Duas of Ameer Ul Mu-Mineen HZ Ali (KWJ)

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transliteration of jawshan in http://groups.yahoo.com/gro

Cemil Celepci Message 1 of 1 , Apr 8, 2006

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transliteration of jawshan in

please find below the transliteration of jawshan in

our group called:

wassalamu alikum

cemil celepci


Bismilla Hir Rahma Nir Rahim

Allahoomma Salle Alaa Mohammadin Wa Aale Mohammad.

"Sobhanaka Ya Laa Illaha Illa Anta! Ghavsal-Ghavsal

Ghavsa Khallisna Minan-Nare Ya Rabbe."
(Note: To be repeated after each Dua'a.)

There is no deity but Thou Who art above all defects.

Thou art the best of all protectors. Protect us from
the fire of hell, O' Lord.

(1) For Success in Difficult Works:

"Alla-Houma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka Yaa Allaho, Ya
Rahman, Ya Rahimo, Ya Karimo, Ya Moqimo, Ya 'Azimo, Ya
Qadimo, Ya 'Alimo, Ya Halimo, Ya Hakeemo."
O' Allah! I beseech Thee in Thy Own name.
O' AI'ah! O' the most Merciful! O' the Bountiful! O'
the Self-Subsisting! O' the Great! O' the Eternal
Being! O' the Omniscient! O' the Forbearing, O' the

(2) For Victory & Prosperity

Ya Syyedas-sada-te, Ya Mojeebad-da'vate, Ya
Rafe'ad-darajate, Ya Vali-yal hasanate,
Ya Ghaferal-Khati'ate, Ya Mo'ti-yal Mas'alate Ya
Qabi-Iat-tavbate, Ya Same'al-Asvate, Ya
'Alemal-Khafi-yate, Ya Dafe'al Bali yate.
O' the Chief of all Chiefs! O' the Acceptor of
Prayers! O' the Elevator of Ranks! O' the Master of
Virtues! O' the Forgiver of sins!
O' the Grantor of Requests! O' the Acceptor of
Penance! O' the Hearer of all voices! 0' one who knows
all mysteries! O' the Remover of calamities:

(3) For Victory & Dignity

Ya Khairal Ghafereena, Ya Khairal-Fate-heena, Ya
Khairan-Nasereena, Ya Khairal-
Hakemeena, Ya Khairar-Razeqeena, Ya Khairal-Vareseena,
Ya Khairal-Hamedeena, Ya Khairaz-Zakereena, Ya
Khairal-Moonzeleena, Ya Khairal-Mohseneena.
O' the Best of Forgivers! O' the Best of Deciders! O'
the Best of helpers! O' the Best of Rulers! 0' the
Best of Providers of sustenance! O' the Best of Heirs!
O' the Best of Praisers! O' the Best of those who
remember! O' the Best of Dischargers! O' the Best of

(4) For Grandeur in Life and Life Hereafter

Ya Man Lahool'lzzato Val-Jamalo, Ya Man
Lahool-Qoodrato Val-Kamalo, Ya Man
Lahool-Moolko Val-Jalalo, Ya Man Hoval
Kabeerol-Moota'alo, Ya Moonshi'as-sahabis-
Seqale, Ya Man Hova Shadeedol- Mehale, Ya Man Hova
Saree'ool Hisabe, Ya Man Hova Shadeedool 'Iqabe, Ya
Man 'Indahoo Hoosnas Savabe, Ya Man 'Indahoo Oommool
O' one for Whom is all the Glory and Virtue! O' one
for Whom is all Might and Perfection! O' one for Whom
is Majesty! O' one Who is Great and Supreme! O' the
Creator of heavy clouds' O' one Who is the Mightiest!
O' one Who is the inflictor of severest punishment! O'
one Who is quick in reckoning! O' one with Whom is the
excellent reward! O' one with Whom is Oommool-Kitab
(the Original Book)!

(5) For Honour & Exaltation and Expedition of

Important Affairs
(Optional- To be recited 40 times).
Alla-Hoomma Inni Asa'aloka Be-lsmeka Ya Hannano, Ya
Mannano, Ya Dyyano, Ya
Boorhano, Ya Sooltano, Ya Rizvano, Ya Ghoofrano, Ya
Sobhano, Ya Moosta'ano, Ya
Zal-Manne Val-Be-Yane:
O' Allah! Verily I ask Thee in Thy name O' the Kind!
O' the Benevolent! O' the Requitor! O' the Bright
sign! O' the King! O' the Gratifier! O' the Forgiver!
O' Free from defects! O' Helper of the helpless! O'
the Master of Blessings and the Manifestor or things!

(6) For Blessings & Promotion in Ranks

Ya Man Tavaze'a Koollo Shai'in Le, Azmatehi, Ya
Manis-taslama Koollo Shai'in
Le-Qoodratehi, Ya Man Zalla Koollo Shai'in
le-'izzatehi, Ya Man Khaza'a Koollo Shai'in
Le-Haibatehi, Ya Man Inqade Koolo Shai'in M
in-Khas-ya-tehi, Ya Man Tashaqqa-til-Jebalo Min
Makhafatehi, Ya Man Qamatis-Samavato Be-Amrehi. Ya
Manis-Taqarratil-Arzoona Be-Iznehi, Ya
Myn-Yosabbehoor-Ra'do Be-Hamdehi, Ya Mal-Ia Ya'tadi '
Alaa Ahle Mamlokatehi.
O' one before Whose Greatness bows every thing! O' one
before Whose might everything
is humble! 0' one Whose might overawes everything into
submission O' one to Whom everything submits out of
fear! O' one Whom everything obeys out of fear! O' one
out of Whose fear mountains break into fragments! O'
one by Whose command the heavenly vaults are
supported! O' one by Whose order the earth is in
equilibrium! O' one Whose praise the thunder (of
clouds) recites! O' He Who is never cruel to His

(7) For Removal of Calamities & Promotion in Ranks

Ya Ghaferal-Khataya. Ya Kashefal Balaya-Ya
Moontahar-Rajaya, Ya Moojzelal-' Ataya,
Ya Vahebal-Hadaya, Ya Razeqal-Baraya,Ya
Qazeyal-Munaya. Ya Same ash Shakaya, Ya
Ba'esal-Baraya, Ya Mootlaqal-Oosara.
O' He Who pardons errors! O' He Who dispels! O' He Who
is the goal of all hopes! O' one profusely generous!
O' the bestower of bounties! O' Provider of all
creatures with sustenance! O' the Judge of creatures!
O' the Hearer of complaints! O' the Resurrector of
creatures! O' the Releaser of prisoners!

(8) For Protection From Chastisement in this life and

in life hereafter
Ya Zal Hamde Vas-Sanaa'ay, Ya Zal-Fakhre Val-Bahaa'ay,
Ya Zal-Majde Vas-Sanaa'ay
Ya Zal' Ahde Val-vafaa'ay Ya Zal-' Afvay
Var-Rizaa-'ay, Ya ZalManne Val'Ataa'ay, Ya
Zal-Fazle Val-Qazaa'ay, Ya Zal-izze Val-Baqaa'ay, Ya
Zal-Joode Vas-sakhaa'ay Ya Zal-Alaa'ay Van-na-maa'ay

O' to Whom is due all praise and adoration! O' the

proud and the Preeminent! O' the Honoured and of
Elevated Rank! O' the Maker of Promises and their
Fulfiller! O' the Most Generous and Agreeable! O' the
Benefactor and Bestower 0' the Master of Kindness and
Judgement O' the Giorious and Eternall O' the Most
Munificent and the Most Generous! O' the Master of
plentifui bounties!

(9) For Removal from Fear and Diseases

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aioka Be-Ismeka,Ya Mane'o, Ya
Da-fe'o, Ya Rafe'o Ya Saneo Ya Nafe'o, Ya Same'o, Ya
Jame'o Ya Shafe'o Ya Vase'o, Ya Moos"se'o.

O' Allah! Verily I beg Thee in Thy name O' the

Preventor of misfortune I O' the Remover of
calamities! O' the Elevator of ranks I O' the Creator
I O' the Benefiter ! O' the Hearer I O' the
Aggregator! O' the Intercessor! O' the Bounteous! O'
the Increaser of blessings!

(10) For Acceptance of Duties

Ya Sane'o Koolle Masnoo'in, Ya Khaliqa Koolle
Ya Razeq-a Kolle Marzooqin, Ya Maleka Koolle
Yo Kashefa Koolle Makroobin, Ya Fareja Koolle
Ya Rahema Koolle Marhoomin,Ya Nasira Koolle
Ya Satira Koolle Ma'yoobin, Ya Malja Koolle Matroodin.

O' the Maker of all things! O' the Creator of all

creatures! O' the Provider with sustenance to all
those (creature) who receive it! O' the Master of all
slaves! O' the Expeller of all hardships! O' the
Gratifier of all those stricken with sorrow! O' the
Merciful to ail those who deserve mercy! O' the helper
of all those who are downcaste and in disgrace!
O' the Concealer of defects of all defectives! O' the
Shelter for all out-caste:

(11) For Protection from Vice and increase in

Ya Ooddati 'Inda Shiddati, Ya Rajaa'ee Inda Moosibati,
Ya Moonesi 'Inda Vah-shati, Ya Sahebi Inda Ghoorbati,
Ya Valiye 'Inda Ne'mati, Ya Gheyasi Inda Koorbati, Ya
Daleeli 'Inda Hairati, Ya Ghenaa'ee Indaf-teqari Ya
Mal-Jaa'ee 'inda Iztarari, Ya Mooghisi 'Inda Mafza'ee.

O' my Trustee in hardship! O' the Source of my hope in

every misfortune! O' my Companion in my isolation! O'
my Companion in my journey! O' my Friend in ease! O'
my Rescuer from hardships! O' my Guide in my
deviation! O' my Resource in my indigence! O' my
Shelter in my helplessness! O' my Helper in fear!
(12) For Protection from Calamities and for Good
Ya ' Allamal Ghoyoobe, Ya Ghaffaraz-zonoobe Ya
Sattaral 'Oyoobe,
Ya Kashefal-Koroobe,Ya Moqal-lebal-Qoloobe.
Ya Tabibool.Qoloobe a Moonav-veral-Qoloobe
Ya Aneesal-Qoloobe,Ya Mofarrejal-Homoome.
Ya Moonaf-fesal-Ghomoome; Sobhanaka.

O' one Who knows the concealed (objects and affairs)!

O' the Forgiver of sins! O' the Concealer of defects!
O' the Expeller of pains! O' the Changer of hearts! O'
the Brightener of hearts! O' the Physician of hearts!
O' the Friend of hearts!
O' the Dispeller of worries (and fear)! O' the
Liberator from griefs!

(13) For Removal of Eye Pain

Alla-hooma Inni Asa'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Jaleelo, Ya
Ya Vakeelo, Ya Kafeelo, Ya Daleelo, Ya Qabeelo, Ya
Ya Moneelo, Ya Moqeelo Ya Moheelo, .

O' Allah! Verily I beg Thee in Thy name, O' the Grand!
O' the Virtuous! O' the Protector! O' the Patron! O'
the Guide! O' the Guarantor of sustenance! O' the
Bestower of wealth! O' the Bestower of blessings! O'
the Giver of strength! O' the Acceptor (of apology)!

(14) For Increase of Wealth

Ya Daleelol-Motahy-yareena, Ya Gheyasal-Mostaghiseena,
Ya Saree-Khal-Moostasre-
kheena, Ya Jaral-Moostajeereena, Ya
Amanal-Khaa'e-feena, Ya Avnal-Mo'meneena, Ya
Rahemal Masakeena, Ya Mal-jaa'al' Aseena, Ya
Ghaferal-Mooznebeena, Ya Mojeeba,
O' the Guide of the waylaid! O' the Rescuer of those
who appeal to Thee! O' the Helper of those who call
Thee for help! O' the Helper of those who seek Thy
help! O' the Shelter of the afraid! O' the Helper of
the faithful: O' the Merciful to the indigent! O' the
Refuge for (even) the disobedient! O' the Forgiver of
the sinful! O' the Responder to the call of the

(15) For Increase of Blessings

Ya Zal-joode Val-Ehsane, Ya Zal-fazle Val-Imtenane, Ya
Zal-Amne Val-Amane, Ya Zal-qoodse Vas-Sobhane, Ya
Zal-Hikmate Val-Bay-ane, Ya Zar-Rahmate Var-Rizvane,
Ya Zal-Hoojjate Val-Boorhane, Ya Zal ' Azmate
Vas-Sooltane, Ya Zar-Rafate Val-Moosta'ane, Ya
Zal-'Afve Val-Ghoofrane, Sobhanaka.

O' the Master of liberality and beneficence! O' the

Gracious and Obliger! O' the Granter of peace and
security! O' the Holy and above all defects! O' the
Master of wisdom and manifestation! O' the Master of
Mercy and satisfaction! O' the Master of argument and
proof! O' the Master of grandeur and royalty! O' the
Kind and the Helpful! O' the Pardoner and Forgiver!

(16) For Solution of Problems

Ya Man Hova Rabbo Koolle Shai'in, Ya Man Hova Ilaho
Koolle Shai'in, Ya Man Hova
Khaleqo Koolle Shai'in, Ya Man Hova Saleho Koole
Shai'in, Ya Man Hova Qable Koolle Shai'in, Ya Man Hova
Ba'da Koolle Shai'in, Ya Man Hova Favqa Koolle
Shai'in, Ya Man Hova ' Alemoon Be-Koole Shai'in, Ya
Man Hova Qaderoon ' Ala Koolle
Shai'in, Ya Man Hova Yabqa Wa Yafna Koolle Shai'in :

O' One Who is the Overlord of all! O' one Who is the
Deity worshipped by all! O' One Who is the Creator of
everything! O' One Who is the Designer of everything!
O' one Who precedes (in existence) everything! O' One
Who shall continue existing even after everything is
perished! O' one Who is above everything! O' one Who
has the knowledge of everything! O' one Who hath Power
over everything! O' one Who is Eternal while
everything else will perish!

(17) For All Difficult Affairs

Alla-hooma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Mo'meno Ya
Ya Makav-vino' Ya Molaq-qano,Ya Mobyyeno Ya
Ya Momak-kino, Ya Mozyyeno, Ya Mo'al-leno,

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name O' the

Bestower of peace! O' the Protector! O' the creator!
O' the Imparter of knowledge! O' the Manifester! O'
the Facilitator! O' the Provider of space! O' the
Decorator! O' the Proclaimer! O' the Distributor!

(18) For Increase of Sustenance

Ya Man Hova Fee Moolkehi Moqeemoon, Ya Man Hova Fee
Sooltanehi Qadeemon, Ya
Man Hova Fee Jalalehi ' Azimoon, Ya Man Hova 'Ala
'Ibadehi Rahimoon, Ya Man Hova
Be-Koolle Shai'in 'Alimoon, Ya Man Hova Be-Man A'saho
Halimoon, Ya Man Hova Be-Man Rajaaho'Karimoon, Ya Man
Hova Fee ISoon'ehi Hakimoon, Ya Man Hova Fee Hikmatehi
Lateefoon, Ya Man Hova Fee Lootfehi Qadeemoon:

O' the Everlasting in His kingdom! O, the Eternal in

His sovereignty! O' the Greatest in
His grandeur! O' the AII-Merciful on His slaves! O'
Who hath the Knowledge of everything! O' the For
bearing towards him who disobeys Him! O' the
Magnanimous to him who entertains hope from him! O'
the Wisest in His creation! O' the
Subtle in His wisdom! O' the Eternal in His Benignity!

(19) For Promotion in Ranks

Ya Mal-Ia Yoorja Ilia Fazlahoo, Ya Man La Yoos'alo
Ilia' Afvohoo, Ya Mal-Ia Yoonzaro
Ilia Birroho, Ya Man La Yokhafo Ilia' Adlohoo, Ya Man
la Yadoomo Ilia Moolkahoo, Ya Mal-Ia Soolta-na Ilia
Sooltanohoo, Ya Man Vase'at Koolla Shai'in Rahmatohoo,
Ya Man Sabaqat Rahmatahoo Ghazaba hoo, Ya Man Ahata
Be-koolle Shai'in '1Imohoo, Ya Man laisa

O' the one from Whom no hope is entertained but of His

Grace! O' the one from Whom nothing is begged Save His
Pardon! O' the One from Whom nothing is seen but His
Virtue! O' the one of Whom there is no fear but of His
Justice! O' the One Whose sovereignty (alone) is
Eternal and of no one else! O' the one Who is the Real
King and norle else! O' the one Whose blessings extend
to all! O' the one Whose Wrath is surpassed by His
Mercy! O' the one Whose knowledge encompasseth
everything! O' the One who has no equal!

(20) For Removing of Worries and Having Happiness and

Ya Farejal-Hamme, Ya Kashefal-Ghamme, Ya Ghaferaz
Zambe, Ya Qabelat-tavbe, Ya
Khaleqal-Khalqe, Ya Sadeq'al-Va'de Ya Moo-fil-'Ahde'
Ya ' Alemas-sirre, Ya Faleqal-Habbe, Ya Razeqal-Aname;

O' the Remover of worry! O' the Expeller of sorrow! O'

the Forgiver of sins! O' the Acceptor of repentance!
O' the Creator of Creature! O' the Truthful In
promise! O' the Fulfiller of promise! O' the Knower of
secrets! O' the Splitter of seed O' the Provider of
sustenance to creatures!

(21) For Forgiveness of Sins

Alla-hooma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka Ya Ali-yo, Ya
Ya Ghani-yo, Ya Mali-yo, Ya Khafi-yo, Ya Razi-yo, Ya
Ya Badi-yo, Ya Qavi-yo, Ya Vali-yo;

O' Allah! Verily I ask Thee in Thy name, O' the High!
O' the Perfect! O' the Independent! O' the Rich! O'
the Kind! O' the Agreeable! O' the Purifier of soul!
O' the Eternal! O' the Mighty! O' the Friend!

(22) For Increase of Sustenance

Ya Man Azharal-Jameel Wa Ya Man Sattaral-Qabeeha Wa Ya
Mal-lam Yoo'akhaz Bil-
Jarirate Wa Ya Man-lam Yahtekas-sitra, Ya, Azimal-'
Afvene, Ya Hasanat-tajavooze, Ya
Vase'al-Maghfirate, Ya Basital Yadaine Bir-Rahmat, Ya
Saheba Koolle Najva, Ya Moontaha Koolle Shakva;

O' the one Who reveals the virtue! And O' the one Who
concealeth the vice! And O' the One Who does not call
(His slave) to severe account for sins! and O' the one
Who does not tear the curtain (of His slaves) to
disgrace them! O' the Best of forgivers! O' the one
Who graciously omits to take notice (of vice)! O' the
one Whose forgiveness is extensive!
O' the Stretcher of both the hands with Mercy! O' the
Knower of all secrets! O' the Destination of all

(23) For Increase of Beneficence

Ya Zan-ne'matis Sabeghate, Ya Zar-Rahmatil-Vase'ate,
Ya Zal-Minnatis-Sabeqate, Ya Zal-Hikmatil-Baleghate,
Ya Zal-Qoodratil-Kamelate, Ya Zal-Hoojjatil-Qate'ate,
Ya Zal-Kara-matiz-zahirate, Ya Zal'lzzatid-daa'emate,
Ya Zal-Qoovatil-Matinate, Ya Zal 'Azamatil-Mani'ate;

O' the Master of Countless blessings! O' the Master of

limitless mercy! O' the Master Surpassing obligations!
O' the Master of perfect Wisdom! O' the Master of
infinite might! (The Almighty!) O, the Master of
decisive (unconstradictable) argument! O' the Master
of manifest deeds of miraculous nature! O' the Master
of perpetual prestige! O' the Master of great
strength! O' the Master of unsurpassable glory?

(24) For the Pleasure of Allah

Ya Badias-samavate, Ya Ja'elaz-zolomate, Ya
Rahemal'abarate, Ya Moqeelal-Asarate,
Ya Sateral' Avrate, Ya Mohi-yal-Amvate, Ya
Moonzelal-Ayate, Ya Mooze'efal Hasanate, Ya Ma
Heyas-Syyate, Ya Shadeed-an-naqemate:

O' the Creator of heavens! the Maker of darkness ! O'

Merciful to those who weep and wail! O' He who possess
over slips and errors! O' the Concealer of dafects! O'
the Revivor of the dead! O' the Revealer of the signs!
O' the Increaser of virtues! O' the Effacer of vices!
O' the one Who calls to severe account!

(25) For Removal of Misfortune and for Gaining Good

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Moosav-viro.
Ya Moqaddiro, Ya Modabbiro,
Ya Motah-hiro, Ya Monav-viro Ya Moyas-siro, Ya
Mobash-shiro, Ya Moonaz-ziro, Ya Moqad-dimo, Ya

O' Allah! Verily I beg Thee in Thy names. O' the

Fashioner! O' the Foreordainer! O' the
Planner! O' the Purifier! O' the Brightener! O' the
Felicitator! O' the Giver of glad tidings! O' the
Warner! O' the Giver of precedence! O, the Postponer!

(26) For Cure of Fever

Ya Rabbal-Baitil-Harame. Ya Rabbish-Shahril-Harame, Ya
Rabbal-Ba-Iadil-Harame,Ya Rabbar-Rookne Val Maqame, Ya
Rabbal-Mash'aril Harame, Ya Rabbal-Masjedil-Harame, Ya
Rabbil-Hille Val-Harame, Ya Rabban-noore Vaz-zalame,
Ya Rabbat-tahi-yate Vas-salame, Ya Ra-bbal-Qoodrate

O' Lord of the Holy House (Ka' ba)! O' Lord of the
Holy month! O' Lord of the Holy City (Mecca) ! O' Lord
of Rukn and Maqame! O' Lord of Mash'aril Haraame (the
place where the Hajis-Pilgrims to Mecca.offer prayers
and. sacrifice)! O' Lord of Masjedil Haraame (the holy
mosque of Mecca)! O' Lord of the lawful and the
forbidden! O' Lord of light and darkness! O' Lord of
salutation and peace! O' Lord of Strength among

(27) For Fear from Rulers and Officers

(Optional - 20 times).
Ya Ahkamal- Hakemeena Ya A' dalal-' Adeleena, Ya
Asdaqas-Sadeqeena, Ya Atharat- Tahereena, Ya
Ahsanal-Khaleqeena, Ya Asra'al-Hasebeena, Ya
Asma'as-Same'eena, Ya Absaran-Nazereena,
Yahfa'ash-Shaafe'eena, Ya Akramal-Akrammena:

O' the Highest Authority of all the authorities! O'

the Most Just of the Judges! O' the Trust of the true!
O' the Purest of the pure! O' the Best of creators! O'
the Quickest Reckoner! O' the Best of listeners! O'
the Most vigilant of the invigilators! O' the Best of
intercessors! O' the Most Honourable of all!

(28) For Cure of Temple Headache

Ya 'Imada Man Laa 'Imadalahoo, Ya Sanada Mal la
Ya Zokhra Man La Zookhralahoo, Ya Hirza Man La
Ya Ghiasa Man L.a Ghiasalahoo, Ya Fakhra Man La
Ya 'Izza Man La 'Izzalahoo, Ya Mo'eena Man La
Ya Aneesa Man Laa Aneesalahoo, Ya Amana Man Laa

O' the Supporter of the unsupported! O' the Helper of

the helpless! O' the Protector of the
Unprotected! O' the Shield of the defenseless! O' the
Hearer of the appeal of one who is unheard! O' the
Pride of the prideless! O' the Honour of the
honourless! O' the Giver of aid to the unaided! O' the
Friend of the forsaken! O' the Shelter of the

(29) For Archery

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka Ya 'Asimo,
Ya Daa'emo, Ya Rahimo, Ya Salimo Ya Hakimo, ' Alimo,
Ya Qa-simo, Ya Qa-bizo, Ya Basito:

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name, O' the

protector! O' the Persistent! O' the Eternal! O' the
Merciful! O' the Accorder of Peace! O' the Ruler! O'
the Scient! O' the Distributor! O' the Preventor! O'
the Opener!

(30) For Success in War

Ya 'Asima Manis-ta'samahoo, Ya Rahema
Manis-tar-hamahoo, Ya Ghafira Manis-tagh-
firahoo, Ya Nasira Manis-tansarahoo, Ya Hafeza
Manis-tah fazahoo Ya Mookrema
Manis-tak-ramahoo, Ya Moorshida Manis-tar-shadahoo, Ya
Sareekha Manis-tas-rakhahoo, Ya Mo'eeno
Manis-ta'anahoo, Ya Mogheesa Monis-taghasahoo:

O' the Protector of the seeker of His protection! O'

the Merciful to him who begs for His
Mercy! O' the Forgiver of the seeker of His
forgiveness! O' the Helper of the seeker of His help!
O' the Protector of the seeker of His protection! O'
the Magnanimous to him who appeals to His magnanimity!
O' the Guide of the seeker of His guidance! O' the
Giver of aid to the seeker of His aid! O' the Giver of
assistance to the seeker of His
Assistance! O' the Rescuer of the person who appeals
to Him!

(31) For Cure of Eye Sore

Ya 'Azizol La Yoozamo, Ya Latifal La Yooramo, Ya
Qyyoomal La Yanamo, Ya Daa-
emal La Yafooto, Ya Hyyal La Yamooto, Ya Malikal La
Yazoolo, Ya Baqi-yal La Yafna Ya ' Alemal La Yajhalo,
Ya Samadal La Yoot'amo, Ya Qavi-yal La Yoz'afo :

O' the Powerful who is never over-powered! , O' the

Benign Who is invisible! O' the Self
Subsistent who never sleeps! O' the Eternal Who will
never perish! O' the Ever-Iiving Who will never die!
O' the King Whose rule is endless! O' tee Eternal Who
is imperishable! O' the Scient Who never forgets! O'
the Independent Who needs
no sustenance! O' the Mighty Who never grows weak!

(32) For Success over Enemies

Alla-homma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Ahado, Ya
Vahido, Ya Shahido, , Ya Majido, Ya Hamido Ya Rashido,
Ya Ba'eso, Ya Variso, Ya Zaar-ro, Ya Nafe'o.
O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name O' the
Single! O' the One! O' the Present! O' the Praiser! O'
the Exalted' O' the Guide! O' the Raiser (of the
dead)! O' the Heir! O' the Harmful (to the unjust)! O'
the Beneficial (to the just):

(33) For Attendance to Rulers

Yaa A'zama Min Koolle 'Azimin, Ya Akrama Min Koolle
Karimin, Yaa Arhamar Min Koolle Rahimin, Yaa A'lam Min
Koolle 'Alimin Ya Ahkama Min Koolle Hakimin, Yaa
Aqdama Min Koolle Qadimin, Yaa Akbara Min Koolle
Kabirin, Yaa Altafa Min Koolle Latifin, Yaa Ajalla Min
Koolle Jaleelin, Yaa A'azza Min Koolle ' Azizin:

O' the Grander of all the grand! O' the More

Magnanimous than all the magnanimous! O' the Most
Merciful of all the merciful! O' the Possessor of
greater knowledge than all others! O' the Wisest of
all the wise! O' the Most Ancient of all the ancient!
O' the Greatest of all the great! O' the Benignest of
all the benign! O' the Most Magnificent
of all the magnificent! O' the Mightiest of all the

(34) For Safety from Jins in Nights

Ya Ka-rimas-Safhe, Ya ' Azimool-Manne, Ya
Ya Qadimal-Fazle, Ya Daa'emal-lootfe, Ya
Ya Moonaf-fesal-Karbe, Ya Kashifaz-Zorre, Ya
Ya Kaazeyal-Haqqe:

O' the Most Magnanimous in overlooking sins! O' the

Greatest Benefactor! O' thee Most Bounteous in
goodness! O' the Eternal in grace! O' the Creator of
Fine! O' the Remover of paIn! O' the Healer of injury!
O' the Master of dominion! O' the Right Judge!

(35) For Cure of Toothache

Ya Man Hova Fee 'Ahdehi Wa Fi-yoon, Ya Man Hova Fee
Wafaa'ehi Qavi, Ya Man Hova Fee Qoovatehi 'Ali, Ya Man
Hova Fee Oloovehi Qariboon, Ya Man Hova Fee Qoorbehi
Latifoon, Ya Man Hova Fee
Lootfehi Sharifoon, Ya Man Hova Fee Sharafehi 'Azizoon
Ya Man Hova Fee 'Izzehi 'Azimoon, Ya Man Hova Fee
'Azamatehi Majidoon, Ya Man Hova Fee Majidehi Hamidoon

O' the one Who fulfils His promise! O' One Who is
great in His Might! O' the One Who is the near
everyone inspite of His Greatness! O' the One Who is
benign in His Wearness! O' the One Who is noble in Thy
Benignity! O' the One Who is Powerful in His Nobility!
O' the one Who is Great in His Power! O' the one Who
is Exalted in His Greatness! O' the one Who is
Praiseworthy in His Exaltation!

(36) For Safeguard from Jins

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Kafi, Ya
Shafi, Ya Vafi Ya Mo'afi, Ya Hadi,
Ya Da'ee, Ya Qazi, Ya Razi, Ya A'Ali, Ya Baqi:

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name. O' the

sufficient! O' the Restorer to health! O' he Faithful!
O' the Forgiver! O' the Guide! O' he Summoner! O' the
Judge! O' the Agreeable! O' the High! O' the Eternal!

(37) To Conquer the War:

Ya Man Koollo Shai'in Khaze'oon Lahoo, Ya Man Koollo
Shai'in KhaShe'oon Lahoo,, Ya Man Kooflo Shai'in
Kaa'enoon Lahoo, Ya Mail Koollo Shai'in Mavjoodoon
Lahoo, Ya Man Koollo Shai'in Moneeboon Ilahi, Ya Man
Koollo Shai'in Khaa'efoon Minho, Ya Man Koollo
Shai'in Qaa'emoon Behi, Ya Man Koollo Shai'in
Saa'eroon Ilaihe Ya Man Koolloo Shai'in Yoosabbeho
Be-Hamdehi, Ya Man Koollo Shai'in Halekoon IlIa

O' the One before Whom everything is bowing! O' the

One before Whom everything is humbling! O' the One for
Whom everything exists! O' the One to Whom everything
owes its existence! O' the One to Whom everything
returns! O' the One of Whom everything is afraid! O'
the One to Whom everything owes its stability! O' the
One towards Whom everything retreats! O' the One Whom
everything glorifies with praise! O' the one besides
Whom everything is perishable!

(38) For Help of Almighty God

Ya Man La Mofarra Illaa Ilaihe, Ya Man La Moofzela
Illaa llaihe, Ya Man La Ma qsada
Illaa llaihe, Ya Man La Manja Minho Illaa llaihe, Ya
Man La Yarghab Illaa llaihe, Ya
Man La Havla Va La Qoovata Illaa Behi, Ya Man La
Yoosta ano Illaa Behi, Ya Man La
Yatavak-kalo Illaa ' Alaihe, Ya Man La Yoorja Illaa
Hova, Ya Man La Ya'bodo Illaa Hova

O' the One! there is no retreat but towards Him, O'

the One! there is no place of protection except with
him. O' the One! there is no right path except that
which leads to him. O' the One! there is no shelter
against Him but with Him, O' the One! there is no
inclination towards anyone except Him. O' the one!
there is no inclination towards
anyone except Him. O' the One! there is no strength
and vigour but from Him O' the One! none is invoked
for help but He O' lord! trust is not reposed unto
anyone but Thee O' lord! hope is not entertained from
anyone except from Thee. O' lord! none is Worshipped
except Thee!

(39) For Success Over Enemy

Ya Khairal-Marg'hoobeena. Ya Khairal Margoobeena, Ya
Khairal-Matloobeena Ya
Khairal-Mas'ooleena, Ya Khairal-Maqsoodeena, Ya
Khairal-Mazkooreena, Ya Khairal-
Mashkooreena, Ya Khairal-Mahboobeena, Ya
Khairal-Mad'ooveena, Ya Khairal-Moosta-

O' the best of those who are afraid! O' the best of
those who are liked! O' the best of those
who are sought for! O' the best of those who are
entreated! O' the best of those who are desired for,
O' the best of those who are remembered! O' the best
of those whom thanks are offered! O' the best of those
who are loved! O' the best of those who are called for
(help)! O' the best of those who are held in
(40) For Forgiveness
Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Ghafiro, Ya
Satiro, Ya Qadiro, Ya Qahiro, Ya Fatiro, Ya Kasiro, Ya
Jabiro, Ya Zakiro, Ya Naziro, Ya Nasiro.

O' Allah! Verily I entreat Thee in Thy name, O' the

Forgiver! O' the Concealer (of defects)! O' the
Mighty! O' the Supreme! O' the Creator! O' the
Shatterer! O' the Joiner! O' the Rememberer! O' the
Seeing! O' the Helper!

(41) For Cure of Sun Stroke

Ya Man Khalaqa Fosav-va, Ya Man Qad-dara Fahada, Ya
Myn Yakshe-fool-balva, Ya Myn Yasma'oon Najva, Ya Myn
Yoonqezool Gharqa, Ya Myn Yoonjil-Halka, Ya Myn
Yashfil Marza Ya Man Azhaka Wa Abka, Ya Man Amata Wa
Ahya Ya Man Khalaqaz-Zavjainaz-zakara Val-Oonsa:

O' the One! Who created and perfected, O' the One! Who
made (everything) to measure and guided! O' the One!
Who removeth the misfortunes (of His slaves). O' the
One! who overheareth secret (talk). O' the Rescuer of
the drowning! O' the One! Who! saveth the distressed!
O' the One! Who restoreth to health the sick. O' the
One! Who maketh (His slaves) laugh and weep, O' the
One! Who Killeth and calleth to life O' the One! Who
hath created pairs of male and female

(42) For Safeguard from Calamities

Ya Man Fil-Barre Val-Bahre Sabeelohoo Ya Man Fil-Afaqe
Ayatohoo, Ya Man Fil-Ayate Boor-hanohoo. Ya Man
Fil-Mamate Qoodratehoo Ya Man Fil-Qaboore 'Ibratohoo,
Ya Man Fil-Qayamate Moolkahoo, Ya Man Fil-Hisabe
Haibatahoo, Ya Man Fil-Meezane Qazaa'ohoo, Ya Man
Fil-Jannate Savabohoo, Ya Man Finnare 'Iqabohoo:

O' the One! Whose course is on land and in water O'

the One! Whose signs are in the
universe. O' the One! in Whose signs are undeviabla
proofs, O' the One! Whose might is exhibited in
causing death. O' the One! graves provide (people) His
lesson O' the One! Whose kingdom will be on the Day of
Judgement O' the One! in Whose reckoning of deeds) is
His dread, O' the One! in (establishing) the Balance
(of deeds) is H is order. O' the One! Whose paradise
is the place of His good reward O' the One! Whose hell
is the place of chastisement.

(43) For Benevolence from Wealthy Person

Ya Man Ilaihe Yahrebool Khaeefoona, Ya Man Ilaihe
Yafra'ool Moozneboona, Ya Man
Ilaihe Yaqsodool Moniboona Ya Man Ilaihe Yarghabooz-za
hedoona, Ya Man Ilaihe Yaljaool-Mootahyyaroona, Ya Man
Behi Yastanisool-Moreedoona, Ya Man Behi
Yaftakheroof-Mohibboona, Ya Man Fee 'Afvehi
Yatma-'ool-Khate'oona, Ya Man Ilaihe
Yaskonnol-Mooqenoona, Ya Man Ilaihe

O' the One! the frightened flee to Him. O' the One!
the sinners take shelter with Him. O' the One! the
repentent return to Him. The One! towards whom pious
incline. O' the One! the confounded seek shelter in
Him. O' the One! The desirous have affection for Him.
O' the One! The lovers are proud of Him. O' the One!
the transgressors have agreed for His forgiveness. O'
the one! those Who are Sure in faith receive
consolation from Him. O' the One! those who trust Him
rely on Him.

(44) For love

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka, Ya Habibo, Ya
Tabibo, Ya Qaribo, Ya Raqibo,
Ya Hasibo, Ya Moheebo' Ya Moseebo, Ya Mojeebo, Ya
Khabiro, Ya Bashiro, sobhanaka:
O' Allah! Verily I entreat Thee in Thy name. O'
Friend! O' the physician! O' the Near! O' the
Supervisor! O' the Reckoner to account! O' the Awful!
O' the Rewarder! O' the Acceptor! O' the Aware O' the

(45) For Safety from Dreadful Dreams

Yaa Aqrabo Min KooIle Qaribin. Ya Ahabba Min Koolle
Habibin, Ya Absara Min Koolle Baseerin Yaa Akhbara Min
Koolle Khabirin, Ya Ashra-fa Min Koolle Sharifin, Yaa
Arfa'a Min Koolle Rafi'in. Ya Aqva Min Koolle Qaviyin,
Yaa Aghna Min Koolle Ghani-yin, Ya Ajvada Min Koolle
Javadin. Yaa Ar'afa Min Koolle Ra'oofin:

O' the Nearest of all O' the friendliest of all the

friends! O' the Possessor of greater insight than all
others! O' the Most Aware of all! 0' the noblest of
all the nobles! O' the most exalted of all the
exalted! O' the Mightiest of all mighty! O' the Most
Independent of all! O' the most Generous of all! O'
the kindest of all those who are kind!

(46) For Cure from Infantile Paralysis

Ya Ghaleban Ghaira Maghloobin, Ya Sane'an Ghaira
Masnoo'in, Ya Khaleqan Ghaira Makhlooqin, Ya Malekan
Ghaira Mamlookin, Ya Qahiran Ghaira Ma-qhoorin. Ya
Rafe'an Ghaira Marfoo'in Ya Hafezan Ghaira Mahfoozin,
Ya Nasiran Ghaira Mansoorin Ya Shahidan Ghaira
Ghaa'ebin, Ya Qariban Ghaira Ba'eedin:

O' the Dominant who is not overpowered! 0' the

Designer Who is not made! O' the Creator Who is not
created! O' the Master and not the slave! O' the
All-Dominant Who is not dominated! O' the Exalter and
the exalted (No need of being Exalted by anyone! O'
the Protector, Who needs no protection! O' the Helper
Who needs no help! O' the witness Who is not absent!
O' the Near Who is not distant!

(47) For Cure from Epilepsy

Ya Nooran-Noore, Ya Moonav-varil-Noore, Ya
Khaleqan-Noore, Ya Moodab-beran-Noore, Ya
Moqad-deran-Noore, Ya Noora Koolle Noorin, Ya Naoran
Qabla Koolle Noorin, Ya Nooran Ba'da Koolle Noorin, Ya
Nooran Favqa Koolle Noorin, Ya Nooran laisa Kamis-lehi

O' the light of lights! 0' the Illuminator of light!

O' the Creator of light! O' the Planner of
light! O' the Estimater of light! O' the Light of all
Lights! O' the Light that proceeds in existence every
light! O' the light that will survive every lights! O'
the Light that is above every light! O' the Light like
of which there is no light!

(48) For Cure from Body Pain

Ya Man 'Ataa'ohoo Shareefoon. Ya Man Fay' lahoo
Latifoon, Ya Man Lootfo-hoo Maqi-
moon Ya Man Ehsanohoo Qadimoon, Ya Man Qavlohoo
Haqqoon, Ya Man Va'dohoo Sidqoon, Ya Man Afoohoo
Fazloon, Ya Man Azabohoo, Adloon, Ya Man Zikrohoo
Hoolvoon, Ya Man Fazlohoo 'Amimoon, Sobhanaka:

O' (Allah), Whose gift is noble! O' (Allah), Whose

action is subtle! O' (Allah), Whose kindness is
persistent! O' (Allah) , Whose beneficence is eternal!
O' (Allah), Whose word is right! O' (Allah), Whose
promise is true! O' (Allah), Whose forgiveness is a
grace! O' (Allah), Whose chastisement is Justice! O'
(Allah), Whose remembrance is sweet! O' (Allah), Whose
grace is common (to all)!

(49) For Cure from Palpitation of Heart

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka, Ya Moosah-hilo,
Ya Moofas-silo, Ya Moobad-dilo, Ya Moozal-lilo, Ya
Moonaz-zilo, Ya Noonavvilo, Ya Moofzilo, Ya Moojzilo,
Ya Moomhilo, Ya Moojmilo:
O' Allah! Verily I entreat Thee in Thy name, O' the
Facilitator! O' the Separator! O' the Alterer! O' the
Humiliater of the proud! O' the Degrader! O' the
Benefactor! O' the munificent O' the Giver of respite
(to the sinner)! O' the Virtuous!

(50) For Increase of Eye Sight

Ya Mny Yara Wa La Yoora, Ya Myn-Yakhloqo Wa La
Yookhlaqo, Ya Myn-Yahdi Wa La Yoohda Ya Myn-Yohyi Wa
La Yohya. Ya Myn-Yas'alo Wa La Yoos'al Ya Myn-Yoat'amo
Wa La Yoot-'amo, Ya Myn-Yojeero Wa La Yoojaro 'Alaihe,
Ya Myn-Yaqze-ya Wa La Yooqza, Alaihe, Ya Myn-Yahkomo
Wa la Yohkamo ' Alaihe, Ya Mal-Iam Yalid Wa lam Yoolad
Wa lam Yakool-lahoo Kofovan Ahad:

O' (Allah), who sees but is not seen! O' (Allah) who
creates and not created one! O' (Allah). Who guides
and not guided by anyone! O' (Allah), Who receives to
life and is not brought to life! O' (Allah). Who
questions and not questioned! O' (Allah), who feeds
and does not eat! O' (Allah), Who give protection and
is not in need of protection! O' (Allah), Who judges
and no judgement is passed against Him! O' (Allah),
commands but not commanded by anyone! O' (Allah), Who
begeteth not, nor He is begotten, and there is none
like unto Him.

(51) For Safeguard from Wickedness of Enemy

Ya Ne'mal-Haseebo, Ya Ne'mat-tabeebo, Ya
Ne'mar-Raqibo, Ya Ne'mal-Qaribo, Ya Ne'mal Mojeebo, Ya
Ne'mal-Habibo, Ya Ne'mal Kafeel, Ya Ne'mal-Vakeel, Ya
Ne'mal-Mavla Ya Ne'man-Naseero Sobhanaka:

O' the Best reckoner! O' the Best Physician! O' the
Best Guardian! O' the Best Near One! O' the Best
Responser! O' the Best Friend! O' the Best Surety! O'
the Best Protector! O' the Best Master! O' the Best

(52) For Removal of Poverty

Ya Sorooral 'A-refeena Ya Monal Mohibbeena Ya
Anisool-Mooreedeena Ya Habiboot- Tavvabeena, Ya
Razeqal Mokelena, Ya Ra- jaa al-Moozne-beena, Ya
Qoor-rata 'Ainil 'Abedeena, Ya Moonaffesa
'Anil-Makroobeena, Ya Mofarreja 'Anil-Maghmoomeena, Ya
Illahal-Av-valeena Val Akhereena:

O' the Joy of saints! O' the Desire of friends! O' the
Friend of seekers! O' the Friend of penitents! O' the
Provider of sustenance to the poor! O' the Hope of the
sinner! O' the Coolness (light) of the eyes of
worshipper! O' the Remover of pain of the sufferers!
O' the Dispeller of sorrows of the sorrowfull! O'
Allah of the first and the last generation!

(53) For Love

Alla-hooma Inni As'aloka, Be-Ismeka, Ya Rabbana,Ya
Ilahana, Ya Sayyedana. Ya
Movlana Ya Nasirana, Ya Hafizana, Ya Daleelana, Ya
Mo'eenana, Ya Habibana, Ya

O' Allah! Verily I entreat, Thee in Thy name O' our

Lord! O' our God! O' our Chief! O' our Master! O' our
Helper! O' our Protector! O' our Guide! O' our Aider!
O' our Friend! O' our Physician:

(54) For Cure of Toothache

Ya Rabban Nabiyeena. Val Abrare. Ya Rabbas-siddiqeena
Val-Akh-yare, Ya Rabbal-
Jannate Van-nare. Ya Rabbas-seghare, Val-Kebare. Ya
Rabbal-Hoboobe Vas-semare, Ya
Rabbal-Anhare Val Ashjare, Ya Rabbas-sahari
Val-Qifare. Ya Rabbal-Barari Val-behare, Ya
Rabbal-Laile Vannahare. Ya Rabbal-'Elane Val-Israre
O' Lord of the prophets and the virtuous! O' Lord of
the righteous and choosen one! O' Lord paradise and
hell! O' Lord of the small and the great! O' Lord of
Grains and fruits! O' Lord of canals and trees! O'
Lord of forest! and deserts! O' Lord of night and day!
O' Lord of the manifest and hidden!

(55) For Cure from Side Pain

Ya Man-nafaza Fee Koolle Shai'in Amrohoo Ya Mal-Laheqa
Be-Koollee Shai'in 'Ilmoho.
Ya Man Balaghat Ila Koolle Shai'in Qoodratohoo, Ya
Mal-Ia Tohsal Ibado Ne'amahoo, Ya Mal-Ia
Tablogh-ool-Khilaa'eqo Shookrahoo, Ya Mal-ta
Toodrek-ool, Afhamo Jalalahoo. YaMal la Tanalool
Av-hamo Koonhahoo, Ya Manil' Azmato Val Kib-riyaa'o
Rida-a'ohoo. Ya Mal-Ia Taroo-dool 'Ibado Qazaa'ahoo,
Ya Mal-Ia Moolkad Ilia Moolkohoo Ya Mal-Ia 'Ataa'a
IlIa 'Ataa'ohoo.

O' Allah! Whose command operates in everything! O'

Allah! Whose knowledge encompasses everything! O'
Allah! Whose control extends to everything! O' Allah!
Whose bounties cannot be counted by His slaves! O'
Allah! Whom His creatures cannot adequately thank! O'
Allah! Whose grandeur cannot be comprehended by
intelect! O' Allah! Whose reality cannot be acquired
by imagination! O' Allah! Whose Garb is Majesty and
Greatness! O' Allah! Whose judgement cannot be
reversed by His slaves!
O' Allah! Whose is the kingdom alone and of none else!
O' Allah! Whose is the gift alone and of none else!

(56) For Cure from Diseases

Ya Man Lahool-Masalool-A'la, Ya Man
Lahoos-Sifatool'Olya Ya Man Lahool-Akhirato Val-Ooola,
Ya Man Lahool-Jannatool-Mava Ya Man
Lahool-Ayatool-Koobra, Ya Man Lahool-Asma-aool-Hoosna,
Ya Man Lahool-Hookmo Val Qaz-aao, Ya Man
Lahool-Havaa'o Val-Qazaa'o, Ya Man Lahool'-Arsho
Vas-sara, Ya Man Lahoos-samavatoal'

O' Allah! For Whom are noblest example! O' Allah! For
whom are high a attributes! O' Allah! Who is Master of
beginning and the end! O' Allah! Who is Master of
abode of paradise! O' Allah! For Whom are great signs!
O' Allah! For Whom are beautiful names! O' Allah! For
Whom is order and judgement! O' Allah! Who rules over
the atmosphere and the expanse! O' Allah! For Whom is
the Lordship of the highest heaven and the earth! O'
Allah! Who is the Master of the high heavens!

(57) For Removal of Wind Storms

Alla-Hooma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka, Ya 'Afoovo, Ya
Ghafooro, Ya Sabooro, Ya
Sha-kooro, Ya Ra'oofo, Ya 'A1oofo Ya Mas'oolo, Ya
Vadoodo, Ya Soobbooho, Ya

O' Allah! Verily I entreat Thee in Thy name, O' the

Pardoner! O' the Forgiver! O' the Patient! O' the
Greatest Appreciator (of good)! O' the Kind! O' the
Sympathetic! O' Thou of Whom people beseech! O' the
Friend! O' the Most Glorified! O' the holies!

(58) For Attaining Honour & Dignity

Ya Man Fis-samavate ' Azmatehoo, Ya Man Fil-Arze
Ayatohoo, Ya Man Fee Koolle Shai'in Dalaa'elohoo, Ya
Man Fil-Behare 'Ajaa'ebohoo Ya Man Fil-Jibale
Khazaa-'enohoo, Ya Myn-Yabda'ool-Khalqa Soomma
Yo'eedohoo, Ya Man Ilaihe Yarje'ool-Amro Koolloho Ya
Man Azhara Fee Koolle Shai'in Lootfohoo, Ya Man Ahsana
Koo'la Shai'in Khalqahoo, Ya Man Tasarrafa
Fil-Khalaa-eqe Qoodratohoo:

O' Allah! Whose Greatness is in heavens O' Allah!

Whose signs are on the earth. O' Allah! Whose proofs
are manifest in everything. O' Allah! Whose wonders
are in the seas. O' Allah! Whose treasurers are in the
mountains, O' Allah! Who caused the creation then He
gets it return. O' Allah! Towards Whom is the retreat
of every matter. O' Allah! Whose kindness is evident
from everything. O' Allah! Who made best every thing
which He hath created. O' Allah Whose authority wilded
on all creatures.

(59) For cure of Stomach Pain

Ya Habibo Mal'la Habibo lahoo, Ya Tabeeba Mal-la
Tabeeba Lahoo, Ya Mojeeba Mal-Ia
Mojeeba Lahoo. Ya Shafeeqa Mal-Ia Shafeeqa lahoo, Ya
Rafiqa Mal-Ia Rafiqa lahoo, Ya
Mogheesa Mal-la Mogheesa lahoo, Ya Daleela Mal-la
Daleela lahoo, Ya Aneesa Mal-la
Aneesa Lahoo. Ya Rahema Mal-la Rahema lahoo, Ya Saheba
Mal-Ia Saheba lahoo:

O, the Friend of one Who has no friend! O' the

Physician of one Who has no physician! O' the
Responser of the one Who has no responser! O, the
Affectionate of one Whom none holds in affection! O'
the Companion of one Who has no companion! O' the
Helper of the helpless! O' the Guide of the guideless!
O' the Associate of the forlorn! O' the Merciful on
one Whom no one has mercy! O' the Companion of one Who
has no companion!

(60) For Success in Important Affairs

Ya Ka'fiya Minas takfaho, Ya Hadiya Manis-tahdaho, Ya
Kale-ya Manis-tak-Iaho, Ya
Ra'eya Manis-tar 'Aho, Ya Shafiya Manis-Tash-faho, Ya
Qazeya Manis-Taqzaho, Ya
Moghniya Manis- Taghnaho, Ya Moofi Manis-tav-faho Ya
Mooqav-vi-ya Manis- Taqvaho, Ya Vali-ya

O' the Sufficer of those who seek sufficiency. O' the

Guide of those who seek guidance: O' the Protector of
those who seek protection! O' the Grantor of
concession to those who seek concession O' the Healer
of those who seek cure, O' the Just to those who seek
Justice! O' the Bestower of wealth who seek wealth. O'
the Fulfiller (of the promises) to those who seek
fulfilment! O' the Grantor of strength to those who
seek strength! O' the Helper of those who seek help:

(61) For Satisfactions of Heart

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka.Ya Khaliqo. Ya
Raziqo, Ya Natiqo, Ya Sadiqo, Ya Faliqo, Ya Fariqo, Ya
Fatiqo, Ya Ratiqo, Ya Sabiqo, Ya Samiq:

O' Allah! Verily I entreat Thee in Thy name. O' the

Creator! O' the Provider of sustinence! O' the Creator
of speach! O' the Truthful! O' the Splitter! O' the
Separator! O' the Breaker! O' the Compiner! O' the
Foremost! O' the High!

(62) For Winning Hearts of the Right

Ya Man Yoqal-lobool-laila. Van-nahara. Ya Man
Ja'alaz-Zolomata Val-Anwa-ra, Ya Man Ka'alaz-zilla
Val-Haroora, Ya Man Sakh-Kharash-Shamsa Val-Qamara, Ya
Man Qaddaral-Khaira Vash-Sharra. Ya Man
Khala-qal-Mavta Val-Hayata, Ya Man lahool-Khalqo
Val-Amro, Ya Mal-Iam Yat-takhiz Sahebatavn Wa la
Valadan, Ya Man laisa
lahoo Shareekoon Fil-Moolke. Ya Mal-Iam Yakoon-lahoo

O' Allah! Who changes night and day! O' Allah! Who has
created darkness and lights! O' Allah! Who has vested
shade and heat! O' Allah! Who has brought into
subjection the sun and the moon! O' Allah! Who has
ordained virtue and vice! O' Allah! Who has created
death and life! O' Allah! Who is the creator of body
and soul! O' Allah! Who has neither taken a wife nor
be gotten any child! O' Allah! Who has no partner in
His sovereignty O'
Allah I Who has no friend from disgraced ones

(63) For Profit and Business

Ya Myn-Yalamo Moordal-Mooreedeena, Ya Myn-Ya'lamo
ZamIras-Sametena, Ya Myn
Yasma'o Aneenal-Vaheneena, Ya Myn-Yara
Bookaa'al-Khaa'efeena, Ya Myn-Yamleko
Hav-aa'ejas-Saa'eleena, Ya Myn-YaqbBlo
Ghooz-rat-taa'ebeena, Ya Mal-Ia Yoosleo
A'malal-Moofsedeena, Ya Mal-Ia Yozee'o
Ajral-Mohse-neena Ya Mal-Ia Yab'ado 'An
Qoloobil 'Arefeena, Ya Ajvadal-Ajvadeena.

O' Allah! Who knows the desire of the desirous! O'

Allah I Who knows the conscience of the silent! O'
Allah! Who hears the screams of the week! O' Allah!
Who sees the lamentation of the frightened! O' Allah!
Who satisfies the needs of petitioner! O' Allah! Who
accepts the excuse of the repentants! O' Allah! Who
does not correct the actions of the mischievous! O'
Allah! Who does waste the good reward of the virtues!
O' Allah! who is not away from the minds of saints! O'
the Most Generous of all:

(64) For Cure of Temple Headache

Ya Da-a'emal-Baqaa'ay, Ya Same'ad-Doaa'ay, Ya
Vase'al-Ataa'ay, Ya Gaafiral Khataa Ya
Ya Hoosnal-Balaa'ay, Ya Jamilas-sanaa'ay, Ya
Oadimas-sanaa'ay, Ya Kaseerool-Vafaa'ay, Ya

O' the Eternal Living! O' the Hearer of prayers! O'

the Liberal Bestower! O' the Forgiver of sins! O' the
Creator of the sky! O' the best Tester of trails! O'
the Most Praiseworthy! O' the Enternally Great! O' the
Most Fulfiller of the promises! O' the Best

(65) For Forgiveness of Sins

Alla-Hooma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Sattaro Ya
Ghaffaro, Ya Qah-haro, Ya Jabb-
aro, Ya Sabbaro, Ya Baa-ro Ya Mookhtaro, Ya Fattaho,
Ya Naffaho, Ya Martaho:

O' Allah! Verily I entreat Thee in Thy name, O' the

Best Forgiver (of sins)! O' the Best Concealer (of
defects)! O' the Most Dominent! O' the Most Supreme!
O' the Most Patient! O' the Most Virtuous! O' the
Exalted! O' the Best Opener! O' the Blower of winds!
O' the Bestower of happiness!

(66) For Removing of Poverty

Ya Man Khalaqni Rasav-vani, Ya Man Razaqni Wa Rabbani,
Ya Man-At'a-mani Wa Saqani, Ya Man Qarrbani Wa Adnani
Ya Man' Asamani Wa Kafani Ya Man Hafazani Wa Kalani.
Ya Man A'azzani Wa Aghnani. Ya Mavn Vaqfani Wa Hadani,
Ya Man Anasani Wa Avani. Ya Man-Amatani Wa Ahyani:

O' Allah! Who created me and perfected me! O' Allah!

Who provided me with sustenance and nurtered me! O'
Allah! Who provided food for me and quenched my
thirst! O' Allah! Who brought me near Him and brought
me most nigh! O' Allah!
Who protected me and kept me in safety! O' Allah! Who
saved and guarded me! O' Allah! Who honoured me and
enriched me! O' Allah! Who helped and guided me! O'
Allah! Who befriended me and sheltered me! O' Allah!
Who causes me to die and enlivens me!

(67) For Cure of Eye Sore

Ya Myn Yahoqqool-Haqqa Be-Kalematehi, Ya Myn
Yooqbalat. tavbata 'An 'Ibadehi, Ya
Myn-Yahoolo Bainal-Mar'ay Wa Qalbehi, Ya Mal-Ia
Tanfa'oosh-shafa'ata Ilia Be-Iznehi, Ya Man Hova
A'lamo Be-man Zalla 'An Sabeelehi, Ya Mal-Ia
Mo'aq-qeba Le-Hookmehi, Ya Mal-Ia Raadda Le-Qazaa'ehi,
Ya Manin-qada Koollo Shai'in Le-Amrehi, Ya
Manis-samavato Matviyatoon Be-Yaminehi, Ya
Myn-Yoorsiloor-Riyaha-Booshran Baina Yadai Rahmatehi:

O' Allah! Who maintains truth by His words! O' Allah!

Who accepts repentance from His slaves! O' Allah! Who
stands between man and his hearts! O' Allah! without
Whose permission the intercession does not benefit! O'
Allah! Who knows him well who is astray from His path!
O' Allah! Whose order no one can reverse! O' Allah'
Whose judgement no can revoke! O' Allah! Whose order
is obeyed by everything! O' Allah! in Whose right hand
the heavens shall be rolled up! O' Allah who sends
forth the winds bearing good tiding before his mercy!

(68) For Removal of Plague

Ya Man Ja'alal-Arza Mehadan, Ya Man Ja'alal-Jebala
Avtadan, Ya Man Ja'alash-shamsa
Sirajan, Ya Man Ja'alal-Qamara Nooran, Ya Man
Ja'alal-laila Lebasan, Ya Man Ja'alan-
nahara Ma'ashan, Ya Man Ja'alan-navma Soobatan, Ya Man
Ja'alas-samaa'a Benaa'an,
Ya Man Ja'alal-Ashyaa'a Azvajan, Ya Man Ja'alan-Nara

O' Allah! Who has made the earth a cradle bed! O'
Allah! Who has made the mountains as pegs (to make the
earth stable): O' Allah! Who has made the sun a lamp!
O' Allah! Who has made the moon a light! O' Allah! Who
has made the night a covering! O' Allah! Who has made
the day for seeking livelihood! O' Allah! Who has made
sleep a rest!
O' Allah! Who has the sky a structure! O' Allah! Who
has created things in pairs! O' Allah! Who has made
the hell an ambush, barking for sinners!

(69) For Promotion in Ranks

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka, Ya Sami'o Ya
Shafi'o, Ya Rafi'o, Ya Mani'o, Ya Sari'o, Ya Badi'o,
Ya Kabiro, Ya Qadiro, Ya Khabiro, Ya Mojeero:

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in thy name O' Hearer!

O' the intercessor! O' the Elevated! O' the Mighty! O'
the Quick (in reckoning)! O' All-Aware! O' the

(70) For Long Life

Ya Hyyan Qabla Koolle Hyyoon, Ya Hyyan Ba'da Koolle
Hyyin Ya Hyyool-lazi laisa Kamislehi Hyyoon, Ya
Hyyool-lazi laisa Yosharekohoo Hyyoon, Ya Hyyool-lazi
la Yah-tajo Ila Hyyin, Ya Hyyool-lazi
Yomeeto Koolla Hyyin, , Ya Hyyool-Iazi Yarzoqo Koolla
Hyyin, Ya Hyyoo-Iazi lam Yaresil-Hyata Min Hyyin, Ya
Hyyool-lazi Yohyil-Mavta Ya Hyyo, Ya Qyyoomo la
Takhozohoo Sinatoon Wa la Navm:

O' the Ever Jiving, preceding every living being! O'

the Ever living, succeeding every living being! O' the
Everliving, like unto Whom there is none! O' the
Everliving who has no living partner! O' the Ever
living Who does not dependent on any living being! O'
Everliving Who causes every living being to die! O'
the Ever living, Who has not inherited life from any
living being! O' the Everliving, Who provides
sustenance to every living being! O' the Ever living,
who quickens the dead! O' the Everliving! O' the Self
Subsistent! Slumber seizeth Him not, nor sleep.

(71) For Safeguard from Cyclones

Ya Man lahoo ZikrooJ-la Yoonsa Ya Man lahoo Noorool-la
Yootfa, Ya Man lahoo Ne'amool-la Tooaddo, Ya Man lahoo
Moolkool-la Yazoolo, Ya Man lahoo Sanaa'ool-la Yohsa,
Ya Man la-hoo Jalalool-la Yokaiyafo, Ya Man lahoo
KamaLool-la Yoodrako, Ya Man lahoo Qazaa'ool-la
Yoorado, Ya Man lahoo SifatooJla Toobaddalo, Ya Man
lahoo Na'ootool-la Taghy-yaro :

O' Allah, Whose remembrance is not for-gotten! O'

Allah, Whose light is not extinguished! O' Allah,
Whose bounties are countless! O' Allah, Whose grand-
eur is perpetual! O' Allah, Whose perfection cannot be
comprehended! O' Allah, Whose order is not rejected,
O' Allah, Whose attributes do not change! O' Allah,
Whose praise does not admit of alteration.

(72) For Cure of Breast Pain

Ya Rabbal'Alameena, Ya Maleka Yavmiddinie, Ya
Ghayatat-Talebeena, Ya Zahral-Iajeena, Ya
Moodre-kal-harebeena, Ya Myn Yohiboos-Sabereena, Ya
Myn-Yohibboot- Tav-vabeen, Ya
Myn-Yuhibbool-Moot-tah-hereena, Ya
Myn-Yohibbal-Mohsneena, Ya Man Hova A'lamo

O' lord of all the worlds! O' the Master of the Day of
Judgement! O' the Ultimate aim of seekers (lovers)! O'
the Refuge of the seekers of shelter! O' the Overtaker
of the fugitive! O' Allah, Who loves the patients O'
Allah, Who loves the repantans! O' Allah, Who loves
the pure! O' Allah, Who loves the virtuous! O' Allah,
Who knows best the guided ones!

(73) For Cure from Rheumatism

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka, Ya Shafiqo, Ya
Rafiqo, Ya Hafeezo, Ya Moheeto, Ya Moqeeto, Ya
Mogheeso, Ya Mo'izzo, Ya Mozillo, Ya Mobdi'o, Ya

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name O' the

Affectionate! O' the Companion! O' the Protector! O'
the Encompasser! O' the Provider of sustenance! O' the
Aider of seekers of aid! O' the Honour! O' the
Humiliator! O' the Creator! O' the One, Who causes to

(74) For Birth of Son

Ya Man Hova Ahadoon Bela Ziddin, Ya Man Hova Fardoon
Bela Niddin, Ya Man Hova Sama-doon Bela 'Aibin, Ya Man
Hova Vitroon Bela Kaifa, Ya Man Hova Qazin Bela
Haifin, Ya Man Hova Rabboon Bela Vazirin, Ya Man Hova
'Azizoon Bela Zoollin. Ya Man Hova Ghani-yoon Bela
Faqirin, Ya Man Hova Malakoon Bela 'Azlin, Ya Man Hova
Mavsoofoon Bela Shabihin.

O' Allah, Who is single and without opponent! 0'

Allah' Who is Unique! O' Allah' Who is matchless! O'
Allah Who is Independent and without any defect! O'
Allah, Who is without changing state! O' Allah, Who
judges without injustice! O, Allah Who is the Lord
Charisher! O' Allah, Who is Mighty without disgrace!
O' Allah, Who is the Independent and Indigence! O'
Allah, Who is the King, Who is Inseparable! O' Allah,
Whose attributes are matchless!

(75) For Achieving Honour

Ya Man Zikrohoo Sharafool-liz-zakereena, Ya Man
Shookrohoo Favzoon Lishakereena,
Ya Man Hamdohoo 'Izzool-lil-hamedeena, Ya Man
Ta'atohoo Najatool-lil-Moti'eena, Ya Man Babohoo
Maftoo-hool-lit-talebeena, Ya Man Sabeelohoo
Vazehool-lil-monibeena, Ya Man 'Ayatohoo
Boorhannol-lil.nazereena, Ya Man Kitabohoo
Tazkira-tool-lil-moottaqeena, Ya Mar-rizqohoo
'Omoomool.lit-taa'eena Val' Aseena, Ya Mar-rahmatohoo
Qariboon Minal-Mohseneena:

O' Allah, Whose remembrance is an honour for those who

remember Him! O' Allah, the gratitude to Whom is the
success for the grateful!
O' Allah, Whose praise is a pride of the praiser!
O' Allah, the obedience to Whom is the salvation of
the obedient!
O' Allah, Whose door is open to the seeker!
O' Allah, the path of leading to Whom is clear for the
O' Allah, Whose signs are proofs for the observers!
O' Allah, Whose book is (source of) advice to the
O' Allah, Whose provision is common for the obedient
and disobedient (alike)!
O' Allah, Whose mercy is close to the virtuous!

(76) For Cure from Leprosy

Ya Man Tabarakas-mohoo, Ya Man Ta'ala Jaddohoo, Ya Man
Laa Ilaha Ghairohoo, Ya Man Jalla Sanaa 'ohoo, Ya Man
Taqaddasat Asmaa'ohoo, Ya Myn-yadoomo Baqaa'ohoo, Ya
Manil-' Azmato Bahaa'ohoo, Ya Manil-Kibri-ya'o
'Ridaa'ohoo Ya Mal-Ia Tohsan Alaa'ohoo Ya Mal-Ia
To'addo No' maa'ohoo

O' Allah, Whose name is Glorious! O' Allah, Whose

honour is Exalted! O' Allah, there is no deity except
him. O' Allah! great is His praise. O' Allah, Whose
names are sacred! O' Allah, Whose existence is
Eternal! O' Allah, Whose glory is His ornament! O'
Allah, Whose greatness is His covering! O' Allah,
Whose favours are countless! O' Allah, Whose bounties
cannot be enumerated!

(77) For Disbursement of Debt

Allah-Hooma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka Ya Mo'eeno, Ya
Ameeno, Ya Mobeeno, Ya
Mateeno, Ya Makeeno Ya Rasheedo, Ya Hameedo, Ya
Majido, Ya Shadeedo, Ya Shaheedo

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name. O' the

Helper! O' the Trustworthy! O' the
Manifest! O' the Powerful! O' the Firm! O' the True
Guide! O' the Praiseworthy! O' the
Glorious! O' the Strong! O' the Witness!

(78) For Love & Affection

Ya Zal' Arshil Majeede, Ya Zal-Qavlis sadeede, Ya Zal
Fael E Rasheed, Ya Zal Baqsheel Shadeed, Ya Zal-Va'de
Val-Va'eede, Ya Man Hoval-Valiyool-Hameedo, Ya Man
Hova Fa'alool-lema Yoreedo. Ya Man Hova Qareeboon
Ghaira Ba'eedin, Ya Man Hova 'Ala Koolla Shai'in
Shaheedoon, Ya Man Hova Laisa Be-Zallamil-lil-Abeede.

O' the Lord of the Glorious' Arsh (Throne)!

O' Allah, Whose words are right! O' the Master of
great deeds!
O' the Master of promise and threat!
O' Allah, Who is Guardian and the Most Praised one!
O' Allah, Who is the Mighty Doer, of whatsoever He
O' Allah, Who is near and not far! O' Allah, Who is
witness of everything! O' Allah Who is not the least
cruel to His slaves!

(79) For Freedom from Prison

Ya Man La Shareeka-Iahoo Vala Vazira, Ya Man La
Shabiha-Iahoo Vala Nazeera, Ya Khaleqash-shamse
Val-Qamaril-Moneere, Ya Mooghi-Yal-Baa'esil-Faqire Ya
Razekat-tiflis-sagheere, Ya
Rahemash-Shaik-hil-Kabeere, Ya Jaberal'Azmil-Kaseere,
Ya 'Ismatal- Khaa'efil- Moostajeere, Ya Man Hova
Be-Ibadehi Khabeeroom Baseeroon, Ya Man Hova 'Ala
Koollee Shai'in Qadeeroon:

O' Allah Who has no partner and no adviser!

O' Allah Who has no equal and no match!
O' the Creator of the sun and the bright moon!
O' the Enricher of the poverty stricken!
O' the Provider of sustenance to small childs!
O' the Merciful to the very aged ones!
O' the Joiner of broken bones!
O' the Protector of the frightened shelter seekers!
O' Allah, Who is all-Aware and All-Seeing of His
O' Allah, Who is Powerful over everything!

(80) For Prosperity

Ya Zal-Joode Van-ne'ame, Ya Zal-Fazle Val-Karame, Ya
Khaleqal-Lavhe Val-Qalame. Ya Bari'az-zarre
Van-nasame, Ya Zal-Base Van-niqame, Ya Moolhi-mal'
Araba Val Ajame. Ya Kashifaz-zorre Val-Alame. Ya '
Alemas-Sirre Val-Hamame. Ya Rabbal-Baite Val-Harame,
Ya Man Khalaq al-Ashyaa'a Minal' Adame:

O' the Master of generosity and the Bestower of the

bounties! O' the Gracious and Magnanimous! O' the
Creator of the (Preserved) Tablet and the Pen! O' the
treator of ants and men! O' the Inflictor of
punishment and Retaliator! O' the Inspirer of the
Arabs and the Ajemites! O' the Expeller of pains and
grief! O' Allah, the Knower of the secrets and
mysteries! O' the Lord of Kaba and Haram! O' Allah,
Who has created things out of nothingness!

(81) For Temple Headache

Alla-Hooma Inni As'aIoka, Be-lsmeka, Ya Fa'elo, Ya
Ja'elo, Ya Qabilo, Ya Kamilo, Ya Fasilo, Ya Fazilo Ya
'Adilo, Ya Ghalibo, Ya Talibo, Ya Vahebo

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name, O' the

Doer! the Creator! O' the Acceptor! O' the Perfect! O'
the Gracious! O' the Separator! O' the Just! O' the
Dominant! O' the Seeker! O' the Generous!

(82) For Cure from Ulcer

Ya Man An'ama Be-Tavlehi, Ya Man Akrama Be-Joodehi, Ya
Man Jada Be-loot-fehi, Ya Man Ta'azzaza Be-Qoodratehi,
Ya Man Qaddara Be-Himatehi, Ya Man Hakama Be-
Tadbeerehj, Ya Man Dabbara Be-'llmehj, Ya Man Tajavaza
Be-Hilmehi, Ya Man Dana Fee O'loovehi, Ya Man 'Alafi

O' Allah, Who graciously bestower His bounties on us!

O' Allah, Who honoureth us with His Charity!
O' Allah, Who rewardeth us out of His benignity!
O' Allah, Who maketh us respectable with His Might!
O' Allah, Who decreeth wIth His knoWledge!
O' Allah, Who forbears (errors) with His forbearance!
O' Allah, Who is near us inspite of His Exaltation!
O' Allah, Who is Exalted despite of His nearness!

(83) For Cure of Back Pain

Ya Myn-Yookhloqo Ma Yashaa'o, Ya-MynYaf'alo Ma
Yashaa'o, Ya Myn Yahdi Myn-
Yashaa'o, Ya Myn-Yozillo Myn-Yashaa'o, Ya
Myn-Yo'azzibo Myn-Yashaa'o, Ya Myn-
Yaghfiro Myn-Yashaa'o, Ya Myn Yoizzo Myn-Yashaa'o, Ya
Myn Yozillo Myn-Yashaa'o Ya Myn Yosa-viro Fil-Arhame
Ma Yashaa'o, Ya Man Yakhtasso Be-Rahmatehi

O' Allah, Who createth whatever He liketh! O' Allah,

Who doeth whatsoever He liketh! O' Allah, Who guideth
whomsoever He liketh: O' Allah, Who leaveth mislead
whomsoever He liketh! O Allah, who punisheth
whomsoever He liketh! O' Allah, Who forgiveth
whomsoever, Heliketh! O' Allah, Who fashioneth in the
vomb as He liketh! O' Allah, Who choseth for His Mercy
whom He liketh!

(84) For cure of pain in right side of body

Ya Mal-lam Yat-takhiz Sahebatan Wa La Waladan, Ya Man
Ja'ala Le Koolle Shai'in Qadra, Ya Mal-Ia Yooshriko
Fee Hookmehi Ahada, Ya Man Ja'alal Malaa'ekato
Rosolan, Ya Man Ja'ala Fis-samaa'ay Borrojan Ya Man
Ja'alal-Arza Qararan, Ya Man Khalaqa Minal-Maa'ay
Basharah, Ya Man Ja'ala Le-Koolle Shai-'in Amadan, Ya
Man Ahata Be-Koole Shai'in 'IIman, Ya Man Ahsa Koolla
Shai'in 'Abadan:

O, Allah, Who has neither wife nor child! O' Allah,

Who createth everything in a fixed measure! O' Allah,
Who has no partner in His Rule! O' Allah, Who
appointed angles as messengers! O' Allah, who made
constellations (Zodiac stars) in the sky! O' Allah,
Who made the earth a place of Stay! O' Who created man
from water (Semen)! O' Who fixed a
period for everything! O' Allah, Whose knowledge
encompasses everything! O' Who knows the number and
quantity of everything!

(85) For cure from pain of waist

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-'lsmeka Ya Av-volo, Ya
Akhiro, Ya Zahiro, Ya Batino,
Ya Barro, Ya Haqqo, Ya Fardo, Ya Vitro, Ya Samado, Ya

O' Allah I Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name. O' the

First! O' the Last! O' the Manifest! O' the Hidden! O'
the Virtuous! O' the Right! O' the one O' the Unique!
O' the Independent! O' the Eternal!

(86) For cure from Spleen Pain

Ya Khaira Ma'roofin 'Oorefa Ya Afzala Ma'boodin
'Obeda, Ya Ajalla Mashkoorin Shokera, Ya A'azza
Mazkoorin Zookra, Ya A'la Mahmoodin Homeda, Ya Aqdama
Mavjoodin Toleba, Ya Arfa'a Mavssoofin Voosefa, Ya
Akbara Maqsoodin
Qoseda, Ya Akrama Mas'oolin So'ela, Ya Ashrafa
Mahboobin 'Olema.

O' the best recognised of all the recognised! O' the

best of all to be worshipped! O' the Greatest of those
whom thanks are due! O' the Most remembered! of all
who are remembered! O' the Most Praiseworthy of all
those who are praised! O' the Eternal Self-Existing
Who is sought! O' the Highest of those who are
praised! O' the Greatest of the aims which are sought
after! O' the Most Liberal Who is besought! O' the
Noblest friend Who is Known:

(87) For cure of Headache

Ya Habibal-Bakeena-keena, Ya Sayyadul Mootavak-
keleena, Ya Hadi- Yal-Moozil-leena, Ya Vali
-yal-Mo'meneena, Ya Anisaz-zakereena, Ya
Mafza'al-Malhoofeena, Ya Moonjeya sadeqeena, Ya
Aqdaral-Qadreena, Ya A'lamal'Alemeena Ya Ilahal-Khalqe

O' the friend of those of weepers! O' the Refuge of

those who trust in Him! O' the Guide of the misguided!
O' the master of the faithful! O' the Friend of
worshippers! O' the shelter of the sorrowful! O' the
Redeember of the truthful! O' the Mightiest of all! O'
the Ominent! O' the God of the entire creation!

(88) For cure of for head Pain

Ya Man 'Ala Faqahara, Ya Mam-Malaka Faqadara, Ya Man
Batana Fakhabara, Ya Man
'Obeda Fashakara Ya Man 'Ose-ya Faghafara Ya Mal-la
Tahveehil-Fikaro, Ya Man La Yoodriko-hoo Basaroon Ya
Mal-la Yakhfa 'Alaihe Asara' Ya Razeqal-Bashare, Ya
Moqaddera Koolle Qadarin:

O' Allah, Who is High and Dominent: O' Allah, Who is

Master and powerful! O' Allah, Who is Hidden and
All-Aware (of every thing)! O' Allah, Who is
Worshipped and Who appreciates! O' Allah, Who is
disobeyed and yet He forgives! O' Allah, Whom thought
cannot encompass! O' Allah, Whom eyes cannot see! O'
Allah. from Whom nothing is concealed! O' the Provider
of sustenance to mankind! O' Allah, Who ordained all

(89) For cure of Incontenance of Urine

Alla-Humma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka Ya Hafizo, Ya
Bario, Ya Zari'o Ya Bazikho, Ya Farijo, Ya Fate-ho, Ya
Kashifo, Ya Zamino Ya A'amiro, Ya Nahiyo.
O' Allah' Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name O' the
protector! O' the Maker! O' the Creator! O' the High!
O' the Grantor of Relief! O' the Revealer! O' the
Victorious! O' the Disclosers! O' the Guarantor! O'
the Commander! O' the Prohibitor!

(90) For cure of Umbilical Pain

Ya Mal-la Ya'amool-Ghaiba Illa Hova, Ya Mal-la
Yasrefoos Soo'a Il1a Hova, Ya Mal-la Yakhloqool-Khalqa
Illa Hova, Ya Mal-la Yaghfirooz zonnooba Illa Hova, Ya
Mal-la Yotimmoon Ne-mata Illa Hova, Ya Mal-la
Yoqallebool-Qolooba Illa Hova, Ya Mal-la
Yodabbirool-Amra Illa Hova, Ya Mal-la
Yonazzilool-Ghaisa Illa Hova, Ya Maf-la
Yabsotoor-rizqa Illa Hova, Ya Mal-la Yohyil-Mavta Illa

O' Allah, besides Whom no body knows the secrets! O'

Allah none drives away clamities except Him! O' Allah,
besides Whom creates Him! O' Allah, besides Whom
nobody forgives sins! O' Allah, besides Whom nobody
perfects the bounties! O' Allah, besides Whom none
changes the minds! O' Allah, besides Whom none manages
affairs! O' Allah, besides Whom no one sends the
reins! O' Allah, besides Whom no one increases
sustenance! O' Allah, besides Whom no one quickens the

(91) For cure of Stone in Bladder

Ya Mo'eenaz-Zo'afaa'ay, Ya Sahebal-Ghoora-baa' ay, Ya
Nasiral-Avli-yaa'ay, Ya Qahiral-'adaa'ay, Ya
Rafe'as-samaa'ay Ya Anisal-Asfi-yaa'ay, Ya
Habib-al-Atqi-yaa'ay, Ya Kanzal-Foq-araa'ay, Ya
Ilahal-Aghni-yaa'ay, Ya Akramal-Koramaa'ay!

O' the Helper of the weak! O' the Companion of the

poor! O' the Helper of (His) friends! O' the
Overpowerer of the enemies! O' the Elevator of the
sky! O' the Genial to the chosen ones! O' the Friend
of the pious! O' the Treasure of the indigent! O' the
Lord of the rich! O' the Most Benign of all!

(92) For Cure of Piles

Ya Kafiya Min Koolle Shai'in Ya Qaa'emo Ala Koolie
Shai'in, Ya Mal-la Yooshbehohoo Shai'oon, Ya Mal-la
Yazeedo Fee Moolkehi Shai'oon, Ya Mal-la Yakhfa
'Alaihe Shai'oon, Ya Mal-la Yanqoso Fee Khazaa'enehi
Shai'oon, Ya Mal-Iaisa Kamislehi Shai'oon, Ya Mal-la
Yaghrabo 'An'ilmehi Shai'oon, Ya Man Hova Khabeeroon
Be-Koolle Shai'oon, Ya Man Vase'at Rahmatohoo Koolla

O' the Self-Sufficient from everything! O' the

Established over everything! O' Allah! nothing is like
unto Him O' Allah: nothing extends His Kingdom O' One,
from Whom nothing is hidden! O' Allah! Nothing
discreases His treasure. O' Allah! nothing is like
unto Him O' Allah! nothing is hidden from His
knowledge O' Allah, Who is All-Aware of everything! O'
Allah, Whose mercy extends to everything!

(93) For Cure from Ulcer

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-Ismeka Ya Mookremo, Ya
Moot-imo, Ya Moon'imo, Ya Mo'tee, Ya Moghni, Ya
Mooqni, Ya Mofni, Ya Mohyee, Ya Marzi, Ya Moonji.

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name O' the

Generous! O' the Provider! O' the Bestower of
bounties' O' the Bestower of gifts! O' the Enricher!
O' the Giver of shelter! O' the Destroyer! O' the
Quickner! O' the Satisfier! O' the Agreeable! O'
Allah, Who grants salvation!

(94) For cure of Nose Pain

Ya Av-vala Koolla Shai'in Wa A'akheera Ya Ila'aha
Koolla Shai'in Maleekahoo, Ya Rabba Koolle Shai'in Wa
Sane'ahoo, Ya Bariaa'o Koolle Shai'in Wa Khaliqahoo Ya
Qabizo Koolle Shai'in Wa Basitahoo, Ya Mobde'a Koolle
Shai'in Wa Mo'eedohoo. Ya Moonshe'a Koolle Shai'in Wa
Moqadderahoo, Ya Mokav-vina Koolle Shai'in Wa
Mohavvilahoo, Ya Mohye-ya Koolle Shai'in Wa
Momeetahoo, Ya Khaleqa Koolle Shai'in Wa Varitha.

O' the First of all and the Last! O' the Lord
everything and its Master! O' the Lord Charisher of
everything and its Fashioner! O' the Controller of
everything and its Extender! O' the Beginner of
everything and its Returner! O' the originator of
everything and its Estimator! O' the Creator of
everything and its Alteror! O' the Quickner of
everything and its Destroyer! O' the Creator of
everything and its inheritor!

(95) For cure of Stomach Pain

Ya Khaira Zakerin Wa Mazkoorin, Ya Khaira Shakerin Wa
Mashkoorin, Ya Khaira Hamedin Wa Mohmoodin. Ya Khaira
Shahedin Wa Mash-hodin, Ya Khaira Da'in Wa Mad'oovin,
Ya Khaira Mojeebin Wa Moojaab, Ya Khaira Moonesin Wa
Anisin Ya Khaira Sahebin Wa Jaleesin, Ya Khaira
Maqsoodin Wa Matloobin, Ya Khaira Habibin Wa

O' the Best Rememberer and the Remembered! O' he Best

Appreciater and the Appreciated! O' the Best Praiser
and the Praised One! O' the Best Witness and he
Witnessed! O' the Best Inviter and the invited! O' the
Best Responser and the Responded! O' the Best
Companion and the Consoler! O' the Best Friend and
Companion! O' the Best desired and sought for! O' the
Best Affectionate and Loved!

(96) For cure from knee Pain

Ya Man Hova Leman Da'aho Mojeeboon, Ya Man Hova Leman
Ata'ahoo Habiboon,
Ya Man Hova Man Hova Ila Man Ahabbahoo Qareeboon, Ya
Man Hova Lemanistah-
fazahoo Raqeeboon, Ya Man Hova Beman Rajaho Karimoon,
Ya Man Hova Beman 'Asaho Halimoon Ya Man Hova Fee'
Azmatehi Rahimoon. Ya Man Hova fee Hikmatehi 'Azimoon,
Ya Man Hova Fee Ehsanehi Qadeemoon, Ya Man Hova Beman
Aradahoo 'Aleemoon:

O' Allah, the Responser to him who calls 'Him! O' the
Friend of him who obeys Him O' the One, who is close
to Him who loves Him! O' the Protector of one who
seeks protection! O' Allah. Who is Generous to him who
is hopeful of Him! O' Allah, Who is forbearing to one
who disobeys Him! O' Allah Who is Merciful inspite of
His Grandeur! O' Allah Who is Great in His wisdom! O'
Allah, Who is Eternal in His Benevolence! O' Allah,
Who is all-Aware of one who seeks Him!

(97) For cure of Throat Pain

Alla-Hoomma Inni As'aloka Be-lsmeka Ya Mosabbebo, Ya
Moraghghebo, Ya Moqallebo, Ya Mo'aqqebo, Ya
Morat-tebo, Ya Mokhav-vefo, Ya Mohazziro, Ya
Mozak-kiro, Ya Mosakh-khiro. Ya Moghyyero:

O' Allah! Verily I beseech Thee in Thy name. O' the

Primal Cause! O' the Creator of desire! O' the Changer
(of hearts)! O' the Inflictor (of punishment)! O' the
Organiser! O' the Awful! O' the Saver! O' the
Reminder! O' the Subjector! O' the Displacer!

(98) For Acceptance of Legitimate Desire

Ya Man 'llmohoo Sabeqoon, Ya Man Va'dohoo Sadeqoon, Ya
Man Lootfohoo Zahiroon, Ya Man Amrohoo Ghaleboon, Ya
Man Kitaboh<br/><br/>(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

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