Practical Astrophysics
Great Circles and Small Circles
Great Circle
The intersection of a plane
containing the centre of a sphere
and its surface, e.g. ABCD and
P and Q are poles of plane
Small Circle
A circle which does not include
the centre of the sphere, e.g.
On the Earth
All lines of Longitude are great circles
All lines of Latitude are small circles except the equator.
Q. Is the tropic of Cancer a small or a great circle?
Spherical Trigonometry
Spherical triangle
Formed from three arcs of Great Circles. Distances (a; b; c) are measured as angles.
Sum of the 3 angles A + B + C > 180 (this is non-Euclidean geometry appropriate to
curved space).
e.g. if
arc AB is part of the Earth's equator
arc CB is the Greenwich Meridian
arc CA is longitude=90
then A = B = C = 90
so A + B + C = 270 in this case.
Spherical sine rule:
If the length of the sides are very small (compared to the radius of the sphere),
then sin a ~ a etc. (small angle approximation).
The Euclidean cosine rule can also be recovered by the same method.
Celestial Sphere
Celestial Meridian a great circle which passes through Zenith and the North &
South celestial poles. It is perpendicular to the horizon.
If you stand facing North, the meridian is a line that passes from north on the horizon,
directly over your head, to south on the horizon behind you
Celestial Sphere
As the earth rotates, stars (like the sun) rise in the east, pass over the meridian
(transit), and set in the west. The hour angle tells you how long it will be before the
star transits (or how much time has passed since it transited!)
Hour Angle - angle between a star's current position and the meridian (measured
WESTWARD in hours, where 1 hour is equivalent to 15 degrees because 24 hours
= 360 degrees).
An object transits or
culminates when
HA ~ 3 hr passing through the
meridian. It has an
HA = 0 hr when
culminating. Its HA
then increases as it
moves towards the
west. At HA = 23h it
is just one hour short
E S W of culminating again.
Celestial Sphere
Observing the sky from the surface of
the rotating Earth
Horizon - you cant see
below this, so some stars
Apparent are too far south to be
of stars observed from e.g.
Zenith - directly overhead
Altitude - angular height
of star above the horizon
Zenith distance/angle -
angle between zenith and
direction to star.
Altitude of the pole above the horizon = latitude of the observer, (phi)
The Celestial
Star X
Path of Star X on the sky is a
small circle (red) parallel to the
celestial equator (blue).
It rises in the East, transits the
meridian, and sets in the West.
Star X rises and sets where its
small circle intersects the
observers horizon (black).
Altitude-Azimuth system
The Alt-Az system uses observer
based coordinates.
Zenith the point on the sky directly
above the observer.
Altitude, a - angle between the
observer's horizon and the object,
measured on a great circle through the
object and the zenith. a
Zenith distance, z - angular distance S
between zenith and object, z = 90 - a
Azimuth, A - angle measured along
the horizon, Eastward from North, to
the great circle used for altitude
Alt-Az coordinates of a star are
specific to the time and the
observer's location.
The Celestial Sphere
We really need a fixed coordinate system so we can catalogue the positions of
the stars... What about Hour Angle and Declination?
Equatorial Coordinates - 1
HA and Declination nice but is this a fixed coordinate system?
Declination is a fixed coordinate on the celestial sphere. Its analogous to latitude on
the Earth. It tells you how high above (or below) the Celestial Equator your target is.
(nb. the celestial equator is an extension of the earths equator out into space.)
Hour Angle is not a fixed coordinate system. The stars rise and set like the sun; the
hour angle tells you how long itll be before the target transits (reaches its highest
point on the sky) or since it has transited MERIDIAN
HA ~ 3 hr
(remember: HA increases to the west)
Together HA and Dec are useful for determining whether an object is currently
observable, and how long before (or since) it transited - but it's still not a fixed
coordinate system. Hour Angle is time-dependent its varies continuously!
Equatorial Coordinates - 2
For our fixed coordinate system we need to use something other than HA!
Declination is still fine its still a fixed coordinate on the celestial sphere, analogous to
latitude on Earth.
Right Ascension is like HA. However, it is referenced to a fixed point on the celestial
sphere (rather than the celestial meridian) called the First Point of Aries (). RA is
analogous to longitude on Earth; lines of RA are great circles which pass through the
poles, and whose planes pass through the centre of the celestial sphere (and Earth).
Lines of
equal RA
Origin of the
Equatorial System
Right Ascension is
referenced to a fixed
point on the celestial
sphere, called the First
Point of Aries (FPoA),
The FPoA represents one of the two points on the Celestial Sphere where the
Ecliptic Plane and the Equatorial Plane cross one another.
The First Point of Aries is the point in space beyond the sun on the Vernal Equinox,
March 21st / 22nd each year. 'Ver' from the Latin for Spring
First Point of Aries and the Vernal Equinox
Vernal (or Spring) Equinox & Autumnal Equinox When the sun crosses the
The Vernal Equinox when the Sun, Earth and First Point of Aries (FPoA) are in line
corresponds to when the Sun moves above the equator as it moves around the
RA and Dec
The positions of astronomical sources are usually (but not (Equatorial coords)
always) quoted in Right Ascension and Declination
RA and Dec.
RA increases TO THE LEFT! N
Dec (+ve) increases up. E ------ W
North is up, East is to the LEFT! S
1 hour is split into 60 minutes
1 minute is split into 60 seconds
Example coordinates:
Supernova SN1987A:
05h 35m 28.0s , -69 16 12
Barred spiral galaxy, NGC 55:
00h 14m 53.6s , -39 11 48
Ring Nebula, M57:
18h 53m 35.1s , +33 01 45
Targets with an angular distance that is > 90 from the latitude of the observer cant be reached
Converting to Alt-Az Coordinates
In order to successfully point an Altitude-Azimuth mounted telescope at a given object,
one must first convert that object's position from equatorial coordinates (RA and Dec)
to the Alt-Az system.
The altitude portion of this transformation is also important when determining if a
particular telescope can observe an object (i.e. is the object higher than the observatory
wall, a nearby tree or volcano?) and for calculating the airmass (see later).
Converting to Alt-Az Coordinates
To convert between equatorial coordinates
(HA and Dec) and horizon (Alt-Az) for me
star X, we use a spherical triangle XPZ, rid
i an
where Z is the zenith, P is the North Celestial
Pole, and X is the star.
Note: is the latitude of the observer
(remember, angular height of Polaris above
the horizon is roughly equal to )
The sides of the triangle:
PZ is the observer's co-latitude = 90- .
ZX is the zenith distance of X = 90- a.
PX is the North Polar Distance of X = 90- .
When we want to observe it:
Hour Angle, HA = 2.2 hrs 38
Altitude, a = 56.624
Azimuth, A = -38.219 or 321.781
Observatory in La
Palma, latitude
M76 is in the North the objects declination is GREATER
= 28.7624
THAN the latitude of our observatory
M76 therefore rises in the EAST and moves to the left.
Our target is already >2 hours over, i.e. its in the west; it therefore makes sense
that Azimuth is a large (or negative) angle, since A is measured East of North.
The Pole Star
(a special case)
The pole star Polaris has a declination of +90.
Since sin 90 = 1 and cos 90 = 0, its Altitude is given by:
Altitude, a:
sin(a) = sin() sin() + cos() cos() cos(HA)
sin(a) = sin()
An example to try for yourself!
Convert the Equatorial Coordinates of the Crab
Nebula, M1, to Alt-Az coords.
Coordinates of the Target: = 1h 39m 10s = 51 19 30
Coordinates of the Observatory: 19.8207 N, 155.4681 W
HA: -2.0 hrs (or +22 hrs)
Converting coordinates between two Equinoxes, or updating to current Epoch:
T and T are the RA and Dec (both in degrees) of an object at time interval T (in years)
after the catalogue equinox, E.
E and E are the catalogue coordinates, RA and Dec (for equinox E).
(the precession constant) = 50.4 per year (multiply by 25,600 yrs to get 360!)
is the angle between the equatorial and ecliptic planes, precisely 23 27 8
Precess 1950 degrees to 2000 degrees and convert back to RA and Dec
Converting Equinox 2000 to the current Epoch
Convert Equinox 2000 coords to degrees:
2000 = 1h 42m 20s 1h 42.33m 1.706h 25.583
2000 = 51 34 40 51 34.67 51.577
Time between 2000 baseline (1 Jan) and date we want to observe = 16.5 years.
Therefore, precess 2000 coords forward by this period:
Finally, convert Epoch 2016.5 coords to Alt-Az system for La Palma, = 28.760
(assume target transits at 1.00 am; I get access to the telescope at midnight, so hour angle, HA = -1 hrs, or -15)
Object: Betelgeuse
Coords: 1950 = 5h 52m 28s , 1950 = +7 23 58
Obs latitude: = 28.76
Precession const: = 0.014 , eclip/eq angle = 23.5
Distance, D = 1/
E.g.Proxima Centauri,
Annual parallax = 0.772 arcsec,
D = 1/0.772 = 1.30 pc
Calendars & Julian Date
Gregorian calendar, used universally for civil purposes
Julian calendar, its predecessor in the western world
The two calendars have identical month names and number of days in each month,
and differ only in the rule for leap years. The Julian calendar has a leap year every
fourth year, while the Gregorian calendar has a leap year every fourth year except
century years not exactly divisible by 400.
Change from Julian to Gregorian occurred gradually in 16th and 17th centuries.
The Julian date (JD) is simply a continuous count of days and fractions of days
since Greenwich noon on 1st January, 4713 BCE (on the Julian calendar).
Almost 2.5 million days have transpired since this date so itll be a big number!.
Julian dates are widely used as time variables within astronomical software. Note,
however, that the Julian Day Count has nothing to do with Julius Caesar, who
introduced the Julian calendar. It is named after Julius Scaliger who invented the
Sometimes using the Modified Julian Date (MJD) is more convenient. This is
simply the Julian Date, JD 2400000.5.
Calculating Julian Date
The Julian Day Number of any date on the Gregorian Calendar is calculated as follows:
1) Express the date as y m d, where y is the year, m is the month number (Jan = 1, Feb = 2, etc.),
and d is the day in the month.
2) If the month is January or February, subtract 1 from the year to get a new y, and add 12 to the
month to get a new m. (This is because we consider January and February as being the 13th and
14th month of the previous year).
3) Dropping the fractional part of all results of all calculations (except JD), let
This is the Julian Day Number for the beginning of the date in question at 0 hours (Greenwich time).
Note that this always gives you a half day extra because the Julian Day begins at noon which is
handy for astronomy...
Universal Time
For a variety of reasons, astronomers often need to assign a time to an
observation. For this they use Universal Time.
Universal Time is the name by which Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) became known
for scientific purposes in 1928. UT is based on the daily rotation of the Earth.
However, the Earths rotation is somewhat irregular and can therefore no longer be
used as a precise system of time.
UTC Coordinated Universal Time, is the time given by broadcast time signals
since 1972, and is derived from atomic clocks. UTC is kept to within 1 second of
UT1 by adding or deleting a leap second as needed!
Remember: UT = GMT
Solar vs Sidereal Time
Our 'common sense' notion of a day is based on the time it takes from one transit of
the Sun (when the Sun is overhead, i.e. midday) to the next - this is a Solar Day.
For astronomers it makes more sense to define this time in terms of distant stars.
Pick a distant star (shouldn't matter which!) and measure the time between one
transit and the next this defines a Sidereal Day but a sidereal day isnt quite as
long as a normal day!.
A sidereal day is about 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds in length. Why?
4 mins/day
2 hrs/month
24 hrs/year
Earth must rotate almost 1 more ( 360/365) to get the Sun to transit.
Takes approx 4 mins to rotate through 1
a Sidereal Day is 4 mins shorter than the (mean) Solar Day
the Local Sidereal Time (LST) gets 4 mins later at a given clock time every day.
Things to remember:
1. LST is the Hour Angle of the Vernal Equinox, , (see next-but-one slide), so...
2. The RA of a star = its Hour Angle relative to .
3. At meridian transit of any star, LST = RA
4. LST tells us which RA is currently going through transit
5. LST - RA of an object = Hour Angle of the object
When is an object observable?
For optical and infrared wavelengths we need to observe at night (not so for radio
astronomers, who may have to stay awake 24 hours when observing!).
On March 21st, the Sun is at the Vernal Equinox, i.e. on March 21st the RA of the Sun
= 00h. Also, on March 21st at noon, LST is exactly 12 hrs ahead of local time
Each month sidereal time moves 2 hours ahead of clock time (solar time)
LST = 15 hrs
Local time = 1 am
LST = 12 hrs
Local time = 10 pm
When is an object observable?
The Hyades (open cluster) has RA 04h 30m, Dec +15
Ideally want to observe it on a night when LST = 04h 30m at midnight
LST = 12 hrs at midnight on March 21st
(Sources with RA = 12 hr transiting)
04h 30m is 16.5 hours later than 12 hrs
LST moves on by 2 hours/month w.r.t solar time
16.5 hours difference = 8.25 months
8.25 months after March 21st is
Late November is
the best time to
observe the Hyades.
Q. What is the approximate LST (to within a few minutes) at the Armagh
Observatory, = 6.6500 W, at 19.00 BST on 28 March? 49
Calculating Local Sidereal Time
more precisely
The precise formula for calculating LST must take into account Nutation and
Precession (see e.g. the Astronomical Almanac published by the US and UK
Nautical Almanac Offices:
Remember: to calculate Alt and Az, you ONLY need HA, , and .
Need to remember:
HA is the time since the target transited
LST is equivalent to the RA that is transiting
Therefore: HA = LST - RA
1. Target is M3: RA: 13h 42m 11.6s Dec: +28 22 38.2 (assume current epoch)
2. LST is 14hrs 03 min on Mount Laguna (latitude, = 32.8400)
3. Now, calculate (i) HA from the RA and LST and (ii) the Altitude and Azimuth
Other Things Which Affect Sky Positions - 1
(Things you need to know before writing telescope control software!)
1. Nutation
In addition to Precession (see last weeks
notes) we have Nutation. This is a 9 arcsec
wobble of the polar axis along the
precession path - caused by the Moons
gravitational pull on the oblate Earth.
Main period = 18.66 years.
R = Rotation of earth
P = Precession
N = Nutation
Other Things Which Affect Sky Positions - 2
(Things you need to know before writing telescope control software!)
2. Refraction
Refraction in the Earth's
atmosphere displaces a
star's apparent position
towards the zenith.
R tan z
where R is in arcminutes
and z, the zenith distance, is
in degrees.
How does refraction affect the suns
appearance at sunrise/sunset?
Due to refraction, the Sun appears to set 2 minutes AFTER it actually does set!
To work this out you need a more precise empirical formula:
R = cot ( 90-z + 7.31/[90-z+4.4] )
At z = 90: R = cot (7.31/4.4) = 34.4 arcmin. R 0.5 deg.
If it takes 6 hrs for the sun to move from zenith to the horizon, i.e. through 90
deg, it takes 6 hrs x 0.5/90 = 0.033 hrs = 2 minutes to move 0.5 deg.
Other Things Which Affect Sky Positions - 3
(Things you need to know before writing telescope control software!)
4. Stellar Aberration
Caused by velocity of the Earth around the Sun ( 30 km/s).
Need to point the telescope slightly ahead in the direction of motion.
The amount depends on the time of year and the direction of the star.
Maximum effect 20 arcsec
LEFT: The angle at which the rain appears to be falling depends on the speed of the falling rain and the
speed at which the person is running: sin = vman / vrain.
RIGHT: For a star near the ecliptic pole, or for a star in the plane of the ecliptic and at right angles to the
direction of motion of the Earth around the sun: sin = vearth / c
vearth = 30 km/s and the speed of light, c = 300,000 km/s. Therefore, = 0.0057 deg = 20 arcsec 56
Angular Separations
and converging lines of RA
Stars 1 & 2:
RA: 10h and 12h
Dec: 0
Stars 3 & 4:
RA: 10h and 12h
Dec: +60 3 4
= A - B
= ( A B ) cos mean
18h 29m 46.0s +201625
= 40
mean = +201645
= +2016.67
= +20.28
= 3.6 seconds of time
Key: 1 sec of time = 15 . cos mean
Therefore: 20:16:00
3.6 sec of time = 3.6 15 cos20.28
= 51
18:29:50 48 46
Angular separation, , is given by:
= (2 + 2) = (40*40 + 51*51) = 65
Large Angular Separations
To calculate the angular separation, , of 2 objects with a large separation ( > 1)
or in the general case, the following formula can be used:
Tangential or Proper Motions
Some nearby stars have significant real motion in the plane of the sky (i.e. the star
really is moving relative to the Earth). These motions may be up to a few arc-seconds
per year and must be taken into account when using catalogue positions. There are
separate catalogues of High Proper Motion objects for this purpose.
For example, the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, has the following catalogue position
and proper motion, :
So in order to observe such an object in the summer of 2015, say, one must (a)
precess the catalogue coordinates to that epoch, (b) correct for 15.5 years of proper
motion, and then (c) convert to Altitude and Azimuth!
Asteroids and Comets
Asteroids and comets can have very high
proper motions (arcseconds per second!)
Flux - the luminosity, or Energy per second, emitted per unit area of the source (f), or detected
per unit area by the observer (F), over all wavelengths (Wm-2)
D2 F = R2 f or F / f = R2 / D2 Remember!
Surface Area of a Sphere = 4 R2 ;
if R doubles, surface area quadruples
This is the Inverse Square Law for radiation 64
The Magnitude System
The Greek astronomer Hipparchos is
usually credited with the origin of the
magnitude scale. He assigned the
brightest stars he could see with his
eye a magnitude of 1 and the faintest
a magnitude of 6.
However, in terms of the amount of
energy received, a sixth magnitude star
is not 6 times fainter than a first
magnitude star; its is approx 100 times
fainter, due to the eye's non-linear
response to light.
This led the English astronomer Norman The bottom line:
Pogson to formalize the magnitude Magnitude is proportional to the
system in 1856. He proposed that a sixth log10 of Flux.
magnitude star should be precisely 100 Remember:
times fainter than a first magnitude star, The GREATER the magnitude,
so that each magnitude corresponds to a the FAINTER the object!
change in brightness of 1001/5 = 2.512 65
The Magnitude System
Pogson's equation is:
F1 / F2 = 2.512 -(m1 - m2) m = 0.4 Bellatrix
m = 1.6
Where F1 and F2 are the fluxes of two stars,
and m1 and m2 are their corresponding
magnitudes. The minus sign is in there
because magnitudes are smaller for brighter
Saiph Rigel
If we take the logarithm of both sides we find m = 0.1
m = 2.1
log10(F1 / F2) = - ( m1-m2 ) * log10(2.512)
m1 - m2 = -2.5 log10( F1 / F2 )
The Magnitude System
Relative magnitudes are given by:
m1 - m2 = -2.5 log10( F1 / F2 ) m = 0.4 Bellatrix
m = 1.6
i.e. difference in magnitude between two
stars is given by the ratio of fluxes.
m = -2.5 log10( F / F0 )
Saiph Rigel
Here F0 is the flux from the zeroth magnitude star, m = 2.1 m = 0.1
Vega, the primary standard. This equation can
also be re-written:
Q. If star A is 100x brighter than
m = -2.5 log10F + Z
star B, whats the magnitude
where Z is the zero-point (described later). difference?
In other words, if we can measure the Flux of Q. How much brighter is Rigel
Vega, and the Flux of another star, we can than Bellatrix?
calculate the apparent mag of that star
The Magnitude System
Apparent magnitude, m, is given by (see previous slide):
m = -2.5 log10( F / F0 ) - where F0 is the flux of the zeroth mag star, Vega
m1 - m2 = -2.5 log10( F1 / F2 )
The Magnitude System
Apparent magnitude:
m = - 2.5 log10( F / F0 ) where F0 is the flux of Vega.
If you know the Flux of Vega, F0 , in each filter
If you measure the Flux of a star on your CCD, through the same filters
.. You can work out the apparent magnitude of that star.
Q1. Calculate the Apparent U,B and V mags, mU, mB, mV of Rigel
Q2. Calculate its Absolute Magnitudes, MU, MB, MV (assume a distance, d = 250 pc)
Rigel (the bright blue star in Orion):
FU,Rigel = 3.47*10-9 W m-2 , FU,Vega = 2.09*10-9 W m-2
FB,Rigel = 4.58*10-9 W m-2 , FB,Vega = 4.98*10-9 W m-2
FV,Rigel = 4.30*10-9 W m-2 , FV,Vega = 4.80*10-9 W m-2
An aside: Rigel vs. the Lightbulb (!?)
You may have noticed (from the last few slides) that even bright stars seem to produce very little
Flux. For example, Rigels B-band flux is FB,Rigel = 4.6x10-9 W m-2. How does this compare to a
60W light-bulb?
1. First, 60W is the power consumed by the bulb! An incandescent light bulb is perhaps 10%
efficient, so the total flux radiated (across all wavelengths) may be only 6W!
2. This energy is radiated over a broad spectral (wavelength) range. In fact, burning at 3,000 K (i.e.
like Betelgeuse), most of an incandescent bulbs energy is radiated in the IR! Only about 10% is
radiated in the optical (between 300 nm and 800 nm), and only ~20% of this optical wavelength
range is covered by our B-band filter. The Luminosity of our bulb in the B-band is therefore:
L = 4 D2 F so
FB,bulb = 0.12 / (4 10002 ) = 9.5x10-9 W m-2
B V = 2.7 0.42 = +2.28 (optical)
J K = -3.0 (-4.4) = +1.4 (near-IR)
B V = 0.09 0.12 = -0.03
J K = 0.206 0.213 = -0.07
Colour and Colour Index
(B - V ) is the most frequently used optical colour index, and is a measure of the
effective temperature, Teff , of a star. (The effective temperature is the
temperature of a blackbody that would emit the same amount of radiation
typically this is similar to the temperature near the surface of a star; the
temperature at the core is usually much higher!)
For example:
For Vega: mB = mV = 0.0 (by definition) F
B - V = -2.5 log10( FB / FV )
(B - V)vega = 0.0 - Teff 9,900 K B@0.43m
Sun V@0.55m
For the Sun: mB = -26.14, mV = -26.78
(B - V)sun = 0.64 - Teff 5,700 K
Empirical Formula for Colour Index
The observed relationship between (B - V) and Teff for Main Sequence stars (stars
in the main/stable part of their evolution, like the sun) is given by:
Teff and Bolometric Luminosity
(the Herzsprung-Russell Diagram)
Teff is related to the total (or bolometric)
L = 4R*2 Teff4
Where is the Stephan-Boltzman constant
Mbol = MV - BC
Where the bolometric correction, BC, is a
of (B - V) or, equivalently, Teff. (We assume there
is no extinction, see next section.)
Bolometric Magnitude
(and Bolometric Corrections)
The Sun has MV = 4.82 and BC = 0.07,
Hence: Mbol = 4.82 0.07 = 4.75
(absolute bolometric magnitude).
Most of the suns energy is
radiated in the optical. Our
eyes have evolved to be
sensitive over the same
wavelength range.
The sun doesnt radiate
much light in the ultraviolet
or infrared, so your eyes
arent sensitive in these
parts of the electromagnetic
Bolometric Magnitude
(and Bolometric Corrections)
What about using other colour
indices, e.g. (U - B)?
Affects of interstellar dust
Light from distant stars is both absorbed and
scattered by interstellar dust (absorbed light is
re-emitted in the far-IR; scattered light is actually
absorbed and re-emitted in a different direction!).
Both affects cause extinction, and mean that
objects appear fainter than they should.
For small dust grains:
scattering cross-section, sscat propto -4 Tiny interstellar dust particles
absorption cross-section, sabs propto -1 (image: A Davis, U Chicago)
Colour excess
Extinction changes the colour of a star! The Colour Excess, E(B - V), also referred to as the
reddening, is the additional (B - V) colour caused by this wavelength-dependent extinction, so:
In other words, the greater the extinction, AV (the more dust between you and the star), the greater
the affect on the B-V colour!
Nice blue star Nice blue star with a cloud in front!
For example:
G2V star has Teff = 5520 K; mB = 15.3 (observed); mV = 14.1 (observed).
Star 1
Calibrating Stellar Magnitudes
So, our equation relates the true absolute magnitude of the star to its instrumental
magnitude and the Zero-point,
m1 = Z + minst
provided that the instrumental magnitude and Z were measured with the same
instrument, and in the same manner.
m = Z - 2.5 log10 f
This means that, in theory, if we measure the flux, fstd , of a star with a known
magnitude, mstd , we can calculate Z. Once we know Z, then if we measure the flux
of a second star, f , we can calculate its magnitude, m .
In other words:
fstd and f must be in the
fstd and mstd give you Z same units (usually integrated
Z and f give you m counts per second) 92
Standard Star Catalogues
There are a number of standard star catalogues in use by professional
astronomers. For example:
Note that the table above gives only the V-band magnitude. Magnitudes in other
filters can be calculated from their quoted colours.
Zero-point, Z, versus Airmass (Altitude)
Now for the bad news: Even on a completely clear night Z changes with
Remember Airmass is a measure of how low an object is in the sky: AM = 1
means the target is at an Altitude of 90 (i.e. directly overhead); AM = 2 means its
at an Altitude of 30, or at a zenith angle, z, of 60.
The flux from a star gets fainter as the airmass increases.
Therefore, Z decreases as the airmass increases (because m = Z - 2.5 log10 f )
How does Zero-point vary with Airmass
We derive Z at AM=1 by observing a standard star at different times in the
night, when the star is at different altitudes (different AMs). We then plot Z
against AM.
If we fit a straight line through the data, then the slope of the line gives the
atmospheric extinction in magnitudes per airmass, while the intercept gives Z at
AM=0, i.e. above the atmosphere (in space!). From the equation of the straight
line we can thus predict Z at AM=1. Remember:
mstd = Z - 2.5 log10 ( fstd )
where mstd is the catalogue magnitude of the
standard star, and fstd is the flux (in integrated
counts per second) that is measured from each
observation (at each AM).
For Example:
On a particular night, through a particular telescope and instrument, using a particular filter, Z is
determined at AM=1 from the ZP plot (see previous slide). Assume Z1 = 11.35.
The atmospheric extinction, the slope of the ZP plot (see previous slide) allows us to correct our
observations for airmass. Assume atmos. extinction = -0.36 mag/airmass (note: ve !!)
If a star is observed at AM = 1.28 with an integrated flux, f = 3599 counts/sec, then its apparent
magnitude is:
f = 215,950
counts in 60
sec, or 3599
More on Zero-Points
Must establish the zero-point for each filter AND for each night.
However, Zero-points calculated for AM=1 are often made available at professional
telescopes, so that observers can estimate how much signal they are likely to
detect from their targets. They may need to know if a certain observation is
Z at AM=1 should be the same from night-to-night, provided observing conditions (and
the instrument itself) dont change.
A star with the same magnitude as the zero-point would produce only one count
per second in an image
Can you see this from the ZP equation (and Pogsons relationship)?
m - Z = - 2.5 log10 (f)
Youd want to observe stars that are either much brighter than the zero-point, or observe
[integrate] for a lot longer than a second to gather more counts/photons!
Zero-points and bad weather!
Sometimes, telescopes will monitor Z so that they know how the weather is
Both thermal and photon noise have distributions with:
standard deviation N
Where N is the number of events (photons, thermal electrons, etc.), and N is the
uncertainty in N.
e.g. A person catching kittens in a bucket! If 1,000,000 kittens land in the bucket,
that person would in theory count 1,000,000 1,000 kittens.
Note that these statistical arguments only apply if there is a very large number of kittens! 100
1. Adding 2 or more images how does that affect Noise?
Lets assume we measure a signal A, with uncertainty X, on a CCD detector.
If we add together multiple measurements of signal A:
- for 2 measurements added: signal = 2.A, but uncertainty = 2.X
- for 3 measurements added: signal = 3.A, but uncertainty = 3.X etc.
When N measurements are added:
signal = N.A, uncertainty = N.X
For example, if you integrate for 4-times as long, the SNR should increase by a
factor of only 2. Alternatively, if a source is 4-times brighter (1.5 mag brighter), the
SNR should be double. 101
3. Integrating signal over more bandwidth - how does that affect Noise?
Adding up signal over adjacent frequencies will also improve SNR. A broad-band filter is
often 10x wider than a
The signal is proportional to or (i.e. filter bandwidth) narrow-band filter; a
star viewed through the
The noise is proprtional to () or () former will have 3x
the S/N than if
Therefore, the SNR is proportional to () or () observed through the
latter (all else being
The image on the left is a 60 second exposure taken through a narrow-band H2 filter,
while the image on the right is a 6 second exposure taken through a broad, K-band filter
( K 10x H2 ). The SNR in the K image should be 10times better, but the
exposure time in the H2 image is 10-times longer, so this cancels out the affect of the 102
wider filter bandwidth.
Other sources of Noise
The signal from the star is accompanied by noise. However, there are other
sources of noise which may contribute to the overall signal-to-noise ratio:
Background moonlight, twilight, and even light from distant (unresolved)
stars and galaxies. All of these mean that the background in an image is almost
never completely devoid of light; the signal in blank areas of an image is rarely at
We can subtract the background signal but NOT the random noise that is
associated with it. For example, if the total signal detected, T = S + B, then:
T T = (S S) + (B B) = S + B (S2 + B2)
If we then attempt to subtract the background B, we get:
(T T) - (B B) = S + B (S2 + B2) - (B B)
= S (S2 + 2B2)
We have made the (noise) situation worse! We cannot avoid this, so we need to
minimise background signals (and the accompanying N noise) as much as
Other sources of Noise
Dark Current. Signal associated with the thermal excitation of electrons from the
conduction to the valence band in the CCD semiconductor material. Cooling the
detector reduces this false signal.
Read noise. When the signal on a CCD or IR detector is read out, there is an
inherent uncertainty associated with this measurement. In low background
situations (e.g. narrow-band imaging or high-resolution spectroscopy), readnoise
can be the main source of noise in your data.
Left: Readout electronics used with CCD detectors. Right: Noise in a blank
image, largely produced by readout but also due to dark current.
Even the dark sky
is noisy!
Note that the average
number of counts
along the white line
as displayed in the
pop-up graph is
about 25. The
(rms) noise level is
5 counts ( = 25).
Almost all of the noise
in this image is
statistical noise from
the bright sky
Q. Is a 9.5 mag star (observed at zenith) detectable in this image?
Assume exposure time is 10 sec, the zero-point, Z = 11.35
Assume also that the flux is spread evenly over 4 pixels.
Remember: apparent magnitude, m = Z 2.5 log f 105
Background Noise
So, object signal is accompanied by background (or
sky) signal, and both sources of signal have associated
Simply subtracting the sky signal from an object signal Baffles
does not improve the SNR in fact, it makes it worse!
Its therefore imperative that the sky signal is minimised
as much as possible: a low sky signal means a lower
sky noise contribution.
Baffles can be used to stop stray light from entering
the system.
Its a good idea to observe in the dark!
In the Infrared, all of the optics inside an instrument
must be cooled to reduce background IR signal
which would otherwise be produced by the warm Baffles on the WHT primary
and secondary mirrors cut
optics. down unwanted stray
background light entering
the system
Calculating Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
The basic equation for all SNR calculations for CCDs and similar array
detectors is the Array Equation:
Sobj = signal from the object (electrons, e-, per resolution element per second)
Ssky = signal from sky or background (same units)
D = thermal signal, also known as dark current (e- per second)
N = number of pixels per resolution element
R = rms read or readout noise (e- per pixel)
Calculating Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
Object Signal, Sobj , is a function of several elements:
Sobj = (P x x A) x E
P is the flux density of photons at each wavelength received at the telescope
per unit area per second (i.e. number of photons /m2/m/sec, or /m2//sec).
is the filter band-width (in m or ).
A is the telescope collecting area (the area of the primary mirror, in m2).
E is the system efficiency. This is a combination of the quantum efficiency of
the detector, the reflectivity of the telescope mirrors, and the throughput of the
overall camera/optics system.
E 108
Calculating Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
Sky Signal, Ssky , is the flux density from the sky background, which varies from
site to site and from night to night.
Obviously, most of the things that affect the object signal (E, A, - see the
previous slide) also affect the sky signal.
Sky brightness is usually quoted in magnitudes per square arc-second and is very
different at different wavelengths, e.g. the night sky is relatively dark at optical
wavelengths (obviously!) but it glows brightly in the infrared. In fact, in the near-IR
the sky background is usually much brighter than any astronomical object we may
be trying to measure.
Infrared images,
before and after
subtraction of the
bright sky
background signal
(data courtesy U.
This is the sky limited or background limited case, where SNR is proportional to t .
What SNR do astronomers typically aim for?
SNR = 10 means that fluxes measured to an accuracy of 10%
SNR = 100 means that fluxes measured to an accuracy of 1%
SNR = 3 is usually the accepted limit for a simple detection of a signal. This is often
known as a `3-sigma' (3) detection, where is the standard deviation (assumes a
Gaussian distribution).
SNR How does it vary with time?
In the background-limited regime:
If in 2 seconds we measure:
Sobj = 125 counts
Ssky = 1000 counts
Q. SNR of 5.3 is quite low how long would it take to get SNR ~ 20 ?
U v Z
Photometry Spectroscopy
Sir Isaac Newtons famous experiment (circa 1660), in which he split sunlight
into the colours of the rainbow by passing it through a glass. He is widely
recognised as the father of spectroscopy.
Newton was the first to use the word spectrum to describe the rainbow of light produced
in this experiment
Slit-less vs Long-slit Spectroscopy
Spectroscopy provides wavelength information, but usually at the expense of
some spatial information
Stars continuum
emission (smooth
Absorption lines
Emission lines:
Produced for example by warm gas surrounding a star. The atoms and
molecules in this gas are thermally excited, which means that electrons are
raised to higher energy states. These electrons fall back down to lower
energies, emitting light at very specific wavelengths.
Absorption lines:
Often produced by cooler gas surrounding a star or in the line-of-sight (i.e.
between the star and the earth). The atoms in this gas absorb light from the
star and re-radiate it at different wavelengths. The absorption causes dips at
very specific wavelengths in the spectrum.
Spectroscopy Resolving lines
If the dispersion of your spectrograph is large enough (in other words, if the
light is dispersed, or spread out, sufficiently), the shape of an emission or
absorption line can be resolved.
Line broadening - 1
Emission and absorption lines are broadened by three main mechanisms
Natural broadening is caused by the uncertainty in the energy levels between
the two states in an electronic transition due to the Heisenberg Uncertainty
Principle, E = ( h/2 ) / t, where t is the finite life-time of the state.
Line broadening - 2
Emission and absorption lines are broadened by three main
Pressure broadening can
be caused by collisions
between particles.
Collisions will further
reduce the lifetime of an
excited state, therefore
increasing the uncertainty
in photon energy and
hence the width of the
The higher the pressure
the more frequent and
energetic the interactions,
therefore the broader the
Line broadening - 3
Emission and absorption lines are broadened by three main mechanisms
Doppler broadening is caused by the motion of the emitting particles of a
source with respect to the frame of rest of that source. These motions can
include thermal motion, turbulent motion, pulsation, rotation, infall and outflow.
Wavelengths are Doppler shifted according to / = vr /c, where vr is the
radial component of the velocity vector.
Line broadening
The observed width of a line is usually a combination of these three
effects, added to (or convolved with) the resolution of the instrument.
The resolution of the spectrometer will further broaden or smooth emission (or
absorption) lines. Lines that are close together in wavelength may even start to
merge together, or be blended.
1 Un-broadened, infinitely
narrow, emission lines (which
you would never see!).
Complex Line widths
The width of a spectral line is typically characterized by a measurement or
estimation of the full width at half maximum (FWHM) intensity. This is often
measured by fitting a Gaussian distribution to the observed line.
Sometimes a complex line structure resulting from bulk motions of the gas
(e.g. in the ejecta from a supernova or a planetary nebula) can not be
approximated by a single Gaussian. In such instances lines can be separated
using deconvolution techniques.
A single Gaussian profile nicely fits the spectral line on the left: the FWHM of this line can be
easily measured. However, two Gaussians are needed to fit the line on the right. Perhaps this
emission line comes from two discrete regions, at different distances along the line-of-sight, and
at different radial velocities (so one is Doppler shifted with respect to the other!) 123
Line Equivalent Widths
Finally, sometimes one would like to measure the intensity of a line. This can be
difficult if the target is observed through thin cloud, or at high airmass.
Astronomers therefore use the equivalent width, W, of a line as a measure of its
strength. W is equivalent to the integrated area under a spectral line divided by
the continuum flux density, Fc .
W can be measured for an emission line or an absorption line! Traditionally,
positive numbers are used for absorption lines, and negative numbers for
emission lines (this is because most stars exhibit absorption rather than
emission lines).
This problem is somewhat amplified by the Earth's atmosphere which does a very good job of
absorbing IR and high energy photons (although this has a good side from a biological/life
on Earth point of view). 125
Absorption of the Suns Spectrum by the Atmosphere
Why use telescopes?
Light collection power - Think about the flux
intercepted by the eye (a few millimetres in
diameter) and the largest ground based optical
telescopes (some over 10m in effective diameter).
Reflectors vs Refractors
The first astronomical telescopes, such as those designed by Galileo, used lenses and
are therefore called refractors.
Refractors - Pros:
Rugged - optical alignment not subject to much disturbance after initial setting up.
Inner glass surfaces sealed in, so rarely need cleaning.
Air current and temperature effects minimised due to enclosed tube.
Refractors - Cons:
Lenses must be supported around the edge.
Larger lenses are very heavy, therefore making them very expensive.
Various forms of aberration. 130
Reflectors vs. Refractors
Most modern astronomical telescopes use
mirrors rather than lenses and thus are
called reflectors.
The largest single-piece optical telescope in
the world is currently the Large Binocular
Telescope : 2x 8.4 m mirrors.
Segmented mirrors (see e.g. the Keck mirror
below-left) are the future..?
Above - LBT 8.4m mirror. Below Keck 10m
Reflectors - Pros: mirror
No chromatic aberration.
By using paraboloidal shapes, spherical
aberration can be removed.
Easier to manufacture
Can be supported from behind
Reflectors Cons:
Open to the elements
Coma and astigmatism still a problem 131
Most large telescopes are reflectors (though their instruments may still use lenses)
The focal ratio is indicative of the maximum field-of-view available through the telescope
system (primary/secondary mirror); lower f-ratios give larger f-o-v. 133
Liverpool Telescope
The f-ratio of the Liverpool Telescope primary mirror is f/3.
Primary diameter, D = 2.0 m.
Therefore, the mirror focuses light to a point
6 m above the primary.
the secondary mirror changes the overall
f-ratio of the telescope!
Unfortunately a small fuzzy blob when magnified just becomes a large fuzzy blob
(remember seeing?)! Magnified objects are also fainter, since you spread the light out over
more pixels on your detector.
Magnification is not always the primary need when selecting a telescopes for astronomical
What defines the resolution of a telescope?
There is a fundamental maximum to the
resolution of any optical system
(telescope, microscope, your eye!)
which is due to diffraction.
An optical system with the ability to
produce images with an angular
resolution (the angular separation
between two objects, or the width of a
star measured at half the intensity) that
is as good as the instrument's
theoretical limit is said to be diffraction
The Rayleigh (or Diffraction) Limit
The angular resolution of an optical system,
, can be estimated using the Rayleigh
criterion, which relates the size of the
aperture, D (e.g. the diameter of the
telescope primary mirror) and the wavelength
of the observation, (550 nm, say, for the
optical) to :
sin = 1.22 / D.
For example:
If = 1.0 arcsec at a zenith distance of
45, what is it at zenith?
Coma (left) and Astigmatism (right) - Off-axis images further distorted.
Coma refers to the comet-like appearance of images suffering from Coma.
Chromatic aberration - Refractive index in a lens is a function of wavelength
(see lab section of the course). Different foci for different wavelengths give
rise to distorted colour halos" around stars (nb. refractive index is
wavelength-dependent). A long focal length (thin lenses) helps reduce this
problem, as do compound lenses made of different materials.
Instrument designers produce spot diagrams" with ray-tracing software to determine
how distorted images will be. The aim is to make the effects of distortion negligible
compared to the intrinsic image quality (e.g. seeing).
Spot diagrams for the Subaru/CISCO instrument, at different wavelengths and off-axis angles.
Aberrations can to some degree be reduced by using coatings and multiple-lens systems.
Telescope Mountings - Equatorial
There are two main types of telescope mounting: Equatorial and
Altitude-Azimuth (Alt-Az).
Equatorial telescopes:
Must be set-up/designed for a
particular latitude, such that the
declination axis points directly to
the north (or south) pole.
Only needs to track stars through
one axis.
Simple design, but heavy.
Object tracking is straight forward;
the telescope only needs to track
in RA (along one axis); Dec is Model of the UK Infrared Telescope. The
fixed! red tube is an instrument sitting on the
primary mirror!
Telescope Mountings Alt-Az
Two main types of telescope mounting: Equatorial and Altitude-Azimuth.
Alt-Az telescopes:
Simple up-down" and revolving" mount.
Must track through both the Alt and Az axis,
PLUS Cassegrain de-rotation.
Tracking can be tricky
Zenith blind spot" due to near-infinite
de-rotator speeds.
Simple engineering
Used on most modern large telescopes.
Computer model of the
proposed Thirty Meter
Telescope (TMT)
The Eye
The most important detector for hundreds of years was the Human Eye!
There are 2 types of detectors (retinal receptor cells) in the eye, rods and cones
Rods - detect monochrome only - they contain rhodopsin, a complex protein
pigment in layers 20 nm thick. When a photon is absorbed, a piece of the protein
breaks off leaving behind a colourless substance (opsin). An associated change in
potential causes an electrical signal in the optic nerve.
Peak sensitivity of rods occurs at wavelengths around 500 nm (for obvious
reasons!). Rhodopsin regenerates slowly (see below).
Wavelength range and dark adaptation
Eye sensitive to wavelengths between 315 nm (UV) and 1000 nm (near-IR)
Wavelengths shorter than 315 nm (UV) are absorbed by the cornea (potentially
causing injury) and do not reach the retina. Retinal sensitivity sometimes extends (with
very low sensitivity) to 1000 to 1050 nm (into the near-IR). Note that if your eyes were
sensitive to much longer wavelengths you would look through a sort of `infrared fog',
since you would see heat energy everywhere.
In the dark, rods dominate since their sensitivity is about 100 times greater than for
cones - hence at night we rely on monochrome vision. In the dark, rhodopsin
gradually reforms on a time-scale of 30 mins. Red light is much less likely to reduce
dark adaption (hence red lights are often used in `dark' rooms, and red torch filters are
used on observing trips!).
Naked Eye Astronomy
The Rayleigh (diffraction) limit* of the fully open iris (D = 5-7mm) is 25 .
But the receptor cell spacing is much coarser: 1 - 2 is therefore the max resolution you
can expect from your eye.
The eye's response to light intensity is logarithmic: this is the origin of the magnitude
scale. The faintest stars which are naked eye visible on a moonless night have mV 6.
David Malin/AAT
*The angular resolution, , can be estimated using the Rayleigh criterion, which relates the
size of the aperture, D and wavelength of the observation, , to : sin = 1.22 / D.
Photographic Plates
Photons cause chemical changes in photographic emulsions. The use of
hypersensitizing can increase the efficiency, though only to perhaps 10% (i.e. only 1
in 10 photons detected!).
Limitations: Non-linear response. Scattering degrades resolution.
Advantages: Large area and relatively cheap.
Scanning machines have been used extensively to digitize photographic plates, e.g.
the Digitised Sky Survey Catalogue still widely used by Astronomers!
The DSS largely contains scanned photographic plates obtained at the Palomar
Observatory (North) and the UK Schmidt Telescope (South)
Photographic Plates
Left: Hubble at the Palomar Schmidt; Right: His 1926 plate of M33 with at least one Classical Nova marked
Note: IR photons
with > 1.1 m
dont have enough
energy to create a Electrons collect in potential wells
free electron! produced by the gate electrodes (G);
charge is shifted to the right by shifting
Above: a photon with sufficient energy excites an the applied voltage on each gate. An
electron from the valence to the conduction band, amplifier at the end of the row converts
thereby producing an electron-hole pair. the charge to a voltage
CCDs (Charge-Coupled Devices)
CCDs are of course now commonly used in digital cameras. They were adopted for
use by astronomers in the mid-1980s because of their much greater efficiency and
sensitivity compared to photographic film.
Whilst CCDs are commonly used in every-day items, science grade optical CCDs are
still extremely expensive, and IR detectors (strictly-speaking, these are not CCDs,
since they dont shuffle charge) can be a factor of ten times more expensive again.
(Left) The array of four 2k x 4k pixel detectors of the INT WFC (plus the finder chip). (Right)
WFC3 being installed on-board the HST, the camera contains two 2k x 4k pixel detectors
and a single 1k x 1k detector. Note the size of the camera compared to the detectors .
CCDs Quantum Efficiency
Efficiency of conversion of photons into electrons - the Quantum Efficiency - in the
CCD material is around 75-90% (cf 2% for photographic film). However, QE does
change with wavelength and temperature, and even depending on whether the front
or back of the CCD is illuminated!
Standard optical CCDs are typically sensitive to radiation in the wavelength range
= 400 - 1000 nm.
CCDs - Cryogenics
Scientific grade CCDs (e.g. those used on telescopes) need to be cooled. Expansion
of with liquid Nitrogen (T~70K) or even liquid Helium (T~ 4K) can be used. The
CCD is mounted inside in a cryostat or dewar.
Cooling reduces noise associated with dark current - signal associated with thermal
excitation of electrons in the semiconductor material. The associated noise is
proportional to dark current (see next section).
Usually a hot and cold plate are connected by doped semi-conductive thermo-couples. When a
DC voltage is applied across the device (note the +ve and ve terminals) the hot plate heats up
and the cold plate cools down The device effectively transfers heat from one side to the other.
Advantages of this cooling device: lack of moving parts (reliable, low maintenance) and does not
involve cryogenic liquids (like PT13 or N2).
Note: in the Peltier effect, heat is transferred from one material to another as
electrons flow to an environment with higher energy, E, but also higher entropy, S,
and therefore lower free energy (F = E-ST)
CCDs Gain & Bias
GAIN: In an ideal world, the number of counts" recorded in a particular pixel in the
image from a CCD camera would be equal to the number of photons detected.
However the electronics that lie between the CCD camera and the resultant image can
slightly complicate matters. When designing the electronics (the Analogue-to-Digital
converter, or ADC) one must decide upon the length of numbers used, typically 16-bit
unsigned integers (giving a range from 0 [216 1] or 0 65535). This number is
unlikely to relate directly to the maximum number of electrons that can be stored in a
given pixel. Hence, the gain allows one to convert between counts" and
A gain of 8 means that
Gain = electrons per pixel / counts per pixel each count is equivalent
to 8 photoelectrons
Before After
IO:O images of NGC 7479, before and after cosmics have been removed 158