Lecture 32 - Group 17: 2P32 - Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Dr.M.Pilkington

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2P32 Principles of Inorganic Chemistry Dr.M.


Lecture 32 Group 17

Group 17 The Halogens

The compounds
O id and
Oxides dAAcids
Interhalogen Compounds
Sulf des
Group 17 The Halogens salt formers

The elements F, Cl, Br, I and At (Astatine) are known collectively as the halogens,
meaning salt-producers.

The name was first applied to Cl because of its ability to combine with metals to
form ssalts.

Although there is the usual variation in group properties, the striking similarities
among these elements are reminiscent of those of the alkali and alkaline earth

F- latin fluere to flow, Cl greek chloros green, Br greek bromos stench,

Iodine greek iodes violet-like, At- astatine greek astates unstable (it is
radioactive and there are no stable isotopes).

The most common compound is sodium chloride which is found from natural
evaporation as huge deposits of 'rock salt' or the even more abundant 'sea salt'
in the seas and oceans.

They lack only one electron to form a complete shell or subshell, and are
extremely active chemically.
At room temperature, fluorine and chlorine are gases, bromine is liquid, and
iodine is solid. They form diatomic molecules in the pure state. The halogens are
i andd chlorine
hl i gas and d chlorine
hl i compounds d have
h been
b usedd as chemical
h i l
weapons. In small concentrations, chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water and
to disinfect swimming pools.

General Trends in Halogen Chemistry

There are several patterns in the chemistry of the halogens.
Neither double nor triple bonds are needed to explain the chemistry of the
The chemistry of fluorine is simplified by the fact it is the most electronegative
element in the periodic table and by the fact that it has no d orbitals in its
valence shell, so it can't expand its valence shell.
Chlorine, bromine, and iodine have valence shell d orbitals and can expand their
valence shells to hold as many as 14 valence electrons.
The chemistry of the halogens is dominated by oxidation
reduction reactions

Name: derived from the Latin word "fleure," meaning to flow.

Discovery: Fluorine was first prepared in 1886 by Henri Moissan after seventy-
four years of effort by investigators including Davy, Gay-Lussac, Lavoisier, and
Description: It is a greenish pale yellow acidic gas and has a strong odor
odor. Fluorine
is the most reactive of the non-metals, and therefore will combine with most
other elements.
Source: Fluorine never occurs as a free element in nature. It most commonly
occurs in the minerals cryolite, fluorspar, and fluorapatite. 0.06% of the Earths
crustt iis fl
i which
hi h makes
k fluorine
fl i th the 13th mostt common element
l t iin th
Uses: As an element, fluorine is used in rocket fuels and helps other materials
burn. It was formally used in the production of CFCs until it was found that
p in CFCs were damaging
g g the Earths ozone layer.
y A safer compounded
was substituted. Most fluorine is used in fluorine compounds. The element is
used to make uranium hexafluoride, which is needed by the nuclear power
industry. Fluoride is in toothpaste. It has been shown to reduce tooth decay. In
a process called fluoridation, fluoride is added to a water supply to help prevent
tooth decay. y This is mostly
y beneficial to young
y g children because their teeth are
still developing. The average human body contain about a hundredth of an ounce
of fluorine.
Biological Role: The element fluorine is highly toxic. Too much of the fluoride ion
can also be toxic.

Name: derived from the Greek word khlros meaning pale green.

Discovery: 1774 by C.W. Scheele in Uppsala, Sweden.

Description: a greenish yellow, dense gas with a sharp, pungent smell.

Source: Chlorine is not found free in nature, but combined chiefly with sodium
chloride in common salt and the minerals carnallite and sodium chloride.

Uses: Chlorine is used to produce safe drinking water and many consumer
products such as paper, dyestuffs, textiles, petroleum products, medicines,
antiseptics, insecticides, foodstuffs, solvents, paints, and plastics. It is also
used to produce chlorates, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride and bromine. A
further substantial use for this element is in organic chemistry, both as an
oxidizing agent and in substitution reactions.

Biological Role: The chloride ion is essential to life. Chlorine gas is a respiratory
irritant which can be fatal after a few deep breaths.
irritant, breaths It was used as a weapon in
World War II. Chlorine liquid burns the skin.

Name: Derived from the Greek word "bromos" which means stench.

Discovery: It was first isolated in pure form by a man named Antoine Jerome
Balard in 1826,, after being
g discovered byy him in salt water.
Description: Bromine is a reddish-brown liquid that is very stinky and that fumes
at room temperature. Bromine is the only non-metal that is a liquid at normal
room conditions. Watch out! Once bromine contacts skin it causes painful burns
that heal very
y slowly.

Source: It does not occur uncombined in nature, but rather can be found
combined with other elements and in salt water and springs. Bromine is produced
by displacement from common sea water. Generally, chlorine is used to dislodge
the bromine from other compounds in the water.

Uses: Bromine was used as an additive in leaded gasoline (when it was still on the
market) to help prevent engine "knocking". Now it is used mostly in dyes,
disinfectants, and photographic chemicals.

Biological Role: Bromine plays no biological role.


Name: Iodine, iodes means "violet" .

Discovery Iodine was discovered in 1811 by Bernard Courtois in France. Courtois

often helped his father create sodium and potassium compounds. They would
gather seaweed, burn it, and then soak it in water. Sulfuric acid would then be
added in order to get the unwanted seaweed chemicals out of the mixture. After
the water evaporated, they would be left wwith
th the compounds. Courtois
Courto s
discovered Iodine one day when he added too much sulfuric acid which created a
beautiful release of violet vapor.

Description: When solid it looks metallic and has a grayish-

grayish black or violet-dark
violet dark
gray color. As a gas (because of sublimation Iodine never exists as a liquid) it has
a violet color and a harsh, unpleasant odor.

Source: Salt mines contain some Iodine along with sea water but the main source
is sea kelp. As kelp grows it takes Iodine out of the water. In order to collect
the Iodine the sea kelp is harvested, dried and burned.
Uses: Iodine makes an excellent germ killer which links to its use in sanitation
systems along with the creation of antiseptics and drugs. However it can also be
d tto make
k ddyes, specialized
i li d soaps and
d photographic
h t hi fil
film. Ch
i t also
l use
Iodine as a catalyst, a substance used to alter the speed of a chemical reaction.

Biological role: As mentioned before Iodine kills bacteria and other pathogens.
It is also very crucial in maintaining a healthy life
life. Iodine is implicated with the
production of the thyroid hormones.

People who do not maintain the proper level become ill with Goiter, the main
symptom of which being the growth of a large lump in the base of the neck.

A lack of Iodine is also the leading cause of mental retardation, deafness,

mutism and paralysis.

Because of
B f this,
thi many companies
i now supportt the
th manufacturing
f t i of f iiodized
di d salt,
when they add potassium iodide to the table salt.

In high doses the element can be just as harmful. It can irritate and burn the
skin If ingested it can be very poisonous
skin. poisonous.

Name: from the Greek word "astatos" meaning unstable.

Discovery: synthesized by bombarding Bismuth with alpha particles in 1940 by

D R Corson
D.R. Corson, K.
K R.
R MacKenzie,
MacKenzie and Emilio Segre

Description: Astatine is metallic in color. The longest lived isotope of

astatine has a half-life of only 8.3 hours. There are only 20 isotopes, and
astatine is radioactive.

Source: man-made.

Uses: sometimes used

d as a radioactive
d tracer.

Biological Role: Astatine is thought to accumulate in the thyroid gland like

iodine, but this is probable. Some doctors believe if it behaves like iodine,
astatine can be
b taken
k into the
h body
b d andd maybe
b used d to k
ll cancer. However,
not much information is known on astatine's role in the body.
Fundamental Properties and the Network

The group is not divided by the metal-nonmetal

metal nonmetal line.

All halogens are non metals, although iodine and probably astatine do show some
signs of metallic character. For example, solid iodine exhibits a metallic luster
and,, under some conditions,, a complexed
p I+ cation.

At very high temps. Iodine is a conductor of electricity.

The above are exceptions

p and in general,
g , the properties
p p of these elements are
consistent with their classification as nonmetals.

Flourine is extremely reactive and observed to have properties so special that it

cannot be classified as just another halogen, but rather should be called the
superhalogen .

It combines with all elements except helium, neon and argon.

Diatomic flourine is so reactive that it will remove hydrogen from all of its
compounds except HF.

Metals react violently when exposed to flourine gas to produce salts.

Why should flourine be so much more reactive than its congeners?

The first factor is the weakness of the F-F

F F bond (155 KJ/mol) in the diatomic

The F-F internuclear distance is so small that the lone pairs on each atom are
g to significantly
g y repel
p each other.

The high electronegativity of flourine gives a large polar or ionic component to

all E-F bonds in addition to the normal covalent bond strength.

The H-F bond has a particularly high bond energy (568 KJ/mol), making it among
the strongest single bonds known.

For these reasons, the reactions of flourine with nonmetals (producing covalent
E F bonds) are most favorable.
E-F favorable

When diatomic F reacts with metals, ionic flourides are formed. These too are
exceptionally stable, and the reactions that produce them are correspondingly

The stability of ionic flourides can be traced to the exceptionally small size of
the F- ion, leading to a high charge density compared with other anions.
Compare F2 with Cl2

F F Cl Cl

smaller bond larger bond

short bond i
i bond
b d length
l th from
f Cl2 - Al2 which
hi h
the lone pairs repel
each other, this leads leads to weaker bonds
to a weakening of the bond

Bond Energies KJ/mol

F 155
Cl 240
Br 190
I 149
At 116

F2 is more reactive than the other halogens

g due to the weak F-F bond.
It reacts with metals, metal oxides and non metal oxides

i.e. SiO2 + F2 SiF4 + OF2

Since it is so reactive it is difficult to isolate

A high charge density corresponds to a high value of the lattice energy, the
energy released when an ionic lattice is formed from its constituent gaseous

The trends in standard reduction potentials of the halogens are closely related
to the uniqueness of flourine.

F has the highest Eo (2.87 V) of the group and that chlorine is a distant second
(1.36 V), with the rest of the values steadily decreasing from 1.07 to 0.3 V.

The more positive the value of the standard reduction potential, the more
spontaneous the reduction half-reaction
half reaction tends to be and the stronger the
oxidizing properties of the halogen.

F is by far the strongest oxidizing agent of the halogens, and the oxidizing
abilities steadily
y decrease as you
y gog down the group.
g p

F is the strongest oxidizing agent since the exceptionally low F-F bond energy
makes the bond easy to break and greatly favors the generation of 2F-, so does
the charge density of the small flouride ion, leading to a large exothermic
hydration energy (the energy released when a gaseous ion is surrounded by polar
water molecules.
X2 +2e- 2X-(aq)
The primary reason for the decrease in oxidizing power of the heavier
halogens is the decreasing hydration energy (as the ions get larger) and the
decreasingg electron affinity.
The F- ion undergoes strong H-bonding
The HF2- ion exists

equal in length
there is strong H bonding
HydroAcids Hydrides
HF weak acid Ka = 6.7 x 10-5
HCl, HBr, HI are all strong acids they dissociate completely in water.
HF is more dangerous than HCl inspite of it being weak.
It exists as undissociated molecules than can be absorbed through the skin
and work its way to the bones.

Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) is one of the strongest and most corrosive of the
inorganic acids. Therefore, special safety precautions are necessary when
using this chemical. HF is used in a variety of industrial and research
applications including glass etching, pickling of stainless steel, removal of sand
andd scale
l ffrom foundry
f d castings
ti andd as a llaboratory
b t reagent.
t E
Exposure usually
is accidental and most likely due to inadequate use of protective measures
(face shields, safety goggles, acid gloves and acid aprons). In the US, more
than 1000 cases of HF exposure are reported annually. Actual incidence rate
is unknown.
HF acid burns are a unique medical problem. Dilute solutions deeply penetrate
before dissociating, thus causing delayed injury and symptoms. Burns to the
fingers andd nail
il b
d may lleave th
the overlying
l i nailsil iintact.
t t S Severe bburns occur
after exposure of concentrated (ie, 50% or stronger solution) HF acid to 1% or
more body surface area (BSA), exposure to HF acid of any concentration to 5%
or more body surface area (BSA), or inhalation of HF acid fumes from a 60% or
t solution.
l ti The
Th vastt majority
j it of f cases iinvolve
l onlyl small
ll areas of
exposure, usually on the hands and fingers.
The 2 mechanisms that cause tissue damage are corrosive burn from the free
hydrogen ions and chemical burn from tissue penetration of the fluoride ions.
Fluoride ions penetrate and form insoluble salts with calcium and magnesium.
Soluble salts also are formed with other cations but dissociate rapidly.
Consequently, fluoride ions release, and further tissue destruction occurs.
Local effects include tissue destruction and necrosis. Burns may involve
underlying bone.
Systemic fluoride ion poisoning from severe burns is associated with
hypocalcemia (low Calcium levels), hyperkalemia (low Potassium levels),
hypomagnesemia (low magnesium levels), and sudden death.
Deaths have been reported from concentrated acid burns to as little as 2.5%
Bodyy Surface Area (BSA).
( )
Oxides, Oxo Acids
Theyy are obnoxious smelling
g highly
g y unstable oxidizing
g agents
g with the
disconcerting tendency to explode.

The major chlorine oxides are:

ClO, ClO2(used
( s d in bl
hin ppulp
lp f
for p
p m making,
kin it is k
pt well
ll dil
t d tto
decrease the chances of explosion) and Cl2O7.

All are strong oxidants, as well as being unpleasant explosive substances.

Cl2O + CaO Ca(OCl)2 this is household bleaching powder. (NaOCl liquid


Dichlorine heptoxide Cl2O7 is a shock-sensitive oily liquid. It is formally the

anhydride of perchloric acid.

There are no stable
bl bromine
b i oxides
id at room. temp.

Of the iodine oxides, diiodine pentoxide, I2O5 is the most important. It is used
to qu
n y determine
m n CO concentrations.
n n n .
The interhalogens are generally considered to be compounds composed of two
orr m
re different hal
en at
The neutral binary interhalogens, of formula XXn where X is the less
electrongegative and X is the more electronegative atom. Examples of these
are given in Table 18.3
e g ClF
e.g. ClF, ClF3, ClF5, BrCl,
BrCl BrF
BrF, BrF2 etc..
As a general rule, the larger, less electronegative atom is in the centre
surrounded by one, three, five or seven smaller, more electronegative atoms.


F Cl I
Chlorine trifluoride Iodine heptafluoride

The most common of the polyatomic monohalogen anions is the triiodide ion I3-.
The solubility of solid iodine I2 in water is greatly enhanced by the addition of
a alkali-metal iodide, most often KI.
The increased solubility is due to the formation of the aqueous I3- ion.
I2 (aq) + I- I3-(aq)
The linear structure of the triiodide anion is in accord with VSEPR theory
Other Inm- ions can be thought of as combinations of I-, I2 and I3- groups
held together by intermolecular forces
Refer to Figure 18.4, Rogers.

The structure of triiodide I3-

Sulfur Halides
F6 g
gas that is used as an electrical insulator or in a transformer
f m (it( is an
octahedral molecule).
SCl2 and S2Cl2 are used in the vulcanization of rubber for the production of tires.
S2Cl2 is shipped in railway tank cares, it is shipped as a liquid, 50 tons per car to
th ti
the tire companies.
mp i s

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