Calcium Wire Ladle Treatment To Improve Cleanliness of Centrifugally Cast Steel
Calcium Wire Ladle Treatment To Improve Cleanliness of Centrifugally Cast Steel
Calcium Wire Ladle Treatment To Improve Cleanliness of Centrifugally Cast Steel
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AFS Proceedings 2011 American Foundry Society, Schaumburg, IL USA
were tested and analyzed. These heats included the Base X=0.00
inclusions from AOD through ladle treatment to the final outside diameter (x=1) (Figures 5 and 6). Theoretically,
product as a result of natural inclusion flotation. In both the inside diameter of the centrifugally as-cast tube should
Heat B (0.014% Ca), and Heat A (Base Case), an increase contain a larger amount of low-density inclusions than the
in the number of Mn rich inclusions was observed in the rest of the cast product because of the centrifugal forces.
final product, an indication of reoxidation. However, it was observed in Figure 5 that the highest
amount of inclusions/mm2 was concentrated in both the
The number and volume of alumina inclusions/mm2 outside diameter (OD) and inside diameter (ID).
decreased dramatically from the ladle to the final product
for both Heats A (Base Case) and C (0.077% Ca). Heat C The large amount of inclusions, especially at the OD,
was treated with the highest Ca addition (0.077% Ca) and might be due the fact that the refractory surface tends to
exhibited different trends in comparison to the no Ca oxidize at the beginning of the casting. The superficial
treated heat A. Despite the fact of a larger amount of oxidation produces carbon monoxide between the
inclusions after the final additions in AOD for Heat C, the refractory and molten steel interface (Cs +1/2 O2=COg).
Ca-treatment modified the inclusion composition. The carbon monoxide from the refractory and other
Simultaneously, the Ca-treatment decreased the number emitted gasses from the molten steel and environment
of inclusions/ mm2 and the total inclusion volume in the reoxidize pre-existing particles that form new inclusions.
final casting in comparison to the ladle after the final
additions in AOD and before treatment (Figures 3 and 4). On the other hand, the number of inclusions/mm2 for heat
The alumina inclusion population decreased in the final C, especially Al2O3 and Mn-Al-O inclusions, decreased
casting by more than five times. dramatically in the final product of the calcium treated
Heat C (0.077 % Ca). In addition, most of the Al2O3
AOD (After Final Ladle (After Ladle (After Final Product
inclusions were transformed into calcium aluminate
40 Additions) Tapping & Ca Treatment) inclusions.
Before Ca
35 Treatment) CaO
No. of Inclusions/ mm2
30 Ca-Al-O
Machining Allowance: x=0
25 Mn-Si-O
300 CaO
20 Mn-Al-O
No. of Inclusions/mm2
15 Al2O3
10 200
5 150 Al2O3
Heat A (Base Case) Heat B (0.014% Ca) Heat C (0.077% Ca)
Fig. 3. Comparison of the inclusions number per mm
from tap to the final product in different heats. 300
Machining Allowance: x=1
No. of Inclusions/mm2
0.060 Ca-Al-O
AOD (After Ladle (After Ladle (After Final Product 200 MnSiO
Final Tapping & Ca Treatment)
Additions) Before Ca CaO 150 Mn-Al-O
% Area Covered by Inclusions
0.020 0
Heat A (Base Case) Heat B (0.014% Ca) Heat C (0.077% Ca)
250 Ca-Al-O
200 MnSiO
Fig. 4. Comparison of the percent area covered by Al2O3
inclusions from tap to the final product in different
heats. 50
Inclusion analysis was performed on the as-cast tube Heat A (Base Case) Heat B (0.014% Ca) Heat C (0.077% Ca)
0.08 Ca-Al-O
0.07 Mn-Si-O
0.05 94
Ca-Al-O 80
0.07 Mn-Si-O 27 27 28 28 29 29 30
0.06 Mn-Al-O HRC
0.05 Al2O3
Fig. 7. Comparison of the Charpy impact energy and
the HRC for the three heats.
Heat A (Base Case) Heat B (0.014% Ca) Heat C (0.077% Ca)
80 Liquid
of non-metallic inclusions is the rapid increase of
60 viscosity in the mushy zone. When the liquid phase
contains some amounts of solid phase, the effective (e) of
40 Mushy
the system will increase. The effective or apparent
Solid viscosity (e) of a heterogeneous system depends
significantly on the fraction of a solid phase (f), as well as
the liquid phase viscosity (). These parameters can be
calculated using the Einsteins5 (solid line), Jefferys6
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
(dashed line) equations or the equation used by Pretorius7
Time, sec (dotted line) in Figure 10.
Fig. 8. Solidification kinetics in a centrifugally cast
tube using a wall thickness of 100 mm (4). [1]
mold (100G). The period for superheat removal, in which Solid fraction
the melt is above the liquidus, is also shown by the shaded Fig. 10. Effect of solid phases on the apparent
area in Figure 9. At this period of time, the non-metallic dynamic viscosity (e) of molten steel.5, 6, 7
inclusions smaller than 10 m diameter were not removed
from the sand casting. In contrast, centrifugal forces The estimated effect of the apparent liquid phase viscosity
accelerated inclusion flotation and particles with a () on inclusion flotation in the mushy zone in the
diameter larger than 2 m were removed completely from centrifugally cast tube at 100G is given in Figure 11. The
the melt in a short period of time. These particles were simulated wall thickness was 100 mm (4) and the
removed before the melt could cool from the pouring diameter of the non-metallic inclusions was 5 m. The
temperature to the liquidus temperature. In reality, some data shows that even under the influence of large
melt motion is produced in the sand mold due to thermal centrifugal forces, the flotation of inclusions is
convection. In centrifugal casting, the melt can be dramatically decreased in the mushy zone due to the
displaced through mold vibration. In both cases, the apparent liquid phase viscosity () increase. This
particle movement forces are less when compared to the indicates that a significant number of small non-metallic
simulated centrifugal forces at 100G. inclusions would not float to the tube ID but be trapped in
the casting due to the solidified melt with a large apparent
liquid phase viscosity ().
Rem oved inclusions
5 ( 1G )
0.6 1 0 (1G )
5 ( 100 G )
Removed inclusions
2 ( 100 G )
0 5 00 1 0 00 1 5 00 20 00
Time , s ec 0.2
Calculation of the non-steady state solidification with Group 2 includes endogenous non-metallic inclusions
different apparent liquid phase viscosities () in the growing directly in the molten steel, which could be
mushy zone of the centrifugal cast product was performed subdivided into three subgroups:
in Figure 12. Non-metallic inclusions 5 m in diameter
formed at different temperatures were evaluated. The non- a) Prime non-metallic inclusions, formed in the molten
metallic inclusions located in the casting region at a steel as a result of de-oxidation, de-sulfurization and other
temperature above the liquidus had sufficient time to be reactions with active components in the melt (e.g.
released while a significant amount of non-metallic nitrides). The prime non-metallic inclusions are smaller
inclusions located in the mushy zone were trapped in the than the exogenous group. The prime nonmetallic
centrifugally cast tube. inclusions are forced to the ID and OD due to the
centrifugal forces in the casting process.
The sand casting products may be composed of a forced through intensive flotation from the melt to the ID
combination of exogenous and endogenous non-metallic and OD, leaving behind the secondary non-metallic
inclusions in the final product. Figure 14 shows that the inclusions in the mushy zone of the cast tube. These
centrifugal forces could drive most of the exogenous, processes were also simulated.
prime and re-oxidation non-metallic inclusions to the ID
and OD of centrifugally cast tube. This reduces Large calcium additions in the molten steel prior to
significantly the amount of these detrimental inclusions in casting (based on the aluminum containing oxides), less
the final product of the centrifugal cast tube, especially injection time, better mold refractory, less fluid
when the molten steel is calcium treated prior to casting. turbulence in the pouring basin, among other factors will
Therefore, the only type of inclusions formed in the final increase the potential for success in transforming alumina
product of the centrifugally cast tube is the secondary inclusions into lower melting calcium aluminates
non-metallic inclusions. (CaOAl2O3 and 12CaO7Al2O3) to enhance the impact
properties of the centrifugally cast tube.
Sand casting (Al +Ca)
Area covered by inclusions, %