Four Immeasurables Chart
Four Immeasurables Chart
Four Immeasurables Chart
The Four Definitions Proximate Cause False That Which is Sign of Success Remedy
Immeasurables Facsimile or Diametrically
Near Enemy Opposed or Distant (Bodyguard or
Enemy Guardian)
Loving Kindness Heartfelt yearning Seeing the loveable Self-centered Ill-will (Intention to Less ill-will, as Equanimity
and vision for qualities of another attachment harm and taking joy in well as an increase
oneself and others person and oneself another's misfortune) in friendliness and
to experience warm heartedness
happiness and the
causes of happiness
Compassion Heartfelt yearning Recognizing that others Grief, sorrow Contempt and cruelty Our capacity for Empathetic Joy
that all be free of wish to be free of and depression taking pleasure in cruelty and delight
suffering and it's suffering; the someone else's in other people's
causes helplessness of their suffering misfortunes
suffering and you're subsides
Asking what can I poised to do something
do? or that something can
be done
Empathetic Joy Delight in other Attending to the Frivolous joy Envy and cynicism Reduction of envy Loving Kindness
people's virtues, virtues, successes and and cynicism
successes and joys joys of others and
Equanimity Even-heartedness, Taking responsibility Aloof Craving or attachment Less craving, Compassion
even-mindedness for our own conduct indifference to those who are like attachment and
and impartiality and actions us / an aversion to hostility
those who are
Attending without different
attachment or