Suchmann Inquiry Writeup
Suchmann Inquiry Writeup
Suchmann Inquiry Writeup
When children are young the world to them is full of questions to ask.
Somewhere along the way, they get the idea that becoming an adult means
leaving the world of questioning to enter the world of knowing the answers.
Schools tend to encourage the movement from questions to answers since
success becomes putting the right answer in the blank or marking the correct
response. Questions in school tend to have one right answer and questions for
which there are no answers are rare.
It has been stated that true wisdom might best be defined as knowing how little
one knows in contrast to how much one knows. Therefore, if knowing how to
learn is more important than knowing all the answers, then one must realize that
good questions are more important than right answers. Teaching students to
question and ask quality questions is more important than the correctness of the
answers they can give.
Teaching science through inquiry requires that students ask questions and figure
things out for themselves. It involves the attempt to answer questions and seek
information. Inquiry can be conducted in a variety of ways: observing nature,
predicting outcomes, manipulating variables, analyzing situations, and verifying
assertions. It may involve discussing topics with others, reading, conducting field
studies, surveys, and laboratory investigations, or all of these as one attempts to
discover new knowledge and to figure things out.
The inquiry model, developed by Richard Suchman, is based on the premise that
the intellectual strategies used by scientists to solve problems and inquire into
the unknown can be taught to students. Using the natural curiosity of students,
they can be trained and disciplined in the procedures of inquiry. The model was
developed from analyzing the methods used in creative research personnel. The
elements of their inquiry process were identified and these were built into an
instructional model called inquiry training.
Inquiry training is designed to bring students directly into the scientific process
through exercises that compress the scientific process into small periods of time.
The training has resulted in an increased understanding of science, more
creative thinking, and skills for obtaining and analyzing information as students
establish facts, build concepts, and then generate and test explanations or
theories. The students are active learners involved in exploration, questioning,
problem solving, inductive reasoning, invention, labeling, and discovery.
The inquiry training method requires active participation in scientific inquiry and
capitalizes on the students natural curiosity. The general goals of inquiry
training are to:
1. develop the intellectual discipline and skills necessary to raise
questions and search out answers stemming from their natural
2. acquire and process data logically and
3. develop intellectual strategies that they can use to find out why things
are as they are.
This model differs from other inquiry models in the way the data are presented.
Students gather data in a simulated process through questioning rather than
actual manipulation of data. Thus, the method is more process oriented as the
primary goal is to improve students ability to relate data to the inferences they
have formed.
Inquiry training has five phases. The first phase is the students confrontation
with the puzzling situation. Phases two and three are the datea-0gathering
operations of verification and experimentation. IN the data-gathering phases, the
students ask a series of question that the teacher answers with a yes or no, and
they conduct a series of experiments of the problem situation. In the fourth
phase, the students organize the information obtained during the data-gathering
phases and try to explain the discrepancy. In the last phase, students analyze
the problem-solving strategies they used during the inquiry.
The teachers role is to construct the problem situation, to referee the inquiry
procedures, to respond to students inquiry probes with the necessary
information, to help students establish a focus in their, and to facilitate discussion
of the problem situation among the students.
Gunter, M.A., Estes, T.H. and Schwab, J.H. (1990) Instruction: A Models Approach. Allyn &
Bacon, Boston, Mass.
Joyce, B. and M. Weil (1990) Models of Teaching. Prentice-Hall, Inc. Englewood Cliffs, New
Skoog, G. and V. Lien (1988) Strategies for Teaching Earth Science. Lubbock, Texas: Texas
Tech University College of Education.
Skoog, G. and V. Lien (1988) Strategies for Teaching Life Science. Lubbock, Texas: Texas Tech
University College of Education.
Skoog, G. and V. Lien (1989) Strategies for Teaching Physical Science. Lubbock, Texas: Texas
Tech University College of Education.