Experiment No. 1 Familiarization With Laboratory Instruments: Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Digital Multimeter, and DC Power Supply
Experiment No. 1 Familiarization With Laboratory Instruments: Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Digital Multimeter, and DC Power Supply
Experiment No. 1 Familiarization With Laboratory Instruments: Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Digital Multimeter, and DC Power Supply
Experiment No. 1
Familiarization with Laboratory Instruments: Oscilloscope, Function
Generator, Digital Multimeter, and DC Power Supply
Oscilloscope is probably the single most versatile and useful Test and Measurement instrument invented
for Electronic measurement applications. It is a complex instrument capable of measuring or displaying a
variety of signals. This is the basic equipment used in almost all electronic circuit design and testing
applications. The major subsystems in an oscilloscope are Power supplies (high and low voltage
supplies), Display subsystem, Vertical and Horizontal amplifiers and display systems. There are two
major types of oscilloscopes, viz. Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRO) also called Analog Oscilloscopes,
and Digital Storage Oscilloscopes (DSO), occasionally called Digital oscilloscopes. There are some
analog oscilloscopes which also have the extra facility to store waveforms in digital form; these are called
mixed-mode (i.e. Analog/Digital) oscilloscopes.
The main use of an oscilloscope is to obtain the visual display of an electrical voltage signal. If the signal
to be displayed is not in the voltage form, it is first converted to this form. The signal voltage is then
transmitted to the oscilloscope along a cable (usually a coaxial cable) and enters the oscilloscope where
the cable is connected to the scope input terminals. Often the signal at this point is too small in amplitude
to activate the scope display system. Therefore, it needs to be amplified.
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Together, the waveform points make up one waveform record. The number of waveform points used to
make a waveform record is called the record length. The trigger system determines the start and stop
points of the record. The display receives these record points after being stored in memory.
Depending on the capabilities of the oscilloscope, additional processing of the sample points may take
place, enhancing the display. Pretrigger may be available, allowing you to see events before the trigger
point. Fundamentally, with a digital oscilloscope as with an analog oscilloscope, you need to adjust the
vertical, horizontal, and trigger settings to take a measurement.
Another major equipment commonly in electronic circuit applications, is a Function Generator (FG). As
the name indicates, a Function Generator generates different voltage signals, such as Sine, Pulse,
Triangle. The most commonly required signals in electronic circuits are Sine and Pulse. Sine wave signals
find their use mostly in Analog circuits, such as amplifiers, filters, etc. Pulse signals are useful in testing
the time response of circuits and also as Clock signals in Digital circuits. In a general pulse signal, the
high and low level time periods are different. Square wave is a special case when the periods are equal.
In a FG by the touch of a button one can choose a variety of signals. This is possible because of the fact
that one can obtain different signals from a starting signal using waveshaping circuits. The synthesized
function generators, the waveforms are generated by digitally stored signals through digital to analog
converters. In the Esc 102 lab you will be using the Model SFG2110 Synthesized Function Generator (by
M/s GW Instek, Taiwan) which is a 10 MHz function generator.
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Digital multimeter (DMM) is a cheap and portable instrument used for measuring voltages (dc and ac),
currents (dc and ac) as well as resistances hence the name multimeter. Earlier, analog multimeters were
used for measuring the above. Analog multimeters used a standard milliammeter with different calibrated
dials for voltages, currents and resistances. These instruments were bulky and lacked accuracy. Presently,
analog multimeters are seldom used. Digital multimeters are more accurate, handy and easy to use. The
DMM used in the Esc 102 laboratory is Model DM3540A, manufactured by M/sMotwane India. It has an
input resistance of 20 Mohms, which makes it an excellent instrument for measuring voltages. In addition
to the standard functions (voltage, current and resistance measurements) it also has auto-ranging, diode
check and continuity check facilities.
In the Esc 102 lab you will be using the DMM mainly for measuring DC voltages. DMMs cannot
measure ac signals above 50 Hz. Also, they are not very accurate for current measurements. They are
mostly used for measuring voltages and resistances.
Section 1 The five function keys located on the side of the display
Section 2 the section below the display consisting of Power switch, and probe compensation
output (calibrated source).
Section 3 A variable knob and Ten Menu keys located on the top side to the left of the display.
Section 4 Knobs and buttons located in three columns at the centre part, indicated as: VERTICAL,
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Section 5 Located at the bottom part to the left of the display are input BNC sockets for CH-1,
CH-2 and External Trigger terminals, and an extra socket for GND.
DSO operations require the use of a combination knobs and buttons. You need to familiarize
yourself well with all the basic operations in order to perform experiments and make measurements
using the DSO in the Esc 102 lab.
Similarly, the signal to CH-2 should be connected to the socket below the CH-2 Volts/div knob.
CH-2 display would appear blue on the LCD screen. Numeral-2 is also indicated.
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
the trigger mode continuous and the Mode Auto message would appear at the lower most
function. Now the channels would be continuously updated. The message Trigd would appear at
the top to indicate that the mode is continuous and that the signal is triggered properly. Notice also
the frequency of the signal displayed at the bottom of the LCD screen.
e) Horizontal Functions
There are three controls under HORIZONTAL (middle column). Top one is the horizontal position
knob used to move the display in the X-direction. Bottom one is the TIME/DIV knob used to
select the timebase scale (X-scale). This can range from 10sec/div to 1ns/div. The current time base
scale setting will be displayed at the bottom, a little left to the centre line. A proper setting of the
channel Volts/div and Time/div are required to get a clear display. The middle button MENU in
this column is used to choose the Display mode.
g) AUTOSET Function
This button may be thought of as the panic button. This button may be pressed when you think
that you are lost and needs help (with regard to displaying the signals on the DSO properly!). Once
the AUTOSET button is pressed (extreme top right button) the DSO measures the amplitudes and
time periods of the input signals connected to CH-1 and CH-2 and automatically chooses the correct
Volts/Div, Time/Div, and Trigger mode settings.
The function generator uses Direct Digital Synthesis (DDS) technology to output stable waveforms.
In DDS, the waveform data is contained in and generated from a memory. A clock controls the
counter for memory addressing. The output of the digital memory is converted to analog signal by a
digital to analog converter (DAC) followed by a low pass filter.
The information about the type of waveform selected and the frequency are displayed on the display
panel of the function generator.
a) Waveform Selection Key This key selects a sine wave, a square wave or a triangular wave.
b) Cursor Keys Moves the editing point left or right in case of manual editing.
c) Amplitude/ Attenuation Control Sets the sine/ square/ triangular waveform amplitude. Turn left
to decrease or turn right to increase the amplitude. When pulled out, attenuates the waveform by
-20 bB. The -20dB display turns on.
d) DC Offset Control When pulled out, sets the DC offset level for sine/ square/ triangle
waveform. Turn left to decrease or turn right to increase the offset. The range is -5V to +5V, in
50 Ohm load.
e) CMOS Amplitude Control This knob becomes effective when the TTL/CMOS output is
enabled. When the knob is pressed TTL output is selected. When the knob is pulled out, CMOS
is selected as output. The level of the CMOS signal is selected by rotating the knob.
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
f) Waveform Output The connector outputs sine, square, and triangular waveform. The output
impedance is 50 .
g) TTL/CMOS Output Outputs TTL or CMOS output waveform.
h) Counter Input Accepts signals for frequency counting (max. amplitude is AC 30 V rms).
Important Note: Do not turn off the DSO or the FG at anytime during your experiment. They
should be left on till the experiment is over.
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
(b) Change the function to Square and Triangle without changing the frequency. Observe and sketch the
waveforms obtained. (2 marks)
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
(c) Study and write the effect of Level and Slope controls of Trigger on the waveform displayed.
(1 marks)
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
(b) Switch the CH1 input mode to AC. Observe and sketch the change in the display. Explain the result.
(Hint: In the AC mode, the DSO inserts a Capacitor in series with the signal before connecting it to the
Vertical amplifier). (2 marks)
3. X-Y Plot using DSO: One of the useful features in a modern CRO is the facility of XY Plot. This
facility can be used to display the output waveform of a circuit as a function of the input signal.
(a) Adjust the FG and display 5 sin t (freq = 1 kHz on the FG) on CH1. Put the CH1 and CH2 input
modes to GND. Put the scope in X-Y mode. Adjust the X and Y positions of the display so that the dot
displayed on the CRT is located at the origin.
(b) Now remove the GND modes and choose DC modes for both CH1 and CH2. Connect the sine wave
signal to both the channels. Observe the waveform and sketch it. (3 marks)
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
(c) Use a simple potential divider using two 10k resistors (On the breadboard, connect two 10k resistors
in series across the FG signal. Take the output from the mid-point and GND). Connect the FG output
as X and the potential divider output as Y. Observe and sketch the waveforms. (3 marks)
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
4. Limitations of a DSO
Input Equivalent Circuit of the CRO: Notice 1 MOhm, 15 pF written beneath the CH1 and CH2 input
BNC sockets. This is to tell the user that the CRO input channel is equivalent to a 1MOhm resistor in
parallel with a 15pF capacitor.
(a) Effect of finite input resistance: Make a simple potential divider using two 10 kOhm resistors.
Connect +5V from the Power Supply panel to the input of the divider. Observe the output of the
divider on the CRO and measure it. Use a Digital Multimeter (DMM) and note the voltage output.
Compare the results. (3 marks)
Esc 201: Introduction to Electronics Department of Electrical Engineering
2017-2018, 1st Semester Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
(b) Repeat the same, but now using two 1Mohm resistors instead of the 10 k resistors. Measure and note
the output of the divider again using both CRO and DMM. Explain the result. Note that the DMM
used in the Lab has an input resistance of 3 MOhms in auto mode and 6 MOhms in manual mode.
(2 marks)