FTTH Planning
FTTH Planning
FTTH Planning
. Preparation/Planning
Our FTTH / FTTX network planning &
project management software is
Material management
an important member of our suite
Contract management
of FTTH solutions & planning tools.
Project management
Introduction FTTH / FTTX network planning
General information
Project orientation
Job orientation
Material management
Project management
The FTTH Software Suite
Introduction, summary
Extensive system for: Material, Contract and Project management.
Lego-like structure: three project levels with building blocks.
Total process control, including: purchasing, contractors, progress reports.
Completely customizable and simple to operate.
Picture: FTTH project preparation, implementation and commissioning, project info, supplier info, datasheets
ITS-NetProject is made for the complete project- and material management of turn-
key telecommunication FTTX / FTTH projects.
It is also used to get a quick estimate of cost and sales prices, material and labour
quantities for concepts/drafts and detailed network designs.
The software can have added value for anybody who has to deal with network
engineering & planning, business case calculations and turn-key projects, large and
small, urban and rural, business areas, FTTX networks and massive FTTH projects.
ITS-NetProject: our software for FTTH / FTTX project planning & management.
Turn-key projects.
The FTTH / FTTX network planning software was originally made by and used
internally by: NKF (Nokia / Philips) / Draka (Prysmian Group) and their project offices
with local staff for the planning & building of turn-key OSP Telecom projects.
Demands: simplified project structure, detailed reporting, clear project management.
Since 1983 NKF has been developing pc software for project management. In 1985
NKF started the creation of Toppics, a successful project management software,
created specially for very large Out Side Plant turn-key projects. The development of
NetProject started in 1995 as a replacement for Toppics. Since then the software has
been renewed every year and has been used intensively in several countries in:
Africa, Asia, Europe, The Middle-East & The Caribbean for Copper & Optical fibre
networks. Since 2012 the software is commercially made available by ITS.
General information
Material management
Product management (Component & Supplier management)
Store management (store content, incoming and outgoing materials, etc.)
Contract management
Contractor definition
Contract definition (scope, labour components, prices, etc.)
Project management
Job / work-order definitions
Implementation scheduling with Job release & material issue notes
Progress & as-built reporting, billing & payments
Project orientation
ITS-NetProject is both project- and job (work-order) oriented. Each project is build up
in its own project-file, separate from the other projects.
There is one MASTER project which is accessible for modification by authorized
personnel only. In the MASTER project all relevant data (for instance price-
information) is centrally controlled and kept up-to-date.
From within each individual project, information can be copied or updated from this
MASTER project and any other project.
ITS-NetProject is typically used in combination with our network design tool ITS-
NetDesign. With ITS-NetDesign jobs are created automatically, simply by making
designs with our drawing FTTH / FTTX objects. To these drawing objects, plant-units
and quantities are attached automatically. This drawing information can easily be
imported / updated by ITS-NetProject, within seconds all network designs details,
quantities and costs can be shown with a variety of standard reports.
Job orientation, design link
The direct link between our network design & project management software
ITS-NetProject Detailed installation and material quantities
and costs per job/activity/area/project.
FTTH / FTTX Project Management
Job orientation, design link
The direct link between our network design & project management software
FTTH / FTTX network design
FTTH / FTTX Project Management
Job orientation, design link
When drawing in Autocad with the ITS-NetDesign toolbar:
Click in the FTTH / FTTX toolbar Tubecable 40/10x7 in trench
Draw a simple line with a length of 1 meter
5 Trenching 1m
Product management
ITS-NetProject: all material and labour components to be implemented in a project can
be uniquely defined with article codes, units, supplier information, price information.
Quality control documents can be attached per component.
In the main component
screen an overview is given
of the 89 component
definitions in this project X.
Project management
ITS-NetProject is organized in such a way that it can directly be used for project
management purposes.
In ITS-NetProject jobs, defined by a scope and a planning, are issued to the contractor
for implementation.
During the preparation phase the contractor checks the received job on completeness,
amounts, etc. and reports deviations to the customer.
Any necessary modification to the original job description is done by site instructions.
The sum of the job issue-notes and the site-instructions states the actualized job
definition: this is the up-to-date version of what the contractor has to do. In this way the
implementation process can flexibly be adapted to the circumstances while keeping
completely in control.
Project management
Project management
A job can be so large or complex that it has to be implemented in parts or sections. For
this purpose release notes are issued to inform the contractor when he is allowed to do
a certain portion of the job / work. On these release notes the progress is reported, as
well as the as-built data.
Project management
Project management
The following picture displays the main job menu screen. The upper part of the menu
displays the different jobs which are to be implemented in this project. In the lower part
of the menu the contents and details of the job selected and highlighted in the upper
part are displayed.
Project management
Project management
By selecting / double clicking a job all detailed information is shown:
Contract (contractor+prices) selection
Design status & Logistical status
Quantity details for designed, extra work & as-built
Attached documents
Release notes
Progress reports & Billing & Payments
Material & labour details
And more.
ITS-NetProject contains a flexible report generator.
On all levels (jobs, plant-units, components) or items like contractors or suppliers a
specific report can be generated..
There are already more than 80 standard reports, they can be:
Modified, pre-viewed, printed, exported (pdf, Word, Excel, html, data)
The lay-out of all reports can be adapted to the project specific wishes
Some examples:
Bill of Materials (BOM) per job(s)/area/project
Bill of Quantities (BOQ) per job(s)/area/project
Bill of Quantities prices (BOQ) per job(s)/area/project
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite
Project Management
Registration &
ITS-NetID Documentation
Creation of fibre connections /
Network Registration jointing reports. Integrated GIS.
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite
Flexible solution for FTTH / FTTX design, based on Autocad.
Automatic: costing, cabling, labelling, easy switch from P2P to GPON.
Fast output as: schematics, installer ready & as-built designs. Easy to learn.
Picture: FTTH network design Amsterdam including labelling, calculations, project management and registration
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite
Extensive system for: Material, Contract and Project management.
Lego-like structure: three project levels with building blocks.
Total process control, including: purchasing, contractors, progress reports.
Completely customizable and simple to operate.
Picture: FTTH project preparation, implementation and commissioning, project info, supplier info, datasheets
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite
Optical fibre network registration with easy tree structure en integrated GIS.
All information directly available for multiple users.
All network details are direct available in multiple views and GIS.
Lego-like customizable building blocks. Easy to operate.
Picture: FTTH network documentation, registration views: tree, cable route, interactive map, GIS
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite
Our automatic network design solution.
Optimization parameters:
Civil costs
Material costs
Installation costs
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite
The best network designs are listed with costs and made visible within minutes
Picture: FTTH project photo, multiple calculations, alternative designs listed, best DP areas
FTTH / FTTX Software Suite