Original Article
3. Small gut perforation with single or multiple 9 14.1% primary and secondary infertility. On clinical examination the patients
strictures distally
had pallor of varying degrees (90%), abdominal tenderness (87%),
4. Small gut perforation in hypertrophic variety 8 12.5% muscle guard and rigidity (30%), abdominal lump (20%), ascites
5. Small gut perforation with tubercles 5 7.8% (10%) and hyperperistalsis (60%).
6. Acute appendicitis with abdominal rculosis 7 10.9% Straight X-ray of abdomen in erect posture revealed multiple fluid and
7. Abdominal cocoon 3 4.7% gas levels in more than 60% while pneumoperitoneum was found in
8. Mesenteric lymphadenopathy with caseous 3 4.7% about 20% of cases. After initial resuscitation, 55 (78.5%) patients
tubercles and ascites were put up for emergency surgery. Another nine patients (12.8%)
Total 64 100% required surgical intervention after 24-48 hours of conservative
[Table/Fig-4]: Operative findings on exploratory laparotomy treatment. Remaining six patients (8.57%) responded favourably
to conservative management. USG or CT scan of abdomen was
was performed depending on surgical pathology. A specimen of performed on these patients. Ultrasonography showed thickened
diseased tissue was sent for histopathology and tissue culture. In bowel loops, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, ascites, ileocaecal
each case the diagnosis of Abdominal Tuberculosis was confirmed. mass suggestive of Abdominal Tuberculosis. CT scan showed
Once abdominal tuberculosis was diagnosed, antitubercular drugs typical findings of mesenteric, omental and peritoneal thickening
(ATD)were started. However, the remaining six patients responded with dilated matted bowel loops, enlarged lymph nodes with
favorably to conservative management and did not require surgery. peripheral rim-like enhancement and hypodense centre and adnexal
Diagnostic studies (USG/CT scan/ guided FNAC for histopathology) (tuboovarian) mass. Tissue for microbiological or histopathological
carried on these patients confirmed the presence of Abdominal examination was obtained by US/CT guided fine needle aspiration
Tuberculosis. cytology which later confirmed tuberculosis.
After appropriate management the outcome of each case was Blood investigations revealed haemoglobin values less than 8
studied. Each patient was followed up in the outpatient department gm/dl in 45% patients, between 8-10 gm/dl in 30% patients and
for a year after discharge. In each case, it was mandatory to over 10 gm/dl in 25% patients. ESR was raised in 80% of cases
complete a course of ATD. and leucocytosis was present in 100% of patients. Sputum was
collected from all the patients and sent for detection of AFB. Sputum
Results for AFB was found to be negative in all the cases. Chest X-rays also
Out of 718 patients who presented with an acute abdomen, 70 (10%) did not suggest the presence of pulmonary tuberculosis in any of
patients were found to be suffering from Abdominal Tuberculosis. the patients.
Of the 70 patients studied, there were 27 males and 43 females. On laparotomy the predominant site of involvement was terminal
Most (64%) females were in the age group of 20-25 years and most ileum and ileo caecal region followed by proximal ileum and
(60%) males were in the age group of 35-40 years. Sixty-four out of jejunum. The pathological changes demonstrated on laparotomy
70 patients (92%) were from low socio-economic group with poor included hypertrophic variety of ileocaecal tuberculosis, single or
hygiene and malnutrition. None of the patients had a past history multiple sites of intestinal perforation [Table/Fig-2], multiple small
of tuberculosis, 45% of the patients had a positive family history intestinal strictures [Table/Fig-3], mesenteric lymphadenopathy with
with one or more family members having suffered from any form presence of caseous tubercles, abdominal cocoon, appendicular
of tuberculosis in the recent past. The commonest mode of acute inflammation, and others [Table/Fig-4].
presentation in this series was intestinal obstruction (47%) followed
The surgical procedures included resection of diseased segment
by perforative peritonitis (31%), acute appendicitis (10%) and others
and restoration of intestinal continuity (primary anastomosis),
(12%) [Table/Fig-1]. Diffuse abdominal pain was complained of by
creation of a stoma (ileostomy), stricturoplasty, repair of perforation,
all patients. The pain was severe in intensity, acute in onset and
appendicectomy etc. [Table/Fig-5].
accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation. All the patients
complained of low grade fever, anorexia, disturbed bowel habits Resected portions of gut, mesenteric lymphnodes, omental
over last few weeks to months. More than 50% of female patients fragments, caseous material were sent for histopathological and
complained of menstrual abnormalities like oligomenorrhoea, microbiological studies. All patients were proved to be suffering
polymenorrhoea, amenorrhoea and 20% of females complained of from Abdominal Tuberculosis.
Postoperative complications included respiratory tract infection females showed the presence of tuboovarian mass, and tubercles
(15%), wound infection (10%), septicaemia (7%), anastomotic leaks on the serosal surface of tubes and uterus. Laparotomy findings
(4.6%), stomal retraction (2%), etc . Postoperative mortality was 5% have been variously reported in several series by other authors
due to septicaemia and multiorgan failure. [6-11].
All 70 patients were prescribed ATD for six months (4 drugs:HREZ The choice of surgical procedure depended on site and extent
for two months and two drugs: HR for four months) and were of disease, status of the remaining gut, general condition of
counseled to complete the course. All patients were followed up the patient, surgeons expertise and individual preference. In a
regularly for a year in the outpatient department after discharge considerable number of cases complicated with faecal peritonitis
from hospital. Patients with an ileostomy had a stoma reversal after and intraabdominal sepsis, a two stage procedure with creation of
receiving ATD for 10-12 weeks. Out of all studied patients only a stoma (ileostomy) was preferred to primary anastomosis. Creation
three patients had an episode of subacute intestinal obstruction of a stoma followed by reversal of stoma in a well prepared gut
in the follow up period which could be managed conservatively. after 10-12 weeks of ATD therapy reduces the risks of anastomotic
Others were symptom free and their general condition improved leaks and septic complications [8-10]. The operative procedures of
satisfactorily. At the time of completion of follow up, all the patients different authors varied in different series [6-11].
had completed antitubercular medication. The most common postoperative complications were respiratory
tract infection followed by wound infection which was treated with
favourable response. However, three patients had an anastomotic
In our study there was a female predominance (Female: Male=5:3).
leak which later lead to septicemia, multi organ failure & death.
This study showed that abdominal tuberculosis is predominantly a
Mortality was nil among the patients who did not require surgery.
disease of young adults with females being affected at an earlier age.
Similar complications have been described by other authors. The
These facts bear a marked similarity to the findings mentioned in
mortality is more or less the same as reported by most authors
the literature reviewed [1-3,6-10]. Almost all our patients(92%) were
from low socioeconomic group with poor hygiene and malnutrition
similar to cases reported in literature [1-9]. 45% of the patients had Conclusion
one or more family members who had suffered from any form of Abdominal Tuberculosis constituted a significant percentage (10%)
tuberculosis recently. The reviewed literature have reported variable of all cases attending the emergency with an acute abdomen.
percentages of positive family history in different case series [1-5]. Abdominal Tuberculosis is very difficult to diagnose and diagnosis
The different modes of presentation as mentioned earlier with their is often delayed till an acute abdomen is presented with. The
relative frequencies of incidence closely resemble the presentations most common pathology was intestinal stricture with or without
reported in other series [6-9]. Though all patients presented with perforation. Almost all patients needed surgical intervention. Prompt
symptoms & signs of acute abdomen, all of them also complained surgical exploration, vigilant postoperative care and administration
of low grade fever, weight loss, anorexia, disturbed bowel habits, of ATD helped to treat the patients successfully with their complete
abdominal distension, menstrual abnormalities over a variable cure and rehabilitation.
period of several weeks to months. Symptoms and signs have
been reported similarly by other authors with variable percentages References
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1. Assistant Professor, Department of General Surgery, Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata, India.
2. Professor, Department of General Surgery, Calcutta National Medical College, Kolkata, India.
3. Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Bankura Sammilani Medical College, Kolkata, India.