Angels 3
Angels 3
Angels 3
By Robert Zoller
A New Library Publication
Overview To Study
This study will set forth the Medieval view of a particular class of
angels, the guardian angels, for it is the Medieval view which
shaped the conception of the guardian angel held by occultists.
I will show the ancient, pagan origin of the Medieval Christian &
Jewish conceptualisation of them, focussing upon the Hermetic
Tradition and will discuss the important link between astrology
and the theological interest in guardian angels. Finally, I will
bring the heavenly guardian angel down to earth and show you
how you can attain immediate, first hand conscious knowledge of
your own guardian angel.
While I give the personal method later in this study I reserve the
astrological method. This is because I have concluded that the
quick path of the dilettante who customary approaches complex
matters in a piecemeal fashion is best cut away. This leaves the
field, as is proper to the serious student intent on mastering what
is an exhaustive and complex subject .
Pre-Christian Origins
In what we are about to discuss, it is important to note that the
doctrine of the guardian angel is part of a larger doctrine of the
angelic hierarchies, which stretches back into distant
Pre-Christian antiquity. In this regard, the following texts are of
Seraphim Triad 1
Thrones Cherubim
6. Tiferet: Melakim
9. Yesod: Kerubim
Please note that the above diagram, called the Tree of Life, is not
only a cosmological diagram representing the pattern according
to which God is said to have created the world, and a diagram of
the old geocentric cosmos. It is also regarded as representing the
figure of the Cosmic Man (Adam Kadmon).
Church Origins
As said above, Medieval Christianity gave considerable attention
to angels. Yet the Church carried over ideas it inherited from
ancient Judaism and Paganism. Let us turn to the Catholic Church
sources for an elucidation of its understanding of angels.
"That every individual soul has a guardian angel has never been
defined by the Church, and is, consequently, not an Article of Faith; but
it is the "mind of the Church," as St Jerome expressed it: "How great the
dignity of the soul, since each one has from his birth an angel
commissioned to guard it." (Comm. in Matt., xviii, lib. II).
The Catholic Encyclopedia Online
(the following several citations come from thhe same source.)
"For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy
"The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him,
and delivereth them."
The doctrine here set forth is two-fold. Even little children have
guardian angels, and although these angels have missions to fulfil
on Earth, they remain in contact with the vision of God in
"Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them
who shall be heirs of salvation?"
Although there are good angels and bad angels, God does not
allot bad angels as guardians for men. Nevertheless, through
man's sins and through the abuse of his Free Will, it can happen
that a man capitulates in his will and succumbs to the influences
of evil spirits, ignoring the persuasions of his good angel.
KJV John 18: 5 "They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, `I
AM HE.'..."
Vulgate Secundum Ioannem 18:5 "Responderunt ei: Iesum Nazarenum. Dicit eis
Iesus: EGO SUM:..."
KJV John 18:8 " Jesus answered, `I have told you that I AM HE:'..."
Vulgate Secundum Ioannem 18:8 "Respondit Jesus: Dixi vobis, quia EGO SUM:..."
6:51 "I AM THE LIVING BREAD which came down from heaven:..."
7:28 "Ye both know me, and whence I AM; and I AM not come of myself, but he
that sent me is true, whom ye know not." 29. "But I know him: for I AM from him,
and he hath sent me."
KJV John 8:12 "Then spake Jesus again unto them saying, I AM THE LIGHT OF THE
WORLD: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of
Vulgate Secundum Ioannem 8:12 "Iterum ergo locutus est eis Iesus, dicens: EGO
SUM lux mundi:..."
KJV John 8:58 "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was I AM.
this is equivalent to saying that all the choirs of angels and every
individual of each choir is an articulation and specification of the I
AM (the Witness in us). This will be seen to be important later in
this discussion.
Vulgate Secundum Ioannem 8: 58 Dixit eis Iesus: Amen, amen dico vobis,
antequam Abraham fieret, EGO SUM.
KJV John 9:5 "As long as I am in the world, I AM the light of the world."
KJV John 14:6 "I AM the way, the truth and the life. No man cometh to the Father
but by me."
Vulgate Secundum Ioannem 14:6 "EGO SUM via, veritas et vita. Nemo venit ad
Patrem nisi per me."
Exodus 3:6 God says to Moses from the burning bush "I am the God of thy father,
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob."
In Exodus 13 Moses asks, "Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel and
shall say unto them the God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall
say unto me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?" In Exodus 3:14 God
answers: "I AM THAT I AM...thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath
sent me unto you.
1John 5:10 "He that believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: "
of the Christian life. The saints are, so-to-speak, Christian heroes
or heroic Christians. This observation is made in order to
underscore the continuity that obtains between Medieval
Christianity & Ancient Paganism. This becomes clearer when we
consider what the 4th century pagan Neoplatonist Iamblichus has
to say about the "peculiar dmon."
For when the more excellent parts of ourselves energise, and the
soul is elevated to natures better than itself, then it is entirely
separated from generation and gives itself to another order of
things, entirely abandoning the former order with which it was
On page 143 he says that the peculiar dmon does not come from
just the scheme of the peculiar nativity, nor is the dmon in
question the genesiurgic dmon (who could not liberate from
Fate), but rather from the whole Heaven. Furthermore, the
allotment of this dmon to us occurs regardless of whether or not
we understand how it happens: "...the efflux of the stars distributes
to us the dmon, whether we know it or not." Yet, astrologers do
understand these things. The science of astrology is true (see page
The method for finding the dmon from the lord or lords of the
nativity is given by astrologers. "They deliver clear methods for the
discovery of it,...some giving us five, some more and some less than five
rules" for doing so (at page 145).
The peculiar dmon rules over every principle in us; not over one
part of us. It is not true that one dmon rules our soul and
another our body while another rules our intellect, but the
dmon is multiform. Moreover, the dmon is always good.
The dmon transcends the soul's composition. There is one
peculiar presiding dmon for each individual - not common to all
men. He is invoked through a God or Cosmocrator who is lord of
dmons. When the peculiar dmon is present with us, he
delivers to us the proper mode of invoking him.
3. It is always good.
What has been said makes it clear that the 4th century
Neoplatonists thought it possible to know the peculiar dmon in
at least two ways. Intellectually, through an astrological
calculation and through immediate experience via theurgic ritual
invocation. While Iamblichus states that the astrologers know
how to calculate the lord of the nativity, he does not say precisely
what the criteria are.
There are, we are told, three "spirits," one may be ruled by. The
spirits referred to are the three-fold differentiation of the
universal spiritus, or pneuma, which ancient science postulated as
existing in order to explain physiological and psychological
processes in the human body. This spiritus was born upon the air
and breathed into the body along with it during respiration. Once
in the chest, in the region of the heart it differentiated, so the
theory held, into the natural, animal and rational spirits. If one is
ruled by the natural spirit, all he wants to do is eat and make love.
If one is ruled by the animal spirit, all he wants to do is dominate
others and if one is ruled by the rational spirit, all he wants to do
is contemplate eternal truths. Such a one alone, we are told, is fit
to be a philosopher.
In another place in the same book, we are told that if the Almutem
figuris were the Moon or Venus, the natural spirit rules the native.
If it is the Sun or Mars, he is ruled by the animal spirit and if it is
Mercury or Jupiter, he is ruled by the rational spirit. Notably
absent is any reference to Saturn and we are left with the
speculation that Saturn indicates nigromancy itself. Nigromancy
is essentially black magic and the Picatrix was accordingly a
condemned book. Merely the possession of this book was
sufficient to condemn its owner to the stake.
If the Almutem figuris is the Sun, the native will want to lead,
express creative power and be recognised. If the Moon, s/he will
want to care for, be cared for, eat and make love, dream, etc. If it
is Mercury, s/he will be diligent in the sciences, business and
communications. If it is Venus s/he will be a lover of beauty, of
music, of men or women etc. If it is Mars, s/he will fight in order
to dominate. If it is Jupiter, s/he will philosophise and teach. If it
is Saturn he will retire from society, investigate hidden things and
suffer adversity. In every case, the planet's nature, its Zodiacal
state and local determination modify the basic indications and
imply the nature of the distortions of the primordial idea or its
ease of realisation.
1. Meditation
This may require persistent and regular practice of 15 to 30
minutes a day for a given length of time. Exactly how long will
vary from person to person.
Sit in a comfortable position and relax. Allow your breathing to
be regular: neither too fast nor too slow; neither too deep nor too
When the body and the mind become still, turn your attention
inward to the Witness which is identified as that within you
which is watching what is happening. This may happen almost
immediately or it may take time.
Once your attention rests in the Witness, a sense of well being and
certainty will arise. After communing with the Witness for a time,
call to mind your own face. See it as clearly as you can and ask
"Who are you?" At first, nothing is likely to happen, but after a
while, the mind will begin presenting images, emotions,
memories and strings of associations to the Witness.
2. Self examination
This practice makes use of another side of your mind. It is a
private activity and it is not wise to share it with anyone.
Sit down at a desk or table that has been entirely cleared of
everything on it and if necessary cleaned.
Take a pad of lined paper and a pencil and head one of the sheets
of paper "Good Actions." Head another sheet "Bad Actions." Then
list all the deeds you have ever committed placing the deeds you
recognise as good on the sheet headed "Good Actions" and the
bad deeds on the sheet headed "Bad Actions." Be complete.
You do not have to show this to anyone else and are free to
destroy it after you have finished, so hold nothing back. It may be
painful to remember your misdeeds. Equally, if you are self-
critical by nature you may find it hard to remember your good
deeds, but you must spend as much time as is required to dig out
as many of your good and bad deeds as possible and to record
them on as many sheets of paper as are necessary.
A little reflection on the way this theme underlies your evil deeds
will be instructive in leading you to see that your basic nature is
good. Your bad deeds being more the result of ignorance, wrong
reference and misapplication than of essential evil.