Rules of Business 22-07-16 PDF

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For official use only


(As amended upto 22nd July, 2016)

(Cabinet Division)

[Ministerial-I Section]


The Rules of Business, 1973 as amended on 22-07-2016 contain the

following changes:-
Sub-rules 3 and 4 of rule 28 have been amended so that powers vested in the
Cabinet stand delegated to the Minister-in-Charge of a Division for a decision in
the Assembly or the Senate with regard to Non-Official Bills.

In Schedule-II, a new subject has been added at serial No.8 under Climate
Change Division, transferring it from Sr. No. 15 under Housing and Works

The subject "Shalimar Recording & Broadcasting Company" at serial No.10

under National History and Literary Heritage Division has been transferred to
Information & Broadcasting Division and included at entry No.13 (ii) (c).

A new subject "Paralympics" has been added under Inter-Provincial Coordination

Division at serial No.44.

Subject at serial No.21 under Science & Technology Division has been
transferred to Government of the Punjab and stands deleted. Subjects at serial
No.28 & 29 have been substituted.

Entry at serial No. 37 in Schedule V-B under Parliamentary Affairs Division has
been omitted and entry 40 modified.

Rule Page
1. Title and commencement... 1
2. Definitions1-2
3. Allocation of Business..3
4. Organization of Divisions 3-4
5. Transaction of Business. 4-6
6. Individual and collective responsibility 6
7. Orders and instruments, agreements and contracts 6
8. Inter-Division procedure 6-7
9. Secretaries Committee.7-8
10. Consultation with the Cabinet Division 8
11. Consultation with the Establishment Division 8-9
12. Consultation with the Finance Division 9
13. Consultation with Foreign Affairs Division . 10
14. Consultation with the Law and Justice Division ..................................................................................... 10
14A. Consultation with the Revenue Division . 11
15. Reference to the Prime Minister . 11-12
15A. Reference to the President 12
16. Cases to be brought before Cabinet . 12-13
17. Method of disposal of Cabinet cases 13-14
18. Manner of submission of Cabinet cases . 14
19. Procedure regarding circulation of Cabinet cases .. 15
20. Procedure regarding Cabinet meetings 15-16
21. Procedure regarding Inter-Provincial Conference 16
22. Procedure regarding National Economic Council. 17
23. Procedure regarding Committees of Cabinet, and National Economic Council 17

24. Action on decisions of the Cabinet, National Economic Council or their Committees etc 17-18
25. Periodical Reports of Activities of Divisions . 18-19
26. Annual Report 19
27. Official Bills 19-20
28. Non-Official Bills .. 20-21
29. Official and non-official amendments to Bills 21
30. Ordinances 21
31. Compliance with Rules of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) . 21
32. Summoning of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) a House or Joint sitting by the
President 21

33. Prorogation of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) a House or Joint sitting by the President

.. 22
34. Summoning and Prorogation of National Assembly by the Speaker 22
35. Summoning and Prorogation of the Senate by the Chairman.. 22
36. Review of official and non-official business 22
37. Provisional forecast of official and non-official business. 22
38. Orders of the Day. 22-23
39. Transmission of Bills, etc ....... 23
40. Action by Divisions .23
41. Introductions of Bills, etc.23-24
42. Assent to Bills 24
42A. Reconsideration of Bills by Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) .. 24
43. Resolutions 24
44. Motions 25
45. Questions 25
46. Budget 25
47. Committees of Assembly or Senate 25
48. Directions to the Governors .. 26
49. Obligations of Provinces and Federation 26
50. Conferment of powers and imposition of duties upon a Province .. 26
51. Proclamation of Emergency on account of war, internal disturbance, etc. 26
52. Failure of constitutional machinery in a Province 26
53. Proclamation in case of financial stringency 26
54. Revocation of Proclamation, etc 27
55. Protection and communication of official information 27
56. Channels of communications 27-28
57. Relaxation 28
58. Repeal 28
Schedule I. List of Ministries and Divisions 29-30
Schedule II. Distribution of business among the Divisions 31-68
Schedule III List of Attached Departments declared as such by the Federal Government.... 69-71
Schedule IV. List of officers authorized to make and execute orders and other instruments in
the name of the President .. 72
Schedule VA. List of cases to be submitted to the Prime Minister for his orders 73-75
Schedule VB. List of cases requiring orders of the President on the advice of the Prime
Schedule VI. List of cases to be submitted to the President for his orders in his discretion 79
Schedule VII. Cases and papers to be submitted to the President for information. 80

In exercise of the powers conferred by Articles 90 and 99 of the Constitution of
the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Federal Government is pleased to make the
following rules:-


1. Title and commencement.--(1) These rules may be called the "Rules of

Business, 1973."

(2) They shall come into force on the fourteenth day of August 1973.

2. Definitions.--(1) In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant in the

subject or context:

(i) "Assembly" means the National Assembly;

(ii) "Attached Department" means a Department which has direct

relation with a Division and has been declared as such by the
Federal Government;

(iii) "business" means all work done by the Federal Government;

(iv) "Cabinet" means and consists of the Prime Minister and the
Federal Ministers;

(v) "case" means a particular matter under consideration and includes

all papers relating to it and required to enable the matter to be
disposed of, viz., correspondence and notes, and also any previous
paper on the subject or subjects covered by it or connected with it;

(vi) "Division" means a self-contained administrative unit responsible

for the conduct of business of the Federal Government in a distinct
and specified sphere and declared as such by the Federal
(vii) "Federal Secretariat" means the Divisions or the Ministries when
referred to collectively;
(viii) "Gazette" means the official Gazette of Pakistan,
(ix) "Government" means the Federal Government;
(x) "Leader of the House" means the Minister appointed by the Prime
Minister to regulate official business in the Assembly or the Senate
or the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) in joint sitting as the case may

(xi) "Local administration" means the agency through which the
President administers a territory subject to his direct administrative

(xii) "Member" means a member of the Assembly or the Senate;

(xiii) "Minister" means the Federal Minister-in-Charge of the Ministry to

which a particular case pertains and includes a Minister without
portfolio and a Minister of State;

(xiv) "Ministry" means a Division or group of Divisions constituted as a


(xv) "Majlis-e-Shoora" (Parliament) means the National Assembly and

the Senate;

(xvi) "Provincial Government" means the Government of a Province of


(xvii) "Schedule" means a Schedule to these rules;

(xviii) "Secretary" means the 1[Secretary General], 2[Principal Secretary],

Secretary or Acting Secretary to the Government of Pakistan in
charge of a Division or a Ministry, and where there is no Secretary,
the Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary in charge of the
Division or the Ministry;

(xix) "Section" means a basic working unit in a Division as determined

by the Government;

(xx) "Subordinate Office" means a Federal Government office other

than a Ministry, Division or an Attached Department.

(2) All words and expressions used in these rules but not defined, have
the same meaning as in the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of

Inserted vide S.R.O. 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.4.2010.
Inserted vide Cab: Division Memo No.104/37/81-Min.I, dated 21st Nov.1982.

3. Allocation of Business.--(1) The Federal Secretariat shall comprise the
Ministries and Divisions shown in Schedule I.

(2) The Prime Minister may, whenever necessary, constitute a new Ministry
consisting of one or more Divisions.

(3) The business of government shall be distributed among the Divisions in

the manner indicated in Schedule II:

Provided that the distribution of business or the constitution of the

Division may be modified from time to time by the Prime Minister.

(4) The Prime Minister shall allocate amongst his Ministers the business of
Government by assigning several Divisions specified in Schedule I to the charge of a

Provided that a Division or a Ministry not so assigned shall be in the

charge of the Prime Minister:

Provided further that more than one Division may be assigned to a


4. Organisation of Divisions.--(1) Each Division shall consist of a Secretary

to Government and of such other officials subordinate to him as the Government may

Provided that the same person may be Secretary of more than one

(2) The Secretary shall be the official head of the Division and shall be
responsible for its efficient administration and discipline and for the proper conduct of
business assigned to the Division under rule 3 (3) and for the due execution of the
sanctioned policy.
(3) The Secretary shall organize the Division into a number of working units
to be known as Sections:

Provided that a unit which does not conform to a Section may be

organized otherwise than as a Section on a permanent basis, in consultation with the
[Establishment Division].

Note:- In the case of an extraordinary working unit such as a research cell

or an Office of the Officer on Special Duty, it will be sufficient if the
[Establishment Division] is informed of the composition of the unit.

Amended vide Cabinet Division No.104/59/78-Min.I, dated 5th July, 1979.
Substituted vide SRO No.538(I)/2001 (F.No. 4-9/2001-Min), dated 26.7.2001.

(4) The Attached Departments as allocated to the various Divisions are shown
in Schedule III.

(5) The business of Government, other than the business done in the Federal
Secretariat or the Attached Departments, shall be conducted through such agencies and
offices as the Prime Minister may determine from time to time.

(6) There may be a Special Assistant or Special Assistants to the Prime

Minister with such status and functions as may be determined by the [ 1] Prime Minister.

5. Transaction of Business.--(1) No important policy decision shall be taken

except with the approval of the Prime Minister.

(2) It shall be the duty of a Minister to assist the Prime Minister in the
formulation of policy.

(3) The Minister shall keep the Prime Minister informed of any important
case disposed of by him without reference to the Prime Minister.

(4) No decisions of policy taken by the Prime Minister shall be varied,

reversed or infringed without consulting him.

(5) Subject to sub-rule (1), the Minister shall be responsible for policy
concerning his Division.

(6) No officer other than a Secretary, Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary

shall take the initiative in approaching a Minister in connection with the official business.
If an Additional Secretary or Joint Secretary holds an oral discussion with his Minister,
he shall communicate the points made during discussion to the Secretary at the first
possible opportunity.

(7) The Head of an Attached Department 2[may see] a Minister:

Provided that the Secretary of the Division concerned shall be informed of

the proposed interview so that he can be present if he so desires.

(8) The business of the Division shall ordinarily be disposed of by or under

the authority of the Minister-in-Charge.

(9) The Secretary shall --

(a) assist the Minister-in-Charge in the formulation of policy;
(b) duly execute the sanctioned policy;
(c) submit all proposals for legislation to the Cabinet with the approval
of the Minister.
(d) keep the Minister-in-Charge generally informed of the working of
the Division and of any important case disposed of without
reference to the Minister;

Omitted vide SRO No.135(1)/98, dated 3.3.1998 (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I)
Amended vide Cab: Division Memo No.104/37/81-Min.I, dated 21st Nov.1982.
(e) be the principal accounting officer of his Division, its Attached
Departments and Subordinate Offices, and ensure that the funds
controlled by him are spent in accordance with the rules laid down
by the Finance Division;
(f) subject to the provisions of these rules and with the approval of the
Minister-in-Charge, issue standing orders laying down the manner
of disposal of cases in the Division, including the distribution of
work amongst the officers of his Division and such orders may
specify the cases or class of cases which may be disposed of by an
officer subordinate to him; and
(g) be responsible for the careful observance of these rules and, where
he considers that there has been any material departure from them,
either in his own or any other Division, he shall bring the matter to
the notice of the Minister-in-Charge and, if necessary, to the notice
of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet.
(10) When the Secretary submits a case to the Minister, the latter may accept
the proposals or views of the Secretary or may over-rule him. The Secretary will
normally defer to the decision of the Minister and implement it. In case, however, the
Secretary feels that the decision of the Minister is manifestly wrong and will cause gross
injustice or undue hardship, he may state his reasons and re-submit the case to the
Minister. If the Minister still adheres to his earlier decision and the matter is important
enough, the Secretary shall request the Minister to refer the case to the Prime Minister
and the Minister shall so refer the case for orders of the Prime Minister. If the case is not
referred to the Prime Minister, the Secretary shall submit it directly to the Prime Minister
with observations of the Minister-in-Charge.

(11) The Minister-in-Charge shall be responsible for conducting the business of

the Division in the Assembly.
(11A) Verbal orders given by a functionary of the Government should as a
matter of routine be reduced to writing and submitted to the issuing authority. If time
permits, the confirmation shall invariably be taken before initiating action. However, in
an exigency where action is required to be taken immediately or it is not possible to
obtain written confirmation of the orders before initiating action, the functionary to
whom the verbal orders are given shall take the action required and at the first available
opportunity obtain the requisite confirmation while submitting to the issuing authority a
report of the action taken by him.
(12) If any doubt or dispute arises as to the interpretation of these rules or the
Division to which a case properly pertains, the case shall be referred to the Cabinet
Division, whose decision shall be final. The Cabinet Division shall obtain the orders of
the Prime Minister where necessary.
(13) Instructions ancillary to these rules shall, whenever considered desirable,
be issued by the Cabinet Division:
Provided that the special or general orders required to be framed by the Divisions in
terms of these rules may be issued by them after consulting the Cabinet Division.

Substituted vide SRO.135(I)/98, dated 3.3.1998 (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I)
Inserted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.104/23/88-Min.I dated 5.11.1988.
(14) If any order passed happens to contravene a law, rule or policy, it shall be
the duty of the next below officer to point out this to the authority passing the order.
(15) Detailed instructions for the manner of disposal of business in the Federal
Secretariat shall be issued by the Establishment Division in the form of Secretariat
6. Individual and collective responsibility.-- The Cabinet shall collectively
be responsible for the advice tendered to, or the executive orders issued in the name of
the President whether by an individual Minister or as a result of decision by the Cabinet;
but the Minister shall assume primary responsibility for the disposal of business
pertaining to his portfolio.

7. Orders and instruments, agreements and contracts.--(1) Subject to

Article 173, all executive actions of the Government shall be expressed to be taken in the
name of the President.
Note.- The use of the expression "Federal Government" in relation
to the Provincial Governments and "Government of Pakistan" in
relation to foreign Government shall be in order.

(2) The officers listed in Schedule IV may authenticate by signature all orders
and other instruments made and executed in the name of the President:

Provided that in certain cases an officer may be so authorised for a particular

occasion by order of the Prime Minister.

(3) Instructions regarding the manner of authentication of orders and

instruments in connection with the representation of Pakistan in foreign countries or at
international conferences and of international agreements and treaties shall be issued by
the Foreign Affairs Division.

(4) Instructions for the making of contracts on behalf of the President and the
execution of such contracts and all assurances of property shall be issued by the Law and
Justice Division.


8. Inter-Division procedure.-(1) When the subject of a case concerns more
than one Division, the Division in charge shall be responsible for consulting the other
Division concerned and no orders shall issue, nor shall the case be submitted to the
Cabinet or the Prime Minister, until it has been considered by all the Divisions
concerned, and their views obtained. Such consultation shall take place as early as may
be practicable:
Provided that in cases of urgency and with the approval of the Prime Minster, this
requirement may be dispensed with, but the case shall at the earliest opportunity
thereafter be brought to the notice of the other Divisions concerned.
(1A) The Division should normally furnish its views to the referring Division
within a fortnight of the receipt of reference. If more time is required because of the
complicated nature of the case, the referring Division should invariably be informed of
the position by the end of a fortnight indicating, simultaneously, the time by which the
reply would be sent.

Amended vide Cabinet Division Memo No.104/43/80-Min.I, dated 3rd December, 1980.
(2) In the event of a difference of opinion between the Divisions concerned,
the Minister primarily concerned shall try to resolve the difference in consultation with
the other Ministers concerned. If no agreement is reached and the Minister primarily
concerned desires to press the case, the case shall be submitted to the Prime Minister or,
if the Prime Minister so desires, to the Cabinet:
Provided that in a matter of urgency, the Minister primarily concerned may
submit the case to the Prime Minister at any stage:
Provided further that where the Prime Minister is the Minister-in-Charge, the final
views of other Divisions concerned shall be obtained before the case is submitted to the
Prime Minister.
(3) When a case is referred by one Division to another for consultation, all
relevant facts and the points necessitating the reference shall be clearly brought out. The
reference should be complete in all respects to eliminate avoidable back references on the
same issue(s). Similarly replies given by the Division should also be complete in all
respects and cover all the points raised by the referring Division.
(4) Even where consultation is not required, a Division may, for purposes of
information, pass copies of a communication received by it, or show a case, to such other
Division as it considers would be interested in, or would profit by it:
Provided that copies of classified documents shall be made and distributed only in
accordance with the instructions issued by the Cabinet Division in accordance with
rule 55(2):
Provided further that copies of cypher telegrams received or despatched by the
Pakistan Crypto Centre shall be distributed in accordance with the standing orders issued
by the Foreign Affairs Division in consultation with the Defence Division and the
Cabinet Division.
(5) A Minister may ask to see a case of another Division if it is required for
the disposal of a case in his Division. The Minister for Finance may ask to see a case of
any Division in which a financial consideration is involved. While making such request
the Minister shall give reasons for which the case is called for and shall be dealt with
under the general or special orders of the Minister-in-Charge of the other Division. If, for
any reason, the case or relevant extracts from it, cannot be made available the Minister of
the Division shall explain the position to the Minister making the request or bring the
matter to the notice of the Prime Minister, if necessary.
(6) The Prime Minister may call for a case from any Division.
(7) If a Minister desires any further action to be taken on the case of another
Division, he shall take up the matter with the Minister of that Division.

9. Secretaries' Committee.-(1) There shall be a Secretaries' Committee

to discuss matters referred to it by a Division, a Minister or the Prime Minister, in
which the experience and collective wisdom of the senior officers could be consulted, to
the benefit of the subject under consideration.

(2) In a matter discussed in the Secretaries' Committee, if the Secretary of a

Division has agreed to a proposal, it shall not be necessary to consult his Division again
on that proposal.

(3) The Secretaries' Committee shall meet at least once a month unless there
are no items for discussion.

(4) Other instructions regarding the submission of cases to the Secretaries'
Committee shall be issued by the Cabinet Division.
(5) When a matter is referred to a Committee or working group, and a
Division is represented therein by an officer of or above the rank of Joint Secretary, the
agreed decision of the Committee or working group shall be treated as final and shall not
be subjected to further scrutiny in that Division.
10. Consultation with the Cabinet Division.-- (1) No Division shall, without
previous consultation with the Cabinet Division, issue or authorise the issue of any orders
which involve,-
(a) the interpretation of these rules;
(b) a change in the allocation of business between the various
Divisions of a Ministry;
(c) the strength, terms and conditions of service of the personal staff of
Ministers, Ministers of State, Special Assistants to the Prime
Minister and other dignitaries who enjoy the rank and status of a
Minister or Minister of State; and
(d) the selection of an officer of the level of Assistant Director and
Deputy Director in the Intelligence Bureau.

(2) Proposals regarding any directions by the President to the Governor of a

Province under clause (1) of Article 145 shall be submitted to the President by the
Division concerned but a copy of the Presidential directive will be supplied to the Cabinet
(3) The Divisions concerned shall obtain clearance of the Cabinet Division to
the proposals for the sending of delegations which are not in conformity with the
procedure laid down by that Division regarding the categorization of international

11. Consultation with the Establishment Division.-- No Division shall, without

previous consultation with the Establishment Division, issue, or authorize the issue of,
any orders, other than orders in pursuance of any general or special delegation made by
the Establishment Division, which involve -
(a) &(b) Deleted vide Cabinet Division Memo. No.104/59/78-Min.I,
dated 5-7-1979.
(c) Appointment to a post in BS-20 and above and equivalent whether
by initial appointment or promotion or transfer.

(d) a change in the terms and conditions of service of Federal civil


(e) a change in the statutory rights and privileges of any Federal

Government servant;

(f) Omitted vide SRO No.246(I)/2001, dated 26.4.2001.

(g) expenditure proposals relating to the Finance Division under rule

12 (1) (b), (2) and (3);

Substituted vide SRO No.246(I)/2001, dated 26.4.2001 (F.No.4-5/2000-Min-I )
(h) the interpretation of rules and orders made by the Establishment
Division; and

(i) rules for recruitment to any post or service, including the question
of removing a post or service from the purview of the Federal
Public Service Commission for the purposes of recruitment.

12. Consultation with the Finance Division.- (1) No Division shall, without
previous consultation with the Finance Division, authorise the issue of any orders, other
than orders in pursuance of any general or special delegation made by the Finance
Division, which will affect directly or indirectly the finances of the Federation [1] or
which in particular involve -

(a) relinquishment, remission or assignment of revenue, actual or

potential, or grant of a guarantee against it;

(b) expenditure for which no provision exists in the budget or for

which no sanction exists;

(c) [Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-11/91-Min-I

dated 22.10.1991.];

(d) floatation of loan;

(e) re-appropriation within budget grant;

(f) alteration in the method of compilation of accounts, or of the

budget estimates;

(g) receipt or expenditure of foreign exchange unless already


(h) a change in the terms and conditions of service of Government

servants on their statutory rights and privileges, which have
financial implications;

(i) interpretation of rules made by the Finance Division; and

(j) omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-14/98-Min.I dated


(2) No proposal to which the previous concurrence of the Finance Division is

required shall, so long as concurrence is refused, be proceeded with. If a Minister cannot
reach agreement with the Minister for Finance and desires to press the proposal, he shall
submit it to the Prime Minister or, if the Prime Minister so desires to the Cabinet. Formal
orders shall not issue until the Finance Division has given its scrutiny to the details of the
proposal, where no such details have been supplied with the proposal.
(3) Except to the extent that power may have been delegated to the Divisions
under the rules framed by the Finance Division, every order of an administrative Division
conveying a sanction to be enforced in audit shall be communicated to the audit
authorities through the Finance Division.

Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-14/98-Min-I, dated 1st December, 1998.
13. Consultation with the Foreign Affairs Division.-- The Foreign Affairs Division
shall, subject to orders in pursuance of any general or special delegation made by that
Division, be consulted on all matters which affect the foreign policy of Pakistan, or the
conduct of its foreign relations.

14. Consultation with the 1Law and Justice Division-- (1) The Law and
Justice Division shall be consulted--

(a) on all legal questions arising out of any case;

(b) on the interpretation of any law;

(c) before the issue of or authorization of the issue of an order, rule,

regulation, by-law, notification, etc. in exercise of statutory

(d) deleted vide Cabinet Division No.104/10/76-Min,

dated 26-3-1976.

(e) before instituting criminal or civil proceedings in a court of law in

which the Government is involved;

(f) whenever criminal or civil proceedings are instituted against the

Government at the earliest possible stage; and

(g) before the appointment of a legal adviser in any Division or any
office or corporation under its administrative control and the Law
and Justice Division will make its recommendations after consultation
with the Attorney General.

(2) No Division shall consult, the Attorney General except through the Law
and Justice Division and in accordance with the procedure laid down by that Division.

(3) If there is disagreement between the views of the Attorney General and the
Law and Justice Division, the case shall be submitted to the Minister for Law and Justice
for opinion. If the Minister disagrees with the Attorney General, the case shall be referred
to the Prime Minister for orders who may refer the matter to the Cabinet if he so desires.

(4) For any proposed legislation, the Law and Justice Division shall be
consulted in accordance with rules 27 to 30.

(5) Bills or Ordinances received from the Provincial Governments or

Governors requiring assent or instructions of the President shall be examined in the
Division concerned and shall be submitted to the President through the Law and Justice

14A. Consultation with Revenue Division.- (1) No Division shall, without

previous consultation with the Revenue Division, authorise the issue of any orders, other
than orders in pursuance of any general or special delegation made by the Revenue
Division, which will affect directly or indirectly the collection of revenue from federal
taxes, levy of taxes, duties, cesses or fees.

Nomenclature of Ministry of Law, Justice and Human Rights has been changed to Law and Justice
Division vide SRO 1260 (I)/2015 dated 18.12.2015 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
Amended vide Cabinet Division Memo No.104/83/78-Min (Pt.II) dated 21st November, 1979.

15. Reference to the Prime Minister.-(1) No order shall be issued without

the approval of the Prime Minister in-
(a) cases involving important policy or departure from important
Note.- Departure from policy includes departure from a previous
decision of the Cabinet or the Prime Minister.

(b) cases involving directions to a Governor under Article 145 and to a

Provincial Government under Article 149;

(c) cases where it is proposed that the Federal Government undertake

the implementation of an international agreement relating to a
subject in the provincial field;

(d) cases of Awards-Decorations in recognition of gallantry and

academic distinction;
(e) cases relating to petitions addressed to the Prime Minister which
are neither withheld under instructions for the transmission of such
petitions to the Prime Minister nor accepted;

(f) cases relating to mercy petitions against sentences of death passed

by Courts requiring the exercise of President's prerogative of

(g) cases enumerated in Schedule V-A; and

(h) cases involving sanction for the prosecution of the holder of a post
referred to in Schedule V-A.
(2) A case submitted to the Prime Minister for his orders shall include a self-
contained, concise and objective summary stating the relevant facts and the points for
decision prepared on the same lines as those prescribed in these rules for a summary for
the Cabinet, except that only one copy will be required which may not be printed. The
summary shall include the specific recommendations of the Minister-in-Charge and shall
be accompanied by a draft communication, wherever appropriate.

(3) Omitted vide Cabinet Division O.M.No.104/8/85-Min-I, dated 4-8-85.

(4) In a case in which the Prime Minister's orders are obtained in oral
discussion by a Minister, Minister of State, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister, [3],
Deputy Chairman Planning Commission, Secretary or by any other officer of the
Government, a written note containing a brief record of the discussion and orders of the
Prime Minister shall be submitted to the Prime Minister's Office for information of the
Prime Minister.

Amended vide Cabinet Division O.M.No.104/8/85-Min-I, dated 04-08-1985.
Substituted vide Cabinet Division No.104/70/73-Min-I, dated 15th July, 1974.
Substituted vide .SRO No.433 (I)/2003, dated 20.5.2003. (F.No. 4-10/2002-Min-I)
(5) The Prime Minister shall:

(a) communicate to the President all decisions of the Cabinet relating

to the administration of the affairs of the Federation and proposals
for legislation;

(b) furnish such information relating to the administration of affairs of

the Federation and proposals for legislation as the President may
call for; and

(c) if the President so requires, submit for consideration of the Cabinet

any matter on which a decision has been taken by the Prime
Minister or a Minister but which has not been considered by the
Reference to the President.--(1) Notwithstanding the provisions made
in these rules, where in terms of any provision of the Constitution any function is to be
performed or any orders have to be issued by the President or his specific approval is
required, the Division concerned shall incorporate a paragraph to this effect in the
summary entitled as "Summary for the Prime Minister". The Prime Minister shall render
his advice and submit the case to the President. After the President has seen and approved
the case, it shall be returned to the Prime Minister. The cases to which this sub-rule
applies are enumerated in Schedule V-B.
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions made in these rules, where in terms of any
provisions of the Constitution, any function is to be performed or any orders have to be
issued by the President in his discretion, the Division concerned shall submit the case to
the President through the Prime Minister in the form of a self-contained, concise and
objective summary entitled as "Summary for the President" stating the relevant facts and
points for decision prepared on the same lines as prescribed in these rules for a
Summary for the Cabinet, except that only one copy will be required which may not
be printed. This procedure will not, however, be applicable where the President has
conveyed the decision to the Prime Minster for issuing orders in respect of cases in his
discretion. The cases to which this sub-rule applies are enumerated in Schedule VI.
(3) The cases and papers referred to in Schedule VII shall be submitted to the
President for his information.
16. Cases to be brought before the Cabinet.--(1) The following cases shall
be brought before the Cabinet:-
(a) proposals for legislation, official or non-official, including money
(b) promulgation and revocation of Ordinances;
(c) the budgetary position and proposals before the presentation of an
Annual Budget Statement and a Supplementary Budget Statement
or an Excess Budget Statement under Articles 80 and 84;
(d) proposals for levy, abolition, remission, alteration or regulation of
any tax and floatation of loans;
Inserted Vide Cabinet Division O.M.No.104/8/85-Min.I, dated 04.08.85.
Substituted vide SRO.135(I)/98, dated 3rd March, 1998. (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I)
(e) a reference to the Supreme Court for advice on a question of law
under clause (1) of Article 186;
(f) generation of electricity and laying of inter-provincial transmission
(g) omitted vide S.R.O 368(1)/2010 dated 1st June 1, 2010
(h) proposals involving negotiations with foreign countries, e.g.,
exchange of diplomatic and commercial representation, treaties
and agreements, visits of goodwill missions, representation at
international conferences and meetings:
Provided that all proposals for entering into any cultural or other agreements with
any foreign government shall, in the first instance, be submitted to the Cabinet for
approval in principle and actual negotiations shall be initiated only after the proposal has
been approved by the Cabinet:
Provided further that decisions regarding the composition of all delegations,
except those for which important briefs are required, to attend meetings of international
bodies may be taken by mutual consultation between the Minister and the Minister for
Finance, but the approval of the Prime Minister shall be obtained--
(i) where the delegation is sponsored by a Division under the direct
charge of the Prime Minister or a Division or Divisions under the
charge of the Minister for Finance; or
(ii) where a Minister is proposed to be included in the delegation:

Provided further that a decision regarding the opening of an honorary consulate

abroad may be taken by the Foreign Affairs Division in consultation with the Commerce

(i) important reports and documents required to be laid before the

Assembly or Senate;
(j) cases involving vital political, economic and administrative
Note.- Cases of this nature shall first be brought to the notice of
the Prime Minister by the Minister-in-Charge. The Prime Minister
will decide whether any such case should be brought before the
(k) case which the Minister-in-Charge considers important enough for
discussion in the Cabinet;
(l) other cases required to be referred to the Cabinet under the
provisions of these rules; and
(m) any case desired by the Prime Minister to be referred to the
(2) Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-rule (1), the Prime Minister may in
any case give directions as to the manner of its disposal without prior reference to the
17. Method of disposal of Cabinet cases.--(1) Cases referred to the Cabinet
shall be disposed of--
(a) by discussion at a meeting of the Cabinet; or
(b) by circulation amongst Ministers; or
(c) by discussion at a meeting of a committee of the Cabinet:
Provided that the decisions of the Committee shall be ratified by the Cabinet
unless the Cabinet has authorised otherwise.
The Secretary to the Cabinet (hereinafter referred to as the "Cabinet Secretary")
shall, under the general or special orders of the Prime Minister, indicate the manner in
which a case shall be disposed of.
(2) Committees of the Cabinet may be constituted, and their terms of
reference and membership laid down by the Cabinet or the Prime Minister. Such
Committees may be standing or special committees; accordingly as they are appointed to
deal with a class of cases or a specific case.
18. Manner of submission of Cabinet cases.--(1) In respect of all cases to
be submitted to the Cabinet, the Secretary of the Division concerned shall transmit to the
Cabinet Secretary a concise, lucid and printed memorandum of the case (hereinafter
referred to as the "summary"), giving the background and relevant facts, the points for
decision and the recommendations of the Minister-in-Charge. In the event of views of the
Division being different from the views of the Minister, both the views shall be included
in the summary:
[Proviso deleted vide S.R.O 226(I)/2010 (Cabinet Divisions F.No. 4-4/2007,
dated 2nd April, 2010]
(2) In the case of a proposed legislation to which approval is sought in
principle, the summary shall bring out clearly the main issues to be legislated upon.
(3) The summary shall be self-contained as far as possible, not exceeding two
printed pages and may include as appendices only such relevant papers as are necessary
for proper appreciation of the case. The number of copies of the summary and the form in
which it is to be drawn up shall be prescribed by the Cabinet Secretary.
(4) Where a case concerns more than one Division, the summary shall not be
submitted to the Cabinet unless it has been considered by all the Divisions concerned. In
the event of a difference of opinion between them, the points of difference shall be
clearly stated in the summary, a copy of which shall be sent by the sponsoring Division to
other Division concerned simultaneously with transmission of the summary to the
Cabinet Division.
(5) All draft Bills, Ordinances or Orders shall be submitted to the Cabinet
after they have been scrutinized by the Law and Justice Division, and no changes shall
be made therein except in consultation with that Division.
(6) No case for inclusion in the agenda of a meeting of the Cabinet shall be
accepted unless it reaches the Cabinet Secretary at least 2[seven clear] days in advance of
the meeting:
Provided that, if a case is urgent and is required to be taken up at short notice, the
Secretary concerned will obtain approval of the Prime Minister for its inclusion in the
agenda before it is transmitted to the Cabinet Secretary.
(7) It shall be the duty of the Cabinet Secretary to satisfy himself that the papers
submitted by a Secretary are complete and in appropriate form. He may return the case
until requirements of the rules have been complied with. If the Cabinet Secretary is
satisfied that the case does not merit consideration of the Cabinet he may advise the
matter to be placed before an appropriate forum or require it to be submitted to the Prime

Substituted vide SRO 135(I)/98, dated 3rd March, 1998 (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I).
Substituted vide O.M. No.104/7/79-Min.I, dated 31.5.1981.
19. Procedure regarding circulation of Cabinet cases.--(1) When a case is
circulated to Cabinet for recording opinion, the Cabinet Secretary shall specify the time
by which opinions should be communicated to him. If a Minister does not communicate
his opinion by that time, it shall be assumed that he accepts the recommendations
contained in the summary.
(2) On expiry of the specified time, the Cabinet Secretary shall submit the
opinions received to the Prime Minister for decision.
(3) If the Prime Minister directs that the case shall be discussed at a Cabinet
meeting, the Cabinet Secretary shall circulate the opinions recorded by the Ministers, in
the form of a supplementary summary.
(4) Report made to the Cabinet of action taken on its decisions, and other
cases submitted only for information, shall normally be disposed of by circulation.
20. Procedure regarding Cabinet Meetings.-(1) Meeting of the Cabinet to
discuss ordinary business shall normally be held once a week, on a day and time to be
specified by the Prime Minister.

Provided that the Prime Minister may call for a special meeting of the Cabinet at
any time and on any day to discuss urgent business.
(1A) Meetings of the Cabinet will be attended by the Federal Ministers.
Provided that the Prime Minister may require the Ministers of State, Advisers and
Special Assistants to the Prime Minister and other dignitaries to attend any or all
meetings of the Cabinet by special invitation.
(2) Ministers shall so arrange their tours that they are able to attend the
weekly Cabinet meetings, unless they have obtained the Prime Minister's permission to
absent themselves, in which case their Secretary should invariably be in attendance at the
Cabinet meeting if any item relating to his Division is on the agenda of the Cabinet
(3) The Prime Minister may authorise the holding of Cabinet meetings during
his absence.
(4) The Prime Minister shall preside at all Cabinet meetings. In the absence of
the Prime Minister, a Minister nominated by the Prime Minister shall preside. The
decisions taken in the Prime Minister's absence shall be subject to the approval of the
Prime Minister, unless the Cabinet feels that a particular case is so urgent that immediate
action may be taken in anticipation of the Prime Minister's approval.
(5) The Cabinet Secretary shall ordinarily issue to the Ministers, three days in
advance of a meeting, a circular showing the cases proposed to be placed on the agenda,
together with the summaries relating to such cases. In the case of special meetings, the
agenda may be issued less than three days in advance. A copy of the agenda, without
summaries shall also be supplied to the Secretaries of Divisions.
(6) No case shall be discussed nor any issue raised unless the summary
relating to it has first been circulated:
Provided that the Prime Minister may, in his discretion or at the representation of
a Minister, dispense with this requirement if he is satisfied that the circumstances were
such that a working paper could not be supplied and the matter could brook no delay.
(7) The Secretary shall be in attendance at the cabinet meeting for the purpose
of the case relating to his Division even when his Minister attends that meeting.

Inserted vide S.R.O 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 2nd April, 2010.
(8) Other officers of the Divisions shall not ordinarily be required to be in
attendance at the Cabinet meetings except-
(a) when information on points within their technical or specialised
knowledge is required; or
(b) when the Minister or the Secretary is unable to attend. In such
cases any officer may be invited to the meeting by the Cabinet
Secretary. Such officers may be asked to join the meeting only for
the relevant case and, after giving the information required, shall
withdraw from the meeting before discussion is taken up by the
(9) If the Secretary of the Division concerned considers that the discussion on
a case should await the return of the Minister, he may request the Cabinet Secretary for
its postponement until the return of the Minister. Similarly, the Secretary may request for
the withdrawal of a case belonging to his Division from the agenda of the Cabinet
(10) When a case is taken up by a meeting of the Cabinet, the Prime Minister
may request the Minister or the Secretary or any other officer of the Ministry concerned
who may be in attendance in accordance with sub-rule (8), to explain the point or points
on which a decision is required.
(11) The Cabinet Secretary and or any other officer of the Cabinet Division
authorized by him shall attend all meetings and prepare-
(a) a brief record of the discussion which, in the absence of special
directions by the Cabinet to the contrary, shall be of an impersonal
(b) a record of the decisions without any statement of the reasons
(12) The Cabinet Secretary shall circulate to the Ministers a copy of the above
record for perusal and return within 24 hours of issue.
(13) A copy of decision of the Cabinet, and wherever considered necessary of
the points made during the discussion shall be supplied by the Cabinet Secretary to the
Secretary of the Division concerned for action under rule 24.
(14) If a Minister considers that there has been a mistake or omission in
recording the minutes, he shall point it out to the Cabinet Secretary within 24 hours of the
issue of the minutes. The Cabinet Secretary shall obtain the orders of the Prime Minister
and, if necessary, issue a corrigendum, correct the official record in the Cabinet Division
and advice the Secretary of the Division concerned.
(15) Where a Minister was unable to attend a Cabinet meeting, and the
Secretary attended the meeting, the record of the items concerning the Division shall be
sent to the Secretary.

20A. Omitted vide S.R.O 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.4.2010.

21. [Procedure regarding Inter-Provincial Conference] Omitted vide S.R.O

No. 724(I)/2011 (F.No.4-9/2011-Min-I), dated 28.07.2011.

22. Procedure regarding National Economic Council.--(1) Meetings of
the National Economic Council shall be convened by the Cabinet Division under the
directions of the Prime Minister who shall preside at the meetings.
(2) The Federal and Provincial Ministers and officials of the Divisions
concerned and of the Provincial Governments may be associated with the deliberations of
the National Economic Council as and when considered necessary.
(3) The provisions of rules 17, 18 and 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
manner of submission of cases to, and the procedure for the meetings of the National
Economic Council except that the summary shall reach the Cabinet Division at least
fifteen clear days in advance of the commencement of the meeting.
(4) Other instructions regarding submission of cases to the National Economic
Council shall be issued by the Cabinet Secretary.
23. Procedure regarding Committees of Cabinet and National Economic
Council.--(1) Meetings of a Committee of the Cabinet or of the National Economic
Council shall be convened by the Cabinet Division under the directions of the Chairman
of the Committee concerned, who shall preside at the meeting of the Committee.
(2) The members of the Committee shall attend the meetings:
Provided that a Federal Minister or a Provincial Minister, where he is a member,
if unable to attend a meeting, may authorize the Secretary of the Division or Department
concerned to represent him.
(3) Officials of the Divisions concerned and of the Provincial Governments
may be associated with the deliberations of the Committee as and when considered
(4) The provisions of rules 18, 19 and 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
manner of submission of cases to, and the procedure for the meeting of the Committee.
(5) Other instructions regarding submission of cases to the Committee shall be
issued by the Cabinet Secretary.
24. Action on decisions of the Cabinet, National Economic Council or
their Committees, etc.--(1) When a case has been decided by the Cabinet or the National
Economic Council or their Committees, the Minister-in-Charge shall take prompt action
to give effect to the decision.
(2) When the decision is received by the Secretary of the Division concerned,
he shall-
(a) acknowledge the receipt of the decision in the form provided;
(b) transmit the decision to his Division for action;
(c) keep a register with himself of the decisions received, for the
purpose of ensuring that prompt and complete action is taken on
those decisions; and
(d) coordinate action with any other Division concerned with the
(3) The Secretary of the Division concerned shall, on receipt of the Cabinet
decision, communicate it to the Division but shall not forward the original documents.
The decision shall be formally conveyed as decision of the Federal Government and
details to the Ministers present at the meeting of the Cabinet, Committee of Cabinet etc.,
shall not be disclosed.
Note:-The record of the discussion before a decision was taken shall not
be passed down unless it contains points which require further
consideration or action in the Division concerned.
(4) To ensure implementation of the Cabinet decisions, the Secretary of each
Division shall keep a record of all the decisions conveyed to him and shall watch
progress of action until it is completed. It shall be his responsibility as Secretary of the
Division sponsoring the summary to consult or inform any other Divisions concerned, in
order to ensure full implementation of the decision.

(5) The Cabinet Secretary shall watch the implementation of Cabinet

decisions, and the Secretary in the Division concerned shall supply to the Cabinet
Secretary such documents as the latter may, by general or special request, require to
enable him to complete his record of the case.
(6) The Cabinet Secretary shall maintain the record of each case which shall
consist of-
(a) a copy of all papers issued under rules 19(1), 20(5), 22(3) or 23(4);
(b) a copy of the records prepared under rules 19(2), 20(11) or 23(4);
(c) all documents received under sub-rule (5).

(7) The Secretaries shall retain in their personal custody the record of Cabinet
decisions and discussions conveyed to them under rule 20(13), and shall make them over
to their successors at the time of handing over charge.
(8) All papers submitted to Cabinet are secret until the Cabinet discussion has
taken place. Thereafter each secretary shall decide whether the case should continue to be
classified as secret and inform the Cabinet Division of his decision.
(9) The Ministers shall return to the Cabinet Secretary
(a) the papers issued to them for decision by circulation, immediately
after recording their opinion;
(b) the papers issued to them for decision by discussion in a meeting
of the Cabinet or Committee of the Cabinet, etc., under rule 20(5),
22(3) or 23(4), immediately after the discussion has taken place;
(c) copies of the record of discussion and decision circulated by the
Cabinet Secretary under rule 19(1), 20(12), 22(3) or 23(4);
immediately after they have perused them; and
(d) reports of action taken on Cabinet decisions, or other papers
circulated for information, immediately after perusal.
25. Periodical reports of activities of Divisions.--(1) Omitted vide SRO
135(I)/98, dated 3rd March, 1998.
(2) At the beginning of each financial year, each Division shall, for the
information of the Cabinet and for the information of general public prepare as a
permanent record a Year Book which shall contain--
(a) the details of its activities, achievements and progress during the
preceding financial year giving only the unclassified information
which can be used for reference purposes;
(b) the programme of activities and targets set out for itself during the
preceding financial year and the extent to which they have been
realized; and

Inserted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.104/35/85-Min-I, dated 5.10.1988.
(c) the relevant statistics properly tabulated.
Note:- The Secretary of the Division shall ensure that only
unclassified material is supplied for the Year Book so that the
information contained therein may be available for the use of
academics, scholars and others interested.
(3) Every Year Book shall be circulated by the Cabinet Secretary for
information [within ninety days at the end of the financial year under report].
26. Annual Report.-(1) There shall be prepared by the Cabinet Division an
annual report on the observance and implementation of the Principles of Policy in
relation to the affairs of the Federation in terms of clause (3) of Article 29.
(2) The Law and Justice Division shall cause the report to be laid before each
House of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).
(3) The provisions of rule 25(2) and (3) shall apply for the preparation and
submission of the report to Cabinet as they apply to a Year Book.

27. Official Bills.-(1) The Division concerned shall be responsible for
determining the contents of the proposed legislation for consulting the other Divisions
concerned (including the Finance Division) where necessary, and for obtaining the
approval of the Cabinet under rule 16(1)(a), to the issues involved, before asking the Law
and Justice Division to draft the Bill.
Provided that where the proposed legislation involves only a verbal or formal
amendment of an existing law, it shall not be necessary to obtain approval of the Cabinet
before asking the Law and Justice Division to draft it.
(2) When referring the approved legislation to Law and Justice Division for
drafting, the Division concerned shall send the relevant papers along with a memorandum
indicating the provisions which are intended to be incorporated in the draft Bill and
giving the objects of and reasons for those provisions to enable the Law and Justice
Division to grasp the exact intention of the Division concerned and the full scope of the
proposed legislation.
(3) Apart from giving shape to the draft legislation, the Law and Justice
Division shall advise the Division concerned as to the competence of Majlis-e-Shoora
(Parliament) to make a law on the subject to which the proposed legislation relates and
whether any legal requirements are to be complied with before the Bill is introduced in
the Assembly or the Senate.
(4) Whenever consent or recommendations of the Federal Government or
previous sanction of the President is necessary for the introduction of a Bill it shall be
drafted by the Law and Justice Division along with the Bill.
(5) The Division concerned shall then--
(a) submit the case to the Cabinet--
(i) for approval of the draft Bill;
(ii) for deciding any issue that may still be outstanding;
(b) obtain the approval of the Prime Minister on the decisions of the
Cabinet on the points mentioned in clause (a) where the approval
has not already been given by the Prime Minister in the meeting of
the Cabinet; and

Added vide SRO No.135 (I)/98, dated 3.3.98 (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I).
amended vide SRO.NO.724(I)/2011, (F.No.4-9/2011-Min-I), dated 28.07.2011.
(c) obtain the signature of the Prime Minister on the consent or
recommendation, or of the President on the previous sanction,
where required to the introduction of the Bill in the Assembly or
the Senate; and return the Bill to the Law and Justice Division for
further action in terms of sub-rule (8).
(5A) The Cabinet may, in an appropriate case, while according approval to the
proposed legislation under sub-rule (1), dispense with the requirements of clause (a) of
sub-rule (5) regarding submission of the case to the Cabinet for approval of the draft bill.
(6) The Division concerned shall include in the brief prepared for use of the
Minister-in-Charge the direction which the Cabinet has given regarding the line of action
to be adopted with regard to the Bill.
(7) Legislation relating to the codification of substantive law or for the
consolidation of existing enactments or legislation of a purely formal character, e.g.,
repealing and amending Bills and short title Bills, may be initiated in the Law and
Justice Division. It shall, however, consult the Division concerned, if any, which shall
consider the draft legislation from the administrative point of view and send their views
to the Law and Justice Division.
(8) After taking action in terms of sub-rule (5) the Division concerned shall
forward to the Law and Justice Division the draft legislation in its final form with a
statement of objects and reasons duly signed by the Minister-in-Charge. The Law and
Justice Division, after satisfying itself that all legal requirements have been complied
with for the introduction of the Bill in the Assembly or, as the case may be, the Senate,
transfer the bill alongwith the statement of objects and reasons to the Parliamentary
Affairs Division for arranging its introduction in the appropriate House.
28. Non-Official Bills.--(1) The Division concerned shall be responsible
for assessing the administrative implications of the proposed legislation and for
consulting the other Divisions concerned, including the Finance Division, where
(2) Thereafter the Division concerned shall consult the Law and Justice
Division who shall, apart from advising the Division concerned on the legal implications
of the proposed legislation and the competence of the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) to
make a law on the subject to which the Bill relates, advise it as to whether any legal
requirements are to be complied with and whether the Bill is one which cannot be
introduced under the Constitution without the consent or recommendations of the Federal
Government or previous sanction of the President.
(3) Subject to sub-rule (3) of rule 5 and sub-rules (1) and (2) of this rule, the
Minister-in-Charge shall decide regarding the provisions of the Bill as to which of the
following motions in the Assembly or, as the case may be, in the Senate is to be
(a) that it be taken into consideration by the Assembly or, as
the case may be, the Senate either at once or at some future
date to be specified;
(b) that it be referred to a Committee;
(c) that it be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion
thereon; and
(d) that it be opposed.
Inserted vide SRO 135(I)/98, (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I) dated 3rd March 1998.
Inserted vide SRO 135(I)/98, (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I) dated 3rd March 1998
Substituted vide SRO 634(1)/2016 (F.No.4-2/2016-Min-I) dated 22nd July, 2016
(4) Subject to sub-rule (3), the Division shall obtain signature of the Prime
Minister on the consent or recommendation, or of the President on
the previous sanction, where required for introduction of the Bill in the
Assembly or, as the case may be, the Senate.

29. Official and non-official amendments to Bills.-- The procedure

regarding official amendments shall be the same as for official bills and that for non-
official amendments the same as for non-official Bills.
30. Ordinances.--(1) The provisions of rule 27 shall apply mutatis
mutandis when the proposed legislation is an Ordinance. The Law and Justice Division
shall promulgate the Ordinance and in due course arrange to lay it before--
(i) the Assembly, if it contains provisions dealing with all or any of
the matter specified in clause (2) of Article 73;
(ii) both Houses, if it does not contain provisions dealing with any of
the matters referred to in clause(i).
(2) When an ordinance is to be withdrawn the approval of the President shall
be obtained by the Division concerned through the Prime Minister.
31. Compliance with Rules of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).-- All
Divisions shall, in their relations with the Assembly, the Senate and Majlis-e-Shoora
(Parliament) in joint sitting comply with the Rules of Procedure and Standing Orders of
the Assembly, the Senate or the joint sitting, as the case may be.
32. Summoning of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), a House or joint sitting
by the President.--(1) At the appropriate time the Secretary Parliamentary Affairs
Division shall ascertain the state of business pending for consideration of the Assembly,
the Senate or Joint sitting.
(2) The Secretary Parliamentary Affairs Division, shall in terms of rule 15-A,
obtain the President's orders on summoning the Assembly, the Senate, both Houses or
Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) in joint sitting, as the case may be, and communicate the
date, time and place of the commencement of the session--

in the case of the Assembly, to the Secretary of the Assembly;
in the case of the Senate, to the Secretary of the Senate;
in the case of both Houses and joint sitting, to the Secretary of the
Assembly and also to the Secretary of the Senate;
(3) Upon receipt of a communication under sub-rule (2), the date, time and
place for the commencement of the session shall be notified in the Gazette-
(a) in the case of the Assembly, by the Secretary of the Assembly;
(b) in the case of the Senate, by the Secretary of the Senate;
(c) in the case of both Houses or joint sitting, by the Secretary of the
Assembly and also by the Secretary of the Senate.

Amended vide Cabinet Division O.M.No.104/8/85-Min.I, dated 4-8-1985.
Substituted vide SRO 634(1)/2016 (F.No.4-2/2016-Min-I) dated 22nd July, 2016

33. Prorogation of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), a House, or joint sitting by the
President.--(1) At the appropriate time, the Secretary Parliamentary Affairs Division
shall in terms of rule 15-A, obtain President's orders on prorogation of the Assembly, the
Senate, both Houses or Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) in joint sitting, as the case may be
and communicate the same,--
(a) in the case of the Assembly, to the Secretary of the Assembly;
(b) in the case of the Senate, to the Secretary of the Senate;
(c) in the case of both Houses and joint sitting, to the Secretary of the
Assembly and also to the Secretary of the Senate.
(3) Upon receipt of a communication under sub-rule (1), the date of
prorogation of the session shall be notified in the Gazette,--
(a) in the case of the Assembly, by the Secretary of the Assembly;
(b) in the case of the Senate, by the Secretary of the Senate;
(c) in the case of both Houses and joint sitting, by the Secretary of the
Assembly and also by the Secretary of the Senate.
34. Summoning and prorogation of National Assembly by the
Speaker.--(1) When the Assembly is summoned by the Speaker under clause (3) of
article 54, the date, time and place for the commencement of the session shall be notified
in the Gazette by the Secretary of the Assembly.
(2) When the Assembly is prorogued by the Speaker under clause (3) of
Article 54, the date of prorogation shall be notified in the Gazette by the Secretary of the
35. Summoning and prorogation of the Senate by the Chairman.--(1)
When the Senate is summoned by the Chairman under clause (3) of article 54 read with
Article 61, the date, time and place for the commencement of the session shall be notified
in the Gazette by the Secretary of the Senate.
(2) When the Senate is prorogued by the Chairman under clause (3) of Article
54 read with Article 61, the date of prorogation shall be notified in the Gazette by the
Secretary of the Senate.
36. Review of official and non-official business.-- As soon as a notification
under sub-rule (3) of rule 32, sub-rule (1) of rule 34, or sub-rule (1) of rule 35 is issued,
all Divisions shall undertake a review of official and non-official business intended to be
brought before the Assembly, the Senate, both Houses or the joint sitting, as the case may
be, and shall promptly forward to the Parliamentary Affairs Division detailed lists of such
business, not later than five days before the commencement of the session.
37. Provisional forecast of official and non-official business.--
The Secretary Parliamentary Affairs Division shall prepare a provisional forecast of the
business to be brought before the Assembly, the Senate or the joint sitting, as the case
may be and shall make, through the appropriate Leader of the House, or in the case of the
joint sitting, through the Prime Minister, proposals to the Speaker or , as the case may be,
the Chairman for the allotment of days for the transaction of official as well as non-
official business. The final arrangement as approved by the Speaker or, the Chairman as
the case may be, shall be circulated by the appropriate Secretariat to all the Divisions and
the Secretary, Prime Minister's Office.
38. Orders of the Day.-- The Secretary Parliamentary Affairs Division, shall,
in consultation with the appropriate Leader of the House, prepare orders of the day for
each official day and forward it to the appropriate Secretariat. In the case of a joint
sitting, the Orders of the Day shall be prepared in consultation with the Prime Minister
and forwarded to the Secretary of the Assembly.
39. Transmission of Bills etc.--(1) Copies of Bills, including Bills passed
by one House and transmitted to the other House, Bills to be reconsidered by the
Assembly and Bills to be considered in a joint sitting, resolutions, notices, questions and
other business to be brought before the Assembly, the Senate or the joint sitting shall be
forwarded as soon as received or possible, by the appropriate Secretariat to the Division
(2) If a Bill, resolution, motion or question has been wrongly addressed to a
Division by the appropriate Secretariat, it shall be promptly transferred by the receiving
Division to the Division concerned, under advice to that Secretariat.
(3) The appropriate Secretariat shall inform the Division concerned as soon as
it is known that a resolution, motion or question has been admitted in its final form or not
admitted so that the Division concerned may regulate its action accordingly.
(4) Before the commencement of each session of the National Assembly or
the Senate, the appropriate Secretariat shall ascertain from the Cabinet Division the
allocation of business amongst the Divisions.
40. Action by Divisions.-- As soon as any communication (whether a notice,
intimation, a Bill or any other paper) is received from the appropriate Secretariat or any
other authority regarding the business or affairs of the Assembly, the Senate or the joint
sitting, the receiving officer shall at once bring it to the notice of the Secretary and the
41. Introduction of Bills, etc.--(1) A Money Bill shall originate in the
National Assembly:
Provided that simultaneously when a Money Bill including the Finance
Bill containing the Annual Budget Statement is presented in the National Assembly, a
copy thereof shall be transmitted to the Senate which may, within fourteen days, make
recommendations thereon to the National Assembly.
(1A) The National Assembly shall consider the recommendations of the Senate
and, after the Bill has been passed by the Assembly with or without incorporating the
recommendations of the Senate, it shall be presented to the President for assent.
(2) Bills, other than Money Bills, resolutions, motions, questions or other
business with respect to any matter in the Federal Legislative List originate or be moved
or asked, in or, as the case may be, brought before either House:
Provided that the Prime Minister shall determine the House in which a particular
official bill, resolution or motion originate or be moved or, as the case may be, before
which any other official business shall be brought.
(3) Omitted vide S.R.O. No.822(I)/2002, dated 20.11.2002.
(4) An official Bill shall be introduced in the Assembly, or as the case may be,
the Senate by the Minister-in-Charge or by any other Minister on his behalf.
(5) The Minister concerned shall in consultation with the Leader of the House,
decide as to which of the following motion should be made with regard to an official Bill
after its introduction,--
(a) that it be taken into consideration at once and passed; or

(b) that it be taken into consideration on a date to be specified; or
(c) that it be referred to a Select Committee; or
(d) that it be circulated for the purpose of eliciting opinion thereon;
Provided that if a question of important policy is involved, the Minister shall
obtain the orders of the Prime Minister.
(6) Omitted vide SRO No.822(I)/2002, dated 20.11.2002.
(7) The Division concerned shall prepare for the use of the Minister-in-Charge
a brief of each Bill, whether official or non-official.
42. Assent to Bills.-- A Bill to be presented to the President for his assent
shall be forwarded by the appropriate Secretariat duly certified by the Speaker or, as the
case may be, the Chairman to the Parliamentary Affairs Division who shall submit it to
the President for his assent. 1The President shall-
(a) assent to the Bill, or
(b) if it is a Bill other than a Money Bill, return the Bill to the Majlis-
e-Shoora (Parliament) with a message requesting that the Bill, or
any specified provision thereof, be reconsidered and that any
amendments specified in the message be considered.
42A Reconsideration of Bill by Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament). When the
President has returned a Bill to the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), it shall be reconsidered
by the Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) in joint sitting and if it is passed by the votes of the
majority of the members of both Houses present and voting, it shall be deemed for the
purposes of the Constitution to have been passed by both Houses and shall be presented
to the President, and the President shall give his assent within ten days, failing which
such assent shall be deemed to have been given.
43. Resolutions.--(1) When an official resolution is to be moved in the
Assembly, the Senate or the joint sitting, the Division concerned shall, where time
permits, consult the Law and Justice Division and obtain approval of the Cabinet, before
forwarding the resolution with a notice signed by the Minister to the Secretary of the
appropriate Secretariat:
Provided that no such resolution shall be forwarded to the appropriate Secretariat
until the Prime Minister has seen it if he was not present at the Cabinet meeting,
or where there was no time to consult the Cabinet.
Note:- Official resolutions may be for the ratification of an international
convention, constitution of a statutory body, declaration of policy on a
matter of public interest, etc.
(2) On receipt of a non-official resolution from the appropriate Secretariat, the
Division concerned shall examine its contents and, when the resolution is admitted for
discussion, obtain the orders of the Cabinet if time permits. But the orders of the Prime
Minister shall in any case be obtained. In examining the resolution, the Division
concerned shall consider whether the discussion of the resolution, or any part thereof,
would be detrimental to the public interest and if so, it should point this out with reasons
in its comments on the resolution.
(3) The Division concerned shall prepare regarding each resolution, whether
official or non-official, a brief for the use of the Minister.
(4) After a resolution has been adopted, the appropriate Secretariat shall
forward it to the Division concerned for appropriate action.

Inserted vide Cabinet Division O.M.No.104/8/85-Min-I, dated 4-8-1985.
Substituted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
44. Motions.--(1) The Division concerned shall submit an official motion,
together with a notice, to the Minister-in-Charge and after he has signed it, shall forward
it to the appropriate Secretariat.
Note:- Official motions may be for the election of members to a
Standing Committee or a statutory body, raising discussion
on a particular matter, etc.
(2) On receipt of a non-official motion from the appropriate Secretariat, the
Division concerned shall consider whether a discussion of the motion, or any part thereof,
would be detrimental to the public interest.
(3) If the Division is of opinion that discussion of a motion or any part thereof
would be detrimental to the public interest or that the motion or any part thereof involves
a point of important policy which requires the orders of the Prime Minister or the Cabinet
under these rules, it shall, as soon as the motion is admitted, submit the case for the
orders of the Prime Minister or, as the case may be, the Cabinet and shall in doing so
state the reasons for holding such opinion.
(4) The Division concerned shall prepare regarding each motion, whether
official or non-official, a brief for the use of the Minister.
(5) After a motion has been adopted, the appropriate Secretariat shall forward
it to the Division concerned for appropriate action.
45. Questions.--(1) On receipt, from the appropriate Secretariat, of a question
(starred, un-starred or short notice) proposed to be asked by a member, the Division
concerned shall draft a reply and after it has been approved by the Minster forward the
required number of copies of the reply to the appropriate Secretariat before the day on
which the question is put down for answer. In the case of a starred question, a brief be
prepared by the Division concerned for the use of the Minister in answering any
supplementary question that may be asked.
(2) A copy of each supplementary question asked in respect of a starred
question, and of the reply given thereto, shall be forwarded by the appropriate Secretariat
to the Division concerned, as soon as possible after the proceedings have been
(3) The Division concerned shall be responsible for the fulfilment of any
undertakings given on its behalf in reply to a question or a supplementary question.
46. Budget.--(1) The Minister for Finance shall, in consultation with the
Prime Minister and the Speaker, prepare a time-table for the consideration of annual
budget by the Assembly. The Secretary of the Assembly shall intimate the time-table so
decided upon to all the Divisions and the Secretary, Prime Minister's Office.
(2) On receipt of a motion proposing a cut in a demand (or supplementary
demand) for grant of funds, the Division concerned shall examine the points raised by the
member, and any further points likely to be raised, and prepare a brief for the use of the
Minister-in-Charge in making a reply.
(3) When the budget is passed by the Assembly, the Minister for Finance shall
submit the Schedule of Authorized Expenditure to the Prime Minister who shall
authenticate the Schedule by his signature as required by Article 83.
47. Committees of Assembly or Senate.--Standing or ad-hoc Committees
may be constituted by the Assembly or the Senate to advise the Divisions concerned on
general administrative policy or a special problem.

48. Directions to the Governors.-- No Division shall issue a directive to the
Governor of the Province under clause (1) of Article 145 without the specific approval of
the Prime Minister.
49. Obligations of Provinces and Federation
(1) Omitted vide S.R.O 368(I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
(2) Omitted vide S.R.O 368(I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
(3) The implementation of an international agreement in the Provincial field
shall normally be the responsibility of the Provincial Government unless in any case
specific orders of the Prime Minister are obtained by the Division concerned in
accordance with rule 15(1)(c).
(4) The Foreign Affairs Division shall issue necessary instructions to the
Provincial Governments in the matter of conducting correspondence with the
Government of a foreign country or a Pakistan Diplomatic Mission abroad or a Foreign
Mission in Pakistan or an International Organisation.
50. Conferment of powers and imposition of duties upon a Province.-- The
Division concerned shall obtain the specific orders of the Prime Minister, if it is proposed
to enact a law conferring powers and imposing duties upon a Province or officers or
authorities thereof under clause (2) of Article 146.
51. Proclamation of Emergency on account of war, internal disturbance,
etc.--(1) The Proclamation in case of a grave emergency in which the security of
Pakistan, or any part thereof is threatened by war or external aggression, or by internal
disturbance beyond the power of a Provincial Government to control, shall be issued by
the Cabinet Division in terms of rule 15-A.
(2) The Divisions concerned shall keep the provisions of clauses (2) to (8) of
Article 232 in view for making legislation, if required, while a Proclamation of
Emergency is in force and for submission of the Proclamation to the joint sitting or the
Senate, as the case may be.
(3) The provisions of rules 27, 28, 29 and 30 shall apply mutatis mutandis for
the purpose of legislation while a Proclamation of emergency is in force.
52. Failure of constitutional machinery in a Province.--(1)The
Proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a Province shall be issued
by the Cabinet Division in terms of rule 15-A.
(2) The Division concerned shall keep the provisions of clauses (3) to (6) of
Article 234 in view for making legislation, if required, while a Proclamation of
Emergency is in force and for submission of the Proclamation to the joint sitting or the
Senate, as the case may be.
(3) The provisions of rules 27, 28, 29 and 30 shall apply mutatis mutandis for
the purpose of legislation while a Proclamation of Emergency is in force.
53. Proclamation in case of financial stringency.--(1) The Proclamation in
case of financial stringency shall be issued by the Finance Division in terms of rule 15-A.
(2) The Finance Division shall keep the provisions of clause (4) of Article 235
in view for submission of the Proclamation to the joint sitting or the Senate, as the case
may be.

54. Revocation of Proclamation, etc.-- The Proclamation issued under rule
51,52 or 53 shall be varied or revoked by a subsequent Proclamation to be issued by the
Division concerned in terms of rule 15-A.
55. Protection and communication of official information.--1(1)
Information acquired from official documents relating to official matters shall only be
communicated by a government servant or, as the case may be, designated official to the
press, to non-officials, or even to officials belonging to other government offices in
accordance with the procedure laid down in section 3 of the Freedom of Information
Ordinance, 2002 (XCVI of 2002).
(2) Detailed instructions shall be issued by the Cabinet Division for the
treatment and custody of official documents and information of a classified nature.
(3) Ordinarily all official news and information shall be conveyed to the press
and the public through the Press Information Department or the External Publicity Wing
of the Information and Broadcasting Division. The manner in which this may be done
shall be prescribed by general or special orders to be issued by the Information and
Broadcasting Division.
(4) Only Ministers and Secretaries, and such officers as may be authorized,
shall act as official spokesmen of the Government. No statement involving foreign policy
shall normally be made by a person (other than the Minster of State for Foreign Affairs
and the Prime Minister) without prior consultation with the Foreign Affairs Division.
56. Channels of Communications.--(1) Except as provided in sub-rule (2),
all correspondence with the Government of a foreign country or a Pakistan diplomatic
mission abroad or a foreign mission in Pakistan or an international organization shall
normally be conducted through the Foreign Affairs Division:
Provided that by means of general or special orders to be issued by the Foreign
Affairs Division, direct correspondence may be allowed under such conditions and
circumstances as may be specified.
(2) All requests to a foreign Government or an international organization for
economic or technical assistance shall be made through the Economic Affairs Division,
which shall correspond with the foreign Government, etc., in accordance with the
prescribed channel. The Economic Affairs Division may allow, by general or special
orders, such requests to be made direct.
(3) Correspondence with Provincial Governments shall be conducted directly
by the Division, in respect of the subjects allocated to them, subject to the provisions of
rule 8, and it shall ordinarily be addressed to the Secretary of the Department concerned
in the Provincial Government:
Provided that under general or special orders to be issued by a Division, its
Attached Department may be authorized to correspond directly with the Department of a
Provincial Government under such conditions and circumstances as may be specified
(4) Copies of the correspondence with the Provincial Government in respect
of the affairs of former and acceding states, if any, and Tribal Areas shall be endorsed to
the States and Frontier Regions Division, provided that Division may, by means of

Substituted vide SRO 709(I)/2003 (F.No. 4-8/2003-Min), dated 15.7.2003.
general or special orders, specify the class or classes of correspondence which shall be
conducted through that Division.
(5) All correspondence with the headquarters of the Defence Forces viz.
General Headquarters, Naval Headquarters, Air Headquarters, or their subordinate
formations, shall normally be conducted through the Defence Division:
Provided that by means of general or special orders to be issued by the Defence
Division direct correspondence may be allowed under such conditions and circumstances
as may be specified:
Provided further that the provisions of this sub-rule shall not affect normal
communications between a Service Commander and the Civil Authorities in his area of
inter-department discussion in which Service representatives are required to take part.
57. Relaxation.--.- The Prime Minister may permit, where he considers it
necessary, relaxation of the provisions of these rules in individual cases.
58. Repeal.-- The Rules of Business, 1962 are hereby repealed:
Provided that all rules, instructions and orders issued under the provisions of these
Rules shall continue in force so far as applicable and with the necessary adaptations until
altered, repealed or amended by the appropriate authority.

Substituted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
[See rule 3(1)]
Sr. Ministries Divisions
(1) (2) (3)
1. Cabinet Secretariat a. Aviation Division
b. Cabinet Division
c. Capital Administration and
Development Division
d. Establishment Division
e. National Security Division
2. Ministry of Climate Change Climate Change Division
3. Ministry of Commerce Commerce Division
4. Ministry of Communications Communications Division
5. Ministry of Defence Defence Division
6. Ministry of Defence Production Defence Production Division
7. Ministry of Federal Education Federal Education and Professional
and Professional Training Training Division
8. Ministry of Finance, Revenue, a. Finance Division
Economic Affairs, Statistics and b. Economic Affairs Division
Privatization c. Revenue Division
d. Statistics Division
e. Privatization Division
9. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Foreign Affairs Division
10. Ministry of Housing and Works Housing and Works Division
11. Ministry of Human Rights Human Rights Division
12. Ministry of Industries and Industries and Production Division
13. Ministry of Information, a. Information and Broadcasting Division.
Broadcasting and National
b. National History and Literary Heritage
14. Ministry of Information Information Technology and
Technology and Telecommunication Division
15. Ministry of Interior and Narcotics a. Interior Division
Control b. Narcotics Control Division
16. Ministry of Inter-Provincial Inter- Provincial Coordination Division
17. Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan
Gilgit-Baltistan Division
18. Ministry of Law and Justice Law and Justice Division
19. Ministry of National Food National Food Security and Research
Security and Research Division

20. Ministry of National Health National Health Services, Regulations
Services, Regulations and and Coordination Division
21. Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis Overseas Pakistanis and Human
and Human Resource Resource Development Division
22. Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs Parliamentary Affairs Division
23. Ministry of Petroleum and Petroleum and Natural Resources
Natural Resources Division.
24. Ministry of Planning, Planning, Development and Reform
Development and Reform Division
25. Ministry of Ports and Shipping Ports and Shipping Division
26. Ministry of Railways Railways Division
27. Ministry of Religious Affairs and Religious Affairs and Inter faith
Inter faith Harmony Harmony Division
28. Ministry of Science and Science and Technology Division
29. Ministry of States and Frontier States and Frontier Regions Division
30. Ministry of Textile Industry Textile Industry Division
31. Ministry of Water and Power Water and Power Division

[Rule 3 (3)]

1. Aviation Division
1. Aircraft and air navigation; administration of the Civil Aviation
Ordinance, 1960 (XXXII 1960).

2. Development of civil aviation in Pakistan.

3. Provision of aerodromes.
4. Airports Development Agency.
5. Regulation, organization and safety of air traffic and of aerodromes - and
administration of Airports Security Force.

6. Pakistan International Airlines Corporation.

7. Air Service agreements with other countries; liaison with International

Civil Aviation Organization and other international agencies concerned
with aviation.
8. Federal Meteorological Organizations and Meteorological observations;
World Meteorological Organizations.

2. Cabinet Division
1. All secretarial work for the Cabinet, National Economic Council and their
Committees, Secretaries' Committee.

2. Follow up and implementation of decisions of all the bodies mentioned at

(1) above.

3. Omitted vide S.R.O 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 2nd April,

4. National Economic Council: Its constitution and appointment of members.

5. Secretaries Committee.
6. Central Pool of Cars.
7. All matters relating to President, Prime Minister, Federal Ministers,
Ministers of State, Persons of Minister's status without Cabinet rank,
Special Assistants to the Prime Minister.

8. Appointments, resignations, salaries, allowances and privileges of

Provincial Governors.
9. Strength, terms and conditions of service of the personal staff of the
Ministers, Ministers of State, Special Assistants to the Prime Minister,
dignitaries who enjoy the rank and status of a Minister or Minister of
10. Rules of Business: Setting up of a Division, allocation of business to a
Division and constitution of a Division or group of Divisions as a
11. Implementation of the directives of the President/Prime Minister.

12. Preparation of Annual Report in relation to Federation on observance of

Principles of Policy.
13. Budget for the Cabinet: Budget for the Supreme Judicial Council.
14. Federal Intelligence.
15. Coordination of defence effort at the national level by forging effective liaison
between the Armed Forces, Federal Ministries and the Provincial Governments at
the national level; Secretariat functions of the various Post-War Problems.
16. Communications Security.
17. Omitted vide SRO 445 (I) /2012 dated 30.04.2012 (F.No. 4-2/2012-Min-I).
18. Instructions for delegations abroad and categorization of International conferences.
19. Security and proper custody of official documents and Security
Instructions for protection of classified matter in Civil Departments.
20. Preservation of State Documents.
21. Coordination: Control of fixed line office and residence telephones, mobile
phones, faxes, internet/DSL connections, ISD, toll-free numbers, green
telephones etc., staff cars; Rules for the use of staff cars; common services such
as teleprinter service, mail delivery service, etc.
22. Civil Awards: Gallantry Awards.
23. Tosha Khana.
24. Omitted vide SRO 834( i) / 2015 dated 24-8-2015 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
25. Repatriation of civilians and civil internees from India, Bangla Desh and those
stranded in Nepal and other foreign countries, and all other concerned matters.
26. Resettlement and rehabilitation of civilians and civil Government servants
uprooted from East Pakistan including policy for grant of relief and
compensation for losses suffered by them.
27. All matters arising out of options exercised by and expatriation of
Bengalies from Pakistan.
28. Grant of subsistence allowance to Government servants under the rule
making control of the Government of East Pakistan and its corporations,
and their families stranded in West Pakistan.
29. Management of movable and immovable properties left by the Bengalis in
30. Administration of the "Special Fund" for POWs and civilian internees held
in India and War displaced persons.
31. Defence of Pakistan Ordinance and Rules.
32. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
33. Stationery and Printing for Federal Government official Publications,
Printing Corporation of Pakistan.
34. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
35. Omitted vide SRO No.246(1)/2001, dated 26.4.2001.
36. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-5/99-Min.I, dated the 3rd June, 1999.
37. Omitted vide SRO 577(I)/2002, dated 31.8.2002.
38-41. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.
42-51. Omitted vide SRO No.538 (I)/2001, dated 26.7.2001.
52. National Archives including Muslim Freedom Archives.
53. Administrative control of the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority
(NEPRA), Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA), Frequency Allocation
Board (FAB), Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA), Public Procurement
Regulatory Authority (PPRA) and Intellectual Property Organization of Pakistan
(IPO Pakistan).

54. Omitted vide SRO788 (I)/2011 (F.No.4-10/2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.

55. People Works Programme (Rural Development Programme).
56. Pride of Performance Award in the field of arts.
57-60. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011
61. Pride of Performance Award in academic fields.
62. Pakistan Chairs Abroad.
63. Selection of scholars against Pakistan Chairs Abroad by the Special
Selection Board.
64. Omitted vide SRO 48 (1)/2016 dated 26.1.2016 F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I.
65. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
66. Omitted vide SRO 445 (I)/2012 dated 30.04.2012 (F.No.4-2/2012-Min-I).
67. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
68. National Colleges of Arts at Lahore and Rawalpindi.
69. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
70. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
71. Federal Dental and Medical College, Islamabad.
72. Women and Chest Diseases Hospital, Rawalpindi.
73. Federal Government Tuberculosis Centre, Rawalpindi.
74. Omitted vide SRO 48 (1)/2016 dated 26.1.2016 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I.
75. Pakistan Bait-ul-Mal.
76. Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation and its subsidiaries.

3.Capital Administration and Development Division.

1. Omitted vide SRO788(I)/2011 (F.No.4-10/2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.

2. Omitted vide SRO.NO.724(I)/2011(FNo.4-9/2011-Min-I), dated 28.07.2011.
3. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
4. Charitable endowments for Federal area.
5. Social Welfare, Special Education, Welfare, development and rehabilitation of
children and disabled in the Federal area.
6. Omitted vide SRO788(I)/2011 (F.No.4-10/2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.
7. Federal College of Education, Islamabad.
8. Federal Directorate of Education and education in the Capital.
9. Federal Government Polytechnic Institute of Women, Islamabad.
10. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
11. Management and distribution of zakat and ushr in Islamabad.
12. Omitted vide SRO788(I)/2011 (F.No.4-10/2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.
13. National Institute of Science and Technical Education, Islamabad.
14. Omitted vide SRO.NO.724(I)/2011(FNo.4-9/2011-Min-I), dated 28.07.2011.
15. Private Educational Institutions Regulatory Authority.
16. Training, education and rehabilitation of disabled in Islamabad.
17. Omitted vide SRO788(I)/2011 (F.No.4-10/2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.
18. Medical and health services for Federal Government employees.
19. Administrative control of the National Institute of Handicapped, Islamabad.
20. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
21. Islamabad Club.
22. Gun and Country Club.
23. Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University, Islamabad.
24 Capital Development Authority.

4. Climate Change Division

1. National Disaster Management Authority.

2. Pakistan Environmental Protection Council.

3. Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency.

4. Pakistan Environmental Planning and Architectural Consultants Limited


5. Global Environmental Impact Study Centre, Islamabad.

6. National policy, plans strategies and programmes with regard to disaster

management including environmental protection, preservation, pollution,
ecology, forestry, wildlife, biodiversity, climate change and desertification.

7. Coordination, monitoring and implementation of environmental agreements

with other countries, international agencies and forums.
8. Policy formulation, coordination and reporting of human settlements
including urban water supply, sewerage and drainage.
Added vide SRO 634(I)/2016 (F. No. 4-2/2016-Min-I), dated 22.7.2016.
15. Commerce Division.

1. Imports and export across custom frontiers including,-

(i) treaties, agreements, protocols and conventions with other countries

and international agencies bearing on trade and commerce;

(ii) promotion of foreign trade including trade offices abroad, trade

delegations to and from abroad, overseas trade exhibitions and
conferences and committees connected with foreign trade;

Note: Textile Industry Division will be consulted on textile trade

negotiations and also associated with Textile Sector Trade

(iii) standards of quality of goods to be imported and exported

(iv) transit trade and border trade; and
(v) state trading.

2. Inter-Provincial trade.

3. Commercial intelligence and statistics.

4. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.

5. Organization and Control of chambers and associations of commerce and


6. Tariff (protection) policy and its implementation.

7. Law of insurance; regulation and control of insurance companies; actual

work; insurance of war, riot and civil commotion risks and life insurance
but excluding health and unemployment insurance for industrial labour and
post office insurance.

8. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.

9. Export promotion.

10. Special Selection Board for selection of Commercial Officers for posting in
Pakistan Missions abroad.

11. Anti-dumping duties, countervailing and safeguard laws.

12. Management of EDF/EMDF with representation of Textile Industry
Division on their Boards.
13. Domestic commerce reforms and development in collaboration with other
Ministries, provincial and local governments.

Substituted vide SRO 403(I)/2005 (F. No. 4-20/2004-Min-I), dated 9.5.2005.
6. Communications Division
1. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.
2. National Planning, research and international aspects of roads and road
3. National Highways and strategic roads; National Highway Council and
Authority; Administration of the Central Road Fund and Fund for Roads of
National Importance.
4. Omitted vide SRO.294 (I)/2011 (F.No. 4-5/2011-Min-I), dated 08.04.2011.
5. Enemy property.
6. National Highways and Motorways Police.
7. Posts, including Saving Bank and Postal Life Insurance.
8. Agency functions on behalf of other Divisions such as military pensions etc.
7. Defence Division
1. Defence of the Federation or any part thereof in peace or war including:--
(i) Army, naval and air forces of the Federation and any other armed
forces raised or maintained by the Federation; and armed forces
which are not the forces of the Federation but are attached to or
operating with any of the armed forces of the Federation;
(ii) army, naval and air force works;
2. Civilian employees paid from the Defence estimates.
3. (i) Defence matters pertaining to treaties and agreements with other
Governments except those relating to purchase of stores; and
(ii) Matters regarding military assistance to foreign countries.
4. Stores and stationery for the Defence Services, other than those dealt with
by the Defence Production Division.
5. (i) Administrative control of Northern Light Infantry; and
(ii) Administration of National Guards Act, 1973.
6. International Red Cross and Geneva Conventions in so far as they effect
7. Military awards and decorations.
8. Welfare of ex-servicemen..
9. Cantonment areas including--
(i) the delimitation of such areas;
(ii) Local Self-Government in such areas, the constitution of local
authorities for such areas and the functions and powers of such
authorities; and
(iii) the regulation of housing accommodation (including control of
rent) in such areas.
10. Acquisition or requisitioning of property for Defence Services; imposition
of restrictions upon the use of lands in the vicinity of such property and of
works of Defence.

11. Pardons, reprieves and respites, etc., of all personnel belonging to the
Armed Forces.
12. Survey of Pakistan.
13. Administrative and budgetary control of Federal Government Educational
Institutions (Cantonments/Garrisons) Directorate and its Institutions.
14. Administration of Military Lands and Cantonments Group.
15 to 22. Omitted vide S.R.O. 622 (I)/2013,(F.No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.

23. National Maritime policy.

24. (i) Matters relating to security of resources of the Maritime Zones of
Pakistan including protection of human life and property.
(ii) Pakistan Maritime Security Agency.
25. (i) National coordination of maritime activities.
(ii) National Maritime Affairs Coordination Committee.
26. Marine surveys and elimination of dangers to navigation.
27. Promotion of maritime disciplines.
28. International aspects:
(i) Matters arising out of the implementation of law of the Sea
pertaining to Maritime Affairs.
(ii) International negotiations, agreements and treaties (excluding
those handled by other Divisions).
(iii) Liaison with International Sea Bed Authorities and other
International Agencies in the Maritime field.

29. Omitted vide SRO 850(I)/2014 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I), dated 25.09.2014.

18. Defence Production Division

1. Laying down policies or guidelines on all matters relating to defence

2. Procurement of arms, firearms, weapons, ammunition, equipment, stores
and explosives for the defence forces.

3. Declaration of industries necessary for the purpose of defence or for the

prosecution of war.
4. Research and development of defence equipment and stores.
5. Co-ordination of defence science research with civil scientific research
6. Indigenous production and manufacture of defence equipment and stores.
7. Negotiations of agreements or MOUs for foreign assistance or
collaboration and loans for purchase of military stores and technical know-
how or transfer of technology.

Substituted vide SRO No.433(I)/2003,(F.No.4-10/2002-Min), dated 20.5.2003.
8. Export of defence products.
9. Marketing and promotion of activities relating to export of defence
10. Co-ordinate production activities of all defence production organizations
or establishments.
9. Economic Affairs Division
1. Assessment of requirements; programming and negotiations for external
economic assistance from foreign Governments and organizations.
2. Matters relating to IBRD, IDA, IFC, ADB and IFAD.
3. Economic matters pertaining to the Economic and Social Council of the
United Nations, Governing Council of UNDP, ESCAP (Economic and
Social Commission for Asia and Pacific), Colombo Plan and OECD
4. Negotiations and coordination activities, etc., pertaining to economic
cooperation with other countries (excluding RCD and IPECC).
5. Assessment of requirements, programming and negotiation for securing
technical assistance to Pakistan from foreign Governments organizations
including nominations for EDI Courses.
6. Omitted vide S.R.O. 622 (I)/2013, (F. No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.
7. External debt management, including authorization of remittances for all
external debt service, compilation and accounting and analysis of
economic assistance from all foreign governments and organizations.
8. Review and appraisal of international and regional economic trends and
their impact on the national economy. Proposals concerning changes in
International Economic Order.
9. Matters relating to transfer of technology under UNDP assistance.
10. Matters relating to International Islamic Development Bank.
11. Dealing and agreements with other countries and international
organizations in matters relating to Population Planning Programmes.
12 &13 Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
14. International organizations and agreements relating to tourism.
15. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
16. Dealings, and agreements, with other countries and international
organizations in the fields of social welfare.
17. Trust for voluntary organizations.
18. Relationship with UNESCO and participation in its activities, liaison with
other international agencies and organizations in educational programmes.
19. Omitted vide SRO 1013(I)/2012 (F. No. 4-2/2012-Min-I) dated 16.08.2012.
20. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
21. Dealings and agreements with other countries and international
organizations in the fields of health, drugs and medical facilities abroad.
22. Omitted vide SRO 1013(I)/2012 (F. No. 4-2/2012-Min-I) dated 16.08.2012
23. Scholarships/fellowships, training courses in health from International
Agencies such as W.H.O. and UNICEF.
24. Dealing and agreements with international organizations in the fields of
labour and social security.

10. Establishment Division
1. Regulation of all matters of general applicability to civil posts in
connection with the affairs of the Federation.
(i) Recruitment;
(ia) Promotion;
(ii) Verification of character and antecedents;
(iii) Conduct and discipline; and
(iv) Terms and conditions of service (including re-employment after retirement)
other than those falling within the purview of the Finance Division.
2. (i) Formation of Occupational Groups.
(ii) Policy and administration of-
(a) All-Pakistan Unified Grades; and
(b) Office Management Group (Federal Unified Grades).
3. Policy regarding recruitment to various grades.
4. Grant of ex-officio status to non-Secretariat officers.
5. (i) Training in Public Administration.
(ii) Matters relating to-
(a) Pakistan Administrative Staff College, Lahore;
(b) National Institutes of Public Administration Karachi,
Quetta and Peshawar;
(c) Pakistan Academy for Rural Development, Peshawar; and
(d) Civil Services Academy, Lahore.
6. Federal Government functions in regard to the Federal Public Service
7. General service matters, such as-
(i) Casual leave;
(ii) Office hours;
(iii) Liveries of Government servants;
(iv) Policy questions regarding association of Fed. Govt employees;
(v) List of persons debarred from future employment under
8. Matters relating to-
(i) Central Selection Board;
(ii) Special Selection Board, except the Special Selection Boards constituted in
the Divisions relating to selection of officers for posting in Pakistan Missions
(iii) Selection Committee for Provincial Posts borne on All Pakistan Unified Grades;
(iv) Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I (SRO
135(I)/98) dated 3.3.1998.
9. (i) Career Planning;
(ii) Instructions for writing and maintenance of Annual Confidential Reports
on civil servants;
(iii) Centralized arrangements in managing original or duplicate
Annual Confidential Reports dossiers of officers.
10. (i) Staff Welfare;
(ii) Federal Employees Benevolent Fund and Group Insurance Act, 1969.
11. Service Tribunals Act, 1973.
12. Administrative Reforms.
13. Administration of the Civil Servants Act, 1973, and the rules made
14. To act as Management Consultants to the Federal Government and to
undertake case studies to solve specific management problems utilizing
techniques like PERT, CPM, system analysis, operations research and
15. Review of organizations, functions and procedures of the Divisions,
attached departments, all other Federal Government offices and
departments, autonomous organizations and taken over industries with the
objective of improving their efficiency.
16. Periodical review of staff strength in the Divisions, attached departments
and all other Federal Government Offices.
17. Initiation of proposals for simplification of systems, forms, procedures and
methods for efficient and economic execution of Government business,
minimizing public inconvenience and evolution of built-in safeguards
against corruption.
18. Training of Government functionaries in techniques like O&M, CPM, PERT,
systems analysis and operations research both within the country and abroad.
19. Promotion of the knowledge and use of O&M concepts, PERT and CPM
techniques, systems analysis and operations research within all
government offices and organizations.
20. Idea award scheme.
21. Pakistan Public Administration Research Centre.

22. (a) Reorganization of a Division or an attached department or a

change in the status of an Attached Department.
(b) Organization, on a permanent basis of a working unit in a Division
other than as a Section.
23. Determination of the status of Government offices.
24.&25. Omitted vide SRO788(I)/2011 (F.No.4-10/2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.
26. Omitted vide SRO 964(I)/2014 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 29.10.2014.

11. Federal Education and Professional Training Division

1. National Vocational and Technical Education Commission (NAVTEC).
2. Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM), Islamabad.
3. Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (FBISE), Islamabad.
4. National Education Assessment Centre, Islamabad.
5. Omitted vide SRO 964(I)/2014 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 29.10.2014.
6. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
7. National Talent Pool, Islamabad.
8. Youth Centres and Hostels.

Substituted vide SRO No.538(I)/2001, (F.No. 4-9/2001-Min), dated 26.7.2001.
9. All matters relating to National Commission for Human Development
(NCHD) and National Education Foundation (NEF).
10. 1Pakistan National Commission for UNESCO (PNCU).
11. Higher Education Commission.
12. External examination and equivalence of degrees and diplomas.
13. Commission for standards for higher education.
14. Pakistan technical assistance programme in the field of education,
professional and technical training.
12. Finance Division
1. Finances of the Federal Government and financial matters affecting the
country as a whole.

2. The Annual Budget Statement and the Supplementary and Excess Budget
Statements to be laid before the National Assembly; the schedules of
authorized expenditure.

3. Accounts and audit.

4. Allocation of share of each Provincial Government in the proceeds of

divisible Federal Taxes; National Finance Commission.
5. Public debt of the Federation both internal and external; borrowing money
on the security of the Federal Consolidated Fund.
6. Loans and advances by the Federal Government.
7. Sanctions of internal and external expenditure requiring concurrence of
the Finance Division.
8. Advice on economic and financial policies; promotion of economic
9. Proper utilization of the country's foreign exchange resources.

10. Currency, coinage and legal tender, Pakistan Security Printing Corporation
and Pakistan Mint.
11. Banking, investment, financial and other corporations, that is to say:
(i) Central Banking; State Bank of Pakistan;
(ii) Other banking (not including co-operative banking) and
investment and financial corporations with objects and business
not confined to one Province; and
(iii) Incorporation, regulation and winding up of corporations including
banking insurance and financial corporations not confined to or
controlled by or carrying on business in one Province.
12. Company Law: Accountancy, Matters relating to the Partnership Act, 1932.
13. Investment policies: Capital issues (Continuance of Control) Act, 1947;
statistics and research work pertaining to investment and capital.

Added vide SRO 1013 (I)/2012 (F.No. 4-2/2012-Min-I) dated 16.08.2012.
Added vide SRO 128 (I)/2013 dated 22.02.2013 (F.No. 4-2/2012-Min-I)
Entries 12-13 added SRO 389 (I)/2013 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 15.05.2013.
Added vide S.R.O . 622 (I)/2013 (F. No. 4-8/2013-Min-I) dated 28.06.2013.
14. Stock exchanges and future markets with objects and business not
confined to one Province; Securities Regulations.
15. Financial settlement between Pakistan and India and division of assets and
liabilities of the pre-independence Government of India.
16. Framing of rules on pay and allowances, retirement benefits, leave
benefits and other financial terms and conditions of service.
17. Cost Accountancy.
18. International Monetary Fund.
19. Omitted vide SRO.294(I)/2011 (F.No. 4-5/2011-Min-I), dated 08.04.2011.
20. Monopoly Control and anti-Cartel Laws.
21 to 24. Omitted vide Cabinet Div. Notification No.4-14/98-Min.I,dated 01.12.1998.
25. Deregulation policies.
26. Administration of Economic Reforms Order, 1978.
27. Negotiations with international organizations and other counties and
implementation of agreements thereof.
28. Poverty reduction.
29. Benazir Income Support Programme.
13. Foreign Affairs Division

1. Relations and dealings with other countries.

2. Matters (other than those handled by other Divisions) relating to--
(a) international organizations and bodies and their decisions; and
(b) agreements and treaties with other countries.
3. Diplomatic, consular, trade and other representation abroad (Selection of
officers for appointment as Commercial Secretaries, Attaches etc. shall
continue to be made on the recommendations of the Special Selection
Board and posting and transfer of such officer will be done by the
Ministry concerned).
4. Declaration of war upon, and the making of peace with any country.
5. (i) Offences against the laws of nations.
(ii) [Deleted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-16/94-Min.I,
dated 9.6.1996].
6. Foreign and extra-territorial jurisdiction.
7. Negotiations for settlement of Kashmir dispute and implementation of
agreements reached.
8. (i) Administration of Foreign Service of Pakistan;
(ii) Pakistan Missions abroad;
(iii) Security and operation of cypher communications.
9. Visits of the Heads of States and foreign dignitaries to Pakistan and the
Head of the Government of Pakistan to foreign counties.

Amended vide Cabinet Division SRO No. 470(I)/2001, (4-24/2000-Min-I), dated 25.06.2001
Inserted vide S.R.O. No.226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.4.2010.
Inserted vide S.R.O. No.1048/(I)/2015 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I), dated 26.10.2015.
Amended/Added vide S.R.O. No.226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.4.2010.
10. (i) Protocol and matters relating to foreign representatives in Pakistan;
(ii) Federal Government Guest Houses.
11. (i) Policy regarding extradition to and from other countries.
(ii) Repatriation of Pakistan nationals from abroad (other than those
handled by other Divisions).
12. Foreign awards to Pakistanis.
13. Pakistan Institute of International Affairs.
14. Coordination of all work pertaining to Economic Cooperation
Organization (ECO).
15. Institute of Strategic Studies.
16. Administration of Export Control on Goods, Technologies, Material and
Equipment related to Nuclear and Biological Weapons and their Delivery
System Act, 2004 (V of 2004).
17. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
18. Welfare of Pakistani students abroad and foreign students in
14. Housing and Works Division
1. Acquisition of Federal Government buildings, except those under the
Defence Division.
2. Provision of Government owned office accommodation and residential
accommodation, policy for acquisition, requisitioning and hiring of office
and residential accommodation for officers and staff of the Federal
3. Fixation and recovery of rent of Government owned, hired and
requisitioned buildings.
4. Management of Federal lodges.
5. Land and buildings belonging to the Federation wherever situated and
revenues derived therefrom.
6. Administration of the Federal Government Lands and Buildings
(Recovery of Possession) Ordinance, 1965 (LIV of 1965).
7. Matters relating to the Federal Government lands licenses to various
cooperative housing societies in Karachi, except those under the Defence
8. Transfer of property, other than agricultural land, registration of deeds and
9. Administrative control of the National Housing Authority.
10. National Housing Policy.
11. Development of sites, construction, furnishing and maintenance of Federal
Government buildings, except those under the Defence Division.
12. (i) coordination of civil works budget;
(ii) execution of Federal Government works.

13. Officers belonging to the Engineering Group.

Substituted vide S.R.O 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 2nd April, 2010.
Entries 11 to 15 added vide S.R.O. 622 (I)/2013 (F. No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.
14. Matters relating to the National Construction (Domestic) Limited.
15. Physical planning.

214A. Human Rights Division

1. Review of human rights situation in the country including implementation

of laws, policies and measures.

2. Coordination of activities of Ministries, Divisions and Provincial

Governments in respect of human rights.
3. Initiatives for harmonization of legislation, regulations and practices with
the international human rights covenants and agreements to which
Pakistan is a party and monitoring their implementation.
4. Obtaining information, documents and reports, on complaints and
allegations of human rights violations, from Ministries, Divisions,
Provincial Governments and other agencies.
5. Refer and recommend investigations and inquiries in respect of any
incident of violation of human rights.
6. Pursuing or defending issues, complaints, representations and matters for
and against Pakistan relating to human rights before any official or non-
Governmental organizations, body or forum in Pakistan and, in
consultation with Foreign Affairs Division, before any international
organization and foreign Government or non-Governmental organization.
7. Representation of Pakistan in international bodies, organizations and
conferences relating to human rights in consultation and conjunction with
Foreign Affairs Division.
8. Developing and conducting information programmes to foster public
awareness of human rights, laws and remedies available against the abuse
of human rights.
9. Formulating programmes for teaching of human rights at educational
10. Provision of facilities for professional and technical training at national
and international level relating to human rights issues.
11 Administrative control of the Tribunal for disadvantaged persons.
12. Human rights NGOs

13. Representing Pakistan at international and bilateral level, involving all

gender related matters;

14. National Commission for Women.

Substituted vide SRO 634(I)/2016 (F. No. 4-2/2016-Min-I), dated 22.7.2016.
Inserted vide Cabinet Division's Notification No.F.4-2/2015-Min-I dated 23.11.2015.

15. Industries and Production Division
1. National industrial planning and coordination.
2. Industrial policy.
3. Employment of foreign personnel in commercial and industrial enterprises.
4. Federal agencies and institutions for:-
i. promoting industrial productivity;
ii. promoting of special studies in the industrial fields; and
iii. testing industrial products.
5. Keeping a watch, from the national angle, over general price trends and
supply position of essential commodities; price and distribution control
over items to be distributed by statutory orders between the Provinces.
6. Administration of the Essential Commodities, price control, profiteering
and hoarding laws including distribution controls.
7. Import and distribution of white oil.
8. Explosive (excluding the administration of Explosive Substances Act,
1908) and safety measures under the Petroleum Act, 1934 and Rules made
9. Prescription and review of criteria for assessment of spare parts and raw
materials for industries.
10. Administration on law on Boilers.
11. Administrative, financial, operational, personnel and commercial matters
of Pakistan Garments Corporation.
12. Ghee Corporation of Pakistan Limited, and Pakistan Edible Oils
Corporation Limited.

13. National Fertilizer Corporation, Lahore.

14. Development of Industries (Federal Control) (Repeal) Ordinance, 1979.

15. Economic Reforms (Protection of Industries) Regulation, 1972

(Regulation No. 125 of 1972).

16. All matters relating to state industrial enterprises, especially, in basic and
heavy industries, namely:-
(a) State Engineering Corporation, Karachi.
(b) State Cement Corporation, Lahore.
(c) Pakistan Automobile Corporation, Karachi.
(d) State Petroleum Refining and Petrochemical Corporation, Karachi.
(e) Federal Chemical and Ceramics Corporation, Karachi.
(f) Pakistan Steel Mills Corporation, Karachi.
(g) Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (PIDC);

17. Any other industrial enterprises assigned to the Division.

16. Information and Broadcasting Division
1. Policy relating to internal publicity on national matters including the
administration of the provisions of the Post Office, Act, 1898, and section
5 (1) (b) of the Telegraph Act, 1885, in so far as they relate to the Press.
2. Broadcasting including television.
3. Production of films on behalf of Government, its agencies, Government
controlled Corporations, etc.
4. Press relations, including delegations of journalists and other information media.
5. Provision of facilities for the development of newspapers industry.
6. (i) Policy regarding government advertisement; control of
advertisement and placement;
(ii) Audit of circulation of newspapers.
7. Administration of the Newsprint Control Ordinance, 1971.
8. National Anthem
9. Liaison and coordination with agencies and media on matters concerning
Government policies and activities.
10. Administration of the Information Group.
11. External Publicity.
12. Pakistan National Centres.
13. (i) Administration of-
(a) Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation Act, 1973;
(b) Associated Press of Pakistan (Taking Over) Ordinance, 1961; and
(c) Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority.

(ii) Matters relating to-

(a) The Pakistan Television Corporation; and

(b) Omitted vide SRO NO.48(1)/2016 dated 26.1.2016.
(c) Shalimar Recording and Broadcasting Company.

14. Training facilities for Radio and Television personnel.

15. Special Selection Board for selection of Press Officers for posting in
Pakistan Missions abroad.
16. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
17. Establishment of tourists centers abroad.
18. Administration of the Newspapers Employees (Conditions of Service)
Act, 1973(LVIII of 1973).

19. (i) National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage of Pakistan

(Lok Virsa).
(ii) Pakistan National Council of Arts.
Substituted vide S.R.O. 48 (I)/2016 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I), dated 26.01.2016.
Added vide SRO 634(I)/2016 (F. No. 4-2/2016-Min-I), dated 22.7.2016.

20. Cultural pacts and protocols with other countries.
21. Omitted by SRO No.48(1)/2016 dated 26.1.2016
22. Federal Land Commission.
23 to 30 Omitted vide SRO No.48(1)/2016 dated 26.1.2016
117. Information Technology and Telecommunications Division.

1. Preparation of an overall integrated plan as well as formulation of policy

for the development and improvement of Information Technology and
Telecommunications, including related infrastructure, in Pakistan.

2. Co-ordination with the Provincial Governments, autonomous bodies,

private sector, international organizations and foreign countries in respect
of information technology and telecommunications.

3. Human resource development in the field of information technology and


4. Promotion of information technology applications.

5. Providing guidelines for the standardization of software for use within the

6. Planning, policy making and legislation covering all aspects of

telecommunications excluding radio and television and issuance of policy

7. Matters relating to Pakistan Computer Bureau, Pakistan Software Export

Board and the Electronic Government Directorate.

8. All matters relating to National Telecommunication Corporation (NTC),

Telecommunications Foundation (TF), Special Communications
Organization (SCO), Virtual University (V.U) and Electronic Certification
Accreditation Council.

9. The administration of the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Ordinance

2007, and the rules made there under.

10. Safeguard interest of Government of Pakistan in entities having public

shares or government equity like PTCL, USF Co & ICT R&D Co.

18. Interior Division

1. Internal security; matters relating to public security arising out of dealings

and agreements with other countries and international organizations.
2. Preventive detention for reasons of State connected with defence, external
affairs or the security of Pakistan or any part thereof; and for reasons,
connected with the maintenance of public order or the maintenance of
supplies and services essential to the community; persons subjected to
such detention.
3. Nationality, citizenship and naturalization.

Substituted vide SRO No. 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 2nd April, 2010
4. Admission of persons into, and expulsion of persons from Pakistan,
(a) policy regarding entry, exit and sojourn of foreigners and aliens; and
(b) regulation of movement in Pakistan of persons not domiciled in Pakistan.
5. Admission of persons into, and departure of persons from Pakistan, including:-
(a) policy regarding immigration;

(b) passports, visas, permits for entries and exits and other such
certificates; and
(c) extradition and expulsions from Pakistan.

6. Omitted vide S.R.O.294 (I)/2011. (F.No.4-5/2011-Min-I), dated 08.04.2011.

7. Policy regarding censorship; prescription of books and publications in

consultation with the Education Division, where necessary.
8. National Database and National Data Warehouse for issuance of National
Identity Cards, Pakistan Origin Cards and Aliens Registration Cards.

9. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No. 4-5/99-Min.I, dated 3rd

June, 1999.

10. Security measures for the Federal Secretariat and Attached Departments
and Subordinate Offices.

11. Pardons, reprieves, respites, remissions, commutation, etc. (excluding

personnel belonging to the Armed Forces), issuance of warrant of
execution of death sentence.

12. Police Commission and Police awards.

13. Policy coordination of, and higher training in Civil Defence and A.R.P. matters.

14. Pakistan Flag, Coat of Arms, monograms, seals etc,; Standard Time for
Pakistan; public holidays; Gazette of Pakistan.

15. Warrant of Precedence; celebrations and ceremonial parades (other than those
of Armed Forces); action to be taken on the death of high officials; civil
uniform rules.

16. Omitted vide S.R.O.294 (I)/2011. (F.No.4-5/2011-Min-I), dated


17. Omitted vide S.R.O.294 (I)/2011. (F.No.4-5/2011-Min-I), dated


18. Coordination of policy matters relating to Police.

19. Coordination of anti-smuggling measures.

Inserted vide SRO No.246(1)/2001, (F.No.4-5/2000-Min-I), dated 26.4.2001.
20. Matters relating to Federal Police Forces, their establishment etc.

21. Administrative Control of the Civil Armed Forces (i.e. Frontier Corps
including Balochistan Constabulary 1[and Frontier Constabulary]) Rangers
and Coast Guards.
22. Arms Act 1[jurisdictions to Federal areas].

23. Border incidents and disputes.

24. Permission to Government servants to visit India.

25. Political asylum.

26. Genocide.

27. Surrender of criminals and accused persons to Government outside Pakistan.

28. Special studies of penal reforms in the context of national mores and
requirements; coordination of reforms by the Provinces and provisions of
facilities for professional and technical training of jail staff, at home and
abroad; and dealing with such items pertaining to prisons, etc., as are
embodied in the Federal and 2[Provincial Subjects].

29. Protection and maintenance of non-Muslim shrines in Pakistan and

pilgrimages from India.

30. Administrative Control of National Police Academy.

31. All Administrative matters relating to Federal Investigation Agency.

32. Investigation and prosecution of cases falling under the Schedule

appended to the Federal Investigation Agency Act, 1974.

33. To act as National Central Bureau to keep liaison with the INTERPOL.
34. Anti-Corruption laws, [except the National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 (XVIII of
35. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.
36. Islamabad Capital Territory Administration.
37. Omitted vide S.R.O. 294 (I)/ 2011 .(F.No.4-5/2011-Min-I), dated
19. Inter-Provincial Coordination Division
1. General coordination between the Federal Government and the Provinces
in the economic, cultural and administrative fields.
2. Promoting uniformity of approach in formulation of policy and
implementation among the Provinces and the Federal Government in all
fields of common concern.

Added vide SRO.294 (I)/2011 (F.No. 4-5/2011-Min-I), dated 08.04.2011.
Substituted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
Substituted vide SRO.294 (I)/2011 (F.No. 4-5/2011-Min-I), dated 08.04.2011.
3. Discussions of policy issues emanating from the Provinces which have
administrative or economic implications for the country as a whole.
4. All Secretarial work for Council of Common Interests and their
5. Any other matter referred to the Division by a Province or any of the
Ministry or Division of the Federal Government.
6 &7 Omitted vide SRO 1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
8. Omitted vide SRO 850(I)/2014, (4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 25.09.2014.
9. Malam Jabba Ressort Ltd.

10. Pakistan Veterinary Medical Council Islamabad.

11, 12 &13. Omitted vide SRO 1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated
14. Inter Board Committee of Chairmen, Islamabad.
15-19. Omitted vide SRO 1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.

20. Medical, nursing, dental, pharmaceutical, para-medical and allied subjects;-

(a) education abroad; and
(b) educational facilities for backward areas and for foreign nationals,
except the nomination of candidates from Federally Administered Tribal
Areas for admission to Medical College.

21-29. Omitted vide SRO 1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.

30. {Transferred to Human Resource Development Division vide S.R.O.

No. 1001(I)2011, (F.No.4-10/2011), dated 27-10-2011}.
31. to 34. Omitted vide SRO788(I)/2011 (F.No.4/10-2011-Min-I) dated 23.08.2011.
35. Legislation covering all aspects of sports affairs and matters ancillary
36. Administrative control of Board established for the promotion and
development of sports under the Sports (Development and Control)
Ordinance, 1962 (XVI of 1962).
37. Pakistan Sports Board (PSB).
38. Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB).
39. International exchange of students and teachers, foreign studies and
training and international assistance in the field of education.
40. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).
41. Dealing and agreements with other countries and international
organizations in matters relating to Youth Exchange Programmes
42. National Internship Programme.
43. National Volunteer Movement.
44. Paralympics.
Added vide SRO 634(I)/2016 (F. No. 4-2/2016-Min-I), dated 22.7.2016.
120. Kashmir Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan Division

1. Policy, Planning and Development for Gilgit-Baltistan.

2. Co-ordination with the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan and Gilgit-Baltistan
3. Co-ordination with the Azad Government of the State of Jammu and Kashmir
and the AJ&K Council.
4. Matters relating to the Settlement of Kashmir dispute, other than those falling
within the purview of the Foreign Affairs Division.
5. Administration of Jammu and Kashmir State Property in Pakistan.
6. Processing of development schemes reflected in the PSDP of M/o Kashmir
Affairs and Gilgit-Baltistan at the level of CDWP and ECNEC.
7. Co-ordination between the Federal Government Organizations and the
Government of Gilgit-Baltistan and the Gilgit-Baltistan Council.
8. Mainstreaming population factor in development planning process, in Azad
Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan.

9. Management and distribution of Zakat and Ushr in Azad Jammu and Kashmir
and Gilgit-Baltistan and the related and ancillary matter including distribution
setup and monitoring and auditing thereof.

321. Law and Justice Division.

1. Advice to Divisions on all legal and constitutional questions arising out of
any case and on the interpretation of any law.

2. Advice to Provincial Governments on legal and legislative matters.

3. Drafting, scrutiny and examination of Bills, Ordinances, and all legal and
other instruments.

4. Dealings and agreements with other countries and International

organizations in judicial and legal matters.

5. Arrangements for the publication and translation of Federal Laws and

other statutory rules and orders; copyright in Government Law

6. Adaptation of existing laws to bring them in conformity with the

7. Legal proceedings and litigation concerning the Federal Government
except the litigation concerning Revenue Division.

8. Administrative control of the Income Tax Appellate Tribunal and the

Customs, Central Excise and Sales Tax Appellate Tribunal.
Substituted vide SRO No. 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 2nd April, 2010
Entries 8 &9 Added vide SRO No.1100(I)/2010 (F.No.4-17/2010-Min-I), dated 07.12.2010
Substituted vide S.R.O. 1260 (I)/2015 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I), dated 18.12.2015.
9. Special Judges under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1958.
10. Federal Government functions in regard to the Supreme Court, Supreme
Judicial Council, High Courts, Federal Shariat Court, Federal
Ombudsman, Tax Ombudsman, Insurance Ombudsman and Banking
11. Attorney General and other Law Officers of the Federation.
12. Federal functions in respect of the Family Law Ordinance and the
Conciliation Courts Ordinance.
13. Consultation with the Attorney General for Pakistan, etc.
14. Administrative Courts for Federal subjects.
15. Wills, intestacy and succession in respect of Federal areas,
save as regards agricultural land.
16. Bankruptcy and insolvency, administrator general and official
trustees in respect of Federal areas.
17. Arbitration in respect of Federal areas and International
18. Trust and trustees in respect of Federal areas.
19. Administrative Control of Law Colleges
20. Representations under Article 32 of the Establishment of the Office of
Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) Order, 1983 (P.O. No.1 of 1983) and
section 32 of the Establishment of Office of Federal Tax Ombudsman
Ordinance, 2000 (XXXV of 2000).
21. Administrative Control of Pakistan Law and Justice Commission.
22. Administrative Control of Federal Judicial Academy.
23. Federal Government functions in regard to the National Accountability
24. National Accountability Ordinance, 1999 (XVIII of 1999.)
25. Ombudsperson appointed under section 7 of Protection against
Harassment of Women at the Workplace Act, 2010 (IV of 2010).
26. Issuance of legal opinion for disbursement and drawdown.
273. Council of Islamic Ideology.
422. Narcotics Control Division

1. Policy on all aspects of narcotics and dangerous drugs, such as production,

processing, marketing, import, export and transhipment, trafficking etc., in
conformity with national objectives, laws and international conventions and
2. Legislation covering all aspects of narcotics and psychotropic substances, and
matters ancillary thereto, in consultation with the Ministries/Divisions, etc.,

Substituted Vide SRO No. 850(I)2014 (F.NO. 4-5/2013-Min-I), 25-09-2014
Added vide SRO.NO.724(I)2011 (F.No.4-9/2011-Min-I) dated 28.07.2011.
Added Vide SRO No. 850(I) 2014 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I) 25-09-2014
Amended vide SRO 1088 (I)/2011, (F.No.4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
3. Bilateral and multilateral cooperation with foreign countries against narcotics
trafficking and all other international aspects of narcotics including
negotiations for bilateral and multilateral agreements for mutual assistance
and cooperation in the field of enforcement of narcotics laws.
4. Coordination of aid/assistance from foreign countries and of narcotics control
interdiction for poppy crop substitution.

5. Policy on drug education, treatment and rehabilitation of narcotics/drugs

addicts and grants-in-aid to Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
engaged in these fields.
6. Inter-Provincial coordination on all aspects of narcotics and dangerous drugs.
7. Monitoring of the implementation of policies on all aspects of narcotics and
dangerous drugs.
8. Regulation of administrative, budgetary and other matters of Pakistan
Narcotics Control Board.
123. National Food Security and Research Division
1. Economic coordination and planning in respect of food, economic planning
and policy making in respect of agriculture.
2. Imports and exports control on food grains and foodstuffs, inspection,
grading analysis of food grains and foodstuffs, maintenance of standards of
quality for import and export and inspection, handling, storage and shipment
of rice exports.
3. Collection of statistics regarding production, consumption, prices, imports
and exports of food grains.
4. Coordination with aid and assistance agencies in respect of food sector.
5. Pakistan Agricultural Research Council and other Federal agriculture
research organizations.

6. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of United Nations in respect of


7. Plant protection, pesticide import and standardization, aerial spray, plant

quarantine and locust control in its international aspect and maintenance of
locusts warning organizations.

8. Federal seed certification and registration.

9. Standardization and import of fertilizer.

10. Procurement of foodgrains, including sugar-

(a) from abroad;

(b) for Federal requirement;
(c) for inter-Provincial supplies; and
(d) for export and storage at ports.

Added vide SRO 1088(I)/2011, (F.No.4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
11. Grading of agricultural commodities, other than foodgrains, for exports.

12. Administrative control of PASSCO.

13. Preparation of basic plan for bulk allocation of food grains and foodstuffs.

14. Price stabilization by fixing procurement and issue prices including keeping
a watch over the price of food grains and foodstuffs imported from abroad
or required for export and those required for inter-provincial supplies.

15. Agricultural Policy Institute.

16. (i) Animal quarantine departments, stations and facilities located any where
in Pakistan.
(ii) National Veterinary Laboratory, Islamabad.
(iii) Laboratory for Detection of Drugs Residues in Animal Products at

17. Veterinary drugs, vaccines and animal feed additives-

(i) import and export; and
(ii) procurement from abroad for Federal requirements and for inter-
provincial supplies.

18. Livestock, poultry and livestock products-

(i) import and export; and
(ii) laying down national grades.

19. Pakistan Dairy Development Company.

20. Livestock and Dairy Development Board (LDDB).

21. Fisheries Development Board (FDB).

22. Pakistan Oil-Seed Development Board (for Federal areas only).
23. International cooperation matters relating to agriculture and livestock.
24. Administrative control of the Agricultural Counselors Office at Rome,
324. National Health Services, Regulations and Coordination Division
1. Pakistan Medical and Dental Council.
2. Pakistan Council for Nursing.
3. College of Physicians and Surgeons.
4. National Councils for Tibb and Homeopathy.
5. Pharmacy Council of Pakistan.

Added vide SRO 128 (I)2013 dated 22.02.2013 (F.No.4-2/2012-Min-I)
Entries 23-24 added vide S.R.O. 622 (I)/2013 (F.No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.
Substituted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013, (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 15.05.2013.

6. National associations in medical and allied fields such as Pakistan Red
Crescent Society and TB Association.
7. Directorate of Central Health Establishment.
8. Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan.
9. International aspects of medical facilities and public health, International
Health Regulations, health and medical facilities abroad.
10. National Institute of Health
11. National Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Network.

12. Pakistan Medical Research Council.

13. Health Services Academy, Islamabad.

14. Coordination of Vertical Health Programmes including interaction with

GAVI, EPI and the Global Fund for AIDS, TB, Hepatitis and Malaria.

15. National Planning and Coordination in the field of health.

16. Planning and Development Policies pertaining to Population Programmes

in the country.

17. Matters relating to National Trust for Population Welfare and National
Institute of Population Studies.

18. Mainstreaming population factor in development planning.

19. Directorate of Central Warehouse and Supplies, Karachi.

25. National History and Literary Heritage Division
1. International agreements and assistance in the field of archaeology,
national museums and historical monuments declared to be of national
2. Quaid-e-Azam Papers Wing.
3. Pakistan Academy of Letters.
4. National Language Authority, Urdu Dictionary Board and Urdu
Science Board.
5. National and other languages used for official purposes.
6. Quaid-e-Azam Academy.
7. Aiwan-i-Iqbal and Iqbal Academy Pakistan.
8. Quaid-e-Azam Mazar Management Board (QMMB).
9. Quaid-e-Azam Memorial Fund.
10. Omitted vide SRO 634(1)/2016 (F.No.4-2/2016-Min-I) dated 22.7.2016
11. Naming of institutions in the name of Quaid-e-Azam and other high and
distinguished personages.
12. National Book Foundation.
126. National Security Division
1. Function as Secretariat of the National Security Committee (NSC).
2. Convene meetings of the National Security Committee.
3. Collect, coordinate and collate proposals and input from all relevant
Ministries and organizations for consideration of the NSC.
4. Formulation of a comprehensive National Security policy for approval of the
National Security Committee.
5. Coordinate the implementation of strategies and policies approved by the NSC
through relevant Ministries and organizations.
6. Formulate strategies and implement them in collaboration with Ministry of
Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage to counter negative
propaganda against Pakistan and its institutions through its internal and
external publicity Wings, under the guidance of NSC.
7. Seek, analyze and utilize policy inputs from the Planning Committee on
National Security, public and private sector think tanks and other experts in
the fields of internal and external security, foreign affairs, defense and
8. Brief the Parliament and its Committees on national security related issues.
9. Conduct national security dialogue with other countries in consultation with
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
10. Interact with counterpart National Security Councils of other countries.
227. Overseas Pakistanis 3[and Human Resource Development] Division

1. National policy, planning and coordination regarding manpower development

and employment promotion for intending overseas workers.
2. Preparation of short and long-term programmes for manpower development
and employment promotion abroad.
3. Research into problems of overseas Pakistanis; promotion and coordination
of measures best suited to resolving them and motivating Pakistani citizens
abroad to strengthen their links with the mother country.
4. Policy for linkages between the training of workers/labour force with the
latest requirements abroad.
5. Linkage of training imparted at training institutes like National Training
Bureau, Pakistan Manpower Institute etc with the efforts for increase in
manpower export through Overseas Employment Corporation and Bureau of
Emigration and Overseas Employment. This would also include close
coordination and linkage with the Community Welfare Attaches abroad.
Inserted vide SRO 342(I) 2014, (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 6.05.2014.
Amended vide SRO1088 (I)/2011, (F.No.4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
Inserted vide S.R.O. 622 (I)/2013 (F.No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.
6. Welfare of Pakistani emigrants abroad and their dependents in Pakistan.
7. Periodic assessment, review and analysis of manpower resources and
employment requirements overseas.
8. Administrative control of Overseas Pakistanis Foundation.
9. Special Selection Board for selection of Community Welfare Attaches for
posting in Pakistan Missions abroad.
10. Administration of_
(a) the Emigration Ordinance, 1979, (XVIII of 1979) and;
(b) the Control of Employment Ordinance, 1965 (XXXII of 1965);
(c) the Workers Welfare Fund Ordinance, 1971 (XXXVI of 1971);
(d) the Companies Profits (Workers Participation) Act, 1968 (XII of 1968);
(e) the Employees Old Age Benefits Act, 1976 (XIV of 1976) including
supervision and control of the employees old age benefits institutions.
11. Administrative control of:-
(a) Overseas Employment Corporation; and
(b) Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment.
12. Foreign Employment and Emigration.
13. Administration of the Industrial Relations Act, 2012 (X of 2012), keeping a
watch on labour legislation from international perspective, coordination of
labour legislation in Pakistan and the Industrial Relations Commission.

228. Parliamentary Affairs Division.

1. Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), summoning of either House or both Houses
or Joint sitting of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) and prorogation thereof.
2. Dissolution of the National Assembly.
3. Liaison between the Divisions and Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) in respect
of official and non-official business; priority of official business.
4. Follow up of the assurances, promises and undertakings given by the
Federal Government on the floor of the House with a view to their
implementation by the Divisions concerned.
5. Submission of Bills passed by Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) or by the
National Assembly to President for his assent.
6. Legislation pertaining to privileges of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) and
members of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament), salaries and allowances of the
Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Senate, Speaker and Deputy
Speaker of the National Assembly and members of Majlis-e-Shoora
7. Legislation pertaining to the Leader of the House and the Leader of the
Opposition, provision of staff and other facilities for the Leader of the
8. Rules of Procedure of either House or Joint Sitting of Majlis-e-Shoora
Entries 10-13 added vide S.R.O. 622 (I)/2013 (F.No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.
Inserted Vide SRO 445 (I)/2012 dated 30.04.2012 (F.No.4-2/2012-Min-I).
Substituted vide S.R.O 834(I)/2015 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I, dated 24.08.2015.
9. Legislation pertaining to punishment of persons who refuse to give
evidence or produce documents before committees of National Assembly
or the Senate.
10. Appointment and terms and conditions of Federal Parliamentary
11. Legislative business relating to the Election Commission.
12. Prime Minister's Public Affairs and Grievances Wing.

29. Petroleum and Natural Resources Division.

1. All matters relating to oil, gas and mineral at the national and international
levels, including-
(i) policy, legislation, planning regarding exploration, development and
(ii) import, export, refining, distribution, marketing, transportation and
pricing of all kinds of petroleum and petroleum products;
(iii) matters bearing on international aspects;
(iv) Federal agencies and institutions for promotion of special studies
and development programmes.
2. Geological Surveys.
3. (i) Administration of Regulation of Mines and oil fields and Mineral
Development (Federal Control), Act, 1948, and rules made
thereunder, in so far as the same relate to exploration and production
of petroleum, transmission, distribution of natural gas and liquified
petroleum gas, refining and marketing of oil;
(ii) Petroleum concessions agreements for land, off-shore and deep seas
(iii) Import of machinery, equipment, etc., for exploration and
development of oil and natural gas.
4. (i) Administration of Marketing of Petroleum Products (Federal
Control) Act, 1974, and the rules made thereunder;
(ii) Matters relating to Federal investments and undertakings wholly or
partly owned by the Government in the field of oil, gas and minerals,
excepting those assigned to the Industries and Production Division.
5. Administration of--
(i) the Petroleum Products (Development Surcharges) Ordinance, 1961,
and the rules made thereunder;
(ii) the Natural Gas (Development Surcharges) Ordinance, 1967, and the
rules made thereunder;
(iii) The Esso Undertakings (Vesting) Ordinance, 1976 ; and
(iv) Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan Act, 2006 (I of
2006) and the rules made thereunder .
6. (i) Coordination of energy policy, including measures for conservation
of energy and energy statistics;
(ii) Omitted vide SRO No.802(1)/2001, dated 27.11.2001.
(iii) Secretariat of National Energy Policy Committee.
7. Chief Inspector of Mines, Islamabad.

Added vide SRO.No.724(I)2011 (F.No.4-9/2011-Min-I) dated 28.07.2011.
30. Planning, Development and Reform Division

1. (i) Preparation of comprehensive National Plan for the economic and

social development of the country;
(ii) Formulation, within the framework of the National Plan, of an annual
plan and an annual development programme; and
(iii) Recommendations concerning orderly adjustments therein in the light
of new needs, better information and changing conditions.

2. Monitoring the implementation of all major development projects and

programmes; identification of bottlenecks and initiation of time remedial

3. Evaluation of on-going and completed projects.

4. Review and evaluation of the progress achieved in the implementation of

the National Plan.

5. Identification of regions, sectors and sub-sectors lacking adequate

portfolio of projects and taking steps to stimulate preparation of sound
projects in those areas.

6. Continuous evaluation of the economic situation and coordination of

economic policies.

7. Organization of research in various sectors of the economy to improve the

data base and information as well as to provide analytical studies which
will help economic decision making.

8. Association with the Economic Affairs Division in matters pertaining to

external assistance in individual projects, form the stage prior to
preliminary discussion up to the stage of final signing of documents with
aid-giving agencies.

9. Development of appropriate cost and physical standards for effective

technical and economic appraisal of projects.

10. Coordination of Social Action Programme with World Bank and other
donor Agencies.

11. National Logistics Cell.

12. Administrative control of--

(i) Economists and Planners Group;

(ii) Pakistan Institute of Development Economics; and
(iii) Overseas Construction Board.
(iv) National Fertilizer Development Center (NDFC).
(v) Pakistan Planning and Management Institute (PPMI).
(vi) Jawaid Azfar Computer Center (JACC).

Substituted vide SRO 342 (I) 2014 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I), dated 6.05.2014
13. The Planning, Development and Reform Division shall act as the
Secretariat of the Planning Commission which is the apex planning
and coordination body under the Chairmanship of the Prime Minister.
The relationship between the Planning Commission and the Planning,
Development and Reform Division will be as defined in Cabinet
Divisions Resolution No.4-6/2006-Min.I, dated 30th October, 2013.

14. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).

15. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).

16. Omitted vide SRO 389(I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).

17-20. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.

21. Omitted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 dated 15.05.2013 (F.No.4-5/2013-Min-I).

231. Ports and Shipping Division

1. National Planning, research and international aspects of

i) Inland water transport; and

ii) Coastal shipping within the same Province.

2. Diverted cargo belonging to the Federal Government.

3. Navigation and shipping, including coastal shipping but not including

shipping confined to one Province; safety of ports and regulation of matters
relating to dangerous cargo.

4. Omitted vide S.R.O.294(I)/2011 (F.No. 4-5/2011-Min-I), dated 08.04.2011.

5. Light-houses, including lightships, beacons and other provisions for safety

of shipping.

6. Admiralty jurisdiction; offenses committed on the high seas.

7. Declaration and delimitation of major ports and the constitution and power
of authorities in such ports.

8. Mercantile marine; planning for development and rehabilitation of Pakistan

merchant navy; international shipping and maritime conferences and
ratification of their conventions; training of seamen; pool for national
9. Korangi Fisheries Harbour Authority, Karachi.

10. Office for promotion of Deep Sea Fisheries Resources in Exclusive

Economic Zone.
Substituted vide SRO No.342(I)/2014, (No.4-5/2013-Min.I.), dated 6.05.2014.
Substituted/Inserted vide SRO No.403(I)/2005, (F.No.4-20/2004-Min-I), dated 9.5.2005.
Entries 9-17 added vide SRO.NO.724(I)2011 (FNo. 4-9/2011-Min-I) dated 28.07.2011
11. Fishing and Fisheries beyond territorial waters.

12. Quality Control Laboratory Karachi.

13. Marine Fisheries Research Laboratory Karachi.

14. Fisheries Training Centre/Deep Sea Fishing Vessel.

15. Oceanography and Hydrological Research.

16. Marine Biological Research Laboratory, Karachi.

17. Welfare of Seamen; seamen Hostel Karachi.

32. Privatization Division

1. Privatization policies.
2. The Transfer of Managed Establishments Order, 1978 (P.O.12 of 1978)
3. Administration of the Privatization Commission Ordinance, 2000 (LII of 2000)
4. Negotiation with International organizations relating to the functions of
Privatization in consultation with the Economic Affairs Division.
5. Any item incidental or ancillary to the above.

33. Railways Division

1. All matters pertaining to Pakistan Railways.

2. Movement and priority in respect of Defence traffic.

3. Maintenance of railway lines for strategic reasons.

4. Negotiations with international organizations and other countries and

implementation of agreements, with them.

5. Coordination of development projects of railways as a part of the national

development programme.

6. Standardization and specifications of materials and stores.

7. Overall efficiency and safety of railways.

8. Coordination of rail movements into and from Ports.

34. Religious Affairs 1[and Inter faith Harmony] Division.

1. Pilgrimage beyond Pakistan; Muslim pilgrims visits to India.

2. Ziarat and Umra.
3. Welfare and safety of pilgrims and zairian.
4. Administrative control of the Haj Directorate at Jeddah and dispensaries in
Makkah and Medina.
5. Islamic studies and research including holding of seminars, conferences,
etc., on related subjects.
6. Training and education of Ulemas and Khatibs etc.
7. Error-free and exact printing and publishing of the Holy Quran.
8. Exchange of visits of scholars of Islamic learning and Education,
international conferences/seminars on Islamic subject and liaison with
foreign and international bodies and institutions.
9. Ruet-e-Hilal.
10. Tabligh.
11. Omitted Vide SRO. 850(I)2014 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I) 25-09-2014.
12. Observance of Islamic Moral Standards.
13. Donations for religious purposes and propagation of Islamic Ideology abroad.
14. Marriage and divorce, infants and minor's adoption.

15. Auqaf.

16. Collection of Zakat and Ushr, disbursement of Zakat and Ushr to the
Provinces and other areas as per formula approved by Council of Common

17. Policy and legislation with regard to interfaith harmony.

18. International agreements and commitments in respect of all religious

communities and implementation thereof.

19. Representation of Pakistan at UN Sub-Commission on Prevention of

Discrimination to Minorities.

20. Minorities Welfare Fund.

21. National Commission for Minorities.

22. Evacuee Trust Property Board.

Inserted vide S.R.O 622 (I)/2013 (F. No. 4-8/2013-Min-I) dated 28.06.2013.
35. Revenue Division
1. Tax Policy.
2. Tax administration.
3. Avoidance of double Taxation Agreements with other countries.
4. Administration of Customs and Excise Group, and Income Tax Group.

5. Legal proceedings and litigation. The prosecution and defence of legal

proceedings concerning the Revenue Division shall be subject to the
following conditions, namely:-

(i) in a case in which Federal Board of Revenue or the Revenue

Division is a party, the counsel to conduct the case shall be
appointed out of the panel of advocates approved by the Law and
Justice Division;
(ii) in a case where the counsel is to be appointed from outside the
approved pane, such appointment should be made with the prior
approval of the Law and Justice Division;
(iii) in a case where a fee to be paid to an advocate is one million
rupees or more, the fee shall be fixed in consultation with the Law
and Justice Division; and
(iv) the panel of advocates referred to in clause (i) shall be reviewed
every year in consultation with Law and Justice Division.
136. Science and Technology Division

1. Establishment of science cities.

2. Establishment of institutes and laboratories for research and development

in the scientific and technological fields.

3. Establishment of science universities as specifically assigned by the

Federal Government.
4. Planning, coordination, promotion and development of science and
technology monitoring and evaluation of research and development works,
including scrutiny of development projects and coordination of
development programmes in this field.
5. Promotion of applied research and utilization of results of research in the
scientific and technological fields carried out at home and abroad.
6. Guidance to the research institutions in the Federation as well as the
provinces in the fields of applied scientific and technological research.

7. Coordination of utilization of manpower for scientific and technological


8. Promotion and development of industrial technology.

9. Promotion of scientific and technological contacts and liaison nationally
and internationally, including dealings and agreements with other
countries and international organizations.
Substituted vide S.R.O 622 (I)/2013 (F. No. 4-8/2013-Min-I) dated 28.06.2013.
10. Initiate promotional measures for establishment of venture capital
companies for technological development and growth.
11. Support to NGOs concerned with development of science and technology.
12. Promotion of metrology Standards, Testing and Quality Assurance
13. National Commission for Science and Technology.
14. Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
15. Omitted vide Cab: Div: Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I dated 3.3.1998.
16. Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources.
17. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.

18. Council for Works and Housing Research.

19-20.Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.

21. Omitted vide SRO 634(1)/2016 (F.No.4-2/2016-Min-I) dated 22.7.2016

22. Pakistan Science Foundation.

23. National Institute of Electronics.

24. Pakistan Council of Science and Technology.

25. National Institute of Oceanography.

26-27. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.

28. STEDEC Technology Commercialization Corporation of Pakistan
(Private) Limited.
29. National University of Sciences and Technology.
30. Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA).

31. Prescription of standards and measures for quality control of manufactured

32. Establishment of standards of weights and measures.
33. Development, deployment and demonstration of renewable sources of energy.
34. Pakistan National Accreditation Council (PNAC).
35. Pakistan Council of Renewable Energy Technologies (PCRET).
36. COMSATS Institute of Information Technology.
37. Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC).
38 & 39. Omitted vide SRO1088 (I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
Substituted vide SRO 634(I)/2016 (F. No. 4-2/2016-Min-I), dated 22.7.2016.
Substituted vide SRO 634(I)/2016 (F. No. 4-2/2016-Min-I), dated 22.7.2016.

137. States and Frontier Regions Division
1. Tribal Areas
(a) administrative and political control in the Federally Administrated Tribal Areas;
(b) development plans and programmes of Federally Administered Tribal
(c) all matters relating to the FATA Development Corporation;
(d) issues of policy directives to the Governments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
Balochistan regarding Tribal Areas;
(e) matters relating to the Durand Line;
(f) anti-subversion measures;
(g) agreement with the tribes;
(h) application of laws to, regulation for, and alterations in Tribal Areas;
(i) administrative reforms;
(j) issue of import licenses to the tribes;
(k) visits of foreigners to Tribal Areas;
(l) policy regarding detribalization of the Tribal Areas;
(m) Powindah Policy;
(n) payment of Maliki Allowance and individual service allowance; and
(o) nomination of candidates from the federally Administered Tribal Areas for
admission to various Medical Colleges against seats reserved for those

2. Administrative control of the contingents of Khassadars and Levies.

3. Employment of the contingents at (2) above in the Tribal Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and
4. Postings and transfers of Officers in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

5. Afghan refugees.

6. Affairs of the former and acceding States.

7. Mainstreaming population factor in development planning process, in the Federally
Administered Tribal Areas.
8. Management and distribution of Zakat and Ushr in the Federally Administered Tribal
Areas and the related and ancillary matter including distribution setup and monitoring
/ auditing thereof.
9. Coordinating medical arrangements and health delivery systems for the Afghan

Substituted vide SRO No.403(I)/2005, (F.No.4-20/2004-Min-I), dated 9.5.2005.
Entries 7 & 8 added vide SRO No. 1100(I)/2010 (F. No. 4-17/2010-Min-I), dated 07.12.2010.
Added vide SRO.NO.724(I)2011(FNo.4-9/2011-Min-I) dated 28.07.2011.
38. Statistics Division
1. Preparation of an overall integrated plan for development and improvement of
statistics in Pakistan and to estimate the budgetary requirements thereof.
2. Preparation of annual programmes in accordance with agreed priorities and to
assign responsibilities for the execution of their component items.
3. Examination and clearance of budgetary proposals for annual programmes for
statistical improvements and developments.
4. Formulation of policy regarding general statistics for Pakistan and implementation
thereof by suitably adapting the statistical system of Pakistan to conform with the policy.
5. Coordination with the Provincial and Federal Governments, Semi-autonomous
bodies and international organizations on statistical matters bearing directly or
indirectly on such subjects as trade, industry, prices, expenditure, input-output
accounts, flow of funds, balance of payments, etc.

6. Evaluation and introduction of standard concepts, definition and classification

pertaining to national statistics series.

7. Preparation and implementation of in-service and foreign training programmes in

the fields of statistics.

8. Evaluation of efficiency computerized methods for statistical estimation.

9. Clearance of statistical projects undertaken by different organizations on a
contract basis.

10.Preparation, printing and release of publications on national statistics.

11.Undertaking of national census and surveys.

12.Industrial Statistics Act.

13. Administration of the General Statistics (Reorganization) Act, 2011.

14.Agricultural Census.
15.Population Census.
16.National Quinquennial Livestock Census.
17. Collection, maintenance and analyses of demographic and population statistics.
18-21. Omitted vide SRO1088(I)/2011, (4-14/2011-Min-I) dated 09.12.2011.
22.Vital health statistics.
23.Compilation of labour statistics for national and international consumption.
24.Compilation of manpower and employment statistics for national and
international consumption.
25.Periodic assessment, review and analysis of manpower resources and
requirements with reference to the employment situation in the country.

Amended vide SRO 445 (I) /2012 dated 30.04.2012 (F.No.4-2/2012-Min-I).
Added vide SRO No. 1100(I)/2010 (F. No.4-17/2010-Min-I), dated 07.12.2010.
139. Textile Industry Division

1. Textile Industrial Policy.

2. Coordination and liaison with Federal Agencies/Institutions, Provincial
Governments and Local Government entities for facilitation and promotion of
the textile sector.
3. Liaison, dialogues, negotiations, except trade negotiations, and cooperation
with international donor agencies and multilateral regulatory and
development organizations with regard to textile sector.
4. Setting of standards; and monitoring and maintaining vigilance for strict
compliance of the standards throughout production and value chain.
5. Textile related statistics, surveys, commercial intelligence, analysis and
dissemination of information and reports on international demand patterns,
market access etc.
6. Linkages with cotton and textile producing countries.
7. Training, skill development, research for quality improvement and
productivity enhancement throughout the production/value chain.
8. Management of Textile Quotas.
9. Administrative control of-

(i) Federal Textile Board.

(ii) Textile Commissioners Organization.
(iii) Synthetic Fiber Development and Application Centre 2[and Plastic
Technology Center (PTC)], Karachi.
(iv) Textile City (Projects), Karachi/Faislabad.
(v) National Textile University, Faislabad.
(vi) Directorate General of Textiles & Quota Supervisory Council.
(vii) All textiles related EPB/EDF funded institutes concerned with skill
development in various sub-sectors of textile industry.
(viii) Textile Testing Laboratory, Faisalabad.
(ix) Garment City Projects at Lahore, Faisalabad and Karachi.
(x) Pakistan Cotton Standards Institute, Karachi.
10. Cotton Hedge Markets.
11. Administrative control of Pakistan Central Cotton Committee.

40. Water and Power Division

1. Matters relating to development of water and power resources of the country.
2. Indus Waters Treaty, 1960, and Indus Basin Works.
3. (a) Water and Power Development Authority;
(b) Matters relating to electric utilities.

Substituted vide SRO No.403(I)/2005, (F.No.4-20/2004-Min-I), dated 9.5.2005.
[ . ] Inserted vide SRO 389 (I)/2013 (F.No. 4-5/2013-Min-I) dated 15.05.2013.
Substituted vide SRO No.38(I)/2007, (No.4-5/2006-Min.I) dated 16.1.2007.
Added vide SRO.NO.724(I)2011 (FNo. 4-9/2011-Min-I) dated 28.07.2011
4. Liaison with international engineering organizations in water and power sectors,
such as International Commission on Large Dams, International Commission on
Irrigation and Drainage and International Commission on Large Power

5. Federal agencies and institutions for promotion of special studies in water and
power sectors.
6. (a) Electricity;
(b) Karachi Electric Supply Corporation and Pakistan Electric Agencies Limited.
7. (a) Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 2.04.2010;
(b) Institute of Engineers, Pakistan.
8. National Engineering (Services) Pakistan Limited.

9. Administrative control of:

(i) Tubewell Construction Company;
(ii) National Power Construction Company.
10. Indus River System Authority (IRSA).
11. Omitted vide S.R.O. No.195(I)/2002, dated 2.4.2002.
12. Private Power and Infrastructure Board.
13. Administrative Control of Alternative Energy Development Board.
14. Pakistan Trans-border Water Organization.

Substituted vide SRO No.38(I)/2007, (No.4-5/2006-Min.I) dated 16.1.2007.
Substituted vide SRO No. 1001(I)/2011, (No.4-10/2011-Min.I) dated 27-10-2011.
[See rule-4(4)]
S.No. Name of Attached Department Name of Division to which
(1) (2) (3)
1 Pakistan Meteorological Department. Aviation
2 Headquarters of Airports Security Force.
3 Department of Communications Security
4 Department of Stationery and Forms. Cabinet
5 Department of Archives
6 Department of Tourist Services in Islamabad.
7 Directorate General of Special Education. Capital Administration and
8 Federal Directorate of Education, Islamabad. Development
9 Department of Libraries.
10 Federal Government Services Hospital (FGSH),
11 Directorate of Workers Education, Islamabad.
12 Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency. Climate Change
13 Zoological Survey of Pakistan.
14 Cotton Board.
15 Directorate General of Trade Organization. Commerce
16 National Highways and Pakistan Motorways Police Communications
17 Pakistan Post Office Department.
18 Directorate of Military Land and Cantonments.
19 Federal Government Educational Institutions
(Cantonments/Garrisons) Directorate
20 Pakistan Military Accounts Department.
21 Office of the Surveyor General of Pakistan.
22 Pakistan Armed Services Board.
23 Pakistan Maritime Security Agency.
24 Directorate General Munitions Production (DGMP). Defence Production.
25 Secretariat Training Institute.
26 Staff Welfare Organization. Establishment.
27 Federal Public Service Commission
28 Akhtar Hameed Khan National Centre for Rural
29 National Training Bureau Federal Education and
30 Pakistan Manpower Institute Professional Training

31 Central Directorate of National Savings.
32 Office of Auditor General of Pakistan.
[Although the office of the Auditor General of Pakistan
has been categorized as an attached department, it has
been empowered to exercise the administrative and
financial powers as a Ministry/Division vide Finance
33 Office of the Controller General of Accounts.
34 Pakistan Missions Abroad. Foreign Affairs.
35 Estate Office. Housing and Works
36 National Housing Authority
37 Office of the Director General, Pakistan Public Works
38 Department of Explosives. Industries and Production
39 Press Information Department
40 Directorate of Electronic Media and Publications. Information and Broadcasting
41 Implementation Tribunal for Newspaper Employees.
42 Central Board of Film Censors Islamabad
43 Pakistan Computer Bureau. Information Technology and
44 Directorate General of Immigration and Passports.
45 Directorate General of Civil Defence.
46 Headquarters Pakistan Rangers, Lahore.
47 Headquarters Pakistan Coast Guards.
48 Headquarters of Frontier Corps, Khyber Pakhtunkhawa. Interior
49 Headquarters of Frontier Corps, Balochistan.
50 Office of the Chief Commissioner, Islamabad Capital
51 Headquarters Pakistan Rangers Sindh (South), Karachi.
52 Headquarters Office of Federal Investigation Agency.
53 Office of the Commandant Frontier Constabulary,
Khyber Pakhtunkhawa.
54 Northern Areas Scouts.
55 Anti Narcotics Force. Narcotics Control
56 Animal Quarantine Department National Food Security and
57 Department of Plant Protection. Research
58 Agricultural Policy Institute, Islamabad.
59 Federal Seed Certification and Registration, Islamabad.
60 Directorate of Central Health Establishment. National Health Services,
Regulations and Coordination
61 Department of Archaeology and Museums National History and Literary

62 Bureau of Emigration and Overseas Employment. Overseas Pakistanis and Human

Resource Development
63 Industrial Relations Commission.
64 Geological Survey of Pakistan. Petroleum and Natural

65 Directorate of Marine Fisheries, Karachi. Ports and Shipping
66 Directorate of Dock Workers Safety, Karachi.
67 Pakistan Railways Headquarters Office Railways
68 Federal Board of Revenue. Revenue
69 Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS). Statistics
70 Textile Commissioners Organization. Textile Industry
71 Office of the Chief Engineering Advisor and Chairman
Federal Flood Commission.
Water and Power
72 Office of the Pakistan Commissioner for Indus Water.
73 National Energy Conservation Centre (ENERCON).

[Rule 7 (2)]

1. Secretary, Special Secretary, Acting Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint

Secretary or Deputy Secretary to the Government of Pakistan or to the Cabinet
or Section Officer, or an officer who is granted one of these ranks ex-officio, or
an Officer on Special Duty authorized by the Division concerned.
2. Secretary, Additional Secretary, Joint Secretary or Deputy Secretary or Section
Officer in the President's Secretariat (Public) or 1[Prime Minister's Office].
Note:- The inclusion of these officers is intended to enable them to execute
orders in the name of the President in respect of such matters only as relate to
the staff in the President's Secretariat (Public) or 1[Prime Minister's Office].
3. Military Secretary to the President or to the Prime Minister or Officer on
Special Duty or Assistant Secretary in the President's Secretariat (Personal) or
[Prime Minister's Office].
Note:- The inclusion of these officers is intended to enable them to execute
orders in the name of the President in respect of such matters only as relate to
the staff in the President's Secretariat (Personal) or 1[Prime Minister's Office]
and to the household of the President or Prime Minister.

4. In respect of the matters within their jurisdiction:-

(a) Controller or Deputy Controller of Capital Issues, Financial Adviser,
Joint Financial Adviser, Deputy Financial Adviser or Assistant
Financial Adviser.
(b) Director-General or Deputy Director-General, Pakistan Post Office
Department [Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated
(c) Railway [2General Manager], Director, Joint Director and Deputy

5. In respect of orders issued under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the

Imports and Exports (Control) Act, 1950, in accordance with the Import
Policy approved by the Government -- the Chief Controller of Imports and

Substituted vide SRO 622 (I)/2013, (F.No. 4-8/2013-Min-I), dated 28.06.2013.
Substituted vide S.R.O. 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.4.2010.
[Rule (15)(g)(h)]
S.No. Reference to constitutional/
Statutory provision, if any
1. Intelligence Bureau. Appointment of Joint Directors and above. Civil Servants(Appointment,
Promotion and Transfer)
1A. Appointment, resignation and removal of Special Assistants to the Prime Rules, 1973.
Minister and of persons holding the Minister's status without Cabinet rank,
determination of their salaries, allowances and privileges.
1B. Rules for the convenient transaction of business of the Federal Government. Articles 90 and 99

2. Appointment of, and above the rank of, Captain in the Navy, Colonel in the Relevant laws and Rules
Army and Group Captain in the air Force, except Chairman, Joint Chiefs of governing the Defence
Staff Committee, and the Chiefs of the Army Staff, Naval Staff and Air Staff. Forces read with Article 243
of the Constitution.
Provided the appointment of, and above the rank of, Lieutenant General in the
Army and equivalent ranks in the other Defence Services will be made by the
Prime Minister in consultation with the President.

3. Dismissal, otherwise than by sentences of Courts Martial, of Commissioned

officers of the Pakistan Armed Forces other than junior Commissioned -do-
Provided that the dismissal of, or the imposition of any other penalties on,
officers of and above the rank of Lieutenant General in the Army and
equivalent in the other Defence Services will require the approval of the
President on the advice of the Prime Minister vide item 14 of Schedule V-B.
4. Petitions against sentences of dismissal, cashiering, imprisonment of death
awarded by Courts Martial to Commissioned Officers of the Armed Forces of
Pakistan (other than Junior Commissioned Officers). -do-
Provided that petitions against the sentences of dismissal or any other penalties
awarded by the Courts Martial to Commissioned Officers of an above the rank
of Lieutenant General and equivalent ranks in the other Defence Services will
require the approval of the President on the advice of the Prime Minister vide
item 15 of Schedule V-B

5. Federal Public Service Commission.
(a) Omitted vide SRO No.246(1)/2001, dated 26.4.2001.
(b) Non-acceptance of its advice.
5A Making of rules under the Civil Servants Act, 1973. Article 242.

6. Annual Budget Statement to be laid before the National Assembly. Article 80 and 82.
7. Authentication of Schedule of Authorised Expenditure. Article 83.
8. Excess Budget Statement. Article 84.
9. Raising of loans by Provincial Governments subject to certain conditions. Article 167 (3).

Substituted vide Cab.Divn.O.M.No.104/8/85-Min.I, dated 04.08.1985.
Inserted vide SRO135(I)/98, (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I), dated 3.3.1998.
Substituted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
Inserted vide SRO 135(I)/98, (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I), dated 03.03.1998.
10. Appointment of Heads of Pakistan Missions abroad and other representation (Appointment, Promotions
down to the rank of Counsellor. and Transfer) Rules, 1973 as
amended from time to time.
10A. Permission to accept foreign honours and awards. Article 259(1).
11. Preventive Detention. Section 197 of Cr-PC and
12. Prosecution of an officer BPS-17 to 22 and heads of autonomous and semi section 5(2) of the
autonomous bodies under the Federal Government in M-1 or equivalent grade Prevention of Corruption
and Provincial Chief Secretaries. Act, 1947, read with the
Government Servants
(Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973.
Appointment, etc, of members of the Administrative Courts and Tribunals for Article 212.
Federal subjects.
Rejection of representations filed by an Agency under the Establishment of the
13A. Office of Wafaqi Mohtasib (Ombudsman) Order, 1983 (P.O.No.1 of 1983),
where the recommendations of the Wafaqi Mohtasib are to be sustained for
Rejection of representations filed by the Revenue Division or its subordinate
13B. departments, offices and agencies under the Establishment of the Office of the
Federal Tax Ombudsman Ordinance, 2000 (XXXV of 2000), where the
recommendations of the Federal Tax Ombudsman are to be sustained for
14. Appointment and terms and conditions of the Chairman, 5[General Manager] Article 3(1) and (4) of
and Members of Railways Board. President's Order No.33 of
1962. Also the Civil
Servants (Appointment,
Promotion and Transfer)
Rules, 1973 as amended
from time to time.
15. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010. -
16. Delegation of powers to Provinces. Article 146.
17. Directions to provinces in certain cases. Article 149.
18. Appointment of :
(a) Secretaries to the Government of Pakistan and Officers in the Federal Civil Servants
Secretariat down to the rank of Joint Secretary. (Appointment, Promotion
and Transfer) Rules, 1973
as amended from time to
(b) All Heads of Departments holding posts in BPS-20 and above or time.
equivalent under the Federal Government. -do-
(c ) Officers in BPS-20 and above other than those included in (a) &(b)
above. -do-

19. Appointment:
(a) to a post in a corporation, an autonomous or semi autonomous body,
authority, etc under the administrative control of any Ministry/Division
of the Federal Government, carrying any of the Management Grades
from M-I to M-III.
(b) of a Government servant of BPS-20 or above against any post in a
corporation, an autonomous or semi autonomous body, authority, etc.
under the administrative control of any Ministry/Division of Federal

Inserted vide SRO No.476(I)/2001, (F.No.4-6/2001-Min),dated 28.6.2001.
Inserted ibid.
Added vide SRO No.476(I)/2001, (F.No.4-6/2001-Min), dated 28.6.2001.
Substituted vide SRO 1260 (I)/2015, (F. No. 4-5/2013-Min-I), dated 18.12.2015.
Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.
Substituted vide SRO 135(I)/98, (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I), dated 03.03.1998.
20. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I (SRO No.135
(I)/98), dated 03.03.1998.

21. Disciplinary matter in respect of all officers under the Federal Government,
[and Provincial Chief Secretaries], including imposition of major/minor Government Servants
penalties. (Efficiency and Discipline)
Rules, 1973, as amended
22. Disciplinary matters in respect of heads of corporations, bodies, authorities or from time to time.
organizations established by or under Federal laws or owned or controlled by
the Federal Government in M-I or equivalent grade including imposition of
major and minor penalties.
23. Appointment required to be made by the Government under any law for the
time being in force. Relevant law authorizing
the appointment.
24. Appeal cases in respect of Heads of the Statutory Corporations/Organizations.

Substituted vide SRO No.135(I)/98, (F.No.4-6/97-Min-I), dated 03.03.1998.
Added ibid.

[Rule 15-A (1)]
S.No. Reference to Constitutional
statutory provision, if any

1. Omitted vide SRO No.246(I)2001, dated 26.4.2001.

2. Appointment, resignation and removal of Federal Ministers & Ministers of State. Article 92(1)(3).
2A. Omitted vide SRO No.822(I)/2002, dated 20.11.2002.
2B. Omitted vide SRO No.822(I)/2002, dated 20.11.2002.
2C Appointment of Federal Caretaker Cabinet (on advice of the Caretaker Prime Minister) Article 224(1A)
2D Appointment, resignation and removal of Provincial Governors, determination of their Article 101
salaries, allowances and privileges
2E Appointment of Acting Governors (other than Speaker of the Provincial Assembly) Article 104
during the absence of Governors -
3. Omitted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010, (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010. -
4. Omitted vide SRO 226(I)/2010 (F.No.4-4/2007-Min-I), dated 02.04.2010.
5. National Economic Council. Its Constitution and appointment of members. Article 156(1)
6. Issue of Proclamation of Emergency and its revocation. Articles 232,233,236(1)
7. Issue of Proclamation in case of failure of constitutional machinery in a Province and its Articles 234, 236(1)
8. Determination of salaries, allowances and privileges of the President, Prime Minister, Article 250
Federal Ministers, Ministers of State.
9. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I (SRO No.135(I)/98 dated
10. Appointment of Advisers and determination of their terms and conditions. Article 93(1)
11. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-1/97-Min.I, dated 06.01.1997.
11A Conferment of Awards. Article 259(2)
12. Article 252
Direction as to the application of a law to major port.
12A. Appointment of Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee, the Chief of the Army Article 243
Staff, the Chief of the Naval Staff and the Chief of the Air Staff and determination of
their salaries and allowances
13. Raising, maintenance of and grant of Commissions in the Military, Navy and Air Force Article 243
of Pakistan and Reserves of such Forces.
14. Imposition of all penalties, including removal and dismissal from service on Armed Relevant laws and rules
Forced Officers of and above the rank of Lieutenant General in the Army and governing the Defence
equivalent ranks in the other defence services other wise than, by sentences of Court Forces read with Article
Martial. 243.
15. Petition against sentences of dismissals, cashiering, imprisonment or death awarded by Relevant laws and rules
Courts Martial to Armed Forces Officers of and above the rank of Lieutenant General in governing the Defence
the Army and equivalent rank in the other Defence Services. Forces read with Article
15A Directions as to the application of Law to a major aerodrome. Article 252
15B. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-15/96-Min.I, dated 19.11.1996.
ESTABLISHMENT DIVISION Sections 3,4 and 5 of the
15C. Federal Public Service Commission; its strength and the appointment, removal or Federal Public Service
resignation of the 1[Chairman and] members, and the terms and conditions of their Commission Ordinance,
service. 1977 (XLV of 1977).

Substituted vide Cabinet Division O.M.No.104/8/85-Min.I, dated 4.8.1985.
Inserted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
16. Rules relating to the custody etc of Federal Consolidated Fund and Public Account. Article 79
17. National Finance Commission. Its constitution, reports and recommendations including Article 160
the allocation of the shares of Provincial Governments in the proceeds of taxes.
18. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-11/91-Min.I, dated 22.10.1991.
19. Auditor General of Pakistan :
(i) Appointment, removal, term of office and terms and conditions of service; Article 168(1)(3)
(ii) Functions and powers. Article 169
20. Principles and methods of keeping of accounts. Article 170
21. Reports relating to the accounts of Federation. Article 171
22. Issue of proclamation in case of financial emergency and its revocation. Article 235, 236(1)
22A. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-14/98-Min.I, dated 01.02.1998. -
23. The declaration of war.
24. Omitted vide SRO No.476(I)/2001, dated 28.6.2001. -

25. Grants of pardons, reprieves and respites and revision suspension or commutation of
any sentence passed by any Court, tribunal or other authority, other than a court martial. Article 45
26. Government of Islamabad Capital Territory.
27. Article 258
Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I (SRO No.135(I)/98) dated -


27A. Council of Common Interest. Its constitution and appointment of members. Article 153(1)&(2)


28. Submission of annual report to [each House of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament)] in relation Article 29(3)
to Federation on observance of Principles of Policy.
29. Promulgation of Ordinances. Article 89(1)
30. Attorney General for Pakistan: Appointment, duties terms and conditions and
resignation from office. Article 100
31. Supreme Court :
(a) Appointment of the Chief Justice, Acting Chief Justice and other Judges Article
and their removal, allowances and privileges. 177(1),180,181,182 and
(b) Sitting of the Court at places other than Islamabad. Article 183(2)
32. High Court :
Number of Judges, appointment of Chief Justices, Acting Chief Justices Article 192(1),193(1),
and other Judges and their transfers, removal, allowances and privileges. 196, 197, 200 and
33. Federal Shariat Court : number of Judges, their appointments, transfer, resignation,
removal, allowances and privileges. Article 203(c)
34. Rules for the appointment of officers and servants of Supreme Court and their terms and
conditions of employment. Article 208
35. Reference to Supreme Judicial Council. Article 209(5)
36. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I (SRO No.135(I)/98) dated

36A. Representations filed under Article 32 of the Establishment of the Office of Wafaqi
Mohtasib (Ombudsman) Order, 1983 (P.O.No.1 of 1983), except the cases covered by
serial No.13A of Schedule V-A.
36B. Representations filed under section 32 of the Establishment of the Office of Federal Tax
Ombudsman Ordinance, 2000 (XXXV of 2000), except the cases covered by serial
No.13B of Schedule V-A.
36C. Appointment of Judges of the Accountability Courts.

36D. Council of Islamic Ideology :

(i) Appointment, resignation and removal of members and Chairman. Article 228(3)(4)
(ii) Rules of Procedure. Article 231
36E. Reference to Council of Islamic Ideology whether a proposed law is or is not repugnant
to the Injunctions of Islam. Article 229

37. Omitted vide SRO 634(1)/2016 (F.No.4-2/2016-Min-I) dated 22.7.2016

38. Resignation of Speaker. Article 53(5)

39. Summoning and prorogation of either House or both Houses of Majlis-e-Shoora
(Parliament) in Joint Sitting. Article 54(1)
40. Dissolution of National Assembly. Article 58(1)
41. Resignation of Chairman. Article 61.
42. Rules of procedure for either House of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament). Article 67(2)
43. Assent to Bills other than Money Bills. Article 75(1)(a)(b) & 75(2)
44. Assent of Money Bills. Article 75(1)(a).
45. Omitted vide SRO 1260 (1)/2015, dated 18.12.2015.
46. Assent to Bills passed in a Joint Sitting of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament). Article 75(2).
47. Rules of Procedure for Joint Sitting of and communications between the two Houses. Article 72(1).
48. Assent to Bills amending the Constitution. Amended provisions of
Article 239.
48A. Referendum of any matter of national importance. Article 48(6)(7).
48B Appointment of Chief Election Commissioner Article 213.
and members of Election Commission. Article 218 (2)(b).

49. Omitted vide SRO No. 964(I)/2014, dated 29.10.2014.

50. Omitted vide SRO No. 964(I)/2014, dated 29.10.2014.

50A. Bills affecting taxes in which Provinces are interested. Article 162.
51. Application of laws to regulation for, and alteration in Tribal Areas. Article 247(3)(6).


52. Commission to look into complaints as to interference with water supplies. Article 155(2).

53. Direction to Governor to discharge certain functions as agent of the President in relation Article 145(1).
to areas not included in any Province.
54. Reference to Supreme Court on any question of law. Article 186.
55. Omitted vide Cabinet Division Notification No.4-6/97-Min.I (SRO No.135 (I)/98) dated
56. -do-
57. -do-


[Rule 15-A (2)]


S. No. Provision Reference to



1. Appointment of Care-taker Prime Minister (in consultation with

the outgoing Prime Minister and the leader of the opposition in
outgoing National Assembly). Article 224 (1A)


2. Dissolution of National Assembly under clause (2) of Article 58. Article 58(2)

Substituted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min), dated 1st June 2010.
[RULE 15-A (3)]
1. All Cypher messages and telegrams.
2. Summaries for the Cabinet, Committees of the Cabinet,[5] National Economic Council,
ECNEC, Council of Common Interests and the minutes and decisions of their meetings.
3. Annual and periodical reports of Indus River System Authority (IRSA).
4. Annual and periodical reports of the Federal Tax Ombudsman.
5. Intelligence Reports (daily, weekly and special reports of DIB and D.G. ISI).
6. Cases of appointments of Federal Secretaries and Provincial Chief Secretaries and to
posts of BPS-22 and above in the Federal Government as well as appointments of
heads of autonomous bodies under the Federal Government (including statutory
Corporations and Authorities) in grades equivalent to grade-22 or in M-I grade.
7. Reports of Commissions of Enquiry appointed by the President.
8. Periodical reports of the Federally administered areas including Tribal Areas and Northern Areas.
9. Periodical reports of the Government of Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
10. Minutes and decisions of meetings of the Azad Jammu and Kashmir Council.
11. Annual Reports of the Public Service Commission.
12. Annual Reports of the Council of Islamic Ideology.
13. Annual/Periodic reports of the Ombudsman (Wafaqi Mohtasib).
14. Periodical reports of the Provincial Governments and Islamabad Capital Territory

15. Periodical reports of the activities of Pakistan's Missions abroad.

16. Periodical reports of the activities of Federal Ministries and Divisions.
17. All documents issued by the Finance Minister pertaining to the Annual Budget.
17A. Report of the Auditor-General of Pakistan.
17B. Annual report of National Accountability Bureau (NAB).
18. Daily Press Reports and International Media Digest issued by the Ministry of
Information, Broadcasting and National Heritage.
19. All other important cases involving question of policy and principles.
20. Papers pertaining to any other matter required by the President through a general
or special order.
21. All matters of internal and foreign policy and on all legislative proposals the
Federal Government intends to bring before Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament).
Inserted vide Cabinet Division's O.M.No.104/8/85-Min-I, dated 4-8-1985.
Substituted/Inserted vide SRO 790 (I)/2002, (F.No. 4-18/2002-MIn), dated 12th November, 2002.
Inserted vide SRO No.561(I)/2004, (F.No.4-3/2004-Min-I), dated 6.7.2004.
Inserted vide S.R.O. 368 (I)/2010 (F.No.4-6/2010-Min-I) dated 1st June 2010.
5Omitted vide SRO.NO.724(I)2011 (Fno.4-9/2011-Min-I) dated 28.07.2011.

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