.0 730 50
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
Mechanical Properties
20 3/4 27.2 26.4 2.65 710 50
25 1 34.2 33.4 3.25 710 50 Tensile Strength : 33 Kgf/mm2 min
Elongation : 20 % min
32 1 1/4 42.9 42.1 3.25 710 50
40 1 1/2 48.80 48.0 3.25 710 50 Tolerance
50 2 60.8 59.8 3.65 710 50 Thickness
65 2 1/2 76.6 75.4 3.65 710 50 < 4 mm : + 0.6 mm
80 3 89.5 88.1 4.05 710 50 : - 0.5 mm
100 4 114.9 113.3 4.5 710 50 4 mm s/d 12 mm : + 15 %
: - 12.5 %
125 5 140.6 138.7 4.85 710 50
Length : 2%
250 6 166.1 164.1 4.85 710 50
Weight with zinc : 300 gr/m2
Standard length of pipe : 6000 mm
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
Chemical Composition
JIS G3452 SGP Black and Galvanized Pipe
Phosphor (P) : 0.04 % max
Nominal Size Outside Test Pressure
Thickness Sulphur (S) : 0.04 % max
A B (mm) Psi Kgf/cm2
(mm) Mechanical Properties
20 3/4 27.2 2.8 365 25 Tensile Strength : 294 N/mm2 min
25 1 34 3.2 365 25 Elongation : 24 % min
32 1 1/4 42.7 3.5 365 25
40 1 1/2 48.6 3.5 365 25
50 2 60.5 3.8 365 25 Thickness
65 2 1/2 76.3 4.2 365 25 < 4 mm : + 0.6 mm
: - 0.5 mm
80 3 89.1 4.2 365 25
4 mm s/d 12 mm : + 15 %
100 4 114.3 4.5 365 25
: - 12.5 %
125 5 139.8 4.5 365 25 Length : 2%
150 6 165.2 5.0 365 25 Weight with zinc : 400 gr/m2
Outside Diameter
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity. OD 50 mm : 0.5 mm
OD 50 mm :1%
Standard length of pipe : 6000 mm
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
Thickness : 10 %
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
Length : 2%
Outside Diameter
OD 50 mm : 0.5 mm
OD 50 mm :1%
Grade Tensile tests for the pipe with thickness less than 8 mm performed with stem test no. 12 or no. 5, the minimum elongation value can be calculated by reducing the elongation is
a rate reduction of 1.5% per 1 mm.
Standard Tolerances
If there is no specific agreement between the buyer and the manufacturer when the order is for outside diameter tolerance will be applied rule no. 1, and for wall thickness tolerance
will be applied rule no. 1
The versatile spiral-welded steel pipes are popular among different applications in the
oil & gas industries, building construction, and water/liquid distribution system. This
type of pipe product is often used for foundation piling, liquid flow distribution system,
and ports/jetty construction.
At GRP, we produced our pipe with the automatic double-side Submerged Arc Welding
(S.A.W.) technology to ensure the great consistency of our welding and the quality of
our final product.
For a specific work project, we are able produce the spiral-welded steel pipes to suit
different thickness and the diameter of up to 64 OD. In addition, we are able to provide
additional coating services with different type of material to the pipe depending on the
projects requirement.
Weight/M (Kg/M) = (OD-T) x T x 0.2466 Not Available NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
Rectangular Pipe
Shaped to rectangular form, we produced this pipe using Electric Resistance Weld-
ing autonomous machine. Using this machine we are able to make a consistent
welding all along the pipe ensuring the quality of usage for our product.
This hollow pipe are very popular in the industrial production, as it is turned into
mass produced products such as supermarket racks, container fabrication, auto fab-
rication, motor cycles, furniture. It is also used in industrial applications such as scaf-
folding, water systems, gas pipelines, liquid pipelines, equipment for oil refineries, and
structural steel.
Square Pipe
Our square formed pipes also made by welding using Electric Resistance Welding
methods, and are also machine weld to ensure welding quality consistency.
Rectangular Pipe
The square pipe is used in structural projects, shelves, benches, trailers, ornamen-
tal purposes and other general purpose use. It is widely popular in structural proj-
ect as this form of pipe is more efficient in comparison with round steel pipes, as it
is easily welded than the angular round pipe.
Square Pipe
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
NOTE : Non standard sizes are available upon request and subject to minimum quantity.
The angled bar produced here in GRP is made through forming process known as
cold formed, as its shaped is made by bending the plate from continuous steel ribbon
that have been slithered from flat steel rolls.
Our angled bar has been mainly used in the construction of light steel structure,
which includes:
Frame system of factory building
Thin walled steel truss
Grid & reticulated shell structure
Roof trusses
Purlins & Girts
Floor framing
Bench frames
Gates & Fences
Ladders, hand rails, shelving frames
90o X X X X
Sx iy Sx iy
Cy Cy
3155 60 x 60 3.2 1.65 1.65 13.1 13.1 21.3 5.03 1.89 1.89 2.41 1.17 1.00 3.02 3.02 1.49 1.49
3115 50 x 50 3.2 1.40 1.40 7.47 7.47 12.1 2.83 1.57 1.57 2.00 0.97 1.00 2.07 2.07 1.24 1.24
3113 50 x 50 2.3 1.36 1.36 5.54 5.54 8.94 2.13 1.58 1.58 2.01 0.98 1.00 1.52 1.52 1.24 1.24
3075 40 x 40 3.2 1.15 1.15 3.72 3.72 6.04 1.39 1.25 1.25 1.59 0.76 1.00 1.30 1.30 0.99 0.99
3035 30 x 30 3.2 0.90 0.90 1.50 1.50 2.45 0.54 0.92 0.92 1.18 0.56 1.00 0.71 0.71 0.74 0.74
3725 75 x 30 3.2 2.86 2.57 18.9 1.94 19.6 1.47 2.43 0.78 2.48 0.62 0.198 4.07 4.80 0.41 2.70
Advantages :
* Available pre-galvanized or bare steel
* Can be built in any weather conditions
* Affordable strengthening solution for existing bridges
* Nests for economical shipping
Standard & Specification : ASTM A 572, JIS G 3101, JIS 3131, JIS G 3352
Available Size : 4mm x 100mm x 442mm to 6mm x 100mm x 442mm
Bridge Deck
Length Size Standard
The other deck products we produced is the Composite Steel Floor Deck has a
ribbed profile with embossments designed to interlock with concrete slabs. This in-
terlocking system creates creating a reinforced concrete slab that serves the dual
purpose of permanent form and positive reinforcement.
Installation is fast, easy, and economical and it eliminates the need for temporary
wood forming.
31 146 31 146
55 55
Another product in our range is the Expanded Mesh. Expanded mesh is one continu-
ous single sheet of mesh produced from a flat metal plate where it is sheared and
stretched but is left intact at the knuckles. It is available in a variety of thicknesses
with differing sizes and designs of the apertures. Additional feature is the provision of
an excellent anti-slip surface. This makes the product suitable for ramps (e.g. inclined
walkways adjacent to conveyors) platforms and stair treads. The open nature of the
product provides good visibility through the mesh as well as the easy passage of air
and sound whilst ensuring security and protection.
Standard & Specification : JIS G3351, JIS G 3131 & ASTM 830
Available Size : 22mm x 57mm to 75mm x 200mm
Annual Capacity : 1.440 MT/Year
Expanded Merapi Mesh EMM 50050 75 200 5.0 5.0 1200 2400
Tolerance on SW +/- 5%
Tolerance on LW +/- 2 mm
Tolerance on S + 25 mm, - 0 mm
Tolerance on L Value Given in JIS on Steel Sheet and Plate
Tolerance on T Value Given in JIS on Steel Sheet and Plate
Tolerance on Weight +/- 10 %
Deflection 5 mm or less per 1000 mm and not more than
5 mm x (length mm/1000 mm) for overall length.
Our other line of products is the Lipped Channel. Our manufactured Lipped Chan-
nel is a good alternative for the hot/cold rolled channels as it offers some advantages
over them, such as, Reduced thickness, Saving in cost. Lipped channels are used in
applications such as Steel structures, Conveyor Guides , Storage Systems, Support
Systems, Electrical Applications, Pollution Control Equipments, and Architectural
H iy
X S.C. X
Technical Specification Material : JIS G 3131 / ASTM 830, Symbol : SPHC/ SAE 1006/ SAE 1008 Non standard length is available on request subject to minimum quantity.
Standard length : 6 Meters, Dimention Tolerance : JIS G 3350 We provide additional services for standard drilling and punching.
Shotblasting, painting and galvanizing are available on request.
To provide an increase variety of products under our range, we also produce roof
and wall sheeting. This Roof and wall sheeting are popular on virtually all types of
buildings due to its weathertightness, durability, and design flexibility, energy efficient,
cost effective, and allow for thermal movement. Our roof and wall sheeting come in
a variety of profiles, material, and finishes. These panels are ideal to be on industrial
plants, manufacturing plants, warehouses, and a variety of other applications and can
be used as either a roofing panel or a siding panel.
Note :
Width tolerance = 15mm
Thickness tolerance = 0.05mm
Length tolerance = - 0.0mm & + 45mm
(Max. tolerance value is for 6m or over specified length).
Also available product accesories : Caping, Flashing & Trim, Gutter & Downspout.
In support to the building and construction industry, we also produce Wire Rod. Wire Rod
is a rolled steel product, produced from a billet and having a round, rect-angular or other
cross-section. Particularly fine cross-section may be achieved by subsequent cold forming
(drawing). Wire rod is used for many different products. Depending upon how it is cold
formed and heat treated, wire is used, for example, to produce not only wire ropes, barbed
wire, wire mesh and nails, but also springs, welded wire mesh and reinforcement wire. Our
wire diameters ranging from 5.5mm to 13mm (rod) and 14mm to 40mm (bar in coil)
Standard & Specification : JIS G 3505
Available Size : Bar in coil : 14mm 40mm
Wire Rod : 5.5mm 13mm
Deformed Bar : 13mm 51mm
Round Bar : 10mm 50mm
Annual Capacity : 300.000 MT/Year
Chemical Composition %
C Mn P S
SWRM 06 0.08 max 0.60 max 0.045 max 0.045 max
SWRM 08 0.10 MAX 0.60 max 0.045 max 0.045 max
SWRM 10 0.08 to 0.13 0.30 to 0.60 0.045 max 0.045 max
LOW CARBON STEEL WIRE RODS SWRM 15 0.13 to 0.18 0.30 to 0.60 0.045 max 0.045 max
Diameter Out of Round SWRM 20 0.18 to 0.23 0.30 to 0.60 0.045 max 0.045 max
(mm) (mm)
Code We can also deliver wire rods in equivalent grades.
Nominal Tolerance Tolerance
WR 5.5 5.5 0.5 0.64 max
WR 5.8 5.8 0.5 0.64 max Diameter Out of Round
(mm) (mm)
WR 6.4 6.4 0.5 0.64 max Code
WR 7.4 7.4 0.5 0.64 max Nominal Tolerance Tolerance
WR 8.4 8.4 0.5 0.64 max BIC 14 6.4 0.5 0.64 max
WR 9.4 9.4 0.5 0.64 max BIC 17 7.4 0.5 0.64 max
WR 10.4 10.4 0.5 0.64 max BIC 19 8.4 0.5 0.64 max
WR 11.0 11.0 0.5 0.64 max BIC 20 9.4 0.5 0.64 max
WR 12.0 12.0 0.5 0.64 max BIC 22 10.4 0.5 0.64 max
WR 13.0 13.0 0.5 0.64 max BIC 25 11.0 0.5 0.64 max
We also produce half sizes like 6.5 ; 7.5 ; 8.5 ; 9.5 ; 10.5 ; 11.5 ; 12.5 mm
BIC 28 12.0 0.5 0.64 max
BIC 40 13.0 0.5 0.64 max
Another variation to our wire products is the Annealed Wire. Annealed Wire is ob-
tained by means of thermal annealing, endowing it with the properties it needs
for its main use - setting. Soft annealed wire offers excellent flexibility and softness
through the process of oxygen free annealing. This wire is deployed both in civil
construction and in agriculture. Hence, in civil construction annealed wire, also
known as burnt wire is used for iron setting, tie wire or baling wire in building,
parks and daily binding.
Our galvanized wire are made from high grade billets and processed with advanced
processing technology and it comes in Low Carbon Light Coating (LLC) and Low
Carbon Heavy Coating (LHC) variant. Various diameter and zinc coating gramature
can be set to suit the uses in for communication devices, medical treatment equip-
ment, weaving of wire mesh, making of brushes, steel rope, filter wire mesh, high
pressure pipes, construction, arts and crafts, etc.
Kawat mm 4.11 - 4.27 3.32 - 3.48 2.70 - 2.84 2.04 - 2.18 1.60 - 1.70
Zinc Coating (min) Gr/m2 50 50 50 50 50
Elongasi (min) % 10 10 10 10 10
Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 290 - 540 290 - 540 290 - 540 290 - 540 290 - 540
Adhesion Test xD 2D 2D 2D 2D 2D
Kawat mm 3.92 - 4.08 3.84 - 3.52 2.88 - 3.12 2.59 - 2.81 2.12 - 2.28 1.92 - 2.08
Zinc Coating (min) Gr/m2 290 275 275 260 240 240
Uniformity 1/3X + 1X 1/3X + 1X 1/3X + 1X 1/3X + 1X 1/3X 1/3X
Torsion (min) Nr 21 26 26 28 38 38
Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 402 - 520 402 - 520 402 - 520 402 - 520 402 - 520 402 - 520
Adhesion Test xD 5D 4D 4D 4D 4D 4D
Made from high grade billets and processed with an advanced processing technology,
our nail wires have excellent corrosion resistance, excellent heading & forming ability
with low work hardening quality. Various range of diameter and tensile strength are
available for making any kind of common nails that suits your needs.
Standard & Specification : JIS A 5508, JIS G 3505 & SNI 05-0323-1999
Available Size : Length 33mm - 125mm,
Shank 2.15mm - 5.20mm,
Head 5.1mm - 10.3mm
Annual Capacity : 14.400 MT/Year
Refer to JIS G3532 - SWMB & SWMN / SNI 07-0040-2006 Bj K.B & Bj K.P
The Smallest of building components, A nail consists of a metal rod or shank, pointed
at one end and usually having a formed head at the other, that can be hammered
into pieces of wood or other materials to fasten them together. Our nails are made
from our own produced nail wire, ensuring the quality is maintained. It comes with
2.03mm to 5.29mm diameter and 36.8mm to 130.4mm long.
Standard & Specification : JIS A 5508, JIS G 3505 & SNI 05-0323-1999
Available Size : Length 33mm - 125mm,
Shank 2.15mm - 5.20mm,
Head 5.1mm - 10.3mm
Annual Capacity : 5.400 MT/Year
As the main building materials in many construction work, our round and deformed
bar range will assist any construction and engineering project with the product quality
assurance of GRP. Round / deformed bar also commonly known as Steel Reinforcing
bars are produced by pouring molten steel into casters and then running it through
a series of stands in the mill, which shape the steel into reinforcing bars. The cross
hatchings, called deformations, help transfer the load between concrete and steel.
For buildings, bridges, highways and runways, the cast-in-place concrete body and
shop-fabricated steel musculature of reinforcing bar will work in tandem to create
one of the most durable and most economical composite materials.
Sag rod is another downstream product we produce at GRP, as part of our extensive
product lines. Sag rods are sometimes used in connection with purlins to take the
component of the loads which is parallel to the roof. It is also can be used as a tie and
(in most applications) capable of carrying tensile loads only.
Tolerance (mm)
- Round Bar Material : - Grade SR 24 / JIS G 3112
- Tensile strength min. = 380 N/mm2
Diameter Total Length Thread Length
= 520 N/mm2
d L B
Our pre-fabricated rebar mesh is made of high quality steel bar produced from our
own quality steel and are welded together to form a pre-made mesh section. With
different sizes, the pre-made section is leveled and flat with sturdy structure. De-
pending on the size, our mesh section can be used for road construction, fences,
racks, concrete walls and floors for factory and commercial buildings. It has been
rust-proofed to stand against weather elements. Our mesh section can be supplied
in rolls or panels.
An additional downstream product under our range is the anchor bolt. These anchor
bolt are usually used and embedded in concrete and used to support structural steel
columns, light poles, highway sign structures, bridge rail, equipment, and many other
applications. Our Anchor bolt comes with 16mm, 19mm and 22mm.
Tolerances :
Bar Tread Vertical - Diameter (D) = 0.5
Diameter A Length C Embedment Total Length - A = 5
Part Number (r) Nut
(D) (B) Length (Ld)
- B = 2
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm - C = 2
66 Certificate
Certificate 67
Certification acquired by PT. Gunung Raja Paksi
68 Certificate
Certificate 69
Certification acquired by PT. Gunung Raja Paksi
70 Certificate
Certificate 71
64 Services | Engineering Service Center
PSC has a modern fabrication shop, supported by the state of the art facility can With our Coil Service Centre, we are able to provide cutting service for any of our
fabricate any critical items. Backed by, PLATE MILL for the raw material, just the steel coil products. With cut-to-length services, our CSC is able provide a custom-
next door and a dedicated team of well trained and qualified welders. ized standard of lengths and widths to meet any requested specifications.
The facilities available at PSC are CNC Oxycutting M/c, Strip Cutting M/c, CNC At CSC, our machines is also outfitted with leveling process, to ensure any
Plasma Cutting, drilling & Punching M/c and 3000Ton Press Brake. Customers sheets taken from the coils are flattened when it has been turned into steel
can order Flat Bar, any complicated Shapes to be cut, Punched, Drilled and Fa- sheets. Additional quality check from our trained Quality Control staff will en-
bricated. sure the cutting quality and flatness level of the sheets we process before the
it is delivered.
Besides Destructive Test, PSC also provide NDT (Non Destructive Test) such as; UT/
Ultrasonic Test, DP/Dye Penetrant, and MPI/Magnetic Particle according by cus-
tomer demand.
At the Forming Service Centre, our company is able to produce a wide variety of Bar service center is wire (re-bar) forming facility. Our machinery and experi-
products for the construction industry. These coil based products are cold formed enced workforce are able to provides individualized service for your custom
into the final products for the uses in different applications. wire forming. With our cut-to-length, bending and threading machines theres
virtually unlimited possibilities of wire shapes. We can cut, thread and bend up
The cold formed products we produced in this facility are:
to 2,5mm steel wire and with a high degree of accuracy.
ERW Round Pipe, Square Pipe, Rectangular Pipe, Lipped Channel, Expanded
Mesh, Bridge Deck, Equal Angle & Unequal Angle.
High Rise Buildings Commercial Buildings
Apartment Show Room
Hotel Supermarket & Hypermarket
Office Building
Landmark Industrial Buildings
Gas Processing & Distribution Air Pollution Control Equipment
Terminal & Cargo Handling System Cement Plants
Chemical & Petrochemical Plant
Low Rise Buildings Factory
Housing / Residence Iron & Steel Mill
Hospital Oil Refinery
Office Building Pulp, Paper Mills & Wood Process
Airport / Hangar Warehouse
School Workshop
Girder Bridging Transmission Tower
Truss Bridging Substation Tower
Cantilever Bridging Telecomunication Tower
Arch Bridging Pole Tower
Suspension Bridging Monumental Tower
Cable-stayed Bridging Billboard
Railway Bridging Monitoring Tower
Watertank Tower
Steel Applications 75
Gunung Steel Group Product
Angle (HR) Cell Form H - Beam (HR) Honey Comb King Cross Queen Cross T-Beam Wide Flange Beam
Coil (Hot Rolled) Cold Roll Coil (CRC) Hot Roll Pickled Oil Wire Rod Galvanized Wire Wire Nail Annealed Wire Nails
Rectangular Pipe Square Pipe ERW Pipe Spiral Pipe Bridge Deck Roof & Wall Sheeting Floor Deck Lipped Channel
Steel Plate Welded Beam Angle CF Wire Mesh Round & Deformed Bar Sagrod Anchor Bolt Expanded Mesh
and Tugu Bambu Runcing
g River
Sentra Niaga
Camat & Station
900 m
am B
ya Im
STM Cibitung Jl. Ra
Gas Station
PT. Bukit Terang
Location Paksi Galvanizing GSG Gate
Direct to Location
CIBITUNG PT. Gunung Garuda
Gas Station PT. Gunung Raja Paksi
Kalimalang River
Kalimalang River
- CI
industrial town
Tanjung Priok Jawa
AIRPORT Kalideres 40 KM aher
57 KM H a lm
Ir ia n
Semanggi Pulo Gadung
32 KM
Pasar Halim
Perdana CIKAM
Location Map 77
Head Office & Factory:
Jl. Imam Bonjol 4, Ds. Sukadanau,
Warung Bongkok, Cikarang Barat,
Bekasi 17520, West Java - Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 8900 666 / 8900 111
Fax: +62 21 890 0555 / 890 1588