Travelers, Traders and Luckydos: by Kundric Zanden, Northshire Abbey
Travelers, Traders and Luckydos: by Kundric Zanden, Northshire Abbey
Travelers, Traders and Luckydos: by Kundric Zanden, Northshire Abbey
In your hand is a work of true collaboration. This work would not have been possible to
complete without the help of many individuals. I would like to thank the abbot and clerics
of Northshire Abbey for their continued support of my work. It is much appreciated. I
would also like to thank the leader of the Pandarian expedition, Admiral Taylor, for bearing
with my eccentricities and providing me with ample escort on many a trip. Finally, Id like
to thank my Pandarian interlocutors, the excellent Lorewalkers, for opening their vast
archives to me.
The lavish imagery accompanying this finely crafted document is the work of Sudiin
Crimsonstone, field photographer par excellence. Not only did he traverse the demanding
passageways of Kun-Lai with me, he also found it in himself to document the very essence
of this land and its people. We would like to thank the Explorers League of Ironforge, and
Raegar Breakbrow in particular, for providing us with a magnificent camera apparatus that
we used to capture the landscape around us.
This work is dedicated to the memory of Loremaster Dibbs. Rest in peace, friend.
Best viewed in full screen mode (press CTRL-L in Adobe Reader or F11 in your browser)
Grummles: travelers, traders and luckydos
As a base for his new project, Emperor Tian used a population of troggs living in caves and
tunnels under the mogu lands.8 Troggs, populations of which still exist in other parts of Azeroth,
are known to be an offshoot of the titanic earthen race, through their affliction with the
Curse of Flesh. They share this origin with the dwarves, being different outcomes of the same
process. Troggs as we know them are strong but rather unintelligent subterranean creatures.9
They have not been encountered in Pandaria recently, which along with the relatively high
number of the grummle population suggests that perhaps the trogg population of what
now is the continent of Pandaria was fully transformed into grummles through the process
of flesh-shaping. Alternatively, the troggs may have died out or destroyed by the mogu
themselves, or (although this seems less likely) they may have departed to other regions.
The Emperors flesh-shapers improved the troggs physique in multiple ways, primarily
further strengthening those capacities of the troggs which were already strong at that point.
Their hands were made stronger, their smelling keener, and their sense of direction and
memory was also improved.10 These changes point to the planned use of the newly created
grummle species primarily as messengers and carriers,11 and less so as weapon, claimed by
other sources.12 The intense process of flesh-shaping also resulted in other changes to the
grummles capabilities: current grummle populations are significantly more cunning than
troggs encountered in other parts of Azeroth, unlike them they do not consume stone or
the flesh of sentient creatures, and live over ground rather than underground. They seems
to be able to withstand even the harshest cold without covering their hands or feet. If these
qualities are by design of the mogu or should be considered mere side products of the flesh-
shaping process is unknown to us.
While the grummles shops are mostly temporary pavilions, pandaren have set up permanent
buildings at the bazaar, including a granary and an inn. At the time of my visit, The Two Fisted
Brew Inn was ran by Li Goldendraft, a scion of the prestigious Goldendraft family of Dawns
Blossom. (The inn was guarded by a lowlander Guardian of the Dawn, a rare sight at Kun-Lai.)
The bazaar is heavily guarded by the Shado-Pan at all times, but should they be occupied
elsewhere as was the case during my visit the grummles hire local pandaren guards,
dubbed the Guardians of the Peak, who are paid well for their services.37 Some of them are
former Shado-Pan members.38
The bazaar is also an important way-point for grummles venturing out to the southern and
eastern regions of Pandaria through the only feasible known land route, the Veiled Stairs.
Grummles start this dangerous trek traveling along the Kun-Lai Pass to Binan Village in the
southeast. From there, they take a boat ride through the dangerous, saurok-infested caverns
of the Ancient Passage (a ship is preferred because the saurok make walking through the
cave system exceedingly dangerous),39 leading to the no less dangerous Spring Road.
35 Merchant Qiu
36 Q: Fresh Needle Scent, Q: Back in Yak
37 Guardian of the Peak
Q: The Spring Drifter
This ends at the pandaren-ran inn, the Tavern in the Mist, its walls providing at least temporary
protection to the travelers. The stairs of the Path of a Hundred Steps leads south from here,
and descending the steps the grummle traders can finally emerge at the fertile Valley of the
Four Winds. The merchants often make it as far as the prominent Halfhill Market, selling their
exotic wares from beyond the mountains there.40 Grummles usually complete this difficult
route without the help of yaks.41 Some grummles may make it as far as the seaside. A pandaren
soldier told me that he witnessed a case when grummles brought a strange creature to the
bazaar from the coastal area. Judging from his very thorough description, this creature must
have been a murloc. Curiously, this is the only time I know of murlocs being observed in
Pandaria, and of course the evidence remains anecdotal.42 Apart from trading, grummles also
offer messenger services on this side of the Serpent Spine, reaching places as distant as the
Jade Forest and the Krasarang Wilds.43
The merchants of the Grummle Bazaar specialize in buying resources from the eastern
merchants and selling them the goods brought back by the caravans from the west or
manufactured locally. Such goods include incense, candles, clothes, kafa blends, specialty
food as well as yaks.44 Grummles buy or tame wild yaks and produce added value through
grooming. Beasts of the large, white yak breed called kobeyaks are on sale here perhaps
for culinary purposes? as well as agile riding yaks and the exceedingly expensive grand
expedition yak, the preferred mount of mountain explorers.45 Grummles are also imploring
visitors to buy any number of knick-knacks called luckydos, said to provide their owners with
good fortune.
Whatever is not sold at the market is organized into caravans to ferry
them towards the west through the mountains. At the time of my visit,
caravan master Lucky Eightcoins seemed to be running most of the trade.
Grummles called Burlap Trail organizers structure the west-bound
traffic.46 Caravans are usually lead by trail guides, who act as armed guides
and are also relatively capable warriors. They also contain dedicated
trail yakkers, handling the yaks of the caravan and also providing limited
healing services. Apart from these specialists, the rest of the caravans
are made up of packers, carrying the heavy payloads of goods.47 Before
A grummle merchant
leaving, the caravans are blessed by the organizers, who also try to lift
spirits by lighting incenses alongside the road.48
One Keg and Mount Neverest
The first leg of the Burlap Trail leads northwest from the Grummle Bazaar through the foothills
of the large mountains of Kun-Lai. This part of the trek is usually not particularly dangerous,
the biggest threat is posed by the local white tigers prowling the roadside.49 Within a few
days, the caravans can reach the first major stop on their route: One Keg.
Nested at the foot of the highest peak of Pandaria, One Keg is the gateway to Mount Neverest
as well as the Burlap Trail.50 Its a pandaren-ran trading station that features an inn, the Lucky
Traveler. Pandaren traders occasionally make it this far with their carts and goods,51 perhaps
trying to cut out the Grummle Bazaar operators from the supply chain. At the time of my visit,
the Lucky Traveler inn was operated by innkeeper Chiyo Mistpaw.
While the economic activities of the grummle have been mapped relatively well, far less is
known about the other aspects of grummle society. For all my efforts, I havent been able
to locate a residential grummle settlement; all Ive seen are the tents used at the various
trade outposts I have visited. The grummles have no central government or racial leader to
speak of,78 and probably no capital city either. Their settlements must be small and hidden
from outsiders. Their cousins, the troggs, dwarves and earthen all have a preference for
subterranean abodes, but I havent been able to observe such tendencies with the grummles.
Granted, I havent seen over-ground grummle architecture either
Grummles interacting with outsiders are exclusively males. However, we do know that
grummle females exist, even if they are scarce.79 It can be strongly suggested that grummles
reproduce sexually. Their ancestors, the troggs are known to reproduce as per a standard
biomass,80 and there is no reason to suspect that the mogu found it useful to eliminate
the self-reproducing quality of their newly created slave race. Comments made to me by
grummle trail organizer Brother Lintpocket about finding grummle females being worth the
search can also point in this direction.81 At this point we have absolutely no knowledge of, or
interaction with, juvenile grummles either.
Kinship seems to be a strong organizing influence for the grummles. Many grummles
encountered along the Burlap Trail and beyond have a first name relating to male kinship
brother, cousin, uncle and nephew are the primary ones, although I have also made note
of one Grandpa Grumplefloot.82 Moreover, these kinship-based names seem to be fixed and
not merely relational. Examples abound in the conversations I recorded during my field work.
Uncle Tallmug called Keenbean an uncle, but both Tallmug and Keenbean called Gootfur a
cousin.83 The pandaren Ji-Lu the Lucky called Brokendice brother, even though they do not
seem to be even friends, let alone relatives.84
77 Q:Bad Yak
78 Bestiary: Grummle.
79 Brother Lintpocket
80 Lore Keeper of Norgannon
81 Brother Lintpocket
82 Grandpa Grumplefloot
Q: Kota Blend, Q:Trouble Brewing (both come in two versions and the texts of these were compared)
Ji-Lu the Lucky
Helping to clarify the issue is the information available regarding Brother Rabbitsfoot,
one of most prominent grummles. When meeting him, he introduced himself as Brother
Rabbitsfoot.85 Others, such as Brother Trailscenter and Brother Lintpocket, simply referred to
him as Rabbitsfoot.86 However, caravan master Lucky Eightcoins at the Grummle Bazaar, also
used the Brother Rabbitsfoot version, and then remarked: It is simple: he is called brother, I
am called Lucky. Obviously I am of more luck.87 By juxtaposing brother with lucky, Eightcoins
pointed at the at least semi-permanent quality of these relational first names. Moreover, it
should be noted that Rabbitsfoot does have a brother, whom he multiple times called my
brother, and whose full name is Brother Yakshoe.88
From the rudimentary information available I infer that the kinship-based first names are
fixed, and refer to the strongest relational tie that particular grummle has to a male kin he is
working together with. In other words, for every brother there is another brother, for a nephew
an uncle, a cousin a cousin. Those who do not share such a strong connection do not have
such a first name. Of course, this is little more than speculation based on the scarce evidence
that we have. In any case, I believe the otherwise excellent Lorewalker Chos assertion that
all grummles appear to be related should be rejected as a misinterpreted analysis of first
Traders, messengers, guides and pack bearers
Although as mentioned above, the grummles do not have a central government, many of them
who work in the wider world are integrated into various business networks. Caravan masters
organize trade and handle business90 such as seen in the case of the Burlap Trail organizer
network stretching from the Grummle Bazaar all the way to the Kota Base Camp, hinted to
be ran by the influential Lucky Eightcoins.91 Enterprising grummles also form ventures, such
as the Keenbean Kafa Co. created (or at least lead) by Uncle Keenbean.92 Grummles seem to
have a credit system running at the Grummle Bazaar, paying later to ranchers for yaks delivered
by intermediaries.93
The most important occupation for grummles
is still that of packers. They explore trails and
carry messages, people and cargo over them.
Grummle pack bearers travel in groups (mildly
confusingly also called packs).94 Their most
important equipment is the grummlepack, the
large backpack used to ferry around goods.95 A
grummlepack undelivered is considered to be
the cause of great misfortune, and therefore
if possible, no pack is left behind.96 Other key
pieces of packer equipment are show shoes,97
rope lanes, ice picks98 and walking staffs used
to navigate even the most hostile terrain.99
The Burlap Trail Healing herbs are used to help injured party
85 Brother Rabbitsfoot
86 Q: Rabbitsfoot; Brother Lintpocket
87 Lucky Eightcoins
88 Q: Bros Before Hozen
89 The Humble Grummle
90 Bestiary: Grummle.
91 Q: Back in Yak
92 Uncle Keenbean and others
93 Q: Back in Yak
94 Bestiary: Grummle.
95 Grummlepack
96 Q: No Pack Behind
97 Dejected Grummle Trader
98 Mountain Climber
Trail Packer
Essence of Grummle
The Burlap Waystation
Grummles are said to known all the mountain trails, however they do not fully share this
knowledge among themselves and some are said to make better guides than others as they
know a wider range of trails.101
Other grummles opt for a more individualistic way of life and become merchants, traders or
manufacturers. Signature goods known to be dealt in by grummles include yaks, incense,
kafa, alcoholic beverages, and sweets.102 Some grummle are also known to have skills in
fishing, leatherworking, blacksmithing and the reforging of weapons.103 Apart from the
merchants working in fixed location such as the Grummle Bazaar, there is an abundance of
traveling traders selling various goods, from food to weapons.104
Grummles have also been able to de facto
monopolize the service sector positions in
various key Kun-Lai locations. Currently, one
of these locations is the key Temple of the
White Tiger, where grummles provide weapon
repair and reforging services, sell food and
drinks, and even operate the kites.105 Another
is the Shado-Pan Fallback, located within the
Serpents Spine itself in southwestern Kun-
Lai, where grummles handle the modest inn,
sell food and drinks, and offer equipment
repair.106 The kites at One Keg are also currently
operated by a grummle.107 Supplies on the road
depart from each others company with the words may your yak always be clean.157
Yaks also form the staple of grummle cuisine. Their flank and haunch are considered to
be delicacies.158 A specific grummle way to prepare a yak is to make a lukewarm yak roast
broth.159 Other known pandarian ways to prepare yak meat include roast yak leg and yak-
tail stew.160 Yak milk is praised for its nutrients and can be used to help the recuperation of
injured persons.161 It can be processed to create cheese curds, yoghurts and puddings, and
even pearl milk tea, a delicacy beloved all over Pandaria.162 Goat meat and milk are also used
frequently by grummle cooks. Steaming goat noodles is a grummle specialty dish prepared
from mutton and goat milk.163 Goat milk is sweetened to create a refreshing drink.164 During
my travels I also regularly observed fish being fried in a pot over a bonfire. Grummles also
have a sweet tooth they love their crunchies and munchies, as they call them.165 The most
famous grummle dessert is the grummlecake,166 which is also supposed to help travelers with
the acclimation to the mountain air.167 Kafa is a drink enjoyed by grummles and the pandaren
denizens of Kun-Lai alike.168
A cultural trait grummles share with their dwarven cousins is the love of alcohol. Alcohol
vendors either grummles or pandarens are present in most major grummle settlements.
The pandaren innkeeper of the Two Fisted Brew Inn at the Grummle Bazaar told me that the
best way of trying to keep up with grummles in drinking is to not stop until one of the sides
passes out.169
The skin tone of the grummles seems to range between light brown and dark brown, often
with a purplish hue. Their most distinctive facial feature is their large nose, usually bluish for
light skinned grummles, and reddish-brownish for darker skinned ones. Much less prominent
are their eyes, usually almost lost below their furry caps or their long hair, which they invariable
keep combed down and in front of their eyes. Grummles often wear facial hair, including
mustaches and various beard styles. Their hair and facial hair ranges between dark blue,
brown and although I was unable to verify this, probably in case of older grummles snow
white. Their large noses give their face a feline, light-humored look, and this is reinforced by
the non-militant looking, colorful but utilitarian clothes they wear.
The yaungol offensive
It is safe to say that we know more about the events playing out in the last few months of
the grummles lives, since the landing of the Alliance and the Horde in Pandaria, than about
the millennia preceding it. Therefore I feel that this account wouldnt be complete without
a brief recounting of the turbulent events of the near past, with a focus on the grummles
The chain of events that upset the balance of power in the Kun-Lai Summit was set off by an
early swarm of the mantid from the Dread Wastes. Every one hundred years, the insectoid
mantid produce an extremely large number of hatchlings, which then storm the Serpents
Spine. This swarm has never been successful, and the mantid end up losing thousands of
their own in the process. The fact that the swarming happens in precise hundred year cycles
allows the Shado-Pan to prepare for it properly.173
170 Cousin Tealeaf, Full Flask; Q: Comin Round the Mountain
171 Brewmaster Chani
Audio files: Kooky_Pissed
Cycle of the Mantid
However, this time around the swarm hatched ten years earlier than expected, a mere 90
years after the last swarm,174 and the mantid began a push beyond the usual limits of their
territory both towards the east (the Serpents Spine) and the north (the Townlong Steppes).
The reason for this early swarm was the corruption of the mantid leader, Grand Empress
Shekzeer by the Sha of Fear. The precise turn of events is thus far unknown, but it is known that
mantid forces breached the Ghastly Confines below the Temple of Niuzao on an island off the
coast of the Townlong Steppes, and freed the Sha of Fear imprisoned there.175 The sha then
proceeded to take total control of the empress, reducing her to a mere puppet and ruling in
her name.176 Although the sha and the mantid are both supporters of the Old God YShaarj,177
by unleashing the swarm early the Sha of Fear upset the cycle of the species and turned the
Klaxxi, an influential council of mantid elders working to preserve the cycle178 against the
empress. If the initial actions of the mantid, aimed at freeing this sha, have anything to do
with the parting of the mists surrounding Pandaria, or with the arrival of the Alliance and the
Horde on its shores, is unknown to us for the moment.
Part of the mantid swarms wrath fell on the unsuspecting yaungol tribes of the Townlong
Steppes. The bovine yaungols, descendants of tauren hunters who found themselves cut off
from their peers by the events of the Sundering ten thousand years ago,179 were most likely
as surprised by the premature timing of the swarm as the Shado-Pan.180 While under normal
conditions the yaungol are able to stand up to the mantid,181 this time around they were
routed by the swarm. Seeing their homes getting destroyed, some of the yaungol warlords
decided that breaching the wall and escaping into Kun-Lai Summit in search of new homes
was the best hope of their people.182
Some of the yaungol continued beyond Eastwind Rest. A band attacked the Muskpaw Ranch
and hijacked many of the yaks there, scaring away the others.194 Another group under the
leadership of a certain Shonuf advanced on the Temple of the White Tiger. Shonuf demanded
that he be allowed to compete in the tourney organized by Xuen, the White Tiger. When
Xuen denied him this because of his brutality, he and his men proceeded to burn close-by
Yinying Village to the ground.195 It can be suspected that he acted under the influence of the
Sha of Anger, whose corrupting presence in the vicinity of Shonufs camp and Yinying Village
could be observed even at the time of my visit.
The grummles under siege
Even though their settlements had escaped the wrath of the yaungol, the war in Kun-Lai
produced a dire situation for the grummles. Because of the mantid swarm, the hard pressed
Shado-Pan had withdrawn its protectors from the Burlap Trail to the Serpents Spine, leaving
the trail undefended196 and forcing the grummles to hire mercenary Guardians of the Peak
to protect them.197 The closedown of the Shado-Pan Monastery meant that the grummles
delivering supplies to the monastery were denied access to the building and the Shado-Pan
even refused to trade with them.198 Soon thereafter, yaungol warriors from the Ruqin tribe
started attacking caravans returning from the
Burlap Trail, robbing them of their luckydos. Later
the trail came under a full yaungol blockade.199
With this, the grummles situation became critically
bad. The Grummle Bazaar was surrounded by
yaungols from three sides, their pandaren trade
partners were chased away from their villages, the
Shado-Pan closed the doors of their monastery,
and the yaungols were now blockading the Burlap
Trail itself. Bad fortune doesnt even come close to
describing the gravity of the situation.
Trouble also popped up in the mountains. The
new leader of the mountain hozen tribes, the Ook
of Dook who replaced the more amicable Jib
of Dook realized the gravity of the grummles
Grummle caravans are far from defenseless situation and that it could very easily result in the
loss of food tributes from them.
Therefore, trying to avoid a potential famine among his people, he declared a ravage.200 The
Broketooth and Knucklethump tribes descended on the poorly defended Burlap Waystation,
and razed it to the ground.201 Hozen also began preying on grummle caravans, killing or
capturing grummles and looting their supplies and luckydos.202
The situation below Mount Neverest also deteriorated quickly. The hozen ravage meant less
visitors and less supplies for One Keg.203
The outpost was cut off from the Grummle Bazaar by the yaungol blockade, and the hozen
ravages also meant that the connection with Kota Base Camp was also severed.204 Meanwhile
grummle guides around the mountain itself began to disappear at an alarming pace, making
grummles very reluctant to brave the mountain passes. While local pandaren attributed
this reluctance to superstitions,205 we now know that both the hozen and the mogu indeed
became active in the passageways around the Valley of Emperors. At least one attack each
by both hozen and mogu on Neverest hikers is now public knowledge, 206 so perhaps at least
part of the disappearances can also be attributed to them.
After their initial successes, the yaungol began solidifying their positions. They established
several fire camps at southern Kun-Lai, and began building windmills and drilling for oil, the
key material to their warfare.207 Captured pandaren were forced to toil at the farmlands to
produce food for the invaders.208 Hijacked yaks were put to use as mounts. At the peak, the
bulk of at least five tribes was present east of the wall the Bataari, the Burilgi, the Ordo,
the Ruqin and the Yongqi tribes. The tribal affiliation of other forces, such as the yaungol
occupying Firebough Nook, cannot be ascertained at this point.
Even after the collapse of their forces in the south, the yaungol were not ready to give up
on advancing to Kun-Lai. The strong Osul tribe, supported by their allies from the Gal-Cho
tribe, mounted two direct assaults on the Ox Gate itself. The Shado-Pan were able to repulse
both, although not without suffering heavy losses of their own. Nevertheless after suffering
grievous losses and the death of their lieutenant, the yaungol were forced to withdraw for
The continued lockdown of the Shado-
Pan Monastery and the absence of
either reinforcements or Lord Taran
Zhu at the frontlines began to raise
questions even among Shado-Pan
frontline leaders. Supported by a
group of foreigners, the commander
of the Winds Blossom garrison Ban
Bearheart arrived at the monastery
to find answers, only to uncover its
total corruption by the sha. His group
ventured inside the monastery, and
in difficult battles was both able to
extinguish the Sha of Violence as
well as purge Taran Zhu of the Sha of
Hatred. The latter sha was able to flee Shado-Pan Defenders in front of the Ox Gate
towards the west, however.228
220 Q: Back in Yak
221 Q: Oil Stop
222 Q: Roadside Assistance
223 Q: Resupplying One Keg
224 Q: One Travelers Misfortune
225 Q: Breaking Broketooth; Q: Thumping Knucklethump; Q: The Leader Hozen
226 Q: The Burlap Grind
Q: To Winters Blossom; Q: Line Unbroken; Q: Finish This!
Q: Where Are My Reinforcements?, Q: Unbelievable: Q: Into the Monastery; Q: Lord of the Shado-Pan
Freed from the influence of the sha,
Lord Taran Zhu led the Shado-Pan
deep into the Townlong Steppes to go
after the root of the yaungol invasion.
A Shado-Pan excursion of this size was
not seen in the region for thousands
of years.229 Despite the Osul tribes
initial resistance, the pandaren were
able to establish an outpost west
of the wall and kill their chieftain,
Jung Duk.230 With the yaungol threat
effectively extinguished, Taran Zhu
took the bulk of his forces south to
The yaungol siege force reinforce the beleaguered Shado-
Pan outposts on the border between
the Townlong Steppes and the Dread Wastes, now the front of the batt le against the mantid.
The Shado-Pan were able to strengthen their forces at the Gao-Ran Battlefront, the Dusklight
Bridge and the Farwatch Outlook, pushing back the mantid incursions.231 At the end of a
lengthy chase, Taran Zhu and his men defeated the Sha of Hatred.232
The mantid push in the far west, against the Temple of Niuzao was halted by the wardens of
the temple and foreign adventurers.233 In the final stages of their wildly successful campaign,
the Shado-Pan created a new garrison across from the bridge to Niuzaos island, from where
they kept tabs on the mantids of Krivess and Shavess as well as the Gai-Cho tribe of yaungols
and group of yaungol mystics known as the Deadtalkers.234 The mantid swarm finally abated
after the death of their empress by the hand of Klaxxi rebels and the purging of the Sha of Fear
from the Dread Wastes.235 With the Townlong Steppes secured, the attention of the Shado-
Pan turned to the mogu activities in the islands in the northwest as well as the zandalari
invasion in northern Kun-Lai. By the end of the campaign, the yaungol were a broken force:
their formerly bustling camps right by the wall were now deserted or even wrecked. Many
of the yaungol chiefs were dead
alongside a large number of warriors.
However, a source quotes a Shado-
Pan warrior stating that the nomad,
survivalist culture of the yaungol
should help them prevail under these
difficult conditions.236 Certainly, with
the mantid threat eliminated and the
pandaren seemingly uninterested in
colonizing the Townlong Steppes,
the yaungol can retake ownership of
the region and maybe even learn
from the past events.
The Shado-Pan are ever vigilant
Even though the yaungol and the sha were purged from Kun-Lai Summit, the face of the land
remained considerably changed. The August Celestials led by Xuen the White Tiger decided
to open the gates to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and allow refugees of Kun-Lai to settle there
in large numbers.237 Some of the more enterprising grummles followed them to the region.238
Meanwhile the Shado-Pan Monastery reopened its doors to outsiders, including grummles.
During the stay of eventual Horde warchief Voljin at the monastery, grummle guides were
hired to help him and his group in their journey to the Vale through the mountains. They
carried the groups luggage to the Vale and reported back to Taran Zhu about their progress.
The seven grummles involved received arrows from the human warrior Tyrathan Khort and
braids of hair from Voljin as part of their reward, surely highly valued luckydos.239 Horde
warchief Garrosh Hellscream briefly occupied one of the deserted yaungol camps in Kun-
Lai Summit during the later stages of the pandarian campaign, and Alliance agent Connelly
disguised himself as a grummle Cousin Goottooth to infiltrate the Horde camp.240
Future outlook
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#1 Mist of Pandaria
#2 Mogu Concept Art
by Jian Guo -
by Danny Beck - 28