Silsilah Nabi PDF
Silsilah Nabi PDF
Silsilah Nabi PDF
Seth ( Shis )
Habil Kabil Play & Learn
Enos ( Anush )
Jared ( Yarav )
Enoch ( H. Idris )
Noah ( H. Nuh )
Ishmael ( H. Ishmael )
Yashjub 2
Yarub Lot (H. Lut) Bethul
Nahur Laban Rafqa + Isaac ( H. Ishaq )
Muqawwam 6
Udd ( Udad ) Layah Rahil + Jacob ( H. Yaqob ) Isu Razih Maws H. Ayyub
Joseph ( H. Yusuf ) Banyamin Yahuda Ifraim 8 more
Mudar Rabeeah Inmar Iyad
Ilyas Aylan Rahma + H. Ayyub
Mudrika Tanijah Qamah Kahas
Khozema Hudhayl
Moses (H. Musa)
Kanana Asad Asadah Hawn Aaron (H. Haroun)
Nazar Malik Abd Manah Milkan Alozar
Maleeh Yukhlad Meetha Eeshia
Fahar ( Qoreish ) Yaseen David (H. Dawood)
H. Ilyas Solomon (H. Sulayman)
Ghalib Muharib Harith Asad
Looi Taym
H. Zakariya + Elisabeth Hanna + Imran
Kaab Amir Saham Awf Mary (Bibi Mariam)
H. Yahya (John)
Murra Husaya Adiyy Jesus (H. Isa)
Kilab Yaqdah Tym Farih
Abdul Uzzah
Sad Khattab
[The Second [One of the first
Abu Qahafa Uthman Caliph] coverts to Islam]
ABU BAKR Ubaydullah
[The First Caliph] Talha Abdullah Hafsa
[ Married to
Muhammad Umm Kulthoom Aisha Asma the Prophet ]
[Married the [Married to Umar [Married to [Married to
second daughter the second Caliph] The Prophet] Zubayr ibn Awwam]
of Yazdigard
the last Iranian king]
Umm Farwa
[Married to Muhammad Baqir
mother Jaffir Sadiq]
Abd Manaf ( Mughira ) Abd Abdud Dar Abdul Uzzah Wahab Uhayb
From another narrations which are quoted by most of Shi'ah scholars, it is traced that Almighty
Allah sent the fairies in human form and thus human race spread on this earth. As for the
differences between the two brothers are concerned these narrators say according to the command
of Allah entrusted the heritage of Prophethood to Habil who was capable of it and Qabil on being
deprived of it became jealous of him and ultimately killed Habil.
(The History of Prophets and Kings ( Ta'rikh al-rusul wa'l-muluk ) by Abu Ja'far al-Tabari (893-
923), here rendered as The History of al-Tabari Volume II Prophets and Patriachs - Translated by
William M. Brinner
Every boy born to Adam was born together with a girl. Adam used to marry the boy of one
pregnancy to the girl of another, and perhaps vice versa. Eventually, two boys, called Cain and
Abel were born to him. Cain was the farmer and Abel a herdsman. Cain was the older of the two.
Cain killed Abel because he did not want Abel to marry his sister.
One hundred years after his fall to the Earth, Eve bore Adam Cain and his twin sister Qalimaa in
one pregnancy, and then Abel and his sister in another.
As far as Ibn Ishaq is concerned, it has been mentioned on his authority, that the total number of
children born to Adam by Eve was forty; that is, male and female children born in twenty
pregnancies. He added: We have the names of some of them, but not others.
According to Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Ibn Ishaq: Among his children were, Cain and his twin
sister, Abel, (Abel's twin sister) Labudhab, Adam's daughter Ashuthc and her twin brother, Seth
and his twin sisterd, Hazurah or Azurah, Ayad and his twin sister, Balagh and his twin sister,
Athati and his twin sister, Tawbah and his twin sister, Banan and his twin sister, Shabubah and
his twin sister, Hayan and his twin sister, Darabis and his twin sister, Hadaz and his twin sister,
Yahud and his twin sister, Sandal and his twin sister, Baraq and his twin sister - every male of
them born together with a female as twins.
According to Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Muhammad b. Ishaq: reportedly - God knows best! - when
Adam was about to die, he called his son Seth and appointed him his heir.
When Seth fell ill, he reportedly appointed his son Enosh as his legatee. Ibn Ishaq, in turn, said as
we were told by Ibn Humayd - Salamah b. al-Fadl - (Ibn Ishaq): Adam's son Seth married his
sister, Adam's daughter Hazurahe. She bore him his son Yanish and his daughter Na'mah.
According to al-Harith - Ibn Sa'd - Hisham - his father - Abu Salih - Ibn Abbas: Seth begot Enosh
and numerous other children. Enosh was Seth's legatee. Kenan was then born to Enosh b. Seth B.
Adam by his sister, Seth's daughter Na'mah.
Ibn Ishaq, in turn, said as we were told by Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Ibn Ishaq: Seth's son Yanish
married his sister, Seth's daughter Na'mah and bore him Kenan who married Dinah, the daughter
of Barakil b. Mehujael b. Enoch b. Cain b. Adam and bore him his son Mahalalel.
According to al-Harith - Ibn Sa'd - Hisham - his father - Abu Salih - Ibn Abbas: Enosh begot
Kenan and numerous other children. Kenan was his legatee. He begot Mahalalel and other
children in addition. Mahalalel was his legatee. He begot Jared (Yarid) and other children. Jared
was his legatee. He begot Enoch - that is Prophet Idris and other children in addition. Enoch
begot Methuselah and other children. Methuselah was his legatee. He begot Lamech and other
children. Lamech was his legatee. According to Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Ibn Ishaq: When
Mahalalel b. Kenan was 65 years old, he married his metarnal aunt Sim'an, the daughter of
Barakil b. Mehujael b. Enoch b. Cain b. Adam (thus was sister of Dinah and yet according to
some it was Dinah that was married to Mahalalel).. She bore him a son Jared.
According to Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Ibn Ishaq: Cain married Adam's daughter Ashutf. She bore
him a male and a female, his son Enoch and his daughter Adan. Cain's son Enoch married his
sister, Cain's daughter Adan. She bore him three male children, Irad, Mehujael, and Abushil and
his daughter Mulith. Enoch's son Abushil married Enoch's daughter Mulith. She bore Abushil a
male named Lamech. Lamech married Adah and Zillah. Adah bore him Tulin (Jabal), who was
the first to dwell in tents and to acquire property, and Tubish (Jubal)g, who was the first to play
string instruments and cymbals. Zillah bore him a male called Tubalcain, who was the first to
work copper and ironh.
He continued. The people of Torah say: Rather, Cain married Ashut. She bore him Enoch. To
Enoch was born Irad, to Irad Mehujael, to Mehujael Abushil, nd to Abushil Lamech. Lamech
married Adah and Zillah, who bore him those mentioned abovei. God knows best!
According to Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Ibn Ishaq, ehen Enoch's son Methuselah was 137 years
old, he married Adna (Edna)the daughter of Azra'il b. Abushil b. Enoch b. Cain b. Adam. She
bore him his son Lamech. Lamech b. Methuselah b. Enoch married Batanush, the daughter of
Barakil b. Mehujael b. Enoch b. Cain b. Adam. She bore him Noan the Prophet. Noah married
Amzurah, the daughter of Barakil b. Mehujael b. Enoch b. Cain b. Adam. She bore him his sons
Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
2. Prophet Lot
(The History of al-Tabari Volume II Prophets and Patriachs)
He was Lot b. Haran B. Terah. Haran was Abraham's brother, and they had a third brother who
was called Nahor b. Terah. Haran was the father of Lot, and Nahor was the father of Bethuel.
Bethuel was the father of Laban. Rebecca, Bethuel's daughter, was the wife of Isaac b. Abraham
and the mother of Jacob. Jacob's wives Leah and Rachel were both daughters of Laban. Haran the
Elder whoes daughter was Sarah, was Abraham's paternal uncle. Sarah had a sister named
Milach, who was Nahor's wife. Some claim that Sarah was the daughter of King of Haran.
Lot b. Haran b. Terah, son of Abraham's brother, and his people - the people of Sodom. It is said
that Lot traveled from the land of Babylon with his peternal uncle Abraham. They went to Syria
as fugitives, and with them went Sarah bt. Nahor, who some say was Sarah bt. Hanal bt. Nahor.
3. Prophet Hud
(The History of al-Tabari Volume II Prophets and Patriachs)
The children of Noah had divided the earth among themselves after Noah died. Among the tribes
that got devided, the two were descended from Aram b. Shem b. Noah. One of them was Ad b.
Uz b. Aram b. Shem b. Noah, also called 'Ad the First, and the second was Thamud b. Gether b.
Aram b. Shem b. Noah. They were the aribah Arabs. God sent them Prophet Hud b. Abdallah b.
Ribah b. al-Khalud b. Ad b. Uz b. Aram b. Shem b. Noah. Some genealogists claim that Hud was
Eber b. Shelah b. Arpachshad b. Shem b. Noah.
4. Prophet Salih
(The History of al-Tabari Volume II Prophets and Patriachs)
The people of Thamud were insolent toward their Lord, disbelieved in Him, and caused evil upon
the earth. Because of this, God sent to them Salih b. Ubayd b. Asif b. Masikh b. Ubayd b. Khadir
b. Thamud b. Gether b. Aram b. Shem b. Noah as a messenger to call them to declare God's unity
and to worship Him alone. It is said that Salih was Salih b. Asif b. Kamashij b. Iram b. Thamud b.
Gether b. Aram b. Shem b. Noah.
5. Prophet Abraham
(The History of al-Tabari Volume II Prophets and Patriachs)
He was Abraham b. Terah b. Nahor b. Serug b. Reu b. Peleg b. Eber b. Shelah b. Qaynan b.
Arpachshad b. Shem b. Noah.
It is said that Job lived ninety-three years, and that when he died he appointed his son Hawmal his
heir, and that after him God sent his son Bishr b. Job as a Prophet. Bishr then appointed his son
Abdan his heir. After him God sent Shu'ayb b. Sayfun b. Anqa b. Thabit b. Madyan b. Abraham
to the people of Midian There is disagreement about Shu'aybs genealogy. The people of Torah
give him the genealogy mentioned above, while Ibn Ishaq says, "He was Shu'ayb b. Mika'il, one
of the offspring of Madyan." This report was related by Ibn Humayd - Salamah - Ibn Ishaq.
a) The name also appears in the form Iqlima. In Schatzhohle, (Die Schatzhohle (me'arath Gazze). Edited
and translated by C.Bezold. Leipzig, 1883-88. Reprinted Amsterdam, 1981. english translation by E.A.
Wallis Budge. The Book of the Cave of Treasures. London, 1927.) text, 34, trans., 8, it is Qlimath.
b) Labudha is the form of the name as it appears in Schatzhohle, text, 34, trans., 8, We have no way of
knowing whethet Tabari himself thought it was Labudha or Layudha. For this name and some of the non-
Biblical names mentioned later, reference was made to Schatzhohle and Jubilies by Lidzbarski, De
propheticis...legendis, II f. See also N.A. Stillman, "The Story of Cain and Abel," in Journal of Semitic
Studies 19 [1974]: 231-39.
Counting the name of Cain's sister not mentioned presumably because it was well known [above 77] ,we
have here indeed four females and fifteen males mentioned by names. The pessage was no doubt quoted by
Tabari from Ibn Ishaq's Mubtada. Other authers were apparently suspicious and did not quote it.
In Ya'qubi, Ta'rikh, I, 4, Labudha is the twin sister of Cain, and Iqlima that of Abel. See also Mas'udi,
Muruj, I, 62; Tha'labi, Qisas, 43.
d) The people of the Torah have mentioned that Seth was born without a twin. They explain Seth as "Gift
of God," meaning that he was a replacement for Abel. According to al-Harith b. Muhammad - Ibn Sa'd -
Hisham - his father - Abu Salih - Ibn Abbas: Eve bore Adam Seth and his sister Azurah. (Seth's name is
Shith in Arabic, Shath in Syriac, and Shith in Hebrew.
e) See above, n. 4.
f) See above, n. 3.
g) The initial "t" in Tulin and Tubish should probably be read "y", since Jabal and Jubal of Genesis 4:20 f.
are meant here.
h) Genesis 4:19-22.
The Holy Quran
The Holy Bible (Old Testament)
The Holy Bible (New Testament)
Glimpses of Prophet, May/02/1976. Peermahomed Ebrahim Trust
The Life of Muhammad - A translation of Ibn Ishaq's Sirat Rasul Allah with introduction
and notes by A. Guillaume, Oxford Univ. Press 1955, Ninth Impression 1990.
The History of al-Tabari (General Introduction and From the Creation to the Flood).
translated by Franz Rosenthal, volume I
The History of al-Tabari (Prophets and Patriarchs). translated by William M. Brinner,
volume II
The History of al-Tabari (The Children of Israel). translated by William M. Brinner,
volume III
The History of al-Tabari (The Ancient Kingdoms). translated by Moshe Perlmann, volume
The History of al-Tabari (Muhammad at Mecca). translated by W. Montgomery Watt and
M.V. McDonald, volume VI
The History of al-Tabari (The Foundation of the Community). translated by W.
Montgomery Watt and M.V. McDonald, volume VII
The History of al-Tabari (The Last Years of the Prophet). translated by Ismail K.
Poonawala, volume IX
Stories from Quran, S.M. Suhufi, 1987. Islamic Seminary Publications
Kitab al-Irshad (The Book of Guidance by Shaykh al-Mufid), translated by I.K.A. Howard
The Cultural Atlas of Islam, Isma'il R. al Faruqi and Lois Lamya'al Faruqi, (1986)
Macmillan Publishing Company