Ap Seminar Student Handout
Ap Seminar Student Handout
Ap Seminar Student Handout
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research and on four
additional AP exams of their choosing will receive the AP Capstone Diploma.
Students who earn scores of 3 or higher in AP Seminar and AP Research but not on four
additional AP exams will receive the AP Seminar and Research Certificate.
AP College Board Plagiarism Policy:
Participating teachers shall instruct students to ethically use and acknowledge the ideas and
work of others, as well as the consequences of plagiarism. The students individual voice should
be clearly evident, and the ideas of others must be acknowledged, attributed, and/or cited.
A student who fails to acknowledge the source or author of any and all information or evidence
taken from the work of someone else through citation, attribution or reference in the body of
the work, or through bibliographic entry, will receive a score of ZERO on that particular
component of the AP Seminar and/or AP Research Performance Assessment Task. In AP
Seminar, a team of students that fails to properly acknowledge sources or authors on the Team
Multimedia Presentation will receive a group score of zero for that component of the Team
Project and Presentation.
A student who incorporates falsified or fabricated information (e.g. evidence, data, sources,
and/or authors) will receive a score of zero on that particular component of the AP Seminar
and/or AP Research Performance Assessment Task. In AP Seminar, a team of students that
incorporates falsified or fabricated information in the Team Multimedia Presentation will
receive a zero for that component of the Team Project and Presentation.
All three AP Seminar assessments are summative and will be used to calculate a final AP Score
(using a 1-5 scale) for AP Seminar.
Team Project and Presentation---20%
Individual Research Report (1200 words)--50% of 20%
Team Multimedia Presentation and Defense (8-10 min + defense) 50% of 20%
Individual Research-Based Essay and Presentation--35%
Individual Written Argument
Individual Multimedia Presentation
Oral Defense
End-of-Course AP Exam (2 Hours)--45%
Part A--analyze argument using evidence--30% of 45%
Part B--build your own argument using 2 of 4 source provided--70% of 45%
Important Dates: Put these on your calendar now. Most WILL NOT CHANGE because of
inclement weather. Presentation schedules are the only place where weather-related schedule
adjustments will be considered.
Units of Study:
Mini-Unit : Identity
Full Unit: Food
Junk food
Global food shortage
Food waste
Binder or folder and notebook--some way to organize your papers and work
College-ruled paper
Blue or black ink pens
A pen of another color (besides blue or black--please avoid light, hard to see colors)
A highlighter is recommended
Sticky Notes are recommended
Classroom Expectations:
Entering into the AP world is to enter into college-level discourse. As such, I have high
expectations for the language, behavior, and level of thought you should display. Maturity is
essential in all that we will undertake.
Respect: There will be myriad voices, experiences, perspectives, beliefs and values articulated,
read, and presented in this room. Everyone in class deserves to be treated with dignity and
their voices deserve to be heard. Respect includes, but is not limited to, listening quietly while
others are speaking, waiting your turn to speak, making sure feedback is clear and specific and
that criticism is constructive, and solving conflicts without violence or hurtful language.
Tardiness: Your schedule is slightly different than most other students here, but the
responsibility is on you to remember which class you go to and to get there on time. If youre
not sure whether its an A Day or a B Day, just ask.
Communication: Per the School Boards policy, your (student) email communications with me
must be via your WCPSS email. Please dont write to me from another account.
Grades: The percentage system and the grading scale are as follows:
Major Tasks 60%
Include, but not limited to, practice PT1, PT2, and EOC writings, project
reflection, peer editing
Minor Tasks 40%
Include, but not limited to, reading questions, annotations, journal response,
reading quizzes, citation and style activities
WCPSSs 10-point scale is in effect for this class.
A 90-100 D 60-69
B 80-89 F 59 or below
C 70-79
Assessments: This course requires students to complete a number of tasks in preparation for
the AP Seminar formal assessments. It is expected that students thoroughly and thoughtfully
complete all work assigned in this course, regardless of whether the assignment receives a
grade. All work contributes to the students success on the formal assessments at the end of
the year.
Skill based assessments include, but are not limited to, the following:
Inquiry based assessments
In-class timed writings--analysis, argument, synthesis
Team projects--team building, cooperative learning, group presentations
AP EOC preparation--practice essays
Online u
ploads and required digital submissions
A (95 99): Highly effective Participant: near perfect attendance; insightful questions
and comments; clearly completes the reading and goes beyond by introducing other
relevant material.
D: (65 69): Observer: regular attendance, but does not get involved in class discussions.
Late Work: When possible, I will accept late work for partial credit. Some due dates, especially
second semester, are firm because they are set by the College Board. More specific information
on this will come as the year progress, but refer to the previous chart for firm dates.
Technological excuses for late assignments will only be considered with a parent/guardians
A weekly calendar can be viewed on my website: loriwagoner.weebly.com
Major assignments will be turned in via Google Classroom. Students will sign up for this during class.
If you have any questions about this course, please email me and I will response within 24 hours.
Ms. Wagoner
Student name (printed) ____________________________________________________
Student signature__________________________________________________________
Parents/Guardians: If you would like to provide me with any additional information about
your student(s), please contact me via email.
Student Survey: Answer all parts of the questions below. Use a separate sheet of paper to
1. What are your interests/skills/hobbies? If youve given thought to a college major, what is it? What, if any,
are your career plans as you envision them now?
2. How would you describe your personality? Are you an extrovert, introvert, or ambivert (yes, its a
combination)? Are you organized or messy? On top of due dates or a procrastinator? Avoid conflict or
address it, even when its uncomfortable? Comfortable taking on leadership roles, or prefer others to
assign you roles?