Correlations For Fluid Physical Property Prediction: 968 Journal of Petroleum Technology
Correlations For Fluid Physical Property Prediction: 968 Journal of Petroleum Technology
Correlations For Fluid Physical Property Prediction: 968 Journal of Petroleum Technology
The evaluation of physical properties of hydrocarbon measurements usually are made at reservoir tem-
mixtures is an important step in the design of various perature only. The behavior of these properties with
stages of oilfield operations. The fluid properties, temperature change usually is predicted empirically.
which change as pressure and temperature change, Increasing emphasis is being placed on the
must be evaluated for both reservoir engineering and necessity of having accurate estimates of fluid
production design operations. For example, the physical properties in advance of laboratory PVT
calculation of two-phase flowing pressure gradients analyses of the reservoir fluids. Many times these
occurring in piping systems requires prediction of properties are required at a time when the only in-
fluid properties such as dissolved gas, formation formation available consists of oil and gas gravities
volume factor (FVF) , oil compressibility, and and reservoir pressure and temperature. The purpose
viscosity at various locations in the pipe. Even of this study was to utilize a large base of laboratory-
though laboratory measurements of these properties measured PVT data to develop improved empirical
may be available as a function of pressure, the correlations to replace those commonly in use. Many
of the presently used correlations were developed
many years ago from limited data and are being used
Copyright 1980 Society of Petroleum Engineers beyond the range for which they were intended. The
present study was accomplished by first gathering gases, it requires compositional analysis of mixtures.
more than 600 laboratory PVT analyses from fields Beggs and Robinson 7 in 1975 presented a
all over the world. The data encompassed very wide correlation to estimate the viscosity of crude oil
ranges of pressure, temperature, and oil properties systems based on PVT analyses of reservoir fluid
and included more than 6,000 measurements of Rs, samples. They developed a correlation for the dead
Bo and, IJ.0 at various pressures. Regression analysis oil viscosity as a function of temperature and oil
techniques then were used to correlate the laboratory specific gravity. An expression also was given to
data. Empirical correlations were developed for the calculate saturated oil viscosity.
following fluid properties as functions of pressure, The literature review revealed that the most widely
temperature, oil gravity, and gas gravity: (1) solution used correlation for dead oil viscosity was developed
gas/oil ratio (GOR), (2) oil FVF below Pb' (3) oil by Beal and for live oil viscosity by Chew and
FVF abovePb, and (4) oil viscosity abovePb' Connally. Correlations developed by Standing and
To use the best approach for this study, a thorough by Lasater are the most commonly used for
review of presently available methods was con- predicting dissolved gas and oil FVF's.
ducted. A brief description of some of the previous Limiting factors commonly found throughout the
studies follows. A more detailed literature review research are the lack of mathematical expressions for
may be found in Ref. 1. ease of handling of computations and the use of data
The best known method for calculating dissolved from specific geographical regions in the develop-
gas and FVF is that of Standing. 2 In 1947 he ment of correlations. Hence, a bias factor is induced
presented the results of a laboratory study of the in results obtained when extrapolating the correlation
PVT behavior of 22 different crude-oil/natural-gas for use on crudes of different characteristics.
mixtures from California oil fields. He developed
correlations for bubble-point pressures and oil FVF's Correlation Development
as empirical functions of solution GOR, gas gravity, It was found that all of the desired fluid properties
oil gravity, pressure, and temperature derived from
could be correlated as functions of pressure, tem-
105 experimental data points. The correlation for perature, oil gravity, and gas gravity. The gas gravity
dissolved gas has been found to be inaccurate for is a strong correlating parameter and, unfortunately,
high-gravity crude oils, but it is still one of the most usually is one of the variables of most questionable
widely used methods. His correlation for oil FVF, accuracy, because it depends on conditions at which
although developed from limited data, is the method the gas/oil separation is made. For this reason, it was
most widely used in the petroleum industry today. decided to use a value of gas gravity obtained from
In 1958 Lasater, 3 presented a correlation of the particular conditions of separator pressure in all of
bubble-point pressure for black oil systems the correlations that require gas gravity. The value of
developed from standard physical-chemical 100 psig was chosen as a reference pressure because it
equations of solutions. The correlation was based on was found to be the pressure resulting in minimum
158 experimentally measured bubble-point pressures oil shrinkage for the separator tests available. Using
of 137 independent systems. Lasater's correlation has a pressure of 0 psig also was considered, but it was
been found to be more accurate than Standing's felt that the value of 100 psig more closely represents
correlation for high-gravity crude oil systems, and field conditions and will result in less error if the
many engineers prefer using Standing's correlation actual separator pressure from which a gas sample is
for crudes of API gravity less than 15 and the Lasater obtained is unknown.
correlation for lighter crudes. Therefore, to use all of the other correlations
Extensive research has been done on the deter- developed in this study, the gas gravity first must be
mination of crude oil viscosities below the bubble- corrected to the value that would have resulted from
point. In one of the early works found in the a separation at 100 psig. Regression analysis resulted
literature, Beal 4 in 1945 presented correlations for in the following equation for correcting gas gravity
dead oil viscosity. He also developed a correlation for separator conditions.
for viscosity of undersaturated crude oils.
The Beal correlation for gas-free or dead oil 'Ygs = 'Y gp [l. + 5.912 X 10 - 5("( 0)
viscosity is used widely throughout the oil industry
and is considered to be fairly accurate. One of the . (T)log(P/114.7), ............... (1)
limitations found in his presentation is the lack of where
analytical expressions to evaluate viscosities of crude
oil systems below and above the bubble point. 'Y gs gas gravity (air = 1) that would result from
In 1959 Chew and Connally5 developed a separator conditions of 100 psig,
correlation to cover a wider range of dissolved 'Y gp = gas gravity obtained at separator conditions
GOR's and dead oil viscosities. The correlation was ofpand T,
presented in the form of an equation and in a P = actual separator pressure, psia,
graphical form. T = actual separator temperature, OF, and
Little and Kennedy6 in 1966 presented a 'Yo = oil gravity, API.
correlation pertaining to the prediction of viscosity
of complex hydrocarbon systems from pressure Dissolved Gas
temperature, and composition. Although the An improved correlation was obtained by dividing
correlation was found reliable for both liquid and the measured data into two groups, based on oil
JUNE 1980 %9
gravity. This was done both for the dissolved gas and where
oil FVF correlations. The division was made at a
value of oil gravity of 30 API. The following m=C I P C 2 exp(C 3 +C4p), ............... (7)
equation was obtained by regression analysis using
5,008 measured data points. and C I = 2.6,
C 2 = 1.187,
Rs = C I 'YgsP 2 exp [C 3 (Yo/(T + 460) J...... (2) C 3 = -11.513,and
C4 = - 8.98 x 10 - 5 .
Values for the coefficients are as follows.
Coefficient 'Yo 5,30 'Yo >30 Conclusions
CI 0.0362 0.0178 Improved prediction methods have been developed
C2 1.0937 l.l870 for some of the most commonly required crude oil
C3 25.7240 23.9310 PVT properties. Use of these prediction methods
requires no graphs or charts, and the methods are
Oil FVF (P5,Pb) convenient to use with computers or calculators. A
The oil formation volume factor for saturated oil was much larger data base was used in this study than was
correlated as a function of dissolved gas, tem- used in previous studies; therefore, the results should
perature, oil gravity, and gas gravity. The following be applicable to a wider range of oil properties.
equation was found to be the best form to reproduce Nomenclature
the measured data.
Bo = 1 +CIR s + C 2(T -60) <'Yoi'Y gs )
Bo = oil FVF, bbl/STB (m 3 Istock-tank m 3 )
Bob oil FVF atPb, bbl/STB (m 3 Istock-tank m 3 )
+C3Rs(T-60)('Yoi'Ygs)' ............. (3) Co oil compressibility, vol/vol-psi (vol/vol kPa)
The values for the coefficients depend on oil gravity P pressure, psia (kPa)
and are given by the following. Pb bubble-point pressure, psia (kPa)
Rs dissolved GOR, scflSTB (std m 3 Istock
Coefficient "105,30 "10 >30 tank m 3 )
CI 4.677 x 10- 4 4.670 x 10- 4 T = temperature, OF CC)
C2 1.751 x 10- 5 1.100 x 10- 5 "I g gas gravity (air = 1)
C3 -1.811xlO- 8 1.337 x 10- 9 "10 oil gravity, API (gl cm 3 )
~o oil viscosity, cp (Pa s)
Oil FVF (P?:Pb) ~ob oil viscosity at P b, cp (Pa s)
The change in volume of an undersaturated liquid
depends on the isothermal compressibility of the
liquid. The FVF change as pressure is increased I. Vasquez A., M.E.: "Correlations for Fluid Physical Property
Prediction," MS thesis, U. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK (1976).
above bubble-point pressure is calculated from 2. Standing, M.B.: "A Pressure-Volume-Temperature
Correlation for Mixtures of California Oil and Gases," Drill.
Bo =Bob exp!co(p-Pb)j ................ (4)
and Prod. Prac., API (1947) 275-286.
A correlation for oil compressibility, co' was 3. Lasater, J.A.: "Bubble Point Pressure Correlation," Trans.,
Al ME (1958) 213,379-81.
developed as a function of R s ' T, "10' "18' and p. A 4. Beal, c.: "The Viscosity of Air, Natural Gas, Crude Oil and Its
total of 4,036 data points was used In a linear Associated Gases at Oil Field Temperature and Pressures,
regression model to obtain Trans., AIME (1946) 165, 94-112.
5. Chew, J. and Connally, C.A. Jr.: "A Viscosity Correlation for
Co =(al +a2 R s +a3 T+a4"1gs +a5'Yo)/a6P, .. (5) Gas Saturated Crude Oils," Trans., AIME (1959) 216,23-25.
6. Little, J.E. and Kennedy, H.T.: "A Correlation of the
where Viscosity of Hydrocarbon Systems with Pressure, Tem-
perature, and Composition," Soc. Pel. Eng. 1. (June 1968)
157-162; Trans., AI ME, 243.
al -1433.0, 7. Beggs, H.D. and Robinson, J.F.: "Estimating the Viscosity of
a2 5.0, Crude Oil Systems," 1. Pel. Tech. (Sept. 1975) 1140-1141.
a3 17.2,
a4 - 1180.0, SI Metric Conversion Factors
a5 12.61, and degree API 141.5/(131.5 + API) g/cm 3
a6 10 5 . degree F CF - 32)11.8 C
Undersaturated Oil Viscosity (P?:Pb)
psi x 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa
As pressure is increased on an undersaturated oil, the
Milton Vazquez, SPE
viscosity of the oil increases. The viscosity at
pressures above the bubble-point pressure is ex-
H. Dale Beggs, SPE
pressed as a function of viscosity at bubble-point
pressure ~ob' pressure p, and P b' The viscosity of the 'Now with Shell Oil Co.
oil at P b may be obtained from the Beggs and Original manuscript received in SOCiety of Petroleum Engineers office July 5,
Robinson 7 correlation. The equation is 1977. Paper accepted for publication April 21, 1978. Revised manuscript
received March 17, 1980. Paper (SPE 6719) first presented at the SPE 52nd
Annual Fall Technical Conference and Exhibition, held in Denver, Oct. 912,
~o =~ob(P/Pb)m, ...................... (6) 1977.