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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the utility of spiral CT in the diagnosis
of brain death.
METHODS: Spiral CT was evaluated prospectively in 14 brain-dead patients and in 11
healthy subjects. A two-phase protocol was used. Twenty seconds after intravenous injection of
a nonionic iodinized contrast medium, the CT table was drawn through the gantry at a rate of
10 mm/s while scanning was in progress. The second scanning phase was started automatically
a mean of 54 seconds later, using the same parameters. Opacification or absence of opacifica-
tion of carotid, vertebral, and basilar arteries and intracerebral veins was ascertained for each
image in both phases. The diagnosis of brain death was confirmed by elecroencephalography
(n 5 7), angiography (n 5 5), or both (n 5 2). Statistical analysis with the Fisher exact test
enabled us to compare the brain-dead patients with the healthy control subjects.
RESULTS: In brain death, the pericallosal and terminal arteries of the cortex did not opacify
during the two phases of spiral CT, whereas the superficial temporal arteries were always
visible. The internal cerebral veins, the great cerebral vein, and the straight sinus did not
opacify, whereas the superior ophthalmic veins were visible on both sides 13 times. For each
vessel type, specificity was 100% for nonvascular opacification criteria on the right and left
CONCLUSION: Two-phase spiral CT can demonstrate the absence of intracerebral blood
flow in brain death.
The diagnosis of brain death must respect all the troencephalography (EEG) (6, 7) and brain stem
guarantees required by law and be determined as auditory evoked potentials (8). The EEG, despite its
early as possible to avoid unnecessary treatment and limitations, is more reliable, as it can show electroce-
to allow organ harvesting for transplantation (13). rebral silence
Clinical criteria for brain death include deep unre- Among the techniques measuring cerebral blood
sponsive coma, no brain stem function (no pupillary flow, conventional angiography of the four cerebral
light or corneal, oculocephalic, oculovestibular, oro- arterial axes is the reference standard for imaging
pharyngeal, or tracheal reflexes) and no spontaneous brain death (9 17). Spiral computed tomography
ventilation (4). Although these criteria alone are suf- (CT) (18 20) offers a new means of evaluating vas-
ficient to establish brain death in some countries (5), cular anatomy after intravenous injection of a timed
additional investigative procedures are required in bolus of contrast material. It is relatively noninvasive
others. Two neurophysiological methods are used to and represents an interesting alternative to conven-
demonstrate the cessation of brain function: elec- tional angiography for physiological evaluation of
blood flow in brain arteries and veins.
The purpose of this study was to determine the
Received July 9, 1997; accepted after revision October 17. accuracy of two-phase spiral CT, as compared with
From the Service de Radiologie et dImagerie Medicale (B.D.,
M.G-D.), the Service de Reanimation Medicale Polyvalente
conventional angiography and EEG, in demonstrat-
(D.V.), the Service dInformation Medicale (D.A.), the Service ing the absence of intracerebral circulation in brain
dExploration Fonctionnelle (M-F.V.), and the Institut de Trans- death.
plantation et de Recherche en Transplantation (J-P.S.), Centre
Hospitalier Universitaire de Nantes (France).
Address reprint requests to Benot Dupas, MD, Service de Ra- Methods
diologie et dImagerie Medicale, CHU Hotel-Dieu, BP 1005, 44035
Nantes Cedex 01, France. Spiral CT was evaluated prospectively over a 12-month pe-
riod in 14 patients diagnosed as brain dead and in 11 control
American Society of Neuroradiology subjects.
642 DUPAS AJNR: 19, April 1998
Patients (Table 1) and seven patients had cerebral angiography and spiral CT.
All patients admitted to the Medical Intensive Care Unit Two patients had both EEG and cerebral angiography. All
and the Trauma Intensive Care Unit with head injury, intra- patients were mechanically ventilated with a PCO2 of 35 to 40
cranial hemorrhage, cerebral ischemia, and clinical suspicion of mm Hg, and arterial oxygen tension (PO2) was above 70 mm
brain death were considered eligible for the study. Patients met Hg. When necessary, arterial blood pressure was sustained at
the inclusion criteria when brain death was either confirmed by above 100 mm Hg by dopamine infusion during CT and arte-
two isoelectric EEGs or by an absence of cerebral blood flow at riography.
cerebral angiography. Nine patients had EEG and spiral CT,
TABLE 1: History and investigative procedures for all patients Two EEG recordings within an interval of 6 hours were
(n 5 14) with brain death obtained in nine of 14 patients. An eight-channel apparatus
(Alvar-France) was used, with a sensitivity of 2 mV/min, a
Conventional constant time of 0.3 seconds, no filter, and an electrode im-
Age, EEG
Patient Pathology Angiography pedance of less than 10 kiloohms. Electrodes were positioned
y/Sex (n 5 9)
(n 5 7) according to the 10 20 international system. Bipolar assem-
1 51/F HI 1 SAH ... ECS
blies with large interelectrode distances were used. The EEG
was recorded for 30 minutes and during several painful stimu-
2 25/M HI 1 SAH ... ECS
3 47/F CD ... ECS
4 20/F HI 1 SAH ... ECS
5 47/M HI 1 SAH 1 ECS Spiral CT
6 49/M HI 1 SAH ... ECS Fourteen patients were imaged as soon as possible after the
7 15/M HI 1 SAH 1 ... first EEG. A topogram of the cervical spine and head was
8 55/M HIT 1 SAH 1 ... obtained for locating the skull base and the second cervical
9 34/F ICH 1 SAH 1 ... vertebral body. The gantry was not angled, but the patients
10 30/F HI 1 SAH 1 ... head was positioned parallel to the orbitomeatal line, and the
11 9/M HI ... ECS starting point was selected at the C12 cervical level.
12 24/M HI 1 ... Initially, 10-mm unenhanced images were obtained through
13 19/M HI 1 SAH 1 ECS the entire brain at 10-mm intervals. Twenty seconds after in-
14 46/F PFI ... ECS jection of nonionic contrast medium (120 mL iohexol) into an
antecubital vein at a rate of 3 mL/s using a power injector and
Note.HI indicates head injury; ICH, intracranial hemorrhage; an 18-gauge catheter, the CT table was drawn through the
SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage; CD, carotid dissection; PFI, posterior gantry at a rate of 10 mm/s while scanning was in progress (250
fossa ischemic infarction; 1, typical findings of brain death present; and mA, 120 kV, 1-second scan time, 320 3 320 matrix, 14-second
ECS, electrocerebral silence. continuous exposure, 10-mm collimation, pitch of 1). The sec-
C-ICA 20 11 11 5 5 S 100
C-ECA 20 11 11 14 14 ... ...
C-VA 20 11 11 5 4 S 100
BA 24 ... 11 ... 0 S 100
STA 25 11 11 14 14 ... ...
IC-ICA 26 11 11 4 3 S 100
SC-ICA 27 11 11 2 1 S 100
M1-MCA 27 11 11 2 1 S 100
P1-PCA 27 11 11 0 0 S 100
A1-ACA 27 11 11 1 0 S 100
PCA 28 11 11 0 0 S 100
TAC 28 11 11 0 0 S 100
IJV 22 0 0 0 0 ... ...
SOV 27 1 1 9 0 ... ...
ICV 28 11 11 0 0 S 100
SSS 28 ... 11 ... 0 S 100
GCV 28 ... 11 ... 0 S 100
SS 28 ... 11 ... 0 S 100
TABLE 3: Spiral CT findings in the second phase Spiral CT studies were interpreted by two radiologists who
were aware that each patient had clinical brain death but
No. of Opacified Vessels unaware of the results of conventional angiography.
Arteries/ Postinjection Normal CT Brain Death
Veins Mean time, s (n 5 11) (n 5 14)
R L R L Results
C-ICA 54 11 11 11 13 In all nine brain-dead patients, both EEG exami-
C-ECA 54 11 11 14 14
nations showed electrocerebral silence. For each of
C-VA 54 11 11 14 14
BA 58 ... 11 ... 2
the 14 brain-dead patients and 11 control subjects,
STA 59 11 11 14 14
selected vessels (veins and arteries) were analyzed on
IC-ICA 59 11 11 8 8 each of the 5-mm reconstructed sections at the dif-
SC-ICA 60 11 11 6 5 ferent time points after intravenous administration of
M1-MCA 60 11 ... 6 5 contrast medium. The time points at which these
P1-PCA 60 11 11 3 3 evaluations occurred corresponded to the mean times
A1-ACA 60 11 11 4 4 obtained in the control subjects for each vessel opac-
PCA 61 11 11 0 0 ified (Tables 2 and 3).
TAC 61 11 11 0 0 The first phase (Table 2) corresponded to the ini-
IJV 56 11 11 8 11
tial arterial opacification beginning 20 seconds after
SOV 60 3 3 13 13
ICV 61 11 11 0 0
injection. Comparisons between control subjects and
SSS 61 ... 11 ... 7
brain-dead patients were made according to the
GCV 61 ... 11 ... 0 Fisher exact test and based on the presence or ab-
SS 61 ... 11 ... 0 sence of opacification of each vessel visualized. For
each vessel type (Table 2), specificity was 100% for
Note.C-ICA indicates internal carotid artery (cervical level); C- nonvascular opacification criteria for the right and
ECA, external carotid artery (cervical level); C-VA, vertebral artery
left sides. External carotid arteries (mean time, 20
(cervical level); BA, basilar artery; STA, superficial temporal artery
(frontal and parietal branches); IC-ICA, intracavernous internal carotid
seconds) and superficial temporal arteries (mean
artery; SC-ICA, supracavernous internal carotid artery; M1-MCA, mid-
time, 25 seconds) were opacified in all cases, indicat-
dle cerebral artery (M1 segment); P1-PCA, posterior cerebral artery ing that contrast medium had been injected correctly.
(P1 segment); A1-ACA, anterior cerebral artery (A1 segment); PCA, The internal jugular veins (foramen level) were never
pericallosal artery; TAC, terminal arteries for the cortex; IJV, internal visualized, since the axial view was obtained before
jugular vein (foramen level); SOV, superior ophthalmic vein; ICV, venous blood return (mean time, 22 seconds).
internal cerebral vein; SSS, superior sagittal sinus; GCV, great cerebral For the 11 control subjects, all arteries were opac-
vein; and SS, straight sinus. ified in the first phase (Fig 1). For brain-dead pa-
tients, basilar arteries, posterior cerebral arteries (P1
segment), pericallosal arteries, and terminal arteries
ond scanning phase was started automatically (a mean of 54 for the cortex never opacified (Fig 2). The middle
seconds later) from the same C12 cervical level after prepro- cerebral artery (M1 segment) was weakly opacified in
gramming for the same parameters as those used for the first
phase. As each spiral acquisition took 14 seconds, the second two brain-dead patients (on both sides in one, on the
helical scan began 54 to 60 seconds after initial injection of right side only in the other). The anterior cerebral
contrast medium. Axial images (10-mm sections) were then artery (A1 segment) was weakly visualized in a single
reconstructed with 5-mm increments. Scanning allowed for brain-dead patient (right side only). The internal
visualization of vessels from the C12 cervical level to the carotid arteries were opacified at the cervical level
convexity, providing a total coverage of 14 cm. During this (n 5 5), intracavernously (n 5 4) or supracavernously
entire procedure, systolic blood pressure was maintained above
100 mm Hg.
(n 5 2), and the vertebral arteries were opacified in
Eleven adults (six men and five women; mean age, 48 years, five brain-dead subjects.
range, 19 to 66 years) with no cerebral lesions were used as In control subjects (mean time, 28 seconds), the
control subjects after informed consent was obtained. All were internal cerebral veins, the superior sagittal sinus, the
studied with the same spiral CT protocol. great cerebral vein, and the straight sinus were always
opacified, whereas the superior ophthalmic veins
Conventional Cerebral Angiography
were opacified in only one patient (barely visible
because of their small 1-mm diameter). In brain-dead
Immediately after spiral CT scanning, arterial digital sub-
traction angiography (ADSA) was carried out in seven patients patients, the internal cerebral vein, the superior sag-
to demonstrate intracerebral circulatory arrest. Arteriography ittal sinus, the great cerebral vein, and the straight
was performed by the Seldinger femoral approach using a 5F sinus were never opacified, whereas the superior oph-
catheter and selective injection into the two common carotid thalmic veins (diameter, 3 to 4 mm) were clearly
arteries and the two vertebral arteries. Six to 10 mL of nonionic visualized in nine patients. One patient had a facial
contrast medium (iohexol) was injected into the common ca- injury with orbital lesions (fracture and hematoma),
rotid artery and 4 to 6 mL into the vertebral artery. The flow
rate was 4 mL/s, with two images per second during the first 5
which made it difficult to evaluate the superior oph-
seconds, followed by one image every 2 seconds during the next thalmic veins.
25 seconds (ie, with a delay until 55 seconds after the start of In the second phase (Table 3), all vessels (arteries
the injection). and veins) were opacified in control subjects except
644 DUPAS AJNR: 19, April 1998
for the superior ophthalmic veins (diameter, 1 to 2 A1, and P1 segments were thin and opacified over a
mm), which were visible in only three subjects. In the short distance, thus differing from the normal pat-
14 brain-dead patients, the pericallosal artery and the tern. Internal jugular venous blood return (jugular
terminal cortical arteries were never opacified, foramen) was seen eight times on the right side and
whereas the superficial temporal arteries were always 11 times on the left, and the superior sagittal sinus
visible. Delayed opacification was noted in proximal was opacified seven times. The internal cerebral vein,
segments M1 (n 5 6), A1 (n 5 4), and P1 (n 5 3) and great cerebral vein, and straight sinus were never
in the basilar artery (n 5 2). In all these cases, the M1, opacified, whereas the superior ophthalmic veins
AJNR: 19, April 1998 BRAIN DEATH 645
were seen on both sides 13 times, appearing dense dium arrest in the internal carotid and vertebral ar-
and wide (diameter, 3 to 4 mm) (Fig 3). teries were the same with both techniques. Arrest
In the seven brain-dead patients who were studied, levels were underestimated by ADSA in four patients
ADSA demonstrated intracerebral circulatory arrest, as compared with spiral CT: at the basilar artery level
decreased circulation in the internal carotid and ver- (n 5 1) and the C4 level (n 5 3). In one patient, the
tebral arteries associated with stagnation and arrest M1 segment was not visible by ADSA and was thin
of contrast medium at various levels (Table 4), and no and only faintly seen on spiral CT scans (Table 5).
evidence of venous drainage by the great cerebral In the seven patients who did not undergo ADSA,
vein and straight sinus 55 seconds after injection. The spiral CT showed arrested intracerebral circulation,
superior ophthalmic veins were always opacified and and EEG confirmed an absence of cerebral function.
clearly visible (Fig 4). The branches of the external
carotid arteries were opacified and washed out Discussion
quickly, whereas contrast medium remained in the
internal carotid and vertebral arteries. Conventional arteriography is currently considered
In the seven brain-dead patients, the superior oph- to be the most valid method for demonstrating brain
thalmic veins were opacified at both spiral CT and TABLE 5: Two-phase spiral CT arrest level and superior ophthalmic
ADSA. In three patients, the levels of contrast me- vein visibility in comparison with angiographic findings in seven pa-
TABLE 4: Angiographic findings in seven patients
Two-Phase Spiral CT Arrest Level
Conventional Angiographic Arrest Level
Internal Carotid Vertebral
Superior Patient Ophthalmic
Internal Vertebral Artery Artery
Patient Ophthalmic Vein
Carotid Artery Artery
5 C C FM FM 1 1
5 C C FM FM 1 1 7 C C BA* 1 1
7 C C C FM 1 1 8 C4 C4 C C 1 1
8 C4 C4 C C 1 1 9 A1-M1 C4* BA 1 1
9 A1-M1 C5 BA C 1 1 10 C4* C4* C C 1 1
10 C5 C5 C C 1 1 12 M1* M1* FM C 1 1
12 C5 C FM C 1 1 13 C C C C 1 1
13 C C C C 1 1
* Arrest level underestimated by carotid arteriography.
Note.C indicates cervical level; C4, intracavernous level; C5, Note.C indicates cervical level; C4, intracavernous level; C5,
intrapetrous level; A1-M1, Subarachnoid arterial segments; BA, basilar intrapetrous level; A1-M1, subarachnoid arterial segments; and BA,
artery; 1, superior ophthalmic veins opacified; and FM, foramen mag- basilar artery; 1, superior ophthalmic veins opacified; FM, foramen
num. magnum.
FIG 4. Arterial digital subtraction angiography for the right common carotid artery in brain death.
A, Three seconds after injection in the common carotid, the external carotid artery and its branches are clearly visualized, whereas
the internal carotid artery is not yet opacified. Note opacification of the nasal mucosa.
B, Seven seconds later, the right superior ophthalmic vein is well opacified (black arrows), while opacification of the internal carotid
artery (white arrows) occurs late and slowly (the intracavernous segment is not yet visible).
C, Twenty-five seconds after intraarterial injection, intracerebral arrest is demonstrated, with stagnation of contrast medium in the
internal carotid artery (arrowheads). Note the thin, elongated features of the A1 and M1 segments, corresponding to stasis filling
646 DUPAS AJNR: 19, April 1998
death (2123). If two-phase spiral CT is to replace were thin. This condition, which was also apparent at
conventional arteriography for this purpose, it must conventional angiography, has been referred to as
be capable of satisfying all criteria indicative of ab- subarachnoid stasis filling (27). Similar angio-
sence of intracerebral blood flow. Our results indicate graphic findings have been reported in 10 of 65 clin-
that two-phase spiral CT could replace four-vessel ically brain-dead patients (28).
conventional arteriography in the diagnosis of brain The superior sagittal sinus was seen in the second
death. According to French law, the diagnosis of phase of spiral CT in 50% of the brain-dead patients
brain death is based on complete and persistent ab- in our study. This has also been described by Lee et al
sence of consciousness, spontaneous breathing, and (29), in the absence of arterial cerebral perfusion, in
all brain stem reflexes, as well as on the results of two 26 of 53 brain-dead patients investigated by 99mTc-
isoelectric EEGs, usually performed within a 6-hour HMPAO scintigraphy. Visualization of the superior
interval. When an EEG cannot be performed or is sagittal sinus probably results from external carotid
uninterpretable because of hypothermia, metabolic artery perfusion through meningeal vessels or from
disorders, or drug intoxication, cerebral angiography emissary veins and does not contradict the diagnosis
can be used to demonstrate the cessation of cerebral of brain death (14, 29). The enhanced bilateral supe-
blood flow. rior ophthalmic veins that we observed in 13 of 14
Spiral CT shows the stagnation and arrest of con- brain-dead patients seemed to be an indirect sign
trast medium at the level of the internal carotid and apparently not described before. In one patient, these
vertebral arteries, associated with the absence of ve- veins could not be seen because of severe facial-
nous blood return. Enhanced visibility of the superior orbital injury. This sign may be due to the presence of
ophthalmic veins attests to the asynchronism of ve- vascular anastomoses at the level of the orbits be-
nous blood return and confirms the diagnosis, in com- tween the external carotid arteries (facial artery, su-
bination with absence of opacification (with 100% perficial temporal artery, infraorbital artery) and the
specificity) of the pericallosal artery, terminal arteries ophthalmic artery. These anastomoses could become
for the cortex, internal cerebral vein, great cerebral functional through inversion of circulation toward the
vein, and straight sinus. With two-phase spiral CT, ophthalmic artery in patients with thrombosis of the
this absence of arterial and venous opacification is internal carotid artery (30). Moreover, occlusion of
due to cessation of brain blood flow, even though the internal carotid artery is a cause of increased
systolic blood pressure in our patients was maintained external carotid flow that may account for the hot
above 100 mm Hg. nose sign described in a nuclear medicine study on
Our protocol required scanning of the brain before the diagnosis of brain death (31) and in an MR
contrast medium was injected to ascertain the pres- imaging study (17) in which a hot spot represented
ence of such abnormalities as edema, ischemic infarc- collateral and extracranial circulation through the
tion, and intracranial hemorrhage. Subarachnoid center of the face. Moreover, elevated intracranial
hemorrhage (24) would not decrease visibility of the pressure and/or possible cavernous sinus thrombosis
median-line vessels (pericallosal artery, internal cere- during brain death could hinder usual drainage
bral vein, or great cerebral vein). through the cavernous sinus, in which case the supe-
Spiral CT allows for evaluation of vascular anatomy rior ophthalmic veins could drain through the facial
and rapid visualization of a large number of vessels and infratemporal venous system. Blood flow in the
after intravenous administration of a timed bolus of ophthalmic artery could also account for the retinal
contrast medium (20, 25). The arterial phase can be activity detected on the EEG in patients with brain
studied before the venous system is enhanced. The death and in patients with low cerebral blood output.
bolus is then gradually diluted by the central blood In our study, spiral CT imaging of the superior oph-
pool. Arterial anatomy well beyond the A1 and M1 thalmic veins was always confirmed by conventional
segments of the anterior and middle cerebral arteries angiography, which, however, underestimated the
can easily be visualized with this technique (25), as level of arterial circulatory arrest in the four patients.
can the terminal arteries for the cortex if sufficient This may have been due to the larger dose of contrast
contrast medium (120 to 150 mL) is used. The ade- medium injected during spiral CT and its better res-
quate mean interval for visualization of the carotid olution of thin structures.
arteries is 20 seconds after the start of injection (18). Our results suggest that findings for two-phase spi-
Normal cerebral circulation was observed at that time ral CT correlate closely with brain death criteria dem-
and 8 seconds later as venous blood in control sub- onstrated by conventional angiography (21). Vascular
jects (26), but was never observed in brain-dead pa- opacification by conventional angiography or two-
tients. The second phase (mean, 61 seconds after the phase spiral CT is now obtained with nonionic prod-
beginning of injection) confirmed the cessation of ucts that are well tolerated at concentrations below 5
brain flow, since no arterial or venous opacification mL/kg (32).
was evident. In brain death, cessation of brain blood Although there is agreement about the clinical re-
flow occurs when the intracranial pressure is higher quirements for a diagnosis of brain death, opinions
than the systemic arterial pressure (10). During the differ concerning the complementary techniques. Be-
second phase of spiral CT in our study, delayed opaci- cause the EEG recordings may be difficult to inter-
fication and stagnation of contrast medium were pret (6, 7, 33), transcranial Doppler sonography can
noted in basal arachnoid arterial segments, which be performed to confirm cerebral circulatory arrest
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