and early second trimester were not suggestive of the seriousness encephalocele and/or nasopharyngealtumor. Delivery by Cesarean
of the lesion, which was progressive and manifested in later second section. Postpartum diagnosis of a large frontal encephalocele and
trimester. a complex brain anomaly. The herniated tissue was excised and the
defect was covered. Postnatal development of paraplegia. Genetic
testing normal. Beside some mental retardation contact to the parents
P03.11 is possible.
Fetal hydrocephalus prenatal diagnosis and postnatal The prognosis of fetale encepehalocele is better than descriped
management in literature. These two cases will help to counsel parents with
suspected fetal encephalocele especially if they wish to continue
J. L. Hernandez, X. Santamaria, A. Cordon, C. Rueda,
with the pregnancy. In cases of complex fetal brain anomalies
M. Folch, M. Prat, M. Lopez-Yarto, R. Rubio, R. Carreras a multidiciplinary approach and an individual treatment plan is
Hospital del Mar, Spain necessary.