Small-Scale Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Products: Unido Technology Manual
Small-Scale Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Products: Unido Technology Manual
Small-Scale Fruit and Vegetable Processing and Products: Unido Technology Manual
This manual was prepared by Dr Peter Fellows, UNIDO Consultant, in cooperation with the project
team and under the supervision of UNIDO Project Manager: Dr A. Ouaouich.
Designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of
any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development
Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities,
or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The opinions, figures and estimates set forth
are the responsibility of the authors and should not necessarily be considered as reflecting the views or
carrying the endorsement of UNIDO. The mention of firm names or commercial products does not imply
endorsement by UNIDO.
UNIDO has emphasized micro/small-scale business development it its technical assistance
programmes as a means to contribute to economic growth and poverty reduction in Africa in
general and Uganda in particular. This technology manual is an important tool that
contributes to the capacity building activities carried out by UNIDO in the small-scale food
processing sector within the framework of the UNIDO Uganda Integrated Programme:
Enhanced Competitiveness and Sustainability of Industrial Development - Agro-industries
and Micro/Small-scale Enterprises.
The purpose of this manual is to guide small-scale processors in the Ugandan fruits and
vegetables sector to optimize their processing methods and implement quality assurance
schemes and GHP (Good Hygienic Practices) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices)
programmes thus building their technical capacity for improved market access and
competitiveness. In general, fruit and vegetable processing offers good opportunities for
small-scale businesses in Uganda. This is because:
1. To preserve them by slowing down the natural processes of decay caused by micro-
organisms, enzymes in the food, or other factors such as heat, moisture and sunlight.
2. To change them into different foods, which are attractive and in demand by
consumers. Like chefs and caterers, processors should use their skills to develop
attractive recipes and make products that consumers want to eat. By doing this
successfully, they can increase sales and earn an income.
Processors must choose their products very carefully. It is not enough to assume that
processing can be a successful business simply because there is plenty of cheap fruit
available. There must be a good demand for the processed food and this must be clearly
identified before a business is set up. The best types of products for small-scale production
are those that have a high added-value as well as a good demand. A high added value
means that cheap raw materials can be processed into relatively expensive products. It also
means that this can be done at a small scale of processing using equipment that is
Small-scale fruit and vegetable processors have many competitors in Uganda as well as
competing with imported products. To be profitable, it is therefore essential to have good
quality products, attractive packaging and a well-managed business. To successfully
compete, a business should do everything it can to make products at competitive prices and
develop new ones that they are different to those of competitors.
This technology manual covers the technical aspects of fruit and vegetable processing but
does not deal with the many other aspects of operating a successful small business (such as
marketing, business and financial planning and management skills). Institutions listed in
Annex A can provide more information on these topics. They are also covered in training
courses organised by the Uganda Cottage Scale Food Processors Association (UCOFPA)
under the UNIDO Uganda Integrated Programme: Enhanced Competitiveness and
Sustainability of Industrial Development - Agro-industries and Micro/Small Scale Enterprises.
Together with GHP, GMP and proper management, processors (and retailers) should be
aware of new laws that are coming in Uganda that relate to food safety. These are based on
standards produced by an organisation known as the Codex Alimentarius Commission and
they apply internationally. Some manufacturers of processed fruits and vegetables already
export their products from Uganda. In this case Codex standards are already in force and
producers should consult with the Bureau of Standards to ensure compliance. The
requirements of new food safety laws can be met using good manufacturing and hygienic
practices, and a technique known as the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)
system. There procedures will eventually apply to all manufacturers in Uganda, whether
they export or not. Details of quality assurance methods that will enable manufacturers to
produce safe foods are given in this manual, and further information on HACCP is available
from the Bureau of Standards.
The facilities needed for commercial fruit and vegetable processing are described in Section
2. Production planning techniques and processing methods for fruit and vegetable products
that are popular in Uganda are described in Sections 3 and 4. Details of the service and
maintenance requirements of processing equipment are given in Section 5. Quality
assurance methods are referenced in every section and summarized in Section 6. There is
additional information on international and domestic food safety regulations, laws and
standards in Section 7.
How to use this manual
The information contained in this Technology Manual is intended to serve three purposes:
1. It is a resource for trainers who work with small scale fruit and vegetable processing
entrepreneurs at Pilot Centres established under the UNIDO Enhanced
Competitiveness and Sustainability of Industrial Development - Agro-industries and
Micro/Small Scale Enterprises Programme and
2. It is a reference manual to assist these entrepreneurs to continue to improve the
technical aspects of their businesses after training.
3. It is a reference manual that outlines practices and procedures for the production of
safe, high quality fruit and vegetable-based processed products and for development of
Good Hygienic Practices (GHP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) programmes
that will serve as the foundation for the preparation of a Hazard Analysis and Critical
Control Point (HACCP) system.
Preface 3
How to use this manual 5
Contents 6
2 Production Facilities 13
The site 13
The building 13
Roofs and ceilings 14
Walls, windows and doors 14
Floors 15
Services 15
Lighting and power 15
Water supply and sanitation 16
Checklist 2 19
3 Production Planning 21
Raw materials 22
Packaging 25
Equipment 27
Staff 28
Record-keeping 29
Checklist 3 31
Deep fat fryers 67
Dicers 67
Dryers 67
Fermentation tanks/food grade drums 68
Fillers/insulated tanks 68
Filters 69
Freezers 69
Fruit crushers 69
Fruit presses 70
Gas burners/cylinders/regulators 71
General tools and tables 71
Heat sealers 71
Hosepipes and spray guns 72
Hydrometers alcohol and brine 72
Jam thermometers 73
Label applicators 73
Laboratory glassware/equipment 73
Liquidisers 73
Motors/isolators/starters 74
Peelers 74
pH meters 74
Pot and bottle sealers/cappers 74
Pressure cookers 74
Protective gloves, hats, hairnets, coats and boots 74
Pulper-finishers 75
Reamers 75
Refractometers 77
Scales 77
Sulphuring cabinet 77
Checklist 5 78
6 Quality Assurance 81
Raw materials 83
Processing, packing and storage 83
Testing ingredients and products 84
Acidity 84
Moisture content 85
Packaging 85
Pectin content of fruit juices (for jam production) 86
Salt 87
Sugar 87
Checklist 6 89
1 Introduction
Although there are many similarities between fruits and vegetables, there is one important
difference that affects the way that these two types of crop are processed:
This is important because food poisoning bacteria cannot grow in more acidic fruit products.
Even if a processor makes a mistake in processing, fruit products cannot cause food
poisoning. If the mistake allows moulds and yeasts to grow, they produce obvious signs of
spoilage, which stops consumers eating the food. If a contaminated product is eaten, yeasts
and moulds rarely cause food poisoning.
(Assuming all fruits are fully ripe, from The Composition of Foods, Paul, A.A. and Southgate, D.A.T., Elsevier,
Vegetables are less acidic than fruits and food poisoning bacteria are able to grow in many
vegetable products. Some types of bacteria produce poisons in the food without signs of
spoilage and consumers may be unaware of the contamination and eat the poisoned food. It
is therefore especially important that vegetable processors carefully follow the correct
processing methods and pay strict attention to hygiene and sanitation to reduce the risk of
harming their customers.
After harvest, micro-organisms and naturally occurring enzymes rapidly change the colour,
flavour and texture of fruits and vegetables. The speed varies with different types of crop
(Table 1.2), but, compared to other crops (such as cereals), there is a limited amount of time
available before they must be processed. Other problems that face fruit and vegetable
processors include:
Most fruits and vegetables are seasonal. For a business to operate throughout the year,
crops must be either part-processed for temporary storage, or a succession of crops
must be processed as they come into season
Raw materials have to be bought during a relatively short harvest period when prices
are lowest. There is therefore the need to have sufficient cash available to buy a years
supply of crop.
Table 1.2. Time before spoilage starts in selected fruits and vegetables in Uganda
(Times depend on storage temperature and humidity and the amount of care taken in handling the
crops after harvest. Data from authors field work)
Checklist 1
Can you answer these questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes on what
you currently do or need to do to find the answer.
2 Production Facilities
This section summarises the facilities needed in a small fruit and vegetable processing unit.
Further information is available in references in Annex A.
The Site
Because fresh fruits and vegetables are both bulky and spoil rapidly, it is better to locate a
processing unit in the area where they are grown. This reduces transport costs and also
reduces the amount of handling, which means that crops are more likely to be in good
condition when they arrive at the processing unit. If they are in good condition, they can be
stored for a few days before they have to be processed. Too much handling bruises them
and they will spoil quickly. This increases the cost to the processor, because the spoiled
food has already been paid for.
Processed fruit and vegetable products are likely to be sold in different markets and there is
less reason to locate the unit near to customers (in contrast to bakeries for example). An
ideal site is close to a fruit and vegetable growing area and near to a main road leading to an
urban centre.
The location of the processing unit in a rural area means that there may be problems with:
Reliable electricity
Adequate supplies of potable water.
Contamination of supplies
Access for workers and staff (public transport, distance down an access road)
Quality of the road (dry season only, potholes that may cause damage to glass
Absence of other facilities (e.g. schools, medical facilities, shops and
entertainment) that make working there less attractive than an urban location
Each of these should be assessed before choosing a site. In rural locations there is usually
more land available for waste disposal compared to urban sites, but there may be problems
caused by insects and birds or straying animals getting into the building. It is therefore
important to have a site with cleared and fenced land, preferably having short grass, which
helps to trap airborne dust.
The building
All fruit and vegetable processing businesses should have a hygienically designed and
easily cleaned building to prevent contamination of products. Buildings in rural areas may
cost more to construct because of higher transport costs for building materials, but rents in
rural areas are usually lower than urban centres. The investment in construction or the
amount of rent paid should be appropriate to the size and expected profitability of the
Make sure that the building is big enough for your production, but do not pay for
extra space that you do not need.
Within the building, food should move between different stages in a process without the
paths crossing (Fig 2.1). This reduces the risk of contaminating finished products by
incoming, often dirty, crops, as well as reducing the likelihood of accidents or of operators
getting in each others way. There should be enough space for separate storage of raw
materials, away from ingredients, packaging materials and finished products.
Fig. 2.1. Basic design for a fruit and vegetable processing unit
(hand-washing/changing facilities and toilets in another building)
Raw material
store Washing
area Processing
Office/testing area
Product store
Overhanging roofs keep a building cooler, which is especially important when processing
involves heat. Fibre-cement tiles provide greater insulation than galvanised iron sheets
against heat from the sun. Roof vents allow heat and steam to escape and create a flow of
fresh air through the processing room. The vents must be screened with mesh to keep
insects and birds out of the room. If heat is a serious problem (e.g. jam boiling), electric fans
or extractors can be used if they are affordable.
A panelled ceiling should be fitted in processing and storage rooms, rather than exposed
roof beams, which allow dust to accumulate and fall off in lumps and contaminate products.
Beams are also paths for rodents and birds, creating contamination risks from hairs, feathers
or excreta. It is important to ensure that there are no holes in the panelling or in the roof and
no gaps where the roof joins the walls, which would allow birds, rodents and insects to enter.
Walls, windows and doors
All internal walls should be plastered or rendered with concrete. The surface finish should
have no cracks or ledges, which could harbour dirt or insects. The lower parts of the walls
are most likely to get dirty from washing equipment, product splashing etc. They should
either be tiled, or painted with waterproof white gloss paint to at least one and a half metres
above the floor. Higher parts of walls and the ceiling can be painted with good quality white
emulsion paint1.
Natural daylight is preferable to and cheaper than, electric lighting in processing rooms. The
number and size of windows depends on the amount of money that a processor wishes to
invest and the security risk in a particular area (windows are more expensive than walls,
especially when security bars or grilles are needed). Storerooms do not need to have
windows. Open windows let in fresh air, but this also provides easy access for flying insects.
All windows should therefore be screened with mosquito mesh. Windowsills should be made
to slope to prevent dust accumulating and to prevent operators leaving cleaning cloths or
other items lying there, which can attract insects.
Storeroom doors should not have gaps beneath them and should be kept closed to prevent
insects and rodents from getting in and destroying stocks of product, ingredients or
packaging materials. Processing room doors should be kept closed unless they are fitted
with thin metal chains, or strips of plastic or cloth hung from door lintels. These keep out
insects and birds, but allow easy access for staff. Alternatively, mesh door screens can be
Floors in processing rooms and storerooms should be made of good quality concrete,
smooth finished and without holes or cracks. Over time, spillages of acidic fruit products
react with concrete and erode it. Paints can protect floors, but vinyl-based floor paints are
expensive. Red wax household floor polishes should not be used because they wear away
easily and could contaminate products or spoil the appearance of packages. The best way
to protect floors is to clean up spillages as they occur and make sure that the floor is
thoroughly washed after each days production.
Dirt can collect in corners where the floor and the walls join. To prevent this, the floor should
be curved up to meet the wall. The floor should also slope to a drainage channel. Proper
drainage prevents pools of stagnant water forming, which would allow insects to breed. The
drainage channel should be fitted with metal gratings that are easily removed so that the
drain can be cleaned. Rodents and crawling insects can also get into the building through
the drain and a wire mesh cover should be fitted over the drain opening. This too should be
easily removed for cleaning.
Lighting and power
Where lighting is needed, florescent tubes use less electricity than light bulbs. Electric power
points should be located at least one metre above the floor so that there is no risk of them
getting wet when the floor and equipment is washed down. Ideally, waterproof sockets
Details can be found in the Code of Practice for Hygiene in the Food and Drink Manufacturing Industry, US 28:2001/EAS.39,
Section 12
should be used. Each power point should only be used for one machine. Multiple sockets
should not be used because they risk overloading a circuit and causing a fire. All plugs
should have fuses that are appropriate for the power rating of the equipment and the mains
supply should have an earth leakage trip-switch. Cables should be properly fixed to walls or
run vertically from the ceiling to machines. There should be no exposed wires at any
connection. Electric motors should be fitted with separate starters and isolators.
Potable water is essential in all fruit and vegetable processing, as an ingredient in some
products and for washing down equipment. An adequate supply of potable water should be
available from taps in the processing room. If there is no mains supply, or if the mains supply
is unreliable or contaminated, water from boreholes is likely to be relatively free from micro-
organisms, but it may be contaminated with sand. River water is likely to be contaminated
and should only be used if no other source is available.
Potable water is drinking water that is wholesome and clean and does not cause
illness. It is free from any micro-organisms and parasites and from any substances,
that in numbers and concentrations,
constitute a potential danger to human health.
It should meet standard US 201:1994 as established by UNBS.
Samples of water should be periodically checked (e.g. once per year) for contamination by
micro-organisms at the Uganda Bureau of Standards, Makerere University Department of
Food Science and Technology, UIRI, or one of the commercial testing laboratories in
To remove sediment, two high level covered storage tanks should be installed, either in the
roof-space or on pillars outside the building. They are filled when mains water is available or
with water pumped from boreholes. While one tank is being used any sediment in water in
the other tank settles out. The capacity of each tank should be enough for one days
production. The tanks should have sloping bases and be fitted with drain valves at the
lowest point to flush out any sediment that has accumulated.
If necessary, water should be treated to remove micro-organisms. There are four ways of
treating water at a small scale: by filtration; by heating; by ultra-violet light and by chemical
sterilants, such as hypochlorite (also known as chlorine solution or bleach). Domestic
water filters are too slow for the large amounts of water required and other water treatment
methods are likely to be too expensive for small-scale producers.
Micro-organisms can also be destroyed by boiling water for 10-15 minutes, but this is not
realistic for large volumes because of the high fuel costs and the time required to do this
each day. Also, boiling does not remove sediment and boiled water may also need to be
filtered. Ultra-violet light destroys micro-organisms in water and commercial treatment units
are suitable for processors that use a lot of water. Again, this method does not remove
Dosing water with bleach is fast, cheap and effective against a wide range of micro-
organisms. Water for cleaning should contain about 200 ppm of chlorine (by mixing 1 litre of
bleach into 250 litres of water). Water that is used as an ingredient should not contain more
than 0.5 ppm chlorine (by adding 2.5 ml of bleach to 250 litres of water), to avoid
contaminating products with a chlorine smell. Care is needed when using bleach because it
damages the skin and particularly the eyes and can cause breathing difficulties if inhaled. It
also corrodes aluminium equipment.
Equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after each days production, using a cleaning
routine that is clearly understood and followed by production workers (see Section 6, Quality
Assurance). Solid wastes should be placed in bins and removed from the building at
intervals, rather than letting them accumulate during the day. Wastes should never be left in
a processing room overnight. Wastes should be taken far away from the processing site and
either buried or turned into compost.
Large volumes of liquid wastes are created in fruit and vegetable processing and these
should be carefully disposed of to prevent local pollution of streams or lakes. If mains
drainage is not available, a soak-away should be constructed in a place that cannot
contaminate drinking water supplies. Water should not be allowed to simply soak into the
ground, because this will create swampy conditions, which attract insects that contaminate
products, as well as introducing a health hazard.
Toilets should be separated from the processing area by two doors or be located in a
separate building. Workers should have hand-washing facilities with soap and clean towels.
A summary of the basic rules on hygiene and sanitation are given in Table 2.1. Details of
cleaning specific items of equipment are given in Section 5.
The Uganda Bureau of Standards will inspect each aspect of your production
facilities before they will award a product registration certificate.
Please review the Code of Practice for Hygiene in the Food and Drink
Manufacturing Industry, US 28:2001.
It is obtainable from the Bureau of Standards.
Table 2.1. Basic rules of hygiene and sanitation
Basic rules for hygiene and sanitation in fruit and vegetable processing
Ways of working
Clean the processing room, toilets, washing facilities and storerooms every day
Use the correct chemicals to clean equipment, make sure there are no food residues
and rinse the equipment with clean water.
Make sure all cleaning cloths are washed and boiled each day. Do not hang them on
equipment, or put them on products or window ledges to dry.
Do not leave dirty equipment until the end of the day before cleaning it.
Keep the area around the processing room clean and tidy. Keep grass cut short.
Put all wastes into bins that are not used for anything else. Empty the bins
periodically during the day away from the processing site. Clean up any spillages as
they occur.
Prevent all animals from entering the processing area or storerooms.
Visitors should only enter the processing room wearing protective clothing and under
Do not wear clothing or jewellery that can get caught in machinery.
Wear a hat that completely covers the hair. Do not comb your hair in a processing
room or storeroom.
Cover all cuts, burns and sores with a clean, waterproof dressing. Do not handle any
food if you have sores, boils, septic spots, a bad cold, sore throat or a stomach
upset. Report any of these to the manager and do alternative work
Do not smoke or eat in any room where there is open food because bacteria can be
transferred from the mouth to the food.
Do not spit in a processing room or storeroom.
Wash hands and wrists thoroughly with soap after using the toilet, eating, smoking,
coughing, blowing your nose, combing your hair, handling waste food, rubbish or
cleaning chemicals. Dry them on a clean towel before handling food again.
Keep fingernails cut short.
Do not wear perfume or nail varnish as these can contaminate products.
Do not cough or sneeze over food.
Keep food covered wherever possible.
Keep all food, tools and equipment off the floor.
Keep ingredients in sealed containers.
Do not use broken or dirty equipment.
Report any signs of insects, rodents or birds to the manager.
Checklist 2
Can you answer the following questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes
on what you currently do or need to do to find the answer.
3 Production Planning
Production planning involves thinking ahead to make sure that everything is in place to
produce the required amount of product. Inadequate planning causes stoppages in
production because for example, not enough fruit is bought, an ingredient is used up, or
there are not enough staff to produce the required amount of product in the time available.
The short harvest season for many raw materials means that everything must be in place
and working properly at the start of the harvest so that enough crop can be processed to
produce sufficient product for the following year.
The amount of less perishable ingredients, such as sugar, salt or spices and packaging
materials that are stored as stock depends on a number of factors:
Decisions on stock levels therefore depend on the cost and reliability of supplies, their shelf
life and the amounts that are used each day.
If production stoppages happen too frequently, the amount of product available for sale falls
to a level where the business cannot afford to pay the bills and it fails. Successful business
people manage their cash flow, so that enough money is available to buy the inputs needed
for production, before income is received from the sale of products. To do this they plan their
production carefully.
Production can be planned using the calculations below. The information required to do this
How much product (kg or litres) is sold (not made) each month?
How many hours are worked per day?
How many days are worked per month?
This information is first used to calculate the daily production rate, so that ingredients and
packaging can be ordered. Then the average amount of production per hour (termed the
product throughput) can be calculated to find the size of equipment and numbers of
workers required.
This figure is used to decide how much raw material, ingredients and packaging to buy.
Every effort should be made to ensure that the production rate is calculated as
accurately as possible by carefully checking all the figures and the assumptions.
One of the main causes of error is to over-estimate the number of working days, particularly
if there are regular power failures or if staff is often absent.
A recipe for mango chutney (from Table 4.7) is shown in the left column of the table below and the
amounts of ingredients needed to make 50 kg are shown in the right column, with the calculation in
the centre.
However, the amounts of raw material and ingredients that are calculated from the recipe
are not the amounts that are used. Losses arise from peeling, from spoiled raw materials
that are thrown away during sorting, from spillage during filling into packs, or from food that
sticks to equipment and is lost during washing. Typical losses are shown in Tables 3.1 and
3.2, but it is important that processors should measure these in their own process so that
accurate figures can be used in the calculations.
The amount of usable food after raw materials are prepared for processing is known as the
yield and is calculated as follows:
The true cost of raw materials depends on the yield and can be calculated as below:
Supplier cost
True raw material cost = x 100
% yield
Pineapples cost USh 200 each and on average a single fruit weighs 1250g (i.e. Ush 160/kg). 30 kg
are bought for USh 4800 and after peeling and coring there is 15.5 kg available for processing.
Yield = x 100 = 51.7% (i.e. 48.3% is waste)
The true cost of the usable part of a single fruit = x 100 = USh 387
Table 3.2. Typical losses during processing of fruits and vegetables.
If the process involves removing water (by drying or boiling), the amount of final product is
calculated by knowing the solids content before and after processing as follows (see Section
6.1 for calculation of solids and moisture contents).
Worked example 3: calculating the weight and value of fruit after drying.
Taking 15.5 kg of fresh fruit, initially the fruit contains 75% water and 25% solids.
Therefore 15.5 kg of fruit contain 11.6 kg of water and 3.9 kg solids
After drying the weight of solids has not changed (only water is removed) and the moisture content is
reduced to 8%.
There were also losses of 200g due to rejected dried fruit. Therefore 4 kg of product is available for
Ignoring other production costs (labour, depreciation etc.) the value of the product is therefore:
i.e. processing has increased the value of the fruit from Ush 160/kg to Ush 1200/kg
It is in the interests of the processor to reduce product losses as much as possible. Good
quality raw materials and well-managed operation reduce wastage. This is especially
important during later stages of a process when value has been added to the product.
A similar type of calculation is needed when boiling fruit and vegetables to find the weight of
product left after boiling (although these losses are from evaporated water and they are
necessary to obtain a good quality product).
The solids content in the mix of ingredients before boiling is found as follows:
Total weight
after 10%
wastage 44.8 kg 21 kg
% solids in batch before boiling = x 100 = 46.9%
So 21 kg equals 46.9% of the batch before boiling. After boiling there is no loss of solids (only water is
removed) but the solids content has been increased to 70%.
Therefore 21kg equals 70%.
Therefore the total weight of the batch after boiling = x 21
= 30kg
And boiling losses are (44.8 30) = 14.8 kg
When selecting packaging materials, the processor should consider:
technical requirements of the product (for protection against light, crushing, air,
moisture etc.)
the design (for promotional and marketing requirements) and
the relative cost and availability of different types of packaging.
Packaging is often the biggest problem for small-scale processors in Uganda and advice
should be sought from food technologists at Makerere University or UIRI, or agents of
packaging manufacturers.
New glass jars and bottles are only available as imports from Kenya or South Africa.
Because of their heavy weight, high bulk and fragility, they are expensive to transport and
breakages can be high if they are not properly packed. There are also minimum order sizes,
which may be too high for individual small-scale processors. One possible role of UCOFPA
could be to place bulk orders for containers for a number of its members.
Re-used containers are collected and sold in Uganda, but great care is needed to ensure
that they are properly cleaned, because they may have been used to store chemicals, such
as pesticides or kerosene. This is time-consuming, but bottle cleaners and rinsers can be
constructed to save time and labour costs (Section 5.4).
The daily production rate is used to calculate the numbers of packages required.
Worked example 5: Calculation of number of packs required and time to fill and seal them
If 25 kg of dried fruit is produced per day and packed into 100g bags and there are 50 bags in each
cardboard distribution box:
25 x 1000
the number of bags required = = 250 bags
Both new and re-used containers should be sealed with new caps, lids or corks to achieve
an adequate seal. The most common jar lids are now the TOTO (twist-on, twist-off) type.
Bottles are sealed using ROPP (roll-on-pilfer-proof) caps, crown caps or corks made of
natural material or plastic.
Plastic pots and bottles are becoming increasingly common in Uganda because of their
lower production and distribution costs. Pots can be either sealed with a foil lid or with a
snap-on plastic lid.
The most common type of plastic film is polythene although increasingly there are agents
who can supply polypropylene. More sophisticated (and expensive) imported laminates are
not yet available.
Details of suppliers of packaging materials are given in the UNIDO Food Processing
Equipment Directory.
Product throughput
The amount of material that passes through a process per hour is known as the throughput.
This figure is important to calculate the correct size of equipment and the number of workers
that are needed.
The throughput figure allows the processor to decide the size and/or number of pieces of
equipment that are required. In doing this, decisions need to be taken on the benefits of
employing a larger number of workers or buying a machine to do a particular job.
Using a process diagram (from Table 4.8) the stages in jam making are identified as raw material
preparation, boiling and packaging. Using a work plan (e.g. Figure 3.1) it is found that the time
available to boil 36 kg of fruit/sugar mixture is 3 hours per day. The average throughput for the boiling
stage is therefore:
36 3 = 12 kg/hour
A batch of jam should be boiled within approximately 20 mins to maintain the quality of the product
and 2 batches per hour are therefore possible. Therefore the boiling pan should either have a
capacity of 12 kg (e.g. a 15-20 litre pan) if the burner is large enough to process this amount of jam
within 20 mins, or a smaller and cheaper pan (e.g. 8-10 litre capacity) could be used to boil two
batches of 6 kg per hour.
It is preferable to buy equipment from local suppliers and fabricators because servicing and
spare parts should be faster and easier to obtain. Information on the types and suppliers of
equipment is given in the UNIDO Food Processing Equipment Directory.
If equipment has to be imported, the following points should be considered when ordering
Equipment maintenance
Another reason for lost production is delays caused by waiting for spare parts after
equipment breaks down. Most small-scale producers do not keep a stock of spare parts
because of the cost. However, few have compared the cost of spares with the losses caused
by delayed production (especially if delivery times for spares are several weeks). Processors
should monitor the state of equipment that is likely to wear outland with experience, they
should buy spare parts or have the machine serviced when they expect that a component
will wear out. Processors can also make an agreement with a mechanic to ensure that they
come quickly to repair equipment. Details of maintenance of individual equipment are given
in Section 5.
The numbers and types of workers needed to operate a fruit or vegetable processing
business depend on the amount of production and also on the degree of mechanisation of
the process. This type of processing is more seasonal than many other types and temporary
staff is commonly employed during harvest times. Machinery such as a pulper finisher for
juice preparation, or machines for filling and sealing packages, can significantly reduce the
numbers of workers needed. However, a processor needs to carefully compare the cost of
labour with the cost of maintenance, spare parts and possibly loan repayments from buying
the equipment to see which is most cost-effective.
When deciding the number of people needed to produce a particular amount of product, the
process charts in Section 4 can be used to break down a process into different stages. A
decision can then be taken on whether a particular stage can be done manually and the
number of people who will be needed, or whether a machine will do the work. It is important
also to include work such as store management, quality assurance and bookkeeping when
planning the number of staff members that are needed.
It is possible to have all workers doing the same type of work throughout the day (e.g.
everyone prepares fruit together then moves on to load a dryer together and then all pack
the previous days production). However, it is often more efficient to allocate different jobs to
each worker as the day progresses. A convenient way of planning this is to draw an Activity
Chart (Figure 3.1). This shows the type of work that is to be done each hour during the day,
the number of people involved and the sequence of work that individuals do during the day.
This type of chart can also be used to train workers in each of the different jobs in a process.
Damage to skin
When workers handle raw fruit over several hours, they should wash their hands regularly or
be provided with thin gloves to prevent skin damage from fruit acids. In particular, care is
needed with pineapples, which contain an enzyme that attacks the skin. Care is also needed
when handling bleach to avoid damage to the skin.
Burns and cuts
The main risk of burns comes from large containers of viscous products such as jam or
sauces, which are handled at boiling temperatures. Aprons or coats and heat resistant
gloves should be provided and staff should be trained to handle such foods safely (Table
3.2). There are also dangers of cuts from sharp blades on motorised cutters or liquidisers.
Staff should be properly trained to use machines safely, particularly when cleaning them and
workers should not wear cloths or jewellery that could become tangled in moving equipment.
Figure 3.1 Activity chart used to plan job allocations for fruit processing staff
Table 3.2. Summary of safe working practices in fruit and vegetable processing
The machinery used in Uganda does not have fail-safe devices such as electrical cut-out
switches and it is essential that motorised equipment is switched off before cleaning and
Record Keeping
There are four sets of records that should be kept by the owner of a small fruit and vegetable
processing unit:
1. Financial records
2. Production records
3. Quality assurance records
4. Sales records.
As with other inputs to a business, keeping records is an investment of time and money and
this must be related to the scale and profitability of the business (the benefits must outweigh
the costs).
This means that the processor must understand why the information is collected and what it
can be used for. Processors should also put in place a system of checks to ensure that one
person does not have responsibility for a whole area of record keeping. For example the
person who keeps records of purchases should be different to the person who records levels
of stocks and manages the storeroom.
Table 3.3. Types of records for a small-scale fruit and vegetable processing business
Checklist 3
Can you answer these questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes on what
you currently do or need to do to find the answer.
4 Products and Production Methods
Potentially each of large number of fruits and vegetables that are grown in Uganda could be
used to make the range of products shown in Figure 4.1. There are too many to describe
them all in detail and categories of products have therefore been grouped together in this
section according to the current (2003), levels of demand in Uganda. Products that have a
high demand include:
The high demand for products in the first category has led to strong competition as more and
more small-scale processors start to produce these products. Processors should therefore
try to diversify into new varieties and experiment with new types of processed fruit and
vegetables. At present there appears to be no commercial production of dried vegetables,
pectin, fried snacks (other than banana) (See Root Crop Processing Manual for potato,
cassava and sweet potato snacks), crystallised fruits, vinegar, nectars or fruit cheese. One
processor is currently exporting papain. The lack of competition opens opportunities for
processors to make some of these products and they are therefore included in the third
category in this manual.
The products in bold in Figure 4.1 are described in the tables below, with the process stage
on the left and notes on processing conditions, equipment and quality assurance checks on
the right for each stage in the process.
The processes are arranged in groups according to current levels of demand for the
products as above:
The manual does not include details of canned products, vinegar or spirits for the reasons
given in Annex B.
Figure 4.1 Fruit and vegetable products
Sauces Juices
Second Distilled
Vinegar Spirits
The temperature during frying should be carefully controlled, preferably using an electric
fryer with a thermostat control. The temperature of the oil should not be allowed to get
higher than the smoke point of the oil (when a blue haze forms above the oil). If this
happens, it is a sign that the oil is breaking down, getting thicker and developing an
unpleasant flavour that makes the product unacceptable. When the oil gets thicker, more of
it sticks to the product, which increases production costs and reduces the product shelf life.
Table 4.1. Process for fried fruits
Stage In Notes
Inspect Select fruit that is slightly under-ripe and has a firm texture. Remove
mouldy, rotten, and badly damaged fruit. Poor quality raw materials
produce poor quality, and perhaps unsafe, finished products.
Slice Using a knife. A thinner, more uniform product can be made using small
manual or electric slicing machines. Check that the thickness of slices is
1-2 mm.
Wash Wash with potable water in a bowl or wash tank to separate the slices.
Citric acid or sodium meta-bisulphite can be added to the wash water at
10 g/litre to keep the colour and prevent darkening of the fruit.
Fry At 180-200oC for 5-10 minutes using a pan over a fire or in a deep fat
fryer, until the required golden colour has formed. Regularly check oil
quality (see text). Care is needed when adding fruit to hot oil to prevent
Drain/cool On racks or mesh. Collect drained oil and reuse it. Cool product to room
temperature to prevent condensation forming inside the package.
Pack/label In plastic bags using a heat sealer. Check the fill weight. Check that the
seal is correctly formed because the product shelf life is reduced if air or
moisture enters through a poorly formed seal. Polypropylene gives a
longer shelf life than polythene. If a paper label is used, this should either
be on the outside of the pack or a double layer of film is used to avoid oil
seepage into the paper.
Store Store away from heat and sunlight to avoid the development of a rancid
taste in the product.
Dried fruits and vegetables
Dried fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices are low-volume, high-value foods that can be
profitable for small-scale processors if there is sufficient demand. Recent increases in
demand for organic dried fruit in Europe have stimulated a number of new businesses in
Uganda. Drying preserves fruits and vegetables because it removes most of the water
needed by enzymes and micro-organisms to spoil them. However, drying can also cause
unacceptable changes to the colour, flavour and texture if the drying conditions are not
properly controlled.
Some vegetables are blanched before drying to prevent colour changes and to reduce the
number of contaminating micro-organisms, because the temperature of drying is not high
enough to kill them. In hot water blanching, vegetables are immersed in boiling water in a
wire basket. The bright green colour of some vegetables can be protected using 1% sodium
bicarbonate in the blancher water and the texture of soft vegetables can be protected using
a 2% calcium chloride solution. Both can be bought from pharmacies in larger towns. For
steam blanching, vegetables are placed in a strainer over a pan of boiling water and covered
with a lid to prevent the steam escaping. Steaming takes longer than water blanching, but
fewer nutrients are lost.
Sulphur dioxide protects the natural colour of some fruits (banana, pineapple etc), although it
should not be used with red fruits because it bleaches the colour. It can be produced either
by burning sulphur (sulphuring) or using a solution of sodium sulphite, sodium
metabisulphite or potassium metabisulphite. In sulphuring, cut or shredded fruit is placed on
mesh trays inside a wooden cabinet. 350-400g sulphur are burned per 100kg fruit for 1-3
hours, depending on the type of fruit, its moisture content and legal limits on residual sulphur
dioxide in the product (Section 6.2). In sulphiting, the chemical is either added to the
blancher water or made into a sulphite dip. Fruits are dipped for 5-10 minutes. About two
thirds of the weight of sodium metabisulphite is present as sulphur dioxide when it is
dissolved in water. A 0.001% (1000 ppm or 1 g/litre) solution is therefore made by dissolving
1.5g sodium metabisulphite/litre. Sulphiting can also be used to temporarily preserve fruits
and spread production throughout the year. The residual sulphur dioxide level is important if
dried fruit is made for export, because many importers specify either very low levels or do
not allow its presence. It should not be used for organic dried fruits. Processors should
consult their buyers to find out what, if any level is acceptable. The National Food Safety
Law may also address the issue of sulphuring.
Other treatments
Some vegetables and fruits (such as limes for lime pickle) are salted before drying. The high
salt concentration preserves the food by both drawing out water and by the anti-microbial
properties of the salt. Vegetables must be washed to lower the salt concentration before
they are eaten.
Dried fruits and vegetables absorb moisture from the air and should therefore be packed in
airtight, moisture-proof containers. Some also need protection from light to maintain their
colour. Although pottery and metal containers can be used, they are more expensive and
more difficult to handle than plastic films (although some bulk exports are packed into 200
litre metal drums). Polythene is the most widely available and cheapest film in Uganda, but it
is not a good barrier to air and moisture. If affordable, polypropylene film gives better
protection and a longer shelf life. Other more expensive films offer much better protection,
but are difficult to find in Uganda. Dried fruits and vegetables need a cardboard carton for
storage and distribution, to prevent crushing and to exclude light. Details of suppliers are
given in the UNIDO Food Processing Equipment Directory.
Table 4.3. Process for dried fruits and vegetables
Juices, squashes and cordials
There is a growing trend in urban centres of Uganda for higher juice consumption and this
market may become much larger in future. Pineapple and passion fruit are the most popular
juices to date, but others may increase in popularity. Banana juice is made using traditional
methods for beer/spirit production, but is not widely sold as a juice. New technologies
developed at Makerere University Department of Food Science and Technology could be
applied to create small banana juice businesses. Juice can also be made from a mixture of
fruits, although this is not widely done at present. Juice manufacturers face competition from
producers who buy imported flavour concentrates and dilute them to make fruit drinks that
are much cheaper. The marketing of fruit juices should therefore focus on the fact that they
are made from fresh fruits with no additives. There is also competition with Kenyan and South
African juices that are sold in paperboard cartons. However, the cost of equipment to form and
seal the cartons is too high for small-scale producers and they are only sold under licence.
Cheaper alternatives including plastic pots with sealed foil lids are available as alternatives to
bottles. Some processors have also found a market selling juice in polythene sachets.
Preservation is due to pasteurisation and the natural acidity of the juice. Some types of juice
(e.g. melon juice) have low levels of acid and this can be increased by adding citric acid to
give a pH below 3.5-4.0. Although some producers add a preservative such as sodium
benzoate to ensure a long shelf life, this is not necessary if juice is properly processed.
Unopened bottles should have a shelf life of 3-9 months, depending on the storage
conditions and quality of the package. Juice production can be spread over a larger part of
the year by processing a sequence of fruits or by part-processing pulps and storing them in
1000-2000 ppm. sodium metabisulphite solution. The sulphur dioxide is driven off during
Juice can be extracted from fruits in a number of ways, depending on the hardness of the
raw material. Soft fruits such as berries or tomatoes can be pressed in a fruit press, or
pulped using a juicer attachment to a food processor. Equipment photos and descriptions
can be found in section 5. Steamers, such as those used for blanching, can also be used to
dissolve some types of cut soft fruits such as melon and pawpaw. Tomatoes can be heated
in a wire basket in boiling water for 10 minutes to loosen the skin before pulping. Citrus fruits
are usually reamed to extract the juice without the bitter pith or skin. Harder fruits, such as
pineapple, are peeled and pulped using a liquidiser and pressed to extract the juice. Passion
fruit, tomato and other fruit juices can be prepared using a pulper-finisher that separates
skins and seeds from the pulp. Passion fruit and pawpaw pulp should not be liquidised
unless the seeds are removed first, because the fast-moving blades chop the seeds into
small pieces that then appear to be contaminants. When a clearer juice is required it is
necessary to filter it through a fine cloth or stainless steel juice strainer. Although this will not
produce a crystal clear juice, this is not required for the market in Uganda. A crystal clear
juice requires a filter press, which is a considerable investment for a small-scale processor.
Squashes are made from fruit juice mixed with sugar syrup. Cordials are crystal-clear
squashes. The process involves producing juice, which is then filtered through fine cloth, or
special juice filters to make it crystal-clear for cordials. A 50-60% solution of filtered sugar
syrup is heated to 90oCand mixed in the correct proportion with the juice. Adding hot sugar
syrup to juice reduces the time that the juice is heated and the colour and flavour are better
preserved. This method can also be used to reduce equipment costs because sugar syrup
can be heated in a large aluminium pan, which is cheaper than stainless steel. A small
stainless steel pan is then used to finish heating the juice/syrup mixture.
A simple way of calculating the amounts of sugar and juice that should be mixed together (also
when making jams) is to use a Pearson Square (Figure 4.2). To use it, draw a square, writing
the juice and syrup concentrations on the left side and the required product concentration, e.g.
15%, in the middle. Subtract the smaller amount from the larger amount diagonally to find the
quantities that should be mixed together (in the example, 45 litres of juice should be mixed with
5 litres of sugar syrup).
Figure 4.2. A Pearson Square used to calculate the amounts of two ingredients in a
Juice 10 45
Syrup 60 5
These drinks are diluted to taste with water and are therefore used a little at a time, so they
may contain a preservative (usually sodium benzoate) to prevent spoilage after opening.
Although some processors use food dyes, these are not necessary for most products.
Regulations on the composition of squashes are given in Section 6.2.
Table 4.4. Process for fruit juice
Pulp Peel/ Depending on the fruit, peeling and cutting are optional before
core/ pulping. Peels are removed by hand using sharp stainless
chop steel knives or small peeling machines. Manual or motorised
corers are available for pineapples. Fruits are pulped and
skins and seeds are separated (see text).
EITHER Heat To 80-90oC in a stainless steel boiling pan for 10-15 minutes.
Check to ensure that colour does not darken excessively.
Fill/seal Pack into pre-sterilised bottles (boiled in water or in an oven
for 10 - 15 mins) or in plastic pots or sachets if they can be
adequately sealed against insects. Seal and check fill- weight
and properly sealed lids/sachets. Re-used bottles should be
carefully washed using detergent and thoroughly rinsed. An
optional bottle rinser can be used to save time.
OR Heat Fill juice into bottles and pasteurise in hot water at 88-90oC
for 10-20 minutes depending on the size of the bottle.
Cool To room temperature, either by lying bottles on their side on a
table or using a bottle cooler (optional).
Label By hand or with label applicator. Check that the correct label
is used and that label quality is satisfactory. Check that each
one is correctly aligned.
Store Store in cool dry place away from sunlight.
In principle, sauces can be made from almost any combination of pulped fruit or vegetable,
boiled with salt, sugar, spices and vinegar. However, in practice the market in Uganda is
dominated by tomato sauce and chilli sauce. (The Ugandan standard for tomato sauce can
be found in US 39:1999) The heat during boiling destroys micro-organisms and the high
level of acids, salt and sugar prevents mould growth. The amounts to add are found using a
Preservation Index. An index above 3.6 preserves the sauce and allows it to be used a little
at a time after the bottle has been opened. Some producers add a preservative such as
sodium benzoate, but this is not necessary if the correct Preservation Index is achieved.
This can be calculated as follows (sugar is measured as total solids):
Details of how to measure acidity and total solids are given in Section 6.1. If a manufacturer
has no access to basic laboratory equipment, a sample of product can be tested by the
Uganda Bureau of Standards or Makerere University Department of Food Science and
Technology, which can also recommend adjustments to the recipe if necessary. At a small
scale, sauces are made in pans, heating slowly with constant stirring to avoid burning the
Table 4.5. Process for sauces
Wines are produced by fermentation of fruit juice or pulp by varieties of the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, named 'wine yeasts'. Sugars in the juice together with added
sugar, are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. During fermentation, it is important to
keep air out of the vessel to enable the yeast to produce alcohol and to prevent
contamination by bacteria and moulds. Wines are preserved by their natural acidity and
raised levels of alcohol (8-13%). Almost any fruit can be used to make wine, but the most
popular in Uganda is pineapple, followed by passion fruit, papaya, banana and strawberry
(or strawberry flavoured) wines. The demand for wine is increasing, especially in Kampala
and other large towns, but it is still regarded as a luxury product and the market is much
smaller than for other alcoholic drinks. There are also relatively large numbers of wine
producers and imported wines from South Africa and Kenya, so competition is therefore
Pineapple wine
Table 4.6. Process for fruit wine
Products that have lower demand
Chutneys are made by boiling vegetables or sour fruits with sugar, spices and sometimes
vinegar if there is little acid in the fruit. If a dark product is required, sugar is added before
heating, or it is added towards the end of boiling for a lighter product. The high sugar content
and acid preserves the chutney after a jar has been opened. Some spices also have a
preservative effect, in addition to contributing to the flavour of the chutney.
Mango Chutney
Table 4.7. Process for chutney
Fruits/vegetables Fruits should be picked carefully to reduce bruising etc. and checked
that they are fully maturity but not over-ripe. Vegetables should be
fully mature.
Inspect Remove mouldy, rotten, and badly damaged fruits and vegetables.
Also remove all visible foreign material (physical contaminants):
leaves, stems, stalks, sticks and stones. Poor quality raw materials
produce poor quality, and perhaps unsafe, finished products.
Wash Use clean, potable water in a wash tank to remove surface
contaminants, e.g., pesticide residues, insects, dirt and soil, etc.
Sort/grade Sort by hand on a sorting table to get similar colour or maturity
Peel Most fruits and vegetables require peeling, but some chutneys
include un-peeled fruits. Peel by hand using sharp stainless steel
knives or small peeling machines that are made for some types of
fruits. Check that all traces of peel are removed
Cut/slice/core Most fruits and vegetables are cut into thin strips or small cubes by
hand using stainless steel knives, or using manual slicing or dicing
machines. Pieces should be similar in size to produce uniform
mixtures and allow faster penetration of sugar syrup into the pieces.
Check for uniform sized pieces.
Mix ingredients Weigh ingredients and mix together in a stainless steel or food grade
plastic mixing bowl.
Heat Boil the mixture in a stainless steel boiling pan with constant stirring,
until it is thick and concentrated. Check the time and temperature of
boiling. An optional check can be made of sugar content (68-70%)
using a refractometer.
Fill & Seal Hot fill using a funnel or paste filler into pre-sterilised jars (boiled in
water or in an oven at 100oC for 10-15 mins). Manually seal lids and
check fill-weight and properly sealed lid. Re-used jars should be
carefully washed using detergent and thoroughly rinsed. An optional
bottle rinser can be used to save time If jars are not obtainable,
plastic pots or bags can be used, provided that they can be
adequately sealed against insects.
Cool To room temperature, either by lying jars on their side on a table or
using a bottle cooler (optional).
Label By hand or with label applicator. Check that the correct label is used
and that label quality is satisfactory. Check that each one is correctly
Store Store in cool dry place away from sunlight
Jams, jellies and marmalades
Jam is made using pulp from a single fruit or from a mixture of fruits. The combination of high
acidity (pH around 3.0)and high sugar content (68-72%), prevents mould growth after opening
the jar. Jellies are crystal-clear jams that are made using filtered juice instead of fruit pulp and
marmalades are produced from clear citrus juices (lime, orange, grapefruit, lemon or orange)
that have fine shreds of peel suspended in the gel. Ginger may also be used alone or mixed
with the citrus fruits. The proportion of each fruit in a mixed fruit product is controlled by the
Uganda Standard Specification for Jam (Fruit Preserves) and Jellies: US 31:1999. Citrus
marmalades are controlled by US 32:1999.
There are two important points to remember when making jams, jellies or marmalades:
1) There must be the correct proportions of juice, sugar, acid and pectin in order to form a
good gel. Checks that can be made to ensure that the proportions are correct are given in
Section 6.1. In general, slightly under-ripe fruits contain more acid and pectin than do over-
ripe fruits, but there are differences in the amounts of acid and pectin in different types of
fruit (Table 4.8).
2) Water must be boiled off quickly to concentrate the mixture before it darkens. If whole
fruit is used, there are two heating stages: at the start, the fruit is heated slowly to soften it
and to extract pectin; then the mixture is boiled rapidly until the sugar content reaches 68-
72%. This change in heat output requires a large and easily controllable burner. At a small
scale, a stainless steel pan and a gas burner can be used2, but the mixture should be
constantly stirred to prevent it burning onto the base of the pan, particularly towards the
end of boiling when it thickens. At higher production rates, a double-jacketed pan is better
because it gives more even and faster heating and does not risk burning the product.
Methods to test for the correct point to stop boiling are described in Section 6.1and a
summary of common faults in jam making is shown in Table 4.10.
Fruits that have sufficient Fruits that do not have Fruits that do not have
acid and pectin enough acid or pectin enough acid and pectin
Unripe fruits: especially apple, Ripe fruits: especially apple, Ripe fruits: especially melon,
quince, lemon, grapefruit, orange, mango, banana, strawberry, pineapple
passion fruit, guava
Sugar:fruit juice ratio = 1:1 Sugar:fruit juice ratio = 0.6 to Sugar:fruit juice ratio = 0.5:1
Other fuels such as charcoal are less easily controllable and cannot quickly provide the increased heating.
The type of pectin used in jams and marmalades (above 55% solids) is known as high
methoxyl (HM) pectin. It is used in a pH range of 2.0-3.5. A second type, known as low
methoxyl (LM) pectin, is used mainly for spreads or for gelling agents in milk products. There
are a large number of different types of HM pectin, such as rapid set and slow set and it is
necessary to specify carefully the type required when ordering pectin from a supplier.
Jams should be hot filled (at around 85oC) into glass jars and sealed with a new lid. If the
temperature is too high, steam condenses to water on the inside of the lid and dilutes sugar at
the surface of the jam, which can cause mould growth. If the temperature is too low, the jam
thickens and is difficult to pour into containers. Jars should be filled to approximately 9/10ths full,
to help a vacuum to form in the space above the product as it cools. The jars re kept upright
during cooling until the gel has formed. The problems of obtaining glass jars in Uganda have
led some producers to use plastic tubs, but these are not easy to hot-fill because they melt and
the lid seals are often not good enough to prevent product leaking out and attracting insects.
Table 4.9. Process for jam, jelly or marmalade
Fruit Mature but not over-ripe fruit without mould growth, picked
carefully to reduce puncturing, splitting or bruising etc.
Transport in stackable boxes to avoid crushing.
Inspect Remove mouldy, rotten, and badly damaged fruit. Also
remove all visible foreign material (physical contaminants):
leaves, stems, stalks, sticks and stones. Poor quality raw
materials produce poor quality, and perhaps unsafe, finished
Wash Use clean, potable water in a wash tank to remove surface
contaminants, e.g., pesticide residues, insects, soil or dirt.
Sort/grade Sort by hand on a sorting table to get similar colour or
maturity. Shape and size are not important. Remove
unwanted parts
Peel Pulp/ Depending on the fruit, peels are removed by hand using
core/ sharp stainless steel knives or small peeling machines.
chop Manual or motorised corers are available for pineapples.
Other fruits are chopped into large pieces for boiling. Small
fruits (e.g. strawberries or other berries) may be used whole.
Pulper-finishers are suitable for soft fruits and separate pulp
from skins and seeds. Check that all traces of peel are
Filter For clear jellies and marmalades
Mix Add approximately equal weight of sugar to weight of fruit and
if required, citric acid to obtain pH 3.0-3.3, (pH meter optional)
and any extra pectin required. For marmalade, add thinly
sliced citrus peels that have been boiled in 60% sugar syrup
for 15 minutes and stored for at least 24 hours before use.
Check thickness of peels. A preservative, such as 1.8%
sodium benzoate is optional.
Heat To 104-105oC in a stainless steel boiling pan for 15-20 mins.,
or until the solids content reaches 68-70%, measure by
refractometer. Check temperature and time of boiling. Check
to ensure that colour does not darken excessively.
Fill & Seal Hot-fill into pre-sterilised jars (boiled in water or in an oven at
100oC for 10-15 mins) or in plastic pots or sachets if they can
be sealed against insects. Seal and check fill- weight and
seals. Re-used bottles should be carefully washed using
detergent and thoroughly rinsed. An optional bottle rinser can
be used to save time.
Cool To room temperature, upright on a table or using a bottle
cooler (optional).
Label By hand or with label applicator. Check that the correct label
is used and that label quality is satisfactory. Check that each
one is correctly aligned.
Store Store in cool dry place away from sunlight
Table 4.10 Common faults in jam making
Pickles and salted vegetables
There are a wide variety of pickled vegetables, but they are not commonly eaten in Uganda,
except by expatriates and within the Asian community. Different types include:
1) fermented pickle, made by submerging vegetables in a dilute brine (2-5% salt). Naturally
occurring bacteria grow over 1-2 weeks to produce lactic acid, which then prevents the
growth of food poisoning bacteria and other spoilage micro-organisms. The amount of
added salt controls the type and rate of the fermentation. Sugar (2-5%) can be added to
increase the rate of fermentation or to make the product sweeter.
2) 'salt stock' pickle is produced using a more concentrated brine (up to 16% salt), and is
preserved by the salt and not by fermentation. Fruits and vegetables can be preserved in
this way to spread production throughout the year.
3) vegetables may be packed in vinegar (acetic acid), salt and sometimes added sugar to
produce a variety of pickled products that have a different flavour and texture to
fermented pickles. They are usually pasteurised by heating.
4) Sweet pickles are made from fruits or mixtures of fruits and vegetables. They are
preserved by a combination of lactic or acetic acid, sugar and spices.
5) Salted vegetables are made in a sealed drum by building up alternate layers of chopped
or shredded vegetable such as cabbage, with layers of salt. The salt draws out water
from the vegetables to form concentrated brine. The products are washed to reduce the
high levels of salt before they are eaten.
The pickle should be covered at all times during production to stop insects from
contaminating it with moulds and yeasts, which spoil the product during storage. Glass jars
are the most common packaging. Sealed polythene bags or plastic pots can also be used
provided that they can be properly sealed to avoid leakage of product, which damages paper
labels and attracts insects.
Table 4.11. Process for pickles
Pastes and purees
Pastes and purees can be made from any fruit or vegetable, but the most common types in
Uganda are tomato and garlic pastes, which are used in cooking. They are made by mashing
any fruit or vegetable to a smooth, thick consistency and then carefully boiling this puree to
evaporate the water with constant stirring to prevent burning. The concentration of solids in the
final product is normally around 36%. This high solids content and the natural acidity preserve
the product for several days, but they should be pasteurised for a longer shelf life.
An alternative method for producing tomato paste is to hang the pulp in a sterilised cotton sack
for an hour. The watery juice drains out and the pulp loses up to half its weight. 2.5% salt is
mixed into the concentrate and it is re-hung for a further hour, during which time the weight
falls to one third of the original. The product can then be packaged and pasteurised or further
concentrated by heating. This product has a more natural flavour and uses much less fuel than
Fruits are filled into jars, sealed and heated to destroy enzymes and micro-organisms. The
time and temperature of heating must be carefully controlled. If fruits are over-processed,
they lose much of their texture, colour, vitamins and flavour and are not saleable. The
correct heating conditions depend on the type of fruit, the size and shape of the bottle and
the size of the fruit pieces. A food technologist or microbiologist should be consulted to
advise on the correct processing times. The sealed containers prevent attack by insects,
birds etc., prevent re-contamination by micro-organisms and exclude air and (for some) light.
It is not recommended that vegetables are processed in this way unless they are first
acidified. The low levels of acid in vegetables mean that if they are not heated sufficiently,
there is a risk of serious food poisoning and even death from a type of micro-organism
named Clostridium botulinum (see also Annex B).
Fruit is normally packed into jars with one of three grades of sugar syrup (Table 4.12).
Table 4.13. Process for bottled fruits
Peel Usually done by hand using sharp stainless steel knives, but small
peeling machines are available for some types of fruits. Check that
all traces of peel are removed.
Cut/slice/core To uniform sized pieces able to fit into jars. Depending on the size of
the pieces and scale of operation, use knives, corers, fruit choppers,
cutters, slicing or dicing machines. Check for uniform sized pieces.
Acid dip (optional) dip in 2% citric acid, lemon or lime juice for 5-10 mins. to
prevent browning of light coloured fruits.
Heat Use weighing scales or scoops, heater, filter bag, thermometer,
sugar (refractometer optional). Filter through a fine muslin bag. Check
Syrup syrup concentration and temperature (90-100oC).
Fill & Seal Fill fruit into hot jars (jars should be heated in boiling water or an
oven at 100oC for 10-15 mins.). Add hot sugar syrup. Check for
correct fill-weight and properly sealed lid. Re-used jars should be
carefully washed using detergent and thoroughly rinsed. An optional
bottle rinser can be used to save time.
Pasteurise Heat bottles in gently boiling water (90-100oC) for 10-20 mins,
depending on size of the jar. Check temperature and time of heating.
Cool To room temperature, either by lying bottles on their side on a table
or using a bottle cooler (optional).
Label By hand or with label applicator. Check that the correct label is used
and that label quality is satisfactory. Check that each one is correctly
Store Store in cool dry place away from sunlight.
Crystallised fruits, fruit leathers and cheeses
These products are largely unknown in Uganda, but may have good potential for a number
of reasons:
1. The expansion of the bakery industry may create a demand for new ingredients for
cakes etc., particularly because raisins and sultanas are imported and are relatively
2. There is a growing consciousness over the negative effects of sugar confectionery on
dental health and at present there are few alternatives for concerned parents to give to
their children. These products would be more acceptable healthy alternatives
3. There is a growing international demand for dried fruits and the abundant supply of fruit
in Uganda could be tapped to create new products for this market, including organic fruit
leathers and crystallised fruits
4. The technology is simple and low cost sugar is readily available.
Crystallised fruits
Crystallised fruits, fruit peels (for marmalades or use in cakes) and osmotically dried fruits
(known as osmasol products when dried in a solar dryer) are fruit pieces that are soaked in
hot concentrated sugar syrups to extract some of the water before drying. They have a
natural colour but a sweeter, blander taste than the fresh fruit because natural acids are
removed and sugar is added during the process. The lower acidity may allow mould growth if
the fruit is not properly dried and packaged. This process is also used to part-process fruits
so that production can be carried on throughout the year. The single soaking described in
Table 4.14 may produce a product that has a tough texture. Successive soaking in syrups of
increasing strengths can make a softer dried fruit. The fruit is first boiled in 20% syrup and
soaked overnight. It is then moved into 40% and then 60% syrups on successive days,
boiling for 5-10 minutes at each transfer, depending on the hardness of the fruit. Because
the syrup becomes more dilute as it extracts water from the fruit, a 60% syrup can be used
the next day as a 40% syrup and a new 60% syrup made up. The 40% syrup becomes a
20% syrup next day and the 20% syrup is either discarded or used to make wine. The
concentration of syrups can be checked using a refractometer.
Fruit leathers
These products are made from fruit pulp that is dried in a thin layer to produce a sheet that has
a texture resembling leather. The sheets may be stored by wrapping them in alternate layers
with polythene. Sheets can be cut into small pieces using either knives or biscuit cutters to
form different shapes, which can be sold as confectionery or as alternatives to dried fruit for
cake making. If different coloured fruits are dried into sheets of leather and then pressed
together, they form a multi-layered sandwich of thin coloured layers, which is an attractive
confectionery product.
Fruit cheeses
Fruit cheeses are pulps that are boiled until they have a final sugar content of 75-85%. When
they cool, they set as a solid block and can be cut into bars or cubes to eat directly as
confectionery, or they can be used in small pieces in bakery products.
Table 4.14. Process for crystallised fruits fruit leathers or fruit cheeses
Checklist 4
Can you answer these questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes on what
you currently do or need to do to find the answer
Crystallised fruits
Fried products
Fruit cheeses
Fruit leathers
5 Fruit and Vegetable Processing Equipment
The equipment required for fruit and vegetable processing is described in the following
section. A summary of the spare parts, maintenance and cleaning requirements is shown in
Table 5.1. Details are given below for individual items of equipment.
Table 5.1, Summary of spare parts and maintenance/cleaning requirements for fruit and
vegetable processing equipment
Type of Spare Maintenance required Cleaning
equipment parts
Fillers None None After use with detergent and
clean water
Filters (wine, Filter cloths None After use with detergent and
juice) or pads clean water, followed by
sterilisation using dilute bleach
Food grade None None After use with detergent and
drums clean water, followed by
sterilisation using dilute bleach
Freezer None Periodic de-icing Periodic cleaning with detergent
and clean water after de-icing
Fruit Motor drive Monthly check belt After use with detergent and
crushers belt, bolts, tension, bearings, clean water
fuse condition of wiring and bolt
Fruit presses None Periodic check for wear on After use with detergent and
screw and bearing clean water
Gas burners None None After use with detergent and
Gas cylinder clean water
General None None After use with detergent and
tools, work clean water
Heat sealers Heating None Weekly wipe with damp cloth.
element Remove any burned-on plastic
Hosepipe Washer for None Weekly wipe with damp cloth.
and spray spray gun
Hydrometers None None After use with detergent and
alcohol and clean water
Insect proof None None Weekly wipe with damp cloth.
Insulated None Periodic check on After use with detergent and
filling tank accuracy of temperature clean water, followed by
gauge sterilisation using dilute bleach
Jam None None Carefully wipe with a clean cloth
Labellers None Daily, check guide position Daily - wipe down surface with
damp cloth
Laboratory None None After use with detergent and
glassware & clean water, rinse with distilled
equipment water
Liquidisers Fuse Monthly, check bearing After use with detergent and
tightness. Periodic blade clean water
Motor, None Weekly check on wiring Weekly wipe down with clean
isolator, and and bearings cloth
Type of Spare Maintenance required Cleaning
equipment parts
Packing None None After use with detergent and
table clean water
Pasteurising None None After use with detergent and
kettle clean water
Peelers Replaceme None After use with detergent and
nt blade clean water
pH meters Buffer Monthly standardisation Wipe carefully with damp cloth
solutions, after use
Pot sealers Heating None Weekly wipe with damp cloth
Preparation None None After use with detergent and
table clean water
Pressure None None After use with detergent and
cooker clean water
Protective None None Weekly laundry for coats, daily
gloves, hats, washing of boots. Others laundry
hairnets, as required
coats, boots
Pulper Motor drive Monthly check belt After use with detergent and
finishers belt, bolts, tension, bearings, clean water, with particular
fuse condition of wiring and bolt attention to the screen
Reamers None None After use with detergent and
clean water
Refracto- None None Wipe carefully with tissue paper
meters and rinse with distilled water
Airlocks Fig 5.1 Airlocks
Hot water blanchers are boiling pans that are used mainly for vegetables. These are less acidic
than fruits and therefore the pan can be made from aluminium. A mesh scoop is used to remove
the hot vegetables. Steam blanchers use the same pans and have a removable mesh base to
hold the vegetables above the boiling water. There is no maintenance required and pans should
be cleaned with detergent and rinsed with clean water after use.
Boiling pans/pasteurizers
There are two types of boiling pans: at smaller scales
Fig 5.2. Boiling pan/pasteuriser of operation, a simple stainless steel (or less
desirably aluminium) pan can be placed directly over
the heat source. However, viscous products such as
sauces, syrups, jams and chutneys, are likely to burn
onto this type of pan unless great care is taken to
control the heat and thoroughly stir the mixture as it
is being heated. This reduces the quality of the
product and also significantly slows down production
because the pan must be cleaned between batches.
At a larger scale, a double jacketed stainless steel
boiling pan is needed. Steam is produced in the
space between the outer jacket and inner pan to give
more uniform heating and avoid localised burning of
the product. These are expensive to import and local
fabrication in Uganda is difficult because the skills
and facilities for welding stainless steel are available
in only a few workshops (see UNIDO Food
Processing Equipment Directory).
There is no routine maintenance or requirement for spare parts. Pans should be thoroughly
cleaned using detergent, ensuring that all burned-on food is removed before rinsing with
clean water.
The most appropriate type of heater depends on the cost and availability of different fuels in
a particular area. In urban centres, gas or electricity is the preferred options because there is
no risk of contamination of the product. In rural areas, these may not be sufficiently available
or reliable and other types of fuel (e.g. charcoal or kerosene) have to be considered.
Bottle coolers Fig 5.3 Bottle cooler
These are used to increase the rate at which glass containers cool, by allowing the containers to
pass through an inclined water bath. There is a flow of cooling water in the opposite direction to
the containers. No spare parts are required and no maintenance, except periodic emptying and
cleaning to prevent a build-up of micro-organisms in the cooling water. If the quality of water is in
doubt, it should be chlorinated.
Bottle washers
The time consuming part of bottle
washing is rinsing out the detergent and
bottle washers are used to reduce this
time. They are made by soldering vertical
pipes onto a larger base pipe and
connecting the base pipe to a water
supply. In use the bottles or jars are
inverted over the vertical pipes and rinsed
until free of detergent. No spare parts are Fig 5.4 Bottle Washer
required and there is no maintenance
Capsule sealer
The core of pineapples is removed before the fruit is bottled or dried. Manual corers are
available from Kenya and motorised versions are also available, but are expensive. Corers
are not required when pineapples are processed for juice or pulp and the whole fruit is
pulped. They should be cleaned after use, using detergent and rinsing with clean water.
There are no spare parts or maintenance requirements, except periodic sharpening of the
blades when they become blunt.
A corking machine compresses the cork and
inserts it into the bottle. These machines are
imported from Europe or South Africa. In
operation a cork is inserted into hole in the top
of the machine and a bottle is held in place by
the sprung stand. The lever is then lowered to
force the cork into the bottle. There are no
spare parts and provided the mechanism is
kept clean, there is no routine maintenance.
The machine should be wiped clean each
Crown cappers
Cutting boards
These are made from food grade nylon and are designed to withstand cutting by knives.
They have no maintenance requirement, but should be washed after use using detergent
and rinsed with clean water. Over time, knives damage the surface and the board becomes
difficult to clean. It should then be replaced.
Deep fat fryers
Fig. 5.8 Deep fat fryer
The equipment does not control the temperature of the oil.
There is a risk of fire if it is allowed to become too hot.
Thermostatically controlled electric deep fat fryers overcome these problems. They can be
imported or made by local workshops. The fuel-fired fryer has no maintenance requirement
and no spare parts. When the oil becomes darkened it should be emptied, cleaned with
detergent and rinsed with clean water.
Manual dicing machines first cut the material into strips and these are then cut into cubes.
The machines produce uniform sized cubes, which are difficult to achieve using a knife.
They should be washed with detergent after use and rinsed with clean water. The blade
should be sharpened as needed.
Sun drying has low capital and operating
costs. But problems include contamination
of the products by dust, birds, rats or
insects, slow drying and no protection from
rain or dew, which encourages mould
growth. There is little control over the
drying conditions and products have
variable quality. Provided that they are
correctly designed, solar dryers have faster
drying rates than sun drying because the
air is heated to 10-30oC above the ambient
air temperature. This also reduces its Fig 5.9 Solar dryer
humidity and deters insects.
Faster drying increases the throughput, reduces the risk of spoilage and improves the
product quality. However, if fruits are dried too rapidly, this can result in case hardening
(see glossary in Annex C) and mould growth. Drying rates are reduced on cloudy days and
dryers cannot be used at night. To overcome these problems a heater can be fitted to the
drying tunnel, but this increases both capital and operating costs.
The size and type of dryer depends on the anticipated production level, the amount of
investment that can be afforded and the expected profitability of the business. There are
very many different types of dryers and it is not possible to describe each in detail in a
manual of this type. Design considerations are described in books listed in Annex A. The
size of dryer needed to dry a given weight of food per day can be calculated by assuming
the following drying areas for different types of product:
1m2 is needed for around 2 kg of less dense products such as shredded cabbage
1m2 is needed for around 4 kg of moderate density products and
1m2 is needed for up to 6 kg of chopped fruits.
Solar dryers do not require spare parts or routine maintenance. However, ultra-violet light
causes the plastic sheeting to deteriorate and it must be replaced periodically depending on
the type of plastic used and the strength of the sunlight. Polythene needs replacing each
year, UV resistant polythene and polyester every 2-3 years and UV-resistant polyester every
3-5 years. Drying trays should be washed using detergent and rinsed with clean water after
each use.
Fillers have no spare parts or maintenance requirements. Tanks should be cleaned after use
by washing thoroughly with detergent and rinsing with clean water. Care is needed to ensure
that the taps are properly cleaned, in order to prevent contamination of the next batch.
Filters for juices, wines etc. are bags made from muslin or fine cotton cloth. They should be
sterilised each day by boiling for 10-15 mins and fully dried by hanging in sunlight. Specialist
wine filters that use a filter agent such as bentonite, perlite or isinglass can be imported.
These are either gravity filters or pressure filters. Pressure filters have the higher throughput.
Gravity filters should have spare bags and pressure filters should have a spare washer for
the pump and spare filter pads. Gravity filters have no maintenance requirements, but the
pump on pressure filters should be kept lubricated with a thin film of edible oil. It is important
that no dust or grit is allowed to get into the pump as this will rapidly wear out the washer.
To filter wine, one or all of the following filter agents can be used: a dessertspoonful per 1
gallon (5 litres) of bentonite is first sprinkled on the surface and the wine is allowed to stand.
Then a cupful of wine is mixed with 2 dessertspoonfuls of perlite and returned to the wine.
Finally, one dessertspoonful of isinglass is sprinkled over the surface of the wine. It should
be stirred gently to mix the clearing agents without disturbing the sediment. The wine should
be kept covered while it is clearing (for 30-60 mins for most wines, but some may take
longer). If a haze remains in the wine, it may be necessary to use a peptic enzyme to
remove the pectin haze (see Section 6.1.4).
When using the gravity filter, the bag is placed inside the bucket provided and wine is
poured in. At first the wine remains cloudy as it emerges from the filter and this should be
collected and later returned to the filter. After a short time the filter bag becomes coated
inside with sediment and the wine emerges clear. This should be collected in another clean
container. The bucket should be kept full by occasionally topping it up with wine, but it can
be left unattended at other times.
When using the pressure filter, the pads are placed into the filter frame and it is closed. The
plastic pipe work is connected to the filter frame and the pump, with the outlet pipe draining
into a clean container. The pump is filled with wine and the top is closed. The pumping
action then forces wine through the filter pads and clear wine is collected in the container.
Deep freezers require periodic de-icing and the opportunity should be taken at this time to
clean the internal surfaces. There are no spare parts or other maintenance requirements.
Fruit crushers
Powered machines that are used to crush pineapples or other hard fruits consist of a rotating
screw inside a casing. The casing has a screen in the base. Juice/pulp drains from an outlet
in the base of the casing and skin is ejected from the end of the casing down a chute. The
casing should be fitted with wing nuts to remove it easily.
In operation, pineapples are cut into
large pieces and fed into the hopper.
Routine maintenance consists of:
weekly checks on the belt tension
(maximum 2cm sideways movement
midway along the belt) weekly checks of
electrical connections monthly greasing
of bearings. A spare drive belt and fuse
should be kept.
1. Remove the hopper and wash with detergent. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry.
2. Remove the casing and wash as for the hopper.
3. Wash the screw and screen thoroughly, using a brush and detergent. Rinse with clean
4. Clean the chute and juice/pulp pipe with a water hosepipe and spray gun.
5. Ensure that no particles of fruit remain in the machine after cleaning
Important: This machine is not fitted with safety devices to stop the motor if it is
opened. Ensure that the machine is isolated from the mains electricity supply before
dismantling it for cleaning or maintenance
Fruit presses
Manual fruit presses have a stainless steel cage in
which a press plate is raised and lowered by a screw.
The screw should be made from a harder grade of steel
than the bearing to prevent the more expensive screw
from wearing down (the bearing can be replaced more
cheaply than the screw). Layer plates made from
stainless steel, nylon or painted mild steel may be
needed in larger presses to promote efficient pressing.
are cleaned while the cage is removed. The press bags should be cleaned with detergent
and then sterilised by boiling for 10-15 minutes before drying in the sun.
Gas burners/cylinders/regulators
The burner is connected to the cylinder using special orange rubber gas pipe and a
regulator. The Jubilee screw fittings that connect the pipe should be tightened as much as
possible and the joints should be tested by applying detergent and switching on the gas
supply. Any sign of bubbles in the detergent should be investigated and the leak corrected.
Care should also be taken not to damage the gas pipe by placing heavy objects on it or
allowing it to get too close to the burner. There are no spare parts and no routine
maintenance. The manufacturer has set the regulator and it should not be adjusted under
any circumstances. If the gas flow becomes insufficient (and there is gas in the cylinder), a
competent gas engineer from one of the gas supply companies should be called to correct
the problem. The burner should be cleaned after use and when it is cool by wiping it with a
damp cloth, ensuring that any food residues are removed.
Heat sealers
These machines simultaneously melt and press plastic to
weld two layers together, thus sealing a bag. A small bulb
lights when the bar is pressed down and the bar should be
released about one second after the light goes out (to
allow the film to cool). The manufacturers recommended
settings are shown in Table 5.2. To find the correct setting,
the control should be set at the minimum number and the
sealer used to seal a bag. If no seal is formed, the control
should be set to a higher number and re-tested. This
should be repeated until a strong seal is formed. If the
plastic burns or holes are formed in the seal the setting
should be reduced. Fig 5.13 Heat sealer
A relatively wide seal (e.g. 3-5 mm) is required for dried and liquid foods and bar-type
sealers are preferable to wire-types. Care should be taken to ensure that there is no product
on the inside of the film where the seal is to be made, as this will prevent proper sealing. A
sealing wire should be held as a spare. There is no routine maintenance and the sealer
should be wiped clean weekly. Any burned-on plastic should be removed immediately by
wiping the Teflon cloth and sealing bar using a cloth dampened with a suitable solvent (e.g.
kerosene). If the Teflon cloth is torn, it should be replaced immediately because a torn cloth
will short-circuit the heating element and damage it. The machine can be left plugged into
the electric socket because it only uses power when the bar is pressed down.
When the hydrometer has stopped moving and it is not touching cylinder, take a reading
where the underside of the liquid surface touches the graduated scale on the tube. This
figure is converted into alcohol or salt concentration, depending on which hydrometer is
used, using a conversion table supplied with the hydrometer. The reading should be made at
20oC, but no significant error occurs if the temperature of the liquid is +/- 5oC of this. The
specific gravity reading is used to calculate the % alcohol in wine or the salt concentration in
brine (Section 5.17). There are no spare parts or routine maintenance. The hydrometer
should be cleaned by rinsing it in clean water and then sterilised in dilute bleach.
The hydrometer is very fragile and should be handled carefully, stored in its
protective case and not allowed to come into contact with hot water.
Jam thermometers
This is a special thermometer that has readings up to 120oC and is strengthened to
withstand sudden changes in temperature. It is inserted into boiling jam and the reading is
used to determine when to stop boiling (Section 4.2.2). There are no spare parts or
maintenance required. The thermometer should be cleaned by wiping it with a cloth when
cool and then rinsing it in clean water.
Label applicators
A platform holds a stack of labels below an opening in the table, with the top label level with
the surface. Glue is applied to the label and a round container is rolled over the opening and
the label is picked up and pressed onto the container. The guide rails ensure that the label is
applied in the same position on every container.
Domestic liquidisers are likely to be too small and not sufficiently robust for small scale
processing. If they are used, a stock of spare drive pins should be kept, because these are
sheared if the motor is overloaded. Larger industrial liquidisers can be imported. The
liquidiser bowl should be cleaned with detergent after use and rinsed with clean water. Care
is needed to avoid cuts from the liquidiser blade. The motor housing should be wiped clean
with a damp cloth and care should be taken not to allow water to come into contact with the
A qualified electrician should wire electric motors. Motors should not be wired directly to 13
amp sockets and a starter and isolator should be fitted. When used, V-belts should be
tightened to permit a maximum of 2cm sideways movement at the centre of the belt. There
are no routine maintenance requirements, except to check that wiring a remains properly
connected and does not work loose because of vibration. Motors, starters and isolators
should be kept clean and the external surfaces should be wiped down weekly.
Always ensure that a motor is isolated from the mains before touching it for any
reason. Do not use water to wash any electrical equipment.
Manual peelers are available for round, thin-skinned fruits such as apples. Other more
irregular shaped fruits are peeled by hand using a sharp stainless steel knife.
pH meters
Small hand-held pH meters are suitable for process control, but they are relatively
expensive. They should be calibrated against buffer solutions that are supplied with the
instrument and also calibrated for the ambient temperature. pH can also be measured using
pH papers, which are cheaper but less accurate than meters.
Pressure cookers
These heat foods to either 110oC or 120oC, depending on the setting of the pressure valve.
Foods are place in the pan and the lid is securely sealed. The pressure valve is place on the
pipe in the lid, following the manufacturers instructions to set the required position. The pan
is heated until steam escapes from the pressure valve and the heat is then reduced to
maintain this pressure. If steam emerges from under the lid, immediately remove the pan
from the heat and when cool, replace the gasket seal around the lid.
It is dangerous to use a pressure cooker with a faulty seal.
There is the risk of an explosion and personal injury.
The pressure cooker is cleaned with detergent and a brush and rinsed with clean water. A
spare gasket should be kept and the gasket should be checked monthly for signs of
Pulper finishers
Two types of pulper-finishers are supplied by UNIDO: one from Treeshade Engineering and
one from Raja Industries. The Treeshade pulper produces a coarser pulp but can handle
harder fruits. The Raja pulper is more suited to pulping tomatoes and other softer fruits. It is
supplied with a coarse and fine mesh screen.
Important: These machines are not fitted with safety devices to stop the motor if
they are opened. Ensure that the machines are isolated from the mains electricity
supply before dismantling them for cleaning or maintenance
Treeshade pulper
Coarse-chopped fruit or pulp is fed into the hopper and juice emerges from the base of the
machine. Skins, seeds etc are discharged down a chute. To clean the pulper the following
steps are taken:
weekly checks on the belt tension (maximum 2cm sideways movement midway along
the belt)
weekly checks of electrical connections
monthly oiling of bearings
Raja pulper
The machine is used in the same way as the Treeshade pulper. To clean the pulper after
weekly checks on the belt tension (maximum 2cm sideways movement midway along the
weekly checks of electrical connections
monthly greasing of bearings
Note: a spare drive belt and fuse should be kept for either pulper.
There are two types of reamer that are used in
fruit processing: one is designed to extract
coconut meat from the shell and the other is used
to extract juice from halved citrus fruits. A citrus
juice reamer attachment can also be obtained to fit
an electric mixer. Both reamers do not require
spare parts or routine maintenance. Clean using
detergent and rinse with clean water.
Fig. 5.20. Citrus reamer
A refractometer measures sugar
concentration as Brix, which
corresponds to % sugar. There are two
ranges: 0-50o Brix for juices, sauces,
syrups etc. and 40-80o Brix for jams
and other concentrated preserves.
Some manufacturers also now supply
a single range instrument (0-80o or 0-
90o Brix). Fig. 5.21. Refractometer
They are expensive instruments but they give an accurate measurement of sugar
concentration. There are no spare parts or maintenance required. To clean the
refractometer after use, wipe the glass with tissue paper or a soft cloth and rinse it with
distilled water.
Small scales (0-2kg) have been supplied by UNIDO to weigh out small amounts of
ingredients or laboratory chemicals and larger scales (0-50kg) for weighing fruit and
vegetables. Care is needed to properly clean scales if they have been used to weigh
chemicals. The small scales can be operated using batteries or mains power. The large
scales should be hung fro a door lintel. Calibrated scoops, cups or other measures, which
contain the correct quantity of an ingredient when filled level with the top, can also be used
instead of scales. Operators should be trained to ensure that they use them properly to
measure consistent weights. The scales have no spare parts or routine maintenance. They
should be cleaned after use using a damp cloth.
Sulphuring cabinet
A cabinet can be made from wood, covered in either plywood or polythene and fitted with
mesh trays to hold the fruit. The cabinet can be either lifted off the stack of trays for
loading/unloading fruit or it can be fitted with a sealable door. The aim is to retain sulphur
dioxide gas from burning sulphur inside the cabinet so that it can penetrate the fruit. There
are no spare parts or routine maintenance. Trays are cleaned after use with a brush and
detergent, rinsed with clean water and properly dried in the sun before reuse.
Checklist 5
Can you answer these questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes on what
you currently do or need to do to find the answer
Boiling pans/ pasteurisers
Bottle coolers
Bottle washers
Crown cappers
Cutting boards
Deep fat fryers
Energy saving charcoal stove
Fermentation tanks
Filters (wine, juice)
Food grade drums
Fruit crushers
Fruit presses
Gas burners
Gas cylinder
General tools, work tables
Heat sealers
Hosepipe and spray gun
Hydrometers alcohol and
Insect proof door
Insulated filling tank
Jam thermometer
Motor isolator
Motor starter
Packing table
Pasteurising kettle
pH meters
Pot sealers
Preparation table
Pressure cooker
Protective gloves, hats,
hairnets, coats, boots
Pulper finishers
Sulphuring cabinet
2. Do you know how to clean
the above equipment?
6 Quality Assurance
All fruit and vegetable products should have a marketable quality and also be safe for
consumers to eat. Even at the smallest scale of production, the processor should develop a
Quality Assurance (QA) system to ensure this. The following steps are needed to develop a
1. Look at every stage of the process, from raw material selection to distribution of
products and identify the factors that could affect either product quality or safety
2. Develop procedures to monitor and control these factors so that they do not cause a
The basis of QA is to prevent problems from arising, rather than trying to cure them
afterwards. Factors that should be examined include the ingredients, particularly any spices
that might be contaminated with micro-organisms, the acidity or moisture content of the
product and the amounts of any preservatives that are used. Additionally, any sources of
contamination from buildings or water supplies should be included (Section 2). The stages in
a process where an error could affect the safety of a product are known as Critical Control
Points (CCPs) and these are the stages that should be given most attention.
It is important to train all staff to operate the QA procedures that are devised. They should
know the limits that are put on any variation from the specified processing method and
everyone should understand his or her responsibilities for ensuring that high quality products
are made. The more staff that examines the raw materials, ingredients, process and product;
the greater the level of control. It is also important to develop reporting procedures and keep
records. There should be a plan of what must be done if the process limits are exceeded.
Workers should know who has the authority to make decisions and who is responsible for
checking that the correct action is taken.
In juice production, the stages in the process (from Table 4.4) and factors to consider are
shown as follows:
Inspect Are all leaves, stalks, mouldy, rotten, damaged or unripe fruits
Wash Are all surface contaminants (soil, pesticides etc) removed?
Sort/grade Does the fruit meet processing standards in terms of quality and
have all possible contaminants been eliminated?
Extract juice Do any pieces of fruit remain after pulping? Does the juice have
the correct colour?
Fill & seal Is the container clean and undamaged? Is the fill-weight
correct? Does the cap fit properly?
Pasteurise Are the time and temperature of heating correct?
Cool Is the product cooled quickly enough to prevent darkening of its
Label Is the label correct for the product? Is it glued in the correct
Store Are the storage conditions cool and dry?
Table 6.1. Basic list of Critical Control Points identified by the QA system
Once the factors that affect the quality and safety of the product are identified, steps can be
taken to monitor and control them as outlined on pages 83 to 88.
Raw materials
Most fruits and vegetables must be harvested when they are fully mature to give the best
flavour and colour in products, but many are soft and therefore easily damaged. This allows
moulds and yeasts to grow on fruits or rotting bacteria to grow on vegetables. Damage to a
few fruits or vegetables can quickly lead to infection of others and the loss of a whole batch.
They should be harvested carefully and the following actions taken:
handlers should be asked to cut their fingernails to prevent them puncturing fruits
fruits and vegetables should be cooled after harvest and stored in a cool place or
covered with wet sacks
any damaged pieces should be removed to prevent spoilage of surrounding foods
fruits and vegetables should be filled into crates that are small enough to be carried
and not dragged along the ground. Ideally, stackable crates that prevent crushing
should be used.
The first inspection of raw materials at the processing unit should include checks on:
Remove mouldy, rotten, and badly damaged raw materials along with all visible foreign
material (physical contaminants), e.g., leaves, stems, stalks, sticks, stones and rocks. Fruits
and vegetables are washed in clean, potable water. Process staff should be trained to
remove any mouldy, rotten or badly damaged pieces before washing because these can
quickly contaminate the wash-water and infect good quality raw materials. Careful inspection
by trained staff is important for saving time and money later in the process. Poor quality raw
materials produce poor quality final products because it is not possible to improve their
quality by processing them.
Sorting out substandard materials before money is spent processing them is one of
the most cost effective methods of ensuring a uniformly high quality and safety in
the final product
Thorough washing will remove surface contaminants, e.g., agricultural chemicals, insects,
hair, soil and dirt. It is important that the process staff replace the wash-water when it
becomes dirty. Contaminants in dirty water can quickly infect good quality raw materials.
Products should be stored off the floor in a cool, dark storeroom that has good ventilation
and protection against insects and rodents. QA systems should also monitor the time that
they remain in storage. Records should show which materials are transferred into and out of
the storeroom and when they are used or sold. A First In/First Out (FIFO) system of stock
control should be used. It should apply to raw materials, other ingredients and finished
products. Processors should also monitor and control distribution to retailers and
storage/display in retail outlets.
In some processes it is necessary to check the pH of a product or the amount of acid that is
present. pH is a measure of acidity (pH 1-6), through neutrality (pH 7) to alkalinity (pH 8-14).
It can be measured by dipping a piece of pH paper into a sample of liquid food and
comparing the colour change with a chart supplied with the paper. For greater accuracy a
hand-held pH meter can be used.
pH does not measure the amount of acid in a food. This is important in pickling and sauce
making to calculate the Preservation Index. To measure the amount of acid in a product, a
10g sample is mixed with 90 ml of distilled water and 0.3 ml of phenolphthalein indicator
solution in a glass flask. The instructions for making the indicator solution are given on the
phenolphthalein package.
A solution of 0.1M sodium hydroxide is made by dissolving the weight indicated on the
package in distilled water. This solution is filled into a burette and slowly dripped into the
flask until a pink colour is formed which does not fade when the contents are swirled around
in the flask. The amount of acid in the food is calculated using the formula:
It is necessary to know type of acid in the food before selecting the conversion factor.
Acetic acid (vinegar in pickles) = 0.060
Citric acid (in most fruits) = 0.070
Tartaric acid (in grapes) = 0.075
Moisture content
The moisture content of dried fruits and vegetables can be found using a laboratory drying
oven. Finely chopped samples are carefully dried in a laboratory oven at 100oC +/- 1oC for 4
hours and reweighed. They are put back into the oven and checked again at hourly intervals
until they do not lose any more weight. The moisture content is calculated using the formula:
Bottles and jars are checked more than other types of packaging because of the risk of glass
splinters getting into a product, which would seriously harm consumers. All glass containers
should be checked for glass splinters, cracks, bubbles in the glass, or strings of glass across
the interior. Staff who check bottles or jars should be fully trained to recognise these faults
and they should only inspect them for 30-40 minutes at a time to maintain their
concentration. If jars or bottles are re-used, they should be checked for residues by smelling
them. It is also necessary to periodically check the weights of a number of empty jars or
bottles to find the heaviest. This is then used to calculate the checkweight for that product
(the weight of the heaviest container plus the weight of product).
The fill-weight should be the same as the net weight described on the label and random
sample of bottles or jars should be checked to ensure the correct net weight using a
checkweighing scale. The label should be checked to make sure it matches the actual
product in a pack and any sell-by date or batch code numbers on the pack are correct.
Typical faults with plastic bags and films include incorrect printing, smell of solvents used in
their manufacture, layers of film sticking together on a roll, poor seal strength, curling rather
than laying flat and incorrect thickness. The last can be measured by cutting 10 squares of
film, each 10 cm by 10 cm and carefully weighing them. The result (in grams/square metre)
is then checked against the suppliers specification.
Figure 6.2. Headspace gauge
Pectin is present in all fruits and vegetables, although some contain much more than others
(Table 6.2). Pectin is required to make jam or marmalade set as a gel, but it causes a
problem in winemaking, where it causes a cloudy haze in the wine that is difficult to remove
and lowers the value of the wine.
There are three simple tests that with experience can be used to check the natural pectin
content of juice or pulp to determine whether additional pectin should be added for jam-
making, or whether a pectic enzyme should be used to make clear wine:
1. Mix an equal amount of juice and methanol (wood alcohol) (NB this is poisonous -
do not taste it!). Observe the amount and type of material that is precipitated. Juices
that are rich in pectin form large amounts of bulky gelatinous material, those that
have moderate pectin levels form small clots and those that have little pectin form
small flaky pieces of sediment.
2. Mix equal parts of juice and sugar and half the amount of Epsom salts (i.e. a ratio of
1:1:0.5) and leave for 20 mins. If a semi-solid gel forms, there is sufficient pectin for
jam making.
3. Add 3 teaspoonfuls of methylated spirit to one teaspoonful of wine in a small jar. Stir
it and leave for 30 mins. Any white strings or blobs indicate that the wine contains
pectin and should be cleared with a pectic enzyme.
Pectic enzyme powders can be imported. They break down pectin and so remove the haze
in wine. If it is known that a juice contains large amounts of pectin, the enzyme powder is
sprinkled onto juice before fermentation. However, it is an expensive treatment and
processors may wish to see whether haze is a problem before using the enzyme. In this
case the enzyme is added when the fermentation has finished and the wine is left to clear.
The enzyme may take from a few days to a few weeks to fully clear the wine, depending on
the type of fruit that is used.
Table 6.2. Pectin content of different fruits
Oranges, lemons, grapefruits
(without pith in the juice)
Red berries
The salt concentration in pickling brines can be measured using a special salt hydrometer,
calibrated in specific gravity units and converted to % salt using a conversion table.
The final boiling temperature of jams and other preserves can be used to assess the sugar
content, using a jam thermometer that reads up to 120C. The sugar content is 68-72%
when the temperature reaches 104-105oC. However, the temperature is affected by the
amount of invert sugar in the mixture and staff should have experience of making the
product before using temperature alone to control the process. The boiling point also
changes with height above sea level and because Uganda has an elevation of 1500-3000
metres above sea level, producers should first check the boiling point of water and make the
necessary corrections. With experience, staff can also estimate the solids content of
preserves by cooling a sample of the boiling mixture and noting the texture to see if a firm
gel forms.
The concentration of sugar in juices and syrups can also be assessed by measuring their
specific gravity (SG), using a hydrometer. Juices should be tested at 20oC +/- 5oC, which is
the reference temperature for the hydrometer. The specific gravity reading is converted to
sugar concentration using Table 6.3. The reading can also be used to estimate the alcohol
concentration of the wine after it has been fermented (See sample calculations)
Table 6.3. Specific gravity readings, sugar content and potential alcohol content
Checklist 6
Can you answer these questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes on what
you currently do or need to do to find the answer
7 Summary of Legislation and Regulation
Global efforts to establish and improve consumer health protection have led to increased
governmental and regulatory oversight in the field of food safety. While most people
presume the foods they eat are safe, several recent food safety events have eroded this
confidence and led to demands from the public for additional protective measures to be
enacted to establish the rights of consumers to safe food. The scope of this protection has
expanded beyond the practices of the food manufacturers and now extends all the way back
to the farm gate. It is essential that safety be embodied in food products from production
through consumption, from the farm to the table (food chain approach). All stakeholders in
the food chain, including the supply side (producers, transporters, processors, and
merchants), the government inspection and regulatory authorities, the support institutions
(labs, R&D and training centres), and consumers will now have responsibilities and
obligations to ensure the safety of food products and protect consumer health.
For enforcement purposes, the Codex Commission has developed several guidelines and
food standards. There are today approximately 250 standards and specific requirements for
individual foods, groups of foods, and other provisions, e.g., hygiene, contaminants,
labelling, and food additives.
Enforcement of food control has evolved from the traditional focus on inspection of final
products and removal of unsafe food from the market to the current holistic and preventive
approach, which relies more on system control. In addition to the traditional GMP (or GHP),
formalized control operations relying on hazard analysis and risk prevention have been
made mandatory in the main markets. This systematic approach to the identification,
assessment, and control of hazards is known as the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Point (HACCP) system.
The introduction of a HACCP-based food safety system may be difficult for small-scale
enterprises and will be best achieved by coordination between the food industry, educational
and training organisations, and governing authorities. There are various guides and training
information on the introduction and application of HACCP in the food chain.
At the time of the preparation of this manual in 2004, the Government of Uganda was in the
process of developing the National Food Safety Strategic Plan. The Parliament was also
debating a draft Food Safety Bill. Once enacted, the Food Law or the Food Safety Law
will contain provisions for the mandatory implementation of GMP and/or HACCP
programmes within the food chain. This law was proposed to develop an effective national
food safety control system to protect the health and wellbeing of consumers, as well as,
meeting international standards and requirements for the trade of food products.
There are various laws governing the setting up, registration and operation of a food
processing enterprise In Uganda. Failure to follow the law may lead to punishment by the
authorities or closure of the business. Processors should check the local laws with the
In summary the registration of a mill or bakery involves the following:
Food composition
There are four types of general laws in Uganda that govern the sale of all goods, including
fruit and vegetable products. These state that:
There are also laws that deal with the safety of foods, the hygiene of operators and
sanitation of premises where foods are made. In summary the laws are concerned with the
following aspects of health, hygiene and sanitation:
If in doubt, entrepreneurs should seek advice from staff in the Bureau of Standards or from
food technologists at Makerere University Dept. of Food science and Technology or UIRI.
The intention of laws relating to the composition of processed fruits and vegetables is to
produce a standard for a particular food and so ensure that all foods sold with that name
have a similar composition. If export to Europe, ASEAN or USA is being considered, it is
necessary to obtain a detailed specification of the product composition and quality from the
Export Development Board, from importing companies or their agents, or from the Trade
Section in Embassies of the countries concerned. It should be noted that many countries
now have mandatory GMP and HACCP standards that apply to exporters, as well as,
domestic producers. The European Union, in particular, has recently enacted very stringent
food safety regulations and directives. Be sure to check on specific details before
attempting to export. In relation to the composition of fruit and vegetable products, the
following standards are in force in Uganda:
Juices should be only pure juice with nothing added except vitamin C (ascorbic acid),
specified acids used to adjust the hand maximum levels of residual sulphur dioxide if this
has been used as a preservative. Nectars should contain a minimum % juice, between 25%
and 40% juice depending on the type of fruit and a maximum of 20% sugar or honey. There
are also minimum limits for the acid content of nectars.
Soft drinks
Squashes, crushes and cordials are each defined in law and have minimum fruit contents
specified for different types of fruit. These are between 1.5% and 5% minimum fruit content
for drinks that are not diluted and 7% to 25% minimum fruit content for those drinks that
require dilution. Dilution must be four parts water to one part drink. They each have
maximum permitted levels of sugar or artificial sweeteners and can contain specified food
Jams should contain a minimum amount of fruit pulp, which varies with the type of fruit being
used, but for many is 200g pulp per kg product. Similarly the amount of fruit juice in jelly and
marmalade is specified. The fruit content of marmalade should not be less than 20% citrus
fruit. In mixed fruit jams, the first named fruit should be at least 50% of the total fruit content.
Normally jams should have minimum of 60% soluble solids (in practice 68%-70% is used to
achieve adequate preservation, especially in the tropical climate of Uganda) and there are
limits on residual sulphur dioxide in all products. There are detailed regulations covering
definitions of the names jams, jellies, marmalades, conserves, preserves, extra jam or jelly
and reduced sugar jam, jelly or marmalade. The Uganda Standard Specification for Jam
(fruit preserves) and Jellies is US 31:1999 and the Standard for Citrus Marmalade is US
Tomato ketchup
This should have a minimum of 6% tomato solids and not contain seeds. There is a
maximum limit on contamination with copper and no other fruits or vegetables can be used
except onions, garlic or spices for flavouring. The Ugandan Standard for Tomato Ketchup is
US 38:1999 and the Standard for Tomato Sauce is US 39:1999.
There are lists of permitted food colours, emulsifies, stabilisers, preservatives and other
additives that can be added to foods. Any chemical that is not on these lists cannot be used.
There are also maximum levels set for each additive in specific foods and lists of foods that
are able to contain specified preservatives. Contaminants, including poisonous metals such
as arsenic and lead, have maximum permitted levels in specified foods.
Food labelling
It is in the processors interest to involve the Bureau of Standards at an early stage of label
design to avoid errors, which would result in an expensive re-design after labels have been
printed. The UNBS has a General Standard for labelling of pre-packed foods (US 7:2002)
that describes the information that must be included on a label, but there are also detailed
laws concerning the following aspects:
This is a complex area, which is not possible to describe in detail in this book and
professional advice should be sought from graphic designers who are experienced in label
design, or from the Bureau of Standards. The legal requirements are that a label should
contain the following information in Uganda:
The laws are to ensure that the amount of food that is declared on the label as the net
weight (the weight of product in a pack) is the same as the weight of food that is actually in
the pack. The weights and measures legislation in force in Uganda is known as the Minimum
Weight System. This ensures that every pack of food contains at least the net weight that is
written on the label. If any pack is found below this weight the producer is liable for
prosecution. (Another type of legislation in Europe is known as the Average Weight System
and is based on a proportion of packages being above the declared weight. If a processor is
considering export to Europe, advice and information on this legislation should be obtained
from the Export Development Board and the National Enquiry Point at UNBS, so that an 'e'
mark can be obtained to indicate that the process conforms to this system). There are also
specified weights that must be used when selling dried fruits and vegetables and jams or
marmalades (but not other processed fruit and vegetable products).
Only potable water may be used in food operations. Potable water is drinking water that is
wholesome and clean and does not cause illness. It is free from any micro-organisms and
parasites and from any substances that in numbers and concentrations, constitute a
potential danger to human health. It should meet standard US 201:1994 as established by
To achieve optimum consumer protection, it is essential that safety be incorporated in food
products from production through consumption. All participants in the food chain from the
primary producer to the processor to the vendor to the consumer play vital roles in ensuring
food safety. Each has different responsibilities, but all must work together in an integrated
farm-to-table approach.
Checklist 7
Can you answer these questions? Tick the box if you know the answer. Write notes on what
you currently do or need to do to find the answer
Annex A
Sources of further information and assistance
The following organisations may be able to help solve specific problems, offer advice or information:
PRESTO, PO Box 24204, Plot 21 Kawalya Kaggwa Close, Kololo, Kampala, T: 347481-3, F:
347635, E-mail:
PSF (Private Sector Foundation), 3 Kintu Rd. Kampala, T: 342163, F: 230956
Redd Barna, 42 Bwala Hill, Masaka or 4105 Libuba Katwe, T: 21015, 268675
Sasakawa Global 2000, Ruth Towers, PO BOX 6987, Kampala, T: 345497, F: 346087, E-mail:
SCF (Save the Children Fund), 5 Baskerville Ave, Kololo, Kampala, T 344796, 258815, 343486
Small Enterprise Development Company41 Oboja Rd, Jinja and 20 Kazooba Rd, Kabale, T:
SNV (Netherlands Development Organisation), PO Box 8339, 36 Luthusi Rise, Bugolobi,
Kampala, T: 220584/2, 220780
Ssemwanga Centre For Agriculture & Food, 47b Upper Kololo Terrace, Kampala, PO Box 40257,
T: 346246/075 694612, F: 346246, E-mail:
UMA (Uganda Manufacturers Association), PO Box 6966, Lugogo Showgrounds, Kampala, T:
220285/ 221034, F: 242455
UIRI (Uganda Industrial Research Institute), Nakawa Industrial Estate, Plot M217 Jinja Rd,
Kampala, PO Box 7103, T: 286245/077 406502, F: 285689,
UNBS (Uganda National Bureau of Standards), PO Box 6329, Plot M217, Nakawa Industrial
Area, Kampala, T: 222367/9, F: 286123, E-mail:
USSIA (Uganda Small Scale Industries Association), PO Box 7725, Lugogo Showground,
Kampala, T: 221785, F: 221038, E-mail: Also PO Box 2344, Mbale
VTI (Vocational Training Institute), PO Box 20121, Nakawa, Kampala, T: 20935/220028/236864
Mr Kigongo-Kawesi, Tree Shade Technology Services, Bombo Road, Kampala, P O. Box 5833,
T: 567698, F: 567698
Mr Baljit Singh, JBT Engineering, Old Kampala, PO Box 11991, Kampala, T: 531339/077 488137
Mr Bernard Bosso, Mechanical Engineering Department, Uganda Polytechnic Kyambogo,
Mr Douglas Serroul, Adtranz, (Uganda Railways Mechanical Workshop), Nalukolongo, Masaka
Rd, Kampala, T: 200580, F: 256047, E-mail:
Mr Fred Mukasa, Steelex, Bombo Road, PO Box 1765, Kampala, T: 567950
Guidelines for Small Scale fruit & Vegetable Processors, Fellows, P.J., 1997. FAO Technical
Bulletin #127, FAO Publications, Rome, Italy.
Integrated Food Science and Technology for the Tropics, 1985, Ihekoronye, A.I. and Ngoddy,
P.O., Macmillan Press Ltd., London, UK.
Jams, Pickles and Chutneys, Mabey, D.& R.,1985, Penguin Publications, Harmondsworth, UK.
Opportunities in Food Processing, Fellows, P.J and Axtell, B.L.A., (eds), 2001, CTA,
Wageningen, Netherlands,
Pickle and Sauce Making, Binstead R., Devey, J.D. and Dakin, J.C., 1971, Food Trade Press
Ltd., London, UK.
Processing Tropical Crops, Asiedu, J.J., 1989, MacMillan Press Ltd, London, (ISBN 0-333-
Small Scale Food Processing: a guide to appropriate equipment, Fellows, P. and Hampton, A.,
1992, IT Publications, 103-105 Southampton Row, London WC1B 4HH, UK (ISBN 1-85339-108-
Starting a Small Food Processing Enterprise, Fellows, P., Franco, E. and Rios, W., 1996, IT
Publications, London, UK. (ISBN 1 85339 323 1).
Tomato and Fruit Processing: an example of a village factory, de Klein, G., 1993, IT Publications,
London. (ISBN 90 70857 31 6)
Traditional and Non-Traditional Foods, Ferrando, R., 1981, FAO Publications, Via delle Terme di
Caracalla, Rome, Italy. (ISBN 92-5-100167-7)
Traditional Food Technologies, Fellows, P., (Editor), 1997, IT Publications, London, UK.
Tropical Fruit Processing, Jagtiani, J., Chan, H.T. and Sakai, W.S., 1988, Academic Press, San
Diego, California, USA. (ISBN 0 12 379990 2)
Vegetable Production in the Tropics, Williams, C.N., Uzo, J.O. and Peregrine, W.T.H., 1991,
Longman Press, London, UK. (ISBN 0 582 60609 8)
Vegetables in the Tropics, Tindall, H.D., 1983, MacMillan Press Ltd., London (ISBN 0 333 24266
Drying Food for Profit, Axtell, A., 2002, IT Publishers, London. (ISBN 1 85339 520X)
Food Dehydration, Brennan, J. G, 1994, Butterworth Heineman, Oxford. (ISBN 0 7506 1130 8)
Practical Dehydration, Greensmith, M., 1998, Woodhead Publishing, Cambridge, UK. (ISBN 1
85573 394 3)
Solar Dryers - Their Role in Post-Harvest Processing, Brenndorfer, B., Kennedy, L., Oswin-
Bateman, C.O., Trim, D.S., Mrema, G.C. and Wereko Brobby, C., 1987, Commonwealth Science
Council, London, UK. ISBN 0 85092 282 8)
Solar Drying: Practical Methods of Food Preservation, 1986, ILO, Geneva, Switzerland (ISBN 92
2 105357 1)
Try Drying IT, Case Studies in the Dissemination of Tray Drying Technology, Axtell, B.L. and
Bush, A., 1991, IT Publications, London, UK. (ISBN 1 85339 039 9).
Quality Assurance
A practical approach to quality control, Caplen, R.H., 1982, Hutchinson Publishing Group,
London, UK.
Export Quality, World directory of Standardisation and Quality Assurance Related Institutions,
Anon, 1992, ITC/UNCTAD/GATT, Geneva, Switzerland.
Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Evaluations, Bryan, F.l., 1992, WHO, Geneva,
How to HACCP, an illustrated guide, Dillon, M and Griffith, C.,1999, MD Associates, 34a Hainton
Avenue, Grimsby, UK.
Quality Assurance for Small Scale Rural Food Industries, Fellows, P.J., Axtell, B and Dillon, M.,
1995., FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin # 117, FAO Publications, Via delle Terme di Caracalla,
00100 Rome, Italy. (ISBN 92 5 103654 3)
Quality Control in Fruit and Vegetable Processing, Board, P.W., 1988, FAO Food and Nutrition
Paper No. 39, FAO Publications, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, 00100 Rome, Italy. (ISBN 92-5-
Successful Approaches to Training in Food Processing, Battcock, M. Azam-Ali, S. Axtell B. and
Fellows P.J., IT Publications, 136pp, 1998
Websites related to quality assurance, food safety, GHP, GMP and
Codex Alimentarius Commission, Official Standards,
EurepGAP, The Global Partnership for Safe and Sustainable Agriculture,
European Union, the search page to find any EU Regulations (legislation in force), draft
Regulations, dates of applicability,
European Union, Food Safety From the Farm to the Fork Site Map,
European Union, European Food Safety Authority,
EU and UK Food Law, University of Reading,
UK Food Standards Agency,
WHO Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality,
Annex B
Processes and products that are not described in
Canning is not suitable for small scale processing for the following reasons:
Cans are not readily available in Uganda and are expensive to import. Different fruit or
vegetable products require a particular internal lacquer on the can to prevent the metal
corroding and these lacquers are not always available on imported cans. There is a
minimum order size when cans are imported from South Africa or Kenya, which is too
large for individual processors.
A 'seamer' is needed to seal the lid onto the can, which is relatively expensive. The
seamer needs regular checks and maintenance by an experienced technician to ensure
that seams are properly formed. A 'seam micrometer' is required to do this and it is an
expensive instrument. Any failure in a seam leads to contamination and risks creating
spoiled or dangerous canned foods. Canning therefore requires a high capital
investment, trained and experienced staff, a regular supply of the correct types of cans
and comparatively high operating costs.
Canning vegetables are not a suitable process for small-scale operation. In addition to
the above points, vegetables have to be heated to 121oC to kill food poisoning bacteria.
This is achieved using high-pressure steam from a boiler and a strong vessel named a
'retort'. Additionally, an air compressor and controllers are needed to maintain the
pressure while cans are being cooled. This equipment is likely to be too expensive for a
small-scale processor.
Papain is an enzyme found in the skin of papaya and is used for meat tenderising and many
other applications. There are no known users of papain in Uganda, although it is produced
and exported by Reco Industries. Papain is collected by making shallow cuts in the skin of
unripe fruits while they are on the tree. The fruits produce a sticky white latex, which is
collected by scraping the fruit each day for several weeks. This is spread out in shallow trays
and sun-dried until it becomes brittle. The latex should be handled with gloves to avoid
damage to the skin. The equipment needed to process papain in commercial quantities is
relatively large scale and expensive, particularly to achieve the high quality required for
export. It is also necessary to plant papaya trees in orchards, rather than collecting it from
widely scattered trees to minimise collection costs.
It is difficult to make specific grades of pectin or powdered pectin at a small scale, but jam-
makers can increase the amount of crude pectin in products such as melon that are naturally
low in pectin. Pectin can be extracted from citrus peels such as lime, lemon, orange, from
passion fruit or from apple 'pomace' (material left after juice has been extracted). Peels are
cut into thin slices (e.g. 1cm wide) and other fruits are coarsely chopped. They are added to
approximately 8 times their weight of water and heated gently to simmer for 20-30 minutes.
This extracts the pectin and also removes water to concentrate the pectin, so that it can be
stored for a few days. However, over-long heating degrades the pectin and it loses some of
its gelling power. The peels are removed and the pectin solution is used as an ingredient in
jam making.
Distillation involves vaporising the alcohol in wine by heating and then condensing it to
concentrate the alcohol as spirit drinks (usually standardised at 40% alcohol). A still is a
drum or other vessel, fitted with a safety valve and a pipe to carry away the vapour. Wine is
placed inside the drum and heated. The alcohol vapour is passed through cooled air or cool
water and the distillate condenses and is collected. As well as alcohol, there is a range of
other chemicals in wine, some of which have unpleasant flavours that are also evaporated
by heat. There is great skill involved in judging the correct time to start collecting the distillate
and when to stop the collection, so that these chemicals are not present in the spirit. Any
fruit-based spirit would need to compete with Waragi and cheap, products made in rural
areas. The production and sale of spirits is regulated and because of this and the
competition from existing products, it is difficult to envisage a situation where a small-scale
spirit producer could operate both legally and profitably.
Vinegar can be made by fermenting wine using acetic acid bacteria (Acetobacter species) to
convert the alcohol to acetic acid (spoiled wine is often due to unwanted acetic acid
bacteria). Typically, vinegar contains 6-10% acetic acid, which preserves the product for
many months/years provided that it is sealed in an airtight container to prevent the acetic
acid from evaporating. Synthetic or spirit vinegars are on sale in Uganda, made from
concentrated acetic acid that is diluted with water. Fruit vinegars are not made at present in
Uganda and the demand is therefore not known. The demand for vinegar is relatively low
and it is unlikely that a small-scale producer could sell sufficient to operate profitably or
compete against imported spirit and malt vinegars.
Annex C
Glossary and Acronyms
Acid preserves foods that have a high acid content that inhibits spoilage.
Adulteration deliberate contamination of foods with materials of low quality.
Brix units of measurement of sugar concentration
Case hardening the formation of a dry skin on a wet food due to over-rapid drying. It slows
the rate of drying and can lead to spoilage during storage.
Chlorination the addition of chlorine to water to destroy micro-organisms.
Contamination materials that are accidentally included with a food (e.g. dirt, leaves, stalks
Critical control stages in a process where quality control can have a major effect Points
on food quality or safety.
Cross contamination the transfer of soils or micro-organisms from raw food to processed food
Enzymes natural proteins in foods that can cause changes to colour, flavour or texture
of the food.
FIFO First in, first out inventory scheme for raw materials and finished products.
Fill-weight the amount of food placed into a container or package and written on the
label (also net weight).
Humidity the amount of water vapour in air.
Hydrometer an instrument that measures specific gravity of liquids, used to measure salt,
sugar or alcohol concentration.
Low-acid foods foods that have little acid and therefore can contain food poisoning bacteria if
poorly processed.
Micro-organisms tiny forms of life, invisible until they are in large numbers, including moulds,
bacteria and yeasts.
Minimum weight all packages have a fill-weight equal to or greater than that shown on the
Net weight the amount of food filled into a container.
Pectin a natural gelling agent found in some fruits
pH a scale used to express acidity or alkalinity, from 1 (strong acid) through 7
(neutral) to 14 (strong alkali).
Potable water clean and wholesome water that will not cause illness.
Preservation index a figure that is calculated to show that the amounts of acid,
sugar and salt are enough to prevent spoilage of foods.
Quality assurance a management system which controls each stage of food production from
raw material harvest to final consumption.
Refractometer an instrument that measures the refractive index of a liquid, which is used to
measure soluble solids in syrups or salt in brines.
Shelf life the time that a processed food can be stored before changes in colour,
flavour, texture or the number of micro-organisms makes it unacceptable.
Sodium benzoate a chemical preservative that is particularly effective against yeasts.
Sodium a chemical preservative that is effective against moulds and yeasts.
CCP Critical Control Point
FIFO First in, First out inventory control system
GHP Good Hygienic Practices
GMP Good Manufacturing Practices
HACCP Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point system
ROPP Roll on Pilfer Proof (caps for bottles)
TOTO Twist on Twist off (lids for jars)
UHT Ultra-High Temperature (sterilisation of foods)