Business Process Modelling - Methods and Methodologies: Tomáš Rippl

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Business process modelling - methods

and methodologies
Tom Rippl
Katedra informatiky a kvantitativnch metod
Fakulta informatiky a managementu, Univerzita Hradec Krlov

Business process modelling is a concept useful in a wide variety of situations and
for many purposes. Above all, it's products are invaluable for contemporary
software development (both business people and IT developers gain benefits form
using it).
Many software development methodologies treat business process modelling as a
way of creating formalised view of a business domain, the purpose of which is to
ensure a close (optimally perfect) alignment of IT solutions with the needs of a
business. The product of BPM is a set of deliverables called "domain model". The
model and the concepts used must be understandable by both developers and
Business process models are not only useful for producing software that is aligned
with the requirements of the business but it can also serve as a useful part of the
knowledge management, cost analysis, business process analysis, etc.
The purpose of this work is to introduce and highlight the main ideas and principles
of two methodologies and IT systems development with the aim at business
process modelling concepts - Select Perspective (from Select Business Solutions)
and ARIS (from IDS Scheer, AG). The final part concentrates on the description of
main differences between these two approaches, evaluates the benefits of each
and suggests the area at which usage of these methodologies is suitable.

Keywords: Select Perspective, ARIS, Business process modelling

1. Select Perspective
"Every business faces constant change, and these changes increase the pressure
on IT development to deliver successful solutions. Changes to the business make
new demands on IT developers to respond quickly to the opportunities or threats to
the core business. Software development is measured in weeks rather than
months, which means that the development process must be responsive to the
different needs of each project. The new approach must be agile".
Select Perspective (SP) is a product of Select Business Solutions (formerly Select
Software Tools), one of the three divisions of Aonix, a member of Gores
Technology Group. SP is about managing software assets. It is a blend of improved
and adapted object-oriented methods. The syntax used is based on Unified
Modelling Language (OMG UML). SP is aimed at building adaptable systems (i.e.
systems prepared and designed for change), which is reached by the use of
components (encapsulated set of services with clearly defined interfaces and with
minimal interdependency among components). SP is compact, highly practical,
delivery-focused approach to component-based software development.


Tom Rippl

1.1 Objects and components

SP moved to component approach in 1997, when object technology and object-
based development became the preferred approach to delivering modern solutions,
but some of the promised benefits were hard to realise (e.g. reuse of objects).
Components encapsulate (contain) more functionality than objects and allow higher
level of reuse, which can substantially increase the speed and reduce the error
rate. They are relatively small units of deployment with a published interface
consisting of services definitions (signatures). There are several benefits of using
components and performing component-based development (CBD):
1. technical benefits
- simplicity is reached through abstraction
- protected boundary is used
- functionality encapsulation
- possibility of substitution (versioning)
2. business benefits
- possibility of parallel development
- solution is more about assembly and less about development, which
implies faster development cycles
3. economic benefits
- good components can be sold / bought at a good price

1.2 Tools
During a CBD project numeric types of tools are used. The most comprehensive
ones are component factories, which encompass business process modelling,
requirements management, visual modelling, component management, quality
assurance, application assembly, and deployment. Aonix, Web Gain, and
Computer Associates are examples of such tools vendors. Moreover, different
kinds of component managers, visual modelling tools, requirements management,
application assemblers, test managers, application animators, patterns, O-R
(object-relation) mappings, and project / process management and rollout tools are
used through the CBD.
Similarly to SP, which is "a blend of object-oriented methods" methodology, the
Select Component Factory and Select Process Director (the main toolsets
produced by Select Business Solution, are blend of several tools from different
categories mentioned above assembled for the purpose of providing an integrated
environment for organisation and business process modelling, and full-value CBD.
SP categorised CBD work-flows into three distinct groups of activities: supply,
manage, and consume.
The purpose of the SUPPLY work-flow is to build and deliver complete components
usually according to predefined component specification (produced by the supplier
or by the consumer - i.e. "design by contract"). The component can be re-used,
rented, bought, or built from scratch. The schema of SUPPLY workflow can be
seen at Picture 1:


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

Picture 1: Select Perspective - The SUPPLY workflow

Main SUPPLY deliverables are:
- component/service specification
- component/service model
- component executable
- component package
The MANAGE work-flow (the component management) is aimed at component or
service supply (whether they are internal or external to the organisation), and to
monitor components and service re-use. The main purposes (benefits) of re-use
are: work save, reduced number of errors, reduced maintenance costs, and
reduced re-work. The schema of MANAGE work-flow can be seen at Picture 2:

Picture 2: Select Perspective - The MANAGE work-flow


Tom Rippl

Main MANAGE deliverables are:

- component / service catalogue
- component / service specification
- candidate component / service
- certified component / service
The CONSUME work-flow
From the business process modelling (BPM) point of view, the CONSUME work-
flow is the most important part of SP. At the start of each project there are business
users' requirements. At the end of a project there is (hopefully) a delivery of one or
more business solutions. One of the critical success factors is the alignment of the
solution delivered with underlying business needs.
As can be seen at Picture 3 (the CONSUME work-flow scheme), there are seven
(five major and two administrative) work-flows:

Picture 3: Select Perspective - The CONSUME work-flow

Let's concentrate on the Business Alignment work-flow. The purpose of this work-
flow is to ensure the full definition of requirements. As the outputs must be
understandable for both business people and IT personnel, a formalised view with
small and easy-to-understand set of symbols is used. With the help of these
concepts, the boundary of IT solution is identified and requirements are defined.
The main output of the CONSUME work-flow is the domain model, which consists
of business process model, use case model, business rules catalogue, non-
functional requirements, and definitions of constraints.


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

Picture 4: Select Perspective - The Business Alignment work-flow

The Business Alignment work-flow is an iterative and incremental process, at which
communication between end-users, business analysts, and developers is essential.
The aim is to reach and maintain the alignment with business and it's requirements
and the software solution that is to be produced. If the solution is to support
business processes, the BPM is a good and proven instrument that can help. SP
defines two kind of models: 1) process hierarchy diagram (PHD), which captures
the static structure of processes, and 2) process thread diagram (PTD), which
illustrates flows of work through activities and tasks. Moreover, there are two
possible types of models: as-is (which says what happens in the business now and
which is usually created first), and to-be (which depicts new activities, work-flows
etc. necessary for the new process. It is usually created to fix prioritised issues.).
Creation of an as-is BPM often helps to uncover and clarify the business issues.
The to-be BPM shows how business changes will be implemented in the
organisation. The result of this activity is a program of change: business change
and system change. The requirements regarding information, business rules,
constraints, and non-functional requirements can be discovered from a detail BPM.
Without capturing and exactly formulating these, the business alignment of the final
solution would be endangered.

1.3 Summary
Select Perspective is a proven, pragmatic approach to delivering successful
software solutions in a wide variety of context. The benefit of the software solution
is measured by two indicators: 1) whether it offers useful services (services that
somebody in the organisation needs and uses), and 2) whether it provides those
services at a required level. Business process modelling instance employed by the
Select Perspective products a domain model of a business reality and business
requirements, that can - if created thoroughly and properly - ensure achievement of
required level in both indicators.


Tom Rippl

Modelling of business processes and all relating factors and domains (holistic view
of business and it's processes) is seen as a critical and decisive competitive factor
by ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information Systems). "A company needs to
recognise, streamline, and support interconnected processes through optimised
information systems environment. Business process models are a crucial
prerequisite for analysing business processes, bringing projects in line with the
overall company objectives, and finally for finding the perfect information structures
in the form of a compound of distributed, integrated systems to support these lean
organisational structures."
ARIS recognises that increasing number of quite different modelling methods is
available, which on the one side supports the idea of importance of BPM but on the
other side brings increasing complexity and confusion. As a consequence, efforts
have been made to define standardised general concepts (so-called architectures)
for IT systems and modelling methods development. ARIS has been developed by
professor A. W. Scheer and is a typical example of such an architecture. As it is a
general concept, it allows to develop modelling methods, and it also serves as an
orientation framework for complex development projects because in its structuring
elements it contains an implicit procedural model for the development of integrated
information systems.

2.1 Concept of ARIS architecture

The design of ARIS is a based on an integration concept which is derived from a
holistic analysis of business processes. When modelling business processes
comprehensively, a very complex model may be the result. To reduce such a
complexity, the architecture of ARIS comprises several different views, whose
mutual relationships are strictly defined. A second approach of reducing complexity
is the analysis of different descriptive levels (from the point of view of models'
proximity to information technology). This ensures a consistent description from
business management-related problems all the way down to their technical

2.2 Descriptive views

The components necessary to provide a full description of a business process are
thus procedures, events, products / services (statuses), processors, organisational
units and information technology resources. All those aspects are separated to
groups according to the criteria specified by the methodology. The principle is to
minimise the relations between views and permit necessary relations between the
components in single views. The general schema of ARIS architecture and the
relationships among single views is depicted on Picture 5:


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

Picture 5: ARIS - HOBE (House of Business Engineering)

Organisational view represents a combination of the users and the organisational
units as well as their relationships and structures. In data view information objects
and changes in them are described. Functions (activities) result in performances -
products / services; they are described together with their relationships in product /
service view. Processes (the functions to be performed) are described in the
function view. Control view is the additional view which describes the relationships
between other views and thus forms the integrating part of the methodology.

2.3 Descriptive levels

Descriptive levels are based on the different levels of abstraction regarding to the
usage of concrete information systems to support business processes realisation.
The result is a three-tier division illustrated at Picture 6:


Tom Rippl

Picture 6: ARIS - Descriptive levels

At the level of operational business problem rough facts and technology options are
described. At the next level facts are translated into semantic models using a
formalised description language. In the design specification level the requirements
are translated into IT modules and transactions description. At the implementation
level, the design specification is transferred to concrete hardware and software
The essence of ARIS architecture is the combination of descriptive views and
descriptive levels, as can be seen at Picture 7:


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

Picture 7: ARIS - architectural concept

As can be seen at Picture 7, every descriptive view is described at the three levels
of requirements definition, design specification, and implementation.

2.4 Modelling
Operational business problem definition
The purpose of this phase is to describe the initial semantic business process, i.e.
the business problem before the individual descriptive objects within the ARIS
architecture (views and levels) can be modelled. The model expressing the
problem description needs to cover as many facts as possible from the data,
function and organisational structure views including the interrelationships existing
between them.
The necessary interrelationships are best recorded in condensed form as process
chain diagrams (PCDs) which also provide an overview of the information system
that is to be dealt with. When analysing business processes in a process chain
diagram that describes an actual situation, weak points in the current problem
solution can be highlighted. These weak points can be either media breaks
between IT-related and manual processing or organisational breaks (e.g. the
department in charge / organisational unit is changing frequently). The analysis
particularly shows data redundancies, multiple entries and time delays within a
procedure, making it possible to derive many possible ideas for improving the
target procedure that is being defined.


Tom Rippl

Function view - Requirements definition

A function is a technical task or activity performed on an object in support of one or
more company objectives. Usually, the criterion for establishing functions are
information objects such as a customer inquiry or a production order.
Function tree
Complex functions defined at a high compression level can be divided into sub-
functions to reduce their complexity. "Elementary functions are functions which
cannot be reduced any further for the purpose of business process analysis."
Function trees (or hierarchy diagrams) can be used to represent the sub-
structuring. Function trees help to reduce complexity but illustrate only a static
Y diagram
The Y diagram is used to represent the major functional areas of a company on a
highly aggregated level.
SAP application diagram
The SAP applications diagram permits an approach to the SAP R/3 reference
model that is geared to the SAP R/3 application system modules.
Objective diagram
This type of diagram allows to define the objectives of the activity of BPM / BPR.
Target and target hierarchies can be defined. A target defines future company
objectives, which are to be achieved by supporting critical factors and creating new
business processes. Critical factors specify the aspects which need to be
considered in order to achieve a particular company target. They are assigned to
company targets in the objective diagram.

Function view - Design specification

The design specification of the function view contains the specification for the
application system and module types, for the modular structure, for the draft of the
individual transaction steps, and the definition of input and output presentations in
the form of lists and screen drafts. "An Application system type typifies individual
application systems which have exactly the same technological properties."
Application system type diagram
This diagram enables the display of the modular structure of application systems
type. The individual parts of an application system type are module types. "A
module type represents a component of an application system type which can be
executed independently. Module types represent the typification of individual
modules which have exactly the same technological basis. IT function types are the
smallest units of a module type for the purposes of a transaction. They are
produced by individual program modules and must always be carried out
completely to process an individual work step."

Function view - Implementation

The purpose of this view is to show the actual modular structure of an application


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

Application system diagram

In this diagram the specific application systems and modules can be assigned to
the application system and module types described in the design specification. "An
application system (module) is a single copy of an application system type (module
type) which can be uniquely identified, by its license number for example."

Data view - Requirements definition

Data model
The requirements definition of the data view includes a description of the semantic
data model of the field which is to be examined. According to the ARIS division
principle this description contains both the objects which specify the start and end
events of a process chain as well as the status descriptions of a process chain's
relevant environment. The most widely used designing method for semantic data
models is Chen's entity-relationship model (ERM)). ARIS adds some constructs to
the original model and creates eERM (enhanced ERM).
"Entities are real or abstract things that are of interest for those tasks in a company
that are currently under consideration. If entities of the same type are grouped into
sets, they are called entity types. The individual occurrences of these are entities.
Attributes are properties describing entity types." A relationship is a logical link
between entities. Hence, the existence of relationships directly depends on the
existence of entities. If relationships of the same kind are grouped into sets, they
are called relationship types.
Relationship types are distinguished according to the number of entity types linked
to them, i.e. unary, binary or n-ary relationships. The complexity (or cardinality)
indicates how many entities of one entity type can be assigned to an entity of the
other entity type. The cardinality operators defined in ARIS eERM are slightly
different from the original Chen's ERM. The difference brings the advantage in the
form of less confusion especially in n-ary relationships.
The value ranges of attributes are called domains. A 1:1 relationship must exist
between one entity type and at least one domain. The values of this domain
uniquely identify the individual entities. Therefore, they are called the key attributes
of the entity type.
As has been already written, ARIS extends the classical Chen's ERM especially in
the field of design operators - classification, generalisation, aggregation, and
grouping are the four main design operators. The most interesting extension is in
the aggregation part where reinterpreted relationships (entity types that originally
were relationship types) is introduced. Moreover, data clusters describing the
logical view onto a number of entity and relationship types of a data model that are
needed in the description of a complex object are used.
Technical term model
This model helps to capture the variety of terms defining information objects and is
especially useful in larger companies.
eERM Attribute Allocation Diagram
This model is used to mitigate the complexity of eERM by means of separating
objects' attributes to a special model.


Tom Rippl

Alternative forms of representation are SAP SERM (structured entity-relationship

model), IE (information engineering) data model, SeDaM (semantic data model)
etc. Among other tools, models, and diagrams used are Document type definition
(DTD) model, Material flow diagram, Data Warehouse Structure Model,
Authorisation hierarchy, and Project management Data model.

Data view - design specification

In the design specification, the logical data structures designed in the requirements
definition are transformed into a form of description on which concrete database
systems can be built. ARIS provides the relational model for this. Relation diagram
and Attribute allocation diagram are used.

Data view - implementation

In this phase a table diagram is created in which a database system's tables and
fields can be described.

Organisation view - Requirements definition

Companies are complex social structures which are divided into handy units. To
deal with the complexity, patterns are defined and rules are established. The result
of this process is called organisation.
Organisation chart
The organisation chart is used to describe the structure of organisational units (as
task performers) and their interrelationships, depending on the selected structuring
Shift Calendar
Shift calendars can be assigned to personnel and material resources, and specify
when a resource is mainly available.

Organisation view - Design specification

The company's organisational structure as represented in the organisational chart
should be supported using communication and information system landscapes.
Network topology
The structural requirements for the information systems can generally be defined in
the design specification in the form of network topologies.

Organisation view - Implementation

Network diagram
The network diagram is used to illustrate the actual realisation of the
network topology determined in the design specification.
Material flow modelling - technical resources

Process View/Control View - Requirements Definition

The relationships between the objects of the data organisation and function views
are analysed in the control / process view.


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

Combining functions with organisations

The link between the function view and the organisation view is used to assign the
functions defined in the function tree to the task performers (organisational units) in
the organisational chart. This assignment defines an organisational unit's
responsibility and decision-making power for its allocated functions. Looking at this
organisational allocation in the course of a process chain (business processes) the
degree of functional integration is defined, i.e. the functional steps within a business
process that are to be processed by an organisational unit.
Combining functions with data - Event Control: Event-Driven Process Chain
The procedural sequence of functions in the sense of business processes is
represented in process chains. This means that the start and end events can be
specified for each function. Events not only trigger functions but are also results of
Combining functions, organisations, and data
In this model, several diagrams and tools are used: eEPC / PCD, Value Added
Chain Diagram, Rule Diagram, Communications Diagram, Classifications Diagram,
and Input / Output diagram.
Object-oriented modelling
The ARIS class diagram allows to assign the role of classes to information objects
(clusters, entity types, relationship types).
Other models
Process selection matrix, Material flow modelling - eEPC (material flow), SAP ALE
models, Role allocation diagrams, and many other models can be used in this view
and at this level.

Process View/Control View - Design Specification

Access diagram
The relationships that have been explained in the design specification descriptions
of the other views can be included in the access diagram of the control view.
Program structure diagram
This diagram allows all relationships to application system types, module types and
IT function types provided by the other model types of ARIS to be modelled
regardless of the ARIS division into views.
Program flow chart
The program flow chart (PF) is used to show the procedural sequences of a
program. The processing sequences are shown by the relationships between the
objects. This diagram does not represent any data.
Screen Diagram
A screen diagram is used for describing screens during software development. The
goal of this model is an automatic derivation of screen diagrams from the diagram.

Process View/Control View - Implementation

Access diagram (physical)


Tom Rippl

This type of diagram helps address and capture relationships that exist between
concrete application systems and organisational units, for example, and not those
between application system types and organisational units.

Product / Service View

Products can be a consumable product, a material type, an operating resource
type, a technical operating supply type or a packaging material type. The trigger for
the creation of a product / service is always the need of an organisational unit or a
customer. ARIS provides various model types for describing the products and
services performed in a company.
Product / Service Exchange Diagram
The product / service exchange diagram is used to map the creation of products /
services as well as their exchange within the company.
Product / Service Tree
Products / Services can be viewed at different levels of abstraction. It is therefore
useful to store these relationships in a model showing the partial products /
services that make up a complete product / service. This static aspect is
represented in the product / service tree.
Product Allocation Diagram
In addition to the general product / service diagrams which belong to the graphic
models, the product models offer the possibility of creating a more abstract
representation. The product allocation diagram is primarily used to analyse product
creation in public administration. Like the product / service exchange diagram, this
model type can be used to show which organisational units provide or use which
products, and which functions are required for the creation of the products, or for
which functions consume the products as an input.
Product Tree
The purpose of the product tree is to analyse the composition of products in public
administration. This model corresponds essentially to the product / service tree,
whereby the possibility of modelling replacement products is dispensed with. The
product tree is located at the requirements definition level of the product / service
Product Selection Matrix
In the product selection matrix the focus is on an organisational unit and the
products that fall within its responsibility.
Competition Model
This model supports the analysis and evaluation of the competitive environment in
which the company competes. The industry structure strongly influences the
strategies which are potentially available to the company.

2.5 Tools
ARIS Toolset is a family of tools developed by IDS Scheer AG. It is based on ARIS
architecture and it consists of relatively independent tools, such as ARIS Easy
Design for BPM, ARIS ABC, ARIS Simulation, ARIS Web Publisher, or ARIS Lotus
Notes Connectivity.


Business process modelling - methods and methodologies

2.6 Summary
To sum up, the ARIS architecture forms the framework for the development and
optimisation of integrated information systems as well as a description of their
implementation. In this context, with the emphasis on the technical descriptive
level, the ARIS concept serves as a model for creating, analysing, and evaluating
business management process chains.

3. Confrontation of approaches
Comparing the two approaches, several apparent differences can be found.

3.1 Paradigm
When comparing the basic concepts of both methodologies, the first obvious
difference is a different basic paradigm - Perspective is object oriented while ARIS
is a typical example of a structured methodology. The object orientation in
Perspective is even more apparent with the use of components, where the degree
of abstractness, encapsulation, and possibility of re-use is by one level higher when
comparing with the classic object-oriented approach.
In ARIS, the structural approach is apparent from the first sight at the HOBE.
Products, organisations, and especially functions and data views are separated,
modelled, and then interconnected again in the control / process view to represent
the business process in a systematic way. It is true that ARIS allows to use
concepts and diagrams that are typically used in object-oriented methodologies and
languages (UML for example) but the concepts are always created by aggregation
of entities defined in separated HOBE descriptive views at different descriptive
levels. Moreover, ARIS mostly uses break-down structure diagrams created by
top-down analysis.

3.2 Scope
In comparison with ARIS, Perspective is much more specialised. ARIS considers
itself not only as a methodology but also as a general framework (architecture) for
creating methodologies and methods of business process modelling / managing.
Perspective is an agile methodology strictly aimed at IS development, ARIS is a
general framework covering all possible areas of business analysis. It contains a
large number of tools with rules for their usage and their relationship description. It
reminds a UML but it is much broader, which is derived from the HOBE concept.
The intention of ARIS is the modelling, association, measuring, and optimising (or
eliminating) of every relevant thing / person / entity / process / activity.

3.3 Purpose and scope

Select Perspective is aimed at finding the right way to develop adaptable and
manageable information systems that effectively support dynamically changing
business processes. To deal with changes and requirements on the speed of
delivery, Perspective relies upon the component-based approach / development.
Business process modelling (and a domain model as a product of this activity) is
iteratively used / produced in increments to ensure the alignment with the needs of


Tom Rippl

business. The main purpose of BPM in Perspective is to define the scope of

software support and business requirements that not only grasp the current state
but also continually re-adjust themselves according to the changes in business
ARIS considers the holistic management of business processes as a critical factor
of organisation performance and competitiveness. To reduce the apparent
complexity of a holistic business process model, ARIS introduces descriptive views
and descriptive levels, which are very similar (if not identical) with the concept of
three architectures. What is new is the interconnection (integration) of descriptive
views and descriptive levels, the product of which is the extended house of
business engineering (HOBE). The purpose of business process modelling in ARIS
is to capture the current state of organisational processes, the optimisation /
streamlining of them, and to help finding the right integrated architecture of
information systems that effectively support defined business processes.

[1] APPERLY, H., HOFMAN, R.: Service- and Component-based development :
Using the Select Perspective and UML. London : Addison-Wesley, 2003. ISBN
[2] ARIS Method [Electronic resource]. Saarbrcken : IDS Scheer AG, 2003.
[3] SCHEER, A. W. ARIS - od podnikovch proces k aplikanm systmm. Brno :
IDS Scheer R, s. r. o., 2002. ISBN 8023847198


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