Risk Factors For Cervical Cancer: Results From A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study
Risk Factors For Cervical Cancer: Results From A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study
Risk Factors For Cervical Cancer: Results From A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study
Bezmialem Vakf University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing, Istanbul
Istanbul University, Florence Nigtingale College of Nursing, Department of Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing, Istanbul
Atatrk University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Community Health Nursing, Erzurum, TURKEY
The aim of this study was to investigate risk factors for cervical cancer in Turkish women. In a hospital-based case-control study
in stanbul, 209 patients with histologically confirmed cervical cancer were compared with 1050 controls, who were admitted to
the different departments of the same hospital. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) were obtained from multiva-
riate logistic regression analysis, fitted by the method of maximum likelihood.
Risk factors for cervical cancer were found to be early age at first sexual intercourse (OR = 58.07, 95% CI: 27.88-120.95) and
history of genital infection (OR = 5.17, 95% CI: 3.51-7.60). However, compared with controls, it was found that cases including
higher education (OR = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.10-0.30), non-married (OR = 0.07, 95% CI: 0.04-0.12) and non-use of alcohol (OR =
0.30, 95% CI: 0.14-0.65) had a decreased risk for cervical cancer.
Our results are supportive of the hypothesis that early age at first sexual intercourse and history of genital infection is rela-
ted with the risk factors for cervical cancer. Therefore, monogamy, late commencement of sexual activity, personal hygiene
and use of barrier contraceptive methods help towards primary prevention.
Bu aratrmann amac, Trk kadnlarndaki servikal kanser risk faktrlerini belirlemektir. stanbulda yrtlen hastane temelli
vaka-kontrol almasnda, histolojik olarak servikal kanser tans konulmu 209 hasta, ayn hastanenin farkl blmlerine
bavuran 1050 kontrol grubuyla karlatrld. Greli risk oranlar (ORs) ve %95 gven aral (CI), maksimum benzerlik meto-
duyla uygunluu salanan, ok deikenli lojistik regression analizinden elde edildi. Servikal kanser iin risk faktrleri, erken
yalarda ilk cinsel iliki (OR = 58.07, 95% CI: 27.88-120.95) ve genital infeksiyon yks (OR = 5.17, 95% CI: 3.51-7.60)
olarak bulundu. Buna ragmen kontrol grubuyla karlatrldnda, yksek eitim (OR = 0.18, 95% CI: 0.10-0.30), evli olma-
ma (OR = 0.07, 95% CI: 0.04-0.12) ve sigara kullanmama (OR = 0.30, 95% CI: 0.14-0.65), servikal kanser iin azaltc risk
faktr olarak belirlendi.
Aratrma sonucu, erken yata ilk cinsel ilikinin ve genital infeksiyon yksnn servikal kanser iin risk faktr olduunu
gstermektedir. Bu nedenle primer korunmada tek elilik, seksel aktivitenin uygun yata balatlmas ve bariyerli kontraseptif
yntem kullanm nemlidir.
49 91 (48.5) 560 (53.3)
50-59 51 (24.4) 260 (24.8) 10.858 0.004
60 67 (32.1) 230 (21.9)
Illiterate 52 (24.9) 168 (16.0) 30.822 0.001
Literate+Primary school 104 (49.8) 730 (69.5)
Secondary school+Higher education 53 (25.3) 152 (14.5)
Marital status
Ever married 153 (73.2) 989 (94.2) 91.058 0.001
Never married 56 (2.8) 61 (5.8)
Body mass index
Normal (18.5-24.99) 77 (36.8) 291 (27.8) 6.976 0.008
Obese (25.0 ) 132 (63.2) 758 (72.2)
Chronic illnesses
No 148 (70.8) 821 (78.2) 5.351 0.020
Diabetes+Hypertension 61 (29.2) 229 (21.8)
Never 149 (71.3) 841 (80.1) 8.040 0.004
Ever 60 (28.7) 209 (19.9)
Never 187 (89.5) 1004 (95.6) 12.884 0.001
Ever 22 (10.5) 46 (4.4)
cation, marital status, use of alcohol, age at the first studies showed that cervical cancer increased in wo-
sexual intercourse and history of genital infection men who gave birth to their first child at an earlier
were found to be associated with cervical cancer. age.
In population-based case-control studies, Parikh et In epidemiological research it was reported that ciga-
al.9 and Gawande et al.13, found illiteracy as a factor rette smoking and use of alcohol are an increased risk
associated with cervical cancer. Similarly, In our of developing cervical cancer.14,18 According to our
study, It was found that higher education had a dec- study results, non-use of alcohol had a decreased risk
reased risk for cervical cancer; the OR being 0.18. for cervical cancer, the OR being 0.30, which was
Presumably, decreased educational level causes an parallel with other study results.19,20,21 Sikstrom et al.22
increase in intercourse at an early age, sexual partner reported that smoking, alcohol and drug abuse are
and poor genital hygiene. risk markers for cervical human papillomavirus in-
We found that non-married had a decreased risk for fection. However, there are some studies that could
cervical cancer; the OR being 0.07. Therefore, our not find such a relationship.8,23 Today, the life style of
study confirmed that reproductive history of woman Turkish women is changing. They predispose to use
is associated with risk factors for cervical cancer. of alcohol and cigarette and these changes are stri-
Atalah et al.14, Bjorge and Kravdal15,Yoo et al.16 re- king for the finding that use of alcohol and cigaret-
ported that early age at first full term pregnant was te smoking are risk factor for cervical cancer.
associated with risk factors. However, there is a The association between sexual history and cervical
study that could not find such a relationship.17 These cancer is well established. Coitus-related behaviors,
2 81 (38.8) 527 (50.2) 9.127 0.002
3 128 (61.2) 523 (49.8)
Age at first birth
20 147 (70.3) 502 (47.8) 28.575 0.001
21-29 54 (25.9) 446 (42.5)
30 8 (3.8) 102 (9.7)
(At least 1 year)
Yes 177 (84.7) 883 (84.1) 0.046 0.829
Never 32 (15.3) 167 (15.9)
Age at menarche
12 58 (27.8) 176 (16.8) 14.600 0.001
13-14 117 (56.0) 648 (61.7)
15 - 34 (16.2) 226 (21.5)
Oral contraceptive use
Ever 58 (27.8) 154 (14.7) 25.951 0.001
Never 117 (56.0) 896 (85.3)
HRT use
Ever 61 (29.2) 58 (5.5) 6.066 0.014
Never 148 (70.8) 992 (94.5)
such as early age at first intercourse and multiple se- sexual activity is an important prevention in our co-
xual partners have been found to be associated with untry that has married and the first sexual intercour-
cervical cancer.11,19,20,24-26 In our study, compared with se at early age.
women in late age at first intercourse, women in the Case-control studies have generally reported positive
early age had a higher risk for cervical cancer. Sier- associations between history of genital infection such
ra-Torres2, Turkistanli11, Yoo et al.16, Liu et al.19, Pet- as neisseria gonorrhoeae, chlamydia trachomatis and
tifor et al.24, Biswas et al.25, have also determined re- cervical cancer.7,9,19,22,25 Our study confirmed that his-
sults in conformity with those of ours. Therefore, our tory of genital infection is an increased risk of deve-
results and other studies support the common idea loping cervical cancer. In parallel to our studys re-
that early age at first intercourse increases the risk. sults, there are some case-control studies that repor-
In our study, multiple sexual partners were not found ted positive associations between history of genital
to be associated with cervical cancer. But most other infection and cervical cancer. Predisposition to such
studies2,11,20,24, the increased number of sexual partners history of genital infection puts Turkish women in a
increased cervical cancer risk compared with fewer high-risk group for cervical cancer. Therefore, wo-
number of sexual partners. One other study19 also fo- men are emphasized that personal hygiene and use of
und that the mean cervical cancer age of the Chinese barrier contraceptive methods help towards primary
was significantly lower than the Australians (44 ver- prevention in our country.
sus 53 years), because of multiple sexual partners The results from the current study must be conside-
and history of sexually transmitted diseases. The re- red in light of certain limitations. Firstly, the study
sults support the hypothesis that multiple sexual part- was carried out in a small group of 209 subjects for a
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