Questions Junior Mathematics Competition 2016: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Questions Junior Mathematics Competition 2016: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Questions Junior Mathematics Competition 2016: Department of Mathematics and Statistics
(2) You must explain your reasoning as clearly as possible, with a careful statement of the
main points in the argument or the main steps in the calculation. Generally, even a
correct answer without any explanation will not receive more than half credit. Likewise,
clear and complete solutions to two problems will generally gain more credit than
sketchy work on four.
(3) Credit will be given for partial solutions and evidence of a serious attempt to tackle
a problem.
(4) Textbooks are NOT allowed. Calculators may be used and students who do not have
one may be disadvantaged. Translation devices without computational capability are
permitted provided any communications capability has been switched of. Otherwise
normal examination conditions apply.
(5) Diagrams are a guide only and are not necessarily drawn to scale.
(6) We recommend black or blue pens. Dark pencil is acceptable if you have nothing else.
Do NOT use red or green pens, or light pencil that we cannot read.
the sides of the square into thirds (see Figure 6). Find the area
of the octagon. 1
(e) A square is drawn alongside another square of side length
10cm such that a vertex of the smaller square lies at the centre
O of the larger square. The centre of the smaller square lies on
the right hand edge of the irst square, one quarter of the way
up the edge (see Figure 7).
Figure 4 not to scale
What is the area of the overlap between the squares?
3 : 1