NLI Securities Limited: Direct Trading Account
NLI Securities Limited: Direct Trading Account
NLI Securities Limited: Direct Trading Account
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
1 AIBL 1ST MUTUAL FUND 1,180 1,180 8.54 10,073.37 7.80 9,204.00 -869.37 -8.63
2 APPOLLO ISPAT COMPL 800 800 23.96 19,165.33 20.70 16,560.00 -2,605.33 -13.59
3 BANGLADESH EXPORT 251 251 32.83 8,240.15 31.80 7,981.80 -258.35 -3.14
4 BANGLADESH GENERAL 250 250 21.21 5,301.38 19.10 4,775.00 -526.38 -9.93
8 CMC KAMAL TEXTILE M 410 410 27.98 11,472.07 24.90 10,209.00 -1,263.07 -11.01
10 Emerald Oil Industries Ltd 380 380 29.52 11,217.87 26.00 9,880.00 -1,337.87 -11.93
12 GLOBAL INS. CO. LTD. 1 1 17.48 17.48 15.70 15.70 -1.78 -10.21
14 NATIONAL BANK LIMITE 1,806 1,705 11.60 20,945.12 12.20 22,033.20 1,088.08 5.19
15 NORTHERN GENERAL IN 426 426 25.14 10,711.09 25.10 10,692.60 -18.49 -0.17
16 PARAMOUNT TEXTILE L 5,100 5,100 39.15 199,684.55 33.10 168,810.00 -30,874.55 -15.46
17 RAK CERAMICS (BANLA 700 700 68.27 47,787.75 56.90 39,830.00 -7,957.75 -16.65
18 SAIF POWERTEC LIMITE 130 130 50.20 6,526.30 46.90 6,097.00 -429.30 -6.58
19 SEML IBBL SHARIAH FU 2,149 2,149 11.64 25,009.85 9.60 20,630.40 -4,379.45 -17.51
21 SUMMIT POWER LTD. 320 320 40.88 13,082.61 40.40 12,928.00 -154.61 -1.18
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
24 AB BANK 1ST MUTUAL F 26,000 26,000 7.63 198,301.52 7.20 187,200.00 -11,101.52 -5.60
25 C & A TEXTILES LIMITED 4,000 4,000 12.99 51,957.00 12.70 50,800.00 -1,157.00 -2.23
26 EXPORT IMPORT BANK 23,000 23,000 14.25 327,806.00 13.50 310,500.00 -17,306.00 -5.28
27 ICB ISLAMIC BANK LTD. 7,000 7,000 5.55 38,864.84 5.40 37,800.00 -1,064.84 -2.74
28 NATIONAL BANK LIMITE 3,740 2,000 11.96 44,742.92 12.20 45,628.00 885.08 1.98
29 POPULAR LIFE FIRST M 12,000 12,000 7.50 90,058.80 7.20 86,400.00 -3,658.80 -4.06
30 STANDARD BANK LTD. 3,000 3,000 12.85 38,553.60 13.00 39,000.00 446.40 1.16
31 UNITED AIRWAYS (BD) L 52,800 46,800 6.93 365,797.35 6.50 343,200.00 -22,597.35 -6.18
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
32 ACI FORMULATIONS LTD 500 0 211.92 105,960.85 211.10 105,550.00 -410.85 -0.39
33 BARAKA POWER LIMITE 7,000 7,000 45.64 319,468.53 43.00 301,000.00 -18,468.53 -5.78
34 MJL BANGLADESH LTD. 500 500 122.09 61,047.02 120.40 60,200.00 -847.02 -1.39
35 PARAMOUNT TEXTILE L 2,000 2,000 38.35 76,705.60 33.10 66,200.00 -10,505.60 -13.70
36 SHAHJIBAZAR POWER C 500 500 150.10 75,049.00 144.60 72,300.00 -2,749.00 -3.66
37 YEAKIN POLYMER LIMIT 2,000 2,000 31.56 63,114.46 27.30 54,600.00 -8,514.46 -13.49
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
38 AFTAB AUTOMOBILES L 1,300 1,300 75.17 97,726.20 70.60 91,780.00 -5,946.20 -6.08
39 GLOBAL HEAVY CHEMIC 3,100 3,100 42.72 132,418.80 42.30 131,130.00 -1,288.80 -0.97
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
40 LINDE BANGLADESH LIM 500 500 1,303.72 651,859.75 1,261.60 630,800.00 -21,059.75 -3.23
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
41 ACTIVE FINE CHEMICAL 1,000 1,000 50.07 50,074.65 49.40 49,400.00 -674.65 -1.35
42 BANGLADESH SHIPPING 8,950 8,950 52.82 472,723.76 50.60 452,870.00 -19,853.76 -4.20
43 BANGLADESH THAI ALU 8,000 8,000 27.41 219,264.75 26.70 213,600.00 -5,664.75 -2.58
44 BARAKA POWER LIMITE 7,500 7,500 45.03 337,721.24 43.00 322,500.00 -15,221.24 -4.51
45 CVO PETROCHEMICAL R 2,000 1,860 239.61 479,210.47 222.20 444,400.00 -34,810.47 -7.26
46 DELTA SPINNERS LTD. 2,000 2,000 11.74 23,481.90 11.60 23,200.00 -281.90 -1.20
47 EBL NRB MUTUAL FUND 2,000 2,000 7.02 14,049.00 7.20 14,400.00 351.00 2.50
48 FAMILYTEX (BD) LIMITE 21,800 19,800 9.42 205,436.51 9.10 198,380.00 -7,056.51 -3.43
49 FAREST FINANCE & INV 12,000 11,000 12.17 146,013.88 11.50 138,000.00 -8,013.88 -5.49
50 FAS FINANCE INV LIMIT 10,800 10,800 16.75 180,921.01 15.70 169,560.00 -11,361.01 -6.28
51 FIRST JANATA BANK MU 3,000 3,000 7.23 21,675.60 7.40 22,200.00 524.40 2.42
52 GENERATION NEXT FAS 3,400 2,400 11.37 38,654.82 11.20 38,080.00 -574.82 -1.49
54 ICB AMCL SECOND MUT 3,030 3,030 9.03 27,365.45 9.20 27,876.00 510.56 1.87
55 INTERNATIONAL FINANC 2,000 2,000 19.77 39,537.90 19.30 38,600.00 -937.90 -2.37
56 ISLAMI BANK BANGLADE 5,000 4,000 34.92 174,609.00 32.20 161,000.00 -13,609.00 -7.79
57 MJL BANGLADESH LTD. 2,300 2,300 122.24 281,150.59 120.40 276,920.00 -4,230.59 -1.50
58 NATIONAL BANK LIMITE 4,500 4,500 12.66 56,948.63 12.20 54,900.00 -2,048.63 -3.60
60 PARAMOUNT INSURANC 6,000 6,000 18.58 111,508.92 17.80 106,800.00 -4,708.92 -4.22
61 POPULAR LIFE FIRST M 16,650 16,650 7.36 122,474.62 7.20 119,880.00 -2,594.62 -2.12
62 RELIANCE OND THE FIR 20,000 20,000 11.84 236,830.75 11.30 226,000.00 -10,830.75 -4.57
63 SEML LECTURE EQUITY 5,000 5,000 10.04 50,175.00 10.10 50,500.00 325.00 0.65
64 UNION CAPITAL LTD. 30,350 30,350 22.75 690,463.50 21.20 643,420.00 -47,043.50 -6.81
65 ZAHINTEX INDUSTRIES 7,500 7,500 19.65 147,363.98 19.00 142,500.00 -4,863.98 -3.30
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
66 BANGLADESH SUBMAR 900 900 124.62 112,158.00 116.70 105,030.00 -7,128.00 -6.36
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
67 BRAC BANK LIMITED 4,600 4,600 88.44 406,824.00 84.60 389,160.00 -17,664.00 -4.34
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Client Code: 05330 Name: RUBEL CHANDRA PAUL & SHASHWAT BANI As On: 24-Aug-2017
BO ID: 1205720062770488 A/C Type: Direct Trading Account
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
68 BANGLADESH SUBMAR 400 400 126.14 50,454.72 116.70 46,680.00 -3,774.72 -7.48
69 INVESTMENT CORPORA 260 260 190.49 49,528.41 178.90 46,514.00 -3,014.41 -6.09
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.
Company Name Total Saleable Avg. Cost Amount Market Market Value Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty. Rate (TK.) Price (TK.) Gain
70 AFTAB AUTOMOBILES L 980 980 75.38 73,873.75 70.60 69,188.00 -4,685.75 -6.34
71 BANGLADESH SUBMAR 1,140 1,140 124.62 142,066.80 116.70 133,038.00 -9,028.80 -6.36
Any discrepancy found in statement must be notified in written within 7 days from statement date. Unless statement is considered correct.