Ipsg # 2017 PDF
Ipsg # 2017 PDF
Ipsg # 2017 PDF
Safety Goals
Prepared By: Mr. Mouad M. Hourani. (Bcs, MPh)
organization The The
The organization The
develops an organization organization
organization develops an organization
approach to develops an develops an
develops an approach to develops an
ensuring approach to approach to
approach to improve the approach to
correct-site, reduce the reduce the
improve effectiveness improve the
correct risk of health risk of patient
accuracy of of safety of high-
procedure care harm
patients communicati alert
,and correct- associated resulting from
identification on among medications
patient infections falls
Comply with
Use of two identification, time-out
identifiers Write down location, labeling, Patient fall
process that Comply
before Verbal and and storage of assessment /
includes site
Administering telephone order high-alert marking, with hand reassessment
medications, or test result and medications and
read it back.
equipment hygiene and
blood, or blood the concentrated
Then confirmed electrolytes
readiness and and managemen
products and correct patient
Before taking by the person presence in precautions t as
and procedure
blood and other who gave the patient care units addressed in
prior to as in policy. policy
specimens for are addressed by procedure or
clinical testing policy operation.
Patient 60 years old admitted to ER complaining of sever chest pain. ECG ,
Cardiac enzymes, CBC and KFT were done (IPSG 1: Identify patient correctly).
The ECG shown massive MI and the cardiac enzymes were critically high (IPSG
2: Improve Effective Communication). Patient transferred urgently to Cardiac
Catheterization Lab which indicated the need for open heart surgery as result of
left main 95% occlusion. Therefore, after doing the success surgery (IPSG4:
Ensure correct site, correct procedure and correct patient), patient was
transferred to CVICU Which was assessed by the registered nurse and found that
the patient at high risk of fall (IPSG 6: Reduce the Risk of Patient Harm Resulting
from Falls). In the next day the Lab technician called to notify low potassium
level (IPSG 2: Improve Effective Communication) and the consultant was not
reachable. So, the nurse called him and he ordered her to give 20meq of
potassium IV (IPSG 2: Improve Effective Communication). So that, the complete
order carried out using the medication that was stored in lucked key (secured)
box, red labeled which given after double check (IPSG3: Improve safety of high
alert medication). The patient was transferred to ward considering the
documented risk of fall precaution by assisting him in ambulation, proper
teaching, raised side rails and low bed level (IPSG 6: reduce patient harm
resulting from falls). Finally, patient was discharged with free of infection
because of physicians, nurses and other staff who dealt with patient were strict
to follow hand Hygiene (IPSG5: reduce the risk of healthcare associated