Surviving A Loved One's Chronic Pain
Surviving A Loved One's Chronic Pain
Surviving A Loved One's Chronic Pain
Editor’s note: The following article is suggested as a handout to your patients’ families or loved ones to help them under-
stand what patients are going through and encourage them to communicate with them and provide support. This article is
available online (at as a printer-ready PDF to allow free unlimited printing of handouts.
his handout was inspired by a patient of mine who came self-help material oriented to the patient with pain. In view of
1. What is chronic pain? spend time getting your family member to • Try to avoid being either too babying
Chronic pain is pain which persists medical or other appointments if they can’t or too harsh toward your loved one. Re-
beyond the time usually required for the drive. You may end up doing most or all member they are not doing this on pur-
healing of an injury or illness. Some defi- household chores and child-rearing activ- pose and are suffering just as you are.
nitions set a specific time period; for ities. You may have less time for friends Gently encourage them to function in spite
example, pain which lasts longer than and experience reduced social support. of the pain and to do as much as possible
three months or longer than six months. You may experience intrusions into your for themselves.
life from outside agencies. For example, • Look for support wherever you can
2. How is it different from acute pain? some insurance companies (primarily find it. If there is a support group for loved
Acute pain is what most of us are familiar worker’s compensation) may follow or film ones of patients with pain, join it (or start
with. It’s what happens when you twist your family member. You may also be one if there isn’t already one). Don’t iso-
your ankle or burn your fingers on the stressed by lawsuits, disability evalua- late yourself from friends and family. Par-
stove. It’s a signal that tissue damage is tions, or independent medical examina- ticipate in your church, synagogue,
happening. While it may be severe, it is tions (IME’s). mosque, or other religious or spiritual or-
time limited and responds to appropriate You may also experience some positive ganization. If prayer (or chanting or medi-
treatment. Chronic pain is different. It may outcomes, although this is less common. tation) is helpful, keep doing it.
occur without ongoing tissue damage. For example, if your spouse was control- • Learn as much as you can about your
This is what happens when nerves get in- ling, you may actually have more freedom. family member’s condition and the avail-
jured (known as neuropathic pain). Exam- If you have very strong needs to help oth- able medical and other treatment options,
ples include shingles (postherpetic neural- ers, you may feel good about helping your and discuss them with your loved one
gia), diabetic neuropathy, and Reflex Sym- loved one. If you were experiencing inti- when he or she is ready to talk about them.
pathetic Dystrophy (RSD, also known as macy with your loved one (including sex) Remember, this is a family problem, not
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome). It is as unwanted, a decrease in intimacy may just an individual one. Try to see it as one
difficult (or impossible) to imagine some- feel positive. You may get additional sup- that you face all together , “we” — not “he”
one can be in severe pain continually if one port or sympathy from other family mem- or “she”— will fight this together.
has not experienced it. It’s normal for you bers. These positive outcomes can lead The following are some questions you
not to understand it if you haven’t lived one (not always intentionally) to try to may have about your loved one’s pain.
through it. It may also be hard to stand by maintain the situation. These have been re-
and accept that your loved one’s pain can- ferred to as “tertiary gains.” Being aware 5. Is it all in their heads?
not be fixed or cured (although it may be of these can help you identify more effec- Chronic pain is rarely imaginary (psy-
eased and the suffering associated with it tive ways of dealing with problems in your chogenic) or simply a way for your loved
may be reduced). It may also be hard to relationship. one’s psychological problems to come
accept that you cannot make it better. If you are the spouse of a patient with out. However, negative emotions such as
pain and you have children, you may worry depressed mood, anger, or anxiety can
3. How am I affected by their pain? about the effect of the pain on them. Chil- play an important role in making pain
If you are in a close relationship (spouse, dren may blame themselves for their par- worse. For example, anxiety or anger can
significant other, parent, child, sibling or ent’s pain. It is important to let the children cause an increase in muscle tension lead-
even close friend) with someone with know it is not their fault. They may also get ing to more pain. Post-Traumatic Stress
chronic pain, you are likely to develop a depressed about the loss of attention and Disorder (PTSD) causes one’s nervous
variety of negative feelings as a result. For affection from the parent in pain or from the system to become very sensitive and can
example, you may feel guilty at times for loss of activities due to financial limitations. make it harder to recover from a physical
not being able to help them more. You may injury. Certain types of personalities may
feel angry at them if they are irritable or 4. What do I do to take care of myself? find it more difficult to cope with pain
withdrawn. You may resent having to take If any of the above applies to you, you are and/or the losses and disabilities it brings.
over tasks they previously performed. You not alone! In addition to discussing things For example, many people get their self-
may feel depressed as a result of a with- with your loved one’s doctor, you may also esteem from working and cannot tolerate
drawal of affection or a decline in your sex benefit from talking things over with a ther- being disabled. This can make it difficult
life. You may get anxious about financial apist or counselor to help you cope better. to treat their pain.
problems which result from your loved In addition, consider the suggestions
one’s disability. You may feel stressed by below. 6. Could they be faking it, say, to get
the reactions of others. For example, rela- • Try to maintain a healthy life style. out of work?
tives or neighbors may say “He (she) does- Keep exercising (or start), socialize as Consciously faking pain to get out of
n’t look that disabled to me” or “Should he much as possible, and eat right. something or to get a reward is known as
(she) be taking that addictive pain medica- • Try to find others to help with the care malingering. While it does occur, it is rare.
tion?” In fact, both you and the family of your loved one. This may be other fam- Most patients will feel very guilty about not
member in pain are victims of the pain ily members or friends. This will allow you being able to do the things they used to
problem, as are those others who are part to take a break at times. (Your loved one do, whether working at a job or doing
of the family (and this applies to close may also feel less guilty if the burden does chores around the house. Very few pa-
friends too). not all fall on you!) tients with pain get rewarded financially for
You may experience significant lifestyle • Try not to personalize your loved one’s their pain. Most suffer severe financial loss-
changes. You may have to live on a re- behavior. If they are grouchy or depressed, es. Unconsciously producing symptoms
duced income or have to work harder to don’t see it as an attack on you but as a to get rewards or get out of unpleasant
stay afloat financially. You may have to reflection of their pain. things is called “secondary gain.” It is
rarely the cause of someone’s pain, al- become withdrawn? line) and Pamelor (nortriptyline); and the
though it sometimes may reinforce a neg- Have they increased use of tobacco or dual-action antidepressants, including Ef-
ative situation. For example, someone on alcohol? Are they overusing prescription fexor (venlaxafine) and Cymbalta (duloxe-
disability may fear vocational training be- drugs? Do they appear ‘out of it’ or intox- tine). Another class of commonly pre-
cause they are afraid to lose the income, icated? Are they using street drugs of any scribed antidepressants, the SSRI’s (Se-
in case it doesn’t work out if they go back kind, including marijuana, cocaine, or am- lective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) are
to work at a new job. For some, there may phetamines (speed)? generally less effective in treating pain, but
be positive outcomes that make it easier If the answer to any of the above is “yes,” they may work for some people. Examples
to accept one’s situation. However, for these concerns should be discussed with include Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Celexa, and
most pain patients, the losses far outweigh the patient’s physician and, if he or she is Lexapro. Antidepressants are helpful in
the gains. seeing one, their therapist. treating the depression that patients with
pain may develop, but they treat pain even
7. How should I respond to my loved 9. What treatments are there for without accompanying depression.
one when (s)he’s in pain? How much chronic pain? Anticonvulsants: Medications used to
should I do to be helpful? There are numerous medical and other treat seizure disorders may be used in
People in chronic pain seem most helped treatments which can help patients with treating pain, especially nerve pain. They
when those closest express concern for pain live happier and more productive include Neurontin (gabapentin), Tegretol
their suffering and offer help that is gen- lives. Sometimes complete pain relief can’t (carbamazepine), and Topamax (topiri-
uinely needed, along with encouragement be reached, but reducing suffering and in- mate).
for them to be as active as possible. Don’t creasing a patient’s functioning can al- Others: Other drugs used to treat pain
overdo sympathy or try to remove all ob- most always be accomplished. As a loved include muscle relaxants like Soma
stacles and challenges from someone in one of a patient with pain, you need to be (carisoprodol) and Flexeril (cyclobenza-
pain. On the other hand, don’t punish the aware of these to help your loved one get prine). Medication to help improve sleep is
pain sufferer by blame and hostility. If you the appropriate treatment. As every patient often used, as patients with pain often have
are not sure how best to be helpful, you is different, this information is not meant difficulty sleeping. These include Ambien
might ask the person in pain what kind of as medical advice, but to give you a sense and Lunesta. In addition to oral medication,
attention (s)he feels is most helpful and re- of the range of treatments. patients may use creams on the skin.
spectful. Let’s start with medications. There are Procedural interventions can also be use-
There are a number of signs that you many medications which can be helpful in ful to decrease pain. For example, patients
can look for. The following are some im- making your loved one’s pain more toler- may receive injections, including trigger
portant ones. able. You and your loved one should be point injections or spinal injections such as
aware of both common and serious side nerve root blocks and facet blocks. Anes-
8. How can I tell how he or she is doing? effects from any medication being taken. thetic and/or steroidal medication may be
Are they able to communicate? Can they NSAIDs: For mild to moderate pain and used in injections. Radiofrequency proce-
speak clearly and audibly and does what inflammation, a Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflam- dures can sometimes provide longer-term
they say make sense? matory Drug (NSAID) may be recommend- benefits than steroid injections.
Are they aware of where they are, who ed. This includes over-the-counter medi-
they are, and what day it is? Are they able cines like aspirin, Advil and Motrin (forms 10. Will my loved one get addicted to
to stay focused and to remember things? of ibuprofen) and prescription drugs like his or her medications?
Problems with memory and concentration Rufen (ibuprofen), Toradol (ketorolac), Many patients with pain and their families
may indicate depressed mood or medica- Naprosyn (naproxen), and Inderol (in- worry about addiction to medication.
tion side effects. Not knowing where or domethacin) as well as many others. Much, although not all, of this concern is
who they are, and what day it is, is known Tylenol (acetaminophen) operates on pain the result of confusion about the meaning
as disorientation. It is a serious symptom like a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, but of terms like “addiction,” “dependency,”
and should be discussed immediately with does not reduce inflammation. and “tolerance.” The American Pain Soci-
the patient’s physician. Narcotics: For more severe pain, nar- ety’s definitions are paraphrased below.
Are they sleeping at night for the right cotics (opioids) are often prescribed. Addiction: Addiction is a disease with
number of hours? Sleeping too much or These include drugs such as hy- genetic, psychological, social, and envi-
too little may indicate depression or anxi- drocodone (Vicodin), morphine, hydro- ronmental factors influencing its develop-
ety. Insomnia can also result from being in morphone (Dilaudid), and oxycodone (as ment and symptoms. It consists of behav-
a lot of pain. Has their appetite increased in oxycontin). Narcotics may be short act- iors such as poor control over drug use,
or decreased, or have they gained or lost ing (taken every 4-6 hours) or longer act- compulsive use, continued use despite
weight? This can also be a sign of depres- ing (12-24 hours). They may be in the form harm, and craving.
sion. Weight gain may also result from tak- of a patch put on the skin, such as Fen- Physical Dependence: Physical de-
ing certain medications and/or a reduction tanyl in the Duragesic patch. A non-opiate pendence is when the body is used to a
in activity. which works much like narcotics is tra- certain medication or drug, and withdraw-
Do they appear depressed? Do they madol (Ultram) which is also available al symptoms occur when the drug is
look sad or do they seem “slowed down”? combined with acetaminophen (Ultracet). stopped or decreased in dose.
Are they frequently grimacing, crying, Antidepressants: Some medications Tolerance: Tolerance means that the
groaning, or otherwise indicating extreme used to treat depression are useful to help body gets less effect from a certain dose
distress? Do they appear anxious or irrita- with pain, and 2 types of antidepressants of a medication or drug, or needs a high-
ble? Have they maintained their relation- are most effective. These are the tricyclic er dosage to get the same effect.
ships with family and friends or have they antidepressants, including Elavil (amitripty- In other words, addiction always in-
volves abuse of a substance. Physical de- duce repetitive strain injuries. Be genuine. Don’t pretend to be inter-
pendence and tolerance do not. If your Surgery is an option when it can address ested in their feelings if you’re not.
loved one uses narcotics or benzodi- a specific cause of the pain. For example, Believe. Accept that their pain is what-
azepines (e.g. Ativan or Klonopin) regular- some individuals with herniated discs or ever they say it is. Don’t tell them it can’t
ly, they may become dependent and may spinal instability may need spinal fusions be that bad.
develop tolerance for them. By them- (fusing vertebrae together) or discec- Accentuate the positive. Repeat and
selves, these are not signs of addiction. If tomies (removal of the disc). Less invasive summarize what they say and ask ques-
your loved one is not abusing the medica- surgical options are now available to help tions that show you’re interested. Avoid
tion, notice whether or not the medication stabilize the spine without undergoing a hurtful comments like “You’ll just have to
is improving his or her functioning. Can formal fusion. Surgery may also be used live with it.” Ask questions which help pa-
they do more? Are they more cheerful? to implant pain-relieving devices such as tients get in touch with their strengths, like
These are signs of appropriate use of med- dorsal column stimulators or spinal med- “What helps you get through this?” Re-
ication. ication pumps. Patients’ and families’ cop- member the idea of positive reinforce-
Patients who are not getting adequate ing strategies are important determinants ment; when your loved one acts in a more
relief may complain and demand more of successful outcomes in these surgeries, positive manner, reinforce this with praise
medication — this may look like the be- and psychological evaluation is generally and attention. When they act more aggres-
havior of an addict. This is sometimes important to maximize non-medical cop- sively, don’t pay too much attention. Ac-
called “pseudo-addiction.” So how can ing strategies and chances for the success knowledge they feel bad and wait for an
you tell real addiction? If your loved one of the proposed implants. In addition to opportunity to reinforce the positive.
repeatedly says (s)he has lost prescrip- spinal surgery, other surgery may be indi- Be aware of your nonverbal commu-
tions, gets the same medication pre- cated to relieve nerve compression (in the nication. Remember that you can also
scribed by different doctors, gets prescrip- wrist or elbow, for example). communicate rejection, not only through
tions filled in different pharmacies, or gets Alternative medicine includes a wide va- the words you choose but also by how you
medication off the streets — all to get more riety of approaches which can be helpful say them — your tone of voice and vol-
medication than is prescribed — then this to many patients including chiropractic, ume, for example. You also communicate
may be addiction and needs to be dis- acupuncture, the use of herbal and other by facial expression (frowns, sneers, ges-
cussed with the doctor. nutritional supplements, traditional tech- tures, putting hands up to indicate
niques including yoga, Tai Chi, qigong and “enough!”), and by eye contact (looking
11. What questions do I need to ask many more. These should be seen as away).
the doctor? working with — and not as opposed to —
You should go with your family member to medical treatments, and their use should 14. Conclusion
the doctor at times and understand what be discussed with the physician. (Many We hope the information in this handout
the overall treatment plan is. Ask the doc- herbs, for example, can interact with med- will be useful. Remember, dealing with se-
tor what medications are prescribed, in ications.) vere pain can be overwhelming for both
what dosages, and how often. You should Psychological interventions can also be patients and those who care for them. This
also ask what the medication does (for ex- very helpful for many patients with pain. handout is not intended to substitute for
ample relieve pain, combat depression, Therapists help individuals change nega- the expertise of a professional when need-
help with sleep, etc.), what the possible tive thinking styles and behaviors. This is ed. Before the burden becomes too great,
side effects are, and how you will know if especially crucial if the patient with pain speak with a professional therapist — psy-
your loved one is taking too much or too has developed significant emotional dis- chologist, clinical social worker, or psychi-
little? A doctor (or physical therapist) can turbances. These interventions may also atrist — with experience in the field of pain
also help you understand what the appro- help with decreasing pain or increasing the management. The more involved you get,
priate level of activity is for your loved one, patient’s tolerance for pain through “mind- the less helpless you will feel! n
given his or her physical limitations. body” techniques including hypnosis,
meditation, biofeedback, guided imagery, David Kannerstein, PhD is a psychologist in
12. What else helps besides medica- progressive muscle relaxation, breathing private practice with Margolis Berman Byrne
tion? techniques, and other relaxation ap- Health Psychology in Philadelphia and SRI
Many other techniques have been found proaches. Additionally, they may help the Psychological Services in Jenkintown, Pa. He
helpful with pain. Physical therapy in- patient identify and stick to an appropriate specializes in helping individuals and their fam-
cludes exercise and other treatments. Ex- activity schedule. ilies manage chronic pain as well as people with
ercises can focus on strengthening, flexi- mood disorders, anxiety, and trauma-related
bility, and aerobic or cardiovascular func- 13. How do I communicate with my conditions. He also is a coach whose focus is
tioning and must be tailored to the individ- family member? helping people identify their career goals, man-
ual to be effective. Other treatments in- (Adapted from Mark Grant, “10 Tips for age stress and conflict, achieve greater satisfac-
clude heat, cold, Transcutaneous Electri- Communicating with a Person Suffering tion, and reach their full potential in their per-
cal Nerve Stimulation (TENS), ultrasound, from Chronic Pain” at www.overcoming- sonal and professional lives. He can be reached
and massage. at
Assistive devices like braces, canes, Listen. Pay attention not only to what Sarah Whitman, MD is a psychiatrist in pri-
telephone headsets, and orthotics can your loved one is saying, but to their non- vate practice in Philadelphia, specializing in
help reduce pain. So can making adjust- verbal communication and how they’re chronic pain. She is a Clinical Assistant Profes-
ments in seating arrangements at home or saying it. They may be reluctant to talk sor in Psychiatry at Drexel University College of
work. Adjusting the placement of comput- about how they feel but give indications in Medicine in Philadelphia. She can be reached
er keyboards, for example, can help re- their behavior. at