Inspection and Testing: Learner Work Book
Inspection and Testing: Learner Work Book
Inspection and Testing: Learner Work Book
And Testing
Learner Work Book
Table of Contents
Foreword ........................................................................................................4
In this unit you will learn about Inspection and testing. Inspection and testing is an
immensely important subject to grasp and is relevant to every electrical installation. It
is carried out during the erection of an installation and forms its completion.
Inspection and testing is also carried out periodically to ensure a system is still in
compliance with the latest edition of BS7671. The results of testing are documented
as proof that the installation is safe to use.
This unit examines the requirements for inspecting and testing of an installation when
it is brand new, when additions or alterations have been made to it and when it has
been in use for some time.
Knowledge Requirements
To achieve the learning outcome the candidate must know:
Building Regulations
Approved Document P is called ‘Electrical Safety’ and will be complied with if the
standard of electrical work meets the ‘Fundamental Requirements of Chapter 13 of
In your own words describe how people are protected from fire and injury whilst using an
electrical installation.
In your own words describe what information relating to safety can be provided to persons
wishing to use an electrical installation.
Class discussion. Firstly read and then discuss the above article and consider the people
involved. Should these workmen be prosecuted? Why lie about being part of the NICEIC? Write
down the key points below.
Test frequency
The table below details the maximum period between inspections of various types of
1 In you own words state the four purposes of inspection and testing
Instruments may be analogue (i.e. fitted with a needle that gives a direct reading on a
fixed scale) or digital, where the instrument provides a numeric digital visual display
of the actual measurement being taken. Insulation and continuity testers can be
obtained in either format whilst earth-fault loop impedance testers and RCD testers
are digital only.
All electrical test instruments should be calibrated on a regular basis. The time
between calibrations will depend on the amount of usage that the instrument
receives, although this should not exceed 12 months in any circumstances.
Instruments have to be calibrated in laboratory conditions against standards that can
be traced back to national standards; therefore this usually means returning the
instrument to a specialist test laboratory.
On being calibrated the instrument will have a calibration label attached to it stating
the date the calibration took place and the date the next calibration is due. It will also
be issued with a calibration certificate detailing the tests that have been carried out
and a reference to the equipment used.
The user of the instrument should always check to ensure that the
instrument is within calibration before being put to use.
Instruments that are subject to any electrical or mechanical misuse (e.g. if the
instrument is subject to an electrical short circuit or is dropped) should be returned for
re-calibration before being used again. Electrical test instruments are relatively
delicate and expensive items of equipment and should be handled in a careful
When not in use they should be stored in clean, dry conditions at normal room
temperature. Care should also be taken of instrument leads and probes to prevent
damage to their insulation and to maintain them in a good, safe working condition.
When using an instrument out on site, the accuracy of the instrument will
probably not be as good as the accuracy obtained under laboratory
conditions. Operating accuracy is always worse than basic accuracy and
can be affected by battery condition, generator cranking speed, ambient
temperature, instrument alignment or loss of calibration
Instrument types
The photograph above shows a typical modern insulation and continuity tester that
will measure both low values of resistance for use when carrying out continuity and
polarity tests and also high values of resistance when used for insulation resistance
tests. This type of instrument and test is only ever carried out on an isolated circuit
Instruments of this type are usually enclosed in a fully insulated case for safety
reasons and have a range of switches to set the instrument correctly for the type of
test being carried out i.e. continuity or insulation. The instrument also has a means of
selecting the voltage range required e.g. 250 V, 500 V, 1000 V.
Other features of this particular type of instrument are the ability to lock the
instrument in the ‘on’ position for hands-free operation and an automatic nulling
device for taking account of the resistance of the test leads.
RCD testers
All-in-one tester
These are:
Continuity tests (including polarity tests)
Insulation resistance tests
Earth-loop impedance tests
RCD tests
Measurement of prospective short circuit current.
In order to carry out effective testing it is not just a case of unpacking your meters
and carrying on with the tests. It is important that you regularly check your
instruments to make sure they are in good and safe working order.
Before using any of your instruments make sure that all test probes and
conductors to be tested are scrupulously clean to avoid incorrect test results
Check the leads for damage
Check the battery levels by zeroing or nulling the lead resistance
Ensure you get visual confirmation of the expected test values. (Open leads
display a high resistance value. Closed leads display a low resistance)
3. What is the recommended calibration period and how can we check if an instrument
is calibrated?
4. Name three tests we carry out with a low reading Ohmmeter and how accurate
must the meter reading be?
6. There are two selector switches on an RCD tester. What are they for?
Initial Verification
The following notes provide a detailed description of the procedures required to carry
out an initial inspection of an electrical installation. Substantial reference has been
made to the lEE Wiring Regulations (BS7671), the On Site Guide and lEE Guidance
Note No.3 and it is recommended that wherever possible these documents are
referred to should clarification be required.
The most important considerations prior to carrying out any inspection and test
procedure are that:
It must be remembered however that when visual inspection and / or tests are carried
out during the construction line, the results must be recorded on the appropriate
checklists or test certificates.
It is also worth noting that although the major part of any inspection will be
visual other human senses may be employed: e.g. a piece of equipment with
moving parts may generate an usual noise if it is not working correctly or an
electrical device which overheats will be hot to touch as well as giving off a
distinctive smell. The senses of hearing touch and smell will assist in
detecting these.
When an installation is complete the persons responsible for the work must report to
the owner that it is complete and ready for service. This is presented in the form of an
electrical installation certificate that must be separately signed to verify the design,
the construction and the inspection and test aspects to confirm that the installation
complies with BS7671.
The installer should also compile an operational manual for the installation, which will
include all the relevant data, including:
The certificate could be used in a court of law to prove the competence of the
electrical tester should anything happen at a later date. If we were to certify an
electrical installation that would later result in damage or harm to persons or property
we would require proof that we carried out a full inspection and test in accordance
with BS7671 which would satisfy the Electricity at Work Act. The legalities of our
responsibilities are that we are guilty until proven innocent. So having correct paper
work and test records could save your neck!
Information needed
3. The type of earthing arrangement used for the installation e.g. TN-S, TN-C-S, TT
4. The type and composition of each circuit (i.e. details of each sub-circuit, what it is
feeding, the number and size of conductors and the type of wiring used).
5. The location and description of all devices installed for the purposes of protection,
isolation and switching (e.g. fuses/circuit breakers etc).
6. Details of the method selected to prevent danger from shock in the event of an
earth fault (This will invariably be protection by earthed equipotential bonding and
automatic disconnection of the supply).
The above information may be gained from a variety of sources such as the
project specification, contract drawings, as fitted drawings or distribution
board schedules. If such documents are not available, then the person
ordering the testing should be approached
All equipment and materials used in the installation are of the correct type and
comply with the appropriate British Standards or acceptable equivalent
All parts of the installation have been correctly selected and installed
No part of the installation is visibly damaged or otherwise defective
The installation is suitable for the surrounding environmental conditions.
Pick two different inspection checks from above and try to describe what is required
Remember, if any of the initial verification checks require you to remove covers then
you will need to carry out safe isolation, otherwise you will contravene the Electricity
at Work Act 1989. The key point with all electrical work is that you maintain yours and
everyone’s safety when carrying out such work.
1. Connection of conductors
Note: Before attempting to re-secure any electrical accessory you must ensure
that the supply has been isolated.
Movement of the socket outlet
may dislodge circuit connections
and contact exposed conductors.
Work to this standard generally
means connections are also
loose. Can lead to arcing;
overheating; electric shock; fire.
Constant use of this main isolator
with a loose supply connection
can catch fire through arcing and
2. Identification of conductors
A check should be made that each conductor is identified in accordance with the
requirements of BS7671 Table 51A and Table 51B. Although numbered sleeves or
discs may be used in special circumstances, the most common form of identification
is by means of coloured insulation or sleeving. It should be noted in particular that
only protective conductors should be identified by a combination of the colours green
and yellow.
colours of
conductors to
Old switch wire colours not
identified as live at two way switch
so could present a danger when
switch is replaced.
Cables should be routed out of harms way and protected against mechanical
damage where necessary. Permitted cable routes are clearly defined in the 'on site
guide' or alternatively cables should be installed in earthed metal conduit or trunking.
Install cables away from
terminations and ensure they are
protected from mechanical
Unprotected single insulated
conductors may get snagged or
damaged by persons or
Single core insulated cables should only be installed where they are afforded mechanical
protection. Name five types different types of installation where they are properly protected.
Where practicable the size of cable used at the consumer unit should be checked for
current carrying capacity and voltage drop based upon information provided by the
installation designer. Incorrect ratings can lead to equipment failure and overheating
of conductors.
The maximum permitted voltage drop allowable from the nominal voltage is 3% for
lighting and 5% for power. This value is from the origin of the installation to the
furthest point of utilisation. At 230V that is 6.9V for lighting and 11.5V for power.
If we know the conductor size the procedure to measure voltage drop is simple.
1. For each circuit - when isolated – the L and N conductors are joined at the
furthest point and the resistance of the loop measured at the distribution board.
2. We then calculate the approximate length of the circuit.
Example: the loop resistance of a lighting circuit, shorted out at the furthest point is
found to be 0.7Ω. If the c.s.a of the cable is 1.0 mm², what is the circuit length?
This is verification of polarity. A check must be made that all single pole devices are
connected in the line conductor only. Where neutrals are used to switch devices the
equipment or circuit remains live when the circuit is seemingly isolated.
Note: Before attempting to re-secure any electrical accessory you must ensure
that the supply has been isolated.
A fault or an overload will cause
L Load the fuse to operate but the
equipment will still remain live but
N not operational. Electric shock risk
L Load
Disconnect the neutrals from the
switch and connect the live
E conductors into the switch
Accessories and equipment should be checked to ensure they have been connected
correctly including correct polarity. Incorrect connection of equipment can lead to
damage to the equipment or fire.
Isolate circuit and re-wire
strappers with a three core and
earth and re-connect the switch
Disconnect and re-connect socket
conductors into the correct
A check must be made (preferably during construction) that fire barriers, suitable
seals and/or other means of protection against thermal effects have been provided
as necessary to meet the requirements of the regulations.
Suitable fire barriers need to be installed where cables pass through floors and walls.
Due to there being an entry to pass the cable through it would provide a path for fire
to travel through. Expanding foam or transient blocks are the main form of seal used.
Where conduit, trunking or ducting does not exceed an internal csa of 710mm² it
need not be sealed internally as it passes through walls and floors. Where this
dimension is exceeded it needs to be sealed against the spread of fire.
An electrical fire within this
trunking would escape through the
open cable entries. Also carries an
electric shock risk.
Disconnect and circuit conductors.
Remove conduit and re-terminate
using a 25 to 20mm reducer.
Reconnect the conductors.
A check must be made that the requirements of the regulations have been met for
the method of protection used. Failure to comply with BS7671 could result in an
electric shock.
Basic Protection
BS7671 defines it as:
“Protection from electric shock under fault free conditions.”
Basic protection is protecting from touching parts that are live under normal use. This
generally corresponds to contact of persons or livestock with live parts. The
unfortunate being receives maximum shock voltage. We are granted basic protection
Although protection by insulation is the usual method of protection against
direct contact other methods can be used. However, where insulation should
be present it should be checked to ensure that no live conductors have been
left exposed.
Barriers / Enclosures
Where live parts are protected by barriers or enclosures (e.g. bare bus-bars
enclosed in a metal bus-bar chamber) they should be checked to ensure that
all covers have been fitted and all fixing devices are secure.
Protection by obstacles provides protection only against unintentional contact
with live conductors. If this method is used the area should be accessible only
to skilled persons or persons under supervision.
Out of reach
Placing live parts out of reach can also provide protection against direct
contact although increased distances may be necessary where long or bulky
conducting objects are likely to be handled in the vicinity.
Isolate CU. Remove supply
busbar. Replace with correct
model and ensure it is shrouded
Access to live parts via poorly
fitting terminal shroud. Electric
Fault protection
Where persons or livestock come into contact with an exposed conductive part that
has become live under fault conditions they should be protected by the part being
earthed. Examples of exposed conductive parts include metal trunking, metal conduit
or exposed metal parts of an appliance such as an electric kettle. Should the
insulation of any of the live parts within the kettle become defective then the metal
casing may become live and anyone touching the kettle would be at risk of receiving
a dangerous electric shock.
Remove brass light switch and
replace with a plastic one or use
the earth terminal point on the
switch cover
Separated extra low voltage (SELV) is the most common method of providing
protection against both. Requirements for this type of system include:
Circuit with different categories
are in close proximity which can
lead to interference or false
Circuits with different categories
are in close proximity which can
lead to interference or false
Suitable precautions must be taken where a loss (no volt) or lowering of voltage and
subsequent restoration of voltage could cause danger. The most common situation
would be where a motor driven machine stops due to a loss of voltage and
unexpectedly re-starts when the voltage is restored. Precautions such as the
installation of a motor starter containing a contactor must be employed. To overcome
the dangers a control circuit is employed and the use of a manual stop and start
station that requires a manual input to reset the circuit once it has failed.
State one example of where automatic re-energisation may cause danger to persons or
property and explain the possible consequences.
Protective devices are employed in a circuit to detect over current and fault current.
Their sole purpose is to disconnect should their rating be exceeded. If a device is
installed that is of insufficient rating this may lead to conductors and / or equipment
over heating and resulting in damage to the circuit.
Radial circuits incorrectly added
to 32A MCB. Overloaded
conductors and subsequent
damage to insulation and
equipment. Electrical fire
A check should be carried out to ensure that labels and warning notices as required
by B7671 have been fitted e.g. labelling of circuits, MCBs, RCDs fuses and isolating
devices with their circuit designation. Periodic inspection notices advising of the
recommended date of the next inspection and warning notices referring earthing and
bonding connections.
The connection of the bonding wires to the pipes has to be made with a proper clamp
to BS 951 complete with the label
Consider a domestic dwelling. What identification would you expect to see above the
protective devices in the consumer unit? Give three different examples
What information can we place on isolators, sockets and light switches in commercial
One way this can be achieved is to correctly terminate the conductors in sequence
so that mistakes cannot be made when an attempt to identify a circuits’ conductors.
Each protective device in a consumer unit is classified as a “way”. For example, there
might be 6 ways in one consumer unit and a number in a sequence (usually from the
main isolator). The neutral and earth bars in this consumer unit will also be numbered
in sequence. If a lighting circuit is supplied from way 3 the neutral and earth
conductors should also be connected into way 3 on the neutral and earth bars. If the
conductors are not connected in sequence this can cause confusion for the test
What dangers might be associated with disconnecting a circuit from a consumer unit?
We can usually identify a circuit by tracing the individual conductors from each
terminal to the point in the cable where the sheath is stripped to. If single core cable
is used they might be wired into a conduit. However, conduit is often used for more
than one circuit making identification even more difficult. Ideally the installer would
apply identification on each conductor therefore making the process of removing a
circuit a lot easier.
Class activity
Read the evidence thoroughly then work through the initial numbered inspection
requirements. Then use the circuit chart below to complete the task.
1. Record the way numbers of the circuits and record their description of load and
rating i.e. Way 1 - Lift Motor- 20 A Type B
2. Record all of the live and circuit protective conductor sizes connected
3. How would you identify the neutrals and earths of each of the circuits and put
them in the correct sequence?
All equipment must be selected as suitable for the environment in which it is likely to
operate. Items to be considered are taken from Chapter 52 of BS7671:
Ambient temperature:
A wiring system and its components shall be selected so as to
be suitable for the highest and lowest ambient temperature.
A wiring system shall be selected and erected so as to minimise mechanical damage
from impact, abrasion, penetration, compression or tension. This shall be afforded by
the mechanical characteristics of the wiring system or the use of extra mechanical
A wiring system shall be selected and erected so as to be suitable to withstand the
effects of vibration. This shall be afforded by using secure fixings suitable for the
A wiring system shall be selected and erected so suitable to
withstand the effects of radiation from the sun and ultraviolet rays.
Using shielding or equipment suitable for the environment shall
afford this.
BS7671 requires that every piece of equipment that requires operation or attention
must be installed so that adequate and safe means of access and working space are
Why is adequate access important with regard to switch gear and equipment?
Create a cut in the ceiling to allow
removal of consumer unit cover or
lower the entire trunking and
consumer unit installation
State three places where you think a warning sign might need to be placed
All distribution boards should be provided with a distribution board schedule that
provides information regarding types of circuits, number and size of conductors, type
of wiring etc. This should be attached within or adjacent to each distribution board.
No chart or identification is
present. Isolating a specific circuit
for testing and inspection or
maintenance is not an easy task.
Unintentional isolation of supplies.
By displaying a circuit chart, usually mounted inside the door, it would display
information about the circuit such as:
Assuming there is enough slack
on the cable ensure the sheath
enters the enclosure and secure it
in place so it will not fall out.
3. What are the main objectives when inspecting the connection of conductors?
4. Why is it important to ensure single pole devices are only connected in the live
6. How are we granted basic and fault protection from electric shock?
Sequence of Tests
Testing can be hazardous, both to the tester and to others who are
within the area of the installation during the test. The danger is
compounded if tests are not carried out in the correct sequence.
Some tests require the supply to be on. Some tests will prove the
operation of the circuit. The person designated to do the testing
carries a huge responsibility to verify that the circuits will not cause
danger to property, persons or livestock therefore BS7671 states
the order we should carry out the tests.
To aid the testing process a record must be made first of the final circuits. See the
left half of the certificate part on the next page for the information that is needed prior
to commencing testing. Recording these details logs on a document the installation
and can this can then be used as a reference of “as installed” circuits.
Not every reading we take needs to be recorded but there are specific ones that do.
See the right half of the certificate part on the next page for the information that is
needed to document the testing. Recording these results is written proof that the
installation has been tested in accordance with BS7671.
Test sequence
Having carried out the initial inspection, the following items where relevant, must be
tested in the same sequence as stated in BS7671 and shown below.
Some tests will be carried out before the supply is connected, whilst others cannot be
performed until the installation is energised. The list below shows the correct
sequence of testing to reduce the possibility of accidents to the minimum.
With the supply isolated:
Test Sequence at a glance:
Consider that the insulation resistance test failed on a ring main. Explain what would be
the dangers of carrying on with the testing sequence.
Regulations state that every protective conductor, including each bonding conductor,
shall be tested to verify that it is electrically sound and correctly connected.
The test method 1 described below checks the continuity of the protective
conductor and will also measure R1 + R2 which, when corrected for temperature,
will enable the designer to verify the calculated earth fault loop impedance Zs.
Testing the operation of switching circuits during this test will also confirms
polarity which is that live conductors are connected correctly.
Method 1
Before carrying out this test the leads should
be ‘nulled out’. If the test instrument does not
have this facility, the resistance of the leads
should be measured and deducted from the
readings. The live conductor and the
protective conductor are linked together at the
consumer unit or distribution board. The
ohmmeter is used to test between the live and Earth Continuity - Method 1
earth terminals at each outlet in the circuit.
The measurement at the circuit’s extremity should be recorded and is the value of R1
+ R2 for the circuit under test. On a lighting circuit the value of R1 should include the
switch wire at the luminaires. This method should be carried out before any
supplementary bonds are made. Operate switches to confirm polarity and see that
they affect the reading.
Method 2
One lead of the continuity tester is connected to the
consumer’s main earth terminal. The other lead is
connected to a “wandering” lead, which is used to
make contact with protective conductors at light
fittings, switches, spur outlets etc. The resistance of
the test leads will be included in the result; therefore
the resistance of the test leads must be measured
and subtracted from the reading obtained if the Earth Continuity - Method 2
instrument does not have a nulling facility. In this
method the protective conductor only is tested and this reading R2 is recorded on the
installation schedule.
This method is also used to test the main and supplementary protective bonding
conductors. The ohmmeter leads are connected between the points being tested,
between simultaneously accessible extraneous conductive parts i.e. pipe work, sinks
etc. or between simultaneously accessible extraneous conductive parts and exposed
conductive parts (metal parts of the installation).
3. Light
switch on
2. Live (R1)
and earth (R2)
4. Zero lead
1. Isolate supply resistance and
set to Ω
Inspection and Testing REV4.1
4. Take
readings at
each earth
point and
record the
highest value
3. Zero lead
1. Isolate resistance and
main set to Ω
5. Take
less than
0.05 Ω
4. Place one lead on
conductor and
other on the clamp
connection (Use
wandering lead if 3. Zero lead
necessary) resistance and
set to Ω
Class Discussion: Mike is obtaining values which seem too high than the expected values. What could explain higher than expected
readings whilst carrying out earth continuity tests? Record the key points below.
2. Disconnect
4. Place meter on
ring conductors
one loop of the
to be tested
ring (L, N or E)
3. Zero lead
resistance and
set to Ω
6. Repeat test
for each loop
5. Take
and record
1. Isolate supply
3. Zero lead
resistance and
set to Ω
7. Test live and
neutral at each
socket. Each
value should be
2. Ring conductors
the same
still disconnected
from Step 1 6. Take
1. Isolate
1. Isolate
Class Discussion: John ponders his test results after carrying out the three ring continuity tests. How will the readings be affected when tests
are taken at all sockets on a circuit that is wired with unintentional spurs or interconnections? How can the circuit be corrected?
As mentioned above we can test multiple circuits at once but some electricians
prefer, or find it quicker, to test between individual circuits and their conductors. On
lighting circuits where two way / intermediate circuits are used tests have to be
repeated with switches in the opposite position so that all strappers are tested.
An insulation resistance value of not less than 1.0 megohms complies with BS7671.
Where an insulation resistance value of less than 2 megohms is recorded, the
possibility of a latent defect exists. If this is the case further investigation is required
to uncover the source of the non-compliant reading.
2. Isolate
final circuit
4. Set to MΩ
7. Take (500V)
reading and
Inspection and Testing REV4.1
Class Discussion: Lance has been given the task of testing some existing circuits on a db. It is discovered that several readings are
between 0 and 2 megohms. What can possibly cause these non-compliant readings? Lance is not fully confident with his testing knowledge.
Discuss the entire scope of this event and list the key points below.
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Tests shown between four circuits’ lives Tests shown between four circuits’ lives
and one earth
How might this test be completed in a quicker time? Are there any methods we
can use to ensure all conductors are tested but in less time than testing them
individually? Use the space below for your diagrams.
1. Isolate 4. Set to MΩ
main supply 7. Take (500V)
Test 5 - Polarity
For ring circuits, if the tests required by Steps 2 and 3 (ring circuit
continuity) have been carried out, the correct connections of live, neutral
and cpc conductors will have already been verified and no further testing is
6. Take
2. Live (R1) and readings and
earth (R2) linked confirm
The resistance to earth depends upon the size and type of electrode used and we
want as good a connection to earth as possible. The connection to the electrode
must be made above ground level via an inspection pit like the one showed above.
We should carry out the test during dry periods as moisture in the
ground will not provide the “worst case” test result. Typical values
should be around 100-200 ohms
The test requires that we drive two temporary test spikes into the ground by the
electrode. They are:
A current spike at a distance away approximately 10x the length of the rod
under test (20m for a 2m rod)
A potential spike approximately midway between the current spike and the
We then take an average of these three readings to obtain the electrode resistance.
As long as the average reading does not deviate from any of the three readings by
more than 5% this can be accepted as the electrode resistance value. If they do
deviate by more than 5% then the current spike must be moved a greater distance
and then re-tests must be carried out.
2. Disconnect
the main
from the
5. Attach the
3. Drive the current 4. Drive the potential electrode lead
spike in a distance of spike in half the
10x the electrode distance between the
length away from the electrode and current
electrode spike
Inspection and Testing REV4.1
**Ze is the loop impedance value external to the source of the circuit’s supply.
Direct measurement of Zs
Direct measurement of earth-fault loop impedance is achieved by use of an earth
fault loop impedance tester, which is an instrument designed specifically for this
purpose. The instrument operates from the mains supply and therefore can only be
used on a live installation so great care must be taken. Earth-fault loop impedance
testers are connected directly to the furthest point of the circuit. It must be noted
that parallel paths may be present which will affect the true circuit’s earth loop
impedance reading.
Measurement of Ze
The value of Ze can be measured using an earth fault loop impedance tester at the
origin of the installation. The instrument is connected using approved leads between
the live terminal of the supply and the means of earthing with the main switch open or
with all sub-circuits isolated. In order to remove the possibility of parallel paths, the
means of earthing must be disconnected from the main protective bonding
conductors for the duration of the test.
4. Set to Ω and
1. Main ensure display
isolator on confirms correct
Live Circuit Test polarity
The instrument is usually fitted with a standard 13 A plug for connecting to the installation directly through a normal socket outlet,
although test leads and probes are also provided for taking measurements at other points on the installation
Inspection and Testing REV4.1
3. Design values
Where the designer of the installation provides calculated values of earth-loop impedance,
the measured values should be compared with these.
The integral test button incorporated in all RCDs only verifies the correct operation of the
mechanical parts of the RCD and does not provide a means of checking the continuity of the
earthing conductor, the earth electrode or the sensitivity of the device. This can only be done
effectively by use of an RCD tester specifically designed for testing RCDs as described
The test instrument operates by passing a simulated fault current of known value
through the RCD and then measures the time taken for the device to trip
Although different types of RCD have different requirements (time delays etc.), for general
purpose RCDs the test criteria are as follows:
If the RCD is rated at 100mA or above only ½ times and 1x tests should be used
6. Reset RCD
3. Place meter in and repeat
furthest part of ring test with
(mid-point) meter set to
(5 x ∆)
4. Set to rated
1. Main trip current of
isolator on RCD (1 x ∆)
NOTE: Before we carry out the 1x∆ and 5x∆ tests and obtain the results we must first test at ½ x∆ to ensure the device does
not operate. Following the 3 tests we test the actuator lever and push the test button.
2. State the four main tests that are carried out prior to the supply being energised.
3. Briefly, how do we carry out a method 1 earth continuity test on a 1 way lighting
8. We can test polarity whilst carrying out other tests. What are they and how do we
achieve it?
9. There are three ways of obtaining earth loop impedance (Zs) values. State how.
10. Explain the difference between i) Ze and Zs ii) PFC and PSC.
11. Once we have obtained values for Zs how can we check these values comply with
The regular inspection and testing of electrical installations is necessary because over a
period of time the condition of all installations will deteriorate to some extent. This may be
due to normal wear and tear, accidental damage, corrosion or other effects due to
environmental influences, normal ageing or deterioration due to excessive electrical loading.
The Electricity at Work Regulations (1989) state that: ‘As may be necessary to
prevent danger, all systems shall be maintained so as to prevent, as far as is
reasonably practicable, such danger’
This means that all electrical installations must be maintained in a safe condition, and
regular inspection and testing (periodic inspection) is an essential part of any such
preventative maintenance program. In addition to statutory requirements other bodies such
as licensing authorities, insurance companies, mortgage lenders etc. may also require
periodic inspection and testing to be carried out on a regular basis.
Other reasons for carrying out periodic inspection and testing are:
To confirm compliance with the latest edition of BS7671
On a change of ownership of the premises
On a change of use of the premises
On a change of tenancy of the premises
On completion of alterations or additions to the original installation
Following any significant increase in the electrical loading of the installation
Where there is reason to believe that damage may have been caused to the
In the case of an installation that is under constant supervision while in normal use, such as
a factory or other industrial premises, periodic inspection and testing may be replaced by a
system of continuous monitoring and maintenance of the installation provided that adequate
records of such maintenance are kept.
Routine checks
Electrical installations should still be routinely checked in the intervening time between
periodic inspection and testing. In domestic premises it is likely that the occupier will soon
notice any damage or breakages to electrical equipment and will take steps to have repairs
carried out. In commercial or industrial installations a suitable reporting system should be
available for users of the installation to report any potential danger from deteriorating or
damaged equipment.
In addition to this, a system of routine checks should be set up to take place between formal
periodic inspections. The frequency of these checks will depend entirely on the nature of the
premises and the usage of the installation. Routine checks are likely to include activities
such as those listed on the next page.
• Defect reports
Check that all reported defects have been rectified and that the
installation is safe
• Inspection
Look for:
o Breakages
o Wear or deterioration
o Signs of overheating
o Missing parts (covers/screws)
o Switchgear still accessible
o Enclosure doors secure
o Labels still adequate (readable)
o Loose fittings
• Operation
Check operation of:
o Switchgear (where reasonable)
o Equipment (switch off and on)
o RCD (using test button)
All inspections should provide careful scrutiny of the installation without dismantling or with
only partial dismantling where absolutely necessary. It is considered that the unnecessary
dismantling of equipment or disconnection of cables could produce a risk of introducing
faults that were not there in the first place.
The frequency of periodic inspection and testing should aim to provide, as far as reasonably
possible, the following:
The safety of persons and livestock against the effects of electric shock or burns
Protection against damage to property by fire or heat arising from an installation
Confirmation that the installation has not been damaged and has not deteriorated to
the extent that it may impair safety
The identification of any defects in the installation or non-conformity with the current
edition of the Regulations that may cause danger.
In practical terms the inspector is carrying out a general inspection to ensure that the
installation is safe. However, the inspector is required to record and make recommendations
with respect to any items that no longer comply with the current edition of the Regulations.
As with all inspections the person carrying out the work must be competent and have
sufficient knowledge and experience of the type of installation to be inspected and tested.
Enquiries should be made to the person responsible for the installation with regard to the
provision of charts and/or diagrams to indicate the type of circuits, means of isolation and
switching, and types and ratings of protective devices including a written record of all
previous inspection and test results.
Sequence of tests
Tests to be carried out between:
• All main bonding connections
• All supplementary bonding connections
Tests to be carried out:
• Origin of installation
• All socket outlets
• 10% of control devices (including switches)
• 10% of centre contact lamp holders
Note! If incorrect polarity is found then a full test should be made on that part
of the installation and testing on the remainder increased to 25 per cent. If
further faults are found the complete installation must be tested
Insulation resistance
If this test is to be carried out then test:
• The whole installation with all protective devices in place and all
switches closed
• Where electronic devices are present, the test should be carried out
between line and neutral conductors connected together and earth
Class discussion
You are asked to carry out a periodic inspection at a small workshop. All goes well until you
come to check the office that is attached to the factory, where you notice that about 20 staff are
working on computers. No installation drawings exist for the office, as it turns out the office was
built as an extension to the factory many years ago.
1. Can you identify the problems you will encounter in this job?
2. How would you deal with the situation?
Inspection and Testing REV4.1 71
2. State the four main reasons why periodic inspections are carried out.
3. When carrying out a periodic inspection what types of things do we look for?
Main and supplementary bonding conductors should have a reading of not more than 0.05
ohms whilst the maximum resistance of circuit protective conductors can be estimated from
the value of (R1 + R2) given in Table 9A of the IEE On-Site Guide. These values will depend
upon the cross-sectional area of the conductor, the conductor material and its length.
A very high (end of scale) reading would indicate a break in the conductor itself or a
disconnected termination that must be investigated. A mid-range reading may be caused by
the poor termination of an earthing clamp to the service pipe e.g. a service pipe which is not
cleaned correctly before fitting the clamp or corrosion of the metal service pipe due to its age
and damp conditions.
Correct polarity is achieved by the correct termination of conductors to the terminals of all
equipment. This may be main intake equipment such as isolators, main switches and
distribution boards or accessories such as socket outlets, switches or light fittings.
Polarity is either correct or incorrect; there is nothing in between. Incorrect polarity is caused
by the termination of live conductors to the wrong terminals and is corrected by re-
connecting all conductors correctly. Single pole switches should only be connected in the
live conductor and if the operation of switches during an earth continuity test does not affect
the reading then this may imply the neutral has been connected in the switch and not the live
Insulation resistance
The value of insulation resistance of an installation will depend upon the size and complexity
of the installation and the number of circuits connected to it. When testing a small domestic
installation you may expect an insulation resistance reading in excess of 200 MΩ whilst a
large industrial or commercial installation with many sub-circuits, each providing a parallel
path, will give a much smaller reading if tested as a whole.
It is recommended that, where the insulation resistance reading is less than 2 MΩ, individual
distribution boards or even individual sub-circuits be tested separately in order to identify any
possible cause of poor insulation values. An extremely low value of insulation resistance
would indicate a possible short circuit between live conductors or a bare conductor in contact
with earth at some point in the installation, either of which must be investigated.
A reading below 1.0 MΩ would suggest a weakness in the insulation, possibly due to the
ingress of dampness or dirt in such items as distribution boards, joint boxes or light fittings
Although PVC insulated cables are not generally subject to a deterioration of insulation
resistance due to dampness (unless the insulation or sheath is damaged), mineral insulated
cables can be affected if dampness has entered the end of a cable before the seal has been
applied properly. Other causes of low insulation resistance can be the infestation of
equipment by rats, mice or insects.
Should the value of impedance measured be higher than that required by the design of the
installation, then as we have no influence on the external value of impedance (Ze) we can
only reduce the value of Zs by:
Where a Residual Current Device fails to trip out when being tested by an RCD tester then it
would suggest a break in the earth return path, which must be investigated. If the RCD does
trip out but not within the time specified then a check should be made that the test
instrument is set correctly for the nominal tripping current of the device under test.
3. What can cause values of insulation resistance lower than 1.0 MΩ?